1880 CENSUS -Hanover Twp -LUZERNE CO.

NOTE: Throughout the township houses not numbered

These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky

Name                  Color    Sex     Age     Relationship    Occupation
****                  *****    ***     ***     ************    **********

Murray, Julia           W       F       3     daughter

Gallagher, Frank        W       M       38                       Miner
     "       , Anne     W       F       40      wife             Keeping House
     "       , Frank    W       M       12      son              Slate Picker     
     "      , Charles   W       M       8       son              Slate Picker

McGowan, Parick         W       M       70                       No occupation
     "     , Bridget    W       F       65      wife             Keeping House
     "     , Anne       W       F       27      daughter         At Home
     "     , Neil       W       M       26      son              Laborer 
     "     , Roger      W       M       22      son              Laborer
     "     , Bridget    W       F       17      daughter         At Home
Cafferty, Peter W               M       17      Grandson         Laborer

Gaughan, John           W       M       40                       Laborer
     "   , Catherine    W       F       40      wife             Keeping House
O'Hora, Bridget         W       F       17      stepdaughter     At Home
     "   , Michael      W       M       16      stepson          Mule Driver
     "   , Mary         W       F       14      stepdaughter     At Home
     "   , Thomas       W       M       12      stepson          Slate Picker
Gaughan, Michael        W       M       10      son              Slate Picker
     "     , Kate       W       F       13      daughter         At School 
Leirchan, Mary          W       F               mother-in-law    At Home
Gaughan, Sabina W               F       2       daughter

Doran, Patrick          W       M       50                      Miner
     "     , Anne       W       F       46      wife            Keeping House
     "     , Patrick    W       M       18      son             Laborer 
     "     , Mary       W       F       15      daughter        At Home
     "     , John       W       M       12      son             Door Tender
     "     , Honora     W       F       9       daughter        At School
     "     , Anthony    W       M       7       son             At School 
     "     , Bridget    W       F       3       daughter   

Gowan, Michael          W       M       45                      Miner
     "     , Bridget    W       F       35      wife            Keeping House
     "     , Kate       W       F       13      daughter        At School
     "     , Bridget    W       F       10      daughter        At School
     "     , John       W       M       7       son             At School 
     "     , Mary       W       F       4       daughter 
     "     , Sarah      W       F       2       daughter

Conway, John            W       M       13      nephew          At School

Caffrey, Anthony        W       M       60                      Slate Picker
     "     , Honora     W       F       55      wife            Keeping House
     "     , James      W       M       27      son             Miner
     "     , Patrick    W       M       20      son             School Teacher
     "     , Anthony    W       M       17      son             Slate Picker
Corrigan, Mary          W       F       21      niece           servant
Tracy,                  W       M       3       grandson
Tracy, Horora           W       F       1       granddaughter

Kirby, John             W       M                               Laborer
     "   , Julia        W       F               wife            Keeping House

Cerraghty, James        W       M       33                      Miner
     "   , Catherine    W       F       32      wife            Keeping House

Thanks to Mary Clare K. Fedor for this contribution to the Luzerne County GenWeb Page.

©1996-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors

 Mary Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator

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