These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky
NAME AGE SEX OCCUPATION BIRTHPLACE 115 Milhally James 26 M Mines coal Scotland Toug? William 45 M " England Mois? William 30 M " " 116 Perry*? William 24 M Mines coal Wales Monsham? *Pacey Elizabeth 23 F Keeps house " " William 4 M " " Elizabeth 3 F " " Joseph 2 M " " 117 Thomas Evan 42 M Mines coal Wales Ann 26 F Keeps house " Mary 8 F " Daniel 6 M " Elias 3 M " Moses 2 M " William Benjamin 24 M " 118 Jones Evan 57 M Mines coal Wales Ellen 57 F Keeps house " John 23 M " Mary A. 10 F PA Chengor? William 30 M England Jones William 30 M Wales Davis William 30 M Wales 119 Watkins John 32 M Mines coal Wales Jane 29 F Keeps house " Evan 10 M " Elizabeth 4 F England Joanna 2 F " Welsh William 19 M Wales 120 Edwards Thomas 30 M Mines coal Wales Margaret 26 F Keeps house " Margaret 15 F PA Elizabeth 4 F PA Joanna 2 F PA Jane 3 F PA Mary 11/12 F PA Richards Lewis 50 M Mines coal Wales Lewis Jr 17 M " PA Jones Benjamin 40 M " Wales Robert 20 M " " P.19 121 Watkins Evan 31 M Mines coal Wales Ann 57 F Keeps house " William 21 M Mines coal " Mary 16 F " Abraham A. 37 M Mines coal Wales William 15 M " " Welsh William 45 M " " Watkins Septimus 2 M " " 122 Golden Edward 45 M Mines coal Wales Sarah 45 F Keeps house " James 16 M " Margaret 21 F " Silk Fredrick 21 M Mines coal Wales Richards David 35 M " " 123 Beck John 47 M Shoemaker Germany Wilhelmina 33 F Keeps house " Sabinah 9 F PA Charlotte 7 F PA John 5 M PA William 3 M PA Albert 1 M PA Rickert Moix? 14 M Appr. shoemaker Germany 124 Brogan Hugh 30 M Mines coal Ireland Mary 27 F Keeps house PA Barnard I 4 M PA James 2 M PA William 2/12 M PA 125 Stoup Paul 25 M Laborer France Caroline 25 F Keeps house " Mary 4 F PA Christian 1 M PA Feaster Jacob 87 M Retired France Margaret 87 F Retired " 126 Wilkes Edward 28 M Mines coal Wales Louisa 28 F Keeps house " Eliza A. 6 F " Mary 3 F PA Sarah I. 5/12 F PA 127 Hess John 38 M Mines coal Germany Anna 37 F Keeps house " P. 20 Catherine 10 F PA Martha 9 F PA Eliza 7 F PA John 4 M PA Ernst 2 M PA Henery 4/12 M PA 128 Siple William 30 M Mines coal Germany Gertrude 25 F Keeps house " Anna 6 F PA Barbara A. 4 F PA Martha C. 2 F PA Christa 4/12 F PA 129 Paise*? Thomas 27 M Mines coal Wales *Prise Harriett 28 F Keeps house " William 3 M PA Ellen 7/12 F PA 130 Lewis William 32 M Mines coal Wales Emma 26 F Keeps house Wales John 6 M PA Evan 1 M PA 131 Jamison James 24 M Mines coal PA Julia 22 F Keeps house PA Mary 1/12 F PA 132 Brodan Patrick 35 M Mines coal Ireland Da? Hannah 35 F Keeps house " Anna 2 F PA Hugh 1 M PA O'Donel Mary 16 F Domest. serv. PA 133 Murn? Edward 20 M Laborer PA Brogan John 40 M " Ireland 134 DeForie*? Alford 25 M Mines coal England *Deforce? Jane 20 F Keeps house Wales 135 William John 34 M Mines coal England Emma 31 F Keeps house England Mary 7 F " Josiah 5 M " Elizabeth 1 F Wales 136 Minchel Edward 40 M Mines coal Wales Mary 40 F Keeps house " Edward, Jr. 16 M " P.21 Lain? 12 M " William 9 M " Ruth 1 F " 137 Jones Isaiah 35 M Mines coal Wales Ann 34 F Keeps house " Mary 14 F " Jenkin 12 M " Catherine 10 F " Lydia 7 F England Jane 3 F PA 138 James Francis 50 M Mines coal Wales Ann 50 F Keeps house " 139 ----- 140 ----- 141 ----- 142 ----- 143 ----- 144 ----- 145 ----- 146 ----- 147 ----- 148 ----- 149 Jemison Joseph 65 M Laborer Ireland Mary 53 F Keeps house PA Brishin Dennis 25 M Mines coal Ireland Donahough Owen 40 M Laborer " Hagerty James 34 M Mines coal " Mella Edward 36 M Laborer " Donahough James 45 M " " Galigar Neil 40 M " " James 30 M " " Walker Sarah 10 F Domest. serv. PA Helin Charity 13 F " PA 150 Mowry William 43 M Laborer PA Lydia A. 38 F Keeps house PA Jacob W. 19 M PA William S. 17 M PA Mary 17 F PA Silas F. 14 M PA Francis M. 12 F PA P.22 Milton I. 10 M PA Nelson 8 M PA Lydia A. 5 F PA P.22 151 Hosaflute Lawrence 23 M Blacksmith Germany Laria? 20 F Keeps house " Eliza 1 F PA Jamison Joseph 20 M Laborer PA Smith Adam 20 M " PA 152 Reese John 42 M Laborer Germany Mary 33 F Keeps house " Christina 9 F PA Peter 7 M PA Adam 5 M PA Sabina 3 F PA George 5/12 M PA 153 Rudolph George 29 M Mines coal Germany Catherine 29 F Keeps house " Leonard 3 M PA Elizabeth 2 F PA 154 Long Mathew 20 M Laborer Scotland Mary 22 F Keeps house PA Cathrine 3 F PA 155 Galigar John 22 M Mines coal Ireland Ann 18 F Keeps house PA 156 ----- 157 Walder Fredrick 40 M Mines coal Baden, Germany Sophia 28 F Keeps house " " 158 Feterly? George 35 M Laborer Switzerland (Ger) Sophia 35 F Keeps house " Sophia 5 F PA George 2 M PA 159 Kisdhard*? Christian 27 M Mines coal Germany *Kisthart Anne 23 F Keeps house Germany Maggie 2 F PA Henry 6/12 M PA 160 Galigar Patrick 26 M Laborer Ireland Rosa 28 F Keeps house " Mary 4 F PA Thomas 1 M PA P.23 Fitzpatrick A 23 M Laborer PA Shay John 23 M " PA 161 Rains William 52 M Mines coal Ireland Isabella 47 F Keeps house " Archy 26 M " 162 Stacey John 31 M Mines coal England Mary 31 F Keeps house Wales Anna 2 F PA Tenant Henry 28 M Mines coal England 163 Platt Benjamin 34 M Mines coal England Martha 35 F Keeps house " Samuel 14 M " Mary Ann 7 F " Joseph 4 M PA Martha A. 2 F PA 164 Rickert Reinhold 41 M Laborer Germany Louisa 37 F Keeps house PA Sidney 18 M PA ------- ------- Martha 9 F PA John 3 M PA Lewis 1 M PA 165 Jacoby John 33 M Laborer Germany Mary 39 F Keeps house PA Joanna 3 F PA 166 Riser Joseph 50 M Laborer Germany Mrs. Riser 50 F Keeps house " Mary 10 F PA 167 Evans David 39 M Mines coal South Wales Elizabeth 32 F Keeps house " Margaret 13 F PA Hannah 12 F PA Sarah 9 F PA John 7 F PA Thomas 4 M PA David 2 M PA Mary 3/12 F PA P.24 170 Stafford George 24 M Mines coal Wales Mary 20 F Keeps house " 171 Silcox Samuel 29 M Mines coal Wales Damariso? 24 F Keeps house England 172 Galiger Peter 30 M Laborer Ireland Hannah 30 F Keeps house " Neal 10/12 M PA Charles 40 M Laborer Ireland John 20 M " " 173 Tunely Michael 50 M Laborer Ireland Rosa 50 F Keeps house " Peter 21 F " Tague? 18 M " Rosa 7 F " 174 Conahan Dennis 50 M Mines coal Ireland Mary 25 F Keeps house " Rosa 26 F PA Maggie 21 F PA James 16 M PA Charles 7 M PA Sarah 4 F PA 175 Mourin? Charles 33 M Stationery Engineer Ireland Ann 34 F Keeps house " Charles 12 M PA Michael 10 M PA Maggie 8 F PA Patrick 5 M PA John 2 M PA Cathrine 1/12 F PA Mary 70 F Ireland Mooney James 35 M " 176 Husing Samuel 45 M Laborer PA Hannah 34 F Keeps house PA Martha J. 11 F PA William T. 8 M PA Margareta? 6 F PA Samuel 3/12 M PA 177 Galiger James 60 M Laborer Ireland Hannah 56 F " Daniel 14 M PA P.25 178 McCrady Frank 40 M Mines coal Ireland Elizabeth 30 F Keeps house PA Thomas 16 M PA Joseph 14 M PA Mary 12 F PA Catherine 9 F PA John 5 M PA Frank 2 M PA Murrin? Thomas 45 M Laborer Ireland Hagerty Conn 45 M " " McCrady John 45 M " " John, Jr. 7 M New York 179 Hunt Joseph 29 M Mines coal Northern Wales Margarett 31 F Keeps house " Mary Ann 3 F " Samuel 6/12 M " 180 Stafford Charles 60 M Mines coal Northern Wales Mary 40 F Keeps house " William 18 M " 181 Boyle Patrick 22 M Mines coal Ireland Bridget 17 F Keeps house PA 182 Weber William T. 50 M Laborer England Ann 39 F Keeps house Wales Elizabeth 11 F " Mary A. 2 F PA Lewis David 28 M Mines coal Wales 183 Maloy Patrick 35 M Laborer Ireland Gracy 25 F Keeps house " 184 Scott Michael 25 M Laborer Ireland Isabella 24 F Keeps house " Breslin*? Patrick 46 M Laborer " *Brisbin Michael 18 M Laborer " 185 Hughs Robert 55 M Mines coal Wales Portia? 54 F Keeps house " Jones Thomas 20 M Laborer " Merkins? Ann 11 F " 186 Shepard George 60 M Laborer England Isabella 56 F Keeps house " Thomas 16 M Wales Brokes?? August Thomas 37 M Mines coal " P.26 186 Thomas David 30 M Mines coal Wales Elizabeth 4 F PA 187 McCrady Thomas 31 M Mines coal Ireland Ann 30 F Keeps house " Thomas 9 M " Frank 6 M PA Maggie 4 F PA 188 Dagget Michael 29 M Laborer Ireland Catherine 24 F Keeps house " Edward 4 M PA Mary 3 F PA Margaret 1 F PA 189 Roder James 23 M Mines coal Wales Ann 25 F Keeps house " Mary A. 5 F " James 3 M " Elizabeth 3 F " Thomas 3/12 M PA 190 Boyle Owen 24 M Mines coal Ireland Mary 22 F Keeps house " Maggie 2 F PA Charles 3/12 M PA 191 Balky? Henry 53 M Laborer Germany Mary 34 F Keeps house " Augusta 13 F Michigan Charles 8 M New York Fredrick 5 M PA William 2 M PA 192 Van Horn James 20 M Laborer PA Almina? 21 F Keeps house PA Stella M. 1 F PA 193 Brown Thomas 50 M Plasterer Ireland Christy Ann 31 F Keeps house PA Emma 15 F PA Eliza 6 F PA Thomas Jr 3 M PA Isabella 1 F PA 194 Stine Auske? 28 M Laborer Germany Martha 24 F Keeps house " Anna 3 F PA P.27 Eliza 1 F PA 195 Hause Adam 48 M Laborer PA Sarah 49 F Keeps house PA Elizabeth 16 F PA Adelia 14 F PA Anna 11 F PA John 9 M PA Kate 9 F PA U.S.Grant 5 M PA Wilhelm Mahalia 45 F PA 196 Hess Lewis 40 M Laborer Germany Martha 35 F Keeps house " George 10 M PA Balser? Balthazar? ? M PA Martha 8 F PA John 7 M PA Mary 3 F PA 197 Kelly Michael 45 M Laborer Ireland Gracy? 45 F Keeps house " Mary A. 11 F PA Daniel 8 M PA Patrick 6 M PA Catherine 4 F PA 198 Crommas? George 26 M Laborer PA Margaret 28 F Keeps house PA James? W.F. 2 M PA Joseph 5/12 M PA 199 Hinkle Joseph 19 M Laborer PA Catherine 17 F Keeps house PA 200 Shigh Jacob 40 M Laborer Germany Elizabeth 30 F Keeps house " Jacob 5 M " Henry 3 M " 201 Johnson William 36 M Boss in Mines Ireland Margaret 34 F Keeps house PA Joseph 14 M PA Catherine 12 F PA Mathew 10 M PA William 8 M PA Robert 5 M PA 201 fr. p.27 P.28 Johnson Thomas 3 M PA Elizabeth 9/12 F PA 202 Lindsay J.H. 31 M Grocery mrchnt PA Martha 27 F Keeps house PA Joseph 3 M PA Matilda 1 F PA 203 Lubrecht? Christian 37 M Clerk in store Germany Mary 22 F Keeps house " Ida 4 F PA Lewis 8/12 M PA 204 McGlinn? Patrick 29 M Saloon Kpr PA Alice 28 F Keeps house PA Bridget 10/12 F PA 205 McDonald William 37 M Boss in mines Scotland Jane 34 F Keeps house England Jane 15 F PA Isabella 13 F PA Esther 11 F PA James 10 M PA Elizabeth 7 F PA Henry 5 M PA William 2 M PA Clarence 1 M PA Myris William 25 M Clerk in store PA Kirk Jacob 28 M Mines coal PA Taylor James 22 M " Scotland Robert 18 M " " 206 Carter William 33 M Stationery engr England Martha 31 F Keeps house PA Martha A. 11 F PA Clara 4 F PA Martha 3 F PA Morris William 24 M England 207 Goodman Isaac 47 M Laborer PA Sarah 40 F Keeps house PA Frances E. 16 F PA George w. 14 M PA Edward D. 10 M PA Mary E. 7 F PA Lilly M. 1 F PA DRIFTON only p. 29 208 Chorin*? William 38 M Mines coal England *Chorm? Mary 40 F Keeps house " William 17 M " John 15 M PA Mary 12 F PA Thomas 9 M PA George 6 M PA Leah 4 F PA James 1 M PA Rowe William 72 M Retired England Dev 209 Johnson Thomas 0 or 28 M Laborer PA Bridget 59 F Keeps house Ireland Edward 19 M PA James 17 M PA Shirey Lenora 19 F PA 210 White William 24 M Mines coal England Elizabeth 23 F Keeps house " Elizabeth 5 F " Jane 2 F " 211 McGuire Patrick 27 M Laborer Ireland Ellen 22 F Keeps house " Bridget 3 F " 212 Walker Christopher 30 M Mines coal England Frances 29 F Keeps house England (north) George 7 M " " Elizabeth 4 F PA Christopher 1 M PA Pearson 36 M Stationery Engn England Middleton Stephen 21 M Mines coal PA 213 Scott Robert 29 M Mines coal Nova Scotia Sarah 25 F Keeps house England Mary A. 8 F Nova Scotia John 6 M " Robert 4 M " Janet 2 F " James 27 M Laborer " 214 Kenedy Cornelius 40 M Laborer Ireland Nancy 40 F Keeps house " P.30 James 12 M " Patrick 11 F " Catherine 9 F " Charles 8 M " Henry 2 M PA Arthur 6/12 M PA 215 Mulhall Henry 65 M Mines coal Ireland Margaret 60 F Keeps house " John 27 M " William 21 M PA Lawrence 18 M PA Henry 16 M PA 216 Mulhall William 38 M Mines coal Ireland Mary 24 F Keeps house " Mary 7 F PA Sarah 4 F PA Margarete 1/12 F PA Dalton William 22 M Laborer Ireland Ryan John 34 M " " Mulhall William 50 M " " Galiger Frank 21 M " PA Galaney John 16 M " PA 217 Marshall Alexander 55 M Mines coal Scotland Agnes 42 F Keeps house " Robert 24 M " John 18 M PA James 16 M PA Mary 11 F PA David 3 M PA Muligan Robert 24 M Laborer Scotland Jane 18 F Keeps house " Kelso William 27 M Laborer PA Wessen? Robert 23 M " Scotland Willhower Robert 19 M " " Wigons Robert 25 M " Ireland Brown Thomas 31 M Mines coal Scotland Hamous*? Benjamin 45 M " England *Hamins Rivers Archibald 23 M Laborer Scotland 218 Rudolph Conrad 35 M Mines coal Germany Margaret 35? F Keeps house " P.31 Henry 13 M PA Dorothy 11 F PA Elizabeth 8 F PA Philip 5 M PA Mary Ann 1 F PA This List was donated by June Nessler.
©1996-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual
Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator
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