1870 CENSUS -Spring Brook Twp -LUZERNE CO.

These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky

Name              Age  Sex    	Occupation   Birth Pl    FA.FRGN.   MO.FRGN. 
****              ***  ***     ************  *******      Birth      Birth
REESE, Mathews     54   M     	Farmer	     Wales          Y          Y
  "  , Hannah      54   F       Keep.house     "            Y          Y
  "  , David       29   M	Farmer         "            Y          Y
  "  , Thomas      16   M                      "            Y          Y
  "  , Maggie      12   F  		      PA            Y          Y

TAYLOR, M. A.      46   M	Keep.House    PA  
GOODWIN/SON, E.C.  19   F       lv.w/mother   "
    "  ,  John     24   M 	Painter       "
    "  ,  Harry     2   M		      "

JONES, Alfred      38   M       Farmer        PA
  "  , Elizabeth   30   F       Keep.House    NJ

DOLPH, Warren      48   M       Farmer        PA
  "  , Betsy A.    47   F       Keep.House    "
  "  , Benj. W.    22   M 	Laborer	      "
  "  , Frank M.    20   M          "          "
  "  , Charles E.  17   M       at home       "
  "  , Emma L.     14   F                     "
  "  , Florence    13   F                     "
  "  , Susie A.    10   F                     "
  "  , Ida          9   F                     "

HAINES, George G.  44   M	Carpenter     DE            Y          Y
   "  , Ann	   45   F       Keep.House    Wales         Y          Y
   "  , John W.    23   M	Farmer	      PA                       Y
   "  , Dana J.    21   M       Carpenter     PA                       Y
   "  , Thomas W.  19   M       Laborer       "		               Y
   "  , Mary       15   F                     "		               Y
   "  , Elizabeth  12   F                     "                        Y
   "  , Effie       4   F                     "                        Y

KIRK, William      45   M       Laborer       PA 
  " , Elizabeth    44   F   	Keep.House    "
  " , Frank        18   M   	Laborer       "
  " , Aylsnosk?     8   M                     "
  " , Susan         6   F                     "

PUGH, Morgan       66   M     	Farmer 	     Wales          Y          Y
  " , Margaret     65   F       Keep.House    "             Y          Y
  " , Winnie?      22   F	at home	     PA             Y          Y
Thanks to Pauline Hallett for this contribution to the Luzerne County GenWeb Page.

Name                   Age/Sex  Occupation           Birth Pl    FA.FRGN.   MO.FRGN. 
****                   *******  **********           ********      Birth      Birth
NEAL, Homer		M-44	Carpenter		NY	
  " , Mary E.		F-29	Keep.House		PA
SWIPEN?, Benjamin	M-45	Laborer			PA
   "   , David		M-16	   "			"
   "   , Benjamin A.	M-12				"
KETTLE, E. J.		F-35	Keep.House		NJ
   "  , Hannah E.	F-10				PA
   "  , Sylvester W.	M-6				"

STAUTIN, Jamie		M-25	Laborer			PA
   "   , Louisa		F-29	Keep.House		NJ
   "   , Winnie		F-11				PA
   "   , Adda		F-3				PA

WHEELER, James		M-31	Farmer			NY
   "   , Harriet	F-30	Keep.House		PA
   "   , Emily		F-12				"
   "   , James		M-5				"
   "   , Hattie M.	F-2				"
   "   , John		M-80	Farmer			NY
STEVUS/STEVEN, M. A.	M-20	Teacher			PA

PICKENEY?, H. P.	M-32				PA
    "    , Charity	F-22	Keep.House		"
    "    , Lillian	F-5				"
    "    , Julian	M-2				PA
TWP--?, Isaac		M-23	Farm Laborer		"

DUNNING, J. E.		M-55?	Farmer			NJ
   "   , Elizabeth	F-51	Keep.House		"
   "   , Abe--? C.	M-20	Carpenter		PA 

MURPHY, John		M-57	RR Laborer		Ireland		Y	Y
  "   , Catherine	F-45	Keep.House		   "		Y	Y	
  "   , Morris		M-16 	RR Laborer		PA		Y	Y
  "   , Thomas		M-14				"		Y	Y
      , Kate		F-9				"		Y	Y
  "   , Margaret	F-7				"		Y	Y

URIGHT, J. C.		M-66	Laborer			PA
SHERWOOD, Robert	M-23	   "			"
    "   , Clara D.	F-26	Keep.House		"

MILLER, Fred?		M-69	Carpenter		(Hanovis?)	Y	Y
   "  , Harriett	F-53	Keep.House		    "		Y	Y
HUIDS, Harriett		F-20	Domestic Servant	    "

Thanks to Pauline Hallett for this contribution to Luzerne Genweb.

©1996-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors

 Mary Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator

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