1870 Jeddo

This is the beginning of the Jeddo 1870 census. the FHC microfilm # is 0552864 if you want to compare what I have extracted below with the actual copy. Some of the names are hard to read. Some do not sound like the names should from their country of origin. For the most part, though, Mr. Albert the census taker has done a good job given that he was writing with one of those awful straight pens.

These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky

 p.34  NAME                 AGE       OCCUPATION            BIRTHPALCE
  Green       Alphred       25        Laborer               PA
              Hariette      23        Keeps house           PA
              Clara          3                              PA
              Harriette?     1                              PA

  Powel       William       23       Mines coal             England
              Louissa       20       Keeps house               "

  Sueboy?     Henry         29       Laborer                Germany
              Lavina        20       Keeps house            PA
              Elizabeth      2                              PA

  Coil?*      John          40       Laborer                Ireland
  *Coyle      Ann           32       Keeps house               "
              Mary          16                                 "
              Ann           14                              PA   
              John          10                              PA
              Catherine      7                              PA
              Hugh           6                              PA
              Winifred       3                              PA

   Balkley    Thomas        28       Mines coal             Wales
              Mary          20       Keeps house              "
              Catherine      6                                "
              Ellen          4                                "
              Daniel         1                              PA

  Bock*?      Frederick     31       Mines coal             Germany
  *Bach       Anne E.       22       Keeps house                "
              Conrad         4                              PA
              Martha E.     8/12                            PA

  Space      Daniel         50      Laborer                 PA
             Mahalia        50      Keeps house             PA
             Harris         16                              PA
  Cooly      Thomas         11                              PA
             Henry           5                              PA
  Holman     Henry          20                              Germany
             Kratie?        55     Laborer                     "
  Leopold    Schwi-?-       26    Mines coal                Germany
             Catherine      18    Keeps house                  "

  Owens      R. Owen        57    Mines coal                Wales
             Ann            49    Keeps house                 "
             Eliza          20                                "
             John            3                              PA
  Jenkins    Samuel         19                              Wales
  Down       John           25   Mines coal                 England
  Burns      Patrick        21       "                      Ireland
  Jolly      James          30       "                      England

  Longwith   John           37   Mines coal                 Nova Scotia
             Mary           22   Keeps house                Scotland
             Sarah E.        3                              Nova Scotia
             Martha          1                                   "

  Green      S. Tobias      28   Laborer                    PA
             Elizabeth      19   Keeps house                PA
             William H.      1                              PA
  Dewie      Thomas         31   Mines coal                 Ireland
  Dickman    James          25        "                     Ireland
  Holiker    William        27        "                        "
  Mick       Joseph         24        "                        "
  Green      Jesse          15   Laborer                    PA

  Lewis      James          38   Mines coal                 Wales, Mon?
             Jane           39   Keeps house                     "
             Thomas L.      15                                   "
             Margarett A.   11                                   "
             Elizabeth       9                              PA
             Sarah J.        7                              PA
             Elizabeth E.    4                              PA
             Evan            2                              PA
             Ann            65                              Wales, Mon S

  Stokes     John           38  Mines coal                  England
             Martha         36  Keeps house                    "
             Ann            16                                 "
             William        15                                 "
             James           8                                 "
             John            5                              PA
             Israel          4                              PA   
             Charles         2                              PA

             Martha        3/12                             PA
 Sartorius     Simon       34         Mines coal            Germany
               Martha c.   33         Keeps house              "
               Catherine    6                                  "
               Martha E.    4                               PA
               Anna F.      2                               PA
               Sophia     2/12                              PA

 Moss          Henry       33        Mines coal             Germany 
               Louissa     33        Keeps house               "
 Camel         William     46        Mines coal             Germany
               Mary        45        Keeps house               "
               William     12                               PA
               Mary        10                               PA
               Elizabeth    8                               PA
               Dorothy      7                               PA
               Conrad       4                               PA

 Fischer       Henry        54        Laborer               Germany
               Martha       52        Keeps house              "
               Elizabeth    27                                 " 
               Henry        16                              PA
               John         14                              PA              
 Brown        Thomas        24        Mines coal            Scotland
              Fannie        22        Keeps house           Wales
              George         1                              PA

 Brown        Peter         27        Mines coal            Scotland
              Elizabeth     24        Keeps house           England
              John           4                              PA
              Robert         2                              PA      

 Wity*?       August        22        Laborer               Germany
 *Witz        Annie         28        Keeps house              "
              Annie          2                              New York
 Cgnis?Cyrus? Henry         25        Laborer               Germany
 Groat        Fred          32           "                     "

 Witson       John          40        Stationary Engnr.     Ireland
              Lucy          38        Keeps house           PA
              Mary          19                              PA
              William       13                              PA
              Ellen         10                              PA
              Samuel         8                              PA
              Moriah         7 F                            PA
              Robert         3                              PA
P.37          John          3/12                            PA

 Woodring     Stephen       42        Carpenter             PA
              Elizabeth     37        Keeps house           PA
              George        18                              PA
              Henry E.      17                              PA
              Josiah        15                              PA
              Miranda       11                              PA
              Evan          10                              PA
              Arasilah       8 F                            PA
              Jeremiah       5                              PA
              Silas        5/12                             PA

 Yager        August        37         Laborer              Germany
              Martha E.     32         Keeps house             "
              Christian      3                              PA
 Isenheit     Christian     29         Laborer              Germany
 Swartz       John          44         Mines coal              "

 Sheier       Cyrus         28         Clrk/coal co.        Virginia
              Elizabeth     28         Keeps house          PA
              David E.       7                              PA
              Ellen          5                              PA

 Blacklock    Robert        32         Stat. Engnr          England
              Charlotte     32         Keeps house             "

 Hufman       George        30         Stat. Engnr.         PA
              Mary          23         Keeps house          England
              Thomas         5                              PA     
              Gertrude     3/12                             PA
 Crosby       James         29         Laborer              Ireland

264 --------

 Scheiner     George        29         Blacksmith           Germany
              Elizabeth     23         Keeps house          PA
              John           3                              PA
              Catherine      2                              PA
              George       2/12                             PA
              Catherine     64                              Germany

 Tresler      William       40         Mines coal           Germany

 Nixon        John          45         Mines coal           England
              Ellen         45         Keeps house             "
              Mary           4                                 "
              Margarete      2                                 "            


 Clough    Mathew          35         Mines coal            England
           Frances W.      35         Keeps house              "
           Frank            9                                  "
           Mathew           5                                  "
           Elizabeth        2                                  "
 White     John            22         Mines coal               "
 Gedale?   James           33              "                   "

 Cougan    John            55         Laborer               Ireland
           Brine?          55         Keeps house              "

 Rariek   Charles          31         Laborer               Germany
          Julia            22         Keeps house               "
          Henry             2                               PA

 Snay     John             65         Laborer               Germany
 Priets?  George           63            "                      "
          Mary             26         Keeps house               "
          Eliza           3/12                              PA

 Stuart   Alexander        37         Mines coal            Scotland
          Sarah            30         Keeps house           England
          John              7                                  "
          Abraham           6                               PA
          Andrew            4                               PA
          Alexander       3/12                              PA

 North    George           51        Laborer                England
          Sarah            46        Keeps house               "
          Charles          20                                  "
          Mary A.          17                                  "
 Richards  William         23        Mines coal                "
 Pedlar   Ha-?-            32 M          "                     "
 Waidle?  John             31            "                     "

 Close    David            50        Laborer                Germany
          Elizabeth        60        Keeps house            PA
          Daniel           16                               PA
 Bell     John             47        Mines coal             England
          Mary Ann         46        Keeps house               "
          James William    17                               PA
          John             14                               PA

 Arkle    William          67        Mines coal             England
          Sarah            64        Keeps house                "

 Boyle    Charles          29        Mines coal             Scotland
          Sarah            27        Keeps house            Nova Scotia
P. 39     Laura             6                                    "
          Charles           4                                    "
          William G.        2                               PA
          Susan A.       3/12                               PA

 Snow     John             27        Mines coal             Germany
          Pricilla         22        Keeps house            PA
          Joseph            1                               PA

 Burns?   James            40        Mines coal             Ireland
          Margaret         26        Keeps house            PA
          Thomas           10                               PA
          Henry             7                               PA
          Caty              4                               PA
          Emila             2                               PA
          James           3/12                              PA
 McTie    Barney           24        Mines coal             Wales
 McFerson Martin           35             "                 Canada

 Shaffer  John             37        Laborer                Germany
     -----?---             38 F      Keeps house               "
          Charles           7                               PA
          Lewis             5                               New York
Daniel            3                               PA
 Tur--?-* George           46        Mines coal             England
Thomas*  Elizabeth        40        Keeps house               "
          Mary A.          15                                  "
          Margaret         13                                  "
          Thomas            9                                  "
          Elizabeth         7                               PA
          George            5                               PA
          Ralph             2                               PA
          John            3/12                              PA

 Borland  Robert           24        Mines coal             Scotland
          Elizabeth        15        Keeps house                "
          Alexander         2                               PA
          Agnes E.        1/12                              PA

 Milcon?  Fred             58        Laborer                Germany
          Julia A.         40        Keeps house            PA
          John             17                               PA
          Susan            15                               PA
          Charity          11                               PA
          Elizabeth         8                               PA 
P.40      Frederick         6                               PA
          Anna              3                               PA
 Bird     George               47        Mines coal            England
          Jane                 16        Keeps house              "
          Levi                 14                                 "
          Emile                14                                 "
          Eliza                10                                 "
          George W.             8                                 "
          Harriet               6                                 "

 Brese    George               27        Mines coal            England
          Mary                 23?       Keeps house              "
          Elizabeth             5                              PA

 Myers    Edward               37        Mines coal            England
          Euphemia             37        Keeps house              "
          Thomas               11                                 "
          James                 7                                 "
          Mariah                5                                 "
          John                  2                              PA
          Elizabeth           5/12                             PA

 Brinin   Dennis               24       Mines coal             Ireland
          Mary                 23       Keeps house               "
          Nancy                 7                              PA
          Michael             1/12                             PA
          Cormick               1                              PA

 Dresenroth Henry              39      Mines coal              Germany
          Elizabeth            36      Keeps house                "
          Henry                11                              PA
          Christian             8                              PA
          Mary                  5                              PA
          Margaret              2                              PA
          Martha              1/12                             PA

 Sowers*? Joseph               40      Laborer                 Germany    
 *Sauers  Eliza                30      Keeps house                 "
          Henry                11                              PA
          Margaret              8                              PA
          John                  4                              PA

 Goodwin  Agnes                51     Keeps house              Scotland
          Hugh                 19     Laborer                      "
          Agnes                14                              PA
 McFazey  Michael              21     Laborer                  Ireland
P.41 Rogers   Frank            35     Laborer                      "

 Corager  Thomas               25     Laborer                  Ireland
          Cate                 26     Keeps house                  "
          Thomas                1                              PA

 Spade    Lewis                27     Mines coal               PA
          Amanda               23     Keeps house              PA

 Welsh    James                26     Mines coal               Ireland
          Mary                 19     Keeps house              PA
          James                 2                              PA
          Barney               24     Laborer                  Ireland

 Moon     Patrick              65     Laborer                  Ireland
          Hannah               65     Keeps house                  "
          James                18     Laborer                  PA
          Thomas               16       "                      PA
          Michael              14       "?                     PA
          Patrick               8       "?                     PA

 Donass?  Augustus             41     Hotel keeper             Germany
          Rachel               37     Keeps house                 "
          August               16                              PA
          Antoinette           13                              PA
          Henry                11                              PA
          Idda                  6                              PA
 Douty    Jacob                36    Boiler maker              PA
          Elizabeth            35    Keeps house               PA
 Duffey   Bridget              25    Domestic servant          Ireland

 Mock     Jacob                40    Laborer                   PA
          Elizabeth            38    Keeps house               PA
          James                14                              PA
          Franklin             11                              PA
          Harry                 9                              PA
          Hattie                5                              PA
          George                3                              PA
          Caty                8/12                             PA
 Levy     Anne                 14    Domestic servant          Germany   

 Horn     David                42    Works/sawmill             PA
          Henrietta            47    Keeps house               PA
          George               11                              PA
          Emeline               7                              PA
          Charlotte             5                              PA
          John                4/12                             PA
P. 45
 Turner    John                54        Supt. mines           England
           Elizabeth           48        Keeps house              "
           William             16                              PA
           Susan               12                              PA
           Mary J.              7                              PA

 McHugh    Charles             37        Laborer               Ireland
           Ann                 35        Keeps house              "
           Con?                 7                              PA
           Hugh                 3                              PA
           Ellen                2                              PA

 Snyder   William              25        Laborer               Germany
          Sarah                24        Keeps house           PA
          Charles               3                              PA
          Mary                6/12                             PA

 Degrass  Ruben                28        Laborer               PA
          Margaret             20        Keeps house           PA

 Jones    David P.             27        Mines coal            Wales
          Ellen                22        Keeps house             "
          Margaret A.         8/12                             PA
 Cannon   William              24        Mines coal            Wales

 Smith    Enoch                40        Mines coal            England
          Louissa              28        Keeps house              "
          Titus                10                                 "
          Pricilla              8                                 "
          Louissa               6                                 "
          Enoch                 2                              PA

 Klingman John                 23        Laborer               PA
          Margaret             20        Keeps house           PA
 Horn     James                26        Laborer               PA
          Susan                17        Keeps house           PA
          Thomas              6/12                             PA

 Bedford  Thomas               34        Stationary eng.       England
          Ann                  32        Keeps house              "
          Elizabeth             5                              PA
          Thomas                2                              PA
 Howell   James                34        Mines coal            England
          Elizabeth            26        Keeps house           Maryland
          Clara                 4                              PA
          William               2                              PA
          Josilla              84   (widow)                    England

 Howell   Enoch                31        Mines coal            England
          Hannah               24        Keeps house           Maryland
          James                 6                              PA
          Sophia                2                              PA
          Isabella            3/12                             PA

 Brogan   Thomas               50        Laborer               Ireland
          Sarah                37        Keeps house               "
          William              17        Works in mine             "
          John                 14            "                     "
          Mary A.              10                              PA
          Catherine             7                              PA
          Patrick               5                              PA
          Edward             7/12                              PA

 Simmons  Thomas               23       Mines coal             England
          Elizabeth            56 (widow)                         "
 Sharin   Thomas               28       Laborer                Ireland
          Mary                 28       Keeps house               "
          James                 3                              PA
          John                11/12                            PA

 Odonel   Ann                  46 (widow) Keeps house          Ireland
          Dominick             17                              PA
          Maggie               12                              PA
 *Divers  Hugh                 27                              Ireland
          Anna                 20                              PA
          Frances               2  F                           PA
          Mary                3/12                             PA
 Burns    Hugh                 27       Laborer                Ireland

 Johnson  Neal                 25       Mines coal             New Jersey
          Ellen                25       Keeps house            PA
          Francis             3/12 M                           PA

 Rory?    William              28      Stationary eng.         PA
          MAry                 21      Keeps house             PA
          Robert E.             2                              PA
P.47      William             5/12                             PA      
P. 47
 Bitner   Solomon              20        Laborer               PA
          Sarah                28        Keeps house           PA
          Benjamin              4                              Maryland
          Anna M.               2                              PA
          Franklin           3/12                              PA

 Fiskey   Margaret             28        Keeps house           Ireland
 Feury    Daniel               25        Mines coal               "

 Fuery    Conaty               28        Mines coal            Ireland
          Catherine            21        Keeping house            "
          Edward                4                              PA
          Margaret             8/12                            PA
 Coyle    Patrick              51        Laborer               Ireland
          Catherine            60        Keeps house               "
          Rosa                 15                              PA             

 Thomas   Titus                69        Stationary eng        Wales, Cor--?--
         Hannah                59        Keeps house               "
         David                 28        Engineer                  "
         Daniel                18                                  "
         Rachel                15                                  "

 Shovelin Peter                31        Mines coal            Ireland
         Bridget               23        Keeps house           PA
         John                   6                              PA
         Susan                  4                              PA
         Hugh                   2                              PA
         Mary                 3/12                             PA
         Selia                 30        Domestic ser.         Ireland
 McNulor John                  22        Mines coal                "
 Meichon John                  25             "                    "
 Shovelin  James               22             "                    "

 Persy   Thomas                40        Laborer               New Jersey
         Mariah                29        Keeps house           PA
         John                  16                              PA
         Samuel                13                              PA
         Elmer                  8                              PA
         George                 1                              PA
         Clara                  6                              PA
         Mariah                 9                              PA
         Ellen                  8                              PA

 Comfort Samuel                26        Stationary eng        PA
P.48     Eliza                 22        Keeps house           PA
         Jesse                  6 M                            PA
         Elisabeth              4                              PA
         James                  2                              PA

 Person  Thomas                32        Stationary eng        England
         Sarah                 32        Keeps house              "
         Sara A.               12                                 "
         Hannah                 8                                 "
         Joseph                 4                              PA
 Smallwood George              21        Mines coal            England
         Thomas                23            "                    "
 Hot     Joseph                40            "                    "

 Manelis John                  40        Laborer               Ireland
         Catherine             50        Keeps house              "
         Patrick               23                              PA
         Hugh                  20                              Ireland
         John                  12                              PA 
         Andrew                10                              PA
         Catherine              8                              PA
         James                  5                              PA
         Niel?                 37        Laborer               Ireland

 Sower*  August                43        Carpenter             Germany
 *Sauer  Barbara               44        Keeps house              "
         Conrad                14                                 "
         August                 7                              PA
         George                 1                              PA
 Fox     Bertha                21                              Germany
         William              7/12                             PA

 Feury   Andrew                30        Mines coal            Ireland
         Anna                  28        Keeps house              "
         Daniel                70                              Ireland
         Margaret              70                                  "

 McGlochlin Pat                50        Laborer               Ireland
         Ellen                 30        Keeps house               "
         Frank                 19        Laborer                   "
         Barney                17                              PA
         Rosa                  14                              PA
         John                   8                              PA
P.49     Patrick               10                              PA
         Bridget                7                              PA
         Sarah                  4                              PA
         Manis                  3                              PA
         Ellen                7/12                             PA  
P. 49
 Fox*     John                 48        Laborer               Germany
 Fuchs    Mary                 44        Keeps house              "
          Robert               19        Laborer                  "
          Jacob                17           "                     "
          Mary                 14                                 "
          Julia                11                                 "
          Gotlieb               4                                 "
          Eliza                 1                              PA
 Maginty  Neal                 30        Mines coal            Ireland
          Bridget              35                                 "
          Peter                14                                 "
          Susan                12                              PA   
          Patrick              10                              PA
          Barney                6                              PA
          John                  5                              PA
          Mary                  1                              PA

 Beam     Daniel              35        Laborer                PA
          Rebeka              18        Keeps house            PA
          James              9/12                              PA

 Fuery    Patrick             40        Laborer                Ireland
          Mary                35        Keeps house               "
          Andrew              22                                  "
          Winaford            20 M                                "
          Mary                15                                  "
          Bridget             12                                  "
          James                8                                  "
          Anna                 7                                  "
          Maggie E.            4                                PA
          Catherine            2                                PA

 Alwel    Pat                 50        Laborer                 Ireland
          Phebe               42        Keeps house             PA
          Henrietta           20                                PA
          John                12                                PA
          James               10                                PA
          Mary                 2                                PA

 Odonel  John                 50        Laborer                 Ireland
         Biddy                40        Keeps house                "
         Mary                 10                                   "
         Patrick               4                                PA
         John                  2                                PA
         James                 1                                PA

 Welsch  James                45        Mines coal              Ireland
         Rosa                 23        Keeps house                "
         John                1/12                               PA
 Galiger Patrick              35        Laborer                 Ireland
 Scott   Miner?               28           "                       "
 Galigan May                  21        domestic serv              "

 Amunsun? John                59        Boss coal braker        Germany
         Charles              21        Mines coal              PA
         William              19        Laborer                 PA
         Frances E.           17 F                              PA
         John                 14                                PA
         Peter                12                                Illinois
         Ellen                10                                PA
 Quigley John                 22        Laborer                 PA
         Harriet              22        Keeps house             PA
 Miller  Solomon              68? 18?   Laborer                 PA
 Struther Mathew              22           "                    Germany

 Metzger John                 22        Laborer                 Germany
         Sophia               35        Keeps house                "
         Frederick             4                                PA
         Martha                2                                PA

 Richards Henry               28        Clerk in store          PA
         Lavina               25        Keeps house             PA
         Emond                 5                                PA
         Harry                 3                                PA
         Thomas?               2                                PA
 Figer   Hiram                35       Supt. coal mine          PA
 Sweeney Joseph               25       Dispatcher               PA
 Cartwright E.B.              21       Clerk in store           PA
 Walk     Frank               20       Clerk in store           PA

 Glace   H.R.                 32       Machinist                PA
         Emma                 23       Keeps house              PA
         Hattie                2                                PA
 Codan   Peter                26       Laborer                  Ireland
         Mary                 23       Keeps house              England
         Anna                  5                                   "
         Margarete           8/12                               PA
 Cavner  Michael              28       Laborer                  Ireland
         Michael Sr.          60         "                         "
         Thomas               15         "                         " 
 Mowen   James                35         "                         "
P. 50
 Streeter John C.              34        Moulder               PA
          Sarah E.             27        Keeps house           New Jersey
          Eliza                 6                                  "

 Smith    John                 22        Moulder               PA
          Matilda              23        Keeps house           PA
          James S.              2                              PA
          Anna M.             10/12                            PA

 O'Daniel Patrick              31        Laborer               Ireland
          Mary                 27        Keeps house               "
          Margaret A.           2                              PA
          Roger                 1                              PA
 Miller   Benjamin             31        Machinist             PA
          Catorass?            46        Keeps house           PA
          Walter               21        Laborer               PA 
          Albert               18                              PA
          Eliza                 9                              PA
          Alice                 6                              PA

 Cunningham P.B.               34        Pattern maker         Ireland
          Mary A.              33        Keeps house              "
          James S.             14                              PA
          John P.              12                              PA
          William C.           10                              PA
          Harry S.            9/12                             PA

 Crawford David                38        Carpenter             Ireland
          Isabella             25        Keeps house              "
          James S.              4                              PA
          John                  2                              PA

 Fisher   Edward               24        Laborer               PA
          Eliza                22        Keeps house           PA
          Charles               1                              PA

 Welsch   Albert               24        Laborer               Massachusetts
          Alice                22        Keeps house           PA
          Corrie                2                              PA
P.51      Charles             1/12                             PA
          Caroline             12        Domestic ser          PA

 Welsch   Patrick              55        Laborer               Ireland
          Bridget              45        Keeps house              "
          Margarett            14                              PA
          Edward               12                              PA
          Mary                  9                              PA
          Patrick               7                              PA
          Anna                  4                              PA
          James                 2                              PA

 O'Daniel John                 40        Laborer               Ireland
          Ann                  40        Keeps house              "
          John                 14                                 "
          Maggie                8                              PA
          James                 7                              PA
          Susan                 5                              PA
          Patrick               4                              PA
          Anthony               2                              PA
          Mary                  1                              PA

 Gilespie James                46        Laborer               Ireland
          Mary                 29        Keeps house              "
          James                 3                                 "
          Lawrence              1                              PA

 Denison  Michael              45        Laborer               Ireland
          Grace                40        Keeps house              "
          John                 14                                 "
          Susan                13                              PA
          Charles              11                              PA
          Hugh                  9                              PA
          James                 7                              PA
          Michael               4                              PA
          Grace                 2                              PA

 O'Daniel Patrick              40        Laborer               Ireland
          Julia                40        Keeps house               "
          Bridget              15                              Massachusetts
          Patrick              12                              PA
          Mary                 11                              PA
          Hugh                  9                              PA
          William               7                              PA
          Susan                 4                              PA 
 This List was donated by June Nessler.

©1996-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors

 Mary Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator

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