1870 Census, Hollenback Twp., Post Office - Hobbie, Luzerne County, Pa.

These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky

Dwelling house #, families # in order of visitation, name of every person
whose place of abode on the first day of June 1870, was in this family, age at
last birthday, occupation, place of birth.

205 - 205 ,
PETERS, Nathan , 23 yrs old, Carpenter, born in Pa.
 Elizabeth, 19 yrs old , keeping house , born in Pa.
Cora , 9 mts. old born in Aug., at home, born in Pa.

206 - 206
WHITEBREAD , Levi , 28 yrs old, boot + shoemaker , born in Pa.
Rachel , 27 yrs old, keeping house , born in Pa.
Laura Isabella , 3 yrs old, at home, born in Pa.
Warren E. , 8 mts. old , at home, born in Pa.

207 - 207
BUCHMAN Daniel, 53 yrs old, Weaver , born in Pa.
Christaina, 55 yrs old, keepinghouse, born in Pa.
Polly, 70 yrs old, old lady , Lives with son, Born in Pa.
Washington , 21 yrs old, laborer, born in Pa.
Eva A___, 13 yrs old, _____, born in Pa.
208 - 208
MA_ _ RY John , 63 yrs old , lives alone , born in Pa.

209 - 209
PETERS Josiah, 28 yrs old, works at powder mill, born in Pa.
Sarah , 24 yrs old , keeping house , born in Pa.
Lizzie E. , 4 yrs old , at home , born in Pa.
Lydia L. , 2 yrs old , at home , born in Pa.
Marten (?) H. (?) , 1 mt. old , born in May , born in Pa.

210 -210
DEHAVEN Benjamin , 32 yrs old , laborer, born in Pa.
Catherine, 47 yrs old , keeping house , born in Pa.
Jonathan , 10 yrs old , at home , born in Pa.
Tobias , 8 yrs old, at home , born in Pa.
Mary , 5 yrs old , at home , born in Pa.
Michael G. , 1 yrs old , at home , born in Pa.
Daniel , 2 yrs old , at home , born in Pa.

211 - 211
WHITEBREAD Frederick , 59 or 57 yrs old, Farmer , born in Pa.
Lydia , 55 yrs old , Keepinghouse , born in Pa.
Abraham , 23 yrs old , carpenter, born in Pa.
Flora Ann , 18 yrs old , at home , born in Pa.
Peter , 15 yrs old , at home , born in Pa.

212 - 212
THOMAS Beach , 38 yrs old , farmer , born in Pa.
Hannah , 33 yrs old , keeping house , born in Pa.
Daniel B. , 9 yrs old , at home , born in Pa.
Elizabeth , 8 yrs old , at home , born in Pa.
Charles H.(?) , 7 yrs old , at home , born in Pa.
Ellen , 5 yrs old , at home , born in Pa.
Levi , 4 yrs old , at home , born in Pa.
Cordillia , 1 yr old , at home , born in Pa.
Susan , 2 mts old , born in May, at home , born in Pa.

213 - 213
SNYDER Peter , 53 yrs old , farmer , born in Pa.

Thanks to Nirvanasix@aol.com for this contribution to the Luzerne County GenWeb Page.

©1996-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors

 Mary Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator

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