1870 census of Foster TWP

Some pages from the 1870 Eckley/ Upper Lehigh, Foster Township, Luzerne County census schedule. Handwriting that is difficult to read is followed by a question mark. I did not include all headings, but I will be glad to answer questions such as "value of real estate" and "value of personal estate" or literacy and education questions if such information is indicated under those particular headings. These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky

       NAME                        age   sex   occupation       birthplace

74     Brentswyse?*                 37   M     Farmer           Baden, Germany
    *Brontswyne?  S.
                  Barbara           44   M     Keeps house      Baden, Germany
                  John              17   M                      PA
                  Frederick         15   M                      PA
                  Mary A.           13   F                      PA
                  Elisabeth          8   F                      PA
                  Susanne            4   F                      PA

75     Thesisau?* Henry             49   M     Carpenter        Germany
*Thensau ?  Elizabeth         40   F     Keeps house      PA
                  Charles H.        18   M                      PA
                  Samuel A.         15   M                      PA
                  Alice             11   F                      PA
                  Elizabeth         10   F                      PA
                  Emilia             8   F                      PA
                  Susan              6   F                      PA
                  Lydia              4   F                      PA
                  Salata R.          1   F                      PA

76    Richards    John              52   M    Mines Coal        Wales
                  Sarah             49   F    Keeps house       Wales
                  Richard           19   M                      PA
                  Thomas            17   M                      PA
                  Mary A.           15   F                      PA
                  Elizabeth         14   F                      PA
                  Sarah             12   F                      PA

77   Jones        Esiah             30   M    Mines Coal        Wales
                  Louissa           30   F    Keeps house       Wales
                  William           12   M                      Pa

78  Kocher       Job                53   M    Laborer           PA
                 Rachel             46   F    Keeps house       PA
                 Abby E.            17   F                      PA

79  Waller?*     Eliazor            71   M    Laborer           PA
    Kieper       David              62   M    Laborer           PA
                 Hannah             61   F    Keeps house       PA
                 Edward             18   M                      PA

80  Fiester     Harvy               33   M    Farms             New York
                Catherine           33   M    Keeps house       PA
                Robert               2   M                      PA
    Kocher      Alexander           30   M    Farms             PA

81  Kocher      John                48   F    Laborer           PA

P. 13          Lucy                 48   F    Keeps house       PA
               Job                  20   M                      PA
               Frederick            13   M                      PA
               Lucy A.              11   F                      PA
               Charles A.            5   M                      PA

82  Ashman    Joseph             33?23?  M   Mines coal         England
              Mary E.               25   F                      PA
              Joseph                 2   M                      PA
              Thomas                2/12 M                      PA

83  Mc Manimon John                 35   M  Liquor Dealer       Ireland
               Bridget              22   F  Keeps house         Ireland
               Hannah              6/12  F                      PA

84  Trolle    Justice              26    M  Cabinet maker       Germany
              Etney(?)             22    F  Keeps house         PA
              John H.               3    M                      PA
              Justice             5/12   M                      PA
    Haskins   Bella                15    F  Domestic servant    PA
   Hrusknee(?) Lewis               37    M  Carpenter           PA
   Wilson                          21    M  Carpenter           PA

85 Klinger   Reinbrun(?)           35    M  Dry gds/groc mrkt   PA
             Caroline              30    F  Keeps house         PA
             Clarissa P.           13    F                      PA
             Ellen                 11    F                      PA
             Edward                 9    M                      PA
             John                  68    M                      PA
  McMurtry   W. H.                 30    M  Laborer             PA

86 Birkbeck  Joseph                67    M  Farmer              England
             Elizabeth             66    F  Keeps house         England

87 Birkbeck  Matthew               34    M  Farms               England
             Elizabeth             25    F  Keeps house         PA
             William              1/12   M                      PA

88 Sneddon  William                47    M  Mines coal          Scotland
            Jejena(?)              46    F  Keeps house         Scotland
            Richard                23    M  Laborer             Scotland
            William                20    M  Laborer             Scotland
            Charlotte              12    F                      PA
            Mary                   12    F                      PA
            John                    9    M                      PA

89 Odority                         33    M  Hotel keeper        Ireland
           Jane                    28    F  Keeps house         Ireland

      William                  9    M                      PA
           Margaret                 7    F                      PA
           Ellen                    3    F                      PA
    Geary  Patrick                  32   M  Mines coal          Ireland

90 Astman  Anthony                 33    M  Mines coal          Germany
           Sophie                  32    F  Keeps house         Germany
           John                    12    M                      France
           Catherine               10    F                      France
           William                  8    M                      France
           Mary                     4    F                      PA
           George                   2    M                      PA

91 McManimon Hugh                 30     M  Mines coal          Ireland
           Ann                    24     F  Keeps house         Ireland
           John                    5     M                      PA
           Mary                    4     F                      PA
           Hannah                  2     F                      PA
           Tom (?)               7/12    M                      PA

92  Cunius John                   24     M  Carpenter           PA
           Sarah                  19     F  Keeps house         PA
           Osker                   2     M                      PA

93 Stoope  William               22      M  Blacksmith          PA
          Margaret               22      F  Keeps house         PA
          Samuel                  1      M                      PA

94 Owens  Ervin                  56      M  Shoemaker           Wales
          Rachel                 57      F  Keeps house         Wales

95 Young  Benjamin               29      M  Carpenter           PA
          Hanna                  24      F  Keeps house         PA
          Ellen                   1      F                      PA

96 Kelly  Edward                 42      M  Hotel keeper        Ireland
          Fanny                  50      F  Keeps house         Ireland
McHugh Daniel                12      M                      PA

97 Mooney  Barney                33      M  Huckster            Ireland
          Mary                   25      F  Keeps house         Ireland

98 Mellon  John                  35      M  Store clerk         Ireland
   Brogan Catherine              40      F  House keeper        Ireland
          Elizabeth              15      F                      PA
          Sarah                  10      F                      PA
          William                 8      M                      PA
          Mary                    6      F                      Pa
    McBrady Mary                 70      F                      Ireland

99 Boyle  Patrick               57       M  Laborer             Ireland
          Ellen                 60       F  Keeps house         Ireland
          Timothy               22       M  Laborer             Ireland
          Mary                  17       F                      PA
   Logan  James                 18       M                      Scotland

100 Brisbane ?                  46       M  Mines coal          Ireland
          ?                     40       F  Keeps house         Ireland
          Catherine             12       F                      PA
          Unity                  8       F                      PA
          Patrick                4       M                      PA
          Mary                   2       F                      PA

101  Birkbeck thomas           24        M  Butcher             PA
          Margaret             24        F  Keeps house         Scotland
          Joseph                3        M                      PA

102 Powel William              28        M  Mines coal          Wales
          Irene(?)             25        F  Keeps house         Wales
          William               4        M                      PA
          Thomas                3        M                      PA
          John                  1        M                      PA

103 Hinkle  Samuel            40         M  Sawyer              PA
         Esther               36         F                      PA
         Joseph W.            19         M                      PA
         Emma                 17         F                      PA
         Ammanda              10         F                      PA
         John                  5         M                      PA
         Catherine            18         F                      PA

104 Richards  George          45         M  Mines coal          Wales
         Martha               50         F  Keeps house         Wales
         Joseph               21         F                      Wales
         David                19         M                      Wales
         John                 14         M                      PA
         Sarah A.             12         F                      PA
         Naomi                10         F                      PA

105 Brehm Conrad             29          M   Mines coal         Germany
         Esther A.           22          F  Keeps house         PA
         Sarah                5          F                      PA
         Ellen                3          F                      PA
         Margaret             2          F                      PA
         August H.          1/12         M                      PA

P. 57 Cont.

393   Henry    Mary        45      M   (widow) Keeps house    Ireland 
               Kate        16      F                          PA
               Jane        13      F                          PA
               Joseph      11      F                          PA
               Samuel       7      M                          PA
      McClain  Robert      70      M   Mines coal             Ireland

394   McKinley John        25      M   Stationery Engineer    PA
               Annie       21      F   Keeps house            Ireland
               Ellen        2      F                          PA
               James      6/12     M                          PA
      Long     James       23      M  Laborer                 Ireland
               Mary        20      F                          PA
Margaret     1      F                          PA

395  Cuttor    George      36      M  Mines coal              England
     Wilson    James       40      M  Mines coal              England
               Elizabeth   38      F  Keeps house             England
               John        14      M                            "
               Sarah       12      F                            "
               Henry        9      M                            "
               Elizabeth    7      F                            "
               Hannah       5      F                            "
     Cullor?   Richard     30      M  Mines coal                "

396  Boggs     Ruebin?     39      M  Mines coal                "
               Ruth        38      F  Keeps house               "
               David       15      M                           Wales
               Mary  E.    12      F                           PA
               Julia A.     7      F                           PA
               John H.      3      M                           PA
               Louisa       5      F                           PA

397  Woliver   Ely         41      M                           PA
               Levona      40      F                            "
               John W.     17      M                            "
               Franklin    15      M                            "
P. 58
               William     14      M                            "
               Ida M.       8      F

398  Hill     Henry        24      M    Carpenter              Germany
              Elizabeth    23      F    Keeps house              "
              Adam          4      M                            PA
              Conrad        2      F                            PA

399  Tash     Eliza        50      F   Keeps house              Ireland
              Eliza M.     18      F                            Ireland
              Catherine    10      F                            PA

400  White    James        40      M  Mines coal                England
              Eliza  M.    18      F  Keeps house               England
              John         21      M  Mines coal                  "
              George       18      M  Mines coal                  "
              William      15      M                              "
              Andrew       11      M                              "           
              Mary          8      F                            PA
     Payne    Charlotte    16      F  Domestic servant          England

401 Whitock   Joseph       46      M  Mines coal                England
              Mary A.      44      F  Keeps house               England
              Alphred      18      M                            Wales
              James        16      M                              "
              George       13      M                              "
              Rebekah       5      F                            PA

402 Bank      Henry        40      M  Mines coal                Germany
              Mary         38      F  Keeps house                 "
              Rosa         12      F                            PA
              Barbara      10      F                            PA
              Mary          7      F                            PA

403 Galiger  John          70      M  Mines coal                Ireland
             Rosa          40      F  Keeps house               Ireland
             Daniel        12      F                            PA
             Edward        11      M                            PA
             Susanna        9      F                            PA
             Mary           8      F                            PA
             Patrick        6      M                            PA
             John           4      M                            PA
    Dugan    James         59      M                            Ireland

404 Boyle   Neal           35      M                             Ireland
            Eliza          23      F                              "
            Anne            4      F                            PA
 P.59       John H.         2      M                            PA
            James         3/12     M                            PA

405 Camel   Patrick        24      M  Laborer                   Ireland
            Bridget        24      F  Keeps house                 "
            Teresa        9/12     F                            PA

406 Galiger Mary           23      F  Keeps house               Ireland
            Manus           1      M                            PA
            Anthony        28      M  Mines coal                Ireland
Daniel         20      M  Laborer                     "
    Morse?  Francis        20      M    "                         "
    Boyle   John           20      M    "                         "

407 Galiger Manus?         65      M  Mines coal                  "
            Mary           32      F  Keeps house                 "
            Hugh           12      M                              "
            Michael         7      M                              "
            James           6      M                             PA
            John            3      M                             PA
            Manus           1      M                             PA

408 O'Daniel?*
    *O'donel Patrick       34      M  Mines coal                 Ireland
             Ann           28      F  Keeps house                  "
             Edward         5      M                             Nova Scotia
             Patrick        3      M                             PA
             Neal           1      M                             PA

409 Maginley John          27      M  Mines coal                 Ireland
             Kate          25      F  Keeps house                  "
             Barney        24      M  Laborer                      "
    Sweeney  Daniel        29      M  Mines coal                   "
    Galiger  Neal          29      M  Mines coal                   "

410 Galiger James          22      M  Laborer                      "
            Sarah          17      F  Keeping house                PA

411 McTague William        24      M  Mines coal                   Ireland
            Catherine      24      F  Keeps house                    "
            John            1      M                               PA

412 Brislin Grace?        30       F  Keeps house                  Ireland
    McHugh  John          28       M  Laborer                        "
    Fisher  Neal          30       M  Laborer                        "
    Maginley Barney       24       M  Laborer                        "

413 McNelon? Dominick     40       M  Mines coal                     "
             Mary         35       F  Keeps house                    "
             Andrew        6       M                               PA
             William       4       M                               PA
             Philip        2       M                               PA

P. 60

414 McHugh   Frank               27     M      Laborer        Ireland
             Catherine           28     F      Keeps house      "
             Mary                 2     F                     PA
             Maggie               2     F                     PA
             Peter              1/12    M                     PA

415 Dority   James               45     M     Miner           Ireland
             Ellen               30     F     Keeps house      "
             Hugh                 6     M                     PA
             Dennis             7/12    M                     PA

416 McGlalen Cority?             25     M     Mines coal      Ireland
             Catherine           22     F     Keeps house       "
             James                2     M                     PA
             Mary                 1     F                     PA

417 Galiger  John                35     M     Mines coal      Ireland
             Margaret            35     F     Keeps house       "
             Ellen               14     F                       "
             Anne                10     F                       "
             Mary                 6     F                       "
             Hugh                 3     M                     PA 
             Maggie               1     F                     PA

418  Ferry   John                24     M    Mines coal       Ireland
Sophia              25     F    Keeps house        "
             Mary               7/12    F                     PA
    McCorey  Charles             40     M    Laborer          Ireland
419  Boner?* Robert              30     M    Mines coal       Ireland
    *Bonin   Maggie              10     F                        "
             Bridget             12     F                        "
             James                8     M                        "

420 Sweeny   Dennis              30     M   Mines coal           "
             Hannah              30     F   Keeps house          "
             James               13     M                     PA
             Mary                10     F                     PA
   McCalla   Edward              35     M                     Ireland
   Dogan     Owen                40     M                         "
   Martin    John                37     M                         "

421 Seiple   John                36     M  Laborer            Germany
             Eliza               38     F  Keeps house           "
             Mary                 6     F                     PA
P.61         Catherine            4     F                     PA
             John                 2     M                     PA

422 McGee    Hugh                22     M  Laborer            Ireland
             Margaret            20     F  Keeps house        Canada
             Maggie               9     F                     Canada
             Mary A.              4     F                     Canada
             Sarah               8/12   F                     Canada

423 Ward    John                 22     M  Laborer            Ireland
            Bridget              22     F  Keeps house          "
            Annie                 1     F                    PA
   Boyle    Patrick              25     M  Mines coal        Ireland

424 Galiger Barney               32     M  Mines coal        Ireland
            Marilla?             21     F  Keeps house          "
    McHugh  James                28     M  Mines coal        St. John, Canada
            Charles              18     M                        "

425 O'Donel Michael              45     M  Laborer           Ireland  (?)*
                                                      *undecipherable note
            Cecilie              30     F  Keeps house       Ireland   (?)
            Patrick              12     M                    PA
            Hugh                 10     M                    PA
            Andrew                3     M                    PA

426 Dunlevy John                 31     M  Mines coal        Ireland
            Mary                 35     F  Keeps house         "
   McGinley Charles              30     M  Laborer             "
   Carr     James                26     M  Laborer             "

427 Dewie?  John                 28     M  Laborer             "
            Jane                 25     F  Keeps house         "
            Anne J.               4     F                    New Jersey
            Isabella              2     F                    PA
            George              4/12    M                    PA
   McMullen Samuel               25     M                    Ireland

428 O'Donel Philip?              25     M  Mines coal        Ireland
            Anne                 25     F  Keeps house         "

429 Mecham?* William             40     M  Mines coal          "
    *Meehan  Catherine           34     F  Keeps house         "
             James                5     M                    PA
             Mary                 4     F                    PA
             Thomas               2     M                    PA

430 Craig   John                 38     M  Mines coal        Ireland
            Bridget              40     F  Keeps house         "
            Daniel                9     M                      "
            John                  7     M                      "
            Cori?                22     M  Laborer             "

431 Quinn   Edward               30     M    Laborer          Ireland
            Isabella             30     F    Keeps house        "
            Edward               10     M                       "
            Patrick               5     M                     PA
            Anne                  8     F                     PA
            Mary                  2     F                     PA

432 McFadden Pat                 35     M  Mines coal         Ireland
            Ellen                20     F   Keeps house       PA
            Manus                11     M                     PA

433 Horner?* John                38     M  Mines coal         Ireland
    *Honner  Hannah              36     F  Keeps house          "
             Edward              12     M                     England
             James                4     M                     PA
             John                 3     M                     PA
   Devlin?   John                24     M                     Ireland

434  Fury?* Moris                27     M  Mines coal         Ireland
     *Ferry Mary                 27     F  Keeps house          "
            Barney                3     M                     PA
            James                 2     M                     PA

235 Galiger Michael              51     M  Mines coal         Ireland
            Mary                 48     F  Keeps house           "
            Mary                 14     F                     PA
            Eliza                11     F                     PA
            Sally                 9     F                     PA
            Michael               4     F                     PA

436 Galiger Patrick              35     M  Mines coal         Ireland
            Mary                 23     F  Keeps house          "
            Patrick             1/12    M                     PA
    Fisher  Patrick              28     M  Laborer            Ireland

437 Boyle   John                 60     M  Laborer            Ireland
            Margaret             60     F  Keeps house          "
            John                 13     M                     PA

438 Freal?  Hugh                 24     M  Mines coal         Ireland
            Ann                  24     F  Keeps house          "

439  Peacock Hannah              48     F  Keeps house        Ireland 
            James                23     M  Carpenter          PA
            Rebekah              15     F                     PA

P. 63 M--?-- 7 M PA Shade Daniel 22 M Mines coal Ireland Gilespie Ricky 30 M " " Swan Frank 40 M " England Stoney George 33 M " England Edgar Hugh 23 M " PA 440 Dunlevy Patrick 25 M Mines coal Ireland Mary 25 F Keeps house " Maggie 9 F " Frank 2 M PA 441 Early Patrick 35 M Mines coal Ireland Bridget 35 F Keeps house " Ann 14 F PA Edward 12 M PA William 7 M PA Bridget 9 F PA John 3 M PA Cathrine 2 F PA 442 McFaddon Neal 50 M Laborer Ireland Ellen 45 F Keeps house Ireland Neal 12 M PA Unis? 10 F PA 443 Homan?* Annie 42 F Keeps house Germany *Holmann Youngkind?* Eckert 13 M Germany *Jungkind Colehous?* John 13 M PA *Kohlhaus Youngkind George 8 M PA Homan Lewis 9 M PA Jacob 7 M PA Cathrine 1 F PA 444 Boyle Timothy 40 M Mines coal Ireland Bridget 35 F Keeps house " Patrick 10 M PA Annie 9 F PA Mary 8 F PA Bridget 5 F Nova Scotia Conity? 3 M PA Charles 1 M PA Patrick 25 M Mines coal Ireland 445 Oxrider?* Jacob 25 M Stationery Engineer PA *Ochsreiter Anna M 42 F Keeps house PA END OF PAGE

P.64 445 OXRIDER Jacob 37 M Mines coal PA Anna M. 42 F Keeps house PA Franklin 17 M PA William 13 M PA Reuben W. 11 M PA William H. 9 M PA Alice I? 3 F PA 446 BASKIN Robert 26 M Laborer Ireland Ellen 20 F PA Jane 1 F PA LONG Ellen 65 F Ireland WELSCH*? William 23 M Laborer Ireland *Welsh GALIGER Charles 31 M Laborer Ireland BASKIN Thomas 23 M Laborer " Rebecka 25 F " 447 WEIT*? Henry 23 M Laborer England Mary 50 F Keeps house " *BYRELEY Levi 22 M Station engineer PA Mary 22 F Keeps house PA Alphred 2 M PA Frances 2/12 M PA 448 BYRELEY*? Peter 54 M Laborer Germany *Beierly Catherine 50 F Keeps house PA Sylvester 21 M Laborer PA Catherine 21 F PA Peter 6/12 M PA 449 Dickens William 26 M Mines coal Wales Fannie 20 F Keeps house Wales Mary E. 3 F PA William 6/12 M PA 450 Fritzinger Owen 26 M Carpenter PA Sarah A. 31 F Keeps house PA Anna M. 10 F PA Uriah? 8 M PA Louissa 7 F PA William 4 M PA Jeremiah 2 M PA 451 Rickert John 66 M Watchman PA Susan 61 F Keeps house PA Wenner Cathrine 50 F PA 452 Smith Thomas 40 M Mines coal Ireland Ann 35 F Keeping house " P.65 John 20 M Laborer PA Thomas 16 M " PA William 11 M PA Mary A. 10 F PA 453 Refines? Duch? 41 M Laborer Germany Mary 35 F Keeps house " Eliza 12 F PA Mary 8 F Maryland Catherine 6 F PA Louissa 8 F PA Caroline 3/12 F PA 454 Keneday Philip 35 M Mines coal Ireland Jaley? 35 F Keeps house " Dennis 7 M PA Philip 6 M PA John 3 M PA Anna 5 F PA Patrick 3/12 M PA Thomas 60 M Ireland 455 Logan Joseph 28 M Ireland Elizabeth 19 F PA Martha 1 F PA Mary 2/12 F PA McHugh Mary 25 F Ireland 456 Hartmann Lewis 32 M Mines coal Germany Catherine 31 F Keeps house " Louissa 8 F PA Lewis 6 M PA Francis 3 M PA Brandau? George 18 M Laborer Germany 457 Gower*? Patrick 30 M Mines coal Ireland *Bower Nancy 27 F Keeping house " John 2 M PA James 6/12 M PA Galiger Barney 24 M Mines coal Ireland Maloy James 6/12 M Mines coal Ireland Sharp Patrick 18 M Laborer " Maginley Mary 28 F Domestic servant " 458 Magill Hugh 35 M Mines coal " Mary 28 F Keeps house " Frank 5 M PA Rosa 3 F PA Hugh 10/12 M PA 459 Wasner Henry 34 M Laborer Germany Catherine 33 F Keeps house " Henry 5 M " Catherine 1 F PA Kanick George 58 M Laborer Germany 460 Staub George 30 M Mines coal " Joanna 28 F Keeps house " Fanny 2 F PA Henry 2/12 M PA 461 Lutze? George 38 M Laborer Germany Barbara 34 F Keeps house " Elizabeth 12 F " Conrad 8 M PA Louissa 10 F PA George 5 M PA Catherine 3 F PA Annie 1 F PA 462 Wald Henry 2/12 M Mines coal Germany Elizabeth 21 F Keeps house " Fredrick 5/12 M " Elizabeth 59 F " 263 Feu(e)r Henry 50 M Mines coal Germany Lizzie 45 F Keeps house " Catherine 13 F PA Mary 8 F PA Annie 5 F PA George 16 M Germany Barbara 1 F PA 464 Jacoby Jacob 30 M Laborer Germany Annie 27 F Keeping house " Elizabeth 4 F PA Anna 2 F PA 465 Galiger Barney 40 M Mines coal Ireland Catherine 30 F Keeps house " Hannah 14 F PA Bridget 12 F PA Mary 10 F PA From P. 67 NAME age sex occupation birthplace 473 Stulte William 36 M Mines coal Germany Catherine 25 F Keeps house " Jacob 7 M PA Margarette 4 F PA Christy 3 M PA PAGE 68 Cathrine 10/12 F PA 474 Sax* Cathrine 56 F Keeps house Germany *Sachs Adam 21 M Laborer Germany Jacob 15 M Germany 475 Sax Daniel 27 F Laborer " Annie E. 22 F Keeps house " Lizzie 4 F " William 2? M " 476 Boyle Charles 56 M Mines coal Ireland Bridget 40 F Keeps house " James 21 M Laborer " Patrick 16 M " " Charles 14 M " Michael 12 M PA Jack 8 M PA Annie 3 F PA Francis 2 M PA Ellen 1 F PA 477 Daniel Andrew 40 M Mines coal Ireland Bridget 36 F Keeps house " Mary 13 F PA Elizabeth 11 F PA Annie 9 F PA Francis 8 M PA John 6 M PA Patrick 4 M PA Bridget 1 F PA Owen 28 M Laborer Ireland Galiger James 28 M " " 478 Falliher*? Michael 28 M Preacher of Gosp. PA *Fallekein Joanne 19 F Keeps house PA Mathew 16 M PA Murne Mary 20 F Domestic servant Ireland 479 Butler Patrick 30 M Mines coal Ireland Bridget 30 F Keeps house " Frank 14 M PA John 12 M PA Mary 10 F PA Thomas 9 M PA James 7 M From P. 67 NAME age sex occupation birthplace 473 Stulte William 36 M Mines coal Germany Catherine 25 F Keeps house " Jacob 7 M PA Margarette 4 F PA Christy 3 M PA PAGE 68 Cathrine 10/12 F PA 474 Sax* Cathrine 56 F Keeps house Germany *Sachs Adam 21 M Laborer Germany Jacob 15 M Germany 475 Sax Daniel 27 F Laborer " Annie E. 22 F Keeps house " Lizzie 4 F " William 2? M " 476 Boyle Charles 56 M Mines coal Ireland Bridget 40 F Keeps house " James 21 M Laborer " Patrick 16 M " " Charles 14 M " Michael 12 M PA Jack 8 M PA Annie 3 F PA Francis 2 M PA Ellen 1 F PA 477 Daniel Andrew 40 M Mines coal Ireland Bridget 36 F Keeps house " Mary 13 F PA Elizabeth 11 F PA Annie 9 F PA Francis 8 M PA John 6 M PA Patrick 4 M PA Bridget 1 F PA Owen 28 M Laborer Ireland Galiger James 28 M " " 478 Falliher*? Michael 28 M Preacher of Gosp. PA *Fallekein Joanne 19 F Keeps house PA Mathew 16 M PA Murne Mary 20 F Domestic servant Ireland 479 Butler Patrick 30 M Mines coal Ireland Bridget 30 F Keeps house " Frank 14 M PA John 12 M PA Mary 10 F PA Thomas 9 M PA James 7 M P. 69 Eckley 1870 Census beginning at the end of P.68 to include the whole Butler family. This entry also includes part of P. 70 to include all of house # 487. 479 Butler Patrick 30 M Mines coal Ireland Bridget 30 F Keeps house " Frank 14 M PA John 12 M PA Mary 10 F PA Thomas 9 M PA James 7 M PA P. 69 Ann 6 F PA George 4 M PA Joseph 2 M PA Elizabeth 7/12 F PA 480 Dooris*? Patrick 31 M Laborer Ireland (*Doovis) Sarah 30 F Keeps house " (*Doonis) Patrick 9 M " Margaret 5 F PA Frances 1 F PA 481 Harris Divi? Livi? 26 M Mines coal Wales Martha 23 F Keeps house " Mary 2 F PA Irven 3/12 M PA 482 Horveson August 36 M Laborer Germany Mary 26 F Keeps house " Henry 3 M PA August 2 M PA 483 Stinehiser Hartman 32 M Laborer Germany Margarett 30 F Keeps house " Catherine 4 F " John 1 M PA 484 Banks Philip 56 M Mines coal Germany Caroline 38 F Keeps house " Mary 7 F PA Teressa 8/12 F PA 485 Murne John 27 M Laborer Ireland Mary 50 F Keeps house " James 22 M Laborer " Edward 18 M " PA Canada 14 M PA 486 Donely Edward 22 M Laborer NY Ann 50 F Keeps house Ireland Julia A. 13 F PA John 12 M PA George 8 M PA 487 Ellis Owen 52 M Mines coal Wales Emma 51 F Keeps house " David 14 M PA John E. 11 M PA Powell John 27 M Mines coal Wales P.70 Lewis Richard 23 M Mines coal " Powel Mary 25 f P. 71 Eckley, Foster Township 1870 census, continuing from p. 70 with house # 493 and on to page 72 with house #498 to include the complete family. NAME age sex occupation birthplace 493 O'Daniel Barney 35 M Laborer Ireland (cont.) King Patrick 20 M " " Galiger Patrick 35 M " " 494 Rupert John 42 M Mines coal Germany Frances 43 F Keeps house " Catherine 13 F PA Terrisa 11 F PA Sophia 10 F PA Henry 6 M PA Barnhardt 4 M PA Hopmyer P--?--- 19 M Laborer Germany 495 Camel*? James 45 M Mines coal Ireland *Campbell Catherine 45 F Keeps house " Ann 16 F PA Mary 11 F PA John 9 M PA Mathew 7 M PA Bridget 5 F PA Catherine 3 F PA Ellen 1 F PA O'Connel Bernard 22 M Ireland 497 Quin Patrick 35 M Mines coal Ireland Mary 30 F Keeps house " Mary 8 F PA Peter 7 F PA John 6 M PA Bridget 5 F PA Ann 2 F PA Catherine 3/12 F PA 497 Kelly John 49 M Mines coal Ireland Bridget 49 F Keeps house " Edward 18 M PA Rosa 15 F PA Michael 12 M PA Ferry John 30 M Laborer Ireland Dugan John 25 M " " 498 McFadden John 50 M Mines coal Ireland Ann 33 F Keeps house " Margarett 14 F PA Edward 12 M PA P.72 John 10 M PA Manus 8 M PA Bridget 6 F PA Mary 4 F PA Patrick 2 M PA Hugh 1 M UPPER LEHIGH ONLY 106 Mulligan Michael 26 M Mines coal Ireland P. 16 Margaret 20 F Keeps house PA Mary 7/12 F PA 107 Perry Joseph 49 M Mines coal England Leah 45 F Keeps house Wales Thomas 23 M Mines coal Wales Ann 15 F Wales Solomon 14 M Wales Elizabeth 11 F Wales Mary 9 F Wales Leah 7 F Wales Charles 5 M Wales Alison Edward 27 M Mines coal Wales William 23 M Mines coal Wales Jones John 40 M Mines coal Wales Reis(?) John 24 M Mines coal Wales 108 Sharfe Conrad 36 M Blacksmith Germany Eliza 33 F Keeps house Germany Hartmann 13 M PA Clara 10 F PA MArtha 7 F PA George 5 M PA 109 Kugler Frederick 29 M Mines coal PA Sarah 24 F Keeps house PA George 3 M PA John 26 M PA 110 Jones James H. 40 M Mines coal Wales Grace 37 F Keeps house Wales Margaret 15 F Maryland Mary A. 13 F PA Elizabeth 11 F PA Sarah 10 F PA Benjamin 8 M PA James W. 2 M PA Russ? Reis? 9/12 M PA Triffes? Levi 37 M Mines coal Wales Williams Wm? D. 25 M Mines coal Wales Morgan Evan 19 M Mines coal Wales Richards Thomas 28 M Mines coal Wales John 25 M Mines coal Wales Davis David 21 M Mines coal Wales P 17 UPPER LEHIGH ONLY 111 Goldon Martha 29 F Keeps house England James 8 M PA Evan 6 M PA Sarah A. 5 F PA William 3/12 M PA Cook Charles 35 M Laborer England Jones Lewis 21 M Laborer England Price Philip 19 M Laborer England Thomas 17 M Laborer England 112 Boyle Hugh 38 M Laborer PA Mary 30 F Keeps house PA Mary 14 F PA Rosanna 12 F PA Dennis 9 M PA William 6 M PA Frank 4 M PA John 1 M PA Harriet 23 F Housekeeper PA 113 Duffy Patrick 28 M Laborer Ireland Catherine 28 F Keeps house Ireland Patrick 5 M Ireland Mary 4 F PA Margaret 5/12 F PA Casomil(?)* Patrick 30 M Laborer Ireland *Camnush?* 114 Fairie James 29 M Mines coal Ireland Mary 23 F Keeps house PA Charles 4/12 M PA Frank 22 M Mines coal Scotland Furey Barney 37 M Mines coal Ireland O'Bryan Patrick 23 M Mines coal Scotland O'Neal Arthur 30 M Mines coal Ireland 115 Keenan Andrew 40 M Mines coal Ireland Mary 30 F Keeps house Scotland Henry 16 M Scotland Sarah 10 F Scotland John 6 M PA Andrew 4 M PA Charles 2 M PA Logan Michael 30 M Mines coal Ireland Blaney Daniel 30 M Mines coal Ireland P.55 NAME age sex occupation birthplace 381 Lathrop, Solomon? 68 M Shoemaker PA Merilla 40 F Keeps house NY Ramsey Julia 40 F Dressmaker PA Lathrop ? 30 F PA John 8 M PA Mable 7 F PA Julia 1 F PA 382 McKinley James 30 M Eckley Coal Co. PA Ann 29 F Keeps house PA Harry 3 M PA Matilda 1 F PA Henry 60 M Laborer Ireland Mary 53 F Ireland Flemming ? 18 M PA Hogg Samuel 18 M PA 383 Williamson William 50 M Ireland Matilda 55 F Ireland James 25 M Train Dispatcher PA William 21 M Stationery Engineer PA Henry 17 M PA 384 Wagner Andrew 30 M Laborer Germany Louissa 26 F Keeps house PA Fredrick 7 M PA Lewis 5 M PA John 3 M PA Elizabeth 1 F PA Drill Henry 33 M Germany 385 Arnts? Fredrick? 50 M Butcher Germany Henrietta 46 F Keeps house Germany Rudolph 23 M Butcher Germany Alan? 19 M Butcher Germany Emma 16 F Germany Catherine 11 F PA Mary 21 F Dom. Servant? Ireland 386 Gilon Benjamin 45 M Mines coal Wales Mary 41 F Keeps house Wales Theophilis 19 M Wales Reise 17 M Wales Owen 15 M Wales P. 56 Phineas 12 M PA Deborah 10 F PA Alice 8 F PA Ann 8 F PA Amelia 6 F PA John 4 M PA William 2 M PA 387 Davis John 60 M Laborer Ireland Mary 60 F Keeps house Ireland Samuel 20 M Laborer Ireland Boyle George 23 M " Ireland McCabe Conily 24 M " Ireland Kenedy Andrew 27 M Statioonery Engin. Ireland Cuningham Frank 24 M Mines coal Ireland Manelis? Dimorick? 24 M " Ireland 388 Manely Alexander 45 M Laborer Ireland Mary 37 F Keeps house Ireland John 15 M PA George 13 M PA Susan 11 F PA Mary 9 F PA Andrew 7 M PA Margaret 2 F PA 389 Griffis Thomas 27 M Mines coal England Mary A. 26 F Keeps house England Ellen 2 F England Charlotte 8/12 F PA Hays Charles 42 M Mines coal England Francis 32 M " England 390 Deitz Valentin 38 M " Germany Anne 38 F Keeps house Germany John 6 M PA Eliza 4 F PA Conrad 2 M PA 391 Davis John 30 M Mines coal Ireland Louissa 22 F Keeps house Ireland Andrew 1 M PA Taglenton? William 35 M Mines coal Ireland 392 Probert William 18 M Laborer Wales Ann 37 F Keeps house Wales P.57 John 16 M Laborer PA Richard 12 M PA Mary A. 10 F PA Elizabeth 7 F PA Elias James 5 F PA Margaret 4 F PA Martha 5/12 F I would Like to thank June Nessler For the Generous Donation to Luzerne Genweb.

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 Mary Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator

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