1870 Exeter census page

These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky

  NAME               AGE        OCCUPATION              BIRTHPLACE
McCluskey James      43         Coal miner              Ireland
          Mary  A.   33         Keeps house             New York
         Catherine   15                                 PA
         Anna        10                                 PA
         Ellen        7                                 PA
         Elizabeth    5                                 PA
         Henry       12                                 PA
         James        3                                 PA

Jones    Thomas     32    Inside foreman/coal mines     Wales
         Mary       22    Keeps house                     "
         Annie       1                                  PA
Richard  John       23    Inside laborer/coal mines     Wales
Watkins  Griffen    25      "       "      "            Wales

Brown    James      60    Without Occup.                England
         Sarah      32    Keeps house                   England
         William     6                                  PA

Mayhon   Ambrose    46    Farming                       Ireland
         Elizabeth  47    Keeps house                   Ireland
         James      23    Farm hand                        "
         Samuel     21    Machinist                        "
         Elizabeth  14                                  PA
         Rebecca    12                                  PA
         Hannah      9                                  PA
         Sarah       4                                  PA

Poland   Albert    53    Blacksmith&farmer              PA
         Lydia     50    Keeps house                    PA
         Alpheus B.28    Works for R.R.                 PA
         Charles G.23    Clerk/grocery store            PA
         David B.  21    Works for R.R.                 PA
         Franklin  19    Blacksmith                     PA
         Albert M. 17    Farm hand                      PA
         Samuel    15       "                           PA
         Edward    12                                   PA
         Ruth A.   10                                   PA
         Mary E.    8                                   PA
Megennis Mary      18   Domes. Serv.                    Ireland

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This Census was donated by June Nessler.

©1996-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors

 Mary Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator

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