This is a continuation of the Drifton, Foster Co. PA 1870 census schedule.
These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky
NAME AGE OCCUPATION BIRTHPLACE 219 Bray? John 39 M Mines coal Wales, Laug-?- Mary Anne 24 F Keeps house " Thomas 2 M PA Benjamin 3/12 M PA 220 Coldon James 40 M Mines coal Ireland Margaret 38 F Keeps house " Hugh 12 M PA Mary 12 F PA Rosanna 10 F PA 221 Beufield Richard 51 M Mines coal England, Glouster Mary 46 F Keeps house " William 20 M Mines coal " George 17 M " Henry 12 M " Sarah A. 10 F " John 7 M " 222 McDonel Henry 32 M Mines coal Scotland Esther 30 F Keeps house England Robert H. 10 M PA George 2 M PA Flora 4/12 PA 223 Mellon John 29 M Mines coal Ireland Ann 28 F Keeps house New York Mary 2 F PA John 1 M PA 224 Detrich John 24 M Fireman PA Sarah 21 F Keeps house Illinois Emma 2 F PA J--?-- 9/12 M PA 225 Evins Joseph 30 M Mines coal England Sarah 31 F Keeps house " Mary 7 F " George 6 M " Sarah 5 F " James 3 M " p.32 Eleanore 5/12 M PA 226 Terry Thomas 35 M Mines coal England Catherine 30 F Keeps house " Thomas 6 M PA Mary 3 F PA John 9 M PA Corah 1 F PA 227 Johnson John 23 M Fireman PA Mary 21 F PA Hannah 6/12 F PA 228 Hall John 25 M Mines coal England Sarah 20 F Keeps house " Stephens Israel 44 M Mines coal England, Darbyshire Anne 19 F Keeps house " 229 Stuart Doukin? 30 M Carpenter Scotland Linsay 23 F Keeps house " Elizabeth 1 F PA James 4/12 M PA Galiger James 40 M Ireland Elizabeth 39 F Scotland 230 Dodson David 41 M Laborer PA Elizabeth 35 F Keeps house PA Alonzo 14 M PA Emma 4 F PA Cathrine 2 F PA Wagner Daniel 26 M Carpenter PA Sanold? John 18 M Laborer PA 231 McDonel Robert 30 M Mines coal Scotland Mary 26 F Keeps house PA Lydia 4 F PA Gertrude 1/12 F PA Mary 2 F PA 232 Shipley David 65 M Supt. Ast? New York Ellen M. 56 F Keeps house Rhode Island Julia a. 25 F New York John N. 21 M Clerk in store New York Fuller H.L. 49 M Supt. Jeddo CC Massachussetts Mary 40 F New York Logan Bridget 18 F Domestic serv PA p.33 238 Galiger Edward 47 Laborer Ireland Catharine 47 Keeps house " James 14 " Mary 12 " John 10 " Patrick 8 " 234 Burton John 37 Mines coal England Louissa 43 Keeps house " George 20 Connecticut William 12 PA Elisabeth 8 PA David A. 17 PA Borobale? 12 M PA William F. 10 PA Elisabeth 8 PA Isabella 6 PA John E. 4 PA Penelope 5 PA Mary 1/12 PA Smith Jacob 77 Retired miner England,Darbyshire Jane 73 " Margaret 36 PA 236 Harvey John 45 Mines coal England, Devonshire Hariette 44 Keeps house " Sarah I. 16 Wales Glau-?- John 14 " George 12 " Mary A. 7 " Greer Alexander 23 Mines coal England Pethro Stephen 25 " Wales Bartel James 18 Laborer England Palmountan B. 33 Mines coal England Cradick James 23 Laborer " Dopson Anthony 35 Mines coal " 237 Hock Conrad 39 Laborer PA p.34 Sarah 42 Keeps house PA Sarah 14 PA George 10 PA William 5 PA Mary 3 PA Joseph H. 4/12 PA Manir? John 20 Laborer PAThis List was donated by June Nessler.
©1996-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual
Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator
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