These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky
NAME AGE SEX OCCUPATION RE VALUE PER VALUE PL. OF BIRTH **** *** *** ********** ** ***** ********* ************ BLACKMAN, Paul 51 M Laborer 100 PA " , Julia 28 F England RIELY, Charles 33 M Laborer 100 Ireland " , Mary 31 F " " , Patrick 11 M PA " , Catherine 9 F " " , Charles 7 M " " , Frank 3 M " " , Mary I. 1 F " WHEELER, James 23 M Laborer 600 NY " , Harriet 20 F PA " , Emily 6/12 F " " , John 71 M Gentleman NY " , Elinor 69 F " WARFELL, William 29 M Conductor 1,500 200 PA " , Mariah 20 F " " , Carrie 2 F " " , William 11/12 M " STEVENS, Ann 23 F 100 PA " , Fred 2 M " HOGGLE/NOGGLE?, John 64 M Laborer 1,500 200 PA " , Jane B. 67 F England BARTON, David P. 35 M Master Machinewright 3,000 400 NY " , Mahitable 35 F PA " , Arrabelta? 8 F " " , Leander 4 M " " , David 8/12 M " " , Josephine 15 F " WIDNER, Peter W. 34 M Carpenter 1,000 200 NJ " , Ruth 26 F PA " , Francis 5 M " " , Jane B. 3 F " " , Claira 1 F " DERBY, Chancy 52 M Farmer 700 200 PA " , Esther 42 F " " , Mary 17 F " " , Wilham H. 14 M " " , Andrew 13 M " " , Miner? 11 M PA
©1996-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual
Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator
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