These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky
NAME AGE SEX OCCUPATION RE VALUE PER VALUE PL. OF BIRTH **** *** *** ********** ** ***** ********* ************ CAIRLY, Thomas 53 M B. & L. Maker Ireland " , Mary 36 F Dom. " " , Maria 17 F Dom. PA " , Thomas 11 M " " , James 8 M " " , Bridget 6 F " O'DONNELL, James 40 M Grocery keeper 200 Ireland " , Margaret 29 F Dom. PA " , Mary E. 6 F " " , John 5 " " , Joseph 3 " KINBACK, Mathias 35 M Cabinet maker 300 Hesse Darnstadt? " , Gertrude 28 F Dom. " " , Henry 10 M " " , John 6 M " " , Francis 3 M PA KINBACK, Julius 37 M Cabinet maker 500 500 Hesse Darnstadt? " , Minnie 25 F Dom. Hanover? " , Amelia 9 F PA " , William 2 M " " , Louis 6/12 M " LAIR, John S. 33 M Merchant 4,000 8,000 Scotland " , Elizabeth 31 F Dom. PA " , Archbald 12 M " " , Harriet 10 F " " , George 6 M " KINBACK, Julius 9 M " NARY, Bridget 17 F Servant PA LAIR, John 3 M " HOWELL, John 35 M Merchant 3,500 8,000 Wales " , Mary A. 28 F Dom. " CAVANAGH, Mary 24 F Servant Ireland CAREW?, Francis 37 M R. C. 400 Ireland " , Mary 39 F Dom. " " , Ellen 29 F " " PRENDERGATT, Edward 17 M Student of Divinity " WHEELER, Ruben 30 M Teamster 100 NY " , Harriet 25 F Dom. PA " , Orrin 8 M " " , Levi 4 M " " , George 2 M " " , John 8/12 M " KEARNS, Patrick 40 M Miner 100 100 Ireland " , Mary 38 F Dom. " " , Martin 14 M PA " , Mary 12 F " " , Bridget 10 F " " , Thomas 8 M " " , Patrick 7 M " " , James 4 M " " , Catharina 2 F " " , Bridget 75 F Dom. & Widow Ireland MOLLOY, Anthony 44 M D. L. 100 Ireland " , Winfred 38 F " " , Mary 14 F PA " , Edward 10 M " " , Catharine 7 F " " , Bridget 5 F " " , William 2 M " COMMONS, Bridget 45 F Dom. & Widow Ireland " , Rodger 20 M D. L. " " , Mary 18 F Dom. " " , Bridget 15 F Servant " " , Andrew 19 M D. L. " (Unoccupied) KILCULLIN, Patrick 48 M Miner 100 50 Ireland " , Bridget 35 F Dom. " " , Bridget 12 F PA " , John 10 M " " , Domnick 9 M " " , Catharine 6 F " " , Thomas 3 M " " , James 6/12 M " GILMARTIN, Thomas 30 M Miner 100 50 Ireland " , Catharine 25 F Dom. " " , Ann 8 F PA " , Thomas 6 M " " , Mary 4 F " FLANNERY, Thomas 63 M D. L. 100 Ireland
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Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator
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