These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky
Name Name Adkin,Patrick Fuller, Thomas Astley, Josiah D. Ford, Richard Ayers, Mary Frantz, John Baker, John Farrell, William Brown, William Fellowe,William Brown, Patrick Fry, Francis Black, Patrick Free, Lawrence Barrett, Patrick Frear, Charles Bellkeelen, Owen Fuller, Charles Brown, Patrick Flinn, James Bear, Nicholas Golden, John Bombgardner, John Garrety, Patrick Bodle, George Gamon, John Brown, Solomon Gilligan, Dennis Baldwin, John Gallaghan, Thomas Bogle, Ralph Gillespie, Peter Brees, Lott Gallaghan, Anson Brees, Freeman Grouse, Joseph Barber, William Gallaghan, John Barber, Peter Gardner, Mary Bilbee, John Gedney, John Connelly, Thomas Gardner, Ira Connelly, James Gardner,Samuel Cosley, Martin Gardner, Richard Conway, Edward Goodwin, Henry Curry, Hugh Goodwin, John Crenston, Bartholomew Good, Samuel Connelly, THomas Gardner, Benjamin Collighan, Hugh Goodsell, William H. Collighan, John Goble, Ezekiel Collighan, John Goble, Timothy Conner, Patrick Goodwin, David Cullican, Patrick Hughs, Edward Conway, Michael Haley, Michael Cummins, Patrick Halan, Matthew Corkins, Thomas Hart, Hugh Currigan, Felix Haly, John Cafrey, Michael Holgate, Henry Conner, Patrick Hawk, William Conner, Daniel Hart, Patrick Collum, William H. Hann, Patrick Carver, Samuel Hart, John Culver, Lewis Harrington, Patrick Culver, John Hunt, Peter Colbaugh, William Heller/Keller,John Coolbaugh, Aaron Hand, Thomas Coolbaugh, Peter Hand, Owen Carey, Earl Hand, Edward Cortright, Henry Hart, Henry Cortright, Burton Hart, Michael Carpenter, Baltsar Harlowe, Phillip Chapin, Charles Hoover, Joseph Duffy, James Hicks, George Doland, James Holmes, Alvan Donly, Patrick Halberton, James Devine, Robert Holly, Horace Donahue, Andrew Hadsall, Edward Doland, James Hadsall, James Daken, Michael Harding, Daniel Dersheimer, John Harding, James Duffy, Patrick Hadley, Isaac Deshimer, Jacob Hadley, Thomas Drehr, Philip Hatfield, Thomas Drake, Robert M. Harris, Stephen DeWitt,John Hoover,Michael Donelly, Luke Hoover, Andrew Dymond, Elihu Hulbut, Lyman Dymond, Isaac Herus, Charles Dymond, John Irwine, Thomas Dymond, Joseph Ingersoll, Artimedorus Engle, Christian Ingersoll, Myron Engle, Morris Jackson, Joel Eaton, Robert Jones, Gilbert W Ellison, Samuel Jones, Lewis Fleming, Thomas Jones, Lewis Jr Fogle, John Jones, Lord Flood, Peter Jackson, Abner Flinn, Michael Jenkins, Benjamin Flood, John Jenkins, John Folley, Charles Jones, Daniel Felter, Joseph Jacobs, William Finn, Thomas Jacobs, John Freil, Patrick *Elizabeth Jenkins collecting Rev. War. Pension-100 yrs or over Foland, Daniel Kelgammon, John Freal, Patrick Kean, Thomas Foley, Matthew Keilinharer, George Fagan, Patrick
©1996-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual
Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator
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