These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky
Allen, Richard
Andreas, John
Andreas, Peter
Best, Michael
Baugh, Jacob
Bright, John
Biseline, George
Bitterly, George
Biseline, Jacob
Biseline, Michael
Bellar, Conrad
Bundidge, [?]
Butterbach, George
Barnes, John
Bowman, Samuel
Balliet, Stephen
Balliet, Abraham
Butz, John
Charles, John
Carver, Jacob
Cool, John
Cawley, John
Clinger, George
Corfs, [?]
Crouse, Frederick
Clase, Peter
Clase, John
Clase, Jacob
Drumheller, Jacob
Drum, George
Drum, George
Drum, Jacob
Drum, Philip
Decker, Andrew
Dornback, Samuel
Dornback, William
Earroh, Jacob
Foster, Amos
Filman, Jacob
Foos, Jacob
Foos, Jacob Jun
Featherley, Jacob
Flomerfeld, Isaac
Fraign, George
Fetter, Jacob
Fetter, Jacob
Getting, Henry
Gilmore, James
Hess, William
Horn, Isaac
Hoefiger, Jacob
Harman, Conrad
Harman, Ira
Heller, Jeremiah
Heller, Jacob
Hutton, [?]
Hunsinger, John
Hunsinger, John
Hunsinger, Bernard
Hutton, Martin
Hunsinger, Solomon
Hunsinger, Barnard
Hunsinger, Paul
Hunsinger, Peter
Jackson, Benjamin
Knouse, Michael
Keefer, John
Klotz, Abraham
King, George
Koons, Michael
King, George Jun.
K[?], Michael
Kister, Conrad
Kister, Nicholas
Kister, Nicholas
Kooker, George
Lewis, Francis
Lomeson, James
Lines, Valentine
Lawley, Edward
Lames, John
Levingberg, Frederick
Millard, Paul
Mowrey, Andrew
Mowrey, Andrew
Mochamer, John
Mullroney, Michael
Micheline, Jacob
Menich, John
McMurtrie, John
Mill, John
Murray, Archibald
McCarty, James
McMurtrie, Joseph
Mace, Jacob
Mace, Jacob Jun
Miller, William
McNeil, John
Moyer, Philip
Menish, Abraham
Miller, Abraham
Miller, John
Miller, Andrew
McNeal, John
Oplinger, Henry
Owens, Redmond
Osterdach, George
Oxrider, George
Oxrider, Andrew
Paugh, Nicholas
Parke, Joseph
Parke, Peter
Parlett, Elias
Pislor, John
Putterbach, George
Pislor, John
Ruggles, Peter
Ruth, Jacob
Roth, Philip
Rittenhouse, John
Ryerson, Jacob
Rittenhouse, Martin
Rupert, Charles
Snyder, Conrad
Sheider, Peter
Steel, David
Spayd, Jacob
Santee, John
Sine, Isaac
Stocker, Peter
Shraeder, Michael
Strahm, [?]
Seiwell, John
Smith, James
Staner, Abraham
Shadle, Christian
Seiwell, Harry
Sewell, Valentine
Shellhamer, Daniel
Smith, John
Shellhamer, Philip
Smith, Phinahas (?)
Shellhamer, George
Shover, John
Shiner, James
Scott, Charles
Sasger, Daniel
Troy, C. John
Troy, Thomas
Tharp, John
Thrasher, John
Thrasher, Jacob
Thrasher, George
Wenner, George
Wenner, George Jun
Woodring, David
Woodring, Philip
Woodring, Samuel
Winner, Christian
Winter, Henry
Wharnboldt, John
Winner, George
White, Samuel
Wenner, Daniel
Winter, Adam
Weaver, Anthony
Wolf, John
Wolp, Andrew
Word, Andrew
Youells, James
Yost, Samuel
Young, Henry
Yost, Philip
Yost, Henry
I would Like to thanks Dan McCallus For the Generous Donation to Luzerne
Genweb. ©1996-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual
Contributors Mary
Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator
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