1820 Exeter Twp --LUZERNE CO.

These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky

Name                         Name               
****                         ****                
Ayers, Elijah                Keeler, Sarah
Arnold, Grant                Linch, David
Bird, Thomas                 Larnard, Theophilus
Baber, Peter                 Lutz, John
Brees, Let                   Lutz, Peter
Baldwin, John                Lewis, Oliver
Buckeley, Jonathan           Lowrey, Joseph
Bowman, Henry                Lewis, Oliver Jr.
Comstock, Zebulon            McMullen, John
Cooley, Peter                McMullen, Alexander
Coolbaugh, William           Montanye, Andrew
Cober, David                 Munson, Walter
Casley, Judah                Mack, Clutsey
Comstock, Manna              Morgan, Harmon
Crabb, Jonathan              Morgan James K.
Chapman, Charles             Nephus, Jonathan
Cleveland, Uriah             Norton, Caleb
Dimon, John                  Ogden William
Dickson, Jesse               Phillips, Hosea
Decker, Abraham              Phoenix, James
DeWitt, John                 Phoenix, Abraham
DeWolf, Wyllys,              Polen, William
Dennis, John                 Parks, Asher
Dent, Joseph                 Ray, William
Fuller, Charles              Roberts. Enoch
Fell, Joseph                 Smith, Isaac
Goodwin, Abraham             Schooley, John
Goble, Ezekiel               Swartout, Alexander
Gardner, Richard             Swetland, Ebenezer
Gardner, John                Smith, Roswell
Harris, Elisha               Smith, Benjamin
Hadsell, John                Slocum, Laton
Harris, Elisha               Safford, Joseph
Hadsell, Amasa               Smith, Obadiah
Hoover, Conrad               Smith, John
Harris, Stephen              Schooley, Joseph P.
Harding, John                Smith, Nathan
Harding, John Jr.            Smith, Isaac
Harding, George              Shaw, Comfort       
Harding, Isaac               Sutton, James
Harding, Hiram               Asa Stutton
Harding, Isreal              Swartout, Joshua E.
Harding, James               Sickler, William
Halsted, Jacob               Sickler, John
Hadsell, Stephen             Sickler, William Jr.
Hadsell, Stephen Jr.         Sickler, James
Hadsell, James 2nd           Sickler, John
Hadley, Samuel               Sickler, William 2nd
Hadley, Thomas               Schooley, Nathaniel
Harding, Stephen             Smith, Elias
Hunouslop, John              Shakelos, Nicholas
Jenkins, Benjamin            Townsend, Levi
Jenkins, Franklin            Thompson, Adam
Jenkins, James               Townsend, Benjamin
Jenkins, John                Townsend, Peter
Jones, Lewis                 Townsend, Avery
Jackson, Henry               Van Loon, Abraham
Jackson, Abner               Whitlock, Gould
Ingersol, Artemadous         Willem, Jabez
Kelly, Arthur                Wilson, Uriah
Kern, Henry Jr.              Wyman, Phineas
Kern, Henry                  Weaver, Matthew
Kern, George                 Wise, John
Keller, Hannah -Wid          Wise, Jacob
Koontz, Joseph               Wilcox, Isaac
Thanks to Muriel Caillau for this contribution to the Luzerne County GenWeb Page.

1820 Windham Twp --LUZERNE CO.

Name                         Name               
****                         ****                

Arnold, Stephen              Huin, Asa
Atkins, Isaiah               Hayden, Samuel
Adams, Ebenezer              Harris, Edward   
Adams, Augustus              Harris, James
Adams, Aaron                 Harris, Ebenezer
Ashcraft, James              Harris, James
Allen, Ebenezer              Hammond, Nathaniel
Allen, Elias                 Knopenger, Edward
Adams, Noah                  Kasson, Asher
Adams, Syril                 Lott, Isaac
Adams, Gilbert               Lake, Eleazer
Allsworth, Timothy           Lott, Stephen
Ames, Elisha                 Love, John
Arms, Philip                 Love, Alexaander
Barical, William             Lott, Leonard
Beers, Daniel                Maynard, Elijah
Bowman, Uriah                Mowrey, Jonah
Burgess, Joseph              Miller, Christopher
Burgess, Joseph              Miles, John
Burgess, Park                Milledge, James         
Myers, Jacob                 Nash, Gideon
Bowman, Elijah               Palmer, Eden
Bowman, Walter               Parke, Russell
Bowman, Alphius              Potter, Jesse
Baracliff, William           Prentice, Thaddeus
Bull, William                Prey, Hezekiahxxxed off(Eaton)
Billings, Decker             Robinson, Amasa
Carney, Frederick            Rogers, Alpheus
Carney, Joseph               Rogers, Josiah
Carney, Samuel               Rogerson, William
Carney, William              Ross, Solomon
Champin, Henry               Robinson, Gerard
Dull, Isaac                  Ross, Solomon
Dimock, Solomon              Robinson, Royal
De Wolf, Amasa               Robinson, Charles
Decker, Billings             Robinson, Ruel
Ellis, Solomon               Robinson, Eliakim
Ellis, John                  Root, Samuel
Ellis, Jesse                 Sawyer, Ephraim
Ellis, Levi                  Scouten, William
Ellis, James                 Stranger, Philip
Edwards, Ely                 Stephens, Asa
Ellis, Solomon               Sturdevant, Rachel
Estill, David                Sturdevant, Jesse
Fassett, John                Smith, William
Fassett, Josiah              Smith, Joseph
Frost, Stephen               Summers, Sylvester
Frost, Nathaniel             Spalding, John
Fassett, Jasper              Swetland, Joseph
Fassett, Daniel              Swetland, Archibald
Fassett,Reuben               Vose, Thomas
Fassett, Elihu               Vose, Lemuel
Fassett, Elijah              Vose, Oliver
Farr, Benjamin               Vaughn, William
Green, Timothy               Whipple, Barnabus
Graves, Richard              Whipple, William
Graves, Asa                  Windell, Henry
Garey, Ambrose               Windell, John
Garey, Ambrose               Whaley, Susannah
Garey, Ebenezer              Whitney, Jno.
Garey, Seyour                Whitney, Asa
Gilbert, Gay                 Whitney, Ransom
Gay, Ebenezer                Whitcomb, John
Gay, Horace                  Whitcomb, Timothy
Grist, George                Whitcomb, Solomon
Grist, Thomas                Winslow, Perry
Grist, John                  Williams, Abraham
Heath, Anson                 Williams, William
Harm, John
Hollenback, Uriah
Harris, Emmor
Thanks to Muriel Caillau for this contribution to the Luzerne County GenWeb Page.


Name                         Name               
****                         ****                

Ablro, Pierce                 Reynolds, Ezra
Bacon, Nathan                 Reynolds, Daniel
Bacon, Timothy                Reynolds, George Jr
Bacon, Timothy Jr.            Rose, Benjamin
Baker, Wilson                 Rosse, Samuel
Baker, John                   Raught, George
Baker, Artimas                Raught, Leonard
Bailey, William Jr.           Ruggles, Nicholas
Carpenter, Stephen            Raught, Jacob
Capwell, Russell              Roberts, Caleb
Capwell, Frederick            Raught, Jacob Jr.
Capwell, Haldrom              Reynolds, Robert
Capwell, Daniel               Reynolds, George
Capwell, Jeremiah             Stephens, Elphalet
Capwell, George               Stephens, Livd?
Carpenter, William            Stephens, Ebenezer
Comstock, Freeman             Stephens, William
Capwell, Hannah               Slaton, Ebenezer
Carpenter, Benjamin           Stephens, Eliaphlet Jr
Coud, Isaac Jr.               Stark, Charles
Dan, Philip                   Stephens, Jesse
Felton, Henry                 Smeed, Asa
Felton, George                Steel, John
Felton, Jacob                 Steel, Andrew
Felton, Christian             Squires, Stephen
Farnham, Eliab                Simmons, John
Garey, Ezekiel                Stephens, Ebenezer Jr.
Garey, Samuel                 Stephens, Eliaphalet L.
Halsted, Samuel               Smead, Zabina
Halsted, Lemuel               Squires, Anthony
Hill, Wanton                  Smith, Elisha
Hayden, Milton                Stone, John
Jayne, Samuel                 Spencer, Benjamin
Knight, Daniel                Torjse, John
Miles, Noah                   Thomas, Lewis
Marcy, John                   Taylor, Solomon
Miller, Abraham               Taylor, David Jr.
Miller, Peter                 Taylor, David
McCracken, Thomas             Thomas, Jesse
Madison, Elisha               Thomas, Ezra
Moore, Hampton                Thomas, John
Madison, Josiah G.            Taylor, John
Obel, Michael                 Vincent, Aaron
Oakley, Samuel                Wilkins, John
Osterhout, Webster            Wilber, Samuel
Osterhout, Hiram              Wilber, Woodbury S.
Orbin, James                  Woodruff, John B.
Price, William                Welch, Eve
Price, George                 Willcox, Ebenezer Jr.
Roberts, Asahel               Wilkins, John
Reynolds, Stephen             Wakefield, Jesse
Thanks to Muriel Caillau for this contribution to the Luzerne County GenWeb Page.

1820 Northumberland Twp --LUZERNE CO.

Name                         Name               
****                         ****                
Adams, David                   Lutz, Peter
Albrew, Samuel                 Mann, Cyrus
Brace, Elijah                  Moore, Margaret
Brace, Elijah Jr.              Montross, Reuben
Brace, Daniel or David         Nulty, Jacob
Brace, Luther                  Newman, Margaret
Brundidge, John                Newberry, Josiah
Blair, Zack                    Owen, William
Calkins, Darius                Owen, Isaac
Combain, William               Page, Ephraim
Crowman, Isaac                 Pace, Thomas
Curl, George                   Pace, David
Clark, Phillip                 Pace, John
Champlin, William              Parks, Moses
Culver, Rueben                 Parrish, Samuel
Culver, James                  Parrish, Elihu
Coolbaugh, Peter               Page, Lett
Decker, Benjamin               Rogers, Rhoda
Decker, Abraham                Rogers, Almon
Dimon, Matthew                 Rogers, Ariel
Dimon, Matthew                 Rogers, Wheeler
Dimon, William                 Rogers, Uriah
Eallsworth, Avery              Rogers, Josiah
Fuller, Ambrose                Ross, William
Fuller, Chauncey               Rider ? , Moses
Fuller, Harry                  Strong, John
Ferguson, John                 Sug___land, Durland
Finia, Matthew                 Strong, John
Fassett, Josiah                Shafer, Peter
Ferguson, John                 Slaughter, Jared ?
Ferguson, Abraham              Sicklor, John
Fitch, Gideon                  Sicklor, William
Fitch, John                    Vincent, John
Gallup, William                White Jesse
Harris, Isaac                  Wecks, George
Holly, Daniel                  Weed, Ziba
Jacques, Robert                Winter, William
Jackson, Cyrus                 Winter, John
Jackson, George                Whitlock, Lewis
Ketter, Asa                    Williams, William
Kelly, Arthur                  Wilsey, John
Konkle, Conrad                 Wheelock, Daniel
Loomis, Sherman                White, John
Lee, Ashbel                    Wilson, John
Lockwood, Daniel               Winter, William
Thanks to Muriel Caillau for this contribution to the Luzerne County GenWeb Page.

1820 Braintrim Twp --LUZERNE CO.

Name                         Name               
****                         ****                
Alden, William F.              Lacey, Daniel R.
Allen, Hubbard                 Lacey, Ebenezer
Angel, Daniel                  Lake, David
Beeman, Judson                 Lum, Daniel
Bunnell, Solomon               Lacy, Isaac Junr.
Bunnell, James                 Mowry, Ezekiel
Bunnell, Isaac                 Mapes, Samuel
Brewer, Francis                Miller, Jacob
Beeman, Ebenezer               Morehouse, Thomas
Bobcock, Nathan                Marshall, Thomas
Champin, Henry V.              Mann, Elid or Eliel
Christy, Jerusha               Mapes, Elizabeth
Cogswell, Edward               McMillen, Jotham
Carney, John                   Osterhout, Isaac
Carney, James                  Overfield, Nicholas
Carney, Jesse                  Overfield, Paul
Coon, George                   Overfield, Paul 2nd
Crawford, Alpheus              Price, Dimon A. XXXcrossed out
Clink, William                 Pepper, Francis
Cogswell, Edward               Potter, Ebenezer
Carney, Frederick              Russell, Alban
DeWolf, Elisha                 Russell, Alban, Junr.
Daley, John                    Rathbone, Erastus
Dana, Francis                  Skinner, Wait S.
Downing, William               Sterling, Daniel
Ellis, Sarah                   Sterling, John
Ellsworth, Leonard             Shoemaker, David
Ellis, Nathan L.               Sturdevant, Samuel Junr.
Gay, George                    Sturdevant, John
Gaylord, Ambrose               Sturdevant, Eli
Gray, Jacob                    Sturdevant, Elisha
Hopkins, Thomas                Shoemaker, Justus
Johnson, Rosewell              Shoemaker, Lud
Jenkins, Thomas                Shoemaker, Justus
Jayne, Abraham                 Smith, John
Jayne, John                    Smith, John
Keeney, Richard                Tunele, James B.
Keeney, Lyman                  Woodcock, Cornelius
Keeney, Chester                Whitcomb, Ira L.
Keeney, Ira                    Wheeler, Joseph B.
Keeney, Abel                   Wicd___William
Keeney, Joshua                 Wilson, Adam Jr
Lacy, Isaac
Thanks to Muriel Caillau for this contribution to the Luzerne County GenWeb Page.

1820 Tunkhannock --LUZERNE CO.

Name                         Name               
****                         ****                

Avery, Cyrus                   Kipp, James
Adams, Aaron                   Lewis, Albert
Avery, Miles                   Lathrop, Nehemiah
Avery, Zebulon                 Lovelace, David M.
Avery, Solomon                 Lyman, Gideon
Auger, Joshua                  Lewis, George
Armstrong, Elisha              Loflin, Elikam
Ackerson, Robert               Leonard, John
Avery, Caleb                   Marcy, Zebulon, Junr
Brown, Jacob R.                Mollison, John
Barnes, James                  Miller, Thomas
Billings, Samuel               Monroe, Samuel
Bowen, Charles                 Morehouse, David
Brooks, Joel                   Matthewson, James
Billings, Daniel               Matthewson, EsockXXXcrossed off
Baker, Solomon                 Mace, Henry
Bunnell, John                  Marcy, Abel
Bunnell, Catherine             Marcy, Nicholson
Brimhall, William              Mollison, Asa
Buckingham, John               Mollison, James
Bardwell, Daniel               Mollison, John
Billings, Jasper 2nd           Millidge, Levi
Briggs, Frances                Mollison, Acksa
Billings, Jasper               Marcy, Zebulon, Senr.
Ball, Amos                     Marcy, Zebulon
Ball, David                    Mattuson, John
Bates, Joshua                  Newman, Eunice
Childs, Holeber                Nobles, Charles
Camp, Gorden                   Otis, Charles
Camp, Ebenezer                 Osterhout, David
Carey, Thomas                  Osterhout, John
Camp, James M.                 Osterhout, Henry
Cooper, Benjamin               Ozias, Anthony
Chapfield, John                Oakley, Robert
Comstock, Robert               Potter, Ebenezer XXXcrossed out
Comstock, Gorden               Phillips, Cornwall
Camp, Joseph                   Phelps, William
Camp, Ezekiel                  Prevost, John
Cannen, Anson                  Phonix, John T.
Crawford, Benjamin             Phelps, Ira
Delong, John                   Patterson, Jesse
Davidson, James                Phelps, Bishop
Davidson, Daniel               Post, Joseph
Davidson, Abel                 Post, Isaac
Dickson, Elijah                Patrick, William
Dickson, Marshall              Patrick, Abel
Dickson, Lewis                 Patrick, David
Daley, Samuel                  Philo, Gilbert
Daley, Joseph                  Robinson, Joseph
Dickson, Lewis                 Rider, Mary
Daley, Samuel                  Rosencranse, John
Daley, Joseph                  Spinkes, Charles
Dickson, Lewis                 Shaw, John
Daley, Samuel                  Smith, Isaac
Daley, David                   Smith, Felton
Delong, John                   Sickler, Jacoby
Decker, John                   Smith, William
Decker, Isaac                  Smith, Anna
Earl, Benjamin                 Stonier, Thomas
Earl, Joseph                   Shaw, Increase
Evans, George                  Stark, Samuel
Ely, Erastus                   Stark, Nathan
Filow, Asher                   Shelby, Jacob
Ferry, Luman                   Sherwood, Phineahas
Fielding, John                 Sherwood, Matthew
Fitch, Nathaniel               Stage, William
Feonia, John                   Smith, Triton
Ferry, Ebenezer                Slocum, Isaac
Farr, Benjamin                 Shaw, Daniel
Fosbury, Isaac                 Sickler, Philip
Gurner, John                   Shaw, William
Grow, John                     Stark, Oliver
Grow, Danford                  Stark, William
Goodale, Hannah                Stark, John
Hitchcock, Carter              Shaw, Nehemiah
Hitchcock, Noah                Squires, Stephen and Arch
Heize, Henry                   Stark, William 2nd
Hines, Alfred                  Sickler, Reuben
Hale, Richard                  Stage, John
Holmes, Abraham                Tinkham, Nehemiah
Headley, Samuel                Townsand, Amy
Hollister, Nathaniel           Taylor, Thaddeus
Hudson, Hiram                  Taylor, Noah
Heize, Henry                   Thatcher, John
Hubbard, Sylvester             Taylor, Aaron
Jenkins, Jabez                 Taylor, Joseph
Jackson, Nathan                Vosborough, Jacob
Jackson, William               Vosborough, Daniel
Jayne, William                 Vosborough, Abraham
Jayne, David                   Williams, John M.
Jackson, William, Junr         Whitmore, Samuel
Jenkins, Thomas                Willcox, Isaac
Jenkins, Benjamin              Williams, John C.
Johnson, Anthony               Wiley, Jacob
Jones, Catherine               Williams, John
King, Stephen                  Welch, Richard

Thanks to Muriel Caillau for this contribution to the Luzerne County GenWeb Page.

©1996-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors

 Mary Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator

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