P Surnames
History of Luzerne County, Pa.,
by H.C. Bradsby, 1893
HUGH PACE, miner, Inkerman, was born in Carbondale, Lackawanna county, June 20, 1847, and is a son of Hugh and Ellen (Burke) Pace, natives of County Mayo, Ireland; they reared a family of eight children, of whom our subject is the fourth in order of birth. He received his education in the common schools, and came to Luzerne county in 1852. He went to work in the mines in 1857, in 1863 became a laborer, and since 1865 has been employed by the Pennsylvania Coal Company as a miner. Mr. Pace was united in marriage May 6, 1866, with Mary, daughter of Peter and Hannah (Kilmartin) Hunt, natives of County Mayo, Ireland, which union was blessed with the following issue: Mary, born September 12, 1871; Theresa, William, Thomas, Agnes, Alfred and Ellen. Our subject is a member of the Catholic Church, also of the St. John Literacy and Benevolent Association, and the A. O. H. In politics he is a Democrat, and has served as school director one term; from 1875 to 1878; he was again elected in 1890 for the term of three years.
THOMAS PARCELL, a prominent citizen and real estate owner, Miners Mills, was born in Monmouthshire, South Wales, August 1, 1833, and is a son of James and Winnie (Morgan) Parcell, the former of whom was a miner. They reared a family of seven children, three of whom are yet living, viz.: Thomas, who is a subject of this sketch; William, living in Wales; and Elizabeth, who married David Morgan, a miner in the western part of the United States. After the death of his father, his mother married John Jones, by whom she had five children. Our subject came to America in 1864, worked about the mines in Wilkes-Barre seven weeks, and then removed to Pittston, where he was employed in the mines six years, and then operated a shirt factory twelve years. In 1864 he came to Miners Mills, and built his present residence, also, afterward, several double blocks. Mr. Parcell was married, October 12, 1857, to Miss Margaret, daughter of William and Mary (Thomas) Williams, natives of Wales. Nine children have been born to this union, five of whom are yet living, viz.: David, a miner in Mill Creek; Elizabeth (Mrs. Henry Reese); Ishmael, a miner in Oakwood; William, a clerk in Parsons; and Mary J. (Mrs. Thomas Davis). Mr. and Mrs. Parcell are members of the Methodist Episcopal and Welsh Congregational Churches, respectively; in his political views he is a Prohibitionist. For eight years he has lived in retirement.
THOMAS PARK, farmer, Lehman township, was born February 3, 1826, and was reared and educated in the County of Westmorland, England. He is the son of Joseph and Hanna (Kilner) Park, both of whom were born in England; the father was a thrifty English farmer and lived o be seventy-two years of age, dying in his native country. His family consisted of eight children, all of whom grew to maturity, and are now living. Thomas is the youngest in the family, and in early life worked at the mason=s trade. He came to this country in 1850, at the age of twenty-four, and located in the State of Indiana, where he remained five years, working at his trade. Not liking the country nor its climate, however, he returned eastward in 1855, stopping at Lehman, where he purchased of Abraham Ryman and William Allen a farm of 100 acres, about half cleared. By industry and perseverance he soon conquered the forests and caused the place Ato blossom as the rose.@ He built two new houses, one for himself and one for his son, besides out-buildings. In 1860 Mr. Park married Miss Jane, daughter of James and Eleanor Shepherd, by whom he has two children: Joseph S. and Ella T. Joseph married Miss Florence A. Park, by whom he has one child. Mrs. Jane Park was born in England in November, 1836, and came to this country when she was about six years of age. Mr. Park is a general farmer, and a prosperous one, but pays special attention to butter making. His stock is fine, consisting principally of Jerseys. His surroundings indicate thrift, good taste and intelligent management. Mr. and Mrs. Park are members of the Church of England. Politically, he is a Democrat.
REV. N. G. PARKE, who was graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary in the spring of 1884, and immediately entered on his work, as minister of the gospel, in Lackawanna Valley, in connection with the Presbyterian Church, is a son of the Rev. Samuel Parke of York county, Pa., the grandson of Joseph Parke, who was a colonel in the army of Washington, in the Revolution, whose home was in Chester county, Pa., near Parkesburg, the ancestral home of the Parke family. His mother was a daughter of the Rev. Nathan Grier, one of the early graduates of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and pastor for many years of the Brandywine Manor Presbyterian Church, in Chester county; and granddaughter of Robert Smith Esq., who was prominent in public affairs in southern Pennsylvania in colonial times, and by his counsel and money greatly aided the colonies in their struggle for liberty; he was also the grandfather of Mrs. Judge Darling, mother of Dr. Henry Darling, late president of Williams College, and of Mrs. Harris, mother of Joseph Harris, the president of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company. Through the marriage of the said Robert Smith to Miss Emma Vaughn, the Welsh and the Scotch-Irish blood was made to mingle in a large family of which N. G. Parke was one. He came to Luzerne county on the invitation of the Rev. John Dorrance, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Wilkes-Barre; and very much of the success that attended his early ministry was due to the wise counsel and efficient help of Dr. Dorrance, who with the Rev. Richard Webster, of Mauch Chunk, did for many years efficient pioneer work for the Presbyterian Church in this part of Pennsylvania. The first work accomplished by the young minister was the building of a Presbyterian house of worship in Pittston. This house was dedicated in the fall of 1846, and was the first house of worship erected in Pittston township, which at that time embraced the territory between the townships of Plains and Providence. In the fall of 1846 Mr. Parke was called to be the pastor of the Pittston church, which included those attached to the Presbyterian Churh order in the Valley of Lackawanna, including Scranton. He was at the same time received asa licentiate by the Presbytery of Luzerne, from the Presbytery of Donegal, and ordained and installed pastor of the Pittston church; a position he still holds after a ministry of forty-nine years and a pastorate of forty-seven. Believing, as Mr. Parke did, that he was called to preach the Gospel, he has devoted himself to that work while he has had the satisfaction of seeing almost a score of Presbyterian churches grow up around him, and among them some of the strongest churches in the State. His vacations have been spent for the most part in Europe and California and in the South. He, with the Rev. Dr. Hickok, of Scranton, represented the Presbyterian Church of the United States, before the Free Church and the U. P. Church of Scotland in the spring of 1867, in the days of Guthrie and Candlish and Dr. Duff. For more than a score of years, he has been an active member of the board of trustees of Lincoln University, and of the board of trustees of the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute. In 1847 Mr. Parke married Miss Ann Elizabeth Gildersleeve, daughter of W. C. Gildersleeve, a leading merchant in Wilkes-Barre, and son of the Rev. Cyrus Gildersleeve, one of the early pastors of the Wilkes-Barre church. Mr. W. C. Gildersleeve, was a pronounced and fearless Abolitionist, and at one time was mobbed and ridden on a rail through the streets of Wilkes-Barre, for sheltering fugitive slaves in his home. He lived to see slavery abolished. He was born and raised in Liberty county, Ga., and through his mother, who was a Norman, was connected with some of the leading slave holding families of Georgia. He was a half-brother of Thomas Quarterman. The children of Mr. Parke are as follows: W. G. Parke and Dr. C. R. Parke, of Scranton; S. M. Parke, Esq., of Pittston, and Mrs. T. H. Atherton, wife of T. H. Atherton, Esq., of Wilkes-Barre. Mr. Parke was graduated from Jefferson College in 1840 before he was 20 years old. In 1884 he received thee degree of D. D. from his Alma Mater, and now, after a ministry of almost half a century among the same people, is still active in every department of parish work. His home is among the pleasant ones that line the Susquehanna, in West Pittston, and his church, repeatedly depleted by new organizations, is still vigorous with a Sabbath-school numbering between four and five hundred. He was associated with the Hon. George Earle, LL. D., of Washington, D. C., and the Rev. Daniel Hughes, D. D., in the preparation of the history of his college class that appeared in 1890, fifty years after graduation. Those who know the history of Mr. Parke=s ministry, and have observed his work, do not hesitate to give a very large share of the credit for his success to Mrs. Parke, who in her quiet way, has made and still makes her power felt for good in every department of Christian and Samaritan work.
S. M. PARKE, attorney at law, Pittston. This gentleman, who stands in the front rank of young attorneys of Luzerne county, was born in Pittston, May 4, 1859, a son of Rev. N. G. and Annie E. (Gildersleeve) Parke. Of a family of four children, he is the third. Mr. Parke passed his boyhood in Pittston, obtaining his rudimentary education in the schools of the place. At the age of seventeen years he entered the Hill Academy, of Pottstown, Pa., where he remained one year. In 1878 he entered Yale College, and in 1882 graduated from that institution with the degree of A. B.; then entered the office of G. R. Bedford, a prominent attorney of Wilkes-Barre, and pursued his legal studies for a period of three years. In June, 1885, he was admitted to the bar, and for about one year was in an office in Wilkes-Barre; then removed to Pittston, and established himself permanently in that city. Being among friends who had known him from childhood, he soon secured a fair practice, and as his careful and conscientious labors in his clients= interests have rendered him generally successful, his business has been constantly increasing. Coming, as he does, from splendid stock, there is in store for him a brilliant and successful future. He is a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Pittston; politically he is identified with the Republican party.
CHARLES PARRISH, of Wilkes-Barre, is a descendant of Dr. Thomas Parrish, who was born in 1612, settled in Massachusetts in 1635, and was made a Freeman in 1637; he was a physician of note, and was for a time employed in the custom house; afterward went to Nayland, County of Suffolk, England where he died. By his wife Mary, he had five children; one of these, Thomas, was graduated from Harvard College in 1659; another, John, who was an original proprietor of Groton, Mass., was the ancestor of Charles Parrish. He was appointed surveyor of Groton in 1680, a member of the land committee; Sergeant and Ensign of the Militia, 1683; Constable 1684; Selectman 1686-1690; Deputy to the General Court 1693. He moved to Stonington Conn., 1712, and died in 1715. His son, Isaac Parrish, born 1698, was married March 31, 1720, to Margaret Smith, of Windham county, Conn. He was appointed Lieutenant of the first trained band of Windham county, May 1, 1745, served through the French and Indian wars, and died in 1764. His son, Archippus Parrish, born in Windham, October 10, 1735, was married March 10, 1763 to Abigail Burnap, daughter of Jacob and Abigail (Clark) Burnap, of Windham. Abigail Clark was a daughter of Jacob and Rebecca (Huntingdon) Clark, of Lebanon, Conn.; her grandfather, Capt. William Clark, was with Samuel Huntingdon, Representative to the General Court from Lebanon. Capt. William Clark, who was married in 1680 to Hannah Strong, daughter of Elder John Strong, of Windsor, Conn., was a son of William Clark, of Dorchester, Mass., who was Deputy of that town in 1663, and a Lieutenant in King Philip=s war. Col. Joseph Clark, who was distinguished at Bunker Hill, was a son of Joseph and Rebecca (Huntingdon) Clark. Hon. Samuel Huntingdon, a nephew of Lieut. Samuel Clark, and a cousin of Rebecca (Huntingdon) Clark, was a member of the Continental Congress 1776-80. Archippus Parrish removed to North Mansfield (now Storrs) Conn., about 1766, bought land and established a tannery; here the family stood very high in the estimation of the community, Abeing much respected,@ as is found in the church record. By his wife, Abigail Burnap, he had five children, the fourth of whom was Archippus, born in Windham, January 27, 1773. He was married August 12, 1806, to Phebe Miller, daughter of Eleazer and Hannah (Mills) Miller, of Morristown, N. J., who was in the Revolutionary war. She was a granddaughter of Thomas and Margaret (Wallace) Miller, and a niece of Col. Eleazer Lindsley who was distinguished for his service in New Jersey during the Revolutionary war. The family consisted of nine children, four of whom are living, and of whom Charles is the youngest. Archippus Parrish was later engaged in business in New York City, where he accumulated a handsome fortune, and in 1810 removed to Luzerne county, bringing with him about thirty thousand dollars which he subsequently lost by bad investment and speculation. He first embarked in the mercantile business, but a few years later became the proprietor of a hotel on the east side of Public Square, where he remained principally till his death, which occurred in October, 1847, when he was aged seventy-four years. He was a man of the most sterling character, and died deeply lamented by all who knew him. This house, at the time of its occupation by Mr. Parish, was the principal hotel of the town, and furnished the best accommodations in the Wyoming Valley. It was here that the representative men of the Valley, many of them Revolutionary veterans, sojourned when they visited Wilkes-Barre. They came on horseback, for the day of what was called the ADearborn Wagons@ had not yet dawned. And it was at this place that the solid old gentlemen of those days rehearsed the many thrilling adventures and trials of the early settlement of the Valley.
CHARLES PARRISH, was born in Dandaff, Susquehanna Co., Pa., August 27, 1826. Having received the ordinary education of the boys of that day in Wilkes-Barre grammar school, he was, at the age of about fifteen years, placed in the store of Ziba Bennett, a prominent merchant of the town. He remained in this establishment in the capacity of clerk, and later as partner till 1856, since which time he has been extensively engaged in coal operating and speculating in coal land. The public mind about this time had become aroused to inquiring into the prospective value of anthracite coal; it was the subject of conversation, but this quiet, unobtrusive man, of few words, but of constant thought and untiring energy, astonished his friends and associates with the magnitude as well as the success of his operation. The Wyoming Valley was the grand center, and Mr. Parrish had the capacity of brain, the breadth of enterprise, and energy of purpose to turn the advantages presented to his own account and make of this once and beautiful valley, and the green mountains which surround it, a laboring man=s metropolis to which people from all parts of the world have come to seek their fortunes. He owned the Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Company, of which he was President for twenty years; and every acre of the great domain of this company, west of the mountains, was selected and purchased under his direction. The combination of the different companies, mines, railroads and canals, was the conception of his brain, and mainly the work of his hands; and it was the persevering labor of years to bring it about. Some of the charities which he incorporated into the mining system are worthy of note, and of them, though discontinued now, must be mentioned: While President of the Wilkes-Barre Coal & Iron Company he prevailed upon his employees to allow the entire wages of one day in each year to be retained for the purposes of constituting a fund for the relief of disabled men of the mines and their families; upon the condition that the company should set apart, for the same purpose, the proceeds of the mines, of one day in each year and in this way a yearly charity is amassed of some fifteen thousand dollars, form which many wants have been provided for and much suffering relieved. But it is not alone in mining operations that the influences of his views were discernible. During his seven years of his Presidency of the borough, and afterward city council, the first well-paved and lighted streets, the fire apparatus, and an efficient police of the town all indicate his handiwork. He took an active part in raising and equipping volunteers for the service during the late Rebellion. Probably no man in the city did more in this particular than he. He built several of the railroads leading out of Wilkes-Barre, and it is universally conceded that he has done more toward developing the rich coal fields of the Valley, and bringing its products into touch with the markets of the world, than any other man. He was for twenty years President of the First National Bank of Wilkes-Barre, and is now President of the Parrish and the Annora Coal Companies; a Director of the North and West Branch Railroad, and has been a Director of the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Company since 1868. He has been instrumental in organizing and bringing many large industries to Wilkes-Barre, and he still has an interest in many of them. Mr. Parrish was married June 31, 1864, to Miss Mary Conyngham, eldest daughter of Hon. John M. Conyngham, L. L. D., of Wilkes-Barre, the issue of which happy union is three children living: Anna Conyngham, Eleanor Mayer and Katherine Conyngham. Mr. Parrish and family worship at the Protestant Episcopal Church, of which his wife and daughters are members; he is a member of the Sons of the Revolution, and is a Republican in his political views.
ELI PARRISH, farmer, P.O. Dallas, was born, November 11, 1842, reared and educated in Wyoming. He is a son of William and Eleanor (Sweetland) Parrish, the former born October 3, 1817, the latter March 31, 1818, both in the Wyoming Valley. William was a son of Ebenezer, a native of Connecticut, who came to this country in its early settlement, and whose father was a soldier in the Revolutionary army. Ebenezer located in the Valley, where he was an extensive farmer, an influential citizen, and a public-spirited man, one who had the full confidence of his peers. He was honored by most all the town offices, which he discharged with credit. He reared a family of ten children, all of whom became good and loyal citizens and industrious men and women. He lived to be eighty years of age. His son, William Parrish, was born in Kingston, and began active life in Wyoming as a farmer on 160 acres of land, and, like his father, he was an honest, sober and upright citizen, and, while looking after his own interests, was never known to defraud others. He and his wife are now enjoying the decline of life in the beautiful borough of Wyoming; the former at the age of seventy-two, the latter at the age of seventy-three years. In politics he is a Democrat. His children numbered ten, eight of whom grew to maturity and are now living. Eli is the second in the family, and has always confined himself to farming. He always resided in the Valley until January, 1889, when he purchased a farm of 150 acres, from Chester White, of Dallas. On August 10, 1866, he married, at Carverton, this county, Miss Sarah Jane, daughter of Samuel and Ruth Ann Jackson, of that place. They have had four children, three of whom are now living.
E. W. PARRISH, farmer, P. O. Idetown, was born in Wyoming county (then a part of Luzerne) near Evans Falls, August 25, 1820, a son of Elihu and Elizabeth (Pierce) Parrish, the former born in Connecticut, the latter in Plymouth. Elihu was a son of Capt. Ebenezer Parrish, of Revolutionary fame, who served faithfully all through the Revolutionary struggle for independence and equal rights. After a life of usefulness and loyalty, he died at the advanced age of eighty-eight years. His son, Elihu, began business in Kingston as an agriculturist, on a farm of 180 acres, and was a man of influence and worth in his day. He was honored with the office of squire for about twelve years, being appointed by the Governor, a practice that was prevalent in those days. He was born in 1780 and died in 1837. His family, by two marriages, numbered seven children, three of whom are now living. The subject of this sketch is the fourth by the first marriage. He was reared and educated at Evans Falls, Wyoming county, and in early life learned the millwright's trade, at which he worked only a short time, his preference being for operating mills rather than building them. He followed the vocation of sawyer for twenty-six years, confining himself to lumbering in some capacity all his life. He moved from Wyoming county to Luzerne in 1883, locating on the near approach to that beautiful sheet of water "Harvey's Lake". He owns a farm of thirty-six acres of fertile land, and in his management of it proves himself a practical farmer. Since his residence in the county he has been honored with several town offices which he has filled with credit to himself and the satisfaction of his fellow citizens. On October 28, 1841, Mr. Parrish, at the age of twenty-one, married Miss Eleanor, daughter of Rev. Abraham and Betsy Frear. Of this marriage were born twelve children, nine of whom grew to maturity, and of whom the following are now living: Edith H., who married Edwin Cook, a farmer; Margaret E., who married John Surben, a farmer; Mary E., who married Michael Reilly; C. V., who married Miss Annie Tannery; Lydia A., who married J. A. Headsel; Alice J., who married James P. Fisher; Ruth E., who married E. W. Terrel, and E. R., unmarried. Mrs. Elearnor Parrish died April 3, 1889, at the age of sixty-nine. Rufus F., a deceased son, served in the army; first, in the three months' service in which he was wounded, and after his discharge he re-enlisted, this time in Company F, Fifty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, was captured at Weldon Railroad, and finally died in Salisbury (N.C.) prison.
JOSEPH W. PATTEN, hardware merchant, plumber, gas and steam fitter, Wilkes Barre, was born in Pottsville, Pa., May 7, 1841, and is a son of William and Jane (Weightman) Patten, natives of England. His father came to America about 1822, locating in Pottsville, Pa.; thence in 1850 removed to Plymouth, where he engaged in the coal business and resided until his death in 1857. His children were six in number, as follows: Elizabeth (Mrs. John P. Fell), Catherine (Mrs. Stephen Brew), Joseph W., William, Eliza (Mrs. James Woodring) and Jennie (Mrs. Robert Shoemaker). Our subject was reared in Schuylkill and Luzerne counties, and was educated in the public schools of Plymouth and at Wyoming Seminary, Kingston. He then served a four years' apprenticeship at the machinist trade, and from 1858 to 1866 (with the exception of the time he was in the army) followed his trade as a journeyman and foreman; from 1866 to 1873 he was outside foreman of J.H. Swoyer's mines. In 1873 he embarked in his present business, in which he has since successfully continued, ranking among the substantial business men of the city. On May 12, 1880, he was married to Lydia, daughter of Daniel (Gould) Van Scoy, of Wyoming, and they have one daughter, Lydia. During the Civil war Mr. Patten responded to Lincoln's first call for troops, and served three months in Company C, Eight Pennsylvania Regulars. When he was honorably discharged (in 1862) he re-enlisted, this time in Company E, Eighty-fourth P.V., and was honorably discharged after nine months' service, as orderly sergeant. In 1864 he again joined the army, on this occasion as first lieutenant of Company E, One Hundred and Ninety-seventh P.V., served one hundred and ten days, and was then mustered out of the service. Mr. Patten is a Republican, and is now serving his third term as councilman of the Seventh Ward of Wilkes Barre. He is a member of the G.A.R.
JAMES PATTERSON, retired, Trucksville, was born in Orange county, N.Y., January 10, 1815, son of Henry and Olive (Irwin) Patterson; the parents were supposed to have been natives of New York State. They removed to this county about 1817, locating in the Valley near Pittston. Henry served in the army of the United States during the war of 1812; in 1818 he enlisted in the standing army at Sacket's Harbor. His wife Olive died in December, 1817, when James was only three years of age, so his knowledge of his parents is limited. Their family consisted of three children; James is the second of the family in order of birth, and the only surviving member. He was reared and educated in Pittston, and in early life followed lumbering for about fifteen years. October 17, 1841, he married Miss Lucinda, daughter of William and Elizabeth Honeywell; to this union were born six children, five of whom grew to maturity, four of whom are now living: Olive A., Elizabeth, William H. and Clara. Mrs. Lucinda Patterson was born in Dallas, September 28, 1820, and died February 5, 1890. Mr. Patterson removed to Trucksville in 1866, where he engaged extensively in the wheelwright business, carrying on both the wood and iron department with marked success until 1887, when his health became impaired. During this time he was also engaged in mercantile business. Mr. Patterson is a worthy gentleman, in good standing in society. He has held several township offices; he is a member of the M.E. Church, holding the offices of trustee and class-leader in that body. Politically, he is a Democrat, with Prohibition proclivities.
WILLIAM H. PATTERSON, merchant, Wyoming borough, was born June 12, 1848, in Wyoming county, a son of James and Lucinda (Honeywell) Patterson, also natives of Pennsylvania, and of Scotch and English origin, respectively. His father, who was a wheelwright, reared a family of five children, four of whom are now living. Our subject was the fourth in order of birth, and began life for himself at twenty-one years of age, painting in his father's shop, where he remained for five years; he then engaged with J. P. Rice as clerk in a general store at Trucksville, Pa., for one year, then with D. R. Prendergast, of Kingston, for two years; J. D. Green, of Wyoming, for two years; Whiteman & Patterson, for five years; and with John Bowden, of Ashley, for one year. He then returned to Trucksville, where he opened a general store, and served as postmaster for two years and six months. Mr. Patterson then closed out and moved to Wyoming, where he formed a partnership with J. I. Shoemaker; this lasted till 1889, when he purchased Mr. Shoemaker's interest, and has since conducted this business under the firm name of W. H. Patterson & Co. Our subject was married, September 5, 1880, to Miss Georgia, daughter of Robert R. and Martha (Caterson) Frear. This happy union was blessed with one child, Robert James, born July 20, 1881, now at school at the West Side Academy. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson are members of the Methodist Church. He is a member of the I.O.O.F.; in politics he is a sound Democrat, and since 1887 has been borough treasurer.
ROBERT S. PATTERSON, who was in his lifetime a prominent farmer of Huntington township, this county, was born May 22, 1816, on the farm where he lived and died, which is at present operated by his widow and son. He was a son of Thomas and Mary (Dennison) Patterson, natives of Scotland and Pennsylvania, respectively. His grandparents moved to the south of Ireland, where Thomas was reared and educated, coming to America at an early age. The latter, who was a school-teacher, purchased the present Patterson farm in 1805, and died April 29, 1844, at the age of sixty-nine years. He was a son of Ezekiel and Elizabeth (Smiley) Patterson, the former of whom was a son of Archibald and Aleveah (Montgomery) Patterson, the latter being a sister Lord Montgomery, of Scotland. Robert S. Patterson was the eighth child in a family of ten, three of whom are now living. He was reared on a farm, and educated in the public schools, and began life for himself, at the age of twenty-one, as a coal dealer in New Jersey, following this until the death of his father, when he came home and followed farming the remainder of his life. Politically, he was a Democrat, and held the office of postmaster at Harveyville for years, and was also supervisor for several years. Mr. Patterson was married, September 27, 1857, to Miss Minerva, daughter of Sylvester and Susannah (Miller) Trescott, natives, respectively, of Connecticut and Pennsylvania, and of Welsh and German origin, respectively. This union was blessed with five children: Susan A. (wife of Horace Wiant, toll-gate keeper for the Huntington Valley Turnpike Company); Thomas S., who is managing the farm; Mary A., at home; Sarah E.(wife of Charles D. Harrison, a clerk in the Treasury Department at Washington, D. C.); and Richard S., bookkeeper for the Alden Coal Company. Mr. Robert S. Patterson died March 28, 1871, aged fifty-five years. Mrs. Patterson is a member of the Baptist Church; she is a devoted Christian mother, and by her kindness of heart and living disposition has won a host of ardent, admiring friends.
W. E. PATTERSON, butcher, Nescopeck, was born in Fishing Creek township, Columbia Co., Pa., June 26, 1851, son of A. Willett and Sarah A. (Labaugh) Patterson, and is of Scotch and German descent. He was reared in his native county, educated in the common schools, and after attaining his majority worked at the plasterer's trade ten years. In 1881 he located at Nescopeck, and embarked in business as a butcher, in which he has since successfully continued, and is the owner of the principal business block in the village. On July 4, 1879, he was married to Mary A., daughter of Jacob and Margaret (Deitrick) Harter, of Nescopeck township, and a descendant of pioneers of Luzerne county. By her Mr. Patterson has three children: Maggie I., Walter M. and Carrie E. Our subject is a live and enterprising citizen of Nescopeck. He is a member of the P.O.S. of A. and K. of M.; politically he is a Democrat.
HENRY T. PATTON, farmer, P.O. Lehman, was born in Hanover township, Delaware county, December 14, 1850. He is a son of William and Jane (Wilson) Patton, both of whom were born in Ireland, and emigrated to this country about 1840, first locating in Philadelphia. The father was a weaver by trade, which he followed for a number of years. He was a man of marked ability and strict integrity. He lived to be eighty-eight years old. To William and Jane Patton were born ten children; six grew to maturity, five of whom are now living. Henry T. is the eighth of the family. He was reared and educated in Monroe township, Wyoming county, and in early life worked at the carpenter's trade. In 1879 he married Miss Kate, daughter of J. G. and Caroline O. Sutton. To this union there were born four children, three of whom are now living, viz.: John, Grace and Howard. Mr. Patton moved to this county in 1889 on a farm of twenty-five acres. He has already built a fine and comfortable house, besides other improvements, which show his taste and energy. Politically he is a Republican.
EDWARD F. PAYNE, coal operator, wilkes Barre, was born in Schuylkill county, Pa., and is a son of Edward and Priscilla (Standish) Payne, natives of Pennsylvania and of English origin. Mr. Payne was educated at Jersey City, N. J., and soon after completing his course of study embarked in the coal business at the East Boston Mine, where he acted in the capacity of outside and inside foreman until be was made general superintendent of the colliery. He, with his brother W. G. Payne, then purchased the entire interest from the proprietors, and succeeded them in the business. As a business man Mr. Payne is one of the most energetic and successful in Luzerne county. As an employer he is kind and considerate to those under his charge; and as a man he is courteous and obliging to those whom he meets in a business or a social way. Mr. Payne was united in marriage, June 22, 1876, with Miss Elsie, daughter of George and Ann (Esson) Reith, natives of Scotland. This union has been blessed with four children, viz.: Edith, born June 14 1877; Eddie, who died October 22 1884; Ellen Arline, born September 28, 1885 and Bruce B., born April 27, 1889. In politics, our subject is not led by any flaunting display of party colors; neither does he allow party zeal to overshadow that greater element, principle, which he always seeks in every man before pledging his support.
WILLIAM G. PAYNE, coal operator, Kingston. This gentleman ranks among the enterprising and successful business men of Luzerne county, and is at present one of the owners and operators of the East Boston Coal Company, the mine being located at Luzerne. He is also one of the owners and managers of the Pierce Coal Company, and is president of the Dolph Coal Company, both of which are located at Scranton, Pa. In these various mines hundreds of men and boys are employed, the result of their labor being the shipment of many thousand tons of coal yearly to all parts of the globe. The subject of this sketch was born in Schuylkill county, Pa., July 19, 1848, and is a son of Edward and Priscilla (Standish) Payne, natives of Pennsylvania, and of English origin. Mr. Payne received his education in the educational institutions of Jersey City, N. J., and at an early age became identified with Meeker, Payne & Company, wholesale coal dealers, New York City, handling annually over $2,000,000 worth of coal. He is one of the directors, chairman of finance committee, and largest owner of the Consumer's Coal Company, of Newark N. J., who own extensive coal lands in Pennsylvania. Is also one of the directors and principal owner of the Bridgeport Steamboat Company, and president of the People's Steamboat Company, both lines having a large fleet of passenger and freight steamers running from Bridgeport, Conn., to New York City. Mr. Payne, upon coming to Luzerne, entered the employ of the East Boston Coal Company, as clerk, and was soon promoted to secretary and treasurer, in which incumbency he remained but a short time, when he was called upon to fill the important position of superintendent, which he held until he purchased the business and succeeded his employers. On October 6, 1868, Mr. Payne was married to Miss Ellen, daughter of Luther Roberts, of Montreal, Canada, and two children have been born to this union: William T., an enterprising young man, in business with his father, and Blanche E., attending school at Bishop Hopkins Hall, Burlington, Vt. Mr. Payne is a stanch Republican, and was one of Pennsylvania's electors when Harrison was elected president, four years ago.He and his family are communicants of the Episcopal Church.
NEIL PAUL, proprietor of the "Hopeville House", Weston, was born in Carbon county, Pa., December 25, 1852, a son of Charles and Grace (McGinly) Paul, natives of Ireland. The father resided for many years in Carbon county, Pa., was a miner, and was killed by a fall of coal in October, 1872, at Colerain, Pa. His children were six in number, as follows: Catherine (Mrs. Michael North), Neil, Bridget, Bella (Mrs. John Flood), Grace and Annie. Our subject was reared in Colerain, Pa., and educated in the public schools. He has been in the hotel business the best part of twenty years, and has resided in Luzerne county seven years. He kept hotel in Hazleton six years, and has been the popular proprietor of the "Hopeville House" since May, 1892. In November, 1886, Mr. Paul married Elizabeth, daughter of George and Mary (Romick) Sweeney, of Weatherly, Pa., and has five children: Charles, James, Mary, and Grace and Elizabeth C. (twins). Mr. Paul is a member of the Catholic Church; in politics is a Republican.
JAMES H. PEARCE was born in Addison, Steuben Co., N.Y., January 24, 1853, a son of G. W. and Priscilla (Brownell) Pearce, both natives of New York. Their family consisted of two children: Julia L. (Mrs. Harry Jefferies), and our subject, who received a limited education in the common schools, and was reared on a farm until fourteen years of age. He was then employed on a steamer plying on Seneca lake, New York, until 1878, when he came to Pittston, where he has since been employed in various capacities at the Coxton yards. His wife was Maggie, daughter of George Oyster, of Mauch Chunk, Pa., and they have six children: Willie, Cora, Fred, George, Roy and Mattie. The family are members of the Baptist Church, and Mr. Pearce is an active member of the Y.M.C.A.; he has been in the employ of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company over twenty years. In politics he is a Republican, and a strong advocate of temperance principles.
JAMES PEARSON, grocer, Plymouth, was born in Staffordshire, England, January15, 1835, and is the fourth in the family of eight children born to Williamand Catherine (Matthews) Pearson, also natives of England. He worked at ining in England until a young man, when he came to America locating at Plymouth, where he followed mining until 1888. He then opened a small grocery store on Railroad street, which he has since successfully conducted. Mr. Pearson is a member of the Foresters, and in politics he votes the Republican ticket.
LIEUTENANT CHARLES L. PECK, outside foreman at the New Jersey No. 8 Colliery, Ashley, was born in Carbondale, pa., February 7, 1848, and is a son of Joseph W. and Elizabeth R. (Roles) Peck, natives of Pennsylvania, of English and Holland origin, and early settlers in that State; his father, who was a blacksmith by trade, and is now manufacturer and dealer in proprietary medicine, reared a family of seven children, four of whom are living, viz.: Charles L.; Joseph M., locomotive engineer, on Lake Ontario; Chester, brakeman on a passenger train on the D.L.W. Railroad; and Laura (Mrs. John Price, Wilkes Barre). Our subject was educated in the public schools of Carbondale, and then picked slate in the breaker for a year and a half, after which he learned the blacksmith trade and followed it for six years. He enlisted at Carbondale, June 26, 1863, in Company H, Forty-seventh Pennsylvania Emergency Corps, and served three months. He enlisted at Scranton March 31, 1864, in Company H, One Hundred and Eighty-seventh P.V.I., and was discharged August 3, 1865. He then resumed his trade at Salamanca, N.Y., where he remained three years, and then resided at Corey one year; Mayville one year; Pleasantville six months; Mayville (again) six months, and Carbondale two years. He then went to Williamsport, Pa., where he worked in the rubber works for six months, after which he began braking on the Central Railroad of New Jersey, at Penobscot, which he followed fifteen months. He then removed to Ashley and worked in Sugar Notch, and the next spring removed to that place, remaining until 1891, when he returned to Ashley, where, after acting as docking-boss for four months he was promoted to his present position. Mr. Peck was married March 7, 1876, to Martha, daughter of Luther and Susan (Johnson) Ellis, natives of Pennsylvania, and of very early Rhode Island origin; they are both members of the Presbyterian Church, and he is a Republican in politics. He has been first lieutenant of Company A, Ninth Regiment Pennsylvania National Guards, since January 14, 1886.
GALUSHA A. PECK, engineer on the Central Railroad of New Jersey, Ashley, with residence in Hanover township, was born in Clifford township, Susquehanna Co., Pa., August 20, 1858. He is a son of Seril and Rachel (Halstead) Peck, and a grandson of Asher and Polly (Ellis) Peck, who with their son Seril came from New London Conn., in 1818. They settled on a farm in Clifford township, which is still occupied by his son Bela, and the family of his son Asael. The family consisted of three sons: Asael, Seril, Bela. Our subject is also a grandson of D'Alanson and Phebe (Wells) Halstead, who were farmers near Elkdale, Susquehanna Co., Pa. He is a great-grandson of Stephen Ellis, who came from Connecticut in 1810 and settled on a farm near Uniondale, Susquehanna county; he was a pensioner of the Revolutionary war, and died in November, 1847, at the age of eighty-four years. He is also a great-grandson of John and Rachel (Knapp) Halstead, and of James and Catherine (Van Akin) Wells, the latter of whom in 1806 owned a farm where Elkdale now is. James Wells was a native of Minisink on the Delaware, where he had a gristmill from which he furnished flour and provisions for the Revolutionary soldiers; he died in June, 1839, at the age of eighty-nine years, at the home of his son, Eliphalet, Clifford township. The father of our subject, who was a farmer, reared a family of six children, viz.: Nelson H., train despatcher, Newark, N.J.; Henry H., conductor, Scranton; Emily Viola (Mrs. William Shannon, deceased); John B., engineer, Scranton; Sydney A., engineer, Northumberland; and Galusha A. The last named passed his boyhood on the farm, and at the age of seventeen years went to Scranton, and drove a milk wagon for his brother-in-law one year. He then braked on the D.L.&W. three months, and fired two years and nine months, after which he went west and worked on different roads for nine months. Upon his return he fired two years and three months on the Central Railroad of New Jersey, and was promoted to his present position in 1882. He built his comfortable home in 1886. Mr. Peck was married August 21, 1880, to Miss Susie, daughter of Frank and Lucy (Reicheldarfer) Mertz, natives, respectively, of Germany and Pennsylvania, and of German origin. The issue of this happy union has been four children, viz.: Emma Viola, Edna Rachel, Laura May and Frank Seril. Our subject and wife are memebers of the Presbyterian Church. He is a member of the F.& A.M., B. of L.E., and Royal Arcanum, and in politics is a Prohibitionist.
EDWIN R. PECKENS, assistant superintendent of the Delaware & Hudson Canal Company, coal department, Plymouth division, was born at Bridgewater, Susquehanna Co., Pa., June 16, 1831, and is the eldest of three sons born to Thompson and Jerusha (Backus) Peckens, the former of Massachusetts and the latter of Connecticut birth. The subject of this sketch received his education at the Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa., and a higher course of training at Bucknell University, from which he was graduated in the class of 1854. After completing his course he returned to Luzerne county, and kept books for his father at what was known as the Black Diamond Store. The breaker of the Black Diamond was the first one erected in the county, and was built by the father of our subject. After clerking in the store for some time Mr. Peckens was employed in the coal department office at the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Company, and continued there till 1861, when he joined, as a captain, Company H, Fifty-second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, under command of Col. Dodge, and Lieut.-Col. Hoyt, who afterward became governor of Pennsylvania. This regiment had the advance in the whole Peninsular campaign, and was engaged in all the battles connected with that strife. Mr. Peckens served two years, his term of enlistment expiring September 4, 1863. After returning from the war, he accepted a position in the internal revenue office at Scranton, Pa., which was under the supervision of Joseph Scranton. Here he remained three years, and then opened an auction store at Scranton, which he conducted for a short time; then removed to Schuylkill county, where he became superintendent for the Tremont Coal Company; then returned to Scranton and worked for the Northern Coal Company, as clerk under Mr. Albright. There he remained until the Northern Coal Company was merged into the Delaware & Hudson Canal Company, when he was given the position as assistant superintendent, which he has since occupied. He has five breakers under his constant supervision. Mr. Peckens was married, Nov. 22, 1855, to Miss Mary, daughter of Anson and Sarah (Mitchel) Atherton, natives of Luzerne county, and three children have been born to them, viz.: Edwin, who married Emma Keller, at Plymouth (Edwin is coal inspector for the Plymouth Division of the D.& H. Coal Co.); Linda, at home; and Frank, weighmaster for the D.& H. Canal Co. The family attend the Baptist Church. Mr. Peckens is a Republican in politics; he is a member of the F.& A.M.
F. W. PEDRICK, Pittston. This gentleman, who is one of Pittston's most enterprising business men, is a native of Carbondale, Pa., and was born November 3, 1847. He is a son of Enos and Mary A. (Shepherd) Pedrick; the former a native of Lackawanna (now Luzerne) county, the latter of Northampton county and of German and Irish descent. Benjamin Pedrick, the grandfather of subject, wa a native of Germany, and after coming to America settled in New York, where he remained a short time. In 1802 he came to Luzerne county, being one of the early pioneers. Mr. Pedrick was the second in a family of four children, two of whom are now living, viz.: William, who is now in Chicago in the real estate business; and F. W. The subject of this sketch was educated in the public schools of Luzerne county, began life as a brakeman, and shortly afterward was promoted to fireman, in which latter vocation he was engaged when he resigned. In November, 1864, he enlisted in the Eleventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, and was immediately transferred to the Fifteenth Engineers Corps to do guard duty, and in June, 1865, was discharged. His brother William was also a soldier, and while he and William were in the army, their two brothers, James and George, were killed on the railroad. At the close of the war, he returned to railroading, for four years, and then engaged in business in Scranton. In 1877 he came to Pittston as manager for J. D. Williams & Co. in the confectionery and ice cream business, and in 1888 bought them out, since when he has carried on a very extensive business. He has recently engaged in the bakery business, also, is the leading baker of Pittston, and tries to please the public. He was married, in 1867, to Miss Mary A. Root, of Carbondale, and this union has been blessed with three children, viz.: Bessie, Ida and Jenny. Mr. Pedrick is a member of the I.O.O.F. His political views are in hearty accord with the principles of the Prohibition party.
THOMAS PENCE, farmer and dairyman, Wright township, P.O. Mountain Top, was born in Warren county, N. J., March 31, 1854, a son of Martin and Clara C. (David) Pence, both also natives of New Jersey. The father was a farmer, and reared a family of six children, of whom Thomas is the youngest. His father died when he was young and his school days were thus necessarily limited, but, by studying at night, he acquired a good education. He worked on his mother's farm from the death of his father until he was twenty-one years old. He then took a farm for himself in his native county, and worked it for six years, during which time he saved enough money to come to Wright township, where he purchased a farm and gave his attention to poultry-raising and dairy-farming, which he is still following. In November, 1873, Mr. Pence was united in marriage with Catharine A., daughter of John R. and Margaret (Moore) Castner, both Americans. Their union was blessed by three children: Jennie V.; Edgar and Allie M. Mr. and Mrs. Pence and family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of Rippletown, Pa. Mr. Pence is a member of the Royal Arcanum, of Fairview. In politics, he is a Democrat, and has held the office of school director in Wright township four years.
ALEXANDER R. PENNINGTON, merchant and lumberman, Fairmount township, P. O. Fairmount Springs, was born in that township December 30, 1842, a son of Jonathan C. and Phoebe (Tubbs) Pennington, natives of Chester and Luzerne counties, respectively, and of English origin. Jonathan C. Pennington came to Fairmount township in 1827, where he still resides at the age of eighty-eight years. He is a son of Jesse and Rebecca (Culley) Pennington. Our subject, who is the seventh in a family of eight children, four of whom are living, was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. When twenty-one years of age he enlisted in the U. S. army, Company H, One Hundred and Ninety-eighth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Capt. B.F. Gardner. He was with his regiment through the remainder of the war, and was discharged June 12, 1865. He returned to his native township, bought a farm and conducted same till 1869. He then traveled in the western States for one year, when he bought a half interest in his present store, with Charles Good. After one year he sold his interest back to Mr. Good, and was employed in Wilkes Barre for one year, when he and W. H. Moore purchased the store from Mr. Good, and conducted same until 1891, in which year Mr. Moore retired from the business. In 1891 our subject bought a large timber tract, and has since devoted a part of his time to lumbering. He was appointed postmaster in 1875, and has held the office ever since. He married, July 21, 1872, Miss Phoebe, daughter of George and Rebecca Moore, by whom he has one child, Murad D., b orn June 30, 1873. Mr. and Mrs. Pennington are members of the M.E. Church. He is a member of the F.& A.M., I.O.O.F., and G.A.R. Politically he is a Republican and has been treasurer of his township three years, also school director three years.
DAVID PERKINS, manufacturer of candies and ice cream at No. 133 East Marketstreet, Wilkes Barre, and corner of Wyoming avenue and Breese street, Wyoming borough, was born February 28, 1829, in Wyoming, and is a son of John and Unica (Miller) Perkins, natives of Pennsylvania, and of English origin, the former of whom was a farmer and landlord. Our subject is a grandson of David Perkins (who was a farmer at Wyoming), and a great grandson of ______Perkins (who came from Connecticut to the Wyoming Valley in 1768, and was killed by the Indians in 1780). Our subject's father reared a family of six children, three of whom are now living. David being third in order of birth. Our subject was educated in the common schools and at the Wyoming Seminary. At eighteen years of age he began farming on the homestead, which vocation he followed for thirty years; he then devoted fourteen years to fruit growing on the same property, and in 1890 began the manufacture of candies and ice cream at Wilkes Barre. He was married, December 20, 1865, to Miss Christina, daughter of Isaac and Sarah (Woodsum) Lewis, natives of Kennebec county, Maine, and of Irish and English origin, respectively. This happy union was blessed with two children: John L., born April 5, 1870, who is with his father in the candy business; and Sallie A., attending Madame Clare's private school in Philadelphia. Mrs. Perkins is a member of the Presbyterian Church of Wyoming. Mr. Perkins in his political preferences is a stanch Republican.
SMITH B. PERRIGO, farmer, P.O. Huntsville, was born November 20, 1849, in Franklin township, where he was reared and educated. He is the son of William M. and Mary A. (Riggs) Perrigo, both of whom were born in New Jersey, and removed to this county about 1836, locating in Franklin township, where they owned a farm of fifty acres. William Perrigo was a man of honest and industrious habits, and a good citizen. He reared a family of ten children, all of whom grew to maturity, and eight of whom are now living. Smith B. is the sixth of the family in order of birth, and although born and reared on a farm, and naturally a farmer, he has spent much time at mechanical pursuits in the Locomotive Boiler Works in Kingston. He removed to Dallas township in 1884, and settled on a fine farm of forty-five acres, on which he has built a house and barn and made other necessary improvements. He has served as auditor and in other offices, and is a worthy man and a good citizen. May 17, 1877, he married Miss Anna E., daughter of William Allen, by whom he has had five children, two of whom are now living: Albert H. and Milton A. Mrs. Anna (Allen) Perrigo was born in Lake township, July 20, 1848. She is a worthy member, in good standing, of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
CALVIN PERRIN, merchant, Luzerne, was born in Centre Moreland, Wyoming Co., pa., November 28, 1843, and is a son of George and Charlotte (Ferguson) Perrin, also natives of Pennsylvania. Mr. Perrin was educated in his native county, and at the early age of seventeen years began his career as a school teacher, a vocation he followed two years, subsequently serving one year in a store at Orange, as clerk. He then enlisted, August 1, 1864, in the Two Hundred and Tenth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, which was attached to the Third Brigade, Second Division, Third Army Corps. He was promoted to the rank of a non-commissioned officer, and participated in the following battles: Hatcher's Run, October 27 and 28, 1864; Belleville Raid, N.C., December 7 to 11, 1864; Dabney's Mills, February 5 to 7, 1865; Gravely Run, March 27; White Oak Roads, March 31; Five Forks, April 1; Appomattox, April 9; and in all these engagements, although filling the perilous position of standard bearer, he came out unscathed. Mr. Perrin was married, December 30, 1864, to Miss Caroline, daughter of Levi Winters, of Wyoming county, Pa., and they have three children: Howard W., who was graduated at the Wyoming Seminary and Princeton College, and is now taking a course of law at the University of Pennsylvania; Herbert, attending school at Binghamton, N.Y., and Fred, at present with his father in the store, and who recently married Miss Barbara Wallace, of Luzerne. Mr. Perrin is a member of the M.E. Church, of the G.A.R., F.& A.M., and I.O.O.F. In politics he is a stanch Prohibitionist, and votes not for party but for principle.
MORGAN L. PERRIN, insurance agent, Pittston. This successful insurance man was born May 5, 1850, in Kingston township, this county, and is the son of Gurdon and Frances (Lewis) perrin, natives of Luzerne county, Pa. The father of our subject was ingaged in farming and also in mercantile business up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1866. There were four children in his family, namedly: Minnie (deceased), Morgan L. (our subject), Martha (wife of Eugene Bonstein) and Emily. Morgan L. Perrin was educated in the public schools of Pittston, and was engaged in his father's store until the latter's death, when he became identified with the Butler Coal Company, first in the capacity of bookkeeper, afterward as general superintendent of their works, acting in the latter capacity about two years. In 1872 he embarked in the insurance business, and has built up a large connection. He is also engaged in breeding fine horses, and has some of the best blooded stock in the State. Mr. Perrin was united in marriage, May 1, 1870, with Miss Anna, daughter of James and Elizabeth (Furman) Searle, of Pittston, Pa. Mr. Searle was one of the first jewelers in Pittston, and was postmaster under Abraham Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Perrin have been blessed with four children, viz.: Jessie A.; Ralph (deceased), Ella S. and Mary N. The family attend the Methodist Episcopal Church; in politics Mr. Perrin is a Republican. The advent of the Perrin family in America dates back to 1636, when John Perrin came from England and settled in Massachusetts.
JOHN PERRY, farmer, P. O. Carverton, was born in Wales, about 1822, a son of William and Nancy Perry, both of whom were born in Wales. Our subject emigrated to this country about 1849, at the age of twenty-eight, locating first at Pottsville, and afterward in Pittston, where he remained four years, and where his wife kept a small store. Mr. Perry was a miner by occupation, and followed it for over fifty years, both in this and his native country. From Pittston he moved to Carverton, about 1882, and bought a farm of fifty acres which he is improving and embellishing to perfection. He continued to mine until 1886, when he gave it up on account of deafness which interfered with the work. Mr. Perry was married, in Wales, to Miss Anna M., daughter of John and Letissue (Evans) Bowen. Of this union have been born five children, four of whom are living: Mary Ann, born 1850; William H., born 1854; David J., born 1858; and Joseph M., born 1862. Mr. and Mrs. Perry are both hospitable and kind, and are consistent members of the Baptist Church.
MAHLON A. PETER, farmer, P.O. Dorrance, was born in Hollenback township November 12, 1858, son of Jonas and Elizabeth (Whitebread) peter, both of whom were born in Hollenback township. Jonas was a son of John Peter, who was born in Lehigh coutny. He removed to this county about 1818, locating in what is now Hollenback township, on 100 acres of land, part of which he cleared. He died when comparatively a young man, at the age of forty-five years. His family consisted of nine children, two of whom are living. His son Jonas began his active business life in Hollenback township, on another lot of land. He also owned and operated a sawmill, in which he manufactured custom lumber. He was a thrifty, hard-working, honest and industrious man. He held several prominent township offices. Mr. peter was a strict churchman and a member of the Reformed Church, in which he held the offices of elder and deacon. He died July 7, 1890, aged sixty-two years. His wife died in February, 1870, aged thirty years. Their family numbered five children, three of whom are now living. Mahlon A. is the second of the family, and during the greater part of his life has followed agricultural pursuits. He removed to Dorrance township in 1887, on a farm of seventy-two acres, forty of which are under cultivation, a feat accomplished by his own personal industry. In December, 1886, he married Miss Sarah C., daughter of William and Eliza Eroh, and to this union have been born three children, two of whom are living, Earl La Mott and Clarence M. Mrs. Sarah C. Peter was born in Dorrance township February 12, 1859. Mr. Peter is a farmer, practical in all his agricultural undertakings, and well thought of in his township. He is a member of the O.U.A.M. He and his wife are members of the Reformed Church; politically he is a Democrat.
ABRAM F. PETERS, retired lumber merchant, White Haven borough, was born in Lehigh county, Pa., July 25, 1820, a son of Abram and Elizabeth (Fritzinger) Peters, natives of Lehigh county, and of Swiss origin. Mr. Peters was a stonemason by trade. He died, leaving a family of three children, of whom our subject was the third in order of birth. He received a limited education in the common schools, and began life at the age of fifteen as a farm hand, which occupation he followed until 1837. He then engaged with one Stephen Reitsy to learn the tailor's trade, remaining with him for about two years, and afterward worked at his trade in different towns in Lehigh county for about six years. In 1844 he came to White Haven, where he worked one year as a tailor, when he engaged as clerk in the general store of Ruben Schuler for two years. He then boated for a season, and finally, renting a sawmill from the estate of Ruben Schuler, conducted the same until 1869, when he purchased the mill, improved the property, and did a large lumber business until 1888; in this year he retired, owing to the scarcity of lumber. Mr. Peters was married in May, 1848, to Miss Savina, daughter of John and Mary (Houser) Kleckner, natives of Pennsylvania. This union was blessed with three children, viz.: Almina A. (Mrs. W. L. Hoffecker, of Elizabeth, N.J.), Sadilia (Mrs. John J. Baker, of White Haven), and Mahlon G., born March 3, 1857. The latter received his primary education in the common schools and Wyoming Seminary, and afterward entered Cornell University, from which he graduated in 1872. He was made an equal partner with his father in the lumber trade. Mahlon G. Peters was married November 15, 1883, to Joanna Wallace, daughter of Samuel and Effie (Dink) Wallace, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Scotch and German origin, respectively. She was born April 18, 1856, the eldest child in a family of seven children. Mr. and Mrs. Peters have one child, Renie E., born August 15, 1884. The family are members of the Presbyterian Church. Mahlon G. Peters is a member of the F. & A.M., and both he and his father are sound Republicans. The family are among the most respected in the borough.
WILLIAM H. PETHICK, contractor and builder, Wilkes Barre, was born near Bude, Cornwall, England, December 5, 1844, and is a son of William and Dorcas (Barrett) Pethick, who came to America in 1881, locating in Wilkes Barre where they now reside. Their children are: Mary A., William H., James, Harry and Charles T. Our subject was reared and educated in England, served an apprenticeship of six years at the carpenter's trade, and afterward worked as a journeyman in London, six years. In 1871 he came to America and settled in Wilkes Barre, where he was engaged as foreman in the charge of some of the best buildings then being erected. In 1880 he embarked in business for himself as a contractor and builder, in which he has since successfully continued. Among the many churches and business blocks erected under his supervision may be mentioned: S. W. Presbyterian Church; Welsh Baptist and M E. Churches; the Pell block; People's Band ; Meade Street school house; Syndicate block, and many others. On October 6, 1876, Mr. Pethick married Sarah A., daughter of Francis and Selina Bone, of Pittston, formerly of England, and has five children: Jennie, Charles F., Harry G., Hilda and William G. Mr. Pethick is a member of the I.O.O.F., Sons of St. George and Royal Arcanum. In politics he is a Republican.
JOSEPH PETKOSKI, saloon-keeper, Newport township, P.O. Glen Lyon, is a native of Russian Poland, born January 25, 1849. His parents were Thomas and Rosa (Vamanawca) Petkoski, also native of Russian Poland. Thomas died in 1889 at the age of seventy-three, followed by his wife, Rosa, 1891, at the age of 74 years. The subject of this sketch is one of the family of three brothers, Isaac, William and Joseph, of whom Joseph is the eldest. He came to this country on January 8, 1872, landed at New York. He stopped 14 months in New York State, and then came to Newport township, this county, and started in as a miner, an occupation he followed for a number of years. On September 12, 1878, Mr. Petkoski married Augusta, daughter of Christopher and Fannie (Strober) Bowman, natives of Germany, and Russian Poland, respectively; they are both living in Luzerne county, the former at Wanamie, and bilateral at Mocanaqua. The subject of our sketch belongs to the Polish Catholic Church.
HARPER N. PETTEBONE, farmer, Dorranceton, was born March 14, 1857, a son of Noah and Margaret (Speece) Pettebone, natives of Pennsylvania and of French and German origin respectively. Our subject was reared on the farm, educated in common schools and Wyoming Seminary, and at the age of twenty began work for his brother, Noah Pettebone, on the farm, where he remained three years; then engaged with Legrand Speece, an uncle, to learn the bricklaying trade, which he followed four years, after which he settled, as a farmer, on a part of the Pettebone homestead where he now resides. In 1883 he built a splendid home, and in September of the same year was married to a Miss Rhoda, daughter of Thomas and Rhoda (Gunton) Smith, natives of Pennsylvania and of English origin. His union has been blessed to with one son, Warren, now a student at Dorranceton High School. Mrs. Pettebone died July 23, 1884, and our subject was afterward married, January 14, 1886, to Augusta, daughter of Barnes and Elizabeth (Stroh) Bonham, natives of Pennsylvania, the other a miller by trade. Mrs. Pettebone is a member of the M. E. Church of Forty Fort. Ms. Pettebone is a strong Democrat, and is tax collector of the borough of Dorranceton.
NOAH PETTEBONE, farmer, Dorranceton borough, was born August 5, 1838, in Kingston township, a son of Noah (a farmer) and Sarah (Sharps) Pettebone, natives, respectively, of Pennsylvania and New Jersey and of French and English origin. They reared a family of 10 children, seven of whom are living. Our subject was educated in the common schools and Wyoming Seminary, and began life for himself at the age of twenty-five, farming on the Meyers farm, in Forty Fort borough, where he remained one year. He then worked the Raub farm in Kingston three years, and the church farmer, owned by Colonel Dorrance, for eight years, after which he moved on a portion of the old Pettebone homestead farm where he now resides. On January 14, 1864, he was united in marriage with Jane, daughter of George and Sarah (White) Renard, natives of Pennsylvania, and respectively of German and English origin. This happy union was blessed with five bright children, four of whom are now living: Erastus, born January 26, 1866, working on the home farm; Harriet, born January 4, 1869, at home; Benjamin N., born September 7, 1871, attending school at the Keystone Academy, Factoryville Pa., and Cora J., born October 20, 1876, now attending the Dorranceton High School. Mr. and Mrs. Pettebone and their daughters Harriet and Cora are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Forty Fort. Mr. Pettebone has been assessor school director of Kingston township; he has also held the same offices in Dorranceton borough, and is at the present time a member of the borough council. In politics, he is a Democrat, though at present his sympathies are principally with the Prohibition party. He is one of the sound men of his borough, and commands the respect of all who know him.
STEPHEN H. PETTEBONE, farmer, Dorranceton, was born August 11, 1829, a son of the Noah and Sarah (Sharps) Pettebone, of Pennsylvania, being the fourth child in a family of ten, seventh of whom are still living. He is of the English and German origin, and was reared on a farm, receiving his education in the common schools and Wyoming Seminary. At the age of twenty-six Mr. Pettebone rented a farm and engaged in agriculture for a few years, then bought property at Orangeville, Columbia County, where he spent five years, after which he moved to Kingston, thence, four years ago, to Dorranceton, where he now resides, in the pleasant old homestead. He was married January 24, 1854, to Lucinda, the daughter of Joshua and Eleanor (gay) Pettebone, natives of Connecticut and of English descent. The result of this marriage was seven children, of whom by are now living: William T., bookkeeper for the Lehigh Valley Coal Company, married to Jane Bonham; Margaret D., married to James Johnson a farmer; Annie M., married to Harry P. Streeter, a farmer; Edgar R., A civil engineer in the employ of the Wilkes-Barre Coal Company, married to Isabel Hughes; and Jacob S., a student at Cornell University. Mrs. Pettebone is an estimable lady, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Pettebone in politics is a Democrat; he was a school director for three years at Orangeville and Supervisor for Kingston Township two years.
EDGAR R. PETTEBONE, a mining engineer for the Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal Co., was born November 24, 1863, at Kingston, and is a son of Stephen H. and Lucinda (Pettebone) Pettebone, natives of Pennsylvania and the French descent. Our subject was reared on a farm, educated in the common schools and Wyoming Seminary, and at the age of twenty-one began work as mining engineer with Ira Hartwell, of Wilkes-Barre with whom he remained two years and six months; he then engaged with Harry S. Reets (successor to Irving Stearns), for six months, when he accepted his present position. Mr. Pettebone was married, September 27, 1885 Miss Isabel E., daughter of Charles and Esther (Pettebone) Hughes, natives of Pennsylvania and of English and French origin, respectively, the former of whom is a farmer at Catawissa. This happy union was blessed with four children, three of whom are now living, viz.: Allen H., Born July 18, 1887; Stephen C., born June 9, 1889 and Hazel, born September 9, 1891. Mr. and Mrs. Pettebone are members of the Forty Fort Methodist Episcopal Church, and politically, he is a Republican.
J. N. PETTEBONE, butcher and dealer in all kinds of meat, Kingston, was born in Kingston, June 20, 1845, and is a son of Thomas and Anna (Reel) Pettebone, the former and native of Luzerne County, and of New England origin, the latter of Northumberland County, Pa. and of Holland lineage. Mr. Pettebone was educated in the common schools of Luzerne County, and that the age of twenty began life for himself in the butchering business, which he has since successfully conducted in Kingston. He was married December 25, 1865, to Miss Louise, daughter of Lewis Landmesser, of Wilkes-Barre, which union has been blessed with two children, Lewis L. and Margaret. Mr. Pettebone is a member of the F.&A.M. Politically he is a Republican, and was postmaster at Kingston during President Arthur's administration.
PAYNE PETTEBONE. John Pettebone, of French extraction, emigrated from England during turbulent times of all Oliver Cromwell, and was registered as a land holder in Windsor, Hartford Co., Conn., in 1658. On February 16, 1864, he married Sarah Eggleston by whom he had nine children, the three born at Windsor and six at Simsbury, in the same county, whither he removed at the time of the birth of his son Stephen, which occurred October 3, 1669, locating on lands in possession of some of his descendants. The name of Noah Pettebone is found attached to a petition to the assembly of Connecticut dated March 29, 1753, for permission to buy land of the Indians on the Susquehanna at Wyoming. In 1745 he married Hulda Williams by whom he had eight children, all born in Connecticut. He was first at Wyoming in 1769, with his three sons, Noah, Jr., Stephen and Oliver. In 1772 is settled on a meadow lot No. 22, where his descendants have continued in a regular succession to the present, making considerable additions to the homestead. Some time after the massacre the July 3, 1778, he returned to Connecticut and Massachusetts, where his married daughters resided, but after a year or two returned to the homestead at Wyoming, where he died March 28, 1791. The children of Noah Pettebone, all natives of Simsbury, Conn., were: Esther, born in 1747, married William Alworth; Huldah born in August, 1749, married Benjamin Atwater; Noah, Jr., born in November, 1751, married Lucy Scott, May 1778, and was killed in the battle of Wyoming July 3, 1778; Hannah, born in October, 1753, married Joseph Shaw; Stephen, born in September, 1770, was in Sullivan's Army and honorably discharged and after returning to Wyoming was killed by Indians, February 10, 1779, Kingston Flats; Dolly, born in June, 1757, married Timothy Stevens in 1777; Lydia, born in December, 1759, married John Vaugh; Oliver born May 13, 1762, married Martha Paine, December 21, 1783. All of the daughters settled in the Lackawanna region, and had considerable families.
Oliver Pettebone, the youngest son of Noah born May the team 1762, was a boy sixteen years old at the time of the massacre, and with others was in Forty Fort. His second day after the massacre he returned to Connecticut, but subsequently removed to Amenia, Dutchess County, New York, December 29, 1783, where he married Martha, daughter of Dr. Barnabus Paine [family name is now spelled with a y]. They settled on Livingston manor, where three children were born, Oliver, Jr., Esther and Payne. In April, 1788, he returned to Wyoming and purchased the lot adjoining his father's homestead, both of which lots, with added acres, are owned and occupied by his descendants. After his return to Wyoming ten additional children were born to him, and all except two, who died young, raised quite large families. It was a prudent, industrious, systematic farmer, and kept everything in perfect order till his death, March 17, 1832. His wife died December 25, 1833. Their children were: Oliver, Jr., Born September 9, 1784; Esther, September 15, 1785 Payne the January 24, 1787, Joshua, August 31, 1788; Marcia November 3, 1790; Lucy, September 12, 1792; Mary, October 21, 1794; Nancy, November 13, 1796; Noah, July 27, 1798; Huldah February 14,1801; Henry, October 5, 1802 and Martha; December 30, 1804, and Stephen, February 23, 1807.
Marrying Sarah Tuttle, Payne, a son of Oliver Pettebone, was the immediate ancestor of Stoughton Pettebone, a prominent paper manufacturer residing at Niagara Falls, N.Y., born April 9, 1812, and Payne Pettebone, of Wyoming, born December 23, 1813, in Kingston, where Payne Pettebone, Sr., had located his family, his father-in-law (Joseph Tuttle) with his family, having settled on Abraham's creek at the point since known as Tuttle's Mills, where the settlers on their way to the battle of Wyoming stopped for deliberation. When Payne Pettebone was only eight months of age, his father died, and he was left to the care of his maternal grandfather, Joseph Tuttle, where he remained until fourteen, doing the varied and almost ceaseless work of a farmer's boy, and attending the winter schools in the old schoolhouse with slab benches, located near the residence of the late Col. Elijah Shoemaker, his studies being limited to Webster's spelling book, Daboll's arithmetic, the old English reader, and the rudimentary principles of Murray's grammar. For a time succeeding his fifteenth year, he was a tavern boy-of-all-work; but so firmly grounded were his principles of right and propriety that he did not suffer any in consequence of the contaminating influences by which he was surrounded. He was subsequently clerk in a store at Tunkhannock, Wyoming county, from 1828 to 1831, at a pittance of from $5 to $10 per month, where, amid adverse circumstances and in bad society, he preserved his character unblemished; and when his employer at Tunkhannock failed in business, declined an offer to enter mercantile life as a principal in partnership with Colonel Montanye before he was eighteen. Returning to his former agricultural employments with his grandfather, he was soon offered an opportunity to engage on trial for two weeks as a clerk in the store of Swetland & Baldwin of Wyoming. This position he occupied and gave such satisfaction to his employers that his services were retained by this firm, and subsequently by William Swetland, at $175 to $200 per annum and board; and as evidence that he had early learned to appreciate the value of money saved, it is only necessary to state that out of his meager salary he laid up about $100 a year. After the dissolution of the firm of Swetland & Baldwin, in July, 1832, young Pettebone was offered service by each of the partners, and upon considering the advisability of going into another line of business was [proffered an interest in the store of Mr. Swetland; and in September, 1834, entered as an equal partner with him under a contract drawn up by himself, covering less than one page of foolscap, which limited the partnership to such a length of time as the two could agree. This was in September, 1834, before Payne Pettebone had attained his majority. The partnership was so mutually satisfactory that is was dissolved only by the death of Mr. Swetland, September 27, 1864. During the early years of their partnership, they were familiar by every-day labor with all the details of duties which subsequently devolved on porter and junior clerks. To the ties of mutual interest which united Mr. Swetland and Mr. Pettebone were added those of family relationship when, October 3, 1837, Payne Pettebone married Caroline M., daughter of William Swetland, who has borne him six children, two of whom are living. These are Kate, who married A. H. Dickson, an attorney, residing in Wilkes-Barre, and Robert Treat, owner and proprietor of the Wyoming Shovel Works. By the will of Mr. Swetland, the surviving partner was made executor of his estate, which he managed for fifteen years, greatly increasing its value. With the various local interests of the town in which he lived Mr. Pettebone had always been closely identified, and all enterprises having in view the education, evangelization and general advancement of his fellow men had always found in him a willing and liberal supporter. He had never held public office except local township offices, having repeatedly refused the use of his name in nominating conventions when his party was largely in the majority; but with such marked success had he conducted his private business that he had from time to time been burdened with cares of enterprises of a public character. In 1844 he was appointed a member of a committee with Gen. William S. Ross and Jonathan J. Slocum, by the State authorities for the sale of the Delaware division of the Pennsylvania Canal, and aided to effect the sale of the same at Philadelphia. From 1854 to 1863 he was treasurer of the Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Railroad Company, during the trying years of the financial embarrassment of that corporation and construction of the road. During that period occurred the severest strain and pressure of his business life, and he retired from the position only when safety from loss was assured top the managers of the road, who were chiefly friends and neighbors of his. He was subsequently elected a director of the railroad company, and continued in that office until the Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Railroad was consolidated with the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad. Mr. Pettebone has been prominently concerned in various other business and many benevolent, scientific and educational enterprises, representing several as president. Among those may be mentioned the old Pittston Bank; the Wyoming Shovel Works (of which himself and son were sole proprietors); the Wyoming Terra Cotta Works; board of trustees of Wyoming Seminary; Wyoming Bible Society; Wyoming Camp Meeting Association; Forty Fort Cemetery Association, and Wyoming Historical and Geological Society. He was director of the Washington Life Insurance Company, of New York; the First National Bank of Pittston; Wyoming National Bank, and Miners Savings Bank of Wilkes-Barre, and was president and director of the Wilkes-Barre Savings Bank. He was trustee of Wyoming Seminary and the Drew Theological Seminary, and resigned the trusteeship of the Wesleyan University of Middletown, Conn., from inability to attend the meetings of the board. Until 1864, the Wyoming monument grounds remained in a neglected condition. At a meeting f the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society that year, it was resolved "that Payne Pettebone, Hon. William S. Ross and Col. Charles Durrance be a committee to collect funds to defray the expenses of finishing Wyoming monument enclosing and improving the grounds of the same." His duties on such committee Mr. Pettebone discharged with his accustomed ability, energy and success. In 1878 he was chairman of the committee on finances of the Centennial Memorial Association, and to his management was the success of the enterprise in no small measure due. A pleasant incident connected with this event was the entertainment at the residence of Mr. Pettebone of President Hayes and his family and cabinet, Governor Hartranft, of Pennsylvania, and his wife and suite, and many other prominent men of the State and nation. Mrs. Hayes, in giving expression to here pleasant recollection of the visit, sent Mrs. Pettebone the following spring a case of rare flowers. To the varied employments above mentioned, which have demanded his time, a personal attention and financial support, from time to time have been added the care of interests in coal mines, farming operations and an extensive sugar plantation in Louisiana, where the experiment is being tried to keeping negro laborers in contentment by prompt pay and fair treatment. At the alter of prayer in the old Forty Fort church, at the age of twelve or thirteen, as a seeker after salvation, Mr. Pettebone received lasting impressions for good; impressions which sustained him throughout the critical period of boyhood and young manhood, and left indelibly upon his mind those principles of integrity which marked his whole career and contributed in no small degree to his success in life, though for years thereafter he was not a professor of religion. The most interesting and highly cherished event of his life was his conversion to God in March, 1848, at the great revival in the Methodist Episcopal church at Wyoming, under the pastorate of Rev. Thomas N Pearne, assisted by Rev. R. Nelson. As a member of the church since that time, he has been continually in the official board, serving in the several departments as leader, steward, trustee, Sunday-school superintendent and delegate to the General Conference. It was a source of pleasure to Mr. Pettebone to recall the fact that in his younger and less prosperous days he was never ashamed of any kind of honest labor. Work of any kind was acceptable to him so long as it soiled his hands only, and not his character. On the solid foundation of industry, perseverance, integrity and respect for his fellow creatures, and reverence for sacred things, he built, and built surely. A marked trait of his character was gratitude to those who aided him with a helping hand or cheered him with a friendly word during the rough experiences of his boyhood. The influences of kind deeds rendered him in childhood had so impressed him that as he approached the close of life he had a smile and a pleasant word for boys and girls entering upon its checkered experiences, and in grateful remembrance he held the friends of his youth and the wise counselors of his young manhood.
GEORGE D. PETTIT, farmer, P.O. Sybertville, was born in Mifflin township, Columbia Co., Pa., January 25, 1846, a son of Isaac and Lydia (Hutchins) Pettit. His paternal grandfather, Henry Pettit, a native of New Jersey, was a pioneer farmer of Mifflin township, where he lived and died; he was drafted during the war of 1812, but he was not required to serve. His wife was a Miss Croll, and he was the father of three sons and four daughters. Isaac, father of our subject, was born in Columbia county, and in 1850 settled in Black Creek township, this county. In 1862 he removed to Sugar Loaf township, where he died in 1868 at the age of sixty-four. His children were: William, Eliza (Mrs. William Minnich), Henry, George D., Mary C. (Mrs. Henry Seiwell) and Harriet (Mrs. Robert Fogle). Our subject was reared in Luzerne county from four years of age; was educated in the common schools, and in early manhood worked at the carpenter's trade, since which time he has been engaged in farming, and he has resided in Sugar Loaf township since 1862. He was twice married, his first wife being Louisa Horn; his second wife was Lucella Miller, daughter of Abraham and Mary (Yost) Miller, of Sugar Loaf township, and by here he had two children: Harry D, and Lula A. Mr. Pettit is a member of the English Lutheran Church; in politics he is a Democrat, and served as school director of Sugar Loaf township six years.
SAMUEL M. PETTY, farmer, P. O. Berwick, was born in South Wilkes Barre, April 26, 1865, and is a son of Matthias and Mary (Pell) Petty. His paternal grandfather, William Petty, a native of Germany, was an early settler of South Wilkes Barre, and erected the gristmill now operated by Morris & Walsh. His wife was Lydia Stroh, by whom he had four children: Peter, Matthias, Levi and Amy (Mrs. Peter Wagner), all born in South Wilkes Barre. Matthias was reared in his native city, for nine years was a resident of Salem township, and now resides in Briar Creek, Columbia Co., Pa. His wife was a daughter of Samuel Pell, of Nanticoke, and by her he has ten children: Hattie (Mrs. James Smith), Amy, Samuel M., William, Charles, Margaret, Mary, Louise, Edith and Emily. Our subject was reared in Salem township from nine years of age, and married, February 27, 1884, Mattie, daughter of Isaac and Jenetta (Heavne) Martz, of Briar Creek, Columbia Co., Pa., and has three children: Mary, Edna and Charles. Mr. Petty in politics is a Democrat, and has held the office of supervisor of Salem township for two terms.
WILLIAM PETTY, M. D., Wilkes Barre, was born in Hanover township, this county, March 11, 1861, and is a son of Matthias and Mary (Pell) Petty. His paternal grandparents were William and Lydia (Stroh) Petty, natives of Chester Hill, Philadelphia Co., Pa., and were among the early settlers of near Pittston, this county. They worked the Hollenback farm for several years; then removed to Hanover township, at the place now known as "Petty's Mills", erected grist and flouring mills there, which they conducted many years, and later in life removed to Wilkes Barre, where they died. Their children were four in number: Peter, Levi, Amy (Mrs. Peter Wagner) and Matthias H., the latter of whom was born in Pittston, was reared in Hanover township, and has always followed the occupation of a farmer. He resided in Luzerne county until 1876, when he removed to Columbia county, where he still resides. His wife was a daughter of Samuel and Margaret (Lines) Pell, of Hanover township, and by her he had ten children, all now living: Hattie (Mrs. James Smith), Amy, Samuel M., William, Charles, Margaret, Mary, Louise, Edith and Emily. Our subject was reared in Luzerne and Columbia counties, receiving a public and normal school education. He began the study of medicine in 1883, and was graduated from Long Island College Hospital in 1886, immediately after which he located in Wilkes Barre, where he has since been in the active practice of his profession. In 1887 the Doctor married Losty, daughter of Rinehart and Maria (Oblosser) Bergen, of Columbia county, Pa. (formerly of Germany), and by her he has one daughter, Annie.
P.P. PFEIFFER, M. D., Butler township, P. O. Drum's. This well known physician and surgeon, of Luzerne county, is a Frenchman by birth, a German by education, and an American by adoption. He was born in France, June 23, 1830, and is a son of Michael and Catherine (Stohm) Pfeiffer, also natives of France. His father was a commissioned officer under Napoleon I, and served with him fifteen years. He died when our subject was quite a small boy. Dr. Pfeiffer was educated in Bavaria, near Heidelberg, in the German Empire; during the Bavarian rebellion, he, with the other sutdents of the institution, took an active part in behalf of the rebels, and when the government subdued the revolt, the Doctor was compelled to fly from the country in order to insure safety to his life and liberty. He sailed to America, landing in New York May 23, 1850, with the paltry capital of fifty cents. He there found afriend of his father, who secured for him a postion in a hospital, where he worked eight years. He then went to the University of Philadelphia, from the medical department of which he was graduated, in the class of 1859. After remaining in Philadelphia three years he removed to Pottsville, where he was engaged in the practice of his profession about twenty-seven years. Then, after an extended tour through the United States, Canada and Mexico, the Doctor came to Butler township, this county, where he has since been engaged in his practice. He has been twice married: For his first wife he wedded, immediately after landing in New York, Catherine Miller, of bavaria, and she bore him eight children, viz: Catherine, married to Louis Stores, of Pottsville; Philip, an engineer on the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad; Daniel, also an engineer on the Philadelphia and Reading; Franklin, a clerk in New York; George, a butler, in Terra Haute, Ind.; John, a heater, in Terra Haute, Ind.; William, a foreman, in New York; and Jacob, who resides with his father. Mrs. Pfeiffer died August 1, 1875, and the Doctor married, for his second wife, Maria Beiselwas, by whom he has one child, Pearl. Dr. Pfeiffer and all his family are firm supporters of the Democratic party.
HON. BENJAMIN F. PFOUTS died at his residence at Buttonwood, Hanover township, this county, January 6, 1874. He was born in Jersey Shore, Lycoming Co., Pa., in 1809, and was a son of Leonard and Mercy (Conover) Pfouts. The father, who was of German descent, reared a family of nine children: Mary (Mrs. Joseph Barnes), Lucretia (Mrs. Leonard Eder), Benjamin F., Mary A. (Mrs. Joseph Bailey), Sarah (Mrs. Jonathan Pursel), Robert, Isabella (Mrs. Daniel Latcha), Lucinda (Mrs. William Lemon) and John. His grandfather Conover was a scout in the Revolutionary war, was taken prisoner by the Indians, and held by them for a time in captivity. Our subject remained at Jersey Shore with his father till he was seventeen, and then went to Tioga county, Pa., and later to Northumberland county, same State, where he was deputy sheriff, and in 1841 removed to Hanover township, where he engaged in farming on the Sively homestead. He was a man of the most sterling character, and a strong advocate of the principles of the Democratic party. He held nearly all the offices of the town in which he lived, and was one of the poor directors of Luzerne county from the organization of the department till his death. He was commissioner of the county at the time of the construction of the courthouse, and being the nearest resident officer chiefly superintended the work. He was associate judge of Luzerne county for several years prior to his death, and in the discharge of the duties of the office showed rare judgment, good common sense, and a knowledge of the law. He was also a good business man, and had accumulated a handsome fortune during his long and useful career. He was married February 5, 1841, to Miss Mary F. Sively, daughter of George and Frances (Stewart) Sively. She had one brother older, named Lazarus S., who died single at the age of sixty-eight years. Her grandfather, John George Sively, was born in Germany, and came to America previous to 1788. He was a surgeon in the French army, and later a noted physician in Philadelphia, where He married Jane Baldwin, and died near Easton, Pa., in 1812. He had two children: George, born 1789, died in 1854 on the old homestead in Hanover township, about two and a half miles south of Wilkes Barre on the River Road, where he settled in 1809, engaged in clearing a farm, and reared two children, Stewart and Mary F. His sister Anna married Dr. John J. Rogers. Mr. Sively was a true type of the purity and nobility of pioneer character, and deserves much credit for hewing down the forests as well as battling with the wild beasts and savages and establishing his family in the comfortable home which is still occupied by his posterity. Lazarus Stewart was born in Scotland; emigrated with his family, first to Ireland, then to Holland, and finally to America in 1729, locating in Lancaster county, Pa., where he died. He had (among other children) two sons, Robert and Alexander, the former of whom had two children, Capt. Lazarus and James, who came to Hanover in 1769 or 1770. [See pioneer chapter.] Alexander Stewart had three children: Lieut. Lazarus, George and Mary (Mrs. George Epsy). The first married Dorcas Hopkins, a relative of the Hopkins family, of Philadelphia, came to Hanover with the forty settlers from Harrisburg and his cousin, Capt. Lazarus Stewart, and had one child, Frances (Mrs. Geoge Sively). He was killed in the Massacre, July 3, 1778. Mr. and Mrs. Judge Pfouts had born unto them one child, George Sively Pfouts, who also lives on the homestead. He married Miss Emma Quick, of Wilkes Barre, and they had two children. Fannie L and George Sively, Jr., who, their mother dying when they were young, have since lived with their grandmother, Mrs. Pfouts. Mr. George S. Pfouts married, for his second wife, Miss Adella Eckroth, of Bethlehem, and they have one child, Mary E. This family has always been identified with the Presbyterian Church, of which Mrs. Pfouts is a member. Judge Pfouts was a very active worker in the Masonic Fraternity, and was also a member of the I.O.O.F.
ABIA S. PHILIPS, contractor and builder, Wilkes Barre, was born in Hunlock township, Columbia Co., Pa., June 6, 1831, a son of George W. and Rhoda (Reese) Philips, and comes of Quaker stock. He was reared in his native county, educated in public schools, and served an apprenticeship of three years at the bricklayer's and plasterer's trade, in Danville, beginning in 1849. In 1852 he located in Berwich, Columbia county, and followed his trade there for fifteen years, when he engaged in business as a contractor and builder, in which he has since continued. During that time (1852-53) he taught school two terms in Nescopeck, this county. He erected the Normal school and Masonic hall at Bloomsburg; the Methodist chapel, Wilkes Barre; sixty houses for Charles Parrish, Wilkes Barre; Methodist chapel at Dallas; courthouse at Honesdale; and City Hospital at Williamsport, besides other important contracts. In 1853 Mr. Philips married Amanda, daughter of John and Elnora Bertran, of Nescopeck, and has ten children living: Isabel, Clara (Mrs. Walter Taylor), Ella, Anna, Gertrude, Harry, George, Iola, Edwin and Eva. Mr. Philips has been a resident of Wilkes Barre since 1885. He is a member of the Baptist Church, and in politics is a Republican.
EDWARD PHILLIPS, merchant and farmer, Huntington township, P.O. Hardpan, was born in Franklin township September 14, 1849, and is a son of Edward L. and Hannah (Vanderburgh) Phillips, natives of Pennsylvania, and of English and German origin respectively. The father was a farmer by occupation; he died in 1880, aged seventy-one years. He was a son of Hosie Phillips, who came to this county from Connecticut, at an early day. Our subject is the youngest in a family of eight children, six of whom are living. He was reared on a farm, educated in the common schools, and when twenty-one years of age began working the homestead farm on shares, continuing this for two years, when he rented the same until his father's death, after which he purchased it from the heirs. He opened his store on the farm in 1882, and in 1890 was made postmaster of the newly established postoffice, Hardpan. Mr. Phillips was married July 4, 1870, to Margaret, daughter of John and Margaret (Shup) Murphy, by whom he has had children as follows: John W., born August 9, 1871; Mary A., born March 5, 1873, died June 28, 1887; Albert D., born February 14, 1875; Hannah M., born December 4, 1876; William A., born November 15, 1878; Eva B., born July 13, 1881; George R., born May 6, 1883, died May 10, 1887; Frank, born July 20, 1885; Grace, born July 24, 1889; and Edward H., born January 30, 1892. Mr. Phillips built his fine residence in 1891. His farm contains seventy acres, and his store is the headquarters for all kinds of country supplies. Politically our subject is a Republican.
REVEREND EDWARD STANISLAUS PHILLIPS, paster of the Church of The Sacred heart, Plains, was born near Hawley, Wayne Co., Pa., October 4, 1851, and is a son of Edward and Mary (O'Hara) Phillips, natives of County Mayo, Ireland, where they were married in November, 1839, a few years later coming to America. They first located near Hawley, where the father worked and boated on the canal until 1852, in which year he removed to Pittston, where he was employed by the Pennsylvania Coal Company until a few years before his death, which occurred July 25, 1890, when he was aged seventy-six years; his wife, Mary, died January 7, 1891. The Phillips family consisted of three children, of whom Michael died in Ireland when but an infant, and Mary A. married John J. Dougherty, of Pittston, by whom she had thirteen children, nine of whom are living, the eldest being Dr. A. F. Dougherty, of Ashley, Luzerne Co., Pa. Father Phillips, who is the youngest in his father's family, when a youth attended the public schools at Pittston, and was tutored in his preparatory studies by Father Finnen, vicar general of the Diocese of Scranton, and pastor of St. John's Church, Pittston. He finished his classical studies in St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md.; his philosophy and theology at St. Charles Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, and was ordained September 29, 1875, in the cathedral at Scranton by the Rt. Rev. William O'Hara, D.D. He was engaged in ministerial work at the cathedral for two years, after which he was located in various parts of the diocese, principally at Hazleton, and came to Plains June 30, 1888, as pastor of the Church of the Sacred Heart, which has a congregation of two thousand souls, and in connection with which there is a parochial school taught by the Sisters of Mercy, Sister Mary de Ricci, Superior, where 350 pupils are in attendance. There is also a very fine convent property enclosed in beautiful and spacious grounds. The spiritual efforts of Father Phillips have been crowned with most brilliant success, and he commands the respect and admiration of all denominations. He is ably assisted in his Divine work by his genial curate, Rev. Father Anthony T. Broderick, who was born in Archbald, Lackawanna Co., Pa., June 6, 1866, and is the sixth of ten children of Anthony and Sarah (Melvin) Broderick, the former a native of Ireland, the latter of Lackawanna county, Pa., and of Irish origin. He was educated at St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md., and finished his philosophy and theology at St. Bonaventure's, Allegheny, N.Y. He was ordained October 17, 1890, and in the following November came to Plains. His eldest brother, Father Patrick F. Broderick, is pastor of the Catholic Church at Susquehanna.
WILLIAM H. PICKERINE, locomotive engineer, Hazleton. Among the many duties that mankind is called upon to perform, there are few more hazardous, or more exciting, than the occupation of a locomotive engineer on a fast-scheduled passenger train. The lightning engineer, whose name opens this sketch, was born in British America, September 6, 1848, a son of Richard and Ann (Horrocks) Pickering, natives of England. William H. was educated and reared in Hazleton and, in 1859, at the age of eleven years began work at the mines, continuing at it until 1862. He next entered the boiler shops at Hazleton, where he remained a short time, afterward being transferred to the machine shops, where he remained for about three years. In 1868 Mr. Pickering went on the Jersey Central road as a brakeman, and continued there and on the Lehigh Valley, in the same capacity, until 1875, when he began firing on the Lehigh Valley, Jersey Division. He remained there until 1876, when he went to Scranton and fired on the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western road one year, next to Alabama and fired on the Louisville, Nashville & Great Southern Railroad for two years. In 1879 he returned to Hazleton, and after braking for a short time, began firing the "Frnshaw", on the P.& N.Y. and Wyoming Divisions. After a short time he was transferred to the Hazleton Division, to fire the "Fred Mercer" (861), where he remained until 1882, and was then promoted to the position of engineer, and has since been running passenger trains between Hazleton, Mauch Chunk, White Haven and Penn Haven Junction. The life of our subject on the rail has not always been one of smooth sailing, and he has had many miraculous escapes from instant death, having been in several terrible wrecks, and having at five different times been so badly injured that it was necessary to take him home on a stretcher. He is a typical engineer, and when he mounts the foot board and grasps the throttle one may depend on reaching their destination on time if the iron horse is capable of getting there. It is the duty of this engineer to take out all new engines on their trial trip, which is indicative of the confidence imposed in him as a machinist, by the company. September 15, 1870, Mr. Pickering married Miss Maggie, daughter of Robert and Ann (Brentley) Stevens, natives of England; and of this union have been born four children, viz: Richard, who resides at Philadelphia; Edith May; James S. (deceased); and Nina E. Mr. Pickering is a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, and of the I.O.R.M. He votes the Republican ticket. The family attend the English Lutheran Church.
JOHN PICKETT, engineer at Parrish Mine, Plymouth, was born at Rock Port, Pa., November 27, 1857, and is a son of Fredrick and Nancy (Stewart) Pickett, both natives of Ireland. The family subsequently removed to Wilkes Barre, where John, who is the sixth in a family of eight children, received his education at the public schools of Luzerne county. At an early age he began work about the mines, being engaged at the Empire, No. 9, Nottingham, Washington, Brodericks and Ashley Mines, during this time doing general work. The family removed to Forkston, Pa., where our subject spent one year farming, but, not fancying the occupation, he returned to Plymouth, and for six years fired at the Nottingham, going from there to the Washington Mine, where he became fan engineer. He remained there about one year, at the end of which time he went to McAlester, Indian Territory, where he was engaged as fan engineer at the mines of that place. At the end of seventeen months he returned to Plymouth and was engaged as pump runner at the Parrish Mine, which he ran until 1891, when he was given charge of the large pair of hoisting engines, where he has since been employed. Mr. Pickett was united in marriage, September 7, 1881, with Amanda, daughter of David and Harriet (Knapp) Major, natives of Pennsylvania. One child, David, has blessed this union, born May 27, 1883. In political matters, Mr. Pickett is independent; the family attend the Methodist Episcopal Church.
WILLIAM PICKETT, engineer at the Dodson Slope, Plymouth, was born at Rock Port, Pa., September 13, 1850, and is a son of Frederick and Nancy (Stewart) Pickett, natives of County Derry, Ireland. William is the fourth in a family of eight children, was educated in Luzerne county, and at an early age began working as a slate-picker. This vocation he followed for a number of years at the Ashley, Empire and Staunton Mines, until the family removed to Sugar Notch, when our subject took charge of and ran the breaker engine at No. 9 Colliery for a period of two years. He then did Company work at the Empire for two years, removing at the end of that time to Plymouth, where he was given a position as breaker engineer at the Washington Mine, working here for about one and one-half year. He then went to the right slope as hoisting engineer, where he remained two years, coming back at the end of that time to the Washington and operating the hoisting engines for eleven years. He was then transferred to the Dodson Slope where he now has charge of a powerful pair of hoisting engines, which he has run since 1885. Mr. Pickett was married, June 24, 1871, to Miss Jane, daughter of William and Sarah McDounott, natives of Pennsylvania, and to this union have been born ten children: John, Edward, Margaret (deceased), James (deceased), George, Frederick, Sadie (deceased), Willie (deceased), Lizzie (deceased) and Edith. In politics, Mr. Pickett is independent; the family attend the Episcopal Church.
W. B. PIER, physician, Duryea, was born in Scranton, Lackawanna Co., Pa., December 4, 1859, and is son of Dr. William H. and Frances D. (Throop) Pier, natives of New York and of New England origin. Our subject received his education at Merrils Academy, Scranton, Pa., and subsequently entered Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, from which he graduated in the spring of 1884, and commenced the practice of medicine in Scranton. In 1890, seeing in the rapidly growing town of Duryea an opening for a good physician, he located here, and has since built up a very lucrative practice. Dr. Pier was united in marriage, October 9, 1889, with Kate, daughter of Jacob and Margaret (Schumann) Schiebel, natives of Honesdale, Pa., and of German extraction. The Doctor is a member of the K. of P., and in politics he is a Democrat.
GEORGE E. PIERCE, liveryman, Pittston. This popular and enterprising young man was born in Pittton, Pa., August 19, 1862, and is a son of Charles G. and Louisa (Afford) Pierce, the former a native of New York, the latter of German origin. The subject of our sketch is the eldest in a family of seven children; he was reared and educated in his birthplace, and began life as a slate-picker about the mines, where he worked for two years, when he returned to school. He then went to work for his father, who ran a livery stable, remaining with him seven years. In 1887 he accepted a position as clerk at the "Hotel Eagle", which at that time was conducted by the genial James Ehret. Mr. Pierce remained in that position for two years, when he went west and located at Denver, Colo., being there employed as clerk at the "St. James Hotel". He remained here but a short time, when he pushed farther west and donned the outfit of the typical western cow-boy in Wyoming territory. He was there with the Carter outfit for about five months, when he went to Ogden, Utah, for a short time; thence to Palo Alto, Cal, where he was employed taking care of trotting horses on the famous Leland Stanford Ranch, where he remained one season. He then returned to Pittston, and assumed charge of the livery business, which had been left without a proprietor by the death of his father, which occurred September 5, 1890. Mr. Pierce has ten good horses and a requisite number of rigs, which are all first class. He is a young man of good business abilities, and well merits the large patronage he receives.
THOMAS POCKNELL, farmer, P.O.Wyoming, was born in Hertfordshire, England, May2, 1811, a son of William and Mary (Lee) Pocknell, both also natives ofEngland. They were honest, upright, and hard-working people, who lived to an advanced age and died in the land of their birth. They reared a family of three children: William, Elizabeth and Thomas, the last two named being twins. Thomas was reared and educated in his native land, and was twenty years of age when he emigrated to this country with his uncle, Thomas Lee, in 1833. He located in Philadelphia, spending about seven years in the city of "Brotherly Love". During his stay there, he gave an attentive ear and a ready obedience to that portion of Divine writ which says: "It is not good for man to be alone," and about 1838 took to himself a wife in the person of Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Capt. Frame. To this happy union there were born four children: William, Elizabeth, Milliance and Mary. Of these William married Miss Hannah La France; Elizabeth married Stuben Polen; Milliance married Brees Polen (brother of Stuben), Mary married William Townend. Mrs. Pocknell died in 1870. In 1841 Mr. Pocknell left Philadelphia for Harrisburg, entering the employ of William R. Griffith, who was the prime mover and instigator of the Pennsylvania Coal Company, of which he was president for a number of years. At the instigation of Mr. Griffith, Mr. Pocknell removed to the Valley, taking entire control of one of the Pennsylvania Coal Companys farms of ninety acres, a position he has held for over forty years. He has proved to be a good servant, a loyal citizen to his adopted county, and an obliging neighbor. There was only one shaft sunk when he came to the Valley, in the neighborhood of Pittston. Mr. Pocknell is a practical farmer, a hard-working and industrious man, upright in word and act. He has been a member of the M.E. Church for the last forty years.Since the above was written, we are indebted to Mrs. William Pocknell for the following interesting bit of local history, which we give in about her own words: "The house the Pocknell family lives in is over one hundred years old, for Col. Jenkins' daughter, Aunt Rachel Goodwin, stated, in 1877, that it was ninety-six years old then. She could remember coming here to 'spinning frolics', when they would burn back logs and wood fires. Her brother, James Jenkins, used to come here, and he said that at these frolics the women folks wore their linsey-woolsey gowns, and they would have a gay old time, dancing around. We have found in our garden two pennies 150 and 91 years old, respectively. We also found a 'Poor Richard Almanack' Dated 1818, which tells about Lorenzo Dow raising the devil. He set a barrel of cotton on fire, and a man jumped out and ran out of doors. All this serves to show that the Pocknell homestead is a pretty old place."
EDWARD POLGREAN, chief of police, Hazleton. This popular young officer was born in Cornwall, England, March 15, 1861, and is the eldest in a family of six children born to Henry and Alice (Harvey) Polgrean, natives of England. The father came to America in 1870, and sent for the family in 1874, settling at Stockton, where he still resides. Edward received his early education in both England and this country, and at the close of his school life started to work in the mines. He did contract work principally, his first work consisting of driving a tunnel for G. H. Myers & Co., at Yorktown. In 1884 he came to Hazleton and engaged with A. Pardee & Co. to do general contract work. He remained with Pardee & Co. for two years, at the end of which time he engaged in huckstering, which he followed for one year. He was then elected patrolman of Hazleton for the term of one year. At the end of this time he went to Newport News, Va., where he was employed in the building of a great shipyard, thence proceeding to Philadelphia, where he was employed as a builder for a short time. He returned to Hazleton from Philadelphia, and in 1891 was appointed chief of police for one year, and after that term had expired, for three years. Mr. Polgrean was married March 23, 1892, to Miss Adella Yerrick, of Danville, Pa. In politics he is a Republican; he attends the M. E. Church, and is a member of the I.O.O.F. Mr. Polgrean is a very popular and efficient officer, and is always to be found at his post.
DAVID K. POLLOCK, farmer, P.O. Carverton, was born August 23, 1838, in Salem township, where he was also reared and educated. He is the son of Samuel and Desire (Seeley) Pollock, the former born in Montour county, in 1801, the latter in Germany. Samuel removed to this county about 1821, locating in Salem township on a farm of 130 acres of wild land, seventy-five of which he reclaimed and brought under the plow. In conjunction with his farm he owned and ran a sawmill, working both summer and winter, and in his day he did much for the advancement of agricultural pursuits. He lived a life of usefulness, and died in 1886 at the age of eighty-three. His family consisted of twelve children, nine of whom grew to maturity, and six of them are now living, David K. being the sixth in the family. Our subject remained in Salem township till he reached his twenty-seventh year. In 1868 he married Miss Eliza, daughter of George and Esther Brobst, and three children have been born to them: George, Fanny and Bruce, all living. After his marriage Mr. Pollock learned and worked at the blacksmith's trade with his father-in-law. In 1873 he removed to the Valley, where he continued at his trade for six years; and finally went to farming in Kingston township, on forty-five acres of well-improved land. Not only is he a first-class mechanic but a practical farmer withal. He has made many needed improvements, and still continues to embellish and adorn his neat home. Politically, he is a Democrat.
JOHN POLLOCK, farmer, P. O. Berwick, was born in Briar Creek township, Columbia Co., Pa., May 17, 1829, and is a son of Samuel and Desire (Seeley) Pollock. His paternal grandfather, John Pollock, was a native of Montour county, Pa., and a son of Samuel Pollock, who was a native of Ireland and one of the pioneers of Montour county, Pa., whose wife was Margaret Johnston. John Pollock settled in Salem township, this county, in 1822, and died there the same year. His wife was Mary Scout, and his children were eight in number: Samuel, William, Eliza (Mrs. John B. Courtright), Jane (Mrs. Thomas Edwards), John, Molly (Mrs. Isaac Courtright), Harriet (Mrs. Richard Harned) and Sydney J. Of these, Samuel was born in Montour county in 1801, settled in Salem township in 1823, and was married September 18, 1828, to Desire, daughter of John and Mary (Weltz) Seely, of Salem township, and by her had eight children, who grew to maturity: John, Mary, Stephen P., Jacob, James, David K., Sydney H. and Elsie. Our subject was reared in Salem township from three years of age, and has since been a resident of Luzerne county, where he has followed farming as his principal occupation, though he wa proprietor of a hotel in Wyoming for thirteen years. Since 1890 he has occupied his present farm in Salem township. He married February 3, 1863, Agnes C., daughter of James and Margaret (Craig) McKee, of Montour county, Pa., and has two children living, Charles D. and William. Mr. Pollock is the possessor of the Pollock family Bible, purchased by his great-grandfather in 1803. he is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and in politics is a Democrat.
SAMUEL POLLOCK, farmer, P. O. Belbend, was born in Salem township June 25, 1835, and is a son of William and Elizabeth (Freeman) Pollock. His paternal grandfather was John Pollock, a native of Montour county, Pa., and a son of Samuel Pollock, a native of Ireland, whose wife was Margaret Johnston, and who were pioneers of Montour county, Pa. John Pollock, whose wife was Mary Scout, settled in Salem township in 1822, where he died the same year; he had eight children, and William, father of subject, was the second child and second son. He was a farmer, and cleared the farm on which he resided until his death. His wife was a daughter of Edward and Elizabeth (Garrison) Freeman, of Salem township, and by her he had six children who grew to maturity; Lavina (Mrs. Joseph Walton), Edmund, Mary (Mrs. Lewis Lacher), Samuel, Benjamin F. and Alfred. Our subject was reared in Salem township, where, with the exception of two years of his life, he has always resided, engaged in farming. In 1861 he married Caroline, daughter of John and Susan (Seybert) Cope, of Salem township, and has five children: Effie, Lizzie, Martha (Mrs. Charles Cooper), James and Henry. Mr. Pollock is a member of the Evangelical Church; in politics he is a Democrat, and has held several local offices.
AMOS T. POOLE, lumberman, of Forty-Fort borough, was born September 30, 1818, in Hanover, Plymouth Co., Mass., a son of William and Sarah (Pachard) Poole, and a grandson of Deacon S. Poole, who was born in Abington, Mass., August 27, 1736, and lived to be ninety-four years of age. Our subject is the youngest in a family of eleven children, three of whom are now living. He was reared in Massachusetts, educated in the common schools, and in August 1837, he moved to Philadelphia, thence in January, 1838, to Luzerne county, Pa. At the age of twenty-two, he engaged in the lumber business which he carried on till the fall of 1861, when he enlisted in the United States Army, in Company F, Fifty-third Regiment, P.V. He participated in the following battles: Fair Oaks, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, Antietam, and other minor engagements. He received a sun stroke, also fell and injured his back while on duty, and was discharged February 14, 1863, on accounty of disability. He then came to Dallas, Luzerne county, but was unable to work for three years, at the end of which time he was then placed in charge of the machinery at the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad shops, at Kingston, where he remained ten years. After his second marriage he moved to Forty Fort, where he now resides, retired from active life. Mr. Poole ws married June 14, 1840, to Melissa, daughter of Oliver and Sarah (Kent) Knox, natives of Vermont and Connecticut, respectively, and of English origin. By this union there were seven children, five of whom we have record of, as follows: Maria L. is wife fo Phinney Watt, outside foreman at the East Boston Mine; William P. is a contractor, married to Nellie Furgason (deceased); George W. is a contractor, married to Jeannette Hutchinson (deceased) (for his second wife he married Nenie Stewart); Francis H. is an engineer on the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, and is married to Virgie Keeler; Melissa E. (deceased) was married to Melvin Lake, a general workman. The mother of this family dying November 26, 1871, Mr. Poole married his second, in March, 1873. Mr. and Mrs. Poole are Spiritualists. He is a member of the I.O.O.F., and in politics is a Republican.
FRED J. POPE, a leading merchant, of Nanticoke, ranks among the enterprising business men of Luzerne county. He wa born in Cornwall, England, October 20, 1862, a son of James and Elizabeth (Numcorrow) Pope, both of whom are natives of England. They emigrated to this country in 1866, and settled at Rockaway, N.J., where they resided until their deaths, the mother passing away in 1878, the father in 1881. Our subject is the youngest in a family of twelve children, and received his education in the public schools of New Jersey. At the close of his school days he engaged in clerking at Rockaway, which occupation he followed three years, when he went to Port Oram, N. J., at that place working in the iron mines. He followed this vocation about nine years, when he went to Ely, Va., where he worked in the copper mines for a time, after which he went to Sherbrooke, Canada. Here he was imployed in the Gilbert River Gold Mines until 1885; in this year he came to Nanticoke and worked in the coal mines about one year, at the end of which time he engaged in clerking for B. Jackson, in whose employ he remained for three years. In 1888 he engaged in the grocery business with a Mr. Boone, under the firm name of Pope & Boone. They conducted a prosperous grocery business until January, 1891, when Mr. Pope bought out Mr. Boone's interest, and has since been sole owner and manager. His business has continued to prosper until he has become the leading grocer of Nanticoke. Mr. Pope was united in marriage December 9, 1891, with Miss Josephine, the accomplished daughter of John Post, of Cambra, Pa. Our subject is a member of the American Legion of Honor, the I.O.O.F., the K. of M., and the F. & A.M. His political propensities are of the regular Republican type.
MERRITT H. POST, wholesale and retail dealer in harness and trunks, Wilkes Barre, was born in Fairmont township, this county, April 30, 1834, a son of Gideon and Anna (Dodson) Post. His paternal grandfather, Gideon Post, a native of Connecticut and a soldier of the Revolution, was a pioneer of Huntington township, this county, where he resided until his death. His children were Gideon, James P., Josiah, Lewis, Betsey (Mrs. Charles Barrett) and Sabry (Mrs. Merritt Harrison). Of these, Gideon, the eldest, and the father of the subject of this memoir, was a native of Connecticut. He was reared in Luzerne county, and in early manhood located in Fairmount township, where he cleared and improved a farm, and resided until his death, which occurred December 6, 1875, when he was in his eighty fourth year. His wife, Anna, was a daughter of Squire John Dodson, a pioneer of Huntington township; and by her he had eight children: Sylvina (Mrs. Philip Fritz), Josiah D., Nancy (Mrs. Vastine Boom), John, Gideon, Sally A. (Mrs. Elisha Myres), Merritt H. and Eliza (Mrs. D. G. Larnard). Our subject was reared in Fairmount township until seventeen years of age, receiving his education in the common schools and Kingston Seminary. In 1852 he came to Wilkes Barre, where he served an apprenticeship of three years at the harness trade with James D. Laird; he located in Plymouth in 1856, where he carried on the harness business up to 1862, in that year returning to Wilkes Barre, where, with the exception of two years, he has since been in active business. Mr. Post married on August 24, 1869, Anna L., daughter of Samuel and Margaret (Lines) Pell, of Hanover township, by whom he has four children: Edward H., George S., Grace A. and Florence May. Mr. Post is a member of the First M.E. Church, in which he is also steward. Politically he is a Republican.
WASHINGTON B. POUST, clerk, in the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, P.O.Shickshinny, was born at Muncy, Lycoming Co., Pa., October 2, 1841. He is a son of John and Julia A. (Shrarer) Poust, natives of Pennsyvlania, of German descent. He was reared in his native county until sixteen years of age, receiving his early education in the common schools, and afterward taking a commercial course at the Iron City Business College, Pittsburgh, Pa. When sixteen years of age he entered upon an apprenticeship at the printing trade, but after serving two years gave it up on account of ill health, and engaged as clerk in a general store in Muncy, remaining there until October 6, 1861. On that date he enlisted in Company B, Eighty-fourth P.V. At the second battle of Bull Run he was taken to the hospital with typhoid fever, which developed into rheumatism, and December 5, 1862, he was honorably discharged on account of disability. Since the war he has been employed in railroad business; nine years as station agent at Shcikshinny; ten years as station agent at Bloomsburg; two years in the car department at Buffalo, N. Y., Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, and since 1887, with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Mocanaqua. He married, February 22, 1865, Mary B., daughter of Lot and Rosaline (Gordon) Search, of Shickshinny, and has four children: Harry S., Harvey L. and J. Howard (twins) and Edith M. Mr. Poust is a member of the Presbyterian Church; in politics he is a Republican, and has held nearly all the local offices in Shickshinny, being at present a member of the borough council; he is a member of F.& A.M. and G.A.R.
ABIATHAR B. POWELL, supervisor of Plains township, Plains, was born in Bloomsburg, Pa., October 10, 1857, and is a son of Abiatbar B. and Mary (Daniels) Powell, natives of South Wales, whence his grandfather emigrated when the father of our subject was but a year and a half old. Abiathar B. Powell, Sr., who was a miner and mine-contractor and is now engaged in mining in Dunmore, Pa., reared a family of five children, four of whom are living, viz: Eliza, married to Philip Fritz, a harness maker, of Wilkes Barre; Mary, married to Jacob Longht, and after his death to a Mr. Pratt (she is living in Providence, Pa.); Abiathar B., who is the subject of this sketch; and William, a miner, in Dunmore; there is also a half brother by his father's second marriage, George, who is engaged in mining in Dunmore. The subject of this memoir received a common-school education, and at the age of twelve years began working about the mines, which occupation he followed till 1892, doing all kinds of work. He built his present residence in 1885. Mr. Powell was married, December 21, 1881, to Miss Mary Ore, who was born in Honesdale, Pa., March 17, 1859, daughter of John and Catharine (Scofield) Ore, natives of Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. Powell have had six children, as follows: George W., who died at the age of seven years; Hattie E., who died at the age of five years; John O., who died at the age of two years; Walter R.; Harry E., and May. Our subject is a member of the P.O.S. of A. and the I.O.O.F.; he is a close adherent of the principles of the Republican party; he was elected to his present position in 1892.
Samuel POWELL, justice of the peace, Nanticoke, is a native of Minersville, Schuylkill county, and was born October 8, 1852, a son of John and Choice Powell, both natives of Wales. Our subject was educated in the public schools of his native county, and when a youth began working in the mines as door tender, which he followed for a short time, later working in various capacities, and it was not long before he became a miner. In 1867 his parents removed to Luzerne (now Lackawanna) county, near Scranton. He then engaged in boating between New York and Baltimore, up the Hudson river and various other places. After spending four years of his life on water, he returned to Taylorville and again engaged in the mines, where he remained about six months, at which time he removed to Nanticoke, where he has since resided, with the exception of one year that he lived at Sugar Notch. During his first nine years at Nanticoke he was engaged in the mines. In 1867 he was appointed justice of the peace of Nanticoke borough, as successor to L. C. Green (who then removed to Colorado), and in 1888 he was re-elected, his term expiring in 1893. In 1887 he was elected burgess of Nanticoke, and served as such one term; he has also served one term on the school board of the borough. Mr. Powell was married, August 19, 1875, to Miss Sarah Williams, of Sugar Notch. This union has been blessed with six children, four of whom are living; Choicey, Lizzie, George and Artimus. He is a member of the I.O.O.F. and the Red Men. In politics he is a Republican.
William POWELL, Jr., general inside Forman for the Upper Lehigh Coal Company, Upper Lehigh, is a native of Wales, and was born May 24, 1842. He is the son William and Elizabeth (Morgan) Powell, who now reside at Upper Lehigh. The family came to America the same year that William was born, and he received his education at Pottsville. William Powell, Sr., is one of the veteran miners of the acthracite coal regions; he worked in the iron mines and throughout the anthracite coal regions, and in 1865 located in Upper Lehigh, where he was general inside Forman until 1868, in which year he retired, being succeeded by his son William, Jr. Our subject is a self-educated man, and has not only trained himself in the common English branches, but has made an extensive study of the higher sciences and mathematics. At the age of six he began his career around the mines as a slatepicker at Lansford, where he remained seven years, working in various capacities. He then quit the mines for a short time, and went to Danville, where he worked for about eighteen months in a rolling mill, when he went to Eckley and again engaged in working the mines. Here he remained until September 1, 1861, when he enlisted in Company K, Eight-first Pennsylvania Volunteers. During his term of military service he participated in the Seven Days' Fight, and was also in the Peninsula Campaign; he received two serious gun-shot wounds, and was then discharged on account of disability. He re-enlisted in Company F, Veteran Reserve Corps. On October 27, 1865, he was again honorably discharged, when he returned to Upper Lehigh and accepted a position as assistant mine Forman, which position he has since held. On May 14, 1864, Mr. Powell was united in marriage with Miss Jane Aubery, of Eckley, which union has been blessed with children as follows: Jacob, an operator in Wilkes-Barre; Elizabeth and Jane ( the latter being deceased). Mr. Powell is a stanch Republican, and is a member of the F. & A. M. and the American Legion of Honor.
Evan A. PRICE, inside Forman at the Prospect Colliery, Plains, was born in Glamorganshire, South Wales, October 28, 1851, and is a son of George D. and Cecilia (Nichols) Price. The father who was a miner in Wales, and, later, in America, reared a family of eight children, two of whom are living, viz.: Evan A. and Liewellyn, the latter of whom is a fire-boss, in Miners Mills. Our subject began working in the mines at the age of nine years; he came to America in 1870, locating at Mill Creek, where he did Company work for six years, and then came to the Prospect Colliery, where he was driver boss for seven years, and in 1883 was promoted to his present position. Mr. Price was married, September 10, 1874, to Miss Margaret, daughter of Reese and Catherine (Lewis) Richards, of Wales, and to their union have been born eight children, six of whom are living, viz: David N., Catherine, Cecilia, George, Lydia and Evan B. Mr. Price is a member of the Ivorites, and is a Republican in his political views.
Fred H. PRICE, proprietor of the "Grand Central Hotel," Wilkes-Barre, was born in White Haven, Pa., February 18, 1860, and is the son of John Henry and Louisa C. (Fuehr) Price. The father was born in Hamburg, Germany, January 19, 1834, and at the age of sixteen became an apprentice to learn cabinet making and stair building, serving four years. Two years later he married his wife, who was born in Heidhoff by Dermetz, Germany, May 10, 1829. They emigrated to America in the fall of 1858, coming to White Haven, where he was employed in the boat yard until the Lehigh land freshet in the spring of 1862. The he was employed in the Lehigh & Susquehanna Railroad car-shops at that place, where he remained until 1864, at which time he engaged in the cabinet making and undertaking Businesses, which he carried on successfully until 1881. He then sold out, removed to Wilkes-Barre and accepted a position with M. B. Houpt (the leading contractor and builder) as carpenter, where he remained for seven years, or until 188, and then connected himself with Philip r. Raife, contractor and builder, in the capacity of carpenter boss, where he still remains. They were the parents of five children, as follows: Mary S. (Mrs. Garman), born in Germany, March 4, 1858; Fred H.; Louisa C., born June 22, 1864; Annie, born September 6, 1868, and John Henry, born in 1862 and died in 1864. Fred H. Price was educated at the public schools of White Haven, also at Wyoming Seminary, and at the Commercial College at Kingston, attending the latter in the fall of 1880 and spring of 1881. He was also clerk at the "Wyoming Valley Hotel" (ex-sheriff J. B. Stark, proprietor), from October 25, 1878, till May 1, 1884, and then accepted the position of chief clerk for ex-Sheriff Aaron Whitaker, at the "Exchange Hotel," where he remained until April 1, 1892, when he embarked in his present hotel business. On October 23, 1884, Mr. Price was united in marriage with Miss Emma J., daughter of William H. and Mary C. (Shiber) Tennant, natives of Pennsylvania, and of this union there are (1892) three children, as follows: Pearl Patience, born February 11, 1885: Etta May, born August 7, 1887, and Flora Henrietta, born July 30, 1889. Mr. Price is a member of the German Lutheran Church, his wife of the Franklin Street Methodist Church. He is a member of Wilkes-Barre Lodge. No. 61, F. & A. M.; Wilkes-Barre Lodge No. 704, I. O. O. F.; Germania Castle No. 72, A. O. K. of M. C.; Washington Camp no. 408, P. O. S. of A. of Wilkes-Barre, and Diamond Council No. 132, Jr. O. U. A. M. at White Haven. In politics he affiliates with the Republican party, and was elected on February 18, 1890, at the age of thirty years, the first councilman of the Sixteenth Ward of the city of Wilkes-Barre, and he is, perhaps, the youngest man that ever was elected to such an important office; and, besides, he is nothing if not enterprising for he has erected eighteen tenement houses in that progressive city for himself within the past five years, and still only a young self-made man.
George D. Price. (deceased) was born in Lianelly, Carmarthenshire, South Wales, July 14, 1824, and was a son of Evan and Mary (Powell) Price. In their family there were ten children, two of whom reached majority, viz: Eliza, who married Jon Leonard, a jeweler in Swansea, Glamorganshire, South Wales: and George D. Our subject, who had been a minor in his native country came to America in 1868, and located in Providence, Pa., where he boarded with his sister-in-law till his family came in 1869, when he removed to Miners Mills; here he also followed mining till 1882, when he engaged in the insurance business, which he followed till the illness preceding his death. Mr. Price was married April 14, 1849, to Miss Cecilia, daughter of David and Lydia (Evan) Nicholas, natives of Glamorganshire; nine children were the fruit of this union, tow of whom are living. viz: Evan A. and Llewellyn. The last named who is unmarried and resides with his mother, is a fire-boss in the Prospect Colliery; he is a member of the I. O. R. M., Ivorites, and the Miners Mills school board. Another son, David was killed in the mines in Wales at the age of eighteen years. Mr. Price was a member of the Welsh Congregational Church, in which he was local preacher, deacon and trustee; he took the initial step in founding churches in Mill Creek, now, and Plains; he also helped found the church at Parsons, of which he was a member at the time of his death, which occurred May 25, 1891, and Miners Mills. The family are Republicans in the political views. Mrs. Price is a member of the Welsh Congregational Church.
Harrie B Price, secretary and treasurer of the Upper Lehigh Coal Company, Upper Lehigh. This gentleman is a native of Carbon county and was born September 25, 1857, a son of Judge S. B. Price, of Mauch Chunk, and Harriet (Bertsch) Price, the former of whom was born in Hunterdon county, N.J. He was chief clerk for the Upper Lehigh Coal Company for several years, and previous to being elected judge in 1889, he held the office of treasurer of Carbon county. The Price family is of German extraction. Mrs. Judge Price is a native of Mauch Chunk, and of German lineage also. On January 28, 1887, Judge Price resigned his position as chief clerk of the Upper Lehigh Coal Company in favor of Harrie B., and at the death of Fisher Hazard, secretary and treasurer of that company, which occurred September 7, 1888, Harrie succeeded him also, and has since held both positions. In the Price family there were three children, vix.: Harrie B.; Samuel, a coal operator in Johnstown; and John, assistant cashier of the First National Bank of Hazleton. Our subject was educated at Swathmore College, from where he came directly to Upper Lehigh, and accepted his present position. He was united in marriage October 28, 1884, with Margaret Smith, of Cornwells, Bucks Co., Pa. There have been born to them three children, viz.: Marion, Harrie and H. Katherine. Mr. Price is a member of the Presbyterian Church; socially he is a Knight Templar politically he is a democrat.
William C. Price, druggist, Pittston. This gentleman was born in Wilkes-Barre June 19, 1849, and is a son of John and Ann Price, both natives of Luzerne county, and now residents of Plains township. Our subject received his education in Wilkes-Barre, and at the age of seventeen began work in the drug-store of Blakely Hall, at Pittston, remaining with him about fourteen years, when Mr. Hall went out of business. Mr. Price then went to Luzerne, where he remained until 1880, when he came to Pittston and opened a dru-store, where he has since enjoyed a very lucrative patronage—in a word, he is the leading druggist of the city, and a moment’s observation of any practical druggist will convince him that his stock is as nearly complete in every respect as it is possible to be. Mr. Price was married, in 1877, to Miss Emma Warner, of Wilkes-Barre, and they have had one child, Laura Eugena (deceased). He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and Knights of the Golden Eagle. Mr. Price has many friends in Luzerne county, and, truly, it is no surprise that he should have friends, for he is at all time a gentleman, either in a social or business way, and kind and obliging at all times.
William W. Prichard, farmer, P. O. Prichard, was born in Plains township, this county, July 2, 1839, a son of Leonard and Elizabeth (Dodson) Prichard, the forner of whom was born in Connecticut, March 28, 1806, the latter in Ohio September 19, 1808. Leonard Prichard was a son of Benjamin Prichard, also a native of Connecticut, and who served in the warof 1812. He removed from the East to Susquehanna county, PA, where he lived the remainder of his life, dying at the age of eighty-five years. His family numbered seven children, two of whom are now living. His son Leonard began his active live in the town of Springville, Susquehanna county, Pa., where he manufactured wooden clocks and also guns. He remained in Springville until 1836, in which year he removed to Mauch Chunk, where he followed blacksmithing. In 1838 he came to Plains township, Luzerne county, and here followed the same business until 1847, when he removed to Union township, where he purchased a mill property and blacksmith shop. He subsequently traded this off for a farm of 100 acres, on which was very little improvement. During his lifetime, however, he made many needed improvements on and about his farm. Causing the golden harvest to succeed the forest. He was a first-class mechanic, a very energetic and tireless worker, a man of considerable influence in his township, and he help several office in same. He was stanch Abolitionist before and during the Civil was, and freely presented his three sons as an offering of the altar of his country, the eldest of whom was killed at the battle of the Wilderness. His education was above the average, of deep thought and refined mind. He died in 1881, at the age of seventy-five years, his wife in 1880, at the age of seventy-three years. There were five children born to them, three of whom are now living, vix.: W. W., John H., and Mrs. R.A. Harter, of Kingston township. W. W. is the second by birth, and was reared and educated in Union township, and also at Wyoming Seminary. He is by occupation a wheelwright, having served his time during his minority, and he worked at same until 1881, when, after the death of his father, he took charge of the farm. In 1861 he became a private in Company L, Ninth Pennsylvania (Lochiel) Cavalry, for the term of three years, during which period he participated in all the principal battles of the army of the Cumberland. He re-enlisted in the same company and regiment as a veteran, for three years more, thus showing his patriotism and pluck. During his service he worked his way up, step by step, from private to first sergeant, and at the expiration of the war was tendered a lieutenant’s commission, which he declined. During his camp life he never lost two weeks’ service, never entered a hospital as a patient, and he has never applied for a pension. On December 26, 1866, Mr. Prichard married Miss Helen, daughter of Shadrach and Elizabeth Gregory, and to them were born nine children, all of whom are living; Mason S., Mary, Herbert G., Kate A., Elizabeth, Leonard, Robert, Walter, and John S. Mason S. married Miss Estella Hunt, daughter of Jacob Hunt of Kingston township. Mrs. Helen Prichard was born in Union towship, June 10, 1843, and taught school many years previous to her marriage. Mr. Prichard is a man of marked intelligence, was correspondent in the army for the Louisville Journal, and Record of the Times, writes extensively for the press now, and is a practical, thorough-going gentleman. He is a stanch Democrat, and has been justice of the peace for ten years and school director for three. He established the postoffice at his place, which is called after him, and he is an influential man in his township. He is a member of the Farners’ Alliance.
William R. Pritchard, inside foreman at the Honora Colliery, Laflin, was born in South Wales, August 16, 1853, and is a son of William and Ann (Watkins) Pritchard. The family came to America in 1855 and resided at Shamokin, Pa., six year and Hyde Park, Pa., thirteen years, and have since made their home at Larksville, same State. His father who is a miner, reared a family of five children three of whom are living, viz.: William R., John and Sarah (Mrs. Albert Avery.) The subject of this sketch was educated in the common schools, and at an early age began working about the mines, which vocation he has since followed, including eight years mining and two years fire-bossing at Plymouth; he removed to Laflin in October, 1889. Mr. Pritchard was married, March 12, 1881, to Sarah A., daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (Jones) Evans, natives of Wales. They have three children, viz.: William W., Frank and Cora. Our subject and wife attend the Baptist Church, of which she is a member. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the Ivorites; he is a Republican in his political views, and has held the offices of tax collector and school director, serving his third term in the latter office.
Lloyd Protheroe, merchant, Miners Mills, was born in Pittston, Pa., September 25, 1863, and is the son of Morgan and Catharine (Richards) Protheroe, natives of South Wales. His paternal grandparents were David and Mary Protheroe, and his maternal grandparents were Owen and Mary Richards. The father of our subject, who was a miner, came to America in 1849, and located in Pittston, where he followed mining for twenty-five years, and then removed to Miners Mills; he worked in the mines till 1875, when he engaged in the mercantile business. He died January 22, 1892, at the age of seventy-two years; his wife, who survives him, is living on the old homestead. Their family consisted of nine children five of whom are living, viz.: Mary (Mrs. Edward Bowkley, of Pittston), Roderick, Owen, Lloyd and Irene (Mrs. John W. Ruche, of Pittsburgh); they all attend the Welsh Congregational Church. Our subject, who is unmarried, resides with his mother in the old homestead; he is a member of the I. O. R. M., and is a Republican.
Reuben Prutzman, farmer, P.O. Huntsville, was born in Monroe county, Pa., March 2, 1841. He is a son of John and Julia (Walp) Prutzman, both of whom were born in Monroe county, and were descendants of German people. John moved from Monroe to this county about 1844, location in Pttston. He is a prosperous farmer, now residing in Luzerne borough. His family consisted of ten children, seven of whom are living, Reuben being the fourth in the family. The subject of this sketch was reared and educated in Wyoming at the common schools, and worked on his father’s farm until he was twenty-two, when he married Miss Elizabeth, daughter of John and Rachel Anderson, by whom he had four children, three of whom are living: Asa, Ada and Walter. Mr. Prutzman is a general and industrious farmer, who by hard and patient toil, has accumulated a competence for his old age. His farm consists of 114 acres, all improved. On October 19, 1883, he had the misfortune to lose his barn by fire; he soon replaced it, however, with a better and more commodious one. In 1872 he moved from Kingston to Jackson township, where he has since resided. He is honored and respected by all his fellow citizen, who have honored him with several responsible township offices. Mr. Prutzman is not a member of any church, but has a preference for Methodism.
Artemus Pursel, liveryman, Wilkes-Barre, was born at Wyoming, Luzerne county, June 6, 1841, a son of Peter and Mary C. Pursel, natives of Pennsylvania. His parents came to this county in 1835, and the father followed banking and lumbering until the time of his death. They had four children. Our subject, the second in the order of birth, was educated at the Wyoming Seminary, and, in 1865, engaged in the livery business, which he has continued up to the present time. In 1867 Mr. Pursel married Miss Mamie Rosanna Gallagher, who died in 1878. In 1879 he married Miss Fannie Nilson, and by her his three children: Harry, a reporter on the Evening Times, Ada, aged four years; and Mamie, aged three months. Mrs. Pursel is a member of the Presbyterian Church. In politics our subject is in sympathy with the Democratic party.
William W. Pursell, carpenter, Berwick, was born near Sincoe, Canada, April 8, 1855, a son of Daniel and Experience (Young) Pursell. His paternal grandfather, Jonathan Pursell, was a native of Columbia county, Pa., and was a blacksmith by trade. He resided in that county for many years, and died in Canada. Daniel R, Pursell, who was born in Montour county, Pa., was a farmer, and spent some years in Canada, dying in Luzerne county, Pa. His children were Benjamin O., Abigail, Emma A. (Mrs. George Johnson), Jonathan, William W. and Robert B. Our subject was reared in Pennsylvania from the age of one year, and received a common-school education. He learned the carpenter’s trade at Berwick, which he still follows, and he has also been in the picture-frame business in that town since 1891. He is a natural genius, and has given to the world several inventions for which he has secured United States patents. On July 16, 1890, he married Catherine L., daughter of A. F. and Laura P. (Frisbie) Bachman, of Mauch Chunk, Pa., and a descendant of participators in the Wyoming Massacre. Mr. Pursell is a member of the Presbyterian Church, of the I. O. O. F. and K. of M., and in politics is a Republican.
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