N Surnames

History of Luzerne County, Pa.,

by H.C. Bradsby, 1893

SAMPSON NANKIVELL, practical miner and contractor, Plains, was born in Tavistock, Devonshire, England, and is a son of John and Elizabeth (Warne) Nankivell. The father, who was a miner, reared a family of five children, two of whom are living in America, and of whom our subject is the fourth. He came to America in 1866, and located at Five Points, where he remained four months, firing; he then went to Mt. Carmel, where he was engaged in mining two months; and then went to Michigan, where he worked in the mines two and a half years. He then moved to Idaho, via New York, Aspinwall and San Francisco, and remained there a year and eight months, after which he sailed for England and brought thence his family to Plains, where he has since been engaged in mining and contracting. Mr. Nankivell was married, March 25, 1861, to Miss Mary, daughter of William and Mary (Foot) Bath, and by her he has had four children, three of whom are living, viz.: Luke, Thomas and Lizzie. Mrs. Mary Bath died March 26, 1875, and Mr. Nankivell married for his second wife, Mrs. Jane Coleman, sister of his first wife, and widow of John Coleman; to this union have been born four children, two of whom are living, viz.: Mary J. and William. Our subject is a member of the F. & A.M., and the Sons of St. George; in politics he is a Republican. He has made a success of his business, sometimes employing fifteen or twenty men; and with an experience of twenty years in a somewhat dangerous business, he has had no serious injury to his men or himself.

THOMAS NATTRASS, mail carrier, Yatesville, was born in the county of Durham, England, October 12, 1820, and is a son of George and Mary (Weller) Nattrass, natives of the same place. They reared a family of five children, of whom our subject is third in order of birth. He received his education in England and worked there in the mines until 1847; after coming to the United States, he first located in Schuylkill county, Pa., and in 1849 removed thence and took up his residence in his present location, where he was employed as a miner by the Pennsylvania Coal Company until his retirement, in 1887. Mr. Nattrass was united in wedlock, September 20, 1845, with Margaret, daughter of John and Margaret Wilson, natives of Durham, England, and their union has been blessed with one son - Thomas C., born September 1, 1855, who is employed at the Laflin Powder Mills in the capacity of superintendent. Our subject is a member of the M.E. Church, and in politics is a Republican. He is one of the original incorporators of the borough, and has held the offices of chief burgess, tax collector, member of council and justice of the peace.


THOMAS C. NATTRASS, superintendent of the Laflin Powder Mills, Laflin, was born in Yatesville, September 1, 1855, and is a son of Thomas and Margaret (Wilson) Nattrass, natives of the county of Durham, England. The family consisted of four children, of whom our subject is the youngest, and the only survivor. He was educated in the common schools, and at the age of twelve years began working in a breaker, his employment about the mines lasting in all nine years, including four years as engineer. He then entered the employ of the Laflin Powder Company in the capacity of engineer, continuing as such for seven years when he was given charge of the machinery and carpenter work, a position he held for five years, and in 1890 he was promoted to his present position. The mills, which have a capacity of 336 kegs a day, are owned by the Laflin Powder Company, H.D. Laflin of Saugerties, N.Y., being president. Mr. Nattrass was married December 25, 1875, to Mary E., daughter of Alfred and Mary (Siddons) Day, natives of Yorkshire, England, and very early settlers in Yatesville, Pennsylvania. Our subject and wife have five childen, viz.: Mary J., Ida B., T. Wesley, Alfred J. and Ella J. (twins). Mr. Nattrass is a member of the I.O.O.F., a Republican in politics, and is at present treasurer of the borough council and school board.

CHAUNCY L. NAUGLE, proprietor of livery and sale stables, Gaylord avenue, Plymouth, was born in Pittston December 2, 1859. He is a son of Minor and Mary (Evans) Naugle, the former born in Northumberland county, Pa., the latter a native of England. Minor Naugle was a soldier in the Civil war, and fought faithfully in defense of his flag; he is, by occupation, a tiller of the soil. His family consists of ten children, all of whom are living, Chauncy L. being the second in the family. He was reared and educated in Plymouth, and is now engaged in the useful and lucrative business of express, baggage, freight and general delivery. A history of Plymouth would be incomplete without a mention of C.L. Naugle and his establishment. He is an enterprising and progressive business man. His livery, boarding and sale stables are the largest in town; the stables are kept in the best possible condition, and everything about the place bears the mark of careful attention and good management. His horses are of exellent stock, his vehicles can not be surpassed. Although Mr. Naugle is a comparatively young man, it is to his energy and enterprise alone that his business success is attributable, his entire trade, the largest of its kind in the Valley, having been built up in the last seven years. Mr. Naugle married, June 18, 1891, Lizzie, the accomplished daughter of James Eley, the well-known and popular proprietor of the "Eley House." Mr. Naugle is a Mason in good standing, and in religion is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Politically, he is a Republican.

GEORGE P. NAUGLE, mason and farmer, P.O. Nescopeck, was born in Nescopeck September 12, 1827, a son of Philip and Rosanna (Driesbach) Naugle. His paternal grandfather was a pioneer of Nescopeck, a mason and farmer. His father, Philip, was also a mason and farmer, and settled on the farm now owned by our subject, in 1827. He cleared and improved most of this place, where he died. His wife was a daughter of Yost Driesbach, a pioneer of Nescopeck, and by her he had seven children who grew to maturity: Lavina (Mrs. Joel Walp), Polly (Mrs. Daniel Hasler), Theodore, George P., John, Christianna (Mrs. Jesse Andrews) and Alfred. Our subject was reared on the old homestead, where he has always resided, and learned the mason's trade, which he followed forty-two years, and since 1864 has carried on farming in connection with same. He served nine months in the Civil war, being a member of Company C, One Hundred and Seventy-eighth P.V., and was honorably discharged at the expiration of service. He married, December 26, 1854, Sarah A., daughter of John and Elizabeth (Hess) Bittenbender, of Conyngham township, and has seven children: John, Mary (Mrs. Samuel Sluser), Milton, Joseph, William, Emily J. and Sarah R. Mr. Naugle is a member of the Lutheran Church and in politics is a Democrat.

JAMES K. NEAGLEY, druggist, Wilkes-Barre, was born at Danville, Pa., December 30, 1857, and is a son of Daniel C. and Mary J. (Mitchell) Neagley. His paternal grandfather, Daniel C. Neagley, Sr., was of German parentage, and a native of Lykens Valley, Dauphin Co., Pa., as was also the father of subject, who was reared there until eighteen years of age, when he went to Harrisburg to learn the photographing business. After serving his apprenticeship he embarked in the business for himself in 1855, in Danville, at which he continued until the breaking out of the Civil war, when he was one of the first to volunteer for his country's service, and served throughout the entire war. At the close of the struggle he returned to Danville, and engaged in the clothing business; in 1868 he came to Plymouth, where he engaged in the same business up to 1888, when he retired and removed to Harrisburg where he still resides. His wife was a daughter of James K. and Martha (Breckenridge) Mitchell, and by her he had four children, viz.: James K., Maggie (Mrs. R.J. Stoll), Florence Virginia (Mrs. D.C. McCauley), and George E. Her mother was a niece of the late J.C. Breckenridge, who was Vice-President when Buchanan was President; he was nominated for President by the Southern Democrats in 1860; stood second in the number of electoral votes when Lincoln was first elected President; sent to the United States Senate from Kentucky in 1861, but withdrew to join the Southern Confederacy; was brigadier-general in the Confederate army, and was appointed Confederate Secretary of War in 1865. Our subject was reared in Plymouth, this county, from seven years of age, and received a public-school education. He served an apprenticeship at the drug business, at which he served in the capacity of clerk from 1872 until 1885, when he embarked in the business for himself at Moosic, Pa. In 1887 he was burned out, and in 1888 again established himself in business on North Washington street, Wilkes-Barre. In the same year he sold out, and in 1891 bought out one of the oldest drug stands in Wilkes-Barre. On August 18,1880, Mr. Neagley married Sarah Frances, daughter of George and Matilda (Alkins) Derby, of Wilkes-Barre, and has five children: Derby Boston, Lee Breckenridge, Guy Mitchell, Earl Culbertson and Daniel C. Mr. Neagley is a member of the Masonic Fraternity; in politics he is a Republican.

HENRY MARION NEALE, physician and surgeon, Upper Lehigh. This popular gentleman, who stands in the front rank of the medical profession of Luzerne county, is a New Englander by birth. He was born at New Haven, Conn., July 27, 1856, and is a son of Martin and Martha (Hitchcock) Neale, the former of whom is a native of County Antrim, Ireland, and immigrated to this country with his parents when he was a child. The father followed railroading for a long time, in the capacity of consturction master, in the employ of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company. A few years ago he was injured in a wreck at New London, Conn., and since then has lived a retired life at Southington, same State, where he now resides, at the age of seventy-two. The Doctor's mother is a native of Plymouth, Conn., and is connected with the oldest New England families. She is a distant relative of Gen. Marion. Our subject was educated in the common schools, Lewis Academy, at Southington, Conn., and Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, graduating at the latter in the class of 1880. He then spent one year in practice at the Blockley Hospital, Philadelphia, after which he received the appointment of physician and surgeon of the famous steamer, "Indiana," of the American Line, plying between Liverpool and Philadelphia. After following a sea-faring life one year, he came to Upper Lehigh as assistant to Dr. T.J. Mays, whom he met on one of his voyages, and became acquainted with. In 1884, when he was at Upper Lehigh one year, Dr. Mays removed from that place and Dr. Neale succeeded him in his practice. Our subject was united in marriage March 5, 1885, with Miss Adda Leisenring, of Upper Lehigh, and they have three children: Mahlon Kemmerer, Joseph Hawley and Gertrude Leisenring. Dr. Neale is a member of the Luzerne Medical Society, and the Liverpool Medical Association.

FRANK NEEDHAM, deputy register of Wills, Hazleton, was born in Hazleton, December 24, 1866, a son of Michael and Winifred (Redington) Needham, navtives of County Mayo, Ireland. His father came to America about 1842, locating at Beaver Meadows, Carbon Co., Pa., soon afterward removing to Hazleton, where for thirty years he was engaged in mining, and since 1872 he has been in the real estate business. Our subject, his only child, was reared in his native city, educated in public schools and the Normal school at Bloomsburg, Pa. He served an apprenticeship of four years at the tinner's and plumber's trades, which he afterward followed two years. In 1886 he began teaching in the public schools of Hazle township, a vocation he followed up to January 1, 1891, when he was appointed to his present position, and sine 1888 he has been a student of law with P.V. Weaver, Esq. In religious belief he is a member of the Catholic Church, in politics he is a Democrat.

IRA J. NEELY, farmer, P.O. Silkworth, was born in Plymouth township, September 26, 1844, a son of Thomas E. and Barbara (Anderson) Neely, the former born in Orange county, N.Y.; the latter in Dallas, this county. Thomas Neely removed to this county with his father about 1830, when a young man. His father, whose name has not been learned, located in Dallas, where he purchased 100 acres of farming land upon which there was very little improvement, and where he passed the rest of his days, devoting himself to the advancement of agricultural pursuits. In time he sold the homestead and purchased a farm of 225 acres in Plymouth township, now the property of George L. Hutchins. Mr. Neely was a close Bible student, a thoughful man, and an excellent neighbor. Politically, he was a Democrat. He died in April, 1891, aged seventy-four years. Their family numbered thirteen children, Mrs. Neely having been twice married, and having eight by Mr. Neely and five by her previous marriage with Mr. Hutchins. Eight of these children are now living. Our subject, the sixth by his mother's marriage with Mr. Neely, was reared and educated in Plymouth township, and in early life worked at shoemaking, a trade he has not followed for a number of years. In 1862 he entered the army of the Potomac, becoming a member of Company I, One Hundred and Forty-third P.V.I., for the term of three years, and participated in all the principal battles of the last years of the war.

WILLIAM NEILSON, outside foreman No. 1 Colliery, Jeansville. This popular young foreman was born at Egypt, N.C., November 1, 1857, and is the second in the family of six children of James and Isabel (McDougal) Neilson, natives of Scotland. The family came to Jeansville in 1848, where the children were reared and educated. Our subject began working about the mines when quite young, and did all kinds of general work. At one time he engaged in farming in the State of Virginia, remaining there two years, at the end of which time he returned to Jeansville and here engaged in firing, one year; then proceeded to Black Ridge, where he ran a pair of hoisting engines for one year, after which he went to the Lehigh Valley shops at Hazleton, where he worked two years, and then returned to Jeansville and ran a pair of hoisting engines for about four years, when he was given his present position, which he has occupied since December 1886. He has under his charge about one hundred and ten men. Mr. Neilson is unmarried. He is a member of the P.O.S. of A. and Knights of the Golden Eagle, and in Politics votes the Republican ticket.

REV. REUBEN NELSON, D.D. It is he who finds a new truth, or an invention, that is promotive of the good of mankind, that is the child of a bright and glorious immortality. The day, when born kings and bloody conquerors were the greatest of men, passed away with the time of barbarism; men's lives now are great or mean as are the results of those lives. In this view it is doubly pleasant to speak of the life and work of the gentleman whose name stands at the opening of this article. He was the founder and for thirty years the principal of the Wyoming Seminary of Kinston, an eminent divine of the Methodist Episcopal Church; also general agent and senior publisher of the Methodist Book Concern, of New York. He was born at Andes, Delaware Co., N.Y., December 13, 1818. At the age of fiteen he joined the church, and from that moment his whole life was devoted to the interests of his beloved church. Dr. Nelson thus became a national man, indeed a world's man, known to the home children of God, as well as to the distant heathen, who through his tireless energies felt the sweetness and sunshine of God's love and holy word. When barely seventeen years old he was licensed as exhorter, and commenced to hold prayer meetings and give exhortations. Such were his efforts here, that the next year he was licensed to preach the Gospel. Rarely has one so young been thus commissioned, but this youth was crowned with the type of soul and energy, love of his fellow man and devotion to holy duty, that his selection was eminently wise and proper. He traveled and labored, faced the storms, the cold and heat, and trusted God, and was ever improving each passing moment in advancing his education; he had to make personal amends for the want of early opportunities in the schoolroom. This self-made man, and self-educated, became a great educator, and founded a high order of institution of learning. When in the zenith of his success he was still a diligent student, and was, his whole life. At the age of twenty-two (1840), he accepted the chair of acting principal of the Otsego Academy, Cooperstown, New York. In August of the same year he was admitted on trial into the Oneida Annual Conference, and appointed the third minister in charge of the Otsego Circuit. In 1841 he was appointed third preacher on the Westford Circuit. These clerical duties were fully performed without interfering with his work as principal of the academy. In 1842 he was admitted to full membership in the Conference, and he was ordained of the order of deacon at the same time he was made principal of the Ortsego Academy. A painful and partial paralysis of the vocal organs soon after compelled him to resign, as he could not speak loud; the affliction existed and grew until 1843, when his name was placed by the Conference in the list of superannuated preachers, and for a period his clerical labors ceased. He could not remain idle, so part of the time he taught Latin and Greek, preparing young men for college, communicating in whispers. In 1844 the Oneida Conference founded at Kingston, Pa., the Wyoming Seminary, and Dr. Reuben Nelson was made principal. Here he found congenial work, and for twenty-eight years it went on unremittingly. No educational institution was ever conducted to better success, and he made it the chief center of education in the famed Wyoming Valley. It was pronounced by Bishop Harris to be "one of the best institutions of its grade in the land," and this is Dr. Nelson's imperishable monument. In 1862, 1863, and 1864, Dr. Nelson was president elder of the Wyoming District; filling the office again in 1868-69, and then did double duty rather than sever his hold of the affairs of the seminary. He was a member of the Oneida Conference until 1852, when it was divided, and he was transferred to the Wyoming Conference. In 1858 he became secretary of the Wyoming Conference, and by reelection continued in this office until 1870, when he declined, owing to physical disability. In 1860 he was a delegate to the General Conference at Buffalo, and each year, from that until his death, was sent as a delegate to each Conference. In the General Conference of 1876 he was chosen chairman of the committee on Episcopacy, where he presided with dignity and eminence. In 1872 he was the general choice of the Conference as agent of the Methodist Book Concern, in the City of New York, as well as treasurer of the Missionary Society. The finances of the country were greatly out of gear, yet Dr. Nelson steered his bark betwixt Seylla and Charybdis most successfully. So well had he done that he was reelected to both offices in 1876. Overmuch labor of body and mind brought on a typhoid-malarial attack, and the strong man of God was prostrated. The best medical aid and widest sympathy of friends were of little avail now, and he laid down his offices and burdens forever. Funeral services were held at St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church, New York, Saturday, February 22, 1876. After the ceremonies the remains were brought to Wilkes-Barre, to the home of his son-in-law, Mr. George S. Bennett, and thence taken to Kinston. No man has received a more universal recognition of his worth and the public respect. Places of business were closed; the Seminary Chapel and church heavily draped, and the flag was at half mast. The good man, and great, was gone forever, and the whole population testified unto his life among them. In 1841 Dr. Nelson and Jane Scott Eddy were united in marriage. She was the daughter of Col. Asa Eddy, of Milford, New York. Their only chld living is Mrs. George S. Bennett, of Wilkes-Barre.

THOMAS NELSON, farmer, P.O. Lehman Centre, was born in Yorkshire, England, June 10, 1853. He is a son of James and Elizabeth (Allen) Nelson, both of whom were born in England. James was a farmer in his native country, but thought he could better his condition by coming to a larger, though younger nation. He came to this country in 1858, locating at Lehman Centre, where he remained three years. He then moved to Dallas, where he remained about five years; while there he enlisted in the army for the term of three years, as a member of Company H, Fifty-second P.V.I., under Gen. Gillmore, who presented him a medal for meritorius action at the battle of Morris Island. At this place Mr. Nelson lost his hearing by the explosion of a shell in close proximity to his head. After this accident he received a position in the commissary department, where he remained until his honorable discharge, which he received at Salisbury, in July, 1865, at the expiration of his time and the close of the war. After his return from the army he moved to Jackson township, where he purchased a farm of 100 acres, which he improved by beautifying the grounds, clearing the land, and building a substantial dwelling and commodious barns. He has, also, a never-failing spring of pure water, on the stream of which he has placed a hydraulic ram, which conveys the water to his house. Mr. Nelson is a general farmer, but has now retired from active life, his son, Thomas, who is the only surviving member of a family of three, now managing the place. Thomas was reared and educated in Lahman and Dallas townships, and has worked on the farm. In April, 1884, he married Miss Myra, daughter of Isaac and Eliza Ferguson. This union resulted in the birth of four children: Corey J., Edna P., Ethel M., and Stanley F. Mr. Nelson is a Republican, and has held the office of supervisor, etc. He is a member of the Grange.

JOHN NEMETH, of the firm of Martin & Nemeth, general merchants and foreign exchange brokers, Hazleton, was born in November, 1861, at Garaduna, Hungaria. He was educated in his native land, and at the age of nineteen came to America, landing in New York in January, 1881. He immediately proceeded to Hazleton and engaged in picking slate, which occupation he followed about one year, when he engaged as clerk for Simon Miller, in whose employ he remained five years. At this time he and Mr. Martin formed a partnership, where they have since continued to do business; besides their general mercantile trade they also are engaged in foreign exchange. Upon his arrival in the United States, Mr. Nemeth's wealth amounted to thirty-four cents. He is now worth about seven thousand dollars, which property he has accumulated in five years. Mr. Nemeth was united in marriage in 1889, with Miss Helen Deutsch of his native town. They have two children, viz.: John, Jr., and Ida. This gentleman is a member of the National Slavonic Society, and in politics is very liberal, although in national issues he is a firm Democrat.

ABRAM NESBITT, president of the Second National Bank of Wilkes-Barre, was born in Plymouth township, this county, December 29, 1831, a son of James, Jr., and Mary (Shupp) Nesbitt. The paternal grandfather was Abram Nesbitt, son of James Nesbitt, Sr. (who was by profession an attorney), both natives of Connecticut, and pioneers of Plymouth. The wife of James, Sr., was Phoebe Harrison. They raised a large family of whom James, Jr., was the eldest. He began life as a farmer in Plymouth, later was a coal operator, and for some years he engaged in mercantile business in Wilkes-Barre, where he died October 9, 1840, in his fiftieth year. His wife was a daughter of Philip and Catherine Shupp, and by her he had two children, Mary (Mrs. Samuel Hoyt) and Abram. Our subject was reared at Wyoming Seminary (Kingston). He has been a resident of Kingston since 1849. He began life as a land surveyor, which vocation he followed fifteen years. He was one of the organizers of the Second National Bank of Wilkes-Barre, and since its organization in 1863 has been a director; served as vice-president of the bank six years, and has been it president since 1878. He has also been an extensive dealer in real estate. On September 2, 1862, Mr. Nesbitt married Sarah M., daughter of Abram and Sarah (Myers) Goodwin, of Kingston, Pa., and has four children, George F., Abram G., Sadie and Fred D. Mr. Nesbitt is a widely-known and prominent citizen of Luzerne county, has held nearly all the local offices of Kingston borough, and is now one of the trustees of Wyoming Seminary. In politics he is a Republican.

LEWIS E. NESBITT, manager of the mercantile business of Wardwell & Co., at Ridgewood, Plains township, was born in Plymouth, January 23, 1868, and is a son of Gardner and Bethira (Wolf) Nesbitt, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Scotch and French origin, respectively. Our subject is the youngest of five children, three of whom are living; he was reared on the farm and educated in the common schools and in Wilkes-Barre Business College, where he graduated in 1887. As soon as he had completed his education he secured a position as bookkeeper for his present employers; he proved himself highly worthy of every responsibility placed upon him, and his employers expressed their appreciation of his service by giving him complete charge of their large store at Ridgewood. Mr. Nesbitt was married February 22, 1889, to Elizabeth A., daughter of Thomas W. Lewis, of Mill Creek; they have one child, Frederick E. He is a member of the P.O.S. of A., and the I.O.R.M.; in his political views he is a Republican, and in 1891 was appointed assistant postmaster at Ridgewood.


L. LINCOLN NEWHART, Ashley, was born in Northampton county, Pa., July 27, 1861, a son of John W. and Elizabeth (Shafer) Newhart, natives of Pennsylvania, and of German origin. His father, who was a farmer, merchant, and coal and lumber dealer, reared a family of eleven children, seven of whom are living, of whom our subject is the seventh. He was educated in the public school, and commenced life tending lock on the canal, and later working in the school slate factory at Slatington, Pa., where he remained three years. He was then successively engaged as clerk in the railroad station at Ashley, two years; operator and clerk at Nantiocke, one year, and operator at Plymouth, a few months. He then returned to Ashley, and engaged as clerk and bookkeeper for William Fehr, and at the death of his employer, August 13, 1890, he was appointed attorney for the William Fehr Estate. On September 1, 1892, he became successor to the William Fehr Estate, purchased all the personal stock, right and title of the same, and is now doing business under the firm name of L.L. Newhart. Mr. Newhart was married October 4, 1883, to Mary R., daughter of William and Elizabeth (Reed) Fehr, of Ashley, and they have two children, viz.: William E. and Fred L. Mr. Newhart and his wife are members of the Lutheran and Evangelical Churches, respectively. He is a Republican in his political views, and has held the offices of auditor and councilman in Ashley borough.

JOHN NEWTON, Hazleton, is a native of London, England, and is a son of Morris and Kate (Cantor) Newton. He was educated at Highbury College, London, where he also studied medicine, and received his diploma, in 1862. He remained in the locality of London until 1865, when he came to America and located in New York, where, within three months after his arrival in the country, he was appointed inspector of distilleries. This position he held about a year and a half, when he was appointed street inspector under William Tweed. Three years later Mr. Newton engaged in the installment business, being the first to introduce the installment plan in America. He was engaged in the installment business twelve or thirteen years, during a large part of which time he was engaged in the organization and management of secret societies, being at one time deputy grand president of the Sons of St. George, of Luzerne county. In behalf of the A.O.F. of A., he raised $500 for the benefit of the sufferes at Plymouth, during the plauge at that place; in 1890 he was elected grand secretary of the A.O.F. of A. for the State of Pennsylvania, at Wilkes-Barre, which office he still holds, having eighty-five courts with a total membership of 9,000 under his immediate jurisdiction. Mr. Newton comes from a family of inventors. He is a relative of Jacob A. Cantor, a leading statesman and Democratic politician of New York; of the celebrated Arthur Newton, who determined, geometrically, the locality of the lost Atlantic cable; while his father, Morris Newton, is the only successful patentee of the process of converting culm into bricquets, and he is now living a retired life in London. But a short time ago, he received from Trinidad Lake, material that is used in the manufacture of pavement the world over, and he has lately sold his right to the Trinidad Company. John Newton, our subject, is the eldest in a family of seven children, viz.: Lewis, furniture dealer, Wilkes-Barre; Anna (Mrs. M.J. Levy, Wilkes-Barre); Fred, an extensive tanner in Leicestershire, England; Edward, employed in the Civil Service, London; David, dyer and china decorator, Trenton, N.J.; Emily and John. Mr. Newton has been twice married; first time in England, in 1862, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of John Nelson, proprietor of the renowned "Victoria Hotel, " London, England. They had three children: Joseph, David and Morris. The mother of this family dying in 1868, Mr. Newton was afterward married to Miss Metta Brunges, and by this union there are six children: Harry, Hattie, Flora Scrantonia, John Wilkes-Barre, Lewis and Isadore. Mr. Newton is a member of the Lutheran Church; in his political views he is not hampered by prejudice or bound by any party ties.

MILTON NEYHART, miller, Huntsville, was born June 29, 1854, and was reared and educated in Eaton township, Wyoming county. He is the son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Rymer) Neyhart, the former a native of Germany, the latter born in Wilkes-Barre. Joseph is the son of John Neyhart, who came to this country about 1822, locating in Northampton county, this State. His children numbered four sons and four daughters. His son, Joseph Neyhart, left Northampton county for Monroe county, where he worked at the cooper's trade. In about 1838 he came to Wilkes-Barre, where he was employed as a miller. Here he married, and reared a family of seven children, all of whom are living. He died in 1882, at the age of sixty-seven years. Milton Neyhart is the fourth of the family in order of birth. He applied himself to the miller's trade from his boyhood, and has followed same on the banks of Bowman's creek, up to the present time. In 1867 he came to this county, locating in Huntsville, where he worked at his trade. July 20, 1881, he was married to Miss Ella M., daughter of William H. and Matilda Ide, of Lehman. By this union there were born to them two children: Leona M. and Benjamin R. In 1890 he bought the mill property of C.M. Case, which he has renovated and fitted up with the latest improvements for milling, including roller process, for rye and buckwheat. He also makes a specialty of "chop feed." His mill is situated on a living stream with seventeen feet fall. Mr. Neyhart is a young man of push and enterprise, who can not fail to make his mark in his line of business. He has been elected to the town office of school director. He is a member of the P.O.S. of A., and he and his wife are consistent members of the M.E. Church.

J.F. NICELY, carpenter for the West End Coal Company, Shickshinny, was born in Salem township, this county, May 30, 1832, and is a son of John R. and Polly (Stuckey) Nicely, natives of Northampton and Luzerne counties, Pa., respectively. The father, who was a carpenter by trade, and also a farmer, died on what is known as the "Nicely farm," in Conyngham township. His children were Ann Eliza (Mrs. George W. Search), Alphonse C. (deceased), Martha, John F., and Mary (latter being deceased). Our subject was reared in what in now Conyngham township, educated in the common schools, and learned the carpenter's trade with his father, which, in connection with boat-building, he has followed since seventeen years of age. He has been twice married, first time to Emily M., daughter of Elisha Lowe, of Centre county, Pa., and by this union there are two children living: Florence L. (Mrs. James Bird) and Mary. Mr. Nicely's second wife was Catherine H. Oldknow, of Shickshinny. Our subject is a member of the F. & A.M. and I.O.O.F.; in politics he is a Republican. He has resided in Shickshinny since 1858.

ROBERT H. NICHOLAS, train dispatcher and ticket agent for the Central Railroad of New Jersey, Fairview township, P.O. Mountain Top, was born in Wurtsboro, Sullivan Co., N.Y., March 20, 1846, and is a son of Robert and Lydia A. (Perry) Nicholas, the former a native of Cornwall, England, the latter of New York, a descendant of old Connecticut settlers. The subject of this sketch, who is the fourth in a family of ten children, came to this county in October, 1846, with his parents. He received an academic education and, in 1868, when at the age of twenty-two years, accepted a position as train dispatcher and ticket agent at Penobscot station, Fairview (then Wright) township, for the Central Railroad of New Jersey, which position he still holds, being recognized as one of the company's most trusty men. Mr. Nicholas was united in marriage January 12, 1874, with Catherine, daughter of A. Williamson, of York, Ontario, Canada, which union was blessed with two children. Mrs. Nicholas departed this life January 12, 1887, and Mr. Nicholas married, for his second wife, May 29, 1889, Elizabeth D. Bell, of Ashley, which union has been made happy by the birth of one child. Mr. Nicholas is a Republican in politics, and at one time attended an election in Wright township when but one Republican vote was cast.

EMMETT DE VINE NICHOLS, a prominent attorney at law of Wilkes-Barre, was born July 8, 1855, in Ulster, Bradford Co., Pa., son of George W. and Elizabeth B. (Hemingway) Nichols, the former being of New Albany, and the latter of Rome, Pa. After acquiring such education as the public schools of his native town afforded, he attended a select school at Sheshequin, Pa., and was, for a portion of a year at Wyoming Seminary. With this preparation he taught school successfully at various places until 1877, when he came to Wilkes-Barre, and entered the law office of Kidder & Nichols, the junior member of the firm being his brother, F.M. Nichols, afterward mayor of Wilkes-Barre. He was admitted to the bar September 16, 1879. Mr. Nichols is the recognized head of the political temperance movement in Luzerne county. When but fifteen years old he presided over a Good Templars' Lodge. He has held many high offices in this Order, and conducted many public temperance meetings. He organized the Prohibition party in Luzerne county, and has always been at the head of its county committee. He has been a candidate for presidential elector on the Prohibition ticket, and for congressman, besides municipal and other offices. He published a number of pamphlets on the subject of temperance and prohibition, has made countless speeches in behalf of the temperance cause, and is nearly always retained to plead for those who remonstate against the granting of licenses. Mr. Nichols married, June 25, 1879, Emma J. Koons, a daughter of John G. Koons, of Ashley. The Koons family have for many years been prominently identified with the people and affairs of the Conyngham and Sugar Loaf Valleys, a rich farming region in the lower end of Luzerne county. John G. Koons was born there. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols have four children, all daughters.

FRANCIS MARION NICHOLS, attorney at law, Wilkes-Barre, was born in Smithfield, Bradford Co., Pa., May 28, 1851, and is a son of George W. and Elizabeth (Hemingway) Nichols. His great-grandfather, Stephen Nichols, settled in Albany townshp, Bradford Co., Pa., in 1819. He was a basket-maker by trade, and his wares had the reputation of being the best that could be manufactured. His wife was Margaret Potter, a native of England, and a daughter of Robert Potter, a Revolutionary soldier. George W. Nichols, father of our subject, was a native of Albany, and a millwright and carpenter by trade. Our subject remained at home until sixteen years of age. In early life he taught school at Athens and Ulster townships, also taught mathematics in Macauley's Business College, at Lawrence, Kans., and finished his education at the State University of Kansas, at Lawrence. While in that town he read law with Barker & Summerfield, and finished his law studies with W.A. & B.M. Peck, of Towanda, Pa.; was admitted to the bar of Bradford county in the spring of 1873, and to the Luzerne county bar October 28, 1873. In 1879 he was appointed district attorney of Luzerne county, to fill a vacancy, and the same year was a candidate for the nomination for the same office in the Republican County Convention, but was defeated by a small vote. In 1880 he was appointed, by Attorney-General Palmer, a special assistant for Luzerne county. In 1881 he was chairman of the Luzerne County Independents, who refused to support the nominee of the Republican State Convention for State treasurer. In 1882 he was the Republican nominee for district attorney, but was defeated. On February 1, 1874, Mr. Nichols married Mary Corker, of Norwich, N.Y., by whom he had four children: Florence E., Lyman E., Lester W. and Leona M. His second wife was Almina Wilson, of Clifford, Susquehanna Co., Pa., and by this marriage he has one child, Francis M.

J. MILTON NICHOLSON, ticket agent for the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, Kingston, was born August 29, 1828, at Salem, Wayne Co., Pa., and educated in his native village. He is a son of Zenas and Nancy (Goodrich) Nicholson, natives of Connecticut and of New England parentage. He commenced life for himself as a teacher in Wayne county, Pa., where he remained until 1860, in which year he removed to Hop Bottom, Pa., where he was employed as agent for the D.L. & W.R.R. Co., four years. He then removed to Great Bend, where he was ticket agent for the same company, and telegraph operator for both that and the Erie Railroad Companies. In 1865 he removed to Kingston, where he was employed as train dispatcher for the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, which position he held sixteen years, and in 1881 accepted his present postion. While at Hop Bottom, he was commissioned postmaster of that place by President Lincoln, and held that position from April 10, 1861, to April 10, 1865. Mr. Nicholson was married, June 20, 1854, to Sarah Elizabeth Potter, of Salem, Wayne Co., Pa., and they have one daughter, Lizzie Amelia, who resides with her parents. He and his family are members of the Presbyterian Church; in his political views he is a Republican.

J.W. NIMMO, merchant tailor, Pittston. This gentleman, who is one of the leading merhcants of Pittston, was born in Scotland, May 15, 1843, and is a son of Thomas and Rose (McDougall) Nimmo. The father is a retired gentleman residing in Edinburgh, Scotland, the city of his nativity. The mother was born at Greenock, Scotland, and died when our subject was a small boy. The family consisted of the following children: James, a civil engineer, Edinburgh; Alexander (deceased); J.W.; Annie (Mrs. James McDonnell, Glasgow, Scotland). Mr. Nimmo was reared in Edinburgh and Greenock, and educated in the public schools of the latter place. When young he came to the United States and followed the business of cutter, and after working in Chicago and New York several years came to Pittston, and secured a position as cutter for Henry Cohen, remaining with him four years. He then opened a merchant-tailoring establishment for himself in Pittston, a business that has continued up to the present time. In the fall of 1876 Mr. Nimmo married E. Louise Jones, daughter of Daniel Jones, a prominent farmer of Exeter township, and at present has the following children: Anna; Wallace; James J.; Arthur; George. He is a member of the West Side Presbyterian Church; of the Free Masons, in which he has taken thirty-two degrees; of the order of I.O.O.F., and has filled the offices of the various lodges, and of O.R.M. of Plainsville, Pa.; a charter member of the Royal Arcanum, Knights of Honor, K.of P. He is an ex-chief of the Pittston Caledonian Club, and one of the most active members of that organization, and is president of the Merchant Tailors' Exchange of Pittston. Mr. Nimmo is the leading merchant tailor of Pittston, and at his place at No. 28 North Main street, is found a fine and complete stock of clothes, woolens, suiting and a fine line of select furnishing goods. Politically, Mr. Nimmo is a stanch Republican, an earnest worker for his party's interest, but no place seeker. He has been a citizen of Pittston for twenty years, and during that time has done as much to advance the city's interest as any man here; he has always been among the first to advocate improvements, and spared neither money nor trouble to bring them About. As a business man he has been eminently successful, and at the present time has the largest and best trade in his line in the city, all due to the fact that he is a superior cutter, and always employs the best workmen that money will secure. Mr. Nimmo has a host of friends, and occupies an enviable position in the city of his adoption.

MATTHEW D. NIMMO, engineer in the Wyoming Colliery, Plains, was born in Auchinairn, Lanarkshire, Scotland, February 13, 1855, and is a son of Matthew and Mary (Stuart) Nimmo. His father, who was a mine engineer, reared a family of ten children, three of whom are living, viz.: Mary, married to Robert Aitkin, a potter in Glasgow, Scotland; Margaret, widow of Walter Milburn (she lives in Glasgow); and Matthew D. Our subject began working with his father at the age of eighteen, and has always followed engineering; he came to America in 1881, worked in Miners Mills one year, and has since held his present position; he built his present residence and removed therein in 1884. Mr. Nimmo was married, January 10, 1880, to Miss Sarah, daughter of John and Jeannette (Nimmo) McLuskie, natives of his native town; her father, who was a miner, reared a family of nine children, six of whom are living, viz.: John, a miner in Plainsville; James, a miner in Providence; Alexander, a miner in Plains; Jennette, wife of Robert Love, a miner in Plains; Peter, a tailor by trade, who came to America in 1885, and has a store and tailor shop near the residence of his brother-in-law, with whom he lives; and Sarah, the wife of our subject. Mr. Nimmo is a member of the I.O.O.F., the F. & A.M., and the Caledonian Club; politically he is a Republican.

ALEXANDER NOBLE, engineer at the Avondale Colliery, Plymouth. Among the many steady-handed, cool-headed engineers none, perhaps, is more trustworthy than he whose name opens this sketch, and who has been handling the enormous hoisting engines at the Avondale Colliery for twenty-three years. Mr. Noble was born at Glasgow, Scotland, February 15, 1834, and is the fourth in the family of six children of James and Ann (Scobie) Noble, also natives of Scotland. Our subject was reared and educated at the place of his birth, and at the early age of ten years was given charge of a stationary engine, he being taught the trade by his father who was a skilled machinist and engineer. This business our subject followed in Scotland until 1864, when he came to America and located in Lackawanna county, Pa., near Scranton, where he was employed as hoisting engineer for the Delaware & Hudson No. 3. He continued at this until 1869, when he moved to Plymouth, and has since been engaged at the Avondale. While at this colliery he designed a dial signal, numbered like the face of a clock, and having a hand which, when the signal is given, will indicate, by the figure the hand stops at, just what is desired. Mr. Noble has been twice married: First, in 1850, to Margaret, daughter of Alexander Ross, a native of Glasgow, Scotland, and eight children were born to this union, namely: James (deceased); Agnes, wife of Mansfield Roberts, of Plymouth, Pa.; Margaret, wife of William Collins, of Bernice, Pa.; Jeanette, wife of William Nelson; Alexander, Jr., engineer at the Avondale; James, Mary, David and Andrew. The mother of these children died in 1880, and Mr. Noble was married April 19, 1881, to Mrs. Harriet Young, widow of Fletcher Young, and daughter of William and Elizabeth (Wynn) Pointon, natives of Shiffnal, England. Mr. Noble is a Republican, and is a member of the I.O.O.F. The family attend the Presbyterian Church.

MICHAEL NOLAN (deceased) was born in County Tipperary, Ireland, September 4, 1841, and was a son of James and Ann (Corrigan) Nolan, natives of the same place. When only six months old he came to this country with an aunt, who settled in Orange county, N.Y., where our subject was educated in the common schools, and followed the work of a general laborer until 1870, when he came to this county, and went to work in the mines; here he was hurt, and died August 12, 1871, aged thirty years. Mr. Nolan was united in marriage April 12, 1860, with Ellen, daughter of James and Ellen (Cahallen) Howe, natives of County Tipperary, Ireland, and the fruit of their union was one son, James M., born February 7, 1861, now employed by the Pennsylvania Coal Company as a miner; he is a prominent member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. The family are connected with the Catholic Church.

MICHAEL NOLAN, proprietor of "Nolan's Hotel," Inkerman, Jenkins township, was born in Scranton in 1856, and is a son of Peter and Catherine (Gannon) Nolan, natives of County Mayo, Ireland. The father, who was a laborer in the mines and is still living in Inkerman, reared a family of nine children, three of whom are living, viz.: Maria (Mrs. John Gill, of Parsons, Pa.), Michael H. and Martin. Our subject received a common-school education, and at an early age began working about the mines, which occupation he followed till 1878, when he engaged in his present business. He built his present place of business, with residence attached, in 1885. Mr. Nolan was married February 10, 1887, to Miss Mary, daughter of Peter and Winneford (Henahan) Durkin, of Inkerman, natives of County Mayo, Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. Nolan have three children, viz.: Peter, Frank and George. Our subject and family are members of the Catholic Church; he is a member of the Emeralds, and is a Democrat in his political views.

JOHN F. NOOT, greengrocer, Wilkes-Barre, was born at sea, April 28, 1851, and is a son of James and Elizabeth (Lewis) Noot, natives of Glamorganshire, Wales. The parents came to America in 1851, and settled in Nanticoke, this county, where the father was a miner and mine boss for many years. His children were five in number: John F., Martha (Mrs. Henry J. Manhart), James, Mary (Mrs. Augustus Snyder) and Lizzie (Mrs. William Kline). Our subject began life in the mines at Nanticoke when but eight years of age, receiving 25 cents per day. After working three months without receiving any pay, he was invited to the office on the Fourth of July, and was given 50 cents, which was afterward deducted from his wages. He worked in the mines eleven years, and then served an apprenticeship of three years at the carpenter's trade, which occupation he followed fourteen years. After this Mr. Noot engaged in the green-grocery business at Wilkes-Barre - three years wholesale and for the past five years wholesale and retail. On January 10, 1871, he married Mary A., daughter of Samuel and Catherine (Brown) Kidney, of Stroudsburg, Pa.; they have two children living: James and Lillie. Mr. Noot is a member of the Presbyterian Church; also of the I.O.O.F. and Encampment, and of the P.O.S. of A., and O.U.A.M. Politically he is a Republican.

D.W. NULTON, farmer, P.O. Dallas, was born, April 26, 1848, reared and educated in Dallas, son of Elisha and Susanna (Williamson) Nulton, both of whom were born in New Jersey. Elisha was a son of Jacob, who, with his family, moved to this county about 1827, locating in Franklin township, where he afterward resided until his death. He had a family of eleven children, six of whom were born in New Jersey; he was one of the old pioneers of Franklin township, and a farmer of some experience and note in his day. Elisha, his son, removed after his marriage to Dallas, on a farm of ninety-three acres, very little of which was cleared, and upon which a log-house was the only dwelling. He, however, caused the forest to yield up its treasures of golden grain; and the rude log-cabin gave way in time for a more pretentious house. He was a thrifty, sober, economical and industrious man. He and his wife were consistent members of the M.E. Church, and politically, he was a Democrat. Mr. Nulton died in 1870 at the age of fifty-seven. He had eleven children, ten of whom grew to maturity and are now living. D.W. is the fifth of the family, and always confined himself to agricultural pursuits; at the age of twenty-seven he began life for himself as a farmer, and about the same time he was married, in 1874, to Miss Martha, daughter of William and Elizabeth Randall. By this union there were several daughters, two of whom are living, Susie and Nellie. Mrs. Martha (Randall) Nulton was born in Dallas, May 31, 1853. In 1881 Mr. Nulton moved back onto his father's farm, the place on which he was born. He is an industrious and honest man, an upright citizen and a good neighbor. Politically he is a Democrat, and has been honored with several offices in the town, which he filled with credit to himself and his fellow-citizens.

ISAAC L. NULTON, general farmer, P.O. Orange, was born, April 14, 1857, reared and educated in Franklin township. He is a son of John and Esther (Goble) Nulton, the former born in Franklin township in 1823, the latter in Vernon, Wyoming county. John was a son of Jacob Nulton, whose father was a native of Germany and emigrated to this country. Some of his sons located in New Jersey, others in New York. Jacob located in New York State, and in 1818 removed to Franklin township, where he purchased 140 acres of land now owned by John Goldsmith and F. Nulton. During his life-time he made all the necessary improvements for the completion of a comfortable home. He was a hard-working man, of good principles, and a member of the M.E. church. He lived to be a good old age, and reared a family of nine children, all of whom are now deceased. John Nulton began life on the place now occupied by his son Isaac L.; he removed to this farm in 1848, which consists of sixty-nine acres, and was at that time unimproved. He was a hard-working and honest man, who, by forethought and a close eye to business, succeeded in building for himself and posterity a good name, which is better than riches. He was a practical farmer in every sense of the word. He was a consistent member of the M.E. Church for a number of years. Mr. Nulton died June 14, 1884, at the age of sixty-two years. His family consisted of ten children, six of whom are now living: Mary E., Chauncy G., Isaac L., Benjamin F., Emma J. and Francis J. Isaac L. is the third member of the family and has always confined himself to agricultural pursuits on the farm on which he was born, and on which he now lives. December 18, 1879, he was married to Miss Emma, daughter of of John Hass. To this union came one child, Floyd, born April 26, 1881. For his second wife he married, on April 21, 1889, Miss Ida, the refined and accomplished daughter of John F. and Sarah M. Miner. Mrs. Ida (Miner) Nulton was born at Eaton, Wyoming county, January 11, 1869, and is a member of the M.E. Church. Mr. Nulton in a Republican.

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