LE - LY Surnames

History of Luzerne County, Pa.,

by H.C. Bradsby, 1893

Walter LEISENRING, superintendent for M. S. KEMMERER & Co., coal operators, Sandy Run. In 1759 John Conrod LEISENRING emigrated from Germany to America and located at White Hall, Lehigh county, this State. He was the great-great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, and the first member of the LEISENRING family, of whom we have any record, in this country. Walter LEISENRING was born at Summit Hill, Carbon county, September 19, 1860. His father (whose name was also Walter) married Mrs. Mary Ann (PRICE) KEMMERER, widow of Charles KEMMERER, by whom she had had two children: Anna M. and Mahlon S. (the latter is now senior member of the firm of M. S. KEMMERER & Co.). To the union of Walter and Mary Ann LEISENRING were born five children, viz.: Gertrude H., who married Thomas M. RIGHTER, coal operator, of Mount Carmel, Northumberland Co., Pa.; Ada L., who married Dr. H. M. Neale, of Upper Lehigh; Albert C.; Walter (the subject of this memois) and Mary W., wife of Dr. W. C. GAYLEY, of Hazleton. In 1866 Walter LEISENRING, SR., removed from Carbon county, where he had been a contractor for the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Company, and located at Upper Lehigh. He was one of the original members of the Upper Lehigh Coal Company and was secretary of same. He died at Upper Lehigh in May, 1877. Mrs. LEISENRING is a native of Monroe county and a descendant of an early New Jersey family. She now resides at Upper Lehigh. Walter was educated at Swarthmore and Princeton Colleges, and at the age of twenty began life as a mining engineer at Sandy Run, in the employ of M. S. KEMMERER & Co., and two years later succeeded Mr. RIGHTER as superintendent, which position he now holds. This mine has been in operation since 1877, and the company now employes over four hundred and fifty men, and ships about five hundred tons of coal per day.

Frank P. LENAHAN, M. D., a prominent young physician of Wilkes Barre, was born in that city, May 16, 1864, and is a son of Patrick and Elizabeth (Duffy) Lenahan. The father was a native of Newport, County Mayo, Ireland, and emigrated to America in 1846; the mother was a native of Wilkes Barre township, a daughter of Bernard Duffy, a native of County Louth, Ireland, who emigrated to America in 1831. Our subject was reared in Wilkes Barre, educated in the public schools and afterward taught school two years. He studied medicine with Dr. C. W. Spayd, of Wilkes Barre, and was graduated from the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, May 3, 1888. He then spent one year as resident physician of St. Mary's Hospital,Philadelphia, and in 1889 located in Wilkes Barre, where he has already built up a lucrative practice. The Doctor is a member of the Luzerne County Medical Society, and of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church; in politics he is a Democrat.

John Thomas LENAHAN is a son of Patrick and Margaret (Durkin) Lenahan, and was born at Port Griffith, Luzerne Co., Pa., November 15, 1852. The father was born at Newport, County Mayo, Ireland, May 17, 1825, and came to this country in 1846, remaining for a time successively at Apalachicola, Fla., New York City, and Butterwick Falls, Wyoming county, Pa., before removing to Port Griffith. Here he was a successful merchant and leading citizen for nine years, filling at different times a school directorship, and other local offices. In 1860 he removed to Wilkes Barre and again began business as a merchant, continuing thereat until 1879. At the outbreak of the Civil war, Mr. Lenahan entered the service as second lieutenant of Company D, Eighth P. V., continuing with that organization during its term of three months. His company was enlisted under President Lincoln's first call, which was for three months. Mrs. Lenahan was a daughter of the late Hugh Durkin, a native of Tyrawley, County Mayo, Ireland. John Thomas Lenahan was educated at the college at Villanova, Delaware Co., Pa., conducted by the Fathers of St. Augustine, and graduated from that institution in 1870. He read law first, with Messrs. Wright & Harrington, and afterward with Judges Rhone and Lynch, and became a member of the Luzerne bar, October 27, 1873. (He was the Democratic nominee for district attorney of Luzerne County in 1879, but there were three tickets in the field, one of which (the Labor ticket) drew nearly all its strength from the Democratic ranks, and the Republican nominee was elected, though by a minority vote). He has been repeatedly solicited to be a candidate for office, but his extensive legal practice has been his sufficient excuse for refusing. He has been active in county committees and conventions, has been delegate to State conventions, and was present in that capacity at the National Convention held in Chicago in 1892. He is the president of the Columbia Club, a thoroughly Catholic organization of Wilkes Barre. He was one of the projectors and original directors of the new bridge. Mr. Lenahan married April 26, 1880, Mary Donovan, a daughter of William Donovan, of Philadelphia, and they have five children: William Donovan, Gertrude Eleanor, Edwin, Marasita and John T. Jr.

Abraham J. LENTZ, carpenter foreman for Coxe Bros. & Co., Eckley, was born in Washington township, Lehigh county, March 25, 1865, son of Gedian and May (Fensmaker) Lentz, both natives of Lehigh county. Mr. Lentz began life working in a brickyard in his native county, and followed this business for nearly two years, when he came to Eckley. Here he worked at blacksmithing just one year, and then began the carpenter trade, which he followed as journeyman until 1889, in which year he was made foreman, which postion he still holds. January 7, 1891, he was married to Miss Lizzie Wagner, of Eckley. They have one child, Gordon. Mr. Lentz is a member of the P.O.S. of A., Knights of Malta, Junior Order American Mechanics, and in his political views is a Republican.

Patrick LEONARD, retired, Sebastopol, was born in County Mayo, Ireland,January 4, 1839, and is the youngest of six children born to Patrick and Sarah (Malia) Leonard, also natives of the same place. Our subject left Ireland in 1850, going to Scotland, where he worked until 1860, in which year he came to America and settled in Sebastopol, where he now resides. He received employment as laborer in the mines with the Pennsylvania Coal Company, with whom he stayed until the time of his retirement. Mr. Leonard was united in marriage August 12, 1864, with Bridget, daughter of Michael and Mary (Guinley) Malia, natives of County Mayo, Ireland. She died January 26,1877, leaving the following children: Sarah, born July 21, 1865, married November 26, 1890, Patrick Carroll, a brakeman, of Sebastopol; Mary, born December 24, 1866, married on October 26, 1892, Martin Rutledge, a fireman (they reside on Pine Street); Ellen, born May 19, 1868; Patrick, born June 17, 1871; Joseph, born July 21, 1873, and Margaret, born July 24, 1875. He is a member of the Roman Catholic Church, and in politics is a Republican.

Laton W. LETTEER, farmer, Fairmount township, P. O. Fairmount Springs, was born in Lackawanna county, April 28, 1838, and is a son of Joseph and Phoebe (Stine) Letteer, natives of New Jersey, of German origin. They came to Pennsylvania in 1822, and died in October 1885, aged eighty-three years. Our subject is the sixth in a family of eight children, seven of whom are living. He was reared on a farm, educated in the common schools, and when twenty years of age learned the shoemaker's trade, following same for fifteen years , when, owing to a broken leg, which has made him a cripple ever since, he was obliged to give up his trade, and has since devoted his time to farming. His property is three-fourths of a mile east of Fairmount Springs postoffice. He married January 1, 1862, Miss Almira, daughter of Lewis and Diana (Boston) Harvey, by whom he has five children, viz: Edith E., born December 1, 1862 (Mrs. Harry Berlin); Harvey E., born February 16, 1865, a candy maker at Oxford, Pa.; Jennie O., born September 24, 1868, and Myrtle V., born May 28, 1874, both teachers; and Lottie I., born August 10, 1877. This family are members of the M. E. Church. He has been constable, tax collector and treasurer, and politically, is a Democrat.

Andrew Fuller LEVI (deceased) was born at Wilkes Barre, Pa., September 19, 1845, and is a son of David and Mary Levi. He received his education at the Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa., and was reared in Plymouth, same county. After completing his course of studies, he embarked in the grocery business, and later opened the first book store at Plymouth, which he carried on until his health failed, and he was compelled to retire from active life. He was an influential citizen of the town, prominently connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a member of the F. & A. M. it was through his efforts that the first weekly newspaper, "The Plymouth Index", was started in Plymouth, he being one of the editors and proprietors. Mr. Levi was united in marriage with Ellen O., daughter of Oliver and Lydia (Ransom) Davenport, natives of Plymouth. No children were born to this union. Mr. Levi died December 20, 1885, mourned by the entire community. He wa a useful citizen, broad, generous in all his business ideas, and ever loyel to the town of his adoption.

Jacob G. LEVISON, cigar manufacturer, Wilkes Barre, was born in Easton, Pa., May 17, 1851, a son of Henry and Bertha (Goldsmith) Levison, natives of Germany. His parents came to America bout 1846, locating at Easton, Pa., where the father was employed as traveling salesman for a wholesale house several years, and in 1861, embarked in the manufacture of cigars, continuing there until 1882. He then removed to Wilkes Barre, where he established a similar business with his sons, Jacob G. and Myer N., in which they have since successfully continued, being among the leading and prominent manufacturers of the State. The children of Henry Levison now living are: Vena (Mrs. Moses Hertz), Jacob G., Myer N., Anna (Mrs. Anthony Turkes) and Amelia (Mrs. Samuel Walters). Our subject was reared in Easton, educated in public schools, and learned the cigar maker's trade in his father's factory, with whom he and his brother have been associated in business since attaining their majority. Mr. Levison is a member of the Jewish Synagogue. Politically, he is a Democrat.

Daniel LEWIS, mine foreman for the Hanover Coal Company, Sugar Notch, was born in Merthyr Tydvil, Glamorganshire, Wales, February 26, 1842, and is a son of David and Ann (Jones) Lewis. His father, who was a miner by occupation, reared a family of seven children, four of whom are living: Daniel, Ann (Mrs. David Morgan, in Wales), Mary (Mrs. Benjamin Edwards, in Fullerton, Pa.), and Susan (Mrs. Isaac Reese, in Wales). Our subject began working in the mines in his native country at the age of seven years, and followed that occupation until March, 1869, when he came to America and located at Plymouth, Pa., working there in the mines a few months, and then, removing to Ashley, mined coal for William R. Maffet, until No. 1 stopped in 1870. He then removed to Wanamie, where he mined until 1877; then went to Jacksboro, Tex., where he purchased a farm which he operated for nine months. He then returned to Ashley and timbered in No. 10 till it caved in, afterward doing various kinds of Company work in the Jersey Slope until December 26, 1882, when he was appointed to his present position; he built his present comfortable home in 1888. Mr. Lewis was married, April 7, 1866, to Miss Catherine, daughter of Rhys and Mary (Francis) Reese, and they have had seven children: Benjamin, driver-boss in the Hanover Shaft; David, who lost his right hand March 6, 1891, while acting as brakeman on the Central Railroad of New Jersey, and is now tax collector in Sugar Notch borough; Mary A.; Elizabeth; Rhys; Daniel and Arthur. Mr. Lewis is a member of the K. of P. and I.O.O.F., and is a Knight Templar; he is a Republican in his political views, and is now serving his third term as a member of the Sugar Notch school board, having been its president for three years.

Daniel B. LEWIS, mine foreman, No. 11 Lehigh & Wilkes Barre Coal Company, Plymouth. This competent and intelligent mine foreman was born June 5, 1854, in Schuylkill county, Pa., and is the sixth in a family of nine children born to Thomas T. and Cecilia (Bennet) Lewis, natives of South Wales. In 1865 the family removed to Coalburgh, Ohio, where Daniel received part of his education, completing the common branches in Plymouth, whither the family came in 1870. The subject of this sketch started life as a clerk in the store of Edward Jenkins, where he served one year. He then did Company work about the mines for about six months, and thereafter entered the employ of David Jones, as clerk, staying with him for about one year. He then went with his father, who was a miner at the Gaylord, as assistant, for several years, during which time he became skilled in the art of coal cutting. He then did company work about the Gaylord until he became a practical miner, working at it there for four and one-half years, at the Nottingham, one year, at the Washington one year, and at No. 11 Lehigh & Wilkes Barre, four years. He was then given the position of fire-boss at No. 15 Lehigh & Wilkes Barre, which position he occupied for one and one-half years. At the end of that period he was promoted to the position of mine foreman, which he has since creditably filled. Mr. Lewis has under his charge about three hundred and eighty-seven men, who put out about 1,500 tons of coal daily. Mr. Lewis was united in marriage, May 10, 1877, with Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Rolland and Maria (Jones)Jones, natives of Wales, her father being one of the victims of the Avondale disaster. Three childen have been born to this union: Maria, born June 11, 1881; Cecilia, born March 25, 1885, and Rolland M., born July 6, 1889. Mr. Lewis is a member of the Knights of the Mystic Chain and Knights of Pythias. He is a communicant of the Pilgrim Congregational Church, having been deacon in same, and is one of its founders; he is also superintendent of the Pilgrim Church Sunday-school. Politically he is an independent voter.

George LEWIS, butcher, Kingston, was born in Franklin township, Luzerne Co., Pa. July 30, 1841, and is a son of Nathan and Nancy (DeWitt) Lewis, the former a native of New York, the latter of Pennsylvania. This progressive gentleman was educated in Luzerne county, and at the age of twenty-two launched out in business for himself. His first venture was the opening of a meat market at Kingston, remaining there, however, but a short time, subsequently removing his establishment to Edwardsville, where he now commands a thriving trade. On December 25, 1877, Mr. Lewis was united in marriage with Amanda, daughter of Andrew Strunk, of Kingston, Pa., and one child, Andrew, was born to this union, March 18, 1879. In his political views Mr. Lewis had always followed the precepts of the Democratic party.

George Chahoon LEWIS was born in Wilkes Barre, August 14, 1844. His father, Josiah Lewis, one of Wilkes Barre's prominent business men, was born in Kingston, November 15, 1815, and died at Wilkes Barre, July 4, 1890. His mother, Arabella D. Chahoon, was the daughter of George Chahoon, prominently connected with the early growth of the city. Mr. Lewis is a great-grandson of William Lewis, who was admitted to practice in the court of common pleas at Philadelphia, December term, 1773. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence suspended, till a new organization, all the business of the courts. The first session of common pleas, when the style of process was altered from "The King" to "The Commonwealth", was held in September, 1777. Only six attorneys were entered as admitted to practice, viz: John Morris, John Haley, William Lewis, Andrew Robeson, Jacob Rush and Jonathan D. Sergeant. William Lewis was elected a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature in 1787, and was re-elected in 1789. On September 26, 1789, he received from the Father of his country the appointment of attorney for the United States for the District of Pennsylvania, and July 14, 1791, was appointed judge of the District Court of the United States for the Pennsylvania District. The commissions signed by George Washington, President, are now in the possession of his great-grandson. Mr. Lewis' grandmother, Margaret Delany, was the daughter of Sharp Delany, one of the early patriotic Irish settlers in America, who so liberally furnished financial and other aid to the American army while encamped at Valley Forge, and who was appointed, by the President, the first collector of the Port of Philadelphia. On September 6, 1876, Mr. Lewis was married with Miss Mary Pomela Squires, of Chenango Forks, N.Y., a descendant of John Barker, one of the first settlers of Broome county, and after whom the town of Barker was named. They have three daughters, Anna C., Ruth H., and Mary S.

George M. LEWIS, blacksmith and hotel proprietor, Parsons, was born in Sussex, Enland, June 21, 1840, and is a son of Thomas and Martha Lewis, also natives of England. The gentleman whose name heads this memoir was reared and educated in the town of his birth, and there learned the trade of blacksmith. In 1864 he came to America and located in Scranton, Pa., where he worked at his trade for about a year, when he removed to Parsons, this county, and has here since been in the employ of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company; he is also doing a thriving hotel business. Mr. Lewis was married August 15, 1871, to Miss Anna Morgan, of Parsons, a lady of Welsh lineage. Our subject and wife are members of the Baptist Church. He is a member of the I.O.O.F. and the K. of L.; in politics he is a Republican, and has been councilman of Parsons borough two terms.

G. Mortimer LEWIS was born in Wyalusing, Bradford Co., Pa., a son of Augustus and Sarah (Stone) Lewis. The ancestor, the first American Lewis, came to Massachusets, from England in 1630. His descendant, Thomas Lewis, was born at New London Connecticut, in April, 1745, the second by birth in a family of four children: John, Thomas, Jemima, and Martha. Thomas married Mary, daughter of Capt. James Turrell, of New Milford, Conn., whose father, David Turrell, was one of the original proprietors in Connecticut, resident at Milford. Mary Turrell was born, March 17, 1748, and was married to Thomas Lewis in 1768, by which marriage were born nine children, viz: Sarah, Deborah, Ebenezer, Jeremiah, John, James, Amy, Justus and Mary. Justus Lewis, the son of Thomas Lewis, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born at Wyalusing, Pa., August 21, 1787. His father, Thomas Lewis, was a soldier during the Revolutionary war; was with the Northern army under Gen. Montgomery, and was instrumental in the construction of the bridge over Lake Champlain, and was prominent at Fort Ticonderoga. He was also, with his brother John, participant in the battle, when Denbury was burned, and caught Gen. Wooster when he was shot and falling from his horse. It is also related in tradition that when the enemy had torn the planks from the bridge, Justus Lewis led the horse of Gen. Washington across the stream upon the stringers of the bridge. These facts show that Thomas Lewis did good service for his country in the hour of its greatest need. After the close of the war, he came to Wyalusing in 1776, his wife, even, being compelled to come on horseback, in those days, through the wilderness intervening between Connecticut and Pennsylvania. There being no such things as roads, they could only follow the trails through the wilderness. Arriving in the Wyoming Valley, he followed thence, up the Susquehanna, to the destination, where he was four miles from a neighbor on one side and forty miles on the other, and settled upon lands granted him by Connecticut, in consideration of the services rendered during the Revolutionary war. Justus Lewis, December 3, 1812, married Polly, daughter of Elisha Keeler, also of Connecticut, who had located in the same community with him. Of this marriage were born children as follows: Milton, Elisha, Lucy, Augustus, Adelia, Burton E., Mary and Eliza. Justus Lewis was reared and educated in Wyalusing. In 1814 he united with the Presbyterian Church, and became one of the most efficient workers in the faith, giving largely of his means for the support of the church. He was prominently and actively engaged in temperance work during most of his career, and was one of the prominent anti-slavery reformers; an outspoken, fearless man in his opinions. In 1808 he was a prominent Federalist. In 1824 he took a deep interest in the success of the National Republicans; from 1840 to 1848 was a supporter of the Anti-Slavery Whig party, and in all public enterprises was foremost. The subject of this sketch is the son of Augustus Lewis (son of Justus and Polly (Keeler) Lewis), and was born at Merryall, Wyalusing, county of Bradford, Pennsylvania, November 23, 1848. Augustus Lewis, his father, was for many years a prominent merchant at Wyalusing, and was afterward largely interested in the manufacture of lumber. When the North Branch Canal was first opened, the first canal-boats passing through were built for him to carry the freight connected with his business. On his mother's side, the subject of this sketch is descended from a distinguished line. His great- grandfather, Jonas Ingham, was of Quaker origin whose father was one of the most bigoted and arrogant of the sect, and disinherited his son because he took part in the warlike affairs of the Revolutionary war. Jonas was a captain, and was wounded at Valley Forge. He married Rebecca, daughter of ------ Beaumont, of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. (Vide "History of Bucks County", by Gen. W. W. Davis.) His mother's name was Bye. Her father came on the vessel with William Penn and Logan when they arrived for settlement in this country. His nephew became Secretary of the Treasury of the United States under Jackson. The daughter of Jonas, Sarah, married Rafael Stone, who had come into Pennsylvania with the first settlers from Litchfield, Conn.; they came originally from England in the first settlement of the country. In tradition it is said that a branch of this family was, in the early history of the country, pirates on the high seas, trading with the West Indies. It seemed to be the only way to account for the wealth they acquired. G. Mortimer Lewis, the subject of our sketch (son of Augustus and Sarah (Stone) Lewis), was three years at LaFayette, and graduated there in 1873. He had been previously taught at the Wyalusing Educational Union, and was especially prepared to enter college by his uncle, Rev. Darwin Cook. His study of the law was in the office of the late Edward P. Darling, one of the State's most distinguished practitioners, and he was admitted to the bar of Luzerne county, Pa., September 6, 1875. For a number of years he was a member of the law firm of Ryman & Lewis, but latterly has practiced alone, giving, however, a good part of his time to the organization and management of general business enterprises. In the prosecution of this work his name became a familiar one, not only in Luzerne county but throughout the State of Pennsylvania. He is a pronounced Republican, but does not take an especially active part in politics. He was one of the originators of the Electric Light Company, and also one of the original directors, and originated and brought about the combination of the Street Railway companies of Wilkes Barre and vicinity. The combination has become one of the most notable in the State of Pennsylvania; the system including the Wilkes Barre & Kingston; the Wilkes Barre & West Side; the Coalville Passenger; the Wilkes Barre & Suburban; the Pittston Street Car Company; the West Pittston & Wyoming; the Pittston, Moosic & Pleasant Valley; the Nanticoke Street Railway and the Plymouth Street Railway--covering the territory of the Wyoming Valley from Nanticoke to Scranton, and having a trackage, when complete, of sixty miles. Mr. Lewis is also president of the Mt. Vernon Coal Company. He was also the originator of, and is a director in, the Wilkes Barre & Shawnee Bridge; also director in the famous Colorado Marble and Slate Companies, and, also, of the Elk Mountain Railway Company, of Colorado, operating and developing large and valuable tracts of lands in Gunnison and other counties in that State.--[H.E.H.]

Hiram B. LEWIS, miner, Plymouth, was born in Berks county, Pa., November 4, 1839, and is the fourth in the family of five children of Samuel and Sarah (Olds) Lewis, also natives of Pennsylvania. He attended school in his native county, and when he was fifteen years old the family removed to Columbia county, where our subject completed his studies. He was reared on a farm, and followed that vocation until the Civil war broke out, when he obeyed his country's call and enlisted in Company A, Sixth Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserves, under command of Capt. Wallace Ricketts. He participated in the following engagements: Drainesville, fouht December 20, 1861; the Seven Days' fight in front of Richmond; Bull Run, August 28, 29, 30, 1862; South Mountain, September 14, 1862; Antietam, September 16 & 17, 1862; Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862; Gettysburg, July 1, 2 and 3, 1863; Bristol Station, October 14, 1863; Mine Run, November 27, 1863; Wilderness, May, 1864 (ten days); Spottsylvania Court House, May, 1864 (vicinity five days); North Anna, May, 1864, and Bethesda Church, May, 1864. It seems almost incredible that one participating in so many battles should come out unscathed, but such is the case with the subject of this sketch. As a soldier, Mr. Lewis was true and fearless, and fought bravely for his country, and the debt we owe these noble veterans for grasping the Union from the hand of dissolution cn never be repaid. Mr. Lewis was discharged June 11, 1864, and came directly to Plymouth, where he began work at the mines, first as a coal loader, at which he worked one year, then as a miner at the Avondale Colliery, where he has been mining for twenty eight years. He was married March 18, 1867, to Mary E., daughter of Francis and Elizabeth Stumm, natives of Germany, and to this union have been born eight children, namely: Samuel T., Francis S., Albert E., Sadie L., John W., Walter E. (deceased), Elvina M. and Muriel. Mr. Lewis is a Prohibitionist, and is a member of the G.A.R. The family attend the Methodist Episcopal Church.

 James LEWIS, assistant chief of police, Plymouth, was born in that town, September 19,1843, and is a son of Wesley and Dorothy (Shonk) Lewis, also native of Plymouth. There were two sons in this family, James being the younger. He was educated in the public schools of Plymouth, and at an early age began mining. This he continued until the war broke out, when he enlisted, October 18,1861, in Company H, Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, under Col. Whinnecoop. He par-ticipated in the following battles: siege of Atlanta; Battle of Nashville, Tenn.; Franklin, Tenn.; galeton, Tenn; and at Brentwood, Tenn.; where he was taken prisoner and cast in Libby Prison, where he remained some time, and from there he was paroled and sent to parol camp at Annapolis, Md., where he was exchanged. After returning from the war Mr. Lewis again entered the mines and has worked as a miner ever since, having been employed at the Avondale for over twenty-three years. He has been for two terms chief of police, and is at present assistant chief. As an officer Mr. Lewis is always considerate, and although he does his duty promptly and bravely, he is never over-hasty or cruel. He was married December 25,1862 to Miss Fannie, daughter of Zepheniah R and Mary (Tilbery) Barber, the former a native of New Jersey,the latter of Plymouth. To this union have been born seven children, viz: James, who is married and resides at Plymouth; Mary, wife of Frank Knecht, of Jersey City, N.J.; Henry, who is married and resides at Plymouth; Laura, wife of Elmer Erwine, of Plymouth, Pa.,; Emma, wife of Thomas Jones, of Plymouth; Mark and Wesley, both at home. In politics Mr. Lewis is a Republican. The family attend the Christian Church.

John J. LEWIS, engineer at the Parrish Breaker, was born July 15, 1844, in carmarthenshire, South Wales, and is the fifth in the family of eight children of John and Margaret (Lloyd) Lewis, also natives of Wales. Our subject was educated and reared in Wales, learned engineering at an early age, and engaged at the Coal-brook Colliery, where he followed his trade for a short time, afterward proceeding to the Ferndale, where he remained until 1878, in which year he came to America. He located in the State of Kansas, and worked as a miner at the Osage Mines about one year, coming from there to Houtzdale, Pa., and there worked at mining one year. He then removed to Nanticoke, and was employed by the Susquehanna Coal Company as slope engineer, and later at No. 2 Shaft under the same company. There he remained four years, at the end of which time he came (1887) to the Parrish Breaker and took charge of the slope engine, which position he has since held. Mr. Lewis was married, May 29, 1880, to Lizzie, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Jones) Griffith, natives of Wales, and four children blessed this union, namely; Maggie, Edith (deceased), Hettie and Willie. The family attend the Welsh Inde-pendent Church. Mr. Lewis is a Republican, and is a member of the F & A. M. and the I. O. O. F.

Salmon Lewis, farmer. P.O. Harding, was born (September 23, 1883), reared and educated in Exeter township. He is a son of Levi C. and Hannah (Shay) Lewis, the former of whom was born in Connecticut, the latter in New Jersey. Levi C. was a son of Oliver, who was a native of Connecticut, and removed to this county about 1828, locating in Exeter township, on the farm now occupied by Alexander Swartwood. He was one of the first settlers in the town, and suffered all the hardships of pioneer life; but by honest labor and invessant activity, he suc-ceeded in a measure, in subduing the natural forest, causing it "to blossom as the rose." He reared a large family of thirteen children, who became sturdy farmers and the wives of farmers, who proved themselves worthy citizens of this county, causing the forest to give place to the golden grain, and the rude log cabin to give way to a more pretentious dwelling house. Oliver Lewis lived to be eighty-six years of age. Levi C., his son, removed from Connecticut, his place of birth, to New Jersey, where he lived for several years. During his residence there he was married to Miss Hannah Shay, by whom he had nine children, all of whom grew to maturity, and four of whom are now living: Rev. J.S., Salmon, Vincent L. and Giles B. In early life he followed the carpenters trade, at which he worked for a number of years. In 1830 he removed from New Jersey, to Exeter, purchasing about four hundred acres of land, 120 of which were cleared during his lifetime. He was a hard-working man who, by honest labor, became a successful farmer. While he was not a leading politician in the town, yet his influence was felt in his party. He was a leading man in the M.E. Church, holding the office of steward and class-leader in that body. He took a special interest in the advancement of the Gospel, and was the leading spirit in the erection of the church building at Mount Zion. He made ample provision for all his children, his estate being divided between them previous to his death, which occurred in September, 1881, at the age of eighty-two years. Salmon is the fifth member of his family in order of birth, and always followed farming as his natural calling, though in early life he taught school very acceptably and successfully for over ten years. He married April 7,1859, Miss Clarinda, daugh-ter of Abiath and Lucretia Shippey. By this union there were born seven children, four of whom are now living; Eva, Emma, Levi S. and Arthur. Emma has been teaching school with great success. In 1859 Mr. Lewis removed to Kansas, where he purchased a farm of 330 acres, on which he reisded for six years. He then, in 1865, returned to Exeter and pruchased eighty-five acres of the old homestead, on which he has erected fine buildings and outhouses, capable of accommodation his large dairy. Mr. Lewis is a wide-awake farmer, who looks after the interest of "Sol," and keeps well abreast of the times. He is a man of influence in his neigh-borhood and an active worker in the Grange. His special line of farming is vegeta-bles, dairying and fruit culture. Besides the farm on which he lives, he owns 265 acres in Wyoming county, on which Peter Harris settled in 1798. Mr. Lewis is a practical man as well as a practical farmer. Politically he is a Republica.

Thomas Hart Benton Lewis, was born in Trucksville, Kingston township, this county, February 22,1835. His father was James Rowley Lewis, who came from Schoharie county, N.Y., and practiced as a physician in this county for more than half a century. Our subject's mother's maiden name was Nancy Ferguson, and she was a daughter of Alexander Ferguson, who lived at Delaware Station, Warren county, where his daughter was born, but afterward removed to Dallas, Luzerne county, where he died. Thomas Hart Benton Lewis was educated at the Wyoming Seminary, and at Bucknell University, from which latter institute he graduated in 1858. He studied law with the late Hon.Charles Denison, and was admitted to the bar August 22,1860. In 1874 he was chosen a member of the Lower House of the Pennsylvania Legislature for the Second district of Luzerne county, which was then and still is largley Republican. Though Mr. Lewis was the Democratic nominee, and is an ardent advocate of the doctrines of that faith, he won in the district by a considerable majority. He served in the judiciary general committee, being secre-tary of the same. He served also upon several other committees. He has served as a member of the borough council of Kingston, as secretary of the board. He has been a ruling elder in the Kingston Presbyterian Church for twenty-four years, and secretary of the session nearly the whole time, and was superintendent of the Sunday school for eight years. On May 17, 1865, Mr. Lewis married Rosa M. Atherton, daughter of J.A. Atherton, of Bridgewater, Susquehanna Co., Pa., and they have six children.

Thomas P. Lewis, miner in the Mill Creek Mine, Miners Mills, was born in South Wales, April 14, 1844, and is the son of Thomas and Mary (Bousher) Lewis, in whose family there were eight children, two of whom are living, viz; Elizabeth (Mrs. Jacob Davies, of Wales) and Thomas P. Our subject came to America in 1866, and engaed in mining, which has been his occupation from boyhood; he has been successfully employed at Elizabeth, Pa; one year; Wyoming, one year; Morris Run, six months; Wilkes-Barre, five months; and then moved to his present residence, which he built in 1870. Mr. Lewis married, December 25 1868 to Miss Jane, daughter of Richmond and Mary A (Allen) Burridge, natives of England, and they have had born unto them children as follows: Richmond T. (who was killed in the Pine Ridge Shaft at the age of 15), Susannah, Abigail, Miriam, who died in infancy; Mary A., Daniel William, John, Miriam (second) who died in infancy; Raymond P.; James B. ; Elizabeth J. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis are members of the Primitive Methodist Church, he is a member of I.O.O.F. and encampment; and his politics is Republican.

Christian Leyh, dealer in furniture and picture framing, and undertaker, Ash-ley, was born in Pottsville, Pa., December 19, 1845, a son of Henry and Dorothy Leyh, natives of Germany, who emigrated from that country before their marriage. The father, was a weaver by trade, raised a family of seven children, viz: Christian, William, Henry, Dorothy (Mrs. George Kyneet), Amelia, Daniel, and Louise, who died at the age of fourteen years. Our subject was educated in the public schools at Pottsville and Orwigsburgh, Pa. At the age of seventeen he moved to Hazleton, where he served four years' apprenticeship at cabinet making, and then went to White Have, entering the employ of Henry Price. After six months he became a partner in the business, but next year entered the employ of the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Company at that place, and in Ashley, September, 1867, engaged in business for himself, in White Haven. In January, 1868, he accepted a position in the shops at Ashely, remaining there until October, 1883, when he purchased a half interest in the furniture firm of Skillman & Co., in Union Hall block, and in the spring of 1886 became sole proprietor. He suffered severe loss from the burning of this block, May 12,1890, but soon resumed business on North Main street, and took possession of his present place in the Fenner block in December of the same year. May 9,1867, Mr. Leyh married Hannah E., daughter of Charles and Matilda (Lehr) Sassaman, natives of Allentown, Pa. The family settled there at an early date, and Mrs. Leyh's maternal grandfather was a Revolutionary soldier. Our subject has sev-eral children: Matilda, wife of William Wilcos, painter, Ashley, by whom she has two children; Ralph; Charles, brakeman on the Central Railroad of New Jersey; William H., painter in the shops at Ashley, and Flora M., who is in the store with her father. Mr. Leyh is a member of the Evangelical Association, of the P.O.S. of A., and of the Jr. O.U.A.M. He is a Republican in his political views. His wife belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Will W. Leyson, commercial traveler, Wilkes-Barre, was born at Summit Hill, Carbon Co., Pa., August 22,1866, a son of John W. and Susan (Wintersteen) Ley-son, natives of Pennsylvania and of German descent. The father followed the trade of builder, at which he was very successful. They were the parents of two children, of whom Will W. is the younger. Our subject was educated at the Wilkes-Barre high schools, and after graduating he entered the employ of the Western Union Telegraph Company, with whom he remained three years, and then accepted a position with Bodmer & Co., brokers, remaining two years. Afterward he accepted a postion with the Hillman Vein Coal Company; later was employed by the Mill Creek Coal Company, and afterward was with the Philadelphia & Reading Coal Company, Pottsville. After serving one year with this company, he took a western trip, and also a four months trip through Europe. Upon his return, he accepted a clerkship at the "Hotel Elsmere," Washington, D.C., and afterward became clerk at the "Hotel Brunswick," Philadelphia. Remaining there some time, he finally accepted a position with the Claus Shear Company, which he is holding at the present time. Mr. Leyson was united in marriage June 9,1890, with Emily, daughter of Conrad B. and Mary Van Horn Silliman, by which union there is one child. Mr. and Mrs. Leyson are members of the Presbyterian Church, and he is a member of the famous Clover Club of Washington, D.C. In politics he affliates with the Republican party.

Joseph W. Liem, of the firm of J.W. Liem & Co., general hardware merchants, Wilkes-Barre, was born in that city April 17,1860, a son of Frederick and Barbara (Kaiser) Liem, natives of Eisenberg, Germany, who came to America in 1851, settling in Wilkes-Barre, where the father, who was a tinsmith by trade, followed his occupation thirty-two years. He was a son of Joseph and Frederica Liem, who settled in Wilkes-Barre, in 1848, and his children are Emma (Mrs. Philip Geritz), Joseph W. and Charles F., the latter of whom married Susan, a daughter of William and Caroline (Young) Ferder, of Wilkes-Barre. At the death of Frederick Liem, in 1883, his sons succeeded to the business established by him, in 1857, which they have since successfully continued under the firm name of J.W. Liem & Co. Our subject was reared and educated in his native city, learned the tinsmith trade with his father, and is among the enterprising and popular hardware merchants of the city. He is a member of the I.O.O.F., and in politics is a Democrat.

George W. Liggett, locomotive engineer, Hanover township, was born in what is now Atglen, Chester Co., Pa., September 25,1856, and is a son of Ezekial and Martha (Young) Liggett, natives of Pennsylvania and of Welsh and Enlish-Welsh origin respectively. He is a grandson of Caleb and Margaret (Wilson) Liggett and Thomas S. and Margaret (Black) Young; a great-grandson of Samuel and Mary (Coburn) Young; and a great grandson of Ninian Young, who by some authorities was an Irishman, but by others a native of Great Yarmouth, County of Norfolk, on the east coast of England, whence he emigrated to America, and is first mentioned in Fallowfield township, Chester Co., Pa., in 1745. The family came to Luzerne county in 1867, and to Ashley in 1868, where the father was a foreman in the black-smith department of the Ashley shops, and where he died July 19,1884; the mother still lives with our subject. The family consisted of seven children, four of whom are living, viz: Margaret (Mrs. Thomas Blodgett), Mary M. (Mrs. Collins Girton), Elizabeth (Mrs. Robert Winder), and George W. The subject of this sketch was educated in the public shools of Philadelphia and Wilkes-Barre, and then served an apprenticship of four years in the Ashley machine shop; he then fired four and a half years on the Central Railroad, and in 1880 was promoted to his present position. Mr. Liggett was married April 25,1878, to Miss Lucy, daughter of Robert and Clarinda (Garey) Johnson, respectively, natives of Ireland and Pennsylvania and of Irish and Yankee extraction. Mrs. Liggett died December 21,1891, leaving five children, viz: Clarence E., Clarinda M., Charles K., George T., and Martha Y. Our subject, as was also his wife, is a member of the Baptist Church at Wilkes-Barre; he is a member of the B.L.E., and in his political views is a Prohibitionist. In 1888 he built his present beautiful residence on Ridge street.

H.W. Lilly, cabinet-maker, Pittston, was born in Lehigh county, and while he was an infant his parents removed to Northampton county, settling at Bethlehem. He is a son of Joseph and Kate (Mensin) Lilly, natives of Northampton county, the former of whom died in 1880, and the latter now resides at Bethlehem. At the age of seventeen our subject began learning the cabinet-making trade, and worked at it until September 15,1862, when he enlisted in Company D, One Hundred and Fifty-third Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment, and was at the battle of Chancellors-ville and Gettysburg. At Gettysburg he received a gunshot wound in the hip, and was compelled to lie on the field seven days without any attendants, in his terribly mangled condition. He was then sent to the Portsmouth Grove Hospital, Rhode Island, where he remained four months, when he was discharged. He finally returned to Bethlehem, and after recovering sufficiently resumed cabinet-making and worked at it there until 1865, when he came to Pittston, where he has since followed the same. He was married in 1882 to Miss Anna Bussard, of Pittston. In politics, he is a solid Republican.

L.C. Lindeman, Conyngham, was born in Butler township, this county, April 4, 1869, a son of Hartman and Elizabeth (Adams) Lindeman, both natives of Germany. The father was a resident of Luzerne county for many years; first at Hazleton, where he worked at the carpenter's trade, and afterward engaged in the liquor, coal and mercantile business; in later life he removed to Butler township, where he followed farming, and there died. He was a successful man, and though landing in America poor, he in a few years accumulated a handsome competency. His children who grew to maturity were Jacob, Philip, Frederick, Lewis C and Charles. Our subject was reared in his native county, and was educated in the public schools, State Normal School, at Millersville, and the Wyoming Seminary. He is now a resident of Conyngham. In politics he is a Democrat.

Eden Lindemuth, merchant, and contractor in painting and paper-hanging, Ashley, was born in Pottsville, Pa., May 9,1857, and is a son of Henry ( a miller) and Elizabeth (Brenner) Lindemuth, natives of Pennsylvania, and of very early German origin. They reared two children, Eden and Charles, the latter of whom died at the age of two weeks; the mother died September 3,1891, at the age of fifty-seven years. The subject of this sketch was educated in the public schools of his native town, and at the age of fourteen took a clerkship in a store which he held three years, and then learned his trade which he has since followed. In 1879 he removed to Ashley, built his store and paint shop in 1884, and his residence in 1885. In May, 1890, when twenty-eight miners were killed in the Jersey Slope, leaving nearly as many destitute families, it was largely due to the efforts of Mr. Lindemuth that several thousand dollars were raised for their relief and placed in the hands of a board of relief, of which he has since been treasurer. Mr. Linde-muth was married January 25,1882, to Miss Mary E., daughter of John and Anna (Ebert) Albright, natives of Royer's Ford, Pa., and of German origin, and they have had five children, two of whom are living, Frank and Ethel. He is a member of the I.O.O.F., Jr. O.U.A.M. and the K. of H. He is a Republican in his political views, and is now president of the borough council, of which he has been a member three years; he was also borough treasurer one year.

Jacob M. Linn, contractor and builder, Edwardsville, was born in Plymouth February 27,1841, and is a son of Jaze R. and Jane (Devins) Linn, natives of Penn-sylvania, the former of Irish lineage, the latter of Dutch. On August 4,1861, our subject enlisted, at Wilkes-Barre, in Company C, One Hundred and Forty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, and participated in the following engagements: Gettys-burg, Wilderness, Cold Harbor, Spottsylvania, Chancellorsville and Hatcher's Run. He was mustered out of the service June 12,1865, returned to Plymouth, and has since been engaged in carpenter work a greater part of the time in that vicinity; he is now an extensive contractor and builder. On November 7,1868, Mr. Linn was married to Miss Margaret, daughter of Michael and Margaret (Pace) Murphy, of Larksville, Pa., and they have four children: Marshal, Estella, William and Etta. In politics he is a thinking Republican, and is always ready to support a good prin-ciple, regardless of what party advocates it. He has been a member of the borough council.

Joseph Lintern (deceased) was born in Somersetshire, England, and was mar-ried April 29,1851, to Amelia, daugher of John and Jane (Evans) Barnes. On May 1,1851, they sailed for America, and settled in the western part of Pennsyl-vania, locating in June, same year, in the village of Canonsburg. Subsequently, in 1852, they came to Luzerne county, making a final settlement in Jenkins townshi;. They had three children, viz: John, George and Robert C., of whom John, born January 7,1853, is an engineer in the employ of the Pennsylvania Coal Company; he is married. George was born February 6,1855, is without trade, and is living at the old home in Sebastopol; in his political predilections he is a Republican. Robert C. was born August 7,1859, in Sebastopol, Pa., was educated in the com-mon schools, and in 1883 finished with a commercial course at Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, this county; at the time the first data for this sketch were obtained, he was in the employ of the Butler Mine Company, limited, as chief shipper, but is, at present writing (November, 1892), outside foreman at the Stevens Breaker, in Exeter township; he is unmarried; he is a member of the Methodist Protestant Church, and of the following Societies: Knights and Ladies of Honor, Knights of Pythias and Sons of St. George. The family home is situated on the main street of Sebastopol, just south of the line of the borough of Pittston. Joseph Lintern, the father of these gentlemen, enlisted in the fall of 1862, in Company A, One Hundred and Fifty-second Regiment Heavy Artillery, Pennsylvania Volunteers. At Smithville, Va., February 1,1864, he was taken prisoner, and he died in Ander-sonville Prison, Georgia, June 3, same year.

Charles F. Lippincott, train-master from Solomon Gap to Scranton, on the Central Railroad of New Jersey, was born in Mauch Chunk, Pa., July 9,1849. He is a son of Charles Lippincott, a native of Pennsylvania, of early English Quaker origin. His father, who was a hardware merchant, now living in retirement in Philadelphia, reared a family of three children, of whom Charles F. is the eldest. He was educated in the public school at Mauch Chunk and the Lehighton high school, and was then station agent at Mauch Chunk one and a half hears, clerk in the Company office at Ashley one and a half years, timekeeper and paymaster's clerk, Mauch Chunk, one year, superintendent's private clerk at that place thirteen years, and in 1885 was promoted to his present position, which he fills with satis-faction both to his employers and those under his charge. Mr. Lippincott is a member of the Lutheran Church, a Knight Templar, and a Republican in his polit-tical views.

Joseph Little, miner, Parsons, was born in Yorkshire, England, and is a son of James and Anna (Sunderland) Little, in whose family where were twelve children, Joseph being the third. Our subject came to America in 1887 and engaged in min-ing in New York, but remained there only a very short time, coming to Parsons, this county, where he has since been engaged in mining. Mr. Little was married, in 1860, to Miss Sarah Daily, of York, England, and this happy union has been blessed with four sons and four daughters, viz: Kate, Joseph, John, Eliza, Frederick, Hannah, Arthur and Mary. In his political preferences Mr. Little is a Republican.

EDWARD LITTLETON, proprietor of flour, feed and grain store, Hazleton, was born at Light Street, Columbia Co., Pa., August 24, 1830, and until the age of eleven years resided in his native place. He then went to New Jersey, where he was engaged in various occupations, among which may be mentioned railroad and canal work, until 1848, when he was employed by Hampton & Rider, lumber dealers and merchants; in 1858 he was made superintendent of their business. On retiring from this position he purchased a stage and during two years drove the route from Mauch Chunk to Berwick. In June 1861, he enlisted in the U.S. Army, Company A, Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, under Col. Geary; served three years, and was in the army of the Potomac until after the battle of Gettysburg, when the Twelfth Army Corps, to which he belonged, was transferred to the West, where it remained until the close of the war. Mr. Littleton was mustered out in June 1865, and although he was a participant in many fiercely-fought battles yet came out unscathed. After returning from the war, he was employed as outside foreman at the Mount Pleasant Mines, operated by Gaggert & Halsey, which position he held until 1872, when he was appointed coal and iron policeman. In that capacity he served during the seven years that were fraught with so great danger owing to the machi-nations of the desperate Molly Maguire organizations. In 1872 he established his present business, as wholesale and retail dealer in flour, feed, grain, oils and ice. In this extensive business Mr. Littleton employs thirteen men as assistants; has also five teams for delivery purposes. Mr. Littleton was united in marriage in 1870 with Miss Anna K. Young, of Hazleton, and two children have been born to them: Alexander S. and Ray. Mr. Littleton, in political matters, is an independent voter.

EBENEZER LLOYD, mine foreman at the Pettebone Mine, was born February 9, 1844, and is of Welsh descent, being a son of John and Margaret (Hughs) Lloyd, natives of Wales. Our subject was the second child in a family of eight, four of whom are living. He was educated in the common schools, and, at the early ageof fourteen, went to work for an uncle on a farm where he remained four years, after which he worked in the mines of Wales until 1870. He then came to America and engaged in loading coal in the mines at Bellegrove, Lebanon Co., Pa., and after two years commenced mining, continuing the same until 1880. Then he changed to the Holsted Mine, and for nine months had charge of the sinking of the shaft, after which he did general work until 1884, when he came to Wyoming and spent five years in charge of the Fuller Mine. From here he went to Forty Fort, taking charge of the Pettebone Mine until a year ago, when he moved to Dorranceton. In 1865, Mr. Lloyd was married to Elizabeth, daughter of Owen Edwards, a native of Wales, and to this union were born six children, five of whom survive: John, a miner, married to Sarah Smale; Helen, married to Charles Cronse, a carriage maker, of Wyoming; and Maggie L., Owen J., and Mary, at home. The mother of these children died in 1882, and in 1883 he married Mary Ann, daughter of Reese and Margaret (Morgan) Williams, natives of Wales; by her he has five children: Claudie, Deborah, Lydia D., Ebenezer and Myfanwy. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd are members of the Baptist Church, and politically he is a strong Republican.

THOMAS LLOYD, miner and farmer, Yatesville, was born in Wales, February 15, 1841, and is a son of Benjamin and Sarah (Plummer) Lloyd, natives of England. They reared a family of six children, of whom Thomas is fourth in order of birth. Our subject received his education in Wales, and worked in the mines there. In 1861 he came to the United States, settling at his present location, and has worked all the time in the employ of the Pennsylvania Coal Company as miner. He was united in wedlock December 28, 1860, with Anna, daughter of John and Marie (Hopkins) Evans, natives of Wales, and they have been blessed with the following issue: Marie, born August 8, 1862, married December 12, 1883, to John Pierce, miner, Yatesville; John born August 3, 1864; Benjamin, born January 18, 1866; Jennie E., born April 24, 1867; Margaret A., born April 19, 1869, married November 12, 1891, to Benjamin Sleicher, fireman, Wilkes-Barre, and Thomas T., born July 14, 1872. The family are members of the Methodist Church. Our subject is a Republican, and was a member of the borough council from 1880 to 1883. He is a member of the L.O.O.F. and I.O.R.M.

CHARLES C. LOCKHART, farmer, P.O. Beach Haven, was born November 6, 1856, on the farm where he now resides in Salem township, and is a son of James and Susan (Santee) Lockhart. His paternal grandfather, Joseph Lockhart, and great grandfather James Lockhart, were natives of Scotland, and came from Ireland to America in the latter part of the eighteenth century, settling in Salem township, this county, and lived and died on the farm now occupied by subject. The wife of Joseph Lockhart was Annie Cameron, by whom he had ten children, and of them James, the father of our subject, was the eldest. He was born on the homestead, in Salem, in 1802, and resided there until his death. His wife was a daughter of James and Rachel (McNeil) Santee, the former of whom was a son of Valentine Santee, one of the first settlers of Salem township. James Lockhart reared a family of six children: Mary, Elizabeth, Maria (Mrs. Dr. I.E. Ross), Rachel (Mrs. George W. Harter), Hamilton (deceased) and Charles C. Our subject is the fourth generation to occupy the Lockhart homestead, and is one of Salem’s representative farmers and citizens. In politics he is a Republican.

FRANKLIN P. LONG, station agent at Nanticoke, Reading System, Jersey Central Division. This genial and intelligent young man was born September 2, 1866, at Elliotsville, Pa., the only child of Levi and Catherine (Smith) Long, natives of Pennsylvania. Franklin P. was reared and educated in Lehigh county, and began life for himself as freight agent at Tripoli, for the Reading Railroad Company, where he remained for four years. He was transferred April 1, 1888, to his present position. Mr. Long is independent in politics. He is a member and trustee of the Presbyterian Church at Nanticoke, and is secretary of the Sunday-school. He is a member of the F. & A.M.

HENRY W. LONG, farmer, P.O. Irish Lane, was born in Fairmount township, May 16, 1854. He is the son of Lewis and Lavina (Wolfe) Long, the former born in Ross township, the latter in Fairmount. Lewis was a son of Elias Long, who was also born in Fairmount township. Elias was a son of John, who was of German descent, and the first of the Longs to settle in Huntington township. Elias began his active career as a farmer in Fairmount township. He removed to Ross township about 1826, on a lot of 140 acres, and devoted his entire time to agricultural pursuits. He was a hard-working man of good principles and pure morals. Politically Mr. Long was a stanch Whig. He died at the age of seventy-three years, his wife at the age of eighty-one. Their family consisted of eight children, all of whom grew to maturity. His son, Lewis Long, began his business life as a farmer in Ross township, afterward removing to Fairmount township, where he purchased 100 acres of timber land, most of which he cleared during his lifetime. He was a very industrious man, honest to a fault, and hard-working in the extreme. He died in 1862, aged thirty-six years. His family consisted of eight children, seven of whom are now living. Henry W. Long is the third of the family in order of birth. He was reared and educated in Ross township, and was but eight years of age when his father died, at which time he went to live with his uncle, George F. Long. Here he remained until he was twenty-one years of age, after which time he worked for various parties. He was engaged in burning charcoal by contract, at which he succeeded financially. In 1875 and 1880 he bought some land in Ross township, which he soon sold, it being too small for a man of his enterprise. He bought another farm of over 100 acres, which he works to perfection, for he is a thorough-going man and practical agriculturist. He is a general farmer, but runs his farm principally to hay. Mr. Long married, in December, 1881, Miss Permelia, daughter of S. and "Frona" Williams. To this union have been five children, all of whom are living: Sophia, Ann M., James B., Josephine and Charles. Mrs. Permelia Long was born in Huntington township in 1855. Politically, Mr. Long is a Republican.

J. R. LONG, merchant, Sweet Valley, was born February, 1851, in Ross township, where he was reared and educated. He is a son of Benjamin and Rhoda M. (Flanagan) Long, the former born in Ross township, the latter in Plymouth. Benjamin is the son of George Long, who was one of the first pioneers of Huntington township. He removed from there to Ross township when there were only a few settlers in that part of the county. He was a useful pioneer – a man who dared express himself in behalf of right. In politics he was a stanch Whig. His family consisted of ten children, nine of whom grew to maturity. His son Benjamin began his business career on a farm of fifty acres in Ross township. He was a carpenter by occupation and a first-class mechanic. His wife, Miss. Rhoda Flanagan, owned 130 acres in her own right. The Flanagans are old and prominent settlers in Ross township, of Irish origin. Benjamin Long held several offices of some importance in the township. He was a firm believer in the truth of Christianity, and was a member of the Christian Church. Like his father, he was a strong Republican. He died in 1886, aged sixty-six years. His family consisted of six children, four of whom grew to maturity. J. R. is the second in order of birth. In early life he learned the carpenter’s trade, but confined himself principally to farming, and agricultural pursuits of various kinds. He owns a farm of 150 acres, a part of the old homestead, a third interest in other lands, and a house and lot in Sweet Valley. He embarked in the mercantile business in 1891, and keeps the best general store in the village. His stock is new and fresh, and while his goods are cheap, they are not cheap goods. His store is well stocked with a full line of staple articles to supply the home demand, consequently his place of business is the center of attraction; his fair dealing warrants him success. In 1869 he married Miss Keziah J., daughter of Eliza and John B. Wesley. There were born to this happy marriage ten children, seven of whom are living: John J., Mary I., Mattie E., Tacy M., Benjamin J., Rhoda M., and Buel. John J. married Miss. Nora Masters. Mr. Long is a popular man socially, a stanch Republican politically, and in religion a member of the Christian Church. His wife and three of his accomplished daughters are also members of the same church. Mrs. Keziah (Wesley) Long was born in Ross township in 1853.

WILSON LONG, carpenter and farmer, P.O. Irish Lane, was born in Ross township January 13, 1838, where he was also reared and educated. He is the son of Joseph and Margaret A. (Park) Long, both of whom were born in this county, the former December 3, 1812, the latter September 17, 1811. Joseph was a son of Elias and Sarah Long, the former born in Mount Bethel, Northampton county, October 13, 1762, the latter in Huntington township, in August, 1790. Elias was a son of Elias and Betsy Long. They removed from Northampton county in the very early settlement of the place. His family at that time numbered twelve children. They settled in Huntington township, where they owned a large tract of land. Elias, Sr., served his country well and faithfully in the Revolutionary war. He lived to be over eighty years of age. His son, Elias, Jr., began his public career near Harveyville, on a farm of ninety acres. He was a hard-working and industrious man. At one time he owned and operated a distillery. Politically, he was a stanch Whig, and a man of leading influence in his neighborhood. He died in 1853, aged ninety-one years. Elias Long was married twice, by which marriages there were born to him sixteen children, all of whom grew to maturity. Joseph Long, his son, began his active life in Huntington township, also as a farmer, where he owned thirty-five acres of land. In 1850 he removed to Ross township where he built a log house which stands today (1892), and he confined himself to agricultural pursuits. He was a man much respected by all. Mr. Long died in 1884, aged seventy-two years. There were nine children born to him, seven of whom grew to maturity and are now living. Wilson Long is the eldest of the family. In early life he learned the carpenter’s trade, at which he has since worked in conjunction with farming. June 27, 1861, he was mustered into the service of the United States as a private in Company F, Seventh Pennsylvania Reserves, Thirty-six in line, for the term of three years. He took part in all the leading battles of the army of the Potomac till that of the Wilderness, where he was made a prisoner of war. He was confined in Andersonville from May to August, then removed to Florence, S.C., where he remained till December 31, when he was released. His term of service was almost four years, and during this time he was never marked unfit for duty. On February 27, 1865, he received an honorable discharge with the rank of corporal. On his return to citizenship he confined himself to his trade, residing in Wilkes-Barre, where he worked for eight years. In 1861 he bought his father’s old place, and made it his home ever since. Mr. Long is a member of the G.A.R.; has served three years as jury commissioner, and has also held various township offices. He is unmarried. Margaret A. Park, the mother of Wilson Long, is a daughter of Joseph and Martha Park, the former born October 23, 1757, the latter November 6, 1767. They removed to this county about 1810, locating in Sugar Loaf township, and afterward removed to Huntington township. There were thirteen children born to them. Joseph Park died in 1844, aged eighty-six; his wife, in 1852, aged ninety years. They were prominent people in their township.

W. H. LONG, clerk, Hunlock Creek, was born in Union township July 6, 1845, where he was educated at the common schools. In early life he learned the shoemaker's trade, which he followed in conjunction with other work for a number of years. He is a worthy gentleman, well posted in mercantile business, and has faithfully served James E. BERGAN for five years. In 1869 he was united in wedlock with Miss Rebecca, daughter of Peter and Mary BAER, and to this union were born five children, four of whom are living: Joseph, Elizabeth, Ava and Samuel. Of these, Joseph married Miss Rosetta CADWALLADER. Mr. LONG removed to Hunlock Creek in 1887, where he purchased a lot on which he has erected a neat cottage, and besides this he owns a farm of fifty-four acres in Hunlock township. He is much respected by his neighbors, and enjoys the full confidence of his fellow citizens. He and wife are acceptable members of the Baptist Church. William H. LONG is the son of Joseph and Elizabeth (SEARCH) LONG, the former of whom was born in Ross township, the latter in Union township. Joseph died not long after his marriage with Miss SEARCH, who is yet living. He was a promising young man. There were two children born to him and wife, named William H. and Lydia.

W. R. LONGSHORE, M. D., was born in Beaver Meadow, Carbon Co., Pa., September 10, 1838, and is descended from Revolutionary families on both sides, paternal and maternal. His father, Ashbel B. LONGSHORE, worked on the same engineer corps as did the late A. PARDEE, afterward was a merchant at Beaver Meadow and Berwick, then studied medicine and practiced in Wyoming and Luzerne counties, later moving to Beaver Meadow. Our subject spent part of his boyhood days in Philadelphia and vicinity, and when fourteen years old came to Hazleton, this county. He was educated in Kingston Seminary and Lewisburn University, studied medicine with his father in Hazleton, and attended Jefferson Medical College and the Pennsylvania College of Medicine in Philadelphia, graduating at the latter institute in 1860. He then served as an assistant to Dr. KIRKBRIDE at the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane, in Philadelphia, until the fall of 1862, when he entered the army as first lieutenant and assistant surgeon of the One Hundred and Forty-seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, which was attached to the First Brigade, Geary's Second Division, Twelfth Army Corps. He was promoted to major and surgeon in October, 1863, and took part in the campaign of Wauhatchie Valley and the battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge. After the Twelfth and Eleventh Corps had been consolidated into the Twentieth Corps, they were sent to re-inforce Sherman; then went into camp at Wauhatchie Valley part of the winter of 1863-64, and afterward into permanent winter quarters at Bridgeport, Ala. At this place Dr. LONGSHORE had charge of the Brigade Hospital, and was acting brigade surgeon on Sherman's march from Chattanooga to Atlanta, which march was commenced May 1, 1864. After the capture of Atlanta, he was made acting brigade surgeon, and as such went with Sherman to the sea, afterwood taking part in the march through the Carolinas. At Goldsborough, N. C., he obtained leave of absence, and coming north reached Philadelphia the night of the assasination of President Lincoln. He then proceeded to Hazleton, and was married, April 25, 1865, to Miss M. A. CARTER, daughter of William CARTER, a coal operator of Beaver Meadow. Returning to the army May 6 following, he took part in the review of Sherman's command in Washington, and was mustered out with his regiment during the latter part of July, same year. He then settled in Hazleton, where he has practiced medicine ever since. On March 5, 1874, the Doctor was commissioned surgeon of the old Ninth Regiment, N.G.P., and served until the regiment was disbanded; was with his command during the riots of 1874. In June 1890, he was commissioned surgeon of the Ninth Regiment Infantry, Third Brigade, N.G.P. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Commandery of the Loyal Legion; Robinson Post No. 20, G.A.R.; the various degrees of Freemasonry; the Luzerne County Medical Society; the Carbon County Medical Society; the Lehigh Valley Medical Association, the State Medical Society, and the American Medical Association. Politically he has always been a Republican, and cast his first vote for Abraham Lincoln in 1860

Eugene B. LONGWELL, farmer, P. O. Orange, was born in Vernon township, Sussex Co., N. J., October 7, 1844, a son of John and Sarah J. (BOUGHTON) LONGWELL, both of whom were also born in Sussex county. John LONGWELL was born in 1816, a son of Andrew LONGWELL, who was a native of Ireland, and after emigrating to this country settled in that part of New Jersey as a prosperous farmer. He reared a family of six children. John LONGWELL was only seven years of age when his father died, and always followed farming, at which he became an expert. On September 29, 1838, he married Miss Sarah J. BOUGHTON , after which he removed to this county. He first located in Kingston township in 1850, but remained only a few months, when he removed to Franklin township, where he purchased seventy-six acres of land, most of which was unimproved; but by industry and economy he cleared the farm, causing the harvest fields to succeed the forest, and the rude log-cabin to give place to a more modern structure, thus helping by his labors the onward struggles to a higher civilization. He was a man of deep sympathy, whose home was always open to the oppressed, and whose hand was ever ready to lift or help the weak and needy. A man of strictly honest principles, he was honored with many offices in his township, all of which he filled with ability. In politics he was Democratic; in religion, a Methodist. He reared a family of three children: William H., Mary E. and Eugene B. The father died in September, 1882, at the age of sixty-six years. Eugene B. LONGWELL was five years of age when he came to this county with his father, and has always confined himself to agricultural pursuits. On April 17, 1870, he was married to Miss Melvina C., daughter of Silas and Chloe CLARK, and by her he had two sons: John and Fred, the former born in 1873, the latter in 1878. Miss Melvina C. (CLARK) LONGWELL was born in Independence, Allegany Co., N. Y. Mr. LONGWELL has lived on his present farm all his life with the exception of three years he spent in Pittston subsequent to his marriage. He retains the farm on which his father settled in Franklin township; is a practical, general farmer, and a good business man. He has been favored with several township offices, which he invariably discharged with credit to himself and satisfaction of his constituents. He is a class-leader in the M. E. Church, a man in whom his fellows place confidence, and in this work his good wife helps, in both word and work fulfilling her misssion. She is a true help-meet for him, and her home is a model home of which she is a queen. Politically, Mr. LONGWELL is a Democrat

Michael LONZER, Hazleton, passenger locomotive engineer on the Lehigh Valley Division of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad System. This well-known and popular engineer is a native of Germany, and is a son of Jacob and Catherine (HINDERSHIEDT) LONGER. When our subject was about five years of age, the family emigrated to America and settled near the present site of Hazelton City, Pa. He was reared and educated at Hazleton, and at the age of twelve began life working in a breaker; he worked around the mines until he reached the age of twenty, when he engaged at breaking on the Lehigh Valley Railroad. After about six years at that, he was promoted to fireman, a position he faithfully filled eleven years, and in February, 1891, he was made locomotive engineer on a passenger train between Hazleton and Freeland. Mr. LONGER owns a harness store in Hazleton, which he opened in 1889, and which is now under the able management of Mr. William CHARLES. This is the leading establishment of the kind in the city. Mr. LONZER was married in 1871 to Miss Catherine Elizabeth MEYER, of Hazleton, and they have had born to them six children, viz.: John F. (harness-maker), Carolina E., Anna C., Jacob C., Lizzie May and Katie E. Mr. LONZER is a member of the Royal Arcanum, and in politics he is a stanch Republican.

George Peck LOOMIS is the son of William Wallace and Elizabeth R. (BLANCHARD) LOOMIS, the former of whom is at this writing, with one exception (Nathaniel Rutter), the oldest living resident of the city of Wilkes-Barre. He is descended from Deacon John LOOMIS, who emigrated from England in 1638, and settled in Windsor, Conn., a year or so later, since which time many of the Loomises have been leading citizens of Connecticut. William Wallace LOOMIS came with his parents to Wilkes-Barre in 1827, when he was but twelve years of age. He is an ordained elder of the Methodist Church, and has always been very active in church and Sunday school work. He was burgess of the old borough of Wilkes-Barre from 1854 to 1861, inclusive, and was mayor of the city three years, commencing in 1877. He has held many incidental positions of trust, and, as these facts testify, is one of the most respected of Wilkes-Barre's citizens. Mrs. LOOMIS, the mother of George Peck LOOMIS, and second wife of William Wallace LOOMIS, was Elizabeth R. BLANCHARD, descended from Capt. Jeremiah BLANCHARD, who came to Luzerne in 1772, and was the first settler of Port BLANCHARD, in Jenkins township. He was constable for Pittston in 1775 and 1776, and was in the fort at that place as a captain of militia at the time of the battle and massacre of Wyoming. George Peck LOOMIS was born in Wilkes-Barre May 1, 1859. He graduated from the Wyoming Seminary in 1878, and from Syracuse University in 1882. He began the study of the law with A. RICKETTS, but abandoned it for a year's service as cashier for a moulding-mill owned by his uncle at Brooklyn, N. Y. Then he returned to Wilkes-Barre, and resumed the study of the law under the preceptorship of H. A. FULLER. He was admitted to the bar January 31, 1887. Mr. LOOMIS is connected with the Wilkes-Barre Gun Company, and several other business institutions; politically he is a Democrat, and he is a member of the Methodist Church.

Edward Sterling LOOP was born in Elmira, N. Y., February 11, 1823, and is a son of Peter P. and Eliza Irene (ROSS) LOOP. He received a limited education in the schools of Wilkes-Barre, and in 1840 left home, going to St. Louis, where he was employed in a retail dry-goods store about three years. In 1844 he went to New York, where he was employed as bookkeeper in a dry-goods house for nearly ten years. He returned to Wilkes-Barre in 1853, and entered the Wyoming State (now National) Bank, where he remained for over twenty-one years, first as teller, and afterward as cashier. He resigned July 22, 1874, since which time he has lived a retired life. Mr. LOOP married, December 28, 1852, Cornelia B., daughter of Samuel and Lydia (WADHAMS) FRENCH, of Plymouth; she died June 25, 1856, leaving one daughter, Estelle (Mrs. Major Charles F. LARRABEE, of Washington, D. C. who has one son, Sterling Loop LARRABEE). On July 1, 1858, Mr. LOOP married Harriet A., daughter of T. D. LANDER, of New York City.

Morgan LORD, farmer, Carverton, was born, October 2, 1839, reared and educated in Franklin, a son of Stephen and Phebe Ann (HALLOCK) LORD, the former born in Franklin, the latter in Luzerne county. Stephen was a son of Alexander Lord, a native of Connecticut, an old soldier of the war of 1812, and one of the first settlers of Franklin township. His children were eight in number, all of whom are dead. He first settled at what is known as Flat Rock Schoolhouse, where, by thrift and hard labor, he made a complete farm, and here he lived and died. His son, Stephen, lived on the homestead until he was of age, when he removed to the farm now owned by his sons, J. D. and Lyman, consisting of 116 acres, to which he added ninety-four more. He was a carpenter by tade, at which he worked all his life, and at which he proved successful. He was married twice: First time to Miss Phebe Ann HALLOCK, by whom he had six children, four of whom are living, and for his second wife he wedded Miss Elizabeth DE WITT, by whom he had five children, four of them yet living. He died March 21, 1891, at the age of eighty years. Morgan, who is the fourth by the first marriage, has always confined himself to farming, and to-day is a recognized practical agriculturist. He owns 110 acres of prime land, on which he has made many improvements on both field and buildings. His stock is good, his buildings are commodious, and his surroundings generally suggest good management. On November 7, 1865, he was married to Miss Nancy, daughter of E. D. and Sally WILSON, and by her he had one child, Wesley, born March 5, 1871. In 1862 he became a member of Company G, One Hundred and Seventy-seventh State Militia, to serve his country for the term of nine months, which he did, and was honorably discharged. He was subsequently drafted, but his relations at home were such that they could not be severed, so he paid $625 for a substitute.

Samuel D. LOUDENBURG, miner, Parsons, was born March 22, 1847, at Kingston, Pa., and is the second of eight children born to George and Caroline (GRAY) LOUDENBURG. He was reared and educated at Kingston, and at the age of seventeen began life for himself, lumbering at Fairview, Pa., in which business he was engaged for twelve years in the State of Pennsylvania. In 1879 he engaged in mining at Forty Fort and remained there for a short time, when he came to Parsons, where he has since resided. Mr. LONDENBURG was married January 1, 1872, to Elmira, daughter of Barton HEDSALE, of Wyoming county; they have four children: William, Ellen, Freeman and Albert. Samuel's grandfather, John LOUDENBURG, came from Germany, locating at Kingston at a very early date. Our subject is a firm adherent to the cause of Democracy.

W. A. LOUGHREY, grocer and justice of the peace, Port Blanchard, was born September 13, 1855, in the house where he now resides, and is the eldest son of William and Mary (GLYNN) LOUGHREY, natives, respectively, of Counties Galway and Mayo, Ireland; the parents arrived in this country in June, 1848, and settled immediately in this county. The subject of our sketch was educated in the common schools, and in 1866 went to work at the mines as a slate-picker; in 1868 he became driver, and in 1871 laborer, working at the latter five years, when in 1876 he was employed as a miner. He continued mining until 1880, when he went to Colorado to the silver mines, where he remained, however, but four months. He then went to Port Griffith and took up his old position as a miner, but was seriously hurt by a fall of rock, and on November 26, 1882, he went into the grocery business, at his present stand. Mr. LOUGHREY has been twice married, his first wife being Bridget, daughter of John and Bridget (MC ANDREWS) COOK, natives of County Mayo, Ireland, to whom he was united on November 26, 1882. She died August 1, 1889, having become the mother of the following children: Mary, born November 20, 1883; William, born April 21, 1885; Eleanor, born November 13, 1886; and Annie, born, July 24, 1888. Our subject married again, on January 28, 1892, Mary, daughter of Patrick and Mary (BOLAND) LYNN, natives of County Mayo, Ireland. They are members of the Catholic Church; our subject is a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, in which organization he holds the office of county delegate. In politics he is a Republican, and held the office of school director from 1881 to 1887, during which time he was treasurer of the board four years and secretary one year; in 1886 he was elected justice of the peace for five years, and is now serving his second term, having been re-elected in 1891. Mr. LOUGHREY was nominated by his party in 1890 to represent them in the State Legislature, but was defeated by a small majority.

WILLIAM LOVELAND, Kingston, was born in Kingston, Pa., August 5, 1821, the second son of Elijah and Mary (Buckingham) Loveland, whose ancestry in this country were among the Puritans who came to Connecticut about 1630. Our subject received his early education in the old academy on Main Street, Kingston, and at Dane's Academy, Wilkes-Barre. He has always been a farmer, and at his father's death assumed control of the family homestead in Kingston. As a businessman, he has ever been active and prominent, and has aided to develop and sustain the most important local interests. For years he has been a member and officer of the Presbyterian Church. He identified himself with the Republican party at its organization, and has been deeply interested in its progress to the present time, although never an active politician. In 1856, Mr. Loveland was married to Miss Lydia Hurlbut, of Arkport, N.Y., granddaughter of Christopher Hurlbut (a native of Connecticut), a surveyor well known in the Wyoming Valley in pioneer days. This union has been blessed with seven children, four of whom are living, viz.: Mary Buckingham, Fanny Vaughn (now Mrs. Robert P. Broadhead), Elizabeth Shepard, and Emily.

JOHN LOVELL, general merchant, No. 96 South Main Street, Pittston. This energetic and successful young businessman is a Pittstonian bred and born, and a son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Powell) Lovell, the former a native of England, the latter of South Wales. The father came to America in 1859, and died at Pittston in 1876; the mother still lives there. The family consisted of nine children, six of whom are living, viz.: George (merchant, Pittston); John, Jennie (Mrs. C.F. Phillips, Pittston), Anna (Mrs. A.G. McMillian, Pittston), Isaac C. and Ida May, Chicago. Our subject was born November 24, 1859, and was educated in the common schools and in Wood's Business College. When a boy, he engaged in working in the mines, and continued this occupation until twenty-five years of age. He then engaged in his present business. May 22, 1884, Mr. Lovell married Miss Amelia Barnes, of Pittston, and by her had two children, viz.: Lulu and Raymond. He is a member of the Knights of the Golden Eagle; and is a Republican. He is an enterprising citizen, never hesitating to support any deserving enterprise that promises public good.

PATRICK LUDDON, miner, Inkerman, was born in Westport, County Mayo, Ireland, November 13, 1859, and is the son of Michael and Mary Luddon, also natives of the same place. He received his education in Ireland, and came to America in the year 1874, settling in Pittston, this county, where he received employment as a laborer in the mines, working for the Pennsylvania Coal Company, and since 1890 he has been a miner. Mr. Luddon was united in marriage January 21, 1882, with Annie, daughter of Brian and Margaret (Collins) Luddon, natives of County Mayo, Ireland, and their union has been blessed with the following issue: Kate, born December 5, 1883; Patrick, born February 2, 1885; Thomas, born March 6, 1886; Michael, born March 5, 1888; Mary, born February 24, 1890, and Margaret, born June 24, 1892. Our subject is a member of the Roman Catholic Church, and the A. O. H., and in politics he is a Democrat.

RUDOLPH LUDWIG, Freeland, is a native of Prussia, born February 5, 1850. When he was about four years of age, his parents emigrated to America and located at Hazleton, where they resided two years, afterward removing to Eckley. At the age of ten years, Rudolph began picking slate, and also worked in various other capacities around the mines for eight years. He then worked with his father, who was a butcher, and there learned the butchering trade. After working with his father for nine years, he came to Freeland and engaged in the business on his own account. He has also carried on various other businesses in Freeland, and conducted a restaurant for six years, and it may be truly said of Mr. Ludwig that in everything he has undertaken he has succeeded. Few men have more friends than he in the community where he resides. On June 16, 1872, Mr. Ludwig was united in marriage with Miss Mary A. Bell, an accomplished young lady of Mauch Chunk, who is of Scottish descent. They have one child, Earnest, who is employed in the office of the Hazleton Sentinel. Mr. Ludwig is a member of the I. O. O. F., the Knights of Pythias and the Knights of Malta. He was one of the men who took an active interest in the incorporation of the borough of Freeland, and has been chief burgess of that town one term. In political views, he is a Republican. He has been a great baseball player, and was at one time a well-known figure on the diamond.

CAPTAIN JOHN H. LUTZ, miner, Plains, was born in Wilkes-Barre September 9, 1842, and is a son of John H. and Mary C. (Swortwood) Lutz, also natives of Pennsylvania, and of German origin. The father, who was a saddler by trade, reared a family of six children, of whom John H. is the second. Our subject began life boating on the canal, a vocation he followed two years; then engaged in mining at Nanticoke, where he remained six years. When his country was in peril, he was one of the first to practically demonstrate his willingness to die for the old flag. On October 15, 1861, he enlisted, at Wilkes-Barre, in Company A, Fifty-second P. V. I.; was transferred to Company D, Ninth P. V. C., and in 1864 re-enlisted in the same company; he was mustered out July 18, 1865. Capt. Lutz has a military record equaled by few, if any; he was with his regiment continuously, taking an active part in sixty-three engagements, and during the last five months of the war he was detailed to help man some guns which had been captured from Gen. Stoneman, and re-captured by the Ninth Pennsylvania Calvary, and manned by picked men of the regiment. After the war, he went west, and was in Indiana, Illinois, Kansas and Missouri, and went with a Government train of sixty-four oxen from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Larma (where they were stopped by the Indians), and returned at the end of six weeks. He then came to Wilkes-Barre, where for three years he was engaged in the lumber business for Mench & Loenstien, after which he entered the employ of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company, first as carpenter, then as stationary engineer. At present he is engaged in mining. Mr. Lutz was married, July 5, 1869, to Miss Martha, daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth (Slyker) Arnold, natives of Pennsylvania, and of German origin. The fruit of this union has been eight children, viz.: Margaret F., Susan R., Daisy L. (deceased), John H. (deceased), Harry H., Barton B., Sterling L. and Ethel. Capt. Lutz is a member of A. O. K. of M. C. and the G. A. R., in both of which he has held all the offices, and in politics he is a Republican. He is descended from a family of considerable military record; his grandfather, Daniel Lutz, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and his uncle, Samuel Lutz, was in the War of 1812. Our subject's title as "Captain" came to him through being captain of a cavalry company raised in 1882, and captain of a military company in the M. C., known as the "Military Rank, Wyoming Company, No. 88."

WILLIAM J. LUTZ, carpenter, Forty Fort, was born December 17, 1860, in Luzerne borough, and is a son of Andrew and Susan (Santee) Lutz, natives of Pennsylvania, and of German origin. Our subject, who is the third in a family of four children, was educated at the common schools, and at the age of twenty-one began work for the Jackson & Wooden Manufacturing Company, of Berwick, Pa., where he remained one year. He then came to Forty Fort, and engaged with J. S. Monks, a contractor of Kingston, with whom he is now employed as carpenter. Mr. Lutz was married May 20, 1882, to Annie, daughter of William and Susan (Wright) Smith, natives of Pennsylvania, and of German descent. By this happy union, he has two children: Keith W. and Beryl M. Mr. and Mrs. Lutz are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a member of the P. O. S. of A., also of the Forty Fort Band. Politically he is a Prohibitionist.

REV. G. C. LYMAN, pastor of the first M. E. Church of Wyoming borough, was born July 16, 1842, and is a son of Samuel and Eunice (Earl) Lyman, natives of Vermont and Connecticut, and of Scotch and English origin, respectively. They reared a family of twelve children, three of whom are now living. Our subject, who is the eleventh in order of birth, was educated in the common schools, the high school at Montrose, Pa., and the Wyoming Seminary. At the age of twenty-one he enlisted in Company E, Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry (Captain Ewing), and was with Sherman on his march to the sea; his regiment was the first to whom Johnson offered to surrender. He was discharged July 22, 1865, and returned to his home, where he engaged in farming for four years, teaching school winters. His first charge as minister of the Gospel was at Jenningsville, and he has since preached in the following places: Mehoopany, Clarks Green and Waverly, Carverton, Dallas, Nanticoke, Tunkhannock, and in the spring of 1890 he came to Wyoming, where he is now. Mr. Lyman was married, June 9, 1866, to Lydia A., daughter of John W. and Lucy (Sumner) Bunnell, natives of Pennsylvania, and of English origin, which union was blessed with four sons, viz.: John P., born May 30, 1867 (is conductor on the city railway in Philadelphia), George E. and Charles E. (twins) born March 8, 1871 (Charles E. is shipping clerk for the C. R. R. of N. J., at Scranton; George E. is bookkeeper for Billings & Son, produce merchants, DeRuyter, N. Y.), and I. Olin, born August 2, 1874, at present attending the Wyoming Seminary. Mrs. Lyman and the eldest three boys are members of the M. E. Church; Mr. Lyman is a member of the F. & A. M., I. O. O. F., and G. A. R., and is a strong Prohibitionist in his political predilections.

JOHN A. LYMAN, Hazleton, railroad conductor, Lehigh Valley Division, Reading System. Among the many Lehigh Valley Railroad conductors, none are more widely known and popular that the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He was born in Columbia County, February 16, 1841, and is a son of James and Lucy (Lowermiller) Lyman, natives of Pennsylvania. At the end of his school life, he worked in a brickyard until June 16, 1861, when he enlisted in Company A, Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, under Capt. A Pardee, Jr. Mr. Lyman served in the following battles and skirmishes: Bolivar Heights, Va., Leesburg, Va., Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Lookout Mt., Missionary Ridge, Resaca, Ga., Pea Vine Creek, Ringgold, Ga., Cedar Mt., Va., Rappahannock, Va., Sulphur Springs, Rodsy Place Ridge, New Hope Church, Dallas, Pine Hill, Culp's Farm, Marietta, Peach Tree Creek, Siege of Atlanta, Siege of Savannah, and Edisto Island, S. C. Besides these regular engagements, Mr. Lyman participated in about two dozen hot skirmishes. He served until 1864, when the company was mustered out. With the exception of a slight wound received while in the engagement in front of Atlanta, Mr. Lyman passed through the war without receiving an injury, although he participated in some of the fiercest battles that were fought. After returning from war, our subject began railroading, filling the positions of brakeman, baggage master and extra conductor until 1876, when he was promoted to conductor of passenger trains, running between Hazleton and Penn Haven Junction. He has been on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, as conductor, ever since, and truly merits the confidence of the company that he represents, as well as the respect of the traveling public. Mr. Lyman was united in marriage, September 28, 1865, with Miss Mary A., daughter of John and Elizabeth (Atersall) -----------, natives of England. Two children have been born to their union, namely: John A. and Elsie E. Mr. Lyman votes the emocratic ticket, and is a member of the following Orders: Railroad Conductors, Jr. O. U. A. M., I. O. R. M., and also of the Fire Department, serving ten years as president of the last named organization. The family attend the Lutheran Church.

ALEXANDER J. LYNCH, justice of the peace, collector and real estate agent, Plymouth, was born October 9, 1853, at Heckscherville, Schuylkill Co., Pa., and is a son of Richard and Margaret (Lawless) Lynch, the former of whom was born on the Isle of Wight, England, the latter in County Kilkenny, Ireland. Edward Lynch, the paternal grandfather of our subject, came to this country first as an English soldier in the War of 1812, and served for twenty-one years under the English flag. Honora McDonald, grandmother of our subject, died recently in Schuylkill County, Pa., at the advanced age of one hundred and six years. Alexander J. Lynch, who is the youngest of nine children, was educated at Heckscherville, Pa. He commenced life as a mine laborer, and worked in and about the mines until he arrived at the age of seventeen years, when he began clerking in the general store of James McAlarney, Plymouth, Pa., where he remained from 1871 to 1878. He then engaged with McKinney & Simmons, remaining with them eighteen months. In 1879, he embarked in the grocery business on his own account, in which he continued till 1887. In 1884, he was elected justice of the peace of Plymouth borough on the Citizens' ticket, and was re-elected in May, 1889, which last term will expire in 1894. Mr. Lynch was married, September 10, 1879, to Eleanor J., daughter of William and Ellen (McCarthy) Heckels, the former a native of England, the latter of Ireland. Three children have been born to this union: Richard G., born May 10, 1885; William, born July 24, 1887, and Alexander, born April 28, 1889, died November 10, 1889. Mrs. Lynch died May 1, 1889. In his political preferences, Mr. Lynch is a Democrat, and in religious faith he belongs to the Roman Catholic Church.

MRS. SARAH A. LYNCH, widow of James Lynch, late farmer, was born in Pittston township, a daughter of William and Sarah A. Collins, both of whom were born in Northampton County. They removed to this county in 1823, locating in Pittston township, where their daughter, Mrs. Sarah A. Lynch, now resides. They purchased 444 acres of land, 100 of which had been improved during his lifetime, and under his supervision. There have been other marked and visible improvements. His family consisted of eleven children, all of whom grew to maturity. The father died in 1857, at the age of sixty-three years, the mother in 1880, aged seventy-three years. Our subject was reared and educated in Pittston township, where she has always resided, and at the age of twenty-one was married to James Lynch, a native of New Jersey. There were two children born to them: Sarah E. (deceased) and James I. Mr. Lynch worked in various points through the Valley, and was employed by the Gravity Railroad Company for twelve years. In 1862 he entered the United States service, as a member of Company C, One Hundred and Forty-third P. V. I., for the term of three years. He died of disease contracted while in the service. He was a member of the I. O. O. F., and a man of ability and influence in his town. His widow still carries on the farm with the assistance of her son, James I., a promising young man. They are general farmers, and still retain the original 444 acres.

JAMES A. LYNN, carpenter, Kingston, was born in Plymouth, January 6, 1843, and is a son of Joze and Jane (Devens) Lynn, both natives of Pennsylvania, the former being of Irish and the latter of German descent. The Lynns came to this country from Ireland at a very early date, in the persons of three brothers, and it is safe to presume that all who bear that name in this country are probably descendants of them. The subject of this sketch was educated in Luzerne County, and at the age of sixteen, began working in the mines at Plymouth, where he was employed about seven years. He then took up carpentry, and after learning it removed to Kingston, where he has since been engaged at his trade. On November 6, 1872, he was married to Miss Malinda, daughter of Aaron and Tebia (Miller) LaBarre, natives of Slatington, Pa., the former of French origin and the latter of Welsh-German descent; both are now living at Slatington, and the father has now reached the patriarchal age of eighty-two years, still a well-preserved and vigorous man; a cousin of his lived to be one hundred and thirteen years old. James A. Lynn is a member of the Knights of Honor, the Patriotic Order Sons of America, and in politics he is a Republican.

Peter E LYONS, Proprietor of the "Quarry Hotel", Wilkes Barre township, was born in County Louth, Ireland, August 15 1862, a son of nicholas and Margaret (Waters) Lyons. The father came to America in 1870, locating in Wilkes Barre where he worked in the mines the balance of his life, and his family came two years later. His children now living are: Peter E., Mary R. (Mrs Thomas Maloney), James, Charles, Julia, Bridget, Kate, and Nicholas. Our subject was reared in Wilkes Barre from ten years of age, received a common-school education, and followed mining nine years, firing three years, and since 1888 has been engaged in the hotel business. He married Miss Catherine, daughter of John and Mary Sullivan, of Wilkes Barre township, and by her has five children: Mary, Anna, Lizzie, Kate, and James. Mr. Lyons is a member of the Catholic Church. In politics he is a democrat, and was register of Wilkes Barre township three years, treasurer one year.

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 Mary Ann Lubinsky
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