KL - KY Surnames
History of Luzerne County, Pa.,
by H.C. Bradsby, 1893
J.W. KLEINTOB, farmer, Fairmount Township, P.O. Ripple, was born June 25, 1844, in that township, and is a son of Nathan and Mary (Swank) Kleintob, natives of Pennsylvania, and of German origin. The father was also a farmer, and died in 1885, aged sixty-two years. He was a son of Christopher (a farmer), and Catherine (Hetler) Kleintob, natives of Pennsylvania. Our subject, who is the second in a family of seven children, six of whom are living, was reared on a farm, educated in the common schools, six of whom are living, was reared on a farm, educated in the common schools, and when twenty-two years of age bought a timber tract in Salem Township, where he followed lumbering twelve years. Selling same, he bought a farm in Fairmount Township, from which he cut the timber; after six years he sold same, and purchased a bakery in Shickshinny, which he conducted for one year, when he sold out, returning to his native township. Here he bought his present farm of sixty acres, situated one mile south of the Ripple Postoffice built thereon his cozy house, and has since followed farming. Mr. Kleintob married in July, 1866 to Miss Phenia, daughter of William and Sophia (Levann) Brandon, which union has been blessed with five children, viz.: Lizzie C., Edward B., Nathan W., Lillian M., and Durr. This family are members of the M.E. Church. Our subject enlisted in Company B., One Hundred and Ninety-ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers and served with his regiment through the Civil war, participating in all the battles his regiment was in; was wounded at Rin’s Station; was promoted to coporal and sergeant, and was discharged in July 1865. Politically he is a Democrat, and he has been supervisor of his township two years.
Stephen O. KLEINTOB, farmer, Fairmount Township, P.O. Ripple, was born July 25, 1846, in that township, a son of Nathan and Mary (Swank) Kleintob, natives of Pennsylvania and of German origin. The father was also a farmer, and die din 1885, aged sixty-two years. He was a son of Christopher and Catherine (Hetler) Kleintob, natives of Pennsylvania, the former being a farmer by occupation. Nathan Kleintob served three years in the Civil war, as a member of the Seventh Pennsylvania Reserves; on January 1, 1862, he was commissioned chief musician of his regiment; he was discharged in July 1864. Our subject is the third of a family of seven children, six, of whom are living. He was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools, and worked at home until he was thirty-five years of age. He then went to Wyoming borough, where he rented a farm for two years, after which he worked one year in the shovel works at same place, then returned to Fairmount Township and purchased his present farm of 100 acres, situated one fourth mile south of the Ripple postoffice, where he has since followed farming. Mr. Kleintob was married December 4, 1883 to Rosina, daughter of Millo and Samantha (Leteer) Gay, natives of Pennsylvania, and of English and French origin, respectively. This union was blessed with four children, viz.: Samantha died in infancy; Freas B., born December 19, 1885, Mary, born October 11, 1887, and Annie L., born August 23, 1890. Mr. and Mrs. Kleintob are members of the M.E. Church, he is a member of the I.O.O.F. and K. of P>; was postmaster for three years during Cleveland’s administration; politically he is a strong Democrat.
Clarence Winfield KLINE, lawyer, Hazleton, was born October 25, 1852, near Jerseytown, Columbia Co., Pa., and is a descendant of Jacob Kline, who emigrated to this country from Germany, October 2, 1841, in the ship "St. Andrew." Daniel Kline, son of Jacob Kline, was born in 1742, and served in the Revolutionary war; served under gen. Jackson; he removed from Philadelphia to East Hempfield Township, Lancaster Co., Pa., in 1820. George Schenck Kline, father of our subject, was born in East Hempfield Township in 1826, and removed to Danville, same State, in 1845. In 1846 he married Miranda, daughter of Jacob Kisner, a native of Germany, who was a cousin of William Kisner, of Hazleton. On the night of their marriage he left with the Columbian Guards for the Mexican war, where he participated in every battle. The Columbian Guards, organized in 1817, belonged especially to Danville and were famous all over Columbia County, in honor of which the organization took its name. George S. Kline participated in every engagement with his company, entering the service as first sergeant, he was promoted to first lieutenant and brevet captain. He left a magnificent sword to his children as an heirloom, which is now in the possession of the subject of this sketch, and which bears the following inscription engraved upon its scabbard: "Presented to Lieutenant George S. Kline, by General Winfield Scott, for bravery and meritorious service on the battlefield of Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo, Chepultepec, and Mexico." Lieutenant Kline had the honor of being the man who planted the American colors on the walls of Chepultepec, after three brave soldiers had been shot in attempting to do so. At the close of the war he returned to Danville, where he remained until 1852, when he went west with a party of civil engineers, but at St. Joseph he was attacked by cholera and died. C.W. Kline, after his father’s death, was taken and raised by his grandmother Kline, in Lancaster County, and in the common schools of that county he received his early education; when thirteen years of age, he left school and went to the place of his birth. When fourteen years of age, he engaged in teaching, his first school being in Anthony Township, Montour County. He continued teaching in the winters, and working on the farm in the summers until 1869, when he removed to Jamesville, Pa., and for two years was in the employ of J.C. Hoyden & Co. He was then appointed principal of the Jamesville schools. In 1874 he registered in the office of Thomas J. Foley, then practicing in Hazleton and was admitted to the Luzerne County bar, January 10, 1877. Mr. Kline, married, November 26, 1874, Jennie, daughter of Samuel Linder of Hazleton. Mr. Kline is recognized as one of Luzerne County’s leading lawyers and enjoys a large and lucrative practice. He makes corporation law a specialty, although carrying on a large general practice besides. He has been largely interested in the promotion of the welfare of the city, and has held several offices of trust there, having served several terms on the council while Hazleton was yet a borough, and at its corporation was appointed city solicitor. He is also interested in several business enterprises, such as the Hazleton Electric Lighting Company, Building and Loan Associations, and various other industries. In politics, he has always taken a very active part in behalf of the Republican Party.
Daniel KLINE, justice of the peace, Foster Township, was born in Jeddo, this county, March 17, 1867, son of Frederick and Anna E. (Beschloft) Kline, natives of Germany, who have resided in Freeland seventeen years. In their family there were four children, viz.: F.P., a merchant; W.D., clerk for Coxe Bros. At Drifton; S.H., a stock raiser, in Cresco, Mich.; and Daniel. The subject of this sketch was educated in the common schools of Hazel and foster townships, Hazleton borough and in the Jeddo private schools. In 1883, he in partnership with his brother W.D. commenced dealing in lime, brick, sand and builders’ general supplies, one year later adding hay, feed, etc., to their stock and since 1889, they have manufactured their own feed. Since beginning business Kline Bros. Have a large patronage, and have built up a substantial trade. In February 1891, Mr. Kline was elected justice of the peace of Foster Township, for a term of five years. He was married March 21, 1890, at Monroetown, Bradford Co., Pa., to Miss Laura, daughter of Mrs. Emeline Chubbauck of that place. Politically, our subject is a Republican.
Henry Augustus KLINE, teacher of music, Wilkes-Barre, was born in Lehigh County, Pa., June 6, 1844, a son of Joseph and Anna (Wetherhold) Kline. His paternal grandfather, Jacob Kline was a native of Lehigh County, Pa., a miller by occupation, and the great-grandfather, peter Kline, settled in Lehigh County. The maternal grandfather of our subject was Joseph Wetherhold, of French-German stock, a native of Lehigh County and a tanner by trade; he died in 1859. Joseph Kline, who was a miller, farmer and inventor of some note, was born in Lehigh County, and is now living retired at Allentown, Pa. Our subject was reared in his native county, and was educated in the public schools and at Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa. From 1860 to 1881 he taught in the public schools of Lehigh, Carbon and Luzerne Counties. For twenty-two years, he has been a teacher of music and a resident of Wilkes-Barre since 1881. Mr. Kline married December 2, 1869, Amanda Isabella, daughter of Henry and Violetta (Kern) Kuntz, of Slatington, Pa. About three miles from the "Lehigh Gap," at a point where the famous "Warrior’s Path" crossed the stream, and where is now the thriving town of Slatington, one Nicholas Kern as early as 1737 took up about 500 acres of land. He died in 1748 leaving six sons and one daughter. Of the sons, William bought a considerable portion of this land. He raised a family of eight children, among them being John Kern, who was born 1777, and lived to the good age of seventy-three years. It was Jonas, the oldest son of John, who settled at the old homestead and conducted the mill, and the farm in what is now the town of Slatington. He had two children- one son, Benjamin, and one daughter, Violetta, who became the wife of Mr. Henry Kuntz. Mrs. Kuntz lived to be but thirty years of age, when she died, leaving six daughters, the eldest of whom is Amanda Isabella, wife of Henry A. Kline. Mr. and Mrs. Kline, have three children living: henry J. (who was graduated from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy in 1892), Mabel (a student at Wyoming Seminary, and teacher of piano and organ) and Anna Violet. Mr. Kline is a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church, while his family are Episcopalians. Socially he is a member of the F. & A.M., I.O.O.F., K. of P., Jr. O.U A.M., P.O.S. of A and K. of M., and was Deputy Supreme Commander for the latter in Wilkes-Barre in 1891. In politics he is a Republican.
John W. KLINE, farmer and stock grower, Huntington Township, P.O. Fishing Creek, Columbia Co., Pa., was born in Columbia County, February 7, 1858. He is a son of Joseph and Lany (Eveland) Kline, natives of Pennsylvania, of English extraction, the former of whom is also a farmer and a resident of Fishing Creek. Our subject is the second child in order of birth in a family of ten, nine of whom are living. He was educated in the common schools, and when twenty-one years old went west and worked as a farm hand for two years, when he returned to Columbia County and worked one year at Berwick, on the public works. He then rented a farm in the same county, where he worked for five years where he worked for five years, when he purchased his present farm of ninety-three acres, it being the last property on the Huntington Creek, in Luzerne County. November 29, 1882, he married Miss Addie Sutliff, who was born July 9, 1862, daughter of Samuel and Lucinda Sutliff, natives of Pennsylvania, of English and German origin, respectively. This union was blessed with six children: Bernice M., born October 16, 1883; Gertie A., born January 7, 1885, died June 4, same year; Elsie C., born May 4, 1887; Florence A., born February 2, 1889, died August 12, same year; Annie, born February 23, 1890; and Ernest D., born April 1, 1892. The family attend the M.E. Church and politically Mr. Kline is a sound Democrat.
Anton KLINKHAMMER, farmer, P.O. Outlet, was born in Germany, September 4m 1829, a son of Richard and Elizabeth (Engleman) Klinkhammer, both of whom were born in Germany. Anton emigrated to this country in 1852, and located in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., where he worked at his trade of carpenter, nine years. In 1861, he removed to Lake Township, on a lot of fifty-four acres of wild land, which by hard labor he succeeded in converting into a model farm. To this farm of fifty-four acres he has added 169 more, making in all 223 acres, one hundred of which he has improved and on which he has erected substantial buildings. In 1856 he married in Wilkes-Barre, Mrs. Mary Shulde Myres, a widow lady with one son, David, who has proven himself to be a true son to his stepfather in all the subsequent years. David, in 1877, married Miss Albertine Ell, by whom were born seven children, six of them now living: Anton, Emma, Ida, Adolph, Charles, and Augusta. Mr. Klinkhammer entered the army in 1861, for ninety days in the Pennsylvania militia, and after the expiration of one hundred days he was honorably discharged; he now enjoys a pension of $12.00 per month. He is a member of the G.A.R., also of the Grange. Mr. Klinkhammer has two fine ponds on his farm, stocked with choice carp.
Jacob KLOSE, farmer, Dorrance, was born in Schuylkill County in 1844, a son of David and Elizabeth (Bennyguff) Klose, the former of whom was born in Germany in 1817, the latter in Schuylkill County in 1809. David Klose emigrated to this country when a young man and began his first business in this county, in Foster Township, where he was located for a number of years. He lived at Jeddo one year and at Eckley nine years; then removed to Newport Township, where for a number of years he was connected with the mines at Nanticoke. Finally he came to Dorrance Township, where he purchased 128 acres of land, now the property of his son, Jacob. He was a hard working, honest and industrious man, one who accomplished what he did, in accumulating means, with his own hands, he died in 1886, aged sixty-eight years. His family consisted of five children, four of whom are living. Jacob being the eldest in the family. Our subject was six years of age when his father removed to this county, and was consequently reared and educated in Foster Township. He always followed farming, as his chosen vocation in life, and in 1871; he removed to his present farm of 128 acres, where he is engaged in the cultivation of the soil. He has forty acres under cultivation, and is a good farmer. In 1881, Mr. Klose married Miss Emma Dotton, born at Chestnut Hill, who bore him six children, all yet living: Henry, Rena, Ezra, Millie, Ranson, and David. Mr. and Mrs. Klose are both members of the Reformed Church. Politically he is a Democrat.
Charles Paxton KNAPP, physician, Wyoming, born at no. 24, North Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre, August 13, 1853, is a son of George and Ellen Eliza (Hurlbut) Knapp. The father was one of Wilkes-Barre’s early manufacturers, being a pioneer in powder making and the manufacture of bricks by machinery. The Knapp family are of Anglo Saxon origin, direct descendants of Roger De Cnoep (Knapp) of Sussex County, England, to whom arms were granted by Henry VIII at a tournament held in Norfolk, England in 1540, "For skill and bravery." The family motto is "In God We Trust." The American branch of the family came across the Atlantic in 1630, under Winthrop and Salstansall in the person of William, Nicholas and Roger, brothers, of whom William and Nicholas settled at Watertown, Mass., Roger in New Haven, Conn., and they were well-to-do farmers. Dr. Knapp’s great grandfather, Joseph, was a soldier of the Revolutionary war, and his grandfather, Zephaniah, was in the war of 1812. They came from Columbia County, N.Y., in 1798, and settled in Lackawanna, Luzerne County, as farmers. His mother, also of Anglo-Saxon, origin, was a daughter of Avery Hurlbut, carpenter and builder of Wilkes-Barre, a son of Col. Naphtali Hurlbut, of Hanover, who was sheriff of Luzerne County in 1825, and Olive (Smith) Hurlbut, daughter of Dr. William Hooker Smith, who filled a large space in the public estimation of Wyoming for nearly half a century. The Hurlbuts who came to Luzerne County in 1779, are descendants of Thomas Hurlbut, of Saybrook and Wethersfield, Conn., who came to America in 1635 with Lion Gardiner. Dr. Knapp was educated in the public schools of Wilkes-Barre, and at LaFayette College, Eaton, Pa., from which he received the degree of Ph. B. and M. Sc., in course. In 1874, he began the study of medicine with Dr. George W. Guthrie, of Wilkes-Barre, and graduated from Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City, March 1, 1877; after spending a year in postgraduate study in New York, he settled in Wyoming, June 1, 1878, where he now resides. He is a member of the D.K.E. Fraternity, the D.K.E. Club of New York; Past Master of Lodge No. 468 F. & A.M., Wyoming, member and president (1888) of the Luzerne County medical Society, member of the State Medical Society, the American Medical Association, and Fellow of the American Academy of Medicine. He has contributed to the "Philadelphia Medical Times," and is the author of a monograph on "Caisson Disease." In politics he is a Republican. On June 30, 1880, Dr. Knapp married Cora Josephine, daughter of Joseph and Almira (Brown) Knapp, of Pittston, Pa., and they have two children: Elizabeth, born May 15, 1882, and Karl, born August 9, 1885. Dr. and Mrs. Knapp are members of the St. Stephen’s Protestant Episcopal Church, Wilkes-Barre. Since residing in Wyoming the Doctor has served a term as member of the borough council and of the borough school board, and is one of the county visitors of the State Board of Public Charities. He is an enthusiastic horticulturist, and is an earnest worker in the cause of education.
Howard KNAPP (deceased) was born in Taylorsville, Lackawanna County, February 18, 1836, and was a son of John and Electa (Wilson) Knapp. They reared a family of ten children, of whom our subject was seventh in order of birth. He received his education in the common schools and the Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, this county. After coming from school he was apprenticed to learn the trade of a carpenter, at which he labored until his death, which occurred on March 8, 1884. Mr. Knapp was united in marriage, January 30, 1862, with Harriet, daughter of Eben and Martha (Schiffer) Foote, natives of Luzerne County. Their union was blessed with the following issue: Blanch, born April 13, 1864, married December 29, 1891 to John Wood, postmaster at Old Forge; Harvey, born March 10, 1866; Cora, born October 31, 1868; Mattie, born June 12, 1870; Delbert, born March 26, 1877 and Bruce, born March 25, 1879. Mr. Knapp was a member of the M.E. Church; in politics he was a Democrat, and held the position of school director three years, from 1877 to 1880.
Charles Henry KNELLY, contractor, builder and proprietor of Conyngham Stream Planing-Mill, P.O. Conyngham, Pa., was born in Sugar Loaf Township, Luzerne County, Pa., September 16, 1844. He is a son of Christopher Knelly and Caroline (Troy) Knelly. His paternal grandfather was Christopher Knelly, whose wife was Catherine Wieland, both natives of Wurtemberg, Germany. He was among the pioneers of Sugar Loaf Township, settling here in 1832, he was a farmer and cleared and improved a farm and died there. His children, who grew to maturity were: John, Christopher, Frederick, George, Henry, Charles W., Rosina (Mrs. Jacob Beisblius) and Christiana (Mrs. Andrew Amann.) Of these the father of our subject was a father and cleared and improved a farm in Sugar Loaf Township; in later life, he removed to Columbia County, Pa., and died there. His wife was a daughter of John Troy, also a pioneer of Sugar Loaf Township, where he cleared a farm and died, he was formerly of New Jersey. By her he had eight children: Daniel, Charles H., Esther (Mrs. John Heeb), William H., Lizzie (Mrs. Gabriel Rarig); Joseph, John and Izora V. (Mrs. John Hosler.) Our subject was reared in Sugar Loaf Township and educated in the common schools. He served in the Civil war, enlisting August 11, 1862, in Company F., One Hundred and Forty-seventh, P.V., participating in the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, and was with Sherman on his March to the Sea, participating in all the engagements of that march. He was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg; taken prisoner at Little Black River, N.C. and after eleven days was exchanged at Libby Prison, and honorably discharged June 6, 1865. After the war he returned home and learned the carpenter’s trade, which he followed seven years as a journeyman, and then embarked as a contractor and builder, in which he has since continued, and has been proprietor of the Conyngham Steam Planing Mill since 1880. He was twice married. His first wife was Emma J., daughter of Samuel and Maria (Fisher) Wagner, of Sugar Loaf Township, and by her he had six children: Samuel F., Stella D., George H., Cora, Edgar and Susan M. His second wife was Amelia (Hughes) Beisel, daughter of George and Barbara (Scheidy) Hughes, of Butler Township. Mr. Knelly and wife are members of the Lutheran Church. He is a Member of the G.A.R., and in politics is a Republican.
George H. KNIGHT, huckster, Parsons, was born at Abington, Lackawanna Co., Pa., April 27, 1840, son of Zurial W. and Lucinda (Tompkins) Knight, the former a native of Rhode Island and of New England origin, the latter of New York, and of German descent. He enlisted at Waverly, Pa., September 27, 1861, in Company F. Fifty-second Pennsylvania Volunteers and participated in the following engagement: Fair Oaks, seven Days Fight, siege of Charleston, Lee’s Mills, Williamsburg, Chickahominy, reconnaissance to Seven Pines, Bottom’s Bridge, White Oak Swamp, Carter’s Hill, Matthews County, Gloucester and Yorktown, and was mustered out July 12, 1865, at Salisbury, N.C., whence he returned to Abington and engaged in farming for a time. He then commenced work at the blacksmith’s trade and was next engaged in railroading for about two years at Green Ridge, and in May 1882, came to Parson, and engaged as section boss for the D. & H. R.R. Company, on the Baltimore section, where he remained eight years, when he embarked in his present business. Mr. Knight was married July 21, 1866, to Miss Amanda, daughter of Frederick and Mary (Fetzer) Stull. They have three children: William C. Born September 21, 1867, brakeman on the D. & H. R.R.; James H., born July 10, 1871, brakeman on the D & H. R.R. and Lewis M. born June 4, 1974, died September 5, 1875. Mr. Knight is a member of the G.A.R., and in politics is a decided Republican.
J.M. KNOX, senior member of the firm of Knox & Company, wholesale dealers in groceries and produce, Hazleton. This active, enterprising gentleman was born at Jersey Shore, Pa., March 29, 1845, and is a son of John H. and Anna (Moran) Knox, natives of Lycoming County. He is the second in a family of four children and was educated and reared in that county. At the close of his school days he enlisted in Company D., Eleventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, under Col. Richard Coutler, and participated in many of the hottest battles of the war. At Gettysburg he was severely wounded in the arm, and was so far disabled as to be unfit for further service. He came north, and in 1866, removed Hazleton, where he was employed as clerk for Markle & Pardee, in which he continued until 1880, when the present business was opened. Mr. Knox is a Republican, and a member of the Loyal Legion, G.A.R., and Elks.
E.L. KOCHER, engineer at the Wright Slopes, Plymouth. This veteran engineer was born in Huntington Township, Luzerne County, Pa., February 19, 1851, and is the fourth in the family of five children of George and Delia (Davenport) Kocher, natives of Connecticut. The father of our subject was one of the first coal operators in this part of the State. Emmanuel L. received an ordinary common school education and quite early in life began boating, first as a driver and later as proprietor of a lone of boats. He followed this occupation until 1871, running through different portions of Pennsylvania and New York, and then came to Plymouth, where he was employed by the Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Company, first as a fireman and later as engineer. He has been at the Wright Slope as engineer for ten years, and is still in charge there. Mr. Kocher was united in marriage, in August 1872 to Miss Jennie, daughter of James and Jane (Vanfield) Oates, natives of Cornwall, England and six children have been blessed this union, namely: Fred L., Linnie J., Emma, Edith, Minnie and Della. The family attend the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in politics, Mr. Kocher is a Democrat.
George K. KOCHER, cabinet-maker, and funeral director, White Haven borough, was born in Morrison, Luzerne Co., Pa., November 24, 1847, a son of George and Esther (Kurtz) Kocher, natives of Pennsylvania and of German origin. Our subject is the third in a family of ten children, six of whom are living. He was educated at the common schools and at the age of twenty-two began working n a sawmill, where he remained four years. He then went, as an equal partner with his father-in-law, Charles Albert, into the cabinet making and undertaking business, and after five years, bought out Mr. Albert’s interest, having since conducted the business alone. He was married, March 12, 1872, to Miss Abbie, daughter of Charles and Susan (Brown) Albert, natives of Pennsylvania and of German and English origin, respectively. She is the youngest in a family of eight children, and was born April 7, 1854. This union was blessed with ten children, five of whom are living: Robert H., born January 3, 1873, Marion, born April 16, 1884, George, born September 3, 1886; Bradley W., born January 16, 1878, and Alexander M., born August 22, 1891. The family attend the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Kocher is a member of the Order of the World, P.O.S. of A., and Jr. O.U.A.M.; in politics, he is a sound Republican, and is at present serving as constable of the borough.
J.H. KOCHER, farmer, P.O. Gregory, was born in Newport Township, December 22, 1847, son of Jacob and Maria (Vandermark) Kocher, both of whom were also born in Newport Township. Jacob is the son of Thomas Kocher, who removed form Northampton to this county in its very early history, and is said to have been the first man who discovered and sold coal in the Valley, and he operated in coal when mining was in its infancy. Thomas was a son of Thomas Kocher, who was a native of Holland and never removed to this country. Thomas Kocher, Jr., was also a farmer, and did much to advance agricultural pursuits in those days. Jacob Kocher, father of our subject, began active life as a farmer in Newport Township; he also became an extensive hotelkeeper, a business he followed successively for thirteen years. His influence was much sought after and tendered where it could do the most good. He served as justice of the peace for five years. He is hale and hearty, and is now foreman in a mine in Scranton at the age of sixty-eight years. His wife is also living, at the age of sixty-seven. Their family numbers five children, all of whom are living: James H., Estella, Milton, Lyman and Martha. James H. is the eldest in the family, and was reared and educated in Wilkes-Barre, in early life learning the miller’s trade, at which he labored sixteen years. He worked in various mills in the Valley, and in 1866 went to Indiana, where he took charge of a large flouring mill for five years. He then returned to Luzerne County and worked for the same man with whom he had learned his trade when a boy, working there one year. In 1873, Mr. Kocher gave up his position in the mill for one in the Stanton Breaker, as boss, where he worked six years, after which he removed to Hunlock Township, where he purchased a small farm, on which he now resides, there are splendid water privileges on his place. Mr. Kocher married, on November 10, 1869, Miss Ellen, daughter of Reuben and Rachel Oplinger, and they have had six children, five of whom are living: Harvey, James, Fanny, Murray and Bertie. Mrs. Kocher was born in Newport in 1848. Mr. Kocher is a general practical farmer and confines himself principally to "trucking." Politically he is a Republican.
Sylvester KOCHER, blacksmith, P.O. Ruggles, was born July 4, 1846, reared and educated in Lake Township. He is a son of John B. and Hulda (Davenport) Kocher, the former born in Newport Township, Luzerne County, July 9, 1813, the latter in Union Township, February 27, 1816. John B. was a son of Thomas, who was born in Northampton County, Pa., of Dutch descent, and who removed to this county, locating in Newport Township about 1812, on a lot of 100 acres of land. He had fourteen children when he located, who helped him materially in clearing and beautifying his farm, he buried four, having a family of eighteen in all. He was a hard working man who, with his family, did much for the advancement of agriculture. One of his sons, Nathan, was a leading man in his township. He was elected to the office of county commissioner at one time, and at another, justice of the peace. He lived to be eighty years of age, his death being caused by the effects of having his toe frozen. His wife lived to be eighty-eight years of age. John B. removed to Lake Township in 1839, locating on the farm now occupied by his son Sylvester. He moved into the wilderness, where he built himself a log house, which in time was succeeded by a more elaborate building. He made many improvements during his lifetime in buildings and in clearing his farm, forty acres of which he brought under cultivation. He died September 26, 1889, at the age of seventy-six years. His family numbered eleven children; nine grew to maturity, of whom eight are now living. Sylvester is the fifth, and in early life learned the blacksmith trade at which he works in conjunction with the cultivation of his farm of forty-three acres. He is a first-class mechanic and a practical man of business. On February 15, 1870, he married Miss Eveline, daughter of henry and Sarah Poole. They have had two children; Lena A., now aged twenty-one; and Earl L., aged thirteen. Mrs. Eveline (Poole) Kocher was born in Monroe Township, Wyoming County. Mr. Kocher has held several township offices. Politically he is a Democrat.
T.T. KOCHER, farmer, P.O. Outlet, was born in Union Township, May 24, 1834, a son of Josiah and Mary (Davenport) Kocher, the former born in Hollenback Township in 1804, the latter in Union Township in 1807. Josiah is a son of Thomas Kocher, who was born in Northampton County, Pa., of Dutch parentage. He removed to this county in 1812, locating in Hollenback Township on a farm of 125 acres or more; he was a hard working man, possessed of good moral principles. He lived to be an old man, after rearing a family of eight children, all of whom are dead. His son of Josiah remained in Union Township till 1838, when he removed to Lake Township on a lot of 100 acres of unimproved land, which by industry and economy he succeeded in clearing, cultivating and improving till it became a model of perfection, his buildings being numerous and commodious, his fruit trees thrifty and prolific. He was a great hunter, and in those days, there was an abundance of game of all kinds. In politics he was a Democrat. He died May 4, 1883, at the age of eighty-one years. His family consisted of eight children, seven of whom are now living, T.T. being the third in order of birth. In early life, our subject taught school several terms. He learned the wheel and millwright trades, and is considered a first class workman in these lines. Mr. Kocher was married twice; in 1857 he wedded Miss Lydia, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Davenport, by which union he had four children, two of whom are living: William R. and Lizzie, the former of whom married Miss Geraldine Benscoter, the latter married C.L. Hoyt. In 1869, our subject married Miss Edrei, daughter of Andrew and Massie A. Sharpe, and by her he had six children, five of whom are now living, viz.: Josiah T. (Married to Miss Olive Green), Kate A., Lillie A., Fannie L, and Arthur C. Mr. Kocher is one of the pioneers of Lake Township, having come here at four years of age (in 1838) and has since then been a continuous resident. In 1858 he removed on his present farm of 100 acres, about ten of which were cleared, but without any buildings, now there are seventy acres cleared, and a number of buildings erected to accommodate the in-gathering of the crops in harvest time. Mr. Kocher is a practical farmer, keeping well abreast of the times, not only in the agricultural department, but in mechanics as well. Politically he is a Democrat, and has been elected to several offices of trust, serving as justice of the peace, and in other minor offices. He has a large pond on his farm which is well stocked with carp.
Joseph H. KOEHLER, justice of the peace, West Hazleton borough, was born in Sybertsville, this county, December 1, 1857, and is a son of John and Elizabeth (Kochler) Koehler, natives of the Province of Heesen, Germany. Joseph H. is the youngest in a family of five children, was reared and educated in Hazleton, and at the age of nine years, began life as a slate-packer, at which he worked two years and then returned to school for one year. During the next five years he was employed by Charles Altmiller; then clerked for different merchants in Hazleton for about sixteen years, when he again engaged in the mining business, which he followed until 1883, when he was elected to the office of justice of the peace, which he has ever since held. During the year 1890-91, he was burgess of West Hazleton. On August 24, 1884, Mr. Koehler was united in marriage with Miss Dorothy, daughter of George and Elizabeth (Reinmiller) Gleam, natives of Germany, and four children were born to this union, namely: Harry G. (deceased), George, William H. and Robert. The family are members of the German Lutheran Church, and Mr. Koehler belongs to the P.O.S. of A. In political matters, he is always to be found with the Republican Party.
Daniel B. KOENIG, dealer in pianos, organs, and sewing machines, Hazleton. This gentleman was born in Stockton, Pa., May 30, 1859, and is the third in the family of twelve children, of Daniel and Eva (George) Koenig, natives of Germany. He was reared and educated at Stockton, and early in life learned the carpenter’s trade, which he followed until 1889, when he engaged in the sewing machine business, representing the Domestic Company. In January 1892, he added to his business by putting in a stock of the famous Kellmer pianos and organs. Mr. Koenig was united in marriage, February 2, 1884, with Christiana, daughter of John Reckroth of Hazleton, and four children have been born to this union, namely: George, Kate, Edith and harry. Politically Mr. Koenig is a thorough Democrat, and he is a member of the Knights of Pythias, and Patriotic Order Sons of America. The family attend the German Reformed Church.
W.M. Koenig, farmer, P.O. Pittston, was born in Germany, October 23, 1866, son of Andrew and Eva S. (Sohns) Koenig. They are both natives of Germany, where they are now living and are well to do farming people. Their family consists of seven children, all of whom are living. W.M. is the first born, and was reared and educated in the land of his birth, in early life learning the butcher’s business. In 1881, he emigrated to this country, locating in New York City, where he remained about five years. From there he went to Connecticut, where he spent one year, and in 1887, he removed to this county, where he has since resided. Mr. Koenig now lives on one of the oldest homesteads in the Valley, formerly the Schooley property, and yet in the hands of a descendant (Mrs. Carpenter) and devotes his time and farm of twenty acres to "trucking." He is a promising young man of more than ordinary intelligence, who looks the world squarely in the face and says; "I’ll succeed." In March 1890, he married Miss Rose, daughter of Daniel and Caroline Marks, they have one child, Lizzie Louisa. He and his wife are consistent members of the Congregational Church, in which he is a deacon. He now holds the office of policeman in Exeter borough; politically he is a Republican.
De Witt Clinton KOONS, lumberman, P.O. Rittenhouse, was born in Huntington Township, March 21, 1835, and is a son of William and Sarah (Fuller) Koons. His paternal grandfather, Daniel Koons, formerly of Cherry Valley, Monroe Co., Pa., and by trade a tanner, settled in Huntington Township. The father of our subject was born in 1800, and died in December 14, 1885. He was a tanner, farmer, merchant and lumberman, served one term as commissioner of Luzerne County, and one term as sheriff. He was an iron founder, and had furnaces at Shickshinny and Hunlock Creek. His wife was a daughter of Daniel Fuller, of Huntington Township, by whom he had nine children: Rachel (Mrs. John Smith), Bernard D., William B. Isaac M, De Witt C. James S, Tarble M, John M., and George W. Our subject was reared in Huntington Township, educated in common schools and Wyoming Seminary, and since attaining his majority has been principally engaged in lumbering; he has been a resident of Fairmount Township since 1865. In 1859, Mr. Koons married Henrietta S., daughter of Daniel and Charlotte (Tubbs) Culver, of Huntington Township, and had three children: John S., Cordelia H. (Mrs. Thomas R. Search) and Susan Maud (Mrs. Henry G. Long.) The mother is now deceased. Our subject is a Democrat, and has held the office of jury commissioner one term.
F.A.B. Koons, a prominent farmer and paper manufacturer, Huntington Township, P.O. Huntington Mils, was born April 7, 1831, at new Columbus, and is a son of John and Anna (Fellows) Koons, natives, respectively, of Monroe and Luzerne Counties, and of German and English origin, receptively; the father was a merchant and surveyor and at one time was associate judge of the county. He came to the county in 1819, and died February 8, 1878, aged eighty0three years. Our subject is the fifth in order of birth in a family of seven children, four of whom are now living. He was educated in the common schools and Dickinson Seminary, and when twenty-two years of age engaged as clerk with a hardware firm of Philadelphia, with whom he worked two years. He then opened a hardware store in Pittston, which he conducted two years, and then sold out. He then traveled for a year in the West, and after his return opened a general store at Harveyville, where he remained two years. He was then engaged for two years in the same business at Town Hill, whence he removed to Huntington Mills, where he also conducted a store until 1880. In 1867 he, with two brothers, built the Huntington Valley Paper Mills; in 1884, he purchased the interest of one brother, and the other one having died in 1868, our subject became manager. He also owns two fine farms in Huntington Township- one of 111 acres, and one of sixty-three acres – both worked by tenants. Mr. Koons was married June 30, 1855, to Miss Helen R., daughter of Theopolis and Elizabeth (Smith) Larned, natives of Wyoming Valley, and of English origin, she was the youngest of twelve children, and was born August 30, 1836. Mr. Koons is a member of the G.A.R.; he is at present holding office of school director, and takes great interest in educational matters. He enlisted, November 8, 1861, in Company C, Fifty-sixth P.V., participating in the second battle of Bull Run, and various minor engagements. He was taken prisoner August 28, 1862, and held in Libby Prison for six weeks. During his service he was promoted to captain, being discharged in January 1863. Mr. Koons is a sound democrat and one of the most prominent of the party in his Township. He is a grandson of Daniel Koons, a native of Northampton County, a tanner by trade, who came to Luzerne County in 1819.
Henry C. KOONS, Freeland, is among the foremost, successful businessmen of the county, and has established a reputation for fair dealing, throughout the broad section of the country where his business extends. He is a native of Lehighton, Carbon County, born December 17, 1843. His parents were John and Maria (Snyder) Koons, both natives of Northampton County, Pa., the former of whom died in 1856, the latter in 1880. Henry C. received his education in the public schools at Weissport and when thirteen years of age found employment as clerk in a store at Mauch Chunk, where he remained over three years. He then returned to Weissport, where he clerked five years, thence removing to Eckley, where he was appointed manager of the general store of Sharp, Wise & Co. This position he held four years, during which time he was also postmaster at Eckley. In 1875 he came to Freeland, and still continues to be the leading store of the town. He has been forced to enlarge to his store to keep pace with his rapidly growing trade, but his place of business has remained substantially on the original site. His furniture department occupies spacious premises adjoining his general store. Mr. Koons was married in 1871 to Miss Rhoda Giffon, of Buck Mountain, Carbon County. They have four children: Anna (married to Charles Raudenbush, of Freeland), Laura, Freddie, and Thalie W. Mr. Koons is connected with every important public enterprise, and is one of the energetic businessmen of Freeland. He is stockholder in the Freeland Water Company, and vice-president of the Citizen’s Bank of Freeland; he is a member of the American Legion of Honor, the P.O.S. of A., and the I.O.O.F.
James S. KOONS, P.O. Harveyville, owner and operator of a large flouring mill and planing mill, Huntington Township, was born April 1, 1837, in same township, a son of William and Sarah (Fuller) Koons, natives of Pennsylvania, of German and Scotch origin, respectively. William Koons was a farmer and merchant by occupation and died December 14, 1885, aged eighty-five years; he was a son of Daniel and Susanna (Brown) Koons. Our subject was the sixth in a family of eleven children, six of whom are now living. He was reared on a farm, educated in the common schools, and when twenty-one years of age began farming the homestead farm on shares; this he followed two years. He then operated a grist-mill in Sullivan County for two years, and then the mill he now owns for two years, after which he went to Arch Bridge (now Koonsville) and conducted a general store for twenty-three years when he purchased his present property. He was married January 1, 1859, to Jerusha C., daughter of William P. Robinson, of Fairmount Township. This union was blessed with six children, five of whom are living, viz.: Bertha (Mrs. William Eveland) of New Columbus borough (has one child, Fred); Lizzie (Mrs. C.P. Horned), of Koonsville (has one child, Warren K.); Ernest B., married Nette Kingsbury, and has one child, Esther R. (he is a superintendent in his father’s planing mill); Sue L., at school at Bloomsburg; and Ruth R., at home. Mrs. Koons is a member of the M.E. Church. Mr. Koons is a sound Democrat, and has been school director and auditor of his township.
J.S. KOONS, miner, Shickshinny, was born at Pine Grove, Schuylkill Co., Pa., April 1, 1851, a son of John and Elizabeth (Smith) Koons. The paternal grandfather, John Koons, a native of France, in the early part of the present century settled in Schuylkill County, Pa., where he died. The maternal Grandfather was Martin Smith, a farmer of Berks County, Pa. The father of our subject was a native of Berks County, and now resides in Lebanon County. John S. Koons was reared in his native State, educated in the common schools, began work in the mines of Schuylkill County when eighteen years of age, and has since followed mining. He has been a resident of Shickshinny since 1887. In 1870 he married Solmy, daughter of Jacob Houtz, of Tower City, Schuylkill Co., Pa., and by her had thirteen children, eight of whom survive: Oscar, James, Sally, Charles, Bessie, Benjamin H. and Caroline (twins), and Ridgeway M.
Harry P. KOSEK, proprietor of the "Brookside Hotel," and cider manufacturer was born in Pittston, Pa., October 6, 1867. He was reared and educated in Wilkes-Barre. When twenty-two years of age, he had charge of his father’s store; has been manager of the Wilkes-Barre & Kingston Bridge Company since April 1, 1890, and proprietor of the "Brookside Hotel" since April 1, 1891. January 26, 1890, Mr. Kosek married Miss Emma M., daughter of Jacob M. and Margaret (Beline) Schappert, of Wilkes-Barre, and by her has two children, Hilliam and harry. Mr. Kosek is one of the most popular and enterprising young men of the city. He is a member of the Catholic Church, of the K. of P., C.M.B.A., St. Francis Pioneer Corps, St. Joseph’s Society, German Young Men’s Benevolent Association, Concordia and Saengerbund. In politics he is a Democrat.
John KOSEK (now deceased), who in his lifetime was a well known and prominent merchant of Wilkes-Barre, was born in Bohemia, Austria, April 7, 1842 and was a son of Vincent and Barbara Kosek. He was reared in his native country and in 1866 came to America, locating in Wilkes-Barre, where he was employed in a tannery two years. In 1868 he embarked in general merchandising, in which he continued successfully until his death, February 10, 1890. He was the prime mover in the building of the Wilkes-Barre & West Side Street Railroad, and one of its heaviest stockholders, also an extensive dealer in real estate. He was an attorney in his native place and engaged in selling exchange to enable friends in the Old Country to immigrate to this country. He built the Greek Church on Main Street and advanced the money therefor; he erected thirty-seven houses in different parts of the city, also was the prime mover in building Brookside, was also engaged in the Terra Cotta Works of this city, and the Scranton Works. He was a promoter and one of the largest stockholders of the Wilkes-Barre & Kingston Bridge Company, and at the time of his death he was one of the leading and enterprising citizens of Wilkes-Barre. On November 25, 1870, he was married with Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. Joseph and Mary (Dahm) Warnicke, of Pittston, formerly of Germany. Dr. Warnicke was for many years a resident of Pittston and a prominent physician of his day. Mr. Kosek was a member of the St. Nicholas German Catholic Church, and politically was a democrat. His widow and six children – Harry P., Mary T., Josephine, Frank, John and Carl – survive him.
J.R. KREIDLER, blacksmith, Sweet Valley, was born in Wilkes-Barre, March 22, 1861. He is a son of Thomas A. and Mary J. (Burr) Kreidler, the former born in Northampton County, Pa., the latter in Wilkes-Barre. Thomas A. was the son of Jesse Kreidler, also a native of Northampton County, who removed to this county with his family when Thomas A. was a small boy. He was a blacksmith by occupation and located in Wilkes-Barre, where he worked his trade. He lived a long and useful life, and reared a family of seven children. Thomas A., his son, followed in the footsteps of his father and learned the blacksmith’s trade, at which he worked in Wilkes-Barre. In 1862 he removed from Wilkes-Barre to Dallas, where he remained nineteen years, and in 1881 removed to Hanover Township, where he now resides. He is fifty-seven years of age and still works at his trade. Thomas A. was the father of ten children, five of whom are now living. J.R. is the eldest of the family and reared and educated in Dallas, learning the blacksmith’s trade of his father, at which he has worked ever since. He removed to Ross Township, May 3, 1892, where he ingratiated himself into the full confidence of the public. He is a first-class mechanic, well acquainted with the anatomy of the horse’s foot, which knowledge has won him a large and increasing custom. In 1881 he married Miss Elnora, daughter of George Putubaugh. To this union have been born six children, four of whom are living: Fanny J., Herbert W., Ethel M. and Pearl. Mrs. Elnora Kreidler was born in Mehoopany, Pa. in 1865.
Amandes M. KRESGE, lumber dealer and farmer, Bear Creek Township, P.O. Miners Mills, was born in Chestnut Hill Township, Monroe Co., Pa., April 20, 1841, a son of Adam (a farmer) and Elizabeth (Dorshimer) Kresge, both of whom were born in Monroe County, of German descent. They reared a family of seven children, five of whom are yet living, Amandes M. being the second eldest. Our subject attended the common schools for but four months, as early in life he had to go to work on his father’s farm and here he remained until he was seventeen years old, when he gave up agriculture and went to lumbering on the Lehigh River. This he followed until March 1864, when he enlisted in Company L, One Hundred and Twelfth Pennsylvania heavy Artillery, which was afterward attached to the Second Division, and he remained in this company during the war. Mr. Kresge participated in the battle of the Wilderness, the bombardment of Petersburg, and in several other important engagements. After the war he again engaged in lumbering, until 1868, when he accepted the position of foreman in A.C. Bryen & Co.’s sawmill at Moosic, Luzerne Co., Pa. By hard work and economy he managed to save enough money to purchase in 1875, a large tract of timber land in Bear Creek Township, whither he at once moved, and where he now resides. At the time of his moving to Bear Creek Township, he was obliged to haul enough lumber with him, wherewith to construct a shelter for his family and stock. During his second year’s residence in Bear Creek he built a sawmill, and found a ready sale for his lumber; doing, in fact, good business until 1882, when disaster befell him by his mill taking fire and it, together will all the lumber he had in stock, as well as his barns and outhouses, was destroyed. He then paid more attention to clearing up his land, having now almost eighty acres of it under cultivation. Besides his possession in bear Creek Township, Mr. Kresge is the owner of several properties in Wilkes-Barre and Miners Mills. In politics he is a Republican and he has held the office of school director in Bear Creek Township, nine years. On March 16, 1867, Mr. Kresge married Catherine, daughter of Aaron and Margaret (Sheets) Holzshizer, both natives of Pennsylvania and of German descent, and to this union have been four children as follows: Ira K., Florence D., Agnes M. and Nettie R. The entire family belong to the Presbyterian Church.
George Brubaker KULP, Wilkes-Barre, is a lineal descendant of the Mennonite minister, rev. Henry Kolb, who settled in this State in 1707, perhaps earlier. Rev. Henry Kolb, Rev. Martin Kolb, Tielman Kolb, Rev. Peter Kolb and Jacob Kolb (or Kulp) brothers, were natives of Wolfsheim, in the Palatinate, Germany, and emigrating to this country were the pillars of the second oldest Mennonite Church in America. The first Mennonite preacher in Pennsylvania was Willem Rittinghuysen, or Rittenhouse. Rev. Henry Kolb was the second Mennonite preacher in America. The maternal grandfather of the brothers was Peter Schumacher, who arrived as an emigrant in Pennsylvania October 12, 1685, bringing four children: peter, Mary, Frances and Gertrude and his cousin Sarah, locating at Germantown, where he remained until his death in 1707, when he was aged eighty-five years. Rev. henry Kolb’s mother was buried in Wolfsheim, in 1705, at the age of fifty-five years. The father died in 1713, aged sixty-four and is buried at Mannheim. Rev. henry Kolb died in 1730, leaving seven children: peter, David, Tielman, Mary Karsdrop, Dorithy Gotshalk, Annie Swarts and Agnes Kolb. Peter, the eldest, died in 1748. His eldest son, Jacob, was born March 7, 1740, died June 28, 1818. He had children as follows: Abraham, Jacob, David C., Elizabeth, Lloyd, Catherine (Mrs. Abraham Sellers), Mary (Mrs. David Reiner), Susannah (Mrs. Christian Stover) and Nancy (Mrs. John Snare.) The above mentioned Abraham Kulp first married Barbara Sellers, daughter of Leonard Sellers, and granddaughter of Philip Henry Soller (now written Sellers), who emigrated to this country from Weinhein, Germany, landing September 11, 1728, with his wife and four children, and died near Sellersville, Bucks Co., Pa., at the age of sixty-five years. Abraham Kulp died February 11, 1847, near Linden, Lycoming Co., Pa. Eli Sellers Kulp, second son of Abraham Kulp, was the father of George Brubaker Kulp, whose name opens this article, born in Kulpsville, Montgomery County, Pa., February 2, 1800, died July 6, 1849, of cholera at St. George’s, Del., having attained eminence as an educator. The mother of George B. Kulp is Susannah Breneiser Kulp, daughter of Samuel Breneiser and granddaughter of John Valentine Breneiser, who came to this country from Germany, September 5, 1730. Mrs. Kulp is still living at the age of eighty-three years.
George B. KULP was born in Reamstown, Lancaster Co., Pa., and February 11, 1839. He suffered the loss of his father at the age of ten, but he sought self-support and found employment on the canal and then on the railroad. His studious energy fitted him at the age of seventeen to teach school, and while teaching he read law in the office of Lyman Hakes, of Wilkes-Barre; then formed a law partnership with Hon. W.G. Ward, of Scranton, Pa. Before he was twenty-two years of age, he was elected register of wills of Luzerne County for the term of three years, and in 1863 was elected for another term of three years. In 1q864, he was chosen a school director, taking hold when there were but three ramshackle school buildings in Wilkes-Barre, 187 pupils, and remained in that office twelve years, and until school affairs in that city became the pride and boast of the people. The Washington, Conyngham and Franklin school buildings were erected during his term. He was attorney for the county from 1874 to 1879, with a short intermission; in 1867 he was appointed assistant assessor of internal revenue by the Secretary of the Treasury, and June 11, 1867, he was appointed specially by the commissioner of internal revenue to make assessments for all taxes imposed on legacies and distributive shares of personal property in the county of Luzerne. In 1876 he was chosen to the city council, where he continued until 1882, being one of the conspicuous members of that body. In January 1872, he established the "Luzerne Legal Register," a leading law publication of which he is editor and proprietor. In February 1877, he, in company with Joseph K. Bogert, established a weekly Democratic newspaper which they named the Leader, which in 1879 absorbed the Luzerne Union, and it became the Union Leader. A daily edition was started in October of that year. In 1880 Mr. Kulp retired, selling his interest to Mr. Bogert. With all these irons heating, Mr. Kulp was always blessed with time to exercise his strong literary abilities and is the author of a "Digest and Titles of Local Laws and Titles of Corporations in the County of Luzerne from 1700 to 1874;" also "Rules of the Court of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer of Luzerne County," 1879; also "Families of the Wyoming Valley, Biographical, Genealogical and Historical" three volumes of 1, 422 pages; "Historical Essays – Indians, Teedyuseung Discovery and Early Settlement of Wyoming Valley – Old Forge Early Methodism – Coal and its Antiquity, and Sabbath Sunday." These make a book of 155 pages, published in 1892. He is the editor and publisher of the "Luzerne Legal Register Report," of which six volumes have been issued. Then his "In Memoriam of John Stewart – Elizabeth A. Stewart," 75 pages, and a sketch of the "Life and Character of George W. Woodward," 42 pages, published in 1875, and some able discussions on the leading economic subjects of the times. He is an active member and historiographer of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society. In political matter he is a democrat, full of the outspoken courage of his convictions; has again and again proven himself one of Wilkes-Barre’s most influential and valuable citizens; in his social life, genial as the spring sunbeam; warm in his friendships, his devoted friends are legion; and with a generous plenty of this world’s goods, he is liberal and just to all as well as his family and friends. Starting from the first round of the ladder of life – a self-dependant orphan boy – his easy ascension marks him distinctly as one of those whose well-rounded life it is pleasant to know. Mr. Kulp is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and is the president of the board of trustees of the Fourth M.E. Church of Wilkes-Barre. George B. Kulp and Mary E. Stewart were joined in wedlock October 4, 1864. She is a daughter of the late John Stewart, of Scranton, in whose memory was recently dedicated the Stewart Memorial Church at Old Forge, and of this marriage were born six children, three of whom are now living, two sons and one daughter, as follows: John Stewart Kulp, M.D., who was educated at the Wilkes-Barre Academy, Yale College, and in the Medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, was graduated in the class of 1889, the next year taking a post-graduate course in the same institution and in 1891-92 pursued his medical studies at the University of Berlin, Germany; Harry Eugene Kulp, married Miss Hettie D. Brower, of Factoryville, Pa. (they reside at LaPlume, Pa.; he is a farmer and was educated at the Wilkes-Barre and Keystone Academies, and at the Pennsylvania State College). The only daughter is Mary Estelle Kulp, who at the present writing is spending her school vacation with her family. Sergeant Thomas Williams, a conspicuous figure in the early history of Wyoming, was the maternal great-grandfather of Mrs. Kulp.
Henry KUNKEL, M.D., a physician and surgeon, of Kingston, was born at new Ringgold, Pa., October 9, 1861. He is a son of John and Mary (Long) Kunkel, natives of Pennsylvania. Dr. Kunkel received his earlier education in the common schools; later he attended the State Normal School at Kutztown, Pa., and taught a few years in the public schools. While attending school at Kutztown, and during the time he was teaching, he prepared to enter the Sophomore class at La Fayette College, from where he graduated in 1887, and from which he has since received the title of Master of Arts. During the last year of college life he assiduously applied his spare moments to the reading of medicine, which he continued afterward at Reading, Pa., and attended lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Baltimore, Md., from where he graduated in medicine in 1889. The Doctor began the practice of medicine in Brooklyn, N.Y., where he remained about six months, and in the fall of 1890, he came to Kingston, where he has since established a large practice. The Doctor is a member of the Luzerne County Medical Society, the Lehigh Valley Medical Association and the Pennsylvania State Medical Society.
Charles D. KUNKLE, farmer, P.O. Kunkle, was born January 2, 1845, in Dallas Township, son of Conrad and Sarah Jane (Oakley) Kunkle, the former of whom was a son of Philip, who was also a resident of New Jersey, and who later moved to this county in 1817, locating in Dallas Township, on the place where L.O. Oakley now resides. His farm numbered 150 acres, which he improved as a man of tact and industry only can. He was a consistent Christian man, whose home was always open to preachers of the Gospel, whose heart always beats in sympathy with their glad tidings, and who was always liberal of his means in the support of the church work. His house was often a temporary meeting place for the early pioneers of Dallas. Philip Kunkle was a stanch democrat. His family consisted of five children, one of whom is now living. He died in 1852 at the age of seventy-three years. Conrad Kunkle began life in Dallas Township in 1854, on the road leading from Dallas to Kunkle, on a farm of 750 acres. He was an extensive farmer and lumberman, and in 1864 built a sawmill, in which he manufactured his own lumber. He was a man of influence not only in society but also in the church. He was justice of the peace for ten years, and office he filled with credit. He died in 1869, at the age of fifty-nine. His family consisted of fifteen children by three marriages, eleven of whom are now living. Charles D. is a member of the family by the second marriage. He was reared and educated in Dallas Township, and began life in Kunkle, where he has always lived, and has confined himself to agricultural pursuits, being a true son of the soil. On November 16, 1870 he was united in marriage with Miss Hester A., daughter of Uriah and Margaret Baird, by whom he has had five children: Nellie, Maggie J., Stephen O., J. Stanley and Frederick P. Nellie is married to Fred Makinson, a mechanic. In 1862 Mr. Kunkle showed that spirit of patriotism that has always slumbered in the bosom of the Kunkles, in offering himself a sacrifice on the altar of his country. He became a member of the Company G., One Hundred and Forty-third Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, for the term of three years. He served to the close of the war, having participated in the following principal battles: Chancellorsville, Gettysburg (where he received a severe wound) Wilderness, Spottsylvania (where he was again wounded), Weldon R.R., etc. He was honorably discharged and now draws a pension. Politically, he is a Democrat, and has held several offices in the town with credit.
Charles A. KUSCHKE, merchant tailor, Plymouth. This venerable gentleman was born October 29, 1821, at Hamburg, Germany, and is a son of John H, and Frederica (Smith) Kuschke, the former of Saxon blood, the latter a native of Mechlenburg, Germany. The subject of this sketch came to America in April 1851, and located at Wilkes-Barre. He was educated in Hamburg, and early in life learned the tailor’s trade, which he followed after coming to that city, being employed by Simon Long as cutter for nearly one and a half years. He then removed to Plymouth, where he established the merchant-tailoring business, and he has followed that trade in the building where he first started at No. 100 West Main Street. At the time our subject and his family came to Plymouth, it was but a small hamlet containing about 800 inhabitants, they came from new York to Wilkes-Barre in the old stage coaches that in early times made those overland trips, and Wilkes-Barre at that time was but a country town of 2, 500 population. Mr. Kuschke married in Hamburg, Germany, May 18, 1845 to Louisa, daughter of Bernard and Caroline (Boichers) Schraeder, natives of Brunswick, Germany, and seven children were born to this union, as follows: Henry C; Caroline (deceased); Christian B.; Margaret, wife of Gotleib Ruff, of Wilkes-Barre; Minnie, wife of Hugo Staedler, music instructor at Wyoming seminary; Matilda, wife of Charles Gennsel, of Beaver Meadow, Carbon Co., Pa., and John A. Mr. and Mrs. Kuschke attend the Lutheran Church. He is a member of the I.O.O.F.
Christian B. KUSCKE, butcher, Plymouth, was born at Hamburg, Germany, March 2, 1850, and is a son of Charles A. and Louisa (Schraeder) Kuschke, also natives of Hamburg, Germany. Christian B. was the youngest in a family of six children, and was educated at the public schools of Luzerne County and at the Wyoming Seminary where he received a liberal training. Soon after completing his education he was employed by C. Shaffer, a butcher, for a short time, afterward working in Weal’s market for two years. He then went to Philadelphia, and worked one and a half years in a market on the corner of Twelfth and Market Streets, going thence to New York, where he remained one year, and afterward went to Chicago, where he remained two years, working there at the time of the great fire. He returned at the end of that period to Plymouth, where he entered the services of his old employer, Mr. Weil, for one year. He then went into business for himself, buying out Daniel Browns’s butcher shop, where he carried on business for some time, afterward erecting the large brick block in which everything has been especially arranged and equipped for a first-class butchering business, where he is now to be found, conducting an extensive trade. Mr. Kuschke’s wide experience as a butcher, together with his finely arranged market, fully enables him to furnish his many customers with a large variety of meats. Mr. Kuschke was married December 18, 1873, to Miss Margaret Llewellyn, a native of Wales, and eight children have been born to this union, viz.: Charles, Carrie, Maude, Harry, Arthur, John, Helen and Albert. In political matters Mr. Kuschke adheres to the Democratic Party; the family attend the Christian Church. It seems needless to say, in looking over Mr. Kuschke’s place of business and noting his large trade, that he has been an eminently successful man in his line and has, by thrift and enterprise, done much to make Plymouth what it is, a typical business town.
Robert KYTTLE, farmer, P.O. Kyttle, was born in Ross Township, July 31, 1854, being a son of Hiram and Mary (Davenport) Kyttle, the former of whom was born in Lehman, the latter in Fairmount Township. Hiram is a son of Ephraim and Abigail Kyttle, and began his active business life in Ross Township, as a farmer. He is a worthy gentleman, highly respected by his citizens, and is now enjoying life in Ross Township. His family consisted of five children, two of whom are living: James and Robert, the latter being the third by birth. Our subject has always been a resident of Ross Township, where he confines himself to agricultural pursuits. On January 25, 1877, he married Miss Allie, daughter of Daniel and Lucinda Wesley, and of this union were born five children, four of whom are living: Luther, Clara, Martha and Tacy. Mrs. Kyttle was born in Ross Township in 1860. Mr. Kyttle has since 1875 owned a farm of 130 acres, and is a promising young man, enjoying the full confidence of his neighbors. Politically he is a Democrat, and has held the office of postmaster since 1886.
William E. KYTTLE, farmer, P.O. Kyttle, was born in Lehman Township, June 27, 1830. He is the son of Ephraim and Abigail S. (Fletcher) Kyttle, the former of whom was born in Rhode Island, November 11,1795, the latter in Connecticut, August 19, 1797. They removed to this county in June 1832, locating in Wilkes-Barre, where they remained long enough to build a tract of land he purchased in Lehman Township. As soon as his log house was in readiness he removed thither with his family and resided there a number of years, finally removing to Ross township, where he owned two hundred acres of land, seventy-five of which he brought under subjection to the plow. He was a hard working pioneer, who did much in Ross Township for the advancement of agriculture. Like all the old settlers he has fish and game in abundance, his place being a regular deer pasture. Mr. Kyttle was a man of influence in his Township and held several prominent offices. He died February 14, 1876, aged eighty-one, his wife, November 19, 1878, also aged eighty-one. The family consisted of nine children, eight of whom grew to maturity and four of whom are now (1892) living. William E. is the youngest of the family. He was reared and educated in Ross Township, being two and one half years of age when his father moved there. In early life he worked at the carpenter’s trade, but is one of nature’s mechanics. Mr. Kyttle has always been a resident of the township and county. He lived at home until he was twenty-eight years of age, when, in 1856, he married Miss Nancy, daughter of William and Mary Miller. To this union were born nine children. Six of these grew to maturity, five of whom are living (1892): J.L., Henry R., Armanda, Rachel E. and Martin. Mrs. Nancy Kyttle was born in Ross Township in 1836. Mr. Kyttle owns a neat farm of sixty-four acres of valuable land. He is a wide-awake farmer, keeping well abreast of the times, and is practical in everything he does. He is of a genial nature, whose house and table are at the disposal of the wayfarer. He is a member of the I.O.O.F. Politically he is a Democrat.
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