GA - GE Surnames
History of Luzerne County, Pa.,
by H.C. Bradsby, 1893
Adam GABEL, farmer, P. O. Huntsville, was born in Jackson township, this county, February 17, 1856, a son of Jacob and Barbara Gabel, natives of Germany. Jacob came to the United States about 1850, landing in New York, whence after a few years he came to this county, locating in Jackson township, where, by honest toil and perseverance, he accumulated a large farm which he cleared and beautified, adding, ever and anon, acre after acre until he could give each of his sons a farm when they were able to commence life for themselves. His family consisted of four children. Adam being the second. Our subject was educated in Jackson township, at the common schools, where he made marked advancement in the branches taught. He worked on his father’s farm until he reached the age of twenty-five, when October 4, 1881, he took to himself a wife in the person of Miss Maggie, daughter of Adam Shidel, and by her he had six children, five of whom are living, viz.: William, Jacob, Kate, Edward and George. Mr. Gabel has lived on his present place since 1881, improving and beautifying it as only a young man of taste and ambition can, proving himself a general and practical farmer of marked ability. He has built on his place a cider mill, run by horse power, with a capacity of manufacturing 600 gallons per day. He is a good citizen, an upright man, a member of St. Nicholas Catholic Church, and also a member of St. Peter’s Society. Politically, he is a Democrat, and has been chosen by his fellow citizens to the offices of assessor and register.
Charles S. GABEL, proprietor of "Hotel Gabel," Wilkes-Barre, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., March 21, 1839, a son of Thomas and Maria (Segfried) Gabel, and comes of the sturdy German stock who were among the pioneers of Pennsylvania. He was reared and educated in his native city; learned the tobacconist trade with his father, who conducted a tobacco store in Philadelphia many years, where he still resides. In August, 1862, our subject enlisted n Company C, One Hundred and Forty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, which company he, with others, raised in Wilkes-Barre. He was elected a corporal, promoted to sergeant and detailed to headquarters under Gen. Crawford, Fifth Corps, as sergeant of provost guard; served in that capacity three months, when he was sent to New York city on conscript duty, where he had charge of the examination of all discharges. He was honorably discharged at close of war, at Hart Island, New York Harbor, and returned to Wilkes-Barre, where he had previously located in 1861. After working at his trade for a time, he engaged in the cigar trade two years, and for fourteen years has been in the hotel business. He has occupied his present hotel since April, 1891. In 1866 Mr. Gabel married Miss Mary Zaun, whose father was for many years proprietor of the "Old Fell House," the oldest hostelry in the city. Mr. Gabel is a member of Zion Reformed Church, G. A. R., State and U. S. League of Red Men (being brigadier inspector of latter), and P. O. S. of A. In politics he is a Republican.
L. C. GABRILL, hotel proprietor, corner of Main and Market streets, Nanticoke, is a native of Kurnik, Prussian Poland, born May 11, 1851, and was educated in his native land. His father, Michael Gabrill, is a prosperous butcher at Edwardsville, Pa., and our subject naturally learned that trade of him when yet a mere boy. At the age of twenty he came to America and located in Philadelphia, where he followed his trade about a year; then moved to Scranton, Pa., and worked as a striker in a blacksmith shop about eight years, when he came to Mill Creek, Luzerne county, where he worked as a miner about four years. In 1882 he came to Nanticoke, and entered the employ of the Susquehanna Coal Company, first at picking slate, and later had charge of the lumber distributing department. He followed this about four years and then opened a meat market, later engaging in the hotel business, still continuing the meat market. Mr. Gabrill was married in 1878, at Nanticoke, to Miss Agnes Mekloski, and they had one child, John. This wife dying, our subject was afterward married to Miss Maksymi Tesar, by whom there are three children: Mary, Edward and Frank. Mr. Gabrill is a member of the Polish Alliance and the Polish Church; in his political views he is a Democrat.
James GALLAGHER, miner, Inkerman, was born in County Mayo, Ireland, October 12, 1840, and is a son of John and Mary (O’Mallin) Gallagher, natives of the same place, who reared a family of seven children, of whom James is fourth in order of birth. The family came to the United States in 1848, and settled in Pittston, this county. Our subject went to work at an early age in the mines, and since 1868 has been employed as a miner by the Pennsylvania Coal Company. He was united in marriage December 28, 1867, with Mary, daughter of William and Bridget (Welsh) Boulton, natives of County Mayo, Ireland, and their union has been blessed with the following named children: Mary, born November 12, 1868; James, born February 12, 1871; and John, born August 6, 1873. Our subject is a member of the Roman Catholic Church, and of the A. O. H.; in politics he is a Democrat.
Patrick GALLAGHER, Plains, was born in the parish of Crossmoline, County Mayo, Ireland, on Quinquagesima Sunday, in February, 1818, and is a son of Dominick and Susan (Mullan) Gallagher, in whose family there were two children, Patrick alone surviving. Our subject came to America in 1847, and began working on the railroad in Carbon county, which he followed there a few months, and then was successively engaged in mine labor as follows; in Carbon county, eighteen years; in Providence, Pa., three years; and in Plains, fourteen years. In 1883 he retired. Mr. Gallagher was married, September 9, 1847, to Miss Bridget, daughter of John and Bridget (Garret) Goughan, and they have had born unto them seven children, of whom are living John, Mary (Mrs. Ferris Branigan), Ellen (Mrs. Christopher Westfield), Catherine (Mrs. Thomas Westley), and Bridget (Mrs. Daniel Fallan); one daughter, Rose, died November 4, 1890, at the age of twenty-four years. Mr. Gallagher and family are member of the Catholic Church. In 1874 he built his present residence.
Mrs. Jane GALLUP, P.O. Lehman, widow of the late Ira Gallup, was born in Lake township, this county, September 12, 1847, a daughter of Clark and Alathea Wolf. On August 19, 1865, she was married to Ira Gallup, who was a son of George N. Gallup, a native of Wyoming county, and a prominent farmer. George N. was a son of George N., who moved to Centremoreland, Wyoming county, in its early history, being one of the early pioneers there. George N., his son, moved from Wyoming county to Jackson township, this county, in 1853, when his son Ira was nine years of age, and here owned and worked a farm. In 1869 he moved to Lehman, one-half mile east of the Centre, where he bought a farm of eighty acres of unimproved land, which he improved with the help of his son Ira. George N. was an enterprising farmer, and after living an uneventful life, died in 1881 at the age of sixty-eight years. His only son, Ira who fell heir to the estate, was born in Centremoreland, Wyoming county, October 20, 1844. Ira was reared and educated in Centremoreland and Jackson township (this county), and like his father, followed agricultural pursuits. He died of typhoid fever, April 18, 1885, at the age of forty-one years. He was a young man of promise, a prominent member of the Baptist Church, and a deacon in the same for several years. His family consisted of four children: William H., born June 13, 1866; James D., born March 21, 1872; George C. (deceased) born April 23, 1875 and Ira E., born January 6, 1882. Of these, William H. is a natural mechanic, but gives special attention to painting (he was married in Wilkes-Barre, October 10, 1889, by Rev. Dr. Frear to Miss Olie Crago, who was born in Wayne county February 17, 1869, a daughter of Thomas and Catherine Crago, and one child, Floyd, was born to them, August 15, 1890). James D. is in charge of the farm and is a promising youth. Mrs. Jane Gallup is an estimable lady of marked ability and intelligence. She is a prominent member of the Baptist Church.
Michael GALVIN, mine carpenter, Plains, was born in Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland, October 31, 1833, and is a son of Jeremiah and Julia (Crehan) Galvin, whose family consisted of three children, viz. : Michael, Mary, and Timothy. In 1835 the family started for America, but the captain of the ship being stupidly drunk they wandered about the Irish Sea for twenty-one days, and were then glad to land again on Irish soil. The passengers brought suit against the ship-owners for damages, which they received by proving the condition of the captain, and that the ship was not sea-worthy. Jeremiah Galvin was determined to get to the United Stated of America, but being unable to persuade his wife to undertake so perilous a journey again they shipped from Galway, Ireland, to Swansea, in Wales, where they remained about one year; then removed to Merthyr Tydvill, where Timothy was born. The family lived in Merthyr Tydvill about fourteen years, and, in 1850, they again sailed for the United States. The family then consisted of Jeremiah Galvin, wife and three children - Michael, Mary and Timothy - John Galvin, father of Jeremiah, Mrs. Bridget Lanagan and son James, who were the sister and nephew, respectively, of Jeremiah. They landed in New York on July 12, 1850, after a voyage of fifty-two days, and same afternoon started for Wilkes-Barre, arriving there about nine o'clock the following evening. Here they were met by John Galvin's wife, Mary and their son James, who had emigrated about one year before. In 1855 Jeremiah bought some land of Jeel Bowkley, and built a residence thereon, where he lived until his death, which occurred October 26, 1871; his wife survived him till January 19, 1887.
Michael GALVIN served an apprenticeship of three years (from 1850 to 1853) with Robert Killmer and Myles Johnson, at cabinet making; he then went to Philadelphia, where he worked at his trade for three years and then returning to Wilkes-Barre resumed work with his old boss, Myles Johnson. Since 1865 he has worked as carpenter in and around the mines. In March, 1854, Michael Galvin was married to Miss Mary Anderson of Philadelphia, whose parents were natives of Ireland. The names of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Galvin are John, William, James, Frank, Mary Ann, Elizabeth, Phoebe, Adelia, Sarah, and Julia. Our subject's family are members of the Catholic Church; in his political views he is a Republican.
John GANNON, carpenter, Inkerman, was born in County Mayo, Ireland, June 23, 1863, and is a son of John and Margaret Gannon, also natives of County Mayo, Ireland. In 1872 our subject emigrated to this country with his parents and settled in Pittston, Pa. He received his education in the common schools, and at an early age went to work in the mines. He learned the trade of a carpenter, and at present is a carpenter and a builder. On November 6, 1889, he was united in marriage with Ellen, daughter of Peter and Ellen Heslin, native of Pittston, Luzerne Co., Pa. Mr. Gannon is a member of the Roman Catholic Church, and in politics is a Democrat.
Charles GARDNER, proprietor of the "North Wilkes-Barre Hotel," was born in England April 6, 1849, and is a son of William P. and Jane (Richardson) Gardner, who emigrated to America in 1849, locating in Pittston, this county, where they remained twelve years; then removed to Plains, where they lived nine years; thence came to Wilkes-Barre, where they have since resided. Our subject began life as a miner at mill Creek, which occupation he followed twelve years; afterward served as an agent for the Singer Sewing Machine Company, four years; and was a member of the Wilkes-Barre police force, four years. In 1885, he engaged in the hotel business, in which he has since successfully continued. Mr. Gardner married November 6, 1868, Mary, daughter of John and Margaret (Young) Walker, natives of England, and they have six children; William P., Margaret, John G., Charles H., Frank R., and Lizzie M., of whom John G., and Charles H. were drowned July 9, 1879. Mr. Gardner is a member of the I.O.O.F.S. of St. G., and S.P.K. Politically, he is a Republican.
Aaron GARINGER, farmer, P.O. Huntsville, was born in Hanover township, this county, March 3, 1830. He is a son of John and Mary M. (Hess) Garinger, both of whom were born in Northhampton county, near Easton, Pa. John was a farmer, and moved to this county, locating in Hanover township about 1810, where he purchased a farm of 150 acres, and lived a life of industry and soberness, clearing and tilling the soil until, by perseverance and honesty, and a close attention to business principles, he succeeded in making a comfortable home. He died on June 17, 1836, at the age of fifty-one years. His family numbered fifteen children, thirteen of whom grew to maturity, and five of them are now living, Aaron, being the youngest in the family. Our subject was educated in Hanover township, at the common school, and in early life learned the blacksmith's trade, at which he worked seven years, afterward as a farmer. On January 17, 1876, he married, at Pittston, Miss Caroline, daughter of William and Annie Coolbough, by which union there were born eight children, seven of whom are living: Anna, May, Lydia, John, George, Jessie and Emma. Of these, Anna is married to Charles Case, who is both a farmer and carpenter. Mrs. Garinger departed this life May 15, 1886, a loving wife and a devoted mother. Mr. Garinger moved on his present farm of seventy acres in 1877, where he has made marked progress and extensive improvements, on field, fence and buildings. Mr. Garinger is a prosperous and thrifty farmer, and keeps well abreast of the times. He is a man of good social standing, of moral principles, and a loyal citizen. All his children are consistent members of the M.E. Church. Politically, he is a Republican.
Oliver P. GARNETT, farmer, P.O. Dallas, was born, July 24, 1840, reared and educated in Wyoming. He is the son of Jonathon and Mary (Wright) Garnett, who moved to this county about 1846, locating near Mount Pleasant, in Dallas township. He was a blacksmith by trade, at which he successfully worked. His family consisted of thirteen children, twelve of whom grew to maturity. He died at the age of eighty-six, in the year 1886. Oliver is the tenth of the family, and remained in Plymouth until he went into the army. In 1861 he became a member of Company H, Seventh P.V.C. for the term of three years. He participated in the following battles: Stone River, Chickamauga, Stone Mountain, Missionary ridge, Franklin, Unionville, Lookout Mountain and other engagements. He was honorably discharged for disabilities and in 1864 re-enlisted in the same company and regiment, and served to the close of the war. He now enjoys a pension. On October 29, 1890, he married Mrs. Mary A., widow of the late Samuel Brace. No children have been born to this union. Mrs. (Brace) Garnett was born in Sussex county, N.J., May 5, 1850. She is the daughter of Peter and Catharine Ann Gallaway, who came to this county from New Jersey about 1856, and located in Franklin township. Her father died at the age of eighty-six. He reared a family of six, three of whom are now (1891) living. Mr. Garnett lives on a farm of forty acres, and is a general and industrious farmer. He is a member of the G.A.R. and is a Republican.
Thomas A. GARRAHAN, foreman of the Lewis Manufacturing Company, Dallas, was born in Plymouth, November 28, 1852, a son of James and Mary Ann (Pringle) Garrahan, both also natives of Plymouth. James was a son of Christopher Garrahan, who was a native of Ireland and emigrated to the Untied States about 1792, locating in Plymouth, this county, about 1805. He was a man well informed, of good principles, and a gentleman in every sense of the word. He reared a family of six children, five of whom grew to maturity, and he died in 1872, at the age of seventy-five years. His son, James, was also a man of education and refinement, and in his early life taught school, confining himself to teaching during the winter months, while the summer months he spent in boating. In May, 1862, he came to Dallas, where he became engaged in mercantile business, at which he continued for twenty years with marked success, retiring from business in 1882. In 1884 he died from the effects of cancer in the mouth. He was a justice of the peace for twelve years, and was a man of influence and ability. He reared a family of three children, all of whom are yet living, Thomas A. being the eldest in the family. Our subject was reared and educated in Plymouth, and in early life he attended to his father's lumbering interests, for, in addition to his store in Dallas, the latter had two sawmills, one located at Kunckle, the other at Beaumont. This business Thomas A. had always followed, and has at the present time full control of Mr. Lewis's large manufacturing establishment at Dallas. He married Miss Jennie M., daughter of Thomas Barringer, and by her has five children, all yet living: Frank M., Harry H., Emma G., Inez and Ruth. Mrs. Garrahan was born in Beaumont, in 1855. Mr. Garrahan is a member of I.O.O.F., and P.O.S. of A. Politically, he is a Democrat.
Abraham GARTHWAITE, farmer, P.O. Prichard, was born in Yorkshire, England, July 7, 1821, son of John and Nancy (Oldroyd) Garthwaite, both of whom were natives of Yorkshire, England. They emigrated to this country in 1842, locating in Union township, where they bought twenty-five acres of land. In his native country Mr. John Garthwaite was a man of influence, and held several township offices. He was by occupation a cloth-dresser, a sober, honest, and industrious man, and a member of the Swedenborgian Church. John Garthwaite died in his seventy-first year. He reared a family of ten children, three of whom came to this country with him; two of these are living; those who remained in England are dead. Abraham is the eighth of the family in order of birth; he was reared and educated in Yorkshire, and was twenty-one years old when he emigrated with his father. With the exception of one year spent in Philadelphia, he has been a continuous resident of the county. In his early life he learned the shoemakers trade, at which he served an apprenticeship of seven years in England. Mr. Garthwaite has been twice married. For his first wife he married at Manayunk, Miss Rachael, daughter of henry and Mary Hudson, of Yorkshire. There were born to them seven children, five of whom are now (1892) living; Annie, Elizabeth, Mary J., Sarah A., and Addie M., all of whom are married. Mr. Garthwaite was for a short time a resident of Muhlenberg, returning here after a stay of one year. In 1867 he bought a farm of 105 acres, in what is now Hunlock township, on which he has resided twenty years. In 1887 he sold it, and removed to Prichard's Corners, and purchased a small farm of twenty-seven acres, where he and his second wife now reside. In 1888 he married, the second time Mrs. Matilda, widow of John Downs. Mr. Garthwaite has always enjoyed the full confidence of his fellow citizens. He has filled the offices of supervisor, tax collector, and other local positions with much credit. He has been a member of the M.E. Church for forty years; has been a Sunday-school superintendent several years, also class-leader and trustee, and is a strong prohibitionist. His wife is a member of the Christian Church, and believes in Primitive Christianity.
D. W. GATHERCOLE, member of the firm of Hildreth & Co., and manager of their general store at Nanticoke, where he resides, was born at Sutton, St. Mary, Lincolnshire, England, in 1844. At the age of fourteen, he came to America and located at Carbondale, where he was engaged as drug clerk, remaining in that position until he enlisted in Company A, Thirteenth Regiment, P. V. He was detailed as hospital nurse. At the close of the war, he returned to Carbondale, shortly afterward removing to Wilkes-Barre, where he remained a short time, and then came to Nanticoke and embarked in a general mercantile business, which he yet carries on. He has also a branch store at West Nanticoke and one at Glen Lyon, altogether carrying the largest stock of general retail merchandise in Luzerne County. Mr. Gathercole has been twice married: first to Miss Augusta Moore, of Wilkes-Barre, and she dying he married, for his second wife, Miss Lora Thayer, of Syracuse, N.Y. Politically, our subject is a Republican.
JOHN J. GAUGHAN, late merchant at Port Griffith, died at his residence May 16, 1891. He was born in County Mayo, Ireland, June 2, 1827, and was a son of John and Bridget (Garrett) Gaughan. In his father's family there were nine children, of whom he was the second. The family came to America in 1848, and located in Beaver Meadows, where our subject fired a stationary engine for two years, and then removed to Port Griffith, at which place he was engaged successively as miner, fireman and engineer. In 1863, he built the store and established the business which is now operated by his daughter, Margaret. Mr. Gaughan was married August 18, 1848, to Miss Margaret, daughter of James and Margarat (Quinn) Temple, natives of County Donegal, Ireland, and the issue of this happy union was thirteen children, seven of whom are living, viz: Michael E., a clerk in Wilkes-Barre; James W., a bottler in Leadville, Colo.; Francis H., a grocer in Leadville; Margaret; John P., a bottler in Leadville; Joseph J., a clerk in Pittston, and Martin C., principal of the graded school, Newtown, Pa. This family are all members of the Catholic Church, and in their political views are Democrats.
JOHN GAVIN, miner, Inkerman, was born in County Mayo, Ireland, May 12, 1834, and is a son of John and Bridget(Flannery) Gavin, natives of the same place, who reared a family of seven children, of whom John is fourth in order of birth. Our subject lived in Ireland until he was twenty-one years of age, receiving his education there, and came to the United States in November, 1855, at once settling in Sebastopol, this county. Here he worked in a brickyard until 1858, when he commenced laboring in the mines, which occupation he ollowed until 1864, when he became a miner, working for the Pennsylvania Coal Company, by whom he is still employed. In the community in which he resides, he bears the reputation of a book-worm, being particularly devoted to the study of history--both ancient and modern. On November 12, 1858, Mr. Gavin married Ellen, daughter of John and Mary (Healy) McAndrew, natives of County Mayo, Ireland, and their happy union has been blessed with the following issue: Bridget, born September 16, 1862, married December 25, 1883, to John Coggles, bottler, Omaha, Neb.; Kate, born July 16, 1864, married October 28, 1891, to James Heslin, carpenter, Inkerman, this county; Joseph, born July 31, 1866; Ellen, born September 16, 1868; Annie, born January 31, 1870; John, born April 22, 1872; and Mary, born June 30, 1880. Our subject is a devout Roman Catholic, a member of the Father Mathew F.A.B. Society, and St. John's Young Men's Literary Society. In politics, he is a Democrat, and held the office of school director four years--from 1879 to 1883--being treasurer of the board in 1882.
MICHAEL J. GAVIN, merchant, Plains, was born in Orange County, N.Y., December 3, 1847, son of Patrick and Mary (Brown) Gavin, natives of County Mayo, Ireland. The family came to America in 1846, and located at Scranton, where his father worked for Mr. Scranton, after whom Scranton was named. He later removed to Washington, D.C., where he worked in a foundry for a time, and then opened a grocery and liquor store, which he operated until his death, which occurred in April, 1864. His father's family consisted of ten children, of whom he is the eldest. He began work in the mines at Girardville, where he remained thirteen years, and then worked in the mines at Plains for five years, after which he embarked in the green marked business in which he is now engaged. Mr. Gavin was married, September 22, 1870, to Miss Margaret, daughter of William and Margaret Canfield. They have four children, viz: William J., Patrick Henry, John, and Mary. This gentleman and family are members of the Catholic Church; he is a member of Father Mathew Society, of the Emerald Society, and of the C.M.B.A., and in politics he is a faithful Democrat.
N. L. GAVITT, mayor of the city of Hazleton. This gentleman, upon whom the people have seen fit to bestow the honor of being the first mayor of the new, beautiful, and prosperous city of Hazleton, is a native of the fertile county of Susquehanna, Pa., born at Montrose, December 25, 1857, and is a son of Peter and Emelie (Parks) Gavitt, both native of Pennsylvania, the former of French origin, the latter of English lineage. Mr. Gavitt's father was killed in the battle of Gettysburg, while serving as a member of Company A, Fifty-second Pennsylvania Volunteers. The case of the Gavitt family is another of those sad coincidences of war, where father and son offer up their lives for their country's glory. Charles Gavitt, the eldest brother of our subject, was a member of the One Hundred and Forty-first New York Calvary, and lost his life in the Second Bull Run conflict. N. L. Gavitt attended the Harford Soldiers' Orphan School, five years, and then went to work at the carpenter's trade at Montrose, which he there learned and worked at until 1871, when he came to Hazleton and here continued to work at his trade as a journeyman until 1888, when he engaged in contracting and general building, which business he has since successfully carried on. On April 20, 1875, Mr. Gavitt was united in marriage with Amelia Leisenring, of Conyngham, and they have three children: Carrie, George, and Fred. Mr. Gavitt was chief of police of Hazleton, two years; burgess, one term, and at the organization of Hazleton as a city, in 1892, was elected mayor. His political views are Republican.
GILES E. GAY, farmer, merchant, and manufacturer, was born in Overfield township, Wyoming County, August 2, 1856. He is a son of Milo and Semantha (Letteer) Gay, the former of whom was born in Eaton township, Wyoming County, the latter in Franklin township, Luzerne County. Milo is the son of Harris Gay, who settled in Wyoming County. Milo Gay is now living at Orange, and is retired from active life. His family consisted of seven children, five of whom are living. Giles is the first in order of birth, and was reared and educated in North Moreland and Franklin. In early life he confined himself to farming, and since then has worked at various vocations. He is a thorough going and practical man of business, who knows not failure. He has lived some time in Pittston, where he carried on the butcher business to considerable extent. He afterward removed to Pleasant Valley, where he was engaged in the general feed and milling business. In 1885, he removed to Franklin township, settling on a farm of fifty acres, on which he has erected a fine barn, store-house, lumber, shingle and feed mill; the latter is run by water power. He has a never-failing spring, which supplies his barn and house with a two-inch stream of pure water, besides numerous improvements and facilities. His mill is doing a good business in the lumber trade, while his store is well patronized, being stocked with a full line of country supplies. He keeps well abreast of the times in all matters pertaining to his business, and is a man of genial disposition and even temperament. In November, 1878, he was married to Miss Estella E., daughter of John H. and Harriet Snyder. Two children have been born to them: Maud and Arthur. Mrs. Estella E. Gay was born in Kingston borough, April 13, 1859. They are both consistent members of the M. E. Church at Orange. Since writing above, he has received his commission as postmaster of Suttons Creek, a new office that was granted through his efforts.
GEORGE GEMEINDER, loading boss, Stockton, was born at that place March 1, 1869, and is the third in the family of five children of John and Elma (Knech) Gemeinder, natives of Germany. Our subject was educated in Stockton, and at an early age began work about the breaker, doing general work for about two and one-half years, when he was given the position of loading boss at No. 3 Colliery, operated by Coxe Bros. & Co. He has charge of fifteen loaders. Mr. Gemeinder attends the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a member of the Junior Order United American Mechanics, and in politics he is a Republican.
IRA C. GEORGE, Nanticoke. This gentleman is a representative of one of Nanticoke's oldest and most respected families. He was born, in 1868, in that borough, on that exceptional day of all days, which comes only every fourth year, February 29, and is a son of Samuel and Martha (Vandermark) George. Samuel George was a native of Hanover township, this county, and in early life embarked in mercantile business at Nanticoke, being one of the first merchants of the place. He followed this business until his death, which occurred February 4, 1890, when he was aged fifty-five years. He was in business at that place during the great panic of 1873, and his books to-day show that he furnished over one hundred and ten thousand dollars' worth of goods to the people of Nanticoke on credit, for which neither he nor his heirs ever received a dollar. The reader can easily understand that in order to continue business with such results as this, a vast amount of capital must have been required. Samuel George was a son of Henry and Catherine (Cocher) George, the former of whom was born in New Jersey, in 1797, and came to Hanover township, this county, where he died in 1841. This Henry George was a son of Henry George, a native of Germany, and who was one of the early pioneers of New Jersey. Samuel George, the father of the subject of this notice, was twice married: First to Miss Martha Vandermark, by whom he had five children, viz: Anna, married to William Shelly, foreman in Hildreth & Co.'s store at Nanticoke; Charles W. (now twenty-nine years old), a tile layer in New York City (he married Anna Ruck, of Berwick, this county, and had one child, Carrie); Susie, married to John G. Harton, assistant foreman in the Wilkes-Barre Leader; Ira C. (our subject), and Addie, (a teacher in Nanticoke). For his second wife, Samuel George married Hattie E. Totten, of Orange, Pa., by whom he also had five children, viz: Martha, Mary, Grover C., Edna and Russel, all of whom reside with their widowed mother at Dallas, this county.
Ira C. GEORGE, whose name opens this sketch, was educated in Nanticoke, and spent most of his time clerking in his father's store until the latter's death, when he assumed the management until April, 1891, at which time he sold out the entire stock. In October of the same year, he engaged as bookkeeper for M. J. Rees, where he is now employed. On November 11, 1891, he was married to Miss Stella, daughter of Randolph and Margaret (Lazarus) Bennett, of Nanticoke. Mr. George is a member of the S.P.K., and in politics is a Prohibitionist.
JOHN R. GEORGE, a popular dealer in general merchandise, Wilkes-Barre, was born at Dowlais, Wales, August 7, 1866, a son of Richard and Margaret (Daniels) George, who came to America in 1868, locating in Schuylkill County, Pa., later at Scranton, and finally settling in Wilkes-Barre in 1870. Here the father, who is a carpenter by trade, was overseer of carpenter work at the Empire Shaft of the Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Company, until 1881, when he embarked in general merchandising, in which he continued until 1889, when he retired on account of ill health. He is a member of the Welsh Congregational Church, of which he was deacon about eighteen years and treasurer nineteen years. His children were three in number: David (deceased), Daniel R. (bookkeeper and shipper for the Langcliffe Coal Company, at Avoca) and John R. Our subject was reared in Wilkes-Barre from four years of age, educated in the public schools, and began life as a clerk in his father's store, serving in that capacity eight years. He was then employed as shipping clerk in a wholesale grocery house of Wilkes-Barre, one year. In February, 1889, he was one of the incorporators of the Newell Clothing Company, of Wilkes-Barre, of which he has since been a stockholder, and was also bookkeeper and shipping clerk for that corporation until December 24, 1891. On February 16, 1892, he embarked in business as a general merchant at the stand of the Old Red Ash Coal Company's store, and has already built up a lucrative business. Mr. George married, December 25, 1887, Maggie J., daughter of Bernard and Elizabeth Roberts, of Sharon, Pa., formerly of Wales, and he has had two children: David B. (deceased) and Henry. Mr. George has been a member of the Welsh Congregational Church since twelve years of age, has been organist eight years, deacon two years, and secretary four years. He is a member and secretary of the Knights of the Golden Eagle, and the Loyal Knights of America. He is a genuine Welshman, is proud of his native land and language, but nevertheless is a true American citizen.
LEVI GEORGE, a prominent farmer, of Buck township, P.O. Bear Creek, was born in Carbon County, Pa., June 2, 1822, and is a son of Peter and Sallie A. (Burrier) George, both natives of Pennsylvania, of German descent. The father was a lumberman, and in that respect, Levi followed in his footsteps, for he also chose that occupation and carried it on from the time he left home, in 1841, until the spring of 1871, when he bought the farm he now lives on in Buck township, and, though Mr. George is seventy years old and has worked hard all his life, he as active as most men are at fifty. In 1844, Mr. George married Amelia, daughter of Frederick and Susanna (Smith) Knecht, both natives of Pennsylvania, of German descent. Mr. and Mrs. George reared a family of twelve children, viz: Susanna, William H., Emmett P., Mary E., Joseph A., Amelia, Sally L. and Alice S. (all of whom are married), and John Leonard, Oscar L., Samuel H. and Frederick G. (who are still living with the parents). All the family are members of the Lutheran Church. Politically, Mr. George is a Democrat.
WILLIAM O. GEORGE, miner, Plains, was born in Plains, this county, June 27, 1867, and is a son of William and Anna (Gibbs) George, natives of England and Wales respectively, and of English origin. In their family, there were ten children, of whom William O. is the youngest. Our subject was educated in the common schools, and at Wyoming Seminary, and at the age of ten years, began working on the breakers, since then he has risen step-by-step to the position he now holds; at present, he is engaged in loading coal. Mr. George was married January 8, 1887, to Miss Matilda, daughter of Edward and Charlotte (Thomas) Soden, natives of England, and they have three children, viz: William O., Elsie and Letta C. Mr. George is a member of the O.U.A.M., and in politics has always given his support to the Republican party.
PHILIP GERITZ, watchmaker and jeweler, Freeland, is a native of Holstein, Germany, and was born April 15, 1848. He received his education in his native town, and at the age of thirteen, began an apprenticeship at the jeweler's trade in the same place. He worked here five years, and then entered the Glasshutten Watchmakers Institute, of Saxony. After finishing a course of three years there, he went to Copenhagen, Denmark, where he worked at his trade until 1881, when he emigrated to this country, finding employment at his trade in New York City. After one year there, he went to Wilkes-Barre and entered the employ of a jeweler, and in June, 1882, he came to Freeland, where he has since been engaged in business for himself. Mr. Geritz is doing a good trade, and commands a large patronage. He carries a large and valuable stock of fine jewelry, diamonds, etc., also musical instruments. Mr. Geritz was married in 1882 to Miss Emma Liem, of Wilkes-Barre, and they have three children, viz: Clarence, Barbara, and Joseph. Our subject is a member of the I.O.O.F., the K. of P. and the A. L. of H., also of the Jewelers Association of New York. His political position is governed purely by principle, and not by party zeal.
WILLIAM GERLACH, foreman of Laurel Hill Mine, was born at Darmstadt, Province of Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany, October 11, 1837, and is a son of John and Catherine (Strack) Gerlach, also natives of Germany. In June, 1855, he came to America, locating at Hazleton, Pa., whence he engaged in general blacksmithing, an occupation he followed for a number of years. In 1857 he commenced in general work about the mines, and so continued until 1860, when he resumed his old trade at the anvil, remaining until 1865, when he secured a position as foreman under A. Pardee & Co., which he has creditably filled ever since. Mr. Gerlach is an honored and respected citizen, fully meriting the responsibility imposed on him by his employers. At various times he has had charge of the Crystal Ridge, Cranberry, Hollywood, No. 3, and Laurel Hill Collieries. At present he has about 150 men under his charge, and the daily output of coal is 600 tons. Mr. Gerlach was united in marriage, December 23, 1860, with Miss Catharine, daughter of Jacob Stumpf, of Hazleton, and they have seven children living, namely: Elizabeth, now wife of Lewis Grebe, Hazleton; Catharine; Sophia, wife of Louis Seffler, of Hazleton; William D., Henry S., Mary and Charles S. Mr. Gerlach is an adherent of the German Lutheran Church; socially he is a member of the Legion of Honor, and Knights of the Golden Eagle; politically, he is a firm Republican.
HENRY GERMAN, hotel and restaurant keeper, Wilkes-Barre, was born in Hesse, Germany, September 3, 1857, a son of John G. and Catherine (Gerth) German. He was reared in Germany, where he served an apprenticeship in cooking. In 1876 he left Germany and spent one and one half years in South Africa, after which he boarded a sailing vessel, serving in the capacity of cook and steward, on a voyage around the globe. In 1879 he landed in New York, and followed his occupation in the various cities of the United States up to 1891. In 1889 he located in Wilkes-Barre, where he has since resided, and in the spring of 1891, embarked in the hotel and restaurant business, in which he still continues. In 1884 Mr. German married Miss Mary Stuart, of Greenock, Scotland, and has four children: Stuart, Henry, Carl, and Catherine. Mr. German is a popular citizen, a member of the I. O. O. F. and of the Saeugerbund. Politically, he is independent.
JACOB D. GETTING, proprietor of the Conyngham Plow Works, Conyngham, was born in Sugar Loaf township, December 16, 1849, a son of John and Sarah (Heimbach) Getting. His paternal grandparents, Jacob and Anna E. (Hiester) Getting, and his great grandparents, Henry and Elizabeth (Scheide) Getting, all of Berks county, Pa., were among the pioneers of Sugar Loaf township, where they settled about the year 1812. The father of Anna E. Hiester was John Hiester, of Berks county. The children of Jacob and Anne E. (Hiester) Getting were Catherine (Mrs. Henry Yost,) William, Elizabeth (Mrs. Thomas Santee), and John. The maternal grandparents of subject were Daniel and Elizabeth (Kern) Heimbach, of Sugar Loaf township. John Getting, father of our subject, was born in Sugar Loaf March 15, 1823, has always been a farmer, and owns the homestead cleared and improved by his father, also three farms, and cleared over one hundred acres of land himself. He was twice married, his first wife being Sarah Heimbach by whom he has two children living: Polly A. (Mrs. Hiram Ritter), and Jacob D.; his second wife was Hannah M. Snyder. Our subject was reared in Sugar Loaf township, educated in the common schools, and was engaged in farming up to 1879. He then purchased the Conyngham Foundry and Plow Works, which he has since successfully conducted. He has been twice married: his first wife being Amelia F., daughter of Samuel and Susannah (Buff) Benner, of Conyngham, and by here he has one daughter, Amelia F.; Mr. Getting’s second wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Peter and Sarah (Fralich) Bishop, of Sugar Loaf township. Mr. Getting is a member of the Reformed Church, and in politics is a Democrat.
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