FR - FY Surnames

History of Luzerne County, Pa.,

by H.C. Bradsby, 1893

REUBEN FRANTZ, farmer, Lehman township, was born October 4, 1827, and was reared and educated in Monroe county, Pa. He is a son of Michael and Mary Frantz, both born in Monroe county, the former of whom was a son of Peter Frantz, who was of German extraction, and who settled in Monroe county. All of them were tillers of the soil, and were honest and industrious. Michael's family consisted of four children, all reaching maturity, and of them is now living the subject of this sketch. In early life Reuben Frantz learned the blacksmith's trade, at which he was an expert. In 1852 he came to this county, locating first in Wyoming, where he worked at his trade two years, after which he moved to Trucksville, where he remained eleven years, earning, by honest toil, dollar after dollar, and where the ring of his anvil was heard far and wide. Thus with brawny muscle and determined will, circumstances yielded to his will. After the lapse of eleven years he moved to Lehman township, where he now resides. In these days he worked at his trade and on his farm, but at no time confined himself to agriculture exclusively. His farm consists of ninety-two acres, which he has materially improved since he moved on it; his land is good, his buildings neat, and his stock is excellent. At the age of twenty-four he married Miss Emily, daughter of John and Sarah Shaver, of Wyoming, by which marriage there were born six children, three of whom arrived at maturity, and are now living: James F., Edgar B. and Charles W. James F. married Miss Emma Ketchan, by whom he has one child; Edgar married Miss Kate Montgomery, by whom he has two children. Mr. Frantz is a practical farmer, looking with a masterly eye to all the interests of his fertile fields. He has held various offices in his township, offices which he honored by the discharge of duties well performed. In religious faith he is a Presbyterian; he is a member of the Grange; politically he is a Democrat.

SHERMAN P. FRANTZ, butcher, Luzerne, Pa., was born on the Frantz farm, Luzerne county, April 13, 1864, and is a son of Perry and Jane (White) Frantz, natives of Pennsylvania. After receiving his education Mr. Frantz engaged in the butcher business at Dallas, Pa., which he followed a short time, removing from there to Luzerne, where he has a first-class market, and caters to the wants of his many patrons, who highly appreciate his methods of doing business. Mr. Frantz was married to Miss Rose, daughter of Walter J. and Caroline (Welter) Wilson, natives of New Jersey. This union has been blessed by three children, Howard P., Walter J. aud Hazel. Mr. Frantz is a member of the M. E. Church; he votes with the Republican party, and belongs to the Junior Order of United American Mechanics.

DANIEL FREDERICK, one of Ashley's oldest and most respected citizens, was born in Northampton county, Pa., December 24, 1807, a son of John and Christiana (Foglan) Frederick, natives of Pennsylvania and of German origin. His father, a farmer; came to Ashley in 1821, and for two years managed the "Red Tavern,'' and next engaged in farming, and afterward moved to the village of Ashley. The family consisted of six children, three of whom are living, viz.: Isaac, Millersville, Ill.; Daniel and Joseph, Hanover township. Our subject was educated in his native county and in Luzerne county, and then learned the carpenter's trade which he followed till 1877, when he retired from active life. In 1834 he built the residence which he still occupies, and hewed out most of the lumber of which it is made, with his broad-ax. Mr. Frederick was married February 24, 1832, to Miss Christiana, daughter of Adam and Mary (Ross) Steel, natives of Bethlehem, Pa., and of German and Yankee origin. They removed at a very early date to Hanover township, where Christiana was born October 29, 1808. Her grandfather, Thomas Ross, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, was taken prisoner and saved his life by picking grains from an ear of corn concealed in his pocket. Mr. Frederick and his wife are a nice, sweet-tempered old couple who have always lived happily together, and it is pleasant to note that they have by their industry and good habits provided themselves with a comfortable home in which to pass their declining years. They have been blessed with eight children, seven of whom are living, viz.: Mary (Mrs. Alonzo Quick); Charles, farmer, Iowa; Howard, carpenter and machinist, Wilkes-Barre; Merritt, mine foreman, Plymouth; Annetta (Mrs. Stewart McIntosh); Catherine (Mrs. Peter Farley,) and Ruth (Mrs. Clarence S. Detro). Mr. Frederick's political views are at present in sympathy with the Republican party. He and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church, of which he is an elder, and of which she has been a member forty-six years.

MERITT FREDERICK, foreman at the Parrish Colliery, Plymouth, was born at Ashley, Pa., July 24, 1841, and is the fourth in the family of seven children of Daniel and Christina (Steel) Frederick, the former a native of Pennsylvania, the latter of New Jersey. Our subject was educated in Luzerne county, and learned the machinist's trade, which he worked at in this county for fifteen years. In 1864 he was employed by the Parrish Company as machinist, working in that capacity until 1871, when he accepted a foremanship at the Hartford Mine, Ashley, Pa. He remained in charge here from 1871 to 1885, when he was given the outside foremanship at the Parrish Colliery, where he has since been employed. Mr. Frederick was married in August, 1872, to Miss Margaret Barre, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and children were born to them as follows: Daniel, Millie, Edith (deceased), Walter (deceased), Lida, Gertrude, Charles (deceased) and Harry. Mr. Frederick belongs to one of the pioneer families of the county, and one that has always been identified with the Republican party. The family attend the Presbyterian Church.

SAMUEL Y. FREDERICK, outside foreman for C.H. Knelly, Conyngham, was born in Conyngham village, July 29, 1863, a son of Ernst and Elizabeth (Benner) Friedrich. His paternal grandparents were Lawrence and Barbara (Jacobs) Friedrich, of Germany, and his maternal grandparents were Christopher and Mary (Strunk) Benner, pioneers of Butler township, this county. His father was born in SaxonCoburg, Germany, in June, 1829, learned the shoemaker's trade with his father, and in 1852 came to America, locating in Sugar Loaf township, where he has since resided, engaged in the shoe business. The subject of this sketch was reared in Conyngham village, and educated in the public schools; he served a three years' apprenticeship at the carpenter's trade, worked as a journeyman five years, and since 1886 has been in the employ of C. H. Knelly, of Conyngham, as outside superintendent of his business. He was married, December 1, 1883, to Emma M., daughter of Solomon and Mary (Fetter) Klinger, of Sugar Loaf township, and they have two children, Mabel L. and Charles C. Mr. Frederick is a member of the Reformed Church, I. O. O. F. and P. O. S. of A. In politics he is a Democrat.

P. H. FRENCH, coal operator, Pittston. This enterprising and successful gentleman was born at Cincinnati, Ohio, March 9, 1852, and is the youngest in a family of twelve children--eight sons and four daughters--of Maynard and Julia (Eams) French, the former a native of Vermont, the latter of New York origin. The subject of this sketch was reared and educated in Cincinnati (Ohio) and Utica (N. Y.), receiving a liberal education at the highest educational institutions of those cities. After completing his studies he entered the mercantile business as a dry-goods salesman at Evansville, Ind., where he remained six years, afterward going to New York City. There he continued in the mercantile line for eight years, at the end of which time he came to Pittston. He has since been engaged in thc coal business in Luzerne county, and he has at the present time an interest in the coal separator near the Washington Mine, at Plymouth, which is capable of turning out about three hundred tons of coal daily. The father of our subject was in the hardware business the greater part of his business career, and for many years prior to his death, which occurred in 1867, he was president of the Indianapolis, Rochester & Chicago Railroad Company, and was always considered a proficient, able man in all his ventures. He commenced business at Cincinnati in l835, and continued it there for over thirty years. The subject proper of this sketch is single. He votes the Republican ticket, and attends the Presbyterian Church.

CAPT. S. L. FRENCH was born at Plymouth, which has ever since been his place of residence. In 1861 he enlisted in the Fifty-second Regiment, commanded by Col. John C. Dodge, and subsequently by Col. (afterward governor) Henry M. Hoyt; was in Gen. MacClellan's command during his Peninsular campaign before Richmond, participating in the battle of Fair Oaks, and was the last to leave the Chickahominy during MacClellan' s retreat to Malvern Hill and the James River, being on guard at Bottom Bridge. In 1862 and 1863 he was second lieutenant of a company organized in Plymouth, and as Company G, Thirtieth Regiment was stationed on the southern border during Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania; in 1872 he was elected register of wills of Luzerne county, and as such, under the new constitution, became the first clerk of the Orphans Court; was chief burgess of Plymouth for several terms, and is president of the board of trade, president of the board of armory trustees, and holds several other offices in different organizations.

Company I, Ninth Regiment, N. G. P., was organized December 12, 1888, at which time it was mustered into the Guard by Col. Morris J. Keck, at McAlarney's Hall, Plymouth. The original members of the company were: S. L. French, captain; Stanley W. Davenport, first lieutenant; F. L. McKee, M. D., second lieutenant; A. E. Gregg, first sergeant; Frank Madden, second sergeant; W. E. Renshaw, third sergeant; William H. Croop, fourth sergeant; P. H. Gallager, fifth sergeant; I. A. Weil, first corporal; C. H. Jacobs, second corporal; William J. Williams, third corporal; Chauncey L. Naugle, fourth corporal; Samuel French, fifth corporal; John P. Harris, sixth corporal; John Crossin, seventh corporal; John Davenport, eighth corporal. Privates: E. F. Fisher, G. P. Bisher, Eli Bittinbender, William Crossin, A. C. Compton, Chris Conrad, Harry Davenport, John J. Flaherty, C. A. Furguson, T. F. Gwillym, John F. Griffin, James Griffin, George K. Hendershot, J. M. Hamway, John Krothe, William Krothe, *George B. Kostenbader, Henry T. Lees, John J. Lynch, George H. Monk, D. W. Megines, James P. Murray, John Mutchler, A. McDaniels, E. Lloyd Marks, John May, Robert J. Nevins, Harry W. Pierce, George G. Pritchard, David Percy, William F. Powell, Frank H. Price, I. M. Renshaw, John J. Renshaw, Max Reese, John J. Richards, Adam Smeaton, Thomas H. Smith, D. M. Shafer, Irvin Vanloon, James Ward, R. E. Williams, Martin Walsh, I. M. Well, Charles E. Waters, Freas Yaple and Harvey Zimmerman.

From the time of its organization, Company I made rapid progress, and soon took a prominent position in the Ninth Regiment, which place it has thus far maintained. During the first year of its existence, and before it had attained a full year's growth, it succeeded in qualifying, as marksmen, every member of the company--a circumstance without parallel in the history of the National Guard. This record has since been maintained, and in the third year of its existence its record of sharpshooting is excelled by only one company in the regiment. Soon after the company was organized, its need of a permanent home and place for drill became apparent to the captain who, after mature deliberation, boldly determined to attempt the erection of an armory. At first, it was thought that a wooden structure, at a cost of about $8,000 for lot and building, would serve the purpose, but, after further consideration, a brick structure was determined upon. A desirable lot on Gaylord avenue, 60x130 feet, was offered for the purpose, and Capt. French, in full confidence of the success of his project, purchased the same for $1,900 in his own right. A petition was in the meantime circulated, soliciting subscriptions for bonds to be issued, payable in ten years, bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, the proceeds of which were to pay for the building. It took considerable time and much persuasion to secure the required amount of subscriptions for bonds--in some instances a personal guarantee for their payment being necessary before a subscription could be secured. However, by persistent and indomitable perseverance the necessary amount, $11,000, was finally secured, and the building commenced upon plans which had already been adopted. The property was turned over to trustees--these trustees being named--and the future disposition of the property being provided for in the deed of Capt. French. In event of failure to maintain a military company in the town, the building was to revert to the town for a hospital or public library. The armory was opened with appropriate ceremonies on April 20, 1891, there being an immense attendance of people from the surrounding country, and many distinguished people from a distance, of both civil and military dignity--the Lieutenant-Governor and the Governor's staff, Major-General Snowden and staff, and the Ninth Regiment. The fair, which continued eight days, realized over $7,000, and marked an event in the history of the town of Plymouth, which will long be remembered.

FRANCIS FREW, miner, P. O. Plains, was born in the parish of Irving, Ayrshire, Scotland, March 24, 1884, and is a son of John and Mary (Patterson) Frew. The father, who was a miner, reared a family of ten children, seven of whom are now living, and our subject is the fourth. He came to America in 1880, and located at Plainsville, where he engaged in mining, which occupation he has since chiefly followed; he built his present residence and removed there in 1884. Mr. Frew was married June 12, 1877, to Miss Jane, daughter of Alexander and Jane (Taylor) McCall. There have been seven children born to them, four of whom are living, viz.: Mary P., Elizabeth T., Francis, and William M. He and his wife are members of the Free Church of Scotland, but usually attend the Presbyterian Church; he is a member of the K. of H., and in politics sympathizes with the Republican party.

EMIL FRIEDRICH, butcher, Conyngham, was born in Sugar Loaf township, July 21, ]860, a son of Ernest and Elizabeth (Benner) Friedrich. His father was born in Sachsen Coburg, Germany, in June, l829, a son of Lawrence and Barbara (Jacobs) Friedrich. He served an apprenticeship at the shoemaker's trade with his father, and in 1852 came to America, locating in Sugar Loaf township; since 1859 he has been a resident of Conyngham, where he is engaged in the shoe business. His wife was a daughter of Christopher and Mary (Strunk) Benner, of Butler township, and by her he has three children: Emil, Minerva J. (Mrs. William M. Heller), and Samuel Y. Our subject was reared and educated in Conyngham, and at fourteen years of age entered a general store as clerk, in which capacity he served three years, and then engaged in the produce business four years. In 1881 he embarked in the butchering trade, in which he has since successfully continued. On August 15, 1882, he married Mary, daughter of Jacob and Sarah (Knelly) Beishline, of Sugar Loaf township, and has one daughter, Getha A. Mr. Friedrich is a member of the German Reformed Church, of the I. O. O. F., and P. O. S. of A.; in politics he is a Democrat.


REV ABRAHAM FRISBIE, farmer, P.O. Lehman, was born in Wayne county, Pa., October 16, 1825, a son of Solomon and Charlotte (Morgan) Frisbie. Solomon Frisbie was a son of Abraham (first), who was a native of Connecticut, and came to this State in the early history of Luzerne county. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and his son Solomon was a soldier in the war of 1812. A man of genius, he was one of Nature's mechanics in the true sense of the word. He settled in Wayne county where he owned a well cultivated farm, and his family consisted of sixteen children, thirteen of whom reached maturity, nine of them now living. Abraham, who is the fourth in this numerous family, was educated in Plymouth at the common school. He always carried on farming as his chief business, but for fifteen years he followed mining in conjunction with it. Mr. Frisbie has always resided either in Plymouth or Jackson, in the former twenty-three years, in the latter thirty-five years. For twenty-nine years he has lived on his present farm, which consists of 100 acres of well-improved land, and he deserves great credit for the improvements he has made on his plane, whilst his two sons, George C. and A.P. have proved invaluable aids in this arduous task. There is a mineral which Mr. Frisbie has discovered on his place that proves to be aluminum with a mixture of silver, and if it proves to be in large quantities, it will make Mr. Frisby and family rich and affluent. He is an able preacher of primitive Christianity, a true believer in the Apostle's doctrine, taking the Word as his infallible guide in faith and practice. He has preached with marked success for twenty years and has been a consistent member of the Christian church for fifty years. He has held several offices in his own town such as assessor, supervisor, and poor master. He is also a successful auctioneer, and is in great demand as such. On August 22, 1847, Mr. Frisbie married Miss Mary Ann, daughter of Chester and Mary Nesbit of Plymouth, and there were born to them five children, three of whom are now living. George C., A.P. and Emma G. Of these, George C. married Miss Ella M. Edwards; A.P. married Miss Sarah D. Wilkinson, by whom he had tow children: Cora B. and Wilber P.; Emma G. married Alfred Ayers, a wealthy farmer residing in Dallas township. Mr. Frisbie is proud of his family which has proved to be a blessing to him, causing him to rejoice as he passes down the dwelivity of life's journey. He is a member in good standing in the I.O.O.F.

GEORGE C. FRISBIE, mechanic, Cease's Mills, was born May 5, 1849, in Plymouth, a son of Rev. Abraham and Mary Ann (Nesbit) Frisbie, the former born in Wayne county, Pa., the latter in Plymouth, Luzerne Co. In early life our subject learned the trade of wheelwright, at which he has become an expert, and he devoted himself to the service of his father in clearing the farm, which was in those days unimproved. On March 22, 1873, he married Miss Ella M., daughter of Michael and Sarah J. Edwards, and by her he had four children: Walter A. Charles M., Ira B. and Rosie M., all yet living. In 1890 Mr. Frisbee purchased the old mill property of Chester Runsom, which has renovated and improved, and in which he intends manufacturing lumber, shingle, lath and pickets. He has also erected on the ground a cider-mill, which has proved lucrative. Mr. Frisbie's facilities for manufacturing can not be surpassed, as he is situated on a never-failing creek (Harvey's) having a fall of eighteen feet, and has easy and near approach to market (Nanticoke), four miles from the river. He is a thorough going man, and with the development of upright principles instilled in his mind in his younger days, must be successful. Politically he is a Republican.

CHARLES FRITSCH, photographer, Pittston, was born in Scranton, February 13, 1863, son of Jacob G. and Margaret: (Walter) Fritsch. His parents were natives of Baden, Germany, and his father, while a resident of that city, was a carpet weaver by trade. They came to the United States in 1855, and located at Cherry Ridge Pa., after a short sojourn there removing to Scranton, where his mother yet resides; the father died at Scranton, December 31, 1877. The parents had a family of eight children, viz: Mary, deceased, Michael, a mechanic residing at Scranton; Jacob, a carpenter, of Scranton; John a baker, of New York City; Elise, married to Harry Harder, a real estate dealer, of Scranton; tow who died in infancy and Charles. Our subject passed his boyhood in Scranton, and attended the public schools of that city until his fourteenth year. His father dying at this time, he was compelled to leave school, and contribute his aid to assist in the support of the family. From that time until 1880 he was employed as a slate picker at different coal breakers, in the vicinity of Scranton; he then secured a position as brakeman on a railroad, and served in that capacity until 1883, when he entered the Keystone Academy and pursued a course of study there for one year; then returned to Scranton and began the study of photography. After mastering the art he was employed in the capacity of an expert photographer int he cities of Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Lebanon and Factoryville. March 1, 1891 he opened a studio at his present quarters on North Main street, Pittson, where the excellency of his work soon secured for him a large patronage. He was united in wedlock November 7, 1890 with Jessie Hollenback of West Pittson; this union has been blessed with one child, Frances Florence. Mr. Fritsch worships at the M.E. Church of West Pittston, and politically is a Republican. During his short residence in Pittston he has secured a host of friends.

HON. JAMES M. FRITZ, an able lawyer of the Luzerne county bar. Nanticoke, was born March 10, 1857, at Orangeville, Columbia Co., Pa. His father died when he was but eight years old, and his mother having five small children to support, found herself, soon after the death of her husband, hard pressed by the hand of poverty. James M. was the second eldest child; when but ten years of age he was sent to work on a farm, where he remained two years, working during the summer and attending school during the winter; during this time doing all he could to assist his mother and family removed to New Brunswick, N.J., where he found employment in one of the city grocery stores as errand boy. After working there one year he changed his vocation, obtaining employment in a hosiery factory, where he also remained a year. By this time he began to get acquainted in the city, and by his courteous and modest demeanor, his strict honesty and uniform habits of industry he attracted the notice of a dry goods merchant, by name W.K. Lyons, in whose stores he was proffered employment as errand boy. Accepting the position, he at once assumed its duties. Here he soon commenced to display his inborn industry, fidelity and promptness. His wages were but four dollars per week during the first year, after which they were increased to five, then to six. This pittance he devoted to the wants of his mother and little sisters, excepting a very small amount which he invested in a loan fund until he was able to buy out two shares at fifty dollars each. When he was about eighteen years of age, his mother died. James had been her main stay through life; he paid the doctor's bills incurred during her last illness. During the five years he worked in the dry-goods store, he never allowed an opportunity to pass to improve his growing mind, his pliant intellect, his natural genius. When he first entered the store he could scarcely write his own name. Becoming conscious of the advantages of an education, he formed a resolution to teach himself the rudiments of English. When his day's work was done, he would go home and instruct himself in reading, writing and other common branches, purchasing books whenever he could spare the money. Step by step he stored his mind with knowledge, and soon mastered the rudiments of an English education. After five years of arduous labor, he graduated from his own academy, and soon after accepted a position as a teacher in the public school of Cole's Creek, Columbia county, this State. This was in 1875; in 1876 he went to Orangeville, where he attended school in the summer and taught in the winter. After two years of hard work, he had prepared himself to take a classical course, and the fall of 1879 found him registered in Lafayette College. When he entered he had only $100, which he knew would not go far toward paying his expenses, so he began to look around for some means to supply the deficiency. In this he was successful, for the beginning of his third term found him the manager of a boarding club, which duty he performed for his board and one dollar per week. During his summer vacations he was not idle, but taught school; and one winter, finding his finances running low, he taught a school at Rupert Station, Columbia county, keeping up his college studies at the same time. Although he had continually practiced a very strict economy, he had, nevertheless, found it necessary to borrow money to assist himself, so that when he graduated, in 1883, he found himself $300 in debt; but be it said to his credit that he paid back every dollar. After graduating, he registered with Charles G. Barkley, a leading lawyer of Columbia county, and began the study of law, at the same time accepting an offer to teach a private school in Fishing Creek township for a few months. In the fall of 1884 he was elected principal of the Shickshiney high school for one year, at the expiration of which time he was elected to a similar position at the New Columbus Academy. In December, 1885, he entered the office of Mr. Barkley, and began the study of law in good earnest, and on December 13, following, he was admitted to the Columbia county bar. Soon after this Mr. Fritz removed to Nanticoke, and in January, 1997, was admitted to practice at the Luzerne county bar, where he now commands an extensive practice, and is regarded by all who know him as an esteemed citizen and an advocate of unusual talent and ability. In 1890, Mr. Fritz became the candidate of the Democratic party for the Pennsylvania Legislature, and was elected by a good majority. He was married in September, 1880, to Annie E. daughter of John Stackhouse, one f the leading members of the Salem Coal Company at Shickshinny, Pa. This union has been blessed with two children, Margaret and John.

EUGENE K. FRY, or Richards & Fry, dealers in wall paper and stationery, Wilkes-Barre, was born in that city, December 22, 1863, a son of Herman C. and Ellen R. (Phillips) Fry. His paternal grandfather, Conrad Fry, was of German descent, a brick and stonemason by trade, and had been a resident of Wilkes-Barre for many years when he died. His father was a native of Northampton county, was a brick manufacturer and contractor, and resided in Wilkes-Barre upward of fifty years. He was a member of the city council several terms, and represented Luzern county in the State Legislature two terms. He died in May, 1891. Of the children of Herman C. Fry, eight reached maturity: Wilbur W., Ada (Mrs. H.N. Bard), Herman H., Hendrick W., Mary E. (Mrs. A.C. Luder), Eugene K., Augusta M., and Annie L. Our subject was reared in Wilkes- Barre, educated in the public schools, and served for a time as clerk in a wall-paper store. September 1, 1890, he embarked in business as a member of the firm of Richards & Fry, and is meeting with great success. December 31, 1891, Mr. Fry married Miss Mary J., daughter of Rev. George and Malvina (Rowland) Frear, of Wilkes-Barre. He is a member of the Baptist Church, and in politics is a Democrat.

CHESTER FULLER, farmer, P.O. Huntsville, was born January 22, 1815, in Lehman township where he was reared and educated. He is a son of William and Amy (Allen) Fuller, both of whom were born in Stockbridge, Mass., the former December 17, 1778, the latter December 30, 1782. William was a son of Bennajab Fuller, who was a valiant soldier and did good service in the Revolutionary war in defense of liberty and independence. Our subject's maternal grandfather, Allen, was also a Revolutionary soldier. Both families (the Allens and Fullers) moved to this county; the Allens about 1800, and locating near Trucksville; the Fullers about 1795, locating near Huntsville on the property owned by Mr. Ittle. Those pioneers did much for their adopted country, both by their own individual efforts, and in giving to the town, county and country, descendants worthy of their name. Bennajab died in 1830 at the age of eighty-five. He reared a family of eight children four sons and four daughters. William, one of his sons, began life in Huntsville, remaining with his father until 1801 when he married Miss Amy Allen, and in 1802 he moved north of Huntsville onto the farm now owned by his son Chester. He was an honest and industrious man, teaching his children those principles of truth and integrity that they afterward practiced. He was an extensive and practical farmer, his place comprising 165 acres. He was the first poor master and school director in the town. The Fullers were patriotic citizens, devoted to their country, as the following will illustrate: William received a captain's commission form Gov. Snyder; Jeremiah was first lieutenant, while Isaac was drummer, all in the same company, and did active service in the war of 1812. In religious sentiment, William was a Baptist; politically he was a Whig. After a life of much usefulness, he died May 2, 1848, at the age of sixty-nine years. There were born to him eight children, four of whom grew to maturity, and two are now living, Chester being the sixth in the family. Our subject has always confined himself to agriculture, and is now living on the farm on which he was born. He is a practical farmer, enjoying the full confidence of his fellow citizens. He has held several offices in the town, such as school director, constable, supervisor, etc. In February, 1843, he married Miss Mary J. daughter of Samuel and Nancy Elston, and there were born to them five children, four of whom are now living: Nettie, Clarissa, Matilda M., Albertina and Estella. Mr. Fuller is a gentleman in the full sense of the term, an extensive farmer, raising a general crop, giving preference, however, to grain raising. He deals in livestock considerable, supplying the dealers int he adjacent towns and cities. He has been a consistent member of the Baptist Church for the last forty years. He is a member of the I.O.O.F., in good standing. Politically he is a Republican.

THOMAS M. FUREY, clergyman, Yatesville, was born in Springville, Susquehanna Co., Pa., May 21, 1860, son of Rev. John G. and Keturah (Rhoades) Furey, natives of County Londonderry, Ireland, and of Pennsylvania respectively. Mr. J.G. Furey is a clergyman of the Episcopal Church, and is at present engaged on the Board of City Missions in Philadelphia. Our subject was educated in the public schools and the Philadelphia Episcopal Academy. In 1877 he went to learn the wholesale drug business, and followed that vocation until the latter part of 1879; during that time he was a student at the College of Pharmacy, but his health failing, he was compelled to abandon the trade. He then went into the Conferences of the M.E. Church, and in 1881 commenced to preach, his first charge being at Berrysburgh, Dauphin county, following which he was at Fairfax Court House, Va. In March, 1884, he was transferred to the Wyoming conference; since that time he has been stationed in Fairdale, Susquehanna county, Oakland, Susquehanna county; Union Centre, Broome Co., N.Y.; Lake Como, Wayne Co., Pa.; Thompson, Susquehanna county; and in May, 1892, to his present charge at Yatesville. He was united in marriage October 14, 1881, with Martha Annie, daughter of William and Sarah J. (Breech) Wilson, natives of Schuylkill county, and of English extraction. Our subject is a member of the Prohibition party.

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