EN - EV Surnames

History of Luzerne County, Pa.,

by H.C. Bradsby, 1893

George W. ENTERLINE, chandler, Wilkes-Barre, was born in Tamaqua, Schuylkill Co., Pa., October 15, 1854, a son of Edward and Eva (Beyerly) Enterline, natives of Roaring Creek, Dauphin Co., Pa., and of German descent. For thirty years his father conducted a tannery at Tamaqua, and in 1876 he located in Wilkes-Barre, where he embarked in the chandlery business, in which he continued up to his death which occurred May 2, 1887. He reared a family of ten children: Sarah E. (deceased), Clara (deceased), James (deceased), Angle (deceased wife of Jerry Enterline), George W., Sallie (Mrs. C. Ben Johnson), Emma (Mrs. George Steidle), Edward, Willie (deceased) and Charles (deceased). Our subject was reared and educated in Tamaqua, Pa., spent one year in the shoe and leather finding business, at Pottsville, Pa., and then served five years apprenticeship at the machinist's trade. On his father's death, he succeeded to the chandlery business, which he continued alone until August 19, 1891, when he admitted his brother-in-law, George Steidle, as a partner, the business having since been conducted under the firm style Enterline And Steidle. Mr. Enterline married December 19, 1879, Mary, daughter of Thomas German, of Wilkes-Barre, and by her he had two sons, both deceased. Our subject is a member of the K. of P. and K. of M. C.; politically he is a Republican, and has served on both city and county committees.

James W. ERNEST, principal of the Hazleton Business College, Hazleton. This gentleman was born in Warren, Ohio, February 23, 1867, and is a son of Henry and Harriet (Southworth) Ernest, also natives of Ohio. Our subject received a school training in his native town, together with a higher education obtained in the Northeastern Ohio Normal School, and the Oberlin (Ohio) Business College. At the latter place he took a full course in business and penmanship. After completing his business course, our subject taught in various prominent business colleges in Ohio and Pennsylvania until March 4, 1889, when he came to Hazleton and established the Hazleton Business College, under the supervision of the Wilkes-Barre Business College. It was conducted by these parties until November, 1889, when Professor Ernest assumed entire control of the school. Under his management this institution has, in a very short time, advanced rapidly to the front in public favor, and is now one of the largest, best patronized and finest equipped colleges in this locality. The course of instruction embraces Commercial Law Business; Arithmetic; Business Correspondence; Penmanship; Spelling; Bookkeeping in all its forms as applied to the several branches of business; Business Practice, which includes actual transactions in buying and selling goods; Banking and, in fact, real transactions in all departments. Short-hand and type-writing are also taught by experienced teachers. Although founded but a short time, yet graduates from this institute may be found in all parts of the country, filling responsible positions, and commanding good salaries. Prof.' Ernest is a gentleman of large practical business experience, and has been a teacher of commercial branches for many years. The large number of patrons, as is shown by the college register, is the strongest commendation of this popularity of this flourishing institution.

M. Franklin EROH, teacher, Dorrance, was born in Dorrance township, this county, August 22, 1869, a son of Matthies and Maria (Spade) Eroh, both of whom were born in Luzerne county, Pa., the former in Hollenback township, the latter in Dorrance. Matthias Eroh is a son of Matthias, Sr. and Catherine (Boyer) Eroh, both of whom were born in. Northampton county. Matthias, Sr., removed to this county when a young man, locating in Hollenback township, where he owned 400 acres of land, seventy-five of which he cleared during his life-time; he was a hardworking, industrious and honest man. He died in 1853, after an uneventful life, at the age of fifty-six years; his wife died in 1856, aged fifty-five years. Their family consisted of fourteen children, eleven of whom grew to maturity, seven now living. Matthias Eroh, Jr., began his earthly career in Hollenback, where he lived as a farmer until his marriage with Miss Spade, December 25, 1854. After this event he removed to Dorrance township, where he now resides on a farm of forty-seven acres, besides which he owns two other lots, sixty-seven and eighteen acres, respectively. He has held some offices in the township with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. Politically he is a Democrat. Mr. and Mrs. Eroh had a family of eight children, of whom they reared seven, viz.: Elmer P., Charles M., Josiah W., Peter W., M. Franklin, Oscar C. and Emma J., the latter of whom married Joshua Stout. M. Franklin received his primary education at the common schools of Dorrance township, after which he spent four terms at Kutztown Seminary. He has already taught three terms of school successfully. He is a promising young man, who will yet be heard from in the line of his calling.

John N. EUSTICE, retired mine foreman, Plainsville, was born in the parish of Crown, Cornwall, England, March 17, ]827, and is a son of John and Christian (Nicholas) Eustice, the former of whom was superintendent of copper and lead mines. They reared a family of seven children, five of whom are living, and John N. is the eldest. Our subject came to America in 1846, and joined a party which was exploring for copper on Lake Superior in the employ of Mr. Conyngham, of New York, with Drs. Hoten and Ellliot as guides, lie was then variously engaged in sinking shsfts, slopes, and gangsways, at Eagle River, Isle Royal; Flemington, N. J.; Rocky Hill Copper Mine, N. J.; St. Clair and New Boston, Pa.; Bristol, Conn.; Tamaqua, Perkiomen, Llewellyn and Mackersburg, Pa.; at the two latter he worked breasts, and contracted in taking our coal; at the Rocky Hill Copper Mine, N. J., he worked under his father, whom he met there for the first time in America. He then came to Luzerne county, sank the Empire Shaft, and then performed the feat of taking the water out of the Patton Shaft, which had baffled all previous efforts to do so. He was then made superintendent of that shaft, and a year later, when John Mitchell took it by contract, he was engaged as outside foreman for a short time; then contracted in taking out coal at Buttonwood for one year. In ]861 he came to Plains, and was in the employ of John Mitchell, as outside foreman, till 1872, after which he was foreman at the Enterprise Shaft for several years; later he was breaker-boss at Port Bowkley till 1889, when he was compelled to retire from active life on account of defective eyesight. Mr. Eustice married Mary Raugh, of Tamaqua, Pa., whose grandfather was in the Massacre of 1778. Twentv children were born to this union, eight of whom are living, viz.: Elizabeth A. (Mrs. John Brew, Forty Fort), Mary E. (Mrs. John Bartlett, in Pittston), John R., Robert N., Susan (Mrs. William Fuller, in Plainsville), William P., Thomas H. and Francis B., the last two being breaker-bosses at Laflin and residing at home. Mr. Eustice is a member of the I. O. O. F.; politically he has always given his support to the Republican party.

Benjamin EVANS, miller and justice of the peace, Nescopeck, was born in Briar Creek township, Columbia Co., Pa., July ]4, 1820, a son of David and Nancy (Bonham) Evans. His paternal grandfather, John Evans, a Welsh Quaker, together with his brother James, they being both millwrights by trade, came from near Philadelphia to this county, becoming pioneers of the vicinity of Berwick, and erected several mills for a wealthy man named Rittenhouse. John Evans married Martha Thomas, a sister of Mrs. Nathan Beach (whose maiden name was Susan Thomas), one of the first settlers of Salem township, and for whose husband John Evans erected mills at Beach Haven and Huntington. He finally settled in Canada, where he also built mills, and died there. His children were David, Thomas, Josiah and Barbara (Mrs. Mark Mendenhall). The eldest son, David, was supposed to have been born in Salem township, this county, in 1790. In 1838 he purchased the mill property now operated by our subject, and died there in 1875. His wife was a daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Lowry) Benham, of Union township, this county, and by her ho had four children: Benjamin, Josiah, Martha A. (Mrs. James Focht), and Mary. Since 1838 our subject has been a resident of Blescopeck township, where he has operated the Nescopeck mills. He is a F. & A. M., was elected justice of the peace in 1850, and is now serving his ninth consecutive term in that office, the longest term filled by any official in the county. In politics he was originally a Whig, and since the organization of the party, has been a Republican.

Daniel H. Evans, proprietor of the "American House," ashley, was born in Pottsville, Pa., May 17,1844, and is a son of daniel and Sarah (Jones) Evans, natives of South Wales, the former of whom was a mine foreman. They came to America in 1841, and reared a family of four children (one of whom was born in England) viz: Margaret (Mrs. James Morgan), Daniel H., William and Alfred. Our subject received a common-school education, and at the age of nine years began working about the mines, which seems to have been his calling, for at the unusual age of twelve years he had worked himself up to the position of a full-fledged miner. In 1862 he went to California, via Panama and Aspinswall, mined coal and pros-pected for gold in various parts of California and Britiish Columbia, meeting many of the strange, undesirable, but yet fascinating adventures incidental to Western life, making a single excursion of 450 miles on foot. In 1864 he returned to the East, via Nicaraugua river route, and resumed mining in Schuylkill county, where he remained until 1875, when he came to Wilkes-Barre and engaged in the livery business for eight months. He then embarked in the hotel business in Moosie, carry-ing it on for three years, after which he was engaged in the patent medicine business in Wilkes-Barre for a year and a half; then removed to Ashley and commenced in his present business. Mr. Evans was amrried October 14,1867 to Miss Jane, daughter of Adam and Agnes (Kennedy) Brown, native of Scotland, which happy union has been blessed with six children, viz: William H., Agnes, Harry A., Maggie M., Daniel A., and Charles. Mr. Evans is a member of the F. & A.M., Jr. O.U.A.M., amd A.O.F.; in politics he is a Republican. He has a record in marksmanship which justly deserves record in his life story. He won fourteen out of sixteen matches, and his son, William, won five out of six.

Edward T. Evans, fire-boss, Nottingham Colliery, Plymouth. This experienced minor was born in Glamorganshire, near Cardiff, South Wales, September 6,1834, and is next to the youngest in the family of nine children of Thomas and Rachel (Llewellyn) Evans, also natives of Wales. He was educated at the place of his birth and, at the youthful age of eight years, began working about the mines. He entered the mines in the capacity of a miner at the early age of sixteen years, and followed it in his native land until 1869, when he came to America, locating at Kingston, Pa., where he worked as a miner in Shaft No. 1, operated by the Kingston Coal Company. There he remained about one year, and then went to Wilkes-Barre where he worked in the Hollenback Colliery about three years. He then came to Plym-mouth, and worked as a miner at No. 11, Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Company, staying at that mine about six year; from there went to the Nottingham, where he has been engaged fourteen years-twelve years as a miner and two as a fire boss, the latter posi-tion being attended with great danger. To serve in the capacity of fire-boss, it is now necessary for the applicant to pass a rigid examination regarding his duties and how to perform them. Our subject has the inspection of sixty-seven chambers. Mr. Evans was married, February 18,1853, to Miss Ruth, daughter of Evan and Eliz-abeth (Thomas) Evans, natives of Glamorganshire, South Wales, and to this union have been born ten children, namely: Naomi, wife of John D. Roberts, a resident of Illinios; Sarah J. (deceased); Rachel, now Mrs. Asa Wolfe, of Plymouth, Pa.; Evan, Thomas, Hannah (deceased), Lizzie, Sarah (deceased), David, and William J. (deceased). Mr. Evans is a Republican, and is a member of the Ivorites and Knights of the Golden Eagle. The family are members of the Pilgrim Church.

Dr. Evan Evans, M.D., Plymouth. This successful physician and surgeon was born August 1857, at Llandovery, Carmartbenshire, South Wales, and is a son of Thomas and Ann (Thomas) Evans, also natives of Wales. There were seven chil-dren in their family, of whom Evan is the eldest son. Our subject was educated in the county of his nativity, and later went to Edinburgh, Scotland, where he remained four years, receiving the higher education for which that classic city is far-famed, both in medicine and sciences. He then entered the Liverpool Infirmary, where he pursued the study of medicine. He practiced about two years at Caorphilly, W. Cardiff, and then coming from Liverpool to America, he located at Kansas City, Mo., where he continued his medical course. He first opened an office at Emporia, Kan., where he remained eight years, and removing from there to Los Angeles, Cal., he practiced there one year. The Doctor then revisited Wales, sojourning four months, visiting the scenes of his early childhood. After returning from Wales, he located again at Emporia, Kan., remaining, however, but a short time and then came to Plymouth where he has since been practicing. The subject of this sketch has been married twice: first to Anna Jones, of Kansas, who died one year after their marriage. The Doctor afterward married in Augus, 1889, Katherine daughter of Daniel and Mary (Price) Williams, natives of Carmarthenshire, Wales, and one child, May Elsie, was born to this union, May 26,1890. In politics Dr. Evans affiliates with the Democratic party, and in religion he is a supporter of the Episcopal Church.

E.M. Evans, merchangt, Edwardsville, was born April 15, 1846, in South Wales, a sone of John and Margaret (Thomas) Evans, and began working in the mines betweent the ages of six and seven. He and his father were in the Briton Ferry Mine disaster, and were two of the lucky six survivors of that terrible catastrophe. In December, 1863, he came to America, locating at Scranton, Pa., where he remained a short time, and then removed to Yorktown, same state, where he mined a short time, when he returned to Scranton, and followed mining until May of the following year, at which time he went to Jermyn and there resided until 1865. He then removed to Olyphant, where he worked in Grassy Island Mines about one year; thence proceeded to Carbondale, and after a few months' residence there returned to Olyphant, where he was engaged in mine contracting for a time, again coming to Carbondale, and mining there until 1872. Mr. Evans then went to Michigan, where he was engaged in mining a short time, when he returned to Carbondale; but after a brief sojourn he again moved to Michigan, where he remained until 1876. In that year he revisited Wales, remaining there two years. Returning to this country, he settled in Edwardsville, Pa., where he has since resided, and at present is engaged in mercantile business. Mr. Evans was married October 20,1886, to Miss Mary Dando, of Carbondale, and they have four children, viz: Isaas, Albert, Jessie and Elsworth. Mr. Evans ia a member of the K. of P., and in politics he is a Democrat.

Evan M. Evans, proprietor of the "Central House," Parsons, was born May 16, 1858, at Mountain Ash, Glamorganshire, Wales, and is the oldest of the seven chil-dren of Hugh and Elizabeth (Morgans) Evans. He came to America in 1869, and engaged in mining at Mahanoy City, Pa., where he reamined nearly ten years, when he removed to Streator, Ill., and there also followed mining until 1888. He then came to Parsons, and worked in the mines till April 1, 1891, when, upon the death of his brother, he succeeded him as proprietor of the "Central House." Mr. Evans was married at Streator, Ill., June 21, 1881, to Mary Ann, daughter of Merrick Jones, of Minersville, Pa. Our subject is a typical landlord, and keeps a first-class hotel in every respect; he treats his guests with genlemanly courtesy, and is well worthy of the patronage of the public. Socially he is a member of the I.O.O.F., Uri Lodge, and his political sympathies are in hearty accord with the Republican party.

Evan M. Evans, mine laborer, Plains, was born in South Wales and is a son of William and Elizabeth (Evans) Evans, the former of whom was a miner and worked fifty years for one company prior to his death. They reared a family of five chil-dren of whom Evan M. is the eldest. Our subject came to America in 1871, locatin in Pennsylvania, and followed mining at St. Nicholas seven years and at Fiske two years; he then removed to Mahanoy City, where he resided two years, and worked in St. Nicholas. In 1881 he came to Plains, this county, where he has since been engaged in rock work and mining in the Henry and Wyoming Collieries. Mr. Evans was married, August 8,1861, to Miss Mary, daughter of Richard and Mary (Williams) Hughes, and they had twelve children, of whom are living Mary (Mrs. William Jenkins), Catherine, Richard, William, Elizabeth, Isaac, Evan and Ann. Mrs. Evans is a member of the Welsh Congregational Church. Our subject is in political sympathy with the Republican party, and has always given it his support.

Gwilym P. Evans, mine superintendent, Edwardsville. Those who are acquainted withe the intricascies and dangers of coal mining can easily understand the clearness of mind, and the calculative ability, of one who can successfully conduct the work-ing of these subterranean cavities; andno inside superintendent in the anthracite coal regions is better adapted to his business than Gwilym P. Evans, who occupies this position at the "Old Boston Mines" in Plymouth township, for the Delaware & Hudson Coal Company. Mr. Evans is a native of South Wales, and was born June 23,1847, a son of William P. and Ann (Thomas) Evans, the former of whom has been a very successful mine superintendent for many years, and has held high offices, such as treasurer, etc., in the borough of Edwardsville. At the age of twenty-one our subject came to America and entered the employ of the Delaware & Hudson Coal Company at Mill Creek, where he was engaged in mining nearly two years, at the end of which time he came to Kingston and entered the employ of the Kingston Coal Company, where he continued one year, when he returned to the employ of the Delaware & Hudson Coal Company, and was driver-boss for a short time, when he was appointed inside mine superintendent, a position he has held for eleven years. Socially he is a member of the Foresters and fo the Improved Order of Red Men. In politics, he is a Republican.

Henry Evans, county commissioner, P.O. Pittston, was born in Wales, January 6,1857, and is a son of William W. and Mary Harris Evans, who came to Amer-ica in 1857, locating in Pittston, this county, where they still reside. The father holds the position of superintendent of stonemasonary for the Pennsylvania Coal Company. Their children were Rachel, Evan, Henry, John, William W., Jr., and Caron. Our subject was reared in Pittston, and was educated in the public schools of that city, also in the Commercial College, Wyoming Seminar, Kingston, Pa., where he was graduated July 1,1874. From 1874 to 1887 he served as clerk and book-keeper for several of the leading mercantile establishments of Pittston and vicin-ity. He also worked in the coal breaker as slate picker, and in the mines, also in stone quarry. In 1887 he was elected one of the commissioners of Luzerne county, and re-elected for a second term in 1890, proving a popular official. Mr. Evans is a member of the Welsh Baptist Church of Pittston, the F. & A.M. and I.O.O.F., and in politics he is a stanch Republican.

H.W. Evans, truck-farmer and florist, Plains township, P.O. Plainsville, was born in Wales, april 2,1840, and is a son of William and Mary (Walters) Evans. The father, who was a weaver by trade, and later (in America) a miner, reared a family of eight children, of whom Henry W., is the fifth. Our subject came to America in 1865, followed in about a year by the rest of the family, and located in Pittston, where he was engaged in mining for five years; then removed to his present place which he owns and operates in company with his brother, Thomas J. While they do a general truck-gardening business they are probably the largest, lettuce pro-ducers in Luzerne county. In 1873-78, Mr. Evans was in Colorado, diggin for gold and prospecting. He was married June 11,1867, to Miss Mary, daughter of William and Margaret (Davies) Evans, natives of Carmarthen, South Wales, and they have six children, viz; William H., Mary E., Margaret A., Gertrude, Myvanwy and Henry W. Mr. and Mrs. Evans and their three eldest children are members of the first congregational Church of Pittston; he is a member of the Sons of Temperance, and in politics is a Prohibition Greenbacker. Mr. Evans is a friend of literature, a close observer of public issues, and is author of the "Milleanium of Money."

James H. Evans, merchant, Edwardsville. This gentleman, who ranks among the enterprising business men of his county, is a native of Dowlais, South Wales, and was bon July 9,1863, a son of William and Ann (Richards) Evans, also natives of Wales. When James was about five years old, his parents emigrated to America, locating at Johnstown, Pa., where they resided until 1872, in which year they removed to Wilkes-Barre, this county. Tarrying there about one year, they proceeded to Edwardsville. The Evans family consisted of two sons, Richard and John, besides the subject of this notice, both of whom also reside in Edwardsville. Mr. Evans began his present business in 1856, on a very small scale, and has since, by fair dealing and sound business integrity, secured a fair share of public patronage. In 1886 he was married to Miss Maggie Waters, of Larksville, this county, and their domestic life is now brightened by three intelligent little children, named, respectively, Sheldon, Nellie and Mabel. Mr. Evans and his family are members of the English Baptist Church. He is a member of the F. & A.M., I.O.O.F. and K. of P.; politically he is a Republican, has held the offices of tax collector, auditor, treasurer, and has been secretary for the Luzerne Republican County Committee. Mr. Evans is a thorough American in every respect; he is one of the best known Welsh Ameri-cans in this county.

John Evans, merchant, Peely, was born near Aberystwyth, Cardiganshire, Wales, November 21,1844, and is a son of Richard and Ann (Headley) Evans. His father who was a lumberman, reared a family of thirteen children, four of whom are living: John; David, mason and contractor, in Peely; William, graduated at Cambridge, and is keeping a high school at Aberdare, Wales; and Richard, a doctor in his native country. Our subject came to America in 1869, and located in Wilkes-Barre, where he contracted in masonry for ten years, and then engaged in the mercantile business with Williams Brothers. He removed to Peely in 1879, and built his present place some time later. Mr. Evans was married to Mary S., daughter of John and Mary A., (Roberts) Williams; they have eight children: Mary A. (Mrs. John R. Jones), Jane (Mrs. John E. Jomes), Margaretta, David C., William, Elizabeth, Richard and Lydia. Mr. Evans and family are members of the Welsh Presbyterian Church; he is a member of the I.O.O.F., K. of P. and R.S.C.F. In his political views he is a Republican, and has been postmaster since 1889; he was a member of the city council for three years during his residence in Wilkes-Barre.

John B. Evans, engineer at the Electric Light works, Wilkes-Barre, was born in Monmouthshire, England, January 27,1858, and is a son of Cornelius and Catherine (BenBow) Evans. The family came to America in 1861, and located at Pittston, Pa., where his father has since been engaged in mining. Our subject, who is the eldest in a family of ten children, nine of whom are living, began active life firing and engineering at Pittston, where he remained fifteen years; and in 1882-86, was engineering at Miners Mills; in 1884 he removed to Plains, where he was engaged as engineer at the Henry Colliery till December 24,1891, at which date he was appointed to his present position. Mr. Evans was married July 28,1880, to Ellen H., daughter of John and Jessie (McGregor) Black, natives of Scotland and Eng-land, respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Evans had four children, viz: Lena C., Ray-mond, Jessie B., and Howard (deceased). Our subject and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is class-leader and steward. Socially he is a member of the I.O.O.F.; politically he is a Republican, and in February, 1892, he was elected school director of Plains township for three years.

John D. Evans, contractor, Ashley, was born in York county, Pa., December 2, 1858, and is a son of Daniel D. and Catherine (Jones) Evans, native of Bethesda, North Wales, who came to Americal in 1842, settling in York county, Pa. They reared a numerous family, most of whom reside in Luzerne county: Jane (Mrs. Michael Jones), John E., Lizzie (Mrs. Pierec Jones), Nellie (Mrs. William Francis), Maggie (Mrs. Harry Stell), Hannah, Daniel, Ellsworth, Kate (Mrs. David Daven-port). Our subject was reared in Lehigh county, and educated in common schools. He has been a resident of Luzerne county since 1873, and was employed in the mines up to 1888, since when he has been in business as a contractor on tun-nels in the mines. Mr. Evans married June 9,1881, Jennie, daughter of John and Catherine Hughes, of Wilkes-Barre, and has four children: Jennie, Ida, Emma and Miraim. He is a member of the Welsh Congregational Church, and of the I. O.O.F.; politically he is a Republican.

John F. Evans, miner, Parsons, was born at Buck Mountain, Pa. October 8, 1852, and is a son of Joshua D. and Mary (Davis) Evans, natives of Wales. He was educated in the common school, and began working around the mines at the age of sixteen, at Providence, Pennsylvania, where he remained until the fall of 1872 when he went to Tresckow, Carbon county, where he engaged in general outside work. There he remained about five months, and then came to Plymouth, where he was plane runner, remaining there nearly a year, when he came to Parsons, and has here since resided. He has devoted his entire attention to mining, and has held various positions of trust around the mines; at present he is doing mining contract work, employing about five men. Mr. Evans was married December 12,1883, to Miss Alice, daughter of David and Ann (Govier) Jones, of Parsons. Socially he is past chief of the Improved Order of Red Men. He has served seven years in the National Guard of Pennsylvania, in Company F, Ninth Regiment and Company E, Ninth Regiment, having been orderly sergeant in the latter for five years. Politic-ally he is a Republican.

Rev. J.G. Evans, pastor, of the Pilgrim Congregational Church, was born in Carmarthenshire, South Wales, June 1,1848, and is a son of Michael and Hannah (Thomas) Evans. The subject of this sketch came to America in the year 1870, and was educated in Hudson, Ohio, where he received thorough instruction. He next went to Bangor, Me., where he continued his studies, and in 1875 was ordained as a preacher at the Welsh Congregational Church of Edwardsville, Pa. He then went to Pittston, Pa., where he was pastor of the Welsh Church for four years. In 1882, he began with others what is known in church phraseology as the English Congregational movement, and in the same year helped to organize the Puritan Church at Wilkes-Barre, and the Bethesda Church at Edwardsville, Pa., and also built the Tabernacle Church at Pittston, and the Mission Church at Exetor. This gentleman was pastor of the Bethel Congregational Church at Nanticoke, and also preached the first sermon in the Pilgrim Congregational Church at Plymouth. He was first married to Emmaline, daughter of Major John and Hannah (Smith) Farbox, natives of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Evans died in 1887. Our subject was next married to Miss Jennie, daughter of James and Rebecca (Fox) Ash, natives of Pennsylvania. Two children have blessed this latter union. Mr. Evans is an ardent supporter of the Prohibition party, and is an energetic worker in the field of temperance.

JONAH EVANS, butcher, Freeland, is a young man of integrity and strictness of business principles. He was born in South Wales, February 8, 1858 and is a son of Job and Elizabeth (DAVIS) EVANS. His father was a miner. When Jonah was two years of age his parents determined to leave their native land, and boldly struck out for this country. They located at Drifton, where his father worked in the mines. He died in 1876, after being in this country but six years. In the family there are four children: William, Bessie, Jonah and Mary. The three last named and their mother now reside at Freeland. Mr. Evans was educated in the public schools, and at Coxe's Night School, at Drifton. He worked in various capacities around the mines outside and inside, until he reached the age of seventeen, when he engaged in the butchering business, and opened a market in Freeland, where he now commands a large and profitable patronage. Besides his Freeland market, his wagons visit adjacent towns within a radius of five miles. He began business during the strike of 1885, when every industry was very much depressed, and when butchers were failing by the score. He engaged in the business with a determination not to fail, and he has succeeded. Although not an active participant in political tugs of war, Mr. Evans is identified with the Republican party.

RAYMOND P. EVANS, clerk in the Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coat Company's office, Ashley, was born in Mehoopany, Pa., November 16, 1850, and is a son of Darius W. and Ellen (RUTH) EVANS; he is a grandson of Stephen and Myra (COOPER) EVANS, and a great-grandson of Capt. John EVANS, who came from Wales to America in 1756 as a soldier in the English army; he is also a grandson of George and Sarah (SCADDEN) RUTH, natives of Pennsylvania and of German origin. In his father's family there were fourteen children, six of whom are living: Esther (Mrs. Jeremy VAN BUSKIRK), Raymond P., Charlotte (Mrs. J. R. LYNN), Mary E., (Mrs. John MCINTYRE), Jane (who lives with her father) and Carrie (Mrs. Stephen MARSDEN). Our subject was educated in the public schools of Forty Fort and in Wyoming Seminary, and then taught school five years, after which he followed lumbering in Luzerne and Wyoming counties four years, clerking in a store in Wilkes-Barre a year and a half, and in 1883 accepted his preent position. Mr. Evans was married, January 22, 1871, to Miss Harriet SCHUMAN, daughter of George SCHUMAN, of Columbia county, Pa.; they had four children, two of whom are living, Inez and Howard. Mrs. Evans died January 8, 1885, and on November 15, 1887, he was married to Mrs. Eliza J. KNAUSS, daughter of Samuel and Rebecca (JOHNSON) BLACK, and widow of John KNAUSS, by whom she had three children. The issue of this last marriage was two children, one of whom is living, Ernest D. Mr. EVANS and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is steward; he is a Republican in his political views, and is at present a member of the school board in Ashley borough.

ROBERT DAVENPORT EVANS was born in Lewisburg, Union Co., Pa., August 17, 1856. He is a great-great-grandson of Joseph EVANS who, in 1785, when Lewisburg was laid out, was a resident thereof. Beyond this fact little is known of this paternal ancestor of Mr. EVANS; but the probability is that he came from Montgomery county, Pa., and was a descendant of one of the early Welsh settlers of Pennsylvania. William EVANS, son of Joseph EVANS, and Joseph EVANS, son of Williams EVANS, as also Thompson GRAHAM EVANS, son of Joseph EVANS, were all natives of Lewisburg. Thompson G. EVANS is the father of Robert D. EVANS, and is a prominent business man in that place. The mother of the subject of our sketch, and the wife of Thompson G. EVANS, is Rhoda, daughter of the late Robert DAVENPORT, of Plymouth. He was a son of Thomas DAVENPORT, the ancestor of the now resident family in that place, who came from Orange county, N.Y., in 1794. Hon. Hendrick B. WRIGHT in his "Historical Sketches of Plymouth," says the DAVENPORTs are "of low Dutch origin." He is in error in regard to this, as the family is of English descent, and removed from New England to Orange county, N.Y., and thence to Wyoming. The wife of Robert DAVENPORT was Phoebe NESBITT, daughter of James NESBITT, JR., who was a son of James NESBITT, SR., who emigrated from Connecticut in 1760, and was one of the "Forty;" he was in the Wyoming battle and massacre, and was one of the survivors of Capt. WHITTLESEY's company. Robert D. EVANS was educated at the University of Lewisburg, and graduated in the class of 1875. He read law in Lewisburg, with the firm of LINN (J. M.) and DILL (A. H.), and was admitted to the bar of Union county, in September 1880. He then removed to Wilkes-Barre, was admitted to the bar of Luzerne county, November 15, 1880, and has been in continuous practice in that city since his admission. In 1884 he was assistant secretary of the Republican County Committee, and later, was attorney of the county commissioners of Luzerne county, in which position he performed his duties well, to the satisfaction of the commissioners, and the profit of the county.

SAMUEL T. EVANS, Wilkes-Barre, brakeman on the Pennsylvania Railroad, was born in Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., Pa., March 1, 1862, a son of George F. and Sarah A. (TRANSUE) EVANS, and is of French, German and Scotch descent. His paternal ancestor in this country came from Holland (where he was married), and settled in New York State; he was a soldier of the Revolution, died at Wolf Hollow, Pa., and is buried in Stroudsburg. Grandfather Samuel EVANS was born at Stroudsburg, was killed at Ashley Plains, and is buried in the city cemetery at Wilkes-Barre; his wife was Mary FELKER, of German parentage. The maternal grandfather, Abram TRANSUE, was a native of Shawnee, Monroe Co., Pa., a son of Elias TRANSUE, a native of France, and a popneer of Shawnee. The father of our subject was born at Stroudsburg; was a brick contractor and cabinet maker in early life, later engaging in farming; he died in Wyoming county, Pa., and is buried in Overfield Green Cemetery, in Meshoppen, that county. Our subject was reared in Luzerne county, and received his education in the public schools, and at Factoryville Seminary. He began life as a clerk in a grocery story, but turning his attention to the science of electricity, he became an electrician, and built the Wilkes-Barre and Suburban Electric Railroad, on which he served nine years. Since July, 1891, he has held his present position with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. On march 6, 1883, Mr. Evans was married to Ida MOYER, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and they have three children: Ruth, Samuel Le Roy and Ida Grace. Mrs. Evans died November 22, 1889, and is buried in Holland Back Cemetery, Wilkes-Barre.

PROFESSOR THOMAS EVANS, principal of the public schools at South Heberton, is a native of Llanfair-Caereinion, Montgomery county, North Wales, and was born August 1, 1845. He is a son of David and Mary EVANS, both natives of North Wales, the former of whom was a painter and plumber. The father died August 6, 1856, at the age of fifty-seven years, and the mother in 1874, at the age of sixty-seven years. When Thomas was about three weeks old his parents removed to LLanfyllin, where he was reared. He was educated at Carnarvon College, where he was graduated in the class of 1865. He immediately engaged in teaching, which profession he followed in his native land ten years. In 1876 he came to America to attend the Centennial, and by chance came to Foster township, where he has since been engaged in teaching, much to the satisfaction of all those who are interested in the welfare of our public school system. Mr. Evans is an instructor whose competency has been well demonstrated by his work. He was united in marriage in 1878 with Miss Elizabeth POWELL, second daughter of William POWELL, (SR.), superintendent of mining. There have been born to Prof. and Mrs. EVANS five children, viz.: Thomas, Jr., Lizzie, William, Mary and Beatrice. Our subject is a member of the Improved Order of Red Men, and the family are members of the English Baptist Church.

THOMAS F. EVANS, assistant foreman, Harwood Slope No. 5, Harwood Mines, Pa. This capable mine-boss was born in Monmouthshire, South Wales, March 16, 1851, and is a son of Richard and Mary (WILLIAMS), also natives of Wales, who came to America in 1851, and settled at Beaver Meadows, Pa. The subject of this sketch is the sixth in a family of nine children. After a short sojourn at Beaver Meadows, the family removed to Scranton, where the children were reared. Thomas F. began, as all miners do, by picking slate and doing general work connected with mining. In 1868 he was assistant foreman at River Slope, Scranton, where he remained one year. He then removed to Tresckow, where he worked as a car runner one year, then came to Harwood Mines as inside stable-boss, in which capacity he served sixteen years, and in November, 1891, he was given the position of assistant inside foreman at No. 5 Harwood Mines. In the art of mining, Mr. EVANS is well informed, and is capable of filling any position about the mines. On August 18, 1872, he was married to Miss Katie BETTS, of Tresckow, Pa., and three children were born to this union, namely: William M., Richard J. (deceased), and Thomas. Mr. EVANS is a member of the I.O.O.F. and K of M. The family are members of the Baptist Church.

THOMAS M. EVANS, engaged in Company work at the Oakwood Mine, Miners Mills, was born in Breckonshire, South Wales, October 10, 1847, and is a son of Evan M. and Mary (WILLIAMS) EVANS, the former of whom was a greengrocer. They reared a family of twelve children, six of whom are living, and Thomas M. is the fourth, and the only one in America. Our subject began working in the mines at the age of six years, and had made that the occupation of his life. He came to America in 1869, and was engaged in mining at North Point, Pa., six weeks; Ashland, twenty months, and Mill Creek, three years. Then, in 1874, he reutned to his native country, where he also worked in the mines five years, after which he again came to America, locating at Miners Mills. Mr. EVANS was married September 9, 1872, to Miss Mary, daughter of Joseph and Frances PARRY, the formed of whom died in Australia, the latter in Wales; she came to America in 1870. The fruit of this union has been eight children, two of whom are living, viz.: Evan M. and Jenkin. Mr. and Mrs. EVANS are members of the Welsh Presbyterian and Welsh Congregational Churches, respectively; he is a member of the Ivorites, and his son, Evan M., is a member of the Sons of Temperance. In politics the family is Republican. In 1889 Mr. Evans purchased his present residence.

THOMAS R. EVANS, general inside foreman, Parrish Mines, Plymouth, is a native of Caermarthenshire, South Wales, born October 10, 1842, a son of David W. and Ann (RICHARDS) EVANS, also natives of Wales. Our subject was reared and educated in Glamorganshire, Wales, and quite early in life learned the moulder's trade, which he followed for five years. He then engaged in mining, which he followed in his native country until 1866, in which year he came to America, locating at Swatara, Pa., and engaging in mining at that place, remaining there until 1868, when he came to Plymouth , and began work at the Gaylord Mine, then at the Jersey, operated by the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Company. He remained at these places until 1875, when he went to the Nottingham, working there as fire-boss and assistant inside foreman until May 7, 1884, when he accepted the position of genereal inside foreman at the Parrish Colliery, which position he has since creditably filled. He has under his charge about 400 men, and the average daily output of coal is 1,200 tons. Mr. EVANS was united in marriage May 26, 1869, with Elizabeth W., daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (BRARETON) PARRY, natives of Brecknockshire, Wales. Ten children have been born to this union, viz.: Joseph P., Annie J., Lillie M. (deceased), Arthur (deceased), David R., Elmer (deceased), Edwin (deceased), Milton R., Lillian (deceased) and Leroy (deceased). Mr. EVANS is a Republican and a member of the following orders: Ivorites, I.O.O.F., and Knights of Honor. The family attend the Welsh Presbyterian Church.

THOMAS R. EVANS, florist, Wilkes-Barre, was born March 1, 1845, in South Wales. His father, Thomas E. EVANS, was also a native of that place. Mr. EVANS came to Wilkes-Barre June 18, 1886, and secured employment in the Blackman Mines, at Ashley. He was a most expert miner, and speedily secured more remunerative employment in the Stanton Colliery, of the Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal Company. He left the mines three years ago to engage in the culture of flowers. Mr. EVANS is an expert horticulturist and florist, and is on a fair way to build up an extensive business. He was married July 16, 1872, to Miss Annie HUGHES, a native of South Wales.

WILLIAM EVANS, proprietor of the "North Branch Hotel," Wilkes-Barre, was born in Pottsville, Schuylkill Co., Pa., January 24, 1846, and is a son of Daniel and Sarah (JONES) EVANS, natives of Wales, who came to America in 1842, and located in Pottsville, Pa., where the father worked as a miner four years; thence proceeded to Middleport, Schuylkill Co., where he resided until 1852, in which year he was accidentally drowned. His children were four in number: Margaret (Mrs. Daniel DANIELS), Daniel, William and Alfred. Our subject was reared in Pennsylvania and educated in the common schools. He worked in the mines of the anthracite region, fifteen years, and in January, 1871, located in Wilkes-Barre, where he has since been the owner and proprietor of the "North Branch Hotel." Mr. EVANS is a member of the I.O.O.F. and I.O.R.M.; in politics he is a Republican.

WILLIAM B. EVANS, proprietor of the "EVANS' Hotel," Edwardsville, is a native of Caermarthenshire, South Wales, born July 29, 1845, and is a son of William and Rachel (DAVIES) EVANS. He was educated in his native land, and in 1864 emigrated to America, locating at Pittston, Pa., where he was engaged in mining, and where he remained nearly four years, when he removed to Plymouth and embarked in the hotel business. After residing in the last named place about three years, he went to California, and engaged in gold, silver and coal mining in various places in that State, during which time he made San Francisco his headquarters. In 1874 he returned to Luzerne county and located in Wilkes-Barre, where he again entered the hotel business, which he followed in that city for ten years, at the end of which time he removed to Edwardsville, and opened his present popular "EVANS' Hotel," where he has deservedly won the patronage of the traveling public. Mr. EVANS belongs to a family of considerable note in American history, as his mother was a niece of John ADAMS. He married, for his first wife, Margaret DAVIES, of Caermarthenshire, South Wales, by whom he had two children, viz.: Thomas, a clerk in New York City, and Rachel (deceased). The mother of this family dying, Mr. EVANS was married in February, 1882, to May Ann, daughter of William MORGANS, of Parsons, Pa., and they have two children: Elizabeth and Oliver Cromwell. In his political preferences Mr EVANS is a Republican.

W. D. EVANS, wholesale and retail dealer in cigars and tobacco. This gentleman, who is among the active and successful young business men of Pittston, was born in that town December 17, 1855, and is a son of Henry and Elizabeth (HOWELL) EVANS, both natives of Wales. His parents came to the United States in 1844, first located at Carbondale, Pa., where the father was engaged in mercantile business. In 1857 he removed to Pittston, and became a member of the firm of Charles LAW and Co., a large dry-goods concern in that city. he was connected with that firm until his death, in 1864. Mr. EVANS was one of the pioneer citizens of Pittston, and to such men as he the city owes its growth and prosperity. He was always active in all measures tending to the advancement of the interests of his adopted city. As a business man he was eminently successful, and his clear and penetrating business ideas made sure the success of any venture he might have the control of. He was past master of St. John's Lodge, F.& A.M., and past grand of Carbondale Lodge, I.O.O.F. He was a charter member and on of the organizers of St. James Episcopal Church of Pittston. He had a family of four children, viz.: Louis H., a salesman for A.J. MEDLAR and Co., of Philadelphia; W.D.; Mary Jeannette; John Howell, deceased. Our subject passed his boyhood in Pittston, and was educated in the public schools of that city, also in private schools of Wilkes-Barre and the Wyoming Seminary. At the age of twenty he entered upon his business career, embarking in the grocery business, being associated with D. B. SHELLY. He was in this business one year and sold his interest, and, with Mr. HAGEDORN as partner, embarked in the wholesale tobacco and cigar business, occupying the store rooms at present occupied by himself and the one occupied by H. RUGGLES. Mr. HAGEDORN retired in 1890, and Mr. EVANS has continued the business. He was united in marriage with Agnes MCDOUGALL, a daughter of John MCDOUGALL, a former merchant of Pittston. Mr. EVANS has been manager of the Music Hall since 1880, and it is to his good taste and management that the theater-goers owe the first-class entertainment that this Opera House offers to the public. Mr. EVANS is a member of Valley Lodge, No. 409, F.& A.M., and is past master of the same; and is past high priest of Pittston Chapter, No. 242, R.A.M. He is a member of Trinity Church of West Pittston. Politically, he has cast his lot with, and is a stanch worker for the interests of the Republican party. He was tax receiver for Pittston borough for the years 1888, 1889 and 1890, and on September 6, 1892, at the Republican convention held at Wilkes-Barre, he was nominated for sheriff of Luzerne county.

WILIIAM T. EVANS is a member of the firm on HILL & EVANS, the leading hardware dealers of Nanticoke. They deal in all the branches and specialties of the trade, giving special attention to plumbing, in which they do an extensive business. Mr. EVANS was born in Tresckow, Carbon Co., Pa., May 22, 1871, and is a son of Owen R. and Margaret (ROSSER) EVANS, natives of Wales. When his parents came to this country, they located in Schuylkill county, Pa., where they remained about seventeen years; then removed to Carbon county, and here have since resided. Our subject was educated in the common schools of Carbon county, and at the age of thirteen engaged as door-tender in the mines. He followed mining until he was about seventeen, when he came to Nanticoke and learned the plumber's trade, serving his apprenticeship with R.W. THOMAS. After completing his trade he entered the employ of the WELLEBER Hardware Company, where he remained three years, and in January, the present firm, of which he is a member,was formed, since when they have had a constantly increasing trade. Mr. EVANS is an enterprising young man, and is much respected by all who know him.

JOHN EVARTS, farmer, P.O. Hunlock Creek, was born in New Haven, Conn., in 1844, a son of John and Lucy (STEVENS) EVARTS, both of whom were born in Connecticut. They removed from that State to Wayne county, Pa., when their son John was six months old. The father died when the son was very young, and the mother married again; she reared a family of eight children by both marriages, John being the fourth in order of birth by the first. Our subject was reared and educated in Wayne county, and always followed agricultural pursuits. He entered the army in 1864, enlisting in Company F, Ninety-seventh P.V.I., for one year, served faithfully during the term of service, and was honorably discharged. On his return from the army he located in Plymouth township, where he and his brother Simeon purchased a farm of one hundred acres of unimproved land, and by hard toil, and close application to business, they have succeeded in making the forest "to blossom as the rose," having now forty acres under the plough. They are practical farmers and good citizens. John EVARTS married, May 28, 1871, Miss Emma T., daughter of Joseph NEVEL, and eight children have been born to them, as follows: Joseph, Alfred, Girtie, Myrtle, Ada, Arthur, James and Susan, all yet living. Mrs. EVARTS was born in Ross township in 1854. Mr. EVARTS is a member of the G.A.R.; his religious belief is that known as "Christian Science." Politically he is a Republican.

WILSON EVELAND, carpenter, Plymouth. This skillful young mechanic was born June 30, 1863, in Luzerne county, Pa., and is the youngest in the family of ten children of John and Clarissa (MARR) EVELAND, also natives of Luzerne county, and among the pioneer families of this historic Valley. Our subject was educated in the public schools of his native place, was reared on a farm, and followed agricultural pursuits until 1882, when he began carpenter work at Berwick, Pa., remaining there two years, and then going to Hazleton, same state. Here he worked at his trade until 1888, when he came to Plymouth and entered the employ of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, with whom he has since been engaged. Mr. EVELAND was united in marriage, in 1886, with Rosa, daughter of John and Mary FINK, natives of Plymouth, and one child has blessed this union, named Earl, born in August, 1888. Mr. EVELAND is a Republican in politics, and is a member of the P.O.S. of A. The family attend the Methodist Episcopal Church.

GEORGE EVERHARD, retired merchant, Inkerman, was born in Carbondale, Lackawanna Co., Pa., March 25, 1830, and is a son of William and Martha (WALLACE) EVERHARD, who were of Puritan New England origin. They had a family of six children, of whom George is third in order of birth. Our subject was educated in the common schools, and learned the trade of upholsterer and cabinet maker. He worked at his trade in Carbondale, and in 1855, by his industry, was enabled to go into business for himself. In 1869 he sold out to good advantage, and removed to Pittston, where he went into the furniture business again, from which he retired in 1885. Mr. EVERHARD was united in marriage, May 12, 1855, with Jane, daughter of Isaiah and Mary A. (HENDERSON) TASKER, natives of Carbondale, and of English extraction. In his political preferments, our subject is a Republican.

Andrew S. EVERT, store manager and postmaster, Lattimer Mines. This thorough business man was born June 10, 1855, at Lithopolis, Ohio, and is the son of John and Julia (GRARER) EVERT, the former a native of Virginia, and the latter of Pennsylvania. He was reared and educated in Luzerne County, where the family located when he was but a child. After receiving a good business training, he worked in a sawmill for a period of nine years. In 1882 he engaged with A. PARDUE & Co., of Hazleton, as entry clerk, in which incumbency he remained six years. In 1888, he was given full charge of the company’s store at Lattimer Mines, which position he now occupies. In January, 1892, he was appointed by Postmaster General WANAMAKER, postmaster at Lattimer Mines. Our subject has been twice married, first to Miss Lillian KOHL, of White Haven, PA, who died in 1884 leaving two children, Ruth and Lillian. On February 18, 1887, Mr. Evert married Miss Lillian DOUBT, of Hazleton, PA. The subject of this sketch has, by his own efforts, succeeded in placing himself at the head of the list as a competent and energetic business man.


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