Dr-Dy Surnames
History of Luzerne County, Pa.,
by H.C. Bradsby, 1893
William DRURY, merchant, Pittston, is a native of Bristol, England, a son of George and Ann (Brown) Drury, the former of whom was a carpenter and builder. They reared a family of five children, three of whom came to America. In early life our subject followed clerking in a grocery store in London. In March, 1871, he located in Pittston and entered the employ of J.L. Morgan, with whom he remained until April 1, 1885, when he embarked in the grocery business on his own account in which he has successively continued, having trebled his trade since he began business. On February 21, 1869, Mr. Drury married Sarah Davis, of Wales, and has six children living: Sarah, William, George, Hannah, John and Annie, the two former being employed in their father’s store as a bookkeeper and bill-clerk, respectively. Mr. Drury is a member of the St. John’s Lodge, F. & A. M., K. of P., Falling Spring Lodge, K. of S.D., Keystone Lodge No. 4, R.A. Pittston Division, K. of G. C. Anthracite Commandery. He is a member of the M.E. Church and the Y.M.C.A. and in politics, he is a Republican.
George B. DUBOIS, veterinary surgeon, Wilkes-Barre, was born in Susquehanna County, Pa., May 15, 1863, and is a son of henry and Harriet (Dougherty) DuBois, of French and Irish descent, respectively. He received an academical education and in 1883 began the study of veterinary surgery with Dr. Sitterly, of Scranton. The same year he entered the Ontario Veterinary College at Toronto, Ontario, Canada, where he graduated in 1887, in the fall of which year he located in Wilkes-Barre, where he has since been in the active practice of his profession, and has succeeded in building up a large and lucrative business in the city and surrounding towns. Mr. DuBois married, in April 1887, Anna, daughter of William and Emma Onsted, of New York City. To this union have been born two children: Thomas H. and ray. Dr. DuBois is a member of the Pennsylvania State Veterinary Medical Association. In politics, he is a democrat.
Patrick J. DUDDY, justice of the peace and miner, Plaines, was born in Ballinroise County, Mayo, Ireland, and is the second of the three children of Martin and Catherine (Hassin) Duddy. He came to America in 1865, and located in Mahanoy City, Pa., but in 1866 he removed to Plains, where he has since resided. Mr. Duddy was married, February 9, 1868, to Miss Susanna, daughter of Hugh and Margaret (Jones) Dougherty, natives of County Mayo, Ireland, and they have had twelve children, as follows: Catherine, born September 6, 1861, Margaret, born December 25, 1872, Mary Jane, born April 10, 1874; Lizzie, born July 10, 1875, Susan, born January 29, 1878 and died January 8, 1879; Ellen, born November 24, 1879; John, born October 3, 1881 and died March 17, 1883; Charles, born September 12, 1882; Thomas, born August 16, 1884, Rose, born June 4, 1886; Frances, born October 28, 1888, and Augusta, born October 28, 1890. Mr. Duddy and family are members of the Catholic Church, he is a member if the Father Matthew Temperance Society and the A.O.H.; in politics, he is a Democrat and has held the office of school director two terms, treasurer one term, and is now serving his second term as justice of peace.
Thomas F. DUDDY, miner, Plains, was born in Staffordshire, England, May 23, 1860 and is a son of Michael and Bridget (Karrige) Duddy, natives of Ireland and now residing in Plains. The father came to America in 1864 and located in Schuylkill County, Pa., where he engaged in mining. His family consisted of eleven children, nine of whom are living, and of them Thomas F. is the second. Our subject received a common school education and at an early age began working about the mines. In 1883 he commenced mining which he has since followed. Mr. Duddy was married September 30, 1883, to Miss Annie, daughter of Patrick and Norah (Coine) Duffy, natives of County Galway, Ireland, and they have four children living, viz.: Norah, Mary, Catherine and Sarah. Our subject and family are members of the Catholic Church. He is a member of the A.O.H. and the nationalist; politically he is a Democrat and has held the office of register assessor in Plains Township.
John DUGAN, proprietor of "Dugan’s Restaurant," Plains, was born in County Armagh, Ireland, May 20, 1847, and is a son of Mark and Mary (Naugher) Dugan, the former of whom was a farmer. They reared a family of nine children, of whom John is the forth. In 1861, the family came to Canada, where the father died and John remained there a few months after his father’s death. He then went to Ireland and Scotland, remaining away about four years, after which he returned to the United States, and coming to Plains, this county, engaged in running pumps in the mines and firing outside. In 1887, he embarked in his present business. Mr. Dugan married Mary A., daughter of James and Betsy (Creary) McCormmick, and by her had three children: Mary, mark and Bessie. For his second wife, Mr. Dugan married Margaret Farrel, daughter of Edward and Bridget (Gibbon) Farrel, and by this union there are two children: Allen and John. Mr. Dugan and family are members of the Catholic Church. He is a member of the A.O.H. and in politics he has always given his support to the cause of the Democracy.
Thomas M. DULLARD, county commissioner, was born in County of Durham, England, in 1854, and is of Irish parentage. In 1869 he came to America, and followed the occupation of miner. In 1878 he visited his parents in England, and in 1879, he brought them to America, and settled in Plains, this county. Mr. Dullard is a skilled miner, has always taken an active interest in labor movements and held several prominent positions in labor organizations. In 1885 he was elected president of the Miners & Laborers Amalgamatic Association of Luzerne and Lackawanna Counties, and in 1889 was organizer of the Knights of Labor. Mr. Dullard has taken an active part in politics, was elected a judge of election in 1888, and in 18890 was appointed alderman of the Sixteenth ward of Wilkes-Barre. In November 1890, he was elected one of the county commissioners of Luzerne County. He is an all-around athlete of some note, having won numerous prizes at handball playing; is also an author of several popular songs and poems on Irish liberty. In military, he holds the rank of major in the Irish Military Union of the United States. In 1889 he was married to Miriam E. Goerlity, of Wilkes-Barre.
Robert DUNN, outside foreman at No. 4 Colliery, Jeansville. This genial and intelligent gentleman was born in nova Scotia, March 5, 1839, and is the eldest in a family of seven children born to Robert and Margaret (Wilson) Dunn, the former a native of Scotland, the latter of Nova Scotia. The family resided at Beaver Meadows, when the subject of this sketch was an infant and later when he was thirteen years of age removed to Egypt, N.C., where he was reared and educated. He was an engineer at that place until 1865, when he came to Audenried, Carbon County, Pa., and operated a pair of hoisting engines for five years. In 1871, he went back to North Carolina and ran a steamer on the Cape Fear River for two years. In 1882, he returned to Audenried and secured a position as foreman at No. 5 Colliery, under the Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Company. He remained there until 1891, when he came to Jeansville, and took his present position under J.C. Hayden & Co. He was united in marriage, March 8, 1860, to Elizabeth A.C., daughter of David and Christian (McIntosh) Wicker, natives of North Carolina. Nine children have been born to this union, namely: Robert D., Christian (deceased), Jessie, Margaret R. E., Lee (deceased), James W., Thomas, Blanch and Edgar. Mr. Dunn votes the Republican ticket, and is an adherent of the Presbyterian Church.
P.H. DURKIN, miner, Port Blanchard, was born in Port Griffith, this county, February 28, 18- and is a son of peter and Winifred (Hannigen) Durkin, natives of County Mayo, Ireland, who came to the United States in 1847, and settled in Luzerne County, Pa., in 1851. They reared a family of ten children, of whom P.H. is the eldest. Our subject received his education in the common schools, and in 1867 went to work in the mines, first as a slate-picker, then as a driver, in 1875 he was weighmaster; in 1876 a laborer, and in 1881 he was employed in his present occupation, that of miner, by the Pennsylvania Coal Company. From 1885 until 1889, inclusive, he served his District and his fellow workmen, faithfully and well, as their representative in the State Legislature. Mr. Durkin was united in marriage January 21, 1891, with Cassie, daughter of Patrick and Catharine (Rielly) Flanaghan, natives of County Mayo, Ireland, and they have been blessed with one child, Mary, born October 22, 1891. Our subject is a member of the Roman Catholic Church, and in politics is a Democrat. In addition to having served as a representative, Mr. Durkin acted as clerk of the board of auditors in 1887-88; and school director from 1881 to 1887.
Thomas DURKIN, miner, Kingston, was born in County Sligo, Ireland, in March 1842, and is a son of Miles and Mary (Howley) Durkin, both of whom were born, reared and educated in the same place, where they passed their entire lives. Their family consisted of eight children, seven of whom are living. Thomas is the third in the family and emigrated to this country in 1861, locating in Ontario County, N.Y., where he remained three years in the employ of a farmer, and afterward spent one year in a malt house. In 1865, he removed to Kingston, where he engaged as a miner for the Kingston Coal Company, in which business he has continued ever since. He has worked twenty-seven years underground, and in all that time has never met with any accident, something remarkable for a miner of so many years experience. He is a man of sober habits, honest and industrious, and by hard labor and economy, has accumulated a neat and handsome property, on which he has resided for twenty-two years. He is a member of the Emerald Association. On January 31, 1868, Mr. Dunkin married Miss Barbara, daughter of Anthony and Barbara Mullen, and to them have been born eleven children, ten of whom are living: John, Matthew, James, Anthony, Mary A., William, Miles, Edward, Lauretta and Barbara, all of whom live at home. They are all members of the Roman Catholic Church and politically they are democrats. John and Matthew are members of the Saint Aleysius Society.
Denton D. DURLAND, farmer, Wyoming borough, was born August 10, 1843, in Franklin Township, a son of James E. and Adeline (Smith) Durland, natives of new Jersey, of English origin. They reared a family of three children, of whom our subject was the second in order in birth, and is the only one now living; he was educated in the common schools and the Wyoming Institute, and began life at the age of nineteen as a farm hand, which he followed for about a year. He was then drafted into the U.S. Army and served four months as clerk for a sulter, when he was discharged from the service and came to Wilkes-Barre. He then rented his father-in-laws farm, and worked the same for fourteen years, and is now farming on land owned by his wife. He was married February 1, 1863, to Emaret M. Daughter of William S. and Maria S. (Tripp) Shoemaker, who were natives of Pennsylvania, and of English origin. This union was blessed with four children, viz.: Fred S. born November 3, 1865, a carpenter at Wyoming; Jennie M., born Febraruy 17, 1869, Grace, born October 5, 1871 (Mrs. W.B. Sommers); and Stanley H., born May 6, 1880, attending the Wyoming high school. Mrs. Durland is a member of the Episcopal Church. Mr. Durland is a member of the I.O.O.F.; in politics he is a sound democrat, and has been supervisor of Kingston Township for two terms.
Henry M. DURLAND, carpenter and contractor, Wyoming borough, was born March 5, 1847, and is a son of William and Lena (Phillips) Durland, natives of Pennsylvania and of English and Irish origin, respectively, the former of whom is a carpenter by occupation, now living in Phillipsburg, Kans. They reared a family of three children, henry M., being the youngest. Our subject was educated in the common schools, and at the age of fourteen began life for himself as a general workman, which occupation he followed four years; then learned the carpenter’s trade, at which he has since continued. He was married, June 24, 1875, to Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Barnes) Lamon, and by her he has one child, Bertha R. This wife died, and Mr. Duland was married May 7, 1884, to Ophelia, daughter of James and Mary (Shaver) Drake, natives of Pennsylvania, and of English origin. Mrs. Durland is a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Durland is one of the leading carpenters of the borough, he is a sound Democrat, and enjoys the respect of a large circle of friends. In 1882, he built his comfortable dwelling where he now resides.
Charles DUSHEK, hotel proprietor, Freeland, was born in Bohemia, Austria, December 31, 1844. He received a military education, and at the age of sixteen years entered the Austrian army. After serving one year as a cadet, he was commissioned first lieutenant, and served fourteen years. He was in active service during the Austrian-Italian war, and the Austrian and Danish war, also in the war with Germany, and received two medals of Honor for services in the battles at Koenigsee and Korniggratz. As a distinguished soldier few men can claim the honors of war which crown Charles Dushek’s military record. He was under fire seventeen times, and today, although apparently a young, robust man, his body bears the scars received in many a conflict. At the battle of Koenignee, Schleswig-Holstein, in 1864, he received two deep sahre gashes on the breast, and at the battle of Koeniggratz, he received two gun shot wounds, on in the side, and the other in the left foot, also one shrapnel splinter in the left leg. At the close of his long military service he was appointed postmaster, and served eight years, or until 1879, in which year he came to this country, locating in New York. He was employed as salesman for a time, and then moved to Hazleton, this county, where he was engaged as a clerk until 1882; then came to Freeland, and here clerked also about two years, at the end of which time, he embarked in his present business. Mr. Dushek’s interests are not confined to the hotel alone, for he is manager of St. Mary’s corporative store, and a director of the Citizens Bank of Freeland. He was married in 1871, to Miss Ludmilla Kavecky, and they have four children, viz.: Julius (a student at St. Francis College, Loretto, Pa.), Tillis, john and Otto. Mr. Dushek is a member of the I.O.O.F. and many other Societies. In politics, he is a Democrat.
James DYMOND, farmer, P.O. Orange, was born May 1, 1850, reared and educated in Franklin Township. He is the son of Elihu and Nancy (Bates) Dymond, the former born in Franklin Township, the latter in England. Elihu was the son of Matthew, who was of Dutch descent, and one of the very early settlers of the county. He was a farmer and lived all his life in this and Wyoming counties, in various townships. He was a worthy man and a patriotic citizen. He served two terms in the army, displaying courage and coolness in time of danger, thus showing his willingness to fight, suffer, or even die for his country. He was honorably discharged, and again returned to agricultural pursuits. His family consisted of thirteen children, by two marriages, eight of whom are now (1892) living. James is the fourth in order of birth by the first marriage; he has always confined himself to farming, and has lived most of his life in this county. In January 1879, he was married to Miss Martha, daughter of Francis and Lydia Cook. There were seven children born to this union, six of whom are living: Nancy J., Alpha C., Urbane, Lydia B., Ernest L., and Mary A. He has been living on his present place, a fine farm of ninety acres, since 1886. He is a practical farmer and an honest and industrious man. He has held several offices in the town, and is now serving as constable.
Joseph DYMOND, farmer, P.O. Lockville, Wyoming County, was born in Exeter Township, August 24, 1830, where he was reared and educated. He is a son of Joseph and Mary (Booth) Dymond, the former of whom was born in this county in its early settlement. He was one of its first pioneers, and did much for the growth and development of civilization. He lived to a ripe old age, and reared an interesting family. His son, Joseph, began life in Exeter Township as a farmer, on a farm of ninety-three acres. Like his father, he was a hard working and industrious man, and possessed considerable influence in the township, where he was honored with several offices of trust. He was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and his life, through uneventful, was fraught with good to all. He lived to be sixty years of age, and reared a family, all of whom grew to maturity, and eight of whom are now living. Joseph is the fifth in the family. He was always confined himself to farming, and has passed all his life in this county. He lived at home until his marriage, May 19, 1861, with Miss Matilda, daughter of Morehouse and Hannah Smith. To this union were born nine children, six of whom are now living; Wilbur, Hannah, Joseph, Zackariah, Harrison N., and Calvin. In 1861, Mr. Dymond removed to his present residence, a farm of 14 acres, which he has improved in every respect. He has erected a fine new house and commodious barn. Mr. Dymond is a practical farmer and a man of some influence in his neighborhood; he has been honored with several township offices.
Luther DYMOND, farmer, Lockville, Wyoming County, was born in Exeter Township, August 25, 1822, a son of Joseph and Mary (Booth) Dymond, the former born in this county, the latter in Ulster County, N.Y. Joseph is a son of John and Mary (Lauson) Dymond, both of whom were natives of Connecticut, and the first settlers in this county, locating first in Keelersburgn, now Wyoming County; from there he removed to Sickler’s Hill, where he remained for a number of years, and finally removed to his grandson’s present residence, Dymond Hollow, where he occupied a farm of 150 acres of unimproved land, thirty-five of which he cleared. He was a hard-working man of pure principles, and a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He lived to be one hundred years of age, his wife to be one hundred and four. His son, Joseph, resided on the old homestead in Dymond Hollow until he was of age, and then went to New York State where he married; after two years’ absence, he returned to Dymond Hollow, where he remained until his death, which occurred in 1857, when he was aged sixty-two years. He reared a family of nine children, eight of whom are living. He was a man of muscular frame, who toiled late and early for the improvement of his farm, and the onward march of civilization and Christianization of his country. He was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a Whig in politics. Luther, his son, began life in Dymond Hollow, where he was reared and educated, and always confined himself to farming. On October 4, 1856, he was married to Miss Rebecca, daughter of Samuel and Susanna Snell, and by this union were born nine children, seven of whom are now living: Joseph, Samuel, Abraham, Daniel, Luther, Phebe, and Rebecca. Of these, Joseph married Miss Emily Seitzer; Abraham married Miss Lizzie Jackson; Luther married Miss Minnie Jackson, and Rebecca married Corey Van Tyle. Mr. Luther Dymond is a hard working, honest, and upright man who from a small beginning with a farm of thirty acres, has by economy and prudence, kept clearing, beautifying and adding to his farm acre after acre, until he now owns 180 acres, in good condition, and all accomplished by his own hands. He is a general and practical farmer, and looks well to the latest improvements in his calling. He is a republican in politics, and has held several town offices with credit. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he is a local preacher, and has been a member forty years, and class leader for twenty-eight years.
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