Di - Dr Surnames

History of Luzerne County, Pa.,

by H.C. Bradsby, 1893

George T. DICKOVER, of the firm of W. Dickover & Son, brick manufacturers and contractors, Wilkes-Barre, was born in that city January 28, 1849, and is a son of William and Elizabeth J. (olver) Dickover, and comes of Revolutionary stock, his paternal great grandfather having been a soldier in that war. His paternal grandfather, George Dickover, formerly of Lancaster County, Pa, was a pioneer of Wilkes-Barre, a bricklayer and plasterer by trade, and resided there until his death. His wife was Catharine Rymer, by whom he had nine children: George, Elizabeth (Mrs. Peter Stroh), William, Catharine (Mrs. A.B. Sands), John, Charles, Louisa (Mrs. Miles Barman), Mary (Mrs. Oscar Lewis), and Henry. The father of subject was a native of Wilkes-Barre, and still resides there at this writing (1891), aged seventy-two. He also was a bricklayer by trade, which occupation he followed for many years; for twenty-two years he has been a manufacturer of brick, and engaged in contracting about forty years. His wife was a daughter of john Olver, of Wayne county, Pa., by whom he had seven children: Maria, C. Lavina (Mrs. H.L. Moore), George T., Sarah, Abi, Helen and Hattie (Mrs. John Howell.) Our subject was reared and educated in Wilkes-Barre, where he has always resided. He learned the bricklayer’s trade under his father, which he followed for many years, as well as superintending contracts for both his father and himself. Since 1873 he has been in partnership with his father. They manufacture about three million of brick annually, and give employment from twenty-five to fifty hands. Our subject married, on April 25, 1883, Frances, daughter of Richard and Deborah (Harrison) Stockton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. By this union there were five children- three living: Georgie A., William S., and Gertrude M., and two dead: Helen O. and Harold R. Mr. Dickover is an enterprising and well-known citizen of Wilkes-Barre. In politics he is a Republican.

William DICKOVER, contractor and brick manufacturer, Wilkes-Barre, was born in that city, December 15, 1819, a son of George and Catherine (Reimer) Dickover. His father was a native of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, a son of a Revolutionary Soldier, and a mason by trade. About the year 1810, he settled in Wilkes-Barre, where he resided until his death. His wife was a daughter of henry Reiner, of Luzerne County, Pa., and by her he had nine children: Henry, George, Elizabeth (Mrs. Peter Stroh), William, Catherine (Mrs. Amos Sands), Louisa (Mrs. Miles Barman), John, Charles and Mary (Mrs. Oscar Lewis). Our subject was reared in Luzerne County where he has always resided. He learned the bricklayer’s and plasterer’s trades, and since 1850 has been a prominent contractor in that line of business; since 1871 he ahs been engaged in the manufacture of brick. In 1841 he married Elizabeth, daughter of John and Sarah (Aunger) Oliver, of Wayne County, Pa., and by her has had four children: Maria, Lavinia (Mrs. H.L. Moore), George T., and Hattie H. (Mrs. J.B. Howell). Mr. Dickover , with one exception, is the oldest native-born citizen of the borough of Wilkes-Barre. He is member of the M.E. Church and I.O.O.F. Politically he is a Republican, and has served three terms as poor director for the central district of Luzerne County.

Hiram DIETRICK, shoemaker and notion dealer, Shickshinny, was born at Orangeville, Columbia County, Pa., December 19, 1841, a son of Conrad and Anna M. Dietrick. His paternal grandfather, John Dietrick, a native of Northampton County, Pa., was a resident of Hollenback Township, this county, and in later life resided in Shickshinny, where he died. Conrad Dietrick was a boat builder; in 1848 he located in Shickshinny, where he followed his vocation until his death, which occurred in 1880. His children were Rebecca A. (Mrs. John J. Kline), Emanuel, Elijah (who was killed near Uniontown, Va., in a skirmish during the Civil war), Hiram, Penina (Mrs. William Wright), Lavina (Mrs. Alexander Good), John F., Charles W. and Sarah E. (twins), Lydia and Eliza (twins, the former the wife of Jacob Stackhouse) and Amanda M. Our subject was reared in Shickshinny from seven years of age, and received a public school education. He served an apprenticeship of two years at the shoemaker’s trade, and also learned boat building. On July 15, 1861, Mr. Dietrick enlisted in Company F. Seventh Pennsylvania Reserves and served three years, a part of the time on detached duty, commissary department, in the army of the Potomac, and was honorably discharged in June, 1864. Since the war he was in the employ of G.W. and L. Search, of Shickshinny, eleven years and the balance of the time he has followed his trade and dealt in notions. He married, October 18, 1863, Phoebe, daughter of Darius S. and Lydia (Dodson) Sutliff, of Huntington Township, and has one daughter, L.A. Natalie (Mrs. Walter E. Harter). Mr. Dietrick is a member of the M. K. Church; also of the G.A.R., P.O.S. of A. and A.L. of H.; he was councilman of Shickshinny two terms and overseer of poor two terms, and politically is a Republican.

George B. DILLEY, carpenter, Forty Fort borough, was born February 11, 1850 at Ashley, Pa, and is a son of Richard and Mary (Barnes) Dilley, natives of Luzerne County and of French and English origin, respectively. The father was a farmer by occupation and reared a family of six children, five now living, of whom our subject is the oldest. He was educated in the common schools, and at the age of twelve was apprenticed to learn the carpenter trade, which he followed for seven years. He was then employed as Government detective, under the Treasury Department, for two years; then for four years in the insurance business at Kingston, after which he came to Forty Fort, where he now resides, and where he has followed his trade up to the present time. He was elected justice of peace in 1886, still holding the office, he was also burgess for the year 1887. In 1885, he purchased three lots, and built his comfortable home on one of them, where he now lives. He was married, September 30, 1874, to Emily O., daughter of William and Catherine (Butler) Dilley, natives of Pennsylvania, and of French and Irish origin, respectively. By this happy union they have two children to cheer their cozy home: Mary B., and Sheldon R. Mrs. Dilley is a member of the St, Stephen Episcopal Church of Wilkes-Barre, and both she and Mr. Dilley are members of the Independent Order of Good Templars. Mr. Dilley votes the Prohibition ticket.

John F. DILLS, manager of the Florence Coal Company store at Dupont was born in Berlin Township, Wayne Co., Pa, November 26, 1855, as son of John D. and Lucretia (Kimble) Dills, the former of whom was born in Sussex County, N.J., the latter in Wayne County. John D. Dills was the son of John Dills, a native of New Jersey, and a farmer by occupation. He removed to this county in 1819, purchased a large tract of timber land and engaged extensively in the lumber business, his location being at the junction of Spring brook and Mill creek. He was a through going man of business and a loyal citizen, manifesting his patriotism by serving under Gen. Jackson in the war of 1812. He died in 1872 at the age of ninety-two years, having reared a family of five children, two of whom are now living. His son John D. was four years of age when he removed to this county, and he first entered business in Wayne County, as a farmer and lumberman on the Lackawanna River. He was a successful businessman and was possessed of the courage of his father. While too old to serve his country during the Rebellion, yet as a loyal citizen, he did good service. During one of the drafts he was chosen to serve draft notices on a certain element in his neighborhood, a duty not pleasant, yet he did it unshrinkingly at the risk of making many enemies for himself, sometimes even risking his life. He held township offices with much credit. In 1891, he died at the age of seventy-six years, his wife surviving him. Their family consisted of seven children, six of whom grew to maturity, and five of whom are now living. John F. Dills, who is the youngest of the family, was reared and educated at the common schools in Wayne County, afterward attending the Prompton Normal School. After he finished his courses in that institution, he taught school for several terms. In 1881, he entered the services of S.N. Stettler, as head clerk in his store at Old Forge, and here he continued till 1885, when an opening presenting itself in the Florence Coal Company’s store, a chief manager, he accepted the position, which he has since held with much credit to himself and profit to his employers. On December 12, 1886, he was appointed Postmaster at Dupont, the postoffice having been opened at that date, and it is now a money order office. On December 2=30, 1883, Mr. Dills married Miss Sarah, daughter of Benjamin and Ella Richardson, and by her has had three children: Duane R., Nellie, and Horace G. Mrs. Sarah (Richardson) Dills was born in England in 1866. Mr. Dills is a young man of marked ability, well adapted to his present vocation, and possessed of sound principles and sterling qualities. Politically he is a Republican.

J.A. DILS, Hudson, engineer on the Delaware & Hudson Railroad, was born in Wayne County, Pa., October 14, 1854, and is a son of John and Permilia S. (Mills) Dils, also natives of Pennsylvania, and of German and Irish origin, respectively. He is a great grandson of Jesse Dils, who was a very early settler of Pittston. The father, who was in the Fifteenth Engineer Corps during the Civil war, helped to build the Pennsylvania Gravity Railroad, and then as conductor ran the first train over it, he was killed by the cars on that road in December, 1865, at the age of forty-five years. The family consisted of three children, viz.: William H., a mason in Carbondale; John A. and Elmer, a brakeman, living at Mill Creek. Our subject received a common school education, and commenced practical life as a brakeman on the Delaware & Hudson Railroad, in which he continued eight years then fired five years. He was married, March 14, 1883, to Miss Ellen, daughter of John and Mary (bray) Treshaway, and the fruits of this union were four children, three of whom are living, viz.: Charles H. John S. and Ralph R. Mr. and Mrs. Dils attend the Primitive Methodist Church, of which she is a member. He is a member of the F. & A.M., I. O. R.M., and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, in his political views, he is a Republican. He built his present beautiful residence in 1889.


Thomas J. DINENNY, general bottler, P.O. Weston, was born in Danville, Pa., December 22, 1861, a son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Lenahan) Dinenny. His father, a native of Ireland, was a resident of Danville for several years and since 1864 has lived in Allentown, Pa., where he is now a member of the police force. Our subject was reared in Allentown from three years of age, and was educated in the public schools of that city. He began life as helper in a rolling mill, serving an apprenticeship of one year, afterward working as heater for two years. In 1876, he was clerk in a grocery store at Coaldale, Pa., and in 1877 located in Hazleton, where he was engaged in the same capacity three years. Mr. Dinnenny then spent two years in St. Louis and in 1884 located in Weston, where he has since been engaged in the bottling business. He married, November 3, 1887, Mary, daughter of Thomas and Mary (O’Donnell) Devenny, of Allentown, Pa. And they have a daughter, Elizabeth. He is a member of the Catholic Church and in politics is a Democrat.

John DIPPLE, Hazleton, conductor, Lehigh Valley Railroad, Hazleton, Division. This genial and popular conductor was born at Hazleton, October 13, 1863, and is the fourth in the family of twelve children of William and Eliza (Brull) Dipple, natives of Germany. He was reared and educated at the place of his birth, and at an early age commenced work at the mines, picking slate at the Laurel Hill Colliery for a period of two years. He then went inside and worked for about three and one half years, at the end of which time he went into a breast at Harleigh, mining coal with his father. He worked there two years, and then moved to New Hazleton, and began railroading on the Lehigh Valley road. For four years he was employed as brakeman on a freight train, in 1885 commenced braking on a passenger train in which capacity he worked until 1891, when he was promoted to the position of freight conductor, running between White Haven, Packerton and Hazleton. Mr. Dipple was united in marriage, September 23, 1886, with Miss Julia, a daughter of Frederick and Mary K. Knyrim, natives of Germany. Mr. Dripple is a member of the following orders: Knights of Malta, Railway Trainmen, and Sons of America.

Warren W. DISTELHURST, undertaker, Conyngham, was born in the village of Conyngham, this county, October 17, 1864, and is a cons of William and Elizabeth (Harmon) Distelhurst, the former of whom was born in Hanover, Germany, July 14, 1812, a son of Henry and Louisa Distelhurst. William Distelhurst came to America in 1834, and in 1837 settled in Conyngham, where he followed his trade of cabinet-maker, and embarked in the undertaking business, in which he continued until 1889, when he retired. His wife was a daughter of o Samuel Harmon, who wife was a Drumheller, and by her he had six children: Mary (Mrs. Frederick Franklin), Doretta (Mrs. B.F. Dreisbach), Augustus, Francis L., George E, and Warren W. Our subject was reared and educated in Conyngham, and served an apprenticeship to the trade of cabinet maker and carriage painter. At the age of fourteen he entered the undertaking business with his father, whom he assisted until the retirement of the latter in 1889, when he succeeded to the business, which he still successfully continues. On June 13, 1884, Mr. Distelhurst was married to Grace L., daughter of James D. Harris, of Wilkes-Barre, and they have three children: William H., Kittie E., and Amelia L. Mr. Distelhurst is one of the live, enterprising citizens of Conyngham, in politics, he is a Republican.

Elias B. DODSON, farmer, P.O. Prichard, was born in Hunlock Township, February 2, 1833, a son of George and Hannah (Seeley) Dodson, the former born in 1805 in Huntington Township, where he was reared and educated, the latter born in Salem Township in 1806. George was a son of Elias Dodson, who was also a native of Huntington Township, and Elias was a son of a Dodson, who removed from Kentucky in a very early day, locating to Huntington. Elias Dodson was an extensive farmer, owning for several years, 100 acres of land, which he sold in order to purchase his more desirable property, on which he built a gristmill and sawmill, which he operated to great extent and with marked success. Not only was he a thorough man of business, butt an able preacher in those days. His exhorting was practical and while his life and heart expressed his words and thoughts, his hands were not slack in good works on the principle that "it is more blessed to give than to receive." He caused to be built in Huntington one of the first Baptist Churches in the township. He lived a life of usefulness, reared a family of seven children, and died at the age of eighty years. His son, George began life as a farmer in Columbia County (having removed from Huntington Township) and here he made his home until his death, which took place in 1888, when he was aged eighty-three years. He was a good man and believed in a universal salvation as the free gift of his having God. He was a stanch Whig and a strong man in his party, from his majority till his death never missing an election. His farm contained 175 acres, and was a model in perfection and beauty. He reared a family of ten children al whom grew to maturity and eight of whom are now living. Elias B., being the third in the family. Our subject was educated at the common schools of Columbia County, and in his younger days followed the lumber business, like other young men working out by the day and month. This he followed successfully, from a financial point, until he reached his twenty-eighth year, at which time his country was threatened with the dark clouds of Rebellion, causing every lover of the Union to defend the integrity of his country and save the flag. He mustered into the United States service as a member of Company F, Seventh Pennsylvania reserves, in which he displayed acts of daring heroism, during his term of service participating in all the principal battles of the army of the Potomac. After his term expired, he returned to enjoy a citizen’s life. During his army experience, and in some of his wanderings outside the camp, he was captured by a fair daughter of the South, who allowed him to go on parole on promise of returning to her quarters to report periodically and like all good soldiers, he obeyed his commander in the letter and spirit. As soon as Mr. Dodson was discharged from the United States service, he surrendered himself to his fair custodian, Miss Mary A. Brooks, daughter of George and Elizabeth Brooks, of Virginia, and was married to her, July 5, 1864. The happy couple then removed to the more peaceful North, remaining until the close of the war, when they removed to Virginia, where they resided five years. Mr. Dodson being engaged as a lumber manufacturer of lumber. In 1881 he bought a tract of 180 acres of timberland in which he built a sawmill, and became extensively engaged in the business. After the timber is exhausted, he will turn his attention to farming, with a view to stock raising. Our subject is a courteous, genial companion enjoying life and making the best of everything. He is a member of the G.A.R. and has held several Township offices. The family born to Mr. and Mrs. Elias B. Dodson consists of three daughters: Hattie, Nettie and Alice, cultured and refined ladies.

Jesse B. DODSON, farmer, P.O. Shickshinny, was born in Salem Township, this county, November 3, 1822, and is a son of John and Cynthia (Callender) Dodson. His paternal grandfather, James Dodson, formerly of Lehigh County, Pa., first settled in Salem in 1777, but was driven back by Indians. He returned thither in 1786, and cleared a farm, as also did his father, John Dodson, who was a native of England. The wife of James Dodson was Susannah Beach, and their children were: Betsy (Mrs. William Henry), Polly (Mrs. Abram Van Comwright) John, Eleanor (Mrs. Amos Van Horn), Nathan B., Thomas, Hannah (Mrs. D.H. Goodwin), James, Sally (Mrs. U.O. Barnes.) The father of subject was born in Lehigh County, came to Salem with his parents in 1786, and cleared a part of the farm now occupied by subject, where he died September 13, 1859 at the age of seventy-six years. He was twice married: His first wife was Abigail, daughter of Darias and Lydia (Woodruff) Callender, of Huntington Township and by her he had two children: Lydia (Mrs. D.S. Sutliff) and Abigail (Mrs. Warren Benscoter.) His second wife was Cynthia Callender, sister of his first wife, by which union there were nine children: Susannah B. (Mrs. Caleb Williams), Mabel C. (Mrs. William D. Wells), Jesse B., J. Wesley, Esther C. (Mrs. Dorrance Harvey.), Rachel B. (Mrs. G.R. Widger), Charles A., Hannah G. (Mrs. Stephen D. Stiles) and George W. Our subject was reared in Salem Township, where he has always resided, engaged in farming, lumbering, and in the manufacture of charcoal. He occupied the old homestead settled by his father in 1813. On September 20, 1856, he married Susan J., daughter of William and Nancy (Watson) Meloy, of Clark County, Ind., and he has six children: W. Frank, J. Stanley, Belle A. (Mrs. J.M. Trivelpiece), U. Grant, J. Edgar, and E. Kate. Mr. Dodson is a member of the M.E. Church and in politics is a Republican.

John DODSON, the subject of this sketch, was the son of Samuel Dodson and Elizabeth (Rhoades) Dodson, and was born in Mahoning Valley, Penn township, then Northampton County, Pa., on the 26th day of February, A.D. 1771, being the fourth child and the second son in a family of ten children. After attaining the age of twenty-one years he left his father’s house and moved to Huntington Township, Luzerne County, and purchased and settled upon a farm, which he continued to occupy during his long life, dying May 9, 1859. In 1796m he was married to Miss Clarissa Harrison, a daughter of Stephen Harrison, who had recently emigrated to this vicinity from Canaan, Litchfield County, Conn. She died in 1820, leaving eight children, and he afterward married Miss Sophronia Monroe, a native of the same town, county and State as his former wife; she died in the year 1841, leaving him nine children. He was an active, energetic, industrious man, greatly valued and admired by his neighbors, friends and acquaintances for his sterling honesty and strict integrity. He took a special interest in public affairs, and in promoting the welfare of that section of the county, aiding greatly in securing and maintaining public and private schools, the opening, extension and improvement of public roads, and the encouragement of local industries. For many years, he held office of justice of peace by appointment of several governors, irrespective of politics. After this office became an elective one, he continued by almost unanimous choice of the citizens of the township, to hold it until advancing years rendered it necessary for him to decline further services. In politics, he was an ardent Old-line Whig until the organization of the Republican Party when he joined its forces. His wise council and advice were eagerly sought by his neighbor and acquaintances. His hospitality became proverbial, while his unbounded charity to the poor and the unfortunate was limited only by his means. Indeed, no applicant left his presence without substantial assistance.

Joseph B DODSON, retired, P.O. Hunlock Creek, was born in Union (now Hunlock) Township, June 4, 1805, where he was reared and received his education at the common schools. He is a son of Joseph and Susann (Bennet) Dodson. The former was born in Northampton County, in 1771, the latter in Luzerne County. Joseph Dodson removed to this county about 1797. He was married in Plymouth but located in Union Township. He owned about eight hundred acres of land and was extensively engaged in the manufacture of lumber. He was a hardy pioneer and did much for the advancement of agriculture in Luzerne County, in his locality. He was found to be a man who would serve his township well and faithfully, and therefore received many offices. He was a conscientious Christian, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. His property, which consisted largely of land, he kept until his death, which occurred in 1827, after which it was divided between his family of ten children, Joseph B. getting a title to one half of it. Joseph Dodson lived to be only fifty-six years of age; his wife died at the age of eighty-four. His father, Richard, was a descendant of English parents, and was an early pioneer in Salem, but was so annoyed by the Indians that he was compelled to go to Northampton to evade their savage attacks. When Richard died his son Joseph was a very small lad, who had to live with strangers and suffer the hardships incident to an orphan’s life, but, he survived all hardships and privations, succeeded in accumulating a large tract of land, rearing an interesting family, and handing his name down through the pages of history to a long line of descendants, who shall call his name blessed.

Joseph B. DODSON, the son of Joseph and subject of this sketch always followed agricultural pursuits. He was always a resident of the county and township wherein he was born, and lived on the property on which his father settled until a few years ado, when he removed to Crooptown, in which place he has a neat little home, where he enjoys himself in his old age in reading God’s Word and dwelling upon its sacred teaches. Mr. Dodson has held several township offices and has a clean record to leave behind to his numerous posterity. He is patriotic and loyal. He sent three sons to the defense of his country’s flag, in our "Civil unpleasantness." Mr. Joseph B. Dodson was twice married, first to Miss Martha; daughter of Joseph and Margaret Park, in 1884, by whom he had nine children, seven of whom are living. He remarried, for his second wife, Miss Rebecca, daughter of Frederick and Elizabeth Naugle, to whom were born five children, four of whom are living, making eleven living, out of fourteen births by both wives. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Alexander DODSON, merchant, P.O. Hunlock Creek, was born, September 9, 1835, reared and educated at the common school in Union (now Hunlock) township. He is a son of Joseph B. and Martha (Park) Dodson. He lived at home with his parents until he reached his majority, when he went to Michigan, and there spent three years working at undertaking. In June, 1861, he was mustered into the United States service as private in Company F, Seventh Pennsylvania Reserves (Thirty-sixth regiment of the line) for the term of three years, in the army of the Potomac. He participated in the battles of Mechanicsville and Gaines’ Mills, being made prisoner of war at the latter place June 26, 1862. Here he was confined three months, when he was released on parole and sent to Washington. He returned to his command in November, 1862, and participated in the battle of Fredericksburg, where he received a flesh wound, which has proved to be a source of great annoyance to him, disabling him for life, yet wounded, and suffering as he was, her served out his time like a true soldier. His last battle was fought under Grant at Bathseda Church. His time expired, and he received an honorable discharge. After his return to citizenship, he took up his chosen occupation again, that of cabinet making, which he followed for a number of years. On February 15, 1866, he was married to Miss Rachel, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Dodson, residents of Hunlock Township, who bore him four children, two of whom are living: Mary E. and Cora. Mary E. married D. Rittenhouse. Mrs. Rachel (Davenport) Dodson was born in Union Township, June 21, 1845. Mr. Dodson removed to his present place of residence in 1876, on a farm of eighteen acres, on which he built a fine house, barn and storehouse. About this date he embarked in the mercantile business, at which he has proved successful. He has a general line of goods and a fine assortment. He also deals in lumber to some extent. Previous to 1876 he was employed to oversee the lumber manufacture of Hiram Croop, for two and one half years. Mr. Dodson is a useful and trustworthy man in his township; he has been elected to the offices of town treasurer, treasurer of school board, and township clerk. He and his aged wife are members in good standing in the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which body he is trustee, class leader and superintendent of Sunday-school, in fact he is a pillar in the church, on which it rests many burdens. He is also treasurer of the building committee for the erection of a new Methodist Episcopal Church at his place, which is now nearly completed. Politically the Dodson’s are Republicans.

William H. DODSON, farmer, Mublenburg, was born August 12, 1834. He was reared and educated in Union Township, and is the eldest child of Joseph B. and Martha (Park) Dodson. William H. Dodson from his earliest days has followed agricultural pursuits. He lived on his father’s property until he had reached his seventy-sixth year. May 12, 1859, he married Miss Lucinda, daughter of Anthony and Solmy Sorber, and to this union were born seven children, five of whom are living: Anthony F., James, Mary M., Martha J., and Phillip, all of whom are unmarried. In the following year, on March 6, 1860, he removed to his present place of residence, near Mublenburgh, consisting of ninety-six acres of land, at that time wild and unreclaimed, but by hard labor and entiring energy, he has succeeded in bringing harmony out of chaos, and he now has a most fertile farm. He is a man of good judgement, pure morals, and strict integrity. When rebellion threatened our country’s safety, Mr. Dodson left home and family to offer himself on his country’s altar. He was mustered into the United States service as a member of Company B. One Hundred and Ninety-ninth P.V.I., for the term of one year, in which command he did good service. On his return to citizenship he followed his old vocation of farming. He has been elected to various offices of trust and responsibility in his own township, having served as assessor, supervisor and constable. He and his wife and family are members in good standing in the M.E. Church, in which he is a trustee, Sunday-school superintendent and assistant class-leader.

O.S. DODSON, farmer, P.O. Hunlock Creek, was born in Union (now Hunlock) Township, March 18, 1825. He is a son of Richard and Rhoda (Goss) Dodson, the former born in Bucks County, the latter in Huntington Township, this county. Richard was a son of Joseph, who removed from Bucks County to Luzerne about 1797, locating in Union Township. He married his wife, Miss Susanna Bennett, in Plymouth. He owned 800 acres of land. He built a sawmill, which he operated for a number of years, and was a practical businessman and a hard working, energetic pioneer. He was a strict churchman, having for a number of years been a member of the M.E. Church. His benevolence was proverbial. He died in 1827, followed by his widow in her eighty-fourth year. They reared a family of ten children; two of whom are now living. His son, Richard Dodson, began life in Union (now Hunlock) Township, on a farm of 200 acres, situated about four and one half miles from Hunlock Creek on the turnpike. He was a man of good, sound judgement, a practical farmer, and a loyal citizen, on whom ere conferred various township offices, which he filled with credit. Like his father, he was a Methodist of high standing, and a stanch Republican in politics. He died in September 1863. Richard and Rhoda Dodson reared a family of nine children, seven of whom are living. O.S. is the sixth of the family, and was reared and educated in his native town. He has always resided in the townships of Union and Hunlock, on his present farm – forty-three years. He has always followed a farmer’s life, and like his father before him, is an adept at the business. In 1844, he married Miss Mary, daughter of George and Anna Cease. To them have been born five children, four of whom are living: Leander, Josiah, Rhoda A. and Addie. Leander is married to Miss A. davenport; Josiah is married to Miss Jennie Shupp; Addie is married to Frank Small and Rhoda married Thomas Major. Mr. Dodson was mustered into the United States service in 1864, as a private in Company E. Two Hundred and Third P.V.I., for the term of one year, participating in several of the leading battles of that year. He was honorably discharged and returned to enjoy his citizenship, he now receives a pension. Mr. Dodson, although much shattered by his army experience, is still young looking. He owns seventy-five acres of valuable land, upon which he carries on general farming. He has a relic of pioneer life yet in his possession, a weaver’s loom, made by his grandfather in early life, before sawmills were in that country. It was made entirely of white oak and with an axe. Mr. Dodson and his wife are members of the Baptist Church, in which body he has been deacon for over forty-five years. Politically he is a Republican.

Stephen H. DODSON, a prominent farmer of Northampton Township, P.O. Huntington Mills, was born where he now resides June 8, 1818, and is a son of John and Clarissa (Harrison) Dodson, natives of Northampton County, Pa., and Litchfield County, Conn., respectively, the former of whom was of English origin and by occupation, a farmer. He was a son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Rhodes) Dodson and came from Northampton County to the Huntington Valley in 1796, where he purchased the farm now owned by our subject. He was married to Clarissa Harrison, July 6, 1797, and they reared a family of eleven children, viz.: Nancy, born June 17, 1798, married to John N. Weston, M.D., a prominent physician of Towanda, Pa., (she died in May, 1888); Ann (Mrs. Gideon Post), born September 7, 1800, died December 6, 1875; Amanda (Mrs. Solomon Taylor), born December 20, 1802, died February 19, 1875; Susan (Mrs. Daniel J. LaBar), born December 9, 1814, (deceased); Samuel, born January 31, 1807, married Miss Ann Fell, of Baltimore, Md., (he died, March 2, 1874); Elizabeth (Mrs. Charles Millard), born August 28, 1809, died April 3, 1851; Sarah (Mrs. William B. Chamberlain), born October 19, 1811 (deceased); Stephen H., born December 27, 1813, died August 11, 1817; Nicer, born August 14, 1816, died June 28, 1817; Stephen H., our subject, and Clarissa (Mrs. Matthias Huffman), born December 21, 1820 (deceased). The mother of the above-enumerated children died December 22, 1820. The day following the birth of her last child, and Mr. Dodson remarried, November 1, 1821, Sophrona Monroe, by whom he had nine children, viz.: Miner D. (deceased), W.D. (deceased), Nathan M. (a physician in Berlin, Wis.), John Q. A. (deceased), Truman (a coal operator at Bethlehem, Pa.), Franklin (a physician at Berlin, Wis.). Mary (wife of Robert Hicks, M.D., deceased), Charles M. (coal operator at Bethlehem, Pa.), and Joseph S. (a farmer in Kansas.) The second Mrs. Dodson died March 7, 1841, and Mr. Dodson was again married, on this the third occasion, to Susan McCafferty, who bore him no children. He died May 9, 1859.

Stephen H. DODSON, the subject proper of this memoir, was reared on a farm, educated in the common schools, and at twenty-two years of age engaged as bridge-builder for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, at which occupation he remained for two years. He then went to Towanda, Pa., and for two years served as deputy for his brother-in-law, Dr. John N. Weston, then sheriff of Bradford County, then for three months in a similar capacity for John F. Means. Moving up to Munch Chunk, Pa., he was there engaged as a breaker builder a few months; then worked one year for D.J. Labar, a brother-in-law, as foreman in his lumber woods, at Rockport, Pa. Returning home he worked on the farm until 1870, and then went to Kingston, Pa., as foreman of a mine for two years at the end of which time he returned to the farm and since resided thereon. Mr. Dodson was married December 27, 1846, to Miss Lydia, daughter of Robert (a farmer) and Phoebe (Nessbitt) Davenport, natives of Pennsylvania, and of English and Irish origins, respectively. Mrs. Dodson is the fourth in a family of eight children, four of whom are now living, and was born November 17, 1820. This union has been blessed with six children, viz.: Robert M., born February 11, 1848, died August 21, 1875, Clara J. (Mrs. J.C. Hutchison, born July 26, 1850, died November 20, 1875 leaving one child, Harrison D. Hutchison; Robert H., born April 5, 1852, a bookkeeper at Morea, Pa., married to Eureka Ludlow, of Summerville, N.J. (they have one child, Laura B. Dodson); Samuel A., born March 5, 1855, is a partner with J.C. Ritchison in a general store at Morea, Pa., and travels on the road with mine supplies (he married Frances Watson, of Delano, Pa.); Phoebe E., born August 2, 1857, and Emily I. Born September 18, 1859, both at home. The Dodson farm is situated one-half mile below the town of Huntington Mills, on Huntington Creek and contains 142 acres. The house, built in 1891, is a model of elegance and one of the finest in the Huntington Valley. The family is one of the oldest in the Valley and they have a best of warm friends. They attend the services of the Methodist Church

Michael DOHERTY, saloonkeeper, Plainsville, was born in the parish of Adderigoal, Ireland, in the year 1840, and is a son of Anthony and Maud (Kelly) Doherty, the former of whom was a farmer. They reared a family of nine children, of whom Michael is the fourth. Our subject came to America in 1866, and worked at mining successively as follows: At Pittston, four months, Wilkes-Barre, eight months; Miners Mills, two years; Mitchell’s Shafts, Plainsville, six years, Port Bowley, two years; then in the Enterprise Shaft till 1886, and in the Henry Shaft till 1889, when he built his residence, since which time he has been engaged in his present business. While working at Miners Mills, Mr. Doherty was very severely burned, which disable him for some time, in fact, nearly causing his death. He was married, April 5, 1872, to Miss Bridget, daughter of Dennis and Sarah (Mangan) Carey, native of Ireland, and this happy union has been blessed with five children, four of whom are living, viz.: Mary, Bridget, John and Anthony. Mr. Doherty and family are members of the Catholic Church; he is a member of the A.O.H. and the Nationalists; in politics he is a Democrat, and has held office of school director in Plains Township.

Rev. Timothy Joseph DONAHUE, pastor of St. Vincent’s Church, Plymouth, was born in New York City, May 16, 1839, and is the son of Cornelius and Mary Donahue, natives of Cork, Ireland, who came to America in 1835. The subject of this sketch was educated at St. Vincent’s College, Westmoreland County, Pa. (where he remained two years) and also at St. Bonavcuture, Castaraugus, County, N.Y. (remaining there seven years) at the close of which studies he was ordained priest, November 4, 1878. He was immediately, thereafter, appointed assistant at St. Peter’s Cathedral, Scranton, Pa., where he passed one year, going from there to Wilkes-Barre as assistant to the late Father O’Hara, which position he filled three years. From Wilkes-Barre Father Donahue came to Plymouth as pastor, where he now presides, and where he has done remarkable work for his church and people. When he came to Plymouth, September 5, 1877, the church was found to be in bad condition, being too small as well as uncomfortably lighted and heated. Father Donahue set to work with a will to place the church in a better condition. He purchased a fine site on the corner of Eno and Church Streets, where has been erected on of the finest edifices in the State, much of the inside work being designed by himself, who is a gentleman of mechanical genius as well as spiritual talent. Eleven of the windows are imported from Munich, and are of the finest quality; the pulpit is of white marble, in all respects artistically beautiful. Not only had father Donahue built this fine imposing church, but he as established the St. Vincent Parochial School, where there is an average attendance of over 500 children, the old church building being used for this purpose. This school is under the charge of the Sisters of Mercy, and is free to all, no tuition being exempted. As to what father Donahue has done for his church and people, one has but to view the interior of the St. Vincent’s, or to watch the masses of little children as they rush from the school, or to gaze on the multitudes as they go to worship or return, to be convinced that the work he has accomplished in so short a time has been a task that few, if any, could have managed so successfully. In politics, Father Donahue is bound to no political party, but reserves the right to vote for the man best adapted to the office sought.

Peter DONNELLY, engineer, Port Blanchard, was born November 1, 1839, in County Lildare, Ireland, and is a son of Joseph and Eliza (Fagan) Donnelly, natives of the same place. He was educated in Ireland, and whilst there was employed in the postal service, as a mail driver in Dublin. On January 31, 1865, he came to this country, but only stayed sixteen months, during which time he was employed as a laborer in New York; he then revisited Ireland, but did not remain there long, as he returned to the United States August 29, 1867, and settled in Port Griffith, this county, where he labored in the mines until 1871. He was then employed as fireman, and is at present an engineer in the employ of the Pennsylvania Coal Company. He was united in marriage July 13, 1870, with Bridget, daughter of Thomas and Eden (Dagan) Delvin, natives of County Kilkenny, Ireland, and their union has been blessed with the following issue: Joseph, born November 25, 1871, Charles, born October 20, 1873, James, born November 25, 1875, Thomas, born November 8, 1878, Peter, born May 28, 1880, John born November 3, 1882, William born April 6, 1884, and Elizabeth born August 17, 1890. Our subject is a member of the Roman Catholic Church and in politics, he holds independent ideas.

J. DONOGHOE, justice of the peace, Inkerman, was born August 4, 1826, in County Galway. Ireland, and is the eldest in the family of five children of Michael and Catherine (Kenny) Donoghoe, natives of County King’s, Ireland. Our subject was educated in Ireland, and served as a member of the Royal Irish Constabulary until 1849, when he came to the United States, and settled in Pittston, where he worked on the railroad for a short time, and afterward as a laborer for the Pennsylvania Coal Company. He was married August 20, 1850, to Bridget, daughter of Michael and Mary (Madden) Madden, natives of County Galway, Ireland. She died April 23, 1857, leaving the following issue: Michael, born April 30, 1851, and Catharine L. born March 12, 1856. Our subject, for his second wife, married June 3, 1858, Bridget, daughter of Patrick and Ann (Costello) Cosgrove, natives of County Galway, Ireland. This wife died January 7, 1863, and Mr. Donoghoe wedded for his third wife, Mary, daughter of James and Mary Ford, natives of County Galway, Ireland. The issue of this last marriage was Marie, born June 9, 1866, and James, born December 24, 1867. Mr. Donoghoe is a member of the Roman Catholic Church and in politics is a Democrat. He was elected justice of the peace in 1875, and is still serving in the same capacity, being in his fourth term.

Harry, W. DONY, editor and proprietor of the Avoca Argus, was born at Honesdale, Pa., January 2, 1868, son of rev. F.A. and Sarah E. (Woolward) Dony, the former born at Dundaff, Pa., May 3, 1841, of English parents, the latter, a native of Honesdale. During his early manhood, our subject’s father was a lawyer, and enjoyed a lucrative practice at both Honesdale and Mauch Chunk, Pa. At the age of thirty-five, he became a clergyman in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is now residing in Scranton, where he is filling the position of assistant secretary of the American Sabbath Union. His marriage was blessed with four children, viz.: A. May, married to J.W. Easterline, a photographer at Scranton, Pa., Harry W.; and Bertha A. and Florida M., both residing with their parents. Our subject’s boyhood was passed in northeastern Pennsylvania, at the public schools, of which section he received a liberal education. In the fall of 1886, he entered Wyoming Seminary, at Kingston, Pa., leaving that institution the following spring. He then taught school in the State of new York for one year, and afterward came to Dunmore, Pa., where he was employed upon the editorial staff of the Dunmore Pioneer, (which in partnership with H.H. Bailey, he now owns) and for three years remained in that capacity. In 1890, he established the Avoca Argus, which paper has grown under his energetic management until it has now a large circulation. It is a bright, newsy, clean sheet, betaking the persistent efforts which have been spent upon it by Mr. Dony. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, and if the Scranton Young Men’s Christian Association; is also identified with the Methodist Episcopal Church. His gentlemanly conduct and many sterling qualities have won him a host of friends.

Benjamin DORRANCE, retired, Dorranceton, was born August 14, 1846, a son of Col. Charles Dorrance. He was educated at Princeton College, graduating in the class of 1868. He was admitted to the bar as a practicing attorney in 1870, and continued the practice of law until his eyesight became impaired, when he retired to his farm at Dorranceton. Mr. Dorrance was married in May, 1872, to Ruth W., daughter of Schnyler and Frances (Cruger) Strong, natives of Bath, N.Y. Three children have been blessed this union. Anne, who is attending college at Vassar, Frances and Ruth. Mr. Dorrance has always been identified with the Democratic Party. The family are members of the Presbyterian Church.

Col. Charles DORRANCE (lately deceased) was born on the Dorrance homestead at Kingston, now the borough of Dorranceton, Kuzerne County, Pa., January 4, 1805, and was a son of Benjamin and Nancy (Buckingham) Dorrance. The Dorrance family was one of the pioneer families of the Wyoming Valley, and through the tragic death of one of its members, slain in the massacre of Wyoming in 1778, is forever connected with that interesting and historic locality. The founder of the Dorrance family in America was Rev. Samuel Dorrance, a Scotch Presbyterian clergyman, who came from Ireland to this country about the year 1722. He was born in 1685; graduated from Glasgow University, in 1709; was pastor of a church in Voluntown, Conn., upward forty years and died November 12, 1775, at the age of ninety years. His wife Elizabeth Smith, who died in 1750. The paternal grandfather of subject, George Dorrance, son of rev. Samuel Dorrance, born March 4, 1736, became a lieutenant-colonel of the militia in Wyoming, and was one of the principle officers under Col. Butler in the operation against the British and their Indian allies. In the battle of Wyoming, fought July 3, 1778, he took a leading part, was severely wounded and taken prisoner and slain by his savage captors the following day. As he was highest in rank of the natives in this slaughter, his name heads those inscribed upon the obelisk reared in the Valley, in 1843, by the descendants of the slain in commemoration of the event. He was twice married, and had two daughters by his first wife and three sons by his second. Robert, the eldest son, served in the war against the Indians, under Governor St. Clair, and was killed November 4, 1791. Gershom, the youngest son, went back to Connecticut. Benjamin, the second son, and the father of our subject, was born at Plainsfield, Conn. In 1767. He spent most of his mature life in Kingston, this county, and was a popular citizen of his day, by elevation holding several important offices, among which were those of county commissioner, high sheriff of the county, and member of the Legislature of the State, the latter for eleven years. He was one of the founders and the first president of the Wyoming Bank of Wilkes-Barre, chartered by the State in 1829. Bu his wife, Nancy Buckingham, he had three children: John, who became a Presbyterian minister, Charles and George, who died in childhood.

Charles DORRANCE, our subject, was reared on the old homestead where he always resided, received a liberal education, and always took an active interest in farming pursuits. In early life, he joined the militia, and from the rank of captain was promoted through the various grades to colonel, which title he held for forty years. In 1858 in the organization of the Luzerne County Agricultural Society, he was unanimously chosen of its members for the office of president, and held the position for ten years. By the last official act of the late Judge Congngham, he was appointed a commissioner of the Luzerne County Prison, which he held by successive yearly appointments until it was disposed of, as a reward for political services. During the entire period of his connection with this board, he was its president; for fifty years he was a member of the board of directors of the Wyoming Bank in Wilkes-Barre, which was Nationalized in 1865, served as vice-president ten years, and from 1878 as president. In the patriotic movement which culminated in 1843, in the erection of a suitable monument to commemorate the battle and massacre of Wyoming, Col. Dorrance too a leading part, and upon the organization of the Wyoming Commemorative Association he was the unanimous choice of its members to the office of president, and in that official capacity had the honor of welcoming the President of the United States, and Cabinet, to the celebration. It must suffice to say that whatever he undertook he did well, earning a reputation that is unassailable and he leaves as an heritage the unsullied record of an honest man.

J. Ford DORRANCE, farmer, and stock grower, P.O. Dorranceton, was born April 19, 1852, on the farm he now owns. He is a son of Col. Charles and Susan (Ford) Dorrance, natives respectively of Luzerne and Tioga Counties and of Scotch-Irish and English origin; the father was a farmer by occupation. (See sketch and ahpter in general history- "The dead that still live.") Our subject is the fourth of a family of seven children, five of whom are now living. He was educated in the common schools, by Dr. Barker at Germantown, Pa., and at the Leigh Universality, After his literary education was completed he went to Meadville, and there studied law with Judge Derrickson, afterward practicing in the same city for sixteen years; he also represented the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York City for eight years. Mr. Dorrance, was candidate for mayor of Meadville on the Republican ticket, being defeated by but nineteen votes. He came to Dorranceton in 1890, at the request of his father, who owing to failing health, needed the aid of his son in managing his large estate. Our subject was married June 15, 1875 to Miss Elizabeth W., daughter of James R. and Harriet S. (Throp) Dick, natives, respectively of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Connecticut, her father is a banker in Meadville, and the family is one of the most prominent in the city, his brother is the inventor of the Dick Anti-Friction Press, now in use all over the country. Mr. and Mrs. Dorrance have three children: Susie L., born February 26, 1876, Sturgis D., born July 15, 1881, and Clarence, born March 12, 1863. The family are members of the Episcopal Church. Mr. Dorrance is a member of the F. & A.M., I.O.O.F. and the Royal Amanum, he was on Governor Hoyt’s staff for three years and politically is a strong Republican.

Nathan DOTTER, engineer, Wilkes-Barre was born in Monroe County, Pa., March 19, 1851, and is a son of Daniel and Margaret (Searfoss) Dotter, both natives of Monroe County, Pa., who settled at White Haven in1862 and resided in Luzerne County, the remainder of their days. Their children were twelve in number of whom ten survive, viz.: Daniel, Junis, john, Julia (Mrs. Daniel Martz), Mary (Mrs. John Dotter), Casserine (Mrs. Solomon Krieskey), Sarah (Mrs. John Krumernocker), Abbie (Mrs. Charles Smith), Hannah (Mrs. Timothy Scarfoss) and Nathan. Our subject was reared in Monroe and Luzerne Counties and educated in the common schools. In 1868 he began life as a brakeman on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, in which capacity he served three years, was fireman, five years, and since 1875 has been engineer. Mr. Dotter was married in 1871 to Sarah, daughter of John Kreidle, of Dallas, this county, and has three children. Maggie, Henry, and Maude. Mr. Dotter is a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and is mentioned as the candidate for sheriff on the Democratic ticket for 1892, of which party he has always been a stanch adherent. He has resided in Wilkes-Barre since 1888.

George DOTY, a prominent farmer of Huntington Township, P.O. Town Hill, was born October 31, 1843 in Pittston Township, and is a son of Jonas and Janet (Campbell) Doty, natives of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and of English and Scotch origin, respectively; the father was a farmer, and died August 28, 1886, aged seventy-eight years. He was a son of David and Sybill (Clark) Doty, natives of New York and Pennsylvania, respectively, the former being also a farmer by occupation. Our subject is the third in a family of ten children, eight of whom are living. He was reared on a farm, educated in the common schools and New Columbus Academy, and when twenty-one years of age enlisted in Company H, One Hundred and Ninety-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers; he served with his regiment until the close of the war, and was discharged in June, 1865, at Arlington Heights, Va. He then returned to his native count, and attended school one year and then farmed on rented land until 1889, when he purchased his present farm on and one half miles southwest from Town Hill postoffice, containing 171 acres. He was married, January 1, 1874 to Alice Heath, daughter of Israel and Catherine (Kesler) Heath, natives of Pennsylvania, and of English ad German origin, respectively; she is the third of a family of seven children and was born June 19, 1853. This union was blessed with one child, Edith A., born January 30, 1887. Mr. Doty is independent in his political views and is one of the sound men in his section.

Anthony F. DOUGHERTY, M.D., physician and surgeon, Ashley, was born in Pittston, Pa., and is a son of John and Mary (Phillips) Dougherty, natives of Pennsylvania and New York, respectively, and of Irish origin. The father, who is inside foreman, reared a family of eight children, of whom Anthony F., is the eldest. Our subject was educated in the Pittston High School, Wyoming Seminary, and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1890. He then practiced one year and a half in St. Mary’s Hospital, Philadelphia, and came to Ashley in 1892, where he has, even in this short time, built up a lucrative practice. Dr. Dougherty is a member of the Catholic Church and the C.M.B.A.; in his political views he is a Democrat.

Charles DOUGHERTY, grocer, Wilkes-Barre, was born in Albany, N.Y., July 21, 1833, and is a son of Niel and Mary (Gillespie) Dougherty, natives of Bumerana, County Donegal, Ireland, who came to America in 1828, the father being banished from the county on account of political reasons. They located in Hanover, this county, in 1838, where the father followed the occupation of a miner until his death. He reared a family of six children: Charles, Mary Ann, Esther, James, John and Ellen (Mrs. Lyman H. Carle.) Our subject was reared in Hanover Township from five years of age, was educated in the common schools, and began life as a clerk in a general store in Wilkes-Barre, swerving in that capacity fourteen years- twelve years with one house. In 1860, he embarked in the grocery business, in which, with the exception of four years, he has since continued. In 1866, he was appointed by President Johnson, United States council to Londonberry, Ireland, the city from which his father was banished in 1828, and the only official position to which he ever aspired, and the ambition of his life, the opportunity coming to him sooner than he expected. On May 28, 1858, Mr. Dougherty married Julia, daughter of Daniel and Melinda (Blackman) Collings, of Wilkes-Barre, and has five children living: Melinda (Mrs. George P. Strome) C. Bow, Mary E., M. Morris, and Alice M. He is member of the Catholic Church, and in politics is a Democrat.

C. Bow DOUGHERTY, chief clerk Coal Companies, Pennsylvania Railroad, W.B. was born in Wilkes-Barre, September 3, 1860, a son of Charles and Julia (Collings) Dougherty. The father of our subject was a native of Albany, N.Y. and is now a resident of Wilkes-Barre. His wife was a daughter of Daniel and Malinda (Blackman) Collings, and granddaughter of Maj. Eleazer Blackman, who was born in Connecticut in 1765, and settled with his parents in Wilkes-Barre in 1772. His father, Elisha Blackman, was a lieutenant in Capt. Richard Hooker Smith’s company, Twenty-fourth Regiment of Militia, attached to the Connecticut line, which company was in the fort at Wilkes-Barre at the time of the Wyoming Massacre. Our subject was reared in Wilkes-Barre and educated in the public schools of his native city, and Emerson Institute, Washington D.C. He began his business career as a clerk in the offices of the Susquehanna Coal Company, in whose service he has remained twelve years, and has held his present position since 1885. In 1883, he married Anna D., daughter of M.B. and Anna M. (Palmer) Posten, of Wilkes0Barre, and has two children. Mr. Dougherty enlisted August 1, 1881, as a private in Company B. Ninth Regiment, N.G.P.; was detailed as a regimental clerk August 12, 1881; appointed, principal musician, July 27, 1882; sergeant major, May 9, 1883; re-appointed, November 7, 1884; and June 20, 1885, was appointed first lieutenant and inspector of rifle practice, April 28, 1887, being re-appointed in June, 1890. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Sons of the Revolution; in politics he is a Democrat.

John J. DOUGHERTY, miner, P.O. Port Blanchard, was born June 13, 1843, in County Mayo, Ireland, a son of Anthony and Matilda (Kelly) Doughtery, natives of the same place, who reared a family of eight children of whom our subject was the third in order of birth. He received his education in the Irish National Schools, and came to America in 1864, settling in Pittston on April 21 of that year. He was employed as a laborer in the mines at Lehigh Valley Coal Company, and from 1868 to the present time, has been employed as a miner by the Pennsylvania Coal Company. January 6, 1867, our subject led to the altar hi bride, Mary A., daughter of Edward and Mary (O’Hara) Philips, natives of County Mayo, Ireland, and sister of the Rev. E.S. Philips, of Plains, this county. Their union has been blessed with thirteen children. The oldest, A.F. Dougherty, is a practicing physician at Ashley, Pa. Mr. Dougherty is a Roman Catholic, a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and Emerald Beneficial Association, and is a Democrat.

William H. DOVE, Plains, agent foe the Mercantile Co. Operative Bank, of New York, and several fire and life insurance companies, was born in Pittston, Pa., February 21, 1841, and is a son of Rueben and Lucinda (Collins) Dove, natives of New jersey, and Pennsylvania, respectively. The ancestry of the former can be placed no farther than New Jersey, but the latter’s is known to be of early Irish origin. In his father’s family there were five children, two of whom are living, and of them he is the second in the order of birth. His brother, John, is a farmer near Elmira, N.Y. Our subject, who passed his boyhood on the farm, did not receive the advantage of even a common school education, his present fair knowledge of the English branches being due to private study while in the army and afterward. When he was fourteen years of age, his mother dying, he was compelled to embark in life for himself. He worked on the railroad until July 16, 1861, when he enlisted in Battery H. Light Artillery, First Pennsylvania reserves, he was discharged, and re-enlisted as a veteran November 28, 1863, and July 2, 1865, was discharged by general order. Though kind Providence protected him from being wounded and from experiencing the horrors of the rebel prisons, yet his health was so shattered that it never rallied. After returning from the war he fired a locomotive on the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad for three years, and was then assistant dispatcher in the round-house at Scranton for fourteen months. In 1870, he removed to Plains, and worked at Mill Creek, he fired stationary engines six months, was breaker boss one year, laborer in the mines four years and mined fourteen years. During this time he made three prospecting trips west, taking his family with him in 1877, expecting to locate, but finding no suitable location, returned, he bade good-bye to the dingy mines in August, 1890. He purchased his present residence and removed therein in 1885, but for twelve years previous he had resided on an adjacent corner, where Charles H. Smith now lives. Mr. Dove was married, March 8, 1864, while on a veteran furlough, to Miss Mary, daughter of Sebastian ad Anna (Fisher) Geesy, natives of Switzerland, both of whom are now deceased, the father on August 31, 1892, the latter on March 9, 1877. The fruit of this happy union was nine children, viz.: Alice, who died at the age of ten years; Charles, a fireman on the Lehigh Valley Railroad; Anna L., Eva J. H.; Hattie; William; Frank; Mamie and Nellie. Mr. Dove and family attend the Presbyterian Church of which Mrs. Dove is a member. Socially he is a member of the G.A.R., A.O.K. of M.C., P.O.S. of A. and the Sons of the Temperance. Politically he has always been a faithful worker in the ranks of the Republican Party, and was appointed enumerator in 1890.

James DOYLE, retired, Plymouth was born in Schuylkill County, Pa., August 7, 1841, a son of Patrick and Mary (Brennon) Doyle, both of whom were born in Ireland. They emigrated to this country in 1832, locating in Schuylkill County Pa., where the father remained till 1867, when he came to this county and settled in Plymouth Township. He was a hardworking, honest and upright man, whose life made the world better because of its influence, and yet it was comparatively uneventful; he died in 1869 at the age of sixty-seven years. His family consisted of eight children, four of whom grew to maturity, James being the only one now living. Our subject was reared and educated at the common schools of his native town, and in 1867 he removed, with his father to this county where he has since resided. He has always confined himself to mining and during his experience he met with an accident in which his leg was broken. On November 18, 1868, he married Miss Mary Moran, who was born in Schuylkill County, Pa., in 1847, daughter of James and Ann Moran, by which union there were six children, two of whom are now living: Patrick and Eugene. Mr. Doyle, is an interesting and entertaining gentleman and enjoys the full confidence of his fellow citizens. He is a Democrat, and held the office of supervisor one year, that of collector two years, and was watchman at the county courthouse for two years. He owns four houses, and lots in the suburbs of Plymouth. He and his family are members of the Roman Catholic Church and he is a member of the Father Mathew and St. Patrick Societies.

Martin J. DOYLE, reporter for the Wilkes-Barre News Dealer, Ashley, was born in Sugar Notch, this county, July 17, 1863, and is a son of Daniel and Johanna (McMahon) Doyle, natives of County Clare, Ireland. The father, who was a miner by occupation, was killed in the Hartford Mines by a fall of coal. The widowed mother, left confronted by the stern realities of life, and the support of a large family of small children, besides one born five months after her husband’s death, now gave the world a shining example of womanhood, when she accepted the situation and set about keeping her little ones together, within daily touch of their mother’s love and care. The family consisted of nine children, three of whom died young. The others are: Margaret, who married John Coyle, foreman in the machine shop, Raton, New Mexico, by whom she had five children, four of whom are now living, Daniel J., stationary engineer, Raton, N.M.; Mary, who is single and resides in Ashley; Johanna, who married Thomas Cannon of Ashley, by whom she had six children, five of whom are living; Martin J. and Nellie, who live with Mary. Our subject was educated in the public schools of Ashley, and at the age of seven years began working in the breaker, where he remained ten years. He then wiped engines in the yard about six months, after which he entered the machine shop, remaining there five years. In 1888, he went to Raton, N.M., where he worked in a machine shop two and one half years, meantime making a tour of Texas, Mexico, California, and Colorado; also a portion of his time was devoted to the political campaign of 18890. In 1891, he returned to Ashley, and after working in the Dixon Works, Wilkes-Barre, for about a month, accepted his present position. Mr. Doyle was married December 31, 1891, with Mary A., daughter of Jacob and Ann (Bry) Gates, natives of Germany and Ireland, respectively. They have one child, Johanna. Our subject and family are members of the Catholic Church. He is a member of the A.O.H. and in his political views is a decided Democrat.

John. DRIESBACH, farmer, P.O., Wyoming, was born in Monroe County, Pa., March 12, 1847, and is a son of Aaron and Susan (Burker) Dreisbach, both of whom were born in Northampton County, Pa. Aaron removed from Monroe County to this in 1852, locating in Exeter Township, on a farm of seventy-five acres; he was an honest and industrious man. He lived to be sixty years of age, departing this life in 1880. Aaron and Susan Dreisbach reared a family of twelve children, all of whom grew to maturity, and ten of whom are now living. John is the sixth in the family, and was reared and educated in Exeter Township; and has always followed agricultural pursuits. He remained at home until March 18, 1874, when he married Miss Lillie, (Dailey) Dreisbach, was born in Kingston Township, June 27, 1854. In 1885, Mr. Dreisbach removed to his present residence in Exeter borough, where he engaged in farming and the dairy business, selling his milk in West Pittston, and Wyoming. He is an enterprising man, of upright character and sound principles. He and his wife are highly respected in the community.

John W. DRIESBACH, flour, feed, and commission merchant, Wilkes-Barre, was born in Salem Township, this county, February, 26, 1837, a son of Adam and Huldah (Seeley) Driesbach, and is of German and English descent. His father, as well as his paternal grandfather, John Driesbach, millers by occupation, were both pioneers of Salem Township, and lived and died there. His maternal grandfather, John W. Seeley, was a pioneer farmer of the same township. Our subject was reared in Salem, where he received a common-school education, and served an apprenticeship of three years at the miller’s trade. Afterward he worked as a journeyman until 1866, when he embarked in business for himself, conducting what is known as the Seybert Mill, until 1868; then was manager of a mill for an uncle for two years, and since 1885 he has been engaged in his present business. Mr. Driesbach is a member of the F. & A.M. and A.L. of H.; in politics, he is a Republican and has served one term as school director of Wilkes-Barre. He was a member of the Board of Trade, of which he was an active organizer and is one of the trustees; he was an efficient aid and participant in securing the building here in Wilkes-Barre Lace Mills, the first of its kind in the United States, and the largest in the world, and has been a director in the same from its organization.

Charles M. DRIGGS, druggist, White Haven, was born in Carbon County, Pa., June 24, 1860, a son of Stoddard and Lydi (Jumper) Driggs, also natives of Pennsylvania and of English origin, the former of whom was landlord of the "Central Hotel" in White Haven, and died January 12, 1882. He reared a family of four children, two of whom are now living, and of whom Charles M., is second in order of birth. The subject of this sketch was educated in the common schools and at the New York College of Pharmacy. On April 1, 1881, he opened a drug store, also conducting the "Central Hotel", after the death of his father, until April 1, 1892, when he decided to devote his entire time to his profession. He has now one of the finest drug stores in Luzerne County, containing a full line of drugs, patent medicines, paints, and oils, toilet articles, perfumery, stationary, leather goods, fishing tackle, etc. On April 23, 1885, Mr. Driggs was married to Josephine B., daughter of Charles C. and Electa A. (Southard) Rogers, natives of New Jersey, and of Welsh origin. Mrs. Driggs is second in a family of six children and was born November 30, 1859. This union has been blessed with four children: Stoddard L., born March 30, 1886, Carl H., born June 10, 1888, Leona G., born December 28, 18889 and Marie W., born March 15, 1892. The family are members of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Driggs is a member of the F. & A.M., I.O.O.F.P.O.S. of A. and Royal Arcanum. He is a democrat, and served as auditor of the borough of White Haven for two terms.

A.A. DRUM, merchant, Drum’s. This gentleman was born January 25, 1854, near where he now resides, and is a son of Josiah and Maria (Balliet) Drum, both natives of Butler Valley, the former of whom was engaged in mercantile pursuits during his life at Drum’s. He was a son of Abram Drum, who settled in the Valley at a very early date, and was also engaged in the mercantile business during the latter part of his life. Josiah Drum, the father of our subject, was born April 13, 1830, and died May 1, 1889. In the family there were six children, viz.: A.A., Richard (deceased), Isa Dora, (deceased), Hubbard P. (deceased), Harry D., (a farmer in Butler township), Adda M. (married to A.P. Beisel, a clerk at Sandy Run.) Mr. Drum was educated in the public schools of Luzerne County, Millersville State Normal School, and at the Wyoming Seminary. About the age of twenty-two, he engaged in the store with his father. In 1881, his father having retired, he took charge of the business on his own account and has carried it on ever since. In 1884 he was married to Miss Mary Alice Hess, an accomplished young lady of Drum’s, and this union has been blessed with three children: Warren N., Clyde I. (deceased) and Lola Kereane. Mr. Drum has been postmaster at drum’s and is at present assistant postmaster. His political views are purely Democratic. Socially he is a member of the I.O.O.F., Butler Lodge No. 535. The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.


Charles M.M. DRUM, druggist, Wilkes-Barre, was born at Osceola Mills, Clearfield Co., Pa., October 11, 1861, and is a son of Rev. Martin L. and Selina (McMillan) Drum, also natives of Pennsylvania. The father is a member of the Central Pennsylvania Conference of the M.E. Church, and is now a resident of Mifflintwon, Pa. Our subject was reared in his native State, and educated at Dickinson Seminary, Williamport, Pa. In 1870, he engaged in the drug business at Titusville as an apprentice, entered Philadelphia College of Pharmacy in 1882 and embarked in business for himself in Wilkes-Barre, in August 1883. Mr. Drum was married April 23, 1885, to Mary C., daughter of Asabel L. and Rebecca (Jenkins) Blodgett, of Plymouth, and granddaughter of Asa P. Blodgett, a pioneer of Hanover Township, by which union he has three children: C. Myrtle, S. Rebecca and Charles H. Our subject is a member of the M.E. Church and in politics he is a Republican.

Hon. George W. DRUM, P.O. Conyngham, and was born in Sugar Loaf Township, March 12, 1832, a son of George and Susan (Winters) Drum. His paternal grandfather, George Drum, (whose father was a soldier of the Revolution) was born in Northampton County, Pa, in 1762 and settled in what is now Butler Township in an early day. He was a farmer and large land owner; was appointed a justice of the peace in 1811, a position he held for several years, and resided in what is now Butler Township until his death, which was caused by an accidental gunshot wound. His wife was Rosina Woodring, and his children who grew to maturity were Philip, Jacob, George, William, Peggy Ann, and Betsey. Of these, George, born October 16, 1792, settled in Sugar Loaf Township about 1824, was a carpenter and cabinet maker, and also followed lumbering and farming to some extent, he was appointed a justice of the peace of Sugar Loaf Township in 1826 and held the office up to his death, which occurred November 21, 1831, when he was aged thirty-nine years. His wife was a daughter of John Adam Winters, and died at the age of ninety-one years and nine months, a pioneer of Sugar Loaf. By her he had seven children who grew to maturity, viz.: Lavina (Mrs. Henry Bowman), Mary (Mrs. Thomas Bowman, Eliza (Mrs. Christian Courtright), Susan (Mrs. Owen Gorman), Lucetta (Mrs. James Burcane), Sarah (Mrs. David Petrey) and George. Our subject who was reared in Sugar Loaf Township, and educated in the public schools and at Wyoming Seminary, learned the saddler’s trade, which he followed twenty years. In 1860 he was elected a justice of peace of Sugar Loaf, which office, with the exception of four years, he has held continuously since. In 1879 and 1880 he as elected to the Lower House of the Pennsylvania Legislature, the only Democrat elected to that office from Luzerne County in 1878 and was re-elected in 1880. He married Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Maria (Fisher) Wagner, and granddaughter of John Wagner, a native of Germany, one of the pioneers of Sugar Loaf Township, where he died June 27, 1831. The issue of this union was five children: Samuel B., Dora E. (Mrs. Dr. Heister Hower), Emerson R., George F. and Susan M. Mr. Drum is a member of the German Lutheran Church, of which he is a trustee; is also trustee of the Conyngham Church and school lot. In politics he has always been a stanch democrat.

George W. DRUMHELLER, farmer, constable, and tax collector, P.O. Conyngham, was born in the village of Conyngham, this county, July 14, 1854, a son of Jacob and Lavin (Thomas) Drumheller, formerly of Northampton County, Pa. Jacob Drumheller was of German descent, one of the pioneers of Sugar Loaf Township. The former followed surveying as a profession, and was also engaged in farming. He served one term as a member of the Pennsylvania State Legislature and for upward twenty years was a justice of the peace of Sugar Loaf Township. He was born February 18, 1790 and died June 8, 1857. His wife was a daughter of Henry Thomas, of Butler Township, this county, and by her he had nine children, as follows: William, John, Aaron Eliza (Mrs. William Shirley), Stephen, Alonzo, Alice, George W. and Caroline (Mrs. James Rhodes), all deceased except Alice and George W. Our subject was reared in the village of Conyngham, was educated in the public school and since attaining his majority has been principally engaged in farming, trucking, and in the flour and feed business. He is a Democrat, and since 1879 has been tax collector and constable of Sugar Loaf Township. On April 27, 1875, he married Minnie, daughter of John and Lavina (Heimbach) Knelly, of Sugar Loaf township, and has six children living: William, Emma, Ella, Charles, Howard and John. Mr. Drumheller is a member of the Lutheran Church and the P.O.S. of A.

John DRUMTRA, breaker-boss, Stockton, was born in Germany, October 9, 1863, a son of William Drumtra. The father came to America in 1872, settling at Hazleton and afterward removing to South Herberton, and from thence to Freeland, where the family has since resided. There were nine children in the family, John being the third in order of birth. In 1884 he left home, going to Tomhicken, Pa., where he engaged with Coxe Bros. & co., as screen-boss, which position he held for six years. In 1890 he came to Stockton and took charge of Breaker No. 3, Stockton Mines, where he has since been employed. More than one hundred and fifty hands are in his charge, and he also attends to the complicated machinery of the breaker. Mr. Drumtra is of an ingenious turn of mind, and has devised many patents, which are of great value to the coal operators. Although young, he is the right man in the right places, as is evidenced by the excellent condition in which the breaker and machinery are always to be found. Mr. Drumtra was united in marriage July 24, 1886, with Miss Sarah Readamon, of Conningham, Pa. This union has been blessed with one child, Harvey E. Mr. Drumtra is a Democrat; the family attend the German Reformed Church.

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