Da - De Surnames

History of Luzerne County, Pa.,

by H.C. Bradsby, 1893

John DALY, proprietor of restaurant, Wilkes-Barre, was born in Sunderland County of Durham, England, June 28, 1862, and is a son of John and Bridget (McCarroll) Daly, natives of County Monagahn, Ireland, who came to America in 1870. They settled in Wilkes-Barre Township, where the father was employed in the mines and was killed in the Franklin Colliery by a fall of coal in August 1880. Eight children born to them are living: John, Maggie, Mary (Mrs. Anthony Welch), James, Ellen, Bridget, Kate, and Anna. Our subject was reared in Wilkes-Barre Township from eight years of age, has worked in and about the mines since ten years of age, and has been engaged in the restaurant business ten years. He was married August 30, 1885, to Mary L., daughter of John and Bridget (Flinn) Winn, formerly of Ireland, and has five children: Anna, John, Mary, James and Owen. Mr. Daly is a member of the Catholic Church, and of the A.O.H., and Board of America; in politics he is a Democrat.

William D. DANIELS, farmer, P.O. Huntsville, was born in Brecon, South Wales, March 28, 1840. He is the son of Daniel R. and Ann (Richards) Daniel’s, both of whom are natives of South Wales. Daniel and his wife and their family of eight children came to this country in 1850, locating in Pittston, where he and his six sons engaged in mining. They remained there until March 25, 1857, when Daniel died at the age of sixty-two years. His wife died March 25, 1859, at the same age. William D. is one of a pair of twins. He was reared and educated partly in Wales and partly in the United States, and always followed the example of his progenitor in digging "dusty diamonds" in the Wyoming Valley. October 23, 1863, when twenty-three years of age, he married Miss Hannah, daughter of John W. and Mary (Roberts) Hovella. There were born to them thirteen children, five of whom are now (1891) living: Eleanor (a graduate of Bloomsburg State Normal School, now teaching at Five Forks). John R., Daniel, William and David T. Mr. Daniels is a prosperous man, and, though a general farmer, pays special attention to dairying, milking eighteen cows. He carries his milk to Plymouth, selling it at wholesale and carries on a profitable trade. His stock is fine, his land productive and the farmer himself is a whole-souled man. His farm consists of eighty acres of hillside land, on which he has resided for fifteen years. Mr. Daniels is respected by his neighbors, and enjoys the full confidence of his fellow citizens. He is a consistent Christian, being in full fellowship with and a member of the Walsh Presbyterian Church. He is also a member of the I.O.O.F. and politically is a Republican.

Mifflin DANNER, painter, Ashley, was born in Moore Township, Northampton Co., Pa, December 7, 1846 and is a son of Abraham and Abbie (Miltonberger) Danner, natives of Pennsylvania, and of early German origin. His father, who was a farmer, reared a family of six children: Levi, Mary, Samuel, Allsvestie, Mifflin, and Sarah. The father dying when our subject was five years old, the mother was married to John Kulp, by whom she had one child, Elizabeth. Our subject was educated in the public school at Dannersville, and then learned the painter’s trade at White Haven, which he has since followed. In 1867, he removed to Ashley, where he built his present residence in 1885. Mr. Danner was married September 15, 1869, to Miss Emma R., daughter of Joseph and Rebecca (Zimmerman) Kantner, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Irish and German origin, and they have two children: Ida May and Joseph F. Mr. and Mrs. Danner are members of the Episcopal Church. Socially he is a member of the I.O.O.F., the K. of H.; politically is a Democrat.

William F. DANZER, M.D., Hazleton. This successful young physician was born at Mauch Chunk, Pa, June 5, 1865, and is the youngest in the family of four children of Henry and Catharine (Lechler) Danzer, natives of Mauch Chunk. The Doctor’s early education was received in the public schools of his native county, and on completing the common branches he took an advanced course at the Schuylkill Seminary, and also at Stewart’s Academy. After completing his academic course he began studying medicine with Dr. A.B. Dundor, a prominent physician of Reading, continuing with him three and one-half years. In 1886 he entered Jefferson Medical College, from which he was graduated in the class of ’89. He then took a course at the New York Polytechnic, making a specialty of the eyes, nose and throat, and immediately afterward entered the Lying-in Charity Hospital, Philadelphia, where he attended a six month’s course of lectures. With this thorough training in his profession, the Doctor at once established himself at Hazleton, where he is rapidly building up a large and substantial practice. Socially, Dr. Danzer is a member of the Shield of Honor and the Knights of Malta.

John Vaughan DARLING, lawyer, Wilkes-Barre, was born in Reading, Pa, July 24, 1844, and is a son of William and Margaret (Vaughan Smith) Darling. His paternal grandfather, Eliakim Darling, was a native of New Hampshire, born in 1767, and married Ruth Buck of Bucksport, Maine. He settled in Bucksport at an early age, where he became a prominent ship builder, and owner and died there at the age of sixty-six years. He was a son of Thomas and Martha (Howe) Darling, the latter of whom was a niece of Lord Howe, who commanded the British forces in America during the war of the Revolution. William Darling, father of subject and who was a native of Bucksport, Maine, in early life settled in Reading, Pa, studied law and was admitted to the bar, and entered actively into the practice of his profession, being a leading light in the courts for many years. He was a United States Commissioner to the World’s fair held at Crystal Palace, London, in 1851. Prior to that he had been appointed president judge of the Berks District, but shortly afterward resigned the position on account of ill health, though he lived to the age of seventy-eight years. He was vice-president of the American Sunday school Union from its organization until his death. His wife, Margaret Vanghan Smith, was a daughter of John Smith, owner of the Joanna Furnace, one of the prominent industries of Berks County, Pa in an early day. John Smith was a son of Robert Smith, of Chester County, Pa, the latter son of John and Susannah Smith, who came to America from the North of Ireland in 1720, and settled in Chester County, Pa. The subject of this sketch was prepared for college by Prof. Kendall and passed his examination for the junior year at Harvard University, but failing health obliged him to give up his collegiate education. In early life he was a frequent contributor to the columns of Lippincoff’s magazine and Atlantic Monthly, and for five years was assistant editor of the North American Review. He read law with R.C. McMurtrie of Philadelphia and in 1865 was admitted to the Philadelphia bar. He practiced his profession in that city until 1874, when he removed to Wilkes-Barre and June 4, 1874, was admitted to the bar of Luzerne County, where he has since been engaged in the active practice of his profession. On October 9, 1872, he married Alice Mary, daughter of Andrew T. and Augusta (Clat) McClintock, of Wilkes-Barre.

Alfred DARTE, Jr., was born April 28, 1836 in the little old town of Dundaff in Susquehanna County, Pa. The Dare’s came from Connecticut from which State a number of the name, including the grandfather and six of the granduncles of Alfred, Jr., joined the army of the Revolution, served all through that memorable struggle, the grandfather being wounded in the attack on Fort Griswold, Hon. Alfred Darte, father of our subject, removed from Susquehanna County to Carbondale (then in Luzerne, now in Lackawanna County), where he practiced as a lawyer, and became recorder of the mayor’s court of the city. The mother was Ann F. Cone, daughter of Dorastus Cone, of Esopas, Ulster Co., N.Y., whose ancestors had also come from "the land of the steady habits." Alfred Darte, Jr. was educated in common schools, and at the Wyoming Seminary. He read law in the offices of his father and became a member of the Luzerne bar, May 12, 1859. Very soon after the outbreak of the Civil war, both his father and himself joined Company K. Twenty-fifth P.V.I., of which organization the father was captain and the son , first lieutenant. Lieutenant Darte’s term of service extended for April 26, 1861, to September 19, 1964, when he was mustered out on account of disability occurring from a wound received in an engagement with the enemy at Trevilian Station, Virginia. Mr. Dante, after the war was for many years Justice attorney of the county, and was elected by a large plurality, serving the full term of three years. He was again nominated and elected to the same office in 1888 and served the second full term. In 1891 he was a favorable but not successful applicant for the Republican nomination for additional law judge. He is an active member of the Grand Army of the republic and has represented the Wilkes-Barre Post in many State and national gatherings. On June 11, 1863, Mr. Dante married Caroline Sealy, a native of Kingston, and daughter of Robert Sealy, of Cork, Ireland, who died June 22, 1892. They had no children. Mr. Dante is a Presbyterian, a trustee of the Kingston Church of that denomination and, as facts above recorded show, he is an active and influential member of the Republican Party.

W.H. DAUBER, proprietor of the St. John’s Flouring Mills, St. John’s, Pa, is a native of Rockland Township, Berks County, Pa, and is a son of Daniel and Polly Ann (Miller) Dauber, natives of Berks Co., Pa, at present residing in Freeland, Pa. The parents removed to this county when he was about thirteen years old. Our subject received his education in the public schools and upon reaching the age of fifteen began the miller’s trade at A. Straw & Son’s Mills, where he remained one year and a half, and then worked in various flouring mills throughout the county. In 1874, he commenced work at St. John’s Mills and worked as miller there until 1887, when he assumed control, he now enjoys a lucrative amount of custom grinding. Mr. Dauber was married in 1875 to Miss Maggie Rittenhouse, an accomplished young lady of Sugar Loaf Township. This union has been blessed with two children, viz.: George R., and Edith. Mr. Dauber is a member of the I.O.O. F. and the P.O.S. of A. He is widely known in his section of the county, and has many well-deserved friends.

A. Livingstone DAVENPORT, junior member of the firm Davenport Bros., booksellers, Plymouth, was born April 16, 1853 and is a son of Edwin and Mary O. (McAlarney) Davenport, natives of Luzerne County, pa, and of old historic families of the Valley. Edwin Davenport was born June 6, 1832, the eldest son of Oliver Davenport, on of the numerous descendants of Thomas Davenport, who came into the Wyoming Valley shortly after the Revolution, settling in Plymouth, and married Livia, daughter of Col. George P. Ransom and granddaughter if Capt. Samuel Ransom, who was killed in the Wyoming Massacre. Edwin Davenport is a brother of James H. and Andrew O. Davenport and Clarissa Shaver Frey, now deceased, and Mrs. Henry Lees, Mrs. Lorenzo Whitney, Mrs. Ellen O. Levi, and Mrs. H.N. Ashley, now residing in Plymouth. Edwin married October 21, 1860, Mary C., daughter of James McAlarney, and they have had eight children, all yet living, as follows: Stanley Woodward, A. Livingstone, Ward P., Julia E., James, Livia, Fuller, and Lloyd. The father has been engaged in mercantile business for the past twenty-two years.

A. Livingstone DAVENPORT was educated at the public schools of the place of his birth, which was supplemented with a higher education at Wyoming Seminary, where he graduated in 1882. After completing his course of studies, he returned to Plymouth and was employed as clerk for Charles Shupp for a short time. On January 1, 1885, he and his brother, Stanley W., purchased the business formerly owned by A.F. Levi, and they have since conducted same. The enterprising young man who forms the subject of this sketch has now full charge of the business, which is an extensive one; and judging from his ready business tact, he is fully competent to discharge any and all of the duties connected with it. In politics, he has always been closely identified with the Democratic Party, and in church matters, he follows the precepts of the Methodist creed. The senior member of the extensive business is.

Stanley Woodward DAVENPORT, a practicing attorney of Wilkes-Barre, Pa, and a resident of Plymouth. He was born at the above named place July 21, 1861. This rising young lawyer was educated in the public schools of Plymouth and at Wyoming Seminary. He is also a graduate of the Wesleyan University, class of ’84. Soon after graduating, Stanley and his brother Livingstone, succeeded Mr. Levi in the business above mentioned, and Stanley remained in the store three years. He then left it in charge of his brother, while he entered the law office of George W. Shonk, at Wilkes-Barre, where he was a student for one year ad nine months at the end of which time he has so far conquered the subtle reasoning of Blackstone that, upon examination, he was at once admitted to practice at the Luzerne County bar. Mr. S.W. Davenport was untied in marriage, June 13, 1889, with Mary, daughter of Andrew Wier, and they have one child, Marion, born May 1, 1890. Mr. Davenport adheres strictly to the principles advocated by the Democratic Party. These young gentlemen, as will be seen are great great grandsons of the brave Capt. Ransom, who fell in the Massacre of Wyoming.

George DAVENPORT, farmer, P.O. Plymouth. Among the early settlers of the Valley are the Davenports, who came here at a very early period, and settled in what is now the lower end of the borough of Plymouth. Our subject, whose name heads this sketch, was born in Luzerne County, Pa, January 4, 1823, and is the second in the family of five children of Daniel and Mary (Nesbitt) Davenport, natives of this county. He received his education in the public schools of Luzerne borough, and at the age of twenty-one years began boating on the canal between Wilkes-Barre and Philadelphia, Pa, which he followed for twenty years. He then engaged in mining as a contractor for a short time, retiring to his farm afterward, where he has since been engaged in tilling the soil. On September 3, 1849, Mr. Davenport was united in marriage with Miss Emily, daughter of John and Esther (Ransom) Ingham, natives of Luzerne County, and five children have been blessed of this union, viz.: Daniel F., Hendrick I., Andrew E., Robert W., and William M. Mr. Davenport is a democrat in politics and the family attend the Christian Church

.Harry H. DAVENPORT, farmer, P.O. Huntington Mills Township, was born in that township October 14, 1864, a son of Hauford and Fannie P. (Larned) Davenport, natives of Pennsylvania, of English origin. Hanford Davenport was a farmer by occupation; he died June 8, 1865 in Boise City, Idaho, while on his way to the gold fields of California. Our subject is the youngest of a family of seven children as follows: Eva M. (Mrs. Charles W. Lowden); William W., travels for a moulding firm of Baltimore; Ida E. (Mrs. A.R. Wilkenson); Harriet; Elmer, Hanford (deceased) and Harry H. Harry H. was reared on a farm, receiving his education in the common schools, and at eighteen years of age began farming on his property that he now owns. He was married, June 26, 1889, to Miss Josephine, daughter of M.B. and Parmelia (Rhone) Trescott, by whom he has one child, Herman L., born September 25, 1890. Our subject and wife attend the M.E. Church; in politics he is a Democrat, and has held the office of treasurer.

J.W. DAVENPORT, farmer, Pike’s Creek, was born February 21, 1844, reared and educated in Lake Township. He is the son of Helan and Christine (Roberts) Davenport; the former born in Huntington Township in 1811, the latter in Union Township, in 1818. Helan was a son of Humphrey davenport, of Dutch descent, who with other members of his father’s family, located in Huntington Township on a lot of 125 acres. He was a natural mechanic as well as a skilled workman. He was a carpenter, blacksmith and wheelwright, a hard-working man, who did much for the extension of agricultural pursuits, in building and improving on his farm. He reared a family of seven children, two of whom are now living. His son, Helan, began business as a lumberman in Hazleton, where he remained for two years, thence moving to Shickshinny, where he worked at his trade (blacksmith) for some time. He next moved to Deantown, Union Township, where he remained for two years, when, in 1889, he removed to Lake Township, on a farm of 120 acres of unimproved land, on which he built, and which he cleared until it became a model farm. Mr. Davenport is a zealous democrat, he is a man of importance in the town, and has held all the important offices. He served one term as justice of peace. His family consisted of twelve children: eleven grew to maturity; eight of whom are living (1892). He is now living at the age of eighty-one; his wife died in 1876. J.W. is the fifth in the family in order of birth, and has always contained himself to farming on the old homestead, where he now lives and which he owns. He was married September 30, 1868, to Miss Cassie E., daughter of Perry and Mary Ann Wilkenson. By her, he has had two children: Frank L., aged twenty-one and Dana W., aged fifteen. Mrs. Cassie (Wilkenson) Davenport was born in Ross Township, May 8, 1848. Mr. Davenport is a practical farmer, who, since he has owned the homestead, has made marked and visible improvements, not only improving the farm, but also building extensively. He has held the office of constable and other offices. He was justice of the peace then years. On March 24, 1864, he became a member of Company B. Second P.V.C., for the term of three years. He served to the close of the war, and received an honorable discharge. In politics, he is a Democrat; he is a member of the G.A.R. He, with his wife, is a member of the M.E. Church, in good standing.

Thomas DAVENPORT, proprietor of the "Union House," Shickshinny, was born in Huntington Township, Luzerne Co., Pa, June 12, 1820, a son of Stephen and Elizabeth (Tubbs) Davenport. The paternal grandfather, Thomas Davenport, a native of Connecticut, was a pioneer farmer of Plymouth Township, where he died. His sons were Robert, Samuel, John, Oliver, Daniel and Stephen, the latter, who was in farming until his death, which occurred in 1885, when he was aged eighty-five years. His wife was a daughter of Earl Tubbs, of Huntington Township, where he had eight children born to him: Hanford, William, Thomas, Earl, Samuel, Ada (Mrs. Charles Good), Charlotte (Mrs. Righter Swingle) and Elizabeth (Mrs. Wells Wagner). Our subject was reared in his native township, and in 1830 embarked in merchandising at Town Line, where he was in business five years and also at Shickshinny from 1835 to 1862. In the fall of the latter year, he joined Company I, One Hundred and Forty-second Pennsylvania Volunteers as lieutenant, and after two years of service was honorably discharged; during that term he was also engaged in the lumber business in Fairmount Township, in which he still continues. Before the war, he boated on the canal several years as well as being engaged in various other enterprises; since 1891 he has been in hotel business at Shickshinny, in the hotel erected by himself in 1858. Mr. Davenport was twice married, his first wife being Diana, daughter of Jacob Good, of Huntington township, and by her he has three children living: Rosa (Mrs. William Eckruth), Gertrude (Mrs. George Grose), and Samuel. His present wife was Mrs. Pamela (McCafferty) Cloons. Mr. Davenport is a member of the G.A.R. and in politics, is a democrat.

William DAVENPORT, merchant, Town Line, was born in Plymouth, January 14, 1927, and is a son of Stephen and Elizabeth (Tubbs) Davenport, the former born in Plymouth August 14, 1800, the latter in Huntington in 1802. Stephen was a son of Thomas, who, with his brother Robert, took an active part in the Wyoming Massacre, having just moved from Connecticut into the Valley that day. They escaped to Plymouth after shooting two Indians who pursued them. The brothers immediately returned to Connecticut, where they remained a few years, when they returned again to Wyoming Valley, and located in Plymouth, where some of their descendants now reside. Thomas owned considerable land in Plymouth being one of the first pioneers in that part of the Valley. He died at an advanced age. His family consisted of twelve children, who in their turn became sturdy pioneers in the Wyoming Valley. Stephen, his son, began active business in Plymouth. His property was extensive, and under it were valuable coal beds, consequently in those days he was an active coal operator; he shipped his coal down the river in arks, owning two, and running them himself. In 1829, he removed to Town Line, where he purchased 360 acres of virgin soil, on which he built, improving about 200 acres during his lifetime. He was a through-going businessman as well as a practical farmer; everything he touched seemed to prosper. Mr. Davenport was a strong democrat and a man of influence in his party; during 1862-65 he was elected county commissioner. He died August 22, 1885, aged eighty-five years, after an eventful, busy and useful life. His family consisted of eleven children, ten of whom grew to maturity, and six of whom are living now. William is the third in order of birth, and was reared and educated in Huntington Township, spending two terms in Kingston. In early life he followed farming, and at one time was engaged as clerk, when he learned the secrets of the mercantile trade, and in 1850 entered the mercantile business for himself, having carried on the business successfully ever since. He has a large storeroom filled with the choicest goods, believing in selling goods cheap, though not in selling cheap goods. Under his business tact and judgment he has succeeded in establishing a large and lasting trade. Five years after he began his storekeeping, he married, on February 25, 1855, Miss Deline, daughter of A. and Sarah Harrison. To them has been born one son, L.B., who is married to Miss Rose Wilkenson. Mrs. Adeline (Harrison) Davenport was born in Huntington in 1835. Mr. Davenport has held the postoffice for the last thirty-six years under every administration, and is a democrat in politics. He is universally liked as a through going businessman.

Benjamin DAVEY, Sr., mine contractor, Wilkes-Barre, was born in Cornwall, England, November 28, 1846, a son of Benjamin and Ann (Firstbrook) Davey. He was reared and educated in his native country, where he began life in the mines at twelve years of age, and followed the different grades of mining from a beginner up, until 1866. He then came to America, locating in northern Michigan, where he was employed in the copper mines for five years. In 1871 he located in Wilkes-Barre, and since has been continuously engaged in mining, contracting, sinking shafts, etc., with the exception of one year spent in California in the gold mines. In 1887, Mr. Davey formed a partnership with John Wasley, under the firm name of Davey & Wasley. Mr. Davey has twice been married: first in 1866 to Caroline, daughter of Bartholomew and Mary (Ninners) Youren, of Cornwall, England, by whom he had three children, Benjamin Jr., Carrie and Thomas; his second wife was Anna, daughter of George Stockham of Plymouth, Pa, and by her he has two children, Hannah and George. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and of the I.O.F.; in politics, he is a Republican.

Benjamin DAVEY. Jr., architect, Wilkes-Barre, was born in Marquette, Mich., November 17, 1867, and is a son of Benjamin and Caroline (Yourn) Davey. He was reared in Luzerne County, Pa, from four years of age, and educated in the public schools of Wilkes-Barre and Plymouth. In 1880, he began the study of architecture in the office of J.H.W. Hawkins, of Wilkes-Barre, and has since followed the business, forming a partnership with Stanley W. walker, in 1890, under the firm name of Davey & Walker. In 1892 he succeeded Mr. Walker, and has built up a successful business, not only in the city of Wilkes-Barre, but in the entire State. Mr. Davey married June 30, 1891, Mary I., daughter of Asa L. and Mary (Kutz) Gardner, of Wilkes-Barre, and by her has one child, Benjamin. Our subject is an active member of the U.U. and K. of P.; politically is a staunch Republican.

Rev. Jacob E. DAVIES, pastor of the Welsh Baptist Church, Plymouth. This energetic young minister was born in Glamorganshilre, South Wales, May 22, 1855, and is a son of Esau and Ann (Evans) Davies, natives of Carmarthenshire, South Wales. He is the third son of a family of six, four of whom are living. He came to America in 1872 and first settled in Frostburg, Md., where he remained but a short time, moving from there to Lewisburg, Union County, Pa. He immediately thereafter entered Lewisburg (now Bucknell) University, where after six and one half years of close study and constant application, he graduated with high honors in the class of 1884. He then commenced the ministry at Providence, Pa., where he was ordained August 22, 1884, remaining there four years, at the end of which time he came to Plymouth, where he has since been pastor of the Welsh Baptist Church. Mr. Davies has been twice been married: first to Miss Anna Jane, daughter of John A. and Margaret (Arthur) Williams, natives of Glamorganshire, South Wales. To this union was born, December 1, 1886, one child; Marguerite, who was not destined to know a mother’s love long, as the latter died October 19, 1889. Mr. Davies married for his second wife, September 2, 1891, Jennie E., daughter of David P. and Elizabeth (Edwards) Edwards, natives of Wales. In politics, our subject is a stanch Prohibitionist. He is a member of the Tonti and Ivorites.

James B. DAVIES, general superintendent of Plymouth Coal Company, Plymouth. Among the many men who have done much in developing the mines of Luzerne County, none are more prominent or have been more successful in their efforts than the one whose name opens the sketch. His experiences in the coal regions of Pennsylvania have been vast, and during the troublesome Molly Maguire period, his position was not an enviable one. He at that time was inside foreman at the famous Nottingham Shaft. The subject of this sketch was born in Llangammarch, Breconshire, South Wales, April 26, 1840, and is the eldest in the family of four children of John P. and Mary (Bevan) Davies, natives of Wales. James B. Davies in 1856, moved to Aberdare, in Glamorganshire, where he was engaged in mining until 1868, in which year he came to America, locating at wilkes0Barre and engaged at mining at the Hollenback and Kidder and No. 4 Slopes. At the latter place he remained but a short time, however, as he was given a position as fire boss at the Empire Shaft, and he had held this position for a short period only, when he was appointed foreman at what is known as the "great mine fire," which position he held until February 1, 1874, when he took that of inside foreman at the Nottingham Shafts, where he remained nine and one half years. When he took this position, the mine was yielding 450 tons of coal daily, and after nine years under his management, was brought up to the capacity of 2,000 tons daily. In 1883 he was chosen by the Plymouth Coal Company as general superintendent, which position he has since creditably filled. He has under his charge about 1,050 hands, mining 2,000 tons daily. It can be truthfully said that Mr. Davies has the entire confidence of his employers as well as the respect of those who are under his supervision. He was married January 10, 1871, to Miss Annie, daughter of Capt. William and Elizabeth (Cavalry) Smith, natives of North Wales. Nine children have been born to this union, namely: Mary (a teacher in the Plymouth schools), Emily (also a teacher in the Plymouth schools), Gertrude, Cora (deceased), Ernest, (deceased), Mabel Louise (deceased), Lenore, Bruce and Stanley. Mr. Davies is a Republican. He is deacon of the Welsh Presbyterian Church, and always very ready to defend Calvinism at any cost.

John B. DAVIES, inside foreman at the Dodson Colliery. This pleasant and intelligent gentleman was born, November 4, 1845, in Breconshire, South Wales, and the third in a family of four children born to John P. and Mary (Bevan) Davies, natives of Wales. The family removed to Aberdale, Wales, where the children were educated and reared. John B., at an early age began work in the iron ore mines doing almost everything that pertained to mining. In 1868, he came to America, locating at Wilkes-Barre, where he was engaged at mining in the Old Kidder Shaft, remaining there about seven years. He then came to Plymouth and worked at the Nottingham for five and one half years, first as timberman, then as fire-boss, and lastly as assistant inside foreman. After quitting the Nottingham, he took charge of and opened up the Dodson, which at that time was "squeezed" and he has since 1883 acted in the capacity of inside foreman at that colliery. There are under his charge about 250 men, who take out 700 tons of coal daily. Politically, Mr. Davies is a Republican; he attends the Presbyterian Church. He and his sister are living with and caring for their aged and honored father, our subject having never yielded to Cupid’s charms.

L.J. DAVIES, merchant tailor. This popular businessman of Hazleton is a native of Bettaws, Glamorganshire, South Wales. When he was an infant, his parents remove to Abeskenfig, near Bridgend, South Wales, and here he was reared and educated to the age of thirteen, serving and apprenticeship at tailoring and cutting. He then went to Abersvon, where he remained for a time, continuing to follow his trade there and in various towns throughout England and Wales until 1887, when he came to America and Pennsylvania. He worked in Shenandoah, Bethlebem and Freeland and in August, 1892, established his present business in Hazleton, where he is doing an extensive business, and keeps constantly in his employ from twelve to fifteen tailors. It may here be truly and appropriately said of Mr. Davies, that he is a master of his art. As a cutter he is equaled by few and excelled by none. He has taken a course in cutting in the London Cutting School, where he graduated, and he also graduated at the Cutting School of J.J. Mitchell, New York. He is a member of the Baptist Church, and is a very close student of the Scriptures.

Reese DAVIES, inside foreman at Tomhicken Colliery, for Coxe Bros. & Co., Sugarloaf, was born in Yetradgynlais, Glumorganshire, Wales, March 22, 1843, a son of Wiliam and Magdalena (Lewis) Davies. He was reared in his native country, began work about the mines at eleven years of age, and at sixteen engaged in mining in Wales, at which he was employed until 1865. In this year he came to America and located in Luzerne County, Pa, where, with the exception of seven years spent at Honeybrook, Schuylkill Co., Pa, he has since resided. Since 1881 he has been inside foreman of the Tomhicken Colliery. In 1861 Mr. Davies, married Ann, daughter of Reese and Mary (Jones) Morgan, of Wales, by whom he had seventeen children, ten of whom survive: Jeannette (Mrs. Watkins Buckland), Reece, Maggie A. (Mrs. James Maffan), Winnie, Gomer, Gwilym, Daniel, Isaac, Lizzie and Arthur. Mr. Davies is a member of the M.E. Church, and in Politics is a Prohibitionist.

Reese M. DAVIES, justice of the peace, Edwardsville. The gentleman whose name heads this biography was born in Monmonthshire, Wales, and is a son of David and Sarah (Jones) Davies, both natives of that country. In his father’s family there were four children, viz.: David (deceased), Eliza (deceased), Mary who married Abram Jones, a native of Wales and now a resident of Scranton; and Reese M. (the subject of this memoir). Mr. Davies came to America in 1870, locating at Pittston, where he remained about eight months engaged in mining, and removed from there to Olyphant, Pa, where he also engaged in mining and remained four years, thence going to Duck Pond, where he remained but a short time. He next removed to Plymouth, coming from there to Edwardsville, where he has since resided. Mr. Davies was married May 15, 1874, to Miss Mary Davies (now deceased) of Olyphnat, and a native of Wales, by whom he had three children, viz.: David, John Daniel (deceased) and Daniel. He married for his second wife, Mrs. Sarah (Hughes) Williams, widow of Thomas Williams, of Taylorsville. Our subject is a member of the Congregational Church, the I.O.O.F. and K. of P., and in his political views is a Republican. He has been burgess of Edwardsville four terms, and assessor one term, and is now serving his second term of justice of the peace.

William DAVIES, farmer, P. O. Avoca, was born in England, Dec 19, 1846, a son of Joseph and Mary (Scobil) Davies, both also natives of England. Joseph followed mining in his younger days, but when age "grew on apace" he took to other vocations. He was a hard working and industrious man, and died in October 1882 at the age of 70 years. There were 10 children born to him, nine of whom grew to maturity, and seven of them are now living, four being in the country. Our subject who is the fifth in the family, was reared and educated in England, and was 22 years of age when, in 1870, he emigrated to this country. He located in Moosic, Pa., where he followed mining at which he worked until 1890, when he purchased a farm of 35 acres of well improved land, which he crowds to the utmost capacity, he principal produce being "truck." At the age of 21, August 24 1868 he married Miss Emma, daughter of John and Charlotta Whitlock, and by her he had seven children, four of whom are living: Joseph E, Elizabeth A, Charles C, and James H. Mrs. Emma Davies was born in England April 7, 1848. Mr Davies is a practical man and hard worker he has held some township offices. He is a member of the I.O.O.F. and Ancient Order of Foresters.

William E. DAVIES, road mater of the D.S. & S.R.R., Drifton. This popular railroad man is a native of Merthyr Tydvill, South Wales, and was born June 18, 1830, a son of Thomas and Mary (Price) Davies. His father is now a section foreman on the D.S. & S.R.R., and resides at Drifton; the mother died in the old country. Thomas came here in 1862 and his son William E., came five years later. Our subject had worked in the mines in his native land from his boyhood days, and when he came to America, he naturally followed that business. He commenced work in the mines at Providence, and worked in Mill Creek, Avondale, Nanticoke, Wilkes-Barre, and Parsons, in these places following mine contracting. In 1877 he came to Drifton, and was engaged in rock mining, track laying, coal mining, etc. After remaining here over three years, he was sent to Deringer, where he had the same capacity until the year of 1890, when he was appointed road master of the D.S. & S.R.R., where he has since been engaged. Mr. Davies was married in 1876 to Miss Amelia Deets of Nanticoke. They have had thirteen children, six of whom are living. We deem it true to say of Mr. Davies, that he has had more mining and construction experience than any other man in the anthracite regions. When only eight years of age he went into the mines in Wales, and has since made mining his sole occupation. He has wholly educated himself, not only in the common branches, but also extensively in the higher mathematics and sciences to such an extent, that he is, in fact, master of all the mathematical technicalities of mining and civil engineering. He is a member of the Masonic Fraternity and the I.O.O.F., and K. of P.

B.F. DAVIS, dealer in flour, feed, hay and grain, Freeland, is a native of Buck Mountain, Carbon County, born March 4, 1859. He is a son of David W. and Elizabeth (Williams) Davis, both natives of Merthyr Tydvill, South Wales. Mr. Davis was educated in the public schools and at the age of nine began picking slate at Lansford, Carbon County. He worked around the mines about three years, when he received employment as clerk in the store of A.M. Newmiller, at Lansford. He worked there about two years, when he returned to the breaker, working there another year and a half, when, in 1875, he came to Freeland, and entered the employ of H.C. Koons as clerk, remaining with him two years. He then entered the Kutstown State Normal School, in Berks County, and attended this Institute one year, after which he returned to the employ of H.C. Koons, where he remained until January 1, 1887, when he engaged in clerking for J.C. Berner. He remained with him until April of that year, when he bought out the flour, feed and hay business of Kalbfas & Jones, which he has since successfully conducted. Mr. Davis was married in 1882 to Miss Lizzie Monroe, of Hazleton, and they have four children, viz.: Walter, William, Jennie, and Bessie. Our subject is a member of the P.O.S. of A.; the Junior Order united American Mechanics, and the Knights of Malta. He has been burgess of Freeland one term, chief of the Freeland Fire Department two terms, and chief of police one term. His political preferences are Republican.

Daniel D. DAVIS, miner, Plains, was born in South Wales, August 1, 1847, and is a son of Urias and Ann (Eayon) Davis; his father, who was a quarry contractor, reared a family of fourteen children, of whom eight are living, and of whom he is the eleventh. When our subject was seven years old, his mother died, and two weeks later, his father, who had previously made two trips to America, left his family, and nothing was ever again known of him by any of them. This of course left the children to make their own way in the world, the elder assisting the younger. In 1861, Daniel D., three brothers, and a sister came to America and found a home with their elder brother John D., who lived in Scranton. Our subject began life in the New World driving a mule, and has worked his way through the various stages until now he is a full-fledged miner, at which occupation he has worked twenty-four years. Mr. Davis was married, February 27, 1869, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Jenkin B. and Elizabeth (Parry) Jones, and they have one child, Peury J., they also have an adopted daughter, Emily. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are members of the Welsh Congregational Church in which he is financier; he is a member of the I.O.O.F., I.O.R.M. and Ivorites, and he is Republican.

E.M. DAVIS, physician and surgeon, Glen Lyon, Newport Township, was born in Johnstown, Pa, January 14, 1861, and is a son of David P. and Rachel (Lloyd) Davis, the former of whom is now a merchant in Plymouth, Pa. The family consists of six living children, viz.: John L., Edward M., Elizabeth (Mrs. John Edwards), Frisswith (Mrs. David Roderick), Sarah (Mrs. Thomas Williams) and Ida May, who is unmarried. Our subject received his primary education in the public schools, and in Wyoming Seminary, and graduated from the College of Physicians, ad Surgeons, Baltimore, Md., in 1886, after which he began his present practice. Dr. Davis was married September 29, 189, to Jane J., daughter of Josiah Hughes, of Wilkes-Barre (now of Alabama), and they have two children, Frisswith and Ellsworth. He is a member of the F. & A.M>; Jr. O.U.A.M and the I.O.R.M.; he is a republican in his political views, and was appointed postmaster July 11, 1889.

George DAVIS, farmer, Fairmount Township, P.O. Fairmount Springs, was born in that township July 27, 1863, a son of Solomon and Elizabeth (Cole) Davis, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Welsh and German origin, respectively. The father was also a farmer, and departed this life June 28, 1888, aged seventy-four years. He was a son of Solomon and Margaret (Hartman) Davis, natives of Pennsylvania. Solomon Sr., was also a farmer, and was a son of Reuben and Ellen (Fitzimmons) Davis, natives of Wales and Ireland, respectively. Our subject is the youngest in order of birth in a family of five children, was reared on a farm and educated in common schools. When fourteen years old he started out for himself, working a time at farm work, then in the car shops at Berwick, and later in a Harness shop at Light Street. In 1888, owning to the sickness of his father, he was called home and at his father’s death inherited eighty-two acres of the homestead, where he now resides. He was married, December 18, 1890 to Miss Willetta, daughter of Isaiah and Lottie (Lutz) Harrison. Mr. Davis is a member of the I.O.O.F. and politically is a Democrat.

George DAVIS, justice of the peace, Parsons, was born in Monmouthshire, England, April 20, 1838, and is a son of Noah and Sarah (Shintan) Davis. His parents came to America in 1846, settling at Scranton, Pa, being among the early settlers of that place; and his father was about the first Methodist in Scranton, and was a local minister for twenty-four years. Mr. Davis was educated in the common schools, and at the age of eighteen learned the cabinet-maker’s trade, working at it in Scranton until 1861, when he enlisted in Company I, Fifth United States Artillery and in February 1862, was promoted to sergeant; he was in the following engagements: Gaines’ Mills, Malvern Hill, Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancelloersville and Gettysburg. At the last named place, he was taken prisoner, and confined in Libby prison for a short time, being then taken from there to Belle Isle, where he was imprisoned until December 10, 1863; he was then paroled and sent to Annapolis, Md, and was shortly after exchanged, rejoining his regiment in time to participate in the siege of Petersburg. He was discharged October 9, 1864 at the expiration of his term in service. He then returned to Scranton and engaged in the furniture business until 1868, when he went to Wilkes-Barre, continuing in the same business until 1873, when he came to Parsons, where he has since remained, he has been engaged in painting and paper-hanging and still carries on a very extensive trade in that line. On April 1, 1865, Mr. Davis was married to Miss Mary, daughter of Morgan Davies, of Scranton and they have five children: Anna, Walter, Ruth, Gertrude, and Alice. Mr. Davis and his family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he has been Sunday school superintendent for twelve years. In his political views, he is a Republican, and he was the first constable of Parsons; has been borough secretary six years, burgess one term, and has served as justice of the peace for nine years.

John C. DAVIS, farmer, Fairmount Township, P.O. Fairmount Springs, was born in Columbia County, August 20, 1846, as son of Solomon and Elizabeth (Cole) Davis, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Welsh and German origin, respectively, was a son of Solomon and Margaret (Hartman) Davis, natives of Pennsylvania, farmers. Solomon Sr., was a son of Rueben and Ellen (Fitzimmons) Davis, natives of Wales and Ireland, respectively. Our subject is the eldest of a family of five children. He was reared on a farm, educated in the common schools and New Columbus Academy, and worked for his father, teaching school winters, until he was twenty-seven years of age. He then rented the farm, and worked same until ten years when, by the death of an uncle, he inherited his present farm of seventy-six acres and moved thereon. He also owns seventy acres in Huntington Township. He was married, October 10, 1872, to Miss Clara Grimes, daughter of James and Jane ( John) Grimes. This happy union was blessed with one child, Ida E., born in November 1875. She is the pride and joy of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are members of the M.E. Church. He has been supervisor of his township, ad politically he is a Democrat.

J.E. DAVIS, farmer, P.O. Larksville, was born in Kingston Township, September 9, 1851, where he was reared and educated. He is a son of David W. and Rachael (James) Davis, both of whom were born in Wales, and who emigrated to this country about 1830. They came by the way of Philadelphia, where they afterward resided. David W. Davis confined himself to mining and farming, though he never married on both at the same time. He owned ninety-seven acres of good hill-sale land north of Kingston borough, which he improved during his lifetime. He was a hard-working and honest man, of good moral habits. He died in 1878 at the age of seventy-four years, and was followed by his widow in 1886. They reared a family of six children, four of whom are living: David, James, Thomas, and John E. The latter is the youngest of the family, and has always confined himself to agricultural pursuits, living on the farm occupied by his father before him. In November 1881, he married Miss Emily, daughter of Jos. And Jane Linn, and to this union have been born three children, two of whom are living: Jane and Newell. Mrs. Emily Davis was born in Plymouth in 1850. Mr. Davis is an active and wide-awake man, and a practical farmer. His farm now comprises about seventy acres and although a general farmer, the gives the preference to dairying. He retails his milk in various parts of the Valley. Mr. Davis is a member of the K. and H. and a Republican politically.

John P. DAVIS, insurance agent, Plymouth, was born at Swansea, South Wales, June 16, 1847, and is a son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Williams) Davis, natives of Carduganshire, North Wales. Our subject is the second in a family of three children, was educated in Wales, and at an early age learned mining, which he followed in that country until 1868 when he came to America and engaged in mining in Mahanoy City, Pa, where he remained but a short time. He then returned to Wales, engaging in mining at Ferndale Mines, and was in what is known as the "Ferndale Disaster," one to the most appalling and horrible mine accidents that has ever occurred, the total loss of life being 152 souls. Our subject narrowly escaped death, and after assisting in recovering the dead bodies, he returned to America and followed his old occupation, fourteen years being spent at the Nottingham Colliery. He then abandoned mining, and embarked in the insurance business for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, in which capacity, he served for about one and one half years, at the end of which period he engaged in his old occupation, working at the Parrish Mines for about two years. He then renewed the insurance business, this time representing the Pottsville Home Life Insurance Company, and has since been engaged in this business. Mr. Davis, was united in marriage in September, 1873, with Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Jane (Douglas) Jones, natives of Wales, to which union have been born seven children, viz.: David J., Martha J., Lizzie, Tallascn, Ermon, Jermima, and Margaret. Mr. Davis is a Republican, and is a member of the I.O.R.M and the Ivorites. The family attended the Congregational Church.

T.B. DAVIS, fire-boss in the Henry Colliery, Plains, was born in Plains, Pa., September 5, 1849, and is a son of henry and Ann (Eishma), natives of England, the former of whom was a miner and came to America in 1847, locating in Plains. Their family consisted of seven children (five of whom are living), viz.: Thomas B., Mary E., married to David B. Williams, a blacksmith in Streator, Ill.; Sarah A., married to Edward Ayer, pumpman, Parsons, Lillian, married to John Murphy, formerly a miner at Plains; Charles, killed in the mines at the age of thirteen, Jane, who died at the age of seven years; and John W., a runner in the Mill Creek Mine, living with his mother. The father of this family enlisted at Wilkes-Barre, November 4, 1861, in Company H. Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was discharged December 31, 1863, re-enlisted as a veteran volunteer in the same company, January 1, 1864, and was discharged January 24, 1866, though he never received severe injuries, the trials and anxieties attendant upon a soldier’s life bore so heavily upon him that his strong mind was shattered so that it never rallied, and he is now in the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home, Virginia. Our subject embarked in life as a runner in the mines. He served an apprenticeship at the blacksmith trade, which he was obliged to abandon on account of sight failure; he then mined six years, and has been fire-boss seven years. Mr. Davis was married, December 26, 1877, to Miss Emetia, daughter of John Royston, of England and the fruits of this union are two children, Charles A., and Mary c. Mrs. Emetia (Royston) Davis died, November 6, 1883 and Mr. Davis married, November 15, 1884, Catherine Tasker, daughter of George and Elizabeth (Hayes) Tasker, formerly of south Wales, and by this union there are three children, Gertrude A., George E., and Harry J. Since March, 1891, Mrs. Davis has been afflicted with total blindness, caused by paralysis of the optic nerve. Mr. Davis is a member of the Sons of Veterans; politically, he is a Republican. In 1875, he built and moved into his present residence.

Thomas J. DAVIS, engaged in Company work at the port Bowkley Mine in Plains Township, with residence in Miners Mills, was born in Glamorganshire, South Wales, December 22, 1827, and is a son of John and Ann (Perigrin) Davis. His father, who was a miner, reared a family of sixteen children, four of whom are living, viz.: Mary, Hopkin, Evan, and Thomas J. The last named, who began working in the mines in his native country at the extremely early age of four years, came to America in 1865, and was engaged in Mining in Bear Gap for six months, and then Ashland, six weeks. He then returned to Wales where he worked at the following places, Mount Carmel, one year, Wanamie, five years, Providence, six weeks, Moosie, eighteen months; and in 1876 removed to Miners Mills, where he has since been engaged in Mining, he built his present residence in 1887. Mr. Davis was married August 13, 1859 to Miss Mary, daughter of William and Rachel (Thomas) Thomas. Nine children were the fruit of this union, viz.: Mary A., married to Thomas B. Thomas, M.D. of Wilkes-Barre; Margaret J., married to Edward Morgans, a druggist in Wilkes-Barre; William T. and John T. (twins) the former of whom was killed July 16, 1881, by a car in the henry Colliery, and the latter is now mining in Wyoming Colliery; Sarah, living with Mary A.; Rachel, still at home; Thomas T., employed in his brother-in-law’s drug store; Eleaser T., who died at the age of two years; and Martha, attending school. . Mr. Davis and wife are members of the Welsh Congregational Church; he is a member of the Ivorites, and a Republican in his political views.

.Robert DE FREHN, foreman, Pittston. This typical railroad man was born at Manch Chunk, Pa, August 20, 1845, and is a son of William and Mary (Gable) De Frahn, natives of Pennsylvania. The subject of this sketch is the second in a family of nine children. He was educated and reared in Manch Chunk, and after his school days became employed by William McMillian as overseer at the coal pocket along the Lehigh river, at Manch Chunk. He worked there for a short time, and was then employed by William Tumbler to look after his lumber interests, at which he remained one year. In 1862 he began work in the Lehigh Valley shops at Manch Chunk to learn the machinist’s trade, and worked there one year, at the end of that time entering the shops at Packerton, working there until 1873, when he came to Coxton, which position he has since held. Mr. De Frehn was united in marriage, November 1, 1871, with Miss Clara, daughter of Amos and Sarah (Kimbel) Campbell, natives of Northumberland County, Pa. This union has been blessed with three children, namely: Bertha May, Robert Clyde, and Mabel Grace. Mr. De Frehn is a member of the Knights of Honor, and the family attend the Methodist Episcopal Church. As a railroad man, he is widely and favorably known.

Frank DEITRICK, city clerk, Wilkes-Barre, was born at Carbondale, Pa, April 19, 1867, a son of George and Sarah (Renard) Deitrick and is of German descent. His maternal grandfather, Adam Renard, formerly of Easton, Pa, located prior to the Civil war at Kingston, where he had charge of the Dorrance farm for several years and he is now a resident of Wilkes-Barre. The father of our subject was a native of Monroe County, Pa; located at Bear Creek, Luzerne County, before the war; was a member of Company C. One Hundred and Forty-third P.V.I., serving three years and was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg. Immediately after his return from the war, he located at Carbondale, where for eleven years he was station agent for the Delaware & Hudson Canal Company. In 1879 he located at Wilkes-Barre, where he has since resided, and worked at the carpenter’s trade. He has two children living, Frank and Harry R. Our subject was reared at Carbondale and Wilkes-Barre receiving both a public and a private school education. When twelve years of age, he began work in the Empire Breaker, at Wilkes-Barre, as a slate picker. Soon afterward he entered the employ of the "Boston Store" as a errand boy, and later as office boy in the city clerk’s office in the city clerk’s office, and worked his way up to deputy clerk. In January 1887, he was elected city clerk, and has since continuously held the office. Mr. Seitrick married in December 1888, Sue, daughter of Richard E.S. Miall, of Wilkes-Barre, and they have one son, Ira H. he is a member of F. & A. M. and Sons of Veterans, of which latter he is post captain, Camp No. 169.

Henry DEITERICK, Farmer and dairyman, Nanticoke, was born in Centre township, Columbia County, PA., a son of Joseph and Sarah (Salzie) Dietrick, both natives of Pennsylvania, and desecendants of early New England and New Jersey Families. Mr. Deiterick was educated in the common schools of his native town, and began life as an apprentice at the carpenter's trade, which he followed about seven years, when he engaged in farming, and this latter has been the chief occupation of his life. In 1887 he came to Nanticoke, where he has since been engaged in dairying and connection with his farming interests. Mr. Deiterick was united in marriage August 25 1860, with Miss Celesta, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Engler) Boone, of Columbia County, both natives of this state, the former a member of Boone Pioneer life of the illustrious Daniel Boone. Mr and Mrs. Deiterick have four children: Charles W., a farmer in Nanticoke, married to Lizzie Mathews; E.S., married to Maggie Fairchild; Lizzie and Perry. The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, except Mrs Deiterick is a member of The Baptist Church. Mr. Deiterick has been street commissioner two terms, and his political views are of the most Democratic type.

James W. DELANEY, outside superintendent, at No. 14, Colliery, Pennsylvania Coal Company, Port Griffith, was born in County Mayo, Ireland, December 5, 1832, and is the only child of Michael and Catherine (Welsh) Delaney, the former of whom was a soldier in the British Army. James W. Delaney came to America in 1849, worked a short time in Vermont, and in 1850 located in Pittston, where he ran on the Gravity road for four years, and then for thirty-six years was coal inspector and weighmaster, after which he was promoted to his present position. Mr. Delaney was married December 25, 1849, to Miss Celia, daughter of Michael and Celia (Hughes) Cummings, natives of County Mayo, Ireland, and they had ten children: Michael E.; Ann (Mrs. Luke Brady) who died at the age of thirty-nine years, leaving seven children: James, John, Catherine, Martin, Thomas, Celia, Agnes and Edward. Mr. Delany built his present residence in 1858.

Michael E. DELANEY received a common school education, and after working about the mines as report and messenger boy, etc, for five years, he learned the shoemaker’s trade in Pittston, worked as journeyman in Inkerman, two years, and in 1870 engaged in business for himself, in Port Griffith. He purchased his present residence in 1875, and built his present place of business in 1891. H was married May 23, 1873, to Miss Mary, daughter of Thomas and Ann (Cauley) McDermot, of Port Griffith and then had born to them eleven children, viz.: James J., Thomas, Patrick, John S., (deceased), Anastatia, John, Michael, Francis, Sebastian (deceased), Mary (deceased) and Mary (second, also deceased). This family are all advocates of Catholicity and Democracy.

Peter H. DELONG, farmer, P.O. Loyalville, was born in Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., Pa, June 18, 1818, a son of Francis and Ann (Stone) Delong, both natives of Monroe County. Ann Stone was a daughter of Richard Stone, who served seven years under Washington in the Revolutionary army, and notwithstanding he was an Englishman by birth, fought for the cause of independence as a loyal citizen of the new republic. Francis Delong was a worthy citizen of Monroe County, whose life was uneventful, and honest man of energy and pluck and possessed of good moral principles. There were nine children born to him, six of whom grew to maturity, and two of them are now living. Peter H. Delong, who is the second in the family, was reared and educated in Monroe County. In 1839, he removed thence to Forty Fort, this county, where he remained a short time, and then came to Plymouth, where he worked at his trade, that of boot and shoe maker. During the Civil war, he served one year in the sutler’s department, connected with the Fifty-second P.V.I. In 1864 he removed to Lake Township, where he purchased 105 acres of land, some of which was improved, and he has shown himself to be a practical farmer, in the development of his present surroundings, his fields are clear of obstructions, while his buildings are commodious and comfortable. In December, 1842, Mr. Delong married Miss Levina, daughter of John and Elizabeth Santen, by which union there were twelve children, eight of whom grew to maturity and seven of them are living: John, Sarah, Henry, Caroline, Elizabeth, Andrew and Susan, all married and well to do. Mr. Delong is a charter member of the Grange and presented that organization with a lot on which to build. He and his good wife are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in good standing and influence. Henry, his son, who is a promising young man of enterprise, has leased for life, conditionally his father’s farm. Politically they are Republicans.

Charles DENNIS, fireman at the Wright Slope, Plymouth, was born in Plymouth, Pa., October 6, 1862, and is a son of Wesley and Helen (Bolen) Dennis, also natives of Pennsylvania. The subject of this sketch is the eldest in a family of four children, two sons and two daughters. He was educated in the public schools of his native county and at the Wilkes-Barre Business College, graduating from the latter in May, 1877. Soon after graduating he was tendered a positioned bookkeeper but, owing to the meager salary, he preferred to work harder and earn more, consequently he took the position of fireman at the Wright Slope, where he is now employed. Mr. Dennis was married, August 19, 1889, to Kate, daughter of John Jones, of Plymouth, Pa., and two children have blessed this union, Samuel and Ellen. Our subject in politics votes with the Republican Party and he is a member of the F. & A.M. The family attend the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Edward A, DENNISTON, outside mine foreman, at the Forty Fort Colliery, with residence at Forty Fort, was born December 6, 1826, at Reading, Pa, and is a son of John and Mary (Rothermel) Denniston, natives of New York, and Pennsylvania and of Scotch and German origin respectively, the former of whom was a carpenter and contractor. In their family were nine children, of whom Edward A. is the eldest. Our subject was educated in the common schools and at a select school at Easton, Pa., till the age of fifteen, when he was engaged for one year in shipping coal at Port Clinton, Schuylkill County. He then went as rodman for the Schuylkill Navigation Company’s Engineer Corps, one winter, after which he clerked in his father’s store at Tamaqua, Pa., for two years. Leaving there, we next find Mr. Denniston in charge of a coal colliery at Tamaqua, where he continued two years, after which he operated a colliery at Silver Creek for two years, and was then made manager of the company store Denniston, Bowman & Co., at New Philadelphia, where he remained two years. He then returned to Tamaqua, and took charge of a coal office of William Donaldson nine years, after which he formed a company of six who, in the spring of 1859, started for the Rocky Mountains to dig for gold. They went to St. Louis by rail, purchased an outfit, and took steamer to Fort Leavenworth, from there proceeding by wagon to Denver, Colo., a distance of 700 miles. Our subject remained in the gold fields until September, meeting with fair success and was well pleased with his venture. On his return to Tamaqua, he worked one winter with his brother, weighing and billing coal for the Little Schuylkill Navigation Company, then engaged as superintendent for the St. Nicholas Coal Company, with whom, he remained until 1879. In 1881, he came to Forty Fort and accepted the position of outside foreman for the Harry E. and Forty Fort Collieries, where he is now employed. In 1890, he built his home on Wyoming Avenue, which is a model of elegance. Mr. Denniston was married July 11, 1858, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of William and Frances (Redfern) Donaldson, natives of England and of English origin, which union was blessed with eight children, seven of whom are now living, viz.: Mary F., married to Edward Eyron, a clerk of the adjutant general’s office, Washington, D.C.; Ida M., married to Dr. Erwin C. Williams, of Lebanon, Pa. (deceased); William J., machinist, who married Mamie Aregood; Hannah C., wife of William Williams, a train dispatcher for the Pennsylvania & Reading Railroad, at Tamaqua, Pa., Emma J., married to Edward Foster, a blacksmith; Lizzie D., wife of Dr. A.D. Thomas, of Forty Fort; and Jesse C., who is the pride of the home circle. Mrs. Denniston is a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Denniston is a member of Tamaqua Lodge No., 238, F. & A.M., and Chapter No. 177; politically he is a staunch Republican.

DE PIERRO Brothers. These gentlemen, R.F. and Salvatore are natives of Calvello, Italy. R.F. was born October 22, 1860. In 1869, in company with his oldest brother (Raphael), he went to Paris, and in 1970 came to New York, thence to Philadelphia and prominent eastern cities, traveling as a musician. In 1873 his parents settled at Lattimer, near Hazleton, where the subject of this sketch joined them. They then moved to Drifton in 1877, and in 1883 they came to Freeland. In 1884 he married Miss Anna Bash, of Drum’s, Pa., and three children- Michael Salvatore, Pauline Maud and Rachael- are the fruit of their union. He is a member of the borough council of Freeland, and is at present serving his second term. He is the Luzerne county court interpreter for the Italian language, and is employed in a like capacity by other counties, and he is also a member of De Pierro’s celebrated orchestra. Prof. Salvatore was born February 24, 1870, and came to this country in 1876. He is an artist on the violin, whose skill is rarely equaled and never excelled in this locality. From his early childhood days he has exhibited a wonderful talent as a musician. Mr. De Pierro was not satisfied to rest with the ability with which nature had provided him, so he determined to follow the art of violin music to its highest plane if possible. His parents accordingly sent him, in 1879, to Philadelphia, and subsequently to New York, where he spent three years studying music to its highest instruction of the celebrated violinist, Prof. Setaro. In addition to the study of music he acquired a good English education, thus fitting himself for the duties of American citizenship. At the age of twelve he became leader of the celebrated De Pierro Orchestra, and organization founded by the De Pierro Brothers, and still in active demand from all quarters. By perseverance, push and strict integrity, they have accumulated one of the finest properties in the town, and have opened up a first class café. This building is certainly a work of art, and can not be surpassed by many similar buildings in the larger cities. The beautiful bar, which decorates the room was designed and manufactured by the well-known Chicago firm of Brunswick, Balke, Collender Co. The parents of the De Pierro Brothers are still living, and are residents of Freeland, as well as the eldest brother, Raphael, who is in business for himself on Bridge Street.

John M. DERR, engineer in the Delaware Shaft, Plains, Township, P.O. Hudson, was born in Plains, June 7, 1861. He is a son of Joseph and Lavina (Kreiter) Derr, natives of Lehigh and Nothampton counties, receptively, and of early German origin. His father, who was a farmer, reared a family of ten children, eight of whom are living, and of whom he is the youngest. When but three years of age, he went to live with his brother-in-law, A.J. Scutt of Plains, and at the of seven began picking slate in the breaker; he has since worked about the mines in all various capacities and was promoted to his present position in 1888. In 1886, he built his present residence, and removed and therein the same year, Mr. Derr was married, January 20, 1889, to Mrs. Isabella Albert, daughter of Daniel and Christian A. (Harding) Huff, and widow of George F. Albert, by whom she had one child, Jennie. He is a member of the P.O.S. of A. and he has always given his political support to the Republican Party, and is at present, secretary of the school board in Plains Township.

William DERR, farmer, Bear Creek Township, P.O., Miners Mills, was born in Salem Township, Luzerne Co., Pa, April 10, 1837, a son of Joseph and Lavina (Kreater) Derr, both natives of Pennsylvania, of German Descent. The father was a farmer; he reared a family of ten children, eight of whom are living. William being the eldest. At the age of nine years, William was "bonded out" to Andrew Coartright(sp), a farmer living in Salem Township, and he worked for him until he became twenty-one years of age. He then secured work on the D.L. & W.R.R., and remained in the employ of that company till the war broke out, when he enlisted in April, 1861, for three months in Company A. Fifteenth, P.V.I.; and when his three months were up, re-enlisted in Company I., Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, for three years; and in 1864 re-enlisted this time, also for three years. Mr. Derr was mustered out in October 1865, after four and a half year’s service. His war record is an exceptionally fine one, he having taken part in more than thirty battles; he was twice wounded, once on the right cheek and another time on the right arm. He belonged to the command that captured Jeff Davis. After the war, Mr. Derr came to Plains Township, Luzerne County, and worked around mines for a few years, then purchased a farm in Bear Creek Township, whereon he now resides, and upon which he has built a comfortable house. On February 19, 1866, Mr. Derr married Sarah J., daughter of Jeremiah and Sarah (Turner) Sink, the former of English and the latter of French descent. Mr. and Mrs. Derr have had a family of seven children, five of whom are living at home, viz.: Lewis H., Isaac T., Alice M., John W., and Maud L., and two deceased, Minnie D. and Clara. They are all members of the Plains M.E. Church. In politics, Mr. Derr is liberal: he says he votes for any good man, no matter what he is.

Arthur E. DETRO, foreman of locomotive engineers on the Lehigh & Susquehanna Division of the Central Railroad of New jersey, Ashley, was born in White Haven, this county, April 14, 1855, and is a son of Charles and Eleanor (Brown) Detro, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Holland and Yankee origin, respectively. He is a grandson of Conrad Detro, who was an early settler in Carbon County, and of Brazilian and Mary (Billings) Brown, early settlers in Lackawanna County, his great-grandfather, Cain Billings, having been one of the participators in the Wyoming Massacre. The father who was married February 27, 1847, reared a family of five children, viz.: Clarence S., Arthur E.; Elizabeth, married to Robert C. Parker, painter, Ashley; Henrietta, married to Dr. E.S. Hayes of Wyoming, Pa. By whom she had one child, Malcom; Lucy S. married to Abraham Stroh, foreman in his father’s shoe factory at Manch Chunk, by whom she had two children, Eleanor and Ethel R. Mr. Detro’s father was taken sick in Washington, D.C. when on his way to the battlefield and died February 17, 1864, at the age of thirty-four years. The family has lived in Ashley since 1867 and in their beautiful home on Ross Street since 1875. Our subject was educated in the public schools at White Haven and Ashley, and at an early age began picking slate in the breaker; later he wiped engines summers and attended school winters, for two years, when he began as brakeman on the Central Railroad of New Jersey. He was promoted to fireman, June 17, 1872; to engineer, December 2, 1979 and to his present position July 8, 1887. He is for the most part, a self-made and self-educated man and fills his incumbency with the entire satisfaction to his employers, at Ashley, the Chapter at Wilkes-Barre, and the Commandary at Munch Chunk; is also a member of the K. of H. In his political views he is a Republican.

Clarence S. DETRO, extra engineer on the Central Railroad of New Jersey, was born in White Haven, February 21, 1852, and is a son of Charles and Eleanor (Brown) Detro. He was educated in the public schools of White Haven and Ashley, and then picked slate in the breaker a few months; after this he wiped engines for two years, then braked on the Central Road one year, fired nine years, and in 1879 was promoted to engineer, having run extra most of the time since. Mr. Detro was joined n wedlock with Miss Ruth, daughter of Daniel Frederick, of Ashley, and to this union has been born one child, Helen, who died at the age of three months. Mr. Detro and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. He is a member of the F. & A.M. and the K. of H., and politically he is in sympathy with the principles of the Republican Party.

Will DEVANEY, manger of the Pittston department of the Scranton Truth, was born in Pittston, August 15, 1860, and is a son of John and Julia (Cannon) Devaney, both natives of County Mayo, Ireland. They came to the United States and located in Sebastopol, where the father followed the occupation of a miner. He died several years ago, and the mother passed away April 10, 1892. They had a family of children as follows: James (deceased); Patrick, (deceased); Will; and Mary A. (deceased), showing that our subject is the only living member of the family. He was reared in the vicinity of Pittston, and attended the common schools of Jenkins Township until he was fifteen years of. He then left school and began to pick slate in the old twin breaker, remaining there until he was seventeen, when he began work in the mines as doorkeeper. Here he remained for about eight years, and then in 1880 accepted the position of solicitor for the Sunday Herald, which he held until February 2, 1891, when he was made manager of the Pittston department of the Scranton Truth, an incumbency he has since filled most successfully, having increased the circulation of that paper until it is now the largest of any outside journal in Pittston. Mr. Devaney was united in marriage April 24, 1884, with Miss B. Bradigan, a daughter of frank Bradigan, a miner of Pittston and this union has been blessed with five children, of whom but two are living: Mary and Anna. The family are members of the Catholic Church, parish of St. John. He is a member of the St. Aloysius Society of Pittston. Mr. Davaney has demonstrated that he has great natural ability as a newspaper manager, which bespeaks for him a brilliant journalistic future.

Daniel DEVENPORT, farmer, P.O. Orange, was born in Plymouth, November 25, 1813, a son of John and Hannah (Robbins) Devenport, the former born in Orange County N.Y., the latter in Sussex County, N.J. John was a son of Thomas Devenport, who removed to Plymouth at the close of the Revolutionary war, in which he had served. He was one of the first settlers in Plymouth and owned a large tract of land in that town. His family numbered nine children, all of whom are dead. John when eight years of age, came with his father to this county, and always lived in Plymouth as a farmer; his property was very valuable, and is yet in the hands of his sons. He was a man of retiring disposition, and held several town offices. To some extent he dealt in coal, but continued himself principally to farming. He died in 1852, at the age of eighty. His family consisted of nine children, five of whom are now living. Daniel being the third in the family. Our subject was reared and educated in Plymouth, and in early life he confined himself to farming, lumbering and coal mining on his father’s farm. In November, 1838, he married Miss Phoebe, daughter of Isaac Smith, and by her he had eight children, four of whom are yet living; Robert, Isaac, Mary and Lydia. Mr. Devenport, in 1874, for his second wife, married Miss Mary A., daughter of John and Sarah Delong. In the fall of 1847 he removed to Franklin Township, where he bought a farm of 280 acres, now reduced to 118 acres. Mr. Devenport is a Republican, and held the offices of Justice of peace, constable, and other minor incumbencies. He is a member of the Christian Church.

Isaac DEVENPORT, miner in the Keystone Colliery, Miners Mills, was born in Franklin Township, this county, December 6, 1851, and is a son of Daniel and Phoebe (Smith) Devenport, natives of Luzerne County, and of English origin. The father, who is a farmer in Franklin Township, reared a family of eight children, four of whom are living, and of whom Isaac is the fifth. Our subject attended the common schools and remained on the farm until 1882, when he removed to Miners Mills. He drove team one year, and then began working about the mines, and occupation he has since followed. He built his present residence in 1883. Mr. Devenport was married July 31, 1875, to Miss Elizabeth Gray, daughter of James Gray and they had nine children, viz.: Claudius O., Phoebe S. (who died at the age of three years) Elizabeth G., Thomas D. (who died at the age of two years), Mary A. and Martha (twins, the latter of whom died soon after birth), Ellen, Anna P. and Robert. Our subject and wife are members of the Salvation Army and attend the Presbyterian Church; he was formerly a Democrat in politics but now upholds the principles of the Prohibition Party.

J.C. DEVERS, grocer, Plymouth, was born at Washington, D.C., August 19, 1817, and is a son of James and Kate (Pleckner) Devers, natives of Pennsylvania. There were six children in their family, as follows: Cecilia, married to John F. Fields and residing at Denver, Colo.; Mary B., wife of William Young, of Danville, Pa.; Clarissa, deceased; Marjorie, wife of Arthur L. Little, of Portland, Ore., John C. of Plymouth, and William H., who resides at Olese, N.Y. The mother of this widely scattered family lives at Perth Amhoy, N.J. This active and prosperous young business man, who forms the subject of this sketch, was educated in the public schools of Danville, Pa., and after completing his course of studies he was employed as a clerk in 1861, first at Danville, Pa., where he remained five years, at the end of which time he established a business under the firm name of Devers & Co., which business the firm carried on for two years, dissolving partnership at the end of that period. He then engaged with H.H. Ashley & Co., as clerk in the boot and shoe department of the store, and continued with them five years. Soon after leaving this firm our subject again started in business for himself, and established a grocery store, meat market, and millinery store. He is at present carrying on the grocery store, while his wife has charge of the millinery business. Mr. Devers was untied in marriage June 24, 1877, with Emma R., daughter of Ellis P. and Mary A. (Hassler) Walton, residents of Beach Haven, Pa. One child has blessed this union, Charles W., born September 10, 1880. Politically, Mr. Devers is a Republican. He is a supporter of Methodist Episcopal Church, and takes great interest in the Y.M.C.A. of Plymouth.

William J. DE VOE, physician and surgeon, Pittston. Among the prominent young physicians of Pittston, none are making more rapid strides in the profession then the one whose name opens this sketch. He was born at Bethel, N.Y., October 13, 1855 and is the only son in the family of three children of James A. and Margaret (Hurd) De Voe, natives of New York. Our subject was reared and educated in Cattarsugus County, N.Y., and in 1872, when the family removed to Pa, he learned the tanner’s trade at which he worked until 1879, when he concluded to study medicine. At once entering the office of Dr. W.C. Hull, of Monroeton, he began his medical studies, continuing with him until the fall of 1884, when he went to Baltimore, Md., entering the College of Physicians and Surgeons at that place, from which institution he graduated in March, 1887. Dr. De Voe immediately began practice of his profession at Mansfield, Pa, where he continued until October 1891, when he removed to Pittston, Pa., where he is at present located, and where he is rapidly building up a large and lucrative practice. The Doctor was united in marriage in 1878 with Miss Anna, daughter of Henry and Sarah Myer, natives of Pennsylvania, and this union has been blessed with one daughter, Bessie. Dr. De Voe in his political preferences is a Republican, and is a member of the I.O.O.F. The family attend the Presbyterian Church.

A. McIntyre DE WITT, treasurer of the clear Spring Coal Company, West Pittston, was born at Albany, N.Y., and is the only son of Jacob V. and Mary (Freeland) De Witt, natives of New York. They came to West Pittston in 1853, when the father became interested in mining, and afterward operated at different times the Old Benedict, Old Head of Canal and Carbon Hill Mines. He was among the first coal operators in the Valley, and followed it extensively until his death, which accrued August 27, 1872. Although seventy years of age at the time of his decease, yet up to then he had been an active and energetic man, and during the period of his life spent in Luzerne County did much to develop the coal industry in the Valley. The subject of this sketch, being the only son, naturally took up the coal business with his father, and has been engaged in it all his life. He was educated in the public schools of Pittston, Wyoming Seminary ad Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa. In 1882, in partnership with Joseph Cake, he opened up the Clear Spring Mines, and in 1883 had them in full operation. The company employed about 550 men and boys and put out about 1,000 tons of coal daily. Mr. De Witt married, December 25, 1872, Miss Nettie, daughter of Henry and Louisa Beach, of Boonton, N.J., and to this union has been born one son, Archie. In political matters, Mr. De Witt is a Republican; socially, he is a member of the Masonic Fraternity. The family are members of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. De Witt is an ardent lover of music, both vocal and instrumental, and it might be said of him that he has made it a life study, his favorite instruments being the piano and guitar. He is also an admirer of good, speedy horses, and in his well regulated stables are to be found some of the best blooded trotters in the Valley, among which may be mentioned Billy Penn, by Orange Co., Black Frank and Gray Jue.

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 Mary Ann Lubinsky
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