CR - CU Surnames

History of Luzerne County, Pa.,

by H.C. Bradsby, 1893

NATHAN B. CRARY, general merchant, Shickshinny, was born in Salem township, Luzerne Co., Pa., a son of Dr. Mason and Deziar (Beach) Crary. His maternal grandfather, Nathan Beach, was a native of New York and a son of Nathan and Deziar (Herrick) Beach, who were among the pioneers of Salem township. The great-grandmother is said to have beent he first white woman to cross the Blue Mountains, was driven back by Indians, but later returned, and settling in Salem township, this county, died there. Nathan (the great-grandfather) was a farmer, and Nathan (the grandfather) was also a farmer and dealer in real estate, dying in Salem township in 1847. He was a wagon driver in the Revolutionary war, under Gen. Washington, from whose hands he received his pay. He was thrice married, his first wife being Susan Thomas (grandmother of subject), and by her he had children as follows: Thomas, Josiah, Nathan, Hannah, Ann, Mary and Deziar. His second wife was Rachel Wilson. Thomas Crary the paternal grandfather of our subjct, was a native of Stonington, Conn., and died in Albany, N.Y. Dr. Mason Crary, who was also a native of Stonington, Conn., was reared in Albany county, N.Y., and in 1804 settled in Salem township, this county, where he practiced medicine, and also at Wilkes-Barre until his death in 1855. By his wife, Deziar (Beach) he had eight children, viz.: Erasmus D., Beach T., Mason, Nathan B., Ellen H., Susan, Caroline and Hannah B. The subject proper of this memoir, was reared in Salem township, receiving his education in the common and select schools, and at Berwick Academy. After attaining his majority, he followed farming in Salem township until 1857, when he embarked in mercantile business at Shickshinny, in which he has since successfully continued. In 1859 he married Miranda L. Overton, of Wilkes-Barre, by whom he had the following named six children: John W. (deceased), Anna, Lenna, Sarah, Natalia, and Minnie (deceased). The paternal grandmother of Mr. Crary was Mehitable Mason, a descendant of Capt. John Mason, who took an active part in the Pequod Indian war, and to whose memory a monument was erected in 1889 at Mystic, Conn. Mr. Crary is one of Shickshinny's prominent merchants and citizens, and was one of the four purchasers of the present site of Shickshinny, which was bought for the purpose of laying out the town.

JOHN BARCLAY CRAWFORD, physician and surgeon, Wilkes-Barre, was born in Crawford, Orange Co., N.Y., January 2, 1828, and is a son of John B. and Elizabeth (Thompson) Crawford. His paternal grandfather, John Crawford, of Scotch-Irish descent, and a soldier of the Revolution, was, with his parents, among the pioneers of Orange county, N.Y., and his father participated in the French war, being with Gen. Wolfe at the capture of Quebec by the British. Our subject was reared near Havana, Schuyler Co., N.Y., where he received an academical education, his medical training being obtained at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City. In 1850 he began the practice of his chosen profession at Holly, Wayne Co., N.Y. In 1851 he located at Wyoming, this county, where with the exception of three years during the Civil war, when he was surgeon of the fifty-second P.V., he remained until 1870, in which year he removed to Wilkes-Barre, where he has since been in active practice. In 1852 Dr. Crawford married Sarah, daughter of Martin and Mary (Chapman) Hammond, of Big Flats, N.Y., and has one daughter, Hattie L. The Doctor is a member of the Luzerne County Medical Society, the Pennsylvania State Medical Society and American Medical Association. He is consulting surgeon of the Wilkes-Barre City Hospital Staff; has served as president of the U.S. Pension Examining Board, and one term as coroner of Luzerne county. Socially, he is a member of the G.A.R.; in politics, he is a Republican.

JOHN M. CRESSLER, M.D., a prominent physician of Wilkes-Barre, was born in Conyngham township, this county, March 27, 1852, a son of Alonzo L. and Caroline (Heller) Cressler, natives of Cumberland and Luzerne counties, respectively. The father, a physician by profession, and a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, settled in Luzerne county about 1851, and has been a resident of Wilkes-Barre sixteen years. The mother was a daughter of Michael Heller, a farmer of Conyngham township. The only issue of their marriage was John M., our subject. He was reared in his native county, and was graduated from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1874. After practicing one year in Philadelphia, two years at Pittston, one year at Lynn, Susquehanna Co., Pa., and two years at Mountain Top, he located in 1880 in Wilkes-Barre, where he has since resided and built up a successful and lucrative business. In 1877 Dr. Cressler married Emma, daughter of Nathan and Rachel (Egbert) Stiles, of Wilkes-Barre; and has three children: Edwin, Mary and John. Dr. Cressler is a member of the Luzerne Medical Society, and in politics is a Democrat.

WILLIAM H. CRISPELL, farmer, P.O. Outlet, was born in Ulster county, N.Y., December 2, 1816, son of Thomas S. and Sarah (Wicks) Crispell, both of whom were born in New York State. Thomas was a son of Solomon, who was a son of John, who was a native of Holland, his wife being a native of France. They emigrated to this country in its early history. Five of their sons served in the Revolutionary war; one of their sons was taken captive by the Indians, and they never could get any trace of him. They always made the State of New York their home. Solomon Crispell was a carpenter and wagon-maker as well as an extensive farmer in those days. He was a good man who followed the laws of health, and lived to the age of one hundred and two. He had two hundred and fifty acres of land, which he improved to a great extent, and left to his children. His children numbered three, one of whom is now (1892) living. Thomas, son of Solomon, removed to Luzerne, now Wyoming county, in its very early settlement. He settled on fifty acres, to which he added 100. After disposing of his first farm he moved to Bowman's Creek, dying at that place in 1862, at the age of seventy-three. His family consisted of eight children, all of whom grew to maturity and three of whom are now living. William H. is the eldest of the family. He was reared and educated in Ulster county, N.Y., and always confined himself to farming. In 1854 he was married with Miss Sarah, daughter of John Wright. Eight children were born to this marriage, all of whom grew to maturity; four are now living: Severn B., Gertrude, Zibe M. and Mary E. For his second wife he married Mrs. Priscilla Neely, by whom he had four children, two of whom are living: William H. and Corey L. Mr. Crispell removed to Lake township about 1872, settling on a small farm. He is a man of sound and clear principles, a good citizen, and member of the Baptist Church. Politically he is a Democrat.

GEORGE A. CROCKETT, farmer, P.O. Irish Lane, was born in Ross township, July 15, 1815, a son of James K. and Hannah (Alexander) Crockett, both of whom were born in Ireland and emigrated to this country about 1801, locating in Ross township, this county, in 1809. James Crockett, Francis Evins and Thomas Holmes jointly bought a tract of land in Ross township, each taking a third, becoming the first real pioneers in that part of the township. They ran a road by their place which they called "Broadway," but the name has been finally changed to "Irish Lane." James was a hardworking, honest, and industrious man, who did much for the advancement of agriculture in Ross township. He was a cousin of "Davy" Crockett, the celebrated trapper and hunter. James died in 1856, aged eighty-nine years. There were three children born to him, one of whom is living - the subject of this sketch. George A. Crockett was reared and educated in Ross Township, where he has always resided, respected as a worthy man whose influence was ever on the side of right. He always confined himself to farming, and has proved himself to be a practical agriculturist. He is the oldest man in the township, and was one of the first to be appointed a justice of the peace after the township was set off; he also held the office of county treasurer in 1864. He owns three hundred acres of valuable land. Their family consisted of eleven children, seven of whom are living, viz.: James, Charles, Robert P., Hannah (Shaw), Ether (Rummage), Martha (Wolfinger), and Sarah (Wandell).

ROBERT P. CROCKETT, is working the farm which is a very extensive one. He has devoted forty acres to fruit, and intends in the future to confine himself to fruit growing. He is also in the lumber business, furnishing rollers for the various mines in Wyoming Valley. On August 18, 1862, he was mustered into the United States service as a member of Company F, One Hundred and Forty-third P.V.I., for three years, and was soon promoted to second lieutenant. In 1864 he was commissioned first lieutenant, which rank he held to the close of the war. He acted as captain for twenty-two months, and had the full confidence of both men and officers. He was a good soldier who never shirked his duty, participating in all the leading battles from Chancellorsville to Hatcher's Run, and was honorably discharged at the close of the war. As he had the confidence of his comrades during the time of war, so now he enjoys the full confidence of his fellow citizens in time of peace. He held the postoffice at Bloomingdale for eleven years, and has been postmaster at Irish Lane since its establishment. In 1876 Mr. Crockett married Miss Catherine, daughter of J.R. and Hannah Sutliff, and to them were born four chilren, one of whom is living, Maye E.

James Crockett, the eldest son of George A. Crockett, was also born, reared and educated in Ross township. He is a surgeon by profession, and has been county surgeon six years. He has held the office of justice of the peace twenty-three years. He resides on part of the old homestead, and his farm comprises 160 acres. He is also a practical farmer, and lives in the house built by his grandfather, James Crockett. In January, 1863, he married Miss Mary M., daughter of John and Harriet Wandell, and four children were born to them, all yet living: Harriet A., Charles, George, and David. The Crocketts are Democrats in politics.

ANDREW CROOP, farmer, P.O. Hunlock Creek, a brother to Hiram, was born in Union township, August 5, 1843, where he was reared and educated. He lived at home until the breaking out of the Civil war, when he was mustered into the United States service August 22, 1862, as private in Company F, One Hundred and Forty-ninth P.V.I., for the term of three years. He served to the close of the war, having participated in the various engagements of the last three years. He was mustered in as a musician, and did good service in his corps. Mr. Croop is a shoemaker by occupation, and after the war followed it, together with other callings. In September, 1866, he married Miss Sophia, daughter of Joseph and Christine Bonham, to which union were born six children, two of whom are living: George M. and Maud. In 1876 he removed from his father's farm, to his present place of residence, consisting of eighty acres; he also owns a thirty-acre lot, with a half interest in forty acres more. Mr. Croop, like his brother Hiram, is in the lumber business also, and owns a portable sawmill. He is a practical farmer, a genial companion and a gentleman of sound judgment. He has been honored with several township offices, such as school director, fifteen years, also secretary of the board, township clerk, etc. Socially he is a member of the G.A.R., and the Jr. O.U.A.M. There were three brothers who served in the Civil war, viz.: Alvin, Andrew and Simon Croop, all stanch Republicans.

CHARLES A. CROOP, powder maker, Belbend, was born in Newport township, this county, July 28, 1859, and is a son of Allen B. and Margaret (Obitz) Croop. His paternal grandfather, George Croop, was a pioneer farmer of Newport township, where he died; his wife was Rebecca Thomas, by whom he had two children: Allen B. and Phoebe A. The father of our subject was a native of Newport township, where he was reared and educated, and is now a resident of Brier Creek township, Columbia Co., Pa., where he has lived since 1865, engaged in farming. His wife was Margaret, daughter of Peter and Maria (Steiner) Obitz, of Newport township, by whom he had nine children: Charles A., Susan (Mrs. L.M. Hicks), Ella, Nettie (Mrs. Frank P. Bloss), Phoebe, Ray, George, Blanche and Mary. Our subject was reared in Brier Creek township from six years of age, and after clerking in the store at Berwick, and later at Wapwallopen, he entered the employ of the Dupont Powder Company, with whom he has been connected since 1882. Mr. Croop was married October 21, 1886, to Lettie, daughter of Thomas and Margaret (Swank) Baucher, of Salem township, and has one son, Thomas B. Mr. Croop is a member of the F. & A.M. and P.O.S. of A., and in politics is a Democrat.

HIRAM CROOP, lumberman and justice of the peace, P.O. Hunlock Creek, was born in Union (now Hunlock) township, July 15, 1832, where he was reared and received a common school education. He is a son of William and Mary (Sorber) Croop, the former born in Newport township, the latter in Northampton county. William was a son of John Croop, also a resident of Northampton county, who removed to this county in its very early settlement, and was one of the pioneers of this section. He located in what is now Hunlock township, on a lot of 200 acres, which he brought to some degree of subjection. He was a man of energy and push, who did with his might whatsoever he put his hand to. He reared a family of ten children, seven of whom are yet living. William began his active life in Union (now Hunlock) township, where he married Miss Mary Sorber. By occupation he was an extensive lumberman, as well as farmer. He owned 250 acres of land, also a sawmill, which he had purchased, and in which he manufactured lumber. He was a man of influence, holding several township offices, and was much respected by all who knew him. He died in 1889 aged eighty-four years. He reared a family of seven children, six of whom are now living, Hiram being the eldest in the family. Our subject has confined himself to lumbering to a great extent, and once owned and operated four mills at one time. He owns two farms in Hunlock township, of 130 and 125 acres, respectively, and at one time he owned two thousand acres of timber land. In 1854 he married Miss Susanna, daughter of Joseph B. and Martha Dodson, and to this union were born five children, three of whom are now living: Martha, Joseph H. and Frederick W. Of these, Joseph H. is fitting himself for the medical profession, in Philadelphia. Hiram Croop is a thorough-going business man, and enjoys the full confidence of his fellow citizens. He has held the office of justice of the peace for twenty-five years.

WILLIAM H. CROOP, loading boss, Nottingham Colliery, Plymouth, was born at Lime Ridge, Pa., March 14, 1858, the only child of Lyman and Susan (Lohman) Croop, also natives of Pennsyvlania. Our subject was educated and reared in Columbia and Luzerne counties, and after receiving a liberal common-school education he studied and mastered the art of telegraph, serving an apprenticeship at Hunlock Creek, Pa., and working at same there for seven years. He then removed to Nanticoke, Pa., and was employed as shipping clerk by the Susquehanna Coal Comany, until 1876 when he returned to Hunlock Creek, and for one year taught in the public school at that place. Coming from there again to Plymouth, he here engaged with the Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Company, first as general outside hand, then as clerk in the supply store, and later as loading-boss. Mr. Croop was married, in 1888, to Miss Nellie, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Engle) Croop, natives of Pennsylvania. The family attend the Methodist Episcopal Church; in politics Mr. Croop is a Republican.

WILLIAM CROSBY, merchant and postmaster, Forty Fort borough, was born January 2, 1830, in Wilkes-Barre, and is a son of Richard and Euphemia (Miller) Crosby, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Irish and German origin, respectively. Richard was a shoemaker by occupation, who reared a family of nine children, four now living, of whom our subject is the second. He was educated in the common schools, and at the age of twelve learned the shoemaker's trade with his father, and was the main support of the family after his father's death, which occurred in 1853. He purchased a property on Wyoming avenue, in Forty Fort, in the fall of 1857, where he lived until 1877, when he traded his property at Forty Fort for a farm at Bowman's Creek, Wyoming Co., Pa., where he moved one year later, and engaged in farming for ten years. He was also postmaster for six years while at that place. He then returned to Forty Fort, purchased a lot on Walnut street, and built his present residence. In 1888 he was appointed postmaster of Forty Fort, and he also owns and runs a general store, in which he has his office. Mr. Crosby was married November 26, 1856, to Esther W., daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Drecher) Pugh, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Welsh and German origin, respectively. By this union they have six children now living: Olive A., married Fredrick Dimmick, a farmer of Bowman's Creek, Pa. (they have three children: William C., Shelby D. and Oscar L.); Ernest G., Richard S., Charles P., Carrie B. and Sadie S. Mr. and Mrs. Crosby are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of Forty Fort, and politically Mr. Crosby is a sound Republican.

THOMAS CROSS, fire-boss, Lance No. 11, Plymouth, was born in Yorkshire, England, January 17, 1857, and is the second in a family of seven children born to Robert and Mary A. (Barker) Cross, natives of England. Thomas was educated in his native land, and took up civil and mining engineering which he followed in England until 1881, when he came to America and engaged in engineering at Mon Caprice, Conn., where he worked unil 1882, when he came to Plymouth, Pa., and did contract work of tunneling until 1887. He then went to Scranton and took charge of the works operated by the Elk Hill Coal & Iron Company. Here he remained about one year, when he accepted a similar position at Hartshorn, I.T., for the Choctaw Coal & Railroad Company, remaining there six months. He then returned to Plymouth, and did contract work for the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Company until July, 1891, when he accepted the position of fire boss at No. 11, where he has since been engaged. Mr. Cross was married April 5, 1883, to Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Rodgers of Plymouth, Pa. Two children have blessed this union: Eva May, born September 26, 1884, and Maud, born December 14, 1890. Our subject affiliates with the Democratic party. The family attend the Episcopal Church.

AUGUSTUS CROUSE, carpenter, P.O. Rock Glen, was born in North Union, Schuylkill Co., Pa., February 2, 1850, a son of Peter and Matilda (Pennybaker) Crouse. His great grandfather, Samuel Crose, a native of Germany, was a Revolutionary soldier, serving throughout the entire war. His grandfather, Frederick Crouse, a native of Pennsylvania, was a pioneer of Black Creek township, where he cleared a large farm and died. He had a family of nine children, of whom six grew to maturity. Peter, the father of our subject, was the eighth child, and was reared in Black Creek township. In 1851 he removed to Auglaize county, Ohio, where he still resides. His children were Mary A., Augustus, John, Sarah, Cynthia, Gabriel and Clara. Our subject was reared in Auglaize county, Ohio, serving a apprenticeship of two years at the carpenter's trade, and in 1875 located in Black Creek township, where he has since resided and followed his trade. He married Hannah, daughter of Samuel and Lydia (Eroh) Shellhammer, of Black Creek township, and he has five children living: Clara May, Bertha Maud, Stella Elizabeth, Mintil Pearl and Mabel Grace. Mr. Crouse is a member of the Reformed Church; in politics he is a Democrat, and is now serving his first term as school director of Black Creek township.

CHARLES CROUSE, mine-foreman, Stockton, was born at White Haven, Pa., in 1863, and is the seventh in the family of nine children of John W. and Anna (Dick) Crouse, natives of this county. When Charles was quite young the family located at Wanamie, and there he was reared. He began working about the mines at an early age, and, with the exception of three years spent in the Wilkes-Barre shops and one year railroading in New Mexico, has followed mining all his life. In 1883 he worked as a miner for the Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Company, and continued with them until 1890 when he was appointed mine-foreman at No. 6 Stockton mines, operated by Linderman, Skeer & Co.; he has charge of 125 men. In 1886 Mr. Crouse was married to Miss Rachel, daughter of James G. and Lucy (Fritz) Brookmire, of Upper Lehigh, Pa., and one daughter, Alvena, has blessed this union. Politically Mr. Crouse casts his vote with the Republican party. Socially he is a member of the F. & A.M.

JAMES CRULIP, retired farmer, P.O. Idetown, was born in Roxbury, Warren Co., N.J. and is a son of Samuel and Zenah (Bonward) Crulip; the latter was an early citizen of this county, and a hard-working, industrious and honest man. His son James came to this county in 1843, locating in Lehman, where he has since remained. On May 16,1846, he married Miss Martha, daughter of Simon P. and Catherine Sites, by whom he has had five children, one now living, Sarah L. (Mrs. Flynn, the mother of four children). James Crulip enlisted in 1861, becoming a member of Company F, fifty-third Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, for the term of three years; he served his full time, was honorably discharged, and then re-enlisted in the same command, serving to the close of the war. His son, W.B., was also a member of the same command, and was shot at the battle of Cold Harbor, for which loss his mother draws a pension. The Crulips are living on a neat little farm belonging to Mrs. Martha Crulips, on which they raise a "mixed crop." Politically he is a Republican.

JOHN J. CULP, Lake, P.O. Silkworth, was born in Hunlock township, this county, January 15, 1866, and is a son of Lewis and Matilda J. (Owens) Culp, who for many years were residents of Hunlock township, where the father died in 1872. Their children were George, Maggie (Mrs. Robert Hunter), Florence (Mrs. A.C. Kitchen), John J., William and Fredrick. Our subject was reared in Hunlock township, where he now resides; was married June 18, 1891, to Hattie E., daughter of William and Priscilla (Cragle) Hunter, of Hunlock township, and has one daughter, Edna V.

CHARLES CULVER, farmer, Forty Fort, was born August 8, 1846, in the town where he now lives, and is a son of William and Rachel (Culver), Culver natives of Luzerne county, and of English and Dutch origin, respectively. The father, who was one of the best carpenters in the Valley, reared a family of eleven children, four of whom are living, and of whom Charles is the youngest. Our subject was reared on the farm, educated in the common school, and, embarking in life at the age of twenty-one, he followed the example of his father and chose carpentering for his trade. This he followed eight years, and then began farming on rented farms, at which he has since continued. In 1887 he removed to the farm where he now lives, and which is owned by Robert Shoemaker. Mr. Culver was married, January 17, 1868, to Miss Ann, daughter of Thomas and Ann (Jordan) McGarry, natives of Ireland. Our subject and wife have had four children, two of whom are living, viz.: Mary C. and Charles M, both living with their parents. Mrs. Culver is a member of the Catholic Church at Kingston. Mr. Culver is justly proud to say that in political matters he votes strictly according to the dictates of his own conscience.

D. O. CULVER, farmer, P. O. Orange, was born in Exeter (now Franklin) township March 4, 1832, a son of John and Maria (Besteder) Culver, the former of whom was born in Tunkhannock, Pa., in 1802, the latter in Orange County, N.Y., in 1807. John Culver was a prosperous farmer in what is now Franklin township. As a farmer he was practical, always looking to the improvement of home and environments, and was a man of intelligence and influences in his day. He reared a family of four children, viz.: Mary J. D., D. O., John B. and Phoebe A. Of these, Mary J. D. is an accomplished lady who graduated with honors from Wyoming Seminary (she is now Mrs. Evans, whose husband owns a lumber-mill in West Virginia); D. O. is the subject of this sketch; John B. was also educated at the Wyoming Seminary, attended the Medical College at Ann Arbor, Mich., subsequently studied medicine under Dr. Buckley, of Wilkes-Barre, and in 1860 began the practice of medicine (in 1863, he entered the army as a private in the One Hundred and Forty-ninth Regiment, P. V. I., known as the "Bucktails," and in the same year became surgeon of the One Hundred and Forth-eighth P. V. I., serving in the capacity until the close of the war; he is now practicing medicine in Kansas); Phoebe A. is an educated and refined lady, making her home with her brother, D. O. John Culver died in March, 1877, aged seventy-five years; his wife, Maria, died in April, 1869, at the age of sixty-two years. John Culver was a son of David and Eunice (Osburn) Culver, the former of whom was born on Schooley's Mountain, N. J., from whence he removed to this county, where he bought a tract of 300 acres, 100 of which he cleared and improved during his busy life. He was a hard-working man and a worthy citizen. He lived to be sixty-three years of age, and reared a family of nine children, one of whom now lives named Lewis. David Culver was a son of David Culver, also a resident of Schooley's Mountain. The latter David was a son of Robert Culver, and also a native of New Jersey, a descendant of one of two brothers who came over to this country in the "Mayflower."

D. O. Culver was educated at Wyoming Seminary, and in early life taught school with marked success. He is also a natural mechanic and practical farmer, always keeping abreast of the times. He is a man of intelligence, with a fund of knowledge always on hand, and the ability to explain himself to the simplest mind. His farm consists of eighty acres of fertile land well improved; and, while his crops are "mixed," he pays special attention to potatoes. He has made many necessary improvements on his farm and buildings; his house is neat and beautifully arranged; his outbuildings are commodious, while his farm is in perfect order. In 1859, Mr. Culver was married to Miss Phebe D., daughter of Samuel and Susanna Snell, by which union there were born children as follows: Schuyler W., Geraldine W., Stanley P. (deceased), Viola M., Emily G., Edith S., Daisy B. and D. O., Jr., all of whom are accomplished in music and other arts, and are members of the M. E. Church in good standing. Mrs. Phebe D. Culver died June, 1888. She was born in Exeter township, Wyoming Co., Penn., in 1838. The Culvers are numerous, their name being represented in various parts of the country in connection with offices of trust and res-ponsibility in the various stations of life; but, practically, they are rather producers than consumers. Politically they are Republicans.

JOHN M. CULVER, farmer, P. O. Hunlock Creek, was born, January 28, 1842, reared and educated at Forty Fort. He is the son of William and Rachel (Culver) Culver, the former of whom was born near Inmans Ferry, in Hanover township, the latter in Exeter (now Franklin) township. William was a son of George Culver, who was a native of Connecticut and a pioneer settler of Hanover township. He was by occupation a shoemaker and an excellent mechanic. George Culver reared a large family, and lived to be a good old age. His son William removed from Inmans Ferry to Forty Fort when a young man, and there bought a property on which he lived all his life. There he married Rachel Culver, and there reared a family of ten children out of twelve born to them, four of whom are still living. William Culver was a carpenter by occupation, and built a number of arks, on board of which coal was shipped down the river. He was a consistent member of the M. E. Church, and was respected for his moral worth by all who knew him. John M. is the eleventh child in order of birth. In early life he learned the painter's trade, at which he worked for eighteen years. During the Civil War he entered the U. S. service, enlisting in Company C, Forty-ninth O. V. I., army of the Cumberland, for three years. He participated in several important battles, Chattanooga, Stone River, Shiloh and others, being made prisoner at Stone River and was paroled, after which he returned home. During his visit home, while on parole, Mr. Culver was employed to assist in the arrest of a notorious character, who was a member of the "Golden Circle." The desparado was arrested, and for Mr. Culver's complicity in his arrest, his companions shot and wounded him, at another time trying to poison him. He finally returned to the army for another term of service in the same command, serving altogether four years and four months, receiving an honorable discharge and now enjoying a pension, to which he is fully entitled. After his return from the scenes of war, Mr. Culver resided in Ohio for two years and then removed to Forty Fort, his native place, where, in 1868, he married Miss Anna, daughter of Adam and Hannah Rennard. To this union have been born six children, four of whom are living: Ida, Archie, Bessie and Edith. Mrs. Ann Culver was born at Kingston in 1844. In 1886 Mr. Culver removed to Hunlock township on what is known at the Hunlock property, a farm of ninety-nine acres. He is a practical farmer and a loyal citizen. Politically he is a Republican, and has been elected to several township offices, showing the confidence his fellow citizens repose in him.

LEWIS CULVER, farmer, P. O. Orange, was born February 16, 1811, in Exeter township, this county, where he was reared and educated. He is a son of David and Eunice (Osburn) Culver, the former born in Hunterdon County, N. J., the latter in Elizabethport, same state. David Culver was a son of David Culver, who was also a native of Hunterdon County, N.J., descending from English people on the Culver side, and from Scotch ancestry on the other side. It is given by some authority that the Culvers sprung from two brothers who came to this country about 1763, settling in the state of Connecticut, and whose descendants subsequently removed to Schooley's Mountain, New Jersey. David (first) and his son David (second), migrated to what is now Wilkes-Barre, this county, in April, 1797, and in June of the same year they moved to Exeter township, after having built them a cabin on 300 acres of land purchased from the Bebee Bros. After David (first) had made provisions for his sons, he returned to New Jersey where he died at the age of sixty years. David, his son, always lived on the place on which he settled, a hard working, honest yeoman, and a man of marked brilliancy; was a staunch Democrat, and a man of some influence. He was born November 21, 1769, and died in November, 1831, aged sixty-two years. He reared a family of nine children, all of whom grew to maturity, Lewis, the subject of this sketch, being the only one living. Our subject, early in life, learned the shoemaker's trade, which he followed for some seventeen years, during which time he was not on his farm; but on account of poor health be gave up shoemaking, and is now living on part of the old homestead, consisting of sixty-five acres. He is a general farmer, and a man of marked intelligence; one who exercised much influence in his younger days. On December 28, 1837, he married Miss Sarah, daughter of James and Elizabeth Hadsell, and by her he had nine children, four of whom are living: Harriet, William H., Evangeline and Miriam. Of these, Harriet married George Dymond; Evangeline married Thomas Tracy, and Miriam married T. J. Miller. Mrs. Culver was born in Exeter, June 16, 1815. Her grandfather, James Hadsell, and her great-grandfather were both slain by the Indians, the former at the Wyoming Massacre, and the latter at another time and place. Lewis Culver is a staunch Democrat, and he and his wife are members of the M. E. Church.

NATHAN CULVER, farmer, P. O. Irish Lane, was born July 14, 1844, in Ross township, where he was reared and educated, a son of Joel R. and Ann (Wandel) Culver, the former born in Union township in 1817, the latter in Ross township in 1820. Joel R. was a son of Simeon Culver, who removed from Connecticut to this county with his father, Reuben Culver, they locating near Town Line, Union township. Reuben had a family of ten children--five sons and five daughters. Simeon had a family of seven children, and died in 1820, aged thirty-five years. They were sturdy pioneers. Joel R. began his active business life as a farmer in Ross township, owning a neat farm of sixty acres, which he worked in a practical manner. This farm was taken out of the wild woods, showing him to have been a hard working and industrious man. He was a member of the M. E. Church, of which he was a class-leader for a number of years, and was a man of intelligence and influence. He died April 10, 1889, aged seventy-two years. His family consisted of eight children, six of whom are yet living. Nathan being the third in the family. Our subject has always confined himself to farming, and is a practical agriculturist. He owns thirty-five acres of land, on which he moved in 1871, and has made thereon many needed improvements in buildings and fences, etc. On March 5, 1868, he married Miss Rebecca, daughter of Joseph and Sarah A. Nevel, and to this union were born six children, four of whom are yet living: Millie A., Wilbur H., Joel R. and Lena B. Mrs. Rebecca Culver was born in Ross township, September 19, 1846. Our subject and wife are both members of the M. E. Church, in good standing. They are well respected for their worth as good neighbors and loyal citizens of the commonwealth.

WILLIAM CULVER, breaker-builder, Forty Fort borough, was born June 3, 1828, at Forty Fort, and is a son of William and Rachel (Culver) Culver, natives of New Jersey, of English descent. The father came to Pennsylvania when young, and engaged in farming. Our subject is the fourth in a family of fourteen children, four of whom are now living; he was educated at the public schools, and at the age of twenty engaged as boatman on the Morris Canal for two years. He then came to Luzerne County and worked as boat-builder for sixteen years. He then became a breaker-builder, and has followed that business ever since. He was married April 5, 1850, to Mary A., daughter of Richard and Effie (Miller) Crosby, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Irish and German descent, respectively. By this union he had four children, two now living: Mylert L., a painter, married Loretta Rennard, daughter of Adam Rennard (they have nine children: Lizzie, Dewight, A. Cora, Maud, William, Jane A., Robert P., Edwin and Mary); and Lutisha J., married William O. Thomas, an engineer at Plymouth (they have two children: Emma S. and William C.). Mrs. Culver is a member of the Methodist Church, and in politics Mr. Culver is a staunch Democrat.

PATRICK CUMMINGS, a prominent citizen of Inkerman, Jenkins township, was born in County Mayo, Ireland, December 25, 1831, and is a son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) Cummings. The father, who was a farmer, reared a family of four children, two of whom are living, viz: Mary (Mrs. Patrick McCauvic) and Patrick. Our subject came to America in 1847, first locating in New Jersey, where he followed farming two years, after which he removed to Pottsville, Pa., and here worked about the mines for one year. He was then employed on the Pennsylvania Gravity Railroad for about six months after which he was engaged in farming in Wyoming five years. He then removed to Jenkins township, where he has since resided, having been engaged in mining in all thirty-three years, during a great portion of which time he also operated a farm. Besides his property in Jenkins township, Mr. Cummings has property in Pittston, and a valuable farm in Newton County, Mo. He is a fair example of what enterprise and honest effort will do in this great land. Mr. Cummings was married January 1, 1854, to Miss Bridget, daughter of Richard and Catherine (Kirwan)McGrail, natives of County Mayo, Ireland, and they have five children, viz.: John, who is somewhere in Colorado; Michael, a merchant in Inkerman; Catherine (Mrs. Martin Gilroy, in Pittston); Mary (Mrs. Frank Boughan, in Pittston); and Thomas, who is engaged with the Acme Oil Company, Pittston. Mr. Cummings and family are members of the Catholic Church. He is a Democrat in his political views, and has held the offices of constable and supervisor in Jenkins township.

MICHAEL CUNNIFF, hotel keeper, Wilkes-Barre, was born in County Galway, Ireland, May 17, 1855, and is a son of Patrick and Bridget (Reynolds) Cunniff. In June, 1859, he emigrated to America with his parents, locating in Schuylkill County, Pa., where he was reared until seventeen years of age. In July, 1872, he came to Wilkes-Barre, where, with the exception of five years spent in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Mexico, and Arizona, he has since resided, and with the exception of three years engaged at railroading, he was employed at mining from twelve years of age until 1877. He then embarked in the hotel business, in which he still continues. Mr. Cunniff was married September 6, 1877, to Bridget, daughter of Edward and Catherine (Johnson) Leslie, of Summit Hill, Carbon Co., Pa., and has one daughter living, named Annie. He is a member of the Catholic Church and of the A. O. H.; in politics he is a Democrat, and in 1890-91 was supervisor of Wilkes-Barre township.

JOHN M. CUNNIUS, proprietor of the Freeland Planing mill, builder, and contractor, and dealer in all kinds of building material, Freeland, is a native of Drums, this county, and is a son of Nicholas and Elizabeth (Michael) Cunnius. His father, who was a native of Butler township, was a carpenter and builder, and still, at the age of seventy-two years works at his trade. In the family there were two children: Lydia (now Mrs. Nathan Snyder, of Fairview, Pa.), and John M. The mother died when the latter was fourteen days old. Our subject was reared and educated in Conyngham Valley, and labored on a farm until he was sixteen years of age. He then worked with his father at carpentering for two years; he then did journey work at Ashburton and Yorktown, in all three years. On March 6, 1866, came to Upper Lehigh, and there worked at his trade a short time, and where he has since remained. In 1872, he engaged in contracting and building, which he has since successfully pursued. He makes a specialty of building contracts, and constantly employs from fifteen to twenty mechanics. In 1890 he purchased the Freeland Planing mill, and has since utilized that institution to great advantage in his business. Mr. Cunnius was married in 1868 to Miss Laura Jane Santee, of Butler Valley, which union has been blessed with five children, viz.: Oscar Elsworth, Charles E., Calvin T., Alfred R. and Anna L. "By industry we thrive" is an expression which peculiarly covers the case of this gentleman. When he came to this locality he was scarcely worth the coat he wore, but today he is the owner of a great deal of property in Freeland and vicinity. He is a citizen of much worth to the community where he lives.

W. DAVID CURNOW, proprietor of meat market, Hazleton. This popular young business-man was born in Hazle township, a short distance from the city of Hazleton, January 17, 1868. He is a son of William and Anna (Holman) Curnow, natives of England, who came to America in 1866, locating at Beaver Meadows, where they remained a short time, subsequently removing to Stockton, where the subject of our sketch, who is second in a family of four children, was born and reared. After the close of his short school life, Mr. Curnow, worked in the mines, and has done all the work pertaining to mining coal, from slate-picking to cracking coal. He also ran a stationary engine for several years. Tiring of the mines, he engaged with Henry & Curtis in the meat business, and learned the trade. He then opened his present market, where he commands a very profitable and flourishing trade. Mr. Curnow votes the Republican ticket, and was brought up in the Methodist Episcopal faith. He is, at present, unmarried.

GILBERT V. CURRY, principal of schools, Mill Creek, was born in Denny, Scotland, and is a son of Thomas and Sarah (Granahan) Curry, natives of Fermanagh and Tyrone Counties, Ireland. The family came to this country in 1865 and located at Buttonwood, where the father was engaged as fire boss for one year; from there they removed to Wilkes-Barre, and for four years kept hotel. In 1870 they came to Plains township, where the widow and surviving children now reside. The family consisted of eleven children, four of whom are living, and of whom Gilbert V. is the seventh; the surviving ones are John J., who is engaged with Gilbert V. in the bottling business at Plains; James, who is a blacksmith for Simpson & Watkins, Duryea, Pa.; Gilbert V., the subject of this sketch, and Thomas, a carpenter at Plains. Our subject was educated in the public schools of the township, and is a graduate of the State Normal School at Bloomsburg, class of 1886. He has taught for seven years in the public schools of Plains, and is now principal of schools at Mill Creek, Plains township. He is now registered as a student at law in the office of James L. Lenahan, Wilkes-Barre. Mr. Curry is a prominent member of the A. O. H., and of Father Mathew Society. The family are supporters of Catholicity and Democracy.

JAMES CURRY, hotel proprietor, Edwardsville, was born in England, May 10, 1843, and is a son of Henry and Martha (Harris) Curry, both natives of Cornwall, England. Our subject was educated in his native country, and came to America at the age of twenty-three, locating at Dover, N.J., where he was engaged in mining about three years. He then moved to Schuylkill County, Pa., where he also followed mining, remaining a little over a year, after which he came to Kingston, where he still followed the same business, being thirteen years in the employ of G. W. Payne & Co. In 1872, he came to Edwardsville, then a part of Plymouth township, and embarked in the hotel business, of which he has made an eminent success, as he is a typical, courteous and obliging landlord. Mr. Curry was married in 1866 to Miss Mary Reard, of Dover, N.J. He was one of the first councilmen of Edwardsville, and was president of the council. He is a highly respected citizen of the locality and a prominent supporter of every worthy, popular enterprise.

E. W. CURTIS, freight agent for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Nanticoke, was born at New Road, Delaware Co., N.Y., and is the son of Luther and Charlotte (Bennett) Curtis, both natives of New York. Our subject was educated in the public schools of Nanticoke, and in Eastman's Business College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., where he was graduated in the class of 1884. Immediately thereafter he entered the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and on January 1, 1891, accepted his presented position. In 1889, he was married to Miss Mary C. Witman, of Nanticoke, and their union has been blessed with two children, Ethel and Emmett. Mr. Curtis is a very popular railroad man, has won the confidence of his employers and the respect of their many patrons along the line. Socially he is a member of the P. O. S. of A., and in politics he is a Republican.

LORENZO J. CURTIS, carpenter, Kingston, was born at Plymouth, October 20, 1846, son of Charles Ransome and Sophia (Jones) Curtis, natives of Luzerne County, of New England origin. The Curtis family emigrated to Wyoming Valley from New London, Conn. His maternal great-grandfather, Col. William Gallup, was in the Valley during the Wyoming Massacre, and his daughter, Hannah (Gallup) Jones, was in Forty Fort at the time of the battle. After the massacre Mr. Gallup and his family returned to New England, where they remained for a time, after which they again returned to this locality. The ancestors of our subject took a very important part in the famous battle between the "Constitution" and the "Guerriere." In his father's family there were two children: Hannah, who married James Hayward, of Kingston; and Lorenzo, the subject of this sketch. He was educated in the common schools, and August 6, 1862, enlisted in Company D, One Hundred and Forty-third P. V., and participated in the following engagements: Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and the Wilderness. In the latter engagement he was captured and taken to the Danville Confederate prison, where he was kept until May 28, 1864, and from there was taken to Andersonville, thence, September 14, to Charleston, and thence to Florence, where he was paroled, December 5, 1864, after just seven months of life in Confederate war prisons, being exchanged April 2, 1865, at Annapolis. He was then sent to City Point, and after that did guard duty at Hearts Island, New York Harbor, where he was mustered out at the close of the war. He returned to Kingston and was engaged in firing on the D. L. & W. R. R. until 1870, when he began work at the carpenter's trade, which vocation he has since chiefly followed. He is a member of the G. A. R., and in politics is a Republican.

WILLIAM CURTIS, proprietor of the grocery store and meat market at No. 110 West Broad Street, Hazleton. This well-known businessman was born in Cornwall, England, March 12, 1864, and is the only child of William and Mary J. (Harvey) Curtis, also natives of England. The family came to America in 1866, locating at Summit Hill, Pa., but shortly afterward removing to Hazleton. Mr. Curtis was educated at that place, and obtained employment in a store and meat market where he continued until a meat market was started under the firm name of Harvey & Curtis. This was operated by these gentlemen until February, 1892, when the partnership was dissolved, and the present business was established by Mr. Curtis. He carries a full line of family groceries and, besides, handles home-dressed meats, getting them fresh, pure and wholesome, directly from local slaughter houses, thereby furnishing his customers the best goods in the market. He employs six men in his business. Mr. Curtis was united in marriage in June, 1890, with Miss Mary I., daughter of John Turner, of Hazleton, and they have one child, Elizabeth, who is the light of the household. Mr. Curtis votes the Republican ticket, and the family attend the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Rev. Morvin CUSTER, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Ashley, was born in Six Points, Ind., January 4, 1860, and is a son of Benjamin T. and Eliza (Fry) Custer, natives of Pennsylvania, and of early Dutch origin. He is a grandson of Matthew C. and Eleanor (Tyson) Custer, and Eneas and Sarah (Saylor) Fry, the latter family, strong Baptists, will pass away with this generation. His father, who was a blacksmith and farmer, reared a family of nine children, viz.: Albion, Eleanor (Mrs. Aaron Gouldy), Morvin, Benjamin, Emma (Mrs. Theodore Detwiler), Harry, Anna (died at the age of nine years), Webster and Matthias. Our subject was educated in the public schools of Montgomery county, Ursinus College and Princeton Theological Seminary, graduating at the former in 1883, and at the latter in 1886. He then had a charge at Elmer, N. J., where he remained three years, and was installed at Ashley May 3, 1889. Mr. Custer was married December 19, 1885, to Ida V., daughter of David and Sophia (Foster) Trucksess, and a granddaughter of Jacob Trucksess, who sailed from Amsterdam, Holland, in 1819. They have two children, viz.: Margaret D. and Mabel E. Our subject is a member of the F.& A. M., P.O.S. of A., K. of H., and A. P.A. He takes a deep interest in all political workings of the nation, but is strictly independent in his views.

George CUTLER, retired, Freeland, was born in Somersetshire, England, June 14, 1830, and is the sixth in a family of eight children born to Francis and Mary (Faner) Cutler, natives of Somersetshire, England. The family came to America in 1855, settling in Wisconsin, where the father of our subject followed the vocation of miner. The father died at Dodgeville, Wis., in 1864, the mother at Eckley in January, 1869. Our subject was educated at Monmouthshire, South Wales, and at the age of ten years began coal-mining at Monmouthshire, England, passing through the whole system of mining, and at the age of eighteen was a practical miner. He worked at mining in his native country until 1855, when he came to America with his father's family and settled in Wisconsin, where they resided on a farm. On August 14, 1862, Mr. Cutler enlisted in Company C, Thirty-first Wis. V. I., under General Sherman, and was with him in his famous march to the sea, participating in the battle of Atlanta. He was mustered out of service with his regiment June 20, 1863, and returned to Wisconsin in 1866. He came to Eckley and went to work in the mines for Sharp, Weiss & Co., where he remained until 1880, when, on account of broken health contracted in the war he was forced to retire from hard work. Mr. Cutler has since resided in Freeland, where he has since been looking after his property in that vicinity; he was elected justice of the peace, but never took out his commission, all his time being taken up with his private affairs, He is a member of the I. O. O. F., Knights of the Golden Eagle, and a charter member of the G. A.R. In politics he is a Republican. His war record is without stain or dishonor, and its pages are illumined with a halo of glory and heroism.

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