Cl-Co Surnames

History of Luzerne County, Pa.,

by H.C. Bradsby, 1893


D.S. CLARK, postmaster, Kingston. This gentleman, who is a descendant of one of the pioneer families of Luzene county, was born in Plains township, this county, October 31, 1844, and is a son of Stephen and Mary (Wagner) Clark, both natives of Plains township, the former born April 5, 1816, the latter April 25, 1825; they still reside on the old homestead in that township. Mrs. Stephen Clark was of Pennsylvania-Dutch parentage, and he was of New England origin. His father, John Clark, was born at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and was married to Elizabeth Tompkins, of Pittston; he died at Plains, December 6, 1878. He was a son of John and Sarah (Osbourne) Clark, natives of New Providence, N.J., the former born September 12, 1752, and died March 22, 1818; the latter born July 5, 1750, and died at about the age of sixty. The subject of this sketch is the second of nine children, of some of whom the following is a brief record: George D. is a farmer on the old homestead, Plainsville; Mary Elizabeth was married to Henry Turn (deceased), merchant of Falls, Wyoming Co., Pa.; Sarah A. is married to C.A. Ludlow, of Adrian, Iowa; Clara E. is deceased; John F. is superintendent of Merchant Mill, Pittston; Alice A. is married to Jackson Place, of Mayfield, Pa. Our subject was educated in the common schools, and at the age of eighteen began an apprenticeship at blacksmithing with Joseph Kleetz, of West Pittston. On February 26, 1863, he enlisted in Company E, Second Pennsylvania Cavalry. He participated in the following engagements, etc.: Wilderness, Weldon Railroad raid, Malvern Hill, South Side Railroad, Stanley Creek, Richmond raid, capture of Petersburg, Trevilian Station, Berks Station, with Sheridan in the Shenandoah, at the surrender of Lee, and in several minor engagements, making a total of forty-two. He received three wounds while in the service - a saber wound at Malvern Hill; a gunshot wound at the Wilderness, and a gunshot wound at the siege of Richmond - and was mustered out of the service as a quartermaster-sergeant, July 21, 1865. Once more returning to the tranquil pursuits of civil life, Mr. Clark resumed his trade at Pittston for a time, when he went to Scranton and learned horse shoeing. He then proceeded to Falls, Pa., and embarked in business for his own account, blacksmithing, remaining there about two years, when he went to Centre Moreland, where he sojourned about three years; was postmaster there one year, and thence removed to Wilkes-Barre, where he followed his trade about a year. He then came to Kingston, and was foreman there about two years in the ships of C.W. Boughtin; thence he went to Plymouth, where he was again engaged in business for himself, and where he remained about two years. He then moved to Wyoming county, and was in the huckstering business there one year, when he removed to Laceyville, Pa., and entered into partnership in the blacksmith trade with G.W. Walters; remained one year, and then removed to Kingston, re-engaging as foreman with Mr. Boughtin, where he remained eight years more. His next move was to Wilkes-Barre, where he once more engaged in business for his own account, blacksmithing, remaining about two years, when, on account of failing health, he was obliged to abandon his trade. For a time he traveled with a patent wagon jack of his own invention, and April 16, 1890, he was commissioned postmaster of Kingston, which incumbency he is at present filling. Mr. Clark and his family are members of the M.E. Church; he is a member of the G.A. R., the I.O.O.F. and Encampment, and in politics he is a Republican.

DAVID CLARK, master mechanic for the Reading Railroad system, Hazleton division, Hazleton, was born in Lancaster county, Pa., June 8, 1821, and is a son of John and Ann (Yeager) Clark, also natives of Pennsylvania. He was reared and educated at his birthplace, and at an early period learned the trade of machinist, which trade he followed at Reading for a short time, and then engaged as locomotive engineer with the Reading Railroad. In 1850 he went to Philadelphia, where he entered the employ of the great Baldwin Locomotive Works. After three years at this position he became master mechanic for the Mine Hill & Schuylkill Haven Railroad. After one and a half years in this position he returned to the Baldwin Works, soon after which he became a locomotive engineer on the Philadelphia, Germantown & Norristown Railroad. In 1855 he came to Hazleton and received the appointment of master mechanic for Ario Pardee & Co. In 1868 Pardee's railroad passed into the hands of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, but Mr. Clark was retained as master mechanic, and served the latter company for twenty-four years. Under the Reading Company Mr. Clark still retains his position, thus making thirty-seven years' continuous service. Mr. Clark is one of the oldest railroad men in the State. He vividly remembers when cars were drawn by horses instead of engines, which latter were crude and illy constructed. Mr. Clark assisted to place the first cab which was ever put on a locomotive. Many improvements and patent railroad appliances have evolved from Mr. Clark's ingenious mind. The chief of his inventions are the Clark steam brake, which is operated by pedals, and a coal jig for separating slate from coal. Mr. Clark is three score and ten years old, but he possesses a robust constitution, and his memory is not impaired. He is a most delighful companion, his conversation abounding in anecdotes relating to episodes of early railroad days. In every thing which appertains to the well-being of the community, Mr. Clark is one of the most energetic of workers. He is a stanch supporter of the Presbyterian Church, and in his political preferences is a Republican.

EDWARD W. CLARK, blacksmith, Plains, was born in Plains township January 1, 1847, son of Stephen and Mary A. (Wagner) Clark. His father, who was a carpenter and farmer, reared a family of eight childen, of whom he is the third in order of birth. He was reared on the farm, and educated at the common schools, the Wyoming Seminary, and New Columbus, and at the age of twenty engaged with Joseph Klotz, of West Pittston, to learn the blacksmith trade. He remained with him eighteen months, and then worked at his trade as follows: With Jonah Howell, Main street, East Pittston, one year; with his brother, D.S. Clark, at North Moreland, Pa., three months; at Pittston, in the employ of Alvin Tompkins, four years; at Hyde Park, in the employ of the D.L. & W.R.R., two years; at Scranton, in the employ of Timothy Gilhool, four and a half years; at Adrian, Minn., six months; at Kingston, in the employ of C.W. Boughtin, three years; at Mill Creek, in the employ of Thomas Waddell, four and a half years; and in 1888 engaged in business for himself in the village of Plains, where he has since remained. Mr. Clark was married, June 6, 1870, to Miss Adeline, daughter of Frederick K. and Anna (Kocher) Spear, natives of Pennsylvania, and of German and French origin respectively. They have nine children, viz.: Hubert F. (a druggist in Scranton), Arthur B., May E., Frederick S., Fannie E., Edgar L., Mable P., Alice A. and Anna B. Mr. and Mrs. Clark and four of their chilren are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is trustee, steward, class-leader, and assistant superintendent of Sunday-school; he is a member of the P.O.S. of A. Politically he is a Republican, and has held the office of treasurer in Plains township for two years.

G.J. CLARK, attorney at law, Luzerne. This gentleman was born at Beaumont, Wyoming Co., Pa., and is a son of Amos D. and Sarah E. (Shotwell) Clark, also natives of Pennsylvania. John Clark, the early pioneer of the Clark family is this county, came to Wilkes-Barre in 1783, and built a log house on the corner of what is now known as North Main and Union streets, the entire locality at that time being little less than a wilderness. He subsequently settled at Plains, also in this county, where the old Clark homestead, which was then established by John, has ever since remained in the Clark family. There are five children in the family of Amos D. Clark, viz.: G.J., Nettie M. (wife of U.J. Jaquish), Carrie A. (who resides at home), Leslie G. (station agent at Valley Junction, Wis.), and Jessie C. (wife of Frank Holschuh). The subject of this sketch was educated at Wyoming Seminary, and is a graduate of the Bloomsburg Normal School, class of '83. Soon after completing his education, he became principal of the high school at Forty Fort, in which capacity he remained two years. He then accepted the principalship of the Luzerne High School, where he taught three years, during which period he studied law at chance intervals, thereby laying a solid foundation for his after profession. In December, 1888, Mr. Clark began a regular course of law study in the office of Alfred Darte, at Wilkes-Barre, and after two years of close application to "Blackstone" and "Coke upon Littleton," was admitted to practice at the Luzerne county bar, January 5, 1891. What degree of success Mr. Clark has attained in the legal profession is due entirely to his own exertions, as he had no willing friends to aid him in his study, financially, and so found it necessary to work his own way in the world, to "paddle his own canoe," which he has manfully accomplished, as is manifested by his ever-increasing clientage, and deserving popularity. Mr. Clark is at present acting in the capacity of assistant district attorney for Luzerne county. Politically he is a Republican. The Clark family are adherents of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

GEORGE D. CLARK, farmer, P.O. Plainville, was born in Plains township, August 19, 1842, and is the eldest of eight children born to Stephen and Mary A. (Wagner) Clark, who was of Dutch and English origin, respectively. He is a grandson of John and Elizabeth (Tomkins) Clark, and a great-grandson of John Clark, who October 4, 1791, took possession of the farm where George D. now lives, removing from Wilkes-Barre, whither he had come from New Jersey. This farm has been occupied by the Clark family since it first came into their possession, but it is now owned by the Pennsylvania Coal Company. Our subject passed his boyhood on the farm and attended the common schools, embracing farming as his occupation; he removed to his present home in 1871. Mr. Clark was married, December 26, 1866, to Lizzie C., daughter of Frederick and Nancy (Camley) Tisdel, natives of Pennsylvania, and of English and Spanish origin, respectively. They have three children, viz.: Anna M., Sadie E., and Sybil E. He and his wife and eldest daughter are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and politically he is a Republican.

GEORGE R. CLARK, merchant, Hazleton, was born in Downington, Chester Co., Pa., July 13, 1855, and is the second in the family of five children of David and Catherine Clark, also natives of Pennsylvania. When an infant Mr. Clark was removed from his birthplace to Hazleton, where he was reared, receiving his education in the public schools of that place and at Philadelphia. During his school-days he learned telegraphy, and after leaving school he became a machinist, which he followed until 1874, when he secured a position in the Lehigh Valley Railroad office as time-keeper and telegraph operator, which he held until February, 1892, when he resigned. In April of that year he was appointed store-keeper for the Reading Railroad Company, but being desirous of traveling through the West he again resigned this position, and now devotes his entire attention to the mercantile business which he established in Hazleton April 1, 1879. Mr. Clark is the owner of one of the best equipped and most carefully regulated general grocery stores in the section, and he carries on a large business with much success. On October 24, 1883, he was united in marriage with Alice J., daughter of S.D. Taylor, of Hazleton. In politics Mr. Clark is a Republican; socially he is a member of the Sons of America and the Knights of Malta, and he is a Knight Templar.

H.S. CLARK, pension agent, Shickshinny, was born in Laurens, Otsego Co., N.Y., June 27, 1829, a son of Truman H. and Elizabeth (Brown) Clark. The father, who was a teacher by profession, located in Union township, this county, about 1830, and taught school until 1840; was then elected a justice of the peace of Union township, holding the office ten years; then operated the Rocky Mountain Coal Mines in Salem township for several years. He died in Shickshinny, November 15, 1865. Our subject, his only child, was reared in New York and Pennsylvania, receiving an academical education in Chenango county, N.Y., and also attended Wyoming Seminary, at Kingston, three months. In 1839 he came to Luzerne county and located in Union township. After attaining his majority, he taught school about twelve years, and the year 1857 he passed on the Rocky Mountains. In the fall of the same year he located in Shickshinny, where he has since resided. Soon afterward he was elected a justice of the peace, and served one term. On August 24, 1864, he enlisted in Company B, One Hundred and Ninety-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was honorably discharged June 28, 1865; from November, 1864, until discharged, he was chief clerk Twenty-fourth Army Corps, and since the war has been principally engaged as pension agent. In 1850 Mr. Clark married Evaline, daughter of John and Mary (Austin) Blanchard, of Ross township, this county, and has three children: Charles B., Frank D. and Carrie (Mrs. Daniel McKennon). Mr. Clark is a member of the G.A.R., and in politics is a Republican.

JOHN CLARK (deceased) was born in Wilkes-Barre February 28, 1791, a son of John and Sarah Clark, who came from Wilkes-Barre to Plains, October 4, 1791, and took possession of the farm, where George D. Clark now lives. Here John Clark passed his entire life, and gave his attention chiefly to the cultivation of his farm. He was married in 1815 to Miss Elizabeth Tompkins, and they had born unto them seven children, viz.: Stephen, Aaron, Edward C., Sarah, Parma and George (twins) and Sybil. The last named is now living in the house where her father passed the last few years of his life; her sister, Parma, who lived with her many years, died February 28, 1890. Mr. Clark and family were all members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Plainsville, for the construction of which he manufactured the brick; politically he was a Republican, and held the offices of poor-master and supervisor for several years. He died at his residence in Plains township, December 6, 1878, greatly admired and respected by all for his characteristic integrity and uprightness.

JOHN W. CLARK, merchant, Ashley, was born in that borough February 22, 1864, and is a son of Samuel and Rosanna (Monahan) Clark, natives of Pennsylvania and New York City, respectively, and of Irish origin. The father was killed in the Hartford Mines June 30, 1870. They reared a family of four children, viz.: John W., Isabella (Mrs. Fred Lorenz), William, and Anna, who died at the age of eighteen months. Our subject was educated in the public schools, and at the age of twelve years begn working in the breaker; later, laboring and nipping in the mines. On April 23, 1879, he was closed in the No. 10 Shaft of the Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Company, and was rescued April 29 by parties digging from the surface. He was accompanied in his frightful confinement by a Mr. Price, Charles Hawkins, Patrick and John Green (brothers), Barney Riley and William Kinney. Their hunger was to some extent appeased by the flesh of a mule, which they found in the mine and killed. He then attended school in Ashley two years, after which he drove delivery wagon for John Bowden six years, and then embarked in his present business. Mr. Clark was married October 8, 1890, to Miss Mary O'Donnell, who was born in Rockport, Pa., daughter of William and Bridget (Caffrey) O'Donnell, natives of County Longford, Ireland, who now reside in Ashley. Mrs. Clark is a member of the Catholic Church. Mr. Clark is a member of the F. & A.M., is a Republican in politics, and has held the office of auditor in Ashley borough.

RICH. CLARK, manager of Haddock's store, Luzerne, was born at Monaghan, Ireland, in 1865, a son of Thomas Clark, and was educated partly in Ireland, and partly in this country. Soon after coming to the United States he was employed as bookkeeper at the Black Diamond Mines, where he remained six years, after which he became manager of the Black Diamond Store, and has been employed ever since. Mr. Clark is a supporter of the Presbyterian Church, and, in politics, although he takes no active part, he votes with the Republican party.

WILLIAM G. CLARK, engineer in No. 12 Slope, Susquehanna Coal Company, Nanticoke, is a native of the village of Wade, Schuylkill Co., Pa., born August 5, 1866. He is the son of John and Nora (McNamaral) Clark, who came to Pennsylvania in 1867, and locted at Archbald, where they remained about three years; then moved to Dixon, same State, and here resided until 1874, when they came to Nanticoke, where the father died in 1887, and the mother is yet living. When our subject was a mere boy he commenced work picking slate at No. 2 Breaker, and there remained until he was thirteen years of age, when he went to work in No. 4 tunnel as door-tender, a position he held for about eighteen months. He was then employed on the outside as driver, remaining as such about four months, when he returned to picking slate at No. 1 Breaker, continuing for but a short time, however, and afterward went to the Honeypot Mines, where he remained only a short time, as, owing to some difference between him and his boss he left and went to No. 2 Tunnel, at which he was engaged as driver about six months. He then was appointed to the robing of the pillars in the same tunnel, where he was engaged as driver and runner for about four months, when he was removed to the head of the plains as assistant plain runner, and remained there about three months; then was sent to the east side as driver, there being a fire in No. 1 Shaft. He was here but a short time, when, finding that the authority of the foreman conflicted with his absolute rights, he left that place. He then was engaged outside as stock coal driver, at which he worked a short time, and then went inside the mines as driver, and was at No. 1 Slope about one year; then was engaged on the west side as team driver one year. Here he and the foreman again failed to agree, and he went to No. 2 Slope as runner and driver, remaining there about three months, when he was sent to No. 7 Slope in the same capacity. In the fall of 1885, Mr. Clark engaged as fireman at No. 1 Slope, where he remained until November, 1891, and during that time he was also pump engineer. He was employed at this place during the great mine disaster of 1885, which was in the form of a sand cave, where twenty-seven men lost their lives. In November, 1891, he accepted his present position, as described at the commencement of sketch. Mr. Clark's early educational opportunities were limited, but, by assisuous private study and attendance at night school, he has educated himeself well beyond the ordinary. He is a man of strict habits, and commands the respect of all who know him. He is a member of St. Aloysius Society and Father Mathew Society, and is a member of the Catholic Church.

V.P. CLEAVELAND, farmer, P.O. Huntsville, was born December 22, 1825, and was reared and educated in Abington, Pa. He is a son of Parley V. and Catherine (Weiss) Cleaveland, the former born in Connecticut, the latter in Easton, Northampton Co., Pa., and descended from German parentage. Parley V. was one of the early settlers in Abington, where he owned a farm of 150 acres of land, on which he lived about thirty years; he died at the age of eighty-four years. His family numbered ten children, nine of whom grew to maturity, and eight of them are now living. His son V.P. always lived and worked on the farm on which he was born until he reached his majority, when he married Miss Esther, daughter of Haveland and Phoebe Hinkley, and by her he had five children, two of whom are now living: George and Alice. For his second wife Mr. Cleaveland married, May 8, 1862, Mrs. Delia M., widow of Henry Backer, by which union he has had six children, four of whom are living: Martha, Mary, Sandford and Dora. Mrs. Cleaveland had one child by her previous marriage. She is a daughter of Jacob Garrison, of Delaware, N.Y., who was a son of David (2), a son of David (1), a native of England, who had he lived longer, would have inherited two million dollars left him. His niece and nephew who were living at the time, were sick and unable to attend to the matter. Mr. Cleaveland moved from Tunkhannock to Jackson township in 1872, where he has ever since lived continuously. He is a retired man of honest principles, and a member of the Christian Church, to which his wife also belongs. Politically, he is a Democrat.

CHRISTOPHER COATES, farmer, P.O. Larksville, was born in Westchester, N.Y., November 29, 1812, son of John and Elizabeth (Summergills) Coates, both of whom were natives of Yorkshire, England. They emigrated to this country July 5, 1811, locating in Westchester, N.Y., where they resided six years, as farmers and milk dealers. They removed from Westchester to Ross Hill, where he remained a short time, finally removing to Newport, where he resided eight years. He sold his Newport property and bought a farm of fifty acres in Plymouth township, remaining thereon till his death, which occurred in 1862, at the age of eighty-four years. His wife died the same year, at the age of eighty-three. Their family consisted of elevenchildren, ten of whom grew to maturity. Three remain alive to-day (1892): Jane, Christopher and William. Christopher is the second in the family. He was reared and educated in Wilkes-Barre, and confined himself principally to agricultural pursuits, though he has occasionally followed other vocations. In March, 1846, he married Miss Mary, daughter of Charles and Rebecca Bryant, and to them have been born eleven children, six of whom are now living: Christopher, Mary, William, Walter, Ida and Estella. Walter is the only member of the family who is still unmarried. Since 1862 they have resided on their farm of ninety-nine acres, which Mr. Coates has wonderfully improved. He is a practical farmer, a good citizen, and an obliging neighbor. He has a valuable conglomerate rock quarry on his farm. Mrs. Coates was born in Luzerne borough. Her parents owned the land where the old fort, which was burned in 1776, at the time of the Wyoming massacre, stood. Politically, Mr. Coates is a Republican.

B.J. COBLEIGH, M.D., Kingston. Among the leading physicians and surgeons of Luzerne county, who are thorough masters of their profession, may well be classed the gentleman whose name appears here. He was born near Pottsville, Pa., January 10, 1863, and is a son of William and Helen Cobleigh, natives of England. He was educated in Hillman Academy, Wilkes-Barre, and at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, where he was graduated in the class of 1883; and next year he took a special course on the eye and ear, under the celebrated specialist, Dr. Fox, of Philadelphia. In 1885 he began the practice of medicine at Scranton, where he remained about two years, and then came to Kingston, where he has built up a large general practice, including an extensive patronage as a specialist on the eye and ear, a branch of science in which he has been very successful. He was the first to transplant the cornea of a rabbit's eye to the human eye, which operation was performed in September, 1891. Dr. Cobleigh was married January 1, 1889, to Miss Margaret, daughter of Daniel and Margaret Edwards, of Kingston, and one child has come to this union, Anna, born July 7, 1891. The Doctor is a firm supporter of the principles of the Republican party, and in 1886 was the party candidate for coroner, but was defeated with the rest of the ticket. He is an interesting conversationalist, a close reasoner, and an ardent worker in his chosen profession.

WILLIAM E. COBLEY, miner, Plymouth, was born October 26, 1827, in Somersetshire, England, and is the third in the family of ten children of Richard and Margaret (Barnes) Cobley, the former also a native of Somersetshire, the latter of Gloucestershire, England. The father of William Edward Cobley was a soldier in the British army, and was engaged in the fierce battles of Toulouse and Salamanca, against the French. Our subject has in his possession a silver medal awarded Richard Cobley by Queen Victoria for bravery, the same bearing the dates 1795-1814, the inscription, "Regina Victoria," and the soldier's name. The subject of this sketch was educated in Wales, and in 1848 came to America, locating in Schuylkill county, Pa., Glendower Colliery, where he was employed four years. In 1866 he came to Plymouth, this county, and worked eleven years; held the position of inside foreman at Shaft No. 1 and 2, Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. Mr. Cobley has been thrice married: first time, in 1853, to Eleanor, daughter of Hannah and Charles Savory, natives of Gloucestershire, England, to which marriage were born five children, viz.: Elizabeth Ellen, Hannah, Alice, Emily and Bennett J. The mother of this family died February 21, 1865, and Mr. Cobley then married, in 1870, Ann, daughter of Charles and Rebecca (Bevan) Gauntlett, natives of Monmouthshire, Wales. Mr. Cobley has only two children living, viz.: Bennett J., a physician at Kingston, Pa., and Elizabeth Ellen, wife of Jonathan W. Davis, a pharmacist in Plymouth, Pa., who was born in Wales, June 30, 1854, the eldest in the family of five children of William S. and Ann (Williams) Davis, also natives of Wales, who came to America and settled in Schuylkill county, Pa., where Jonathan was reared and educated. He early began life as a slate-picker in the breaker, and at the age of eighteen years had been promoted to driver-boss of the Wadesville Shaft. He subsequently came to Plymouth, and was driver-boss of Shaft No. 1 & 2 Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. for nine years, at the end of which time he opened his present business, in which he has since continued. He was married to Miss Cobley, March 5, 1876, and six children have blessed their union, viz.: William, Laura, Henry, Eleanor, Clarence and Sheldon. In politics he is a very active Republican. The family attend the Presbyterian Church.

PETER COGGINS, miner, Inkerman, was born in County Mayo, Ireland, in March, 1830, and is the eldest in the family of Anthony and Bridget (Gordon) Coggins. He labored, while in Ireland, in a stone quarry, and came to this country in 1850. In New York he worked at his old employment as quarryman for a few months, and then came to this county, where he was engaged until 1854 in sinking the shafts of Mines No. 5 and No. 7, since when he has been employed by the Pennsylvania Coal Company as miner. He was united in marriage January 1, 1856, with Mary, daughter of Peter and Margaret (Lavelle) Morris, natives of County Mayo, Ireland, and they have been blessed with the following chilren: Bridget, born December 20, 1856; John, born February 16, 1860; Annie, born January 12, 1863, married to John Burke, carpenter, Carbondale; Katie, born May 23, 1865, married to James Corrigan, railroad fireman, Carbondale; Anthony born July 5, 1867; Hannah, born September 14, 1870, and Rose, born December 16, 1872. Our subject is an adherent of the Roman Catholic Faith, and a member of the St. John's Literary and Benevolent Association. In politics he is a Republican.

ISAIAH G. COLBORN, druggist, Mountain Top, in Fairview township, was born December 8, 1862, in Ashley borough, this county, and is a son of John W. and Mary E. (Keiser) Colborn, who reared a family of five children, viz.: Robert M., who is married and resides in Pittston; William T., married and living in Ashley; Emma, wife of Rev. James Benninger, a Methodist clergyman, stationed, at present, in Ashley; Isaiah G., and Charles W., unmarried, and living in Ashley. The subject of this sketch attended the common schools of Ashley until he was seventeen years old, when he entered his brother's (William T.) drugstore in Ashley in order to study pharmacy, and there remained until 1884, in which year he entered the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, from which he graduated in 1886. Returning to Ashley, he again accepted a position from his brother as druggist, remaining, however, but a few months, when he secured a position as manager of a drugstore in Nanticoke. After working there but a short time, he came to Fairview and opened a drugstore for his brother. In 1888 he purchased the Fairview store, and is at present conducting the same. He has, on a lot Adjoining the store, built a beautiful cottage, where he now lives. On August 4, 1886, Mr. Colborn was married to Ella, daughter of John and Anna (Russell) Jones, of Ashley, which marriage was made happy by four children, viz.: Oscar G., Ethel M., Harry R. and Walter R. Mr. and Mrs. Colborn are not members of any church, but attend the Methodist services. In politics he is a Republican.

JOHN W. COLBORN, postmaster, Ashley, was born in Lycoming county, Pa., June 10, 1831, a son of John and Sarah (Burgett) Colborn, natives of Pennsylvania, and of English and German origin. His grandfathers were Robert Colborn and John Burgett. The father, who was born March 30, 1808, died May 3, 1892, near the place of his birth in Lycoming county; the mother is now living with her daughter, Jane. The family consisted of the following: two children who died in infancy; John W.; Robert, a printer in Pottsville, Pa.; William E., a mine operator in West Virginia; Mary, who died at the age of twenty-two; Hannah, married to Boyd Richie, a farmer in Lycoming county, Pa.; A.F., an electrical engineer residing at Forest City, and Jane, who lives with her mother. Our subject was educated in the public schools of Schuylkill county, and then learned the caprenter's trade. He removed to Ashley December 26, 1855, where he helped to build the first breaker. At the beginning of the Civil war he enlisted in the three months' service, and again at Scranton, September 4, 1864, in Company E, One Hundred and Eight-eighth P.V., and was discharged at Fortress Monroe in June, 1865. He then resumed his trade at Ashley, which he followed till he was appointed postmaster, in 1882, which position he held until 1885, and was reappointed in 1889. He built his present residence in 1861. Mr. Colborn was married October 12, 1856, to Mary E., daughter of Thomas and Emily (Downing) Keizer, natives of Pennsylvania, and of German and English origin. She died December 27, 1890, at the age of fifty-three years. The issue of this union was five children, viz.: Robert, who is engaged in the ice business at Pittston; William T., a druggist at Ashley; Isaiah G., a druggist at South Fairview; Emma (Mrs. Rev. James Benninger), and Charles, clerk in his brother's (William T.) store. Mr. Colborn and his family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of the board of trustees of which he is president. He is a member of the I.O.O.F. and Encampment. In his political views he is a Republican, and has held the offices of school director, assessor, tax collector, and he took the census of Ashley borough in 1890.

W.M. COLDREN, head miller in Miner & Co.'s Mills, Miners Mills, was born in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland Co., Pa., February 5, 1860, and is a son of Peter and Louisa (Feaster) Coldren, natives of Pennsylvania. The father, who was a farmer, reared a family of seven children, of whom W.M. is the fourth. He spent his boyhood on the farm, received a common-school education, and at the age of nineteen engaged in the Turtle Creek Mills, Winfield, Pa., to learn the miller's trade; here he remained two years, and after one year spent at home, went to Lewisburgh, Pa., where he worked at his trade five years, and accepted his present position in 1887. This mill has a daily capacity of one hundred barrels of flour, forty tons of feed, five tons of buckwheat flour or thirty barrels of rye flour; the grains are obtained from Pennsylvania and the West, chiefly the latter, the wheat of the former being preferred, however. The products of the mill are disposed of chiefly in the coal regions of Pennsylvania. Mr. Coldren was married, August 2, 1883, to Anna L., daughter of John and Susanna (Hunty) Coldren, natives of Pennsylvania, and of German origin; they have one child, Gertrude A. He and his wife are members of the Baptist church of Lower Augusta township, Pa.; he is a member of the P.O.S. of A., and a Democrat in his political views.

ALVIN P. COLES, the popular and genial proprietor of "Harvey's Creek Hotel," West Nanticoke, was born at Beach Haven, Pa., May 8, 1852, and is a son of Samuel H. and Martha (Hauk) Coles, also natives of Pennsylvania. Our subject, who is the youngest in a family of three, was reared and educated in the public schools of Luzerne county, and learned the blacksmith's trade at Beach Haven, at which he worked until 1883. He then commenced in the hotel business at Crooptown, same State, where he was the leading hotel man for seven years. He then came to West Nanticoke, and assumed the management of the "Harvey's Creek Hotel," the leading hostlery in the town, equipped with all modern hotel conveniences. As Mr. Coles is a natural hotel man, the traveling public find with him a comfortable, homelike resort. He was married December 7, 1872, to Miss Lizzie, daughter of Samuel and Parthenna (Fritz) Gibbons, of Fairmount township, Luzerne county, and they have one child, Samuel D. Mr. Coles is a member of the Jr. O.U.A.M., and in his political views is a Democrat.

ARTHUR F. COLLAMER, photographer, Wilkes-Barre, is a son of J.W. and Nellie (Blair) Collamer, born at Honesdale. Our subject is a descendant of one of the early pioneer families who came to Massachusetts in 1624, and numbered among their descendants many illustrious names, among which may be mentioned that of Hon. Jacob Collamer, who was a United States Senator, and was appointed to the office of postmaster general under President Taylor, also that of Hon. George W. Collamer, a distinguished judge at Montpelier, Vt., a man of great wealth and extended influence, who became a chief factor in locating the capital of Vermont. The father was an artist, a profession he followed for more than forty years with eminent success. The children of the father's family were two in number: G.W. Collamer and Arthur E. Collamer, the latter of whom was educated in his native place, Wilkes-Barre. When a yhouth he entered his father's studio, mastered the photographer's art and became a partner, which business relationship continued until the father's death, January 29, 1891, since which time our subject has carried on the gallery successfully, adding thereto oil work and life-size painting. He votes the Republican ticket, and in 1887 was elected a member of the city council. Mr. Collamer is a member of several secret societies; also of the Ninth Regiment, and is an officer of Col. Keck's staff.

THOMAS F. COLLINS, engineer at Delaware & Hudson No. 2, Plymouth. This experienced engineer was born at Scranton, Pa., September 17, 1858, and is a son of John and Catherine (Ryan) Collins, natives of County Clare, Ireland. Thomas F., who is the third in a family of five children, was educated in the public schools of Luzerne county, and began life by working about the mines. In 1879 he went to Colorado, and worked for four years in the silver mines as a practical miner. He then went to Arizona, following the same business for one year, and coming thence to Plymouth, was engaged as a fireman at No. 11, Wilkes-Barre Coal & Iron Company. He remained with this company for eighteen months, and then entered the employ of the Delaware & Hudson Canel Company, first as a fireman, and soon after as an engineer, in which capacity he has since acted. Our subject was married September 25, 1881, to Miss Johanna, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Keaton) Bouney, natives of Pennsylvania. This union has been blessed with five chldren: John, Catherine, Lucy, Joseph and George. Mr. Thomas is a Democrat in politics. The family are members of the Catholic Church.

CAPT. JOHN D. COLVIN, In 1820 Philip Colvin, with his wife Sarah, and sons, Joseph and Cyrus, and daughters, Polly, Mercy and Anna, with her husband, Elemuel Stone, from Rhode Island, traveling with ox teams, and bringing their household goods with them, settled in Abington township, Luzerne county (now Lackawanna county) Pa. Philip Colvin, with his son, Cyrus, settled on a farm in the weatern part of the township, near Factoryville; Joseph settled near the east line of the township, on a wild farm; Elemuel Stone and his wife, Anna, settled on a farm near the south center of the township; Polly, after being married to Thomas Smith, settled in the northern part of the township; Mercy married to Mr. James Nichols, and settled in Benton township, in same county; Cyrus Colvin, in 1821, married Miss Phoebe Northrop, whose parents emigrated from Rhode Island a few years previous. There were born to Cyrus Colvin and wife four sons and two daughters; Artless L., Augustus, Deborah N., Philip, George Perry and John Dorrance. His wife, Phoebe, died December 24, 1835; Philip Colvin, Sr., died in 1832, aged seventy-eight years; Sarah, his wife, died in 1844, aged eighty-three years; Cyrus Colvin died in 1879; aged eighty-one years. After the death of his first wife he married Miss Maria Dean, daughter of James Dean, one of the early settlers from Rhode Island. The second wife died in 1876, aged seventy-two years. There were born to him, by the second marriage, two sons: Cyrus D. and Albert Colvin. All the children of Cyrus Colvin lived at home, on the farm, until about 1850, when Artless L. went to Archbald, Pa., where she engaged in the millinery business, and soon afterward married J.W. Sheerer, an engineer; they are now living at Des Moines, Iowa, and have one son and one daughter, both married and living in Iowa. Augustus married about the same time, and is yet living on a farm in Wyoming county; he raised a large family. Deborah N. married a farmer by the name of Emanuel Dershimer, who died in 1881; they reared a family of three boys and two girls; the mother and two of her sons are yet living on their fine old homestead in Falls township, Wyoming Co., Pa.; the eldest son, Oscar, who resides at Tunkhannock, Pa., is a noted barrister, and stands high with his colleagues in the profession; one daughter married J. P. Carter, a druggist, and resides at Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; the other daughter and her husband, Jerome Lillibridge, resides on a farm in Pennsylvania. Philip went to California in 1859, and is now living on a ranch, near Pueblo, Colo., where he has resided since 1873, dividing his time between raising stock and prospecting. George Perry was an engineer on the Mississippi river steamers, also in Texas, Mexico and Brazil; he now resides near Colorado Springs, Colo., being paralyzed from the effects of a Wound received at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864.

John Dorrance Colvin left home in 1854 and remained away until 1859, when he returned home, and there sojourned until the breaking out of the Civil war in 1861. After his discharge from the service, in 1865, he was connected with the work on the Central Branch of the Pacific Railroad from Atchison, Kan., to Fort Kearney, and went across the Missouri river on the ferry from Winthrop, Mo., to Atchison with the first locomotive that was placed on the road. In 1867 he returned to Pennsylvania, and was employed for five and one-half years in the coal department of the Delaware & Hudson Coal Company, when he took a position with the Lehigh Valley Coal Company. In 1885 cataracts affected his eyes. In 1890 he resigned his position with the Lehigh Valley Coal Company after seventeen years' continuous service. Mr. Colvin was married, in 1867, to Olive S. Reichardt, of Providence (now a part of Scranton), Pa., whose father's family were among the early pioneers that came from Germany and settled near Easton, Pa.; her mother was an Ackerly, whose parents emigrated from New York State, and settled in Abington, in 1828. John D. Colvin, after his marriage, settled at Olyphant, Pa.; from there he moved to Carbondale, same State, and in 1879 took up his residence at Parsons, Luzerne county, of which borough he is the present postmaster. In 1876 he took an active part in getting the district chartered as a borough, and he was twice elected its burgess. He served as school director for twelve years, and the borough's fine school property is largely owing to the exertions of John D. Colvin, Colvin Parsons, John Alderson, Jason P. Davis, Patrick Cox and William Smurl, as they took the first steps toward buying the lots and erecting the commodious graded-school building in 1877. Mr. and Mrs. J. Colvin have reared a family of two sons and three daughters - all of whom are yet at home. The oldest son, Harry, is assistant postmaster at Parsons, Pa.; Cyrus D. and Albert Colvin, sons of the second wife of Cyrus Colvin, are yet living in Lackawanna county, Pa. The six sons and two daughters of Cyrus Colvin are all yet living; out of the twenty-three grandchildren twenty-two are yet living, and out of the ten great-grandchildren nine are living. In politics the Colvins were Whigs and Republicans, and John D. Colvin cast his first Presidential vote for John C. Fremont. The war record of the sons of Cyrus Colvin should not be omitted, for they sprung from the defenders of the Stars and Stripes. Their great-grandfathers, on both sides of the family, fought in the Revolutionary war; their grandfathers, on both sides, fought in the War of 1812, and the war record below will show what the sons did for the country from 1861 to 1865.

George Perry Colvin enlisted, September 13, 1861, in the Forty-seventh P.V., and was with the regiment in all its campaigns, including the ill-fated Red River expedition under Banks. On October 19, 1864, at the battle of Cedar Creek (on the day of Sheridan's celebrated ride) he was struck by a piece of shell, which caused the removal of a portion of the frontal bone of the skull and trepanning the same with silver. He is now paralyzed, and resides near Colorado Springs, Colo., but, thanks to an appreciative government, is receiving a pension sufficient to meet all his necessary wants. Augustus Colvin also enlisted in the Forty-seventh P.V. and served faithfully until after the close of the war. Philip Colvin was out with the emergency men in June and July, 1863. On July 2, 1861, John D. Colvin enlisted in Company G, Fifty-second Regiment, P.V. On account of some trouble between the captain and first lieutenant, while Colvin was back collecting recruits, the company was disbanded, a part joining Birney's Zouaves in Philadelphia. When he returned to Harrisburg with fifteen recruits he, along with them, was mustered into Company C (Capt. J.P.S. Gobin, now Gen. Gobin, of Lebanon, Pa.), Forty-seventh Regiment, P.V. on September 13, 1861, for three years. In December, 1861, he was detailed (in compliance with a general order from the War Department) and transferred to the U.S. Signal Corps, and sent to Red Stone Camp, near Georgetown, D.C., for instructions. On February 4, 1862, he was assigned to Gen. Brennen's brigade, and was sent to Key West, Fla., where Porter's mortar fleet was fitting out for the expedition to assist in the capture of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, on the Mississippi, below New Orleans. After the capture of New Orleans the brigade to which he was attached was sent to Hilton Head and Beaufort, S.C., to take part in the operations against James Island and the city of Charleston. At Hilton Head he was detached from the land forces, and for several months was on board the "Wabash," Admiral Dupont's flagship, for the purpose of communicating by signals with the army, and instructing the midshipmen and the quartermasters of the navy in the use of the army signals. He was placed on board the "Ericsson" when she accompanied the fleet to Charleston loaded with torpedoes for the purpose of removing the obstructions near Fort Sumter that prevented our fleet entering the harbor; was afterward assigned to duty on board the steamer "Powhattan," Capt. Green, flagship of the wooden fleet; was for a time on duty on the ill-fated gunboat "Housatonic;" was one of the singal-men on the ironclad fleet, April 7, 1863, when Admiral Dahlgren made the attacks on forts Sumter and Moultrie and the batteries protecting the channel to Charleston harbor. He afterward took an active part in the capture of the batteries on the lower end of Morris Island, in the charges on Fort Wagner in July, 1863, and was on Morris Island during the sieges of Forts Wagner, Sumter and other batteries on Cummings Point; was a sergeant in charge of the signals on the night of July 3, 1864. When Gen. Hoyt, of the fifty-second P.V. with the One Hundred and Twenty-seventh N.Y.V., were repulsed at Fort Johnson, James Island, S.C., the fifty-second Regiment having their colonel (Hoyt) and one hundred and fifty-two officers and men captured, Sergeant Colvin also lost two of his signalmen by capture, both of whom afterward died in Andersonville prison. One of the men was Thomas Rimer, a nephew of John Jennon, of Scranton. In April, 1864, by order of Gen. Foster, Capt. Clum, chief signal officer of the Coast Division, detailed Sergeant John D. Colvin to endeavor to decipher the Rebel Signal Code. He was on this Secret service until the fall of Charleston, February 18, 1865, and succeeded in deciphering six of their straight alphabetical code, and their fifteen changeable or disk code; the latter was supposed to be impossible to decipher, as no two messages need be sent from the same key letter. By his work he gained much very valuable information, and gave Gen. Foster such reliable information of the enemy's movements when Gen. Terry, with his division, was operating against the enemy on James Island in the summer of 1864, that he recommended him for a commission. On February 14, 1865, Sergeant Colvin as commissioned a lieutenant in the United States Signal Corps. He also received a congratulatory letter from Col. Nichodemus, of the Signal Bureau at Washington, D.C., relative to his fitness for that branch of the service, and the valuable information received through him. Gen. Schammelfennig, commanding a brigade in the Coast division, wrote him a letter highly extolling him for his zeal and success in his branch of the service. And he wishes to have recorded in this volume his thanks and high appreciation of the services of such men as George H. Stone, Wm. S. Marsden, Sergeant Eddy and quick of the corps, with the men assigned to him from the Fifty-second Pennsylvania Regiment and One Hundred and Twenty-seventh New York Regiment for their arduous duties and valuable assistance rendered him whilst deciphering codes and intercepting Rebel dispatches from all points along the Confederate lines. Our subject was mustered out of the service in September, 1865, after over four years' active campaign life. What was remarkable about Lieutenant Colvin was that when he entered the service he was sickly, and went against the wishes (on that account) of his friends; but the service agreed with him, for there was not a day, for over four years, on which he was not able to be in the saddle or attend to his duties, either in the navy or in the field; in fact, he reported to the "morning sick call" only twice during his entire service, and was absent from active service only for thirty days, and that was on a veteran furlough. On July 7, 1879, Capt. John D. Colvin, Capt. Wilt, Capt. T.C. Parker, Capt. Bennett, Capt. Rush, Capt. Harvey, Capt. McGinley, Capt. Wenner, with a number of other line officers, were instrumental in organizing the Ninth Regiment of Pennsylvania, and did all in their power to assist the field and staff officers to make efficient soldiers out of the "raw material;" and the poeple of Luzerne county should be proud that they had men of military genius to lay the foundation for one of the finest volunteer organizations in the State - an organization to look at and be proud of. Company E, of Parsons, organized by Capt. J.D. Colvin, is yet in existence, and stands second to none in the regiment. The Captain was seven years an officer in the Ninth Regiment.

Capt. John D. Colvin and family are the only descendants of Cyrus Colvin living in the county, with their children: Harry C., assistant postmaster; Anna C., a teacher in the public schools of Parsons borough; J. Fredrick, Alice R. and Lena May. Harry C. was married on June 10, 1891, to Miss Carry Cordwell, and they have one child, a fine boy four months old, named Arthur Dorrance, after its grandfathers, and both the old veterans are proud of him, and hope he may grow up to be a true and loyal American citizen. Capt. J.D. Colvin is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, the G.A.R., the Knights of Honor, and the Patriotic Sons of America.

T.F. CONNELL, proprietor of livery stable, Duryea, was born at Mine Hill Gap, Schuylkill Co., Pa., February 9, 1850, and is the youngest in a family of seven sons. His parent were John and Ellen (Brady) Connell, natives of County Longford, Ireland. Our subject received his education in the common schools, and worked on his father's farm until 1871, when he went into the livery business, in Wilkes-Barre, and carried the mails between that city and Nanticoke. In 1873 he moved to Kingston, and in 1874 took charge of a livery stable in Allegheny City. In 1878 he engaged in farming and contracting in Plymouth, and in 1891 built where he now carries on his business in Duryea. Mr. Connell was united in marriage, April 5, 1885, with Matilda, daughter of John and Julia (Morris) Roach, of Jenkins township, natives of County Wexford, Ireland. Their union has been blessed with the following issue: Mary, born February 1, 1886; Annie, born June 4, 1887; Nellie, born July 28, 1888; Maud, born November 19, 1889; Bessie, born March 13, 1891, and John, born August 9, 1892. Our subject is a member of the Roman Catholic Church, and in politics, is a Democrat.

THADDEUS M. CONNIFF, justice of the peace and supervising principal of the public schools in Plains township, was born in County Cavan, Ireland, August 9, 1854. He came to America in 1870, and worked in and about the mines at Plains for four years. He then took a course at a normal school in New York State, and has since been engaged in teaching at Plains, except during the year 1883-4, when he was commissioned, by the State superintendent of the Pittston schools. In 1879 he was elected justice of the peace, which office he has since held, having been re-elected in 1884 and 1889. Mr. Conniff was married June 15, 1876, to Miss Amanda, daughter of Robert and Margaret Armstrong, and their union has been blessed with five children; Patrick Augustine, Robert Armstrong, Mary Amanda, James Norton, and Elizabeth Frances. Mr. Conniff and his family are members of the Catholic Church; he is also a member of the Father Mathew Temperance Society, which he represents at many State conventions; he represented his union at National conventions of Boston, Scranton, Philadelphia, and Chicago; is a chancellor in the C.M.B.A. In politics, he is a Democrat, was delegate to the State convention at Harrisburg, and one of its secretaries, and is at present a member of the county committee. The schools under his supervision, and in charge of an able corps of teachers, have reached a remarkable degree of proficiency.

JOHN F. CONNOLE, wholesale liquor dealer, Plymouth, was born at Elmira, N.Y., March 9, 1853, and is a son of Thomas and Honora (Dwyre) Connole, natives of Ireland, who came to America in 1848, settling in the State of New York. There were three children in this family, of whom John F. is the only son, the two daughters being Mary, wife of Andrew Heffron, of Plymouth, Pa., and Honora, wife of William Daly, also a resident of Plymouth. The subject of this sketch was educated in the public schools of Luzerne county, and at the Elmira Business College, graduating from the latter in March, 1876. After completing his business course, he traveled through the west for two years, returning at the end of that time to Plymouth, where he took charge of his father's restuarant for a short time, and soon after erected the large brick block where he now is located, and established his present business. Mr. Connole was married December 19, 1878, to Mary E., daughter of Thomas and Mary (Russell) Keating, natives of Ireland. Mary E. being born at Larksville, Pa. To this union have been born five children: Mary, born November 7, 1879; Thomas, born February 17, 1871(sic); John F., born November 25, 1882; Alethia, born May 11, 1884, and Joseph, born July 8, 1889. The family are members of the Catholic Church, and politically Mr. Connole is a stanch Democrat.

CHARLES R. CONNOR, storekeeper, Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Company, Wilkes-Barre, was born at Plymouth, this county, June 30, 1860, a son of John M. and Cinderella (Keller) Connor. He resided in Plymouth, where he received a public-school education, until seventeen years of age, in 1877 coming to Wilkes-Barre, where he has since resided. Since 1876 he has been in the employ of the Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Company, and has held his present position since May, 1887. On February 13, 1884, Mr. Connor married Ella, daughter of John and Mercy (Fell) Behee, of Wilkes-Barre. To their union have been born five children, viz: Mac, Daniel, Norman (deceased), Harold and Charles, Jr. Since 1887 he has been a member of Company D, Ninth Infantry Regiment, N.G.P.; received promotion to a corporal, sergeant and to a captaincy, December 8, 1890. He is a member of the Sons of Veterans and P.O.S. of A.; in politics he is a Republican.

JOHN MADISON CONNOR, outside foreman, Hollenback Shaft No. 2, Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Company, was born at Mauch Chunk, Carbon Co., Pa., April 14, 1839, a son of John and Rozilla (Madison) Connor. His paternal grandfather, Hugh Connor; a native of Ireland, was a pioneer of near Carbondale, Pa., where he died. The father was a native of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., for many years a resident of Carbon and Luzerne counties, Pa., and died in Wilkes-Barre in 1867. The mother of our subject was a native of Connecticut. They had eight children: William J., Wilson B., Uranah M., Hugh C., Emily H., David C., John M., and Thomas R. Our subject was reared in Wilkes-Barre, educated in the public schools, and served an apprenticeship at the harness-maker's trade with James D. Laird. He was in the Civil war, enlisting August 14, 1862, in Company C. One Hundred and Forty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, and participated in the battles of Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Cold Harbor, Wilderness, Storming of Petersburg, Weldon Raid and other engagements, and was honorably discharged at New York City in June, 1865. His wife was Cinderella, a daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Whiteman) Keller, and by her he had ten children: Isadore U. (Mrs. William E. Bennett), Charles R., Edward P., De Haven L., Estella, Stan, Nettie, Ralph, Bessie and Ola, all deceased except Isadore U., Charles R. and De Haven L. Mr. Connor followed the harness business in Plymouth, eighteen years, and the express business, four years. He removed to Wilkes-Barre in 1877, where he has since been in the employ of the Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Company. He is a member of the G.A.R., and in politics is a Republican.

THOMAS R. CONNOR, retired, was born in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., March 30, 1841, a son of John and Rozilla (Madison) Connor. He was reared and educated in Wilkes-Barre, where he learned the bakery and confectionery business, and prior to the war was in the employ of the Empire Coal Company as stationary engineer. He enlisted April 18, 1861, in the Pennsylvania Volunteers, and on arriving at Harrisburg was appointed drummer; after three months' service he was honorably discharged. On September 7, 1861, he re-enlisted, this time in Company L, Twenty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, and March 1, 1862, was transferred to the Sixty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers. He participated in all the battles of the Regiment from Fortress Monroe to Richmond; also second battle of Bull Run, Massacre Gap, Antietam, Rappahannock and Brandy Station, Fredericksburg and Wilderness; was wounded at Fair Oaks, May 30, 1862, and at Spottsylvania May 9, 1864. He was honorably discharged September 7, 1864. After his return to Wilkes-Barre he was stationary engineer for the Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Company from 1865 to 1868, and from 1868 to 1870 engaged in the local express business between Wilkes-Barre and Kingston. In 1870 he was appointed outside foreman for the Hollenback Shaft, Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Company, serving them in that capacity fourteen years; then as superintendent of Empire Division, two years; and again as outside foreman, four years, retiring on account of ill health in 1887. Mr. Connor married, February 20, 1867, Jennie, daughter of Henry and Harriet (Brink) Pruner, of Wilkes-Barre, and has four children: Hattie M., Harry P., Ruth B. and Daisy. Mr. Connor and family are members of the Franklin Street M.E. Church; he is a member of the G.A.R., and in politics is a Republican.

LEWIS H. CONOVER, fire, life and accident insurance agent, Beach Haven, was born September 26, 1826, in Salem, about one mile northeast of Beach Haven. He is a son of Lewis H. and Catherine (Corell) Conover, natives of Pennsylvania, the former of whom was a grandson of Franklin Conover, who came from Connecticut and settled near Philadelphia at a very early date; the mother of our subject was a native of Northampton county, this State, born near Leighton, of remote German ancestry. Our subject's father died in 1828 at the age of twenty-eight, his mother in 1880 at the age of seventy-eight.

Lewis H. Conover received his early education in an old log schoolhouse near Beach Haven, in the pioneer days of the Luzerne county public school system. At the age of sixteen he engaged as clerk in a store at Berwick, Columbia Co., and there was engaged in clerking about a year, when he returned to Beach Haven and engaged in huckstering, after which he resumed his position in the store, where he remained a short time; then went to Rocky Mountain, where he was also employed as clerk about eighteen months. He then came to Nanticoke, also working as clerk, and remained about a year; then moved to New Columbus, same county, and entered the employ of D.L. Chapin, where he remained a short time, and then proceeded to Shickshinny, Pa., where he began the study of medicine with Dr. Charles Parker. After remaining there about two years, he returned to Berwick. Sojourning in that town a short time, he went to Beach Haven and clerked for Hill & Sibert, remaining with them till the dissolution of the firm when he moved to Foundryville, Pa., and there remained until 1859, when he embarked in his present business. Mr. Conover has been twice married: first time to Rosanna Wilson, of Huntington, Pa., by whom he had three children, viz.: Franklin, Collins, (deceased) and Alveretta (now Mrs. Charles Anderson, of West Nantocoke). This wife dying, Mr. Conover married, for his second, Miss Martha H. Opdyke, and to them were born three children, viz.: Reuben H., Elmer Frank and Jennie. Our subject is a member of the F. & A.M., Sylvaria Lodge, No. 354, and in politics he is a Republican.

REUBEN H. CONOVER, clerk in the Susquehanna Coal Company's supply store, Nanticoke, was born in Beach Haven, Luzerne county, May 8, 1858, and is a son of Lewis H. and Martha H. (Opdyke) Conover. Our subject was educated in the public schools of Luzerne county and in the State Normal School at Bloomsburg, Pa. At the age of twenty-one he entered the employ of the Susquehanna Coal Company, as shipping clerk, and two years later he entered the supply department of the same company, where he has since been engaged. Mr. Conover was married, October 14, 1885, to Miss Fannie, daughter of W.V. Harrison, of Buttonwood, Pa. He is a member of Nanticoke Lodge No. 541, F. & A.M.; Valley Chapter No. 214, R.A.M., Plymouth, Pa.; Dieu le Veut Commandery No. 45, K.T., Wilkes-Barre; Caldwell Consistory S.P.R.S. 32, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Bloomsburg, Pa. Mr. Conover is one of Luzerne county's most progressive citizens, a firm upholder of the principles of the Republican party, and is a supporter of every worthy and popular enterprise.

CHARLES A. CONRAD, farmer, P.O. Huntsville, was born in Ashley, Pa., May 24, 1862, a son of Philip and Catherine (Mathias) Conrad, both of whom were born in Germany. Philip came to this country about 1854, locating in Ashley, where he engaged in mining, hotel and restaurant keeping and other speculations, by which he accumulated considerable property in Ashley, as well as a large farm in Jackson township, on which his son, Charles A., the subject of this sketch, now lives. His family consisted of five children, three of whom are now living. Our subject was educated in Ashley, at the high school, where he graduated with honors, since which time he has always worked on a farm. Mr. Conrad is a young man of promise and ability, bound to make his mark in the world. Since 1879 he has lived on his father's farm of ninety-three acres, which farm was purchased from Nicholas Conrad, who had purchased it from Harrison Sickler, he from Wesley Major, and he from Absalom Skadder, who was one of the pioneers of Jackson township. The place is beautiful, well stocked, well kept and in fine repair. Mr. Conrad is a general, practical farmer. On November 16, 1881, he married Miss Lizzie, daughter of John and Mary Hendricks, by which union there were born six children, all yet living: Louisa K., Sophia A., John H., Maggie E., Philip J. and Louis C. Mr. Conrad, in his political preferences, is a Democrat.

CHARLES MINER CONYNGHAM, youngest in the family of the late Hon. John Nesbitt and Ruth (Butler) Conyngham, was born in Wilkes-Barre July 6, 1840, educated at the Protestant Episcopal Academy, Philadelphia, also at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., and was graduated A.B. in 1859, and A.M. in 1862. He studied law with G. Byron Nicholson, of Wilkes-Barre, and was admitted to the bar in August, 1862, but never engaged in the practice of his profession. On August 26, 1862, he entered the U.S. army as captain of Company A, One Hundred and Forty-Third Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry, and in September, 1863, was promoted to major, to date and rank from June 1, 1863. He participated in the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness and Spottsylvania C.H., and was severely wounded May 12, 1864. He was honorably discharged July 26, 1864, and then engaged in mercantile pursuits under the various firms of Conyngham & Paine and C.M. Conyngham, and in mining operations as Conyngham & Teasdale, at Shickshinny; he has been president of the West end Coal Company, as well as director of the Hazard manufacturing Company and the Parrish Coal Company. He is also the head of the firm of Conyngham, Schrage & Company, who have extensive mercantile Interests in Wilkes-Barre, Ashley and Sugar Notch. Under the administration of Governor Hoyt of Pennsylvania, he held the office of inspector-general of the National Guard; is a prominent member of St. Stephen's Protestant Episcopal Church, Wilkes-Barre, a member of Lodge No. 61, F. & A.M., the Loyal Legion of the United States, Society of the Potomac, and the Grand Army of the Republic. On February 9, 1864, he married Helen Hunter Turner, daughter of William Wolcot Turner, of Hartford, Conn., and has three children, Helen, Herbert and Alice.

HON. JOHN NESBITT CONYNGHAM, LL.D., distinguished during a long and useful life in the threefold capacity of Christian, citizen, and jurist, and, for thirty years preceding his death, conspicuous as president judge, at first, of the Thirteenth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and afterward, of the Eleventh District, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., December 17, 1798, and died (the victim of an unfortunate railroad accident) at Magnolia, Miss., about one hundred miles above New Orleans, La., February 23, 1871, in his seventy-third year. His ancestral relatives on both sides, for many generations, were people of eminence, respectability and worth. As the name indicates, the family of Conyngham is of Scotch origin. For several generations, however, the ancestors of the Judge were domiciled in Ireland, and ranked there among those who were the honor of the land, among them being numbered several distinguished divines and prelates of the Church of Ireland. His grandfather, Redmond Conyngham, a native of Ireland, was a highly respected citizen of Philadelphia. He was a prominent member of the old Christ Church of that city, and was a vestryman and warden of the Church. He was one of the founders of St. Peter's Church, of that city, and continued a member of the united parishes of Christ Church and St. Peter's until his death. His son, David Hayfield Conyngham, was the father of Judge Conyngham. He was born in the North of Ireland about 1750, and came to Philadelphia very early in life. He took an active part in military affairs, and was one of the founders of the first troops of city cavalry. As a business man he stood among the wealthiest and most prominent members of the mercantile community of Philadelphia, being a partner of the firm of J.W. Nesbitt & Co., and senior member of the house of Conyngham & Nesbitt, which, in the darkest period of the Revolution, in 1780, when Washington was apprehensive that he could not keep the field with his impoverished army, nobly came forward and supplied the needed means (some five thousand pounds) for the relief of the suffering patriots. This magnificent exhibition of patriotism and confidence was gratefully acknowledged by Washington, and also by Robert Morris, the distinguished financier of the Revolution. The subject of this sketch received his early education under the most favorable auspices in the city of his birth. He then entered the University of Pennsylvania, and taking the full course, was graduated with high honors in 1817. Selecting the law for his profession, he entered the office of Hon. Joseph R. Ingersoll, of Philadelphia, and was admitted to the bar, in that city, February 12, 1820. The same year he located in Wilkes-Barre, where he was admitted to the bar of Luzerne county, April 3, and immediately entered upon the practice of his profession. To the careful training, fitting him for its ordinary duties, the young lawyer added great energy and superior discrimination. His practice was scientifically conducted, and success came to him slowly at first, but with increasing volume each succeeding year. After a most succesful career at the bar, covering nearly a score of years, during two of which he represented his District in the State Legislature, he was appointed in the spring of 1839, by Governor D.R. Porter, to the position of president judge of the Thirteenth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, then consisting of the counties of Susquehanna, Bradford, Tioga, Potter and McKean. The first session of his court was held at Tioga. By an Act passed April 13, 1840, Luzerne was added to his District, and Susquehanna was transferred to the Eleventh District - a proceeding which permitted Judge Conyngham to live at his home in Wilkes-Barre. His commission expired in 1849, but in the fall of 1851, under the amended constitution, he was elected to the presidency of the Eleventh district, then composed of Luzerne, Wyoming, Montour and Columbia counties. In 1853, and again in 1856, changes were made in the District, which finally consisted of Luzerne county only. In 1861 he was re-elected to office although holding political opinions differing on many points from those promulgated by the national administration. The firing on Fort Sumter aroused his patriotism, and immediately sacrificing every party feeling he addressed himself with special vigor to the preservation of the imperiled Union. His name and influence were all-powerful in his judicial district, and few men gave greater personal, or more support, than Judge Conyngham. He resigned his position on the bench in July, 1870, and on his resignation, the entire bar of Luzerne county, as one man, rose up to do him honor - the first instance of the kind in Pennsylvania. No less than sixteen judges from the Supreme Court of the United States, down through all the State judiciaries, gave in writing their deliberate judgment of his character as a judge. In 1824 he married Ruth Ann, daughter of Gen. Lord Butler, and granddaughter of that distinguished Revolutionary officer, Gen. Zebulon Butler. His family consisted of seven children, six of whom grew to maturity: Col. John Butler, U.S.A.; William Lord; Thomas; Maj. Charles Miner, U.S.A.; Mary (Mrs. Charles Parrish), and Anna, who married the Right Rev. William Bacon Stevens, of Pennsylvania.

JAMES COOGAN, stationary engineer at No. 2 Shaft, Susquehanna Coal Company, Nanticoke, was born at Tamaqua, Schuylkill Co., Pa., and is a son of Nicholas and Julia (Dawning) Coogan, both natives of Ireland. Mr. Coogan was educated in the village schools, and at the age of fouteen engaged in farming in the Sharp Mountain collieries at Tamaqua, where he remained seven years, when he entered the employ of the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Company, at Summit Hill, Pa. He remained there about six years, when he returned to Tamaqua, in the employ of Carter & Borda, remaining with them until 1873, when he came to Nanticoke and accepted his present position; here he has since been engaged, with the exception of one year that he was employed at Mill Hollow, also as engineer. In 1877 he was united in marriage with Miss Jane Vanfossin, of Slocum township, this county. They have had six children: John, Lizzie, William (deceased), Martha, James and Flora. Mr. Coogan is a member of the I.O.O.F., and politically is a Republican.

THOMAS COOK, engineer at the Wyoming Colliery, Plains, was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, July 11, 1850, and is a son of Adam and Elizabeth (Magot) Cook, the former of whom was a miner. They reared a family of five children, viz.: Adam, a butcher in Hazleton, Pa.; Jennette (deceased), married to Archibald Nichol, a tinsmith in Scotland, by whom she had five children; Thomas, the subject of this memoir; Elizabeth, married to James Conyngham, gardener, Holyoke, Mass., by whom she has four children; and Mary, married to Alexander Thompson, head sawyer, Glasgow, Scotland, by whom she has seven children. Adam Cook was killed by a fall of coal in the mines, and his widow, who now lives at Peckville, Pa., married John Good (since deceased), by whom she had two children: John (deceased), who was a machinist of more than ordinary ability, and David, a civil engineer, now residing in Philadelphia. Our subject, who had been employed in the Speedwell machine shops in Scotland, came to America in 1883, and found employment as night watchman at the Wyoming Colliery, where he has since remained, and in 1889 he was promoted to his present position. He built his residence, a large double block, in 1886. Mr. Cook was married, June 4, 1888, to Miss Isabella, daughter of James Ralston, of Plains. Our subject and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church, of which he is trustee; in his political views he is in sympathy with the Republican party.

WILLIAM H. COOK, carpenter, Larksville, P.O. Edwardsdale. This gentleman was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1850, and is a son of John and Elizabeth (Kelly) Cook, the former a native of England, the latter of Ireland. He was educated in the land of his birth, and learned his trade there. In 1878 he came to America, and remaining in New York City a short time, proceeded from there to Wilkes-Barre, and engaged in his trade, remaining there a few years, when he removed to the West Side and entered the employ of the Kingston Coal Company as a mine carpenter, at which he is now employed. Mr. Cook was married in 1873 to Miss Emily, daughter of William Walker, of Hull, England, and this union has been blessed with five bright children, named respectively, Arthur, Elizabeth, Edward, Beatrice and Rachel Ellen.

CHARLES H. COOKE, surveyor, Dallas, was born November 30, 1850, at Blainstown, Warren Co., N.J., where he was reared and educated. He is a son of Simeon and Sarah Ann (Smith) Cooke, both of whom were born in New Jersey. Simeon Cooke was a man of great influence in his own town, and held many offices of trust and responsibility. At one time he held the office of surveyor general of the State of New Jersey; at another time he was county clerk for two terms. His advice was sought by all who knew him, because of his knowledge of law and matters pertaining to business in general. In his earlier life he was a successful school-teacher. He died in 1866 at the age of sixty-seven years. His widow is now (1892) living at the age of seventy-nine years. They reared a family of six children, all of whom are living, Charles H. being the elder son, and the third member of the family. In his early life our subject confined himself to the study of surveying, under the watchful eye of his father. In 1873 he removed to Scranton, where for two years he engaged as clerk in a wholesale establishment, at the end of which time he removed to Dallas, and here for a time was engaged by A. Ryman & Sons in their mercantile business. In 1876 Mr. Cooke married Miss Clara, daughter of Ira D. and Phebe Shaver, by whom he had three children, viz.: Helen S., Ira P. and Claude H. The same year in which he was married, he began business on his own account as a surveyor, and he has held the office of county surveyor three years. He is a justice of the peace, an office he has held for three terms. He has also held the office of secretary of the borough of Dallas since its incorporation. He is a member in good standing of the F. & A.M., and is a man of intellect and refinement. He is now (1892) erecting a town hall, the ground floor of which is to be used for manufacturing purposes.

THOMAS COOKE, a prominent contractor and builder, Wilkes-Barre, was born in Devonshire, England, May 27, 1849, a son of Thomas and Mary A. (Rowe) Cooke. He was reared and educated in his native country, and learned the carpenter's trade with his father. In 1873 he came to Wilkes-Barre, worked with M.B. Houpt for a time, later with the Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Company, and since 1880 has been in business for himself as a contractor, in which line he has built up a first-class trade. He married Delia, daughter of John J. and Frances (Hughes) Edwards, of Wilkes-Barre, and has one son living, Willie T. Mr. Cooke is an adherent of the M.E. Church; is a member of the K. of M., and O. of W., and in politics is a Republican.

JAMES CHURCHILL COON, editor, Nanticoke, is a native of Saratoga, N.Y., born in 1842. The father of our subject died when the latter was seven months old, and the mother when he was eighth years of age. His childhood days were spent with relatives in Connecticut, Michigan and Ohio. In 1852 he entered a Michigan printing office to learn the printer's trade, and after spending three years in the Michigan office, he went to Chicago. In the spring of 1856 he joined his fortunes with a circus as assistant to the treasurer, and traveled through Illinois, Missouri, Iowa and Wisconsin. In August of that season he quit the circus at Fond du Lac, Wis., and became a clerk in a hotel, and two years later he went to Eau Claire, same State, and clerked in a hotel for a few months. He then engaged in a printing office for about a year in that place, and in 1861, being still a minor, he established the Eau Claire Herald. This paper he sold in 1863, and then went to Chicago, where he accepted employment on the Chicago Times as typesetter, assistant foreman, reporter, sporting editor, etc. He was thus engaged until 1865, when he moved to Waterbury, Conn., and founded a weekly Democratic newspaper, the Nangatuck Valley Messenger. Selling this paper in 1867, he returned to Chicago and resumed work on the Times until 1869, when he journeyed to Rochester, N.Y., in which city he spent a few months and then took charge of the Owego Press, on which he remained until 1871. From there he went to Scranton and became connected with the Republican and Times, being city editor of the latter. In June, 1872, he founded the Sunday Free Press of that city, which met with great success; but owing to a disagreement with the partners he left that establishment in 1877, and in the spring of 1878 founded the Newsdealer, a Sunday paper, and in 1883 commenced it as a daily. In 1887 he sold the Newsdealer to its present owners, and took a trip to the Pacific coast, traveling extensively over the Golden Slope, returning via Texas, and spending the winter in Florida, where he established a paper called Life in Florida. Returning to Scranton, he organized the "Times Publishing Company," and had control of the business and paper until 1891, when he retired and sought a long-needed rest. In August of the same year he became possessed of the Nanticoke Daily and Weekly News, which is one of the successful and prosperous institutions of the county, and of which he is editor and publisher. Mr. Coon in his very active busy life, has always been a great reader, a close and diligent student, and the works of all the great authors in both prose and verse, as is manifest in his writings, are familiar to him. As he learned the art of typesetting, at the same time he learned to think and write. Among his earliest efforts were communications accepted and published in "Brick" Pomeroy's La Crosse Democrat. During his journalistic career in Scranton and Wilkes-Barre Mr. Coon was defendant in no less than fourteen criminal libel suits, all of which resulted favorably for him.

WILLIAM COON, watchman at the Delaware & Hudson Railroad crossing, Miners Mills, was born in Freeburgh, Union (now Snyder) Co., Pa., April 26, 1835, and is a son of William and Sarah (Boyer) Coon (originally Kuhn), natives of Pennsylvania and of German origin. His grandfathers, George Coon and David Boyer, were Revolutionary soldiers, the latter being a drummer boy under Washington at the age of fifteen. The father of our subject who was a millwright by trade, died in 1872 at the age of sixty-two years, and the mother married, for her second husband, John Walburn (now deceased) by whom she had five children, four of whom are living; she is now living in Dushore, Sullivan Co., Pa. In his father's family there were two children, viz.: George, who is a farmer and music teacher in Snyder county, and William. Our subject received a common-school education, and embarked in life working on a farm in Bradford county, which he followed five years, and then worked at the tinner's trade in McKunesville, Pa., for four years. Then, after boating on the canal for a short time, engaged as teamster for Dr. Jackson of Dushore, Pa., where he remained two years, and next worked on a farm in Abington, Pa., till the beginning of the war. In September, 1861, he enlisted at Washington in Company L, Twenty-Third Pennsylvania Volunteers, General Birney's Zouaves, and in March, 1862, was transferred to Company D, Sixty-First Pennsylvania Volunteers; he re-enlisted, in January, 1864, for three years longer, and received a thirty-five days' furlough; he went with Grant to Petersburg, where he was wounded in the left knee, but as soon as he was able was with the regiment with crutch and cane; he was mustered out June 30, 1865, at Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. Coon then went to Abington and rented farms for four years, and superintended a large farm for Northrope Brothers at Clark's Green three years. He then came to Miners Mills, where he drove team for Miner & Co. for fourteen years, worked in the mill for three years, and accepted, in 1888, his present position. Mr. Coon was married, October 1, 1865, to Miss Maria, daughter of Harry Smith, of Abington, and they have one child, Stella A. (Mrs. M.D. Moot). He and family attend the Presbyterian Church; he is a member of the G.A.R. at Wilkes-Barre; he is Republican in his political views, and has been a member of the borough council for four years.

ROBERT COOPER, machinist, Kingston. This gentleman, who is a native of Drumoak, Scotland, was reared and educated at Kirktown, and at the age of nineteen came to America and settled at Kingston, Pa., where he engaged in stationary engineering, in the employ of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Coal Company. He remained at that business four years, and then went to work in the machine shop of that company, where he learned the machinist's trade, and where he has since been employed. Mr. Cooper was married April 18, 1878, to Miss Sophia A., daughter of William and Elizabeth (Zink) Frauck, of Kingston, which happy union has been blessed with three children: Franklin D., Robert E. and Hannah A. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper are members of the Presbyterian Church. He is a member of the F. & A. M. and the I.O.O.F., standing very high in both; his political views are Republican, and he is at present a member of the Kingston borough council.

H.E. COPE, farmer, P.O. Berwick, Columbia county, was born in Salem township, Luzerne Co., Pa., July 15, 1843, and is a son of John and Susannah (Seybert) Cope. Our subject was reared in Salem townshp, where he has followed farming as an occupation, and, with his sister Rebecca, resides on the homestead, which was cleared and improved by his father. He is a member of the Evangelical Church, is a Decomcrat in politics, and has served one term as school director.

J.W. COPE, farmer, P.O. Beach Haven, was born in Salem township, May 28, 1841, and is a son of John and Susannah (Seybert) Cope. His paternal grandfather, John Cope, a native of Germany, for a time resided in Salem township, and died on the farm now owned by Chester Cope. His children were Jacob, John, David, Annie (Mrs. Alexander Lockard), Eliza (Mrs. Joseph Stackhouse) and Catherine (Mrs. Joshua Kinny); of these John, who was a native of Bethlehem, Pa., settled in Salem township in 1827, where he cleared a farm and died. His wife was a daughter of Michael Seybert, of Salem township, and by her he had five childen who grew to maturity: Caroline (Mrs. Samuel Pollock), Rebecca, Joshua, John W. and Henry E. Our subject was reared in Salem township, worked at the carpenter's trade twenty-six years, and since 1881 has been engaged in farming. In 1881 he married Frances E., daughter of George and Elizabeth (Sitler) Miller, of Briar Creek, Columbia Co., Pa., and has three children living: George W., Vida B. and Marvin F. Mr. Cope is a member of the M.E. Church; in politics he is a Democrat.

JOHN COPE, farmer, P.O. Gregory, was born in Hunlock township, April 7, 1855. He is a son of Jacob and Hephziba Cope, worthy farmers by occupation; the exact place of their birth is not known. Jacob came to this county about 1828, locating in Huntington township, where he followed farming. His father was a native of Germany and also settled in Huntington, in the early settlement of the county, on this farm of his fathers. Jacob worked as a faithful tiller of the soil, and in 1848 he removed to Union (now Hunlock) township, where he purchased one hundred and twenty-six acres of land, on which he erected buildings and other improvements, although there were some improvements on the place when Purchased. During his lifetime he brought under the plough about fifty-five acres. He was much respected among his fellow-citizens, and held several township offices. Mr. Cope was a devout man and a member of the Presbyterian Church. He died in February, 1890, aged seventy-seven years. He reared a family of nine children, five of whom are now (1892) living. John is the seventh in order of birth, and always lived in Hunlock township, where he was reared and educated. In his early life he served his time at the wheelwright trade, which he abandoned for farming. March 1, 1880, he married Miss Rosa A., daughter of Caleb and Jane Hess, and to them has been born one child, Laura M. Mrs. Rose (Hess) Cope, was born in this county in 1859. Mr. Cope is living on his father's farm of one hundred and twenty-six acres, which he improves every year. He is a worthy man who will achieve great prominence in agricultural circles. Politically he is a Democrat.

E.A. CORAY, Pittston. This gentleman, who stands among the many popular young politicians of the county without a superior, was born in Monroeton, Bradford Co., Pa., September 6, 1858, and is a son of George and Laura (Green) Coray. The father sprang from old pioneer stock of the Wyoming Valley, which lovely spot was the scene of his birth, and there he spent his boyhood days. He was a merchant by occupation, and died in 1883, aged fifty-nine years; the mother is still living and resides in Pittston. They had a family of three sons: William H., a farmer of Exeter township; E.A., and George E., manager of a tea store at Altoona, Pa. Our subject passed his boyhood in this county, and was educated in the public schools and at the Keystone Academy at Factoryville, Pa. In 1878 he entered the office of the Pittston Evening Press, and began to learn the printer's trade. Here he worked for one year; then was engaged in different occupations until 1880, when he became associated witht he Pittston Gazette, and served on that paper as printer, reporter and assistant editor until 1888, when he was elected on the Republican ticket to represent the Second District of Luzerne county in the State Legislature; he was re-elected in 1890, and served in the Assemblies of 1889 and 1891. Mr. Coray has a host of friends throughout the entire country. He is a newspaper correspondent of pronounced merit, and is bound to succeed in that line.

JAMES CORBETT, foreman in charge of repairs on the Wilkes-Barre & Suburban Railway tracks, with residence in Plains, was born in Syracuse, N.Y., March 4, 1851, and is a son of John and Johanna (Kinney) Corbett, natives ofThurles, County Tipperary, Ireland. The father, who was a farmer, came to America in 1842, and located near Syracuse, later moving into the city, where he reared a family of four children, two of whom are living: John, a conductor on the New York Central Railroad, and James. Our subject was educated in the public schools and in the Christian Brothers' school. He worked on the farm until he was sixteen years of age, and then engaged in braking on the New York Central Railroad, and was so employed two years. He then commenced teaming in Syracuse, which business he followed two years. In 1872 he came to Sugar Notch, this county, where he was a laborer in the mine nine months, after which he removed to Mill Creek, where he followed the same occupation two years. He was then engaged in track-laying in the Union Slope fifteen years, and in 1889 he secured his present position. Mr. Corbett was married, June 22, 1886, to Miss Margaret, daughter of Hugh and Margaret (Jones) Dougherty, natives of Ireland, and they have three children, two of whom are living, viz.: James and Ellen. Our subject and family are members of the Catholic Church; he is a member of the Father Mathew Society and the C.M.B.A. In his political views he is a Democrat, and has held the office of school director in Plains township. His present residence he purchased and removed therein in 1888.

HARVEY CORBY, farmer, P.O. Larksville, was born in Morris county, N.J., August 25, 1835, and is a son of Amisa and Eliza (Smaley) Corby, both of whom were also born in Morris county, N.J. By occupation they were farmers. They removed from New Jersey to Eaton township, Wyoming county, where they also followed agricultural pursuits. They owned about 300 acres of land, 150 of which were brought under cultivation during his lifetime. He was a worthy man of good habits and sound moral principles. He died in 1881 at the age of seventy years. Amisa Corby was married twice and reared a family of twelve children. Our subject was nine years of age when he removed to Wyoming county with his father, and consequently received his first school training in New Jersey, finishing in Wyoming county. He began his active business life in Eaton township, Wyoming county, where he engaged in farming and lumbering. He was prosperous financially at both branches of business, and continued his residence there till 1870, when he removed to Plymouth township, near the west of Kingston line, on a farm of 107 acres of valuable land, made so by years of ceaseless activity on the part of Mr. Corby. On April 12, 1856, he married Miss Dorcas, daughter of William and Dolly Sickler, to which union have been born twelve children, nine of whom are living: Louisa, Aaron, Flora, Ida, James, William, Corey, Harrison, Anna and Clarence. Six are married, as follows: Louisa, married to Moses Strunk; Aaron, married to Miss Carrie Jones; Flora, married to William Blarnett; Ida, married to Thomas M. Jenkins; William, married to Miss Sarah Lilly; Corey, married to Miss Hattie Dicker. Mr. Corby is a practical farmer of large experience, who enjoys the full confidence of his fellows. In 1861 he took up arms in defense of the Union, enlisting in Company B, Twelfth Pennsylvania Reserves, for the term of three years. He participated in the following battles: Seven Days' Fight, Second Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Wilderness, Gettysburg, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Bethsaida Church and others. In these bloody contests he displayed heroic courage and an indomitable nerve. He was wounded at the battles of Wilderness and Brandy Station. He was honorably discharged in 1864, serving longer than his stipulated time. He now enjoys a pension. He is a member of the G.A.R., a strict churchman and, politically, is a Republican.

M.F. CORCORAN, proprietor "Anthracite Hotel," Duryea, was born in Lackawanna township, now Lackawanna county, but at that time a part of Luzerne. He is a son of ex-councilman Patrick Corcoran and Bridget (Manley) Corcoran, natives of County Mayo, Ireland. The parents now reside in Scranton, where Mr. Corcoran, in addition to being proprietor of the "Meadow Brook Hotel," is also a prominent contractor, and takes an active interest in the fortunes of the Democratic party. Michael Corcoran, the uncle of our subject, is chief of police in Cincinnati, and his two sons are prominent members of the bar of that city. Michael F. Corcoran was educated in the common schools, and when but thirteen engaged in the livery and hotel business in Scranton. By strict attention to the details of his business he has attained the prominence which he now enjoys, and he is well and favorably known by almost every traveling man in the Wyoming and Lackawanna Valleys. In January, 1890, being far-seeing enough to perceive that the tide of conquest was in this case pushing eastward, he built the "Anthracite Hotel," where now stands the thriving town of Duryea, but where at that time was nothing but a barren waste, his hotel being the first building erected here, so that Mr. Corcoran may justly be styled the pioneer of Duryea. In politics our subject is a Democrat. He is also a member of the Phil Sheridan Rifles of Scranton, and in religion is a Catholic.

DANIEL CORGAN, manufacturer, Luzerne. This gentleman was born in Carnarvonshire, North Wales, May 10, 1841, a son of John and Mary (Dooly), and was educated partly in Wales and partly in this country. At the age of eleven years he came with his parents to America, and located at Summit Hill, Pa., where the lad of tender years went to work in a coal breaker, remaining there until he was old enough to work in the mines. He continued as a miner until 1888, when he astonished the mining community by his marvelous invention known as the "Lightning Rotary Coal and Rock Drilling Machine." This invention was the product of twenty years' experience and study, for the busy brain of the hard-toiling miner was at work as well as the hands, and after much labor and many disappointments he at last accomplished the wonderful achievement that makes mining less dangerous and much easier than the old method. Mr. Corgan and son have a large factory opposite the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, where hundreds of these machines are manufactured yearly. Our subject was married, January 6, 1865, to Miss Cecilia, daughter of John and Mary (Roach) McAndle, natives of Ireland, and nine children have been born to this union, viz.: John, in partnership with his father; Mary, residing at home; Daniel, a miner; Martin, an engineer at Waddell's Shaft; and James, Emily, William, Leo and Michael, attending the High School of Luzerne. Mr. Corgan and family are members of the Catholic Church, and in politics, he affiliates with the Democratic party.

GEORGE CORONWAY, assistant shipper, Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Company, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., was born in Liverpool, England, February 6, 1842. When one year old he was taken to the house of his grandmother in Wales, where he remained until nine years of age, and received all the schooling he ever had. He then returned to Liverpool, and was employed in the mercantile establishment of an uncle until nearly eighteen years of age. Through the influence of this uncle he received the appointment of assistant steward on the steamship "Europa," of the Cunard Line, running between Liverpool and Boston, and served in that capacity, and as under purser, four years, crossing the Atlantic over fifty times, when he was transferred to the Mediterranean Line of the same company, as steward, in which he remained about a year. In November, 1864, he went to Pernambuco, Brazil, and while on the voyage from that place to Baltimore, Md., was shipwrecked, in consequence of which he spent three months in a hospital in the latter city. On his recovery he concluded to remain in America, and has since been a resident of Pennsylvania, coming to Wilkes-Barre in 1868, where he entered the employ of the Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Company, in whose service he still continues, and in his present position since 1882. In 1870, Mr. Coronway married Margaret, daughter of Richard and Mary (Conway) Jones, of Harding township, Luzerne Co., Pa., and they have four children living: Mary Isabella, Ethel, Hugh Roy and Archie Todd. Our subject is a member of the Presbyterian Church, of the Royal Socity of Goodfellows, and is bard of the Cambro-American Socity of Wilkes-Barre. He is a poet and writer of note. In politics he is a Republican.

FREDERIC CORSS, M.D., physician and surgeon, Kingston, was born in Bradford county, Pa., and is a son of Rev. Charles C. and Ann (Hoyt) Corss, nativesof Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, respectively. The father studied theology at Princeton, and has preached at Kingston, Wyoming, Athens andEast Smithfield, all in Pennsylvania, at present located at the last named place. James Corss was the first of the Corss family, so far as is known, in this country. He made his appearance in New England about 1690, and the entire family of that name in this country are descended from him. Dr. Corss is the third of five children, viz.: Charles, a lawyer in Lock Haven, Pa., born July 20, 1837 (was twice married); Nancy, born October 9, 1839; Frederic; John H., born April, 1847, died in 1866; and Ann, born July 4, 1851, married to William F. Church. Dr. Corss was educated in the Wyoming Seminary and the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute, and was a graduate from LaFayette College in the class of '62. He then commenced the study of medicine under Dr. Holmes, and was with him until 1863, when he entered the medical college of the University of Pennsylvania, form which he was graduated in the class of 1866. He then began the practice of his profession at Kingston, where he has since successfully pursued it. He was married June 19, 1872, to Miss Martha S., daughter of John D. and Elizabeth A. (Goodwin) Hoyt. Dr. Corss is a member of the F. & A.M. and of the Pennsylvania State Medical Society and the Luzerne County Medical Society, having been president of the latter one term. He is also a member of the faculty of Wyoming Seminary, where he delivers a course of lectures on hygiene, and has always been a persistent worker for the advancement of education. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and in politics is a Republican.

BOWMAN CORTRIGHT, clerk, Shickshinny, was born at Beach Grove, Salem township, Luzerne Co., Pa., September 19, 1856, and is a son of Jesse D. and Martha J. (Turner) Cortright. The paternal grandfather, Andrew Cortright, was a pioneer farmer of Salem township, and his wife was a Miss Bowman; their children were: Christian B., Dingman, Morris, Fletcher, Jesse D., Susan A. (Mrs. Wilson Holloway) and -----(Mrs. Moses Davis). The maternal grandfather of subject was George Turner, also a pioneer of Salem township. Jesse D. Cortright was for many years a general merchant on the Pennsylvania & Lehigh Canal, and the later years of his life were spent in Salem township where he died. His children were Bowman, Benton, Alice and Lizzie, who grew to maturity. Our subject was reared in Salem township, was educated in the common schools, and when fourteen years of age began work about the mines, where he worked six years. In 1876 he located at Shickshinny, where he has since been in the employ of N.B. Crary, general merchant, and has been manager of his store since 1886. He was twice married: first time to Laura, daughter of Milford and Susan (Kocher) Kingsbury, of Shickshinny, and by her he had one son, Lawrence; His second wife was Merinie E., daughter of J.T. and Elizabeth (Fisher) Fox, of Bloomsburg, Pa. Mr. Cortright is a member of the M.E. Church and, in politics, is a Republican.

JOHN A. CORTRIGHT, locomotive engineer, Nescopeck, was born in Salem township, this county, July 11, 1860, a son of Morris H. and Lydia (Titus). His paternal grandfather, Andrew Cortright, was one of the pioneers and prominent citizens of Salem township, and served several terms in the State Legislature. His wife was Matilda Bowman, and his children were, Christian B., Jesse D., Dingman, Ashfill, Fletcher, Morris H., Pemelia, Rebecca and Susan Ann. Of these, Morris H., born in Salem township, this county, was a railroad man, and lost an arm and leg by an accident; afterward for twenty years he was in the employ of the Jackson & Wooden Company, at Berwick. His wife was a daughter of Adam Titus, of Union, this county, formerly of Northampton county, Pa., and his children were Eugene W. (drowned at Lyons, N.Y., September 19, 1884), John A., Stephen H., Lizzie M., Clarence J. and Susan A. (Mrs. Frank M. Wooley). The father died July 8, 1892. Our subject was reared in Salem township and educated in the public schools. In 1882 he began railroading as a brakeman, from which position he was promoted to baggageman and fireman, and in 1889 to engineer, in which he has since continued, running between Pottsville and Nescopeck for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Mr. Cortright has been a resident of Nescopeck since 1888. On November 25, 1882, he married H. Melly, daughter of John H. and Elizabeth (Bond) Harter, of Nescopeck, and they have three children: Edna M., Earl M. and Mabel E. Our subject is a member of the Evangelical Association and Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen; in politics he is a Prohibitionist.

WILLIAM S. COULTER, civil engineer, Ashley, was born in Doncaster, Yorkshire, England, September 14, 1827, and is a son of Thomas and Mary (Hammond) Coulter. His father, who was a surveyor and land agent, and later a train despatcher, came to America in 1842, and located in Schuylkill county, Pa., but later removed to Pottstown, where he and his wife died, also their only other child, Thomas, who was draughtsman in the Reading Railroad office. Our subject received his education in his native country, clerked one year, and worked at the blacksmith's trade three years in Pottsville. In 1846 he engaged with Samuel B. Fisher to learn surveying and engineering, and remained with them five years; was then engaged by the Mine Hill & Schuylkill Haven Railroad company, as assistant engineer, till 1865, when he removed to Ashley and entered the employ of the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Company. He engineered the rebuilding of the three planes, and the building of the Central shops. In 1876 he retired from active life, and since 1889 he has been employed as borough engineer. Mr. Coulter was married October 24, 1853, to Miss Catherine Evans, of Pottsville, Pa. They are members of the Episcopal and Baptist Churches, respectively; in his political views he is a Republican.

J.G. COURSEN, merchant, Plymouth. This enterprising gentleman was born, April 6, 1833, in Sussex county, N.J., and is a son of Samuel J. and Hannah (Cougleton) Courson, also natives of New Jersey. There were nine children in the family, James E. being the sixth in order of birth. Our subject was educated in the public schools, and after completing his course of study entered the employ of Ruip & Shaffer, wholesale hardware dealers, of Newburgh, N.Y., as traveling salesman. He remained with them two years, and then was engaged with a Peterson, N.J., firm, in the same capacity for one year. He then followed agricultural pursuits for about a year, in the meantime being elected constable, on the Independent ticket, for a term of service. Removing to Wayne county, Pa., he again engaged in farming, which occupation he followed two years. When the Civil war broke out, he enlisted August 19, 1861, in Company D, Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry, Western Division, under command of Col. Williams, and he participated in the following battles: Perryville, Stone River, and Roloford Creek, Tenn., besides several skirmishes, being wounded in the engagement at Franklin, Tenn. His term of service was for three years and four months, during which time he was a faithful and tried soldier. Mr. Coursen was married, August 19, 1865, to Laura, daughter of Jacob and Susan Myers, natives of New Jersey, and to this union have been born four children, viz.: Orell E., born April 4, 1868; William A., born January 29, 1870; Robbie, born March 4, 1874, and Harry, born March 20, 1875. In political matters Mr. Coursen is a Republican. He is a member of the P.O.S. of A., O.U.A.M. and G.A.R. The family attend the Presbyterian Church.

BENJAMIN R. COURTRIGHT, proprietor of the "Courtright House," Wilkes-Barre, was born in Plains township, June 25, 1853, a son of William H. and Clara (Swallow) Courtright. The father of our subject was born in Plains township, and in early manhood was engaged in merchandising in same, and also in Hanover, as manager of a company store. In 1864 he removed to Illinois, and later to Palmyra, Mo., where he now resides, engaged in farming. He was twice married: first to Clara, daughter of Joseph Swallow, a pioneer of Plains township, by whom he had four children: Josephine E., Benjamin R., Clara G. (Mrs. J.G. Mentz) and Joseph M. His second wife was Mary Morgan, of Plains, by whom he had five childen: William A., Gertrude, Roy, May and Nellie. Our subject was reared in Plains and Wilkes-Barre, being educated in the public and private schools. After attaining his majority he began life as a hotel clerk, continuing in that capacity seven years. Since 1888 he has been the popular proprietor of the "Courtright House," Wilkes-Barre, which has been conducted by the Courtright family, most of the time, for thirty-five years. In April, 1888, he married Lena, daughter of Samuel Goble, of Tunkhannock.

FRANK COURTRIGHT, manufacturer of and dealer in all kinds of harness, Nanticoke, was born in Orange, Luzerne Co., Pa., August 9, 1853, and is a son of Burton and Lucy Ann (Leonard) Courtright, the former of whom was born in Plains township, Luzerne county. Burton Courtright passed his entire life in this county, and died in Orange, in 1862, at the age of seventy-three years. He was a son of Henry Courtright, who was one of Luzerne county's pioneers, having settled in the unbroken wilderness of the Wyoming Valley at a very early date, and he was a descendant of one of two Courtright brothers who came to thic country from Holland. Henry Courtright died at the age of ninety-eight years. Our subject's mother was also a native of this county, a daughter of Theopolis Leonard, a native of Germany, and another of the pioneers of Wyoming Valley. The family, of whom the subject of this sketch is a member, consisted of seven children, viz.: Cormella (deceased); Adelaide, living at Orange, Pa.; Oscar L., in Rockaway, N.J.; Seymour, in Orange, Pa.; Charles B., in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Alice, in Orange; and Frank. Frank Courtright began life as an apprentice to the harness-making trade, in the employ of G.W. Fritz, of Scranton, Pa., who has the largest harness supply store in northern Pennsylvania. After serving an apprenticeship of four years there, Mr. Courtright entered the employ of T.J. Detweller, of Providence, Pa., where he worked at his trade about three years and a half. He then came to Nanticoke in November, 1880, and began business in the same line for himself, which he has since successfully followed. In 1881 he was united in marriage with Miss Ida Maud, the accomplished daughter of M.B. Posten, of Wilkes-Barre, and there have been born to them three children, viz.: Burton Alen, Nina Maud, and Elias W. (deceased). During his stay at Providence Mr. Courtright was first lieutenant of Company H, Ninth Regiment, N.G.P. He is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, the I.O.O.F., and Encampment, the K. of H., R.S. of G.F., and S.P.T. In politics, he is a Democrat.

GEORGE COURTRIGHT, farmer, P.O. Luzerne, was born in Plains, April 2, 1818, where he received his primary education, obtaining the rest in Kingston township. He is a son of John and Louisa (Searles) Courtright, the former of whom was born in Plains township in 1790, the latter, in Pittston township. John was a son of Cornelius Courtright, a native of New Jersey, descended from Dutch parentage. He removed to this county previous to the Wyoming Massacre, locating in Plains township, where he lived the remainder of his life. He was a man of more than ordinary education, whose influence was used in the advancement of everything beneficent to his fellow men. He held nearly all the leading offices in the township, having been justice of the peace for a number of years, and was elected by his fellow citizens to a seat in the Legislature. He lived a life of usefulness, whose every effort was devoted to goodness to his fellows. He was a stanch adherent to the Whig party, which received his strong support for seventy years, he being over ninety years of age at the time of his death. He reared a family of ten children, one of whom is now living. John began his business career as a farmer. His property was a very valuable one, and he was a man who took the lead in every improvement and enterprise that tended to advance the interests of the county. He owned the first steel spring top buggy in his township. His life, though brief, was a useful one; he died in 1830, at the age of forty years. His famiy consisted of four children, two of whom are now living. George, being the second in order of birth, was twelve years of age when he came on the west side of the river in Kingston township, where he has since lived the busy life of a farmer. In 1847 he married Miss Mary, daughter of James and Mary Mathers, and to this union were born six children, four of whom are now living: James, John, William and Fidelia, all of whom are married. Mr. Courtright is a farmer of some means, owning a valuable farm of 145 acres; he is not only a practical farmer, but a practical man. Politically he is a Republican, and has held the office of school director for thirteen years, and now holds that of auditor.

JAMES COURTRIGHT, proprietor of Courtright's Livery and Sale Stable, in rear of the "White Horse Hotel," West Market street, Wilkes-Barre, with residence in Plains, was born in Plains, Pa., October 30, 1831, and is a son of Benjamin and Clarissa (Williams) Courtright, natives of Luzerne county and of English origin. In their family there were six children, of whom James is the fourth. Our subject began practical life in a small grocery where the "Plainsville Hotel," now stands, and here he remained several years, when he commenced farming, which he followed however, but a few years. He then resumed the grocery business in company with his brother, John M., on West Market street, Wilkes-Barre, and after four years thus engaged he was elected county treasurer, in which capacity he served three years. During the next four years he made three trips to Colorado, for the purpose of digging gold, and in 1884 he embarked in his present business. Mr. Courtright was married, September 19, 1854, to Ruth G., Daughter of John and Mary (Stark) Searle, natives of Luzerne county and of English lineage. Mr. and Mrs. Courtright have two children: John S., married to Ella V. Lathrope, of Montrose, where he is engaged in the practice of law, and where he has been justice of the peace for ten years (they have one child, Sarah L.), and Harry B., employed with his father (he married Ida C. Welles, of Wilkes-Barre, and they have three childen: Ruth S., Josephine W. and James W.). Mrs. James Courtright is a cousin of Justice Searle, of Philadelphia, and a cousin of Judge Searle, of Montrose; her grandmother Searle was among those whom flight saved from the terrible massacre of Wyoming, at which time she was seven years old. Mr. Courtright's political convictions have always been in accord with the principles of the Republican party.

JAMES A. COURTRIGHT, merchant, and proprietor of the "Midvale Hotel," Plains, was born in Wolverhampton, England, December 25, 1862, a son of Frederick and Julia (Gill) Adey, and an adopted son of Richard and Eliza (Gill) Courtright, with whom he came to America in 1870. He located at Pittston, Pa., where he obtained a common-school education, and then drove in the mines two years, after which he was employed as brakeman on the Lehigh Valley Railroad two years, and then assisted Mr. Courtright in coal operating. They erected the "Midvale Hotel" in 1885, and the store adjoining in 1888. Our subject was married, October 9, 1883, to Miss Matilda, daughter of Michael and Ann (Quinn) Donnelly, natives of Ireland, and the fruits of this union were four children, three of whom are living, viz.: Elizabeth M., Frederick R. and Bertha V. Mr. James A. Courtright is a member of the I.O.R.M., the K. of P. and the Golden Conclave; in his political views he is a Republican.

SEYMOUR COURTRIGHT, farmer, P.O. Orange, was born in Exeter township, July 29, 1845, a son of Burton and Lucy (Larned) Courtright, the former of whom was born in Plains township, March 15, 1814, the latter in Exeter, October 13, 1818. Burton Courtright is a son of Henry Courtright, who was born in 1786, and who was one of the early settlers in Plains, where he owned a large tract of coal land before that article of commerce was discovered, and which he disposed of prior to that time. He removed from Plains to Exeter, where he bought another farm, on which he remained about fifteen years, after which time he removed to Franklin, where he bought yet another farm of 166 acres, some of which was improved, and it is to-day one of the oldest farms in Franklin township. He was a man of force and influence, of sterling qualities, honest and industrious to a fault, never aspired to office, yet bore his share of responsibility his way. He died March 27, 1864, at the advance age of ninety-six years. He had born to him eight children, seven of whom he reared to maturity, and all of whom are now dead. Burton Courtright, the youngest of the children born to Henry, always lived with his father, and was about thirty-three years of age when he, with his father, in 1847, moved to Franklin township. After the death of his father Burton took charge of and fell heir to the property which he caused to improve under his magic touch, as long as he lived. He was not one to court favors, yet he always received them. He had great influence in his party (Democratic), and held most of the township offices. He was married December 19, 1838, to Miss Lucy Ann, daughter of Theophilus and Elizabeth Larned, by which union there were born seven children, all of whom grew to maturity, viz.: Mary C. (married S.D. Lewis, and died August 3, 1886, leaving five children: Oscar C., Frances E., Everett, Alice and Blanche, all now living in Odell, Ill.); Adelaide, C. (single); Oscar L. (who married Miss Sophia Stephens, by whom he had two children, Laura A. and Everett P.); Seymour (married Miss Hattie E., daughter of Charles Heft, by whom he has had one child, Alice Louisa, a charming and promising girl of sixteen summers); Everett (married Miss Lizzie Posten, by whom he has one child, Archie B.); Alice is yet single; Frank (married Miss Ida Posten, by whom he has two children, Burton A. and Nina M.). These comprise the children and grandchildren of Burton Courtright, who are now living. Burton died, 1888, in his seventy-fourth year. Mrs. Hattie E. Courtright, wife of Seymour Courtright, died May 21, 1889. Seymour is the only son at home, and attends to the farming. He is a worthy young man, and has held several township offices, which he filled with credit to himself and his fellow citizens. Politically he is a Democrat.

MATHEW COYLE, Ashley, conductor on the Central Railroad of New Jersey, was born in Utica, N.Y., May 3, 1837, a son of Michael and Mary (O'Neill) Coyle, natives of County Cavan, Ireland. His father, who came to America in 1828, reared a family of five children, four of whom are living, and of whom he is the second in order of birth. The family came to Wyoming county in 1844, settling near Meshoppen, where they took up a farm, and in 1847 came to Ashley, where the parents died. Here our subject began working about the mines, which occupation he followed ten years. He enlisted at Wilkes-Barre in April, 1861, in Company D, Eighth P.V., and served three months, when he was honorably discharged. He then entered the Government employ as a fireman in the transport service, where he performed his duties valiantly till the fall of 1865. He then returned to Ashley, and after braking three years was promoted to his present position. He purchased his present residence in 1887, and established a mercantile business in the front portion in 1888. Mr. Coyle was married April 22, 1866, to Miss Bridget, daughter of William and Mary (Kane) Dillon, natives of County Westmeath, Ireland. They have had six children, one of whom is living, Michael F., brakeman on his father's train. Mr. Coyle and family are members of the Catholic Church. He is a Democrate in politics.

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