| Submittedby Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz NewspaperTidbits - Sheriff's Sale The Herald of Liberty (Pennsylvania) Monday, May 12, 1800 Vol. 3 No. 118 Page 3 Column 4 "Sheriff's Sales" The Oliver CRAWFORD (of Muddy Creek, Greene Co., PA) mentioned in thisNP article below is one of my 5th great grandfathers.  | SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of fundry Writs of Venditioni Exponas to me directed,will be exposed to sale on Tuesday the 27th instant (May), at the CourtHouse in the town of Washington, the following Lots and Tracts of Land,viz: One Lot in town of Canonsburgh, on which is erected one elegantthree story Stone House, &c. Seized and taken in Execution asthe property of William Canon, jun. ALSO, One Tract of Land containing 40 Acres and 100 perches (more orless), of which ten acres are cleared, with half a Grist mill, andDwelling house: adjoining Lands of Elias Flaniken and others. OneTract of Land containing 229 1-2 acres (more or less), adjoining landsof Elias Flaniken, Oliver Crawford and others: Also a Lot of Ground,containing 10 acres more or less, on which is erected a dwelling house;all situated on Muddy Creek, in Green county. Seized and taken inexecution as the property of John Boreman. ALSO, One other tract of land containing 15 acres more or less,situated in Hopewell township, Washington county, adjoining lands ofJoseph Critchfield and others, whereon is erected a two story Dwellinghouse, 24 by 22 feet, and a Stable. Seized and taken in executionas the property of John and William Moderwill. ALSO. One other Tract of Land containing 300 Acres (moreor less) situated in Smith's township, adjoining lands of SamuelStrain, Alex. Wright and others, on which are erected two SwellingHouses, one a Caben of 20 feet square, the other a Cabin about 16 feetsquare together with a small Stable. There are about 35 acres ofLand cleared, under tolerable fence. Seized and taken inExecution as the property of James Fulton and William Wilson, and to besold by A. Baird,Sh'ff. May 10, 1800. | |