| Decendants ofJames Vandruff GenerationNo. 2 2. JAMES2 VANDRUFF (HENRY1) wasborn May1786 in Greene County, Pennsylvania7, and died July 11, 1857in GreeneCounty,Pennsylvania7. He married NANCYHICKMAN, "AGNES" Bef. 1811 in Unknown.She was born November 1789in Greene County, Pennsylvania7, and died February 22, 1851in GreeneCounty, Pennsylvania7. Notesfor JAMESVANDRUFF: Transcriptionof Land Patent from Survey BookC-228-125 Held by the PennsylvaniaHistorical and Museum Commission To all to whomthese Presents shall come, Greeting: KNOW YE, thatin consideration of the monies paid by Henry Vandruff for the Warranthereinafter mentioned of the sum of tenDollars and Six Cents in full now paid by James Vandruff into theTreasury Office of this Commonwealththere is granted by the said Commonwealth unto the said James Vandruffa certain tract of land calledContention situate in Whitely Township in the County of Greene,Beginning at a black oak stump, thence by lands ofJohn Rinehart, south seventy seven degrees West, one hundred sixteenperches to a hickory, thence by land of theheirs of Samuel Bayard, South thirty nine degrees West, one hundredtwenty perches to a white oak, Southfifty onedegrees West, eighty one perches to a white oak, thence by land ofThomas Wood, South fifteen degrees West,one hundred twenty four perches to a stone heap, thence by land of JohnLemley, South fifty four degrees East,twenty three perches to a dogwood, South forty six degrees East, fiftysix perches to a post, North sixty & onehalf degrees East, sixty eight perches to a dogwood, North eighty threedegrees East, twenty seven & one halfperches to a sugar tree, North fifty eight degrees East, fifty oneperches to a white oak, North fifty one degrees East,sixty seven perches to a post, North Sixty one & one half degreesEast, thirty two perches to a stone, thence by landof John Renner, North forty three degrees West, thirty four perches toa Chestnut, North one & one halfdegrees East, one hundred twenty seven perches to a white oak, Northfifty two degrees East, forty one perches to thebeginning, Containing three hundred eight acres & (illegible) whichsaid tract of land was surveyed in pursuance ofa Warrant dated 17th January 1812, granted to Henry Vandruff who sincedied intestate whereas it appears bythe deposition of witnesses taken in pursuance of a Commission(illegible) of the Court of Common pleas of saidCounty for perpetuating testimony that the right of the said HenryVandruff in the said described tract of landhas become vested in the said James Vandruff TO HAVE AND TOHOLD the said Tract or Parcel of Land, with the Appurtenances, unto thesaid James Vandruff &his heirs to the use of him the said James Vandruff, his heirs &assigns for ever free and clear of all Restrictionsand Reservations, as to Mines, Royalties, Quit-rents, or otherwise,excepting and reserving only the fifth part ofall GOLD and SILVER ore, for the use of this Commonwealth, to bedelivered at the Pit's Mouth, clear of allcharges. IN WITNESSwhereof, James Brady Secretary of the Land Office of the saidCommonwealth, hath hereunto set his HAND, andthe SEAL of the Land Office of Pennsylvania hath been hereunto affixed,the Nineteenth day of March in theyear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three and of theCommonwealth the Forty Seventh. ATTEST /s/ JohnMcKitrick Dept. (illegible) Land office. (3/16/96) Transcriptionof LastWill andTestament of James Vandruff From Greene CountyWill Book 3, page 241, # 1754 (Ed. note -contains several misspellings and omissions,which are not corrected out of respect) James Vandruff Will of The last Will& Testament of James Vandruff of the Township of Perry in theCounty of Greene. I, James Vandruffconsidering the uncertainty of this Mortal life & being sound mind& memory do make & publish this my last Will& Testament in manner & form following. My will is that all myJust debts by me owing together with my funeralExpenses bee fully paid, first I give & bequeath to my daughterHannah Hamilton three hundred dollars incash, my Cubboard, Beaureau, Bed & Bedding & all my Kitchenfurneture, one Read & white cow that she has beenmilking for some time, one Beedstead one Copper Kettle, one churne, oneten gallon kettle. Second, I give &bequeath to my daughter Mariah Engal Three Hundred dollars in cash.Third I give & bequeath to my daughterElisabeth Phillips two hundred dollars in cash. Fourth I give &bequeath to my grandson Henry Phillips the sum ofthree dollars. Sixth I give & bequeath to my Grand DaughterLousinda Stewart the sum of three dollars.Seventh I give & bequeath to my son Henry Vandruff Dec. heirs thesum of three dollars. Eighth I give & bequeathto my two sons John Vandruff and Perry Vandruff all my Real Estate, myClothing, Share & Share alike & myExecutors to furnish a dacent set of Tomb Stones for me and after myproperty that is my personal property isappraised & sold Except what I have disposed of in this Will afterpaying all my heirs as before directed ifanything Remains is to be Eaqually divided between my two sons John& Perry Share & Share alike. Also myexecutors to furnish a set of tomb stones for my wife deest. I herebyAppoint E. Chaffan & E. P. Morris sole Executorsof this my last Will & Testament hereby revoking all former willsby me mad. I witness whereof I have hereuntoset my hand and seal the 13th day of July, 1857. Signed, sealed& delivered by the above named James Vandruff to be his last Willand Testament in the presents of us who athis Request & in his presents have ascribed our names as witnessesthereunto. E. Chaffan J. Knotts Greene CountyS. S. Before meAbsalom Hedge, Register for the Probate of Wills and Granting lettersof Administration in and for saidCounty, personally came Elijah Chaffan and Jonathan Knotts who afterbeing duly affirmed did say that they werepresent saw and herd James Vandruff the Testator within named sign sealpublish and declare the withininstrument of writing to be his last will and Testament that the timeof the signing the same he was of sound mind anddisposing memory to the best of their observation and belief, that theysigned the same as witnessed inTestator presence and at his request and in the presence of each other. Affirmed andsubscribed before meAugust 17th 1857 E. Chaffan Absalom Hedge,Regr. J. Knotts Same dayLetters of Testamentary granted to E. Chaffan & E. P. Morris on theEstate of James Vandruff Deceased. Inventory &Vendue list filed September 10th 1857 A. Hedge, Regr. (8/1/94) Transcriptionof Census extraction by the CornerstoneGenealogical Society Waynesburg,Pennsylvania Greene County,PA, 1810 VANDROOF, James 1 male, 16-26yrs of age, 1 female under 10 yrs of age, 1 female 16-26 yrs of age. (analysis:James Vandruff, b. 1786, age 26, Cassander Vandruff, b. 1811, age 1,Nancy Hickman Vandruff, b, 1789, age 21) Transcriptionof Census extraction by the CornerstoneGenealogical Society Waynesburg,Pennsylvania WhiteleyTownship, Greene County, PA, 1820 Head ofHousehold: VANROOF, James 3 males under10, 1 male 10-16 yrs of age, 1 male 26-45 yrs of age, 3 females under10, 1 female 10-16, 1 female 26-45yrs. (analysis:Henry Vandruff, b. 1812, age 8, Eli Vandruff, b. 1816, age 4, JohnVandruff, b. 1820, age less than 1 yr., 1 male10-16 yrs. of age unknown, James Vandruff, b. 1786, age 34, ElizabethVandruff, b. 1813, age 7, MariahVandruff, b. 1818, age 2, plus one unknown female, Cassander Vandruff,b. 1811, age 11, Nancy HickmanVandruff, b. 1789, age 31) WhitelyTownship, Greene County, PA, 1830, Roll # 162, p. 366 James Varuff 3 males, under5, 2 males 5-10, 1 male 15-20, 1 male 40-50 1 female under5, 1 female 5-10, 2 females 10-15, 2 females 15-20, 1 female 40-50 Transcriptionof Census Extraction by William A.Walter. Independence, MO WhitelyTownship, Greene County, 1840, Roll # 144, p. 79 James Vandruff(except name spelled "Vandrof") 1 male, 10-15,1 male 15-20, 1 male 20-30, 1 male 50-60 2 females20-30, 1 female 50-60 (9/17/94) Extractionfrommicrofiche at LDS Library,Kirtland, OH identified onlyas follows: A. I. S. Search1, Early Colonial Records, U.S. 1600-1819 A. I. S.Copyright 1983 Edition VANDROOF, JAMESGREENE CO. PA 038 WHITELY TWP 1810 (no otherlistings for Greene Co, PA) A. I. S. Search4, U.S. 1840-1849 A. I. S.Copyright 1983 Edition VANDROFF, JAMESGREENE CO. PA 079 WHITELY TWP. 1840 (see HenryVandruff for other Greene Co. listing) (9/14/96) MoreAboutJAMES VANDRUFF: Burial: July1857, Whiteley Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania8 Fact 1: Gravesfor James & Nancy discovered 4/11/1996 by Wm. C. Van Druff8 Fact 2: LastWill & Testament transcription on file9 Fact 3: August18, 1997, Submitted Jamesvdf.ftw to World Family Tree MoreAboutNANCY HICKMAN, "AGNES": Burial:February 1851, Whiteley Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania10 Children ofJAMES VANDRUFF and NANCY HICKMAN are: 8. i.CASSANDER3 VANDRUFF, b. Abt. 1811, Whitely Township, Greene,Pennsylvania; d. Unknown, Unknown. 9. ii. HENRYVANDRUFF, b. Abt. 1812, Whiteley Township, Greene, Pennsylvania; d.Abt. April 1853,MonongaliaCounty, West Virginia. 10. iii.ELIZABETH VANDRUFF, b. March 1813, Whiteley Township, Greene,Pennsylvania; d. October 16, 1874,JacksonTownship, Greene, Pennsylvania. iv. ELIVANDRUFF, b. Abt. 1816, Greene County, Pennsylvania11; d.Aft. 1880,Greene County, Pennsylvania12;m. RUTH ANNUNKNOWN, Unknown, Unknown; b. Abt. 1821, Unknown, Pennsylvania13;d.April 28, 1872,Unknown13. Notes for ELIVANDRUFF: Extraction from I.S. A. Search# 7A, U.S. 1850-1906 Microfichelocated at LDS Library Kirtland, OH Vandruff, Eli,Marshall County, WV, # 309, 33rd District, 1850 (possibly 1850Census Index reference?) (9/13/96) Extractionfrom1880 Federal Census Online atwww.familysearch.org CenterTownship, Greene County, Pennsylvania Eli Vandruff,age 64, boarder, b. PA, f. b. NJ, m. b. NJ (1/18/2003) Transcriptionof research notes by Howard D.Hickman, III Eli Vandrufffirst appears in the Whiteley Township tax list in 1836 and continuesto appear through 1846, where thenotation "removed" is written. We can conclude that Eli was the secondson, born C. 1815, that he did not marry,and left Greene County (for Marshall County, WV) in 1846. (3/15/96) MoreAbout ELIVANDRUFF: Burial:Unknown, Unknown Fact 1: Per1880 Census living with George Huffman14 More About RUTHANN UNKNOWN: Burial: April1872, Clouston United Methodist Church Cemetery, Marshall County, WV15 11. v. MARIAHVANDRUFF, b. Abt. 1818, Whiteley Township, Greene, Pennsylvania; d.Abt. 1883, CenterTownship,Greene, Pennsylvania. 12. vi. JOHNVANDRUFF, b. April 07, 1820, Greene County, Pennsylvania; d. May 12,1895, Perry Township,Greene,Pennsylvania. 13. vii. HANNAHVANDRUFF, b. Abt. 1823, Whiteley Township, Greene, Pennsylvania; d.December 16, 1873,SpringhillTownship, Greene, Pennsylvania. 14. viii. PERRYCOMMODORE VANDRUFF, b. Abt. 1828, Whiteley Township, Greene County,Pennsylvania; d. Bef.1900, Unknown. ix. UNKNOWNVANDRUFF, #1, b. Unknown, Unknown; d. Unknown, Unknown. x. UNKNOWNVANDRUFF, #2, b. Unknown, Unknown; d. Unknown, Unknown. |