| Decendants ofJohn Vandruff 41. JOHN4 VANDRUFF (HENRY3,JAMES2,HENRY1) was born January 24, 1842 in Blacksville,Pennsylvania425,and died November 19, 1909 in Jefferson, Grant, Oklahoma426.He marriedISEPHENA A. SHOPTAUGH, "ISY" January 17, 1864 in Williamstown, Lewis,Missouri427. She was born February27, 1846 in Rockport, Spencer, Indiana428, and died March10, 1931 in Oakland, Alameda,California429. Notes for JOHN VANDRUFF: Extraction from 1870 Census Lewis County, Monticells Township #63, Range 8, West, Missouri Vandruff, John, age 26, born in PA Vandruff, Isophena, age 22, born in MO Vandruff, Ennis, age 6, born in MO Vandruff, George N., age 4, born in MO Vandruff (illegible), age 2, (female) born in MO (10/1/1994) Extraction from 1880 Missouri Census Provided by Suzanne Miller Page 32 Dwelling/household #255-260 21st June 1880 (later extraction from www.familysearch.com): Reddish, Lewis, Missouri Family History Library Film 1254699 NA Film Number T9-0699 Page Number 172D John VANDRUFF Self M Male W 54 PA Farmer PA PA Isephena A VANDRUFF Wife M Female W 32 IN Keeping House KY KY Ennis S. VANDRUFF Son S Male W 16 MO Farm Laborer PA IN George A. VANDRUFF Son S Male W 14 MO Farm Laborer PA IN Mathursa J. VANDRUFF Dau S Female W 11 MO At Home PA IN Eura L. VANDRUFF Dau S Female W 6 MO PA IN Sarah E. VANDRUFF Dau S Female W 3 MO PA IN William M. F. VANDRUFF Son S Male W 2M MO PA IN (8/10/95) Extraction from Eleventh Census of the United States SPECIAL SCHEDULE Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, and Widows, Etc. Persons who served in the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps of the UnitedStates during the war of the rebellion (who are survivors), and widowsof such persons in Reddish Township,County of Lewis, State of Missouri, enumerated in June, 1890. Page No. 1 Supervisor's District No. 5 Enumeration District No. 36 Home No. 62, Family No. 63 Name: John Vandruff Rank: Corporal, Company D, 69 Mo Inf Date of Enlistment: Mar 21, 1863 Date of Discharge: 1865 Length of Service: (blank) (10/1/94) Extraction from 1900 Census, Microfilm Roll T623-1337, OklahomaTerritory, Rock Island Township, Supv. District 219, Sheet No. 7, County: Grant, June 13, 1900, Enum.District No. 72, line page No. 21 Dwelling No. 159, Family No. 160 Vandruff, John, b. Jan 1842, age 58, b. Pa, father b. Pa, mother b. Pa,farmer Vandruff, Sephena, b. Feb 1848, age 52, b. Ind, father b. Ky, mother b.Ind. Vandruff, Sarah E., b. Nov 1876, age 23, b. Mo, father b. Pa, mother b.Ind. Vandruff, Earl M., b. Sept. 1882, age 17, b. Mo, father b. Pa, motherb. Ind. farm helper Vandruff, Verdie E., b. Jan 1885, age 15, b. Mo, father b. Pa, motherB. Ind. In school Vandruff, Ora L., b. May 1887, age 12, b. Mo, father b. Pa, mother b.Ind. In school Vandruff, Laurie I., b. Sept. 1890, age 9, b. Mo, father b. Pa, motherb. Ind. In school Vandruff, Pearl M. b. May 1893, age 7, b. Mo, father b. Pa, mother b.Ind. In school (8/28/94) Transcription of Obituary from The Medford Star Medford, Oklahoma (Grant County) "Jefferson News" section Thursday, November 25, 1909 Mr. John Vandruff died last Friday morning at his home 2 miles north oftown after an illness of only one day. Mr. Vandruff was one of our old time honored residents, a member of theN. P. Banks Post No. 50, was 69 years of age and is survived by a wifeand 8 children. Rev. Rhymer of thePresbyterian Church conducted the funeral services from the homeSaturday morning. Interment was made in McKeemanCemetery. (2/27/94) Transcription of Foreword to Dedication Grant County Homesteaders Memorial September 4, 1978 10:30 a.m. Courthouse Lawn, Medford, Oklahoma A Project of the Grant County Historical Society To the homesteaders and early settlers of Grant County this monument isgratefully dedicated. In recognition of their courage in the face ofuntold hardships the descendants sincerelyacknowledge their sense of obligation. These early Grant County settlers were among some 100,000 who lined upon September 16, 1893 to race for a 160 acre claim. The homesteadsscattered throughout the area comprisingsix million acres. The award went to the first person arriving,planting their stake and duly registeringtheir location at the land office. Others while not actually making the run acquired the land at an earlydate, either by purchase or barter, lived on it and raised theirfamilies and together with the homesteaders becamethe early pioneer settlers of Grant County, laying the foundation forour modern society. (Listed on the monument, and in the dedication program: John Vandruff,Edward Slater) (8/6/94) Transcription of Probate Documents (Book # Vol. # not provided by courthouse) State of Oklahoma Grant County In County Court Final Decree In the matter of the estate of John Vandruff, deceased. It appearing to the court now here on satisfactory proofs and theevidence, that the necessary expense of funeral of last sickness ofsaid deceased and of administration of said estatehave been fully paid and that all the debts existing against saiddeceased, or allowed by the court pursuant to lawhave been fully paid and satisfied, and that said estate has been fullyadministered as by the final account of I.A. Vandruff administrator of said estate duly audited and allowed bythis court pursuant to due notice given andserved and that said estate is ready for distribution. And that itfurther appearing that due notice of theapplication for this final decree in said matter assigning the estateto the persons thereto entitled by law has beenduly given and served pursuant to the law in such cases made andprovided. And it further appearing that the saiddeceased died intestate and the residue of said estate consists of thefollowing described real estate to wit: allof the North-west (1/4) one fourth of section numbered eight (8), intownship numbered twenty-six (26), North ofRange numbered five (5), West of the Indian Meridian, in Grant county,Oklahoma. And it further appearing that thesole and only surviving heirs of said decedent, John Vandruff are I.A.Vandruff widow of deceased, and E.S.Vandruff, Thirza Vancell, Ella Brown, E.M. Vandruff, Verdie Slater, OraVandruff, Laura Vandruff, and MamieVandruff, children of deceased, and said real estate is the homesteadof deceased, and that it has beenoccupied by I.A. Vandruff the widow and Mamie Vandruff a minor child ofdeceased ever since the death of saidJohn Vandruff. It is therefore ordered adjudged and decreed by the court that theabove described real estate be and the same is hereby set aside as andfor the homestead of the above named widow andminor child, so long as the same is occupied by them as such withremainder to the above named heirspursuant to law in such cases made and provided. Witness my hand and the seal of said court this 3rd day of January,A.D. 1911 /S/ H. H. Royers Judge of the county court (9/10/94) More About JOHN VANDRUFF: Burial: November 20, 1909, McKeeman-Fairview Cemetery, Medford, OK,Block 1, Lot 3430 Fact 1: September 1893, Participated in Cherokee Land Run, OK431 Fact 2: Mentioned in Homesteaders Memorial Dedication & onMonument431 Fact 3: Homestead Certificate # 3675 dated May 18, 1903 on file432 Military service: March 21, 1863, Civil War, Co. L, 69th EnrolledMissouri Militia433 Obituary: On file 2/27/94 Notes for ISEPHENA A. SHOPTAUGH, "ISY": Extraction from the 1910 Federal Census East Rock Island Township, Grant County, Oklahoma Series: T625 Roll: 524 Page: 52 Supv. Dist. 1, ED 47, Sheet 14-A Line 8, Dwelling 87, Family 87 May 13, 1910 Van Druff, Isophene A., age 63, wid., b. IN, father b. KY, mother b. IN Van Druff, Earl M., age 27, single, b. MO, father b. PA, mother b. IN,farm laborer Van Druff, Lora I., age 18, single, b. MO, father b. OA, mother b. IN Van Druff, Mame P., sau., single, age 17, b. MO, father b. PA, motherb. IN (10/26/2003) Transcription of Obituary from the Oakland Tribune Oakland, California (Alameda County) Thursday, March 12, 1931 VANDRUFF - In Oakland, March 10, 1931, Isephena Ann, widow of JohnVandruff, loving mother of Thirza Vancil, Helen E. Brown, Mrs. O. M.Slater, Mrs. Jack Davis, Mrs. W. J.Lenahan, Ora L. and Ennis S. Vandruff, a native of Indiana, aged 83years. Friends are invited to attend funeral services Saturday, March 14 at11:00 a.m. at the Hill and Kammerer mortuary, 3479 Piedmont Avenue nearMoss. Entombment Cypress Lawn. (6/24/93) Additional information about SHOPTAUGH family can be found in "SomeDescendants of Jonas Halsted (1610-1682) and some allied Families" by Laura A. Davis Shoptaugh. LC No. CS71.HI97 Oakland, California, Piedmont Press 1954 referred by Colleen H. Landers 1124 Park Center Ft. Worth, TX 76126 (10/1/94) More About ISEPHENA A. SHOPTAUGH, "ISY": Burial: March 13, 1931, Cypress Lawn Memorial Park, Colma, CA, Crypt1483, Tier 2434 Obituary: On file 6/24/93 Children of JOHN VANDRUFF and ISEPHENA SHOPTAUGH are: 151. i. ENNIS SHERMAN5 VAN DRUFF, b.October 25, 1864, Lewis County,Missouri; d. January 09, 1941, Quincy, Adams, Illinois. 152. ii. GEORGE NOAH VANDRUFF, b.September 22, 1866, Lewis County,Missouri; d. Abt. 1906, Kahoka, Clark, Missouri. 153. iii. MATHURSIA JANE VANDRUFF, b.March 22, 1868, Lewis County,Missouri; d. May 23, 1942, San Jose, Santa Clara, California. iv. JOHN RESNER VANDRUFF, b. July 05,1873, Lewis County,Missouri435; d. July 30, 1873, Lewis County, Missouri436. More About JOHNRESNER VANDRUFF: Burial: July 1873, Williamstown City Cemetery, Williamstown, MO437 154. v. EURA LULA VANDRUFF, b. January 27,1874, Lewis County,Missouri; d. Abt. 1920, Medford, Grant, Oklahoma. vi. WILLIAM FRANKLIN VANDRUFF, b. March27, 1880, Lewis County,Missouri438; d. July 10, 1882, Lewis County, Missouri439. More AboutWILLIAM FRANKLIN VANDRUFF: Burial: July 1882, Williamstown City Cemetery, Williamstown, MO440 155. vii. EARL MARQUIS VANDRUFF, b.October 07, 1882, Lewis County,Missouri; d. December 22, 1926, Medford, Grant, Oklahoma. 156. viii. VERDA ETHEL VANDRUFF, b.January 26, 1885, Williamstown,Lewis, Missouri; d. November 24, 1944, Enid, Garfield, Oklahoma. ix. SARAH HELEN VANDRUFF, "ELLA", b.November 28, 1876, Williamstown,Lewis, Missouri441; d. May 29, 1950, San Francisco, SanFrancisco, California442; m. THOMAS BROWN,Unknown, Unknown; b. Abt. 1877, Unknown, Illinois443; d.Unknown, Oakland, Alameda, California444. Notes for SARAHHELEN VANDRUFF, "ELLA": Transcription of Obituary from the San Francisco Examiner San Francisco, California (San Francisco County) Tuesday, May 30, 1950 BROWN. In this city, May 29, 1950, Helen E. Brown, devoted sister ofMrs. Mamie Brownell and Mrs. Lora Davis, aunt of John Vancil of SanCarlos and Edward Slater ofStillwater, OK. Funeral services to be held Wednesday at 11 a.m. fromAshley and McMullen, 4200 Geary Blvd. at 6thAve. Entombment Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. (2/27/94) More About SARAH HELEN VANDRUFF, "ELLA": Burial: May 31, 1950, Cypress Lawn Memorial Park, Colma, CA, Crypt1482, Tier 2445 Fact 1: California Death Index lists name as "Helen S. Brown"446 Fact 2: California Death Index shows date of birth 11/28/1886447 Obituary: On file 2/27/94 Notes for THOMAS BROWN: Extraction from the 1920 Federal Census San Francisco, San Francisco County, California Supv. Dist. 41, ED 211, Sheet 5-A Lines 7-9 Gage Hotel, 1122A Market St. January 7, 1920 Brown, Thomas, age 33, b. IL, father b. IL, mother b. IL, laborer, coalyard Brown, (no name shown), age 34, b. MO, father b. VA, mother b. IN,landlady, hotel Vandruff, Ora L. (sister), age 30, B. MO, father b. VA, mother b. IN,landlady, hotel (4/26/2003) More About THOMAS BROWN: Burial: Unknown, Unknown x. ORA LOVIE VANDRUFF, b. May 24, 1887,Williamstown, Lewis,Missouri448; d. October 02, 1948, San Francisco, SanFrancisco, California449 . Notes for ORALOVIE VANDRUFF: Extraction from the 1920 Federal Census San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA Vol. 104, ED 211. sheet 5, line 7 (Gage Hotel) Vandruff, Ora L., age 30, b. MO Enumerated with Thomas Brown and identified as "Sister"! (7/18/96) More About ORA LOVIE VANDRUFF: Burial: October 1948, Cypress Lawn Cemetery, Colma, CA450 xi. LORA IVY VANDRUFF, "TUDIE", b.September 30, 1890, Lewis County,Missouri451; d. February 01, 1981, San Francisco, SanFrancisco, California452; m. (1) GARLAND EDWARDDAVIS, "JACK", May 21, 1916, Unknown453; b. August 07, 1886,Unknown, West Virginia454; d.November 09, 1946, San Francisco County, California454; m.(2) HOWARD R. COLLINS, June 16, 1950, Unknown455;b. August 23, 1914, San Francisco, San Francisco, California456;d. Unknown, Unknown. Notes for LORA IVY VANDRUFF, "TUDIE": Transcription of Obituary From the San Francisco Examiner San Francisco, California (San Francisco, California) Wednesday, February 4, 1981 COLLINS. Lora I. (Tudie), February 1, 1981, beloved aunt of James M.Eisman, E. J. Slater of Guymon, Ok., Eloise Sanderson of Stillwater,OK, Mrs. Porter of Billings, Montana,and Mrs. J. W. Thomas of Richardson, Texas. Viewing Wednesday 5-7 p.m.Services Thursday 1 p.m., Ashley andMcMullen, 6th Ave. and Geary Blvd. (2/27/94) More About LORA IVY VANDRUFF, "TUDIE": Burial: February 05, 1981, Cypress Lawn Cemetery, Colma, CA457 Fact 1: CA Death index and CA Death certificate show SS #559-70-5630458 Fact 2: Informant: Nephew James M. Eisman, 419 Reed Circle, Napa, CA94558459 Obituary: On file 2/27/1994 Residence: February 1981, 360 32nd Ave., San Francisco, CA460 Social Security Number: 547-21-3302, SSDI on file461 Zip Code, last known res.: 94558, Napa, Napa, CA461 More About GARLAND EDWARD DAVIS, "JACK": Burial: November 1946, Cypress Lawn Cemetery, Colma, CA, Tier 4, Crypt57-A, Sec. 2, Unit 4.462 Fact 1: Double crypt for Lora Collins Davis463 Social Security Number: 569-20-9081464 More About HOWARD R. COLLINS: Burial: Unknown, Unknown Social Security Number: 567-01-5304465 xii. MAMIE PEARL VANDRUFF, b. May 03,1893, Lewis County,Missouri466; d. January 26, 1965, San Francisco, SanFrancisco, California467; m. (1) W. J. LENAHAN, Bef.1936, Jefferson County, Oklahoma468; b. Unknown, Unknown; d.Unknown, Unknown; m. (2) BILL KUBICK, Bef. 1936,Unknown; b. Unknown, Unknown; d. Unknown, Unknown; m. (3) RUSSELLIRVING BROWNELL, "TED",June 28, 1936, Unknown469; b. December 14, 1906,Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois470; d. December 22, 1995,Union City, Alameda, California470. More About MAMIE PEARL VANDRUFF: Burial: January 1965, Unknown More About W. J. LENAHAN: Burial: Unknown, Unknown More About BILL KUBICK: Burial: Unknown, Unknown Notes for RUSSELL IRVING BROWNELL, "TED": Transcription of Obituary From the San Francisco Chronicle San Francisco, California (date of issue unknown) Clipping in the collection of E. J. Slater BROWNELL, Russell "Ted" - Was born Dec. 14, 1906 in Springfield, IL anddied Dec. 22, 1995 at the Masonic Home for Adults in Union City, CA.Lived most of his life inSan Francisco and was a union electrician. Memorial services were held. (7/25/96) Transcription of Obituary From the Idaho State Journal Pocatello, Idaho (date of issue unknown) Clipping in the collection of E. J. Slater. Russell "Ted" Brownell UNION CITY, Calif. - Russell I. "Ted" Brownell was born Dec. 14, 1906,in Springfield, Ill., and died Dec. 22, 1995, at Union City, Calif. Helived most of his life in SanFrancisco, Calif., working as a union electrician out of Oakland. Hewas proud of the fact he worked on theBART until its completion. On June 28, 1936, he was married to Mamie P. Vandruff, who preceded himin death. He later joined a loving friend, Ruth McCannon, living in SanFrancisco and later movingto Half Moon Bay, Calif. After her death, he moved to Sacramento. Forthe past 10 years he has resided atthe Masonic Home for Adults in Union City. He was a member of the Lebanon No. 136 Masonic Lodge, Islam Shrine ofSan Francisco and the Scottish Rite San Francisco Consistory. Masonic Memorial services will be held at the Masonic Home Chapel inUnion City by Chaplain Steve Shannon. Survivors include a known nephew, Ed Slater of Albuquerque, N.M., andBarbara Katen of Sacramento. A number of years ago relatives of Mr. Brownell lived in the Pocatelloarea. Memorials should be made to the Masonic Home for Adults, P.O. Box 754,Union City, Calif. 94587. Arrangements are under the direction of the Neptune Society. (7/25/96) More About RUSSELL IRVING BROWNELL, "TED": Burial: January 05, 1996, (Cremated) Ashes scattered at sea off thecoast of Marin, CA470 Member: Lebanon No. 136 Masonic Lodge, Islam Shrine of SanFrancisco471 Obituary: On file 7/25/96 Occupation: Electrician; worked on BART system, San Francisco, CA471 Social Security Number: 557-05-4710, SSDI on file472 Zip Code, last known res.: 94587, Union City, Alameda, CA472 |