At his residence in George township, on Tuesday the 19th of October, ABRAHAM BROWN, aged 86 years, 11 months, and 13 days. The deceased was one of the oldest citizens of our county, having been born and raised on the farm on which he died. He was also one of our most respected citizens, enjoying until the day of his death, the confidence and esteem of his neighbors and acquaintances. One after another, the pioneers of our county sink into the grave, reminding all of us of the shortness of man’s earthly existence, and the certainty of the monster death’s approach.
BROWN, ADDA F.— Age 84 years, of R. D. 4, Uniontown, Pa., died Sunday, March 29, 1981, at 5:30 a.m., in the Uniontown Hospital. She was born December 23, 1896, in Springhill Twp., Fayette County, Pa., daughter of the late Lynn and Hannah Stacey Corder. She was a member of the Great Bethel Baptist Church, Uniontown, and Woodside Grange. She was predeceased by her husband, Playford Brown, December 1955. Surviving are a brother, Paul Corder, Uniontown; a sister, Nellie I. Riffle, Smithfield; several nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends in the John F. Brownfield Funeral Home, Smithfield, today 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., and Tuesday until 1 p.m., the hour of service. Rev William … balance of obit is missing
BROWN— ALEXANDER BROWN, son of William Brown, late of Franklin township, Fayette County, Pa., a member of Co. G, 16th Pa. Cavalry, was shot and instantly killed in the fight near Dynwiddle Court House, Va., on the 1st day of April. 1865. The deceased was a brave soldier and was highly esteemed by his companions in arms, and by a large circle of friends and relatives at home. He met his death while making a bold attempt to capture a rebel flag. Peace to his ashes.
Belle Vernon, Pa., June 3.— Turned down by a United States Army medical inspector 40 years ago, at the outbreak of the Civil War, because of his alleged delicate health, and refused admission to the ranks as a soldier, Alexander Brown died of old age at his home here this morning. Mr. Brown would have been 81 on July 21, and had been a prominent resident of Belle Vernon since 1866. He retired about 20 years ago. His physician said he had no organic ailment. He just slept his way into eternity. Mr. Brown was the son of George and Elizabeth (Davidson) Brown. His great-grandfather, William Brown, came to this country about 1789. He came from Virginia to this country, after having fought in the Revolutionary War. William Brown built the first distillery in Fayette County. The deceased, his grandson, was born at Davidson’s upper ferry, now East Riverside, and reared in the village of Merrittstown, near Brownsville. Coming to Belle Vernon Mr. Brown engaged with the firm of Louis M. and William F. Speer, who had large coal interests, a store and were boat builders. Mr. Brown was form many years a member of the Board of School Directors, and was its secretary. From 1889 to 1893 he served as borough clerk, and during a part of that time was also treasurer of the borough. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church. On November 8, 1848, Mr. Brown was married to Catherine R. Dunaway, daughter of John and Margaret (Robinson) Dunaway, natives of Fayette County. To them were born five children, four of whom survive. They are Charles W., in business here; Alonzo L., retired; Thomas G., cashier of the First National Bank of Bellevernon, and Mrs. Orville R. Springer of Pittsburg. The funeral will be on Saturday afternoon from the home of his son, Thomas.
Mrs. Alice Brown, 46, wife of Burnie Brown, died at her home in Smithfield Tuesday at 4:45 a.m. In addition to her husband she is survived by a daughter, Edith Graham at home, and two step-daughters, Ruth Jackson and Irene Pines of West Virginia. Funeral services will be held at the home of Francis A. Keith at McKeesport, with Rev. J. R. Saunders officiating. Burial will take place at Versailes Cemetery of McKeesport, Friday at 2:30 p.m.
Alice BROWN died in 1857. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
On the night of the 9th inst. Alice, aged 8 years, of Scarlet Fever, daughter
of J. K. and Eliza Brown.
The Genius of Liberty., Uniontown, January 22, 1857
Influenza resulted in the death of another member of the Brown family at Mount Braddock, Thursday when the mother, Mrs. Alice Brown, 39 years old, died. A daughter, Mary Ann, was buried on last Sunday.
Mrs. Alice N. Brown, 65 years old, a well-known resident of Smithfield, died Tuesday morning at her home following a lingering illness. One son, Charles Brown, of Longs, W. Va., and one granddaughter, Geneva Roquemore, survive. Mrs. Brown’s maiden name was Bowers. She had resided at Smithfield the greater part of her life. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev. Austin, pastor of the Smithfield Baptist church, will officiate.
The funeral of Mrs. Alice Brown was held from her home at 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon. The funeral was largely attended. Interment was made in the Smithfield cemetery.
Saturday evening about 7 o’clock, Miss Alline Brown, age 14 years, who has been making her home with her brother-in-law, Mr. Wm. Ferree, at Houston Run, met with an accident which terminated fatally at 3 o’clock on Sunday morning. She was lighting a carbon oil lamp in Mr. Ferree’s store, when it exploded, throwing the burning oil over her clothing. She ran out and succeeded in reaching the railroad before being overtaken, although four men were in the store at the time of the accident, and were unable to catch her. They finally came up with her pushed her into a pool of water, thus quenching the flames, but not until she was horribly burned over her body. – She was carried to the residence of Mr. Ferree where she suffered most terribly until death relieved her. Miss Brown was a daughter of the late Dr. Brown, of Fayette City. Her body was taken to Fayette City Monday on the noon boat. Funeral at 4 o’clock, Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Benjamin BROWN died in 1887/88. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette
County USGenWeb Project.(29)
Scottdale. Mrs. Benjamin Brown, of near this place, died last Wednesday, of pneumonia.
She leaves a husband and six small children to mourn her departure. Her remains
were interred at Cochran's cemetery, on Friday.
Keystone Courier, 6 Jan 1888, pg. 4.
BROWN, BISHOP B.— Aged 84 years of Dunbar, Pa., and formerly of Norristown, Pa., died Monday evening, December 12, 1977 in the Uniontown Hospital. Surviving are one daughter, Betty Jean Brown of Hazlehurst, Georgia; one niece, Anna L. McClain of Vidalia, Georgia; two nephews, Benjamin Brown of Cleveland, Ohio and Samuel D. Brown of Dunbar; a number of great nieces and nephews, other relatives and friends. Friends will be received in Lantz Funeral Home, 297 E. Main St., today from 6 to 9 p.m., where services will be conducted Thursday at 1 p.m., with Rev. Marguerite Henderson officiating. Interment in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Dunbar, Pa.
C. Ewing Brown, 76, of Rices Landing R.D. 1, Pa., died Monday, Feb. 10, 1997, in Franklin Care Center, Waynesburg, from complications of a stroke. Mr. Brown was self-employed as a farmer. He is survived by three nephews, the last of his family. There is no visitation. The Behm Funeral Home, Rt. 188, Jefferson, is in charge of arrangements. It is suggested that memorial contributions be made to Flenniken Memorial Library, Carmichaels, Pa.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–June 7, 1920
Died—–February 10, 1997
CAROLINE A. BROWN — Age 71 years, of 514 N. Main Street, Masontown, died Saturday, January 8, 1972 in the, University Medical Center, Morgantown, West Virginia. The daughter of the late John and Flora Dugan, she was a member of the Masontown Presbyterian Church, where she served on the Church Board. She was also a member of the Masontown Bridge Club; the VFW Auxiliary of Masontown; the American Legion Auxiliary; and was a math teacher for years In the German Township schools. She had been a resident of Masontown since 1925.
Surviving are her husband, George C. Brown; four brothers: John Dugan, Wallace Dugan, Raymond Dugan, and Robert Dugan, all of McClellandtown. She was predeceased by a sister, Mrs. Willis Riffle In 1963.
Friends will be received in the Yoney Funeral Home, Masontown, today from 7 to 10 p.m., Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 10 p.m., and Wednesday in the Masontown, Presbyterian Church from 1 to 2 p.m., the hour of service, with Rev. Robert Orr, Jr., officiating, Burial in Masontown Cemetery.
Charles Brown, about 45 years old, colored, of Dunbar, was fatally injured in an automobile accident on Route 119 near the Starlite Theatre, near Evans Manor, at about 6:45 o’clock this morning. He died at 7:20 o’clock at Uniontown Hospital. State Police, who said their investigation had not been completed at noon, reported that Brown, alone in his car, was traveling to Brownfield, where he was employed. His machine reportedly collided with a coal truck owned by Frank M. Farl of Scottdale and operated by Francis J. Babura of 107 Hickory street, Scottdale. Babura stated he stopped the truck in the highway at an intersection to allow traffic to pass him and Brown’s automobile crashed into the rear of the truck. Babura was uninjured in the accident but Brown suffered a fractured skull, among other injuries, and died a short time after being taken to the hospital. The body was removed to the Burhans funeral home at Dunbar.
The funeral for Charles Brown, 53 years old, of Dunbar, fatally injured in a traffic accident on Route 119 near the Starlight Theater Monday morning, will be held Friday afternoon. There will be a brief service at 1:30 o'clock at the home and full rites at 2 o'clock at the Payne A. M. E. Church in Connellsville, with Rev. J. N. Carter, pastor, officiating. Burial will be made in Franklin Cemetery at Dunbar. Surviving are his widow, Eola, four children, Willie and Samuel of Dunbar, Benjamin of Camp Kilmar, N. J., and Mrs. Anna Crawley of Vidalia, Ga.; one sister, Mrs. Izetter Mack of Miami, Fla.; two brothers, Bishop and Joseph Brown of Dunbar, and two grandchildren. Mr. Brown was employed at the Leith coke yard of the J. L. Hankins Company.
Child of Charles BROWN ( -1870)
A little child of Charles Brown, aged about 18 months, died of Whooping cough on Friday morning, the 21st inst.
Connellsville-Clarence L. Brown Jr., 78, of Connellsville, died Tuesday, May 14, 2002, in Highlands Hospital, Connellsville. He was born May 13, 1924, in Scottdale, a son of the late Clarence L. Sr. and Muriel Corrine Hough Brown. Mr. Brown was formerly employed by PennLine Services of Scottdale. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy, serving during W.W. II. He was a member of the B.P.O. Elks #503 of Connellsville and he was a member of the Greenwood United Methodist Church.
He is survived by his wife, Jean S. Swope Brown; five children, James Swope and his wife, Pamela, of Detroit, Mich., Deborah Nebraski and her husband, Paul, of Flint, Mich., Denise Arison and her husband, Larry, of Connellsville, Gretchen Hilling of Waynesburg and Gregory Brown and his fiancée, Judi Johnson, of Indian Head; 14 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; three brothers, Richard Brown and his wife Thelma and Ernest Brown, all of Scottdale, and Dale Brown and his wife, Sharon, of Mount Pleasant; two sisters, Corrine Cunnard of Ligonier and Shirley Kimball and her husband, Don, of Williamsburg, Va.
In addition to his parents he was predeceased by two brothers, Carl E. and Dwight Brown, and one sister, Dawnelaine Brown.
Friends will be received from 7 to 9 p.m. today and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday in the BROOKS FUNERAL HOME, INC., 111 E. Green St., Connellsville, where services will be held Friday at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Wayne Plyler officiating. Interment will follow in Green Ridge Memorial Park, Pennsville
Age 12 years, son of Rev. and Mrs. Howard E. Brown of McClellandtown, died in the Uniontown Hospital Sunday, March 1, 1970. In addition to his parents, surviving are a sister, Tracey Elizabeth Brown; his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Terry of Toledo, Ohio; his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Brown, Sr. of Oneonta, N. Y.; and several aunts and uncles.
A seventh grade student at German Twp. Junior High School, he was a member of the Fayette Singing Boys Choir and the Boy Scouts of America Troop No. 659 of McClellandtown.
Friends will be received in the T. Leonard Sangston Funeral Home, McClellandtown Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and Wednesday from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Memorial services will be conducted at 2 p.m. in the McClellandtown Presbyterian Church with Rev. William P. Barker of the Pittsburgh Theologial Seminary and Rev. William H. Strohm, executive of the Redstone Presbytery, officiating. Interment will be in the family plot of Church Hill Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, friends may give to the memorial fund of the McClellandtown Presbyterian Church. Fayette Singing Boys will be received in the funeral home this evening.
The son of a McClellandtown minister was killed shortly before noon
yesterday in a one-car accident at McClellandtown. Twelve-year-old
Craig C. Brown was killed and two other persons injured when their
auto slammed onto the side of a house near German Twp. High School.
The victim was the son of Rev. And Mrs. Howard E. Brown. The Rev.
Mr. Brown is pastor of McClellandtown and Grace Chapel Presbyterian
The youth was a passenger in a car driven by James F. Kilo, 16, of McClellandtown, State Police said. According to police reports, the car went out of control while traveling east at a high rate of speed. Troopers said the car traveled some 40 feet through the air and slammed into the corner of the Louis Vaccarn residence. Kilo was admitted to the Uniontown Hospital with multiple injuries. His condition was fair this morning. Another passenger in the car, Alfred Struble, 15, also of McClellandtown, was thrown clear of the wreckage. He was treated for injuries at the hospital and released, a spokesman said.
The victim was a seventh grade student at German Twp. Junior High School. He was a member of the Fayette Singing Boys choir and a member of Boy Scout Troop 659 of McClellandtown. In additions to his parents, he is survived by a sister, Tracy Elizabeth, at home.
Friends will be received in the Sangston Funeral Home, McClellandtown, after 2 p.m. tomorrow until 1 p.m. Wednesday. Memorial services will be held in the McClellandtown Presbyterian Church with Rev. William P. Barker of the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and Rev. William H. Strohm, executive of the Redstone Presbytery, officiating. Burial will be in the Church Hill Cemetery. In lieu of Flowers, friends may donate to the memorial fund of the McClellandtown Presbyterian Church.
Fayette Singing Boys will be received in the funeral home this evening at 8 o’clock with Boy Scouts Troop 659 received at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow. All social events and activities at the McClellandtown and Grace Chapel United Presbyterian Churches for the week have been canceled except for the Communicants Class, which will be held as usual Saturday morning.
Daisy Lee Elliot BROWN ( -2002)
Daisy Lee Elliot Brown, age 78, of Uniontown, Pa., who was born in Philadelphia, Pa., died Sunday, November 3, 2002, in her home. Surviving are five children: Richard White and Patricia White of Upper Marlboro, Maryland, James "Jumbo" White and wife Patricia, Robert White and Cathy Brown all of Uniontown, Pa., and Marsha "DeDe" Lawson and husband, Sonny, of Donora, Pa; six grandchildren; seven great grandchildren; two sisters: Bertha Hodge and husband Nathaniel and Marjorie Hickenbottom all of Uniontown, Pa.; two sisters-in-law; nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and friends. Friends will be received in the Muriel E. Lantz Funeral Home, 297 East Main Street, Uniontown, Pa., on Tuesday from 5 to 9 p.m. and Wednesday, November 6, (time will be announced).
David BROWN died in 1917. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
David Brown, 43 years old, died Thursday in his home at Mount Washington, Pa.
Deceased was born in Glasgow, Scotland and came to this country in 1880,
settling at Dunbar. He is survived by his widow, three children, his parents,
Mrs and Mrs John Brown of Pittsburgh, and two brothers. Weekly Courier,
Thursday, Oct 25, 1917, page 5
Delores K. Lee Brown, 65, of 169 Maple Hill Apartments, Mount Pleasant, formerly of Scottdale, died Tuesday, June 7, 1994, in Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh. She was born Sept. 16, 1928, in Mount Pleasant, a daughter of the late James and Mary Elizabeth Edmunds Lee. She was a member of the Morning Star Baptist Church, Scottdale, where she served as Sunday School superintendent/teacher, was a member of the Senior Usher Board, and treasurer of the Benevolent Fund. She was a retired Head Start teacher for the Mount Pleasant and Scottdale area. She was also a member of the Scottdale Senior Citizens Organization. Surviving are her husband, William A. Brown, with whom she celebrated their 46 wedding anniversary on October 30, 1993; two sons, Barry L. Brown of Mount Pleasant, and Roger A. Brown of Scottdale; three daughters, Mrs. David (Kathleen) Coles of Mount Pleasant, Lynn Denise Brown-Smith of Mount Pleasant, and Mrs. Frederick (Michelle) Whiteside Jr. of Pittsburgh; 11 grandchildren; one brother, Fred Edward Lee of Pittsburgh; four sisters, Rita Jeanne Wright of Pittsburgh, Mrs. James (Selma Louise) Price of Lompoc, Calif., Virginia Gayle Lee of Mount Pleasant, Beverly Eileen Lee of Everson; and several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by the following brothers: Ellwood, Randall, John Lee, and a brother in infancy; and sisters, Margie, Magdalene Lee, and a sister in infancy.
BROWN— Delores K. Lee Brown of 168 Maple Hill Apartments, Mount Pleasant, formerly of Scottdale, died Tuesday, June 7, 1994. Friends will be received from 7 to 9 p.m. today and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday in the FRANK KAPR FUNERAL HOME INC., 417 W. Pittsburgh St., Scottdale, where a brief prayer service will be held 9:30 a.m. Friday, followed by a service at 10 a.m. in the Morning Star Baptist Church, North Broadway, Scottdale, with her pastor, the Rev. Sylvester Holmes, officiating. Interment will follow in Westmoreland Memorial Park, Greensburg.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–September 16, 1928
Died—–June 7, 1994
BROWN, EDWARD DEAN— Friends are being received in the Andrew D. Ferguson Funeral Home, Morgantown St. today and until Thursday at 1 p.m. the hour of service with Rev. William G. Silbert Jr., officiating. Interment will be in the Mt. Moriah Baptist Cemetery, Smithfield. The John Knox Bible Class of the Third Presbyterian Church will conduct a Memorial Service in the Funeral Home this evening at 7 o’clock.
Edward E. Brown, 53, lifelong resident of Brownsville, died Saturday in Brownsville General Hospital. He leaves his mother, his widow, two brothers and one sister.
Mrs. Effie Steele Brown, 89, died at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in her Uniontown home. Surviving are one son, Frank H. of Uniontown; two daughters, Mrs. Mary B. Coldren and Mrs. Marjorie V. Brown of Uniontown; one sister, Mrs. Grace Miller of Uniontown; three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband, Hendren B. Brown, Sept. 19, 1943 and a daughter, Mrs. Helen Kohrmann, in 1921. The funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. Friday in the Gleason Funeral Home at Uniontown. Internment will be in Park Place Cemetery.
BROWN— June 29, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, wife of Benjamin Brown, in the 66 year of her age.
Elizabeth Catherine BROWN died in 1881. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(47)
BROWN-- At Connellsville, November 27th, 1881, of consumption, Elizabeth Catherine,
wife of George B. Brown, in the 31st year of her age.
(Genius of Liberty, Dec. 8, 1881)
BROWN— Friday, Oct. 21st, Ella, infant daughter of Charles and Lizzie Brown.
Ellen BROWN died in 1931. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette
County USGenWeb Project.(2)
Mrs. Ellen Brown, 38, of Orient, died at 12:30 p.m., Saturday, February 14, 1931,
in the Brownsville General Hospital. Death is said to have resulted from
Funeral details were unavailable.
Elmer M. Brown, 90, of Acme R.D. 2 died Friday in Westmoreland Hospital, Greensburg. He is survived by his wife, Nellie Marie Warrick Mauk Brown; sons, Stanley Brown of Mount Pleasant R.D. 2, J. W. Brown of Lakeland, Fla., and Elmer M. Brown Jr. of White, Pa.; daughters, Mrs. Wayne (Esther) Mowry and Mrs. Harold (Louise) Freed both of Acme; stepdaughters, Dolly Niswonger of Bentleyville, Pa., Hazel Hutchinson, Lavada Patti, and Rhoda Russell all of Sebastian, Fla.; 19 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; a brother, Will Harr Brown of Jones Mills; and sisters, Mrs. Sadie Brown Strawn of White and Mrs. Dorothy Brown Meyers of Scottdale. Friends will be received at the Clyde Brooks Funeral Home Inc., Route 711, Melcroft, Pa., today from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Monday until 11 a.m.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–February 12, 1905
Died—–October 27, 1995
Rev. Francis F. BROWN (1916-1996)
Steubenville, Ohio— The Rev. Francis F. Brown, 80, of Steubenville, who was born in Uniontown and raised in Connellsville, died Saturday, Nov. 9, 1996, in St. Francis Nursing Center, Mars, Pa. The Rev. Brown was editor of The Steubenville Register for 10 years until his retirement in 1986, a priest in the Diocese of Steubenville since its formation and author of several books, including a history of the diocese. He was born June 28, 1916, in Uniontown, Pa., a son of the late Henry and Wilma Tormay Brown. After graduating from Connellsville High School, he attended Washington and Jefferson College, Washington, Pa., before transferring to St. Vincent College in Latrobe, Pa., where he played baseball and basketball. He entered St. Vincent Seminary and was ordained in the Columbus diocese in 1943. He was appointed to St. Joseph Church in Ironton, where he was assistant pastor and instructor and coach at St. Joseph School. He was acting chancellor of the diocese for three years and was a part of the faculty at Catholic Central High School for six years, four of them as principal. He served for a total of 28 years on the diocesan newspaper, The Steubenville Register, while serving at various times as assistant pastor at St. Agnes Church in Mingo Junction, Holy Name Cathedral and St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Steubenville. In 1970, he took a leave of absence and moved to Denver as associate editor of the National Register. In 1971, he was hired by the National Federation of Priests’ Council in Chicago to be public relations director and editor of its monthly newspaper, Priests-USA. He returned to the diocese in 1976 and published “Priests in Council: Initiatives Toward a Democratic Church,” a history of the NFPC’s first decade. In 1978, he was reappointed editor of The Steubenville Register and retired in 1986. He authored a history of the Association of Pittsburgh Priests in 1986. He was preceded in death by his parents and two brothers, P. Tormay and Henry Jr. He is survived by a brother, Charles of Corona del Mar, Calif.; a sister, Rosemary Hart of Naples, Fla.; and 24 nieces and nephews.
BROWN, FRANK O.—Age 73 years of 15 Collins Ave., Uniontown, died at his residence on Wednesday, January 10, 1973. He was born April 4, 1899, in Uniontown, the son of Isaac P. and Sara Franks Brown. He was predeceased by his wife, Jesse O. Brown on September 5, 1972. Surviving are the following children, Frank O. Brown, Jr., Mrs. Joseph (Alverda) Thompson, Mrs. Harry (Dolores) Ryan, and Mrs. John (Audrey) Wandell, all of Uniontown; fifteen grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; a brother, Laishley Brown of Mint Springs, Va. Mr. Brown was a former employee of Household Furniture of Uniontown and had operated Brown’s Market on Connellsville Street for a number of years and was also employed as a Parking Lot attendant for the City of Uniontown. Friends are being received in the Edward E. Minerd Funeral Home, 196 W. Main Street today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and until 11 a.m. on Saturday and from noon until 2:30 p.m. the hour of service, in the Calvary United Methodist Church. Rev. Robert J. Blankenship will officiate, assisted by Rufus Peer, pastor. Interment in Park Place Cemetery under the direction of the Dearth Funeral Home. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made in the Cancer Fund.
George A. Brown, aged 75 years, died at his home, 150 South Mt. Vernon avenue, Thursday evening, April 30, 1925, at 6:10 o’clock following a week’s illness of a complication of diseases. Deceased was the son of the late Abraham and Hannah Colley Brown and was a well known retired farmer of South Union township. He is survived by his wife and the following children: Mrs. Allen Sapper, of Georges township; George, Jr., Caroline and Mrs. William C. Gans of this city. Nine grandchildren together with the following brothers and sisters also survive: Alfred, of Georges township; Levi, of Uniontown, and Mrs. Sallie Walters, of Masontown. Mr. Brown was a member of the Central Christian church and leaves a host of friends who will be grieved to learn of his death. Funeral services will be held at the lat home Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock followed by interment in Oak Grove cemetery.
GEORGE C. BROWN — Age 76, a resident of 514 North Main St., Masontown, died in the Mount Macrina Nursing Home on Saturday, July 6, 1974. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, Masontown. He served as a corporal in World War I, was a member of Company D, 110th Infantry Division, United States Army, during World War I, and served as a lieutenant colonel during World War II in the famed Twenty-Eighth Division of the Air Force. He was a partner in the Brown and Smiley Insurance Agency, Uniontown, and a member of Valley Lodge F&AM. Uniontown Lodge of Perfection, Syria Temple, Pittsburgh, Masontown American Legion and VFW, Fourth and Eighth, Retired Officers' Association, and B.P.O. Elks 370, Uniontown. He was the former registrar of wills in Fayette County, former Fayette County Republican Chairman and former member of the State Republican Committee.
Preceding him in death was his wife, Caroline A. Brown, in 1972. Surviving are one sister Mrs. Eugene (Beautrice) Breamer of Pittsburgh, and several nieces.
Friends will be in the Yoney Funeral Home, Masontown, today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. where funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. with Rev. Dr. Earl P. Confer officiating. Burial will be in Masontown Cemetery. Military rites will be accorded at graveside by Masontown VFW and American Legion. Masons' Valley Lodge 459 F&AM will hold ritualistic services today at 8 p.m.
George C. Brown was one of those likeable individuals who smiled easily and was an interesting conversationalist with his own brand of humor. He was one of those few persons in the area who served in both World War I and World War II and advanced to the rank of lieutenant colonel in World War II. He was a partner in the Brown and Smiley Insurance Agency or Uniontown. For many years, Mr. Brown was an active political leader being chairman of the Fayette county Republican Party at one time. He was a former Fayette County Register of Wills. In these years of Democratic political dominance in Fayette County the only Republican in a county row office is the minority county commissioner. He was Register of Wills from 1932 to 1936. Mr. Brown was active in numerous veteran, civic and fraternal organizations. George enjoyed being with people. Through ailing for the past few years he always managed to throw a smile and tell a story when his close friends were in his company. He will be missed throughout the county.
Funeral services will be held tomorrow for George C. Brown of 514 N. Main St., Masontown, local insurance agent and well known former political leader, who died Saturday in the Macrina Manor Nursing Home here at the age of 76. Friends will be received in the Yoney Funeral Home, Masontown, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Today, and until 2 p.m. tomorrow when funeral services will be held Dr. Earl P. Confer officiating. Burial will be in Masontown Cemetery with military rites at the graveside by Masontown VFW and American Legion Posts. Ritualistic services will be held tonight at 8 o'clock by Valley Lodge 459, F&AM. Mr. Brown was a partner in the Brown and Smiley Insurance Agency of Uniontown. He was a former registrar of wills in Fayette County, a former chairman of the Fayette County Republican Party, and former member of the state Republication Committee. During World War I, he served as a corporal in Company D, 110th Infantry Regiment of the 28th Division. He was also a veteran of World War II, serving as a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force. He was active in civic and fraternal groups, being a member of Valley Lodge 459, F&AM, Uniontown Lodge of Perfection, Syria Temple of Pittsburgh, 40 & 8, Retired Officers' Assn., First Presbyterian Church of Masontown, and BPO Elks 370 of Uniontown. He was preceded in death by his wife, Caroline A. Brown, in 1972. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Eugene (Beatrice) Breamer of Pittsburgh, and several nieces.
George H. Brown, 41 years old, died Sunday afternoon at his home in Uniontown, following a short illness of pneumonia.
Gertrude M. Brown, 84, of Dawson, died Sunday, October 13, 1996, at the Mon Valley Hospital. She was born in Monessen May 5, 1912, a daughter of the late William and Winifred (Hubert) Somers. She was a homemaker and a member of the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church in Dawson. She is survived by a brother, John Somers; three sisters, Florence Matozzi, Marie Hooper and Dorothy Matko; a granddaughter, Susan Scott and her husband Randy of Kansas; two great-grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, William Brown, a brother, William E. Somers; three sisters, Catherine Knoll, Margaret Kibble and Helen Somers and an aunt and uncle, Ferdinand and Gertrude Sieber. Friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today at the JAMES C. STUMP FUNERAL HOME, INC., Sweeney Plan/Rostraver Twp., where a blessing service will be held at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday followed by a funeral mass at 10 a.m. in the St. Anne Roman Catholic Church, Rostraver Twp., with the Rev. Thomas W. Rogers as celebrant. Interment will follow in the West Newton Cemetery. The JAMES C. STUMP FUNERAL HOME is in charge of the arrangements.
Hibbard G. Brown, aged 47 years, died Sunday morning, April 29, 1923, at his home, House 189, Palmer works, following a two weeks’ illness of a complication of diseases. He is survived by his wife, and five children, Lena, Robert, Ray, Howard, and Earl, all at home. Funeral services will be held from the late home Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock with Rev. J. J. Buell officiating. Interment will be in the Masontown cemetery.
Mrs. George S. Brown, one of the best known and most highly respected residents of the city, died at her home, 324 North Gallatin avenue, at 10:15 this morning from a complication of diseases. Mrs. Brown would have been 73 years of age had she lived until March and had been in failing health since Christmas, bedfast for the past three weeks. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Boggs and is survived by her husband, George S. Brown, and the following children: Mrs. Nell Berry of Pittsburgh, J. S. Brown at home, Mrs. W. S. Inks of Uniontown, A. T. Brown of Brownsville, and George C. Brown of Uniontown. In addition there are four grandchildren and one great-grandchild and two sisters, Miss Alice Beggs of Los Angeles and Mrs. N. L. Brown of Canton, O. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 3:30 at the Brown home with the Rev. D.E. Minerd and the Rev. C. R. Miller officiating. Interment will be in Sylvan Heights cemetery.
Irwin BROWN died in 1931. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Irwin Brown aged 55, colored died at his home near Davidson Siding, at 1:15 p.m.,
Sunday, April 5, 1931, following a prolonged illness. He is survived by
his widow, Mrs. Rille Brown.
Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Funeral services for Isaac P. Brown were held from the late residence, 66 Collins avenue, Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Rev. F. C. Viele, pastor of the M. P. church, New Brighton, officiating. Assisting Rev. Viele were Rev. T. W. Colmourer, pastor of the Second M. P. church and Rev. C. D. Beck, pastor of the First M. P. church, Uniontown. Music was by the choir of the Second M. P. church consisting of Misses Hattie and Bells Inks, and Judson Miller and A. E. Hawkins. Mr. Brown was born in Dunbar township January 3, 1857, and in 1892 married Serophiona Franks of near Morgantown. During that year Mr. Brown moved to Uniontown where he engaged in the store business on Connellsville street for a number of years after which he connected with the furniture firm of A. D. Johnston, R. E. Stone and P. P. Long. Mr. Brown was one of the founders of the Second M. P. church, established in 1894 and was a local minister in the Methodist Protestant denomination for many years as well as prominent in the local church. He is survived by Rev. J. J. Brown of Pittsburgh, Charles P. Brown, Olive R. Brown, Wallace T., Frank P., Laishley J. and 14 grandchildren. Honorary pallbearers were: George Leslie, James Myers, George Cope, H. P. Williams, Gibson Golden, W. E. Hutson, W. W. Graham and A. A. McCloy. Active pallbearers were: O. J. Chidester, Howard Rowan, Donald Fell, William Rice and R. M. Patterson. Burial was in Park Place cemetery.
Word has been received here of the death of Isaac Skiles Brown, aged 78, on Tuesday, January 8, 1924, at his home in Pasadena, Cal. News of Mr. Brown’s death became known here with much regret among his many former friends and acquaintances. Deceased, who formerly lived in Shady Lane, moved with his family to Pasadena in 1902, being one of the earliest of the now famous “Fayette County Colony” in northern California. For the past six months Mr. Brown’s health had been failing and his death was not unexpected. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Helen Moore Brown; by one son, Isaac Skiles Brown, Jr., of Pasadena, and by two daughters, Mrs. Roland Newmayer, of Pasadena, and Mrs. Andrew O’Neal of Uniontown.
Mrs. Isabel C. Brown, 21 Union street, wife of the late William E. Brown, died at 12:15 o’clock Thursday afternoon, Nov. 25, 1920. She was aged 77 years. She had been a resident of Uniontown for the last 50 years and was a mother of 11 children, eight of whom are living. Willard Brown, Charles Brown, Wallace E. Brown, Mrs. Joseph Jackson, Mrs. Russell Emery, Mrs. Charles McKinnon, Mrs. Jessie Litman, Mrs. Fred Claybaugh are relatives. Funeral services Saturday, November 27, at 2 o’clock. Interment private.
BROWN— At 12 o’clock P. M., on the 17th last, at the residence of his parents in German township, James Arthur, infant son of Fairie, O. and Jesse Brown, aged two years, 4 months and 21 days.
James Madison BROWN died in 1902. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(56)
Two of New Salem's oldest and most respected citizens died last night, J. M.
Brown and Abraham Moore aged 84 and 80, the latter surviving the former by only
three hours. James Madison Brown was born near Brownsville, Pa, on March 17,
1818 and died August 27, 1902, being 84 years, five months, and ten days old.
In 1840 he was married to Margaret Fogle and to this union there were eleven
children born, of which eight are still living: Jesse P., Jacob, Clark, Miss
Mary and Mrs. Jesse Moore, of Searights, Mrs. John Bennett of Ormond, Mrs. Albert
Riffe of Messmore. Besides his children he is survived by thirty-one grand children
and five great grand-children. "Jimmy", as he was familiarly called,
was of a jovial nature and never was known to be out of humor, always having
a smile and a joke for everyone he met. He had no known enemies. He was a staunch
Republican and an ardent admirer of Garfield and McKinley. He was a farmer and
for a number of years he lived on his farm in German township until about six
years ago he moved to New Salem and he's resided here since. Funeral will take
place on Friday, August 29, at 2:00 o'clock. Service conducted by Rev. C. H.
Plattenburg in the C. P. church. Interment at New Salem.
Newspaper obituary, August 28, 1902.
Janice Pauline Good BROWN ( -1995)
Janice Pauline Good Brown, 77, a volunteer literacy teacher, former Spanish translator and teacher, died of cancer on Sunday, July 9, 1995, at her daughter’s home in Pittsburgh. Before her illness, she was a resident of Anderson, S.C., for nine years. She was a resident of Uniontown, until 1977 when her husband retired as executive vice president of the Uniontown Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Brown was born in Johnstown and graduated from Academy High School in Erie. She received a bachelor’s degree from Wellesley College in 1940, a master’s degree in Spanish literature from Columbia University in 1942, and teaching certification from Mercyhust College. She taught languages in private and public schools in Erie and Uniontown and in New Jersey and New York, and she was a technical translator for General Electric. She also worked for the United Council of Churches in New York and the chamber of commerce in Erie in the late 1950s. She had been a volunteer literacy teacher with the South Carolina Literacy Association for the past six years, a volunteer for Meals on Wheels and a member of Trinity Methodist Church in Anderson, S.C. Her husband of 29 years, Ernest B. Brown, died in 1987. She is survived by two daughters, Linda Brown Sutphen of Pittsburgh and Peggy Jean Brown of Chevy Chase, Md., and four grandchildren. There will be no visitation or viewing. A memorial service will be held in the LAUGHLIN FUNERAL HOME LTD., 222 Washington Rd., Mount Lebanon, Pittsburgh, on Thursday, July 13, 1995, at 11 a.m. Interment will be private. In lieu of flowers … balance of obit is missing
Jean Elizabeth Hamilton BROWN (1920-2002)
Jean Elizabeth Hamilton Brown, age 81, of Uniontown, Pa., and formerly of Roscoe, Pa., died Saturday evening, October 26, 2002, in Laurel Ridge Center, Uniontown. She was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., daughter of John W. Hamilton and Jean Eliott Hamilton, on December 7, 1920. Jean was a member of Calvary United Methodist Church, graduate of California (Pa.) High School, completed one semester with Gallatin National Bank school, was a Veteran of World War II who served with the United States Navy, and attended school for two years while in the Navy. Her husband, Frank O. Brown Jr., died March 27, 1981. Also deceased are a sister, Letita Ann Suman, a daughter- in-law, Patricia Brown, a grandson, Phillip M. Brown, and her parents. Surviving are three sons: Richard C. Brown of Douglas, Georgia, Frank O. "Skeeter" Brown III and wife, Brenda, of Hopwood, Pa., and James D. Brown of Uniontown, Pa.; and one grandson, Robert P. Brown. Friends will be received in the JAMES D. BARNETT FUNERAL HOME, 196 West Main Street, Uniontown, Pa., on Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. She will lie in state Wednesday, October 30, in Calvary Untied Methodist Church from 10:30 to 11 a.m. (No public viewing in the Church). Services will begin at 11 a.m. with Dr. Thomas Whitehead officiating. Interment follows in Sylvan Heights Cemetery, Uniontown. Memorials to Calvary United Methodist Church, 34 Clark Street, Uniontown, PA 15401.
John Brown, colored, died at Brownsville on Sunday from the effects of a gun shot wound at the hands of his son in a quarrel last spring near Finleyville.
Mrs. John BROWN died in 1919. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.
Mrs. John BROWN, colored, 55 years old, died Sunday at her home at Smithfield.
The deceased returned home about four weeks ago from the asylum for the insane
at Dixmont, her condition apparently improved. Funeral services from the
Smithfield colored church Wednesday afternoon. Interment in Hill Grove
cemetery, Connellsville.
Courier Thurs. 11-6-1919
Jordan L. Brown, three years of age, of Collier, Uniontown, Pa., died Wednesday, February 7, 2001 in Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pa. Arrangements are incomplete and will be announced by the Dean C. Whitmarsh Funeral Home of Fairchance, Pa.
Notes from contributor:
Buried–Walnut Hill Cemetery
Joseph Brown, Jr., 46, formerly of Uniontown, died suddenly in Reno, Nev., Hospital Thursday afternoon after a brief illness. A policeman in Reno, he is survived by his mother, Mrs. Jennie Brown, Uniontown; father, Joseph Brown, Pittsburgh; two brothers; John, Uniontown, and Roger, Brownfield, and two sisters, Eva Mayher, and Mrs. Ellen Langley, Uniontown. He is preceded in death by a brother, William A., in 1955, and two sisters, Kathleen, 1951, and Emma, 1925. The body will be returned here early next week for services. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
Pallbearers have been announced for the funeral of Joseph E. Brown, 46, of Reno, Nev., who will be buried here tomorrow. They are Vic Gismondi, Joseph and Paul Blaney, William Cockburn, Harry Fleming and Gilbert Ringer.
BROWN, JOSEPH E.—Aged 46 of Reno, Nevada, died Thursday, January 17, 1957. He was the son of Jennie Brown of Uniontown and Joseph B. Brown, Sr. of Pittsburgh. He was a member of the Baptist. In addition to his parents he is survived by these brothers and sisters; John, Ellen Langley, Eva Mayher, all of Uniontown, Robert of Brownfield. Friends are being received in the home of his mother, 25 Edgemont Drive, where services will be held Thursday at 2 o'clock with Rev. John A. Mueller officiating. Internment will be in Park Place Cemetery, under the direction of the Minerd Funeral Home.
Lawrence E. “Skinny” Brown (Joseph E. Black), 87, of Mount Pleasant and a native of Acme, died Friday in Briar Cliff Pavilion, North Huntingdon Township. He is survived by his wife, Freda Arlene Wilhelm Brown Black; eight sons, Paul Brown of Stahlstown, Fred Brown of Mount Pleasant, Walter Brown of Kecksburg, Pa., Joe Brown of Columbia, Tenn., Ned Brown of Normalville, Pa., James Brown of Pendleton, S.C., Richard Brown of Boise, Idaho, and Lawrence Brown of Scottdale, Pa.; two daughters, Mrs. Alvin (Eleanor) Huffman of Jeannette and Mrs. Dewey (Patty) Little of Kecksburg; a stepson, Nelson Jones of Bolivar; a stepdaughter, Mrs. James (Eleanor) Hostetler of Champion, Pa.; 59 grandchildren; 57 great-grandchildren; nine step-grandchildren; seven step-great-grandchildren; and three sisters, Eva Ruth Barron of Acme, Janet Brown of Mount Pleasant, and Mrs. Harold (Gail) Buchkeit of Scottdale. Friends will be received at the Brooks Funeral Home Inc., 406 East Washington St., Mount Pleasant, today from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Monday until 11 a.m.
Social Security Death Index for JOSEPH E. BLACK:
Born—–May 25, 1907
Died—–September 23, 1994
LetaBelle Brown
LetaBelle Brown, 83, of Normalville, died Monday, June 25, 2012, in the Harmon House, Mt. Pleasant. She was born May 22, 1929, in Springfield Township, a daughter of the late Jacob and Minnie Richter Grimm. Mrs. Brown is survived by her children, Donald E. Brown Jr. and his wife, Betty, of Mt. Pleasant, Janet Channing and her husband, Gerald, Carol Mastowski and her husband, Clarence, Richard Brown and his wife, Deborah, Donna Stillwagon and her husband, Eugene and Denny Brown and his wife, Violet, all of Normalville; 23 grandchildren, Jamie, Donnie, Brian, Tony, Danny, Chris, Jimmy, Debbie, Danny, Kenny, Jennifer, Michele, Michael, Jill, Jeff, Stephanie, Jennifer, Shawn, Amanda, Ashley, Derek, Denny and Tommy; 46 great- grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild; one brother, Russell “Spud” Grimm, of Normalville, and a son-in-law, James Wiltrout, of Indian Head. In addition to her parents she was predeceased by her husband, Donald E. Brown Sr.; and one daughter, Dolores Wiltrout. Friends will be received from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday and from noon to 9 p.m. Thursday in the CLYDE BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., corner of Municipal Building road and Route 711, Melcroft, where services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday with the Rev. Dr. Marvin Watson officiating. Interment will follow in Mt. Tabor Cemetery. To sign the guest registry please visit
Lizzie BROWN died in 1869. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(17)
BROWNIn Menallen township, Fayette county, June 29, 1869, Mrs. Lizzie,
wife of Mr. Benjamin Brown, in the 66th year of her age.
The Genius of Liberty. July 29, 1869.
Word has been received by George C. Brown, 328 North Gallatin avenue of the death of an aunt, Mrs. M. L. Brown, of Canton, O., on Tuesday, February 5, at 9 o’clock in the morning. Mrs. Brown, aged 78, will be remembered by her Uniontown friends as the former Miss Lizzie Beggs, daughter of the late Ellen and Joseph Beggs. She was the widow of Martin Luther Brown, former engineer with the Pennsylvania Railroad at Uniontown and later at Everson, who preceded her in death 23 years ago. The Browns lived for many years in Scottdale moving to Canton, O., 16 years ago. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. H. L. Rice, one son, Henry L. Brown of Canton; three grandchildren, Evelyn Rice, Machell Rice of Canton, Melvin Rice, of Kokomo, Ind.; and two great grandchildren. One son, Luther Brown, passed away 14 years ago. Funeral services will be held Saturday, February 9, at the Union Brethren church, Scottdale, at 1 o’clock. Interment will be in the Scottdale cemetery. The body will lie in state at the Scottdale church from 10 until 1 o’clock Saturday.
Louis BROWN died in 1931. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Louis Brown, 24, colored, a resident of Jefferson township, died Saturday, July
4, 1931, at 4:20 a.m., at Somerset following a prolonged illness. He was
a son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown who together will several brothers and sisters
Funeral services will be conducted at home of the parents Tuesday afternoon at
2 o'clock with burial in Woodlawn cemetery.
Louisa Trenker Brown, 77, of 656 Mercer St., Turtle Creek, died Saturday, March 15, 1997. Friends will be received today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at the JOBE FUNERAL HOME INC., Corner of Shaw and Triboro avenues in Turtle Creek, where funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday. Interment will follow in Penn-Lincoln Cemetery.
Mrs. Lydia Brown of Brownsville met a horrible death on Monday afternoon. She was an old lady, 72 years of age, and for some time has been partially paralyzed. She made her home with Albert Miller. On Monday afternoon all the family were away from the house, the children being at school and Mrs. Miller having gone down time to do some shopping. She left the old lady in bed, apparently asleep. It is supposed that the fire in an open gate became low and Mrs. Brown got up to stir it. Her clothing caught fire in some way and being in such a feeble condition she was unable to help herself or call for assistance. Mrs. Miller arrived home just in time to save the house from being burned down. After her clothes caught fire, Mrs. Brown staggered back to the bed and made an effort to smother the flames with the bed clothing. When Mrs. Miller came she was burned almost to a crisp and lived only a short time. Mrs. Brown was one of the oldest residents of Brownsville.
Margaret Carson BROWN died in 1918. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(5)
Miss Margaret Carson BROWN, died yesterday at the home of her sister, Mrs. T.B.
PALMER in Uniontown, following a several years illness.
Weekly Courier Thurs. 4-25-1918
Word has been received here that Mrs. Marlene C. Brown, 30, of 344 Spring grove Road, Verona, died Aug. 12, while vacationing in Honolulu, Hawaii. She was born at Mount Pleasant, a daughter of Joseph and Frances A. Lesniowski Boscia. In addition to her parents, she is survived by two daughters, Michele and Sandra, both at home; two sisters, Mrs. Janet Metcalf and Miss Mary Boscia, and two brothers, Joseph and Ronald Boscia. Mass was concelebrated by her uncle, the Rev. Frank Lesniowski, Saturday, Aug. 17, at St. Gerard Majello’s Church, followed by interment in Mount Carmel Cemetery.
One woman is dead, two are injured and a fourth person is in the county jail facing a charge of murder as a result of an overturned motor truck accident at 1:30 o’clock yesterday morning on the road between Filbert and Orient. The accident occurred on a sharp turn in the road while the party was returning from a negro Armistice night dance at Brownsville.
MARY BROWN, aged 18, single, Filbert, crushed between the cab of the
overturned car and the road, died instantly.
WILBERT FROMAN, aged 22, of West Place, Uniontown, probable fracture
of the left ankle and lacerations, a patient in Uniontown hospital.
HARRIET WILLIAMS, aged 18, of Pennsylvania avenue, lacerations of both legs and
possible fracture, also a patient in Uniontown hospital.
CORNELIUS VANDERBILT LEE, aged 28, arrested and placed in county jail by
County Detective Bledsoe, facing a charge of murder, bruised.
According to the authorities Lee fled from the scene following the accident. It is further charged that Lee, who was the driver of the car, was proceeding at an unreasonable rate of speed when he failed to negotiate the curve. He was arrested shortly after the accident by State Trooper Hanlon and taken to the county detective’s office where he gave an account of the upset. Lee’s wife, Anna Lee, was shot and killed by William Robinson last summer following an argument at the Lee home in Asken street.
Lee is a driver for the Home Fuel Supply company and according to W. H. Humphreys, owner of the concern, the negro took the truck out of the garage without his consent. Froman, who is Lee’s half-brother, accompanied the local man on the trip to Brownsville. After the dance they Mary Brown and Harriet Williams and the two girls accepted Lee’s invitation to return home in the truck. All four piled into the cab of the truck and were sitting on the front seat when the accident occurred.
Rescuers when they came upon the scene found the body of the Brown girl half out of the truck and wedged between the cab and the cement road. More than a ton of pressure lay weighed on her breast and life had been crushed out of her in the first minute of the the accident. Coroner S. A. Baltz and officials who were called to the scene worked for an hour to remove the body, finally securing the services of an automobile derrick to lift the overturned truck.
There was no signs of intoxication about the party and all of the survivors agreed there had been no drinking. The body of the Brown woman was removed to the morgue of J. Harry Johnston. Upon recommendation of a coroner’s jury yesterday, Lee was ordered held under a manslaughter charge instead of the murder charge already preferred against him by Detective Bledsoe earlier in the day. Lee is still being held in the county jail on the latter charge without bail.
Miss Brown is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown of Jefferson township; four sisters, Ethel, Jeannette, Jessie and Etta, and six brothers, Louis, Eugene, Edward, Henry, Harry, Jr., and Kenneth. Funeral services will be held in the South Brownsville A. M. E. church Monday morning, the time to be announced later, with the Rev. Mr. Florence, officiating. Burial will be in Woodlawn cemetery.
Mary BROWN died in 1927. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(19)
Many friends and relatives of Mrs Mary J. Brown gathered yesterday afternoon
at the home of Mr and Mrs P. H. Beighley, son-in-law and daughter in Cedar
Ave. to attend the funeral of
Mrs. Brown. The service was conducted by Rev. Dr. Bennett W. Hutchinson
, pastor of First Methodist Episcopal Church . A quartet composed of Mrs John
Dubson, Mrs Leland S. Whipkey, Ernest Roiston of Chattanooga, Tenn., and
Charles D. Balley sang " Rock of Ages" with Mrs. R.P. Lundy at the
piano. Mr Rolston, son-in-law of Mrs and Mrs J. L. Kutz sand "
Abide With Me" Theer was a profusion of flowers in the room where
the coffin reposed. Burial will be made in Chestnut Hill cemetery.
Acting as Paulbearers were Charles D. Schett, Charles A. Crowley,
Daniel Stneidtle, Nathan Gilmore, A. E. Kurtz and Seaton Boyd.
Out of town persons attending the funeral were Mrs Emma Keener, Mrs T.
S. Collier, Mrs J. W. Jones, Mrs Ida Tacker, Mr and Mrs A.
E. Wright, I. N. Beirhley, Mrs D. J. King and daughter, Mrs
Holop of Uniontown, Mr and Mrs Preston James and Mrs Rev. Boyd of
Greensburg. Mr and Mrs G. W. Gilmore and daughter, Frances, Mr and
Mrs L T Gilmore and daughter, Mrs Alfred McRoberts, Mra James Reed,
and Mrs Ernest Irwin of Pittsburgh. Miss Zona Scott and A. C. Gilmore of
Daily Courier, Thurs, 9-1-1927, page 6
Mary Ann Zahron BROWN (1917-1994)
Mary Ann Zahron Brown, 77, of Fort Wayne, Ind., died Thursday, June 2, 1994, in Regency Place Extended Care Facility. She was born May 11, 1917, daughter of the late Elias and Mary Frances Zahron of Uniontown. She was also preceded in death by two sisters, Victoria Davidson of Uniontown and Jamal Moussa of Trambourit, Lebanon, and three brothers, James Zahron of Woodfords, Calif., George Zahron and Francis Zahron both of Uniontown. The Uniontown, Pa., native retired in 1972 from General Electric after 20 years of service. She had lived in Fort Wayne since 1947 and was a member of Our Lady of Good Hope Catholic Church. Surviving are her son, Sean P. Brown of Columbus, Ohio; a sister, Rosemary Williams of Weirton, W.Va.; and brothers, Paul Zahron of Dunbar, Pa., Raymond Zahron and Michael Zahron both of Uniontown, Pa. Arrangements were under the direction of D.D. McCOMB AND SONS MAPLE-WOOD PARK FUNERAL HOME, Fort Wayne, Ind. Burial was in Highland Park Cemetery. Memorials are suggested to the American Lung Association or Allen County Association for the Blind, Fort Wayne, Ind.
BROWN, Mary Beth — Age 12 years, 11 months of 3 Wheat Lane, Mountaintop, Pa., died at her home Monday, June 7, 1976. She is the daughter of Ainsworth and Nora Kay Hugh Brown. Also surviving are two brothers, Timothy and Neil at home, her maternal grandmother, Mary Hugh of Smithfield, Pa.: maternal grandparents, Betty and Sanford Brown of Westminister, Md. Private funeral services will be held at the James W. Goldsboro, Fairchance Wednesday at 11 a.m. with Rev. Henry Brown of Morgantown, W. Va. officiating. Interment in Mount Moriah Baptist Cemetery, Smithfield, Pa. The family welcomes friends at the home of Mary Hugh, Smithfield, Pa.
Mary E. BROWN died in 1931. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(2)
Mrs. Mary E. Brown, aged about 67, died at the home of her brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Abbott, 183 East Fayette street, Sunday morning,
October 11, 1931, at 8:15 following a prolonged illness. Mrs. Brown formerly
lived in Wilmington, Del., but for the past three years has been making her home
with the Abbotts here.
In addition to Mrs. Abbott she is survived by one other sister, Mrs. Kathryn
McGough, and four brothers, James, Frank, Lawrence and Joseph Burns, all of Wilmington,
The body will be removed to Wilmington leaving here Tuesday night. Funeral
services will be solemnized there Wednesday. Burial will also be in Wilmington.
Morgan Wilson BROWN (1911-1994)
Morgan Wilson Brown, 83, a native American Indian of the Chickasaw Tribe in Oklahoma and a resident of Grandview Care Center in Roseberg, Ore., and a native of Regan, Okla., died Sunday in the Care Center. He is survived by three children, Mrs. Nadine Brown Lewis of Ardmore, Okla., Emmett Francis Brown of Texas, and Mrs. Susan Carol Brown Nesti and her husband, E. Richard, of Perryopolis R. D. 2; two granddaughters; one great- grandson; a sister-in-law, Mrs. Emma Norton of Long Beach, Calif.; and several cousins residing in Oklahoma. There will be no public visitation. Services and interment will be private in Oregon. Arrangements are under direction of the Smith-Lund-Mills Funeral Chapel, 123 South Seventh St., Cottage Grove, Ore.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–December 14, 1911
Died—–December 04, 1994
Nellie Howser BROWN (1930-2003)
Nellie Brown
Nellie Brown, 73, of Vanderbilt, R.D., died Tuesday night, April 15, 2003, at the home of her daughter, Ellen Pike, in Star Junction. She was born in Layton, Pa., March 28, 1930, daughter of the late Floyd and Martha Johnson Howser. She was a loving wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She was also an avid gardener and loved working in her flower garden. Surviving are her husband, George W. Brown; seven children, Georgia Ann Vinsick and husband, Mike of Star Junction, Nancy Whitacre and husband, Mark of Vanderbilt, R.D., Denise Pirilla and husband, Brian of Belle Vernon, Jeffrey Brown of Tooele, Utah, Ellen Pike and husband, Greg of Star Junction and Barry Brown of Suffolk, Va., and Melissa Brown of Pittsburgh; 17 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and two sisters, Goldie Sullivan and Marie Bruce. Visitation and service will be private. Arrangements in charge of RALPH E. GALLEY FUNERAL HOME, Dawson.
Nellie M.Warrick BROWN (1909-2003)
Nellie M. Brown
Nellie Marie (Warrick) Brown, 94, of Scottdale, passed away Monday, April 28, 2003, in Dottie's Personal Care Home, East Huntingdon Township. Nellie was born on Jan. 27, 1909, in Scottdale, a daughter of the late Charles and Hattie Thomas Warrick. Nellie was a loving mother and grandmother. She was a member of the Scottdale Church of Christ and the Church Sunday School Class. Nellie will be sadly missed by her devoted family: her four daughters, Dolly Niswonger of New Eagle, Hazel Hutchinson, Lavada Patti and Rhoda Russell, all of Florida; 16 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and 17 great- great-grandchildren; her brother, Walter Warrick of Kent, Wash.; and numerous nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Elmer M. Brown; her son, Eugene Mauk Jr. in 1934; a stepdaughter, Retha Wiltrout; her brothers and sisters, Charles Warrick, Richard Warrick, Lucy Foster, Betty Sutty, Florence Guptill, Ella Mae Anderson, Mary Martha Ghrist and Margaret Brown. At the request of the deceased, there will be no viewing or visitation. A graveside committal service and inurnment will be held on Friday, May 2 at 2 p.m., in the Scottdale Cemetery with Pastor Bob Chambers officiating. Arrangements were personalized by the ROBERT B. FERGUSON FUNERAL HOME, 105 Spring Street, Scottdale (1- 800-CREMATION/ Love Lasts Forever?ª
Pauline Wilkins BROWN (1895-1990)
Pauline Wilkins Brown of 301 Lincoln Ave., Mount Pleasant, died Monday at Frick Hospital and Community Center, Mount Pleasant. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the Frank R. Zimmerman Funeral Home, 627 Smithfield St., Mount Pleasant.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–July 6, 1895
Died—–May 26, 1990
Page Brown, one of the oldest colored residents of Fayette county, and who was a slave during his younger days, died yesterday morning at 6:30 o’clock at his home in Fairchance of gangrenous poisoning resulting from sclerosis of the arteries. He leaves his wife, four sons and one daughter. Mr. Brown was a resident of Fairchance for 28 years and was well thought of by all residents of that community. He was a devout member of the Mt. Calvary Baptist church at Fairchance and at the time of his death was a member of the board of trustees. Funeral services will be conducted Friday afternoon, beginning at 2 o’clock, at the Mt. Calvary Baptist church with Rev. Mr. Payne and Rev. Mr. Moon officiating. Burial will be in White Rock cemetery.
Paul Scott Brown, 48, of Stahlstown, R.D. 1, died Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1996, in Westmoreland Hospital, Greensburg, due to injuries sustained in an auto accident. He was born July 26, 1948, in Mount Pleasant, a son of N. Paul and Lois J. Kalp Brown of Stahlstown, R.D. 1. He was a graduate of Mount Pleasant High School in the Class of 1967. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army, having served in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. He worked as a custodian at Mountain View Elementary School in Latrobe Area School District. He was a very active member of the Kregar Community Church, where he was the assistant Sunday school superintendent, and also taught Sunday school. In addition to his parents, he is survived by his wife of 18 years, Jackie S. Hoffer Brown; a son, Joshua, and a daughter, Lacy, both at home; a brother, Ray Z. Brown and his wife, Linda, of Mount Pleasant, R.D. 4; a sister, Sharon Brown of Pittsburgh; his maternal grandparents, Harr and Bernetha Kinneer Kalp Coffman of Champion; and his paternal grandmother, Mildred Stahl Brown of Connellsville. He was predeceased by a maternal grandfather, Boyd Kalp, and a paternal grandfather, Lawrence Brown. Friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday in the CLYDE BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., Route 711, Melcroft. A funeral service will be held Sunday at 1:30 p.m. in the Kregar Community Church in Kregar, Donegal Township, Westmoreland County, with Pastor William Simanovich officiating. Interment will follow in Brown Cemetery, Saltlick Township, Fayette County.
Pearl Marie Fazenbaker BROWN (1933-2004)
Pearl Marie (Fazenbaker) Brown, 71, of Grange Road, McClellandtown, Pa., passed away Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2004, at her home. She was born at Uniontown, Pa., on June 16, 1933, a daughter of the now late Emery and Mable (Porterfield) Fazenbaker. She is survived by her husband, Robert Brown; two daughters, Sharon Van Sickle of McClellandtown and Terri Stott and husband, Dan of McClellandtown, Pa.; three stepsons, Bruce of Masontown, and Scott and Barry, both of McClellandtown; two granddaughters, Sandy Long and Kathy Workman; four great-grandchildren; two brothers, Gene and Eddie Fazenbaker, both of McClellandtown; four sisters, Pauline Minerd of Masontown, Linda Stillwagon of McClellandtown, Diane Bittinger of Continental III, and Gwendolyn Martin of Indian Head, Pa.; and several nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by an infant daughter, Sandy Fazenbaker; three brothers, Walter, Sonny and Buddy; and one sister, Edie Martin. The family will receive friends in the JOHN F. BROWNFIELD FUNERAL HOME OF SMITHFIELD, PA., on Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., and on Friday, Oct. 1, 2004, at 11 a.m., when services will be conducted with The Rev. Scott Teets, Pastor of Fallen Timbers Community Chapel, officiating. Interment will follow in Mt. Moriah Baptist Cemetery, Smithfield, Pa.
BROWN, PRESTON C (BLACKIE)--The family will receive friends in the Edward F. Minerd Funeral Home, 196 W. Main St., today from 3 to 9 p.m. and Friday until 11 a.m., the hour of service, with Dr. Earl P. Confer officiating. Interment in Bethel Cemetery, Farmington, Pa.
The Morning Herald--The Evening Standard, Uniontown, PA, Thursday, January 12, 1978, page 30, column 3
Contributed by Ruth Sprowls <ruthsprowls at>
Roy Brown, 61, of Charleroi, Pa., died Oct. 4, 1994, at home. He was born April 5, 1933, in Perry Township, son of the late Leroy and Jennie Jobes Brown. He lived in Charleroi 30 years prior to that and 12 years in Star Junction. He was a carpenter and retired in 1992 from U.S. Steel Clairton Works, after 42 years. He was in the Navy and Air Force and was a Korean and Vietnam veteran. He was a member of the Charleroi Baptist Church and the Italianetta Club. Surviving are his wife, Sally Lou Gabbey; one son, Perry Michael in Monessen; two daughters, Deeann Lynn Fafalios, North Charleroi and Melinda Ann Brown, Forest Hills, Pa.; two brothers, George of Ruffsdale and Ellis of Cleveland, Ohio; a sister, Evelyn Dohanich of Star Junction; and two grandchildren. The family suggest contributions be made to Charleroi Baptist Church. A memorial service will be held Thursday at 7 p.m., at the church. Rev. Leon Cook will be officiating. Interment will be in House Cemetery.
BROWN, ROY J.— Age 94 years, former resident of Uniontown, died Tuesday, May 1, 1973 at 6:15 p.m., in the Sundale Nursing Home, Morgantown, W. Va., where he had resided since July, 1972. He was born March 9, 1879 in Rubles Mill, Pa., the son of the late George W. and Mary Catherine Rotharmal Brown. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Ada Dils Brown in 1968; a son, Arjay L. Brown in 1961, the following brothers and sisters, Mrs. Joan Hanley, Ora S. Brown, Mrs. Minnie Morton, Attorney E. D. Brown and Mrs. Anna Conn. Mr. Brown was a life member of the Great Bethel Baptist Church and the Woodside Grange at Old Frame, Pa. He was a former school teacher, coal operator, farmer and retired as a real estate salesman in 1964. He is survived by two sons, Clifford W. Brown, Morgantown, W. Va., and Allen D. Brown, Masontown; five grandchildren; one great-grandchild. The family will receive friends in the Andrew D. Ferguson Funeral Home, 80 Morgantown St., today from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. and on Friday, May 4 until 2 p.m. the hour of service with Dr. Otto H. Zaiser, his pastor, officiating. Interment in Oak Lawn Cemetery. Woodside Grange will hold services in the funeral home this evening at 8.
Rev. Samuel R. BROWN (1876-1937)
Rev. Samuel R. Brown, pastor of Graysville Presbyterian church at Pennsylvania Furnace, Center county, died at 5:45 o’clock Saturday afternoon, April 10, 1937, in the University of Pennsylvania hospital, Philadelphia, following several months illness of complications. A native of Franklin township, Fayette county, Rev. Brown was born December 6, 1876, a son of the late Richard Hill and Louisiana Brown. Surviving are: his widow, May Bonker Brown; two children, Robert Brown of Irwin; Miss Ethel Brown, at home; two grandchildren, and four sisters: Mrs. John Fleming and Miss Jessie Brown, of Waltersburg; Mrs. Ivan Golloway, of Elizabeth and Mrs. James Guthrie, of Ingram. Funeral services will be solemnized at 9 o’clock Tuesday morning in the Graysville church after which the body will be brought to the Pleasant View cemetery, at Chestnut Ridge. Brief services will be conducted there at 2:30 by Rev. J. Byers Brice.
BROWN— March 10th, at the residence of Noah Brown, Mrs. SARAH BROWN, in the 62nd year of her age.
The deceased was for some years preceding her death, afflicted with cancer, and during the last two or three months of her illness suffered severely. One month before her death she expressed a desire to unite with the Church of Christ, and was accordingly, by a public profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, received into fellowship, with the Evangelical Lutheran Church. As her bodily strength became weaker, her faith grew stronger, and her hope brighter. So when the Master called for her, she departed in the triumph of the Christian faith. H. A.
At her home on Hyndman street, South Connellsville, Friday morning. Sarah Ann, the beloved wife of Leslie Brown, a merchant of this place, died, aged 52 years, four months and two days. Mrs. Brown has been in poor health for more than a year and during the past five months has been unable to leave her bed. Her suffering during her entire illness has been intense, although the best medical aid was at all times procured. Nothing could stay the dread disease until death ended her sufferings. She bore her agonies with patience and Christian fortitude and died in the blessed hope of a happy resurrection. She is survived by her husband, to whom she was married not quite two years, a brother, Brice Miller, Connellsville, and the following sisters Mrs. William Welling, New Martinsville, W Va.; Mrs. Cornelius Burket, Scullton, Pa; Mrs. Lucinda Welling of Michigan, and Mrs. Elizabeth Daily of Kanawha, W Va. She leaves no children to mourn her loss, but a host of friends, relatives and acquaintances who will not soon forget her many acts of kindness. She was a member of the South Connellsville Evangelical Church, having been admitted to membership during her illness. Her whole life could be summed up in the single sentence, “She was a good woman and a kind friend.” Interment in Chestnut Hill Cemetery. Sunday, June 3, at 10:30 A M conducted by Rev. W. E. Bassett.
Thomas E. BROWN died in 1938. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Thomas E. Brown, aged 50, died in the County Home, Tuesday evening, January 11,
1938, after a residence there of one and one-half years.
Born in Maryland, deceased for a number of years resided in Adah. Fayette county.
During the World war he served with Company A 118th Engineers. There are no known
Funeral services, which are not yet completed, will be in charge of the Thomas
J. Prendergast Post, American Legion.
Vincent J. Brown, 79, of Stonehenge Lane, South Bend, Ind., died Nov. 3, 1994, in St. Joseph Hospital, Mishawaka, Ind. He was born Dec. 3, 1914, in Scottdale, and had lived in South Bend for 15 years. He retired from the U.S. Postal Service, Philadelphia, in 1971. He was a veteran of World War II, and was a member of the Disabled American Veterans. He was also a 4th degree member of the Knights of Columbus Ava Maria Council 5521. He was a member of St. Jude’s Catholic Church. Surviving are his wife, Rose Schillinger Brown, whom he married on Oct. 18, 1945; three sons, Richard Brown of Granger, Ind., James Brown of Pasadena, Calif., and Bill Brown of Colorado Springs, Colo.; six grandchildren; and two sisters, Anna Mary McShane of Scottdale and Marjorie Lohr of Newport News, Va.
Walter E. BROWN died in 1898. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
The Day's Doings Along the Youghiogheny.
Connellsville, March 19, 1900 - The remains of Walter E. Brown, the dead soldier,
were consigned to their last resting place at the Liberty cemetery Sunday afternoon,
amid the presence of hundreds of mourning relatives and friends. The casket
had been taken to the home of the deceased father, A. C. Brown, at Vanderbilt
Saturday afternoon, where a guard of Co. D. soldiers watched it until the funeral.
A large flag draped the porch of the dead hero's home. About 500
people from Connellsville, including Co. D. 10th regiment, Co. M. 17th regiment,
and the Connellsville Military band, went to Dawson on the 1:25 B. & O.
train. At Dawson the Vanderbilt lodge of the Jr. O.U.A.M., of which the
deceased was a member, and the lodges from Dawson and Perryopolis and the Dawson
band met the Connellsville contingent and the procession moved to Vanderbilt.
The remains were taken from the residence to the U. P. church, where the
services were conducted by Rev. A. Rodkey. After the services the procession
moved to the Liberty cemetery. The soldiers and friends hats were removed
as the casket was lowered into the ground. The firing squad shot three
rounds and the bugler sounded taps, thus ending the last funeral rites of the
first American soldier to fall in the Philippines. Walter E. Brown was
corporal of Co. D, and met his death in the battle of Malate, July 31st, 1898.
He was the only surviving son of A. C. Brown by his first wife and was
admired and respected by all who knew him.
Whitaker Brown, 48, colored, died in his home near Dunbar, Monday, October 20, 1930, of a complication of diseases. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Sally Brown, and his widow, of near Dunbar, and two brothers and two sisters, in Alabama. Funeral services will be held at the late home at 2:30 p.m., Wednesday, with Rev. Epps, of Connellsville, officiating. Burial will be in Mt. Auburn cemetery, Dunbar.
William BROWN died in 1857. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
On the 8th inst., in Connellsville, of Scarlet Fever, in the 4th year of his
age, William, son of J. K. and Eliza Brown.
The Genius of Liberty., Uniontown, January 22, 1857
BROWN— At his residence in Franklin tp., Fayette Co., Pa., on 10th day of February, ’65, WILLIAM BROWN, aged about 62 years.
William G. Brown, 72, of Greensboro R.D. 1, Pa., died at 8:32 a.m. Sunday, April 28, 1996, in Ruby Memorial Hospital, Morgantown, W. Va. He was born March 29, 1924, at Mable Hill, Dilliner, Pa., son of the late Harry and Geneva David Brown. He was a former coal miner, retired as a foreman from Dravo Corporation in construction, served in Europe during World War II in the U.S. Army, former member of Church of God in Poland Mines, Pa., member Local 1058 Construction Laborers in Pittsburgh, Pa., and Greensboro VFW Post 6303. He is survived by his wife whom he married Nov. 17, 1942, Nancy E. Perry Brown, a son, George W. Brown and his wife, Linda, of Uniontown, Pa., three granddaughters, Tammy Campbell of Westover, W. Va., Sherry Minnick and Debra Brown, both of Greensboro, two step-sons, Charles Hixon of Fairbanks, Alaska, and Todd Hixon of Uniontown, seven great-grandchildren, brothers and sisters, Harry Brown of Dilliner, Kenneth Brown and Thelma Adams, both of Greensboro. The family will receive friends in the PUAL MICHAEL LESAKO FUNERAL HOME INC., 204 Dowlin Ave., Carmichaels, Pa., today from 7 to 9 p.m., Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., and Wednesday, May 1, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., the hour of service, with the Rev. Russell Hixson officiating. Interment will following in Wolfe Cemetery, Dilliner, Pa.
William W. BROWN, Jr. (1921-1995)
William W. Brown, Jr. 73, of Mount Pleasant died Saturday, March 4, 1995, at Integrated Health Systems of Pittsburgh, Mountainview. He was born Oct. 31, 1921, in Connellsville, a son of the late William W. and Anna Guard Brown. He was a graduate of Connellsville High School and was a retired foreman for Westinghouse Electric at the East Pittsburgh plant. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy, serving during World War II, and he formerly attended the Calvary Baptist Church, Uniontown. He is survived by his wife, Reta Oster Brown; four sons, Thomas Lee and William W. Brown III, both of Scottdale, the Rev. Kevin Hugh Brown of Harrisburg and Timothy Dale Brown of Mount Pleasant; two daughters, Carol Sue Brown of Connellsville and Mrs. Ronald (Lori Ann) Randall of Scottdale; seven grandchildren; one great-grandchild; and a brother, Gerald “Jack” Brown of Normalville. In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by a sister, Eleanor Elizabeth Brown. Friends will be received at the BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., 406 E. Washington St., Mount Pleasant, until 9 p.m. today. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday in the funeral home with the Rev. Kevin Brown, his son, officiating. Interment will follow in Mount Joy Cemetery, Mount Pleasant.
Ada Clark BROWNFIELD died in 1921. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette
County USGenWeb Project.(2)
Mrs. B. B. Brownfield Called by Death
Mrs. Ada Clark Brownfield, wife of Basil B. Brownfield, and one of the city's
most prominent and respected women, died Tuesday evening, May 10, 1921, at 7:30
o'clock at her home, 352 Morgantown street, of diabetes, following a lingering
illness. Mrs. Brownfield had been failing in health for several years.
She, in company with Mr. Brownfield, spent a year in the west and southwest
and when she returned she appeared improved. She suffered a relapse sometime
ago and grew gradually weaker until the end came.
She was the daughter of John Clark and Hannah Farr Clark and was born June 3,
1869, in South Union township, where she resided until the time of her marriage
26 years ago last month. She had been a staunch member of the Asbury M.
E. church and affiliated prominently with the Victory class and other auxiliaries
of the church to which she gave considerable time and material assistance. She
was also a member of the Great Meadows Chapter of the Daughters of the American
Revolution. Tireless in her work in the community she had been sadly missed
where she was accustomed to serve and her death comes as a distinct shock to
her many friends in this community.
Mrs. Brownfield was the mother of two children, Ruth and William, both of whom
died while at tender years. Two brothers, Moses H. Clark and John Clark,
preceded her in death. She is survived by her husband and the following
sisters and brother: Mrs. D. E. Bosley, Uniontown; Mrs. Luke Shaw, McClellandtown;
Mrs. George Bosley, Menallen township, and Thomas Clark, South Union township.
Funeral services will be held from her late home on Morgantown street, Friday
afternoon at 3 o'clock with interment in Oak Grove cemetery.
(newspaper dated May 11, 1921)
Agnes Leona BROWNFIELD ( -1949)
BROWNFIELD, AGNES LEONA, aged 41, died in her home, Rosedale road, Friday morning, January 14, 1949. She was a former elementary teacher of Georges Township school. Surviving are her husband, Robert Brownfield; four step-children, Ethel, Robert C., and Betty Brownfield of Fairchance; Alcesta Brownfield of Smithfield; her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Blackford of Chadville. Friends will be received in the home of her grandparents after 3 o'clock this afternoon where services will be conducted Monday, January 17, at 2:30 p. m., with Rev. David Hunter officiating. Interment will be in Oak Lawn cemetery, under the direction of the J. W. Goldsboro Funeral Home, Fairchance.
At his residence in George Tp., Fayette Co., Pa., on
the 5th day of March, 1863, ALEX BROWNFIELD, Esq., in the 67th
year of his age. He was for many years a member of the M. E.
Church and always generously and liberally contributed toward
sustaining every interest of the church of his choice, but best
of all, he died bearing a very comfortable testimony that he
had “set his house in order,” and that he has exchanged the
suffering of uncertainties of his life for the glorious
realities and an eternal life with God in Heaven. As a husband
and father, he was kind, affectionate and loving. As a friend
and neighbor he was generous and accommodating almost to a
fault – no one ever asked a favor of him without its being
freely and cordially granted if it was in his power to do so.
Although we do not claim for our departed friend exemption from
the errors and imperfections of our common nature, we do claim
for him the very highest position as an honest, honorable and
upright man, ever kind, affable and gentleman! In his
deportment, he endeared himself to all with whom he had
intercourse. His death will be deeply lamented by all who knew
him, and those who knew him best will cherish his memory most.
H. B. M.
Alexander BROWNFIELD died in 1854. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(17)
On Friday March 10th at the residence of his Father, Alexander Brownfield, aged
twenty one years. another warning to those in the prime of life. His end was
Genius of Liberty. Uniontown, Pa., Mar. 16, 1854.
Alexander B. BROWNFIELD (1840-1922)
Alexander B. Brownfield, aged 81 years, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Boyer, at Fairchance, at 1:40 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, June 27, 1922. Mr. Brownfield had been ill for about six weeks, up to which time he had enjoyed unusual health. He declined rapidly, however, and death came yesterday afternoon. Death was due to complications developing incident to his advanced age. Mr. Brownfield was one of seven brothers, six of whom, including the deceased, served throughout the Civil War. He is the last of the brothers to pass away. He suffered wounds in the war, one especially in his foot causing him considerable inconvenience in later years. He was a member of one of the pioneer families of Fayette county and resided her during his entire life time. He was widely known and was regarded as one of the county’s most substantial citizens. He was a member of the Will F. Stewart Post, G. A. R., this city, and always took an active interest in the work of his post and in the activities of his comrades. That they were ever in his mind was shown by the fact that he called to his “Comrades” just before passing in review before the Great Ruler. Mr. Brownfield was born on December 25, 1840. His wife, Martha J., preceded him in death five years ago. Six children were born to their union, three of whom survive. They are Mrs. Hannah M. Sheets and Mrs. Sarah J. Boyer, of Fairchance, and Mrs. Henry M. Wilson, of Cheat Haven. Ashabel D. Brownfield, Mrs. Marietta Jones and Mrs. Ellen Edmunds preceded him in death, Mrs. Edmunds dying last September. Mr. Brownfield was an active member of the Presbyterian church of Fairchance and ever found great joy in his church affiliations. It was one of his requests that there be no flowers at his funeral and this request will be complied with in the arrangements for the funeral. Funeral services will be held at the home at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon.
Alfred BROWNFIELD died in 1926. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(3)
MH- MAY 8,1926
Alfred Brownfield, aged 82 years, died at the Uniontown Hospital at 10:15 a.m.,
Friday morning, May 7,1926, after an illness of about one month and following
a hernia operation preformed a week ago. He apparently had rallied nicely from
the operation but on Thursday suffered a relapse and gradually sank away until
death intervened late yesterday morning. Mr.Brownfield was a member of one of
the pioneering families in Fayette County. Born in South Union Township on March
8,1844, he spent practically his entire lifetime in that township.
He moved to the home of his son John C. Brownfield, on the Connellsville Road,
about five years ago, and since that time with Mrs. Brownfield had made their
home with their son.
Mr. Brownfield passed a life of rugged activity. Until taken ill about a month
ago, he was active. During the winter he hauled over 400 bushels of coal to the
Brownfield home and last summer he operated quite an extensive gardening enterprise.
Until less than a month ago he was a regular attendant at church services for
the First M.P. Church, of which he had been an active member for 45 years.
Mr. Brownfield is survived by his widow(Sarah Chipps Brownfield), four sons and
two daughters. The death of Mr. Brownfield breaks a happy family union of 64
years., Mr. & Mrs. Brownfield having been married in 1862. Their golden wedding
anniversary, celebrated 14 years ago at their South Union home, was the occassion
for a monster gathering of family friends and relatives from all sections of
the county.
Mrs. Brownfield, although 81 years old, is bearing up well under the shock of
her husbands death, despite the fact she has been in ailing health for the past
several months. Surviving are John C. Brownfield, of Connellsville Road; Thomas
Brownfield of McClellandtown Road; Charles Brownfield of Morgantown Road, Frank
Brownfield of Uniontown; Mrs. Mary Crayton and Mrs. Jennie Springer of Uniontown.
Two children died while young. Two sisters also survive, Mr. Brownfield being
the last of six sons. The sisters are Mrs. Ruth Ann Martin and Louise Slain,
both of Philadelphia. In addition there are 28 surviving grandchildren and four
Funeral services will be held at the John Brownfield home on the Connellsville
Road at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday afternoon with the Rev.E.A. Hodil officiating. Burial
will follow in Oak Grove Cemetery Uniontown. Pall bearers will be six grandsons,
selected by Mr. Brownfield a few days before his death. The are Alfred E. Crayron,
of New York where he is studing for the ministry; John Crayton, Ned Crayton,Harry
brownfield, Alfred Brownfield and Herbert Brownfield.
The blood around my heart is cold!
But Thou, O Christ, my soul shalt warm,
With life of more than mortal mould.
Genius of Liberty Jan. 24, 1878
Carl B. BROWNFIELD, Sr. (1912-1992)
BROWNFIELD, CARL B. SR.— Age 79 years of Uniontown, Pa., died Wednesday, March 11, 1992 in Uniontown. He was born December 23, 1912, in Uniontown, son of the late Lee D. and Effie Mae Brownfield. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his first wife Bridget Kollar Brownfield in 1967; two sisters, Mrs. Clare Rheinhard and Mrs. Ann Wilson; a brother, Wilbur Brownfield. He was a member of St. John's R. C. Church, Uniontown; a WWII veteran; member of VFW Post 47; a retired employee of the Parks Transfer Company; member of the Teamsters, and former city parking lot employee. Surviving are his wife Ann M. Yurick Brownfield; three children, Mrs. Larry (Betty) Sieff of Pittsburgh, Pa., Mrs. Vince (Ann) D'Antonio of Brownsville and Carl B. Brownfield, Jr. of Masontown; four grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; four sisters, Mrs. Phillip (Kate) Berndt of Macedonia, Ohio; Mrs. Paul (Dorothy) Douglas and Mrs. Robert (Janet) Reckard, both of Uniontown, Mrs. William (Beatrice) Mager of Phoenix, Arizona. Friends will be receives in the Haky Funeral Home, 139 West Fayette Street, Uniontown, today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., and Saturday until 9 a.m. when a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated in St. Johns R. C. Church with Rev. Fr. George Alderson as celebrant. Interment will follow in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Uniontown. Wake service today at 3:30.
Catharine BROWNFIELD died in 1813. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(17)
DIEDOn Monday evening last, in Union township, Catharine Brownfield, wife
of Isaac Brownfield.
The Genius of Liberty. Uniontown, Pa. Jul. 8, 1813.
It will have been two years on Feb 28, 1981 since Elizabeth "Libby" Brownfield and her sister Margaret, of 9 Crest Street, Uniontown, were injured when struck by a second bus as they were preparing to board their scheduled bus for a pleasant day of shopping in Jerusalem. They had just left the scriptural site of The Upper Roo when the accident happened. It was too many long weeks before either of them would again put their feet on "home soil". The ladies, whose lives have been intertwined both in their professional lives as teachers in the Laurel Highlands School District, at the Kennedy Elementary School, and in their home life, were admitted to different hospitals, Libby had a fractured and crushed leg, Margaret with lesser injuries.
Elizabeth Rae Brownfield, 98, Camden, Arkansas, passed away Thursday, December 16, 2010 in Silver Oaks Health and Rehabilitation Facility. She was a former resident of Uniontown, Pennsylvania where she was a teacher until she retired, member of Christ United Methodist Church and was active in The Daughters of the American Revolution (D. A. R.). Elizabeth was preceded in death by her parents, John and Elizabeth Brownfield; her brother, John Brownfield; and sisters, Margaret Brownfield, Winifred Brownfield, Mary Stewart and Clarissa Smith. She is survived by her sister, Grace Welch of Dallas, Texas; her nieces: Donna Opelt and husband Michael of Camden with whom she resided; Beth Braucksieck and husband Phillip of Bowling Green, Ohio, Mary Ann Fisher and husband Stephen of Dallas, Texas, Susan Barnard and husband Tom of Raleigh, North Carolina; her nephew, Tom Brownfield and wife, Margaret of Houston, Texas; and many great nieces and great nephews. Funeral Services will be held at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, December 21, 2010 in the PROCTOR FUNERAL HOME, 442 Jefferson Street S.W., Camden, AR 71711 (870.836.2108). Burial will follow in Memorial Park Cemetery.
Fred F. BROWNFIELD died in 1906. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(3)
Fred Brownfield Caught By a Plank and Crushed to Death
Fred F. Brownfield was the son of Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Brownfield, was killed
near Edenborn at Puritan Coke Works, Friday afternoon at 3:25 p.m.. He was a
brakeman on the Monongahela Railroad.
Young Brownfield was struck by a plank and knocked off the car, falling
between the train and the coke yard wall where he was rolled and squeezed by
the train and his life crushed out of him against the stone wall.
The body was taken to Brownsville and then brought to Uniontown where it
was taken to the Brownfield home at Chadville, from which place the
funeral was held. Rev. P.T. Conway of FAirchance and Rev. A.E. Fletcher of Knoxville
near Pittsburgh, conducted the services at 2 o'clock Sunday Afternoon. Internment
in Oak grove Cemetery, Uniotown.
Late Fred Brownfield Had Asked Her To Open Letter
The late Fred Brownfield spent a year or so in Kansas. After he returned
to this county he told his mother that if a letter came to him at Uniontown
from Kansas for her to open it as it would interest her.On June 4th a letter
arrived in Uniontown, addressed to Mr. Brownfield, and mailed at Huron,Kansas
June 1,1906. His mother did not open it but forwarded it to her son at West Brownsville,
from which place it was sent to gray's Landing, where he received it after his
death, which occurred in an accident on the Monongahela Railroad on August 31,
this letter was found among his belongings..
It was a letter stating that Mr. Brownfield was a member in good
standing with the First BAptist Church of Huron ,Kansas, and idsmissing him at
his own request to unite with any other church of the same faith and order.
It was signed by Myrtle Coe, church clerk, Rev. Robert Cook, pastor.
Mrs. Brownfield did not knopw he had united with the church until after
his funeral, and the deceased had no doubt intended her to open the letter
and read it as a pleasant surprise.
Letter Found in Fred Brownsfield' s After Death
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Brownfield parents of Fred brownfield, the young man killed
last week at the Puritan Coke Works, and whose funeral at Chadville, Sunday was
to largely attended, were much gratified to find on his person a letter of dismissal
from the First BAptist Church of Huron,Kansas. It was dated MAy 29th, 1906
It seems that when in the west last spring deceased had joined this church. He
did not say anything about it on his return home, furtherthan to tell his
mother he was expecting a letter that he thought would give her a great deal
of satisfaction,and when it would come she should open it and read it, as he
would be away on railroad service.
he letter did come but mrs. Brownfield instead of opening it sent it to her son
at Gray's Landing. It was found in his pocket after his death. it certified to
his good standing in the Huron church, and dismissed him in cordial words
to any other church with which he wished to unite. It was his purpose to
join the Baptist Church in Uniontown. Itis signed by the passtor Rev. Robert
Cook and Myrtle Coe , the church clerk. This letter was a great consolation to
his parents.
Mr. & Mrs. brownfield are most grateful to the many friends that were so
good to them during this time of their sad affliction.
Newpaper image is poor quality. Parts are unreadable. Transcription may not be exact.
BROWNFIELD— March 22, 1870, in Allegheny City, Pa, Hattie Brownfield.
Another friend has left us in the changing journey of life, left us in the bloom of youth, when the future, with all its hopes and joys stretched radiantly beyond, just as spring was unfolding her rich treasure of land and. . . , she was taken to the land whose brightening and beauty are never shadowed by wintery storms, from home, yet among friends. Hattie’s life was ended. Sorrowing hearts stood around her bedside, and strove by every care to lessen her anguish; but neither medical skill nor prayers, nor tears, availed to slacken the speed of the destroyer. After three days of severe sickness all hope was over, and in the arms of a beloved brother, she gently fell asleep to awaken only in Eternity.
The pleasant smile and voice that met us with cheerful welcome shall linger in our hearts, and reach around the many familiar places in the old homestead. Not soon will be forgotten the loved one, endeared to many hearts by deeds of love and kindness. Across the dark river of death, safe from all sorrow and pain, she waits to welcome as to a home where partings and tears, can never come. From the shortness of life let us learn lessons of faith and love, trusting that when the messenger shall touch with ley finger our speaking lips we shall be ready.
Funeral services of James Brownfield will be held in the home at Haydentown this afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. The interment will be in Jennings cemetery. Mr. Brownfield, one of the best known residents of this county, died at 10 o’clock Wednesday morning. He was 82 years old. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Harriet Brownfield, five sons, Ashe, at home; Lee, John and Thomas Brownfield, of Haydentown; Russell Brownfield, of Palmer; two daughters, Mrs. Mary Fisher and Mrs. Hattie Fry, both of Ronco; twenty grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
Dr. James Hustead BROWNFIELD ( -1921)
The funeral of Dr. James Hustead Brownfield, 85 years old, who died Wednesday at his home at Fairmont, W. Va., where he practiced medicine, was held this afternoon. Dr. Brownfield was a son of the late Judge John Brownfield, who served as associate judge, of Fayette county with Judge Samuel A. Gilmore, was born at Smithfield in 1836 and was a namesake as well as a contemporary of his uncle, the late Captain James M. Hustead. Both served with distinction throughout the Civil War, but at its close the nephew went to West Virginia to locate while Captain Hustead returned to Fayette county. Dr. Brownfield is survived by three sons: Matt Brownfield, Dr. Hustead Brownfield and Arch F. Brownfield, Fairmont, and two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Dunn of Fairchance and Miss Mary Brownfield of Smithfield. Dr. Leslie Brownfield, Miss Anna Brownfield and Floyd M. Brownfield of Uniontown, Mrs. H. B. Gulher of Smithfield, the Misses Cora and Lide Dunn and Lee Dunn of Fairchance and Guy Feather of Smithfield are nephews and nieces.
BROWNFIELD— Sep. 26, 1868, Sallie Ann, daughter of Robert and Phebe Brownfield, aged 4 years and 4 months, and on Wednesday following, Sept. 30, her brother, Joseph Brownfield, aged 11 months. Whooping cough and dysentery, combined in their attack upon the cherished life of these little ones, who now sleep peacefully by the side of three little brothers who passed away together a few years ago. Two little boys are still left as a comfort to their parents, by God, who is to be blessed both in giving and taking away.
On the 8th inst., in South Union township, MARGARET, daughter of Thomas and Eliza Brownfield, aged about one year.
Three Uniontown women were hurt and two of them will be hospitalized a while longer in Jerusalem, Israel, after they were injured on a tour there. Margaret and Elizabeth Brownfield of 8 Crest Street, and Mrs. Virginia M. Farr of 67 N. Mt. Vernon Ave. were injured Wednesday when a bus struck seven pedestrians in a parking lot in the holy city. The three local women were part of a tour to the holy land led by Rev. Charles Loney, pastor of the Asbury United Methodist Church here.
Elizabeth Brownfield was reported in fair condition and was expected to be hospitalized for two or three weeks in Israel. Her sister, Margaret, was reported in good condition and was expected to be released from the Jerusalem Hospital soon. Mrs. Farr was treated at the hospital and released following the accident. Rev. Don Smith, pastor of the Christ Methodist Church here said the three women are members of his congregation. He also remarked that he and Rev. Loney are requesting prayers for the rapid recovery of the injured women. The tour sponsored by the United Methodist Center at Pittsburgh left Feb. 19, and travelers are expected to return home March 1. Most of the travelers on the trip are from Fayette County. Four other persons on the same tour were also hurt in the accident and treated at hospitals near the scene.
Rev. Smith said it may be possible that Elizabeth Brownfield, the most seriously injured of the three Uniontown women may be transferred to a state-side hospital within the next two weeks
It was two years, February 21, since Elizabeth "Libby" Brownfield and her sister Margaret were injured in an accident that took place in Jerusalem. The sisters, both retired school teachers of the Laurel Highlands School District, were with a tour group at the time. The accident happened as the ladies, residents of 8 Crest Street, Uniontown, were boarding a bus for a tour of the Holy City Shrines in Jerusalem one of the first stops on their scheduled tour. The more seriously injured of the two. Miss Libby suffered a compound leg fracture from which she has never entirely recovered and which still prohibits her walking. For eight weeks she was a patient in Hadassah Medical Clinic.
Miss Margaret was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital. When sufficiently recovered, she remained in Jerusalem to be near her sister until they could fly back to the United States and home. Miss Libby has been in and out of the hospitals numerous times during the past two years and in early February was in Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh for post-operative treatment relating to a gall bladder problem.
In spite of the accident's consequences and related medical problems, Miss Libby has accepted her inabilities with fortitude and good spirits, "and now," Miss Margaret says' "she just wants to become strong enough to cuddle the new baby which is expected within the immediate family circle in the "not too far away."
Margaret Brownfield, retired North Union Township teacher was to be Pauline's companion of a 1974 trip to India. They were tea guests in a palace once occupied by the British Governor General. They were privileged to have an audience with the Delai Lama, spiritual leader of the Tibetan people, who fled Tibet in troubled times. Pauline said she and Margaret shared both the magnificent and potful phases of the many-faceted country. The India trip was to be followed in 1974-75 by several months’ vacation spent by Pauline alone on the South Coast of Torromolinos, Spain along the Mediterranean, Costa Del Sol.
BROWNFIELD, MARGARET MARIE— Age 79 years of Uniontown, died Sunday April 16, 1989 in the Uniontown Hospital. She was born Feb. 17, 1910 in Uniontown PA., daughter of the late John C. Brownfield and Elizabeth Benzer Brownfield. She is survived by a brother John R. Brownfield of Bradenton, FL; five sisters, Elizabeth Brownfield, Winifred Brownfield, Mrs. Harry (Grace) Welsh and Mrs. Donald (Mary) Stewart all of Uniontown and Mrs. Ewing (Clarissa) Smith of Sun City, FL; four nieces and one nephew.
She was a graduate of North Union High School and Indiana University of PA and was a retired school teacher, having taught in the Laurel Highlands School District for 40 years. She was a member of the Christ Methodist Church of Uniontown, the Adrian Bible Class, the Uniontown College Club, Col. Andrew Lynn Chapter DAR, Elizabeth Van Meter Chapter of the Colonial Dames, Delta Kappa Gamma Educational Society and the PA State Educational Society. Friends will be received at the Jerome W. Shell Funeral Home, 164 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Uniontown. Interment in Oak Lawn Cemetery, Uniontown.
Martha Downard BROWNFIELD ( -1917)
Mrs. Martha Downard Brownfield, aged 77 years, eight months, died at her home in Fairchance at 9:10 o'clock last evening, following an illness of less than two weeks. Death was due to complications which developed following a severe cold and came as a sudden shock to her large circle of friends and acquaintances for her condition was not believed to be so critical. Widely known for her lovable traits, a life-long and consistent member of the Presbyterian church and a faithful and devoted mother, Mrs. Brownfield had endeared herself to many to whom her death will bring personal and poignant grief. She was born in Fayette county, a member of the prominent Downard family, and had spent her entire life time in the county. She is survived by her husband, Alexander B. Brownfield, a veteran of the Civil war, and four children; Mrs. Harry Edmunds, of McKeesport; Mrs. Sarah Boyer, of Smithfield; Mrs. Henry M. Wilson, of Fairchance, and Mrs. Hannah M. Sheets, also of Fairchance. Two children, Ashabel D. Brownfield, and Mrs. Marietta Jones, wife of Owen M. Jones, preceded their mother to the grave. Two sisters, Mrs. Rachel Krise and Miss Margaret Downard, and one brother, Joseph Downard, all of Stockport, Ia., also survive.
Mrs. Martha Brownfield, 77 years old, died Sunday at her home at Fairchance following an illness of less than two weeks. Deceased was born in Fayette county and was widely known. She is survived by her husband, Alexander B. Brownfield, a veteran of the Civil War; four children, Mrs. Harry Edmunds of McKeesport; Mrs. Sarah Boyer of Smithfield; Mrs. Henry M. Wilson and Mrs. Hanna M. Sheets of Fairchance; two sisters, Mrs. Rachel Krise and Miss Margaret Downard, and one brother, Joseph Downard, all of Stockport, Ia.
Mary Belinda Brownfield, aged 82 years, five months and 30 days, died at the home of her nephew, G. A. Feather, of Smithfield, Monday morning, January 7, 1924, following a short illness. Decedent was the last of pioneer Brownfield family which settled near Smithfield and had resided her entire life on the same lot in the town. She was a daughter of the late Judge John Brownfield and Belinda Hustead Brownfield, being born on July 8, 1841. Funeral services will be held from the late home Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock; followed by interment in the Baptist cemetery.
Robert J. BROWNFIELD died in 1864. His obit was contributed to the Fayette
County USGenWeb Project.(11)
Death of Robert J. Brownfield
Corporal Robert J. Brownfield, of Co K, 116th regt. Penna. Vols., son of Sheriff
Brownfield, died in Carver Hospital in Washington City, June 12th, aged 19 years.
He was wounded in the right arm, on the 18th, of May near Spottsylvania Court
House and laid two days upon the field, where he suffered severely from his wound
and by being trampled upon by the advancing and retreating columns; he was first
taken to Fredericksburg and then to Carver Hospital, where he died. He
was a young man of fine promise. His career as a soldier was short, and
abundant in suffering. His parents, when they heard of his condition went
to Washington City, but did not get there until after he had been buried.
The Genius of Liberty. Uniontown, Pa. June 30, 1864.
Samuel Miller BROWNFIELD ( -1967)
Samuel Miller Brownfield, age 77, of Uniontown, died Wednesday at 10 a.m. in Uniontown hospital. He was a member of the Trinity United Presbyterian Church, Uniontown.
Surviving are two daughters; a son, Richard S. of Uniontown, nine grandchildren; five great-grandchildren and two sisters including Mary of Uniontown and three brothers, including Frank Willis Brownfield of Uniontown and Charles Ewing Brownfield of Connellsville. His wife Mary Van Brennen Brownfield died July 1, 1965.
The Daily Courier, Connellsville, PA, Friday, March 17, 1967, page 2, column 3
Contributed by Marilyn Tolentino <SFFoster at>
Isaac Franklin BROWNING ( -1870)
BROWNING— October 4th, of dysentery, William, son of Isaac and Mary Browning, in the 6th year of his age. Also, Oct. 19, of the same disease, and son of the same parents, Isaac Franklin, in the 4th year of his age. “Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of much is the kingdom of Heaven. Thus within the compass of some 15 months death steals from the wife and mother, her husband and children. How inexorable and unrelenting is death, and how impressive the call thus addressed, to every age. - “Prepare to meet thy God.”
Rebecca BROWNING died in 1861. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(17)
Nov 15, 1861 of disease of the Heart, Mrs. Rebecca, wife of Isaac Browning, of
North Union Tp. Aged 39 years.
Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., November 28, 1861.
Vol. 1. No. 43. pg 5, col. 3.
Stella Stanka BROZICH (1885-1965)
BROZICH, STELLA (STANKA)— Age 80 years of Dilliner, Pa., died Friday, October 15, 1965 in University Hospital, Morgantown following an extended illness. She was born April 27, 1885 in Yugoslavia. She was a member of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church, Mason Heights, Circle of Serbian Sisters of the Church and Was Kuma of the Church. She is survived by one son, George, Bobtown; two daughters: Mrs. Mildred Woatich and Mrs. Mary Tarasuk both of Dilliner; ten grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Friends will be received in the Richard H. Herod Funeral Home, Pt. Marion, after 7 p.m. today, until 6 p.m. Sunday when the body will be moved to St. George Serbian Orthodox Church to lie in state from 7 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. Monday the hour of service with Rev. Fr. Branko Skaljac and Rev. Fr. Gragoluh Krepscvich officiating. Interment will follow in Church Cemetery. Placing of the Cross will be at 6 p.m. on Sunday in the church.
Mary Elizabeth Breakiron BRUBAKER ( -1943)
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Brubaker, 55 years old, a life-long resident of Dunbar, died at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon at Connellsville State General Hospital of complications. She had been ill for five weeks. A lifelong resident of Dunbar she was the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Breakiron, both deceased. Her father was the furnace blowing foreman of the old Dunbar Furnace. She leaves her husband, Edward G. Brubaker, and two sisters, Mrs. Edwin Harvey of Dunbar, and Miss Florence Breakiron of Wilkinsburg. The body will be taken from the home to the Dunbar Presbyterian Church at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon and funeral service will be conducted there at 2:30 o'clock, in charge of Rev. Stanley H. Jewell, pastor, assisted by Rev. William S. Hamilton, pastor of the Franklin Memorial Methodist Church. Burial will be made in Mt. Auburn Cemetery in charge of Funeral Director James T. Burhans of Dunbar.
Mrs. Bruce, who has been lying very low at the McClelland House for some time past, died on Monday morning last. Her remains were taken by the noon train on Monday to Baltimore, her former home. She was the mother of Mrs. Hoblitzell, whose husband is a contractor on the Pittsburgh & Connellsville R. R., near Brook Tunnel.
Prudence B. Emigh BRUCE (1914-1977)>
Mrs. Prudence B. Emigh Bruce, 63,0f 216 DeMuth Road, died at 3 a.m. today at her home. She was born July 2, 1914 in Greensburg, a daughter of the late Philip Emigh and Pansy Emigh. She was a resident of Connellsville for the past 24 years. She was a member of the Connellsville United Presbyterian Church and had been employed by the Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company of Connellsville. She is survived by her husband Theodore H. Bruce; one daughter, Mrs. David (Carol) Grimm of Connellsville; two grandchildren; one brother, Phillip Emigh of Houston, Texas, and two sisters, Mrs. Glen (Phyllis) Leasher of Pittsburgh and Mrs. O. E. (Betty) Gregson of Ponca City, Okla. She was predeceased by one brother, Thomas and one sister, Mrs. Marie Wagner. Internment in Franklin Cemetery, Dunbar.
John Ervin Bruening, 64, of 2201 Long Drive, Rockville, Va., died June 12, 1996, in St. Mary’s Hospital, Richmond, Va. Friends will be received at the CLYDE BROOKS FUNERAL HOME, Route 711, Melcroft, today from 7 to 9 p.m. and on Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Services will be held Monday at 11 a.m. in the funeral home with the Rev. Kermit Jones officiating. Interment will follow in Mt. Nebo Cemetery near Champion. In lieu of flowers the family requests memorial contributions to Centerville Rescue Co. 352, Broad Street Road, Manakin-Sabot, Va. 23103.
Bertha Lechner BRUGGER (1916-2007)
Bertha Lechner Brugger, 91, of Fairchance, Fayette County, Pa., died Sunday, April 22, 2007, in the Uniontown Hospital, Uniontown, Fayette County, Pa. She was born April 7, 1916 in Fairchance, Pa., daughter of the late Stephen Lechner and Theresia Voithofer Lechner. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her husband, Anthony "Tony" Brugger, son, Anthony "Butch" Brugger, Jr., brothers, Pete, John, Joe, Ludwig and Fred Lechner, and son-in-law, John Cerny. Bertha was a member of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius Roman Catholic Church, of Fairchance, and the German Grange Number 785.
Surviving are her daughter, Shirley J. Cerny, of High House, Fayette County, Pa.; grandchildren, John and Melanie Cerny, Daniel and Melody Cerny, Tonya and Chris Crago, and Clint and Tina Brugger; great-grandchildren, Joshua, Juliana, Alexandra, Gage, Wade and Tony; brother, Raymond Lechner, of Smithfield, Fayette County, Pa.; sister, Hedy Lechner Voithofer, of Smithfield; nieces, nephews and daughter-in-law, Virginia Brugger, of Farmington, Fayette County, Pa.
The family will receive friends in the DEAN C. WHITMARSH FUNERAL HOME, 134 West Church Street, Fairchance, Pa., on Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 6 to 9 p.m., and on Thursday, April 26, 2007 until 9:30 a.m., when a Prayer Service will be held. A Mass of Christian Burial follows at 10 a.m. in the Ss. Cyril & Methodius Roman Catholic Church, in Fairchance, Pa., with the Rev. Father Andrew M. Kawecki, as Celebrant. Interment will follow in Saint Joseph's Cemetery, Fairchance, Pa. Parish Wake Service will be Wednesday evening at 8:45 p.m. in the Funeral Home.
Elizabeth BRUMBAUGH died in 1922. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette
County USGenWeb Project.(5)
Miss Elizabeth BRUMBAUGH, 17 years old, daughter of Harvey and Edith MORGAN BRUMBAUGH
of Wilkinsburg, died Saturday morning in Columbia Hospital, Wilkinsburg, of
cut off.
Courier Thurs. 5-18-1922
Jennifer Ann BRUSHA (1957-1997)
Jennifer Ann Oppman Brusha, 39, of Friedens, R.D. 2, died April 19, 1997, at Somerset Hospital. She was born April 23, 1957 in Connellsville, a daughter of Mrs. Mercedes (Randolph) Oppman of Connellsville and the late Henry Oppman. She is also survived by a husband, David B.; two children, Chad McKenzie of Connellsville and Kelly McKenzie of Melcroft; two brothers, Mark Oppman of New Stanton and Henry Oppman III of Connellsville. Funeral services will be conducted today at 10:30 a.m. at the ROBERT H. HALVERSON FUNERAL HOME, 478 West Main St., Somerset, with Rev. Charles F. Olson officiating. Interment will be in Listic Cemetery.
Dewey H. “Buster” Bryan, 80, of Mount Morris R.D. 1, Pa., died Saturday, April 19, 1997, in Monongalia General Hospital, Morgantown, W.Va. He was born in Boone, N.C., March 16, 1917, son of Emery and Blanche Penley Bryan. He was Protestant by faith, a retired coal miner from Shannopin Mine and a member of UMWA Local 6159 in Bobtown, where he received his 50-year pin in 1996. He was the current vice president of Point Marion FOE 1932, a 32nd-degree Mason and a member of F&AM Lodge 153 in Waynesburg, Uniontown Lodge of Perfection, and the Consistory and Syria Shrine, both in Pittsburgh. Mr. Bryan was for many years a farmer in Dunkard Township and belonged to Dunkard Grange. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Larry (Mary Lou) Yost of Mount Morris R.D. 1; son William W. Bryan of Sterling, Va.; five grandchildren: Pam Wright, William Bryan Jr., Scott Bryan, Larry Yost, and Jessica Yost; four great-grandchildren; and five sisters: Gertrude Bryan, Isabelle Kastak, Lucille Groves, Jane Barr, and Cora Lee “Corky” Striker all of Winchester, Va. He was predeceased by his wife of 31 years, Irene Wise Bryan, on June 17, 1972. They were married February 22, 1941. Also deceased are his parents and one sister, Mildred Bryan in infancy. Friends will be received in the RICHARD R. HEROD FUNERAL HOME, Point Marion, Pa., today from 2 to 4 and 6 to 9 p.m. and Tuesday, April 22, until 2 p.m., the hour of service, with Rev. Willard Morse and Rev. Fred Tomlinson officiating. Interment follows in Garards Fort Cemetery, Garards Ford, Pa. FOE services will be held in the funeral home today at 7 p.m.
Mrs. Ella Gasper Bryan, 87, formerly of Scottdale, died at 6 a.m. Sunday in Uniontown Hospital. She was born June 10, 1872, in West Newton. She was a member of the Scottdale First Methodist Church. Surviving are five children, Mrs. Herman (Erma) Wunderlich of Johnson city, N. Y., Mrs. Wilbert (Mabel) Snyder of Pittsburgh, Mrs. Peter (Helen) Telech of Buffalo, N. Y., James of Scottdale and Mrs. Herman (Jane) Seiler of Hopwood; 14 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harry A. Bryan, Aug. 26, 1956. The body will be at the Murphy funeral home after 7 p.m. today.
Harry Kenneth BRYAN (1904-1972)
HARRY KENNETH BRYAN — Age 67 years, husband of Virginia Jordan Bryan of 566 Rte, 88, Carmichaels, died Sunday, March 19, 1972 at 8 p.m. in the University Hospital, Morgantown, W. Va. He was born December 9, 1904 in Masontown, Pa. the son of the late Harry William and Emma Elizabeth First Bryan. He was a retired electrician of the U. S. Steel Corp. and was presently with the Keystone Electrical Inspectors. He was a veteran of World War II serving as Chief Warrant Officer with the U.S. Navy. He was a member of the Christ Reformed Church of Ruffsdale, the UMWA6326, the Valley Lodge, F&AM No. 459 of Masontown, the Uniontown Lodge of Perfection, the Pittsburgh Consistory and the Tall Cedars of Fayette County.
He was preceded in death by a sister, Mrs. Ethel Mae Myers. Friends will be received in the Michael Lucas Funeral Home, Carmichaels after 7 this evening and until Thursday at 1 p.m. the hour of service, Rev. Harold Kelley will officiate interment in Lafayette Memorial Park, Brier Hill. Ritualistic Services will be held Wednesday evening at 8 by the Valley Lodge, F&AM, No. 459 of Masontown.
Nina BRYAN died in 1937. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(2)
Mrs. Nina Bryan, wife of Sam Bryan and mother of Carl and William Bryan, died
at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday morning at her home in New Bedford, Mass., following
a lingering illness, it was revealed in telegrams to this city. Carl Bryan is
a resident of Uniontown while William Bryan, who formerly resided here, now lives
in Madison, Wis.
(Herald - August 25, 1937)
BRYANT— On the 13th of January, 1865, of catarrhal fever, ELIZA C. R., infant daughter of Joshua and Harriet Bryant, of Menallen township, Fayette county, PA., aged two years, two months and seventeen days. Little Eliza was the special favorite of the family, perhaps because, that she was born after her father left home to serve his country. He was not allowed to return to see her, but she has gone to that better world to which he sent his family word in his last moments, he was going. Let them, the deeply bereaved mother, brother, and sisters seek grace, that they may be able to say—the will of the Lord be done. J. ADAMS.
Freddy BRYANT, Sr. (1966-1996)
Freddy Bryant Sr., 29, of Nemacolin, Pa., and a native of Cleveland, Ohio, died Friday, June 14, in his home. He is survived by his parents, George R. and Hazel Louise Forsythe of Nemacolin, his wife, Dorothy Lee Miller Bryant whom he married Feb. 6, 1993, four children, Freddy James Bryant Jr., Teddy Allen Bryant, Penny Louise Bryant, and Eddie Bryant all at home, sisters and brothers, Patricia Lynn Cuppett of Point Marion, Robert Lee Forsythe of Waynesburg, Mary Janet Forsythe of Gates, and Tracy Ann Forsythe of Waynesburg. The family will receive friends in the Paul Michael Lesako Funeral Home Inc., 204 Dowlin Ave., Carmichaels, today from 4 to 9 p.m. and Monday until 2 p.m.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–June 29, 1966
Died—–June 14, 1996
Mary C. Bryga, 87, of Mount Pleasant R.D. 6 died Wednesday in the Westmoreland Manor. She is survived by a son, Richard J. Bryga of Mount Pleasant; two grandsons; 12 step-grandchildren; and one brother, Felix Siemion of Beverly Hills, Michigan. Arrangements are under the direction of the Eugene G. Saloom Funeral Home Inc., Main Street, Mount Pleasant.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–March 8, 1909
Died—–June 26, 1996
BRYANT— On the 28th of Oct. 1864, Private Joshua Bryant, late of Co. E. 155 Reg’t, Penna Vol’s, aged 37 years. He was wounded in the battle of the 27th of October, and died of his wound on the following evening. He volunteered over two years since, had less than a year to serve, when he expected to receive his discharge and return to his family and quiet of home and of civil life. But that privilege was denied him; he has fallen with many others on the battle field in this most unnatural of all wars. But although he died at the hand of violence, away from home and kindred, he fell in a good cause and in the enjoyment of a good hope. Some years since he professed religion and united with the Salem congregation of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, of which he was a member at the time of his death. And through Chaplain Taft, of the 179th N. Y. Vol’s, who attended him during his last hours were learn that his last moments were most peaceful and triumphant. Then let his bereaved and stricken wife and children be comforted and cheered in view of the privilege of meeting him, as he desired that they would prepare to do, where there will be no more separations.
BRYANT— On the 2d of April, 1865, at the family residence in Menallen township, Fayette County, Pa., MARY J. BRYANT, in the 14th year of her age.
Mary Jane has passed in early life from the trials and sufferings of this world to the rewards and enjoyment of eternity. But not until she had felt deeply the ills to which humanity is heir here. She passed through a tedious and painful affliction, which we trust was sanctified.
Agnes E. Cope BRYNER
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Agnes E. Cope Bryner
White, female, 96 years old, married
Born–June 13, 1909, Dunbar
Died–August 8, 1995, Uniontown
Buried–St. Aloysius Cemetery, Dunbar
Father–Joseph J. Cope
Mother–Lucinda A. Mardis
Spouse–Jesse Bryner
Children–William J. and Joseph
Alvin "Al" Bryner, retired Merchant Marine Seaman, age 69, of Dunbar, died Tuesday, September 6, 1994, in the Uniontown Hospital. Born October 10, 1925, in Dunbar, a son of James F. Bryner and Alice Mae Klink Bryner. He was a protestant by faith. He is survived by one brother, Herbert T. Bryner; of Washington; one sister Sylvia Crago of Harrisburg, Pa. He was predeceased by three brothers, James F., Howard T., Henry and one sister, Mrs. Arthur Paul (Coriena) Brooks. Burial in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Dunbar.
Bailey Hall BRYNER (1924-2011)
Mr. Bailey Hall Bryner, age 87, Frederick, Maryland passed away peacefully on Saturday, December 24, 2011. Born on January 2, 1924 in Hopwood, Pa., he was the son of the late Jesse and Leah Bryner.
Barbara Jean BRYNER (1942-2007)
Barbara Jean Bryner
Barbara Jean (Haller) Bryner, 65, of Connellsville, died at home on Friday, Sept. 7, 2007. She was born Jan. 28, 1942, in Vanderbilt, a daughter of the late Evelyn Haller. She attended Sacred Heart Church in Dawson. She graduated from Uniontown High School with the class of 1960. She was a member of the American Legion Post 301 Ladies Auxiliary. Barbara loved all music and enjoyed playing the fiddle. She is survived by her husband, Dale A. Bryner; a son, David Allen Bryner and wife Annie of Cleveland, Ohio; a daughter, Bonnie Jean Walker and husband Michael of Strongsville, Ohio; two grandchildren, Matthew and Linda Bryner of Cleveland, Ohio; a sister, Patty Stack and husband Kenneth of Dallas-Fort Worth area, Texas. There will be no visitation. Interment will be private. Arrangements are under the direction of the VITO C. MARTUCCI FUNERAL HOME, 123 S. First St., West Side, Connellsville.
Bradley L. Bryner, 77, of Mill Run, died Tuesday, July 10, 2012, in Excela Health Frick Hospital, Mt. Pleasant. He was born May 4, 1935, in Ohiopyle, a son of Bertha Bryner Spaw. Mr. Bryner retired from Seven Springs Mountain Resort, where he was employed for more than 40 years and he was also a self- employed farmer. He is survived by his children, Jill Bryner and her husband, Robert, of Mill Run, David Bryner and his wife, Jody, of Connellsville, and Joyce Schroyer and her husband, Jeff, of south Connellsville; five grandchildren, Joni Shearer and her husband, J.J., Daniel Schroyer and his wife, Lindsay, Brittney Bryner, Brandon Bryner and his fiancée, Kayle Keslar and Brooke Coffman and her husband, Josh; and four great-grandchildren, Emilyn and Addilyn Shearer and Kenzie and Sophia Schroyer. Mr. Bryner was the last surviving member of his immediate family. In addition to his mother, he was predeceased by his wife, Donna Rae Barkley Bryner in 2011; a son, Max Bryner; a great-granddaughter, Ellie Rae Shearer, and a sister, Joann Spaw. Friends will be received from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday and 2 to 9 p.m. Thursday in the CLYDE BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., at the corner of Municipal Building Road and Route 711, Melcroft, where services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday with the Rev. John Davis officiating. Interment will follow in the Indian Creek Baptist Cemetery, Mill Run. To sign the guest registry please visit
In the dining room of the Odd Fellows lodge room where he had spent so many years fostering the fraternal spirit of brotherly love, Carey S. Bryner, aged 63, one of Uniontown's best known printers, lay down to die Friday night, January 24, 1930, taking a dose of carbolic acid to bring to an end a busy life during which he had accumulated scores of friends. Stretched on the floor, his one arm extended and still holding the death lotion, Bryner's body was discovered at 7:30 o'clock Saturday morning by his brother-in-law, Isaac Riffle, who for a number of years had been superintendent of the Odd Fellow's building, North Gallatin avenue and Peter street. For the past 28 years Mr. Bryner had been connected almost continuously with the Farwell Printing Company, working at intervals in the composing room of the Uniontown newspapers. Last Thanksgiving he was laid off because of slack work and he has been despondent ever since, say members of the family. Mr. Bryner was a member of the Fort Necessity Lodge No. 254, I.O.O.F., a member of Alpheus B. Wilson Lodge, Knights of Pythias, the Woodmen of the World and the Typographical Union of the city. Mr. Bryner was born in Uniontown, a son of Robert and Sarah Smalley Bryner. He is survived by his wife, Martha Bryner, a sister, Mrs. Blanche Riffle, and three sons and a daughter, Charles V., at home; Joseph, of Homewood; Eola, of Dunbar township and Homer LeRoy of Uniontown. Carey Bryner began his printing apprenticeship shorty after graduating from Room Ten of the Uniontown schools, then the highest grade to which public instruction had reached in this city. He went to work for the Uniontown News, a weekly, which had followed the old Western Pennsylvanian, owned by John Crable and located in the Campbell- Hathaway building. Mr. Crable had conducted the Pennsylvanian in Brownsville, but believing the Uniontown field brighter, he moved his equipment to this city. Financial disaster brought the sheriff to his door, however, and then the late Lyman Kane and Charles D. Conner took over the “remains” establishing the Uniontown News. It was here that Mr. Bryner first found out the meaning of "type lice" and the size of a "stick", and the vagaries of quads, ems, rules and the rest of the language of the type. Mr. Bryner remained with the old News until it was taken over by the Ewing interests and turned into the Republican News and later the News Standard. When the publication left the building where the Hagan-Hopwood law office building now stands, Mr. Bryner parted company with his early love and began work for Farwell. He will always be remembered by the printers of Uniontown as a most congenial soul and by his many fraternal brothers as a kindly spirit ever willing to brighten the fires of brotherly love on the affairs of a common fraternalism and to which he devoted many hours of his life. The remains were taken to the Johnston mortuary chapel. Funeral services will be held at the late home, 83 Winons street, this afternoon, January 27, 1930, at 3 o’clock. The Rev. Mr. F. G. Velle, of Waynesburg, formerly of Uniontown, will officiate. Burial will be in Sylvan Heights cemetery.
BRYNER, CARL ALLEN— Age 23 of Greenville, SC, died Tuesday, March 1, 1983. He was born in Uniontown, May 14, 1960, son of Ronald and Mary Frances Nicklow Bryner. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Angel (Linda) Famano, Cleveland, Ohio, and Cindy, at home, a brother, Ronald at home; paternal grandparents, James A. and Harriet Bryner of Dunbar. He was predeceased by a sister, Pvt. Wilma Bryner, July 27, 1982; maternal grandparents Daniel and Mary Nicklow. Burial in Sylvan Heights Cemetery, Uniontown.
Charles Bryner
Charles "Chuck" Bryner, 42, of Connellsville, died Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009, at UPMC Mercy hospital. He was born May 24, 1967, in Uniontown, a son of the late Franklin McNair and Shirley Bryner. He was Protestant by faith. He was a member of the American Legion Post 301 and was past vice president of the Sons of the American Legion. He is survived by his wife, Janet Bryner; four children, Tiffany and Doug Grimm Jr., of Connellsville, Anthony, Stephen and Tabitha Bryner, all at home; and a grandson, Jayden Grimm. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a brother, Stephen McNair. Friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday in the PAUL G. FINK FUNERAL HOME INC., 418 N. Pittsburgh St., Connellsville, where a funeral service will be held at 12:30 p.m. Sunday with Pastor Lee Maley officiating. Interment will follow in Walnut Hill Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate donations be made in care of Charles Bryner's funeral expenses to Paul G. Fink Funeral Home Inc.
Charles L. BRYNER, Sr.
Charles L. Bryner Sr.
Dr. Charles L. Bryner Sr., 88, of Waynesburg died Sunday, Oct. 5, 2003, at 5:50 p.m., in Rolling Meadows Nursing Home, Waynesburg. He was born Oct. 15, 1914, in Dunbar, Fayette County, the son of the late Henry and Sarah (Hardy) Bryner. Dr. Bryner was affiliated with the Methodist faith. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and was a commanding officer of a U.S. naval vessel during World War II. While his health permitted, he was active in the Waynesburg Beagle Club. Dr. Bryner was a graduate of Waynesburg College in 1940, and earned his doctorate in botany from West Virginia University in 1952. Following his graduating from Waynesburg College in 1940, he began working for the college as a professor of math and science. During his years at Waynesburg College, he was chairman of the science department for years. He also served as a vice president of the college and was Dean of Men. Surviving are his wife, A. Marie Wilson Bryner, whom he married on Aug. 24, 1947; one daughter, Dr. Lisbeth Lord of Lafayette, Colo.; one son, Capt. Charles L. Bryner Jr., M.D. of Orange Park, Fla.; three grandsons, Matthew Lord, Charles L. Bryner III and Benjamin J. Bryner; and several nieces and nephews. Preceding him in death were two sisters and four brothers. At the request of the deceased there will be no public visitation or services. Private graveside services at Franklin Cemetery in Dunbar will be held at the convenience of the family. MILLIKEN AND THROCKMORTON FUNERAL HOME INC., 197 N. Maiden St., Waynesburg, is in charge of arrangements. The family suggests memorial contributions to the Charles Bryner Scholarship fund, Waynesburg College, Waynesburg, Pa. 15370
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Clyde Bryner
White, male, 2 months old
Born–February, 1899, Stewart twp.
Died–April 7, 1899
Father–Harry Bryner
Mother–Sadie Bryner
Cause of death–Unknown
David Paul BRYNER, Jr. ( -1994)
DUNBAR TOWNSHIP— A new Salem man was killed and another woman injured in a two vehicle collision along Route 119 near Melody Manor Motor Inn which occurred about 12:30 a.m. Monday, according to the state police. David Paul Bryner, Jr., was taken to Highlands Hospital and Health Care in Connellsville, where he was pronounced dead as the result of massive head and chest injuries. Police said Bryner was driving a 1985 Honda Accord, and was not wearing a seat belt at the time of the fatal accident. The driver of the other vehicle was identified as Patricia Baughman, 44, of Uniontown, according to the police. She was listed in serious condition last night at Presbyterian University Hospital in Pittsburgh, where she was treated for severe leg injuries. Police said Baughman was driving a 1987 Ford Minivan, and was wearing a seatbelt when the accident occurred. According to police, the mishap occurred when Bryner's northbound car crossed the center of the highway and collided head on with Baughman’s southbound vehicle. Baughman was transported to the Pittsburgh facility by Life-Flight helicopter. Both vehicles sustained severe damage as a result of the collision. State police were assisted at the scene by members of the Dunbar and Morrell volunteer fire and ambulance, and the Connellsville city police.
A young New Salem R.D. 1, may have fallen asleep at the wheel before a traffic accident that led to his death last year. Fayette County Cornor's jurors on Thursday determined that David Paul Bryner, Jr. died accidently on September 5, when the car he was driving crossed the center line of the highway and struck a minivan on Route 119 in Dunbar Township. "There is a good possibility that he fell asleep" said Trooper Douglas Berezansky of the State police in Uniontown. Following an inquest investigation hearing, the jury determined that the driver of the minivan, Patricia Baughman, was not at fault in the accident. The jurors also recommended that protective barriers dividing the highway be installed along that stretch of Route 119 outside Connellsville which has been the scene of several serious, fatal accidents. Dr. Phillip E. Reilly, the county coroner, told jurors that the cause of Bryner's death was massive blunt force trauma to the head, face and chest. He also suffered other fractures, multiple abrasions, cuts and bruises. The victim's blood alcohol level was .051 at the time of the crash, Reilly said. He added that while Bryner was underage, was not intoxicated the alcohol in his bloodstream could have made him sleepy. Berezansky testified that a witness to the crash, Demonte Price, told police that Bryner's vehicle did not have its headlights on when it crossed the center of the highway and hit Baughman’s vehicle. Price, who did not honor a subpoena to testify, also told police that Bryner appeared to be traveling at a high rate of speed. "I checked the speedometer on his car after the accident and it was locked at 70 miles an hour" the trooper confirmed.
Donna R. Bryner
Mill Run
Donna Rae Bryner, 74, of Mill Run, passed away peacefully Friday, March 4, 2011, at her home, while surrounded and comforted by her loving family. A funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Monday in the CLYDE BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., at the corner of Route 711 and 146 Municipal Building Road, Melcroft, (724-455-2310), with the Rev. John B. Davis officiating. A committal service and interment will follow in Indian Creek Baptist Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations be made to Indian Creek Baptist Church, 311 Baptist Church Road, Mill Run, PA 15464, in memory of Donna Rae Bryner.
Drew Alan Bryner, age 50, Colonel in United States Army Signal Corps, of Alexandria, Virginia died on Monday, August 2, 2010. He was born in Connellsville Pennsylvania. Drew graduated in the Class of 1977 from California Area High School in California, Pennsylvania and from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1981.
He was the beloved husband of Janice Beth Bryner; loving father of Rachel Elizabeth Bryner and John Franklin Bryner; son of Andy M. Bryner of California, Pennsylvania and the late Mary M. Bryner; the son-in-law of Charles and Suzanne Gennaula; and the brother of Claudia A. Wade. Also surviving are many loving aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews and friends.
The Family will be receiving Friends at the MURPHY FALLS CHURCH FUNERAL HOME, 1102 West Broad Street (Route 7), Falls Church, VA 22046 (703.606.5877) on Thursday, August 12, 2010 from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8:30 p.m. A Mass and also Burial at Arlington National Cemetery will be announced at a later date.
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in his name to "Be The Match" National Bone Marrow Registry,
Edith Mae Bryner
Belle Vernon
Edith Mae Bryner, 66, of Belle Vernon, died Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003, in Havencrest Nursing Center. She was born in Jefferson Township, Fayette County, on May 1, 1937, a daughter of the late Joseph A. Bryner and Edith E. Leonard Bryner. She was preceded in death by one son, Joseph A. Bryner, on Oct. 20, 2003. Survivors include one brother, Robert A. Bryner of Belle Vernon; and four sisters, Mary E. Jefferies of Perryopolis, Dolores Lynn of Belle Vernon, Betty Jane Slover of the state of California, and Shirley Little of California, Pa. Friends will be received Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. in the ELEY- McCRORY FUNERAL HOME INC., Fayette City. Private funeral services will be held, and interment will be in Little Redstone Methodist Cemetery, Fayette City.
BRYNER, MRS. EDNA FAYE— Aged 28, of Dunbar, died Thursday, September 29, 1960 at 12:30 p.m., in the Uniontown Hospital. Born in Dunbar, February 21, 1932, she was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Hughes. She was a member of the Church of God, Dunbar. In addition to her parents, she is survived by her husband, Lewis Bryner; two daughters and one son, Betty Ann, Mary Catherine and Lewis Eugene; sisters and brothers, Mrs. George Piston, Misses Mabel, Pansy and Betty Hughes, and Mrs. Eleanor Crossland, Dunbar; Eugene, Pt. Marion, Louis, Jonah, James and Harold, of Dunbar. Friends will be received in the Burhans Funeral Home, Dunbar, after 7 o'clock this evening until 11 a.m. Sunday and in the Church of God from 12 noon until 2 p.m., the hour of service. Interment will be in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Dunbar.
Eliza A. Boyd BRYNER
Mrs. Eliza A. Boyd Bryner, aged 71 years, two months, born April 8, 1854, Fayette Co, Pa., died this afternoon, June 15, 1925, at the family residence near Ohiopyle at 2:30 o'clock following an illness of complications.
Notes from contributor:
Husband–Calvin Bryner
Children–Mary Agnes Bryner Morrison;
Chester Arthur Bryner;
Jessie James Bryner and Maud E. Bryner
Elizabeth Bryner, 86, of Speers Nursing Home, formerly of Connellsville, died Tuesday in Uniontown Hospital. She was born February 13, 1903, in Shady Grove, daughter of the late William and Catherine Bates Taylor. She was a retired employee of Keystone Fireworks. Surviving are three sons, Lewis of Dunbar, James of Connellsville and Henry of Lake Mary, FL.; a daughter, Mrs. Eugene (Sara) Zerecheck of West Leisenring; 14 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren. She was the last surviving member of her immediate family. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jacob, in 1977; a daughter, Minnie Emilio; a son, Elliott and brothers and sisters. Interment in Franklin Cemetery, Dunbar.
Elizabeth M. O'Hara BRYNER (1910-2001)
Elizabeth M. Bryner
Elizabeth M. O'Hara Bryner, 91, of Connellsville, died Wednesday, August 1, 2001, in Highlands Hospital, Connellsville. She was born June 30, 1910, in Connellsville, a daughter of the late Julius R. and Margaret Balsley O'Hara. Elizabeth was a member of the First Baptist Church of Connellsville. She is survived by two sons, Donald L. Bryner and his wife Shirley of the state of Florida and Dale A. Bryner and his wife Barbara of Vanderbilt; one daughter, Cindy Hyatt and her husband David of Normalville; seven grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren; one sister, Dorothy Hartman of Charleroi. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her husband, Orval R. Bryner in 1985; a daughter, Shirley Geary; and two sisters, Ruth Cable and Lucille Moore. Friends will be received in the BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., 111 E. Green St., Connellsville, Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Services will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. in the funeral home. Interment will follow in Mount Olive Cemetery, Bullskin Township.
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Ellen Bryner
White, female, 67 years old, married, invalid
Born–1826, Fayette Co.
Died–April 25, 1893
Buried–Bryner Ridge
Cause of death–Complication of diseases, sick 2 years
Date of record–December 12, 1893
Emma Myrtle BRYNER (1885-1956)
Esam Ruth Bryner, 78, of Scottdale, formerly of Normalville, Mount Pleasant and Connellsville, died Tuesday, January 23, 1996, in West View Nursing Home, Scottdale. She was born, Dec 2, 1917, in Mill Run, a daughter of the late Stanley and Theresa Dahl Sipe. She was a member of the Nazarene Church in Confluence. She is survived by two sons, Ralph A. Bryner, Jr. of South Bend Indiana and Ronald L. Bryner of Normalville; three daughters, Mrs. Rev Carl (Betty Lou) Ritenour of Normalville and Mrs. Vernon (Esma Ruth) Zufall of Sebring, Florida, and Mrs. Lee (Sharon) Wilkins of Fairfax, VA; 16 grandchildren: 24 great-grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Edwin (Edna) Jordan of Sebring, Fla. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her husband, Ralph A. Bryner, in 1983; five brothers, Eugene, Robert, James, Harry and Vaughn Sipe; and a sister Ada Behnke. Friends will be received from 2-9 p.m. Thursday in the Clyde Brooks Funeral Home, Route 711, Melcroft, where a funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. Friday with Rev. Levi Whisner officiating. Internment will follow in Normalville Cemetery.
Estelle V. Bryner, age 83, of Ohiopyle, Fayette County, Pa., passed away Thursday, March 21, 2008, at her home. She was born December 17, 1924, in Pittsburgh, Pa., the daughter of Alvin "Bud" Bryner and Norma Dremmel Bryner. Estelle had attended the Kentuck Church and the Oak Grove Methodist Church. She was a member of the Mountain Senior Action Group. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by one brother, Albert Bryner, and three sisters, Virginia Diana, Grace Weichel and Jane Arndt. Surviving are her husband, Lester W. Bryner and two daughters: Joyce Partinaci, of Safety Harbor, Florida, and Janice Noechel, of Springdale, Pa.; three grandchildren and five great grandchildren; three brothers and one sister: Judson Bryner, of Florida, Milton Bryner, Charles Bryner, and Jean Rusch, all of Pittsburgh, Pa. Friends will be received in the DONALD R. CRAWFORD FUNERAL HOME, Farmington, Fayette County, Pa., today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., Sunday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Monday, March 24, 2008, until 11 a.m., when Funeral Services will be held, with the Rev. Peter Malik, officiating. Interment will follow in Bryner Ridge Cemetery, Ohiopyle, Pennsylvania.
Mrs. Eva Bryner, 87, of Ohiopyle, died Friday in Spears Convalescent Home, Markleysburg. She was born December 13, 1875, in Fayette County, a daughter of the late Plummer and Martha Holiday Hall. Surviving are six children, Mrs. Freda Leonard, Mrs. Dessa Lowry, Mrs. Vera Lowry and Plummer Bryner, all of Dunbar, Alvin of Sharpsburg and Mrs. Jergie Leonard of Ohiopyle; 42 grandchildren; 94 great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren, and two sisters, Mrs. Amanda Morrison of Connellsville and Mrs. Pearl Parker of Youngstown, Ohio. She was preceded in death by her husband, Albert, and five children. The body s at the Humbert funeral home at Confluence, where the funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. Monday, with Rev. Sam Show officiating. Interment will be Middle Ridge Cemetery.
Frances Bailes BRYNER (1940-2006)
Frances Bryner
Frances Bailes Bryner, 65, of Uniontown, passed away Saturday, Sept. 2, 2006, in The Uniontown Hospital. She was born Sept. 23, 1940, in Uniontown, a daughter of the late James B. Bailes and Anna Jupina Bailes. In addition to her parents, Frances was preceded in death by her husband, Donald E. Bryner; brothers, James B. Bailes Jr., Lawrence E. Bailes and Robert E. Bailes; and her nephew, Master Sgt. Colin Clingan. She was a graduate of the former North Union High School and a health care provider with Albert Gallatin Hospice. Frances is survived by her loving sisters and brother, Edith M. Clingan and husband, James, of Hopwood, Pat Laskey White, of Uniontown, Gladys Sue Farmer and husband, Ed, of Uniontown, and John William Bailes and wife, Ruth, of California; brother-in-law, David Bryner, of Connellsville; her special, loving niece, Jessica Farmer, of Uniontown; and several other loving nieces and nephews. Friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday and until 10 a.m. Wednesday, the hour of service, in the STEPHEN E. KEZMARSKY III FUNERAL HOME, 71 Pennsylvania Ave., Uniontown. Interment follows in Green Ridge Memorial Park, Connellsville.
Frederick Adam BRYNER (1937-2004)
Frederick Adam Bryner
Monrovia, Md.
Formerly of Dunbar Township
Mr. Frederick Adam Bryner, 66, of Monrovia, Md., died Saturday, April 10, 2004, at Montgomery General Hospital in Olney, Md. He was the husband of Janet Daniels Bryner. Born July 26, 1937, in Dunbar Township, Pa., he was a son of the late James Isaac and Thelma Ruth Smithley Bryner. Mr. Bryner served in the U.S. Navy during the Korean War. He had been employed as a construction inspector for the Maryland National Park and Planning Commission. He was a member of the Disabled American Veterans and the Knights of Columbus at Rockville, Md. Surviving besides his wife Janet are his son, James I. Bryner II and his wife, Angela Bryner, of Lake Linganore, Md.; one sister and one brother. Services and interment are private. Expressions of sympathy may be in the form of memorial contributions to the American Cancer Society, Frederick County Region, 1393 Progress Way, Suite 908, Eldersburg, Md., 21784. Arrangers are by OLIN L. MOLESWORTH, P.A., FUNERAL HOME in Damascus, Md.
Gayle Ann Bryner
Gayle Ann Bryner, 55, of Vanderbilt, passed away Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2003, at her home, while being comforted by her loving family. Gayle was born July 12, 1948, in Mount Pleasant, the daughter of Mildred A. Long Tikey of Connellsville and the late Elmer E. Tikey. She attended the Vanderbilt Church of Christ. She was employed for several years as a licensed practical nurse at Jefferson Regional Medical Center in West Mifflin, and Dr. Yovanof in Monongahela. Gayle enjoyed traveling with her husband and spending time with her children and grandchildren. She also found pleasure in gardening and crocheting. In addition to her mother, she is survived by her loving husband, Harold D. “Red” Bryner, to whom she was married for 11 years. Also surviving are two sons, Vaun M. Stoots and wife Christine of East Liverpool, Ohio, and Robert G. Koballa and wife Joyce of Connellsville; a daughter, Kelli Ann Gillott and husband Michael of Connellsville; five grandchildren: Kayla Marie Stoots, Kyle Hunter Stoots, Robert Noah Koballa, Cayde Jordan Koballa and Cage Greyson Gillott; a brother, Richard H. Tikey and wife Carol of Connellsville; and several nieces and nephews. In addition to her father, Gayle was predeceased by her first husband Robert E. Koballa. Friends will be received in the VITO C. MARTUCCI FUNERAL HOME, 123 S. First St., West Side, Connellsville, today from 7 to 9 p.m., Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturday until 11 a.m., the hour of service with the Rev. Richard Schimansky officiating. Interment will follow in Green Ridge Memorial Park.
Burial took place in Mount Auburn Cemetery, Dunbar, PA
Gladys M. Bryner
Gladys M. Bryner, 90, of Dunbar, went to be with the Lord Sunday, July 1, 2007, in Uniontown Hospital. She was born Feb. 27, 1917, in Elkins, W.Va., a daughter of the late Jesse A. Goodman and the late Betty Lee Parr Goodman. Gladys grew up in Leisenring. She was a graduate of Dunbar Township High School, class of 1936. She was a homemaker and an avid quilter. Gladys loved her family. She is survived by her daughter, Bernise Cooper and husband Kenneth, of Dunbar, with whom she resided; grandchildren Ken Cooper, Jr. and friend Teresa, of Greensburg, Carey Cooper and wife Karen, of Connellsville, Keith Cooper and wife Lisa, of Dunbar, and Rhonda Cooper, Robert Bryner and Steven Bryner; great grandchildren, Dale Cooper and fiancée Annie, Ryan Cooper and friend Danielle, Krista Cooper and friend Nick and Bryan Cooper; and sister-in-law Evelyn Mae Goodman. In addition to her parents, Gladys was preceded in death by her husband Raymond Bryner; son Ronald; three brothers, Douglas, Roland and Gregory; and two sisters, Jessie Mae and Thelma. Visitation will be held from 2 to 9 p.m. Wednesday in the BURHANS - CROUSE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Connellsville St., Dunbar, where services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday with Pastor Robert Wrachford officiating. Interment will follow in Mt. Auburn Cemetery.
Harriett E. Murphy BRYNER
Mrs. Harriett E. Murphy Bryner, 86, of Dunbar, R. D. 2, died Friday, January 10, 1997, at Frick Community Hospital, Mount Pleasant. She was born April 17, 1910, in Dunbar, daughter of the late Leroy and Anna Gummerson Murphy. She was a homemaker and of the Protestant faith, member of the Greenbriar Church. She is survived by four sons, Clifford and wife, Pauline, of Confluence, Ronald and wife Mary, of Parma, Ohio, Joseph and wife Patricia of Pier Point, Ohio and Robert E. and wife, Patricia, of Dunbar; two daughters, Verna and her husband, Fred Hall, Sr. and Mildred Roebuck, both of Dunbar; a brother, Lloyd Calvin Murphy of Racine, Wis.; two sisters, Francis Roebuck of Dunbar and Dorothy Thorpe of Connellsville; 27 grandchildren; 41 great-grandchildren; six great-great grandchildren; nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents she was also preceded in death by her husband, James A. Bryner; son Leroy Bryner; four brothers. Friends will be received at Burhans- Crouse Funeral Home, 28 Connellsville Street, Dunbar, today from 6 to 9 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Monday until 10 a.m., the hour of service with Pastor Joseph Wingrove, officiating. Interment in Allen cemetery.
James Bryner, Sr., departed this life May 25th, 1895, after an illness of only a few days, at the residence of his son, Jas., of Epperly, this county. The subject of this sketch was born in Fayette county, Pa., May 15th, 1811, and was consequently eighty-four years and ten days old. He was married to Miss Mary Bodkin in 1831. She died in 1848, leaving him with ten small children, four of which only survive him, namely, Mrs. Martha Clutter, of Ninevah, Pa., Alexander, of Washington, Pa., Jas., and Washington of this county. In 1856 he was married to Mrs. Mahalie Wignet of Green county, Pa. After a happy union of many years, she also preceded him to that "Better Land," from which time he made his home with his children. He was a man of many noble traits of character, always kind and agreeable, especially was he so for a man of his extreme age. As a father he was indulgent, as a friend always loyal and true, always ready to look on the bright side of life. By his kindly deeds and upright conduct he had endeared himself to all who had the pleasure of knowing him. Although his suffering was intense he was never heard to murmur or complain, other than to say that he sometimes wished the time shorter, that he did not desire to stay much longer. He had been a member of the Baptist Church for upwards of sixty years, through which time he lived and exemplary Christian life. Sadly do we miss his coming and that smile of friendship, yet "we sorrow not as they who have no hope." How consoling to know he has gone where all the good of earth are gathered, to be forever free from all care, to inherit that rest which "remains for the people of God." After appropriate funeral services the remains were laid to rest in the family cemetery in the presence of a large concourse of relatives and friends.
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
James Bryner
White, male, 19 years old
Born–1876, Dunbar
Died–December 19, 1895, Dunbar
Cause of death–Abdominal cramps, sick 2 days
Father–Isaac Bryner
Mother–Elizabeth Bryner
James F. Bryner, 63, of 80 Gibson Terrace, formerly of Dunbar, died on arrival at Connellsville State General Hospital Tuesday morning. He was born August 29, 1909, at Dunbar, a son of the late James H. and Alice Mae Klink Bryner. He was a World War II veteran. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Gladys Swink Bryner; four daughters, including Mrs. Kenneth (Irma) Schobert of Connellsville, Mrs. E. J. (Joann) Bailers of Uniontown, and Mrs. Norman (Alice Jean) Michael of Pittsburgh; eight grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Sylvia Crago of Harrisburg, and three brothers, Herbert Bryner of Washington, Pa. and Howard and Alvin Bryner of Dunbar .
BRYNER— Friends of James F. Bryner of 80 Gibson Terrace, Connellsville, who died Tuesday, March 6, 1973, may call at the Burhans Funeral Home, Dunbar, from 7 to 9 p.m. today and from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday. Funeral services will be held there at 2 p.m. Friday, with the Rev. Melvin Trout officiating. Interment will be in Mount Auburn Cemetery, Dunbar.
Jim Bryner was reportedly born on a one acre farm on Hardy Hill near Dunbar. He worked for a number of companies before retiring in 1975. He is one of the founders of the "Old Time Fiddlers Association." In his interview Jim talks of mountain people being poor but self- sufficient, having a garden and shooting turkey, deer, squirrel and rabbits to add to their food. He mentions that his granddad had hogs running loose, that being the origin of the name of the place called "Hog Rocks", as the hogs lived in the rocks. (We have big rocks in Fayette County.) The hogs had marks or notches on their ears, so they could be identified by their owners.
(A mouth-watering comment that brings back a memory is his mention of mixing dry bread in with cooking tomatoes. Mom added brown sugar.) Green beans were dried and hung in a flour sack behind the stove. They kept a crock of kraut on the porch as a mainstay in the winter. He describes the making of hominy, using lye water as well as the buckwheat, taking it to the mill in Ohiopyle which sat right on the falls. The women also picked plants in the woods, including dandelions, wild beets, wild parsley which would be mixed together and boiled, the bitter removed, and more water added. Then the greens were fried in bacon grease and vinegar (Sounds like Mom's version of wilted lettuce). Plants were gathered for medicines. Bees were hunted and the honey harvested. Sarvis berries, like small cherries, were picked from trees and eaten raw or used in pies. They also picked blackberries and huckleberries and something called "mountain sweets" which were used for preserves and jellies and canned for pies or dried them and put them in flour sacks. Jim Bryner then talked of mountain music. They had no electricity so no radios, etc. they had to make their own entertainment. He reported that his grandfather Bryner was a wonderful fiddler as was his mother’s uncle Jim Hardy. The primary instruments were fiddle and banjo, no guitars until much later. The banjo was the rhythm instrument to accompany the fiddle. Jim spoke of a Johnny from Dunbar who was the greatest banjo player that ever lived. Johnny once played all afternoon for a West Penn Power Picnic at Kennywood or Idlewild Park, riding the streetcar home, still entertaining. So many people joined him at the rear that the front end picked up and the back end dragged.
Jim mentions lots of details about old songs, names of some and how music is being preserved through the Old Time Fiddlers Association, which he helped form in 1972 when they had 32 people at their first meeting which was held in Strickler's barn. Sounds like the idea for this organization originated at the birthday party on the mountain with six or seven fiddles playing. A stranger was there and commented that "Wouldn't it be nice if there was more of us and we could do it more often?" Jim says he knew all the fiddlers in the county and would send them "a little note to come to a meeting" the rest is history.)
Ed can tell you more about this organization, although I did join it last year). At the time Jim was interview he reported there were 370 members at the meeting and it was getting too big to handle.
Bryner, James I.— Age 86 years, of Dunbar, died Wednesday, August 21, 1991, in Presbyterian Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa. He was born in Dunbar, the son of the late J. Henry Bryner and Sarah Elizabeth Hardy Bryner. He was the retired superintendent of Dunbar Corporation and the A.C. Moyer Company, retiring in 1980. He was a member of the Franklin Memorial Methodist Church of Dunbar, charter member and co-founder of The Old Time Fiddlers Association, former member of the Dunbar Lions Club, Scout Master of the Dunbar Boy Scout Troop, served as a member of the Dunbar School Board and was also a former Deputy Sheriff. He is survived by his wife, Thelma Smitley Bryner; two sons, Richard Bryner of New Mexico and Frederick A. Bryner of Monrovia, Maryland; a daughter, Mrs. Dale (Norma) Newcomer of Butler, Pa.; two brothers, Irvin P. Bryner and Charles L. Bryner, both of Waynesburg; two sisters, Minnie I. Rankin of Dunbar and Emma E. Rodkey of Blairsville, Pa.; four grandchildren; five great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Walter G. Bryner and Louis "Sheepy" Bryner and one grandson Richard L. Bryner, Jr. Interment in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Dunbar.
Jay Bryner, 71, died at 2:26 a.m. February 15, 2008, at Lima Memorial Health System, Lima, Ohio. He was born May 23, 1936 in Ohiopyle, Pa., to Oakley and Mamie Tressler Bryner, who preceded him in death. On December 23, 1966, he married Judy Biddle, who survives in Lima. Mr. Bryner retired from Carpenters Local 372. He was a member of the Benevolent & Protective Order of the Elks Lodge 54, Fraternal Order of Eagles 370, Orioles Nest 173, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1275 Auxiliary and the Dad’s Club. He was a member and had worked at Tamarac Golf Club. He was passionate about golf and loved the Pittsburgh Steelers. Survivors also include a son, Matthew (Sharon) Bryner of Gainesville, GA; three daughters; Vanita (Dwayne) Dirk of Corpus Christi, Texas, Michele Garcia of Lima and Lezlie Harris, of Pahrump, Nev.; 11 grandchildren, Kristi, Patrick, Adam, Meagan, Cameron, Erin, Heather, Marissa, Joseph, Frank and Matthew; four great-grandchildren, Nicole, Dusty, McKenzie and Zoe; two sisters, Helen (Austin) Rishel, of Bruceton Mills, West Va., and Maxine (Bernard) Kirkpatrick of Smock, PA.; a sister-in-law, Janis Osterhout, of Lima; several nieces and nephews; and his beloved dog Mariah. He was preceded in death by a son, Patrick Neil Bryner; and two brothers, Peter and Ivan Bryner. Services will begin at 11 a.m. Monday at Siferd-Orians Funeral Home. Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the family.
BRYNER, JESSE, 85, of Farmington, R.D. 2, died Monday, April 22, 1996, at Kamps Personal Care Home, Farmington. He was born Feb. 11, 1911, in Dunbar. He was a retired coal miner and also for many years worked in maintenance at St. Aloysius R. C. Church. He is survived by one son, William J. Bryner and wife Vonda of Friendsville, MD; a grandson, William J. Bryner, Jr. of Uniontown; a sister, Margaret Topper of Towson, MD. He was preceded in death by his wife, Agnes Bryner in 1995; a sister, Frances Hafner Driscoll. Friends will be received at Burhans-Crouse Funeral Home, Dunbar. Interment in St. Aloysius Cemetery, Dunbar.
CONFLUENCE— Jesse J. Bryner, 75, of Ohiopyle, R. D., died Sunday in Uniontown Hospital. He was born July 2, 1891, in Ohiopyle, a son of the late Calvin and Lida Boyd Bryner. He was a World War I veteran. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Leah Hall Bryner; two sons, Bailey Bryner of Silver Springs, Md., and Robert G. Bryner of Miami, Fla.; seven grandchildren and two sisters, Miss Maude Bryner of Ohiopyle and Mrs. Mary Morrison of Sykesville, Md. The body is in the Humbert funeral home where the funeral service will be held at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday with the Rev. John Radahaver officiating. Burial will be in Johnson Chapel Cemetery, near Confluence.
John Bryner, 89, died at 3 a.m. Wednesday at the home of his brother, Charles H. Bryner, at Dunbar. Born at Dunbar, January 9, 1867, he was the son of William T. and Harriet Hicks Bryner. Surviving besides his brother, Charles H., are four other brothers, Thomas ,James, and Albert of Dunbar, and Shriver of Washington County: a son, Thomas of Lake Lynn , and sister, Mrs. Ida Hughes of Westmoreland County. The funeral services will be held at the Burhans funeral home at Dunbar at 2 p.m. Saturday. Burial will take place in Franklin Cemetery.
BRYNER, JOHN— Aged 80, husband of Lena Haning Bryner, Ohiopyle, died Sunday, April 10, 1960 at 5 a.m. in the Price Hospital, Confluence. In addition to his widow, he is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Charles (Pearl) Parnell and Mrs. Harry (Hazel) Wolfe, Ohiopyle; Mrs. Eugene (Ethel) Matthews, Indian Head; Miss Mary Bryner, Bruceton Mills, W. Va.; one son, Okey Bryner, Farmington; twelve grandchildren; nineteen great-grandchildren; one brother, Richard Bryner, Ohiopyle. He was predeceased by his first wife, Banna Lytle Bryner, October 20, 1955. A retired farmer of Stewart Township, he was a member of the Sugar Loaf Methodist Church. The family will receive friends after 7 p.m. today and Tuesday from 3-5 and 7-10 in the Gleason Funeral Home, 114 East Fayette St., where services will be held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. Smith Hixon will officiate. Interment will be in Bell Grove Cemetery.
In memory of Larry, youngest son of James and Emma Bryner, who departed this life, October 1st, 1895, aged 4 years, and 3 months. He had been ill nearly three weeks with that dreaded disease, flux. All that loving care and medical skill could do was done to relieve the little sufferer, but to no avail. He who said, "suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God," took him to his rest in heaven. May the "Loving Father of All" soothe the aching hearts of the parents, who so badly miss the footsteps and smile of their little pet. Interment took place Wednesday, Oct. 2d, in the family cemetery. The services were conducted by the Rev. Smith, of the M.E. Church, South.
Lawrence E. 'Larry' BRYNER (1948-1996)
BRYNER, Lawrence E. "Larry", 47, of Connellsville, died Wednesday, June 26, 1996, at his home. He was born September 2, 1948 in Connellsville, a son of Charles E. and Barbara L. Swaney Bryner of Connellsville. He was a sales representative with the Frank Fuhrer Whole Company. He was a member of the Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, the B.P.O. Elks No. 503, and the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 493. He was a veteran of the Vietnam War and was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 21, the American Legion Post No. 301, the Independent Slovak Club and the Independent Polish Club. He was a graduate of Connellsville High School in 1966 and Penn State University in 1974. In addition to his parents, he is survived by a sister, Wendy L. Bryner of Elizabeth, N.J. Friends will be received in the PAUL G. FINK FUNERAL HOME INC., 418 N. Pittsburgh St., Connellsville, today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., where services will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. with the Pastor Herb Dubler officiating. Interment will follow in Green Ridge Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers, the family requests contributions be made to Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Lewis Bryner, Sr.
Lewis Bryner, Sr., 79, of Dunbar, died Friday, July 25, 2003, at home. He was born Feb. 20, 1924, in Dunbar, son of the late Jacob Bryner and the late Elizabeth Taylor Bryner. He also was preceded by his wife Edna Faye Hughes Bryner; brothers Thomas, Elliott, James and Henry Bryner; and a sister, Minnie Emilio. He is survived by his children, Betty Martin and husband Dennis, of Lemont Furnace, Cathy Ribniscky and husband Grayling, of Dunbar, and Lewis Bryner Jr. and wife Terry, of Uniontown; a sister, Sara Zerecheck and husband, Eugene, of West Leisenring; six grandchildren; several great- grandchildren; and nieces and nephews. Friends will be received Sunday from 1 until 9 p.m. in the BURHANS-CROUSE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Connellsville St., Dunbar, and Monday, until 11 a.m., the hour of service, with pastor Lee Maley officiating. Interment at Mount Auburn Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions are suggested to Westmoreland Hospice or the American Heart Association.
Lewis E. Bryner, 68, of Uniontown, Fayette County, Pa., passed away suddenly on Tuesday, August 19, 2008, in his home. He was born September 29, 1939, in Dunbar, Fayette County, Pa., the son of the late John B. Emilio and Minnie C. Emilio. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his brother, John Emilio, his grandparents, Elizabeth and Jacob Bryner, and his uncles, Jim Bryner, Henry Bryner, and Lewis Bryner, Sr. Lewis was a member of Saint Aloysius Roman Catholic Church, in Dunbar. He was a 1959 graduate of the former North Union High School, in Fayette County, Pa., and a United States Veteran serving in the Army. Lewis was a heavy equipment operator for Merit Construction, a member of the United Mine Workers of America operating Engineers Local 18 out of Cleveland, Ohio, and a member of the Jednota Lodge. He loved gardening and hunting.
He is survived by his beloved wife of 45 years, Monica Marie Hudock Bryner; his loving children: Gregory Bryner, of Uniontown, Eugene "Michael" Bryner, of Midland, Texas, Vincent Bryner, of Elizabeth, Pa, Lori Butler, of Uniontown, Kristi Bryner, of Kapolei, Hawaii, and Kari Wydo and husband, Chris, of Pickerington, Ohio; and his grandchildren, whom he cherished: Ashley and Alexis Bryner, Theresa, Sarah and Jeffrey Butler, Kevin Cox and Olivia Wydo. Lewis is also survived by his brothers: Frank Emilio, of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and Joseph Emilio, of Morgantown, West Virginia; brother-in-law, Daniel Hudock and wife, Paulette, of Chalk Hill, Fayette County, Pa.; Aunt Sarah Zerecheck, loving nephews, cousins, other relatives, friends, and neighbors.
Friends will be received in the KEZMARSKY FUNERAL HOME, 71 Pennsylvania Avenue, Uniontown, Pa., Friday, August 22, 2008, from 5 to 9 p.m., and Saturday, August 23, 2008, until 9 a.m. Military Honors will be accorded at the funeral home followed by Prayers of Transfer. A Mass of Christian Burial follows (time and place to be announced in Friday's edition). Interment is private for the family.
Lyda B. Morris BRYNER (1921-2011)
Lyda B Bryner
Lyda B. Bryner, 89, of Connellsville, passed away Monday, April 18, 2011, in the Valley View Nursing Home, Altoona. She was born May 11, 1921, in Ruffsdale, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morris. Lyda was a resident of Connellsville for most of her life. She had done housekeeping for various families in the area for years. She was a member of the First Baptist Church in Connellsville and also taught Sunday school there. Lyda enjoyed gardening and especially enjoyed raising tomatoes. Lyda will be sadly missed but fondly remembered by her loving son, Barry Bryner and his wife, Shirley, of Altoona; her grandchildren, Maribeth Wesesky and her husband, Mark, of Pittsburgh, and Matthew Bryner and his wife, Beth, of Lancaster; and her great-grandson, Luke. Lyda was the last surviving member of her immediate family. In addition to her parents, Lyda was predeceased by her husband, Ernest D. Bryner; a daughter, Bonnie Overly; a grandchild, Sherry Ann Sebek; a sister, Mary Morris; and three brothers, Harvey, Noah and Frank Morris. Family and friends will be received from 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday in the BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., 111 E. Green St., Connellsville, 724-628-1430, where a funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. Thursday with the Rev. Donald E. Walls officiating. A committal service and interment will follow in Green Ridge Memorial Park, Pennsville. To sign the online guest registry, please visit
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Margaret Bryner
White, female, 27 years old, married
Born–1874, Dunbar
Died–May 4 1901, Dunbar
Buried–Franklin Cemetery, Dunbar
Cause of death–Consumption, sick 4 months
Martha Alverda BRYNER (1926-2011)
Mrs. Martha Alverda Bryner (nee Wable), age 85 of Frederick, Maryland, passed away peacefully on Saturday, July 2, 2011. Born on March 8, 1926 in Ohiopyle, Pa., she was the daughter of the late William and Louise Wable. She was the wife of Bailey Hall Bryner of Frederick, Md. and had celebrated their 62rd anniversary earlier this year. She was a housewife and enjoyed quilting, sewing, needle point, gardening, raising goats, and the Washington Redskins. She was preceded in death by brothers, Robert H. Wable, John W. Wable, and Wayne J. Wable. In addition to her husband, she is survived by her older sister, Betty M. Lambie of Ohiopyle, Pa. and her younger sister, Ruby C. Hooter of Sanborn, N.Y. Survivors include her six children: Terence M. Bryner and wife Suzanne of Jacksonville, Fla., Nelson P. Bryner and wife Sheilda of Frederick, Md., David W. Bryner and wife Teresa of Denton, Md., Curtis H. Bryner and wife Mimi of Frederick, Md., Leah L. Perry and husband Robert of Middletown, Md., and Vincent N. Bryner and wife Angie of Chantilly, Va. as well as a multitude of grandchildren, numerous great-grandchildren, and a lesser number of great-great- grandchildren. As for flowers, she always said that if you were going to send flowers, you should do it while she could appreciate them. No viewing, reception, or funeral services are scheduled. KEENEY-BASFORD FUNERAL HOME, Frederick, MD is handling the arrangements prior to cremation.
Matthew Steven BRYNER
Matthew Steven Bryner, 19, of Normalville, passed away Saturday, March 4, 2000, in the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. He was born Aug. 29, 1980, in Mount Pleasant, a son of Paul L. and Colleen Titterington Bryner of Normalville. He was a Protestant by faith. He was a 1998 graduate of Connellsville Area High School, in which he was awarded the Who's Who Among American High School Students award in his sophomore, junior and senior years. He was employed as a machine operator at Williamhouse Corp. in Scottdale. He also attended classes at Penn State where he was in his freshman year. He enjoyed rafting. During the summer months he worked at Yough Outfitters Rafting in Ohiopyle and during the winter months at Seven Springs Ski Resort. In addition to his parents, he is survived by a brother, Paul D. Bryner and his wife, Holly, of Normalville; his paternal grandparents, Paul F. and Roberta J. Corristan Bryner of Mill Run; and maternal grandmother, Catherine A. Hagan Titterington of Scottdale. He was predeceased by his maternal grandfather, Edwart K. Titterington. Friends will be received in the VITO C. MARTUCCI FUNERAL HOME, 123 S. First St., West Side, Connellsville, today from noon to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. and Wednesday until 11 a.m., the hour of service with the Rev. Carl Ritenour of Fairchance officiating. Interment will follow in Green Brier Cemetery, Ohiopyle.
Nancy Lee Shepler BRYNER (1942-2007)
Nancy Lee Shepler Bryner, 65, of Lakeland, Florida, formerly of South Connellsville, Fayette County, Pa., and Joppa, Maryland, passed away Tuesday, July 31, 2007, in the Lakeland Hospital, Lakeland, Florida. She was born May 17, 1942, in South Connellsville, a daughter of the late Charles and Helen Weaver Shepler. Nancy grew up in South Connellsville, and then moved to Joppa, Md., where she lived for 40 years. She had resided in Lakeland, Fla., for the last year. Nancy was formerly employed by Anchor Hocking, in South Connellsville, and had retired as an Auto Worker for General Motors. Nancy had been a member of the Albright United Methodist Church, in South Connellsville. Nancy is survived by her loving husband, Ronald Samuel Bryner; her son, Charles Bryner, of Lakeland, Fla.; and her grandchildren: Justin and Leah Bryner. In addition to her parents, Nancy was predeceased by a daughter, Kelly Ann Bryner, and two sons, Randy Shepler and Ronald Bryner, Jr. Family and friends will be received from 2:00 to 4:00 and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. today, in the BROOKS FUNERAL HOME, INC., 111 East Green Street, Connellsville, Fayette County, Pa., where a Funeral Service will be held on Saturday at 11:00 a.m., with the Rev. Dr. Byron Tate Fulton, officiating. A Committal Service and Interment will follow in Green Ridge Memorial Park, Pennsville, Fayette County, Pa. To sign the online guest registry, please visit .
Nellie Lewis BRYNER (1922-1994)
Nellie Lewis Bryner, 71, of Greensboro R.D.1, Pa., and formerly of the Point Marion, Pa. and Lake Lynn, Pa. areas died Monday, April 18, 1994, in Ruby Memorial Hospital, Morgantown, W.Va. She was born Dec. 16, 1922, in Winstead, Pa., daughter of the late Stephen and Essie Gaskill Lewis. Surviving are three children, Daisy Darnell, Diana Cooke, and Larry W. Bryner, all of Greensboro; five grandchildren, Jerry Darnell, John Kisner, Jr., Bobbi Jo Zilkanich, Cynthia Sue Darnell, Tony Cooke; four great-granddaughters; a sister, Ann Lewis, of Uniontown, Pa.; five brothers, Walter Lewis, of Cleveland, Ohio, Steve Lewis, Jr. of Security, Colo., Kenneth Wayne Lewis, of Fairchance, Pa., Warren Lewis, of Smithfield, Pa., and John Lewis, of Markleysburg, Pa. She was predeceased by her husband, William Bryner, in 1966; daughters, Marjorie Louise Bryner and Brenda C. Kisner; grandson, Douglas Wayne Darnell; brothers, Elmer, Thomas, and Harold Lewis. Friends will be received in the RICHARD R. HEROD FUNERAL HOME, Point Marion, Pa., today from 7 to 9 p.m., Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., and Thursday until 1 p.m., the hour of service, with Rev. Russel W. Shuluga officiating. Interment will follow in Fletcher Cemetery, Cheat Lake, W.Va.
Phoebe Provance BRYNER (1871-1948)
Plummer F. 'PF' BRYNER (1904-1994)
Plummer says that he was born in Stewart township, on a little farm of about 20 acres. He talked of the little farms that no longer exist, having been purchased by the conservancy. The farmers used to grow a little corn, oats and "maybe a little buckwheat". He added that they usually had six to eight pigs and eight to ten milk cows. The pigs were turned loose in the fall to graze on the acorns and chestnuts and later fed corn, Hilda commented that they had pigs that would jump an eight foot fence. Plummer talked about hunting and fishing in the mountains. He also mentions the hard cider made in the mountains and the whiskey and of knowing where a few stills were located. He also mentions a conversation with Peep Owl Tressler about hard cider. Finally Plummer talked about having square dances in his home, of people coming who played the banjo and guitar as well as the fiddle. The Tressler’s who "could play anything" adding Charlie Tressler could play that "Over The Waves" so plain you could hear the water splashing again the boat. He ended with a bit on the friendship that used to exist among the mountain people, taking care of one another.
BRYNER, PLUMMER F. "PF"— 90, of Chalk Hill, Ohiopyle Road, died Saturday, January 1, 1994, in Highland Hospital, Connellsville. He was born October 4, 1904, in Ohiopyle, the son of the late Albert R. and Eva Hall Bryner. He was the owner of the Bryner Lumber Company in Vanderbilt, Connellsville. He was a member of the Smock Rod and Gun Club. He was a Methodist by faith and attended Kentuck Union Church in Dunbar, R. D. 2. Surviving are his wife of 63 years, Hilda E. Tissue Bryner; four sons, Albert Ray Bryner of Dickerson Run; Harold D. Bryner, of Boston, Mass.; Arthur Bryner of Ohiopyle Road in Chalk Hill; five daughters, Mrs. Robert (Kathleen) Reeves of Concord, Ohio; Mrs. Thomas (Elma) Fisher of Madison, Ohio; Caroline Lear of Chalk Hill-Ohiopyle Road; Mrs. Glenn (Marie) Scarlet, of Mentor, Ohio: and Sharon Jarzy of Uniontown; eighteen grandchildren, 21 great grandchildren. He was the last surviving member of his family, being predeceased by an infant son and daughter; a great grandson in 1983; four sisters, Verna Lowery in 1967, Freda Leonard in 1973 and Georgie Leonard in 1967, and two brothers, Judson Bryner in 1953 and Alvin Bryner in 1984.
Robert E. Bryner
Mill Run
Robert E. Bryner, 77, of Mill Run, passed away Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2005, at home while comforted by his loving family. He was born Feb. 8, 1928, in South Connellsville, a son of the late Clarence and Rosa Hostetler Bryner. He was protestant by faith. Bob retired from U.S. Steel National Tube Works in McKeesport, where he worked as a crane operator. Bob was a World War II, U.S. Air Force veteran, having served as a military policeman in the U.S. and Japan. He was awarded the Asiatic-Pacific Theater Medal, World War II Victory Medal and Army of Occupation Medal Japan. He was a life member of VFW Post 6743 in Donegal and the Normalville Rod and Gun Club. Bob was very proud to say that he was a veteran and served his country with honor. He was also a member of the Yough Fisherman’s Association of Connellsville and Worked at The Food Pantry in Normalville for many years. Bob liked fishing, enjoyed playing Nintendo and listening to gospel and bluegrass music. He is survived by his loving wife, Loretta E. Shroyer Bryner, to whom he was married 59 1/2 years; two sons, Robert Bryner Jr. and his wife, Jill, and Marvin Bryner and his wife, Jerene, all of Mill Run; four daughters, Marleen Nicola and her husband, Joe, of Indian Head, Pauline Stillwagon and her husband, Dewey, of Point Marion, Peggy Shearer and her husband, Glen, and Karen Pritts, and her husband, Earl, all of Mill Run; 15 grandchildren, Scott Stillwagon, Lori Fox, Kelly Kirsch, Hope Shearer, Tina Malenock, Candy Swan, Glen Shearer III, Jeremiah "Frog" Stillwagon, April Peck, Earl Pritts Jr., J.J. Shearer, Jason Pritts, Jocelyn Richter, Trevor Bryner and Brittney Bryner; 23 great-grandchildren; a brother, Paul Bryner and wife, Roberta, of Connellsville; two sisters, Mildred Frinsko, of McKeesport, and Ruth Miner, of Mill Run; and many nieces, nephews; and great-nieces and great-nephews. In addition to his parents, Bob was predeceased by a daughter, Deborah Bryner; five brothers, Ralph, Clarence, Donald, Chester and Richard Bryner; and two sisters, Olive Kennedy and Beulah Lee. Family and friends will be received from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday and 1 p.m. to the hour of service Saturday in the VITO C. MARTUCCI FUNERAL HOME, 123 S. First St., West Side, Connellsville, with Pastor Tom Bonomo officiating. Interment will follow in Indian Creek Baptist Church Cemetery in Mill Run. Military honors will be accorded at graveside by members of the Donegal VFW Post 6743. The families of Robert E. Bryner would like to extend their sincere thanks to the following individuals who comforted them in time of need: Pastor Tom Bonomo, Albert Gallatin Hospice nurses, Lori, Carol, and Diane and Dr. Waas.
Ronald L. Bryner
Ronald L. Bryner, 67, of Normalville, passed away Thursday, April 26, 2007, in Excela Health Westmoreland Hospital, Greensburg. He was born April 5, 1940, in Connellsville, a son of the late Ralph and Esma Sipe Bryner. Ronald was a longtime resident of Normalville. He was a graduate of the former Hurst High School with the Class of 1957. He worked in maintenance for U.S. Steel. He was a member of Marion Lodge #562 F&AM, in Scottdale, and the Uniontown Lodge of Perfection. Ronald will be sadly missed, but lovingly remembered by his family; his wife of 45 years, Charlotte M. Ritenour Bryner; his children, Kimberly Baldwin and husband, Robert, of Ruffsdale, Pamela Bryner, of Greensburg, and Ronald A. Bryner and wife, Heather, of Vanderbilt; his eight grandchildren; his sisters, Betty L. Ritenour and husband, the Rev. Carl D. Ritenour, of Normalville, Ruth Zufall and husband, Vernon, of Sebring, Fla., and Sharon Wilkins and husband, Lee, of Acme; and his brother, Ralph Bryner Jr. and wife, Betty Ann, of South Bend, Ind. Family and friends will be received from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday and from 12 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday in the CLYDE BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., Route 711, Melcroft, where a funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. Monday with the Rev. Carl D. Ritenour officiating. A committal service and interment will follow in the Normalville Cemetery. Marion Lodge #562 F&AM will conduct a service at 7:30 p.m. Saturday in the funeral home.
Ronald Raymond BRYNER (1947-2002)
Ronald Raymond Bryner
Formerly of Halifax
Ronald Raymond Bryner, 55, of Dunbar, but formerly of Halifax, passed away Thursday in Uniontown Hospital after a lengthy illness. He was born in Connellsville, on June 28, 1947, to Raymond Elious and Gladys Mary (Goodman) Bryner. He was a 1966 graduate of Dunbar Township High School, a lifetime truck driver who worked for Excel Logistics in Mechanicsburg; J. B. Hunt in Lowell, Ark.; and most recently, for Metropolitan Trucking, Bloomsburg. He was a member of Lighthouse of Hope Church in Greensburg. He was a diver and store keeper in the U.S. Navy and also a veteran of the Vietnam War. In addition to his mother, Ronald is survived by his wife, Shirley (Snook-Booher) Bryner; two sons, Robert Bryner and his wife, Sara, of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Steven Bryner and his wife, Arina, of Phoenix, Ariz.; one sister, Bernise Mae Cooper and her husband Kenneth Cooper Sr. of Dunbar; four stepsons, Joseph Henry Fisher Jr. of Anniston, Ala.; Keith Alan Fisher of Sevierville, Tenn., William Clyde Booher and his wife, Jonel, of Toledo, Ohio and Kirby Edward Booher and his wife, Christine of Shermansdale; two stepdaughters, Cheri Eileen Keiter of Newville and Anita Aurelius of Newville. He is also survived by eight grandchildren, 22 step- grandchildren and a step great-granddaughter. Funeral services will be held at 11:30 a.m. Monday, Dec. 2, 2002, in the MYERS FUNERAL HOME, Mechanicsburg, with the Rev. Simon A. Lehman Jr. officiating. Burial with full military honors will be held at 1 p.m. Monday in Indiantown Gap National Cemetery. A viewing will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to Fayette Homecare and Hospice, 100 Woodlawn Ave., Suite 300, Uniontown, Pa. 15401.
Ronald Samuel BRYNER (1940-2011)
Ronald Samuel Bryner, 70, of Lakeland, Florida, formerly of Mt. Braddock, passed away Friday, June 10, 2011 in the Lakeland Regional Medical Center, Lakeland, FL. He was born December 7, 1940 in Mount Braddock a son of the late William A. & Grace Lowery Bryner. Prior to his retirement Ronald worked as an auto worker for General Motors. He is survived by his son, Charles William Bryner of Lakeland, Florida, his grandchildren, Justin and Leah Bryner both of DE, and his brother, William Bryner of South Connellsville. In addition to his parents Ronald was predeceased by his wife, Nancy Lee Shepler Bryner in 2007, a daughter Kelly Ann Bryner, and two sons, Randy and Ronald Bryner, Jr. Family and friends will be received Thursday from 2 -4 and 7-9 p.m. in the Brooks Funeral Home, Inc., 111 East Green Street, Connellsville, where a funeral service will be held Friday at 11 a.m., with Rev. Jeffery Popson officiating. A committal service and interment will follow in Green Ridge Cemetery, Pennsville.
Sarah BRYNER died in 1869. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(17)
BRYNER.In Stewart township, April 16th, 1869, Mrs. Sarah, wife of Joshua
Bryner, aged 71 years 7 months and 19 days.
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.
Genius of Liberty. Uniontown, Pa. Apr. 22, 1869.
Sarah Elizabeth BRYNER (1872-1951)
Thelma J. Bryner, 92, of Ohiopyle, passed away Saturday, March 29, 2014 in Eicher’s Family Home, Normalville. She was born June 25, 1921 in Uniontown, a daughter of William and Edith (Hull) Fee. Her parents, a grandson, 2 great grandsons, daughter-in-law, Joyce Bryner, brothers, Grant, Arthur, Russell, Elmer, Glenn and Jay Fee and sisters, Marie Meyers, Gladys Bryner, and Alice Hicks preceded her in death. She is survived by her children; Faye Williams and husband, John, Mill Run, Edith Hutchinson and husband, George, Carmichaels, David Bryner and wife, Cathy, Chalk Hill, Kenneth Bryner, Uniontown, Connie Rugg and husband, John, Mill Run, Larry Bryner, Cacapon, WV and Fern Leonard and husband Russell Joe, Addison; 12 grandchildren and 30 great grandchildren. Thelma was a member of the Bear Run Church and the Ohiopyle-Stewart Fire Ladies Auxiliary. She loved music and square dancing. Friends will be received from 2-9 PM Tuesday, April 1, 2014 at the Humbert Funeral Home in Confluence where a service will be held at 11 AM Wednesday, April 2, 2014. Interment will follow in Irwin Memorial Cemetery, Ohiopyle.
Thelma Smitley BRYNER (1914-1994)
Thelma R. Smitley Bryner, 79, of Dunbar, Fayette County, PA, died Saturday at the Butler Memorial Hospital. Born August 7, 1914, she was the daughter of Adam K. and Dora Taylor Smitley. Mrs. Bryner was a homemaker and belonged to The Franklin Memorial Methodist Church of Dunbar. She was also a member of the Quilters Group and the Star Bible Class at the church and The Dames of Malta of Connellsville.
Surviving are two sons; Richard L. Bryner of New Mexico, and Frederick A. Bryner of Monrovia, MD; a daughter Norma Newcomer of Butler PA; two brothers, Ray C. Smitley of Hopwood and Norman J. Smitley of Carmichaels; four grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and a number of nieces and nephews.
Her husband, James I. Bryner died in 1991. A sister and a grandson also preceded her in death. Friend will be received at the Burhans-Crouse Funeral Home, 28 Connellsville Street, Dunbar. Interment in Mount Auburn Cemetery, Dunbar.
Violet E. Bryner
Violet E. Bryner, 97, of Uniontown, died Monday, July 19, 2010, in Cherry Tree Nursing Home, Uniontown. She was born Aug. 10, 1912, in Dunbar, daughter of the late Lewes Martin and the late Sara Taylor Martin. She was a homemaker. Surviving are children, Walter Bryner, of Cherry Tree Nursing Home, Luther Bryner and wife, Joanne, of Uniontown, Charles Bryner and wife, Vi, of Dickerson Run, Edward Bryner and wife, Mae, of Connellsville, and Henry Bryner and wife, Joyce, of Aliquippa; numerous grandchildren; great-grandchildren; and great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Walter P. Bryner; daughters, Mary Stone, Phoebe Matthews and Nancy Hall; and a son, Raymond Bryner. Friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesday in the BURHANS-CROUSE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Connellsville St., Dunbar. Services will be at 1 p.m. Wednesday in the funeral home with Pastor Lee Spencer officiating. Interment in Mt. Auburn Cemetery.
Walter J. Bryner
Dickerson Run
Formerly of Dunbar
Walter J. Bryner, 81, of Dickerson Run, formerly of Dunbar, died Monday, Jan. 31, 2011, in Cherry Tree Nursing Center, Uniontown. Friends will be received from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday and from 12 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Friday in the BURHANS-CROUSE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Connellsville St., Dunbar, where services will begin at 8 p.m. with Pastor Lee Maley officiating. Military rites will be accorded by the General George C. Marshall AMVETS Post 103.
Walter P. Bryner, age 82 years of Dunbar, R.D. 1, died Wednesday December 7, 1988 in the Uniontown Hospital. He was born March 1, 1906 in Dunbar, the son of the late Isaac and Phoebe Provance Bryner. He was a retired coal miner at Leisenring #3 mine with the U.S. Steel Corporation. He was a member of the Dunbar Lodge of Jr. Mechanics.
Surviving are his wife, Violet Martin Bryner, six sons, Walter J. of Dunbar; Luther L. of Uniontown; Raymond E. "Jim" of Leisenring; Henry N. of Aliquippa; Edward G. of Connellsville; and Charles I. of Dickerson Run. Three daughters, Mary Stone of Dunbar; Phoebe Matthews of Connellsville; and Nancy Bryner; 29 grandchildren; 46 great-grandchildren and 2 great-great-grandchildren; a sister, Rosie Shaffer of Smithfield.
He was predeceased by nine brothers, Newton, Barney, Samuel, Luther, Jacob, Henry, Gibson, Charles and Blair. Interment in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Dunbar.
DUNBAR, Feb. 10— The many relatives and friends thronged the Methodist Episcopal Church Sunday to pay tribute to the memory of Adam Bryson. Rev. Joseph N. Somers, pastor of the church, and Rev. William S. Hamilton of the Methodist Protestant Church officiated. The church choir sang "My Jesus As Thou Wilt," “Face to Face” and "When Shadows Darkly Gather." Mrs. Edison Strong was accompanist. Pallbearers were William Farr, Joseph Williams, Frank Beals, Charles Hall, George Lowery and Thomas Callahan. Burial was in the family plot in Franklin Cemetery. Mr. Bryson died at the residence on Bryson Hill early Thursday. A son of the late Andrew J. and Charlotte Laughery Bryson, he was born here February 15, 1859. He was preceded in death by his parents, seven brothers and sisters and two children. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary Bryson; two sons, Chalmer Bryson of Toledo, Ohio, and Dale of Dunbar, one daughter, Mrs. Inez Graybill of St. Louis, Mo.; five grandchildren and one sister, Mrs. Annabelle Holsing of Dunbar. Mr. Bryson was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for more than 50 years. He was also a member of King David Lodge, I.O.O.F. Among the out of town persons attending the services were Mr. and Mrs. Blair Gaddis, Mr. and Mrs. John Newbrough, Mrs. Theodore Hockey and Mr. and Mrs. Hostettler of Scottdale and Mr. and Mrs. David Ainsley of Mount Braddock.
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Adam Leroy Bryson
White, male, 3 weeks old
Cause of death–Cholera Infantum, sick 1 day
Born—–July 13, 1899, Dunbar
Died—–August 14, 1899, Bryson Hill, Dunbar
Father–Adam Bryson
Mother–Mary Ellen Martin Bryson
BRYSON— At his home in Dunbar, Monday evening, October 27th, 1890, age 71 years, Andrew Bryson. He was one of the pioneers of Fayette county, and erected the first house in the valley where the flourishing town of Dunbar now stands, which is built of stone and will stand many years as a monument to his memory. He was employed by the Dunbar Furnace Company for 26 years and during that time never lost a day. He was one of the founders of the Methodist Protestant church at that place and a member of both the Odd Fellows and Free Masons, by whom he was buried on Wednesday afternoon.
Notes from contributor:
Buried–Oak Grove Cemetery, Uniontown
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Andrew B. Bryson
White, male, age 73 years, married
Born—–October 19, 1831, German twp.
Died—–October 7, 1904, Uniontown
Cause of death–Heart Attack
Buried–Oak Grove Cemetery
Father–Andrew Bryson
Mother–Susan Mary Hamilton Bryson
Spouse–Emily McDowell Bryson
Andrew Bryson, an old citizen of Uniontown, died at his home 128 North Gallatin avenue last night, aged 70 years. He leaves a wife and a family of grown up children. Notice of funeral later.
Andrew J. BRYSON, Jr. ( -1897)
Andrew J. Bryson, Jr., son of Andrew and Adaline (Walters) Bryson died at the home of his parents in North Union Township at midnight, Monday, November 22, 1897, aged 31 years. Death resulted from brain trouble with which he had been suffering about two months. He is survived by his parents, two brothers, James and John, two sisters, Melissa and Jennie. Funeral Thursday, meet in the house at 11 a.m. Interment in Laurel Hill Cemetery.
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Andrew J. Bryson
White, male, 71 years old, married, farmer
Cause of death–Cholera Infantum, sick 1 day
Died—–March 23, 1900, North Union Twp.
Spouse–Adaline Bryson
Buried–Laurel Hill Cemetery
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Andrew P. Bryson
White, male, 80 years old, married, carpenter
Cause of death–General disability, sick 6 months
Born—–1818, Fayette County
Died—–May 4, 1899, Uniontown
Spouse–Lydia Ann Bryson
Anne BRYSON died in 1866. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(21)
BRYSON On the 7th of March 1866, in Bonaparte, Iowa, Mrs. Anne,
wife of William Bryson, Esq., formely of this county.
The deseased was a member of the Baptist church and through her whole life was
an ornament to the Christian profession, and died full of the hope of blissful
The Genius of Liberty.
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Eliza Bryson
White, female, 69 years old, married
Born—–December 1, 1825
Died—–December 24, 1894, Leisenring
Cause of death–Stomach Trouble
Spouse–William Bryson
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Emily Bryson
White, female, 67 years old
Cause of death–Stroke Paraletic
Born—–1831, Mifflin Co., Pa.
Died—–June 26 1898, Uniontown
Residence–128 Galatin Ave
infant BRYSON died in 1938. His (or her) obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(12)
Funeral services for the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bryson, 32 Collins
avenue, were held Sunday afternoon, August 21, 1938. Mrs. Bryson, the former
Margaret McCloy, is reported slightly improved in the Uniontown hospital.
(Standard - Aug 22 '38)
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
James A. Bryson
White, male, 39 years old, farmer
Cause of death–Heart failure, sick 6 years
Died—–March 30, 1896, Leisenring
Interment–Laurel Hill Cemetery
John Andrew Bryson, well-known in Uniontown business circles, died at 8:30 o’clock Monday morning in the Uniontown Hospital where he had been a patient since last Tuesday. Mr. Bryson had been suffering from kidney trouble, but had apparently recovered when a blood clot developed suddenly and he expired. Mr. Bryson was secretary of the Uniontown Savings and Loan Association since its organization. He was also a member of the Second Presbyterian church of Uniontown. In politics Mr. Bryson was a staunch member of the Prohibition party. Mr. Bryson celebrated his 76th birthday last February 22nd, Washington’s birthday. He was born on the old Bryson farm in North Union township. His wife, Annie R. Bryson, together with three children, Alice, at home; William, of Clairton, and Mrs. Arthur Moras, of Uniontown, survive. Three grandchildren, Betty Bryson, Henry and Anne Moras, also survive. Funeral services will be solemnized Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock in the home, 126 North Gallatin avenue, in charge of Rev. J. C. Clark, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church. Burial will be in Oak Grove cemetery.
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
John K. Bryson
White, male, married
Born—–1849, Fayette Co.
Died—–November 5, 1902
Cause of death– Heart Disease
John K. Bryson, aged about 62 years, died very suddenly at his home in North Union township at 9 o’clock Wednesday morning, March 9, 1921, after an illness of but a few hours, due to heart trouble. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Belle Bryson, and three children, Ethel, Helen and Kennedy. Funeral services will be held at the Laurel Hill Presbyterian church at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon, Rev. William P. Russell officiating. Interment will be in the Laurel Hill cemetery. Mr. Bryson was an active member of the Laurel Hill church.
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
James A. Bryson
White, male, 2 1/2 years old
Cause of death–Cholera Infantum
Born—–April, 1902
Died—–July 12, 1904
Residence–1 St Street , Uniontown
Father–Denes Bryson
Mother–Maggie Bryson
Interment–Oak Grove Cemetery
Laurence R. BRYSON (1892-1894)
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Laurence R. Bryson
White, male, 1 year and 26 days old
Born—–1892, North Union Twp.
Died—–June 14, 1894
Cause of death–Brain trouble, sick 4 days
Buried–Laurel Hills Cemetery
Father–Albert Bryson
Mother–Laura Bryson
BRYSON— In North Union township, on Monday, April 6th, 1868, MARGARET, wife of Mr. Andrew Bryson, Sen., in the 71st year of her age.
BRYSON, MARY B.— Aged 92, Dunbar, died in the home of her nieces, Misses Irene and Luella Provance, Poplar Grove, Connellsville, Sunday morning, September 20, 1964. Born in Dunbar, October 6, 1871, she was a daughter of the late John W. and Nancy Neighbors Martin. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. J. M. Graybill, Lebanon; two sons, John C., Amarillo, Tex.; Dale, Connellsville; five grandchildren; eleven great- grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Clark White, Charleston, S.C.; one brother, William, Dunbar. Friends will be received after 7 this evening in the Burhans Funeral Home, Dunbar where services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. Rev. Raymond Provance and Rev. Samuel Harper will officiate. Interment will be in Franklin Cemetery.
Even though the friendship was based largely on phone calls when "The Corner" may have been seeking information of an event or special incident, there was a singular note of grief when it was learned of the December 19, death of Mrs. Mildred Bryson, the widow of the late W. Clyde Bryson. These thoughts occurred as one remembered that over a long period of time, Mrs. Bryson was dedicated in her devotion to her husband, the late W. Clyde Bryson whose death occurred in September 1984. Mr. Bryson had been under medical care at the Mt. Macrina Nursing Home. With his brother, Frank Bryson, as his partner, Clyde has developed one of Uniontown's most successful automobile dealerships in Western Pa. It continues to serve a wide patronage from its headquarters, 231 East Fayette Street in Uniontown. Active in church work (Trinity United Presbyterian), Mrs. Bryson was also a member of the Chapter 263, Order of The Eastern Star and the W.C.T.U. Also preceding her in death was a daughter, Phyllis. The survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Harold (Jane) Galand of Chalk Hill, and three sons, James, Hopwood; Robert, Chazy, New York; and William C., Jr., Fairfax, Va. Funeral services were held December 21, in the Ferguson Funeral Home, Uniontown. Her pastor, Rev. John K. Sharp officiated. Burial was in Sylvan Heights Cemetery.
William A. Bryson, 66 years old, one of the best known residents of Dunbar, died this morning at 6 o’clock at his family residence on Bryson Hill, Dunbar. Funeral Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock with Rev. H. L. Humbert, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, officiating. Deceased was a son of the late Andrew Bryson, who was one of the pioneer residents of Dunbar. He is survived by three children, Miss Carrie Bryson at home; Mrs. George Sleter of Barberton, O., and John Bryson of Harnedsville. Three sisters, Mrs. William Hoising, Mrs. Smith Wortman, Mrs. Sururia Martin, one brother, Adam Bryson, all of Dunbar, and one granddaughter also survive. Mrs. Bryson died 34 years ago. Mrs. Nancy Patterson, a sister of Mr. Bryson, died about a month ago at her home at Dunbar.
William A. Bryson, aged 66, one of the early settlers of Dunbar, died at his home Tuesday morning. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 p.m. and interment will be made in Mt. Auburn cemetery. J Harry Johnston and Son have charge of the funeral arrangements.
Asbury R. BRYTE died in 1938. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Suffering injuries as the result of a fall in his home in Pittsburgh last Friday
night which caused his death the next day, Asbury Ross Bryte, D.D.S., aged 74,
uncle of Margaret Bryte Hollar of Uniontown, was laid to rest Tuesday afternoon.
Services were held in Aeberlie's Chapel, North Side.
Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Margaret Alvey of Bruceton Mills and two sisters,
Mrs. Ella Smith and Mrs. Phoebe Hostetler, of Ravenna, O. Two brothers,
Milton and Levi Bryte, are deceased.
(Standard - Jan. 6, 1938)
John Bucar, 66, of Phoenix, Ariz., formerly of Republic, died March 25, 1996. He was a long time resident of Chesterland, Ohio. Mr. Bucar was the owner/operator of Superfinishers of Macadonia, Ohio for many years. He semi-retired to Phoenix, Ariz., where he owned and operated Superfinishers II. Preceding him in death were his parents, Ambrose and Helen Bucar; a sister, Ann Fran; and a brother, Nick Bucar. Surviving are his wife, Ann Bucar; two brothers, Frank (Bud) Bucar and Steve Bucar; two sisters, Mary Bucar and Kathryn Langehag; and many nieces and nephews. Requests donations be sent to the Most Holy Trinity Church, 8620 North 7th St., Phoenix, Ariz. 85020. Arrangements were handled by the HANSON FUNERAL HOME, Phoenix, Ariz.
Adam Buchheit, age 84, of Uniontown, Pennsylvania passed away Friday, August 3, 2012 at his residence. He was born March 9, 1928 in Uniontown, Pennsylvania. Preceding him in death were his parents, John Buchheit and Ann (Crossan) Buchheit; his wife, Charlotte Katherine (Coughenour) Buchheit; sister, Arlene Yowler; and a brother, Charles “Buddy” Buchheit. Adam was a Charter Member of the South Union Township Volunteer Fire Department and Honorary Fire Chief after having faithfully served as Fire Chief for 40 years. He was a self employed contractor and home builder. He was a member of the Christ United Methodist Church where he served on various boards throughout the years. Surviving are two sons: Larry Buchheit and wife Nadine of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, John Buchheit and wife Sierra of Orlando, Florida; three granddaughters: Becky Clayton and husband Doug, Beth Ann Shutt and husband Oscar and Hayden Clapper; and a sister, Palm E. Duncan of Uniontown. Friends will be received in the JEROME W. SHELL FUNERAL HOME, 164 South Mount Vernon Avenue Uniontown, Pa., today from Noon to 2 and 6 to 8 p.m. and Monday, August 6, 2012 until 11 a.m., the hour of Service with the Rev. Timothy Rogers officiating. Interment will follow in Sylvan Heights Cemetery. South Union Township Volunteer Fire Department will hold services at Funeral Home this evening at 7 p.m.
Johanna BUCHHEIT died in 1925. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Scottdale, March 9Johanna BUCHHEIT, 40 years old, died at the Uniontown
Hospital Saturday afternoon. The body was removed to her home at Owensdale.
She is survived by the following brothers and sisters: John BUCHHEIT, Valley;
Christopher BUCHHEIT, Dawson; Mrs. Lizzie ENOS, Broadford; Adam BUCHHEIT, Owensdale.
Connellsville Courier Thurs. 3-12-1925
Paul Eugene Buchholz, 58, of Manassas, Va., died Sunday, July 21, 1996 at Prince William Hospital, Manassas. Mr. Buchholz was born and raised in Connellsville. He moved to Falls Church, Va., in 1964 and later to Manassas, Va., in 1975. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force who achieved the rank of Airman First Class. He began his career in telecommunications with C&P Telephone Company and after 32 years, through the telecommunications breakup, he retired as a Dedicated Customer Service Engineer with the newly formed AT&T Corporation. He belonged to the Communication Workers of America and the Pioneers. He particularly enjoyed fishing and playing roller- blade hockey with his son, as well as entertaining his grandsons. He is survived by his wife of 32 years, Rosella F (formerly Giosso) Buchholz, one son, Paul E. Buchholz Jr., two daughters, Lynn Downs and Donna Buchholz, all of Manassas, Va., his sister, Judith DeAngelis of Pittsburgh, three grandsons, Brandon, Anthony and Matthew, and one nephew, Robert DeAngelis Jr. of Glen Allen, Va. The family will receive friends today from 6 to 9 p.m. at LEE FUNERAL HOME, 8521 Sudley Road, Manassas, Va. Graveside service will be held on Wednesday --- at Quantico National Cemetery, Triangle, Va.
The coroner’s jury found the death of Joe Buchi, whose mangled body was found along the Monongahela Railway tracks at Ronco, to have been accidental. Buchi was run down and almost instantly killed. One arm was severed and discovered about 50 feet from the body. No one witnessed the accident.
Michael Judson BUCHKO (1931-2012)
MICHAEL JUDSON ‘MIKE’ BUCHKO, age 80 of Dunnellon, Fla., ascended from his earthly journey into everlasting life on August 3, 2012 at his home. “Mike” was born October 30, 1931 in Uniontown, Pa., the son of the late Agnes and Mike Buchko. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his infant daughter Terri Lynn, his daughter-in-law Robin Buchko and brothers-in-law Bob Vilseck and Tom Myers. Mike served his country during the Korean Conflict in the U.S. Navy. He retired early in 1986 from US Steel as Head Cost Analyst in the Frick Mining District as well as serving as Assistant Treasurer with Frick District Federal Credit Union. He moved to Kill Devil Hills, N.C. and continued working as the Office Manager for Hutchins Allen CPA Firm in Nags Head North Carolina. He retired and continued his journey to Rainbow Springs, Florida in 2001. He was an avid Pittsburgh Steeler Fan, loved everything Baseball, Golf and Florida Gator Football. He also loved to sing and belonged to his Church Choir as well as Singing Barbershop in North Carolina. He was the proprietor of “Mike’s Hunky Heaven” in Uniontown, Pa., where everybody had a great time! Mike leaves to cherish his memory a loving wife of 55 years, Connie Connor Buchko, daughter Lisa Buchko (William Descalzi), Dunnellton, Fla., son Jeff Buchko, Columbia, S.C.; two grandsons, Judson Buchko and Bradley Buchko, Columbia, S.C.; 7 sisters who affectionately called him “Junie”, Joan Jansen (Bill), Baltimore, Md., Carol Vilseck-Hughes (Don), Pittsburgh, PA., Janet Myers, Dolores Buchko, Barbara Buchko, Patty Buchko, Ida Morganosky, Uniontown, Pa.; sister-in-laws, Pat Kothinazin (Ed), Pittsburgh, PA., Mary Jo Connor, W.Va. and many nieces and nephews. A Mass celebrating Mike’s life will be held on Saturday, August 25, 2012 at 2 p.m. at St. John the Baptist Church, Highway 41, Dunnellon, Fla.
BUCKINGHAM— October 14th, of consumption, after a lingering illness, Miss Lillie Buckingham, daughter of Broklin and Sarah Buckingham, aged 14 years.
Anna Budai, 88, a resident of the Vernonia community, died Thursday morning, Nov. 16, 1995, in the Rising River Ranch Foster Care Home in Vernonia. She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Joseph R. ‘Joe’ and Gail Budai of Birkenfeld, Ore.; four brothers; five sisters; two grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. Arrangements were under the direction of the Fuiten-Rose Chapel of Vernonia. The family suggests that remembrances may be contributions to the Washington County Hospice, 427 SE 8th Ave., Hillsboro, Ore. 97123, or to the St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 960 Missouri Ave., Vernonia, Ore. 97064, in her memory.
John V. Buday, Sr., 72, of Crucible, Pa., died Thursday, Nov. 30, 1995, in the Fayette Health Care Center, Uniontown, Pa. He is survived by his wife, Rose Sorgiovanni Buday; two sons, John V. Buday Jr., and Nicholas Buday, both of Crucible; three grandchildren; one great-grandchild; four brothers, Joseph Buday Jr., and Steve Buday, both of Carmichaels, Thomas Buday of Greensboro and Paul Buday; and five sisters, Genevieve Ludrosky of Carmichaels, Loretta Los of Scenery Hill, Anna Belle Verona of Cleveland, Ohio, Dorothy Nixon of Masontown and Phyllis Helmick of Arizona. Friends will be received in the Behm Funeral Home, Rt. 188, Jefferson, today from 3 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., and Saturday until 12 noon, the hour of service.
Timothy Budd, 49, of St. Petersburg, Fla., formerly of Rostraver Township, died Tuesday, Jan. 31, 1995, in St. Petersburg, Fla. He was born on July 7, 1945 in North Charleroi, a son of the late Raymond A. and Jean E. Wilding Budd. Surviving are two brothers, Raymond Theodore Budd of Connellsville and George Edward Budd of Warrer Robbins, Ga.; one sister, Mrs. Samuel (Bonnie) Lee Turkovich of Rostraver Township. Private funeral services and interment will be held in the West Newton Cemetery at the convenience of the family.
Stephen Budia, 62, died Tuesday morning, April 16, 1935, at 3:30 o’clock in his home, House 72, Puritan, following a lingering illness. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Catherine Budia and the following sons: Stephen Jr., of Ronco; Frank, High House; William, Puritan. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon in the family residence. Rev. F. C. H. Scholz of the Jacob’s Lutheran church will officiate. Burial in the church cemetery.
Mary Elizabeth BUELL died in 1935. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette
County USGenWeb Project.(9)
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Shipley Buell, 57, died Wednesday night of complications
at her home, 710 Lamar street, Wilkinsburg.
She was a member of Wilkinsburg chapter of Eastern Star, No. 436, Lucy Jones
Court of Amaranth and Wilkinsburg First Presbyterian Church.
In addition to her husband and seven children, all residing in Pittsburgh, the
deceased is also survived by a sister in Detroit and a brother, Morgan Shipley,
of 121 Ben Lomond street, this city.
Funeral services will he held at the Buell home at noon, EST., Saturday. Interment
will be made in Woodlawn cemetery, Wilkinsburg.
(Stamped June 21, 1935)
Albert L. Bugelli, 82, of Hiller died Sunday in Brownsville General Hospital. He is survived by his wife, Mildred Sliger Bugelli; two daughters, Donna Bakewell of Brownsville and Barbara Ann Hennesy of Carmichaels; several grandchildren; two brothers, Alfred Bugelli of Uniontown and Raymond Bugelli of Centerville; and a sister, Clara Christoff of Brownsville. Arrangements are incomplete and will be announced by the Andrew J. Skirpan Funeral Home, 135 Park St., Brownsville.
BUGELLI, ALBERT L.— Friends will be received in the Andrew J. Skirpan Funeral Home, 135 Park St., Brownsville, today from 2 to 4 and 6 to 9 p.m. where a blessing service will be held Thursday, May 19, 1994, at 10 a. m. Interment will follow in LaFayette Memorial Park. Wake Service will be held tonight at 7:30 p.m.
Joseph Bugos, 72 died, at 9 o'clock Saturday night at his home in Whitsett, Pa where he had resided for the past 47 years. He returned several years ago as an employee of The Pittsburgh Coal Company. His widow, Mrs. Anna Bugois is his sole survior. Friends will be received at the home until 8:30 Wednesday morning when a prayer service will b held. A requiem high mass will be celebrated later at St, John's R.C. Church at Perryopolis. Rev. A.J. Suran, pastor officiating. Burial will be made in the church cemetery.
Carl S. Bugosh, 69, of Alverton R.D. 3 died unexpectedly Tuesday evening, May 7, in Frick Hospital and Community Health Center, Mount Pleasant. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Eleanor Bacorn and her husband, Harold, of Alverton and Mrs. Gloria Zabowski and her husband, Donald, of Valencia, numerous nieces, nephews, great-nieces, great-nephews, great-great- nieces, and great-great-nephews. The family will receive friends in the Frank Kapr Funeral Home Inc., 417 West Pittsburgh St., Scottdale, today from 7 to 9 p.m., Friday from 1 to 9 p.m., and Saturday until 9:30 p.m.
Vincent R. Bugosh, 73, of Pittsburgh, died Feb. 27, 1996, in Pittsburgh. He was born Feb. 11, 1923, in Alverton, a son of the late John G. Bugosh and Vernice (Mehalik) Bugosh. He was predeceased by his wife Josephine Kupchunas. He is survived by a daughter, Carol Bugosh of Hays, Va.; one grandson, Gregory Savikas of Pittsburgh; a brother, Carl S. Bugosh of Alverton; sisters, Eleanor Bacorn of Alverton and Gloria Ethel Zabowski of Valencia; and numerous nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents and wife, he was preceded in death by three brothers, John V., Joseph E. and Bernard T. Bugosh; five sisters, Anna H. Bugosh, Verna Barber, Elizabeth Mislanovich- Hobson, Irene Johnston, and a sister, Elizabeth, in infancy. Entombment in Calvary Cemetery, Pittsburgh.
Eleanor E. BUFALINI (1936-2005)
Eleanor E. Bufalini, 69, of Uniontown, Pa., passed away Friday, Nov. 18, 2005, in Lafayette Manor. She was born Aug. 11, 1936, in Wilkesburg, Pa., to the now late Edgar C. Barnes and Eleanor Sykes Barnes. She graduated from Edgewood High School in 1954 and from Penn State University with a Bachelors degree in Home Economics Education. Eleanor taught in Edinboro High School and then worked for Columbia Gas and resumed her teaching in Home Economics for Laurel Highlands School District for 28 years before her retirement. She was a member of Fayette Home Economic Association, National Education Association, PA Association of School Retirees and the Laurel Highland Education Association.
Surviving are her loving husband of 39 years, Robert M. Bufalini; two sons, Michael Bufalini and his wife, Marcy of Silver Springs, Md., and Bruce Bufalini of Greensburg, Pa.; two grandchildren, Joseph and Anna Eleanor Bufalini; and a brother, Robert and his wife, Marilyn of Blairsville, Ga.
“Tony” Bufano, former Resident, Dies In New York; Death Sudden Anthony Bufano of New York City, formerly of Connellsville, aged about 73 years, died suddenly Friday morning, according to word received by his sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Bufano of 125 East Peach street. Mr. Bufano was a native of Italy and came to this city when five years of age. His brother, Benjamin, is a noted sculptor and is in Italy at the present time completing a statue of the “United Nations”. Anthony was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Bufano of New York City, and at one time was an interpreter in Uniontown courthouse. His wife, Mrs. Clara Ridlinger Bufano, a former resident of Somerset, died six years ago. He is survived by two sons, Robert and William and one daughter, Mrs. Margaret Hollings’ one grandchild and one great-grandchild, all of New York. A daughter, Miss Emma Jean Bufano, a former teacher in the Connellsville public schools and in New York schools, died 11 months ago. Also surviving are four brothers, Caesar, Joseph, Renaldo and Benjamin, all of New York, and three sisters, Mrs. Lucy Pesco and Mrs. Tessie Vaggarogi of New York and Mrs. Peter Giacomo of Baltimore, Md. The funeral service was held at 1:30 o’clock today in New York Lutheran Church. Burial was in New York.
Frank BUFANO, 69 years old, a well known resident of Dunbar, died at 2:40 o'clock Sunday morning at his home at the Hilltop following a lingering illness. He was a stone cutter by trade. Mr. Bufano is survived by two children, Angelo and Albert Bufano, both of Dunbar four grandchildren and one brother, Pasquale Bufano of Connellsville. The funeral service will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the late home. Rev. Floyd Reed of the Baptist Church and Rev. William S. Hamilton of the Methodist Protestant Church will officiate. Interment will be made in Mount Auburn Cemetery.
Hazel F. Bufano, 83 of Dunbar, died Friday, November 29, 1996 in Connellsville. She was born February 3, 1913, in Dunbar, a daughter of the late Samuel C. and Laura B. Watson McWilliams. She was a homemaker and associated with the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church of Connellsville. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. William (Betty) Showman of Monarch, Mrs. William (Laura) Goodsight of Gettysburg, Laverne Wilson Kidder of Missouri, Mrs. Ronald (Glenda) McLaughlin and family, with whom she recently resided and was cared for; two sons, Stanley and his wife Charlotte Bufano of Willowwick, Ohio and James and Carolyn Bufano of Dunbar; 23 grandchildren; 32 great-grandchildren; five great-great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her husband Albert M. Bufano; four brothers, John, Sam, and Joe Watson and Blane McWilliams; a sister, Helen Humphrey's; a grandson, Mark McLaughlin. Friends will be received at the BURHANS-Crouse Funeral Home, 28 Connellsville Street, Dunbar, today from 7 to 9 p.m. and Sunday from noon until 4 and from 7 to 9 p.m., Monday until 11 a.m. the hour of service with Pastor James Turnbull officiating, Internment will be in Mt. Auburn Cemetery. Mrs. Bufano was the last member of her immediate family.
Pasquale BUFANO died in 1938. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Funeral services were to be held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the Baptist
church at Connellsville for Pasquale Bufano, aged 77 years, former Connellsville
banker and civic leader who died at his home, 128 South Pittsburgh street in
that city Saturday after a lingering illness.
A native of Italy, Mr. Bufano came to the United States 60 years ago. He
conducted a foreign exchange and banking business at Connellsville from 1892
until he sold it to the Yough Trust Company and then served for years as that
bank's foreign exchange manager. He was president of the Peoples Building
and Loan Association, a member of the First Baptist church and the Sons of Italy.
Four years ago he suffered a stroke. This caused him to cease practically
all activity, including that of notary public, a position he had held for approximately
50 years. He is survived by his wife, Carmine Rosa, and a son, M. G. Bufano,
of Morgantown, W.Va.
(Standard - October 17, 1938)
Josh Buhler
Josh Buhler, age 21, of Connellsville, passed away Saturday, August 11, 2012. A memorial service will be held at 1:00 p.m. Saturday in NEW BEGINNINGS CHURCH, 171 Connellsville St., Uniontown, Pa. 15401. Josh is survived by his loving parents, Mark and Merry Buhler; mother, Cathy Robbins; stepfather, Kirk Robbins; grandmother, Sallie Buhler; grandparents, Sam and Judy Keffer; sisters, Amber and Shannon Kubina and Felicia Neeld; aunts, Karin Callahan and Rhonda Behm; uncles, James Buhler and Michael Kosack and cousin, Jennifer Callahan.
Julia Antal Buk, 80, of Daisytown, Pa., died Monday, May 29, 1995, in her home. She is survived by one son, Stephen A. Buk, of Daisytown, Pa.; two daughters, Patricia Buk Ross of Coal Center, R.D. and Ann Lee Bryan of Cardon, Ohio; one sister, Margaret Antal Ropog of Port Ritchie, Fl.; five grandchildren and one great- grandchild. Friends will be received in the John E. Greenlief Funeral Home, 323 Fourth Street, California, Pa., today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., and on Thursday, June 1, 1995 until 1 p.m.
Dorothy Marie Swallop Bulebush, 72, a lifelong resident of Connellsville died Friday, Feb. 21, 1997, in Highlands Hospital. She is survived by three children: George A. Bulebush and wife, Gloria J., of Connellsville, Joseph C. Bulebush and wife, Candace, of Apex, N.C., and Mrs. Cherrie M. Bulebush Scarry and husband, James, of Connellsville; eight grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; and two sisters: Mrs. Rosella Swallop Pope and husband, George, of West Covina, Calif., and Mrs. Sally Swallop Harvey and husband, Francis, of Connellsville. Friends will be received at the Paul G. Fink Funeral Home Inc., 418 North Pittsburgh St., Connellsville, today from 12 to 9 p.m. and Monday, Feb. 24, from 12 to 2 p.m.
Mabel Ruth BULEBUSH (1919-1997)
Mabel Ruth Bulebush, 77, of Acme and White, formerly of Donegal, died Wednesday, April 2, 1997, at the home of her daughter in Acme. She was born Dec. 19, 1919, in Mount Pleasant Township, a daughter of the late Samuel A. and Ann Wilders Hoyman. She was a member of the Acme United Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Thomas Bulebush (1980). She is survived by two daughters, Anna L. Shields and her husband, Merle, of Acme, and Jean Echard and her husband, Denver, of White; six grandchildren, Leah Olmes and her husband, Devin, of Lewistown, Troy Shields and his wife, Susan, of Acme, Neil Echard of White, Luann Yourish and her husband, Robert, of Bear Rocks, Lori Shields of Bear Rocks, and Jennifer Shawley and her husband, Steve, of White; and four great-grandchildren, Courtney and Morgan Shields, Shane Mastowski and Jay Yourish. Family will receive friends at the SNYDER-BROWN FUNERAL HOME, Donegal, from 2 to 9 p.m. Friday, where funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Saturday with the Rev. William Morgan officiating. Interment will be in Donegal Cemetery. Jamie Snyder Brown, funeral director.
Ellen L. BUNDRIDGE (1941-1994)
Ellen L. Wilson Bundridge, 52, of Orchard Ave., Mount Pleasant, died Friday in Frick Hospital and Community Health Center, Mount Pleasant. She is survived by four sons, Kevin E. Bundridge of Scottdale, Richard Bundridge Jr. of Mount Pleasant, Leonard O. Bundridge of fort Richardson, Alaska, and Tracy G. Bundridge of Greensburg; two daughters, Andrea C. Price and Mrs. Ryan (Valerie J.) Tressler both of Mount Pleasant; and five grandchildren. Visitation will be held today and Monday from noon to 4 and 6 to 9 p.m. at Galone- Caruso’s, a Golden Rule Funeral Home, 204 Eagle St., Mount Pleasant. Additional viewing will be held Tuesday in Second Baptist Church, Washington St., Mount Pleasant, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–July 6, 1941
Died—–June 24, 1994
Mrs. Alice K. Bundy, widow of George S. Bundy, died in her home, 24 Dunkard avenue, at 1:20 p.m. Thursday, April 5, 1945.
Surviving are the following children: Ward, Joseph and Alice at home; Mrs. Stella McClain, Point Marion; Mrs. Helen Rochester, Detroit, Mich.; Lt. Grace Bundy, serving with the Army Nurse Corps. Three sisters also survive: Mrs. Margaret Kortright, Corning, N.Y.; Mrs. Elizabeth Boord, Alliance, O.; Mrs. Josephine Arensberg, Newark, O. Her mother, Mrs. Jane Cline Pratt, preceded her in death.
Friends are being received at the Ferguson Funeral Home, where Dr. Carey S. Osborne will conduct services, Saturday, April 7, at 4 p.m. Burial will be in Oak Lawn cemetery.
BUNDY, MRS. ALICE K., died in her home, 24 Dunkard Avenue, Uniontown, Pa. Thursday, April 5, 1945, at 1:20 p.m. She was the widow of George S. Bundy and a member of the Great Bethel Baptist Church. Surviving are the following children: Ward, Joseph and Alice at home; Mrs. Stella McClain, of Point Marion; Mrs. Helen Rochester, of Detroit, Michigan; Lt. Grace Bundy, serving with the nurses corps and recently returned from Australia; two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Margaret Kortright of Corning, N.Y.; Mrs. Elizabeth Boord, of Alliance, Ohio; Mrs. Josephine Arensberg of Newark, Ohio; her mother, Mrs. Jane Cline Pratt preceded her in death. Friends are being received in the A. D. Ferguson Funeral Home, 80 Morgantown street, Uniontown, where services will be conducted Saturday, April 7, at 4 p.m. with Dr. Carey S. Osborne officiating. Interment in Oak Lawn cemetery.
Bessie G. Kennedy BUNGARD ( -1936)
Mrs. Bessie G. Bungard, 23 years old; wife of Harold Bungard of
Clarksville, died at 9 o'clock this morning at the home of her parents,
Mr.& Mrs. Arthur Kennedy, of complications.
She is survived by her parents, husband and two children: Louise
and Harold, Jr. Brothers and sisters surviving are Mrs. Emma C. McQuiggan,
Akron, Ohio and Elmer, Ross and Charles Kennedy, Dunbar.
The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon with a brief service
at the home followed by a full service at 2:30 o'clock at the Dunbar Methodist
Protestant Church with Rev. William S. Hamilton, pastor, officiating.
Internment will be made in Franklin Cemetery.
Because of the heavy snowfall that crippled traffic, the funeral service
for Mrs. Bessie Bungard, wife of Harold R. Bungard of Clarksville, was
postponed Sunday afternoon until this afternoon. Roads were being opened
this forenoon making it possible to reach Franklin Cemetery, where interment
was scheduled to take place.
Mrs. Bungard’s service was held at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Kennedy, at Dunbar with Rev. William S. Hamilton, pastor
of the Dunbar Methodist Protestant Church, officiating.
Flora Jean BUNGARD (1918-1997)
Flora Jean Bungard, 78, of Mount Pleasant died Wednesday evening, Jan. 8, 1997, at Frick Hospital and Community Health Center, Mount Pleasant. She was born Jan. 19, 1918, in Hammondville, a daughter of the late Braden and Hettie Danks Queer. She had attended the Hammondville School, was a member of the Bridgeport Methodist Church and had attended the Mt. Joy Church of the Brethren. She was a member of the Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW Post 3368. She was a homemaker. She is survived by her longtime special friend, William George Baldwin; four sons, Jesse D. Bungard and wife Marlene and Donald L. Bungard and wife Janet, both of Mount Pleasant, Ronald B. Bungard and wife Marilyn of White, and Lawrence Eugene Bungard and wife Candace of Mount Pleasant, R.D.1; five daughters, Margaret L. Beal of White, Naomi M. Gaffney, Dolores F. Mineo and Joyce A. Grosser and husband Lawrence, all of Mount Pleasant, and Bonnie L. Shipley and husband Thomas of Ruffsdale; 40 grandchildren; 49 great-grandchildren; and two sisters, Alice Colflesh and Edith Gray, both of Mount Pleasant. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her husband, Jesse H. Bungard, in 1958; a daughter, Alma Jean Nelson; four brothers, Arthur, Clark, Donald and Lawrence Queer. Friends will be received in the EUGENE G. SALOOM FUNERAL HOME INC., Main Street, Mount Pleasant, today from 7 to 9 p.m. and Friday from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral services will be held in the funeral home at 11 a.m. Saturday with the Rev. Robert L. Bloom officiating. Interment will follow in Greenlick Cemetery. The Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW will hold services in the funeral home at 3 p.m. Friday.
John Henry Bungard, 70, of Normalville, died Thursday at his home. He was born April 26, 1907, in Normalville, a son of the late Peter and Sarah Blanche Patterson Bungard. He was a retired heavy equipment operator. He is survived by his wife, Grace Malinda Bungard; one son, Dale Henry Bungard; three daughters, Mrs. Virgil (Dolores) Steyer of Warren, Ohio, Mrs. George (Regina) Barkley of Normalville, and Mrs. Eugene (Maxine) Eutsey of Bedford, Ohio; and four grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Leona Stutzman of Somerset. He was predeceased by one son, John Jr.
BUNGARD— Friends of John Bungard of Normalville, who died Thursday, Dec. 8, 1977, will be received from 7 to 10 p.m. today, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, the time of the service at the Douglas Clyde King Funeral Home, Indian Head, where the Rev. Robert Blank will officiate for the service. Interment in Normalville Cemetery.
Maggie Wiggins BUNTING ( -1865)
BUNTING— On the 8th of February, 1865, at the residence of her father, Mr. I. H. Wiggins, near Chalk Hill, Fayette County, Pa., of Consumption, Mrs. MAGGIE BUNTING, aged 18 years, 10 months and 15 days. She died trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ – whose love has power to extract the sting of death: then
Aladino Aroldo BURCHIANTI
Aladino Aroldo Burchianti
Aladino Aroldo Burchianti, 89, of Masontown, Pa., passed away after a lengthy illness on Saturday, August 11, 2012 in Masontown. He was born October 8, 1922 in Footedale, Pa., the son of Baldassarre “Mike” Burchianti and Adelaide (Baldi) Burchianti. Mr. Burchianti was an educator with the now former Masontown High School and Albert Gallatin Senior High School at Friendship Hill where he taught biology and general science. He was a lifelong business man in both Masontown and Carmichaels in a variety of business ventures, including the family grocery business, the Fairdale Cash Market. Mr. Burchianti was very civic minded and valued community building through civic leadership. He was a lifelong member of Masontown Exchange Club and Pals Club. Mr. Burchianti received many awards from the National Exchange of the Year Award for the State of Pennsylvania. He helped many Italian immigrants become naturalized citizens by preparing them for their citizenship exams. Mr. Burchianti also taught civil defense. He served in development of the Masontown Public Library and the German-Masontown Park. His passions included his Italian heritage, great food, lively conversation, big band dancing, his family and cats. His is survived by his loving wife, Rose (Angelini) Burchianti; his son, Karl Burchianti of Masontown; his daughter, Adele Lynn of Belle Vernon, Pa.; and his granddaughter, Janele Rose Lynn of Annandale, Virginia. He was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Aroldo Burchianti in 1921 and Aldo Burchianti in 2007; and by his son-in-law, William Lynn. The family extends a special thanks to the caring staff at the Cloverdale Personal Care Home and Celtic Health Care. Family and friends will be welcomed from 2 to 4 and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday in the YOSKOVICH FUNERAL HOME (724.966.5500), Martin J. Yoskovich, Funeral Director, 300 South Vine Street (Route 88), Carmichaels, Pa., where a Blessing Service will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, August 15, 2012. A Mass will follow at 11 a.m. at All Saints Roman Catholic Church, Masontown, with the Rev. Father John M. Butler as Celebrant. Interment will follow at Sylvan Heights Cemetery, Uniontown, Pa. A Vigil Service will be held at 3 p.m. on Tuesday in the funeral home. In lieu of flowers the family suggests memorial contributions to the American Heart Association or the charity of your choice.
B. F. BURCHINAL died in 1900. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(47)
SMITHFIELD, Sept. 14--- The remains of Frank Burchinal, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.
W. Burchinal, formerly of this place,but, now of East End, Pittsburg, will be
brought to this place on the 10:47 a. m. train on Sunday, and will be interred
in the Baptist cemetery. Frank was about 35 years old and died in a Pittsburg
hospital on Thursday of Bright's disease and heart trouble.
Daily News Standard, Sept. 14, 1900
Edward L. BURCHINAL (1900-1993)
Burchinal, Edward L. — The family will receive friends in the John F. Brownfield Funeral Home, Smithfield, today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and Tuesday until 11 a.m. when services will be conducted with Rev. Roger Applebee, Pastor of Gans Methodist Church officiating. Interment will follow in Evergreen Memorial Park, Point Marion.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–September 1, 1900
Died—–December 25, 1993
Mrs. Ewing D. BURCHINAL ( -1928)
Mrs. Ewing D. Burchinal, aged 81 years, died at her home in South Mt. Vernon avenue, Tuesday morning, April 24, at 11:30 o’clock from infirmities incident to her old age. Mrs. Burchinal was one of the oldest residents of Uniontown. She was born and raised here, a daughter of the late Thomas Miller and Anna Amos Miller, pioneer settlers of this community. A lifelong member of the Third Presbyterian church, Mrs. Burchinal was always identified for her great kindness, charitable generosity and church activities. She was a niece of Jacob B. Miller, one of Uniontown’s first newspaper editors who founded the Pennsylvania Democrat, now the News Standard, in 1827. Mrs. Burchinal is survived by a son, Thomas S. Burchinal of Altoona; a daughter, Mrs. Anna B. McMullen of Uniontown, and two sisters Miss Lyda Miller, and Mrs. J. S. Miller, both of this city. Funeral services will be held at the home Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock with Rev. E. A. Hodil officiating. Burial in the Oak Grove cemetery.
Laverna BURCHINAL obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Mrs. Laverna Burchinal, 79 years, died at 12:20 o'clock Tuesday morning at her
home Lake Lynn R.D., following an illness of several years.
Surviving are the following children: Miss Bertie Burchinal, at home; Frank
Burchinal, Lake Lynn, R.D.; Mrs. A. A. Sackett, Smithfield. Two brothers,
Oliver Nabors and Calvin Nabors, Lake Lynn, R.D., seven grandchildren and two
great grandchildren also survive.
Funeral services will be conducted in the home at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon
in charge of Rev. C. D. Hoon, pastor of Smithfield Presbyterian church.
Interment will be in Fletcher cemetery at Cheat Neck.