V.B. CLYMER, wholesale dealer in cattle, hogs, etc., P.O.
Chalfont, was born in Warrington township, Bucks county, in
1845. The Clymer family is one of the oldest in the township,
and have always been highly esteemed. Henry Clymer, grandfather
of V.B., married Christiana Culp of this county. They were the
parents of eleven children, Henry being the third son. He
married Mary Benner, by whom he had eleven children, seven of
whom are still living. Henry Clymer died in 1865. V.B. Clymer
was a son of this couple, attended the common schools until he
was fifteen years of age, when he learned the carpenter’s trade.
He afterwards removed to his present location, and engaged in
milling. In 1881 he lost his property by fire, and commenced his
present business, which he carried on extensively in connection
with butchering, shipping principally to Philadelphia markets.
In 1870 he married Emma, daughter of Christian and Susanna H.
Haldeman, of this county. They are the parents of two daughters:
Flora May, aged 15 years; and Elsie, aged 7 years. Mr. Clymer is
a member of the New Britain Baptist church. In politics he is a
EDWIN CRESSMAN, miller, P.O. Line Lexington, was born in
Rockhill township in 1856. Philip and Annie (Gearhart) Cressman
were the parents of five children, of whom Edwin was the second
son. He was a student at the public schools until 15 years of
age. He never served an apprenticeship before engaging in his
present business, in 1885 he married Lizzie, daughter of Jacob
and Elizabeth (Leidy) Bachman. They have one child, Florence.
Not enjoying the opportunities of many of the young men of
to-day, Mr. Cressman by his industry and perseverance has
succeeded in establishing himself firmly in business, and is
liberally patronized by his neighbors. In 1885 he purchased the
mill property, where all kinds of flour and feed are produced.
The mill is propelled by a twenty-horse power engine. Mr.
Cressman is a member of the German Reformed church and a
FRANCIS J. CURLEY, farmer, P.O. Chalfont, was born in Galway
county, Ireland, in 1828. His grandfather was Nicholas Curley,
who married Margaret McDermott, and had three sons and two
daughters. Nicholas, the youngest of this family, married
Bridget Burns. The result of this union was a son and three
daughters, all living. Francis J. was the second child. He
attended pay school until 11 years of age, and from that age
until 14 years of age he was a student at the National school.
Mr. Curley remained on his father’s farm until 1848, when he
came to America and spent three years on a farm near
Philadelphia. In 1855 he married Marie, daughter of Gerald and
Annie Kelley, who at the age of 16 years came with her parents
from Ireland. Three children have been born to this marriage:
William N., Francis J. and Marguerite, the first two being
married. In 1857 Mr. Curley came to Bucks county and engaged in
farming. In 1875 he purchased a mill property near his farm,
where all kinds of family milling are done. For the past few
years he has not taken much active part in the work of his farm,
but under his personal supervision the work is profitably
carried on. He is also engaged in marketing produce to
Philadelphia weekly. He is a member of the Catholic church, and
in politics is independent, casting his ballot at all times for
whom he thinks the best man. He has many times held the position
of trustee for orphans.
HENRY DEWAELE, merchant and manufacturer, P.O. Doylestown,
was born December 18, 1829, in Belgium. Joseph Dewaele, his
father, married Catherine Van Croyenest, by whom he had eleven
children, of whom Henry was the tenth. At the age of 15 years he
left school to engage in the active pursuits of life. He served
an apprenticeship at the watch trade, after which he continued
for seven years in that business and wine-growing. In 1884 he
married Natalie Valcke, and they had five children: Silva, born
in 1855; Rosa, born 1860; Julius; born 1864; Adolph and Charles,
who were twins, in 1870. The mother of these children died in
1885. For thirty years previously to engaging in his present
business, Mr. Dewaele carried on the manufacture of linen goods
in this and his native country. In 1872 he immigrated to
Philadelphia and in 1885 moved to Bucks county, where he has
since been engaged in the general merchandise business,
fruit-growing, and the manufacture of grape wine. Mr. Dewaele
has always been an active business man, and though his declining
years will not permit of his personal participation in the
various branches of industry, yet under his supervision they are
successfully carried on,
JOHN GEIL, farmer, P.O. Chalfont, was born in Bucks county in
1819. His paternal grandfather came to this country from
Germany, and was the father of John Geil. The latter married
Elizabeth Pretz, by whom he had nine children, eight of whom
lived to maturity, our subject being the second son. John Geil
was a well-known Mennonite preacher; his congregation was at
Line Lexington. He was also a republican in politics. He was
born in New Britain township, April 1, 1778, and died January 9,
1866. He was pastor of the Mennonite church fifty-five years. He
was a man of intelligence, read quite a great deal, wrote wills,
deeds, agreements, etc., yet he went to school but a few months.
John Geil, Jr., was born in the house where he now lives, and
was reared on a farm, remaining there until he was 28 years of
age. He married Sarah, daughter of Jesse Roe, who bore him three
children: Samuel S., born December 19, 1857; Mary Frances, born
July 31, 1850; and Margaret, born October 13, 1853. His first
wife died in 1859, and he was again married, in 1862, to Lydia,
daughter of Isaac and Catherine Strouse, of this county. They
have no issue. Mr. Geil has travelled a great deal, and has
owned land and carried on farming in Ohio and Indiana. He is a
great reader, and is well informed on the topics of the day. He
is a republican politically.
WILSON HALDEMAN, proprietor of creamery, P.O. Chalfont, was
born in this county in 1845. About the year 1700 the original
Haldemans came to America from Germany in the persons of two
brothers, one of whom never married. It is believed that the
Haldemans in the United States are all descended from the other
brother. John R., the father of Wilson, married Mary, the
daughter of Henry Hohlbain, of this county, and had two
children, only one of whom, Wilson, is still living. He was
educated in the common schools and in business college at
Philadelphia. He engaged in general merchandise business for
seventeen years at Chalfont; the store property he still owns.
Having sold his business, in 1881 he was elected by the board of
directors secretary of the creamery, he being one of the
original stockholders. In 1885 he purchased the works and a
partnership was formed under the firm name of Savidge & Haldeman.
One year afterward Mr. Haldeman assumed entire control, and the
establishment is now operated under his management. A ten-horse
power engine and a twelve-horse power boiler are used. Butter
and cheese are manufactured, and during the summer months ice
cream. Mr. Haldeman was married in 1873 to Emma, daughter of
Charles and Elizabeth Eckert, and has three children: Florence,
and Emerson and Orris (twins). Mrs. Haldeman died in 1886. Our
subject has been auditor of the township eight years, and is a
republican. He is a member of the Doylestown lodge No. 245,
WILLIAM HAWKINS, manufacturer, P.O. New Britain, was born in
Yeovil Marsh, Somersetshire, England, March 22, 1814, and is the
second son of William and Lydia Hawkins. He received but two
weeks’ schooling, and his early years were spent in caring for
his little sisters. His parents had fifteen children, nine of
whom grew up, were married, and in 1842 all settled in America.
The father died at the age of 62 and the mother at 77. At the
age of seven years William began to work for his support. When
eleven years old he was put to learn the trade of kid-glove
cutting. After serving six months for one shilling per week, he
was, in 1825, apprenticed for eight years. The first year he
received 18 pence per week, and was advanced 6 pence per week
each year until the close of his apprenticeship. The hours for
work were in summer from 6 A.M. till 8 P.M., and in winter from
daylight till 9 P.M. His master was William Snook, for whom he
worked about six months after his apprenticeship expired.
Afterward he worked for Mr. C. Foan about five and one half
years, at the end of which time he had saved about one hundred
pounds. He then worked six months for Mr. Keddle. August 4,
1840, he was married to Sarah Gilbert, daughter of a respectable
family, and a milliner and dressmaker. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins
sailed for America on the 9th of September, 1840, and landed in
New York after a voyage of five weeks and three days. Not
obtaining work Mr. Hawkins went to Boonton, N.J., where his
brother John was living. Here his wife opened a millinery and
dressmaking establishment, and soon did a good business. June
28, 1841, a son was born, who died in infancy. In 1841 Mr.
Hawkins went to Philadelphia and engaged in business for six
months with a partner, and afterward alone, being the first
manufacturer of white kid in that city. Prejudice was strong
against American made goods, but Mr. Hawkins by patience and
perseverance overcame the difficulty. In 1850 he experienced a
great loss by fire. Later on (1855) he increased his business by
dressing calf skins. During the first year of the civil war
(1861), he purchased a lot, and in the following year erected a
factory where he is now. The loft of this factory was first used
in drilling recruits for the army. This place is at 206 Willow
street. In 1875 he associated with him Lawrence Hawkins and
James F. Radford. The firm then assumed the name of Hawkins &
Co. The firm takes the skins in the hair and finishes them
complete. They manufacture gloves, English kid, white and black
calf kid gloves, etc. Hawkins & Co. sell their goods in all
parts of the country and have a well-earned reputation. At the
age of 21 Mr. Hawkins became a member of the Independent church,
and continued with that denomination until he came to America.
When they went to Philadelphia he and his wife joined the First
Presbyterian church of Northern Liberties. In the summer of 1843
they went to Montgomery, Pa., and were baptized by Rev. William
Mathews. January 25, 1846, they were united with the Second
Baptist church of Philadelphia, and in October, 1859, Mr.
Hawkins was ordained deacon. In 1872 they removed to New Britain
township, Bucks county. Mrs. Hawkins died in 1877. Mr. Hawkins
has given eleven sets of Dr. Gill’s Commentaries to different
churches, and over $50,000 in money to churches and benevolent
objects. In politics he is a republican.
JACOB T. HILLPOT, farmer, P.O. Chalfont, was born in Tinicum
township, Bucks county, in 1840. George Adam Hillpot, the
great-grandfather of Jacob T., married Maria Phillippina
Schnauffer, who bore him five sons and four daughters. At the
age of forty years this pioneer died of fever contracted in the
revolutionary war. Frederick Hillpot was a son of this patriot.
He married Susanna Stem, by whom he had five sons and four
daughters. Samuel, the third child, married Eva Trauger, of this
county, and they were the parents of four children: Joseph, a
clergyman; Hannah (Mrs. Grouver), Jacob T. and Susanna (Mrs.
Ahlum). Jacob T. Hillpot attended school until he was 19 years
of age. In 1873 he married Lydia, daughter of Joseph and Rosanna
Ahlum, of this county. They have, no issue. Mr. Hillpot lived on
his father’s farm until he purchased his present farm in 1882.
He is a member of the Lutheran church and a democrat.
SAMUEL G. KERNS, coach-maker, P.O. Chalfont, is a grandson of
John Adam and Catherine (Shaffer) Kerns. They had five sons and
one daughter. Samuel, their youngest child, married Catherine
Geiger, of Montgomery county, Pa., to whom two sons and two
daughters were born, our subject, Samuel G., being the youngest
son and third child. The ancestors came from Holland. Samuel G.
received a common-school education, and at the age of 18 years
learned the coach-building trade, serving an apprenticeship of
three years and following his trade in this and many Western
states. In 1859 he came to the East and in 1863 was married to
Elmira, daughter of John and Elizabeth Eckhart, of Newville,
this county. Three children were born to them: Franklin P.,
Willard Van (deceased) and Oliver E. Both Sons are at home with
their father. Since 1863 Mr. Kerns has been located at his
present place of business. He manufactures and repairs all kinds
of heavy and light wagons, etc. In 1862 he volunteered as a
private in the Union army and for fourteen months was exposed to
the dangers of war. He was engaged in the battle of
Chancellorsville and at Gettysburg. Being wounded he was
honorably discharged from duty. Mr. Kerns is a Lutheran and a
HARVEY KRATZ, physician and surgeon, P.O. New Britain, was
born in Plumstead township, Bucks county, September 2, 1838, and
is a son of Jacob S. and Elizabeth (Fretz) Kratz, natives of
this county. The Kratz family came from Switzerland and located
in this county in the latter part of the seventeenth century.
Philip Kratz, grandfather of Harvey, resided in Plumstead
township, where he was a farmer and owned a large tract of land.
He died in 1846, aged 66 years. He was the father of seven
children, three now living. Our subject’s father was born in
1803 in Plumstead township, where he resided the greater part of
his life. He was a farmer and died at Collegeville, Montgomery
county, November 22, 1885. He was the father of six children,
four of whom are living: Margaret, Emma, Laura (deceased),
Harvey, William H. and Jacob T. (deceased). Doctor Harvey, our
subject, was reared on a farm until 16 years of age; when he
entered the high school at Collegeville and was afterward for
several terms a student at Carversville. In 1860 he took up the
study of medicine under Doctor I.S. Moyer. In the fall of the
same year he attended lectures at the University of Pennsylvania
at Philadelphia, and graduated in 1862, after which he began to
practise at Mount Pleasant, Hilltown township, where he remained
until 1884. Although enjoying a good practice he was desirous of
a new location, and consequently came to New Britain, where he
has since built up a large practice. He has a fine residence,
which he has remodelled since coming here. In March, 1864, he
married Sarah, daughter of Francis Rinker. They have eleven
children, ten of whom are living: Lizzie, Bertha V., Rebecca M.,
Anna W., Charles S., Sarah, Margaret, Hannah, Esther and Emma.
Doctor Kratz is a director of the Doylestown First National
bank, president of the Hilltown turnpike and also president of
the Self-Defence horse company. He is also a member of the State
Medical society, the American Medical association and the Bucks
County Medical society, of which he is the secretary. He is
regarded by all as a prominent and influential citizen. His wife
is a member of the Lutheran church.
ZACHARIAH LEIDY, real estate agent, P.O. Chalfont, was born
in Montgomery county in 1814. His great-grandfather came from
Germany. Jacob, the son of this early settler, was married to a
Miss Scholl, and had five sons and four daughters. John, the
oldest son and child, was married to Mary Groff. Zachariah is
the youngest of their four children. His mother died when he was
only four months old. Later his father was married to the widow
of Jacob Gerhart. Two daughters were the result of this
marriage. Our subject was married in 1835 to Catherine A.,
daughter of Philip Gable, of Montgomery county, to whom five
children were born: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Mary, Amanda and Emma.
Amanda, now Mrs. Doughty, of Hartsville, Bucks county, is their
only surviving child. Being the youngest son, our subject was
sent away from home at the age of 7 years. When 18 years old he
learned the tanner’s trade and started in business for himself.
His tannery was located in Hilltown township. Being of an
enterprising disposition, he was soon engaged in a lucrative
business, which he carried on for fifteen years. He erected
several dwelling-houses near his own and built up a town which
now bears his name. He also erected a temperance hotel which he
kept in connection with a general store. In 1863 he removed, to
Chalfont, then Whitehallville, and engaged in the real estate
business. He is a director of the Whitehall Fire Insurance and
Chalfont Storm Insurance companies, and in the year 1886 insured
property to the amount of $200,000. When 16 years old, he joined
the church and at the age of 22 was elected deacon. In the year
1853 he with several other members erected the present Leidytown
Presbyterian church, in which he was an elder for about
twenty-two years. About ten years ago he was instrumental in
building the Presbyterian chapel at Chalfont, a branch of the
Leidytown church. He gave the ground on which the
above-mentioned church is built and has always rendered
financial support in time of need. He is a republican, and the
prohibition cause has in him a sincere advocate.
CHARLES (or KARL) MASSINGER, farmer, P.O. Chalfont, was born
in Kaiserlantern Rhinepfals, Bavaria, August 17, 1832. There is
probably not another family in the United States who bear this
name, except one in New York city, and it is supposed that the
above was the original spelling of the name which is now
pronounced Messinger. Jacob and Catherine (Wenzel) Massinger
were the parents of four children: Charles, Magdalena, Babette,
and Louisa. In 1850 Mr. Massinger emigrated to America, landing
in New York on July 4th of that year, settled in Hilltown
township till 1854, and from that date till 1865 traveled from
Hilltown north, south, and as far west as the Rocky mountains,
and in 1865 visited his native country, returning the same year.
From 1860 to 1867 he was engaged in gold mining at Pike’s Peak,
and in 1867 returned and settled in New Britain township. He was
married in 1867 to Mary Amanda, daughter of Samuel and Annie
Heckler, of Hilltown township, this county, and has six
children: C. Jerome, now studying medicine; Eber M., Wesley, H.
Omray, William and K. Mabel, at home. Mr. Massinger, since his
final settlement in the place, has devoted his time to looking
after his farm. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church
and a democrat.
ABEL J. MATHEWS, physician and druggist, P.O. Chalfont. It
was about the year 1712 that Simon Mathews, with a party of
emigrants, came from Wales to America and settled in this
neighborhood. In 1713, to this pioneer was born a son, John, who
married Diana Thomas. They were the parents of ten children, of
whom three died in infancy. Joseph, born 1747, the youngest son,
married Sarah Thomas, who bore him two children, both dying
young. His wife, Sarah, died and he afterward married Lydia
Eaton, and by her had two children, John and Joseph. Joseph,
born 1789, was the eldest child, and married Hannah, daughter of
William and Elizabeth Hines. They were the parents of eight
children: Simon, the oldest son, married Elizabeth, daughter of
Philip Trumbower, of this county, and had three children, all
living. Attending the common schools till the age of 18 years,
Mr. Mathews commenced at the age of 19 years to study medicine,
and in 1870 entered Jefferson Medical college at Philadelphia,
graduating in 1873. Although not a graduate in pharmacy, he
passed an examination before the examining board of
Philadelphia, and was employed as clerk in a drug store for two
years. In 1875 he located at this place. He was married December
25, 1876, to Ella, daughter of Joseph and Jane Scott, of
Philadelphia. They have had four children: Walter, Abel, Harry
(deceased), and Ethel. Mr. Mathews is a member of the Baptist
church, and a republican.
JOSEPH MITCHELL, Jr., butcher, P.O. Colmar, Montgomery
county, is a native of Montgomery county. Joseph Mitchell, who
is now 90 years of age, is the grandfather of our subject.
Joseph, father of our subject, married Emeline Moore, to whom
were born eight children, all now living. Joseph, Jr., was born
and reared on his father’s farm, and attended school until 16
years old. At the age of 21 years he left his father’s house and
came to his present place. In 1878 he was married to Laura,
daughter of John and Catherine White, of Montgomery county, Pa.
Bessie May, Howard, and Owen are the names of his children, all
of whom are living. Mr. Mitchell is known throughout his
township as an active business man, and following in the
footsteps of his father. He makes a specialty of the pork trade,
and during the winter months wholesales in the Philadelphia
markets twice a week. He also carries on farming, which he
profitably manages, to further the interests of the butchering
business. He and Mrs. Mitchell are members of the Methodist
church, and he is a democrat.
HENRY MOYER, farmer, P.O. Line Lexington, was born in New
Britain township in 1852. His paternal grandparents were Jacob
and Elizabeth (Moyer) Moyer, who came to this township from
Springfield, Bucks county, in 1829. This couple were the parents
of one son and three daughters. Abraham, the oldest child,
married Catherine Fretz, and Henry is a son of this marriage.
Mrs. Moyer died in 1854, and Abraham was married in 1857 to
Eliza, daughter of John and Annie Lapp, of this township, by
whom he had six children. Henry Moyer was born and reared on a
farm, attending the public schools until 17 years of age, when
he took charge of the farm, and on the death of his father
purchased it. In 1882 he married Annie Eliza, daughter of Henry
and Sarah (Moyer) Swortley, of this township. They have one
child, Martha, born in 1887.
CHARLES M. PEARSON, farmer, P.O. Chalfont. The pioneer from
whom the Pearson families in this country are descended, came
from England with William Penn. It is said that he christened
"Chester" county in this state. His son Jesse married Hannah,
daughter of Gideon and Hannah Vore, of Chester county. Nine
children were born to this couple, of whom John was the sixth
child. He married Martha Miller, of Reading, Pa., and had
thirteen children; of whom seven are now living. Charles M. was
the youngest. He attended the High school till 17 years of age,
and was also a student in a business college three years. After
leaving school he was employed as a clerk, and for three years
was engaged in manufacturing. In 1859 he married Lizzie,
daughter of John and Elizabeth Rockafellow, of New Jersey. They
have had four children: Martha, deceased; Clara N., deceased;
Bessie H. and Charles E. For eighteen years Mr. Pearson has
owned the property where he now resides, which is beautifully
situated along the Neshaminy creek. During the summer months
sojourners from the city find the house a resort second to none
in the locality. Mr. and Mrs. Pearson are members of the Baptist
church, and he is a republican.
JOHN RUTH, farmer, P.O. Line Lexington, was born in 1823.
Henry Ruth, his father, married Mary Swartz, by whom he had
twelve children, of whom John was the youngest. He left school
at an early age, and during his whole life his occupation has
been that of a farmer. In 1853 he married Catherine Swartley, by
whom he had five children: Mando, William, Henry, Sarah
(deceased), and Mary. The mother of these children died in 1865.
In 1866 Mr. Ruth married Elizabeth Gohman, to whom a daughter,
Annie, was born in 1868. This wife died in 1870, and in 1872 Mr.
Ruth married Mary Ann Rickert, daughter of David and Elizabeth
(Lapp) Rickert. His children by her are: Allen R., born 1872;
David R., born 1874 (deceased); John, born 1876 (deceased);
Elizabeth, born 1879; Susanna, 1880; Israel, 1882; Titus, 1884;
Martha, 1885; Rosa, 1887. Mr. Ruth is a member of the Mennonite
church, and a republican.
JOHN S. RUTH, farmer, P.O. Chalfont, is a native of this
township, and was born in 1845. David, his great-grandfather,
came from Switzerland. Joseph, a son of this early settler,
married Sallie Price, of Montgomery county (now 90 years old,
with fair intellect), and by her had three sons and two
daughters, all living, with the exception of one daughter.
Henry, the oldest son, married Magdalena, daughter of John
Swartley, a descendant of Philip Swartley, who came from the
town of Ebengen, Germany, in 1782, and married Sallie
Rosenberger, of Montgomery county. This couple lived to a ripe
old age, and owned the farm now occupied by Abraham G. Ruth.
John S. and Joseph S. are the Sons born to Henry and Magdalena.
Ambitious to engage in the practical concerns of life, our
subject abandoned school at the age of 13, and for the next
twenty-three years devoted his time to farming, produce
commission business and travelling. In 1874 he married Sallie
Swartley, now deceased. She bore him two sons, Harry and Frank,
both living. Mr. Ruth was married, in 1882, to Annie E.,
daughter of Lewis Seifer, a well-to-do farmer of Richland
township, this county. In 1874 he purchased the farm where he
was born and reared, and where he remained till 1882. In 1879 he
was elected a director of the Union National bank of Souderton,
in which capacity he still serves. He was engaged in the
mercantile business at Chalfont for two years, then moved to his
present home. He has for some time made a special study of
phrenology, and his clear conception of men indicates
conclusively there is in the science a great percentage of
truthfulness. Both he and his wife are members of the Mennonite
church, and he is a republican.
JOSEPH S. RUTH, proprietor of Woodlawn creamery, P.O. Line
Lexington, was born in this township, April 24, 1848. His
ancestors came from Switzerland at an early period. His parents,
Henry and Magdalena (Swartley) Ruth, had two sons, John S. and
Joseph S., both of whom are living and also the parents. Joseph
S. attended the public schools until 17 years of age, and for
six months was a student in Ursinus college, Montgomery county,
Pa. He remained on his father’s farm until he was 22 years of
age, when he married Sarah A., daughter of Jonas and Eliza
(Cressman) Leidy, of this county. They have five children:
Elmer, Leidy, Flora, Lizzie and Maggie. The last two are
deceased. In 1877 Mr. Ruth purchased the homestead, where he has
since resided. In addition to this farm he purchased, in 1886,
the creamery known as the "Woodlawn," an establishment erected
in 1881 under a stock corporation. At this creamery an average
of two thousand four hundred pounds of butter per week and
nineteen cheeses per day are manufactured, the propelling power
being a twelve-horse power engine. Mr. Ruth is active and with
thrift and energy is carrying on a successful line of business.
He is also engaged with his brother, John S., in the commission
business, dealing in all kinds of produce, which is disposed of
in Philadelphia markets each week. He is a member of the German
Reformed church, and is a republican.
GEORGE W. SCHEIP, farmer and fruit-grower, P.O. Fricks, was
born in New Britain township, in 1855. Over a hundred years ago
two brothers of the Scheip family came to America from Germany.
John Scheip, a son of one of these, married Elizabeth Heller, of
Montgomery county, and had two sons and three daughters. George
was the oldest. He married Elizabeth, daughter of John Leidy, of
this county. Six children were born to this couple, five of whom
grew to maturity. The father died at the age of 89 years. John
L. was the oldest son of this family. He married Marie, daughter
of Jacob and Catherine (Leidy) School, of Montgomery county. Two
sons were the result of this marriage: Isaiah, deceased, and
George W., who was born and reared on the farm which his
grandfather owned. He received a common-school education, and
since leaving school has always been engaged in farming, taking
great pride in growing choice fruit of all kinds. In 1876 he
married Lydia Albright, who has borne him six children: William
F., Maria (deceased), Estella, Martha, Viola and Mary. Mr.
Scheip is an enterprising young man, and being the only
remaining child of a well-to-do father, his prospects in the
future are bright. He is a member of the German Reformed church
and a democrat.

DANIEL H. SELLERS, retired farmer, P.O. Chalfont, is a native
of Montgomery county, and was born in 1810. The family
originally came from Wales. Philip, his father, was the oldest
son in a family of six children. He married Hannah, daughter of
Enoch Roberts, of Richland township, and had eleven children,
six of whom are deceased. Daniel H. was the second son, and
third child. He was born and reared on a farm and attended the
common schools till sixteen years of age. He remained on the
farm until 1833, at which date he engaged in teaching school,
which he followed for nineteen years, including five years at
Philadelphia. In 1852 he purchased a farm, where he remained
until 1883, when he retired from active farm life, and his son
took charge of the place. In 1834 Mr. Sellers married Mary,
daughter of Jacob and Mary Bush, of Montgomery county. Five sons
were the result of this marriage: Dr. H.F., deceased, of
Philadelphia, Charles P., Alphonso B., Daniel W., and Harry A.
Charles P. is engaged in the brush manufacturing business in
Philadelphia, and is assisted by Harry A. Mr. Sellers was for
five years secretary and treasurer of the building association,
also of the creamery at Woodlawn. He is a member of the
Presbyterian church, and a democrat.
PHILIP THIEROLF, farmer, P.O. Fountainville, was born in
Hassen, Germany, and came to America in 1851. His parents were
Adam and Sophia (Hiedt) Thierolf. Philip was the third of a
family of five children. For two years after coming to this
country he was engaged in farming. In 1853 he married Mary
Barndt, daughter of George and Sarah (Sorver) Barndt of Bucks
county. The result of this marriage is six children: John,
William, Edwin, Sarah (Mrs. Crouthamel), Lizzie and Emma. The
two last named are deceased. Mr. Thierolf came to his present
farm in 1869, and with the aid of his two sons carries on the
work successfully. His son William married Lettie Wagner, and
has one son, Philip. Edwin married Alice Bissey. Mr. Thierolf
has always been a successful man in business, and is respected
by his neighbors. He is a member of the Lutheran church, and a
THE WHITEHEAD FAMILY.— The first ancestor of the Whitehead
family came from England, settled at Jamaica Plains, Long
Island, and took part in the revolutionary war. Thomas Willet
Whitehead, a son of this early settler, married Maria Elaway of
Philadelphia, who was of German descent. They were members of
the Third Baptist church of Philadelphia. To this couple were
born eight children, four of whom are now living: Mary
Whitehead, married to Mortimer R. George, of Philadelphia; John
Gaskill Lawrence Whitehead, M.D., Bordentown, New Jersey; Annie
Whitehead, married to David E. Gardiner, M.D., Philadelphia;
Elizabeth Whitehead, married to Joseph S. Rotzell, M.D., New
Britain, Bucks county, Pennsylvania. William Manlove Whitehead,
the eldest son, was born in Philadelphia, December 12th, 1823.
At the age of 16 he was baptized by Rev. George Higgins, one of
more than ninety who were baptized in the river Delaware, the
largest baptism on record. He went out with Mr. Higgins from the
Third church, when he formed the Second Baptist church of
Southwark. He was a man of liberal education, at one time a
student at the University of Pennsylvania. He took a six years’
course at Hamilton College and Madison University, New York, and
was graduated at Union College in 1849. In 1850 he was ordained
to the work of the gospel ministry in the Second Baptist church,
Southwark (Rev. John A. McRuan pastor), now the Calvary Baptist
church. His ministry extended over twenty-two years. He aimed
not at being a pastor, but rather to build up weak and enfeebled
churches. Beaula, Chester county, Frankford, Twenty-third ward,
Philadelphia, Great Valley, Chester county, McKeesport and
Elizabeth, Western Pennsylvania, New Britain, Bucks county, and
Woodbury, New Jersey, were churches which he served. In 1851 he
married Eleanor Jennings, daughter of George and Catharine (Mac
Gowan) Beaston, of Baltimore, Maryland. Eight children were born
to this union: William Manlove Whitehead, of Philadelphia, born
at Frankford, Twenty-third ward; George Beaston Whitehead, of
New Britain, born at Frankford; Mary, of New Britain, born at
Great Valley Baptist parsonage; Elaway, of Philadelphia, born at
Great Valley Baptist parsonage; Annie, of New Britain, born at
McKeesport, western Pennsylvania; Henry Kauffman, of
Philadelphia, born at New Britain Baptist parsonage; and Nellie,
of New Britain, born on Iron Hill, New Britain. In 1861 he was
pastor at Great Valley Baptist church. The young people of the
Valley church raised their pole and floated their flag. In a few
months the 97th regiment was raised at West Chester. Young men
from the Valley church and surrounding country swelled its
ranks, and he went forth with them to battle for the rights of
men. When urged by his aged mother not to go, he said, "I cannot
see this great struggle going on, and not take part." The 97th
was sent to Hilton Head, South Carolina. While here he and
another chaplain, and some colored brethren, formed a colored
Baptist church. Many are the letters held sacred to-day from
officer and private written to him concerning the better life.
Contracting the southern malarial fever on the coast of Georgia,
where the regiment lay for weeks in transports, waiting the
attack upon Fort Pulaski, he became unable to perform his
duties, and he resigned, and was honorably discharged August
20th, 1862. In 1872 he graduated at Hahnemann Medical College of
Homoeopathy. While pastor at New Britain church, charmed with
the beautiful county of Bucks, he purchased the old Iron Hill
tavern property, improving it, and intending to spend his last
days (he was an invalid) amidst its beautiful landscapes. He
died at Woodbury, New Jersey, January 28th, 1874, and was buried
at Great Valley church-yard, Chester county. After his death his
family came back to the home selected by the father, and tearing
away all traces of the tavern, built their modern country home,