FREDERICK T. BEANS, farmer, Dolington P.O., was born on the
farm he now owns and occupies, October 31, 1836, and is a son of
Benjamin and Mary (Holcomb) Beans. His paternal grandfather was
Benjamin Beans and his maternal grandfather was Samuel Holcomb,
a farmer of Upper Makefield. Benjamin, father of Frederick, had
four children: Phebe A. (Mrs. Robert K. Burroughs), Sarah E.
(Mrs. William S. Janney, M. D.), Frederick T. and Caroline, who
died in 1859, aged 14 years, 7 months and 18 days. Frederick was
reared on the farm and was educated in the common schools and
Tremont seminary, at Norristown, Pa. He married Sarah J.,
daughter of J. Holcomb and Sarah A. (Longshore) Walker, of
Solebury, by whom he has had six children: Caroline L., Horace
H., Eugene L., Mary L. and Anna E., and B. Franklin, the second
child, who died at the age of 6 months, March 11, 1861.
WILLIAM BEANS, retired farmer, P.O. Yardley, was born in
Upper Makefield township, January 24, 1812, and is a son of
Charles and Sarah (Buckman) Beans. His paternal grandfather was
Benjamin Beans, who married Mary Smith. He was a son of Jacob
Beans, an early settler of Buckingham township and of Welsh
descent. All were farmers of Bucks county. Benjamin Beans, after
his marriage, settled in Lower Makefield and lived and died
there. His children were: Rachel (Mrs. Yeomans Pickering),
Sarah, Elizabeth, Charles, Jonathan, Benjamin, Jr., and Seneca.
Of these Charles was a farmer, and was for many years a resident
of Lower Makefleld. In later life he removed to Falls township
and died there. He married Sarah, daughter of William Buckman.
The latter was a farmer and mill owner, and a prominent citizen
of Lower Makefield, and was for several years justice of the
peace. Charles and Sarah Beans were the parents of six children:
William, Mary (Mrs. Job Garwood), Benjamin, Hannah (Mrs. Jesse
B. Twining), Lydia (Mrs. Albert Comfort) and Charles D., Jr.
William Beans was reared in Lower Makefield from the age of
seven years. March 28, 1838, he married Elizabeth, daughter of
Daniel and Mary (Heston) Lovett, of Lower Makefield township, by
whom he had had two children, Daniel and Sarah (Mrs. Daniel
Lovett). After his marriage Mr. Beans located in Falls township,
this county, where he resided fifteen years. He then returned to
Lower Makefield, where he has lived ever since.

ALGERNON S. CADWALLADER, P.O. Yardley, was born in Lower
Makefield township, Bucks county, in 1828. He is descended on
his father’s side from the Cadwalladers and Taylors, and by his
mother from the Yardleys and Staplers. All these families were
cotemporaries of William Penn in the early settlement of
Pennsylvania; all were members of the Society of Friends, and
active in both private and public affairs. He was educated at
the public schools until he was 16 years old, when he was sent
to a boarding-school in Chester county under the care of
Benjamin Price (a brother of the late Eli K. Price, of
Philadelphia), where he remained for some time, after which he
finished his education at the Attleboro academy, under the
tuition of James Anderson. He lived with his father on the farm
until he was 21 years of age, when he moved to the village of
Yardley, and engaged in mercantile pursuits, which he followed
for several years. In 1853 he married Susan Josephine, eldest
daughter of William and Sarah (Hart) Yardley, a woman of great
worth, by whom he had nine children: Lydia Yardley, the eldest,
married George Warner, Jr., of Philadelphia; William Y. married
Carrie E. Lansing, of Trenton, N.J.; J. Seymour, a very
promising young man, died in his 21st year; Letitia S. married
Edmund R. Willets, of Trenton, N.J.; T. Sidney married Ida R.
Weeks, of Lancaster, Pa.; Sarah Yardley married George F. Craig,
of Philadelphia; Augustus J., Mary Anna and Helen M. are living
at their father’s home. When a young man Mr. Cadwallader was an
active and ardent Henry Clay whig, imbibing the principles of
protection to American capital and American labor, which, year
by year, have strengthened with him, and he now thinks it the
most important question before the American people. After the
disbandment of the whig party he became an active republican. In
1861 he was nominated for state senator, and though the county
at that time was largely democratic, he was defeated by only a
small vote. This was the only election, since he gained his
majority, in which he did not cast a ballot. From the time of
his nomination until after the election, he was confined to his
bed by very serious illness. In 1865 he was appointed collector
of internal revenue for the fifth district of Pennsylvania, and
in 1878 he was a candidate for congressional nomination for the
sixth district of Pennsylvania (Bucks and Montgomery counties),
and had a majority of his own county delegates, but was defeated
by the action of Montgomery. In 1886, at the earnest
solicitation of many Bucks county republicans, he was again a
candidate for nomination, and had a plurality of delegates from
the home county, on the first ballot, after which he withdrew as
candidate. In 1862, at the request of Governor Curtin, he
superintended the enrollment of the Bucks county militia, and
throughout the war of the rebellion was active and earnest in
supporting the Union cause. In 1864 he represented the fifth
district of Pennsylvania in the national convention that
re-nominated Abraham Lincoln for president, and was also a
delegate to the national convention of 1868, which nominated
U.S. Grant, and at various times Mr. Cadwallader has represented
his district in state conventions. For the last few years he has
been retired from active business, and is still living in the
village of Yardley in an old mansion built in 1728, by his
great-great-grandfather, Thomas Yardley.
MOSES CADWALLADER, farmer and fruit grower, P.O. Fallsington,
was born on the farm where he now lives in Lower Makefield
township, November 24, 1829, and is a son of Benjamin and Sarah
(Comfort) Cadwallader, natives of Bucks county. John Cadwallader,
the predecessor, was descended from the King of Wales. Tradition
says, that he is the original ancestor of all the present
Cadwallader family. The Comforts are of English descent. The
first to emigrate to America was the
great-great-great-grandfather, or the sixth generation back. He
died on the island of Tortula, in the West Indies, while on a
religious visit in 1742. He was a minister of the Society of
Friends. The family are descended on the Taylor side from John
Sotcher and Mary Loftie, who were William Penn’s upper servants,
having charge of his property. Mrs. Mary Taylor was Benjamin
Cadwallader’s mother. John Cadwallader was our subject’s
great-great-great-grandfather, and Jacob his
great-great-grandfather. Jacob, Jr., his great-grandfather,
married Phebe Radcliffe, and Cyrus, the grandfather, married
Mary Taylor in 1790. He was a farmer and resided in Lower
Makefield township on the farm where George Justice now lives.
He was a member of the legislature at one time and took
considerable interest in politics. He was a man of fine
appearance. Benjamin, the father of Moses Cadwallader, married
Sarah Comfort, by whom he had six children: Elizabeth
(deceased), Mary, wife of Joseph H. Satterthwaite; Cyrus, Moses,
Benjamin (deceased), and Sarah (deceased). Benjamin was a
minister of the Society of Friends. Moses Cadwallader was reared
on a farm, and has always lived where he now resides, on the
homestead of his father. He is a successful farmer, and is also
engaged quite extensively in fruit growing. He was married in
May, 1853, to Lucy Burton, by whom he had two children: Ann,
deceased, and Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Cadwallader are members of
the Society of Friends. Mr. Cadwallader is an industrious,
intelligent citizen and an upright, honest man.
CHARLES B. COMFORT, farmer, P.O. Yardley, was born in Falls
township, in Penn’s Manor, December 22, 1855. He is a son of
Albert and Lydia W. (Beans) Comfort, natives of Bucks county and
of English descent. The Comfort family originated from England.
Josiah, the grandfather, was a resident of Falls township all
his life. He was a tanner by trade, which occupation he carried
on with a man by the name of Allen, the firm being Comfort &
Allen. In his later life he was a farmer. The father of Charles
B. was a farmer, and his younger days were spent in Falls
township. He moved to Lower Makefield township, where he died in
1859, the day he was 30 years of age. He had but one child,
Charles B., who was reared on a farm and has always followed
farming. He moved to where he now lives in 1876, when he
commenced life for himself. He has a very valuable farm, well
improved. In 1881 he married Annie Satterthwaite, by whom he has
two children: Albert D. and Charles B., Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Comfort
are members of the Society of Friends. Mr. Comfort is an
intelligent and enterprising citizen.
ROBERT S. DANA, M.D., P.O. Morrisville, was born in
Circleville, O., November 10, 1833, and is a son of Sylvester
and Elizabeth (Brown) Dana, his father a native of Wilkesbarre,
Pa., and his mother of Bloomfield, Connecticut, and of French
and English descent. Richard Dana was the first of the family in
America. He was one of the Huguenots born in France about 1612,
whence he fled to England in 1629. He left England about 1640,
and landed in the Plymouth colony, subsequently settling in West
Cambridge, near Boston. He died in Massachusetts, April 2, 1690.
Anderson Dana was born in 1733, and emigrated with the
Connecticut colony to the Wyoming valley, then Westmoreland, now
Luzerne county, Pa., in 1772, where he made a settlement. He was
killed July 3, 1778, in the Wyoming massacre, at which time he
was a member of the colonial legislature, representing the
district of Westmoreland in the Connecticut legislature. He was
a very prominent man, and held a number of offices. His body was
never identified after the massacre. Anderson Dana, Jr., the
grandfather of the present generation, was born in 1765 at
Ashford, Conn. He moved to Wilkesbarre with his father, and
after the battle fled back to Connecticut, as did all the other
inhabitants of the valley. After several years he returned to
Luzerne county to look after his father’s property there. He
married Sarah Stevens, of Wilkesbarre, and spent the remainder
of his life in Luzerne county, where he carried on farming. He
was at one time associate judge of the county and councilman,
also lieutenant in the state militia, and held a number of
important and prominent offices. He was held in high esteem by
the people among whom he lived. At the time of his death he was
86 years of age. Sylvester, the father of Robert S., was reared
in Wilkesbarre, and graduated at Yale college, receiving the
degree of Master of Arts when he was about 21 years of age.
After he graduated he returned to Wilkesbarre, Pa., where he
studied law with Judge Garrick Mallory. When admitted to the bar
he went to Ohio, and had charge of Worthington seminary for two
years, then practised law with Judge Doane and edited the "Olive
Branch" about four years, but his health failing, he moved back
to Wilkesbarre, where he took charge of the academy, with which
he was connected as principal until 1839, when he built a fine
private academy of his own, which he kept until October, 1865.
He then gave up his school and moved to Bucks county on the
place where Robert S. now lives, and died there June 19, 1882,
aged 77 years. His wife died February 6, 1878. They were the
parents of five children: Robert S., Eunice A., Elizabeth,
Louisa A. and Ellen. The daughters are living in Trenton.
Sylvester Dana was a man of great educational ability. He had
charge of the academy at Jersey Shore for two or three years,
and also at Saltsburg, near Pittsburg, for two years. He never
took an active part in politics. Robert S. Dana was but three
years of age when his parents left Ohio. He studied under his
father until he entered the Jefferson Medical college, from
which he graduated in March, 1857. He studied medicine for five
years in Philadelphia. He practised in Nanticoke one year, and
in Wilkesbarre two years. In August, 1861, he enlisted in the
9th Pa. cavalry staff as musician (mounted cavalry band). In
September, 1862, he was mustered as a physician in the 107th
regiment, Pa. Vols. He entered as assistant surgeon, and was
afterward promoted first surgeon of his regiment, and served
until the close of the war. After being mustered out he attended
college at Philadelphia. In June, 1866, he came to Morrisville,
and has since continued in practice in this locality. He has a
beautiful residence, and is now retired from active practice. He
was married June 13, 1872, to Fannie Pawling, of Norristown, by
whom he has one child, Sylvester, born in 1873. Mrs. Dana is a
member of the Episcopal church. The doctor is a trustee and
treasurer in the Presbyterian church in Morrisville. He was a
member of the school board for eight years, and its president
seven years. He was also a member of the town council two years,
and is an enterprising and influential citizen.
HOWARD S. DOAN, wheelwright, P.O. Edgewood, was born in Lower
Makefield township, May 15, 1843, and is a son of George and
Mary (Vanartsdalen) Doan. His paternal grandfather was Thomas
Doan, a son of Israel Doan, born about 1730. The latter was a
farmer of Plumstead township, and during the revolution had his
cattle driven away by the British. He was a son of Israel Doan;
born in 1699, and a grandson of Daniel Doan, who came from
Plymouth, Mass., in 1696, and settled in Middletown township.
Thomas Doan was a farmer of Bucks county, and had four children:
Eliza (Mrs. Benjamin Wolsey), deceased; Rachel (Mrs. Peter
Bailey), Rebecca (Mrs. Henry Watson), and George. The latter was
reared on his father’s farm, and at the age of 17 was
apprenticed to the wheelwright trade, serving five years. He
engaged in business for himself in Springville, this county, in
1834. In 1836 he went to Lower Makefield, where he has since
resided. In 1832 he married Mary, daughter of Joseph and Sarah
Vanartsdalen, of Langhorne, by whom he has had five children:
Sarah (Mrs. O.M. Thornton), Rachel (Mrs. George Meyers), Howard
S., Frank and Ella (Mrs. Jacob Heuseher). Howard S. Doan was
reared in Lower Makefield township, and learned the
wheelwright’s trade with his father, and has carried it on for
himself in Edgewood since 1874. He was married January 1, 1867,
to Mary, daughter of Charles and Rachel (Slack) Young, of Lower
Makefield. They have two children: Augustus C. and Lillie M.
CAPTAIN DAVID V. FEASTER, farmer, P.O. Yardley, was born in
Northampton township, this county, October 27, 1822, and is a
son of William and Jane (Van Horn) Feaster, the former a native
of Bucks county, and the latter of New Jersey, and both of
German descent. The grandfather, John, kept a hotel in
Philadelphia for a number of years, and afterward moved to
Northampton township, and bought a farm, where he lived until
his death, which occurred in 1841. Captain Feaster’s father was
a farmer. He had nine children: Ann, David V., Rebecca, Lena,
William, Martha, Elizabeth, Joseph and Susan. David V. was
reared on a farm until he was 17 years of age, when he learned
the wheelwright’s trade. In 1844 he moved to Bustleton, and
worked as a mechanic until 1849. He then moved to Newtown, and
worked in the machine shop until the war broke out in 1861, and
troops were called for. He raised a company, of which he was
captain, and fought with his company in the 3d Reserve corps of
Pennsylvania. He took part in the battles at Drainsville, in the
seven days’ fight on the Peninsula, the second battle of Bull
Run, South Mountain and Sharpsburg. He was obliged to resign on
account of disability. He came home and lived in Newtown, until
1868, when he moved to Byberry, Twenty-third ward, where he was
engaged in the machine business for two years. He then came back
to Newtown, where he worked until 1884, when he bought the farm
where he now lives. He lived in Philadelphia one year, and moved
to where he now lives in January, 1886. He was married in 1846
to Mary A. Lugar, by whom he has three children: Harry W.,
conductor on the Pennsylvania railroad; Jennie H. and Laura. In
1881 he was elected county treasurer, which office he held one
term of three years. Captain Feaster is a member of the Masonic
fraternity. He is a very prominent citizen of the county.
DAVID HOWELL, deceased, P.O. Yardley, was born in Lower
Makefield township, December 17, 1804, and is a son of Timothy
and Rebecca (Margerum) Howell. His father was twice married. By
his first wife he had two sons, Levi and Asher. By his second
wife, Rebecca Margerum, he had six children: John, David, Sarah,
(Mrs. Lewis Moore), Mary, Susanna (Mrs. John Temple) and Martha
(Mrs. Samuel G. Slack). David Howell was born and reared in
Lower Makefield, where he resided until his death in 1864, and
was a prominent farmer. His wife was Harriet I., daughter of
Francis and Mary E. (Smith) Sandoz, of Bristol, this county, the
former a native of France, and the latter of Germany. They
settled in this county in 1795. The children of this union were
seven daughters, of whom five are living: Mary E. (Mrs. E.N.
Ely, had one son and two daughters: Howell, Carrie and Hattie),
Martha A. (Mrs. Joshua Maris, had three daughters: Bertha H.,
Dela H. and Elma H.), Emma, Carrie (Mrs. Samuel W. Throp, had
one daughter, Helen A., and one son, Russell R.), and H. Amelia.
WILLIAM SMITH JANNEY, M.D., 1535 North Broad street,
Philadelphia, is a member of the family whose genealogy is given
under the name of Stephen T. Janney, of Newtown township. He was
a son of William Janney, who was born in 1810 on the old
homestead, which has been in possession of the family since
1684, and who has been almost all his life a farmer in Newtown
and Lower Makefield townships, but is now living retired in
Newtown borough. His wife, Rebecca, is a daughter of William and
Sarah Smith, of Solebury township, where she was born in 1811.
Her father was a descendant of Thomas Smith, who came from York,
England, in 1686, and settled in Wrightstown, this county. They
have had eight children, of whom seven are now living. William
S. was the second child, and was born August 12, 1833, in Lower
Makefield township. After leaving the district school he
attended the Newtown academy, the Bellevue academy, and finished
his education as a private pupil of the late Joseph Fell, of
Buckingham township. When 17 years old he taught school at
Brownsburg, and afterward at Lumberville, at the same time
reading medicine; and attended the lectures at the Pennsylvania
Medical college at Philadelphia, during the winters of 1852,
1853 and 1854, graduating in March, 1854. He began the practice
of his profession at Tullytown, this county, where he remained
two years, removing in April, 1856, to Leavenworth, Kansas, just
in time to become involved in the noted "border war." Returning
east in the fall of the same year, he began practising in
Woodsville, Mercer county, N.J., where he stayed until 1870; but
during that time, in 1862, he went into the army as assistant
surgeon of the 21st N.J. Volunteers, and was promoted to surgeon
of the 22d regiment. His regiment, during their ten months’
service, took part in the battles of Fredericksburg and
Chancellorsville, and he had ample opportunity for the use of
all his skill. In 1870 the doctor removed to a plantation in
Caroline county, Va., where he stayed until 1874, when he
renewed the practice of his profession at Eighth and Oxford
streets, Philadelphia, removing in 1877 to his present
residence, on the southeast corner of North Broad and Oxford
streets. In 1880 he was elected coroner of the city of
Philadelphia by over twenty thousand majority. He has also for
the past twelve years been one of the surgeons of the
Philadelphia hospital, and deservedly stands high in his
profession. In November, 1855, he was married to Sarah Ellen,
daughter of Benjamin and Mary Beans, of Lower Makefield
township, where she was born in April, 1835. They have had four
children, two of whom, a son and a daughter, died in infancy.
The survivors are Marianna, born November 2, 1873, and William,
born February 18, 1876. Dr. Janney is a member of Post 2, G.A.R.,
of Philadelphia, and in politics is a republican.
DAVID C. LEE, carpenter, builder, and proprietor of planing
mill, P.O. Yardley, was born in Upper Makefield township June
20, 1844, and is a son of Ralph and Ruth (Colman) Lee. His
paternal grandfather was William Lee, a native of Philadelphia,
who settled in Wrightstown, Bucks county, about 1815, and died
there. His children were: William Ralph and Sarah (Mrs. Garrett
Johnson). Ralph was reared in Wrightstown and was a carpenter
and builder by trade, which he followed in Yardley twenty-five
years prior to his death, which occurred in 1876. His wife was a
daughter of David and Sarah Colman, of an old family of Upper
Makefield. He had nine children, six of whom are now living:
David C., Edward H., Mary A. (Mrs. Frederick Green), Alfred,
Wilbur and George. David C. Lee was reared in Yardley, and
educated in the public schools of that place. He learned his
trade with his father, and has followed it since he was 16 years
of age. In 1886 he built a planing-mill, and engaged in the
manufacture of doors, sash and blinds, employing from eight to
fifteen hands, and has the only business of the kind in the
vicinity. He married Sarah K. Watson, of’ Falls township, by
whom he has three children: Taylor, Emily and Elwood. Mr. Lee
and wife are members of the Episcopal church. Politically he is
a democrat.
ABRAHAM LIVEZEY, physician, P.O. Yardley, was born in
Solebury township, September 15, 1821, and is a son of Robert
and Sarah (Paxson) Livezey. His paternal grandparents were
Daniel and Margery (Croasdale) Livezey. Daniel was a son of
Jonathan Livezey, who married Catherine Thomas, and Jonathan a
son of Jonathan Livezey, originally from England, and who
married Esther Eastburn, of Bristol township, Philadelphia
county. He was also a son of Jonathan. Robert Livezey, the
eldest son of Daniel, was born at Fox Chase, Philadelphia
county, February 22, 1780, and in 1796 located in Solebury
township, and resided there until his death in 1864. His wife
was a daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth (Brown) Paxson. Abraham
was a son of Thomas and Sarah (Harvey) Paxson. Thomas was a son
of Henry and Ann (Plumley) Paxson, and Henry was a son of James
and Jane Paxson, from Bycot house, Oxfordshire, England, who
settled in Bucks county in 1682. Our subject was reared in
Solebury and educated at the Attleboro’ high school and at
Princeton college, and was graduated in 1842, receiving the
degree of A.B., and in 1845 the degree of A.M. He entered
Jefferson Medical college at Philadelphia in 1843, and was
graduated in March, 1845. He began the practice of his
profession in Solebury, where he remained until 1850. He was
then elected professor of practice in the Female Medical college
of Pennsylvania, and served in that capacity two years. In the
spring of 1852 he delivered a course of lectures on the practice
of medicine, by appointment, in the New England Female Medical
college, Boston. He was then elected professor of practice in
the Penn Medical college, which position he held for two years,
giving two courses of lectures. He then resumed the practice of
medicine at Solebury. In 1865 he located in Philadelphia,
practising there until 1872, when he removed to Yardley, this
county, where he has been in active practice ever since. He was
twice married. His first wife was Marianna, daughter of Joseph
and Mary (Paxson) Dilworth, by whom he had one son, Joseph D.
(born October 8, 1851), now a practising physician in
Philadelphia, and a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania
at the age of nineteen and a half years. Dr. Livezey’s second
wife was Lydia S. Haines, of Medford, N.J., married November 27,
1873. The doctor has contributed largely to various medical
journals; written some temperance and other tales; and in 1871
established the "Mothers’ Department" in Peterson’s Ladies’
Magazine, to which he has contributed regularly to date. During
the civil war he was a hired lecturer to fill vacancies in the
chairs of surgery, practice and obstetrics in the University of
Surgery and Medicine, Philadelphia.
ALLEN LIVEZEY, retired carpenter and builder, P.O. Yardley,
Pa., was born in Solebury township January 11, 1814. He is a son
of Robert and Sarah Paxson Livezey, and a descendant of Jonathan
Livezey, who settled near Abington, Pa., about 1682, and whose
great-grandson, Daniel Livezey, settled in Southampton, this
county, about 1781. Robert Livezey, the eldest son of Daniel,
was a carpenter by trade. He settled in Solebury in 1796 and
died there. The maternal ancestor of Allen Livezey was James
Paxson, from Bycot House, Oxfordshire, England, who settled in
Bucks county in 1682. Our subject was reared in Solebury
township. In his 16th year he was apprenticed to his uncle,
Thomas Livezey, to learn the carpenter’s trade, and remained
with him nearly a year. He then returned to his father’s farm,
remaining there until he was 22 years old, when he went to
Middletown, this county, to finish his trade. In 1839 he located
at Lumberville and worked at his trade there until 1854. He then
removed to Philadelphia and remained there until 1862. He then
went to Taylorsville, this county, and worked at his trade for
three years. In 1865 he rented a property in Yardleyville, which
he purchased in 1867, and has since resided there. He was
married November 28, 1839, to Mary A., daughter of John and
Sarah (Kenderdine) Gordon, of Montgomery county, Pa., by whom he
had four children: Theodore, Henry C., Franklin and John G. The
eldest son, Theodore, was born August 20, 1840. He was in the
late war of the rebellion. He enlisted August 23, 1862, in
company B, 119th regiment, Pa. Vols. This regiment was in the
Sixth corps, army of the Potomac. He was seriously wounded in
the battle of Spottsylvania Court-house, and was honorably
discharged at the close of the war. He married Elizabeth Baker,
and has three children: Harry C., Walter B. and Herbert S. He is
now a resident of Newport News, Va., and is the superintendent
of the Old Dominion Land company. Henry C., the second son, was
born, in Solebury township, August 23, 1843, and married August
29, 1878, Marion, daughter of John and Hannah M. (Johnson)
Schuyler, of Yardley, and a descendant of Gen. Philip Schuyler,
of revolutionary fame. He has one child, Claudine M. He is a
contractor and builder in New York city. Franklin Livezey, the
third son, was born in Solebury, December 12, 1847, married
January 11, 1877, Sarah, daughter of Joseph A. and Sarah
(Tonkin) Van Horn, of Yardley, and has one child, Grace. He
served in the late war, enlisting September 30, 1864, and was
honorably discharged at the close of the war. He was in the
battles of Pebbles’ farm, Warren’s raid to Weldon, Sailors’
creek, South Side railroad, Five Forks, and the surrender of
Appomattox. He is also a carpenter, and at present the
superintendent of the business of his brother, H.C. Livezey.
John G. Livezey, the youngest sons was born February 4, 1853,
and has been married twice. His present wife was Laura
Christian, of Richmond, Va. He is also a carpenter, though now
assistant superintendent of the Old Dominion Land company, of
Newport News, Va. The Livezeys are all members of the Society of
THOMAS MCCULLOUGH, farmer, P.O. Yardley, was born in county
Louth, Ireland, September 4, 1848, and is a son of Patrick and
Mary (Naulty) McCullough, natives of the above county. His
parents came to America in 1851, located at Greensburg, N.J.,
and resided there until 1885, when they removed to the farm in
Lower Makefield now occupied by Thomas, where they have since
resided. Their children were: John, Thomas, Mary, Patrick,
Michael, Peter and Ann (Mrs. Daniel Forrest). Thomas McCullough
was married in November, 1871, to Mary, daughter of Michael and
Margaret (Delaney) Hollern, of Yardley, formerly of Ireland. He
has eight children: Mary, Maggie, Annie, Katie, Lizzie, Nellie,
Rosa and Thomas. He removed from Greensburg, N.J., in 1874, to
the farm where he now lives. Mr. McCullough and family are
members of the Catholic church. Politically he is a democrat.
JOHN MCNABB, farmer, P.O. Edgewood, was born in county
Antrim, Ireland, May 19, 1828. He is a son of Daniel and Jane
(Anderson) McNabb. He emigrated to America in 1853, located in
Lower Makefield, and has occupied his present farm since 1865.
He married Martha, daughter of James and Mary (Glass) Slain,
also of county Antrim, Ireland. They have seven children: James,
Alexander, John, Wallace, Daniel, Ann E. and Jackson. Mr.
McNabb, on arriving in this country, worked by the day and year
for several years, until he had accumulated some money, and by
his own exertions is now enjoying a comfortable competence. He
and his family are members of the Presbyterian church. He is a
republican, and has held the office of supervisor for more than
ten years.
WILLIAM H. MOON, owner and proprietor of Glenwood nurseries,
P.O. Morrisville, son of Mahlon and Jane (Craft) Moon, was born
in Falls township in 1849. His father and mother were of English
descent, the former being a native of Falls township and the
latter of New Jersey. His father was a nurseryman and one of the
most prominent men in that business in the state. He commenced
business in 1839 and died in 1887. His nursery was in Falls
township and is now conducted by his son, Samuel C. Moon. The
Glenwood nurseries are in Lower Makefield township, near
Morrisville, about a mile from Trenton, N.J. One of General
Washington’s headquarters were on this farm and Mr. Moon now
occupies the old stone building as an office. Mr. Moon’s is one
of the leading and most extensive nurseries in the state. He has
a large shipping trade, shipping goods to every state in the
Union and to Canada. He is the oldest of a family of four
children. He attended school in his native township, a boarding
school and a commercial college at Trenton, N.J. In 1875 he
married Ellen M., daughter of Jesse W. Taylor, of Philadelphia.
They have three children: Edith C., Henry T. and James E. They
are members of the Society of Friends. Mr. Moon was a school
director nine years.
HONORABLE EDWARD NICKLESON, farmer, P.O. Yardley, was born in
Yardleyville, Bucks county, March 17, 1807. His father was
Charles Cormick Nickleson, a native of Ireland, and a tailor by
trade. He emigrated to America and located at Yardley, where he
followed his trade. He was married here to Mercy Bailey, a
Friend and a daughter of Edward Bailey. After his marriage he
erected a house in Yardley and afterward purchased a portion of
the farm, on which his son Edward now lives. He died in 1831. He
had one son and two daughters: Anna, who married Joseph Ely, of
New Hope; Mary, who married Thomas Heed, of Lumberville, and
Edward. Edward attended the common schools of his native
township and engaged in farming. He is the owner of a fine farm
and a brownstone quarry, which was opened in 1816. Every
building on the premises has been erected since that time from
stone taken from the quarry. Mr. Nickleson came to this farm
when about a year old, and it has since been his home, a period
of eighty years. In politics he has always been a democrat. He
was elected to the state legislature in the years 1848, 1849 and
1850. He was a delegate to the convention at Cincinnati that
nominated Buchanan, and was one of the electors on the ticket
for Greeley. He has always been an active, energetic man,
practical and self-reliant, and possessed of that keen insight
so valuable to a public man. As a farmer, business man, and
statesman he has discharged the duties of neighbor, citizen and
public officer with honor to himself and party. He owns valuable
property, residences and business houses, in Yardley and in
Fallsington. March 20, 1828, he was married to Miss Elizabeth V.
Dungan. They are members of St. Andrew’s Episcopal church at
Yardley. They have had seven sons and four daughters. Four of
the sons died in childhood, and one, Dr. Joshua D., died of lung
disease in his 27th year. Mary E. married Stephen M. Janney, of
Newtown, and died in 1877, leaving one daughter, Florence R.
Janney. Those living are: Edward, who married Miss Kate Reed, of
New Jersey, and resides in Lower Makefield township; Mercy Anna,
wife of Charles D. Weart, a farmer of Lower Makefield township;
Sarah D., widow of Dr. Elias Wildman, late of Fallsington;
Josephine, wife of Amos Johnson, a clothing merchant of
Lambertville, N.J.; John Marshall, who is travelling in
California. Mr. Nickleson is now in his 81st year and has
enjoyed good health all his life. He stands high in the
estimation of all as an upright and honest Christian gentleman.
HENRY Y. PICKERING, farmer, P.O. Yardley, was born in
Philadelphia, Pa., January 9, 1854, and is a son of Thomas E.
and Mercy P. (Paist) Pickering. His paternal grandfather was
Yeomans Pickering, a farmer and a resident of Lower Makefield.
Later he removed to Newtown and died there. Mr. Pickering’s
maternal grandfather was Robert Paist, of Marion, Pa. Thomas E.
Pickering was a native of Bucks county. He was a carpenter by
trade, and for many years was in business in Philadelphia. In
1856 he located permanently in Lower Makefield township on the
farm now occupied by Henry Y., where he died in 1869 at the age
of 48 years. Henry Y. Pickering was the only child and succeeded
to the homestead. He married Lizzie W., daughter of Jacob and
Rebecca L. (Pitman) Taylor, of Yardley. He is a member of the
Society of Friends and politically is a republican.
JOHN B. ROOK, farmer, P.O. Newtown, was born in Bavaria,
Germany, October 18, 1833, and is a son of Frank J. and Theresa
(Engell) Rook. He was reared in Bavaria and came to America in
July, 1857. He located in Bucks county, where he worked eighteen
months at eight dollars per month. The following two years he
earned $196 and never drew a dollar of his wages until the end
of his service. His house rent was free and he had but a small
garden spot and a cow for his support. He was married in 1859 to
Anna, daughter of J.P. Wilkinson, of Ireland, by whom he has
seven children: Lettie A. (Mrs. William C. Rufe), Louise J.,
John B., Jr., Therese E,, Frank J., Charles C. and H. James. In
1862 Mr. Rook enlisted in the 15th U.S. Infantry, Second
battalion, company E. He participated in the battles of
Chickamauga and Lookout Mountain, and on account of disability
was honorably discharged in 1864. He then returned home, but was
unable to do anything for two years. In 1867 he engaged in
farming, which he has followed ever since. In 1874 he purchased
the farm in Lower Makefield, where he now resides. He also owns
another fine farm. He came to Bucks county without a dollar, but
by his indomitable push and energy has accumulated a competency.
JOSEPH SATTERTHWAITE, farmer, P.O. Edgewood, was born in
Falls township, this county, February 3, 1813, and is a son of
William and Elizabeth (Watson) Satterthwaite. His paternal
grandfather was William Satterthwaite, a native of Bucks county,
whose father was a native of England, and among the early
settlers of this county. His maternal grandfather was Amos
Watson, of Oxford, Bucks county. Mr. Satterthwaite’s parents
were residents of Falls township. They had eight children: Amos,
William, Mary, Elizabeth, Joseph, Susanna (Mrs. Samuel Woolman),
Giles and Michael. Joseph was reared in Falls township, and
resided there until 1838, when he removed to Lower Makefield to
the farm he now occupies. He has resided there since then, and
has made most of the improvements on the place. He was twice
married; first to Phebe, daughter of William and Phebe (Kelley)
Harper, of Falls township, by whom he had one son, John. His
second wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel and Sarah
(Parsons) Crozer, of Falls township. By the second marriage he
had two children: Charles H. (deceased), and Samuel C., who
married Ida, daughter of Charles and Ann (Yardley) Janney, of
this county, and has two children, Joseph Norman and Anna Y.
ABRAHAM K. SLACK, farmer, P.O. Yardley, was born in Upper
Makefield township, September 20, 1828, and is a son of Abraham
and Francis (Girton) Slack. His grandfather, Cornelius, was a
son of Abraham Slack, one of three brothers who emigrated from
Holland to America about 1740. He settled in Makefield township
and died in 1802. He had four children., Cornelius, the second
child, died in 1828. He had several children, among them
Abraham, father of our subject, who for many years was a farmer
and lived in Lower Makefield. He married Frances, daughter of
James Girton, by whom he had seven children, of whom Abraham K.
was the youngest. He was reared in Lower Makefield, where he has
resided since he was six years old. His wife was Caroline,
daughter of Jacob and Mary (Brown) Cadwallader, of Lower
Makefield township, and granddaughter of Cyrus Cadwallader, an
early settler of Lower Makefield. By this union there were seven
children: Mary. E., deceased, married Harry Paff and had four
children: Carrie, Willie K., Oscar R. and Claudine; William A.
married Phebe I. Paff, and had one child, Lillie G.; Flora,
deceased; Maurice C., deceased; Jacob C. married Nary, daughter
of Thomas and Christiana (Reeder) Cadwallader, and had one
child, Leroy C.; Cyrus K., deceased; and Anna A.
AARON SLACK, proprietor of the Continental hotel, P.O.
Yardley, was born in Yardley, June 6, 1843, and is a son of
Samuel G. and Martha (Howell) Slack. His grandfather, Abraham,
was a son of Cornelius and Sarah (Hellings) Slack, and Cornelius
was a son of Abraham Slack, one of three brothers who emigrated
from Holland to America and settled in Lower Makefield between
1740 and 1744. He died in 1802. His children were: Abraham,
Cornelius, James and Sarah. Of these Cornelius died in 1828. He
had several children, among them Abraham, a farmer of Lower
Makefield, married Frances, daughter of James Girton, by whom he
had seven children who grew to maturity: Aaron, Samuel G., Mary
A. (Mrs. Cyrus Slack), Elizabeth (Mrs. James Haines), Sarah
(Mrs. Joseph Moon), James G. and Abraham K. Of these Samuel G.
kept a general store in Yardley for many years. His wife was a
daughter of Timothy and Rebecca (Margerum) Howell, of Lower
Makefield, by whom he had one son, Aaron, who was reared in
Yardley, where he has always resided. He was in the late war of
the rebellion, enlisting February 3, 1864, in company C, 186th
regiment, Pa. Vols., under Colonel H.A. Frink, was promoted
corporal February 10, 1864, and was honorably discharged from
the service August 15, 1865. In January, 1866, he embarked in
the hotel business in Yardley. He is a popular landlord and has
made the "Continental" a favorite stopping place for the
travelling public. Mr. Slack married, January 16, 1866, Claudina,
daughter of John R. and Hannah M. (Johnson) Schuyler, of
Philadelphia, and a descendant of Philip Schuyler of
revolutionary fame. By this union there are five children:
Mattie, Philip S., Clarence B., Bessie L. and Marshall D. Mr.
Slack is a member of the I.O.O.F., the K. of P., and the A.O.U.W.
Politically he is a democrat.
WILLIAM H. SLOTTER, county superintendent of schools, P.O.
Yardley, was born in Bedminster township, this county, August 5,
1842, and is a son of Jacob and Leah (Hockman) Slotter. His
paternal grandfather, Anthony Slotter, a farmer by occupation,
married Elizabeth Iden, by whom he had three children: Jacob,
John and Mary. His maternal grandfather, Ulrich Hockman, married
a Detwiller. Both ancestors were of German descent and among the
old families of Bedminster township. Our subject was reared in
Bedminster and educated in the Excelsior Normal school of
Carversville, and the West Chester State Normal school, from
which he was graduated. Since 1867, with the exception of three
years, he has been a teacher in the public schools of Bucks
county. In 1882 he married Rachel, daughter of Jacob and Susan (Beidler)
Fretz, of Bedminster township, by whom he has one child, Jacob
F. Mr. Slotter has been principal of the public school at
Yardley since 1883. May 3, 1887, he was elected county
superintendent of schools. He is a member of the Reformed
church, and his wife of the New School of Mennonites.
ISAIAH V. STOCKTON,, farmer, P.O. Yardley, was born in Lower
Makefield township, September 1, 1817, and is a son of John and
Mary (Vansant) Stockton. John Stockton was a native of New
Jersey, and was born near Princeton. He was a son of John and
Sarah (Brealey) Stockton, the former of whom was the owner of a
large tract of land near Princeton, and was a brother of Richard
Stockton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
John Stockton was in sympathy with the English and went to New
York, and his property was confiscated. His son, John, came with
his mother to Lower Makefield township at the close of the war,
and, purchased a small tract of land on the eastern end of the
farm now owned by Isaiah V. Later John married Mary, daughter of
Gabriel Vansant, and settled on the farm now owned by Joseph
Flowers. Still later he removed to the farm now owned by A.T.
Vansant. He was a noted horse farrier and surgeon. He had ten
children: Nancy, Joseph, Sarah, Eliza, Mary, John, Charity,
Ellen, Elijah and Isaiah V. The latter occupies a part of his
father’s homestead, including all of the tract his grandmother
purchased when she fled from New Jersey with her son John, who
was then a small boy. Isaiah V. has resided there since 1846. He
married Sarah, daughter of Amos and Nancy (Carson) Thackary, of
Lower Makefield township, and has two sons, Lendrum and John B.
Lendrum married Abbie White, daughter of Charles White, and has
three children: Charles, Anna and Sallie.
JOSEPH SWARTZLANDER, P.O. Yardley, was born at Swartzlander’s
mill property (now Sterner’s), in Southampton township, January
1, 1812. The first history of the family in America begins with
Philip, who came from Steinhardt in Swartzwald, Germany. He
started with his wife and two children in 1752, and was five
months on the voyage. Owing to the failure of water and supplies
sickness occurred, and his wife and all the children on the ship
died at sea except Barbara, aged seven, and Gabriel, aged five;
the latter the grandfather of the subject of this sketch. Philip
and his children settled in New Britain township, this county,
near the Baptist church, and the former married Margaret Angel,
by whom he had, as far as known, two children, Conard and
Philip, Jr. The second wife’s children afterward went to North
Carolina, and one to Rock Island county, Ill., and married an
Adams. Philip, Sen., was buried at New Britain Baptist church in
1784. Gabriel, son of Philip, was born March 31, 1747, came to
this country in 1752 and died July 17, 1814. He married Salome
Freed, née Stout. They owned four hundred acres, now divided
into farms and owned by Eli Nice, Oliver Jacoby, Samuel
Carwithan, A. James Layman, Abraham Overholt, Nathaniel Kratz,
Isaac Kratz, Jacob Bergey and Jonas Bergey. The old homestead is
now owned by Jacob Bergey. The children of Gabriel Swartzlander
were: John, Magdaline, Jacob, Margaret, Catherine, Abraham (died
young), Joseph, Philip (died young) and David. Among these
children Gabriel divided his property as follows: To Joseph he
gave Jacoby’s mill, also Nice’s and Bergey’s farms; to David the
homestead, Overholt, Layman and Hubbard farms; to John the farm
now occupied by Samuel Carnithan; he gave money equal in amount
to Jacob who went to Southampton, and to his daughters equal
amounts with their brothers. John’s children were Debora Delp
and Anna Godshalk. Magdaline’s (Kratz) children were: Catherine
and Salome: Joseph’s children were: Catherine, Abel, Elizabeth,
Salome, Mary and Emily.
David’s children were: George, Susan, Jacob, John. Jacob,
father of Joseph, our subject, married first Elizabeth Cope, by
whom he had the following children: Abraham, Gabriel, Joseph and
Salome. His children by his second wife, who was Elizabeth Moot,
and is still living at Bustleton, aged 97 years, were: Emily,
Clara, Wilhelmina and Harriet. David Swartzlander gave the
corner-stone to the Tohickon Lutheran church in Bedminster. The
old Swartzlanders were mostly German Baptists and some were
The early life of Joseph Swartzlander was spent in the
township of Southampton. He received his education at the local
schools and finished at Burlington, N.J., at the academy kept by
Samuel Aaron in the year 1832. Among his classmates were
Professor Pepper, Sen., of the University of Pennsylvania, and
the late Ellerslie Wallace, professor of obstetrics in the
Jefferson Medical college, at Philadelphia. When 22 years of
age, adopting the mode of travel afterward adopted by Bayard
Taylor, he went to Zanesville, Ohio. While there he was stricken
with smallpox, but recovered sufficiently to continue his
journey and went to New Orleans, going down the Ohio and
Mississippi rivers on a flat-boat. After a short stay he
returned by steamer to St. Louis, and with a companion walked to
Detroit, Mich., a distance of five hundred and sixty-four miles,
crossing where Chicago now stands, it being then a swamp. From
Detroit he went to Buffalo, thence by the Erie canal to
Rochester, thence to Albany, to Boston, and thence to the place
of starting. In 1837 he was married to Abigail W. Rankin, of
Huntington Valley, Montgomery county, Pa. His children are:
Mary, wife of Daniel L. Beans, of’ Lower Makefield; Frank, a
physician at Doylestown; Albert, an attorney in Omaha, Neb.;
Laura (an elocutionist), Harry and Ella at Yardley; and Fred, a
physician at Richborough. Two children died young; Jacob, twin
brother of Laura, drowned at Yardley, and Abraham, who died of
typhoid fever at Yardley. In political preferment Mr.
Swartzlander is a republican. His life as a business man has
been one of unremitting activity. He has cut and marketed the
greater part of the timber of the lower part of Bucks county.
Much of this timber has found its way to Trenton, Philadelphia,
New York and even to California, to be used in carriages and
wagons. His habits are simple. He never used spirits or tobacco.
He is a man of genial disposition, and his memory of people and
events is phenomenal. He is very active, and at the age of 75
years considers it no hardship to ride on horseback fifty miles
a day. For the past forty years he has handled from one to two
thousand feet of hard lumber per day, besides attending to many
other kinds of business. He is up and about every morning in
summer at four o’clock, while most people are still wrapped in
slumber. He recently visited his mother, who is living at
Somerton, Philadelphia, at the age of 97 years.
JACOB H. TAYLOR, P.O. Yardley, was born in Taylorsville, July
2, 1821, and is a son of Bernard and Lydia (Hoff) Taylor. His
paternal grandfather, Benjamin Taylor, was a farmer of Newtown
township, this county, and lived and died there. His children
that grew to maturity were: Lydia (Mrs. Samuel Yardley),
Elizabeth (Mrs. Joseph Warner), Nancy, Charles, Samuel, Bernard,
Mahlon K., David B. and Benjamin. His maternal grandfather,
Jacob Hoff, was a resident of Hunterdon county, N.J. Bernard,
the sixth child and third son of Benjamin Taylor, had five
children: Maria B. (Mrs. Jonathan Brock), Jacob H., Hannah H.
(Mrs. Watson Malone), Robert F., William S. who grew to
maturity. Jacob H. was reared in Taylorsville, and with the
exception of seven years has always resided in Bucks county, and
since 1862, with the exception of two years, in Yardley. He
married Rebecca L., daughter of Aaron and Matilda F. (Firman)
Pitman, of Mansfield, N.J. They have seven children living:
Lydia M. (Mrs. John B. Stockton), Justice P., Bernard, Lizzie W.
(Mrs. Henry Y. Pickering), Florence (Mrs. Harry S. Smith),
William S. and Anne W. Of these Bernard married January 27,
1881, Kate, daughter of John R. and Hannah M. (Johnson)
Schuyler, of Philadelphia, by whom he has one son, Schuyler J.
Justice P. married, June 17, 1874, Mary S., daughter of Albert
and Margaret T. (Simpson) Hibbs, of Buckingham township, by whom
he has two Sons: Albert H. and Norman B.
JOSEPH B. THACKRAY, farmer, P.O. Edgewood, was born June 19,
1814, and is a son of Joshua and Rebecca (Johnson) Thackray. His
paternal grandfather was Joshua Thackray who was born November
2, 1760, and was a son of James and Esther Thackray. Joshua
Thackray, the elder, was twice married; first, to Mary, daughter
of Stephen and Mary Sands, whom he married October 18, 1784. She
was born November 5, 1764, and died June 5,1794. By this union
there were two children: Joshua, born March 29, 1785; and Mary,
born July 1, 1789. Joshua, the younger, was married February 25,
1813, to Rebecca, daughter of James and Hannah Johnson, by whom
he had five children who grew to maturity: Joseph B., Mary (Mrs.
Harvey Terry), Hannah (Mrs. William Watson), Jane (Mrs. David
Flowers), and John J., married Martha, daughter of William
Suber, of Lower Makefield. Joseph B. was born and reared on the
farm he now occupies, and which was settled by his grandfather
previously to 1790. In March, 1845, he married Ann Eliza,
daughter of John and Sarah (Davis) Terry, of Middletown
township, Bucks county.
W. WALLACE TOMLINSON, farmer, P.O. Edgewood, was born in
Byberry, Philadelphia county, in 1863, and is a son of William
and Elizabeth (Blakey) Tomlinson, the former a native of
Byberry, and the latter of Middletown township, this county. Mr.
Tomlinson was reared to farming, and has always followed that
occupation. He was only four years of age when his parents moved
to Attleboro. In February, 1886, he moved to the farm where he
now lives and has since carried on farming there. Mr. Tomlinson
is an industrious and enterprising young man, and a successful
STEPHEN B. TWINING, stone merchant, P.O. Yardley, was born in
Upper Makefield township, January 19, 1844, and is a son of
Charles and Elizabeth H. (West) Twining. His father was a native
of Troy, N.Y., and a son of Stephen Twining, a member of the
Society of Friends, and a farmer by occupation, who settled in
Upper Makefield township in the early part of the present
century. His maternal grandfather was Mahlon West, a large
landowner and resident of Hartford county, Md. Our subject was
reared in Upper and Lower Makefield townships and educated in
the "Friends’ Central school" and Bryant & Stratton’s business
college, of Philadelphia. For the past twenty-two years, in
company with his brother, Edward W. Twining, he has been
operating stone quarries, furnishing large quantities of
building stone by contract in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and
Maryland. They are the largest dealers in their particular line
in this section of the country. Mr. Twining was married January
17, 1866, to Letitia W., daughter of Abram and Sarah A. (Taylor)
Warner, of Falls township. They have two daughters: Sarah and
Elizabeth. Mrs. Twining’s maternal grandfather was Yardley
Taylor, a prominent citizen of Loudon county, Va., and a
surveyor by profession. He made the first surveys and the first
map of Loudon county, Va., which was used by both armies in
laying out their lines of march during the late war of the
rebellion. He wrote a history of Loudon county, a standard work,
and was also a noted geologist.
EDWARD W. TWINING, stone merchant, P.O. Yardley, was born in
Upper Makefield township, March 4, 1846. He is a son of Charles
and Elizabeth (West) Twining. He was reared in Upper and Lower
Makefield townships, and was educated in the public schools of
Bucks county, and the Westtown Friends’ boarding school of
Chester county, Pa. He has for twenty-two years been engaged in
the stone business with his brother, Stephen B. Twining. In 1878
he married Mary S., daughter of Phineas and Deborah (Smith)
Walker, of Bucks county, and has one son, Stephen B.
ANTHONY T. VANSANT, farmer, P.O. Yardley, was born in Lower
Makefield, March 10, 1827, and is a son of Amos and Rebecca
(Torbert) Vansant. His paternal grandfather was Gabriel Vansant,
a native of Lower Makefield, and a son of Isaiah Vansant, who
settled in Lower Makefield in the last century, and was
originally from New York. All of the Vansants were farmers.
Gabriel Vansant reared a large family, among them two sons,
David and Amos. The latter was born, reared and died in Lower
Makefield. His wife was a daughter of Anthony Torbert, who was a
life-long resident of Upper Makefield township, and a son of
James Torbert, a native of Ireland and an early settler of Upper
Makefield. Anthony T. Vansant was reared in Lower Makefield,
where he has always resided, and has occupied his present farm
for thirty-three years. His wife was Catherine L., daughter of
Thomas L. and Elizabeth (Torbert) Wynkoop, of Northampton
township. He has one daughter living, Elizabeth W. (Mrs. Edward
P. Torbert). She has one child, Payson W.; she resides in
Springfield, Ohio.
PENNINGTON WATSON, assistant superintendent shoe department,
Sing Sing prison, was born in Middletown township, this county,
November 3, 1844, and is a son of William F. and Hannah
(Thackeray) Watson. His grandfather was Nathan Watson, of an old
Bucks county family, and a shoemaker by trade. He was for many
years a resident of Middletown and died there. He is buried in
the Friends’ Newtown burying ground. He had nine children:
Marmaduke, Theodore, James, Howard, William F., Mary (Mrs. Henry
Cooper), Elizabeth (Mrs. Morris Terry), Ann (Mrs. David
Satterthwaite) and Lucy (Mrs. J. Stewart Depuy). The maternal
grandparents of Pennington Watson were Joshua and Rebecca
(Johnson) Thackeray, who settled in Lower Makefield prior to
1790. Joshua was a son of Joshua and Mary (Sands) Thackeray, and
grandson of James and Esther Thackeray. William F. Watson was a
shoemaker by trade and was for many years in business in
Yardley. In 1877 he removed to Sing Sing, N.Y., where he was
instructor in the shoe department of Sing Sing prison until his
death, which occurred in 1882. He had five children: Pennington,
Anna (deceased), Edmund (deceased), Emma (deceased) and Harry.
The last named is a resident of Sing Sing, and is instructor in
the shoe department. Our subject was reared in Yardley, and
learned the trade in his father’s shop. During President
Lincoln’s entire administration he was the contractor for
carrying the mails between Yardley, Pa., and Greensburg, N.J. In
1863 he was one of the emergency men during Lee’s raid in
Pennsylvania, serving two months in company C, 31st militia,
under Captain Hart. January 21, 1864, he enlisted in company A,
186th regiment, Pa. Vols., under Colonel H.A. Frink, and was
honorably discharged August 15, 1865. He then located in
Wrightstown, this county, where he was in business one year.
From 1867 to 1870 he was in business in Salem, Ohio. He then
removed to Trenton, N.J., and entered the employ of the Bay
State Shoe and Leather company, as instructor in their shops,
remaining there until 1875, and continued in their employ in
Brooklyn, N.Y., and Worcester, Mass., in same capacity, until
July, 1877, when he removed to Sing Sing, N.Y. In 1886 he made
the last for the largest shoe ever made in the United States,
from which he has made four shoes by hand for advertising signs.
The first was sent to Savannah, Ga., the second to Atlanta, Ga.,
the third to Marlboro, Mass., and the fourth to Philadelphia.
Mr. Watson was married January 21, 1865, to Sarah A., daughter
of Washington and Mary (Fort) Timbrook, of Upper Makefield. He
has five children: George F., Frank T., Charles F.S., Lillie V.
and Pennington R.
CHARLES D. WEART, farmer, P.O. Yarclley, was born in Mercer
county, N.J., June 10, 1831, and is a son of Spencer S. and
Sarah (Garrison) Weart. His paternal grandparents were John and
Susan (Stout) Weart. John Weart was a son of Johannes and Mary
Magdalena (Varse) Weart, who emigrated from Germany to New
Jersey in the early part of the last century. Our subject’s
maternal grandfather, Captain William Garrison, of Scotch
descent, was a resident of Somerset county, N.J., and a soldier
of the war of 1812. John Weart also served in that war. Charles
D. was reared in Mercer county, N.J., where he resided until
1866, when he removed to Lower Makefield township, where he has
since resided. He married Mercy A., daughter of Edward and
Elizabeth (Dungan) Nickleson, of Lower Makefield township. By
her he has six children: Edward N. and James G., the former in
the real estate business in Chicago and the latter a lawyer in
the same city; Lillie (Mrs. Wesley Danser), Algernon, Elizabeth
and Jacob. Mr. Weart and wife are members of the Episcopal
church. He has held several of the minor offices of the
township. Politically he is a republican.
LEDNUM L. WHITE, farmer, justice of the peace and dealer in
agricultural implements, P.O. Yardley, was born on the place
where he now lives in Lower Makefield township January 13, 1841,
and is a son of Charles A. and Martha D. (Larue) White, natives
of Falls township. The White family is of English origin, and
the Larue family of French. Mr. White’s grandfather was a farmer
in Falls township, being one of the early settlers of that
place. He married a Miss Anderson. Charles A. White was a farmer
and auctioneer. He lived on the farm where Lednum L. now resides
from 1830 until his death, which occurred in 1862. His wife is
also deceased. They had seven children: Caroline, Julia, Abbie,
Ella (deceased), Anna, Martha and Lednum L. The latter was born
and reared on the farm where he now lives. The house he lives in
was standing during the revolution and a party of soldiers were
quartered there. It was before being remodeled an old-fashioned
stone house with a fireplace extending across the whole of one
end, with a large oven built in it, which was used to cook for
the soldiers. Mr. White was elected justice of the peace some
years ago, and is now serving his third term. He has dealt in
agricultural implements for several years. He has a very large
pond on his place, which is used for pumping water for the Bound
Brook railroad, and also in putting up ice in the winter. In
1865 he married Georgiana Scattergood, by whom he had three
children: Fretz E. (deceased), Emma and Helen. Mrs. White is a
member of the Episcopal church and Mr. White a member of the
A.O.U.W. He has held a number of offices and is a very prominent
citizen, and a very successful man in business. Politically he
is a republican.

THE WINDER FAMILY settled in that part of Makefield town ship
now known as Lower Makefield, about 1730, when Thomas Winder
bought six hundred acres of land between Newtown and Yardley. He
was one of the Friends who came from England, and was one of the
proprietors of the colony of West Jersey, living where Hopewell
now is. Having large interests in England he crossed the
Atlantic several times, and while starting on a final trip was
drowned from a small boat in the Delaware river. On the marriage
of his son John, in 1732, he gave him the Bucks county tract.
John and his wife, Rebecca Richards, had a numerous family.
Their youngest son, Aaron, born in 1759, was married in 1812 to
Sarah, daughter of Isaiah Van Horn, and died in 1824, his widow
afterwards becoming the wife of Abner Morris, by whom she had
several children. While Aaron was a young man Washington was a
guest of his father, and just before the battle of Trenton spent
a night in his house. Aaron’s brother Moses was a tory, and was
compelled to leave the country. After the war he returned, and
soldiers were sent in search of him. Aaron concealed him under
an upturned hogshead in the cellar, on which the soldiers
knocked, but it sounding empty they passed on, and he again
escaped. Aaron had four children, viz: Dr. Aaron, of Attleboro;
Moses, who went to Ohio; Rebecca, married to John Ely, whose son
Samuel L. became sheriff of Bucks county; and Mary, who was wife
of Lawrence Johnson, who was born in Hull, England, in 1801, and
came here with his parents in 1818, was married in 1837, and
died in 1860. His wife was born in 1814 on the land purchased in
1730, and which remained in the family until after her marriage,
when it was sold. She died in 1877, and had ten children, of
whom all but the oldest are now living. Lawrence Johnson was the
famous typefounder of Philadelphia, whose establishment had a
world-wide celebrity, and is yet known by his name. His family
trace their ancestry in England back to the latter part of the
sixteenth century.