THE northern central portion of Bucks county is characterized
by a great diversity of natural features. It is a region of
rapid alternations of hill and valley, of numerous streams, of
curious and interesting geological formations, of wooded slopes,
and fertile meadows. Here the foot hills of the Blue mountains,
deeply seamed by centuries of attrition, form rapid
water-courses, and, still retaining something of that aspect of
wildness and desolation associated with an uninhabited region,
mark the gradual transition from the majestic heights of the
parent range to the lower level of that part of the great
Atlantic plain west of the Delaware. The general direction of
these hills is best indicated by reference to the boundary line
between Bucks and Northampton counties, with which it coincides
for some distance westward from the Delaware. The point of
greatest elevation, known as Flint hill, is situated in the
northern part of Springfield township, overlooking the valleys
of Durham and Saucon creeks. It commands a widely extended
prospect. Easton and the mountains beyond are visible to the
north, the valley of the Schuylkill to the west, and all the
northern portion of Bucks county to the south. Immediately north
of Bursonville and adjoining the Durham line is Buckwampurn, one
of the highest hills in the county. Its summit and northern
exposure are still covered with forests, while deeply furrowed
glens mark the less abrupt descent upon the opposite side. Here
a number of small streams take their rise. The name is of Indian
origin, and signifies "a hill with a swamp on top." Many local
superstitions are associated with this hill. The most
conspicuous landmark, however, is Haycock mountain. The ascent
is gradual and the contour regular. Its appearance is strikingly
that of an immense sugar-loaf or haycock, and hence the name.
Isolated elevations of its height are rare. In Luzerne county,
this state, there is a mountain of similar size and appearance
known as the Sugarloaf; and with equal propriety the nearest
approach to a mountain peak that dignifies the surface of Bucks
is known as the Haycock. This name is also applied to a small
stream that rises in its northern slope. It is absorbed by
Tohickon creek after an uneventful career of about five miles.
The latter stream also receives several tributaries from the
western and southern slopes of the mountain. The principal
stream to the north is Durham creek, which drains a large
section of country.
It was by the valley of this creek, in all probability, that
the first settlers reached Springfield. The early influx must
have been quite rapid, for in 1743, nine years before the
erection of Northampton county, upwards of forty residents
petitioned for township organization, among whom were the
following: James Green, Stephen Twining, William Crooks, Brien
Ceruillin, Hugh Oelton, Joseph Blair, Richard Jonston, Jacob
Wason, Samuel Hillborn, Jacob Ohl, John Lester, Conrad Duru,
Christian Fry, Peter Lester, John McCoy, Thomas Foltz, Francis
Adamson, Joseph Bond, Joseph Unthank, Conrad Clares, James
Williams, Peter Ashton, Peter Leatherman, Michael Didart,
Christian Shook, Michael Dort, Peter Oldenrose, Simon Carey,
John Greazly, George Hazly, Daniel Stout, Stephen Acreman, Henry
Hormel, Philip Rous, Jacob Maure, and Michael Gould. It is seen
from the orthography of these names that many were English; and
while there may have been others not of this nationality who
were not interested in the movement for the township, the fact
remains that the early population of this, as of other
localities where the German element predominates, was originally
English. In this instance there were two currents of
immigration. There were some English Friends who came over from
Richland, but the majority ascended the Delaware to Durham, and
followed Durham creek to its sources. Germans entered the
township from the north and west. But little is known
individually concerning these early settlers. The usual method
of purchasing land was to locate a tract, secure a warrant for
its survey, and then procure a patent. Richland manor, or
lottery lands adjoining it, was in this township.
In the petition above mentioned the territory in question is
described as the settlement between Richland, Lower Saucon, and
Durham. It was presented at the June term, 1743. Although a
remonstrance was presented at the following session (September),
the court ordered "that Springfield township begin at the
northeast corner of Richland, and run thence north sixty-six
degrees east eighty perches so as to intersect a line from the
southwest corner of Durham tract, running south twenty-four east
and then back the last-mentioned line to Durham corner north
twenty-four degrees east, and along Durham line the same course
eight hundred and seventy-eight perches, thence a line intended
for another township, now called Lower Saucon, south sixty
degrees north to the corner of Saucon township, and thence by
Saucon line to Richland township, and thence along the head of
Richland township to the beginning," comprising, as enlarged on
the north and south, a present area variously estimated at from
seventeen to eighteen thousand acres, and a population in 1880
of two thousand five hundred and twenty-five.
The towns of this section are of that general provincial type
best described as never having been famous for anything or given
birth to any one of note, or possessed any local celebrities or
staple industries, and of which the population is so stationary
that any addition from the great outside world would create
quite an effervescence of excitement. Springtown, the most
important, and one of the most flourishing in upper Bucks, is a
notable exception to the general rule. It is situated in the
northeastern part of the township, on the left bank of a branch
of Cook’s creek, and within a mile of the line of Northampton
county. It is supposed that the first house was situated in the
northern part of the town near or upon the site of Frederick
Warner’s. Caspar Wister, of Philadelphia, was the owner of six
hundred acres in this vicinity in 1738, five hundred of which he
sold to Stephen Twining the same year, and the latter at once
built thereon the first mill in the township, which was on the
exact site of H.S. Funk’s mill. Twining afterward sold this land
and improvements to Abraham Funk, and in 1782 a new mill was
built. The property has descended from father to son by will
since 1738. The third mill was built in 1863 at a cost of more
than twenty-five thousand dollars. This burned down shortly
afterward, but was immediately rebuilt, and is at present the
principal manufacturing establishment in the place. Among others
of lesser note are extensive handle-works, carriage-shops,
lime-kilns, and local mechanics’ shops. Several streams of water
in the immediate vicinity might be advantageously utilized for
manufacturing purposes, as the fall is considerable and the
volume of water is seldom affected by the summer drought of
recent years. Springtown is a local business center. Two of the
largest stores in the upper end of the county are located here.
Much of the produce from the surrounding farms finds its way to
the markets of Bethlehem, Allentown, and Easton. The principal
street, extending east and west, is Main street, and upon this
the stores and business houses are located. North of this is
Berks street, so called, it is said, from the name of a mason
who built several of its first houses. Seifert and Collis
streets cross these at the eastern and western extremities of
the town; and College street, so named from the educational
institution lately opened upon it, extends northward from Main
to Berks. Walnut street is parallel with Main and south of it,
but has not yet asserted its right to a continuous existence
from Seifert to Collis. Center street is in the central part of
the town. There are two public school buildings, one in the east
and one in the west end ot the town. The former scarcely merits
a complimentary notice, but the latter has but recently been
erected and is well adapted to the purposes of a primary school.
The academy building was erected in 1885 by a body of reliable
men who have organized themselves into a joint-stock company.
The first term opened October 19, 1885, with Professor T.C.
Strock, an alumnus of Ursinus college, as principal. Its success
has given the projectors abundant reason for mutual
congratulation; and the results of such an institution in
moulding character and directing public sentiment in the
community cannot fail to be salutary. Another indication of
progress recently manifested is the "Springtown Times," a weekly
newspaper, edited and published by Mr. H.S. Funk, the first
number of which appeared October 10, 1885. Two thriving local
insurance companies are represented. The Springtown horse
Company was organized and incorporated more than a century ago.
In order to extend its workings it has quite recently been
merged into the "Globe Mutual Live Stock Insurance Company." The
latter was incorporated April 29, 1887, with Joseph Schlieffer
president, Henry S. Funk secretary, and George A. Hess
treasurer. The Farmers’ American Mutual Fire Insurance Company
was incorporated May 5, 1855, and organized in September
following with Aaron Laubach president, David W. Hess secretary,
and Hugh Kintner treasurer. Both have sustained prosperous and
useful careers. David Conrad was appointed first postmaster at
Springtown in 1806. Mail facilities have been greatly improved
since then; there are now four daily mails from Quakertown,
Bingen, Riegelsville, and Bucksville. The telegraph line has
been operated through the town since 1882. With railroad
facilities Springtown might become a place of considerable
importance. The present population is estimated at five hundred.

Pleasant Valley is the site of one of the oldest hotels in
the northern section of Bucks county. It was kept as an inn when
Lafayette passed over the old Bethlehem road in 1777, and here
he stopped on his return from hospital service at Bethlehem. The
tract upon which the village is located was patented by Michael
Dunhart in 1757, and came into possession of Joseph Santz in
1773. The latter established the inn, and conducted it until
1785, when Isaac Burson succeeded to the proprietorship. The
garden attached was the site of the first Lutheran Reformed
church in this part of the county. The inn derived its
importance from the travel over the Bethlehem road, which was
opened from Philadelphia to the Lehigh in 1745. The first
stage-wagon passed over this route in 1763, George Klein
proprietor, and John Hoppel driver. A post-office was
established here in 1828, with Lewis Ott postmaster. Bursonville
derives its name from that of the first hotel proprietor, Isaac
Burson, an English Friend from Abington. It was known as
Bursontown in 1804; Archibald Davidson was postmaster. This was
probably the earliest post-office in the northern part of the
county. Stony Point, an inn in the vicinity, has been known by
that name since 1833, when Jacob E. Buck placed it upon his
sign-board. It was known as the "Three Tuns" as early as 1758.
Zion Hill is a hamlet in the extreme western part of the
township, partly in Milford. The North Pennsylvania railroad
passes within a mile of the village.
The Union church idea is fully exemplified in the ownership
of churches in this region. Of the early history of Trinity
church, Reformed and Lutheran, Springfield, but little is known.
Prior to the year 1745 both the congregations, if the history of
Lutherans goes back to that date, worshipped in a log building,
which was used for church as well as school purposes. The first
church building was erected in 1763 upon ground given by
Christian Schuck for this purpose. This was followed by a second
in 1816, and a third in 1872, the corner-stone of which was laid
May 20th of that year. It is a handsome structure, with steeple
and organ. Reverend J.C. Wirtz is mentioned as the Reformed
pastor in 1747, John Egiduis Hecker in 1756, J. Daniel Gross,
D.D., in 1772, John Henry Hoffmeyer, 1794—1806, Samuel Stahr,
1811—43, Henry Hess, and J.H. Hartzell, the present incumbent.
There is no record of any Lutheran pastor prior to 1763, when
the name of Reverend John Michael Enderline appears. He was
followed by Reverend Augustus Herman Schmidt, ----- Sanna, Peter
Abel, 1789—97; John Conrad Yeager, 1797—1801; beginning with the
latter years, the pastoral record coincides with those of
Nockamixon— Reverends John Nicholas Mensch, Henry S. Miller,
C.F. Welden, C.P. Miller, W.S. Emery, and O.H. Melchor, the
present pastor.
Christ Church in Springtown is owned conjointly by the
Lutheran, Reformed, Presbyterian, and Mennonite persuasions. The
corner-stone was laid May 18, 1872. The Presbyterians never had
an organized congregation, nor regular preaching. The Lutheran
congregation was organized April 6, 1874, by Reverend W.S.
Emery, who continued as pastor five years. April 11, 1879,
Reverend O.H. Melchior was called as pastor; and soon afterward
this organization, with others of the charge, passed into the
General Synod of the Lutheran church. It has prospered under Mr.
Melchor’s administration, and now numbers one hundred and
fifteen members. Reverend J.M. Hartzell is the present Reformed
pastor. Elder Jacob Moyer conducted Mennonite services until
1880. The Evangelical church at this place was built in 1842,
and rebuilt in 1868, the pastors at present being Reverends J.F.
Heisler and T.L. Wentz. There are several organizations of this
character in the township. The Mennonite church, Springtown, was
built in 1885, the present pastor being Reverend Abel Strawn.
The Springfield Mennonite church was founded about 1750; at
least, the early Mennonite settlers— Moyers, Funks, Landis’
Gehmans, Schlieffers, etc.— were here at that time. George
Schimmel emigrated from Germany in 1753. The first church may be
supposed to have been built prior to the revolution. The
meeting-house in use at present was built in 1826, and is the
second structure upon its site. Among the ministers there have
been Peter Moyer, Jacob Gehman, Peter Moyer, Jr., Jacob Moyer,
and Abraham Geissinger, the last of whom was ordained in 1836. A
division in the church took place in 1847, resulting from
differences of views on questions of discipline and doctrine.
John Geissinger was ordained as the New School pastor in 1849,
and Samuel Moyer in 1851. The present numerical strength of this
branch is about eighty members, with Jacob S. Moyer pastor, and
Peter A. Moyer deacon. A Dunkard church has recently been built
at Fairmount, at a cost of thirteen hundred dollars. Trinity
church at Zion Hill was built in 1840 by Lutheran and Reformed,
the pastors of the former denomination having been Reverends
William B. Kemmerer, A.R. Horne, L. Groh, R.B. Kistler, J.
Hillport; of the latter, J. Stahr, S.K. Gross, ----- Bassler,
and J.F. Mohr.
Two religious bodies once represented are now extinct, viz.,
the Friends and English Baptists. The former were granted
permission to rent for worship at the houses of Joseph Unthank
and John Dennis, in Springfield, in 1743, but these meetings
were discontinued in 1759. The Baptist church at Zion Hill is
still standing, but there is only one family of that connection
in the vicinity, and services have not been held for years.
HAYCOCK, in 1743 (or, properly speaking, the unorganized
territory between Richland, Rockhill, Bedminster, and
Nockamixon, and the proposed township of Springfield), had a
population of thirteen families, the names of eleven of which
were as follows: Joseph Dennis, Edwin Bryan, John Balzar Hubner,
James Sloan, Griffith Davis, Dennis Onan, John Doan, Michael
Weinich, Silas McCarty, George Shuman, and Henry Hauk. This was
the first generation of actual settlers. The Bethlehem road was
opened through this territory in 1738, and it is not probable
that their appearance preceded that date by any considerable
interval. Two years later (1745) the families of McCarty,
Nicholas, Henche, Steinbach, Scheiff, Steuber, and Deech were
represented. From that time to the present the population has
been almost exclusively German. That language prevails to a
great extent, and has not, as in localities reached by
railroads, given place to English.
Although separated from the county-seat by a long distance,
the community immediately north of the Tohickon was watchful of
its interests, and did not hesitate to appeal to the courts when
stronger settlements endeavored to secure measures not liable to
promote its advantages. Thus, in 1743, they state to the court
that "James Green and Stephen Twinen, with others of their
neighbors, has purposed for a township" from which they were
excluded, that being so few in numbers they were not equal to
the labor of repairing their roads; and therefore prayed that
the court would have their settlement comprehended in the
proposed new township of Springfield. The following is endorsed
upon the back of this petition: "Ordered that Springfield
township begin at a corner of Durham township and run thence
south twenty-four degrees east till it comes to Bedminster
township line." No mention of this appears in the records of the
court; and in the light of future results the probability of
Haycock having been thus joined to Springfield is very slight. A
supervisor was appointed for the roads in this territory in
1745. At June term, 1754, Joseph Dennis, on behalf of himself
and others, petitioned that a large tract of land on which they
resided (corresponding to Haycock) might be laid out as a
township and called Mansfield. In 1758, at September court, a
supervisor was appointed for "the adjacents of Rockhill and
Springfield, or the Haycock," because the Bethlehem road between
Michael Ditter’s and Samuel Dean’s was in such a condition as to
be unsafe in many places. March 17, 1763, a petition in these
words was presented for the consideration of the court: "Whereas
the Haycock is large and contains as great a number of
inhabitants as any township within this county, there now being
upwards of seventy persons taxable within the said adjacents,
and it (as not being properly a township) is subject to many and
great inconveniences which would be needless here to mention,
we, the said inhabitants, humbly prayeth that this honorable
court may take the same into consideration that we may have the
said adjacents properly a township."
This was from inhabitants of "the Haycock and places
adjacent." They were directed to produce at the next court a
draft of the proposed territory. At June term following two
drafts were submitted; one endorsed "a draft of the jacence of
Springfield township," containing a number of courses and
distances said to begin at a large rock on the Tohickon in the
line of Bryant’s and Pike’s lands; the other was similarly
endorsed, but with correct orthography, as James McLane’s
survey. The courses in his draft were found to cross each other,
while a vacancy was painfully apparent between the places of
beginning and ending. The court declined to render judgment;
"but if the said petitioners are desirous of having a township
laid out, the court recommend to them to employ a surveyor who
understands his business and can survey a piece of land and make
a plan of it himself, and return it to the next court."
September 13, 1763, a draft was produced, the description of the
boundaries read, approved, ordered to be confirmed by the name
of Haycock, and recorded. And thus through much tribulation the
township of Haycock was finally erected. Its area is about
twelve thousand acres, a large part of which is not under
cultivation. The population in 1880 was one thousand three
hundred and thirty-two. With the exception of a few Welsh
families in the extreme western part, and a number of Irish
about Haycock run, the population, past and present, has
consisted exclusively of Germans. They are a frugal,
industrious, and provident people. The extremes of wealth and
poverty are less apparent here than in any other portion of the
county. Farming is the principal occupation. The farms are not
large, ranging in size from forty to seventy-five acres. The
utmost attention is given to careful tillage, and although the
soil is not of superior fertility, farm products in quantity and
quality compare favorably with those of more favored localities.
Applebachsville is the metropolis of Haycock, and was for
many years the residence of her most distinguished citizen,
General Paul Applebach. He built the first new house in 1848,
and laid out the land on both sides of the old Bethlehem road
with building lots. The village comprises about thirty houses
and a population of more than a hundred. The founder was a
major-general of the state militia, an active politician, and
several times the candidate of his party for important offices.
The post-offices of Tohickon and Haycock Run are also located
within this township.
St. John’s parish (Roman Catholic), Haycock, Reverend
Gearhart H. Krake, pastor, dates its origin from the latter part
of the last century, when the pastors at Goshenhoppen included
the seated population of that faith in this section in their
pastoral labors. The families of McCarty, Garden, Doren, Sanders
(Irish), and others of German nationality were among those of
this persuasion. Services were first held at the house of
Nicholas McCarty, in Nockamixon, at irregular and infrequent
intervals. These annual services were occasions of great
interest and importance. Many attended from a distance, and the
most hospitable attention was bestowed upon the assembled
people. As the congregation increased, mass was celebrated at
intervals of three or four months. Fathers Malone, Bready,
Herzog, Reardon, George, Hispuley, Reply, Wachter, Newfield,
Koppernagel, Loughren, Narstersteck, Stommel, Istwan, Walch, and
Krake have successively performed the pastoral functions. Father
George was the first resident pastor. He assumed charge in 1850,
in which year the rectory was built. The first parish church was
a primitive log structure, built at an early period. Reverends
Theodore Schneider officiated here in 1743, J.B. DeRitter in
1787, and Boniface Corvin, under whose administration a stone
church was built upon the site of the present one. The latter
was completed in 1855, and is a stone structure. The parish
school building was erected in 1861 and incorporated as St.
Theresa Academy. It was begun under the Blue Sisters of the
Immaculate heart, but the location was found to be inaccessible
and it was suspended as an institution of the character at first
proposed. It was opened September 1, 1873, by the Sisters of St.
Francis, St. Stephane, St. Clotildis, and St. Gregoria, and has
since been continued as a parish school. Reverend Henry Stommel
was pastor from October 6, 1871, to November, 19, 1875; Father
Krake took charge July 30, 1876. The parish comprises the
missions of St. Lawrence, Durham, St. Joseph’s, Marienstein, and
St. Rosa, Piusfield, and numbers about one thousand souls. It
was for many years the only Roman Catholic organization in the
St. Paul’s Lutheran church, Applebachsville, was organized in
1855. The following clergymen have successively held pastoral
relations with this church: Reverends C.P. Miller, A.R. Horne,
L. Groh, R.B. Kistler, George M. Lazarus, and J.F. Ohl, the
present incumbent. The congregation has never been large, owing
to the nearness on every side of older and more influential
organizations. The present membership is one hundred and
twenty-five, and services are held alternately in the English
and German languages. The church edifice, erected in 1555, is
owned jointly by Lutheran and Reformed congregations. It was
remodelled in 1881—82, and is now an attractive place of