THE triangular area partially included between Haycock and
Tohickon creeks and the Delaware river comprises the only
townships of the county of which the names are of Indian origin.
The creeks mentioned separate them from Haycock, Bedminster, and
Plumstead. Tinicum creek and its numerous branches drain the
larger part of both townships, the course of the main stream
being nearly parallel with that of the Tohickon until, at a
distance of about five miles from its mouth, the direction
changes to the east at a sharp angle and the river is reached at
a point midway between the Nockamixon and Plumstead lines. It
receives the waters of Nockamixon creek within the boundaries of
that township, and of numerous smaller tributaries at intervals
in its progress. Gallow’s run, mentioned in early records as
Galloway’s run, is a small stream which reaches the Delaware
near the Durham line. The little Tinicum and Mill creeks drain
the interior of Tinicum. All these streams unite with the
Delaware through deep and narrow valleys. A ridge of hills
parallel with its course begins above the mouth of the Tohickon,
and assumes greater regularity of contour and elevation within
several miles of Kintnersville, where the cliffs are known as
the Narrows. These rock walls rise abruptly to the height of
several hundred feet almost from the water’s edge, confining the
river to a narrow channel with scarcely sufficient space at
their base for the canal and roadway. Few localities in Bucks
county present greater attractions to the naturalist or tourist.
TINICUM was originally settled by the same nationality as
Deep Run in Bedminster— the Scotch-Irish— a people who have
virtually disappeared, leaving few memorials of their history.
The families of Hughes, Lear, Haverford, Ross, Williamson,
Campbell, Stewart, Shaw, and McFarland were represented in 1738.
Herman Rosencrout, Bernard Schneider, Samuel McConoghy, William
Richards, Henry Newton, Jacob Fox, Robert Stovart, John Wallace,
and Martin Freyley were residents in 1762 upon a tract of nearly
five thousand acres owned by Richard Stevens. The first
grist-mill in the township was built by Henry Killian about 1740
upon Tinicum creek, over which two dams were constructed. The
race was one hundred and seventy-five yards long, with a fall of
twenty feet at the overshot wheel. There was one run of stones.
A number of Indian implements and weapons have been found in the
vicinity; among others a broken war-club, two and one-half
inches thick and three feet long, of a coarse flint texture. The
first saw-mill was built by the Pattersons on Mill creek some
distance from the grist-mill of Henry F. Betz, which they also
built. Among the early settlers there was no character more
interesting than Edward Marshall, the celebrated walker of 1737.
Having failed to receive the promised reward for his remarkable
pedestrian feat, he continued his life as a hunter, and in 1754
removed to a settlement at Benjamin Stroud’s mill, eighteen
miles above Easton. Several years afterward a party of Indians
attacked his cabin during his absence, killing his wife and
wounding a daughter. His son suffered a similar fate from a
savage ambush. For the greater protection of his life and
property he removed to an island in the Delaware which yet bears
his name. The Indians seem to have cherished an insatiate
revenge against him on account of his connection with the "walk"
of 1737. Forty years after that event, during the revolution, it
is said that a party of Ohio braves journeyed the long distance
from their hunting-grounds with the avowed object of taking his
life, and that he escaped them only by being absent at the time.
The inveterate hatred thus manifested was fully reciprocated;
and after the tragic death of his wife and son Marshall
neglected no opportunity for retaliation. He died at his home on
the island at the advanced age of ninety years. It may be
further mentioned, in connection with the events in which he
figured with such prominence, that at Red Hill (Ottsville), in
this township, Jennings became exhausted after a walk of
nineteen miles in two hours and a half, leaving Marshall and
Yeates to proceed alone.
The erection of Tinicum as a township occurred in 1747,
although an ineffectual effort in this direction was made nine
years earlier, and a constable appointed in 1741. The following
is extracted from the minutes of March session, 1747: "A
petition from divers inhabitants settled on lands adjoining to
Plumstead that to remove sundry inconveniences they at present
labor under the court would erect the following land into a
township and that it may be called Tinicum township, viz.,
Beginning at the lower corner of the township of Nockamixon on
the river Delaware, thence by same township southwest two
thousand one hundred and forty perches to Tohickon creek, thence
down the said creek by the townships of Bedminster and Plumstead
to Delaware aforesaid, and thence up the said river Delaware to
the beginning," was read and a commission appointed to consider
the subject. It was favorably reported and the organization of
the territory in question forthwith ordered. At September
session, 1761, a petition for the division of the township was
presented. The reasons urged were its "extensiveness," and the
distance necessary to travel to work on the highways. The court
set aside the petition without comment, and the boundaries as
originally established continue in force. The area approximates
eighteen thousand acres, and the population, by the census of
1880, was two thousand three hundred and forty-six.
Villages occur with the frequency characteristic of thickly
settled farming communities. Point Pleasant, the town of
greatest size, is situated on both sides of Tohickon creek at
its mouth. John Van Fossen was the first land owner on the
peninsula between the creek and river. He built the first tavern
at the point, established the fishery, and was otherwise
prominent in local affairs. The river is here spanned by a
bridge, which thus secures to the inhabitants in a measure the
railroad facilities afforded by the Belvidere Delaware railroad.
The site presents few claims as an eligible location for a town.
Steep hills ascend on every side, and the narrow strip of level
land at their base is crossed by the creek, the canal, and
several public roads. The scenery is beautiful. The village
comprises a population of several hundred, several stores, a
school-house, and church. Erwinna is situated about the center
of the township. The name is derived from that of a family once
quite influential. Arthur Erwin is referred to in 1807 as the
richest man in the county. Wormansville, about midway between
Erwinna and Point Pleasant, is a post-village in expectation,
and should become such in reality, as it is located in the midst
of a thickly settled region. The Wormans have been a prominent
family in the vicinity for many years. Uhlertown is on the
Delaware opposite Frenchtown, New Jersey, with which it is
connected by a bridge. Ottsville became a post-village in 1814,
when Michael Ott was appointed postmaster. It is a hamlet of
uncertain limits, and derived some importance in past years from
its location upon the Durham road. That highway was opened
through this section in 1745. Several miles south of Ottsville
at the crossing of the Tohickon the first bridge over that
stream was built. It was then known as John Orr’s ford, from the
inn of which he was proprietor on the Bedminster side. When a
petition for the bridge was presented to the court in 1763, the
following report was made thereon: "The grand jury is of opinion
that a bridge is necessary where it is prayed for, but that the
petitioners for such bridge ought first to receive by
subscription as large a sum as convenient they can agreeable to
the practice heretofore followed by this county." At the next
session (June), Tinicum, Bedminster, and Plumstead reported
having appointed managers for their bridge and secured
subscriptions to the amount of eighty-four pounds. The court was
asked to confirm the managers. September 11, 1764, William
Yardley, Joseph Watson, and Henry Jamison were appointed to
inspect the bridge and the accounts of the managers. In December
following, they reported that the entire cost was two hundred
and eighty-five pounds, sixteen shillings, ten and one-half
pence; the amount of subscriptions, one hundred and one pounds,
thirteen shillings, six pence; leaving one hundred and
eighty-four pounds, three shillings, four and one-half pence to
be provided by the county commissioners. It is not necessary to
state that the present substantial stone structure at this place
was built by a different method of procedure.
The village of Smithville might also have been mentioned in
this connection fifty and more years ago. At a secluded spot
along the Delaware two and one-half miles above Point Pleasant
there was located an industrial establishment of more than
ordinary importance and interest to the farming community. Here,
in 1783, Joseph and Robert Smith began the manufacture of
agricultural implements. In 1797 they made the first cast-iron
mould-boards in the state. Patents on their inventions were
secured. Prominent men became interested in the success of their
projects. President Jefferson wrote to them requesting the best
plow they could make, for his Virginia farm; when Joseph Smith
read the letter, he replied in simple Quaker phrase that they
were "all best." The Smiths were the first to introduce the use
of anthracite coal for heating purposes into Bucks county. They
were also active in farming clover and plaster for farming
purposes. Joseph Smith died suddenly in Solebury, September 88,
1826, at the age of seventy-three. Few men have served their day
and generation better than he.

A degree of historic interest attaches to Red Hill in
connection with the early Scotch population of Tinicum. It was
here that their religions actively centered. Though now extinct,
the Presbyterian church at this place was once a flourishing
organization. It was founded in 1766. The property, by deed of
November 16, 1762, was noted in a session composed of William
Wear, Robert Patterson, John Howey, and James Patterson. Its
recorded history begins with 1785, when (August 8th) Reverend
Nathaniel Irwin presided at a meeting of sessions of which
Thomas Stewart was clerk. The Longs, Kelleys, Wilsons, Barclays,
and Flemings were among those who formed the congregation at
this time. At a meeting of Presbytery in 1786 Red Hill was
united with Deep Run and placed under the pastoral care of
Reverend James Grier. The church was incorporated in 1787.
Reverends Hannah, Peppard, and Irwin preached occasionally
during the next five years. Reverend Nathaniel Snowden was
called in 1792 and Uriah DuBois in 1798. In the latter year
there was an unusual spirit of improvement manifested. A well
was dug, twenty-five apple-trees planted in the church-yard, and
an addition to the same purchased. Mr. Boyd, from Newtown, was
stated supply from 1820 to 1826. The Presbyterians having become
very weak numerically their trustees deeded an undivided half
interest in the property to the Lutheran and Reformed in 1843.
The old church building, "Founded, 1766," was rebuilt and
dedicated on Whitsunday, 1844. The pastors here have generally
been the same as at Christ’s. Neither of the congregations is in
a very prosperous condition. This arises from no failure of the
pastors in their duties, but from certain conditions which may
be briefly explained. Some of those families once prominently
identified with the religious activity of the community are no
longer represented; in order to engage in other pursuits there
is a constant migration of young men from farming regions to the
towns and business centers; a still stronger reason is found in
the tenacity with which families living in the neighborhood of
the church and frequently attending its services retain their
membership at other points. It remains to be seen whether in
future years these congregations may not share the fate of their
Presbyterian predecessor.
Ruth’s church, Upper Tinicum, originated in the evangelistic
labors of Reverend Mr. Wilcox, Lutheran pastor at Riegelsville,
who held occasional services in the school-houses of the
vicinity. As a result there was a general desire for a house of
worship in the neighborhood. Ground was at once offered by two
persons, George Ruth and Jacob Frankenfield. The location of the
former was regarded as more accessible and therefore accepted.
The corner-stone of the new church was laid on Whitsunday, 1851,
and the dedication occurred in the autumn of that year. The
Lutheran church was organized by the pastor from Riegelsville,
and has been served in connection with that church, the present
pastor being Reverend D.T. Koser. The following Reformed
clergymen have officiated here: H. Daniel, 1852—55; William
Philips, 1856—61; G.W. Aughinbaugh, 1862—63, 1864—73; D.
Rothrock, 1873—74; William H. Bates, 1874—76; G.W. Roth,
The Point Pleasant Baptist church originated in the labors of
Reverend Joseph Matthias, who missioned extensively in this
section years ago, preaching in groves, houses, barns, and
school-houses. The church was organized in 1849. A building
erected there three years later was dedicated Saturday,
September 17, 1853. Reverend John C. Hyde was the first pastor,
and his successors, among others, were W.B. Strope, E.S.
Widener, J.H. Appleton, George Young, and W.P. Hile, the present
Christ church is the oldest now in existence in Tinicum. The
first church building, a rude log structure, was built at some
time during the ministry of Reverend Jacob Senn at Tohickon,
and, in the simplicity which characterized everything at the
time, was regarded as amply sufficient in all its appointments.
But as the neighborhood became more thickly settled, the
Reformed and Lutheran congregations, though weak in numbers,
decided to unite in the erection of a house of worship better
adapted to that purpose; and in 1808 the Union church of Tinicum
was built upon a site nearly identical with that of the present
building. The Reformed congregation extended a call to Reverend
Samuel Stahr in 1811, in which year he had been ordained. He
accepted and became pastor of a charge embracing Durham,
Springfield, Nockamixon, and Tinicum. The church record was
begun by him as follows: "Kirchen Buck. Der Hoch-Deutsch
Evangehisch Reformirten Geniende in Tinicum, Bucks county, in
Staat Pennsylvanien, den 13th Tag November, 1813." Services were
held once a month. The entire German element of the population
attended without regard to the denomination of the preacher. The
names of John N. Solliday, the Wormans, Kilners, and Wagners are
conspicuous in the business transactions of this period. This
was before the present system of fixed salaries, and the dominie
was content with "was fallt," what the people chose to give,
which was not always a liberal allowance. As shown by the
receipts for seven consecutive years, the average annual salary
was sixty dollars eighty-seven and one-half cents. Mr. Stahr
continued in this, his first charge, until his death, September
27, 1843 Reverend W.T. Gerhart became his successor in the
spring of the following year. At his first communion, May, 1844,
the names of forty-five persons appear upon the records. The
first class confirmed numbered twenty-two. Mr. Gerhart labored
under many disadvantages throughout his ministry of fourteen
years. A strong element favored the introduction of English into
the public worship, while others adhered tenaciously to the
German. His successor, Reverend D. Rothrock, preached his
introductory sermon May 3, 1859. The principal event of his
ministry was the building of a new church. The building of 1808
was somewhat antiquated, contracted, and uncomfortable. The
prospect was discussed at a number of congregational meetings;
in the spring of 1862 the completed structure was dedicated. It
is built of brick, fifty by seventy feet, with basement and
audience-room, and a spire that forms a prominent object in the
surrounding country. Cost, eleven thousand dollars. Building
committee: Lutheran— Mahlon C. Lear, William Reep, Jacob Hofford,
John N. Solliday, Abram Frankenfield, and John Clemens;
Reformed— Abram Wolfinger, Samuel George, Tobias Worman, Isaac
Summers, and Samuel Lerch. Mr. Rothrock introduced English
preaching on alternate Sundays, and although this action was
severely criticised, it resulted favorably to the interests of
the church. upon the redistribution of charges by Tohickon
classis at its first session, November 19, 1873, this church
became vacant, having been detached from the charge of which it
formerly was a part. November 19, 1874, Reverend William H.
Bates was ordained and installed; and Reverend G.W. Roth,
October 26, 1876. Since the resignation of the latter, July 1,
1884, the pastorate has again been vacant. Reverend W.S. Emery
was the Lutheran pastor for many years.
St. Rosa’s chapel, Piusfield, is a mission of St. John’s,
Haycock. Mass had frequently been said at private houses, but as
the number of Catholic families increased, it became necessary
to provide better facilities for worship. Ground was selected at
a most beautiful spot, which, having no proper name, was called
in honor of the Holy Father, Pope Pius IX.," Piusfield." By
special delegation the corner-stone of the new church was laid
on Rosary Sunday afternoon, October 5, 1873 It was dedicated on
Sunday, December 28, 1873, to the honor of St. Rosa, of Lima;
and mass was celebrated in it for the first time on that day.
NOCKAMIXON was settled by the same class of people as
Tinicum. The names of Thatcher, Weaver, Richards, Dickson,
Wilson, Ramsey, and Blair indicate English or Scotch
nationality, and they were familiar names among the early
settlers. The German element appeared before the revolution,
with what result in establishing itself need scarcely be stated.
Among the early families of the latter class were those of
Frankenfield, Buck, Kintner, Stover, Trauger, Keyser, and
Cruchler. Some of these are no longer represented, thus
indicating that even a German community may experience changes.
The English were most active in moving for township
organization. This was a long time under consideration. It was
petitioned for in 1742, and in the following year a survey was
made, which is thus described: "Beginning at a black oak on ye
bank of Delaware by a corner of Durham tract; thence by said
tract and land of Thomas Blair, south seventy degrees, west one
thousand and forty perches; thence by land of William Ware,
southeast two hundred and forty perches; thence southwest five
hundred and forty perches to Haycock run; thence down said run
to Tohickon creek; thence down the said creek to a tract of land
laid out to James Sterling; thence by that and the London
Company’s land northeast two thousand, one hundred and forty
perches to the river Delaware; thence up the same to place of
beginning." At March term, 1744, a report embodying this was
presented to court, but for some reason it was not confirmed
until 1746. It is a large township, the area being about
seventeen thousand acres. The population in 1880 was one
thousand five hundred and fifty-four. For convenience in voting
it is divided into two election districts, of which the one of
most recent origin is known as Bridgeton district. The village
of that name is the largest in the township. It is situated on
the Delaware, opposite Milford, with which communication is
established by a bridge. The post-office is known as Upper
Black’s Eddy. Some distance farther north, a hamlet in the rear
of the river hills bears the appropriate name of Narrowsville.
Kintnersville, so named from Major Jacob Kintner, sheriff of the
county in 1825, is situated north of Gallows run. Several miles
farther inland and within the valley of that stream is Rum
corner, the seat of Nockamixon post-office. Bucksville, founded
by Nicholas Buck, is located on the Durham road, and was a
stopping-place for stages half a century ago. There is little in
its present appearance to suggest the activity and importance
once derived from this source.
The almost exclusively German population of this section is
shown by the fact that until recent years the only church
organizations within the township limits were connected with the
two great denominations with which that people usually
affiliate. St. Luke’s church, Lutheran and Reformed, dated its
origin from the period of the revolution. Some time prior to
1773, a log church building was erected upon a half acre of
ground obtained from a Mr. Shoup. As was then customary, a
school-house was also built upon the same lot. This church stood
near the road or immediately adjoining it, below the brick
church, removed several years ago, and the school-house occupied
the site of the present church. This was owned exclusively by
the Reformed congregation. About 1797, a half acre was purchased
from Lawrence Pearson, for burial purposes, and still later half
as much more from his heirs. About the year 1804, a narrow strip
of land adjoining the original purchase from Mr. Shoup was
secured from Adam Sheetz; about this time also the Lutherans,
who had previously worshipped in a log building on a hill near
Center Hill school-house, obtained permission to worship in the
Reformed church, and from this time separate denominational
ownership was obliterated. It was resolved to build a new church
in 1814, for which purpose the following persons were
constituted a building committee: Nicholas Kruger, George Adams,
Henry Leidig, Abraham Fullmer, Philip Leidig, and Henry Miller.
The corner-stone was laid on Easter Monday, April 19, 1813.
This church was forty by fifty feet in dimensions, with
galleries on three sides, the pulpit at the east end, toward the
cemetery, and quite elevated until 1852, when it was lowered,
thus bringing the minister into the same atmosphere as his
congregation. The carpenter work was superintended by John
George Hager. Upon the whole, this was one of the best church
edifices in the northern part of the county at the time it was
built. The same may be said of its successor, the third and
present church, the corner-stone of which was laid July 3, 1875.
The dimensions of this building are seventy-eight feet, with
gallery, basement, tower, bell, and seating capacity of about
six hundred; it was dedicated May 20, 1877. The debt of seven
thousand dollars then remaining has since been liquidated. The
following Reformed pastors have officiated here: Reverend Caspar
Wack, 1782; Frederick William Von Der Sloot, 1787; John Mann,
1792; Hoffmeyer, 1796; Jacob William Dechant, 1808; Samuel
Stahr, 1811; W.T. Gerhart, 1844; D. Rothrock, May, 1859. The
Lutheran church was organized about 1752. Reverend J. Michael
Enderline (1766) is the first pastor of whom there is any
record. He was succeeded by the following: Jacob T. Miller,
1773; ----- Sanna; Peter Ahl, 1789; Augustus Herman Schmidt,
1798; Kramer, 1801—1803; John Nicholas Mensch, 1803—23: Henry S.
Miller, 1823—38; C.F. Welden, 1838—42; C.P. Miller, 1842—65;
W.S. Emery, 1865—79; O.H. Melchor, 1880. In February, 1880, the
ecclesiastical connection of this congregation was changed from
the general council to the general synod.
St. Joseph’s, Marienstein, is a mission of St. John’s Roman
Catholic parish, Haycock. Ground for the chapel was broken
August 10, 1882, the cornerstone was laid the following day
(Sunday), and the dedication occurred December 8th of the same
year. The solemn blessing was administered September 21, 1873,
by Right Reverend Augustus Trebbe, Bishop of Covington,
Kentucky, after which Father Rosenbauer, C.S.S.R., of
Philadelphia, celebrated high mass. Confirmation was then given
for the first time in the chapel by Bishop Trebbe.