THESE townships were originally included in one, which
extended from the northern boundary of Buckingham and Solebury
to Tohickon creek on the north and northwest, with the line of
New Britain and Hilltown as its western border. This territory
marks the northern limit of English Quaker immigration between
the Neshaminy creek and Delaware river. There was also a
numerous Scotch-Irish element among its early population; but in
common with neighboring townships on the north and west, the
Germans have practically overwhelmed these earliest represented
PLUMSTEAD is the only township in the county bearing the name
of an individual. The person thus honored, Francis Plumstead,
was in no wise distinguished, except as one of the first holders
of land in the locality that bears his name. He was also one of
the largest landed proprietors. The area of his estates was
twenty-five hundred acres, representing the insignificant
investment of fifty pounds, exclusive of surveyors’ fees. He
resided in London and never came to this country, preferring to
continue his avocation there as an "iron-monger" rather than
venture upon the precarious existence of a colonist in the wilds
of America. It appears that his name was applied to the
settlement north of Buckingham quite early; in a petition for
township organization in 1715 it is given as the preference of
the people of that section. Why they should thus seek to
perpetuate the memory of one whom they had never seen and could
scarcely regard in any other light than as a land speculator is
not apparent. The name was finally and permanently engrafted
upon the locality in 1725, when, in response to a petition
presented at the December term of the previous year, the court
of quarter sessions erected the township of Plumstead. With an
area approximating forty thousand acres, it thus became the
largest organized territory in the county. This has since been
reduced to twelve thousand eight hundred acres. The population
in 1784 was nine hundred and fifty-three; in 1810, one thousand
four hundred and seven; in 1820, one thousand seven hundred and
ninety; in 1830, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine; in
1840, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three; in 1850, two
thousand two hundred and ninety-eight; in 1860, two thousand
seven hundred and ten; in 1870, two thousand six hundred and
seventeen; in 1880, two thousand five hundred and thirty-seven.
Next to Francis Plumstead’s large tract the most extensive
was that of Arthur Cooke, from whom a local stream received its
name. He was given a patent for two thousand acres, part of
which adjoined the Dublin road in 1686. Upon his death, in 1699,
one-half of this was purchased by Clement and Thomas Dungan, who
thereupon settled upon it. Christopher Day and John Dyer also
bought portions of the Cooke survey. A map of 1724 locates the
following land-owners at that time, some of whom may not have
been actual settlers: Arthur Day, Henry Child, John Dyer,
Richard Hill, Abraham Hilyer, Silas MacCarty, William Michener,
John Earl, James Shaw, James Brown, Henry Paul, Samuel Barker,
Thomas Brown, Jr., Richard Lundy, and Henry Large. At the time
when a part of Francis Plumstead’s tract was surveyed (1704),
Joseph Paul, Elizabeth Laird, and widow Musgrave were
land-owners. Christopher Day settled in this township in 1708,
and resided here until his death in 1748. Thomas Brown removed
from Essex county, England, to Philadelphia, and thence to the
southwest corner of Plumstead, about 1710. He was one of the
earliest settlers in that locality. His son, Thomas, married
Elizabeth Davidson in 1720; their declaration of marriage is the
first on record in the minutes of Buckingham quarterly meeting.
The first to intrude upon the solitude of the Browns was John
Dyer, from Gloucestershire, England, whither he removed to Bucks
county prior to 1712. He purchased the improvements made by
Thomas Brown, and the latter, possibly desiring to become again
the first to establish a new community, removed farther into the
woods, to the vicinity of Plumstead meeting-house. John Dyer
founded Dyer’s mill, Dyerstown, and was instrumental in having
the Easton road opened from Governor Keith’s to his property,
from which circumstance it was known as the Dyer’s mill road.
This mill was the first in the township, if not in central Bucks
county. It was built in 1725, with money borrowed from Abraham
Chapman of Wrightstown. It is recorded that when Dyer came into
the township wild animals were plenty, the beavers built dams
across Pine run, and the Indians were numerous and friendly.
William Michener, from whom many of that name in this county are
descended, settled here in 1725 and owned four hundred acres.
Henry Childs, the ancestor of the Childs family, settled in
Philadelphia and Warminster before locating in Plumstead. The
Carlisles and Penningtons, the McCallas, Lundys, Shaws, and
Doans were also represented prior to the middle of the last
The opening of roads received the attention usually
manifested in recently settled localities. The second link in
the Easton road, from Keith’s plantation to Dyer’s mill, was
laid out in 1723. A corresponding extension of the Durham road
was made three years later, when its northern terminus became
Gardenville instead of Centerville. It was further opened in
1729 to the northern boundary of the township. The Strut road
was laid out in 1741, the Ferry road in 1388, the roads to Point
Pleasant and Lower Black’s Eddy the same year, and to Krout’s
mill on Deep run in 1750. The road from the Delaware at Point
Pleasant westward, in a direction nearly parallel with the
township boundary, has been converted into a turnpike.
The most distinguished native of Plumstead was Honorable
Charles Huston, late judge of the supreme court of Pennsylvania.
He was educated at Dickinson college, and subsequently became a
teacher at that institution. He was admitted to the bar in 1795,
and began the practice of law in Lycoming county. He was
commissioned a judge of the supreme court in 1826, and retired
from the bench in 1845. John Ellicott Carver, born in 1809, in
Plumstead, achieved an honorable reputation as one of the
pioneer architects of Philadelphia. He was a carpenter and
wagon-maker, but found time in the midst of his daily occupation
to peruse scientific treatises, and thus qualified himself for a
distinguished position in his adopted profession. Several
members of the McCalla family became well-known clergymen:
General John Moore McCalla was adjutant of the American forces
at the massacre of the river Raisin.
Village indications on the map of Plumstead are rather
misleading: a number of places being designated with post-office
names where no town is visible to the naked eye. The discrepancy
between the idea thus conveyed and the actual state of things
may properly be attributed to the magnifying power of the
surveyor’s theodolite. The post villages of Plumstead are
Danborough, Plumsteadville, Gardenville, Wismer, Fountainville,
Dyerstown, and Point Pleasant: the last three being partly in
Tinicum, Buckingham, and New Britain respectively. Danborough
derives its name from that of an early resident and prominent
citizen, Daniel Thomas. It has also borne the names of Danville
and Clover Hill. Samuel Nicholas kept a hotel here many years,
and was prominently identified with the stage business of a
generation ago. Plumsteadville, the radial point of a number of
roads in the northern part of the township, was comprehended
under the name of John Hart’s tavern a century and more ago. It
has risen to considerable local importance since the
establishment of the extensive carriage-works of Mr. Kratz, and
comprises about twenty-five dwellings, with a population of more
than a hundred. The post office was established here in 1840
with John L. Delp as postmaster. The Presbyterian church was
built in 1860. The Brownsville of three-quarters of a century
ago, at the intersection of the Durham road and the Danborough
and Point Pleasant turnpike, has been known as Gardenville since
1857, when John Shaffer was appointed first postmaster. The
Browns were a prominent family of that vicinity. The "Plow," a
hotel kept at this place as early as 1760, disputes with John
Hart’s tavern the honor of being the first hotel in the
township. The Doans, famous ruffians of revolutionary times,
were buried from this house, then a private dwelling and the
residence of their aunt. The name can hardly be said to have
been appropriate before the introduction of lime for
agricultural purposes, when the land was exceptionally sterile.
Wismer is the name of a post office in the extreme northeastern
part of the township. The family of that name is quite numerous
and was early represented. A cross-roads hamlet a mile southwest
is known as Hinkletown. Dyerstown has shrivelled with age and
depreciated in importance since the opening of roads and
building of mills at other points. Point Pleasant is principally
in Tinicum. Fountainville is situated in the midst of a rich
agricultural community, and in three different townships.
As the Friends were the earliest settlers in Plumstead, their
meetings were the first of a religious character in the
township. They met for worship at private houses as early as the
winter of 1727—28, and in the autumn of the following year were
given leave to meet on first day at Thomas Brown’s house. Ground
for the meeting-house and burial-ground, fifteen acres, was
deeded by the Browns to Richard Lundy, William Michener, Josiah
Dyer, and Joseph Dyer, in trust, at the rate of one shilling per
acre, January 19, 1730. The site for a meeting-house was
selected by a committee appointed by Buckingham and Wrightstown
meetings. A log meeting-house was built in 1730. The present
stone structure replaced it in 1752 and was used as a hospital
in the revolution. It was enlarged in 1876. The only
burial-ground in the township prior to 1730 of which traces yet
remain is situated on the Swamp road a mile above Cross Keys, in
the corner of the tract that Christopher Day bought of Clement
Dungan in 1708. In his will, proved March 25, 1748, he gave ten
perches square for a graveyard forever. The five stones bearing
inscriptions are those of Christopher Day, March 6, 1748; C.
Day, 1763; J. Morlen, 1749—50; Abraham Fried, December 21, 1772;
William Daves, February 22, 1815.
A Presbyterian church was built in 1730, at the intersection
of the River and Durham roads. The congregation was probably a
part of Deep Run, and seceded from it on account of doctrinal
disagreement. The first pastor was Reverend Hugh Carlisle, who
also preached at Newtown. Reverend Alexander Mitchell was
probably the last. He resigned in 1785. This congregation has
long been extinct.
The Mennonite meeting-house, on the Black’s Eddy road a mile
southwest of Hinkletown, was built in 1806. Its site, with the
burial-ground adjoining, was given by Henry Wismer. Contrary to
the usual custom, a number of persons not members of the society
are buried here.
The Plumsteadville Presbyterian church was organized in
October, 1861, by the Second Presbytery of Philadelphia. The
corner-stone of the church edifice was laid October 17, 1861,
and dedication occurred October 10, 1863. The following
clergymen have been pastors here: Reverends Elijah Wilson,
Samuel Harrison, J.E. Miller, F.R.S. Hunsicker, and Henry
Gleiser. This church originated in the religious interest
awakened by the" Union Tabernacle" services.
BEDMINSTER was originally peopled almost exclusively by
Scotch-Irish. The influx of population prior to 1756 must have
been considerable, for at that time a religious organization was
sustained. William Allen and the proprietaries were then the
sole land-owners in the township. They opened their lands for
settlement about 1720, and it was about this time that the
immigration of Scotch-Irish to this country began to assume
large proportions. Among those who found their way into what
subsequently became Bedminster were the Armstrongs, Darrahs,
Griers, McCallas, Kennedys, and Orrs. William Armstrong
immigrated from Fermanagh, Ireland, in 1736, and settled upon
lands patented to him by the Penns. Thomas Darrah is supposed to
have removed from Ireland to Montgomery county in 1725, but he
afterward lived in Bedminster. Humphrey Orr, the first of that
name in this country, lived on the Tohickon in 1730, and died
there in 1736. His son, John Orr, thereupon removed from
Donegal, Ireland, and succeeded to his father’s estate. Very few
of his descendants are residents of the county, but some have
risen to distinction in other states. Thomas Kennedy emigrated
from the north of Ireland prior to 1730, in which year he died,
and is buried in Tinicum township. The family made a second
migration shortly afterward, and has become numerous and
influential in the Cumberland valley, this state. Nathan Grier
was also an early settler, and an active member of the Deep Run
church. Samuel Ayres died at Deep Run in 1742, having emigrated
from Antrim, Ireland, the previous year. Germans, principally
Mennonites, followed closely upon the steps of the Scotch, and
eventually possessed themselves of a large portion of the
township. They were represented in considerable numbers by 1742.
The relative strength of the two nationalities may be correctly
inferred from the fact that of thirty-five names appended to a
petition for township organization in 1740, a majority were
German. It appears that, although the Scotch immigration showed
some strength at the beginning, the nationality received few
additions, while the Germans increased in numbers constantly.
About the close of the last and the beginning of the present
century a number of Mennonite families emigrated to Canada from
this country, principally from Bedminster, Hilltown, and
Tinicum. The first colony, consisting of John, Jacob, Dillman,
and Stoffel Kulp, Franklin Albright, and Frederick Hahn, with
their families, departed for the region of the great lakes in
1786, and were followed at intervals by others of their former
neighbors and friends, settling principally in Lincoln county,
Ontario. This transmigration has been ascribed to various
causes, the principal reason being the hostility and suspicion
with which these people were viewed; for, being non-combatant by
religious principles, they rendered no active service to the
American cause during the revolution, and were severely censured
for this. But Bedminster’s German population has suffered no
apparent depletion from this circumstance, and abundantly
justifies its being classified among the strongly German
townships of the county. The petition above referred to was
favorably considered by the court; and the jury appointed to
define the boundaries of the proposed new township did so
according to the wishes of the petitioners. The area is about
sixteen thousand acres. The population in 1784 was nine hundred
and ninety-one; in 1810, one thousand one hundred and
ninety-nine; in 1820, one, thousand two hundred and forty-eight;
in 1830, one thousand five hundred and ninety-four; in 1840, one
thousand six hundred and thirty; in 1850, one thousand nine
hundred and eleven; in 1860, two thousand two hundred and
thirty-eight; in 1870, two thousand three hundred and seventy;
in 1880, two thousand four hundred and eighty-two.
The villages of Bedminster, five in number, are Hagersville,
Keelersville, Bedminsterville, Dublin, and Pipersville. The last
named is situated in the junction of the Easton and Durham
roads, in the southeastern part of the township. A tavern was
built here in 1759 by one Bladen; it came into possession of
Colonel George Piper in 1778, and was kept by him forty-five
years, during which time it was known as "Piper’s tavern." Jacob
Keichline was proprietor thirty-six years, and during his
incumbency the name was "Bucks county hotel." Jacob Nicholson
was appointed postmaster in 1845, at which time the present name
was first applied. Dublin is situated at the intersection of six
roads partly in Hilltown and partly in Bedminster. The origin of
the name is in no way associated with that of the ancient Irish
capital. It has been explained somewhat on this wise: In the
olden time, when travel was considerable and hotels so
infrequent as to interfere with the time-honored institution of
selling intoxicating drinks and imbibing thereof, thus depriving
the teamster of the inalienable privilege and prerogative of his
calling, two individuals, alike ambitious of gratifying the
public propensities by exchanging the refreshing beverage for
coin of the realm and incidentally acquiring wealth thereby,
built each for himself a log tavern quite close together and
much alike in many respects. In course of time, the one most fit
to survive absorbed the property of his weaker rival, and their
interests were amalgamated. And thus, while there were two inns,
there was but one management; and as the former were exact
counterparts in many respects, they were popularly known as "the
Double-Inn," and in the process of elision incident to constant
pronunciations this name has been abbreviated to its present
form. The name has survived the old hostelry and several
successive editions of the same. The village is enterprising and
prosperous, several stores, the usual mechanics, and local
industries of a more than ordinary character being among its
important features. A number of dwelling-houses have been built
within quite recent years. Cuttalossa Tribe, No. 244, Improved
Order of Red Men, was instituted September 29, 1882, with the
following officers: J. Price Harley, Sachem, S.P. Moyer, S.S.,
S.S. Meyers, J.S., B.F. Shearer, K. of R., John S. Rickert, P.,
and thirty members, which number has since increased to
seventy-three. Keelersville and Hagersville are situated in
northwestern Bedminster on the old Bethlehem road.
The central location of Bedminster in the northern part of
the county may explain the religious activity which
characterized its early history. There are located within the
boundaries of the Deep Run settlement Presbyterian, Mennonite,
Lutheran, and Reformed churches of great historic importance in
the history of those denominations. Deep Bun Presbyterian church
was the cradle of that denomination north of Neshaminy. The
Reverend William Tennent was called as its pastor in 1726, at
which time it had an acknowledged existence. It was recognized
as a church and received into the presbytery in 1732. It formed
Mr. Tennent’s upper congregation, and was served by him as
stated supply until 1738, when, becoming enfeebled through his
duties as pastor and teacher, Reverend Francis McHenry was
appointed his assistant. The latter was born in Ireland in 1710,
came early to this country, and lived in the Craig settlement,
north of the Lehigh. Deep Run church was first known by that
name at the beginning of his pastorate. He continued as
assistant four years; then, owing to a difference of opinion,
both congregations were divided, and in May, 1743, he was
installed as pastor at Deep Run. Here he died in 1757. He was a
man of great learning, fair ability, and sound piety. Reverend
James Latta, his successor, was born in Ireland in 1732,
educated at the University of Pennsylvania, ordained in 1759,
and installed at Deep Run in 1769; he resigned after a pastorate
of nine years. Reverend Hugh Magill was pastor from 1773 to
1776, and James Grier from 1776 to 1791; a vacancy existed until
1798, when Reverend Uriah DuBois was called. At this time the
Doylestown church came into existence, and the individual
history of Deep Run came to an end. Among the gravest of men,
Mr. Grier died of laughter. From a position on his porch he
watched a hired man’s vain endeavors to yoke a pig that had been
wont to trespass. Mrs. Grier came to his assistance, and the
quick manipulations of her deft fingers so excited his
risibilities that he burst a bloodvessel and thus terminated his
life. The first building was a primitive log structure, erected
in 1725 or 1726 upon the east corner of the graveyard. A second,
of stone, was removed in 1841 from the site of the present
building. This fronted south, with doors at each end, walnut
pulpit, sounding board, and galleries around three sides reached
by an outside stairway. A lottery to build a parsonage was
organized in 1770, and over five thousand tickets were sold. The
present church was dedicated August 14, 1841. A walk through the
adjoining country reveals many graves with no mark to perpetuate
the posthumous fame of their occupants. Among the earliest
tombstones with inscriptions are those of Alexander Williams,
1747; Samuel Hart, 1750; James Kennedy, 1763; Thomas Thompson,
1765; James Cochran, 1767; John Grier, 1768; Reverend James
Grier, 1791; William Kennedy, killed in the capture of Moses
Doan in 1783; while the Stewarts, Bryans, Smiths, Dunlaps,
Wigtons, Darrahs, Armstrongs, and McNeelys are among other
tenants of this "God’s Acre." In Rowan county, N.C, five hundred
and fifty miles from this place, there is a large and
flourishing congregation of the Concord Presbytery, a large
proportion of the members of which are descended from persons
formerly connected with this church and congregation.
The Mennonite congregation of Bedminster is one of the oldest
of that denomination in Bucks county. The meeting-house stands
on the southeast corner of the township at the north side of a
branch of Deep run, on a knoll facing east. The land was given
by William Allen, together with a farm of fifty acres adjoining.
The deed bears date March 24, 1746. It was executed in trust to
Abraham Swartz, Hans Friedt, Samuel Kolbe, and Marcus
Oberholtzer, the bishops and deacons at that time. Mr. Allen
also presented them with a silver cup, still in use for
sacramental purposes. The above-named Swartz emigrated from
Germany, where, in all probability, he had been ordained. During
the period of his ministry he became hopelessly blind, he still
continued to preach, however, and would have some one read the
portion of Scripture in which his text occurred, thus presenting
an instance of exceptional fidelity. The first meeting-house, a
log structure erected in 1746 as nearly as can be ascertained,
was replaced in 1766 by a stone building thirty-five by
fifty-eight feet in size, part of which was used as a
dwelling-house. This arrangement was discontinued in 1794, when
the building was remodelled. It was removed in 1872, and a more
modern structure was built. The log building first mentioned was
used for school purposes from 1776 to 1842, when its existence
ceased with the ninety-fourth year of its history. Mr. Swartz’s
immediate successor in the ministerial function was Jacob Gross,
a native German and a man of irreproachable character. He was a
bishop, and influenced to a great extent the policy of the
church at this period. Next in order appear the names of Abraham
Wismer, Abraham Overholt, and David Landis. The latter, a mason
by trade, was living at the close of the last century. Then
followed Abraham Gross and Abraham Kulp, who were ordained at
the same time. The next in regular order were Abraham Myers,
Isaac Moyer, Samuel Godshall, and John Gross. Among those who
have filled the office of deacon within the last seventy-five
years were Henry Moyer, who died in 1832; Joseph Nash, who died
in 1830; Abraham Fretz, Abraham Wismer, Samuel Shelley, Jacob
Overholzer, and Abraham Moyer. Jacob cross was a preacher of
exemplary life; near the close of his life, December 7, 1810, he
wrote a pastoral letter to his congregation, full of grave
admonition and tender solicitude. Another prominent minister was
Abraham Godshall, the author of a work on experimental religion,
published at Doylestown in 1838. He states in the preface that
he was a farmer and was called to the ministry at an early age.
Although denied the advantages of even a common-school
education, he was a zealous and effective speaker, with an
extensive acquaintance with Scripture and well-defined
theological views. A clause in the Allen deed provides that if
the society should at any time fail to maintain an organization
or regular religious services for a period of five years, the
land granted should revert to the heirs-at-law of the donor; but
if a minister should be ordained, the title should again be
vested in the society. It does not appear that the holding of
services for public worship has deviated from an established
regularity since 1746. A portion of the congregation separated
from the present body in 1849, and formed a new organization,
which has been sustained to the present time. A meeting-house
was built several yards from the old one. The present pastor is
Reverend Allen M. Fretz, and his congregation numbers about one
hundred and fifty members.
The Tohickon church, Lutheran and Reformed, is located in the
western corner of Bedminster township, on the old Bethlehem
road, thirty-four miles north of Philadelphia, near the Tohickon
creek. The building is a solid stone structure, fifty by sixty
feet in dimensions, erected in 1838 by Elias Nunemaker,
contractor. The building previously in use was likewise a stone
structure, erected in the year 1766. The following concerning
its dedication appears in the Lutheran church book:—
Anno Domini 1766, May the 8th, being the festival of
Ascension, by me and Mr. Alfeuz, the Reformed pastor, the new
stone church was publicly dedicated, on which occasion I
preached on the text taken from I Reg., VIII., v. 28—29, and
gave it the name Templum Pacis (church of peace). The Reformed
minister took his text from Isaiah, lvi., v. 7, the last
Pastor loci.
The house of worship previously used was a primitive log
structure of which but little is known. The oldest deed in
possession of the church is dated 1733, and it seems probable
that this first church was built about that time. The earliest
reliable record is that in the Halleschen Nachrichten, where
repeated mention of Tohickon appears as early as 1749. In that
year Reverend Henry Melchior Muhlenberg had charge of the
Lutheran congregation, which he describes as "small and poor."
As he had a large field and could not attend to this
congregation regularly, he secured the services of a student or
candidate named Rudolph H. Schrenk, whose preaching was highly
appreciated. The sacraments were administered from time to time
by Muhlenberg himself. In 1750 two delegates from this
congregation appeared before the Lutheran ministerium, asking to
be received into connection with it, and praying for the
ordination of Mr. Schrenk as their pastor. Their request was
acceded to at the next convention (1751), but Mr. Schrenk had
meanwhile accepted a call to Raritan, N.J., whereupon candidate
Lucas Raus was recommended, and Tohickon constituted part of a
charge which also included Indianfield and Old Goshenhoppen; but
for some reason he served only the last-named congregation after
a short time. About this time, and no doubt by Mr. Raus, the
baptismal record was begun, with two Greek letters, Alpha and
Omega, at the top of the page, succeeded by the following entry:
"Johann Heinrich, son of Jacob and Magdelea Haehns, born March
6, baptized March 24, sponsors, Henry Acker and wife and Jacob
Loch and wife." Following this for a score of years this
congregation was supplied by a number of irregular independent
ministers, ordained by a certain dismissed preacher named Conrad
Andreae; 1753—56, Johann Martin Shaeffer; 1756—59, Johann Joseph
Roth; 1761—64, Johann Wolf Lizel; 1765—69, Philip H. Rapp;
during which time there were but two regular ministers of the
Lutheran church; Reverend John Hartwick, of Rhinebeck, N.Y., in
1750, during a stay of six months in Pennsylvania, and Reverend
T.H. Shaum who was instructed to teach and preach at Tohickon.
From these conflicting statements it is inferred that there
were two parties, which relation resulted in the organization of
Salomon’s or Keller’s church, three miles east and likewise on
Tohickon creek. In 1772 this congregation (the original Tohickon
church) reunited with Indianfield and Old Goshenhoppen in a call
to Reverend Conrad Roeller. That this union might he permanently
established a parsonage farm of one hundred and sixty acres was
conjointly purchased near Tylersport, which was occupied by the
pastors until 1866. Mr. Roeller served this extensive charge
until his death in 1796. His body rests under the altar in the
Indianfield church. His son George became his successor a year
later, when he had finished his duties with Reverend Gisenhainer
at New Hanover. After a faithful pastorate of forty-four years,
he died in 1839; father and son having performed the pastoral
functions uninterruptedly for sixty-eight years. In April, 1840,
Reverend Engelbert Peixoto, the pastor-elect, was duly
installed. He resigned in April, 1864. Reverend F. Walz, the
present incumbent, after accepting a unanimous call, removed
into the bounds of the charge January 1, 1865. This congregation
is at present in a more prosperous condition than at any
previous period, numbering about four hundred and thirty-five
confirmed members. The venerable names of Kramer, Yost, Lewis,
Eckert, Leasterly, and Crouthamel figure largely in its entire
history. The German language is used almost exclusively in
public worship. It may be especially mentioned that benevolent
and local objects have received much attention during the
present pastorate. The changes externally and internally in the
appearance of the church property are creditable to the

It is impossible at this late date to ascertain when and by
whom the Reformed congregation of Tohickon was organized. In
1738—43 a large number of French Huguenots and Palatine
families, with some Swiss and Germans, settled in the vicinity
of the church, bringing wish them in many instances little else
than the Bible, hymn-book, and Heidelberg catechism, and meeting
in each other’s houses for worship as circumstances permitted.
It was in this way that the Reformed people were kept together,
and that disposition to unity established which still
characterizes this people. There are evidences of an
organization in 1743, but no pastor was settled here until
August 27, 1749, when Reverend Jacob Riesz was installed. His
successors number twelve, as follows: Reverends John Egidio
Hecker, Christopher Gebrecht, Caspar Wack, John Therbald Faber,
John Michael Kern, John William Ingold, Nickolus Pomp, Jacob
Seam, John Andrew Strassburger, Joshua Derr, Peter S. Fisher,
and J. Kehm, the present pastor. Some were highly educated. Mr.
Hecker begins his record thus: "April 19, 1756, Ego, Johannes
Egidio Hecker, Hoc tempore Reformatae Religionis pastor
Dohickon." Latinisms appear frequently, particularly in the
entries of baptisms, for instance, "uxor ejus," "Testes erant
parentes ipse," etc. Mr. Wack was pastor during the
revolutionary period, and was an ardent patriot. On one occasion
a favorite horse was captured by the British. He went to their
camp and was told that it had been recaptured, whereupon he
expressed a wish that he might be doing good service.
Strassburger spent the whole of his ministerial life here. But
one former pastor, Mr. Derr, is still in the active ministry.
The average length of the pastoral relation has been about ten
years. The congregation has increased rapidly in numbers since
its beginning, and is one of the strongest, numerically, of the
churches in the county. All the Reformed churches of this
section have derived their membership from old St. Peter’s, as
it is called. The present pastor, Reverend J. Kehm, preached his
introductory sermon, May 1, 1871. Perceptible changes have
occurred during the sixteen years of his incumbency. The
transition from German to English in public worship is being
gradually effected. Services have become more frequent.
Benevolent and local objects receive considerable attention.
Although the oldest of this denomination in the county, and the
mother of quite a number of congregations of more recent origin,
this church still possesses the elements calculated to render
her future prosperous and useful.
The Dublin Lutheran church has been connected with Doylestown
until quite recent years. Reverend A.R. Horne, D.D., was pastor
in 1876, and S.H. Fritz subsequently. Reverend J.W. Mayne was
installed June 20, 1884. Reverend H.F. Seiple, of Lansdale, is
the Reformed pastor. His congregation was organized in 1868 by
Reverend W.R. Yearick, then pastor at Hilltown.
The Evangelical Lutheran congregation worshipping in
"Keller’s" church, Bedminster, had an organized existence as
early as 1751. In that year, the Rev. Heinrich Melchior
Muhlenberg, D.D., the patriarch of the Lutheran Church in
America, sent the Rev. Lucas Raus, of Germany, to take charge of
the congregation. Raus preached his introductory sermon on the
7th of July, and in the Church Record begun by him speaks of the
congregation as the "vacant Evangelical Lutheran congregation at
the Toheka (Tohickon), in the Township of Bethmeister
(Bedminster), Province of Pennsylvania, County of Boox (Bucks)."
From this it may be inferred that the congregation was in
existence for some time before his coming, but how long it seems
impossible to determine. As nearly as can be ascertained, Raus
remained with the congregation a little over two years. Who his
immediate successor was the Record does not state: but beginning
with 1757, the following were the pastors, so far as known,
until the close of the record in 1870: Wilhelm Kurtz, 1757—58;
Conrad Daniel Walther, 1760 (?) 1761 ; Otto Hasse, 1762—G4;
Johann Michael Enderlien, 1766—70; Friedrich Neimeyer, 1774;
Anthony Hecht, 1794 (died, Dec. 29, 1794, aged 31 years, 3
months, and 23 days, and lies buried in the old cemetery of the
congregation); August Heinrich Schmidt, 1795—98 (buried at the
same place); ----- Tenno, about 1802; Johann Nicalaus Mensch,
1806—23; Henry S. Miller, 1823—38; C.F. Welden, 1838—41; Wm. B.
Kemmerer, 1842—60; Edward H.M. Sell, 1862—63; Leonard Groh,
1863; Reuben B. Kistler, 1865—70.
In the summer of 1870 this congregation, with the one at
Applebachsville, united with St. John’s, at Quakertown, in a
pastoral charge, with the Rev. George M. Lazarus as pastor.
After the tragic death of Mr. Lazarus, January 31, 1874, the
charge called the present pastor, the Rev. J.F. Ohl.
It is not known when the congregation under consideration
erected its first church edifice. The present one erected in
1841 is the third, and is jointly owned with the Reformed
congregation, though previous to 1841 the church and lot were
the exclusive property of the Lutherans. The church derived its
name from the numerous descendants of Heinrich Keller, who was
for many years very prominent in the early history of the
congregation, which is in a highly flourishing condition and
numbers considerably over 400 members.