ON the 16th of August, 1683, Penn wrote to a committee of the
Free Society of Traders, giving them a general description of
the province, with some account of the progress made toward
organizing a government. In this letter he wrote: "Courts of
justice are established in every county with proper officers, as
justices, sheriffs, clerks, constables, etc., which courts are
held every two months. But to prevent lawsuits there are three
peacemakers chosen by every court, in the nature of common
arbitrators, to hear and end differences betwixt man and man.
And spring and fall there is an orphans’ court in each county to
inspect and regulate the affairs of orphans and widows."
These courts formed an important part of the governmental
machinery of the new province, and were devised for the "well
government of the said counties," not less than for the
dispensing of justice and equity to litigants. The powers
conferred upon them were comprehensive, and beside their regular
judicial functions included the police legislation for the
county as well as its administrative authority. They laid out
cartways to the public roads, superintended the erection of
bridges, and maintained the highways; made orders for building
houses of correction, and, when specially authorized,
superintended the construction of the public buildings;
organized townships, cared for the poor, appointed viewers of
partition fences; recommended for tavern licenses, and
subsequently granted and suppressed such licenses; and set
prices on liquors and the provender of horses, etc. It is
probable that their form had been substantially settled in the
mind of the proprietor before he left England, and no feature of
the "divine experiment" more clearly exhibits the careful
preparation Penn made for the new duties devolved upon him. He
was familiar with the practice of the Upland court, and with the
demands to be met in the new province. He appears to have been
equally familiar with the London courts, or rather to have been
aided by some one possessed of such knowledge, and the county
courts were evidently fashioned after an intelligent study of
both the English and colonial systems of jurisprudence. They
were thus practically transferred from England, and yet were
characterized by such departures from their prototype as to show
a careful adaptation to the demands of the crude society in
which they were erected.
Provision for these courts, as well as for a higher
judiciary, was made in the original "Frame," and again in the
amended form of this instrument adopted on the 2d of April,
1683, but no mention of details is made in either. By the
sixteenth article of the amended document, under which they were
established, it is provided "that from and after the death of
this present governour, the provinciall council shall, together
with the succeeding governour, erect, from time to time,
standing courts of justice in such place and number as they
shall judge convenient for the good government of the said
province and territories thereof." The constitution of the
judiciary was thus left to the judgment of the proprietor
unrestricted save by the limitations of the royal charter. Some
regulation of the procedure and jurisdiction, however, is found
in the laws proposed by the proprietor, and as enacted in 1683,
That in all courts all persons, of all persuasions may freely
appear in their own way, and according to their own manner, and
there personally plead their own Cases themselves, or if unable,
by their friends; And that the first proces shall be the
Exhibition of the Complaint, fourteen days before the tryal: And
that the Defendant may be prepared for his Defense, hee or shee
shall be summoned no Less than ten days before, and a Copy of
the Complaint Delivered him, or her, at his or her dwelling
house, to answer unto; But before the Complaint of any person
shall be received, hee or shee, shall Solemnly Declare in open
Court, that hee or shee believeth in his or her Conscience, that
his or her caus is just; And if the party complained against
shall notwithstanding refuse to appear, The Plaintiff shall have
Judgement against the Defendant, by default.
Whereas great Respect is due from all persons, and ought
always to be yeelded in Courts of Justice, whois institution is
the peace and benefit of the publick, And that such gravity, and
reverence which manifests the authority of a Court, may at all
times appear; These following Rules shall be observed in the
holding thereof: By the King’s authority and in the name of the
Proprietary and Governour, silence is commanded, Let the Cryer
make proclamation, and say, O yes, O yes, O yes, Silence is
commanded in the Court, while the justices are sitting, upon
pain of imprisonment. After silence is Commanded, The cryer
shall make a proclamation saying; All manner of persons that
have anything to doe, at this Court, Draw Nigh and give your
attendance, and if any person shall have any Complaint to enter,
or suit to prosecute, Let them Draw near, and they shall be
heard; when Silence is thus commanded and proclamation made,
Upon calling the Docket, The cryer shall call, A.B., plaintiff
come forth and prosecute thy suit against C.D., or else thou
wilt be Non-suited; The plaintiff appearing, The cryer shall
call for the Defendant, C.D., come forth and save thee and thy
Bail, or else judgment will pass against thee.
That in all Causes, Capital, and Criminal, the freemen of the
County shall be summoned by the Sheriffs, and the names of the
freemen shall be writ in small pieces of paper, and put into a
hat and shaken; forty-eight of whom shall be drawn by a Child,
and those so drawn shall stand for the Sheriff’s Returns; And
the first twelve, not reasonably excepted against, shall stand
and serve for the tryal.
That all actions of debt, Accompt. or Slander, and all
actions of Trespass, shall be henceforth first tryed by there
respective County Court, where the Cause of action did arise.
And if any person shall think himself aggrieved with the
Judgement of the County Court, That then, such person may Appeal
to have the same tryed before the Governour and Council;
Provided always that the same he above twelve lbs.* And that the
person appealing, do put in good and sufficient Security, to pay
all Costs and Damages, if hee shall be cast, as also to pay the
Cost and Charges of the first Suit.
That all, persons shall be Bailable by sufficient Sureties,
unless for Capital Offences, where the proof is evident or the
presumption great; And every quarter of a year, there shall be a
gaol Delivery in every County, where imprisonment is not the
In 1684, a law was passed requiring the county court to hold
monthly and quarterly sessions, and by the same act it was
provided that "each quarter sessions be as well a court of
equity as law, concerning any judgment given in cases by law
capable of trial in the respective county sessions and courts."
In the following year, however, the sessions of the court were
changed to quarterly "and oftener, if occasion be." In 1693 the
monthly sessions were again restored, but in 1701 they were
again abolished.
In 1684 the provincial court was established. This was
composed of five judges, appointed by the governor, any three of
whom were constituted a quorum and required to sit twice a year
in Philadelphia. It was also required that at least two of them
should go the circuit of the counties every spring and autumn,
and "whether fixt or circular" should have the hearing and
determining of all appeals from the inferior courts; "also, all
trials of titles of lands, and all causes as well criminal as
civil, both in law and equity, not determinable by the
respective county courts." The "inconvenience, trouble and
expense" of travelling the circuit, however, led to a change in
this respect in the following year, and the county courts were
given jurisdiction in "all trials of titles of lands, all
actions of a debt, account or slander, actions personal, and all
actions civil or criminal whatsoever, excepting treason, murder,
manslaughter, and other heinous and enormous crimes." Appeals
were to be determined by three judges or any two of them, "speciallie
to be commissionated by the Governor and Council." This law
continued in force until l690, when the final jurisdiction of
the inferior courts was limited to causes where the judgment was
under ten pounds, and the provincial court of five judges was
restored. When the government was seized by the crown in 1693,
the laws of the province were abrogated by the royal
letters-patent to Governor Fletcher, but the status of the
courts was immediately restored by a new enactment in the same
year, and continued unchanged until the general act of 1701, in
the personal administration of the proprietor.
The orphans’ court appears to have been subject to less
change than other courts. In 1682 it was provided "that The
justices of each respective county court shall sit twice every
year, to inspect and take care of the estates, usage, and
employment of orphans, which shall be called The Orphans’ Court,
and sit the first third day of ye week, in the first and eighth
month, yearly; that care may be taken for those, that are not
able to take care for themselves." And this remained unchanged
among the early vicissitudes of the province until the enactment
of the general law.
Provision for the collection of small debts was also made by
the first assembly at Philadelphia, and the act was based upon
the consideration of "speedy justice to the poor." Under this
law all matters of debts or dues under forty shillings were to
be heard and determined by any two justices of the peace in the
county where the cause arose. The judgment found was reported by
the justices to the next county court, when it was "recorded by
the clark" and was "as good, and binding, if the Court approve
the same." In 1690 the jurisdiction in such cases was given to a
single justice, and it was added, "in case the party complained
against as aforesaid is about to depart the province or
territories, and the magistrate be satisfied thereof, the
defendant shall be held obliged either to give security for the
sum adjudged or bail to abide by and answer what shall be
determined by the next county court respectively therein." This
act remained in force until after the revolution.
In 1701 a general act "for the better and more orderly
establishment and regulation of the courts of justice"
superseded all other acts of this character. Prior to this law
the jurisdiction and practice of the various courts were ill
defined and uncertain, but this act was quite explicit in
specifying the jurisdiction of the different courts, regulating
the particular mode of procedure and the legal forms to be
employed in the various writs and instruments. Under this act
county courts were held four times a year, that for Bucks
beginning on Wednesday in the second week of March, June,
September, and December of each year. A "competent number" of
justices were appointed by the governor, any three of whom were
constituted a quorum, and empowered and authorized—
To Deliver the Gaoles, award process, and Hold all manner of
please of the Crown, or Criminall Causes, in the Respective
Counties wherein they shall be commissionated, (excepting
Treason, Murder, Manslaughter, Rape, Sodomy, Buggery, Burglary,
and burning of houses, which the provinciall Judges hereafter
mention’d are hereby authorized to hear and Determine;) and
shall award process, call speciall courts, hold please, and hear
and Determine all actions, suits and causes, civill, personall,
Reall and mixt, observing as near as may be, Respecting the
Infancy of this Government and capacity of the people, the
methods and practice of the King’s court of common pleas in
England, having regard to the Regular process and proceedings of
the former county courts, always keeping to Brevity, plainness,
and verity, in all Declarations and pleas, and avoiding all
Fictions and Colour in pleadings.
To hear and decree all such matters and causes of equity as
shall come before them, in the said courts. Wherein the
proceedings shall be by Bill and answer, with such other
pleadings as are Necessary in chancery courts, and propper in
these parts, with power also, for the said justices to force
obedience to their Decree in Equity, by Imprisonment, or
Sequestration of Lands, as the case may Require.
To Doe and execute, to all things relating to the Duty and
Office of justices of the peace, according to the laws of this
Government; with power to hold and keep private sessions as
often as they see occasion.
And, calling to their assistance the Register Generall or his
Deputy for the Time being, in Each county of this Province and
Territories . . . . to hold and keep the said Orphans’ courts,
after the business of the county court in Spring and Fall is
over, or as often as they shall see occasion in the same places
where the respective county courts are held from time to time.
On February 7, 1705, this act was repealed by the queen’s
council, leaving the province without any legally established
judiciary. In the attempt to replace the repealed law a long and
bitter controversy arose between Governor Evans and the
assembly, and pending this the courts were twice adjourned by
the governor. On the 22d of February, 1707, however, by an
ordinance which the governor issued under color of authority
found in Penn’s charter, the courts of justice were temporarily
re-established, By this instrument the justices were authorized
to hold "General Sessions of the Peace and Gaol Delivery;" "to
hold and keep a court of record, in every county, which shall be
called and styled the County Court of Common Pleas, and shall be
holden four times in every year, at the places where the said
quarter sessions of the peace shall be respectively kept as
aforesaid;" and a court of equity "four times a year at the
respective places, and near the said times as the said courts of
common pleas are held in every county of this province," and it
was further provided that the prothonotary of the common pleas
should be the register of the said court of equity in every
county. In 1708 Gookin succeeded Evans, and this ordinance was
renewed by the new governor. Two years later the assembly
succeeded in framing a bill for establishing courts of
judicature which became a law on the 28th of February. This was
the most elaborate and most complete in all its details of the
laws hitherto enacted upon the subject, but it is chiefly
noticeable in relation to the local courts in the extent of
jurisdiction granted to the court of quarter sessions. By its
provisions the justices of this court were empowered to hear and
determine all charges of felony, crimes, and offences whatsoever
save "treasons, murders, and such other crimes as shall he by
the laws of this province be made felongs of death," and "to
minister common justice, and to do, exercise, hear, determine
and execute all things within the sd respective counties and
limits of their commissions and authoritys, as near as
conveniently may be to the laws of Great Britain and according
to the laws of this province, as fully and effectually as any
justice of assize, justice of oyer and terminer or of gaol
delivery or justices of the peace, may or can do."
This law, though prepared with great labor and ability, was
destined to find little favor with the English court. As an
eminent legal writer has remarked:
"Whoever the lawyers were, they seemed to have been
inclined to make a Pennsylvania system of jurisprudence, rather
than to introduce the English," but while this may have been a
creditable achievement in the judgment of the framers of the
bill and their posterity, it was not likely to meet the approval
of those who viewed any departure from the standards of the home
government with alarm. Governor Evans voiced their objections,
when, in the heated discussion on this subject in his
administration, he declared, "that their aim was to reverse the
method of government according to our English constitution, and
establish one more resembling a republic in its stead." The act
was accordingly repealed by the queen’s council, on February 20,
1713. When this was known in the province Governor Gookin
resorted to the same expedient adopted by his predecessor and
maintained the courts by an ordinance until the several acts of
1715 were passed. A number of changes were incorporated in the
legislation to supply the repealed judiciary act. The powers of
the magistrates were specified in a distinct bill; the clauses
for the general court of quarter sessions and for the county
court of common pleas were separately enacted; and original
jurisdiction of all matters of equity was given to the supreme
court. The constitution of the inferior courts was not
materially different from those established by the repealed law,
but a significant clause in the bill for a county court of
common pleas indicates the gradual change that was being
effected in the practice. This provides "that there may be a
competent number of persons, of honest disposition and learned
in the law, admitted by the justices of the said respective
courts, to practise as attorneys there, who shall behave
themselves justly and faithfully in their practise; and if they
misbehave themselves therein, they shall suffer such penalties
and suspensions as attorneys-at-law in Great Britain are liable
in such cases." Attorneys thus admitted were permitted to
practice in all the courts of the province without further
license, but each was required to file his warrant of attorney
with the prothonotary in each cause.
The judiciary laws were again disapproved by the crown in
1719 and repealed. In this emergency Governor Keith issued
special commissions to the justices in the several counties
authorizing them to hold the courts as formerly, and to proceed
"according to the course of common law and the law of this
province." This arrangement sufficed to continue the "current of
justice" until 1722, when the governor suggested that a general
ordinance would more effectually and regularly establish the
constitution of the several courts of judicature. The assembly,
strongly opposed to this method, at once took alarm, and in four
days prepared a bill for the purpose, which became a law two
days later. This was the first and only law for establishing
courts of judicature that was not repealed by the crown, but it
continued only till 1727, when a case arising in the supreme
court led the assembly to repeal it, and replace it by an act
which provided that no original process should be issued out of
the supreme court in civil causes. This gave offense to a
certain collector of the crown who had been the plaintiff in the
case which was the moving cause of the assembly’s action, and
effort was made to incorporate an amendment to the law which
should except actions in which the crown was concerned from the
sweeping provision mentioned. This effort did not avail, and it
appears probable that the offended collector had influence
enough in 1731 to secure its repeal by the king. This action of
the crown again left the province without legally established
courts, and the act of 1722, not having been repealed by the
home government, was accordingly reenacted to meet the emergency
and continued in force, with some amendment, until the adoption
of the state constitution.
This act provided for each county a court "stiled the General
Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Gaol Delivery," to be held
four times a year for a period not exceeding two days at each
session in Bucks and Chester counties, and a court "stiled and
called The County Court of Common Pleas." The constitution,
jurisdiction and procedure of these courts were unchanged by the
new act, and so continued until 1759, when separate justices
were provided to hold the court of common pleas. The latter act
required that "five persons of the best discretion, capacity,
judgment, and integrity" should be commissioned in each county
to hold and keep "the court of common pleas." These persons were
termed judges, held their positions quain diu se bene gesserint,
and were authorized and directed to hold the orphans’ court.
Justices of the quarter sessions were prohibited from holding or
executing the office of judge of common pleas "at the same time
he shall be justice of the quarter sessions."
By the repeal of the judiciary act of 1701, the orphans’
court was suspended and was not restored until after the lapse
of some eight years. Laws still existing directed matters of
importance to be done by this court, and much of the business
properly transacted by it was either left unaccomplished or done
at great inconvenience by other courts. In 1713, therefore, an
act was passed reestablishing the orphans’ court, elaborating
its procedure, and providing for the security of its trusts. As
then erected, this court continued substantially unchanged until
the adoption of the state constitution.
In 1701 the original provincial court of 1684 was restored,
but in Evans’s ordinance of 1707 its title was changed to the "Supream
or Provincial Court of Pennsilvania." It was required ta hold
two sessions in every county each year, and was composed of
three judges, one of whom was distinguished as chief-justice. In
1710 "provincial" was dropped from its title, the number of
judges was increased to four, one of whom was distinguished as
before, and its sessions continued unchanged. In Gookin’s
ordinance of 1714, the number of judges was changed to three
again, but was otherwise unchanged. In the act of 1715 the
number of judges was increased to four, who were required to
hold two sessions in Philadelphia, but none elsewhere. In 1720
Keith commissioned four judges without the distinction of
chief-justice, two of whom were constituted a quorum to act as
supreme court. At least two of them were required "at certain
days" to meet at the court-houses in the respective counties.
In 1715 it was provided that matters of equity should begin
in the higher court, which was then called the "Supreme Court of
Law and Equity," but in 1720 Governor Keith, after consulting
with gentlemen learned in the law, addressed the assembly,
expressing himself satisfied "that no representative body in any
of his Majesty’s colonies is invested with power to erect such a
court, or that the office of chancellor can be lawfully executed
by any person whatsoever, except him who by virtue of the great
seal of England may he understood to act as the King’s
representative in the place." The assembly apparently conceded
the correctness of this view, and "for the present" expressed
the desire that the governor, with the assistance of such of the
council as he should see fit, should "open and hold a court of
equity for the province." On the 10th of August, 1720, the
governor issued his proclamation giving place and date for
holding a court of chancery, which he continued until succeeded
by Patrick Gordon as governor. The new official asked the advice
of his council whether he should assume the position of
chancellor left vacant by Keith’s retirement, and being assured
by this body that he might lawfully do so, at once qualified for
the position. (Col. Rec. vol. iii., p. 281.) On January 7, 1736,
the counties of Bucks, Philadelphia, and Chester presented a
petition complaining that the court of chancery was a violation
of the charter of privileges, and the assembly demanded of the
governor information how the court was constituted. In response,
Gordon sent copies of the proceedings of 1720, accompanied with
an elaborate vindication of the court prepared by the council.
Ten days later, however, the assembly resolved "that the court
of chancery as then established was contrary to the charter of
privileges." An angry reply from the council, and a
well-considered rejoinder by the assembly, seems to have ended
the controversy at this time. A few months later Governor Gordon
died, and Logan, who succeeded him, acquiescing in the views of
the assembly, the court of chancery, after an existence of
sixteen years, came to an end.

In 1722 the original "supreme" court was restored with three
judges, one of whom was distinguished by the title of
chief-justice. It was required that upon any issue joined in
this court, trial should be had "in the county whence the cause
was removed," and any two of the judges were therefore
"empowered and required, if occasion require, to go the circuit
twice in every year." In 1727 the supreme court was restored as
constituted in 1722, but it was required to hold only two
sessions a year, and those to he held only in Philadelphia. In
1731 the bill of 1722 was re-enacted, and in 1759 the tenure of
the supreme judges was made for good behavior. Eight years later
the number of judges was increased to four, who were enjoined,
"if occasion require, to go the circuit twice in every year."
By the ordinance of Evans in 1707, the act of 1710, and the
ordinance of Gookin in 1714, it was provided that "speciall
commissioners of Oyer & Terminer & Gaol Delivery may be Granted
unto any the Respective Countys of this Province, for the
hearing, trying, & Determining of all High & Capitall Offences,
where the life of any person may or shall be brought in
question." Subsequently these powers were conferred upon the
supreme court, and remained unchanged under the provincial
In 1701 appeals were allowed upon "any decree or sentence,"
made or given either in equity or upon summary proceedings, by
the justices of the inferior courts. Such appeals were required
to be directed to the governor, who gave notice of them to the
judges of the provincial court. In 1710 appeals were directed to
the supreme court, but were to be allowed only when "the debt,
damages or things demanded" exceeded the sum of ten pounds. In
1759 it was provided that where the sum did not exceed twenty
pounds, "lawful money of Pennsylvania," if the case was removed
by the plaintiff and a verdict was granted in his favor, he
should not recover any costs of suit; if the verdict was given
against him he was required to pay "double-costs" of suit to the
defendant. When the cause was removed by the defendant, he was
required to pay double-costs to the plaintiff. In 1767 the
amount was raised to fifty pounds, with the same conditions as
before, save that the plaintiff was in no case subject to the
penalty of paying any costs to the defendant.
In the earlier times there were no certain rules established
for appeals to the crown. The first definite reference to the
subject is found in the commission of Governor Fletcher, where
appeals to the privy council are provided for in cases when the
matter of difference exceeded the value of three hundred pounds.
The laws of 1701 and 1710 provided for such appeals, but with no
limitations. In 1715 the procedure in such cases was specified,
but no limitation was expressed, and the practice under this law
proved very unsatisfactory. By a communication from the king in
1726, it appears that the royal "orders for reversing the orders
and decrees appealed from and for making restitution of the
estates or effects which had been so levied in execution, had
been rendered ineffectual, and the appellant left without
redress." The king therefore directed that execution be delayed
until the determination of the appeal was known. In 1767 it was
provided that no appeal to the crown should be allowed "in any
action or suit wherein a general verdict shall be given, or in
any other case, but where there shall be a demurrer to evidence,
or bill of exceptions, or where a writ of error may legally be
The first court of Bucks county was probably constituted in
April, 1683, but it does not appear to have entered upon its
duties until March of the following year. It was composed of
five justices, none of whom had any practical knowledge of the
administration of the law in England or in the province. It does
not appear that such qualification presented itself to the mind
of Penn as essential for the proper discharge of the duties
imposed upon the members of the court. Imbued with the idea of
extending the reign of peace and good-will to all his people, he
seems to have thought it sufficient that the judges of the
simple laws of the province should be men of honest intentions,
and calm, deliberative judgment. Technicalities and the
encouragers of such difficulties were evaded or ignored, and the
early court was endowed with a kind of paternal authority which
sufficed for the purposes of the community for years. As the
character of the community changed, the character of the court
changed with it, and the history of the early jurisprudence of
Pennsylvania affords ample confirmation of the wisdom of the
proprietor and his advisers.
The reason assigned for the erection of the orphans’ court—
"that care may be taken for those that are not able to care for
themselves"— was an apparently active principle in the
constitution of the whole original judiciary. Every practicable
means seems to have been adopted to prevent unnecessary
litigation, and the courts apparently went beyond the letter of
the law to effect this object. In 1683 it was provided that if
any one was convicted as "a common barrator," vexing the
community with unjust and frequent suits, the court was
authorized to reject his cause and punish him for his "barratry"
by fine or imprisonment. At the same time it was also provided
"that in every precinct three persons shall be yearly chosen as
common peacemakers in that precinct." To make their arbitrations
valid it was required that the parties differing should sign a
submission of the dispute to the peacemakers, and this reference
and submission "being satisfied by the county court," the
judgment rendered under its authority became "as conclusive as a
sentence given by the county court," and was registered in the
court as other judgments were. In September, l685, the court for
Bucks county appointed Joshua Hoopes, Henry Paxson, and Jonathan
Scaife to act in this capacity for the ensuing year. This law
was in force until it was abrogated by the crown in 1693, but no
further appointments under it have been discovered in the
records. In 1696, however, the court found other means to reach
the same end. On the 22d of June, "the petition of Isaac Burges,
in relation to a debt due him from his brother, Samuel Burges,
was read, and the court appointed Joseph Kirkbride to speak to
said Samuel Burges, and advise him to refer the matter in
difference to indifferent men to be by them chosen, but if he
shall refuse the said advice that then William Biles and Richard
Hough do take what further care is fit to accommodate the matter
in difference as may be found most expedient and expeditious."
Originally there was no county court of common pleas, and the
business peculiar to that court was done by the justices of the
court of quarter sessions. There actions between private
individuals were brought and tried, and upon its records appear
many entries of actions of ejectment, debt, assumpsit, and
trespass. No difficulty was found in the manner of proceeding,
but the pleadings, generally entered at length, sometimes show a
good deal of familiarity with legal forms. A court of common
pleas was established by the ordinance of Governor Evans in
1707, but an entry*** in the court records indicates that the
English division of causes was not unknown to the justices and
was perhaps indirectly observed by them some time before. As no
further indication is found to confirm this suggestion, however,
the entry may probably be considered as an unauthorized
expression of the clerk’s individual opinion. There is a hiatus
in the court record from December 12, 1705, to June 8, 1708, to
be accounted for by the suspension of the courts during this
period, but from the latter date the records of the courts of
quarter sessions and common pleas were kept separately, though
for some time in the same book. The records of the latter court
are of the briefest character, and after about 1730 cannot be
traced continuously for any considerable period. They afford
little of historical or curious interest, and unfortunately do
not give the names of the judges appointed under the law of
In examining the records of the court of quarter sessions the
simple forms employed and the trivial sums involved in the early
cases will challenge attention, but it is well to bear in mind
that the value of money was much greater at that day than now,
and that justice was "neither sold, denied, nor delayed" The
first action before the court presented two complaints, one "for
withholding £7 due the plaintiff," and the other "for keeping
unlawful (unruly) cattle." At the same court Gilbert Wheeler
brought action against Walter Pomfret, of Burlington, New
Jersey, "for withholding £5," and to cover this sum with costs
the sheriff levied on "one mare, one horse, one yearling colt,"
which were subsequently appraised at nine pounds and ten
Under date of "29th of 11/mo., 1684," the record exhibits an
action brought by Samuel Overton for the sum of seven pounds due
him for professional services. It appears that Joseph Chorley,
"a servant of John Clows," was shot in the leg, and the master
"agreed that if the plaintiff would come and cure the sd
servant, the 5d defendant would content him." The
plaintiff performed the cure, but for reasons not given, Clows
declined to pay the bill presented. This fee was eventually
collected, and as it was about the commercial value of the
servant, it would indicate that Mr. Overton had a monopoly of
the curing business. In 1692, after he had served his time as
indentured servant, Chorley is found in court with a case of his
own against Robert Lucas, "for damages occasioned by shooting
his ox." The defendant won the verdict, and the plaintiff
appealed. The jury found, however, that "they had viewed the ox,
and he was so little harmed by the shot, that the said Chorley
need not to have lost two days’ work for any harm the ox had
received." The defendant therefore "craved the benefit of the
law that when the debt or damages is pretended to be above five
pounds, and it is proved under that, in such case the plaintiff
shall lose his action, Whereupon the court saw no cause to grant
him an appeal."
From the frequent notice in the records of the acknowledgment
of deeds in open court, it appears that the practice of the
Hustings court for the enrolment of deeds was followed here for
years, and many of their early instruments are recorded only in
the minutes of the court. This was the usual practice in the
Upland court, and continued for a long time under the provincial
government. When lawyers became common, the acknowledgment and
delivery were generally done by the attorney of the grantor,
frequently to the attorney of the grantee, and were probably
regarded as equivalent to "livery of seizure." No mention of any
written authority to the attorney to perform this service has
been discovered in the records. In 1715 it was provided that
such acknowledgment should be made before a justice of the
Notwithstanding that generally "the rich were poor" in the
early days of the province, poverty was made a crime after the
fashion of the English laws. In 1683 it was provided in the case
of persons "refusing to pay their just debts," if no estate
could be found, the debtor should satisfy the debt by servitude,
as the county court should order, if desired by the creditor,
and this practice remained in force with some amendments and a
brief interruption until 1842. At first no provision was made
for the comfort and support of the imprisoned debtors, though
the "gaoler" was expressly enjoined to allow them "to provide
themselves bedding, food, and other necessaries." In 1730, an
act was passed for the relief of insolvent debtors, and the
harsh requirements of this class of legislation were materially
modified. Under this act the creditor was required to pay at the
jail on a certain day of the week a certain allowance for the
support of the debtor, to be fixed by the court, and not to
exceed three shillings a week. It was found, however, that
sundry idle and ill-disposed persons very much abused their
creditors, and the earlier law was revived. The provision for
the maintenance of the imprisoned debtor at the expense of the
creditor was retained, and, in addition, the latter was required
to give security that neither the debtor nor his family should
"become chargeable to the town nor county." The debtor
apparently suffered under this arrangement, and in 1792 the
court was required to make provision for fuel and blankets for
such as could not provide for themselves, and to make an
allowance for food in such cases "not exceeding seven cents per
day." In 1795 the county court for Bucks county fixed the
allowance at "sixpence for bread and sixpence for wood per day
from the first of October until the first of May, and sixpence
per day from the first of May to the last of September." In 1807
the expense was again thrown upon the creditor, and a default of
three days in the payment of the fixed allowance gave the debtor
the right to demand and receive his freedom.
The expense thus added to the cost of securing the
imprisonment of a debtor had apparently little effect in
limiting the number of "prisoners taken in execution," and the
record of proceedings against this unfortunate class is very
frequently found in the books and papers of Bucks county
archives. In 1737 the inventory of the property which an
insolvent debtor surrendered exhibited only "one grubbing hoe,
one little iron pot, and one old bed." In 1752 several prisoners
ask to be sold in payment of the accrued costs of their
imprisonment, and another declared that he had nothing for his
support and was "in a starving condition." In 1765 Robert
Lawrence made "satisfaction by servitude" and was sentenced by
the court to serve his twenty creditors an aggregate of seven
hundred and twenty-five days. Various amendments, adopted from
time to time, tended to somewhat mitigate the rigor of the
insolvent laws, and one of these was a provision that where the
debt was under ten pounds and the debtor was a soldier in his
majesty’s service, he could be discharged on application to the
justices. Robert Talbot was discharged in this way in 1756, on
the application of William Scott, a sergeant in the king’s army.
The treatment of persons charged with criminal offenses,
though much milder than then in vogue in England, was still
exceedingly harsh when compared with the practice of the
present. The adoption of the act of 1718, however, ushered in a
new era in the administration of penal justice in Pennsylvania
and introduced all the harshness of the English code. By this
act treason, misprision of treason, murder, manslaughter,
sodomy, rape, robbery, mayhem, arson, burglary, witchcraft, and
concealing the birth of a bastard child were made punishable
with death, and an accessory made to suffer equally with the
principal. The person preferring the complaint was made
prosecutor and put under bonds to pursue the matter to an issue.
The defendant was required to pay the costs whether convicted or
acquitted, and witnesses for the prosecution were placed under
bonds, or in default of this were thrown into the debtors’
prison, where they were allowed, when witnesses for the crown,
sixpence per day for their support. The more common offenses
charged in the records of the early county court were unlawfully
selling rum, swearing, perjury, scandal, theft, fornication and
bastardy, while cases of murder, burglary, counterfeiting, and
witchcraft were not unknown.
The whipping-post and stocks were prominently employed in the
administration of penal justice. The latter was generally
brought into requisition in the correction of drunkenness and
other misdemeanors, but the lash was in frequent use and formed
a part of a large proportion of the punishment inflicted by the
county court, apparently without regard to sex. In 1685 it was
charged against Joseph Lunn that he "did swear several oaths."
He was convicted and sentenced to "pay for the three oaths
fifteen shillings or suffer fifteen days’ imprisonment in the
house of correction at hard labor, and be fed on bread and
water." Lunn was a servant of Derrick Clawson, who struck him
and caused him to swear. Clawson was accordingly brought to
answer for the assault, and the sentences were satisfied by the
master paying the fines and costs of both, and the servant
giving fifteen days’ labor after the expiration of his term. The
penalty for swearing seems to have been five shillings or five
days’ labor for each oath, but even this does not seem to have
checked the habit entirely, as the frequent charges of this
character sufficiently prove. Perjury was considered less
heinous, as Philip Conway was fined two shillings and sixpence,
in 1689, and Elizabeth Taylor was "whipped three lashes upon her
bare back" in 1742 for this offense.
Public and private reputations were carefully guarded. One of
the laws passed in 1683 provided "that if any person shall at
any time hereafter speak in derogation of the sentence or
judgment of any court, he or she shall be fined for such
offence, at the discretion of that or the next court or
session." This act was strictly enforced, and the frequent
occasions on which it was brought into operation and the
character of expressions to which exception was taken indicate a
marked disposition to dissent from the wisdom of the court’s
decisions and a great degree of sensitiveness on the part of the
justices. In the case of private individuals the court was
equally prompt and severe. In 1686 Randolph Smallwood was
indicted, convicted, and fined ten pounds for the governor and
ten pounds damages to Ralph Milner for scandalizing the latter’s
wife, and was further bound to his good behavior. A similar case
introduces the only charge of witchcraft discovered in the
records of Bucks county. This occurred in 1760 when Thomas King
was presented for defaming Joan, the wife of Francis Searle. He
pleaded not guilty and was tried before a jury. "Hugh Marshall
attested, said that in or about the third month last he heard
Thomas King say there was a witch near by: being asked who it
was he said he suspected Francis Searle’s wife, for she was an
ugly, ill-favored woman, and he did believe her to be one.
Robert Marsh attested, said that he heard Thomas King say there
was a witch hard by." What defense was set up is not recorded,
but it did not serve to save the prisoner, for the jury found
him guilty and the court sentenced him to pay the costs and be
bound to keep the peace, and to appear at the next court.
The punishment of nearly every conviction of theft,
fornication and bastardy, until about 1740, included whipping.
In the first named cases it was generally required of the
offender to restore fourfold, and to wear a Roman T, of varying
color, in full view upon his clothing, in addition to the
whipping administered. In 1702 Joseph Ball was indicted for
entering the house of Joseph Plumley and "stealing several
pieces of money called pieces of eight, and Royals or bitts." He
pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to receive seven lashes on his
bare back, and wear a Roman T on his left arm. In 1713 the
sentence in a case of theft was "to be whipt ten lashes and wear
a Roman T on the outside of his upper garment in full view for
six months." Two years later, fifteen lashes were administered,
and a letter "of red color" required to be worn for six months.
White and yellow colors are also noted, this characteristic
probably varying with the taste of the court. In 1732 a woman
was punished for theft with "ten lashes upon her bare back at
the public post" only. Some eight or ten years later corporal
punishment became less frequent, and fines were imposed instead.
The judgment is sometimes that the defendant, "according to his
election do pay," etc., or "he choosing to pay the fine as
imposed by law for his offense," etc.
Charges of fornication and bastardy are frequently found in
the records covering the period prior to the revolution, and
scarcely less so down to the end of the first quarter of the
present century. These constitute a majority of the criminal
cases tried before the early county court, but it should be
added that a large proportion were brought against indentured
servants. The first case on record in Bucks county was in 1685,
when the man was whipped twenty lashes on his bare back, well
laid on, enjoined to marry the woman, and make good to his
master the damage he had sustained by this thing. The woman
received ten lashes. In 1694, persons not servants were fined
three pounds each, though the deputy-governor subsequently
released the woman from payment. In 1727 two servants pleaded
guilty to a similar charge. The man was given the usual twenty
lashes at the public post. The woman was sentenced to the same,
but this punishment was suspended. She was compelled, however,
to serve her master for one year after the expiration of her
term of service, and the child was bound out. This was the usual
penalty inflicted upon the woman.
Counterfeiting of both paper and metal currency was much more
frequent than at present, and after the enactment of the law of
1718, the penalty was cruel to the extent of barbarism. Two
cases were tried in the March session of 1785 at Newtown. Simon
Haney was charged with passing a spurious "Spanish milled
dollar," which was then part of the current coin of the state.
To this he pleaded guilty, and was sentenced by the court "To
stand in the pillory for the space of one hour; both his ears be
cut off and nailed to the pillory; be publicly whipped on his
bare back with twenty-one lashes well laid on; pay one hundred
pounds, one-half to the state, the other half to the discoverer;
to pay the costs and stand committed till the sentence be
complied with." Joseph Fonflea, a physician, and his
confederate, was convicted and similarly sentenced.
But two cases of murder appear upon the records before the
revolution. In the minutes of the provincial council under date
of the first of December, 1685, the following is found:
A Letter from John Otter to ye Presidt, bearing date ye 26th
9th Mo. last, was Read, Requesting that a Speciall Comission be
granted for ye Tryall of David Davis the next Court, who is a
Prisoner in ye County of Bucks, on suspition of killing his
The Councill having Considered the same, and to ye end that
Justice might be speedily dispatched, and ye Matter being
approved of, they unanimously agree that a Comission be
Expeditiously prepared for ye authorising & Impowring of James
Harrison, Arthur Cook, Tho. Janney, Wm. Yardley, Wm. Biles, to
be special Comissrs to hear and Determine all heinous and
Enormous Crimes that shall be brought before them in ye County
of Bucks, in a Court then to begin on ye l0th Instt, by them to
be held.
Davis was a "chirurgeon," the first in the county, and the "suspition"
probably arose from the death of his patient who happened also
to be his servant. No mention of this case has been found in the
books or papers of the county court, nor any further account in
the minutes of the council, and it is probable that the
suspicion was found to be groundless.

In 1692 a more serious suspicion of murder was entertained
against Derrick Claasen (Clawson or Closson). On the 8th of May
in this year the body of a dead man was found near the mouth of
the Neshaminy. Four days later an inquest was held by John
Cooke, the coroner, who came to the conclusion that it was a
case of "wilful murder" committed about six weeks before. On the
3d of June the coroner’s report was "returned into" the court of
quarter sessions, where a hearing was had.
Upon a due examination of things it appeared that a
considerable quantity of blood on the walls and on the bed of
Derrick Jonson als. Clawson, about the supposed time that the
above murdered person lost his life, was discovered, and the
said Derrick refused to give any account how the said blood came
there; whereupon this court committs him, the said Derrick
Clawson als. Jonson, into the safe custody of the sheriff until
he shall be delivered by due course of law.
Derrick Jonson als. Clawson on being examined, saith he
showed the blood on the wall to Edmund Lane and his brother,
Claus Jonson, and to Mary Boyden; he also saith there was no
blood on the bed but what was bled by a man that came to thrash
for him three years ago, and that he had spoke of the blood
fully as much as it was.
Coroner John Cooke saith that when he went to view the blood
he perceived that it had run in several streams down the boards
on the wall, which streams continued until they went behind the
planks that lay on the ground floor.
Brighta, the wife of said Derrick, saith that the blood seen
on the wall was discovered between day and sunrising, and that
there was a sheet hanged on the outside of the bed in manner of
a curtain, and that there was no blood on the bed. Being asked
when they put fresh straw in the bed, she said she was not
certain, but she thought about the latter end of March or
beginning of April last.
At an adjourned session, held October 4, 1692, Claasen
desired that he might have liberty on bail for his appearance,
and the court, "whereas it was supposed in the beginning of this
court that the said Derrick should have been brought to trial
forthwith, but the judges (of the provincial court) believing it
to be more discretional to defer the trial until the spring, to
see if something further might not be discovered concerning the
supposed murther, and it being the winter season, and the prison
inconvenient for the season, thought good to order that bail be
taken for his and his wife’s appearance at the next court of
quarter sessions to be held for this county." Claus Jonson and
Peter Rambo accordingly entered into bonds in the sum of fifty
pounds each for the appearance of the accused and his wife.
The record of the next session is mutilated, but there is
evidence that the Claasens appeared and that the recognizance
was discharged. In what appear to be rough notes bound in an
earlier part of the same book, some part of the subsequent
proceedings are given. A regular session of the "Provincial
Circular Court" was held at the court-house on the 14th day of
April, 1693, by Judges Samuel Jennings and Joseph Growden. At
this court the grand jury presented Derrick Claasen "for
murthering of an unknown person found near the mouth of the
Neshaminah creek, the 8th day of the 3rd month, 1692, being
supposed to be murthered about the beginning of the 2d mo.
1692." The record proceeds:
Derrick Jonson, als. Clawson, being brought into court and
the grand jury’s presentment read to him, he pleaded not guilty.
He craved to have further time for his trial, he not being
prepared for it, which was allowed him by the court until the
next provincial circular court to be held for this county, being
the king’s evidence was not so full as hereafter is expected,
and the king’s attorney was not here to prosecute.
His wife, Brighta, and his sister were also indicted for
aiding and assisting in the murder. Here the record ends, some
leaves having apparently disapeared since the book was bound. It
appears from the minutes of the provincial council, however,
that on the 28th inst., "the petion of dirck Johnson, als.
Clauson, setting forth that hee, with his wife and Sister, stand
Committed in Close prison, upon suspition of murder, where he
hath continued twelve months, without the benefit of being
brought to tryall," was read, and that a commission of oyer and
terminer for the trial of these cases was at once issued. No
record of the trial has been discovered, but a minute of the
reading before the council of a petition "of divers of the
relatns, friends & neighbours of derrick Johnson, a prisoner
Condemned to dye," leaves no doubt of its result. The sudden
change in his conduct, demanding a speedy trial only four days
after he had "craved to have further time," indicates that he
had secured the services of "a friend" to take charge of his
defense. The friend was probably John White, but it is doubtful
if he contributed any strength to the cause of the accused, as
his intemperate language was the cause of the petition being
The petition was rejected on the 26th of June, and on the
30th of July Israel Taylor, the sheriff of Bucks county, was
called before the council "to give an account of the estate of
Derrick Johnson, lately sentenced and executed for murdering an
unknown person." There is a tradition that the execution took
place at a point now called Tyburn, a name suggested by the
event, but it is more than probable the place has had a
lugubrious name inflicted on it for very insufficient cause.
Claasen was a Swedish native of the province, one of the
earliest settlers in the county of Bucks, and in 1684 was a
constable here.
The early English settlers of the province were not friendly
to lawyers. It was their effort to avoid technicalities by which
the current of justice is so often turned awry, and the justices
felt themselves unable to cope with the subtleties of the
profession. Laymen sat upon the bench and administered justice,
trying legal questions between individuals without the
assistance of those learned in the law, and apparently doing it
well. The early laws did not recognize lawyers, but the
provision which permitted persons unable to plead their own
cause to do so "by their friends," left a loop-hole by which
these objectionable persons gained access to the courts. William
Biles and others occasionally appeared for their neighbors and
friends, and were noted in the records as attorneys, but it is
known that they laid no claim to the title, and served only in
keeping with the spirit of the law. There was no bar to the
employment of a friend possessed of legal training, however, and
such appeared long before the law gave them a recognized
standing. David Lloyd, a resident of Philadelphia, and a regular
practitioner of the law, appeared before the Bucks county court
in 1657, and William Looker and Henry Waddy, who were evidently
not residents of the county, and probably trained advocates, in
the year before. So in 1690 John Swift, "a friend," and Hugh
Marsh, an attorney; in 1692, William Nichols; and in 1704, John
Moore and George Lowther (attorney general in 1705) appeared as
attorneys. On June 8, 1708, Thomas Clark, the first deputy
attorney-general, was commissioned for the county.
In spite of Quaker opposition, the lawyers had at this time
gained a secure foothold in the Bucks county courts, and there
were now oyers, imparlances. continuances, etc., in approved
form. Henceforth, technicalities were to be resorted to and
insisted upon in spite of impotent protests. In 1701, the courts
had been authorized to make their own rules of practice, and in
the year succeeding the appointment of the deputy
attorney-general appears the first court rule. It is found under
date of December 11, 1709, and provides "that where the
defendant imparles, he shall plead at least ten days before the
second court in order that a venire may issue for tryal." The
admission of lawyers to the Philadelphia courts was authorized
by law in 1710, and five years later this provision was extended
to all the courts of the province. Any complete list of the
attorneys admitted at this time is impossible, but the
"appearance docket" now on file in the prothonotary’s office
gives the names of those who had cases in court from 1727. From
that date to 1734 the lawyers whose names appear most frequently
were Joseph Growden, Andrew Hamilton, Thomas Biles, Nathan
Watson, John Emerson, William Pierce, G.H. Sherwood, John Baker,
Isaac Pennington, Thomas Bowes, William Fry, and John Grohock.
Most of these men were residents of Bucks county, though such of
them as gained distinction in the profession practiced much in
Joseph Growden came to the province in 1682, and settled in
what is now Bensalem township, where he located his purchase of
ten thousand acres. He does not appear to have been identified
with Bucks county until 1686, when he was elected to represent
it in the assembly. He subsequently served in this body thirteen
times, being chosen speaker eight times. He was member of the
provincial council fourteen years also. In 1690 he was appointed
a member of the provincial court, and in 1706 was placed upon
the supreme bench. As a lawyer, however, Andrew Hamilton gained
the greatest distinction of these early practitioners, and was
nearly as greatly distinguished in the assembly. He was a native
of Scotland, and emigrated to Maryland, from whence he came to
Pennsylvania about 1713, under the assumed name of Trent. He
soon attained the leading position at the Philadelphia bar, and
in 1717 was appointed the fifth attorney-general of the
province. In 1720 he reluctantly became a member of the
provincial council at the urgent solicitation of Governor Keith,
but only on condition "that he should not as member of council
forego any part of his practice in the law, on which he had his
sole dependence." He remained in the council until 1724, and
does not appear again in, the legislative annals until 1727,
when he represented Bucks county in the assembly. He continued a
member of the assembly until 1733, and served as speaker until
1729, succeeding himself in this position until his temporary
retirement three years later. In 1734 he was again a member of
the assembly from Bucks anti speaker, and served in these
capacities continuously until 1739, when he resigned on account
of the infirmities of age. He was selected by the proprietors,
in 1732, as one of the commissioners to adjust the boundary
between Pennsylvania and Maryland, and in 1734 was appointed by
Governor Gordon to secure the release of four inhabitants of the
province whom the Maryland authorities had seized and
imprisoned. He was among the earliest and one of the most
earnest advocates of liberty, his argument in the case of Zenger
before the supreme court of New York, in 1736, being called by
Gouverneur Morris the "day-star of the revolution." He was born
in 1712, and died in 1741. Of his private character it was said
"he feared God, loved mercy, and did justice."
From 1750 to 1760 the attorneys who seem to have enjoyed the
most remunerative practice in the county were John Moland, John
Ross, Benjamin Price, Joseph Galloway, and Benjamin Chew. Of
these the services of Joseph Galloway were most frequently
sought. He began his professional life in 1744 in Philadelphia,
and eventually built up a large practice. He came to Newtown in
1761, and removed about 1770 to the Growden homestead. He was
elected to the assembly in 1764 and was successively elected for
several years. He served as speaker in one assembly, and in 1774
was elected to congress. He subsequently abandoned the cause of
the colonies, and went to England where he died in 1803. There
were two lawyers by the name of John Ross in this period, but
neither belonged to the family which subsequently contributed
four members to the legal profession from the county. From 1760
to 1767 the leading lawyers among the fresh accessions to the
bar were John Morris, Jr., Nicholas Walne, John Dickinson,
Thomas McKean, Alexander Wilson, and Andrew Allen; from 1770 to
1776 the names of Jacob Bankson, Peter Zachary Lloyd, John
Lawrence, and Joseph Reed appear; and during the progress of the
revolution the business before the courts was managed by Phineas
Bond, Jonathan Sargeant, Jared Ingersoll, J.F. Mifflin, and
Among the names noted were several of much more than local
fame. Nicholas Walne was probably a grandson of the early
settler of the county, who was widely known as a Quaker
preacher, and who "appeared at all times with a smile of
sunshine upon his countenance."
John Dickinson was a native of Maryland, but studied law in
Philadelphia, and subsequently at London. He gained considerable
reputation at the bar, but is chiefly distinguished as a
statesman and publicist. He was elected to the assembly in 1764,
and developed unusual ability as a debater. In the following
year be was elected to the first colonial congress from the
province, and drafted the resolutions of that body. In 1768 he
published his "Farmer’s Letters," and in 1788 his "Fabius"
letters in favor of adopting the new constitution. He was a
member of the first continental congress, some of the most
important papers of which came from his pen. He was conservative
in his views of the grievances of the colonies, and advocated
compromise until the public favor. He was returned to congress
in 1779 from Delaware.
Thomas McKean (spelled also MacKean) was a native of Chester
county, was admitted to the bar in 1757, and in 1762 was elected
a member of the assembly to which he was annually returned for
the next seventeen years. He was a member of the first colonial
congress in New York, and in 1774 was sent from the lower
counties to the first continental congress. In 1777, while still
a member of congress, he was appointed chief-justice of
Pennsylvania, and in 1799 retired from the bench to assume the
position of governor of the state, to which he had been elected.
Joseph Reed was a native of Trenton, New Jersey. He was
graduated by the college of New Jersey in 1757, and in 1763 went
to England to prepare for the legal profession. The troubles
produced by the stamp act hastened his return to his native
place, where he entered upon the practice of law. He was
prominently engaged in the various measures adopted by the
colonies to unite their powers against England; was aid-de-camp
and secretary to Washington; was appointed adjutant-general in
1776, and in the following year was appointed chief-justice of
Jared Ingersoll was a native of Connecticut. He was graduated
by Yale college in 1766, studied law for five years in London,
and returning to Philadelphia rapidly gained prominence in his
profession. He was a member of the convention which framed the
constitution of the United States; was twice appointed to the
office of attorney-general for the state; and in 1812 was the
federal candidate for vice-president of the nation. There were
others scarcely less renowned, and while many of them lived in
other parts their presence here contributed a brilliancy to the
early bar that, in the changed order of things, cannot again be
The principal steps in the progressive development of the
present judiciary are indicated by the constitution of 1790, the
amendments of 1838 and 1850, and the constitution adopted in
1874 Article V. of the first state constitution provides for the
judiciary as follows:—
SECTION 1. The judicial power of this commonwealth shall be
vested in a Supreme Court, in Courts of Oyer and Terminer and
General Gaol Delivery, in a Court of Common Pleas, Orphans’
Court, Register’s Court, and a Court of Quarter Sessions of the
Peace for each county, in Justices of the Peace, and in such
other Courts as the legislature may, from time to time,
SECTION II. The Judges of the Supreme Court, and of the
several Courts of Common Pleas, shall hold their offices during
good behavior: But for any reasonable cause, which shall not be
sufficient ground for impeachment, the Governor may remove any
of them on the address of two-thirds of each branch of the
legislature. The Judges of the Supreme Court, and the Presidents
of the several Courts of Common Pleas shall, at stated times,
receive for their services, an adequate compensation, to be
fixed by law, which shall not be diminished during their
continuance in office; but they shall receive no fees or
perquisites of office, nor hold any office of profit under this
SECTION III. The jurisdiction of time Supreme Court shall
extend over the state, and the Judges thereof shall, by virtue
of their office, be Justices of Oyer and Terminer and General
Gaol Delivery in the several counties.
SECTION IV. Until it shall be otherwise directed by law, the
several Courts of Common Pleas shall be established in the
following manner. The Governor shall appoint in each county not
fewer than three, nor more than four Judges, who, during their
continuance in office, shall reside in such county: The state
shall be divided by law into circuits, none of which shall
include more than six nor fewer than three counties: A President
shall be appointed of the courts in each circuit, who, during
his continuance in office, shall reside therein: The President
and Judges, any two of whom shall be a quorum, shall compose the
respective Courts of Common Fleas.
SECTION V. The Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, in each
county, shall, by virtue of their offices, be Justices of Oyer
and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery, for the trial of capital
and other offenders therein: Any two of the said Judges, the
President being one, shall be a quorum; but they shall not hold
a Court of Oyer and Terminer or Gaol Delivery in any county,
when time Judges of the Supreme Court, or any of them, shall be
sitting in the same county. The party accused, as well as the
commonwealth, may, under such regulations as shall be prescribed
by law, remove the indictment and proceedings, or a transcript
thereof, into the Supreme Court.
SECTION VI. The Supreme Court and the several Courts of
Common Pleas shall, besides the powers heretofore usually
exercised hr them, have the power of a Court of Chancery, so far
as relates to time perpetuation of testimony, the obtaining of
evidence from places not within the state, and the care of the
persons and estates of those who are non compotes mentis: And
the legislature shall vest in the said courts such other powers
to grant relief in equity as shall be found necessary; and may,
from time to time, enlarge or diminish those powers, or vest
them in such other courts, as they shall judge proper, for the
due administration of justice.
SECTION VII. The Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of each
county, any two of whom shall be a quorum, shall compose the
Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Orphans’ Court; and
the Register of Wills, together with the said Judges, or any two
of them, shall compose the Register’s Court of each county.
SECTION VIII. The Judges of time Court of Common Pleas shall,
within their respective counties, have the like powers with the
Judges of the Supreme Court to issue writs of certiorari to the
Justices of the Peace, and to cause their proceedings to be
brought before them, and the like right and justice to be done.
SECTION IX. The President of the Courts in each circuit,
within such circuit, and the Judges of the Court of Common
Pleas, within their respective counties, shall be Justices of
the Peace, so far as relates to criminal matters.
SECTION X. The Governor shall appoint a competent number of
Justices of the Peace, in such convenient districts, in each
county, as are or shall be directed by law: They shall be
commissioned during good behavior; but may be removed on
conviction of misbehavior in office, or of any infamous crime,
or on address of both houses of time legislature.
SECTION XI. A Register’s office for the probate of wills and
granting letters of administration, and an office for the
recording of deeds, shall be kept in each county.
SECTION XII. The style of all process shall be, The
commonwealth of Pennsylvania; all prosecutions shall be carried
on in time name and by time authority of time commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, and conclude as, Against the peace and dignity of
the same.
The judiciary thus constituted has since been variously
modified at different times. The courts in which the judicial
power was there vested still remain, save the register’s court,
which was omitted by the "new" constitution and its powers and
jurisdiction granted the orphans’ court; and "magistrates’
court" was substituted for "justices of the peace" by the same
instrument. The number of supreme judges was fixed at five in
1776, reduced to three in 1809, but restored to five in 1826,
and left unchanged until 1874, when it was still further
increased to seven. In 1838 they were directed to be nominated
by the governor, but appointed and commissioned by and with the
advice of the senate for a term of ten years. In 1850 they were
made elective, the terms of the first to be chosen under this
amendment to be for three, six, nine, twelve, and fifteen years
respectively, the term of each to be determined by lot among
themselves. One judge was to be elected every three years
thereafter for a term of fifteen years, the judge whose
commission should first expire to he the chief-justice. The
"new" constitution makes the term twenty-one years, and the
judges eligible for one term only. In 1780 a Court of Errors and
Appeals was erected as a court of final resort, but this was
abolished in 1806, and its jurisdiction transferred to the
supreme court. The constitution of 1874 continued this feature,
and gives the court original jurisdiction only "in cases of
injunction where a corporation is a party defendant, of habeas
corpus, of mandamus to courts of inferior jurisdiction, and of
quo warranto as to all officers of the commonwealth whose
jurisdiction extends over the state."
The constitution of the court of common pleas has remained
unchanged, save by the operation of section 5, of article V. of
the "new" constitution.
This provides that, Whenever a county shall contain forty
thousand inhabitants, it shall constitute a separate judicial
district, and shall elect one judge learned in the law, and the
general assembly shall provide for additional judges as the
business of the said districts may require. Counties containing
a population less than is sufficient to constitute separate
districts shall be formed into convenient single districts, or,
if necessary, may be attached to contiguous districts, as the
general assembly may provide. The office of associate judge, not
learned in the law, is abolished in counties forming separate
districts, but the several associate judges in office when this
constitution shall be adopted shall serve for their unexpired
The term of the president judges of common pleas court was
limited in 1838 to ten years, and was left unchanged in 1874;
their jurisdiction and chancery powers were also unaltered,
although the phrase "learned in the law," in section 9 of
article V. of the "new" constitution, has given rise to
different opinions. In 1838 the justices of the peace were made
elective with a term of five years, and this provision was
incorporated in the last constitution.
The first president judge of Bucks county was Henry Wynkoop.
his great-grandfather emigrated from Utrecht early in the
seventeenth century, and came to New York, subsequently settling
at Albany. He left four sons at his death, of whom the third,
Gerardus, came to Moreland in 1717, and at his death there left
five Sons and three daughters. Of this family the third son, who
bore his father’s name, came to Bucks county about 1744, where
he spent the remainder of his days. He left a daughter and son,
named Henry. The latter was born on March 2, 1737, and seemed
destined to gain distinction only as a prosperous farmer. It
appears that he prepared to enter Princeton college, but was
hindered from consummating his design. He was greatly interested
in the course of affairs which led up to the revolution, and
subsequently gained the title of major, though it is not
believed he ever held a commission. He was possessed of fine
intelligence; was noted for his strict integrity, and exerted a
commanding influence over the community in which he lived. He
enjoyed the confidence and respect of Washington, Hamilton, and
others of the revolutionary leaders, and was prominently
identified with the civil measures’ adopted to carry on that
struggle. He was a member of the Bucks county committee of
safety in 1774—6, a member of the body that framed the
"Declaration of Independence," and a member of the first
national congress. After the battle of Trenton, Mr. Wynkoop
hastened to the army to render assistance to the wounded.
Lieutenant Wilmot, an English officer, and Lieutenant Monroe of
the American army, both wounded, were committed to his care by
Washington, where they remained until recovered. Judge Wynkoop
was six feet four inches tall, of fine appearance, and presided
over the county courts for thirty years. He died in 1816,
leaving eight children and more than forty grandchildren.
There is little of curious interest to be found in the
records of this or a later period, but a single extract affords
a passing view of the pomp which served to impress the unlearned
with the majesty of the law. It was the duty of all the
constables in the county to attend the sessions of the court,
but in 1784 the justices of the quarter sessions made a new
order in the matter, as follows:
As it is unnecessary that all the constables in the county
should attend upon the court during the whole time of each
session or term, and that the future attendance of the
constables may be made more easy and convenient to themselves,
the service therefrom be rendered more certain and beneficial to
the community: It is ordered for the future as soon as the
constables have read their citations, as by law directed, they
shall be all discharged except seven, which number shall attend
in their term agreeable to the following distribution, viz : For
September court, Bristol borough, Bensalem, Buckingham,
Bedminster, Falls, Hilltown, and Haycock; for December court,
Bristol township, Durham, Middletown, Upper Makefield, Lower
Makefield, Milford, Newtown; for March court, Northampton,
Nockamixon, New Britain, Plumstead, Rockhill, Richland,
Southampton; for June court, Solebury, Springfield, Tinicum,
Wrightstown, Warwick, Warminster, and Warrington. It is likewise
ordered that those whose term it shall be from time to time to
attend be punctual therein; that upon no account they absent
themselves without leave of the court, publicly obtained; that
during the sitting of the court they constantly appear with
their staves in their hands; that after the court shall have
adjourned they walk in procession with their staves before the
sheriff to the door of the justice room, where they shall
deposit their staves until the time of adjournment shall have
expired, when they shall again attend and walk to the
court—house door as before directed. Should any constable
neglect or refuse to attend in his term, as above directed, the
clerk of the court shall make a note thereof at the time upon
the docket, that after the expiration of his office, said
offending constable may be prosecuted for neglect of duty and
fined as by law directed.
And that the constables may be properly notified of the time
when their term of attendance will be, the clerk of the session
shall, from time to time, immediately after the constables have
been sworn and affirmed to their returns, read the names of the
townships whose constables are to attend the court then sitting,
and likewise of those whose term of attendance will be the next
court ensuing, that they may be acquainted with that part of
their duty beforehand and regulate their family affairs

At the same time the court called the attention of the grand
jury to the constables’ staves which still bore the design of
the provincial government. "The grand inquest for the body of
this county" accordingly put its several heads together, and
after consideration presented "that the present device ought to
be obliterated, and that the arms of the state of Pennsylvania,
with such addition as the court shall think fit, be put in the
room thereof." The court concurred in the grand jury’s
recommendation, and suggested "that a buck be added by way of a
crest, to denote the county." This change was effected. On the
resignation of Judge Wynkoop, John Barclay, the prothonotary,
was appointed his successor, August 14, 1789.
Bird Wilson, who succeeded Wynkoop as president of the common
pleas court, was a son of James Wilson, one of the signers of
the Declaration of Independence. The latter was a native of
Scotland, emigrated to the United States, speculated extensively
in public lands, and was at one time possessed of large wealth,
but eventually met with serious reverses. He was elected in 1775
to the first continental congress, and was appointed by
Washington one of the first judges of the United States supreme
court. His son, Bird Wilson, was liberally educated and,
adopting the legal profession, became a successful lawyer. He
was appointed president of the seventh judicial district, then
consisting of Bucks, Montgomery, Delaware, and Chester counties,
in 1806, and took his seat in April. He resigned in January,
1818, and entered the ministry; served the St. John’s Episcopal
church of Norristown from 1819 till the fall of 1821, when he
removed to New York and became connected with a theological
seminary. Different reasons are assigned for his abandonment of
the legal profession. One is, his disgust with a reversal of his
decision in the case of the Whitemarsh church; another is, his
unwillingness to preside over the trial of a man charged with
murder, whose crime was so apparent as to make it reasonably
certain that the judge would find it his duty to sentence him to
the gallows. He edited an edition of "Bacon’s Abridgment of
English Laws," which was published in 1809.
John Ross succeeded Judge Wilson, and took his seat on the
13th of January, 1818. His father, Thomas Ross, was a native of
Tyrone county, Ireland, and immigrated in 1728 to Pennsylvania.
He joined the Friends at Wrightstown in the following year, and
subsequently became prominent in the society as a preacher.
Judge Ross began his career as a school-teacher, and in this
vocation reached the great turning-point in his life. While
teaching a school at Durham he attracted the attention of
Richard Backhouse, the proprietor of the furnace, who persuaded
the young man to enter upon the study of law at Easton, agreeing
to support him until he could maintain himself by his
profession. He was a close student, became well versed in the
law, and acquired a profitable practice. After his appointment
to the seventh judicial district he continued to preside until
1830, when he was appointed to the supreme bench of the state.
Judge Ross was "a gentleman of the old school." The law of
his time was strongly tinctured with English ideas, and in
absorbing the legal principles of Blackstone, he unconsciously
acquired a relish for the institutions of the mother country.
This was apparent in all his conduct, and it is said that with
the addition of a wig and gown would have served as an excellent
model of an English judge. He was a tall, athletic man;
aristocratic in feeling, of a stern, unyielding nature, and
withal somewhat eccentric. He displayed a taste for certain
spotted horses, which were then rarely seen, and even now are
commonly associated with the circus, and these, with the
lumbering coach in which he made his journeys to and fro between
Philadelphia and Doylestown, constituted an equipage that never
failed to command the admiring awe of the rustic. He died in
1834. He had prepared for this event by setting apart a family
burial-spot on property purchased in one of the most secluded
sections of Monroe county. His body rests there, but the family
has not followed his example in this respect.
John Fox succeeded Judge Ross. The new president was a member
of one of the old Bucks county families. His father was born in
Ireland of English parents, and came to this country some time
in the second half of the last century. He was auditor-general
in 1783, and was represented as "a young man of good abilities,
especially in his present line." He afterward acquired a large
property, but suffered the too common experience of the period
in a reversal of fortune. Judge Fox studied for the bar, and
began his practice at Newtown. He was deputy attorney-general in
1814. When the news of time landing of the British at Elk creek
reached Doylestown the court was in session, and Mr. Fox,
announcing the fact, suggested to Judge Wilson that he adjourn
the court, that each might discharge his patriotic duty in the
emergency. The judge declined to adopt the suggestion, whereupon
the deputy attorney-general, exclaiming, "this is no place for
me," immediately left the court followed by Associate Justice
Watts, and joined the command of General Worrill, on whose staff
he served with the rank of major. Judge Fox presided over the
county courts from 1830 to 1840. His personal appearance was not
prepossessing. He was afflicted with obliquity of vision, was
lame, and "round-shouldered" almost to the extent of deformity.
In temperament he was equally unfortunate. Irascible, arbitrary,
and arrogant toward competitors, and those outside of the circle
of his friendship, he was quite the reverse within that circle,
and especially in his home, and his domestic virtues did much to
soften the harsh outlines of his general reputation.
The constitutional amendments of 1838 rendered a new
appointment of president necessary. William T. Rogers, an ardent
friend of Fox, was then in the state senate, and recommended his
friend to the governor, who was accordingly nominated to the
senate. This brought out an almost unanimous protest from the
local bar. His ability was conceded, but the numerous
unfortunate entanglements of the man precluded his highest
usefulness as a judge. The matter was not decided, however,
without a spirited contest. Petitions pro and con were
industriously circulated in the county and numerously signed.
E.T. McDowell was the principal champion of the opposition, and
it is said that he employed R.M. Maddoc, a justice of the peace
and a well-known character of Doylestown, to solicit signatures
for his side of the case. The bargain was struck at ten cents a
name, and Maddoc soon turned up with an overwhelming array of
names, including those of a majority of the best families in the
county, which seriously depleted the cash account of the
enthusiastic leader. It was subsequently found that Maddoc had
cleverly simulated the writing of many whose names had been
secured from the tombstones of the county, but as the deception
passed the scrutiny of the senate, the circulator of the
petition was left undisturbed in the enjoyment of his ill-gotten
gains. McDowell went to Harrisburg to conduct the opposition
campaign, and a story of his, apropos of Fox’s appearance and
the contest, will bear repeating. Mr. Fox’s hopes were largely
centered in the continued support of a certain western senator,
who, meeting McDowell, upbraided him for opposing a man of such
marked legal ability. Fox and his ardent supporters had never
met, and the leader of the opposition proposed to bring the two
together. The meeting occurred within an hour, and after a brief
interview, the visitors retired. As the story goes, the senator
turned to McDowell with the exclamation: "That settles it: if
that man is not a scoundrel, the Almighty never wrote a legible
hand upon the face of any human creature." Whatever credence may
be placed in the story, the fact of the sudden change in the
attitude of the impulsive senator cannot be questioned. With
that change failed the candidate’s last hope. He withdrew his
name, and, it is said, never knew what proved so fatal to his
prospects. He afterward returned to the practice before the
court, but was not conspicuously active.
Thomas Burnside was subsequently nominated for this district,
which was then numbered the fifth, and consisted of Bucks and
Montgomery counties. He was of Irish birth and parentage, and at
the age of ten came with his parents to this country. He
received his first legal instruction from Hon. Robert Porter, of
Philadelphia, from whose office he was admitted, in 1804, to the
bar of that city. In March of the same year he went to
Bellefonte and began the practice of his profession. In 1811 he
was sent to the state senate from that district, and in 18l5 to
congress. In the summer of the next year he was appointed
president of the Luzerne judicial district, but two years later
he resigned his position and resumed his legal practice. In 1822
he was again elected to the state senate and was elevated to the
speakership. In 1826, while a member of the senate, he was
appointed president of the Centre county judicial district,
where he remained upon the bench for fifteen years, discharging
with great tact and signal ability the important duties of his
position. On April 1, 1841, he was appointed to the fifth
judicial district, and in 1845 was promoted to the supreme
court. He was nominated for the Bucks district by his old
preceptor who was then governor of the state, and was not
confirmed without some opposition. Six of the senators spoke
against his confirmation on the ground that any tendency to
prolong the terms of judges in office should be checked.
Governor Porter advocated similar views in the message of that
year, but when the vote was taken his nomination was confirmed
by a majority of seven votes.
Judge Burnside’s features were notably homely, the effect of
which he seemed pleased to exaggerate by a total disregard of
all personal tidiness. When the news of his appointment reached
the county his appearance was the chief subject of comment, and
the general source of consolation was that they had not been
accustomed to much beauty on the bench. In fact, Judge Burnside
always affected to believe his predecessor was his rival in this
respect. It was apparently his delight to pose as a mendicant
before strangers, and nonplus them when opportunity offered, by
discovering his actual character. It was in such guise that he
presented himself in Doylestown, and was barely allowed standing
room while the mistress of the house dispatched a messenger for
her husband, who relieved the lady’s alarm by announcing the
visitor as the newly appointed judge. His first "opinion"
delivered in the Bucks county court was equally eccentric. In
the trial of a cause it became necessary to swear a witness. The
judge called "Mr. Clerk!" several times, but that functionary,
rendered somewhat obtuse by liquor, failed to comprehend that he
was the one addressed. The crier was slumbering in his place
unconscious of the judge’s difficulty, who, after vainly looking
about for a testament to perform the service himself, was moved
to deliver an unsolicited opinion on his own motion. Rising from
his seat, he bellowed out: "This is one h--l of a court, the
clerk drunk, the crier asleep, and no testament about!" His
eminent ability, however, commanded the respect of the bar, and
when he was promoted to the supreme court the selection was
approved by those who had had opportunity to learn his
qualifications. He served in the latter position until his death
on March 25, 1851.
David Krause, of Dauphin county, was appointed to the vacancy
occasioned by the promotion of Burnside, and took his seat on
the 3d of February, 1845. He was a well-read lawyer, deep in
"titles, deeds, and parchments," and a good counsellor rather
than an advocate. He retained the "sweet German accent," and was
wont to cut short the reiterated statements of law by
"Yes, talk, talk; but bring me the pook." He was the last
of the appointed judges, and went off the bench under the
operation of the constitutional amendment of 1850. He returned
to the practice of his profession at Norristown, but did not
achieve especial success.
Daniel M. Smyser, of Adams county, was elected to succeed
Judge Krause. His election was secured by a split in the local
ranks of the democratic party. The Bucks county convention
nominated Henry Chapman with power to appoint his own conferrees,
and Montgomery county conferred similar honors upon Joseph
Fornance. The conferrees met on the dividing line between the
two counties at Montgomery Square, and from Monday to Saturday
night at twelve o’clock balloted with the same result, four
votes for each candidate. Bucks county then withdrew from the
conference and placed its candidate independently in the field,
and Montgomery county did the same for its representative. The
contest which followed was spirited and uncertain till the end.
Smyser was elected by the anti-democrats, but the friends of Mr.
Chapman demonstrated that they were greatly in the majority
within their party. Judge Smyser was better as a politician
perhaps than a judge, but his discharge of his judicial duties
was acceptable, and had the political party with which he
affiliated been in the majority he would probably have been
re-elected. His friends were sanguine of such a result, however,
in 1861, but were disappointed. He was the candidate of the
whigs for the supreme bench in 1854, and was a member of the
"Know-nothing" organization, but was defeated. At the expiration
of his term he resumed his practice at Norristown, but
demonstrated the folly of such a course by the disappointing
failure which followed.
The contest of 1851 had made Henry Chapman the obvious
candidate to succeed Judge Smyser. He was a member of an old and
respected Bucks county family, was admitted to the bar in 1825,
and had succeeded to the important practice which his father had
built up. He was elected to the state senate in 1843, where he
served one term, and to the lower house of congress in 1856, to
which he declined a re-election after serving his initial term.
From 1547 to 1851 he presided over the courts of Chester and
Delaware counties, but declined a renomination there to stand
for his native district. In 1861 Fornance was dead, and none
cared to challenge Mr. Chapman’s popularity with his own party.
His election was, therefore, a foregone conclusion from the
first. He served upon the bench with distinguished ability until
1871, when he declined a re-election, and retired to private
Mr. Chapman. was well characterized to become a leader of
men. Impetuous as well, as impulsive, he nevertheless so
tempered these characteristics by a sound discretion, that he
became equally marked for his excessive reserve. In his active
career he was the object of the warmest and most demonstrative
friendship and the bitterest and most determined antagonism,
neither of which was limited by political lines. As a warm
admirer has said:
The elevation reached by Henry Chapman, both as advocate and
judge, was deservedly high. Amongst many essential
qualifications, natural and acquired, was that sublime
bestowment of the Maker, a truly well-balanced mind . . . .
Study, education, and the faculty of mental concentration made
him a safe counsellor and successful advocate. His classical
acquirements and fine literary taste lent a gloss to his oratory
exceedingly attractive. I feel fully justified in asserting that
Henry Chapman was the strongest man before a jury I have ever
known in a long lifetime. He had argument, denunciation, pathos,
intensity, and that unflagging earnestness that must triumph in
the end. And yet, what seems not a little strange, he was the
slowest and most deliberate of all speakers I ever heard, but
one . . . . In Judge Chapman we find the happy mingling of
scientific, literary, agricultural, and professional pursuits.
He has an eye for the perfection of nature— an ear for the
melody of birds. He was always a great reader. Aside from
Blackstone and Purdon, the English classics were not overlooked.
He found in the pages of the immortal Bard of Avon a chord
attuned in sympathy with his own nature. It inspired and
beautified his forensic displays, and illuminated the products
of his pen. It is well to be an able lawyer and an upright
judge. It enhances the merits of both to find in Shakespeare and
Walter Scott the fountains of inspiration.
Henry P. Ross succeeded Judge Chapman. He was the grandson of
Judge John Ross, and a son of the Hon. Thomas Ross. He was
fitted for college at the private school of the Messrs. Long,
near Hartsville, this county; graduated at Princeton, with
honors, in 1857; read law with his father, and was admitted in
December, 1859. He commenced practice with his father and soon
took a leading position at the bar. At his father’s death, he
formed a partnership with his brother George, which was
continued until the deceased was called to the bench. In all
these years, Judge Ross grew into a sound and brilliant lawyer,
and held the leading practice. Honors in, and out, of the
profession were tendered him. He was district attorney from 1862
to 1865; democratic candidate for congress in 1864 and l866, but
defeated; in 1864 and 1868 he was delegate to the national
convention; and was appointed deputy escheater-general for Bucks
in 1865. When the Seventh Judicial district, composed of Bucks
and Montgomery, was authorized to elect an additional law judge
in 1869, he was elected to that position, the Hon. Henry Chapman
being president judge. In 1871 he was elected president judge to
succeed Chapman, and was reelected in 1881 for Montgomery
county. Judge Ross was the next to highest candidate for
nomination for supreme judge in the democratic convention of
1874, and received the nomination for that office in 1878, but
was defeated. In 1875 he came near being nominated for governor.
Whenever he was before the people he received more than his
party vote.
In the character of Judge Ross there is much to admire. He
was filled with generous emotions, and was both ready and
willing to help others. As a companion he was most genial, and
there was a charm in his manners which impressed all who came in
contact with him. His personal magnetism was felt in his
dealings with men. Judge Ross was probably the ablest man born
in Bucks county in his generation, and the most brilliant. His
mind was sound, grasping, and discriminating, which his studious
habits had stored with a vast amount of knowledge outside of his
profession. His integrity was above question. He was a very able
lawyer, and, as a judge, had no superior in the state. His
decisions were models of terseness, and seldom overruled, and
when upon the bench he possessed that valuable quality for a
judge to have, called "snap." He wrote well, and was a fluent,
graceful speaker, sometimes rising to eloquence. He was born to
state-craft, and took to politics as naturally as Richelieu. He
was a recognized power in the democratic party of the state, and
had he lived and devoted himself to politics, he would have made
himself felt throughout the country. But the law was his field,
and he exemplified the saying that lawyers and poets are not
made but born.
The election of Judge Ross as president of the district in
1871 left a vacancy to which Arthur G. Olmstead, of Potter
county, was appointed. He took his seat on February 5, 1872. On
this date the Bucks county court opened with four judges on the
bench— Judge Chapman, the retiring officer, his successor, Judge
Ross, the new additional law judge, Mr. Olmstead, and the last
associate judge of Bucks county, William Godschalk. When elected
in 1869 the presiding judge remained in Bucks, and Mr. Ross
accordingly fixed his residence at Norristown. When elected
president judge he preferred to remain in Montgomery county, and
Olmstead became a resident of Doylestown. The new judge was
described in the papers at that time as "a tall, fine-looking
man, apparently about fifty years of age, with his hair and
beard slightly frosted with gray. His manners are agreeable, and
his long familiarity with public business as a lawyer and a
member of both branches of the legislature will soon make him
perfectly at home in his new associations." Judge Olmstead did
not disappoint this anticipation, but his ill-health was an
obstacle to his prolonged service. He came to the county
directly from the doctor’s care, and was scarcely able to
discharge the full duties of his position, and held but one term
of court. At the October election in 1872, Stokes L. Roberts was
elected to supply the vacancy to which Judge Olmstead had been
appointed, and took his seat the next term.
Judge Roberts was born in Richland township, and was a
descendant of Edward Roberts, who settled there in the spring of
1716. The former was educated at Princeton, and soon after
receiving his degree entered the office of George M. Dallas, of
Philadelphia. He was admitted to the bar in the city, but
subsequently opened an office at Newtown, and in 1832 was
admitted to the local bar. Mr. Roberts early took an active part
in politics, and was elected to the lower house of the
legislature in 1838 and 1839, but in 1840 was defeated. He
removed to Doylestown soon after he left the legislature, and
resumed the practice of the law. He was made, deputy
attorney-general in 1844, and was tendered the consulate at St.
Jago de Cuba by President Buchanan, but declined it. In 1858 he
was a candidate for congress, but was defeated, and soon after
the war broke out he went with his wife to Europe, where he
remained two years. He never again earnestly resumed the
practice of law, and it was not until some years after he had
dissolved all connection with the courts and legal proceedings
and after modes and forms of practice had materially changed
that he was elected to the bench of the Bucks county courts. He
was suffering with ill-health, and he soon discovered that his
condition and the labors and responsibilities of the position
did not accord, and resigned after holding a single term of
court. He was a man of unimpeachable integrity; he was uniformly
courteous towards the bench and his professional brethren; a
zealous advocate and faithful to his client, he was a diligent
student, of which the numerous marginal notes and references, to
be found in the volumes of his law library, give ample evidence.
In his personal relations he was pleasant and genial, and in all
respects a polished gentleman.
To the vacancy occasioned Ly the resignation of Judge
Roberts, Richard Watson was appointed on January 18, 1873, and
in the succeeding fall was nominated and elected for a full term
upon the bench. Mr. Watson is a descendant of Thomas Watson, one
of the earliest settlers of Buckingham township. His ancestors
had generally studied medicine, and his mind was thus naturally
turned towards a professional career for himself. His father was
a surveyor and conveyancer, and Mr. Watson, early becoming
acquainted with deeds, titles, and parchments, acquired a taste
for legal studies. His education was principally derived from
the schools in the vicinity of his country home, but the
scholarly interest of his father furnished the incentive, and a
local public library the foundation of a broader culture. Mr.
Watson was the youngest son and the only one remaining at home,
and the pleasure of his father led him to begin his legal
studies in Bucks county. These he pursued for a time at home,
but in 1844 he entered the office of Charles E. Du Bois, and two
years later was admitted to the bar.
As a lawyer Mr. Watson studied the fundamental principles and
sought to perfect himself in the science of law rather than in
the practice before the jury. His tastes as well as his course
of Study gave him a standing among close legal students rather
than litigants, and his clientage consisted principally of those
whose causes required a thorough knowledge of the intricacies of
legal principles rather than the graces of oratory. In the
particular field of will cases and real estate contests Mr.
Watson was perhaps the foremost lawyer at the bar, and there
were few such cases of importance in which he was not engaged.
He seldom took part in criminal cases unless such as involved
his regular clients, the Teufel case presenting a notable
exception. Mr. Watson sought no preferment outside of his
profession. In 1853 he accepted the empty honor of nomination
for the position of district attorney from the republicans. In
18G9 he was nominated by Bucks county as candidate for judge,
but conceded the place to the nominee of Montgomery county. In
1873 he received the nomination of the district and was elected.

On the bench Mr. Watson was an upright judge, and his whole
term was marked by an earnest, painstaking effort to do exact
justice. His temperament did not permit him to disarm criticism,
but upon questions of law he received the approval of the best
minds. Through invitation, Judge Watson has held courts in some
dozen counties of the state, and in these he never had a
decision overruled. Of those made in Bucks county, and reviewed
by the supreme court, few have been reversed, and in this
respect he enjoys a reputation not excelled by any of his
cotemporaries. His written opinions were numerous and exhaustive
of the subject, and make some five manuscript volumes. Since his
retirement from the bench he has devoted his energies to
establishing a trust company in Doylestown, and transacting such
legal business as his eminent abilities still attract, though
unsolicited. Coke’s expression, "He knoweth not the law who
knoweth not the reasons thereof, and the knowen certainty of the
law is the safety of all," has been the inspiration of Judge
Watson’s whole legal career, and it may safely be said that no
member of the local fraternity excels him in an extended
knowledge of its principles and history.
Harman Yerkes succeeded Judge Watson upon the bench in 1883.
He is a native of Warminster township, and received his
education in the common schools near his home, at Hartsville,
and at East Hampton, Massachusetts. Owing to an injury received
in his boyhood he was unfitted for severe manual labor, and his
attention was thus early turned to professional life as a
livelihood. Unprovided with the means of support while regularly
preparing for his profession, he taught school and worked on the
farm, reading law between times as opportunity offered. He
studied under the direction of Henry P. Ross, and was admitted
to the bar in 1865, on motion of his preceptor. In 1868 he was
elected district attorney, and discharged the duties of this
position with ability. Mr. Yerkes quickly won a prominent place
at the bar, and was especially successful in criminal cases. In
1873 he was elected to the state senate, and three years later
was re-elected. At the close of the second term Mr. Yerkes
declined all political office, returned to his practice with
renewed earnestness, and notwithstanding his name has been
prominently mentioned for governor and other offices of the
state, he has strictly adhered to his resolution. He is a close
political student, a man of great popularity, and yet
independent in his action when his judgment approves. His manly
support of Attorney-General Lear, although of different
political faith, has won him many friends outside of the circle
of his own party in politics. In 1883 he was nominated for judge
and was elected. Since then he has presided with dignity and
general acceptance. His courtesy toward both the younger and
older members of the bar, his promptness in the despatch of
business, and the soundness of his decisions have all tended to
enhance the good reputation and popularity he brought to that
position. His duties as judge have tended to change the
one-sided development which his practice and interest in
politics were likely to induce, and his opinions from the bench
bear the marks of deep study and wide research. Whether he
continues upon the bench or is again drawn into politics, Judge
Yerkes will remain an important factor in the public activities
of the county.
Of the nearly one hundred and forty members of the Bucks
county bar since 1790, mention may be properly made of those
only whom death or other circumstance has removed from active
relations to the court, and space forbids more than a brief
sketch of those whose characteristics raised them above the
average level. Of these the name of Abraham Chapman comes first.
He was born in Wrightstown, and was a great-grandson of John
Chapman, the founder of the family in Bucks county. His early
education was derived from the schools of the county, and
forcibly illustrates how little of mental power is acquired
under the tuition of the schoolmaster. Having chosen the law as
his profession he pursued his elementary legal studies in the
office of Thomas Ross, then of West Chester, and in 1790 was
admitted to the bar at Newtown. This place was then the county
seat, and fixing his residence here, Mr. Chapman began the
practice of his profession. There were then few resident
attorneys, the larger number of practitioners coming from
Philadelphia to attend the local court. The ability of the young
lawyer rapidly secured for him the confidence of the community,
and his legal business in a short time became larger than that
of any other attorney in the county. In 1812 he followed the
removal of the court to Doylestown, where he continued the
practice of law until 1833, when he entirely relinquished it. He
was a member of the Society of Friends until his marriage
outside the society severed his connection with the sect. He
continued in attendance upon its meetings, however, until his
death. While an able advocate and a well-equipped counsellor,
his success was chiefly due to his sterling integrity of
character, which deeply impressed his fellow-citizens whether on
the jury or in other walks of life. He died in 1856 with the
profound respect of all, and his memory is still cherished as
the father of the later bar.
Charles E. Du Bois, who was admitted to the bar in 1820,
succeeded Mr. Chapman in the respect of the people. No man was
more widely known in the county. His occupation for some years
in the orphans’ court office had early brought him into personal
contact with the business portion of the citizens. It led to
extensive business in his profession. His fidelity and legal
acquirements established him firmly in public estimation.
Whatever was committed to him was done faithfully and well. Mr.
Du Bois was deputy attorney-general of the commonwealth at the
trial of Blundin, and such was the tenderness of his
sensibilities that he was overcome with emotion in reading the
indictment to the unfortunate man. The confidence reposed in Mr.
Du Bois, whether as citizen, lawyer, or in business relations,
was remarkable and was never misplaced. His integrity was so
well grounded that his word was current with all men, and if it
may truly be said of any man that he lived a lifetime without
enemies, the honorable distinction was assuredly his. He had
withal a keen relish for humor, and few in this respect were
better qualified to add the boon of enlivening mirth to social
Eleazer T. McDowell was admitted to the bar in 1822, and
though aided by few advantages rapidly achieved an enviable
position in legal circles through his own abilities. In the
zenith of his power, there was no man at the bar who could cope
with him in facetious and witty declamation. His fund of humor
was boundless, and without a tinge of bitterness. Juries were
swayed and captivated by it, and yielded him a verdict with
pleasure, or against him with regret. He was a man of commanding
presence; rather over medium size, well formed, and eminently
pleasing in manner and address. He was social, witty, genial,
and what is known as popularity he obtained in fullest measure.
His peculiarities gave him marked prominence in political
campaigns, and was for years the center of local whig hopes, and
the pillar of their fortunes. He declined all official position,
save that of member of the state constitutional convention. He
died in the full vigor of his powers and popularity, leaving
none to succeed him in his peculiar position.
In 1829 Thomas Ross came to the bar. He was a born lawyer.
With him a knowledge of the science of legal principles was
apparently intuitive. He grappled with the intricate web by
instinct. His mastery appeared in the early years of his
practice, and in acumen, quickness of comprehension, boldness,
and tact, he had few superiors in this district of the state.
The rise of Mr. Ross in his profession was rapid. In less than
three years after his admission, Recorder McIlvaine, of
Philadelphia, placed the most important case, by far, that has
ever been tried in this county into the hands of the young
lawyer. It was the Andalusia tragedy, involving Mina and Mrs.
Chapman in a charge of murder. The measure of diligence and
ability he displayed is entitled to the highest commendation.
Any one perusing the report of that trial, with its manifold
developments of crimes and enormities, will be surprised to
witness the exhibition of legal tact and learning shown in one
so young in his profession. It was this celebrated trial that
placed him at the front rank with his professional brethren— a
position he maintained until the visitation of a fatal malady
assailed him at the summit of his power. Mr. Ross was a man of
medium stature, with remarkably expressive features of face and
person. He had no sense of fear, and was intrepid and bold in
the prosecution of his clients’ rights. Nothing was omitted in
the trial of his cases, nor any inadvertence of his adversary
suffered to escape his apprehension. The offices he held were
those of attorney-general and member of the lower house of
congress. His reputation as a lawyer is still a cherished
tradition of the bar.
In 1833 Caleb E. Wright was admitted to the bar, and still
remains one of the few survivors of the early members. He was
cotemporary with Du Bois, McDowell, and Ross, whose sketches in
these pages are largely indebted to his facile pen. He was of
English parentage, but was born in the far-famed valley of
Wyoming. His early education was gained at the academy at
Wilkes-Barre, and at the age of twenty-one he began the study of
law in the office of Chester Butler of the same place. In 1833
he went to Danville, and finished his legal studies with John G.
Montgomery, whose kindly interest he repaid by successfully
"stumping" the district in support of his candidature for
congress. In the same year Mr. Wright was admitted to the bar in
Wilkes-Barre and immediately set out for Montgomery county to
begin his practice. A slight incident changed his destination.
The route of the stages then led through Doylestown to
Philadelphia. It was their custom to stop on alternate days at
what are now time "Monument House" and the "Fountain house."
Stopping at the latter, Mr. Wright proposed to look about the
town one day and then proceed, but not understanding the
arrangement of the stages waited on the following day in vain.
The unintentional delay thus caused gave rise to a determination
to stay here, and Mr. Wright became a member of the Bucks county
bar that fall. For twenty years he practiced here, and then
returned to Wilkes-Barre. At the latter place he continued his
practice for twenty-three years, when he concluded to retire,
and returned to Doylestown to spend the remainder of his days.
In 1839 he was appointed deputy attorney-general, and served
until 1844 while at Wilkes-Barre he was appointed collector of
internal revenue by President Johnson, entirely unsolicited, and
subsequently was elected a member of the constitutional
convention. Mr. Wright devoted himself entirely to the
legitimate practice of his profession, and sought neither
political nor legal preferment. He was pre-eminently a jury
lawyer. His tastes led him to seek proficiency as an advocate
rather than as a counsellor, and his fund of humor and faculty
of eloquent persuasion were found in constant demand wherever an
array of legal talent was engaged upon a case. Since his
retirement in 1876, Mr. Wright has relieved the tedium of his
leisure hours by writing sketches of the early times based upon
the facts of his early observation and experience.
George Lear was admitted to the bar in 1844. He was born in
Warwick township, and attended the schools in the neighborhood
of his home until the age of thirteen, when he finished his
schooling with a term at the Newtown academy. From this time he
assumed the responsibility of directing his career without aid
from others, and until the age of nineteen sought employment as
a common farm laborer. He then turned his attention to teaching
school, and it was not until he arrived at the age of
twenty-five that he entered the office of E.T. McDowell to study
law. He had employed his leisure hours in legal study, however,
and in 1844 was admitted to practice. He "took the stump" for
Henry Clay in this year, and gained prominence as an effective
speaker. He gradually acquired an extended practice until he
possessed the most lucrative one at the Bucks county bar.
Mr. Lear was appointed deputy attorney-general in 1848, but
retired in 1850, when the office was made elective. In 1872 he
was elected a member of the constitutional convention, and in
1874 was presented by Bucks county as a candidate for congress,
but failed of nomination. On December 7, 1875, he assumed the
office of attorney-general of the commonwealth under appointment
of Governor Hartranft. He discharged the duties of this position
with conspicuous ability until February 26, 1879, when he was
succeeded by Henry W. Palmer. As described in 1872, Mr. Lear
possessed a full and manly figure; his hair very slightly tinged
with gray; his cleanly shaven face showed off to good advantage
his dark, stern, full face surmounted with a forehead filled
with brain power and legal lore. He was a self-made,
self-reliant, thoroughly educated man, though not a college
graduate. He was then as vigorous as a lion and as fearless as a
locomotive itself upon the track. As a lawyer he took the
highest rank in the state. He was an ardent republican in
politics, frequently engaged in its campaigns with great
earnestness and effect, but did not hesitate to act
independently when his judgment approved. He died in 1885
without enemies, and in the enjoyment of the profound respect of
Edward M. Paxson was admitted to the bar in 1850. He is a
descendant of an early settler in Buckingham township, where he
gained an elementary education. He early showed unusual ability
in composition, and when quite young developed a taste for
journalism. He acquired a knowledge of the practical part of the
business, and in 1842 established a newspaper at Newtown. This
he disposed of in 1847 to engage in a more ambitious
journalistic venture in Philadelphia, but in the following year
sold his interest, and began the study of law in the office of
Hon. Henry Chapman. In 1852 he moved to Philadelphia, and
continued the practice of his profession. Here he was
exceptionally fortunate, and in 1869 he was appointed to the
vacancy in the common pleas court occasioned by the resignation
of Judge Brewster. In this position he discharged his duties
with marked ability, and in the following October was elected to
serve a regular term. In 1874 he was elected to a seat in the
supreme court of the state, where he has not only sustained the
excellent reputation gained’ in the lower court, but has won new
The causes célèbres of the Bucks county courts are all found
in the criminal calendar, and the one of widest notoriety was
occasioned by the poisoning of Doctor William Chapman, of
Bensalem, in May, 1831. The victim of the tragedy was at this
time living with his wife and four or five children at
Andalusia, engaged in conducting a boarding-school, which
enjoyed a more than local reputation for excellence. Doctor
Chapman was a man of more than ordinary intelligence and
culture, amiable and gentlemanly in manner, kindly in temper and
speech, and held in universal esteem by all who knew him. His
wife was a woman of considerable culture and social grace, and
the daughter of General Winslow, of Massachusetts, a soldier of
the revolution. On the 9th of May, a Spaniard, who gave his name
as Mina, came to the house and besought a night’s lodging. After
some slight demur on the part of Mr. Chapman, his wife said the
"traveller’s bed" was in order, and the fellow might as well
remain, and the matter was ended accordingly. After supper the
stranger entertained the family with preposterous stories of his
adventures, of his misfortunes, gentle birth, and wealthy
parents. It is astonishing that they did not create suspicion of
his true character, but, on the contrary, they evidently excited
an unfortunate influence upon Mrs. Chapman, who proposed, when
alone with her husband, to take the stranger in the family
carriage to Bordentown in search of a friend he professed to
have there. On this trip the woman became strangely infatuated
with the adventurer, and notwithstanding, as it afterward
appeared, that she was assured by the Mexican consul at
Philadelphia that the fellow was an impostor, brought him back
with her and announced to her husband that the fellow was to
remain in the household and be instructed in the English
language. After this Mina and the infatuated woman became so
intimate as to excite a deep feeling of uneasiness in the mind
of Mr. Chapman, which he expressed on one occasion to a
book-agent at the house.
Not long after the introduction of the Spaniard into the
family, Mr. Chapman was taken sick, and was treated by his
physician for cholera-morbus. The next day he was found
recovered from the attack, and apparently beyond the need of
further medical care. Mrs. Chapman, however, after administering
a bowl of chicken soup which she and Mina had prepared with
"seasoning from the parlor cupboard," attended the church of
which she was a member, and asked the prayers of the people for
her husband whom she feared was fatally ill. On her return from
church she found her husband in terrible agony, with every
symptom of arsenical poisoning, in which condition he remained
until his death, a few hours later. His physician was astounded
at his sudden death, but no suspicion of murder was entertained,
and in due time the remains were buried. On Tuesday of the
following week Mina and Mrs. Chapman were secretly married at
Syracuse, New York, and returned to Andalusia, where the
wretched woman doubtless hoped to realize the brilliant vision
of wealth which the Spaniard’s stories had conjured up in her
imagination. Her illusion was short-lived, however. Almost
immediately the graceless scoundrel, stripping her of her money
and jewels, fled to parts unknown.
In the meantime the book-agent informed the authorities of
his suspicions in the case, and sufficient cause was soon found
for the arrest of both actors in the tragedy. Thomas Ross and
William B. Reed, of Philadelphia, represented the commonwealth;
David Paul Brown and Peter McCall, both of Philadelphia,
defended Mrs. Chapman; and Samuel Rush, of Philadelphia, and
E.P. McDowell defended Mina. Mrs. Chapman was indicted as
principal, and was first tried, but after a closely contested
trial the jury returned a verdict of "not guilty," after some
three hours’ deliberation. The trial of Mina followed, and a
contrary verdict was rendered after a deliberation of about the
same length. The unbiased judgment now is that but one verdict
was just, and that, carried away by the rhetorical effort of
David Paul Brown, the jury gave a verdict according to the
eloquent lawyer’s plea, and not according to the evidence. The
elder children of Mrs. Chapman seem to have believed her guilty
from the time of her arrest, and only her youngest, a daughter
nine or ten years, remained with her. The unhappy woman
subsequently traveled about the country, giving recitations as a
means of livelihood, and henceforth until the time of her death,
bereft of friends, reputation, and home, wandered upon the face
of the earth, like Cain, with an ineffaceable mark upon her, She
died in Florida some twenty years later,
Liano Amelio Nepos y Mina, as he is named in the indictment,
was refused a new trial, and was sentenced to the extreme
penalty of the law. No doubt of his guilt was entertained by any
one informed of the matter. He made a confession to a police
officer of Philadelphia, and made several attempts to escape his
fate. In November, 1831, he effected his escape from the old
Doylestown jail by sawing off the rivet of his chain and then
breaking and burning his way to the outside world. It is said
that the sheriff and his posse overtook the fugitive a short
distance from the county seat, and that the officer, diverting
the attention of his attendants, gave Mina money and directions
to effect his escape. However that may be, he was captured some
days afterward by W.S. Hendric and John O. James, and brought
back to jail. After his conviction he made three attempts at
suicide, twice by opening a vein in his arm, and once by
swallowing broken glass, but all in vain. His execution occurred
on June 21, 1832, on the almshouse property, and was witnessed
by a crowd of people estimated at ten thousand persons. Fourteen
companies of infantry and six of cavalry of the militia were in
attendance. General William T. Rogers, with a detachment of
militia, escorted the prisoner and officials to the place of
execution. On this long, tedious ride the prisoner maintained an
air of perfect nonchalance, bowing and smiling to those he
recognized, and conversing in his ordinary manner with his
spiritual adviser and counsel who accompanied him. At eleven
o’clock the death-warrant was read, and the prisoner followed it
with a speech in Spanish, in which he declared his innocence,
and expressed his forgiveness of those who had secured his
conviction. He expressed some resentment at the final
preparations, but passed the supreme moment with remarkable
fortitude. At noon it was all over.
Scarcely second to the cause just described was the one in
which Josiah Blundin was tried for the murder of Aaron
Cuttlehow. The latter was killed on Sunday, July 27, 1834, on
the way from the oats-field of Samuel Headley, near Bristol. The
trial took place on September 13, 1834. The facts as developed
at the trial were briefly reported as follows:
The prisoner and deceased were at work on Sunday, July 27th,
with other men, five or six, engaged in cradling oats. At dinner
one of the hands ran out of doors with a pie, deceased and the
prisoner chasing him. In their playfulness a shoe was thrown
which hit the prisoner. Shortly afterward the deceased came into
the house crying, and said the prisoner had hit him on the head
with a stone. This disturbance was settled, and they all went to
the field to cradle oats. When nearly done a quarrel arose
between the prisoner and the deceased, and the prisoner was
thrown down and received several blows from deceased in the
face. The deceased with another then helped him upon his feet,
and his knees giving way under him, they assisted him up a
second time. The prisoner then took his cradle and started for
home. He was asked to ride twice, but refused, and said,
angrily, he would walk. From fifteen minutes to half an hour
later he was overtaken by the wagon, walking slowly. He was
asked to get up and ride. The prisoner made no reply, but raised
his cradle from his shoulder and struck at the deceased, hitting
the cradle of the deceased which he raised to guard the blow;
the deceased at the same time losing his cradle from his hand,
which fell upon the ground. The deceased (Cuttlehow) then sprang
from the wagon to make his escape, but stumbled and fell as he
reached the ground. When he had crawled a few paces the prisoner
came upon him with his cradle uplifted and struck the scythe
through the neck of Cuttlehow. The latter cried, "Take it out,
take it out!" sank on the ground and died in one or two minutes.
Some one said to the prisoner: "He will die," who replied: "Let
him die." Liquor had been used in the field, but there was no
satisfactory evidence that the prisoner was intoxicated. The
jury was out eleven or twelve hours, and returned a verdict of
murder in the first degree.
The prosecution was conducted by Charles E. Du Bois, the
deputy attorney-general of that time, assisted by Caleb E.
Wright. The defense was in the hands of Thomas Ross and E.T.
McDowell. The main effort of the defense was to show time
absence of premeditation, as the fact of the killing could not
be questioned. The prisoner’s counsel made a motion in arrest of
judgment and for a new trial, but both were overruled by Judge
Fox after hearing the argument. The prisoner made no
manifestation of emotion on receiving his sentence, but the
people at large were not satisfied with the verdict, and the
papers published numerous communications from different
contributors, indicating the adverse sentiment of the community.
An earnest effort was made to have the sentence commuted to
imprisonment for life, and a committee of the legislature,
composed of Bucks county members, was appointed on the subject.
The committee reported against the application, and the power of
the governor to do so was doubted at that time. The governor
respited Blundin three times, the last of which expired on
Friday, August 14, 1835.

On a Sunday in May Blundin attempted to make his escape from
the jail. He managed to cut off the rivets of his hopples, burn
a hole through the floor, and, after gaining the jail-yard,
attempted, by means of a rope formed of his bedding, to scale
the outer wall. The fastenings gave way when the prisoner was
near the top and he fell to the ground, where he lay in a
bruised and helpless condition until found in the morning by the
sheriff. Such was the sympathy of the public that a rumor that
the sheriff left the means of escape within reach of the
prisoner and then left the building to give him an opportunity
to use them, obtained general credence and no marked
disapproval. The unfortunate man was carried back to his cell
and on the day appointed by the governor’s last respite was
executed in the yard of the jail. The prisoner was unable to
stand on account of his injuries, but he met his fate with
resignation and courage.
On August 11, 1855, Jacob Armbruster was arrested in
Nockamixon for the murder of his wife. His trial occurred in the
following month, the prisoner was convicted, and sentenced by
Judge Smyser to be hanged. The sentence was carried out on
Friday, February 15, 1856. The duty of the officiating sheriff
was particularly unpleasant in this case. The prisoner protested
his innocence to the last, declared that he had been convicted
upon the evidence of children, and expressed a determination to
resist all attempts to put the sentence in execution. No effort
of his spiritual advisers could induce him to prepare for death,
and the last scene was painful in time extreme. The wild,
frantic rage of the victim made the sad duties of the officers
in charge an experience never to be forgotten by those who
The last on this list of the capital crimes of the county is
that of Albert Teufel in 1866. James Wiley was the captain of
the canal-boat "Ohio." He was at Trenton, New Jersey, November
23, 1866, and received a check for a sum of money due him there.
Teufel met him, and was permitted to accompany him in the boat
up the river. Besides these two, Harman Rick, the driver, was on
the boat up to the "six-mile level." The boat was fastened at
the "Narrows" lock, and on the morning of the 24th Wiley’s body
was found lying in the cabin, horribly mutilated and with life
extinct. On the trial of Teufel for the crime the defense urged
that the prisoner might have killed Wiley in self-defense; that
both were probably under the influence of liquor; that the
convicting witness, Rick, had given conflicting testimony before
the coroner and the court; and that the prisoner had remained in
the vicinity of the crime, instead of fleeing from it. The
prosecution met these particulars by showing that Teufel was
unhurt, and that the altercation was too one-sided to admit the
plea of defense; that the murdered man was robbed; that the
prisoner first confessed and then denied his agency in the
matter; and that Rick gave his first testimony under fear and
impeached it himself. The jury, after a deliberation of about
three hours, brought in a verdict of guilty. The trial was held
on the 18th of February, 1867, the prisoner was sentenced the
following day, and executed on Thursday, April 18, 1867. Robert
L. Cope. the district attorney, assisted by George Ross,
conducted the prosecution, and Elias Carver, assisted by Richard
Watson, conducted the defense.
* It was also provided at this session of the assembly, "That
if any person shall pretend his Debt, or Damages, to be above
five lbs. and upon hearing thereof, it shall appear to the Court
to be under that Value, In all Such eases, The plaintiff shall
lose his action, and pay the defendant and the costs. But the
plaintiff shall have liberty to withdraw his action, and be
non-suited if hee See Cause, before the Jury have given in their
Verdict; yet so us he pay the full cost and charges to the
defendant." This act was included in the general abrogation in
1693 and was not subsequently restored.
** In 16S6 Arthur Cook and James Harrison were appointed as
two of the three judges of the provincial court. In 1690 Arthur
Cook and Joseph Growden were similarly chosen, and in 1706 the
latter was again appointed. In 1726 Jeremiah Langhorne was
appointed "third judge" of the provincial court, and in 1731 as
"second justice," and subsequently as "chief-justice" of the
supreme court. Prior to 1706 the members of the supreme court
served without a fixed salary. At this time the chief-justice,
through an informal arrangement with James Logan, received one
hundred pounds per annum, but this was discontinued before the
expiration of the year. "The matter being largely discoursed, it
was the opinion of the board that the office of Chief-Justice of
the Govmt. ought to be attended with salary, but that it could
not be thought reasonable that the Propr. should support the
charge out of his Demesnes, nor yet that the Govr. should pay it
out of what belong’d to him, but that the most proper measures
should be thought of for raising such a salary, or find
sufficient Encouragement for the future, But that for the time
past whatever had been promised the Judge. ought to be
performed." The assembly subsequently provided "suitable"
*** "At a court of Common Pleas held at ye Court House ye
14th day of monte 1694."
(4*) The roster of the bench and bar may be found in the