AT that point in the course of the Delaware where it
describes a bold curve and continues as the southern instead of
the eastern boundary of Bucks county, a triangular area is
partially enclosed, the aspect of which in many respects has not
changed in the last two hundred years. This volume of water that
forms the broad channel of the river has not perceptibly
diminished; the ebb and flow of the tide occur with the same
unvarying regularity; and the falls continue to be the barrier
to up-river navigation. No upheaval of nature has disturbed the
gradual swell of the land, as it recedes in the distance from an
observer on the Jersey shore. The landscape presents no features
of special interest, if Turkey hill, a declivity of moderate
elevation, be excepted. A number of small streams meander
through its level extent, and eventually empty into the
Delaware, without apparently increasing its volume. A summer
visitor to this region at the present day, if accustomed to the
sights and sounds of a prosperous and accessible farming region,
would observe nothing remarkable in the appearance of its houses
and other farm buildings, with the surrounding fields and
orchards, or in the mingled pleasure and disagreeableness of a
jaunt over its roads, as refreshing shade or blinding dust
received the greater share of attention. But, however strong the
resemblance between this and other farming sections, and however
commonplace its general features may appear, they possess a
special significance, when regarded as the indications of what
has transpired in the material development of this region, and
of the changes that have marked the history of its people.
Falls is pre-eminently rich in historic associations. The
circumstances of its settlement possess an interest not merely
local, but important in the history of the county. It has been
claimed that the first settlement of Europeans in the state was
made on an island at Morrisville by the Dutch from New York in
the early part of the seventeenth century; and while this lacks
confirmation, the fact is well authenticated that there was an
overland route prom the falls of Delaware to New York at an
early period of colonial history. This route continued down the
river to the Swedish settlements, and thence to Maryland. It was
recognized as the "King’s path" in 1675, and its course was
nearly identical with that of the turnpike from Morrisville to
Philadelphia. No surveyor was consulted when the "path" was
originally laid out, and no constituted authority save the
fundamental idea of public necessity and convenience. But meagre
as were the indications of its existence— the imprint of a
horse’s hoof in the yielding earth, a blazed tree, or other
device easily understood by the astute pioneer— it probably
influenced the early settlement of the county no less than the
mighty river that guided the first adventurers to its shores. It
thus occurred that the English crossed over from West Jersey to
the region about the falls several years before Penn’s arrival.
And when the proprietor, in the first enthusiasm of his plans,
looked about in quest of a site for his manorial residence, he
decided in favor of the wide extended level lands between the
"path" and the river. In close proximity to the manor was the
triangular district of Crookhorn, the earliest seat of justice
of the county, and in the near vicinity of both were the
residences of Pemberton, Harrison, Biles, and others equally
prominent in the affairs of the province.
While the advantage of living near the governor influenced
many in favor of the region about Pennsbury some of the early
settlers were already living there before this inducement could
have been offered. Among this number were Joshua Boare, David
Brinson, John Wood, William Biles, Robert Lucas, Gilbert
Wheeler, Richard Ridgeway, Lionel Brittain, Samuel Darke,
William Darke, Joseph Kirkbride, John Heycock, James Hill, John
Acreman, and George Brown. Joshua Boare, husbandman, from
Drainfield, Derbyshire, arrived in the seventh month, 1677, in
the Martha, of Hull, Thomas Wildcup, master. Margaret, his wife,
arrived the twenty-ninth of third month, 1679. He died in 1688,
leaving a son, Joshua, born the twenty-ninth of fourth month,
1681. Daniel Brinson arrived from Membury, Devonshire, the
twenty-eighth of seventh month, 1677, in the Willing Mind, of
London. On the eighth of eighth month, 1681, he married Frances
Greenleaf of East Jersey. The Shield, of Hull, Daniel Foos,
master, brought John Wood, husbandman, of Sheffield, Yorkshire,
who arrived at Burlington in the tenth month, 1678. His children
were John, Joseph, Esther, Mary, and Sarah. His lands comprised
a part of the site of Morrisville, and had a river front of one
mile. The Indian title was extinguished by private purchase,
July 15, 1682, at which time the name Greystone was applied to
this tract. The will of John Wood is dated the twelfth of ninth
month, 1692. his son Joseph, in 1717, petitioned the assembly
for leave to establish a ferry across the river at the falls.
William Biles, with his wife Jane, children— William, George,
John, Elizabeth, Johanna, Rebecca and Mary, and servants— Edward
Hancock and Elizabeth Petty, came from Dorchester in the
Elizabeth and Sarah, landing the fourth of fourth month, 1679.
He was also accompanied by his brother, Charles Biles, and both
were extensive landed proprietors. Their titles were derived
from Andros, the English governor of New York. William was an
active citizen and a distinguished preacher among Friends. The
first monthly meeting in the state was held at his house. He
visited friends in New England in 1698, in Ireland in 1701, and
in England in 1702. He represented Bucks in the provincial
council and in the assembly several times, and in 1700 Penn
appointed him one of three judges of a "Court of Inquiry." He
lived near the Delaware not far below Morrisville, where he died
in 1710. Robert Lucas, of Deveral in Wiltshire, was a
fellow-passenger with Biles. His wife, Elizabeth, and children—
John, Giles, Edward, Robert, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Mary, and
Sarah, did not arrive until seventh month, 1680. Three years
later he was a member of assembly. John, the oldest son, died in
1719. Edward was supervisor of Falls in 1730. Gilbert Wheeler,
fruiterer, of London, with Martha, his wife, children— William,
Briant, and Martha, and servants— Charles Thomas, Robert Benson,
and Catherine Knight, arrived in the ship Jacob and Mary the
twelfth of seventh month, 1679. The first sessions of the court
were held at his house. In 1685 he was a member of assembly.
Richard Ridgeway, tailor, of Wellford in Berkshire, came in the
same ship and at the same time as Wheeler. His wife Elizabeth,
and children— Thomas and Richard— accompanied him. On the second
of second month, 1686, he was licensed to keep "an ordinary."
John Acreman, who is thought to have been a resident of Falls in
1678, was accidentally drowned the eleventh of third month,
1690. Lionel Brittain, blacksmith, of Alney in Bucks, arrived in
the fourth month, 1680. His wife, Elizabeth, accompanied him,
and their daughter died when in sight of land. She was buried at
Burlington. Samuel Darke, from London, arrived in the eighth
month, 1680. He represented Bucks in the assembly of 1683.
William Darke, from Camden, in Gloucestershire, probably his
brother, arrived at the same time. These were all the families
in Falls, prior to the arrival of Penn, of whom anything is

The Welcome, with Penn and his company, sailed in
September, 1682, and entered Delaware bay the twenty-fourth of
the following month. Among its passengers were John Rowland, his
wife Priscilla, his brother Thomas, and Hannah Mogeridge, a
servant, all from Billinghurst in Sussex. They had received
grants from Penn for three thousand five hundred acres of land.
Joseph Kirkbride was another of the proprietary company. He ran
away from a master to whom he was apprenticed, at the age of
nineteen, but found favor with Penn, and was employed by him for
several years. Subsequently he rose to positions of influence,
and became well-to-do for that day. He afterward returned to
England, repaid his master for the time and service of which he
had been deprived, and throughout his life was a consistent
Friend. He married into the family of Mahlon Stacy, the founder
of Trenton.
The ship Submission, Captain James Settle, sailed from
Liverpool the fifth of seventh month, 1682. The company
consisted of fifty-two persons, among whom were Ralph Pemberton
(aged seventy-two), Phineas Pemberton and Phoebe his wife, and
their infant children, Abigail and Joseph; Agnes Harrison (aged
eighty-one), James Harrison, and Anne his wife, Robert Bond, a
youth entrusted to his care and tuition; Lydia Whamsby, a
domestic in his service, the two families being united by
marriage, as Phineas Pemberton was James Harrison’s son-in-law.
They arrived at Choptank, Maryland, the thirtieth of eighth
month, 1682. From thence they proceeded to their destination,
and thought to have met Penn at Newcastle, but the failure of
the captain to enter the capes of Delaware prevented this. When
they arrived at the present location of Philadelphia, so little
of the appearance of a town did it present that it was
impossible to obtain shelter for their horses. They "spancelled
them and turned them out into the woods," but after two days of
fruitless search, the party ascended the river in a boat. The
horses were found the following month. Having selected land,
they returned to their families at Chester, and there remained
over winter. In the second month of the following year (1683)
they completed moving their goods from Choptank to the falls.
Here Pemberton had selected a tract of three hundred acres,
adjoining the river, to which he gave the name "Grove Place."
About this time he was commissioned to several important offices
in the new county of Bucks, and became a member of assembly. He
was also the first postmaster in the county. In 1699 he removed
to a place about five miles inland from the river, having
suffered several times from a sickness thought to have been
caused by the dampness in certain seasons at his former home,
and there he died on the first day of the year 1702. The trusted
friend of the proprietor, and the incumbent of important offices
during his entire residence in this county, his death was
regarded as a public calamity. James Harrison, to whom Penn had
entrusted the management of his private estate, and whose
talents and uprightness merited the confidence thus bestowed,
died on the sixth of eighth month, 1687.*
Both are buried at "The Point" burial ground, a plat of
ground ten rods square on Grove Place farm, in which many of the
Pemberton family have been interred. It is probably the oldest
cemetery in the county.
Among later accessions to the community were Ann Milcomb, a
widow, from Armagh, Ireland, who arrived the tenth of tenth
month, 1682, with Jane, Grace, and Mary, her children, and
Frances Saunders, a servant, who was to serve four years and
then receive fifty acres of land. Jane, one of the daughters,
was married the eighth of sixth month, 1685, to Maurice Lelston,
of Newcastle. John Palmer, of Cheadland, Yorkshire, arrived the
tenth of ninth month, 1683, with his wife, Christiana. Joshua
Strope, of Skelton, Yorkshire, arrived at the same time, with
Isabel, his wife, Daniel, Margaret, and Christiana, their
children. He was a member of assembly in 1701. William Beakes,
with his son Abraham, arrived in 1682 from Somersetshire, having
previously received in England a grant for one thousand acres.
In the same year William Venables arrived from Chathill in
Staffordshire, with his wife, Elizabeth, and children, Joyce and
Frances. He died the seventeenth of tenth month, 1684. At the
time of Holmes’s survey (1684) it appears that Falls was
apportioned among no less than thirty landholders. Of the tracts
adjoining the river, that of John Wood was farthest north, and
thence in regular order were the lands of Daniel Brinsley, John
Acreman, Richard Ridgeway, William Biles, Joshua Boare, Robert
Lucas, Gilbert Wheeler, William Biles, Samuel Darke, Daniel
Gardner, John Luffe, Lionel Brittain, George Brown, James
Harrison, and George Heathcote. In the second tier of farms,
beginning at the Makefield line, were those of Geoffrey Hawks,
Ann Milcomb, Jonas Hill, John and Thomas Rowland, Thomas Wolfe,
and Ralph Smith; while the western row comprised the lands of
William Darke, John Heycock, John Wheeler, Jonathan Witscard,
Thomas Atkinson, and Thomas Rowland. These lands constituted the
township of Falls, as erected in 1692, when, as will be seen
from the map, its shape was nearly rectangular, and the area
less than half what it is at present. "Pennsbury, as its laid
out," was constituted a separate township, but there is no
evidence that it was recognized as such in the appointment of
constables and supervisors, and it would seem that it became
part of Falls without legal procedure. In September of the
following year (1693) a constable and "surveyor of ways" were
appointed for Crookhorn, that portion of Falls (as erected in
1692) between Pennsbury and the river at Biles island, in which
the first court-house of the county was situated. The name may
have been suggested by the peculiar bend of the river at this
place. Like Pennsbury, its political autonomy has long since
ceased to exist. Even the name is no longer recognized in the
locality to which it once applied.
Time has been less rigorous with the name of Pennsbury, which
will not be lost to memory so long as the traditions of the
proprietor are cherished and the outlines of the manor retain
popular significance. An inquiry into its history reveals much
of interest. The manor tract originally contained eight
thousand, five hundred and thirty-one acres. Its first English
owners were Thomas Hyde and Thomas Morley, of the English navy,
to whom it was granted in 1664 as the manor of Grimstead. It is
probable that they failed to perform the conditions of the
grant, for in 1672 Matthias Nicholas received the same lands. In
1675 they were purchased by Andros for the Duke of York, and in
1678 Andros, as governor of New York, conferred the tract in
question upon Arnout De Grange, a merchant of that place. August
1, 1682, Markham purchased the manor from an Indian chief, whose
right had not been consulted by previous grantees. It was then
known as Sepessing, by which name Welcome creek appears upon
Lindstrom’s map of 1655. There was also an island of that name.
Penn arrived November 8th of the same year, and the manor seems
to have engaged his immediate attention. Before leaving England
in 1681, Markham had been directed to select a site and build a
manor house; he had brought with him the frame-work, and
probably other materials, and it is very likely the work of
building was in progress when Penn arrived. It must have been
pushed rapidly to completion, for in March, 1683, Friends’
meetings were held "at the governor’s house." On the
twenty-first of fifth month, 1683, "at Pennsbury," the
proprietor issued several commissions.
No drawing of Pennsbury house has been preserved, and much
that has been said in describing it is matter of inference and
conjecture. Many important particulars may be gleaned from the
Penn-Logan correspondence, and the researches of Mr. Fisher
throw much light upon the subject. The mansion was of brick, two
stories high, with attic and cellar, a front of sixty feet
toward the river, and an extension of thirty-five feet in the
rear. There was a wide balcony in front, with steps leading to
the level of the lawn. The interior arrangement was roomy and
convenient. There were parlors, dining-room, and drawing-room on
the first floor, also a hall extending the full depth of the
mansion. The roof was formed of tiles, and surmounted with a
leaden reservoir, the leakage from which caused time premature
decay of the whole building. The offices and outhouses were on a
line with the main edifice. The instructions of Penn regarding
them were as follows (the eighteenth of eleventh month,
1684—85): "I would have a kitchen, two larders, a wash-house, a
room to iron, a hen-house, and a Milan oven for baking; a stable
for twelve horses; all my rooms I would have nine feet high, and
my stables eleven feet, and overhead half a story. What you can
do, do with bricks. What you can’t, do it with good timbers, and
close them with clap-boards, about five feet, which will serve
other things, and we can brick it afterwards." There is every
reason to believe that these directions were minutely executed.
The brew-house, which was removed in 1864, enjoyed a longer
lease of life than any other of the buildings planned by Penn.
Although nominally finished in 1683, the mansion proper
lacked many essentials to completeness for years afterward.
Immediately on his return to England, Penn ordered a new front
door, because "the present one is most ugly and low." In 1685 he
wrote, "finish what is built as fast as it can be done;" and in
the following year, "pray, don’t let the front be common." He
wrote to Harrison in 1695, "Get window shuts (shutters), and two
or three eating tables to flap down, one less than another, as
for twelve, eight, five (persons)." He also says, "Get some
wooden chairs of walnut with long backs, four inches lower than
the old ones, because of cushions." The furniture in general was
such as to harmonize with the character of the house, and of a
style appropriate to the position of the governor. Much of it
was brought from England. The old-fashioned clock, which ticked
in the lives of several members of Penn’s family, and possibly
the advent of his government, but with equal alacrity registered
the hour of its dissolution, is still preserved at the rooms of
the Philadelphia library. The furniture of the first parlor
consisted of "two tables, one pair stands, two great cane
chairs, and four small do., seven cushions, four of them satin,
the other three green plush, one pair brasses, brass fire
shovels, tongs, and fender, one pair bellows, two large maps."
The "best chamber" was furnished in the luxurious style of the
period— a bed with satin curtains, six cane chairs, "two with
twiggen bottoms," "four satin cushions," etc., and in the
adjoining room was a suit of camblet curtains, with "white
headcloth and testar." Among the necessary furniture were "two
chairs of Master John’s," and "one fallet bedstead." In the
hall, besides the clock, there were a long table and "two forms
of chairs." Among the table furniture were silver forks, a tea
set, white and blue china, and a suit of Tunbridge ware. Of the
chairs, several are yet in existence, and various other relics
of the old manor house are preserved in the cabinets of the
Penn was deeply interested in agriculture, and seems to have
anticipated great pleasure from a life in the country. In
writing to the Free Society of Traders, he says: "The air is
sweet and clear, and the heavens serene, like the south part of
France, rarely overcast." In the same document, referring to the
vegetation, he says: "The woods are adorned with lovely flowers
for color, greatness, figure, and variety. I have seen the
gardens of London best stored with that sort of beauty, but
think they may be improved in our woods." His first impressions
were thus expressed in a letter to Lord Culpepper, governor of
Virginia: "I am mightily taken with this part of the world; here
is a great deal of nature which is to be preferred to bare art.
I like it so well that a plentiful estate and a great
acquaintance on the other side have no charms to remove; my
family being once fixed with me, and if no other thing occur, I
am like to be an adopted American."
To Colonel Henry Sidney he says: "I find the country
wholesome; land, air, and water good; divers good sorts of
fruits that grow wild, of which plums, peaches, and grapes are
three; also cedar, cypress, chestnut, and black walnut and
poplar, with five sorts of oak— black and white, Spanish, red,
and swamp oak, the most durable of all, the leaf like the
English willow." The gardens were his especial care and
attention. In the same letter to Sidney, he speaks of having
written "a begging letter for a few fruit trees of the Lord
Sunderland’s gardener’s raising, out of his rare collection,
that by giving them a better climate we may share with you the
pleasure of excellent fruit, the success of which I fear nothing
of." Writing to Harrison from England, he says: "Let Ralph
follow his gardens, and get the yards fenced in and doors to
them. I have sent some walnuts for Ralph to set, and other seeds
of our own that are rare good." In 1685 he wrote, "Haydust from
Long Island, such as I sowed in my court-yard, is best for our
fields." It has been surmised that this referred to clover, but
the time is much too early. There seems to have been some
difficulty in rendering the establishment self-sustaining. The
proprietor thus wrote to Harrison, his first steward: "I hear by
R. Ingels that thou takest great care and pains about my
husbandry. I believe it, and expected as much of thee, knowing
thou art an upright man. Methinks you should be able to feed
yourselves of the plantation with all but meat, and some part of
the rent will answer that. I recommend to thee for the gardens
and improvements of the lands, that ashes and soot are excellent
for the ground, grass, and corn. Soot may be gotten in
Philadelphia, I suppose, for the fetching. I suppose it should
be served pretty thick; for corn in spring not so thick. It’s
best for lowlands and such as are moist. Let me desire thee to
lay down as much as thou canst with English grass, and plough up
new Indian fields, and after a crop or two they may be laid down
so too, for that feeds sheep, and that feeds the ground, as well
as they feed and clothe us." The grounds were laid out with much
taste, a broad avenue lined with poplars led from the landing at
the river to the front of the mansion, and about midway there
was a terrace ascended by several steps. From the gentle
eminence upon which the house was situated there was a fine view
of the river and the Jersey shore.
Unfortunately for the fond hopes of the proprietor, his plans
for a life of quiet retirement in Pennsylvania were not to be
realized. He was obliged to return to England in 1683, before
the mansion was ready for his occupation, and during this first
visit to the province resided at Philadelphia. December 10,
1699, accompanied by his wife and daughter, Letitia, he again
arrived at Philadelphia, and shortly afterward at the manor,
which was made the home of the family during the following two
years. Here Penn lived with his customary activity, visiting the
incipient metropolis in his barge, receiving with distinguishing
courtesy and hospitality the magnates of adjoining colonies and
his Indian friends, and attending to the details of his
government. He introduced different varieties of fruit and
ornamental trees, superior breeds of horses and cattle, and
improved methods of farming. Of his domestic life few
particulars have been preserved. The household was presided over
by John Sotchar, who succeeded Harrison as steward in 1687. Hugh
Sharp was gardener; Robert Beckhaus, manservant; Mary Lofty,
housekeeper; Ann Nichols, cook. There were also a German maid,
Dorothy Mullers, and several negroes, among them, John the
coachman, his wife, Parthena, Dorcas, Sue, and "Old Sam."
Stephen Gould was the proprietor’s private secretary. Supplies
of food were obtained from Philadelphia, principally through
James Logan. On one occasion Penn wrote: "Fail not to send up a
flitch of our bacon, and by all means chocolate if to be had,
and a cask of middlings flour from Samuel Carpenter’s, or J.
Norris, and some coffee berries, four pounds; some flat and some
deep earthen pans for milk and baking, which Betty Web can help
thee to, and a sack of Indian meal. Search Lumley’s good for an
ordinary size side-saddle and pillion, and some coarse linen for
towels." This was in August, 1700. The next month he again wrote
to Logan: "We want some beer, having not a quarter of a pint in
the house among so many workmen; best in bottles sealed down, or
it may be drawn and mixed." There is other evidence that the
cellars were well stocked with cider, sherry, and claret. The
family enjoyed the usual travelling facilities of the period.
Horseback riding seems to have been in great favor, judging from
the number of saddles and pillions referred to in the inventory.
Among the horses were "Silas" and the "ball nag, Tamerlane."
There were a coach, calash, and sedan chair; and in 1700 Penn
urged the justices to have the roads to Philadelphia and the
bridges over Pennypack and Poquessing repaired. The river was
the best highway, and in 1700 he had a barge made for his own
use. This seems to have been highly valued, as in the letter he
says: But above all dead things my barge, I hope nobody uses it
on any account, and that she is kept in a dry dock or at least
covered from the weather." A good story of the barge is thus
related by Janney: "When passing in his barge between
Philadelphia and Pennsbury, he frequently stopped at Burlington
to see Governor Jennings, of New Jersey, who was also an eminent
minister among the Friends. On one occasion Jennings and some of
his friends were enjoying their pipes, a practice which the
gentlemanly Penn disliked. On hearing that Penn’s barge was in
site, they put away their pipes that their friend might not be
annoyed, and endeavored to conceal from him what they were
about. He came upon them, however, somewhat suddenly, and
pleasantly remarked that he was glad to see they had sufficient
sense of propriety to be ashamed of the practice. Jennings,
rarely at a loss for an answer, rejoined that they were not
ashamed, but desisted to avoid hurting a weak brother."
The great event in the household was the birth of John Penn,
the thirty-first of eleventh month, 1699. In a letter written at
this time, Isaac Norris says: "The governor’s wife and daughter
are well; his wife is extremely well-beloved; their little son
is a lovely babe." Deborah Logan in her youth heard from an old
woman in Bucks county that she "went when she was a girl with a
basket containing a rural present to the proprietor’s mansion
and saw his wife, a delicate pretty woman sitting beside the
cradle of her infant." The manor house was the place of meeting
for Friends, and was the scene of several weddings. John Sotchar
and Mary Lofty, steward and housekeeper, united their fortunes
by marriage, October 16, 1701, the governor, his wife, and
daughter being among the witnesses. Letitia Penn made a present
of a chest of drawers to the bride. Then the provincial council
met here during the summer of 1700, and with Indian visitors and
others there was a degree of social activity to which the colony
was yet a stranger.
The residence at Pennsbury was destined to be of short
duration, however; and in November, 1701, Penn sailed for
England, never to return. The interests of his government were
much endangered by a proposed act of parliament to annex the
colonies to the crown. He was equal to the emergency, and
continued to cherish the plans of his life regarding Pennsbury.
In addressing the assembly before his departure, he declared
that his heart was among his people, that he had promised
himself the quietness of a wilderness," and was resolved to
return and live among them again. In 1712, in a letter to the
council, he says: "I purpose to see you if God gives me life
this fall, but I grow old and infirm, yet would gladly see you
once more before I die, and my young sons and daughters also,
settled upon good tracts of land for them and theirs after them,
to clear and settle upon as Jacob’s sons did. I close when I
tell you that I desire fervent prayers to the Lord for
continuing my life that I may see Pennsylvania once more before
I die." his health was at this time seriously impaired, and his
mind, under the influence of disease, had lost that vigor and
retentiveness with which it was accustomed to act. He negotiated
with Queen Anne for the sale of his proprietary rights, and
although a one-sixth payment had been made, the sale was set
aside when his illness became apparent. After six years of
sickness, through which his religious principles sustained him
more than any other agency, he died in England in 1718, and is
buried at Chalfont St. Giles.

The manor-house became the repository of all the personal
effects of the Penn family which remained in this country after
their departure (1701). Two chambers were furnished, one for the
steward upon his visits, the other for any member of the family
who might care to return to it. William Penn, Jr., visited the
place in 1704, and was warmly welcomed by the Indians. The
property remained untenanted for years, and was removed prior to
the revolution. It was frequently visited by travellers, and was
the scene of many Indian conferences. The last great Indian
gathering here occurred May 9, 1735. James Logan, Jeremiah
Langhorne, Joseph Kirkbride, Israel Pemberton, and other
prominent figures in colonial affairs were present. The natives
were represented by Lapawinzo, Nutimus, Lesbeconk, and
Teshekoman. Portraits of the two last named are in existence and
were taken here. John Penn was the last of the family who
resided at the manor, and also the last incumbent of the
proprietary prerogatives. He died in February, 1795. The site of
the manor-house and three hundred acres adjoining were purchased
in 1792 by Robert Crozier, in whose family it remained nearly a
century. The present owner is George Warner, Esq., of
Philadelphia. Of the results of the first proprietor’s labors,
the last vestige, the stump of an old and gnarled cherry tree,
was removed several years ago; a substantial farm-house occupies
the site of the mansion; the broad avenue, lined with tall
poplars, is no more to be seen; the shrubbery and flowers,
culled from nature’s richest catalogue, exist only in a line or
two of history, and imagination’s utmost effort fails to form an
idea of gracefully winding paths and beautiful lawns where now
only fields of tobacco or corn are found. The whistle of a
steamboat disturbs the quiet of the place, and numbers of people
pass it every year with a look of not more than passing
interest, ignorant that it was once the home of the founder of
the commonwealth that bears his name.
In the annals of American military history, two natives of
Falls, Jacob Brown and Charles Ellet, deserve honorable mention.
General Brown was born May 9, 1775, of Quaker parentage. He
became a soldier under peculiar circumstances. Upon the opening
of hostilities in 1812, he presented himself before the
secretary of war, and desired to engage in the military service
as commander of a brigade. The offer of his services was
declined. He was commissioned brigadier-general by the governor
of New York, and notwithstanding his inexperience, subsequently
became commanding-general of the armies of the United States.
Charles Ellet was born in 1810. He became distinguished as a
civil engineer, and devised the construction of the iron-clads
which proved so formidable in the civil war.
Falls is one of the most thickly populated sections in the
county. The census of 1880 shows a population of two thousand
three hundred and eighty-five in the township, and in the
borough of Morrisville nine hundred and sixty-eight. The latter
is the largest town in the southeastern part of the county. Its
site was originally owned by John Wood, and its earliest name
was "Colvin’s ferry," Patrick Colvin being then proprietor of
the landing on the Pennsylvania shore (1772). At this time there
was also a grist-mill located here, known as time "Delaware
Works." Colvin continued as ferryman a score of years. Robert
Morris gave to the place his name and its early impetus. He is
said to have built a number of houses, enlarged the mills, and
projected extensive manufactures. He built a beautiful and
commodious residence, fronting upon the river and Green street
(then known as the post-road), but became involved financially,
and the property was sold in 1798. It was purchased by George
Clymer and Thomas Fitzwater, who took measures to practically
demonstrate its eligibility as a site for a town. Streets were
laid out and lots sold. With subsequent additions to the town
plat, it has expanded to its present proportions. North of Green
street and parallel with it, the principal streets are known as
Gordon, Wood, Morris, Union, Palmer, Dana, Cedar, and Bridge.
The latter is a continuation of the Trenton city bridge. The
only intersecting continuous thoroughfares are Mill street and
the turnpike.
It does not appear that much effort was made to preserve
regularity or give the town a symmetrical form. The canal,
railroad, and river have prevented this to some extent, but
these disadvantages might have been overcome. Morrisville was
erected into a borough in 1804, and is the oldest incorporated
town in the county, with a single exception. The northern limit
of the borough is identical with the township line of Lower
Makefield; it extends about a half mile inland from the river.
Several branches of industry are in active operation, the
principal manufacturing establishment being the Morrisville
rubber works, which occupy the site of the stable of General
Jean Victor Maria Moreau, the last occupant of the Morris
mansion. A large proportion of the working people find
employment in Trenton, of which Morrisville is virtually a
suburb. They are connected by the Trenton city and Morrisville
bridges. The former is an iron structure erected within
comparatively recent years. The original structure was built in
1859—61, at a cost of seventy thousand dollars. It was one
thousand three hundred feet in length. Its erection was begun by
Bennett & Carlisle, who failed in business, and was finished by
Prior & Reeder. The timbers were cut in the interior of
Pennsylvania, and were regarded at the time as the finest ever
brought to the city of Trenton. The principal movers in the
enterprise were Bucks county farmers, who thought the tolls
excessive as charged by the old bridge, and desired a more
convenient entrance into the city. The bridge was opened to the
public late in time summer of 1861. It was destroyed by fire in
June, 1884, and rebuilt as at present, in the following summer.
The Morrisville bridge is probably the most complete,
substantial, and expensive structure that spans the Delaware. It
combines the requirements of a foot-walk, wagon-way, and
railroad bridge, and is crossed daily by hundreds of
foot-passengers, wagons, and railroad trains. It was completed
in 1876. Its predecessor was not devoid of historic interest. It
was one thousand one hundred feet long and thirty-six feet wide,
consisting of five arches supported on wooden piers. The floor
was connected with the arches by perpendicular iron rods. It was
begun in 1804, completed in 1806, and opened to travel January
20th of that year, with ceremonies worthy of the event. A salute
of seventeen guns was fired in honor of the occasion, as
Governor Bloomfield and a large concourse of people marched
across from Trenton. When the bridge was in course of
construction, a flood of more than ordinary height induced the
projectors to make the piers one-fourth higher than had been
contemplated. The advantage of this was seen in the freshet of
1841, when a number of bridges from points further up the river
passed under the Trenton bridge without serious damage to it. In
1851, an addition was built, and the tracks of the Philadelphia
& Trenton railroad laid into Trenton. The architect of the
original structure was Theodore Burr, and its cost one hundred
and eighty thousand dollars.
Tullytown and Fallsington are about equal in size and
importance. The former is situated near the river, partly in
Bristol township. It is a railroad station on the Pennsylvania
railroad, comprises about fifty houses, several stores, and the
usual industrial features of a country village. Fallsington is
an inland village and the radiating point of nine different
public roads. No active manufacturing business is carried on
except that incident to villages in farming communities. The
population is largely composed of retired farmers, and the place
has an atmosphere of wealth and culture. Oxford Valley is a
small village on the dividing line between Falls and Middletown
townships. Tyburn and Wheatsheaf are stations on the
Pennsylvania railroad.
There was once some prospect of the national capital being
located within the limits of Falls township. The federal
district would have included the site of Morrisville, which
location was decided upon by resolution of congress in 1783.
This was intended as a compromise between the claims of New York
and Philadelphia. In 1784 commissioners were appointed and
empowered to lay out the proposed district and take measures for
the erection of public buildings. Washington was asked for his
advice, which was not favorable to this action on the part of
congress, and the matter was dropped.
A circumstance of more than ordinary interest in the history
of Falls is the fact that the first meetings of Friends in the
state were held within its limits. Samuel Smith thus speaks of
this: "Meetings for worship were very Early established about
the Falls, even before the land bore the name of Pennsylvania,"
and the Friends who were settled from Bristol upward used to
attend the meetings for business at Burlington. Their own
meetings for worship were held at the houses of some of the
inhabitants, viz., William Yardley, James Harrison, Phineas
Pemberton, William Biles, William Darke, Lionel Brittain,
William Beake, etc. The first Falls meeting-house was built in
1690, at Fallsington. Falls monthly meeting was established at
the house of William Biles, the second day of the third month,
1683. The land upon which the meeting-house stood was the gift
of William Penn. It is described as a brick structure twenty by
twenty-five feet, with a wooden chimney and gallery. This
meeting is still one of the largest and most important in the
county, and was the only religious society in the township for
many years.
Methodism was introduced into Morrisville some time in the
early part of this century. A class was formed at Fallsington in
1818, with James Lippincott as leader. Preaching was held at the
houses of Mr. Lippincott, John Crozier, and Samuel Bories, who
were its principal members. Among the early preachers were Henry
King and David Bartine. The class at Morrisville was formed in
1818—20, with Edmund Yard as leader. Eventually, both classes
became extinct. About the year 1840 several families from
Philadelphia removed to Morrisville and connected themselves
with the Green street church in Trenton. A class was again
formed at the former place, with Joseph Adams as leader. In 1842
a protracted revival was held by Reverend Charles Whitecar, of
Trenton, in the Morrisville school-house. The class was divided
and placed under the leadership of Ebenezer Barwis and William
Kitson. Public services were continued in the school-house by
Richard Hammil, of Trenton. In 1844, Morrisville was made an
appointment on Attleboro’ circuit, with John W. Arthur and Peter
Hallowell as preachers. This arrangement continued until 1860,
when it became a station, with N.M. Brown as pastor. Among his
successors were Nicholas McComa, D.M. Gordon, C.J. Crouch, J.B.
Quigg, Frank Gilbert, David Shields, and J.S. Wilson, the
present incumbent. A church building was erected in 1850.
Fallsington church was built in 1866. The dedicatory services
were conducted by Reverend Joseph Mason. It is a frame
structure, thirty by forty-five feet, with a seating capacity of
two hundred. The cost was about three thousand dollars. The
first pastor was Reverend C.H. McDermond, who was also
instrumental in organizing the Tullytown church. In 1866, by
request of Mr. George W. Cullen, he preached in Temperance hall.
At the close of service a class was formed, with Mr. Cullen as
leader. Reverend Oscar R. Cook was appointed pastor in 1873,
when the church numbered fourteen. During his incumbency, a
beautiful stone church building, surmounted with a handsome
stone cupola, was built at a cost of seven thousand dollars. The
society numbered sixty members.
The Christian church of Tullytown was organized in l821 by
Frederick Plummer, of Philadelphia, who preached in
school-houses and groves. In 1822 the church building now
occupied was erected. Upon Mr. Plummer’s resignation, in 1850,
he was succeeded by his nephew, Evan H. Plummer. Among his
successors were William Lane, Philip Hank, William Robison,
Philetus Roberts, E.E. Mitchell, and others. At present (1887)
the church is without a regular pastor, but the pulpit is
supplied by clergymen from neighboring points.
The Presbyterian church of Morrisville was organized in
September, 1860, prior to which services were held in an old
stone building on the canal by Reverend Mr. Morris, of Newtown.
Reverend James H. Callan was called as pastor by the first
session, composed of James H. Farrand and George G. Roney,
elders, and I.V. Smith and Hutchinson Moon, trustees. In 1863 a
church building was erected on Union street. Mr. Callan was
pastor, 1860—63; Andrew Tully, 1863—69; Henry Swenerton,
1869—71; Robert S. Manning, 1871—74; M.L. Hofford, 1879----.
Samuel Roberts, of Trenton, was superintendent of the
Sunday-school connected with this church for fifteen years.
Messiah church (Advent), Morrisville, was organized in 1850 by
Dr. Josiah Litch, of Philadelphia, who placed it under the care
of Reverend J.P. Farrar. Succeeding pastors have been J.W.
Daniels, M.L. Bentley, W.H. Swartz, J.D. Boyer, J.A. Heagy, ----
Eldred, M.L. Jackson, J.T. Lanning, D.I. Robinson, H.P. Cutter,
and others. J.W. Cain, who resigned in 1882, was the last
regular pastor. The church building on Wood street was erected
in 1850. It is a frame structure of modest but substantial
appearance. During Mr. Eldred’s administration a revival of some
length was held at Wheat Sheaf. A congregation was formed in
1866—67, and a house of worship secured. These churches have
usually been associated under the same pastoral care. An
Episcopal chapel at Fallsington completes the number of churches
in the township.
In 1885, Falls sustained ten schools, at a total expenditure
of nearly five thousand dollars. The length of the annual term
is nine months. Schools were established by the Friends shortly
after their settlement, and were conducted under denominational
auspices until the introduction of the public-school system. The
Falls Library Company was organized in 1800, and has sustained a
continuous existence to the present time. It exerts a strong
influence in the direction of general intelligence, culture, and
refinement. An institution of this character cannot fail to
benefit the community from which it receives the generous
support apparent in this instance.
* His property was appraised the 13th of 8th month, 1687.
Among the articles of wearing apparel were one bamillion
jack-coat," "one pair of leather breeches," "stockins," one "new
stuff crate and wastcoat breeches." In the parlor there were a
large round table, seven chairs, one dozen curtains, fire irons
and tongs, and considerable calico, silk, and crape. In the
"parlor chamber" there were "green curtains and wallins,’
"pillow beds," "bolster cases," "blankets," "sheets," and other
appurtenances of a bed-chamber; also a "coulour’d rugg," an "old
chest," napkins, and a roll of fustian. In the "house chamber"
there was "a set of redd curtains," twenty-three "woman’s hats,"
a "fether bed," fustian, flannel, and other goods. In a second
"house chamber," that occupied by Robert Bond, there were one
"little doublet," one "little trunk," three "neckcloathes," six
"handkerchiefs," a "camlet crate," Bible, and other articles of
boys’ clothing. In the "old house" there are mentioned a "malt
mill," "flock bed," "rug," a cross-cut saw, chisels, hatchets,
saddle pistols, bridles, stirrups, hacks and hinges, spades,
cowhides, hammer and pincers, axes, grubbing-hoes, wedges,
planes, harrows, grinding-stone, hoes, augurs, etc. In the "clossit"
there were three brass candlesticks, plates, pewter and lead.
The "lean-to" contained a variety of articles, the list
beginning with one "table cloth," and closing with the "old
Bible," which was valued at five shillings, a "green rugg," "bedstock
cord," and "warming pan" being among the intermediate articles.
In "the house" proper, there were a "pair of large andirons,"
two "frying pans," a "four pound dripping pan," "iron mortar,"
two grid-irons, an equal number of "brass chafing dishes," one
"spit," one "iron pott," four "skillitts," a "posnet," two
"brass kettles," two "copper potts," a "pair of old gobbarts," a
barrel of tobacco: in the "barne," corn and hay valued at
thirty-two pounds, one "cart and wheels," "horses geer," a "push
plow," etc. His live stock is thus summarized: "The broken horn
cow, the old red cow, and the heifer that has had one calf, two
bullocks, one bull calf, and three others, eleven lambs, swine
about twenty, great and small," but no horses are given. There
were "two servant men," valued at twenty-one pounds, a full
hogshead of rum, and other articles of a varied character. The
aggregate value was three hundred and four pounds, two
shillings, sixpence.
Pemberton also left a respectable estate, consisting
principally of "Grove Place," which was sold to Willoughby
Warder for five hundred and fifty pounds, the farm of three
hundred and fifty-four acres upon which he last resided, and
which was left to his son Israel, who named the two divisions of
it "Bolton" and "Wigan," about forty acres of land in Bristol,
eight hundred acres in Wrightstown, a lot on High Street,
Philadelphia, and his furniture, implements, bonds, etc.,
appraised at nine hundred and fifty-three pounds.