Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Place Names
By Harry A. McGraw
ADAMS GAP - Juniata Township west of Muleshoe.
ADAMS RUN - In Adams Gap. Empties into Blair's Gap Run.
AKE'S HILL - A long hill west of Williamsburg.
AKETOWN - Original name of Williamsburg.
ALLEGHENY FORGE - Established in what is now Juniata Township, 1830. Locality now known as Valley Forge.
ALLEGHENY FURNACE - In Sixth Ward, Altoona. Operated 1836-1884 by Elias Baker and his heirs.
ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS - Form western boundary of Blair County.
ALLEGHENY PORTAGE RAILROAD - Built by the State in 1834 to carry canal boat traffic across the mountain, which was done by means of inclined planes. It extended from Hollidaysburg to Johnstown by way of Blair's Gap. Abandoned in 1854.
ALLEGHENY RESERVOIR - Part of Altoona's water supply, on Mill Run.
ALLEGHENY TOWNSHIP - Came from Huntingdon County, 1846. Population, 1940, 3,042.
ALLEGRIPPUS - Former station on P. R. R., ten miles west of Altoona. Named for Allequippas, an Iroquois Indian chief.
ALTA MANOR - Settlement on west side of Juniata Gap road, near Wehnwood.
ALTOONA - Only city in Blair County. Founded 1849 by P. R. R. Co. Name derived from Cherokee Indian word Allatoona. Largest railroad shops in the world located here. Incorporated as city, 1868. Population, 1940, 80,214.
ALTOONA SPEEDWAY - A former automobile racing bowl at Tipton, now being converted into an airfield. Operated 1923-1928.
ALTO RESTE - A cemetery along Plank Road near County Home.
AMELIA'S RUN - Greenfield Township. Empties into South Poplar Run.
AMELIA'S SPRING - Greenfield Township near Sarah Furnace.
ANTES FORGE (old spelling of Antis) - Operated near Tipton, 1828-1855.
Mansion still standing.
ANTESTOWN - Former post office at Bell's Mills, now Bellwood.
ANT HILLS - Along trolley line between Lakemont and Hollidaysburg.
ANTIS - Settlement at mouth of Riggle's Gap, Antis Township. (Modern spelling of Antes).
ANTIS TOWNSHIP - Came from Huntingdon County in 1846. Population, 1940, 3,465.
ARCH SPRING - Tyrone Township, at Arch Spring Village. Famous natural curiosity. Stream from large spring passes through natural arch.
ARCH SPRING - Old village and former post office in Sinking Valley.
ARCH SPRING RUN - Tyrone Township - Empties into Little Juniata.
ASBURY CHURCH - Logan Township, between Homer's and Riggle's Gaps.
Founded 1840.
ASSUNEPACHLA - Delaware Indian village in 1731 at mouth of Oldtown Run in Frankstown Township. A few years later it was renamed Frankstown for Frank Stevens, who had a trading post there.
ATHLETIC PARK - In East Tyrone.
AVALON ROAD - Connects Dry Gap or Buckhorn road with Juniata Gap road at foot of Allegheny Mountains in Logan Township.

BAKER MANSION - Home of Baker family, ironmasters, at Allegheny Furnace; built 1846. Now the home and museum of the Blair County Historical Society.
BAKER'S MINES (Coal) - In Kittanning Gap, at Delaney.
BAKER'S MINE (Iron Ore) - On ridge at East Altoona.
BALD EAGLE - Former station on Bald Eagle Valley Railroad, Snyder Township. Post office there called Olivia.
BALD EAGLE CREEK, LITTLE - Snyder Township. Empties into Little Juniata at Tyrone.
BALD EAGLE FURNACE - Built at Bald Eagle in 1824. Closed in 1865.
BALD EAGLE MOUNTAIN - Forms southeastern boundary of Snyder Township.
BALD HILL - On Route 22, between Hollidaysburg and Frankstown. BALD KNOB - A high knob of Tussey Mountain above Snair's Hollow, Woodbury Township.
BALTZELL'S EXTENSION - In Tenth Ward, Altoona.
BARBARA - Village and former post office in Huston Township. (Same as Clappertown.)
BARRENS, THE - Huston Township, south of Oreminea.
BEAMER RUN - Snyder Township. Empties into Little Bald Eagle Creek. (Same as Hungryman's.)
BEAR PEN POINT - Mountain along Tipton Run.
BEAR WALLOW - A deep hollow on eastern slope of Canoe Mountain.
BEAVER DAM BRANCH - See Juniata River.
BEAVER DAM CREEK - Greenfield Township, Empties into Frankstown Branch.
BEAVER DAM RUN - Old name for Sandy Run, Antis. Township.
BEAVER DAMS - On site of present Gaysport. Mentioned by Col. Armstrong in 1756.
BEAVER DAMS - A deserted valley in Catharine Township, drained by Canoe Creek.
BEAVERTOWN - Village in Huston Township. (Same as Drab.)
BECHTEL'S HOLLOW - A deep hollow on the western slope of Tussey Mountain, Woodbury Township.
BECHTEL'S KNOB - A high knob on one side of Bechtel's Hollow.
BECKER'S LANE - Juniata Gap near Ivyside Park. Extends into Beverly Hills.
BEECH GROVE - Vicinity of school of that name, Antis Township.
BELLEMEAD - Settlement between Greenwood and Bellwood.
BELLEVIEW - Original site of Juniata.
BELL'S GAP - Extends from Bellwood to top of Alleghenies, Antis Township.
BELL'S GAP RUN - Antis Township, formerly Laurel Run. Empties into Little Juniata.
BELL'S MILLS - Original name of Bellwood.
BELLWOOD - Antis Township. Incorporated as borough in 1888. Population, 1940, 2,772.
BELLWOOD INTERSECTION - Point in Antis Township where road from Bellwood meets Route 220.
BELLWOOD RESERVOIR - A Pennsylvania Railroad reservoir on Bell's Gap Run, now being greatly enlarged.
BELLWOOD SPORTSMEN'S PARK - Near Bellwood on Bell's Gap Run.
BENNINGTON - Former railroad station and post office, Allegheny Township.
BENNINGTON FURNACE - First called Henrietta, operated at Bennington, 1845-1884.
BERWIND WHITE - Village and location of shops for repair of coal cars, Frankstown Township.
BERYL - Former railroad station and post office, Allegheny Township.
BEVERLY HILLS - Suburb of Altoona, north of Eleventh Ward.
BIG FILL RUN - Snyder Township. Empties into Little Bald Eagle Creek.
BIG RIDGE - A high ridge forming watershed between Clover Creek and Piney Creek.
BIG SPRING - A large limestone spring in Williamsburg, the water used in manufacture of paper.
BIG SPRING - A large spring near East Altoona trolley station, the flow now greatly diminished.
BIRMINGHAM STATION - Former station on Pennsylvania Railroad, Tyrone Township. The town is in Huntingdon County.
BLACK OAK RIDGE - In Frankstown Township, eastern side of Oldtown Run.
BLACK'S GAP - Now Kettle Gap in Brush Mountain.
BLAIR COUNTY - Founded 1846. Population, 1940, 140,358. Named in honor of John Blair of Blair's Gap.
BLAIR COUNTY AIRPORT - East of Martinsburg.
BLAIR FOUR - A former Pennsylvania Railroad station and post office, Catharine Township.
BLAIR FURNACE - Former post office near East Altoona. Iron furnace operated there 1846-1870.
BLAIR GRAVES - Presbyterian Cemetery, Hollidaysburg.
BLAIR HOMESTEAD - Built 1785 in Blair's Gap. Still standing.
BLAIR, JOHN, MARKER IN MEMORY OF - At court house, Hollidaysburg.
BLAIRMONT - Country club, north of Hollidaysburg, in Frankstown Township.
BLAIR'S GAP - Allegheny and Juniata Townships, from Duncansville to top of Alleghenies.
BLAIR'S GAP RESERVOIR - Pennsylvania Railroad reservoir near head of Blair's Gap.
BLAIR'S GAP RUN - Juniata and Allegheny Townships. Empties into Beaver Dam branch.
BLAIR SIX - Railroad siding near Blair Four.
BLAIR TOWNSHIP - Came from Huntingdon County in 1846. Population, 1940, 2,068.
BLAND PARK - Near Tipton.
BLOOMFIELD MINES - Vicinity of Ore Hill, Taylor Township.
BLOOMING GROVE - Original name of East Sharpsburg.
BLUE HOLE - Submerged quarry on Clover Creek, used as swimming hole.
BLUE KNOB - Former post office, Juniata Township. Same as Butlersville.
BLUE KNOB RUN - Juniata and Freedom Townships. Empties into Poplar Run.
BLUE SPRING - Along road which crosses Lock Mountain to Royer, Frankstown Township.
BOAT YARD - Canal basin in East Williamsburg where boats were built and repaired.
BOB'S CREEK - Greenfield Township. Empties into Dunning's Creek.
BOILING SPRING RUN - Greenfield Township. Empties into Beaver Dam Creek.
BOSSLER - Former station on Pennsylvania Railroad, North Woodbury Township.
BOTTENFIELD'S HOLLOW - Tussey Mountain, Woodbury Township. BOYCE'S SPRING - On Cabbagetown Road, Logan Township.
BRIDGES, COVERED - See Friesville and Fuoss' Mill.
BRIGANDYVILLE - Suburb of Williamsburg.
BROAD AVENUE EXTENSION - Extension of Broad Avenue, Altoona to Eldorado.
BROOK'S MILLS - Village and former railroad station, Blair Township.
BROWN'S ICE DAM - Near North Hollidaysburg.
BRUSH CREEK - Logan and Frankstown Townships. Empties into Beaver Dam branch. Same as Roaring Run.
BRUSHMEAD - On trolley line near Hollidaysburg.
BRUSH MOUNTAIN - Extends from Hollidaysburg to Tyrone. A prong extends from Kettle Gap to Union Furnace, locally called Scotch Mountain.
BRUSH RUN - Logan, Allegheny and Frankstown Townships. Empties into Beaver Dam branch.
BUCKHORN - Village at top of Alleghenies, west of Altoona, partly in Logan Township.
BUENA VISTA - Formerly a trolley station, Antis Township.
BULL'S CREEK - Same as South Poplar Run.
BULL'S CREEK FALLS - On Bull's Creek about five miles west of Claysburg.
BUM'S WOODS - Former camping place for hobos, west of City of Altoona, along main line of Pennsylvania Railroad.
BUNDLETOWN - Ghost town northern end of Canoe Mountain. BURGOON'S RUN - Logan Township. Empties into Beaver Dam branch.
BURKET STATION - Former railroad station at present South Altoona.
BURN'S CROSSING - Former dangerous railroad crossing near Canan Station. Now replaced by underpass.
BUSHMAN - Former post office south end of Sinking Valley. (Same as Elberta.)
BUTCHER KNIFE POINT - Point of Alleghenies on road to Wopsononock.
BUTLERSVILLE - Same as Blue Knob post office.

CABBAGE CREEK - Taylor Township. Empties into Halter Creek.
CABBAGETOWN - Small settlement near Eldorado.
CABBAGETOWN ROAD - Old road, Allegheny Furnace to Eldorado.
CALCITE - Former railroad siding, Clover Creek branch Pennsylvania Railroad.
CALDWELL'S EXTENSION - Old division of Altoona, no* in Third Ward.
CALIFORNIA HOLLOW - Snyder Township, near Dix.
CALVERT HILLS - Part of Third Ward, Altoona.
CALVERTVILLE - Old division of Altoona, now in Third Ward.
CAMP MARTINA - Near Collier, on Bell's Gap Railroad.
CAMPBELL'S ("JACKER") PLACE - Along Glen Hope Turnpike, top of Alleghenies.
CANAN'S RIDGE - Near Canan Station.
CANAN STATION - Former railroad station, Allegheny Township. Near here occurred the Battle of Frankstown in 1781. (Massacre of Bedford Scouts.)
CANOE CREEK - Catharine and Frankstown Townships. Empties into Frankstown branch.
CANOE CREEK - Former post office, Route 22, Frankstown Township.
CANOE FURNACE - Frankstown Township. Operated 1838-1848.
CANOE MOUNTAIN - Extends through central Catharine Township and forms part of boundary between that township and Huntingdon County.
CANOE VALLEY - Farming district, Catharine Township, between Canoe Mountain and the river.
CAREY CREEK - Snyder Township. Empties into Little Bald Eagle Creek.
CARLIM - Former quarry town and railroad station, Catharine Township.
CARLIM FLAT - Flat on Tussey Mountain opposite Carlim quarries.
CARSON RUN - Greenfield township. Empties into South Poplar Run.
CARSON VALLEY - The valley in Allegheny Township drained by Spencer Run.
CATFISH - Community in Blair Township, near Kladder. Famous old inn, Catfish House, located here.
CATFISH RESERVOIR - Former canal feeder at Catfish; destroyed 1882.
CATHARINE TOWNSHIP - Came from Morris Township, Huntingdon County, in 1846. Population, 1940, 859.
CATHEDRAL OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT - Thirteenth Street and Thirteenth Avenue, Altoona.
CAVE HOLLOW - Western side of Lock Mountain, Woodbury Township.
CELLAR SPRING - On Brush Mountain, in Twelfth Street Hollow.
CENTRAL PARK - Twelfth Avenue between Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets, Altoona.
CHARLOTTEVILLE - Village in Antis Township, near Tipton.
CHERRY GAP - A gap along Tipton Run.
CHIMNEY ROCK No. 2 FURNACE - In Hollidaysburg. Operated 1856-1885.
CHIMNEY ROCKS - A perpendicular ledge of rocks on wooded ridge south of Hollidaysburg. A landmark.
CLAPPERTOWN - Same as Barbara.
CLAYSBURG - Post office town in Greenfield Township. Brick plant of General Refractories Co. located here.
CLOVER CREEK - Woodbury, North Woodbury and Huston Townships. Empties into Frankstown branch.
CLOVER CREEK - Former post office in North Woodbury Township. Also called Fredericksburg.
CLOVERINE TERRACE - Opposite Pennsylvania Railroad station, Tyrone.
COAL BANK RUN - Antis Township, Empties into Bell's Gap Run.
COALING, THE - Near Dysart Park. A place where charcoal was burnt in early days.
COBLE'S HILL - Long hill on Clover Creek road east of Williamsburg.
COBURN - Small settlement west of Altoona along main line of Pennsylvania Railroad.
COGAN ROAD - In Juniata Gap.
COLD SPRING FORGE - Operated 1835-1880 at Grazierville.
COLEMAN ROAD - In north central Logan Township.
COLEMAN'S MILLS - Same as Logan or Gardner's.
COLLIER - A former station on Bell's Gap Railroad in Antis Township.
COLLIER RUN - Antis Township. Empties into Bell's Gap Run.
COLLINSVILLE - An old village in Pleasant Valley extending from Fifteenth to Sixteenth Street. Former post office.
COLUMBIA PARK - Vicinity of Union Avenue and Twenty-ninth Street, Altoona. The Altoona Tristate League baseball team played their games here.
COOK HOLLOW - Snyder Township near Vail.
COOK RUN - Snyder Township. Empties into Little Bald Eagle Creek.
COTTONTOWN - Village in Greenfield Township near Sarah Furnace.
COUNTY HOME - Along old Plank Road, near Hollidaysburg.
COUNTY LINE - Point where Route 22 crosses Blair-Huntingdon line.
COUNTY RUN - Same as Fox Run.
COUNTY RUN HOLLOW - Same as Fox Run Hollow.
COVEDALE - Village in Catharine Township northeast of Williamsburg.
COVE FORGE - Village and former post office near Covedale. Site of forge built in 1810. Mansion still standing.
CRAB RUN - Logan Township. Empties into Little Juniata.
CRAWFORD'S WOODS - Formerly at Bell Avenue and Fifth Street, Altoona.
CRICKET FIELD - A ball park, Chestnut Avenue and Seventh Street, Altoona.
CRICKET FIELD PARK - Adjoins Cricket Field.
CRISSMAN - Railroad siding on Canoe Creek branch, Frankstown township.
CROOKED DAM - A former canal dam near Flowing Spring.
CROSS KEYS - Village in Allegheny Township near Stiffler's Crossing.
CULP - Small village and former post office in Sinking Valley.
CURRY - Same as Curryville.
CURRYVILLE - Post office and former railroad station in north Woodbury Township. Also called Curry.

DARK HOLLOW - Small hollow draining into east side of Schmucker's Hollow, Woodbury Township.
DAVIDSBURG - Village in Antis Township, near Bellwood. (Same as Hensheytown.)
DAVIS RUN - Snyder Township. Empties into Little Bald Eagle Creek.
DECKER HOLLOW - Community in Snyder Township near East Tyrone.
DECKER RUN - Snyder Township. Empties into Little Bald Eagle Creek.
DELANEY - Coal mining village in Kittanning Gap.
DELL DELIGHT - A former county fair ground. Now the American Legion Memorial Park, near Hollidaysburg.
DETRIC RUN - Snyder and Antis Townships. Empties into Tipton Run.
DEVIL'S ELBOW - Former dangerous curve on Buckhorn Road.
DIAMOND RUN - Greenfield Township. Empties into Bob's Creek.
DICK STONE SCHOOL HOUSE - Two miles south of Roaring Spring.
DIEHL - Former railroad station in north Woodbury Township.
DITCH - Village in Huston Township.
DIX - Former railroad station, Snyder Township.
DODSON'S RUN - Freedom Township. Empties into South Dry Run.
DOGTOWN - Mining community near Delaney.
DONNELLY'S DAM - Former canal dam, below Willow Dam, near Williamsburg.
DONNERTOWN - On McDonald's Run, Freedom Township.
DOUBLE WHITE OAK FARM (Dell's) - Catharine Township.
DRAB - Village and former post office, Huston Township. (Same as Beavertown.)
DRIPPING SPRING - Along Buckhorn Road, Logan Township.
DRIVING PARK - Pleasant Valley Boulevard and Frankstown Road. Former horse-racing track and fair grounds.
DRY GAP - A gap in Short Mountain near Kladder.
DRY GAP - Extends northwest of Altoona past Newburg to top of mountain.
DRY GAP ROAD, OLD - Now abandoned. It is roughly parallel to present road and east of it.
DRY GAP RUN - Logan Township. Empties into Mill Run.
DRY RUN - Juniata Township. Empties into Blair's Gap Run.
DRY RUN, SOUTH - Freedom Township. Empties into Frankstown branch.
DUMB HUNDRED - In Taylor Township. It was said no inhabitant of this village could count to a hundred.
DUNCANSVILLE - Allegheny Township. Incorporated as borough, 1891. Population, 1940, 1,415. Named for Samuel Duncan, 1830.
DUNCANSVILLE AIRPORT - At west end of borough.
DUNNING'S MOUNTAIN - Forms eastern boundary of Greenfield, Freedom and Blair Townships.
DUTCH HILL - German section of Fourth Ward, Altoona.
DYSART PARK - An athletic field along trolley line near Hollidaysburg.
EAST ALTOONA - Former post office in Logan Township. At end of Sixth Avenue trolley line.
EAST END - Tenth Ward, Altoona.
EAST FREEDOM - Village and post office, Freedom Township.
EAST SHARPSBURG - Former post office, Taylor Township. First called Blooming Grove.
EAST TYRONE - Former post office and railroad station, Snyder Township.
EDGEWOOD PARK - A private park, near Highland Park.
EIGHTH STREET LANE - A southward extension of Eighth Street, now called South Eighth Street.
EIGHT SQUARE SCHOOL HOUSE - Two and eight-tenths miles northeast of Royer.
ELBERTA - Former post office in south end of Tyrone Township.
ELDORADO - Former post office, Logan Township. Now in Fourteenth Ward Altoona.
ELIZABETH FURNACE - Operated in Antis Township, 1832-1884. Former railroad station. Mansion still standing.
ELK GAP - The point where the old road in north Woodbury Township crossed Tussey Mountain into Huntingdon County.
ELKHURST - Small communty, Snyder Township, near Tyrone.
ELK RUN - Tyrone Township. Empties into Little Juniata near Ironville.
EMEIGH'S RUN - Snyder Township. Empties into Little Bald Eagle Creek.
ERB - Former railroad station, Taylor Township.

FAIR CITY - Section of East Juniata.
FAIR GROUNDS, OLD - West of Broad Avenue, Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth Streets, Altoona.
FAIRLAWN - Juniata Gap Drive and Broadway, Juniata.
FAIR VALLEY - Community in north Woodbury Township.
FAIRVIEW - Old section of Altoona, now in Third and Eleventh Wards.
FAIRVIEW - Suburb of Williamsburg.
FAIRVIEW - Vicinity of Fairview Church of the Brethren on Clover Creek.
FAIRVIEW PARK - In Eleventh Ward, Altoona.
FERNDALE PARK - Former small amusement park near East Altoona.
FETTER'S RUN - Allegheny Township. Empties into Beaver Dam branch. (Same as Gillan's.)
FICKES RUN - Freedom Township. Empties into Frankstown branch.
FILTER BEDS - Near Canan Station. Altoona's western filtration plant.
FINGER BOARDS, THE - Benches on Brush Mountain.
FIRE TOWER, BLUE KNOB - Near Pavia, Bedford County.
FIRE TOWER, BRUSH MOUNTAIN - Brush Mountain, at Kettle.
FIRE TOWER, ELSTIE - At head of Glen White Gap.
FIRE TOWER, GLASGOW - Near Cambria County line, adjoining Antis Township.
FIRE TOWER, LOOP - On Lytle's Knob, Tussey Mountain.
FIRE TOWER, TRI-COUNTY - Tussey Mountain, Route 164.
FIRE TOWER, TYRONE - Bald Eagle Mountain, near Tyrone.
FISHERVILLE - Village on Clover Creek, Woodbury Township.
FISHER'S SWAMP - Original site of Bellwood.
FLOWING SPRING - An intermittent spring at former Pennsylvania Railroad station of same name, Frankstown Township.
FOOT OF EIGHT - At Mule Shoe in Blair's Gap, the foot of No. 8 plane, old Portage Railroad.
FOOT OF TEN - Village near Duncansville, the foot of No. 10 plane, old Portage Railroad.
FORT FETTER - Revolutionary fort near New Portage Junction. A converted barn.
FORT FETTER PLACE - Suburb of Hollidaysburg, Route 22.
FOSTORIA - Former post office and railroad station, Antis Township.
FOUNTAIN INN - An inn used in turnpike days in Blair's Gap, near Mule Shoe. Now demolished.
FOX RUN - Forms border line between Blair and Huntingdon Counties in Catharine Township.
FOX RUN HOLLOW - Ravine followed by Fox Run. Massacre of Dean family occurred here in 1780.
FRANKLIN FORGE - Village at mouth of Piney Creek. A forge operated there, 1830-1861.
FRANKSTOWN (OLD) - A trading post on the site of the Indian town Assunepachla, which see.
FRANKSTOWN (PRESENT) - Former post office on Route 22, Frankstown Township. In early days the most important town in this vicinity. A furnace there, 1836-1885. Mansion still standing.
FRANKSTOWN BLOCK HOUSE - Revolutionary fort, near New Portage Junction.
FRANKSTOWN BRANCH - See Juniata River.
FRANKSTOWN CAVE - Near Frankstown. Discovered and demolished, 1907, in limestone quarry. Many bones of prehistoric animals found here.
FRANKSTOWN GAP - Old name for McKee Gap.
FRANKSTOWN HUNT CLUB - Near Alto-Reste Cemetery.
FRANKSTOWN ROAD - Extends from driving park to Frankstown.
FRANKSTOWN ROAD, OLD - Extends from old Frankstown to Pittsburgh via Reservoir, Vicksburg, Leamersville, East Freedom and Blue Knob.
FRANKSTOWN TOWNSHIP - Came from Huntingdon County in 1846. Population, 1940, 2,493.
FREDERICKSBURG - Village in north Woodbury Township. Also called Clover Creek.
FREEDOM TOWNSHIP - Established 1857, from Juniata Township. Population, 1940, 1,623.
FREEMAN - Village in Logan Township, along Mill Run. Also called Mill Run.
FRIESVILLE - Village in Greenfield Township near Claysburg. A covered bridge here.
FRY HOLLOW - Antis Township, near Graziersville.
FUOSS' MILL - Antis Township, near Charlotteville. An old covered bridge here.

GALLITZIN, PRINCE, SPRING - On Route 22, Blair's Gap, near Mule Shoe.
GAMBLE FIELD - Sixth Avenue and Hagerty Street, Altoona.
GAMBLE'S HILL - Sixth Avenue and Hagerty Street, Altoona.
GANISTER - Post office town, Catharine Township.
GAP FORGE - Same as Martha Forge.
GAP FURNACE - Same as Martha Furnace.
GARDEN HEIGHTS - In Fourteenth Ward, Altoona.
GARDNER - Former railroad station, Snyder Township.
GARDNER'S MILL - Homer's Gap, Antis Township. Formerly called Coleman's or Logan Mills.
GARVERTOWN - Village in Taylor Township.
GAYSPORT - Former borough, now a part of Hollidaysburg. Furnace operated there 1855-1885.
GEESEY'S WOODS - Formerly in Eighth Ward, Altoona, between Crawford and First Avenues and Fourth and Fifth Streets.
GEESEYTOWN - Village in Frankstown Township.
GERMAN SETTLEMENT - West of Glen Hope Turnpike near Tyrone.
GILLAN'S RUN - Allegheny Township (same of Fetter's). Empties into Beaver Dam branch.
GLEN EMERY - Small village and former Post Office, in Tipton Gap near coal mines, now covered by Tipton Dam.
GLEN WHITE - Mining village and former post office in gap of same name at Horse Shoe Curve.
GLEN WHITE RUN - Logan Township. Empties into Burgoon's Run.
GLOVER - Siding on old Wopsy Railroad.
GLUNT'S STONE QUARRY - Near Beverly Hills.
GOODMAN - Former railroad station, Catharine Township.
GOOD'S LANE - From Plank Road to Fifty-eighth Street, Eldorado.
GOOD'S SPRING - On Good's Lane.
GOSPEL HILL - In Third Ward, Altoona.
GOSPEL HOLLOW - Section of Logan Valley, south of Mary Ann Forge, Antis Township.
GRAHAM PLACE - Site of an early inn built in the Beaver Dams of Catharine Township by Walter Graham.
GRAPE VINE ROAD - An old road in Juniata Township, from Puzzletown to a point near Butlersville.
GRAZIER'S ICE DAM - In Homer's Gap.
GRAZIERVILLE - Village in Snyder Township, on Pennsylvania Railroad. First called Kratzer.
GREENFIELD TOWNSHIP - Came from Bedford County in 1846. Population, 1940, 3,119.
GREEN SPRING - Top of Alleghenies, Antis Township. One of the sources of Bell's Gap Run.
GREEN SPRING RUN - Antis Township. Empties into Bell's Gap Run.
GREENSBURG - Old section of Altoona east of Eleventh Street.
GREENWOOD - East of Red Bridge, between Sixth Avenue road and Route 220, Logan Township.
GROMILLER'S CAVE - At Reese, Frankstown Township. Also called Tom's Cave.
GUM SPRING - Brush Mountain, along road to fire tower.
GWIN'S ICE DAM - Formerly in Juniata Gap.
GWIN STATION - On old Wopsy Railroad.
GYPSY RUN - Snyder Township. Empties into Little Bald Eagle Creek.
GYPSY STREET - Village adjacent to Ganister.
GYPSY WOODS - Small strip of woods, Bell Avenue and Third Street, Altoona, where gypsies camped 50 years ago.

HAGERTY'S BARN - Sixth Avenue and Hagerty Street, Altoona. An old-time, nationally known resort for hobos.
HAGERTY'S WOODS - Same location and description as above.
HALTER CREEK - Taylor Township. Empties into Frankstown branch.
HAMILTON EXTENSION - Old section of Altoona, now part of Seventh Ward.
HARBER'S ICE DAM - Formerly in Juniata Gap.
HARDSCRABBLE - An old section of Hollidaysburg.
HARE'S RUN - Same as McFarland's Run.
HARTMAN'S LOOKOUT - At top of Loop Mountain near Madder.
HAUSER FAMILY MASSACRE SITE - Present Homer Guyer Farm, one and five-tenths miles east of Roaring Spring.
HEAD OF SIX - At top of mountain, Blair's Gap.
HELL'S HALF ACRE - Vicinity of South Tenth Avenue, west of Thirty-first Street, Altoona.
HEMLOCKS, THE BIG - Small tract of virgin hemlocks, head of Homer's Gap.
HENRIETTA - Former post office and railroad station, north Woodbury Township. End of Morrison's Cove Branch Railroad.
HENSHEYTOWN - Same as Davidsburg.
HICKORY BOTTOM - A large hickory grove, formerly along Plank Road, near Good's Lane.
HIGHLAND FLING - Small settlement, west Antis Township. Vicinity of Wopsononock.
HIGHLAND PARK - In Fourteenth Ward, Altoona. A city park.
HILEMAN HEIGHTS - Village on Pleasant Valley Boulevard, now in Fourteenth ward, Altoona.
HILLCREST - Section of Hollidaysburg.
HILLCREST - Section of Tyrone.
HILLSIDE - Settlement on Sixth Avenue, below Hagerty Street, Altoona.
HILLSIDE SWIMMING DAM - Formerly on Kettle Creek. below Potts-grove Reservoir.
HILLTOP - Trolley station between Lakemont and Hollidaysburg.
HIXTON - Section of Duncansville.
HOLLIDAY BURIAL GROUND - On Newry Lane, near Gaysport.
HOLLIDAYSBURG - County seat of Blair County, Blair Township. Incorporated as borough, 1836. Population, 1940, 5,910.
HOLLIDAY'S FORT - The dwelling of William Holliday, in Hollidaysburg, turned into a fort in 1778.
HOMER - A station on the old Wopsy Railroad.
HOMER'S GAP - The section of Antis Township extending from East Juniata to top of Alleghenies.
HOMER'S GAP RESERVOIR - At foot of Allegheny Mountains in Homer's Gap, property of City of Altoona.
HOMER'S GAP RUN - Logan Township. Empties into Little Juniata.
HOMEWOOD - Snyder Township, near Tyrone.
HONEST HOLLOW - Tyrone Township, near Ironville.
HONESTOWN - Snyder Township, east of Tyrone.
HOOVER - Former railroad station, Taylor Township.
HORRELL - Former post office and railroad station, Frankstown Township. Former location of large powder works.
HORSE SHOE CURVE - Nationally known feat of engineering on Pennsylvania Railroad, five miles west of Altoona.
HOYER'S STONE QUARRY - Brush Mountain, near Frankstown Road. (Same as Stormer's.)
HUNGRYMAN'S RUN - Snyder Township. Empties into Little Bald Eagle Creek. (Same as Beamer.)
HUNTINGDON, CAMBRIA AND INDIANA TURNPIKE - Extended through Blair County via Canoe Valley, Hollidaysburg and Blair's Gap. Chartered 1815.
HUSTON TOWNSHIP - Came from Bedford County in 1846. Population, 1940, 1,021.
HUTCHINSON'S CROSSING - At east end of Red Bridge, Logan Township.
HUTCHINSON'S RUN - Snyder Township. Empties into Little Juniata.

IMPOUNDING DAM - The lower reservoir at Kittanning Point.
INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT - Small district lying on both sides of Blair-Huntingdon line on Fox Run.
INDIAN ROCK - A high limestone ledge rising about 200 feet above river west of Williamsburg.
INDIAN SPRING - Between Claysburg and Sproul.
INDIAN SPRING CREEK - Greenfield Township. Empties into Frankstown branch.
IPSWICH - The site of present Williamsburg.
IRONVILLE - Village in Snyder Township, one mile east of Tyrone.
ISETT - Former post office at Mt. Etna.
ISLAND PARK - Formerly in Tyrone.
IVYSIDE - An amusement park in Juniata Gap, now abandoned.

JACK'S BEND - A bend in Beaver Dam Branch of Juniata River, near Dell Delight.
JACK'S HILL - Frankstown Township, near White Bridge.
JANESVILLE PIKE - Originally called Glenhope and Little Bald Eagle Turnpike, Snyder Township, from Tyrone into Clearfield County.
JEW HILL - Hill section of Fifth Ward, Altoona.
JUGTOWN - Freedom Township near East Freedom.
JUNIATA - Former post office, Logan Township. Now in Thirteenth Ward, Altoona.
JUNIATA FURNACE - Operated in Williamsburg, 1858-1876. Mansion still standing.
JUNIATA GAP - Logan Township from Juniata to top of the Alleghenies.
JUNIATA RIVER, BEAVER DAM BRANCH - Rises in Alleghenies west of Altoona and flows south into Frankstown branch near McCune's Mill.
JUNIATA RIVER, FRANKSTOWN BRANCH - Flows northeast through Blair County, entering Greenfield Township and leaving county in Catharine Township.
JUNIATA RIVER, LITTLE - Rises in Alleghenies west of Altoona and flows north, leaving Blair County in Tyrone Township.
JUNIATA SPRINGS - Juniata Gap. Water was formerly sold from these springs.
JUNIATA, EAST - Adjoins Juniata on the east.
JUNIATA TOWNSHIP - Established 1847 from Greenfield Township. Population, 1940, 573.

KAZMAIER STATION - On trolley line south of Hilltop.
KELLER REFORMED CHURCH - In Canoe Valley, close to Fox Run.
KELSEY ROCKS - Top of Alleghenies, Antis Township. Group of large, rounded boulders lying on ground.
KERBAUGH - On Sugar Run, Antis Township. Settlement founded by railroad contractor of that name.
KERBAUGH DAM - Near Kerbaugh.
KETTLE CREEK - Tyrone and Logan Townships. Empties into Little Juniata.
KETTLE GAP - In Brush Mountain, southern end of Tyrone Township. Formerly Milligan's or Black's.
KETTLE RESERVOIR - Pennsylvania Railroad reservoir in the Kettle.
KETTLE, THE - Formed by the sharp bend in Brush Mountain at southern end of Tyrone Township.
KINSEL'S SPRING - On Cabbagetown Road, Logan Township.
KIPPLE - Former post office at what is now Juniata.
KITTANNING GAP - Gap in Alleghenies at Kittanning Point.
KITTANNING POINT - Former post office and Pennsylvania Railroad station at Horse Shoe Curve, five miles west of Altoona.
KITTANNING POINT RESERVOIR - At Kittanning Point. Altoona's first water supply.
KITTANNING RUN - Logan Township. Empties into Burgoon Run.
KITTANNING TRAIL - Entered Blair County in Catharine Township and followed Canoe Valley to Assunepachla, thence by way of Brush Run as far as present Hilltop, then across to Fifty-eighth Street, Eldorado, and up to Kittanning Gap, through which it left the county.
KITTANNING TRAIL MARKER - On Plank Road, between Good's Lane and Alto Reste.
KIWANIS FARM - Sinking Valley. A health farm for boys, near Fort Roberdeau.
KLADDER - Former railroad station in Blair Township. Site of monastery.
KLAHR - Former post office in Greenfield Township, on Smoky Run.
KNOTT'S ICE DAM - Formerly in Dry Gap.

LAKE ALTOONA - Lowest and largest of the three Altoona reservoirs on Burgoon's Run.
LAKEMONT - Former post office on trolley line between Altoona and Hollidaysburg.
LAKEMONT PARK - Blair County's best amusement park, at Lakemont, publicly owned.
LAKEMONT, SOUTH - South of Lakemont Park.
LAKEMONT TERRACE - Top of hill, north of Lakemont.
LARKE - Former post office, Woodbury Township, on Clover Creek.
LAURELDALE - Settlement near Duncansville.
LAUREL GAP - A gap in Alleghenies near Mule Shoe in Juniata Township.
LAUREL RUN - Snyder Township. Empties into Little Bald Eagle Creek.
LAUREL RUN - Old name for Bell's Gap Run, Antis Township.
LAURELVILLE - Village in Tyrone Township. (Same as Sinking Valley post office and Skelp.)
LEAMERSVILLE - Village in Freedom Township, near East Freedom.
LEATHER CRACKER COVE - Southeast section of north Woodbury Township.
LEMON HOUSE - An early inn erected in turnpike days at Head of Six. Still standing, on the Blair-Cambria line.
LERSCH'S PARK - Near Pottsgrove Reservoir.
LEVENGOOD'S SPRING - Large spring near Hensheytown.
LICK RUN - Juniata Township. Empties into Poplar Run.
LICK HOLLOW RUN - Greenfield Township. Empties into Frankstown branch.
LIND'S CROSSING - Former railroad station, Frankstown Township.
LING TAVERN - Built in Claysburg, 1838. Still standing.
LITTLE DAM - Small canal dam, formerly above Williamsburg.
LITTLE GAP RUN - Snyder and Antis Townships. Empties into Detric Run.
LITTLE RUN - Snyder Township. Empties into Little Bald Eagle Creek.
LLYSWEN - Part of Fourteenth Ward, Altoona.
LOCK MOUNTAIN - Forms eastern boundary of Frankstown Township.
LOCUST HILLS - In Twelfth Ward, Altoona.
LOGAN ACADEMY - Formerly in Bellwood, 1865-1874.
LOGAN, CHIEF, LODGE - Head of Riggle's Gap.
LOGAN HOUSE - Famous hotel at Tenth Avenue and Thirteenth Street, Altoona, built by Pennsylvania Railroad, 1854. Razed 1931.
LOGAN MILLS - Homer's Gap. (Same as Gardner's Mill. Also known as Coleman's Mills.)
LOGAN RUN - Old name for Loup Run, Antis Township.
LOGAN'S NARROWS - Point where Tyrone is now located.
LOGAN SPRING RUN - In Tyrone. Empties into Little Juniata.
LOGAN'S RUN - Snyder Township. Empties into Little Juniata near Ironville.
LOGAN'S SPRING - Large spring on Gilbert Watts' farm, near Hensheytown, where Indian Captain Logan lived.
LOGAN'S SPRING - Large spring in Tyrone, where Indian Captain Logan lived.
LOGANTOWN - Old section of Altoona, now in Seventh Ward.
LOGAN TOWNSHIP - Established 1850, from Allegheny and Antis Townships. Population, 1940, 8,483.
LOGAN VALLEY - Same as Tuckahoe Valley.
LOGAN VALLEY INN - At Mary Ann Forge. Built before 1830. Occupied after that date by John Bell, owner of the forge. Still standing.
LOOP, EAST - Frankstown Township.
LOOP, MIDDLE - Frankstown Township.
LOOP MOUNTAIN - Forms southwestern boundary of Frankstown Township.
LOOP STATION - Former railroad station, Blair Township.
LOOP WEST - Frankstown Township.
LOST POINT - Mountain along Tipton Run.
LOUDEN'S HILL - Fifth Ward, Altoona.
LOUDENSVILLE - Old section of Altoona, west of Eleventh Street.
LOUP RUN - Antis Township. Empties into Tipton Run. (Same as Logan Run.)
LOWER BRUSH MOUNTAIN ROAD - From Frankstown road at top of mountain to Hollidaysburg via Blairmont Country Club.
LOWE'S ISLAND - In Beaver Dam Branch, Gaysport.
LOWRY FORT - Revolutionary fort in Canoe Valley on Fox Run.
LOWRY HOMESTEAD - Erected 1785 near Frankstown. Believed to be oldest stone house in Blair County.
LOWRY'S SPRING - Large spring on Route 22 near Frankstown. Known as Frankstown Sleeping Place on old Kittanning Trail.
LOWTHER'S MILL - An early grist mill at Bell's Mills.

MANSION PARK - Vicinity of Allegheny Furnace.
MAPLE AVENUE ATHLETIC FIELD - A school field at Maple Avenue and Twenty-third Street, Altoona.
MAPLE HOLLOW - Allegheny Township. Drained by Gillan's Run.
MAPLE LAWN - Section of Eldorado, now in Fourteenth Ward, Altoona.
MARIA FORGE, MIDDLE - A forge (1830-1862) between McKee Gap and Roaring Spring.
MARIA FORGE, LOWER - A forge (1832-1876) between McKee Gap and Roaring Spring.
MARIA FORGE, UPPER - A forge (1828-1862) between McKee Gap and Roaring Spring.
MARIONSVILLE - Same as Poplar Run or Puzzletown.
MARTHA FORGE - A forge in McKee Gap (1843-1890). Also called Gap Forge.
MARTHA FURNACE - A furnace in McKee Gap (1838-1890). Also called Gap Furnace.
MARTINSBURG - Borough in north Woodbury Township, named for an early settler, John Martin. Incorporated 1832. Population, 1940, 1,396.
MARTINSBURG AIRPORT - East of Martinsburg. Now called Blair County Airport.
MARY ANN FORGE - Antis Township. Forge operated there 1830-1872. Mansion still standing.
MATTHEWS SUMMIT - Former railroad station in north Woodbury Township.
McCAHAN'S BLUFF - Near New Portage Junction.
McCARTNEYVILLE - Old section of Altoona now in Seventh Ward.
McCAULEY'S SHOPS - Formerly at Broad Avenue and Twenty-sixth Street, Altoona.
McCAULEY'S WOODS - Formerly at Eighth Avenue and Twenty-fourth Street, Altoona. Site of present Silk Mill.
McCUNE'S MILL - Frankstown Township, near mouth of Oldtown Run. Birthplace of Harold L. Ickes.
McDONALD'S RUN - Blair and Freedom townships. Empties into Frankstown Branch.
McFARLANDSVILLE - Village in Antis Township, near Grazierville.
McFARLAND RUN - Antis Township. Empties into Little Juniata. Also called Hare's Run.
McGARVEY STATION - Former R.R. station in Logan Township West of Altoona.
McGLATHERY'S HILL - Near Gamble's Hill.
McKEE - Village in McKee Gap, Freedom Township.
McKEE GAP - Former P.O. at. McKee. A gap between Dunning and Short mountains, formerly called Frankstown Gap.
McKILLIP'S EXTENSION - In Duncansville.
McKILLIP'S HILL - A long steep hill on Route 22, Frankstown Township.
MEMORIAL PARK - In Duncansville.
MEMORIAL PARK - In Martinsburg.
MERRIVALE - A station on old Wopsy Railroad.
MERRYMAN'S RUN - Snyder Township. Empties into Little Bald Eagle Creek.
MIDDLETOWN - Village in North Woodbury Township, midway between Fredericksburg and Martinsburg.
MILLER'S BLACKSMITH SHOP - Near present Martz School, Juniata Gap.
MILLERSTOWN - Village in North Woodbury Township on Clover Creek.
MILLIGAN'S GAP - Old name for Kettle or Black's Gap.
MILL RUN - Logan Township. Empties into Beaver Dam branch of Juniata.
MILL RUN - Village in Logan Township. (Same as Freeman).
MILLVILLE - Vicinity of Altoona Iron Co. rolling mill, Sixth Ave. and Thirtieth St., Altoona.
MINES - Village and former P.O. in Huston Township. End of Springfield Branch, P.R.R. (Same as Oreminea).
MOLASSES TOWN - Village at Rebecca Furnace.
MOORE'S MILL - R.R. siding, Frankstown Township, near entrance to Beaver Dams.
MOORE'S RUN - Snyder Township. Old name for Van Scoyoc Run.
MORRELL - Village in Huston Township.
MORRISON'S COVE - Extends from Woodbury to Williamsburg.
MORRISON'S COVE JUNCTION - Junction of Martinsburg branch railroad with Morrison's Cove branch.
MOSHANNON CREEK - Snyder Township. Empties into west branch of Susquehanna River.
MOUNTAIN FARM - Abandoned farm on Williamsburg watershed.
MOUNTAIN HOUSE - Hotel formerly near "Y" Switches.
MOUNTAIN LAKE - Swimming pool in Blair's Gap.
MOUNT ETNA - Former railroad station, Catharine Township. First iron furnace in present Blair County erected here in 1809. Mansion still standing. MOUNT PARNASSUS - A section of early Altoona, exact location unknown.
MOYSTON - Former station on Springfield branch, Pennsylvania railroad.
Woodbury Township.
MUDTOWN - Same as Collinsville.
MULE SHOE - A curve on New Portage Railroad in Juniata Township.
MULE SHOE RESERVOIR - Pennsylvania Railroad reservoir within Mule Shoe Curve, Blair's Gap.
MULLIGAN HOLLOW - Antis Township, leads into Tipton Gap.
MULLIGAN RUN - Antis Township. Empties into Tipton Run.
MUSH RUN - Huston and North Woodbury Townships. Empties into Clover Creek.

NEALMONT - Village east of Tyrone, Snyder Township.
NEARHOOF HOLLOW - Snyder Township, near Vail.
NEFF'S HILL - Large hill south of Williamsburg, from the base of which flows the Big Spring.
NEWBURG - Village adjacent to Altoona along Buckhorn road.
NEW PORTAGE JUNCTION - Same as "Y" switches.
NEWRY - Borough and post office, Blair Township. Incorporated 1876. Population, 1940, 417.
NEWRY LANE - From Gaysport to Newry over the hills.
NIGGER KNOB - A knob of the Alleghenies along Buckhorn road.
NOLLEN RUN - Greenfield Township. Empties into Frankstown branch.
NORCROSS CUT - A railroad cut west of Altoona where a man of that name was murdered.
NORTHFIELD - North section of Hollidaysburg.
NORTHWOOD - Village north of Tyrone, Snyder Township.
NORTH WOODBURY TOWNSHIP - Came from Bedford County, 1846. Population, 1940, 1,390.
NUMBER TEN BRIDGE - A railroad bridge near Reservoir station.

OAK GROVE - Vicinity of school of that name, Logan Township. Also called Sandy Run.
OAK GROVE - Small community, Taylor Township.
OAK KNOLL - On trolley line to Hollidaysburg.
OAK RIDGE - Cemetery in Second Ward, Altoona.
OAKTON - Vicinity of Beverly Hills.
O'FRIEL'S RIDGE - Allegheny Township, west side of Brush Run, near Hilltop.
OLDTOWN RUN - Frankstown Township. Empties into Frankstown branch.
OLIVIA - Former post office near Bald Eagle, Snyder Township.
ORCHARD CROSSING - At southern end of Tyrone Borough.
ORE HILL - Village and former post office, Taylor Township. Famous Bloomfield iron ore mines in this vicinity.
OREMINEA - Same as Mines.

PAGE STATION - Former railroad station, North Woodbury Township.
PANCAKE HOLLOW - Along Bell's Gap Run.
PARK HILLS GOLF COURSE - On hill west of Lakemont trolley station.
PARKHURST - Community in Snyder Township.
PATCHTOWN - Same as Shellytown.
PAW PAW RUN - Freedom Township. Empties into Frankstown branch.
PECK - Former railroad station, Taylor Township.
PEIGHT'S ICE DAM - South Sixteenth Street, near Pleasant Valley Boulevard.
PENN PLACE - A section of Pleasant Valley.
PENNSYLVANIA CANAL - Built by the State in 1832. It followed the Juniata River through Blair County to Hollidaysburg, where traffic was transferred to the Allegheny Portage Railroad. Abandoned 1872.
PENNSYLVANIA CANAL BASINS - In river between Gaysport and Hollidaysburg.
P.R.R. GOLF LINKS - Hill in vicinity of Chestnut Avenue and First Street, Altoona, now abandoned. Recently presented to City of Altoona for a park.
PENNYROYAL - Vicinity of school of that name, Antis Township.
PEST HOUSE - Formerly on Prospect Hill. Used for smallpox patients in early days of Altoona.
PHILLIPS, FORT - On Clover Creek, south of Williamsburg.
PICKLE HILL - South of Thirty-first Street near Three Culverts, Altoona. Named for a large Heinz pickle sign formerly there.
PINECROFT - Southeast corner Antis Township, near Elizabeth Furnace.
PINE RUN - Greenfield Township. Empties into Beaver Dam Creek.
PINES - Antis Township. Vicinity of school of that name.
PINEY CREEK - Huston and Woodbury Townships. Empties into Frankstown branch of Juniata.
PINEY RIDGE - Frankstown Township, near Lower Reese.
PLACK - Former station on Wopsy Railroad.
PLEASANT VALLEY - Southern section of Altoona.
PLUM CREEK - Taylor Township. Empties into Halter Creek.
PLUMMER HOLLOW - Tyrone Township, near Tyrone.
POINT LOOKOUT - Brow of mountain 'at Wopsononock. Formerly a tower there.
POINT VIEW - Former railroad station, Frankstown Township. Old summer resort.
POINT VIEW - At top of Short Mountain, Catharine Township.
POINT VIEW GAP - Gap between Lock and Short Mountains, at Point View.
POLE CAT HOLLOW - Small valley, Catharine Township, from Yellow Springs to river.
POLE CAT HOLLOW - Small valley, Allegheny Township, from Carson Valley to Maple Hollow.
POLE CAT HOLLOW RUN - Same as Yellow Springs Run.
POLE CAT RUN - Greenfield Township. Empties into Frankstown branch.
POMEROY MOUNTAIN - Allegheny Township near Mule Shoe.
POMEROY STATION - On New Portage Railroad near Mule Shoe.
POPLAR RUN - A village and former post office in Freedom Township. (Same as Puzzletown or Marionsville.)
POPLAR RUN - Freedom and Juniata Townships. Empties into Frankstown branch.
POPLAR RUN, SOUTH - Greenfield Township. Empties into Frankstown branch. (Same as Bull's Creek.)
POTETOWN - Village near Ore Hill, Taylor Township.
POTTSGROVE MILLS - Formerly located near present Pottsgrove Reservoir.
POTTSGROVE RESERVOIR - Pennsylvania Railroad reservoir in northeastern part of Logan Township.
POVERTY HOLLOW - Huston Township.
POWDER-HOUSE HILL - Near Westf all Park, Altoona.
PROMISED LAND - Small community in Catharine Township, along road over Canoe Mountain to Beaver Dams.
PROSPECT HILL - Hill section of Fourth Ward, Altoona.
PROSPECT PARK - In Fourth Ward, Altoona.
PUZZLETOWN - Same as Poplar Run or Marionsville.

QUALITY KNOB - Hill district of Bellwood.
QUALITY KNOB - Hill district of Sixth Ward, Altoona.
QUARRY HOLE - Submerged quarry on Piney Creek, near Ganister.
QUARTER MILE STRETCH - Old name of Baker Boulevard.
QUEEN ESTHER'S RUN - Greenfield Township. Empties into Bob's Creek.

RATTLESNAKE RIDGE - Freedom Township. Along Dodson's Run.
RAVEN ROCK - Ledge of rocks in Sinking Valley where ravens are reported.
to have nested. Probably not true.
REBECCA FURNACE - Huston Township. Furnace built 1817, abandoned 1882. Mansion still standing.
RED BRIDGE - Crosses railroad at Eighth Street, Juniata.
RED CAP HILL - Juniata Township, near Butlersville.
RED HILL - Long hill southeast of Williamsburg.
RED HILL - On Buckhorn Road, Logan Township.
REDLICK RUN - Juniata Township, Empties into Blair's Gap Run.
RED ORE BANK - Abandoned iron ore mine on Big Ridge, north Woodbury Township.
RED WELL - Near Mountain Lake, Blair's Gap.
REESE, LOWER - Former railroad station, Frankstown Township.
REESE, UPPER - Former railroad station, Frankstown Township.
REIGHTOWN - Village west of Bellwood.
RESERVOIR - Former post office and railroad station, Blair Township. Breast of Catfish Reservoir located here.
RESERVOIR PARK - End of Fifteenth Street, Tyrone Borough.
RHODODENDRON PARK - Former amusement park on Bell's Gap Railroad, Cambria County.
RICH BOTTOM - Part of original site of Williamsburg.
RIDER'S LANE - In Juniata Gap.
RIDDLE - A former station on Pennsylvania Railroad in Blair Township.
RIDGE STREET - Small settlement on Ridge road south of Williamsburg.
RIGGLE'S GAP - Extends from Antis in Antis Township to top of the Alleghenies.
RIGGLE'S GAP RUN - Antis Township. Empties into Little Juniata.
RITCHEY'S PARK - Sinking Valley. Now owned by Altoona Rifle and Pistol Club. Near Fort Roberdeau.
RITTS' PARK - Former small park at foot of Brush Mountain, Logan Township.
ROARING RUN - Catharine Township. Empties into Frankstown branch.
ROARING RUN - Logan and Frankstown Townships. (Same as Brush Creek.)
ROARING RUN HOLLOW - Catharine Township, from Canoe Mountain to Mount Etna.
ROARING SPRING - Borough in Taylor Township. Named for large spring there. Incorporated 1887. Population, 1940, 2,724. Formerly Spang's Mills.
ROBERDEAU, FORT - Revolutionary fort, Sinking Valley, built 1778 to protect miners getting out lead for Continental Army.
ROBINSON RUN - Frankstown Township. Empties into the Frankstown branch.
ROBINSON'S EXTENSION - Suburb of Williamsburg.
ROBINSON'S RIDGE - Near Ant Hills, west side of Brush Run.
ROBINSON'S SUMMIT - Site of Altoona. So named by Pennsylvania Railroad engineers.
RODMAN - Village in Taylor Township. Two iron furnaces were built here in 1862 and 1872. Named for Admiral Rodman of U.S. Navy.
ROLLER, FORT - Revolutionary fort, Sinking Valley, on present farm of Ross Burket.
ROLLER'S HILL - Large hill southeast of Williamsburg.
ROOT - Vicinity of school of that name, Antis Township, west of Bellwood. ROSEHILL DRIVE - An eastward extension of Pleasant Valley Boulevard.
ROSELAWN - An addition to Eldorado, now in Fourteenth Ward, Altoona.
ROSELAWN - A section of Hollidaysburg.
ROYER - Former railroad station and post office, Woodbury Township. (Same as Springfield and Springfield Furnace.)
RUSKIN DRIVE - A section of the old Cabbagetown Road, Fourteenth Ward, Altoona.
RUSKIN RIDGE - West of Ruskin Drive.

SABBATH REST - Post office for Elizabeth Furnace, which was also called Sabbath Rest Furnace.
SAGE HILL - Large wooded hill west of Williamsburg.
SAINT CLAIR - A settlement in Catharine Township, near Ganister.
SAM HILL - South of Martinsburg airport.
SAND PIT PARK - Twelfth Ward, near Locust Hills, Altoona.
SAND RIDGE - Large wooded hill, Tussey Mountain, between Schmucker's and Snair's Hollows.
SANDY GAP - Former station on Wopsy Railroad.
SANDY RUN - Logan and Antis Townships. Empties into Little Juniata. Old name, Beaver Dam Run.
SARAH FURNACE - Operated near Sproul, 1832-1882. Mansion still standing.
SAVAGE GAP - South of Gaysport in Blair Township, where the Hollidays were killed by Indians, 1779.
SAVAGE'S ICE DAM - Formerly in Juniata Gap.
SCHELL RUN - Snyder Township. Empties into Little Bald Eagle Creek.
SCHMUCKER'S HOLLOW - Tussey Mountain, Woodbury Township.
SCHMUCKER'S RUN - Woodbury Township. Empties into Clover Creek.
SCHWABTOWN - East end of Williamsburg.
SCOTCH KNOB - Knob of the Alleghenies near Kittanning Point.
SCOTCH MOUNTAIN - Forms eastern boundary of Tyrone Township. Also called Brush Mountain.
SCOTCH RUN - Logan Township. Empties into Burgoon's Run.
SCOTCH VALLEY - Frankstown Township. Farming section.
SCRATCHTOWN - Southern Taylor Township.
"S" CURVE - On Juniata Gap road.
SHANTYTOWN - Section of Hollidaysburg.
SHANTYTOWN - One-half mile west of Drab, Huston Township.
SHAWNEE PARK - One mile south of Roaring Spring.
SHAW RUN - Antis Township. Empties into Bell's Gap Run.
SHELLYTOWN - Village and former post office, Woodbury Township. Also called Patchtown.
SHORT MOUNTAIN - Forms boundary between Taylor and Blair Townships.
SHORT MOUNTAIN - Catharine Township. Runs northwest and southeast at right angles to end of Lock Mountain.
SHOTSBURG - Small settlement on old canal near Williamsburg.
SICKLES' CORNER - Tyrone Township, a road intersection.
SINK HOLES - Five hundred feet southwest of Sinking Spring Cave, Tyrone Township. Facetiously called "Sinking Valley Canyon."
SINKING RUN - Tyrone Township. Disappears near Sickles' Corner and possibly reappears as Arch Spring.
SINKING RUN - Snyder Township. Empties into Little Bald Eagle Creek.
SINKING SPRING CAVE - Tyrone Township, one mile west of Arch Spring.
SINKING SPRING RUN - Huston Township. Empties into Piney Creek.
SINKING VALLEY - Farming district, Tyrone Township.
SINKING VALLEY - Former post office in Tyrone Township. Also known as Sinking Valley Mills, Laurelville and Skelp.
SIXTEENTH STREET HOLLOW - Brush Mountain, end of south Sixteenth Street.
SIXTEENTH STREET LANE - Former township road, Altoona to Collinsville, now south Sixteenth Street.
SKELP - Same as Sinking Valley post office.
SKEW ARCH BRIDGE - Foot of Plane Six Blair's Gap.
SLIDE HILL - Along Bell's Gap Run.
SLIPPERY RACE WOODS - Vicinity of north Logan Boulevard, Altoona.
SMITH'S CORNER - Community in Freedom Township.
SMITHTOWN - Vicinity of Nineteenth Avenue and Fourteenth Street, Altoona.
SMOKY RUN - Greenfield Township. Empties into Beaver Dam Creek.
SNAIR'S HOLLOW Tussey Mountain, Woodbury Township.
SNAIR'S RUN - Woodbury Township. Empties into Clover Creek.
SNYDER TOWNSHIP - Came from Huntingdon County in 1846. Population, 1940, 2,739.
SOAP FAT - A derisive name for Canoe Furnace. So-called in allusion to the quality of the bacon sold at the company store.
SOUTH ALTOONA - In Fourteenth Ward. Altoona.
SPANG EXTENSION - In Roaring Spring.
SPANG'S MILLS - Former post office at what is now Roaring Spring.
SPARR - Village on Clover Creek, near Williamsburg.
SPENCER RUN - Allegheny Township. Empties into Beaver Dam branch of Juniata.
SPOOK HOLLOW - Logan Township, west of East Juniata, near old Anderson farm.
SPRING DAM PARK - In Roaring Spring.
SPRINGFIELD - Same as Royer or Springfield Furnace.
SPRINGFIELD FURNACE - Operated in Woodbury Township, 1815-1885.
Mansion still standing. Formerly a post office. (Same as Springfield or Royer.) SPRINGFIELD JUNCTION - Point in Woodbury Township where Springfield branch of Pennsylvania Railroad joined Petersburg branch.
SPRING GARDEN FARM - Same as Mountain Farm.
SPRING MEADOW - Former railroad station, Allegheny Township.
SPRING RUN - North Woodbury Township. Empties into Plum Creek.
SPRING RUN - Snyder Township. Empties into Little Bald Eagle Creek.
SPRING RUN - Logan Township. Empties into the Little Juniata. Drains Juniata Gap.
SPROUL - Post office town, Greenfield Township. Brick plant of General Refractories Co. located here.
STAINS - Former post office at Wopsononock, Logan Township.
STANFIELD - Former station on Pennsylvania Railroad, Blair Township.
STEEL MOUNTAIN - Juniata Township, near Mule Shoe.
STIFFLER'S CROSSING - Village in Allegheny Township, near Canan Station.
STINE'S STONE QUARRY - On Kettle road near Pottsgrove Reservoir.
STONY BATTER - West Second Street in Williamsburg.
STONY POINT - Lincoln Avenue and Fifteenth Street, Tyrone.
STORMER'S STONE QUARRY - Brush Mountain, north of Lakemont. (Same as Hoyer's Quarry.)
STULTZ FIELD - Airfield at Tipton.
SUGAR RUN - Allegheny Township. Empties into Beaver Dam branch.
SUGAR RUN - Logan Township. Empties into Little Juniata.
SUGAR RUN GAP - Extends from Canan Station to top of the Alleghenies,
Allegheny Township.
SUNBROOK - Former railroad station, Allegheny Township.
SYLVAN HILLS - On trolley line between Hill Top and Hollidaysburg.

TABLE ROCK - A high, fiat rock near Williamsburg used as a picnic place.
TAYLOR RUN - Old name for Tipton Run.
TAYLOR TOWNSHIP - Established 1855, from North Woodbury and Huston Townships. Population, 1940, 1,533.
TEMPERANCEVILLE - Old village west of Duncansville.
TENTH STREET LANE - A southward extension of Tenth Street, Altoona, now south Tenth Street.
THOMASTOWN - Southern section of Tyrone.
THREE CULVERTS - Under main line of Pennsylvania Railroad at Thirty-first Street, Altoona.
THREE FORGES POST OFFICE - First post office at East Freedom, 1829.
THREE MILE DAM - A canal dam with breast at Ganister. Destroyed 1900.
THREE SPRING RUN - Snyder Township. Empties into Tipton Run.
TIPTON - Post office town and former railroad station, Antis Township.
TIPTON ACADEMY - Formerly at Tipton.
TIPTON GAP - Extends from Tipton to top of Allegheny Mountains.
TIPTON MINES - Five miles north of Tipton. Now covered by Pennsylvania Railroad reservoir. Post office there, Glen Emery.
TIPTON RESERVOIR - Large Pennsylvania Railroad dam on Tipton Run.
TIPTON RUN - Antis and Snyder Townships. Empties into Little Juniata. Also called Taylor Run.
TITUS, FORT - A barn on the farm of Peter Titus, one mile below Hollidaysburg, used as a fort against the Indians about 1777.
TOLLGATE, CAMPBELL'S - On Plank Road near Hollidaysburg.
TOM'S CAVE - Old name for Gromiller's Cave.
TOWN HILL - A long, steep hill east of Williamsburg.
TOWNSHIP RUN - Boundary line between Frankstown and Catharine Townships. Empties into Frankstown branch.
TRIANGLE - Crossroads in Snyder Township, near Bald Eagle.
TUCKAHOE PARK - Union Avenue, Twenty-eighth to Thirty-first Streets, Altoona. A city park.
TUCKAHOE VALLEY - Extends from Altoona to Tyrone. (Same as Logan Valley.)
TUG HILL, - In north central Logan Township.
TURKEY VALLEY - Farming valley, Frankstown Township.
TUSSEY MOUNTAIN - Forms part of eastern boundary of Blair County.
TWELFTH STREET HOLLOW - On Brush Mountain at end of south Twelfth Street.
TWELFTH STREET LANE - A southern extension of Twelfth Street, Altoona, now south Twelfth Street.
TWENTY-SECOND STREET LANE - A southward extension of Twenty-second Street, Altoona, now south Twenty-second Street.
TWO PINE SPRING - Along Bell's Gap Run.
TYRONE BOROUGH - Snyder Township. Established as borough, 1857. Population, 1940, 8,845.
TYRONE FORGE, LOWER - Built 1805 at Ironville, near Tyrone. First iron works in present Blair County.
TYRONE FORGE, UPPER - Built in 1813 at entrance to Plummer Hollow, near Tyrone.
TYRONE RESERVOIRS - Along Janesville Pike in Snyder Township, on Sinking Run.
TYRONE TOWNSHIP - Came from Huntingdon County, 1846. Population, 1940, 885.

VAIL - Former railroad station and post office in Snyder Township.
VAN SCOYOC - Former railroad station in Snyder Township.
VAN SCOYOC RUN - Snyder Township. Empties into Little Bald Eagle Creek. (Formerly Moore's Run.)
VICKSBURG - Small village, Blair Township, near McKee.
VINEYARD LANE - Near Duncansville.

WAITE'S CROSSING - Dangerous railroad crossing near Franklin Forge. WALLOW MOUNTAIN - A knob of the Alleghenies in Greenfield Township.
WALLSTOWN - Village near Canoe Creek.
WARM WATER - Point where water from condensers of Penn-Edison plant enters river at Williamsburg.
WATER STREET GAP - Gap between Tussey and Short Mountains, through which Frankstown branch leaves Blair County.
WAVERLY FIELD - Former ball park, near Driving Park.
WEHNWOOD - Wopsononock Avenue and Juniata Gap road, in Thirteenth Ward, Altoona.
WERTZ - Former post office and railroad station, Woodbury Township.
WEST ALTOONA - Old section of Altoona, now included in Sixth and Ninth Wards.
WESTFALL PARK - Adjacent to Fifth Ward, Altoona, in Logan Township.
WESTMONT - South Tenth Avenue, west of Thirty-first Street, Altoona.
WESTWOOD - Village in Juniata Gap.
WHIP-POOR-WILL STRAIGHT - Stretch of straight railroad track just beyond Horse Shoe Curve.
WHITE BRIDGE - Former railroad station, Frankstown Township.
WHITE HALL HOTEL - Famous old farmers' hotel, Sixteenth Street and Twelfth Avenue, Altoona. Now demolished.
WHITE PINE CURVE - Sharp curve on old highway between Williamsburg and Point View.
WILLIAMSBURG ACADEMY - Formerly in Williamsburg. Established 1847.
WILLIAMSBURG BOROUGH - Woodbury Township. Established as borough, 1893. Population, 1940, 1,898.
WILLIAMSBURG JUNCTION - Formerly in southeastern Hollidaysburg.
WILLOWBROOK - Section of Duncansville.
WILLOW DAM - Old canal dam below Williamsburg.
WINDING BRIDGE - On Three Spring Run, Snyder Township. Also called Stone Bridge.
WOLFGANG - Vicinity of school of that name, Antis Township.
WOODBURY TOWNSHIP - Came from Huntingdon County in 1846. Population, 1940, 1,474. (Old spelling was Woodberry.)
WOPSONONOCK - Summer resort and former post office at top of Alleghenies, Logan Township. Name probably of Indian origin. (Old spelling, Wapsononic.)

YELLOW SPRINGS - Village and former post office in Catharine Township. Famous inn here in stage coach days.
YELLOW SPRINGS, LOWER - Village one mile east of Yellow Springs.
YELLOW SPRINGS RUN - Catharine Township. Empties into Frankstown branch.
YOUNG'S CROSSING - Same as Hill Top.
"Y" SWITCHES - Blair Township, near Duncansville. (Same as New Portage Junction.)