Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Monday, January 6, 1919
William H. Carles Among Near Hundred Americans to Gain Their
William H. Carles, of Juniata, is one soldier boy of this vicinity
known to have been captured by the Germans when the Americans were
driving them back from French soil. The war department yesterday
issued a statement to the effect that three officers and ninety-one
men had been released from Camp Rastatt, and Carles was numbered among
Carles is a well known Juniata boy. He is an athlete and a well
known ball player. He didn't wait to be drafted but enlisted early in
the war and was among the first Blair countians to go overseas. He
saw considerable action and was among the first Americans reported to
have been captured by the Huns. The war department makes no statement
regarding the condition of the soldiers released from Camp Rastatt and
it is believed that they will shortly be sent home to recuperate
before being discharged from the service.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Monday, January 6, 1919, page 1
Mrs. W. T. Isenberg has received a letter from her son Herman, for
whom much anxiety had been felt, as he had not been heard from since
October 24. He was in the last great drive and came through all
right. The letter was written at Santenoge, France.
Dean Dickson writes home that he is "on the way to Germany" with
his command, Company L, of the 110th, after a sojourn in hospital,
suffering from shell shock.
William Sitman has been sent from the hospital where he had been
ever since the early part of August, to base hospital No. 57, which he
states is a step nearer home. He was expecting that he would be among
those sent home soon.
Harold Cornmesser, who was among the wounded early in the autumn,
is back with his company, well again, much to the relief of friends
and home folks.
Clair Wulfert writes that he is well. Clair was among those who
escaped with injuries not so serious.
Walter Kirkpatrick writes home that he is in the same company with
Don Gilmore and Wilbur Fowler, engaged in construction work.
Dewey Martz is another Bellwood boy recently heard from. He has
recovered from slight wounds.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Frye, of Punxsutawney, left for home yesterday,
after a visit with Mrs. Frye's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
J. Blaine Williams and family, of South Altoona, were guests
yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Fleming. All have recovered from
influenza except Mr. Williams, who is now recuperating from double
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Monday, January 6, 1919, page 3
Parsonage Damaged - Minister and Wife, Both Ill, Are Carried to
Neighbor's Residence
St. John's Lutheran church edifice in East Juniata was completely
destroyed by fire yesterday morning, and the parsonage adjoining at
1827 Sixth avenue, was badly damaged. The pastor, the Rev. E. Leroy
Hauser and his wife are both down with the flu and, wrapped in
blankets, were hastily carried to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kubric,
across the avenue. Their household goods were also removed to places
of safety. The fire is believed to have been caused by an overheated
furnace pipe.
Preaching services in the church yesterday had been annulled by
reason of the minister's illness, but in preparation for the Sunday
school session at 9.30 a. m. W. H. Yon at 8 o'clock built a fire in
the air furnace that heated the structure. The fire seemed to be
behaving admirably when Mr. Yon went out for a few minutes to feed the
pastor's chickens, but as he returned back toward the church flames
were issuing from a basement door.
An alarm telephoned from the parsonage brought out the apparatus of
all three volunteer fire companies and streams were directed on the
burning church by Rogers No. 1 and Juniata No. 2 hosemen. The home of
worship was, however, doomed. Its interior finish of yellow pine
blazed fiercely even under the deluge of water and the building with
all its contents was consumed to the foundation walls.
Splendid service of the firemen saved the handsome brick cased
parsonage on the adjoining lot and the loss there was confined to the
roof and damage by water. The pastor's furnishings were removed and
neither he nor his good wife are believed to be the worse for a quick
trip across the avenue. They will be cared for in the good Samaritan
spirit in the Kubric home.
The church edifice destroyed yesterday morning was a frame
structure of moderate size and was built some sixteen years ago as a
house of worship for a mission charge. At present building prices it
cannot be replaced for less than $4000. It was insured for $2100 and
there is additional insurance of $400 on the furnishings. A damage of
perhaps $300 to the parsonage is covered by insurance.
The firemen were at a big disadvantage in the run to the fire
through a heavy fog and the Juniata No. 2 auto truck had a close shave
to colliding with a street car that unexpectedly broke out of the
mist. Considering the distance covered the response of both west end
companies was prompt and their work certainly prevented a much larger
Messages of sympathy from all over town were yesterday
received by members of St. John's Lutheran congregation and offers of
any possible assistance were made by sister churches. Official
members of Trinity Lutheran church made offer of their parsonage -
now vacant for the accommodation of the Rev. and Mrs. E. Leroy Hauser
and further suggested that he occupy their pulpit with Trinity support
for the present benefit of both congregations. The kindly intention
may lead to at least a temporary union of the two Lutheran churches in
Orchestra Recital.
Under the auspices of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Y. M. C. A., a
musical will be given in the rooms on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.
The program will consist of readings by Robert Lantz and Miss
Elizabeth Benney. Solo, Miss Elizabeth Holley; vocal duet, Mrs. D.
G. Meek, and Frank Fasic. Two short plays will be given. "Our
Stainless Flag," in which ten young people will participate, and "Holy
Night," are their titles. A small admission will be charged. Proceeds
for a piano for the lobby.
Miss Catherine Friday and Miss Nora Stonebraker, of Van Scoyoc, are
guests of their sister and cousin, Mrs. C. H. Ulrich, of 714 Second
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Griffith, of 607 Fourth avenue, are rejoicing
over the advent of a twelve pound baby boy.
Mrs. Margaret Woomer, of 802 Third avenue, was removed to the Mercy
hospital on Saturday morning, suffering from inflammatory rheumatism.
Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Black, of 703 Fifth avenue, spent yesterday at
Mt. Union. They were accompanied home by their daughter, Miss
Margaret, who spent the week-end with her cousin, Miss Ruth Watson.
Mrs. G. M. Smith, of East Juniata, is visiting her mother, who is
seriously ill at Irvona.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Monday, January 6, 1919, page
Many Friends Pay Tribute to Memory of Sergeant Morse
A large number of friends of Sergeant Harry Elwood Morse, who was
killed in action September 27, paid final honor to the sacrifice and
memory of the young hero at the memorial service conducted last
evening at Trinity Reformed church by the pastor, W. F. Kosman.
Sergeant Morse was a faithful member of Trinity Reformed church and
Sunday school and the beautiful memorial sermon delivered by his
pastor strongly eulogized the sterling qualities which characterized
his life as a man and as a soldier. In the sermon Rev. Kosman pointed
out that through the death of Sergeant Morse and all heroes who paid
the supreme sacrifice victory was won, and to them the world will
forever be debtors.
Impressive music was rendered by a male quartette composed of
Professor Harry Smith, Messrs. J. R. Earlenbaugh, John Fenstermacher
and Eugene Robb. Miss Pauline Beaver sang "Wipe Away All Tears."
Judge Thomas J. Baldrige Hands Down a Decision Closing Year's
The out-of-town banking plan voted by the last council under the
commission form of government, has been determined as valid by a
decision handed down Saturday by Judge Thomas J. Baldrige. It will be
remembered that the city council voted to approve a contract with a
Johnstown and Braddock bank that they become depositories of the funds
of the city of Altoona. Certain citizens sought to restrain banking
of funds out of the city and entered into litigation.
The citizens' committee sued out an injunction to restrain the
banking out of the city but when the final hearing took place the
committee lost out. An appeal was taken and exceptions filed and to
this Judge Baldrige hands down the following decision:
By the Court: The plaintiff averred in bill filed in this case that
the contract entered into between the city of Altoona, the Union
National bank of Johnstown and the Braddock Trust company was invalid,
as the meeting called by the city commissioners at which time the
contract was authorized was illegal on account of insufficient notice
given thereof.
We discussed fully the purpose and effect of legal notice in the
opinion filed in this case, and held that as the meeting was for the
benefit of the commissioners they could, and in this case did waive
it. If there is any doubt as to the legality of the meeting on
account of in sufficient notice, the council on the day following the
original date fixed for the meeting ratified their action of the
previous day and thereby removed all questions of the validity of
their action. Sandy Lake Borough vs. Gas Company, 16 Superior Court
Reports, 243.
It is contended upon the part of the exceptant that there could be
no ratification, as the entering into the contract upon the part of
the commissioners was an ultra vires act, and therefore could n at be
ratified. We recognize the principle, but it is inapplicable in the
case at bar. The entering into a contract for the payment of interest
on city funds was within the scope of the power and authority of the
commissioners, and therefore their action was not ultra vires; at the
most it was irregular, and was subsequently rectified and prior to the
notice of the intent to apply for an injunction.
Further consideration of the plaintiffs' contention has failed to
convince us that there was any error in our opinion and decree filed.
The exceptions are, therefore, overruled. - T. J. BALDRIGE, President Judge.
Dated January 4, 1919.
October Month Counts 236 Deaths, With December Second -Total for Year
Is 1,121
What is supposed to be the highest mortality record in the city is
shown in the report for the year of 1918, with 1,121 persons dying in
the twelve months just elapsed. The summer months show a surprisingly
low death rate compared with the Fall and Winter months that follow.
The statistics of deaths by months follow:
January - 80
February - 78
March - 81
April - 70
May - 88
June - 40
July - 57
August - 72
September - 77
October - 236
November - 117
December - 125
Total - 1,121
Logan township - 209 Total.
The record of deaths for December show the last month of the year
is second in number of mortalities, being a little better than half
the total for the month of October. The December figures show that
125 deaths occurred in the city during that month, of which sixty were
males and sixty-five females.
There were 28 mortalities at the Altoona hospital and fourteen at
the Mercy. In Logan township there were twenty-one deaths, fifteen
males and six females. In the wards, the Sixth leads with 22; Fifth,
11; Fourth and Tenth, 9 each; Second, 8; Eighth. 6; Seventh, 5; Ninth,
4; First and Third. 3 each; Twelfth 2; and the Eleventh, 1.
Mrs. Margaretta Meinhart, wife of Albert Meinhart, died of
complications of diseases Saturday afternoon at 3:25 o'clock, at her
home, 2321 Eighteenth street, after a lingering illness. She was born
in this city March 9, 1850, the daughter of David and Mary Grove
Miller. Her father was one of the first undertakers in this city.
Her husband and three children survive: Mrs. Fred Danners, of
Wilkinsburg; Mrs. D. A. Douglas, of this city; and Harry at home; also
four brothers and two sisters: E. W. Miller, of Bethlehem; S. M.
Miller, of Johnstown; David and Blair, of Braddock; Mrs. Lizzie
Stiffler and Mrs. Mary A. Yingling, of this city. Six grandchildren
and one great-grandchild also survive. She was a member of the
Calvary Baptist church. The funeral services will be conducted at the
home of the pastor, Rev. Dr. John Feltwell, tomorrow afternoon at 3
o'clock. Rev. Dr. M. J. Kline will assist. Interment will be made in
Rose Hill cemetery.
Mrs. Mary Nagle Karlheim, wife of John Karlheim, of 2424 Oak
avenue, died yesterday afternoon at 1:45 o'clock, of paralysis, with
which she was stricken December 26. She was born on August 12, 1859,
in Cambria county, near Chest Springs, being the daughter of Nicholas
(deceased) and Catherine Nagle. She is survived, besides her mother,
by her husband and an adopted daughter, Mrs. Estella Campbell, and the
following brothers and sisters: Mrs. George Biller, of Cresson; Aaron,
of Patton; Mrs. H. B. McMullin, of this city, and Miss Minnie, of
Chest Springs. She was a member of the auxiliaries of the Y. M. I.
and the A .O. H., and member of the Sacred Heart Catholic church. The
funeral services will take place Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, with
high mass of requiem at the Sacred Heart church, followed by interment
in Calvary cemetery.
Frederick Krater died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Arch
Heinsling, 1413 Third avenue, at 11:40 o'clock yesterday morning,
after an illness of five months of complications of diseases. He was
born in Germany on July 11, 1848, and came to this country with his
parents in 1856, locating in Pittsburg. In the year 1883 he took up
his residence in this city, entering the service of the P.R.R. as
upholsterer, which position he held up until three years ago, when he
was retired. In 1871 he was married to Miss Marie Luise Fritsch, who
preceded him to the grave four years ago. The following children
survive: Mrs. Clara W. Berkey, Mrs. Lydia Heinsling, Mrs. Audrey
Carey, Harry W., all of this city; Miss Emma, a missionary in India,
now at home on leave, and Walter F., of Pittsburg. Ten grandchildren
also survive. He was a member of the Mt. Carmel Catholic church,
where funeral services will be conducted at 9:30 Wednesday morning.
Interment in St. John's cemetery.
James F. Baughman, a well known resident of the southern end of the
county, died at his home just north of Martinsburg at 8 o'clock Friday
morning of pneumonia, following an attack of influenza. Deceased was
born August 8, 1893, in Bedford and had resided all his life in the
southern section of the county. He was married on August 8, 1914, to
Miss Linnie Chamberlain, who survives with an infant child and a
daughter aged 3 years. He is also survived by his mother, three
brothers and one sister. Several half-brothers and sisters also
survive. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, interment being
made in Fairview cemetery, Martinsburg.
Mrs. Dora Abramson, wife of Adolph Abramson, died at her home at
Everett on Thursday, January 2, of pneumonia, after a short illness.
She was of middle age and was well known in a wide circle of friends
in this city. She is survived by her husband and three children, all
at home. She is also survived by several brothers and sisters.
Funeral services were conducted here yesterday by Rev. Moses M. J.
Abels and interment made in the Hebrew cemetery.
Amos Newcomer died at 4.30 o'clock yesterday morning at the Altoona
hospital of pneumonia. He was born in Lloy[d]sville, Pa., 67 years
ago, and was employed as telegraph operator for the P.R.R. for over
forty years. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Margaret Wyerman,
of this city, with whom he made his home. Mrs. Wyerman and her
husband are both at present confined to their homes with the
pneumonia. One brother, W. Scott Newcomer, a prominent funeral
director of Pittsburg, and also secretary of the Pennsylvania
Association of Funeral Directors, and one sister, Miss Clara Newcomer,
of Pittsburg, also survive. He was a member of the First M. E. church
and the Telegraphers Union. The funeral will take place tomorrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock with services in the Stevens chapel, followed
by private interment in Rose Hill cemetery. The remains may be viewed
at any time at the Stevens mortuary, room 5.
Mrs. Martha Cramer, wife of Matthew R. Cramer, died at her
residence, 2607 Seventh avenue, of paralysis, following an illness of
some time. She was born in Huntingdon county, April 20, 1850, and was
married in 1870. She was a member of the Simpson Methodist church,
and is survived besides her husband, by the following children: Harry,
William, Nellie, Joseph, Mrs. Anna Matthews, Mrs. R. M. Chilcoat,
Matthew, Isaac, Frank, and Edward, also by 11 grandchildren, and two
great-grandchildren. The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon at the house with services in charge by Rev. H. H.
Stiles, of the Second Presbyterian church. Interment will be made in
Oak Ridge cemetery.
George L. Ballas died at the Mercy hospital at 11 o'clock Saturday
morning of pneumonia, following an illness of several days. He was
born in Pittsburg 29 years ago, and was employed as a fireman on the
Pittsburg division of the P. R. R. His wife survives, with his
parents, two brothers and three sisters, all of Virginia. The remains
will be taken to Disputante, Va., this evening for burial. The body
may be viewed at the Stevens mortuary at any time.
Mrs. Ellen Swanger died at the residence of her grandson, 2011
Fourteenth avenue, of paralysis, after an illness of several months.
She was born in Rebecca furnace, August 28, 1843, and was a member of
the Methodist church. She was twice married, and is survived by two
sons and one daughter: Thomas Gunnett, and Christ Swanger, and Mrs.
Catherine Bowman, of this city, and by 15 grandchildren, and 2 great
grandchildren. The funeral will take place at the Stevens mortuary
chapel this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Interment will be made in Rose
Hill cemetery. The remains may be viewed at the Stevens mortuary,
Room 3, at any time.
John Freel, employed until recently near Horrell by McKelvey Bros.,
and who was brought to Blair county hospital near Hollidaysburg on
January 2, died at 1:50 p. m. yesterday, of pneumonia. He had been
ill two weeks. He was a native of Pittsburg and was born in 1869. A
brother, Patrick, resides in that city. No disposition of the body
has been made.
Peter Olesik, aged 24, of Six Mile Run, a Swede, died at Altoona
hospital at 2 o'clock yesterday morning, of typhoid fever. He was
brought to the institution on December 30. He was single. The body
will likely be taken to Six Mile Run today.
Virginia, twin daughter of Thomas A. and Esther Killinger McCabe,
died at 4:35 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the residence of the
grandparents, 1809 Seventh avenue, aged 1 year, 5 months. Funeral
will take place tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, followed by
interment in Calvary cemetery.
John Frederick, son of Frederick and Sarah Brown Grimminger, of 210
Tenth street, died Saturday evening at 8:30 o'clock, of pneumonia,
born on August 26, 1917, and is survived by the parents. The funeral
services will take place at the home at 2 o'clock this afternoon,
followed by interment in Oak Ridge cemetery.
Lavada Oakes, daughter of Albert L. and Susan E. Mills Oakes, died
at the Mercy hospital at 11 o'clock yesterday morning, aged 2 years,
14 days. The funeral will take place from the home, 2022 Eighth
avenue. Interment will be made in Fairview cemetery.
The remains of Mrs. Susan W. Isenberg arrived in the city, and were
taken in charge by Funeral Director N. A. Stevens. Interment was made
yesterday afternoon in Rose Hill cemetery.
Funeral Notice.
The funeral of William Winter, late of the St. Lawrence hotel, will
be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the Hickey & O'Neill
funeral chapel. Burial in Fairview cemetery.
Fireman Fractures Knee.
Francis Monahan, residing at 1917 Eighth avenue, fireman on the
road, aged 24 years, suffered a possible fracture of the left knee
last night when he fell from his engine near Hollidaysburg. An X-ray
will be taken this morning at the Altoona hospital to determine the
nature of the hurt. The accident occurred at 7:30 o'clock.
Car Movement.
The movement of cars over the Middle division lines yesterday was
as follows: Interchanged with Tyrone 555 cars, passing Denholm 3,804
cars, making a grand total of 4,359 cars.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Monday, January 6, 1919, page 5
Located in Mulhausen, Near Switzerland, Sees All the Great Allied Men
of Day
S. A. Fleck, of 1622 Fourth street, received a letter from his son,
Robert E. Fleck, first class private in Nineteenth company, Second
regiment, air service mechanics, France, dated December 11. Private
Fleck was previously located in England, leaving Southampton last
March. The letter follows:
I received your letter of November 6 today, also the Christmas
cards. Many thanks for the same. Was glad to hear you were all well
and assure you that I am the same. Well, I have moved again, as you
can see, and now I am in Germany that used to be. I am about sixteen
miles from Switzerland. I don't know how long I will be here, but
hope it won't be long.
This is a town of about 125,000 and everything is up to date,
street cars and everything else. It sure is some place. The camp is
located about two miles from the town proper. I am glad again that
church is opened and the 'flu" is under control.
There are plenty of Flecks over here. The biggest hotel in Colmar
is the Fleck hotel. So you see my name is very popular over here. I
am still happy and contented and hope I shall soon see you all. I saw
General Pershing the other day, and yesterday was a big day here, a
big parade and I had the privilege of seeing President Poincare,
General Joffre, Generals Petain, Sein, Douglas, Haig, and Clemenceau,
the French minister of war. So you see my trip is interesting. I am
seeing sights now that I shall never, forget as long as I live. I
have postcard views that will take you a couple of hours to look at.
Trusting that this will find you all well and happy and hoping to see
you soon, with love to all.
Another local boy, Albert Fleck, of 723 Willow avenue, is with him
in the same unit, the two being inseparable friends. In a letter to
his mother, Albert writes that he has seen many historic towns in
France but never was at Paris.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Monday, January 6, 1919, page 6
Maroon and White Falls Before Allentown High in Final Game of Trip
Returning home on the Lehigh Express yesterday afternoon the Maroon
and White cage squad had a pair of hard-earned victories carefully
packed in their grips from their four-days' journey through the
eastern half of the state which included Lewistown, Shamokin, Mt.
Carmel and Allentown. The first and third games were taken while the
fourth game was lost. The Second game was lost through unfamiliarity
with Eastern League rules a while the fourth game was lost through the
severe test of the two previous nights taking the life out of the
"flyweight champs" of the P. I. A. A. Even with the boys returning on
the 50-50 basis, they feel highly elated over their trip and new
scenery. The pleasant receptions tendered the boys will long be
remembered by every member of the squad. Receptions were in order at
the close of each contest for the boys who were highly complimented
for their splendid work considered the size and weight of the team
with that of the home squad. In each of the four contests the Altoona
boys were lacking weight and height. Crowded houses greeted the team
on each floor. At Mt. Carmel the High team accomplished a feat no
other high school team succeeded in doing for four years or since the
new high school there has been in operation - defeated the Mt. Carmel
High quintette on its own floor. This was done with a 39-37 score.
Three weeks ago the Mt. Carmel team defeated Shamokin High on that
floor 38.18. Shamokin in turn defeated Altoona 32-16 after the first
half ended with the McNellis lads on the long end of a 12-9 score. In
this final half Klesius received a fractured wrist and Hoover a
laceration of the face above the right eye. With these members being
on the crippled list Altoona met the Allentown team considerably
weakened. While on the other hand the Peanuttown lads were fully
prepared for the banner game of their home season. The largest crowd
of the season greeted the boys in the new high school gymnasium.
Altoona vs. Allentown
Meeting on the Allentown High gym floor for the first time in the
history of both institutions, the Lehigh county lads took the long end
of a 30-25 contest which was not decided until the final minutes of
the contest and then only through the wonderful work of O'Keefe,
Allentown's crack foul shooter who caged only 16 of the possible 20
fouls committed by Altoona. On the other hand Altoona scored 9 field
goals while Allentown was fortunate to secure 7 but the former fell
flat on the 15-foot mark. Out of 21 attempts Crook caged 4 of his 16
chances while Roberts subbing for Klesius, added 2 of his 5 attempts.
In this contest Coach Sharadin was silently praying for the service of
his old reliable Pat Healy. Inability to locate the basket from the
15-foot mark meant defeat for a team which traveled 259 miles from
home. On February 1st both teams meet on the St. Luke's floor. That
night Altoona can anticipate one of the greatest games staged there
this season not even barring the Johnstown High battle on January
Altoona started in great style by caging a field goal and foul
before the Capt. Weston lads opened hostilities. Technical and
personal fouls became so numerous all of a sudden that O'Keefe caged
seven in a row before Altoona scored another point. Plugging away for
dear life on about the smoothest floor the locals stepped this season,
the McNelis lads soon began to show more scoring ability as the battle
continued. When the first half ended, Allentown led with a 21-12
score. The injury to Klesius' wrist necessitated a change in line up,
Roberts substituting in splendid form. His heady passing aided
materially in Altoona slowly closing up the big gap in the score.
The second half produced sensational work, for both teams
displayed some wonderful teamwork and Referee Mitchell was obliged to
put forth his best efforts to follow the curse [course?]of the ball.
It was only through the wonderful work of O'Keefe that Allentown won
out in the final minutes through his work on the 15 foot line. In this
half several players were shooed to the showers through the 4 personal
foul rule. Capt. Weston received the first chance and Sutch
duplicated two minutes later. Barrall for Weston and "Deacon" Bratton
for Sutch, both came through with flying colors. The work of McNelis
and Hoover was again the outstanding feature of the local's great
showing against the heavier and taller Allentown lads but the
remaining Maroon and White players aided materially in these
diminutive players' all-round work.
A dance and reception followed the close of the contest in honor of
the visiting team. Among the fans present were a number of Altoona
High Alumni who are either in colleges in or near Allentown or are
stationed at Camp Crane which is one block north from the high School.
A number of friends and old teammates of Coach Sharadin's from
Kutztown attended the game and were highly elated over the showing of
their former teammates club which was considerable lighter in weight
than the victorious five.
The score: Altoona - 24 Allentown - 30
Klesius, Roberts |
Forward |
O'Keefe |
Hoover |
Forward |
Northrup |
Crook |
Centre |
Ziegler |
McNelis |
Guard |
Bohlen, Freed |
Sutch |
Guard |
Weston |
Bratton |
Barrall |
Field goals: Hoover, 1: Sutch, 2; McNelis, 4: Roberts, 2; O'Keefe,
3; Northrup, 2; Weston, 2. Foul goals: Crook, 4 out of 16; Roberts, 2
out of 5; O'Keefe, 16 out of 20. Referee, Mitchell. Time keepers,
Tinker and Sharadin. Scorers Jones and Grassmeyer.
Maroon and White Squad's Play Was Mystifying and Too Speedy for
Special to the Tribune. Sunbury, January 3. - Altoona High school
continued its winning streak by giving the Mt. Carmel High the first
defeat in the new high school. The score was 39 to 37. The speed of
the visitors and the floor work mystified the locals, who were unable
to solve the varied plays. The line up:
Altoona - 39. Mt. Carmel - 38.
Klesius |
forward |
Ruffing |
Hoover |
forward |
Johns |
Crook |
centre |
Singley |
Sutch |
guard |
Phillips |
McNelis |
guard |
Sogofa |
Summary: Field goals, Klesius 3, Hoover 5, McNelis 11, Ruffing 6,
Singley 7, Phillips 3, John 2; fouls, Klesius 1 out of 3, Hoover 1 out
of 1, Ruffing 1 out of 4. Referee, Betts, of Locust Gap.
Altoona Boys Win Over Tyrone 29 to 27 by Playing Extra Periods.
The Altoona and Tyrone "Y" Juniors played a warm and exciting
contest on the Tyrone floor and the former came through a victor by
the score of 29 to 27. The Altoonans copped the game after two extra
five minutes of play and in which they made a spurt, that brought
sufficient points to win. The lineup and score:
Altoona - 29 Tyrone - 27
Ullery |
forward |
Lego |
Snyder |
forward |
Weir |
Eby |
centre |
Garman |
Weller |
guard |
Kirk |
Rollins |
guard |
Epstein |
Summary - Substitutions: Fluke for Ullery, Stom for Snyder, Smith
for Lego, Dougherty for Weir; field goals: Ullery 1, Snyder 1, Eby 3,
Weller 2, Weir 1, Garman 4, Smith 3; foul goals: Ullery 3, Weller 6,
Weir 2, Garman 1, Smith 3. Referee, Sporkey; timers, Means and Schell;
scorer, Baker.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Monday, January 6, 1919, page 7
Perry J. Brown who was a first class private in the Construction
Company, Aviation Signal corps at Langley Field Hampton, Va., was
mustered out of service in time to spend the holidays with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blair Brown, and has resumed his position with
the P. R. R.
F. L. McGuire, a well known young man of town, with the Naval
Reserve Corps and located at Wissahickon Barracks, Cape May, N. J., is
spending a short furlough at home.
The local soldiers who have been mustered out of service during the
past several days are: Edward J. Eberly, 80th Aero-Squad, at
Washington, D. C. Chalmer E. Shade, Edward Showalter, of State
John A. Smith, a young man very popular in the music circles of the
county, who is in the U. S. Army stationed at New York City, is
spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Smith of
North Jones street. Mr. Smith, a musician of high attainment, is a
member of a U. S. band that now plays martial music for the returning
soldiers at the piers and lead them to the places of entertainment in
New York City.
William Caldwell, son of Dr. John Caldwell, of Pittsburg, and who
is in the aviation service stationed at Pensacola, Fla., is visiting
his grandfather, William V. Hughes on East Allegheny street.
Miss Susan Moore, of East Allegheny street, is visiting friends and
relatives at Philadelphia and vicinity.
The war board of Blair county district No. 1 located at
Hollidaysburg enjoys the distinction of having sent more men to the
various educational institutions than any other board of the country.
The local board registered a total of 6,050 men in the district and
inducted 706 into the federal service. One out of every eight in the
district was sent to the army.
The Hollidaysburg board supplied two chaplains, Rev. Harry T.
Stong, pastor of the Lakemont Methodist Episcopal church and Rev.
George A. Ehrgood, of St. John's Reformed church of Hollidaysburg.
Two Red Cross nurses were inducted through the board, Miss Mary Snyder
of Roaring Spring and Miss Orpha Wilt of Duncansville with three
persons sent to the army remount training camp, the registrants
including Attorney Frank H. Fay and Bowman Duncan of Hollidaysburg and
Joseph Whitehead of Williamsburg.
The board was in service for eighteen months and held 102 patriotic
demonstrations and parades. The Liberty band was originated and
organized by the board.
Registrants inducted into the service were assigned to the
following camps, the number to each camp being appended:
Camp Lee, 403; Camp Dix, 9; Fort Oglethorpe, 3; Watertown Arsenal,
4; Camp Hancock, 1; Vancouver Barracks 20; Kelly Field 6; Columbus
Barracks 1: San Antonio Tex., 1; Camp Upton, 1; Fort Myer, 2; Camp
McArthur, 2.; Laurel, Md., 3; Fort Thomas, 22; Camp Sevier, 8;
Washington Barracks, 28: Fort Benjamin Harrison, 4: Gas Defense
Section, Washington, 1: Fort Wayne, Mich., 5; Camp Humphreys, 3; Camp
Joseph Johnston, 2; Fort Myer, 4; Camp Meade, 2; Camp Custer, 1;
Carnegie Institute, 19; Fort Slocum, 1; Camp Forest, 18; Syracuse
Recruit Camp, 3; Camp Sherman, 2: Aerial Squadron, 2; University of
Pittsburg, 62; Erie, 9; Madison Barracks, 1; Camp Greene, 3: Spring
Garden Institute, 4; Lehigh, 5; Syracuse University, 1; Heidelberg, 1;
Dickinson, 2; Hahnemann, 2; University of Pennsylvania, 3: State
College, 17: Franklin and Marshall, 2; Bucknell, 3: University of
Cincinnati, 1; Y. M. C. A., Chicago, 1; Camp Jackson, 1; Marines, 1;
Indiana State Normal, 5.
Skutchall - Olhinder
Ralph D. Skutchall, a popular young man of town, who had been in
the army service for some months located at Fort Thomas, Ky., and was
mustered out on December 14th., was united in marriage at Cincinnati,
Ohio, to Miss Hilda Olhinder of that city, on December 12th. The
young man returned here after receiving his discharge but did not make
known his marriage until Saturday. His wife who is at the home of her
parents in Cincinnati, will arrive here on February first, when the
happy pair will take up housekeeping at Sproul, where the groom is
employed by the General Refractories company.
The grand jury drawn for the January term of quarter sessions court
that will be held the week beginning Monday, January 13th, will meet
at the court house this morning at 9 o'clock to separate the wheat
from the chaff, the list containing 28 cases.
A term of common pleas court will convene at Hollidaysburg on
Monday, January 27th., with a list of 64 cases for trial, which has
been posted at the Prothonotary's office.
Mrs. Margaret Clemens
Mrs. Margaret Clemens, widow of Samuel Clemens, died on Saturday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock of broncho-pneumonia, following an attack of
influenza, at the home of her son-in-law, Restauranteur George Jones
and daughter, Mrs. Jones, of Front street, after a week's illness.
Mrs. Clemens, whose home was at North Braddock, Pa., came here some
weeks ago to nurse her daughter Mrs. Jones and her three children, who
were ill with the flu. They were unable to get help and she bravely
came to their assistance, rendering must valuable aid, never
faltering, although exposed to the insidious disease.
Mrs. Clemens was a daughter of David and Hannah Temple and was born
at Lewistown on September 30, 1851, thus being aged at her death, 67
years, 4 months and 4 days. She was a faithful member of the United
Brethren church of North Braddock, and was very prominent in lodge
circles, being a member of Rebecca lodge No. 278, I. O. O. F., and The
Ladies Auxiliary of the B. of R. T. of that city. She was ever a kind
and consistent Christian woman, who was possessed of many excellent
traits, winning the confidence and love of all those with whom she
came in contact.
She is survived by three daughters and three sons as follows: Mrs.
George E. Jones of Hollidaysburg; Mrs. Harry Stevens, Mrs. W. M.
Harris and George Clemens, all of North Braddock; Harry Clemens of
Cleveland, Ohio, and Dave Temple Clemens of Lewistown; also survived
by two sisters and one brother: Mrs. Sara Marks of Lewistown, Mrs.
Anna M. Graham, of Wineland, N.J., and George Temple of Lewistown and
by thirteen grandchildren. Short funeral services will be held at the
Jones home on Front street this morning at 9 o'clock to be conducted
by Rev. E. E. Harter of the Methodist church. The body will be
shipped by Funeral Director William A. Van Allman on the 10:14 train
to Lewistown for interment.
Son Had Paid Tax Due the County and Money Set Aside Is Now
Opinions were handed down by Judge Thomas J. Baldrige on Saturday
in Blair county court cases as follows:
Seward Estate Case.
In re estate of O. L. Seward, late of Llyswen, Blair county,
deceased. By the Court:
O. L. Seward was a tax collector for Logan township. At the time of
his death he was indebted to the county of Blair for taxes collected.
An administrator was appointed, who filed an account, and an auditor
was appointed to make distribution of the funds in his hands. The
auditor awarded to the county of Blair, as a creditor of the estate,
the sum of $247.72. This fund was directed to be impounded in the
hands of the administrator, as the tax duplicate
had not been returned and the definite amount due Blair county was not
known. Thereafter W. B. Seward was appointed tax collector to succeed
O. L. Seward, and he paid to the county of Blair all of the money due
on the tax duplicate that came into the hands of O. L. Seward,
aggregating about $1,150, which included the amount impounded. The
other general creditors aver that the claim of Blair county has been
fully satisfied and contend that they are entitled to the $274.72.
The fund is claimed by W. B. Seward, also, who alleges that he is
entitled to be subrogated to the rights of Blair county.
W. B. Seward was under no legal or moral obligations to pay the
$274.72. It has been held that while subrogation is founded on
principles of equity and may be decreed where no contract exists, yet
it must not be decreed in favor of a mere volunteer, who without any
duty, moral or otherwise, pays a debt of another. It will not arise
in favor of a stranger but only in favor of a party who, on some sort
of compulsion, discharges a demand against a common debtor.
We find no authority which has extended the equity doctrine so far
as to support a decree in this case in favor of the respondent. It
was highly commendable in him to pay obligations of his father, his
predecessor, but he was under no legal duty to do so from his
individual funds.
In view of the fact that Blair county has been paid all moneys due
it and that it does not have any further just demand upon this fund,
we direct it to be distributed to the following creditors, to wit:
David Ott & Co., Thos. H. Greevy and Kate M. Seward, in proportion
to their claims. - T. J. BALDRIGE, President Judge.
Maller vs. Gumgigucci.
In the case of Mary A. Maller vs. Michael Gumgigucci, the motion
for a new trial was overruled by the court on the grounds that the
question involved was one for the jury entirely.
Malley Divorce Granted.
In the divorce case of Frank B. Malley vs. Annie Malley, in which
exceptions had been filed, the exceptions were overruled and the
divorce granted by the court, as no fault was found with the finding
of the master who recommended the granting of a divorce.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Monday, January 6, 1919, page 8
Earl James Shellenberger Well, but Does Not Mention Other Altoonans
Earl James Shellenberger, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Shellenberger,
of 600 Crawford avenue, was landed off the Northern Pacific on Friday,
according to a letter received by the parents on Saturday. The letter
came from Bay Shore, and he said in it that he would be sent
immediately to a camp. He is a member of the Eighth Trench mortar
W. J. Clouser, a member of Company H, 326th infantry, is in a
hospital at Allery, France, suffering from the effects of a gassing,
according to word received by his wife, Mrs. W. J. Clouser, of 911
Fourth avenue, Juniata. He was trained at Camp Gordon, Ga., and was
gassed early in November.
Orlando D. Jones, a member of the aviation branch of the naval
reserve, has returned home from training at Gulfport, Miss. He is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Jones, of 2732 Fifth avenue.
Darwin Floy Bardell, or 1021. Twenty-second avenue, has returned
home after a sixteen months' service in the engineers' corps. He was
a sergeant when returned to Rochester, to the aero photography school
No. 3, at Kodak park. He was within one week of receiving a
commission when the armistice occurred.
Earl Moran, of 1010 Seventeenth avenue, a well known druggist of
this city, returned to the base hospital at Camp Meade, Md., where he
is bacteriologist at the laboratory. He was home on a three-day
Charles S. Berney, a member of company L, 320th infantry in France,
writes home to friends of his experiences over seas. He formerly
conducted the shoe store on Eleventh avenue and states that he expects
to return home in the near future. He also mentions being in the big
street parade in honor of President Wilson in Paris.
Corporal Arthur R. Bryan, a member of the 317th R. and S. company,
tank corps, located at Langres-Marne, France, writes to friends in the
city that he is well and having a fine time. He formerly resided at
2806 Broad avenue.
Judson W. Dolaway, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Dolaway, has
returned home from the University of Pittsburg, where he had three
months experience as a sergeant in the supply company. Before
enlisting he was employed by I. Robinson, of 1423 Eleventh avenue.
Private Albert Nerhood, a member of company K, 110th infantry, is
visiting at the home of his brother Warren, of 309 Eleventh street,
being but recently discharged from the Fort McHenry general hospital.
He was wounded in action in the Chateau-Thierry drive on July 29, when
he was hit below the left elbow and the hip, the third bullet passing
through the body.
Sergeant Major E. R. Vipond, son of Colonel and Mrs. John Vipond,
arrived home from France on New Year's day and reached his home in
this city on Saturday. He was a member of Construction company No.
16, Aero squadron. He was assigned to duty in several countries and
had the pleasure of seeing England, Scotland and Wales. He was also
in several other important war camps overseas before he landed in
France. He enlisted in April 1918 and was sent across in July.
Before entering the service he was in the employe of his father. He
received his discharge on New Year's Day.
Private John R. Kay, honorably discharged from 140th depot company,
U. S. ordnance department at Camp Eustis, near Newport News. Reached
homo early Sunday morning. In service since June. Son [of] Mr. G. B.
Kay, 1114 Fifth avenue, Altoona, married on furlough September 24 to
Miss Grace B. Bain, of Juniata, was employed in Pennsy general store
house at time of enlistment. Camp Eustis building into probably
permanent army camp and storing large shipments of artillery and
material of war being received from overseas.
Samuel Vauclain Given Title of Chevalier of the Legion of Honor
Samuel Vauclain, first vice president of the Baldwin Locomotive
works, is a former Altoonan. He still continues to hold the city dear
to his heart and while he has resided in Philadelphia these many years
he looks upon the Mountain City as the place as his "own home town."
He was a very active man during the late world war and his work has
been recognized by the French government by the bestowal of the title
of chevalier of the Legion of Honor.
The Philadelphia Press yesterday said:
Samuel Mathews Vauclain, first vice president of the Baldwin
Locomotive works, has been honored by the French government for his
war work with the title of Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. The
award is a recognition of Mr. Vauclain's efficient direction of the
ammunition work at Eddystone, which has turned nut many rifles and
much ammunition for the allies since early in the war.
"This announcement was made yesterday and follows within a few days
the announcement of similar honors upon other Pennsylvanians. Mr.
Vauclain gained world fame when the ammunition branch of the Baldwin
Locomotive works at Eddystone was erected and put into action in four
months. At its opening the Eddystone plant had a capacity of 15,000
shells day and 6,000 Enfield rifles every twenty-four hours."
"Get Over Road Quickly; Spend Surplus Time With Family," Railroaders
Are Told
"Avoid long runs; get over the road more quickly and spend your
surplus time with the family," urges Superintendent J. C. Johnson, to
Middle Division train crews, in his message yesterday. The official
points out that the car movement on Saturday was only 4323 past
Denholm, and 334 of an interchange with the Tyrone division. Delays
were due to trouble in leaving yards and terminal points, engine
failures, drawheads pulling out and similar difficulties.
Mr. Johnson also states that the tonnage has been cut because of
the intensity of the cold weather. He adds that too much time is
being spent on the division, and cautions the crews to avoid long
runs, as it means greater benefits to them and their families, as well
as the company, if trains are brought in sooner.
Train service was affected to some extent by the cold wave Saturday
and Sunday. The tardiness did not extend to more than an hour or so
at the most emphatic instance. Ratings were cut on Saturday and
trains moved now are made up on all "E" basis of rating.
Marriage license Record.
Simon Colbus, 1502 Nineteenth street, and Ida Goldstine, of New
John C. Helsel, of McKee, and Mary T. Brown, of Bellwood.
Orlo S. Ferry, of Roaring Spring, and Eva Grace Settlemeyer, of
Bakers Summit.
Usher Kane and Emma G. England, both of Llyswen.
important Business Will Be Transacted. At Session This Evening.
A meeting of the committee having in charge the preliminary
arrangements for the erection of the Memorial arch to the soldiers and
sailors of Blair county, will meet this evening at the Federal
building. The session will be an important one and it is specially
urged that the representatives of the Mothers' club be present. The
meeting is called for 8 o'clock.
H. L. Harpster and family, with the exceptions of his wife, are
confined to their home, in Warriorsmark Valley, with the Spanish
influenza. Mrs. Harpster is all but worn out with the labors
connected with taking care of her patients day and night. The many
acts of kindness of Mr. Taylor a neighbor, in the hours of distress
are more appreciated than words can express.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Monday, January 6, 1919, page 10
Bellwood and Blair Four Men Suffer Infected Wound and Burns,
Two employes of the Pennsy were admitted to Altoona hospital over
the week-end. Angelo Akoili, aged 45, of Bellwood, a laborer,
suffering from a badly infected hand, and Frank Crepage, aged 18,
Blair Four, a lamp lighter, having severe burns.
Akoili was admitted yesterday. On December 4 he was working on the
tracks near Bellwood when he ran a nail into his right middle finger,
causing at first only pain and swelling. The wound was paid little
heed to until last week and the man, fearing blood poisoning, went to
the west side institution.
Crepage's clothing ignited from a lighted torch at No. 3 round
house at 5 a. m. Saturday. He was working about an engine when his
oil-saturated garments got too near the flame. Workmen went to his
aid and extinguished the fire, but not before his legs and back had
been badly seared. He was hurried to the hospital at 5:10 a. m.
Overheated Furnace Pipe Ignites First Floor, but Loss Reaches $25
Damage to the extent of $25 was caused by a fire at Mercy hospital
yesterday morning at 3:45 o'clock, when an overheated furnace pipe
resulted in the first floor rear igniting.
A still alarm brought firemen from No. 5 fire station, a few
squares away and they hastily extinguished the flames, with the aid of
two Rex machines. City firemen responded to six calls, including one
box alarm, over the week-end, No. 5 company answering six summons
during the period.
At 8:30 p. m. Saturday, Box 613, was pulled when a burning flue was
discovered at the quarters of the Altoona Gymnasium association, 710
Fifteenth street. Companies 2, 5, 7 and Truck N, responded but were
not needed. At 4:57 p. m., the same day one Rex was used by No. 4
firemen at the hone of H. Z. Isenberg, 1312 Tenth street, on a burning
Five calls were answered within a few hours yesterday. An
overheated gas stove caused a partition at the home of G. W. Peck,
1930 First avenue, to catch fire at 2:10 a. m. Before it was
extinguished, about $50 damage was wrought. Firemen from No. 5
station were called, but were not in service.
At 9:15 a. m. yesterday, the same company went to the residence of
H. A. Hutchison, 3017 Broad avenue, where a defective flue was found.
Their services were not required. The sixth ward firemen also were
called at 11:35 a. m. to 710 Nineteenth street, the home of Joseph
Montgomery, where a loss of $100, resulted from a burning flue,
Thirty-five gallons of chemicals were utilized. A partition was
burned and the house threatened, but prompt work saved the
Thawing of pipes at the George Beck slaughter-house, 2107 Sixth
avenue, rear, created a slight fire at 6 o'clock last evening, but no
loss resulted. No. 5 firemen went to the scene, and were not in
service. Their aid was required at only two of the six places.
Fred A. Bell, elected to the general assembly in November to
represent this city, will leave for Harrisburg today. He goes there
to attend a caucus of the Republican members this evening and to take
the oath of office on Tuesday when the assembly holds its opening
session. He will return home Wednesday and remain here until the
assembly reconvenes on January 21.
Items Concerning Persons Whom You May Chance to Know
Cyrus Armstrong, of Bellefonte, has returned home after a visit of
a few days to the city.
Mrs. Marcus Bender, of 813 Second avenue, spent the week end with
Mr. Bender, in Carrolltown.
Frank Treml, of this city, spent Christmas with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Treml, of Poplar Run.
Miss Catherine McDermit, of 977 Twenty-seventh street, has taken a
position in one of the Shaffer stores.
Miss Ruth Bowers has returned to the city after spending a few days
at the home of her parents in Martinsburg.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Focht, of the Imperial apartments, arrive home
yesterday after spending the New Year season in Baltimore.
Gustave Hellrung, formerly of this city but now with the Goodyear
company at Pittsburg, spent the week end with friends in the city.
Norman Sauer, a former resident of the city but now located at
Detroit, is visiting friends and relatives in this city and Roaring
Mrs. Verda Yocum, of 723 Seventh avenue, is confined to her home
with an attack of influenza and her little son, Marshall, is suffering
with diphtheria.
Gerald Gorsuch, of 1217 Eighteenth avenue, returned yesterday from
Johnstown and Seward, where he spent the holidays with friends and
Pasquale Dalesando, a machinist in the Twelfth street shops, is off
duty as a result of a badly lacerated right thumb received while at
work a few days ago.
A. A. Hoyt, the well known civil engineer, left for Chicago
yesterday afternoon on train No. 35 in response to a call for expert
opinion in reference to construction work.
William Sitnek, son of Druggist Jacob Sitnek, and who was injured
in a coasting accident a week ago, is doing nicely and will be able to
be taken to his home from the hospital today.
Miss Elizabeth Earnest, of 1325 1/2 Twelfth avenue, and Miss
Margaret Taylor, of 1312 Thirteenth avenue, have returned from a two
weeks' visit with relatives in Washington and Philadelphia.
Miss Margaret Maher, of 949 Twenty-fourth street and a student at
St. Aloysius academy, is seriously ill in Pittsburg with influenza.
She was taken ill while spending her Christmas vacation there.
Robert Smith Victim of Accident at Home of Kenneth Reigh on
The "unloaded revolver" again figured in an accident that came near
being fatal at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Reigh, on Main street,
Bellwood, late Saturday afternoon. The victim was Robert Smith, aged
13, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, who reside back of the Odd
Fellows hall, next door to the Reighs.
Robert or "Bobby," as he is most frequently called, is a close
friend of the Reigh boys and on Saturday afternoon was visiting them.
Mrs. Reigh was away from home. Kenneth and Robert Reigh and Bobby
were playing with a .32 calibre revolver, which they were sure was not
loaded. Kenneth, who is 15 years old, had it in his hands when
somehow it was discharged and the bullet hit Bobby high in the chest
on the right side. He was taken at once to the office Of Dr. B. B.
Leven good, where he was last evening resting as well as could be
expected. An X-ray picture will be taken before an effort is made to
remove the bullet. He has always been frail and his numerous friends
deeply regret the accident.
Other than the general blame attached to the handling of firearms
by boys, no blame can possibly be placed upon Kenneth, who is much
distressed at the suffering of his friend.
Second-hand Equipment from Adler Bros. and W. Kline Will Be
Two dump wagons or trucks for use in the city highways and street
cleaning departments, will be purchased by the city from Adler Bros.
and William Kline, as result of action taken at the special council
meeting Saturday afternoon.
Commissioner Cassidy introduced a resolution authorizing the
acquisition of a used Studebaker dump wagon from Adler Bros. for $85.
The vehicle is of two-ton capacity. It will be used in the highways
and street cleaning department. The same resolution provides for the
buying of a two-ton dump truck from Kline at a cost of $90.
The commissioner also presented a resolution for the purchase of a
used Ford roadster from I. C. Dunmire at the price of $375. This
machine is to be utilized in the bureau of highways and will be
operated more cheaply than the old touring car in service until
recently. The resolutions were adopted.
Major Woodend Writes Mrs. Colabine That Her Son Is Surely in
A first class example of the way the war department doesn't have
records of casualties is the case of Corporal Wesley Colabine, of
Bellwood, whose parents are still, after almost five months, without
official word as to his fate.
On December 4 the Tribune published a letter from the senior
chaplain of the Fourth Army corps, stating that he had been killed in
action on July 28. Previously, a number of letters to the war
department finally had brought the diagnosis tag from the first aid
station where the anti-tetanus serum had been administered on the
evening of July 27. Hearing that death at the first aid station was
counted as "killed in action," his friends accepted the chaplain's
letter as conclusive information that he was dead, despite the fact
that there was no record of his death there.
A copy of the letter was sent the war department and also the Red
Cross whose officials have asked their Paris office to investigate,
but thus far without result. Now, another letter deepens the mystery.
This one is written under date of December 14, by Major John W.
Woodend, of the 110th, who was in command of the regiment at the time
of the first great drive. The letter follows:
"Dear Madam: Yours of November 27 to hand. I was in command of
Company L when your son was wounded. He was very severely wounded on
the 28th of July in a series of operations which ended in the taking
of the Grimpette woods and other strong points and the driving of the
Germans back to another line on the Vesle river. Your son was wounded
by a shell. My information is that one leg was badly shattered and
probably would have to be amputated. Lieutenant Wellman who is a
physician in civil life, applied first aid and a tourniquet. Your son
was immediately sent back to a dressing station. I have had no
authentic word of him since. You may wonder at this, but from the
time your son was injured until the cessation of hostilities I have
been with the regiment in Northern France, practically under fire all
the time, while undoubtedly your son must be in a hospital in southern
I sincerely hope that by the time this reaches you, you may have
word from your son direct. He was a good soldier and received his
wound while in action against the common enemy. It is my earnest
desire that he may be spared to recross the Atlantic and be with his
friends again."
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Monday, January 6, 1919, page 12