Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Saturday, February 24, 1917
Sensational Running Gun Fray Ends in Capture of Claysburg Man
Charged with operating a "blind tiger," David Hummel, of Claysburg,
led three Altoona officers a running gun fight chase for two miles
yesterday and was finally captured by a fourth officer, Constable
Lingenfelter, of East Freedom. On information made by residents of
the section where Hummel lives, within the borough limits of
Claysburg, Constable Stiffler made information against him before
Alderman Edwin E. Staines, of the Twelfth ward, on February 15. He
charged the Claysburg man with the illicit selling of liquors.
Several trips to the Hummel home were fruitless, the officers being
unable to locate their man on each visit. Yesterday Constables
Stiffler, Kolley and Crum swooped down on the home and found the man
at home.
Instead of surrendering to the officers, Hummel barricaded the
doors of the house and opened fire. The officers retreated, and when
they were some distance from the house Hummel burst from the door, a
revolver in each hand. He started toward East Freedom, about three
miles away, with the officers in pursuit.
Constable Lingenfelter, of East Freedom, joined the chase, using
his automobile. When he had forged ahead of the other pursuers and
was overhauling the fugitive, Hummel plunged into the creek and
fording it, gained the other side. Constable Lingenfelter abandoned
the automobile and followed, capturing him after a considerable chase
on the other side.
Hummel was taken to Hollidaysburg and lodged in jail to await a
hearing before the Twelfth ward magistrate within the next few days.
It is said that he has been convicted for the same offense before.
Mrs. Anna Reifsteck Drives Off Man Who Tries to Steal Purse.
Mrs. Anna Reifsteck, aged 65 years, residing at 326 Second avenue,
was boldly attacked by an unknown man on Fifth street between Seventh
and Eighth avenues who endeavored to rob her of her handbag,
containing her purse with some $20.
Mrs. Reifsteck had been shopping on Eleventh avenue and it was
shortly after 6 o'clock when she reached the scene of the attack. A
man of rather stout build and possibly aged 21 years, stepped from
behind a box and grabbed at the hand bag. Three times he tried to
wrench it from her arm. She finally drove him off.
Four other women are said to have been attacked in a similar
manner. One woman, aged 80 years, residing at Eighth avenue and Sixth
street, was attacked by an Italian youth. She was roughly handled and
sustained lacerations of the head and arms. She lost a small sum of
the $80 she carried in her purse.
Following the report of Sanitary Inspector Alex Closson that the
Pennsy company had dumped a load of street sweepings at Glenn White,
Health Officer Crilly visited the scene yesterday morning and after
taking the matter up with the proper railroad officials, asked that
the refuse be removed as a precautionary measure.
The sweepings were thrown from a car at the Glenn White siding and
were intended to be used as fertilizer on the grass plot along the
railroad tracks. The foreman of the work intended to have them taken
from the spot in a few days.
Inspecting the reported nuisance, Mr. Crilly found that the
railroad embankment lay between the pile of sweeping and the watershed
drainage surface, but the Pennsy officials, stating they desired to
co-operate in guarding the public health, issued orders to have the
refuse taken away at once.
Students from State College at Obsequies of Levan Piper.
Many friends, including a number of State college students,
attended the funeral of Levan Piper, former State student, which was
held yesterday afternoon from the home of his mother, Mrs. Lizzie
Piper, of 712 Sixth avenue. The services were conducted by the Rev.
Robert Lee Bair, supply pastor of the Trinity Reformed church.
Interment was made in Fairview cemetery.
The young man had been a student in the agricultural course at
State College, until two weeks ago when he went to the Chester
hospital for an operation due to intestinal trouble.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, February 24, 1917, page
Joseph Capp Gilbert, of the firm H. C. & J. C. Gilbert, well
known meat dealers, arrived home Thursday with his bride after a brief
visit with relatives and at different points in Eastern Pennsylvania.
J. C. Gilbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Gilbert, of the East End,
was wedded to Miss Lottie Sollers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Sollers, of Saltillo, at that place Wednesday, the 14th instant. The
bride is a graduate nurse and before her marriage was employed at
Philadelphia. The groom is one of Williamsburg's most genial and
successful young business men, who has hosts of friends who wish him
continued prosperity and happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert will
establish a home in the near future.
South Lakemont Man Is Victim of Accident Yesterday Morning.
Struck in the right optic with a piece of steel, Jacob Eropatic,
aged 27, of South Lakemont, employed by the Pennsy as a laborer, had
the eye so badly lacerated yesterday morning that he was forced later
in the day to consult an East Side physician for treatment. The sight
of the eye has been impaired.
Eropatic, said to be a relative of one of the unfortunates in the
Williamsburg mine explosion of Thursday, three of whom are now in the
Altoona hospital, was not on duty when the accident occurred. With a
fellow countryman, he was working in a lot to the rear of his home
when he was struck squarely in the eye with a missile about the size
of a pea.
The man was staggered as the result of his being struck and blood
issued from the wound, the lid being lacerated. He went to the office
of the physician, where an examination showed the cornea of the eye
had been injured. He will be given additional treatment at
In a decision filed yesterday morning, Judge Thomas J. Baldrige
discharged the rule for an appeal from the action of the justice of
the peace in the case of commonwealth vs. W. A. Butler, of Roaring
Spring, fined for failing to send his son to school. Butler was
arrested for violating the school code of May 18, 1911, by failing to
send his son Henry to school, he being between the ages of 8 and 16 on
several days during the school year. Butler was accorded a hearing
before Justice of the Peace Lorenz, was found guilty and sentenced to
pay a fine of $2 and costs, or undergo two days imprisonment in the
county jail.
Butler appealed from the sentence of the magistrate to the county
court, alleging illegal arrest and imposition of fine. The decree of
the court discharging the rule for an appeal is as follows: Now
February 23, 1917, this case came on to be heard and was submitted on
briefs. After due consideration, thereof, we do not find that there
was any illegal arrest or imposition of fine. The rule for appeal is
therefore discharged.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gerst and daughter, Miss Rebecca, of East End,
Pittsburg; Philip Gerst, of Jeannette, and Miss Sara Negley, of
Pittsburg, are in Hollidaysburg to attend the funeral of Mrs. John
Denniston, a relative.
John Sell, one of the county's oldest farmers, will vacate the
farm, near Leamersville, which he has occupied for sixty-one years, in
the spring, and make his future home with his daughter, Mrs. Joseph H.
DeHaas, at McKee's Gap.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, February 24, 1917, page
Mrs. Weil Honored.
A dinner in honor of Mrs. Julius Weil, of 1205 Fourteenth avenue,
was given last evening at 7.30 o'clock at the Logan House, when her
70th natal day was observed. An elaborate menu was served and the
decorations were unique and ornate. Covers were laid for eighteen
guests including members of the family and the brothers and sisters of
the honor guest. Photographs of Mrs. Weil, in silver frames, were
given as souvenirs of the occasion. Major Louis Lehmeyer, a prominent
physician of New York, was among those present and people from
Philadelphia, New York City, Wilkes-Barre and Indianapolis
Mr. Heck Surprised.
On February 16 a very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Heck, of Spruce Creek, when a number of their
friends gathered and greatly surprised Mrs. Heck. The evening was
spent in playing various games and music. At a late hour delicious
refreshments were served after which all returned to their homes after
a very pleasant evening. The guests present were Clair Myer, Edgar
Rhine, Herbert Biglow, Oscar Harpster, Lambert Shultz, Cloyd Prough,
Melvin Prough, Howard Shultz, Joseph Houck, Charley Henry, Thomas
Henry, Clarence Everhart, Alfred Banks, Irvin Alley, Daniel Heck,
Frank Stevens, Mrs. Daniel Heck, Mrs. William Hesley, Mr. William
Helsey, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Banks, Mrs. Guy Everhart, Misses Neva Hesley,
Grace Rhine, Olive Graffius, Violet Hemminger, Violet Jamison, Myrtle
Jamison, Joanna Walker, Florence Guyer, Bessie Guyer, Alma Love and
Treva Everhart.
Mrs. Charles Bush and Mrs. A. J. Sheriff left last evening for
Vineland, N.J., where they will visit Mrs. Daniel Peters. They were
accompanied by Mrs. Peters' granddaughter, little Miss Verna Miller,
who will spend some time with her grandmother.
Miss Portia Schenck was able to be outdoors Thursday for the first
time in more than a week. Miss Schenck splintered an ankle bone and
broke two toes in a recent fall and traveled on the injured member for
several days before discovering the extent of the damage.
H. F. Cherry and C. F. Wertz are the delegates from the Bellwood
Y.M.C.A. attending the state convention at Butler this week.
Rev. G. P. Sarvis, a veteran Methodist Episcopal minister, has a
report for the past quarter that shows he is still on the firing line,
although nominally retired. His services are in constant demand, as
is evidenced by the fact that he has preached twenty sermons,
administered communion twelve times, baptized two persons and married
one couple during three months.
The high school was disinfected yesterday owing to the diphtheria
quarantine placed on one of the pupils.
On Thursday evening H. C. Carr, residing near Bellwood, was the
victim of a birthday surprise, planned by his wife and executed with
the aid of a large company of friends who assembled at the Carr home
and gave the gentleman a genuine surprise along with many tokens of
remembrance. Both host and guests had a delightful evening and Mrs.
Carr was complimented on the fine refreshments she had provided for
the enjoyment of the guests. Those present were Mr., and Mrs. Carr,
Evelyn, Eleanor and Charles Carr, Arly Carr, C. W. Datesman and wife,
C. Skagerburg and wife, W. S. Burd and wife, J. H. Everhart and wife,
Rev. Charles Lambert and wife, M. M. Coy and wife, W. C. Kustaborder
and wife, F. A. Hamilton and wife, W. J. Wertz and wife, H. W.
Stapleton and wife; Mesdames Max Foutz, Horace Wertz, J. C. Hommer,
James Smith, James Nearhoof, Elsie Hunter, W. I. Davis and G. M.
Weaver; Misses Viola Kustaborder, Pauline Hamilton, Margaret Lambert,
Elizabeth and Edna Stapleton; Master Charles Lambert.
The Kosmos club was delightfully entertained by Mrs., W. D.
Holliday yesterday at a Washington's birthday function. Decorations
were in keeping with the season and refreshments were served partaking
of the same scheme. The affair was decidedly unique and the ladies of
the club thoroughly enjoyed the meeting.
Yingling - Zimmerman.
At the home of Rev. and Mrs. G. P. Sarvis, on Main street,
Thursday, Mr. Samuel Yingling and Miss Laura Zimmerman, both of
Blandburg, were united in marriage by Rev. Mr. Sarvis. Mr. and Mrs.
Yingling were former parishioners and it was a special pleasure to
have a former pastor tie the matrimonial knot. They will reside in
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, February 24, 1917, page
The Knights of Pythias hall Thursday night was the scene of the
eighteenth annual reunion and banquet of the Sheridan Troop Veteran
association. Veterans with their families and friends to the
approximate number of 100 were present to participate in the "camp
fire." A business session preceded the banquet and in the absence of
the president, Lieut. George Thompson, of the famous "Captain Terry
Boal Machine Gun Troop," of Boalsburg, Vice President Adam Arble, of
Juniata, presided.
Roll call followed the reading and approval of the minutes. In
this it was shown that twenty-four members were present. Many letters
of regret were read from comrades who are too far from home at this
time to be able to participate in the festivities. Treasurer Verne C.
Fortney made an interesting and most gratifying report of the
financial condition of the association. The election of officers
followed and Captain James F. Moore was unanimously elected president,
and other present incumbents were re-elected. The culinary end of the
program had been looked after by the wives and daughters of the "vets"
and naturally their intimate knowledge of the favorite viands of their
"warriors," coupled with their peculiar ability to satisfy the palate
of the most discriminating, made that departure one that will long be
remembered. Addresses were made by Captain James F. Moore, Captain H.
S. Fleck, Lieut. J. L. Brubaker, Troopers Dunlap, Morrow, J. H.
Grazier and others. Following these, a number of others present made
short responses.
Hereafter, the business meetings and social functions of the
Sheridan Troop Veteran associations will be held at the Sheridan Troop
armory. At the banquet on Thursday evening Captain Moore, his address
offered the use of the building for such purposes to the association,
of which he is now president. The veterans have a number of valuable
relics from the campaign of '98 which will be added to the trophies of
the present day troop.
On Monday morning a grand flitting will take place from the stables
on Herald street and Alley Q, when the mounts, feed and equipage of
the Sheridan troop will be moved to the temporary new home on the
Langenbacher farm in Tuckahoe valley. Here the bronchos will be
comfortably stabled under one roof, with the attendants also cozily
quartered in the cottage nearby. Telephone service to the stables
will bring mounts into the armory for members of the troop to ride.
In an interview with Captain Moore last night he stated that this move
is but another step towards permanent stables, etc., on the troop's
own property. Until further notice all drills on Tuesday evenings
will be mounted. It is probable that on that night of the coming week
the mounted sabre exercise will be on the schedule. There will be a
variety of drills, school and exercises each Tuesday evening, which
are not only of great benefit to the men and horses, but interesting
to the public. Friends of the troopers are always assured a cordial
welcome to the armory. It is said that at an early date hurdling will
be again resumed. There has been no work of this kind attempted here,
but both men and horses had instructions in that fascinating drill at
Camp Stewart.
Representatives of Central Pennsylvania Interests Launch a Fight
Against Pennsy
A petition protesting against the move of the Pennsy to restrict
its service to coal tipple owners and operators, was drawn up by
Attorneys Charles C. Greer, Johnstown; Frank B. Wood, Barnesboro, and
A. M. Liveright, Clearfield, at a conference last night at the Logan
Representing the small coal shippers of their respective district,
the trio of barristers formulated the protest which will be forwarded
to the Interstate Commerce commission today at Washington, D.C.
Couched in formal terms, the petition urges the suspension of the
proposed rule on Pennsy tariffs recently filed.
Claiming that the restrictions announced by the Railroad company
are unfair and in direct violation of the Interstate Commerce
commission requirements, the coal operators in Cambria and Clearfield
counties having tipples have lined up their forces to oppose the
newest move of the common carrier.
Considerable difficulty has been caused recently by the attempt of
the Pennsy to restrict hopper car service to concerns which load from
tipples and Attorney Greer returned this week from Washington where he
spent several days in the interest of his clients concerning the
railroad's latest move.
Messrs. Wood and Liveright remained in the city last night and will
have the petition typed and sent to the Interstate commission this
J. H. Swigart, of McVeytown, Meets Death on Pennsy Yesterday.
Failing to see an eastbound train approach while walking on the
Pennsy tracks a quarter mile east of McVey. town station, J. H.
Swigart, aged 53, a track foreman, was run down and killed by
passenger train No. 41 at 10:37 yesterday morning.
Swigart was employed as track foreman for twenty-five years and is
survived by his wife and four sons - Earl and H. Clair, both at home;
Robert and Arthur, students at Juniata college. These brothers and
sisters also survive: Harvey Swigart and Mrs. Albert Manbeck, of
Ferguson valley; William Swigart, of Mattawanna; Mrs. C. Swigart, of
Germantown, and Mrs. John Brininger, of Lewistown. The body was
removed to his home and the Mifflin County coroner notified.
Milk is Also Eliminated as Possible Source of Infection at
That the outbreak of typhoid fever at Greenwood and vicinity is not
due to milk or ice cream is the belief of Health Officer Thomas G.
Herbert, of Logan township, who spent yesterday investigating the
source of infection.
While not able to state that the ten cases are the result of a
water-borne infection, Mr. Herbert declared last night that the
outbreak is possibly due to a water source. The impurities in the
Sandy run stream and adjacent wells were likely present during the
last week of January. The health officer is devoting his entire time
to the work and will resume the investigation of the water question
All contacts have been inoculated and an order urging the boiling
of all water used by residents of the community has been issued. Mr.
Herbert found ten fever patients in three families and one pneumonia
sufferer, while others are suffering from tonsillitis and other minor
Mr. Herbert thoroughly inspected the milk supply of the suburb and
found no contamination. Ice cream has been eliminated as a possible
infection source as practically none has been eaten in that vicinity
for many weeks. State health department authorities have been
notified of the outbreak and every possible step to avert an epidemic
is being made.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, February 24, 1917, page
George W. Shafer, a resident of this city since 1902, died at 10:45
o'clock Thursday night, following a stroke of apoplexy. He had been
in ill health for the past eight months. Born near White Haven,
Luzerne county, December 8, 1853, he was aged 63 years, 2 months and
14 days. He was the son of John and Magdalena Shafer, both deceased.
Before coming to this city about fourteen years ago, Mr. Shafer was
employed as a conductor on the Central Railroad of New Jersey. During
his residence in this city he resided at the home of his brother,
William H. Shafer, of 320 Fourth avenue, and was employed by the
Altoona Gas Light and Fuel company, and at the H. S. and C. S. Bartley
Brothers' planing mill plant. He was a member of the Second United
Brethren church of this city and of the I.O.O.F. lodge at White Haven.
The following brothers and sisters survive: John Shafer and Mrs.
Hannah Marion, both of Freeland, Pa.; Nathan Shafer, of Hazleton; Mrs.
Mary Kenkins, of Bradford; William, of Altoona; Edward, of Pittsburg;
David, of Hampton, Va., and Mrs. Marian Fairchilds, of Reading. The
remains were taken to the home of Mrs. W. C. Wagner, of 105 Second
avenue, where the body may be viewed up until the hour of services,
which will be held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Rev. C. W. Winey
officiating. Interment will be made at White Haven on Monday.
(Hazleton and White Haven papers, please copy.)
Miss Alice J. Canan, of 1935 West Chestnut avenue, died at the
Mercy hospital, at 6:30 o'clock last evening. She had been an invalid
for the past three years and was admitted to the institution five
weeks ago. She was born in Hollidaysburg and was the daughter of John
J. and Margaret Davis Canan, both deceased, and had resided in Altoona
nearly all her life. Since childhood she has been a member of the
First Presbyterian church and until prevented by illness had been
active in both church and Sunday school work. She was educated at the
Pittsburg Female college. One sister, Miss Lettie M., and two
brothers, Robert D. and John A., all of Altoona, survive. The funeral
services will be held at the late home at 3 o'clock tomorrow
afternoon. Complete funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Death of a Child.
Harry W. McDermott, son of Roy B. and Nellie (Wolf) McDermott, died
Thursday night at the parental home, 3007 West Chestnut avenue, after
a two days' illness of pneumonia. The child was born in this city,
September 10, 1916. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock this
afternoon, with interment in Calvary cemetery.
The funeral of Silas A. McGough will be held with requiem mass at
Sacred Heart church at 10 o'clock Monday morning, followed by
interment in Calvary cemetery.
[ Obituary here:
http://files.usgwarchives.net/pa/blair/obits/m1/mcgough-silas-a.txt ]
Four High School Students Selected to Debate in State-Wide Contest
After a two days' elimination contest four boys have been selected
to represent the Altoona High school in the annual state-wide debating
contest being held under the auspices of State college and the
Pennsylvania Chamber of Commerce. The four students are William
Alexander, Homer Replogle and William Lauver, of Altoona, and George
Meyers, of Bellwood, who is a senior student at the school. Franklin
Anthony was selected as the alternate on the debating team, while the
judges awarded special mention to Harry White and oratorical honors to
Lynn Davis and George Gable.,
The elimination contest was in charge of Miss Mabel E. Mulock, of
the English department and Superintendent H. H. Baish. Twenty-six
students competed for a place on the team.
Two Place in Jail to Await Hearing Before Alderman W. C. Shuff.
John K. Bookhammer, a Fourth ward man was arrested yesterday on a
warrant from the office of Alderman W. C. Shuff, charged by his room-
mate with stealing $3.85 as well as several articles of clothing from
his supposed friend, Charles Rock. Bookhammer will be given a hearing
at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
Mrs. Clarice Raison, an East End resident appeared before Alderman
Shuff yesterday and made in formation against her son-in-law, Carr A.
Raison, whom she charged with stealing an overcoat from the home and
threatening to "smash her face," when an amicable settlement of the
matter was attempted. He was locked up to await a hearing at 4
o'clock this afternoon.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, February 24, 1917, page
On Wednesday Mrs. Alverda Weight reached her 62nd milestone in
life's journey and in honor of the event a large number of her friends
and relatives gathered in a surprise party to help her celebrate the
day. It proved a delightful day for Mrs. Weight, as well as for all
in attendance, as they deemed it a great privilege to bring cheer to
their afflicted friend and relative. Mrs. Weight has been a patient
sufferer for over a year from paralysis. The guests carried with them
many delicacies, which made up a bountiful repast which was served at
the noon hour. Mrs. Weight was also the recipient of many nice gifts.
Those in attendance were Mesdames Edward Blackburn, Charles Walker and
baby son, Charles, John Walker, Edward Bowser, Ord Wisel, all of South
Altoona; Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, of Hollidaysburg; Mrs. Jonathan
Lindsey, of Altoona; Mr. and Mrs. William Bouslough, Mesdames Walter
Wertz, Joseph Boose, Wesley Endress, Margaret Kephart, Clara Lindsey,
Joseph Weaver, Samuel Kemberling, B. F. Bice, Sarah Cartwright, Hannah
Howard, Christ Crust, George Reed, T. N. Caldwell and children, Leona
and Fern. Rev. Charles Griffin, Mrs. Weight's pastor, was an honor
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, February 24, 1917, page
To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crainel, of Punxsutawney, former residents
of East Lexington avenue, on February 17, a baby boy. The little
fellow and his mother are doing well.
To Mr. and Mrs. William W. Keen, of 615 Twelfth street, at the
Mercy hospital, Thursday morning early, a fine big boy baby. Mother
and child are doing well,
To Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leyder, of Seventeenth street, a fine girl
baby, yesterday at noon. The new arrival has been named Margaret
Mary, after the grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Mary Leyder, of the Seventh
To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crumpf, of Antis township, a fine boy baby,
on February 17. The new arrival weighs five pounds, and is getting
along splendidly.
To Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Garber, of 119 Seventh avenue, a big girl
baby. The daughter arrived at noon yesterday and is the cause of
considerable rejoicing at the home.
To Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rabold, of 812 East Eighth street, a big boy
baby. Mother and child are doing well.
Cases Heard or To Be Disposed of in Courts of Local Magistrates.
Fred Smith, of East Altoona, charged with larceny by bailee of a
showcase belonging to Morris Friedland, was given a hearing yesterday
afternoon by Alderman Leake, of the First ward, and was discharged
owing to a lack of evidence.
Harry Kelly was discharged last evening by Alderman Gorsuch, of the
Third ward, when he was given a hearing on the charge of having stolen
an overcoat from John Carlin.
Clay Brawley, of 208 East Second street, was arrested by Constable
H. L. Jones, early yesterday morning, on a warrant from the office of
Alderman George Buchanan in which he is charged with assault and
battery on his wife, Lottie Brawley, in addition to using vulgar and
profane language in the presence of herself and her people. The
couple have been married almost one year. In default of bail, Brawley
was committed to the city prison to await a hearing this afternoon at
2 o'clock.
Charles Fisher, of Grand Rapids, Meets Horrible Death in Mine
His right arm blown off, face disfigured beyond recognition and
with parts of the body torn open, Charles Fisher, a former resident of
this city, met death in a mine explosion near his home in Grand
Rapids, Mich., Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. His body will be
interred in Clearfield.
Fisher, a cousin of C. E. Fisher, of Homer's Gap, during his stay
in this city, resided at a rooming house on Eighth avenue, for a time
making his home at the Hotel Brunswick. He left this city seven years
ago, taking his wife and family with him. The wife died March 5,
1915, the children being turned over to an aunt, Mrs. Fred Bickel, of
Akron, O.
As general manager and supervising engineer of the mine, Fisher had
occasion to be on the job early in the morning. It was while engaged
in placing dynamite under a huge rock that he met his death, the
charge being prematurely exploded.
He died in a hospital in Grand Rapids. Fisher was a Free Mason,
Odd Fellow, Knight of Pythias and Moose. He is survived by three
children, Mary, aged 9, Charles, 7, and William, 4.
Pastor Will Leave City
The Rev. Robert Miles Stahl, who has been the pastor of Salem
Reformed church for more than five years, was unanimously elected
pastor of St. Stephen's Reformed church, Baltimore, Md., on January
21, 1917.
He has resigned his pastorate in this city and will take up the
work in his new field March 1.
Police Launch a Crusade Against Girls and Women of Suspicious
Street walkers frequenting Eleventh avenue must depart from that
thoroughfare. That's the order given policemen for the campaign is to
be pursued with redoubled vigilance and girls and women of suspicious
characters will come under the ban.
While officers are urged at all times to eliminate this evil as
much as possible on the avenue, as well as other thoroughfares, the
new order promises to make matters difficult for the offending
feminines caught in the police net.
Respectable women, the wives, daughters and sisters of Altoonans,
have been subjected to annoyance lately through the approaches made by
men and youths who, in their eagerness, subject others to
embarrassment and humility of which they are undeserving.
Street walking and its nuisances must be abated, according to the
latest ultimatum to the officers and the loitering of certain girls
and women in various sections of the busy avenue will not be tolerated
Motorization of Equipment Means Better Service in Pretty Suburb
The East End is one of the most thriving suburbs of the city.
Water is not yet piped to this region and the residents for this
reason have had a harder fight to make against the fire fiend. But
they are public spirited and neighborly, believing in the cooperative
way of doing things. Some time ago they purchased a modern chemical
engine, which has shown its ability on tests and they have a
comfortable fire hall that serves as an assembly room for community
affairs, having been used for church purposes before the Reformed
congregation secured a church home. The hall is in almost constant
use, social events following each other in rapid succession.
On Thursday the firemen received a valuable addition to their
equipment in the shape of a fifty-horse power motor truck on which the
chemical engine has been placed. The truck will meet a long felt
need, as the delay in getting horses to take the engine to the scene
of a fire often means loss of property. The suburb hasn't had a big
fire for a long time but while hoping that such an event may not
happen, residents feel more comfortable to know that they are prepared
to give battle in quick time. The company is well equipped with
ladders, Rexes, and ropes and just needed this motor truck to complete
its preparedness for effective service.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, February 24, 1917, page