Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Saturday, October 31, 1896
The Gazette Publishing Company Sustained a Loss Last Evening.
About half-past 7 o'clock last night an alarm was turned in from
box 27, Eleventh avenue and Fourteenth street, for a fire which was
located at 1425 Eleventh avenue, the plant of the Altoona Gazette
Publishing company. The flames had scarcely gotten under headway
until the firemen were on the scene. Naturally they knew little about
the makeup of a printing office, but at the same time they went to
work with a will and in a short space of time extinguished the
As it was the loss was bad enough. Fine paper and newspaper for
that matter were both destroyed. Edges of paper were turned down and
wet and thus loss was made. However, the presses were kept intact and
are ready to run to-day. The fire originated in the boiler room and
from all indications came from some waste paper. It quickly burned
away the stairway, thus impeding traffic between the two floors. On
the second floor was the stock room. Into this a large portion of the
water found its way but the flames were finally quenched.
The loss is estimated at from $1,800 to $2,000. On this there is
an insurance amply covering any loss. The Gazette will be out on time
this evening.
Hospital Notes.
Laura Lauver, of Millville, was treated at hospital yesterday for a
dislocation of the right elbow. The sustained the injury through a
fall on the pavement in the lower portion of the city.
W. H. Rhodes, of 1103 Twenty-second avenue, was treated for a crush
of the first and second toes on the left foot. A piece of iron fell
on his foot in the shops.
Other outside cases treated yesterday were: Maggie Woodring,
Fairview, rheumatism; O. G. Parkhurst, 717 Seventh street, fracture of
the seventh rib; Mrs. P. S. Sheehl, Eleventh avenue and Twenty-second
street, ulceration cornea; E. M. Livingston, 1207 Seventh avenue,
incised wound of index finger, left hand; Annie Fisher, 1506 Fifth
avenue, tonsillitis.
A Melange of News from the Capital of the County.
Twelve extra policemen will perform Hallowe'en duty, to-night.
Young American was on his turbulent behavior along Allegheny street
last evening.
Hon. Josiah D. Hicks, Hon. Joseph E. Thropp and Hon. Robert C.
McNamara composed a trio of honorables that stormed the county capital
yesterday. "The combat deepens; on ye brave, who rush to congress or
a political grave."
Mr. Martin Horning last evening expressed to the agricultural
bureau at Washington, D.C., a monster pumpkin that weighed 119 pounds.
This trophy of the garden will be entered for the $100 prize offered
by the secretary of agriculture for the largest pumpkin raised in the
United States this year. One day this week Major S. S. Barr read in
an Altoona paper that Edgar Minnard, of Anderson, Indiana, had shipped
to the national capital a pumpkin weighing 84 1/2 pounds, and that the
same would probably receive the prize. The major with a view to
promoting Blair county's agricultural interests hunted up Mr. Horning,
with the above result.
In the trespass suit brought by the Elizabeth Lytle heirs against
Hollidaysburg borough, to recover damages for injuries done to their
lands by reason of the diversion of the waters of Blair's run, Judge
Cyrus Gordon, of Clearfield, filed an opinion decreeing that the
plaintiffs had not filed their appear in court from the award of
viewers within the proper time. The viewers had assessed the damages
at $900. The court held that appeals from the reports of viewers, to
be regular, must be taken within thirty days after the report has been
filed. In this case the plaintiff's appeal was taken thirty-two days
thereafter, and plaintiff's attorney took the position that a filing
with the prothonotary was not a filing with the court. Judge Gordon
ruled that the prothonotary is the representative of the court when it
was not in session. The filing of the report in this case, July 25,
1895, with the prothonotary was a filing with the court. No
confirmation was necessary, and the appeal therefrom, August 26, 1895,
was too late. An exception was noted to the plaintiffs in order to
afford them the opportunity to take the case up to the superior
Certain depositors in the late bank of Gardner, Morrow & Co.
last evening presented the following papers to the assignee: "We, the
undersigned depositors in your bank, have learned that several persons
withdrew their deposits from the bank a short time before its failure,
they having been given some inside information that the bank was in a
precarious position. We believe this is unfair and we therefore
request you to compel these persons to return their deposits, so that
they pay their share of the expenses and receive their pro rata of
what might be left after salaries, rent, clerk hire, assignee's fees,
etc., are paid." The signers to this paper think that this alleged
information leaked out without the authority or the knowledge of
either the partners or the clerks in the bank and they do not reflect
upon these gentlemen. They base their claims upon a newspaper
clipping from the Chicago Sentinel, which states that the receiver of
a defunct Michigan bank demanded the return of $75,000 drawn out by
depositors shortly before suspension, and N. F. Jamison, of Lansing,
refusing to refund $2,800 of his own money thus withdrawn, he was
brought before a court to compel him to "fork back" and help to pay
the expenses. The clipping neglects to state how this novel legal
procedure terminated.
To Hold a Meeting in the Eden Musee This Evening.
The sound money democrats will hold a grand mass meeting this
evening at the Eden musee at 8 o'clock. Hon. Robert E. Wright, of
Allentown, ex-chairman of the democratic state committee, will be the
principal speaker. Mr. Wright, it will be remembered, on his return
from Chicago, resigned the state chairmanship. He is one of the
ablest lawyers in Pennsylvania and a most brilliant orator. David
Walderstein, a noted orator, will also address the meeting. The
following will be the officers of the meeting:
President - William T. McConnell.
Vice-Presidents - W. H. Rohrer, W. C. Leet, W. C. Sterns, J. R.
Bingaman, Thomas I. McKiernan, Peter Morgan, John P. Levan, L. B.
Reifsneider, C. A. Wood, Hon. James Flynn, A. J. Riley, George
Buckius, Fred Sheffield, Edw. Hair, Roaring Spring; Thomas Wood, Hon.
A. S. Landis, John Law, C. H. Porter, Hollidaysburg; Thomas K. Maher,
L. G. Lamade, J. D. McNamara, Charles B. Vauclain, Christ Flynn, B. J.
Lynch, William J. McIntosh, John H. McMahon, Michael Diffley, Martin
C. Kelly, Jacob Adams, Thomas Baxter, James Cheesman, M. Brede, Samuel
Abrahims, D. L. Peightel, Peter L. Bricker, Wilson Turner, Paul
Kreutzpointer, Howard Turner, H. L. Nicholson, John Hendrickson,
Joseph Schmidthamer, Altoona; John Bell Stewart, Bellwood; W. B.
Murriah, Altoona; H. H. Myer, Albert Ford, W. A. Ford, C. E. Steele,
W. M. Ermine, George E. VanBrunt, James West, S. J. Schroder, Thomas
Bell, David Madara, C. L. Douglass, Frank Palmer, J. Lloyd Lowther,
Bellwood; Ludy Vouclain, William Houseman, James A. Dowling, Henry
Brede, George F. Streit, Thomas Manning, John Hindman, C. C. Herman,
A. B. Norton, Altoona; J. L. Strunk, P. J. Reidy, John McCormick, jr.,
James Duffy, Charles Ray, T. L. Manning, John Fisher, Thomas Davis, C.
M. White, William Murch, James A. Beamer, D. D. Woods, F. A. Harris,
Tyrone; Thomas H. Greevy, George Craig, Elmer Herr, Patrick McGinley,
Anthony Murphy, Altoona.
Secretaries - M. F. Coleman, J. B. Krider, J. M. Skyles, William J.
Kimmel, C. B. McIntosh, George W. Clark, W. S. Jackson, H. T.
Heinsling, C. L. Snyder, H. J. Gearhart, John Gorrity, Philip H.
Janney, William P. Wood, Hollidaysburg; L. R. Levan, Wesley Reed,
Walter Wood, S. S. Gehret.
The above officers are requested to take their places on the stage
as soon as they enter the hall.
The Big Team Will Line Up Against the Johnstown Aggregation.
All the players of the Monarch foot ball team are requested by the
management to meet at the cricket field this morning at 10 o'clock for
The Emerson foot ball team would like to arrange a game with the
Third wards for November 14. Answer through this paper.
The Eighth Ward foot ball team accepts the challenge of the
Bellwood first team for a game on the latter's grounds at 3:30 o'clock
this afternoon.
The big team will line up against the strong Johnstown aggregation
this afternoon at 3 o'clock on the Waverly field. Manager Carpenter's
men have made great strides in practice since the last game and a
splendid exhibition is anticipated. A number of improvements have been
made about the grounds, which will make the field more attractive for
patrons than ever. The following will be the lineup of the two
Stayer, Capt. - Left end - Woodruff
Fisher - Left tackle - Tarnell
Carroll - Left guard - Burke
Myers & Heinsling - Centre - Miller
Piper - Right guard - West
Baker - Right tackle - Spence
Lewis - Right end - Tredennick
Emory - Quarterback - Warden, C.
Dively - Left halfback - Loughrey
Seibert - Right halfback - O'Connell
Crozier - Fullback - McLean & Hislop
Extras, Altoona - Geesey, Farnsworth.
Agreeably Surprised.
Mr. Daniel Downs, of 2103 Ninth avenue, was agreeably surprised on
Thursday evening, it being the anniversary of her 58th birthday. Mrs.
Downs had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Cole, and upon returning
home found the house filled with visitors. Her sisters and brothers
present were Rev. William Lingenfelter and Mrs. Alice Fish, of
Philipsburg; Mrs. Louisa Gonsman, of East Freedom; G. R., J. A. and M.
G. Lingenfelter, Mrs. Westley Downs and Mrs. Sarah Rhodes, of this
city. Mrs. Downs was the recipient of many useful presents.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, October 31, 1896, page
A Wedding - Some Personals.
Joseph E. Thropp will meet his many friends in town this
Major Robert C. McNamara, of Bedford, will be in town this
The McKinley and Hobart club, of Tyrone Forge, Nealmont, Ironsville
and Elkhurst, will take a trip to Altoona this evening and will join
in a parade in that city. Colonel Burchfield is marshal.
The Little Daily Herald continues to display the name of J. D.
Hicks in the column of the republican county ticket as a candidate for
congress, when he has not been named in that convention. The
Hollidaysburg Register has had the manliness to drop it. Be a man or
a mouse or a long tailed rat and show your colors.
Sheridan troop armory will have connection with the long distance
telephone for the purpose of receiving news on election night, and
will be open to the public. A moderate admission fee will be
William D. McDowell, of Logan township, was in town yesterday as
the agent of Tarring S. Davis, esq., chairman of the republican county
committee, in distributing the boodle of $5 each to the several
members of the county committee in this section, who will earn their
stipends by hard and laborious work. His poke-in for J. D. Hicks will
not take in some quarters.
At the home of the aunt's bride, Mrs. Nancy Bodley, on Columbia
avenue, her niece, Miss Ella Bookhamer, and Harry M. Graffius, both of
this town, were united in marriage on Thursday evening, William F.
Taylor doing the handsome. The groom is the well known proprietor of
the Farmers' hotel, in our city, and his bride is fully capable and
well adapted to by experience and education to assume charge of his
household affairs. The TRIBUNE extends hearty congratulations and the
wish that they may live long and prosper.
In Memory of Mrs. Hurm.
One by one old friends and neighbors are being called home. In the
death of Mrs. Paul Hurm we have lost one of those generous, kind-
hearted women with whom it is a pleasure to meet, always cheerful and
contented, a boon which all do not enjoy. We have known her for forty
years and have found her always the same. When she, with her husband,
moved to their present home, it was a wilderness - their nearest
neighbor being about five miles, yet nothing discouraged them. They
went to work with a will and both being of an iron constitution they
have made a pleasant home with plenty and to spare, and no one ever
went away in hunger or in need of assistance if such was worth of the
same. But death has stepped in and severed the tie and sorrow is
throughout that once happy home. Mrs. Hurm had lived the allotted
time of humanity, and she is now gathered as a ripe sheaf of corn into
the garner of eternal rest. Her aged husband is also nearing his
journey's end, and it will not be long until they will again meet on
that beautiful shore to which we are all hastening. To the children
who survive her we would say, strive to be as cheerful and as happy as
your mother and you will never be without friends in time of need.
And to the aged husband and father, bear up in your sorrow, 'twill not
be long. Rest will come when the care of this world is over and you
meet your companion on the other shore, where sickness, sorrow, pain
or death never enter. It is hard to part with loved ones, but God so
ordered and we can but submit to his will, which is always for the
best. Mrs. Waldburga Hurn [sic] is dead, but her many noble traits of
character will live in the memory of all who knew her.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, October 31, 1896, page
Will Show Election Returns.
The opera house management has completed arrangements to have the
election returns announced from the stage on election night. A
special wire will be run upon the stage by the Western Union Telegraph
company, and the returns as they are received will be written upon
ground glass, placed in the animatagraph and thrown upon the screen in
front of the audience. Two performances will be given. The early
returns will be shown during the presentation of "Fog's Ferry." The
second performance will be made up of specialties by the Waite
In 1890 J. D. Hicks defeated Jackson, the democratic for district
attorney of Blair county, by 1,256 votes. After the people had
watched his operations in that office for three years, 791 of the
1,256 representing his majority concluded not to vote for him. He was
elected a second time, but by the bare majority of 465 in a county not
usually niggardly in such matters. His opponent, Kyle, was not
considered strong, being comparatively unknown and none too
Significant, isn't it?
When a man goes berrying it pays to take the whole family along.
The buckets fill the quicker. But when he goes into politics'
intricate mazes it were better to leave at home the good wife and the
babies. Running for office is, and rightly, a fit pursuit for men
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, October 31, 1896, page
Franklin Will Play at That City This Afternoon.
The Franklin foot ball team leaves at 1.40 this afternoon for
Tyrone where they will lock horns with the first team of that place.
An interesting game is anticipated and the Franklins are hopeful of
wresting victory from their opponents. Members of the Franklin team
are requested to meet at the station at 1 o'clock sharp. Following is
the line up:
J. Bartley - Left End - Trout
Woods - Right Tackle - Riten
Cochran - Left Guard - Spikes
Detwiler - Right Tackle - Heaverly
C. Wehrle - Right End - McLanahan
H. Wehrle - Quarter Back - Toner
S. Barclay - Left Half Back - Waring
Smith - Right Half Back - Beyer
McCurdy - Full Back - Guyer.
Farabaugh, sub - Hesser, sub.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, October 31, 1896, page
Names of the Pupils Who Have Been Present Every Day.
If the principals of the Ward schools would collect the monthly
reports of attendance from their teachers and send such reports to
this office in one budget it would be a very great accommodation. The
principal of the Adams school is the only one who has yet taken this
The following is a list of the pupils who have attended school
every day of the second month ending yesterday:
Jefferson School, Room 7 - Harry English, Charles Weakland, Lloyd
Rupert, David Hengstler, William Hugar, Earl lsett, Chester
Sunderland, Frank Hardy, Charles Hamilton, Charles Campbell, John
Campbell, George Chase, Helen Fleck, Mallie Ferguson, Celia
Buckberger, Viola Patterson, Duella Kline, Bertha Bigley, Ella Wolff,
Edith Turnbaugh, Bertha Lynch, Elda Hostler, Annie Bennett, Ella
Room 1 - Viola Stewart, Myrtle Kling, Emma Cessna, Edith Gearhardt,
Emma Oesterle, Birdie McNerling, Carrie Kipple, Joseph Fowler,
Lawrence Myton, Robert McMinn, Herbert Watts, Charles Smith, Edgar
McMahon, Roy Weaklan, Roy Caveny.
Penn School, Room 6 - Herman Cain, Carl Dalton, Charles Gathers,
Edgar Hamilton, Currie Howarth, Merel Kelley, Charles Mallory, Peter
Manlove, Ira Mooney, Herbert Sunderland, Rachel Heltzel, Maud Law,
Carrie Shay, Amber Wolf, Mary Barner, Belle Barner, Emma Burkert, Lucy
Caughling, Anna Cole, Grace Culp, Helen Espenlaub, Breslin Few, Ella
Gherdes, Artie Heltzel, Margaret Johnson, Maud Mackey, Blanche
Westley, Orpha Wyon.
Emerson School, Room 1 - Charles Filer, Arthur Young, Ralph
Ridenour, Edgar Pietsch, Walter Lightner, Edward Hoffman, Sidney
McDonald, Robert Hays, Myrle Long, Lois Bell, Mary Hileman, Jennie
Lingenfelter, Grace Giarth, Catherine Maxwell, Ruth Settle, Edith
Savage, Hallie DeArmitt, Cecela Scheredon.
Room 4 - Irastus Witts, John Morgart, Raymond Artz, John Hay,
Clement Boyles, Earl Fisher, Chester Baker, Charley Kayes, Fred
Brassington, John Hoffman, George Graebing, Charles Bussmann, Gilbert
Lehman, Prune Spanogle, Rhoda Stambaugh, Edith Curry, May McDowell,
Emma Trout, Clara Huber, Sara McCumpsey.
John A. Wright School, Room 1 - Charley Aurandt, Jack Fee, Raymond
Savage, John Utzinger, Arthur Knauer, Hillis Wayne, Foster Megahan,
William Goetz, James Winn, Frank Yon, Willie Stout, Earl Patton,
Raymond Good, Alfred Blumenthal, Jacob Parish, Russell Corbin, Nella
Kleinstul, Katie Barclay, Edna Glass, Norah Moore, Clara McClure, May
Rees, Nita Casselberry, Mabel Simon, Irma Wolfe, Helen Leader, Pearl
Lear, Rosalie Neuwahl, Wilda Lockard, Gertrude Dawson, Clara
Metzenmacker, May Saxon, Alma Kuhn.
Madison School, Room 4 - George Cavender, David McAlarney, Ed.
Puderbaugh, John Wendt, John Chase, Frank Corboy, Milton Hammel, John
Gluntz, George Rodkey, Frank Gill, Clarence Burket, Jesse Landis,
Walter Stonebraker, George Brumbaugh, Mary Robeson, Laura Moore,
Florence Leffard, Mae Shellenberger, Ethel Orr, Mattie Bloom, Maggie
Fagan, Mary Wonderly, Maud Gibney.
Franklin School, Room 6 - Willie Logue, George Hammel, Willie
Koelle, Pearl Blackburn, Anna Wesley, Mary Schmauder, Gertrude Mower,
Maude Miller, Margaret Ayres, Willie Hafa, Bertram Barwiss, Howard
Elliott, lda Wilt, Bertha Ohnsman, Sadie Ormes, Carrie Moore, Claude
Room 4 - Scott Barwis, Horace Bradley, John Thompson, Willie
Emswiler, Ralph Montgomery, Charlie Dell, Edward Brede, Earl Woomer,
Charlie Kutz, Lillie Pressell, Grace Logue, Daisy Wesley, Helen Gerst,
Mabel Ritz, Clowie Cullison, Clara Blackburn, Katie Hafa, Pearl
Harpster, Edna Hughes, Carrie Sills, Lulu McGregor, Beulah Miller,
Maud Johnston, Mary Hayes, Mamie Moore, Nora Barry, Olive Batton.
Penn School, Room 5 - Edgar Bragonier, Beale Few, John Grimminger,
Calvin Hileman, Philip Hofman, George Herkert, Charles Manlove,
Lawrence Oschea, Ralph Smith, Charles White, Mary Eardley, Irene
Ewing, Edith Henneberger, Irene Lytle, Mary Lampe, Florence Leonard,
Lulu McCormick, Ellie Wolf, Katie Watson, Jean Wakefield.
Room 4 - Dora Bogardus, Emma Breth, Lucile Dalton, Maud Fickes,
Grace Geesey, Helen Gonter, Blanch Gerhart, Helen Hilleman, Alma
Kinch, Grace Lampe, Helen McEldowney, Maggie McMurray, Bessie
McCormick, Bessie Overcash, Rachel Patterson, Emma Segmiller, Lydia
Ulrich, Grace Wilmore, Charlie Bragonier, James Cole, John Channels,
Roy Lewis, Joseph Mientel, Jesse Miller, Arde Murphy, Frank Rouzee,
Charlie Sentman, Willie Schmidt, Walter Weltmer, Harvey Wilson, John
White, James Grimminger.
Washington School, Room 6 - Walter Lantz, Hess Stover, Willie Duffy,
James Clark, Harrison Blair, Arthur Hebel, Chester Dull, Clare
Williams, Carl Mauch, Thomas Brady, John Coppersmith, Clarence
McCollough, Ernest Schandelmier, Margaret Doyle, Edith Barnard,
Katherine Murphy, Anna Weiss, Bella, Lantz, Bella Mock, Beulah Shank,
Bertha Wood, Emma Koelle, Alva Kelly, Mabel Shaffer, Mary Collins,
Estella Bohmer, Mary Brady, Helen Winkler, Fanny Housum, Eliza
Room 8 - Florus Calderwood, Harry Haverstick, Walter Sickles, Heber
Sickles, Homer Embick, Howard Eckles, Aaron Fleck, Willie Neff, Fred
Schandelmeier, Charlie Smith, Thomas Smith, Charlie Wood, Maud Blake,
Elsie Fleming, Lydia Hauser, Nilla Reynolds, Rose Shafer, Gertrude
Criste, Emma Nicholi, Blanche Pollard.
Room 10 - Lena Ackerman, Cora Kunkle, Rosie Meek, May Merritts,
Bertha Noll, Lidie Rice, Daisy Rouzer, Aura Brechbiel, Alva Dull, Nora
Foley, Stella Geesey, Emma Hauser, Bertha Lantz, Myrtle Banks, Mary
Miller, Philip McCabe, Martin Weiss, Charlie Stout, Eddie Wilson,
Herbert Rupert, Willie Fisher.
John A. Wright School, Room 7 - William Smull, Maurice Campbell,
James O'Connor, Charles Schimminger, Robert Hutchinson, Clay Hamilton,
Edward Kelley, Frank Brennecke, John Wilson, Walter Fee, Amos Schmitt,
Simon Silverman, Ralph Gerber, Alfred Holland, Charles Anderson,
Clifton Hollinger, Lyman Brubaker, Ralph Brennecke, Fred Isenberg,
Della Fechter, Ruth Chubbuck, Etta Megahan, Nannie Winnaugle, Elsie
Rider, Myrtle Burkheimer, Mary McCaskrey, Mary Barclay, Bertha
Hemperley, Margaret Trout, Bertha Lafferty Isabel Hanlan.
Room 8, - William Ball, Baker Yon, Frank Kilday, Maurice Watt,
Edgar Brininger, James Knott, Thomas Murray, George McClure, John
Haggerty, Herman McCullough, Catherine Moore, Katharine Lynn, Annetta
Crosthwaite, Agnes Taylor, Mabel Bowman, Susan Taylor, Josephine
Jamison, Sue Defibaugh, Hester Stout, Junie Lang, Bertha Good,
Margaret Humes, Mary Humes, Adele Bendheim, Alice Rickabaugh, May
Branen, Robert Winn.
Webster School, Room 1 - Fannie Salkin, Edith Salkin, Mabel Earl,
Ella Smith, Esther Bathurst, Mary Seeds, Gertrude Eckleberger, Miriam
Hicks, Mary Dunn, Pearl Slutzker, Esther O'Neill, Charles Burkholder,
Elmer Boring, Robert Earl, Abraham Salkin, John Miller, Lewis
Brumbaugh, Louis Allman, Oscar Mulhollen, Chalmer Carolus, Freddie
Stier, Robert Crawford, Dayton Reem, George Fulton, Ralph Keith.
Room 6 - Linn Shaver, Willie Piper, George Reger, Milton Figart,
George Runyeon, Percy Bingman, Fred Lowder, John Paul, Robert Elway,
Lee White, Pearl Kunes, Ethel Tindle, Grace Cunningham, Katharine
Metz, Bessie Mulhollen, May Leedy, Helen Grove, Katie Cunningham, May
Washington School, Room 7 - Gertrude Beahn, Maud Johnson, Emma
Lafferty, Lena Miller, Mary Price, Maud Booth, Edith Booser, Ruth
Detwiler, Lillian Glenn, Mary Kabello, Alice O'Hara, May Stout, Myrtle
Wise, Charles Furrer, Herbert France, Harry Hoster, Frank Housum,
Charles Meintel, Herman Meinel [sic], Lynn Moses, William Noll, Harry
Szink, Barr Shank, Charles Johnson, Thomas Heller, William Hart,
Thomas Kennedy, Wayne Price, Charles Rouzer.
Room 9 - Mary Wood, Christian Gross, Annie Williams, Sadie Ward,
Katy Noll, Mary Heddinger, Mary Kunkle, Edna Laughlin, Lizzie
Kaufmann, Josie Sarvis, Mary McCurdy, Herman Endress, Robert Kettl,
Blaine Young, Willie Gleichert, George Rupert, George Mauch, Lloyd
Rhodes, Irvin Lantz, Harry Kunkle, Frank Meritts, North Runk, Harry
Burns, Ernest Hostler, Frank Torrens.
Penn School, Room 2 - Howard Burley, James Barner, Edgar Daugherty,
Harry Gerhardt, Frank Gerheart, Albert Hamilton, Raymond Krepps, Edgar
Paisley, Monroe Schumm, William Stonebraker, Elmer Watson, Mary Baird,
Emma Dingeldein, Alma Dalton, Esther Elder Jessie Edgar, Elizabeth
Few, Myrtle Fasick, Mary Hofmann, Marie Kerlin, Ethel McCloskey, Helen
Patterson, Minnie Reidenbaugh, Martha Sunderland, Bessie Saylor,
Stella White, Myrtle Wyon.
Room 9 - Chester Anderson, Vincent Carroll, Edgar Cole, Harry Dyer,
Edgar Endress, Jesse Kelley, Carl Mackey, Lawrence O'Brian, Eddie
Saucerman, Ralph Shay, Chester Wolf, Lawrence Yon, Robert Lantzer,
James Wilson, May Borgardus, Marcella Dalton, Vara Fickes, Anna Gern,
Bertha Gern, Mary Harpham, Elizabeth Kolbenslag, Ethel Lytle, Mollie
Wilson, Annie Gearhart.
Room 10 - Lewis Hofman, Roy LeFevre, Walter McEldowney, George
Barnhart, Roy Goettman, Chester Goodman, James Kissinger, Roy Orr,
Mary Caum, Eva Hiltner, Annie Kolbenschlag, Alma Maeder, Mary
Prunkard, Anabel Remaley, Ethel Shay, May Tennis, Ella White, Daisy
Leonard, Carrie McLaughlin, Flora Reese, Josephine Reese, Lottie
Irving School, Room 5 - Oscar Frye, Ralph Detwiler, Robert Clymer,
Ira Fields, Charley Dutrow, Edgar Line, Franc?s Carroll, Ralph Kepple,
Willie Mentzer, John Williams, Viola Dutrow, Myrtle Westover, Katie
Storm, Margaret Hedding, Bessie Rhine, Florence Ake, Mary Arble, Clara
Williams, Myrtle Gearhart, Ida Yeargy, Nettie Ralston, Alberta Miller,
Elsie Spalding, Rosie Otto, Edna Tate.
Room 7 - Charley Kunsman, Ira Griffith, Earl Harpster, Vincent
Brown, John Snyder, Roscoe Johnson, Lewis Hidler, Milroy Davis, Evans
Kelly, Charley Kelly, Robert Rhodes, Clarence Lockard, Willie Decker,
Harry Clymer, Louie Gentner, James Murray, Clarence Kunes, Emma Burns,
Nettie Robbins, May Westover, Haddie Earlenbaugh, Mary Beaver, Bessie
Hamilton, Ethel Hewitt, Louisa Mason, Alice Neiman, Daisy Detwiler,
Nannie Sheets, Harriet Sheets, Harriet Martin.
Adams School, H. A. Heverly, Principal, Room 1 - Bruce Wolf, Drue
Hepner, Roy Moore, John Wherley, George Hogue, Louis Bayle, John Haas,
Fred Wittmer, Allen Zeigler, Charley Summers, Clifford Wissinger,
Raymond Balsinger, Leffard Herring, Walter Galbraith, Clair Arbel,
Boyd Coltabaugh, Rachel Fry, Lily Stevens, Ethel Springer, Lizzie
Moorhead, Annie Ehret, Catherine Kraft, Lottie Cassidy, Charley Goss,
Ruth Waite, Nettie Wittmer, Bertha Minster, Jessie Brown, Margaret
Filer, Elizabeth Tate, Nettie Burns, Edith Topper, Verna Smeltzer,
Mary Burkhart, Lily Furrer, Edith Hendershot, Ruby Gable, May Gable.
Room 2 - Edgar Marquette, Joseph Hoover, John Summers, Charles
Gehrdes, Frank Burns, John Groll, Shannon Mullen, Harvey Miller,
Edward Ewing, Elva Ehrenfeld, George Werner, John Curry, Charles
Stokes, Gladys Shuff, Leah Mater, Virdie Potter, Eva Pheasant, Edna
Plummer, Edna Isenberg, Ethel Cassidy, Anna Shultzaberger, Bessie
Bowers, Dessie Stambaugh, Lily Moore, Lizzie Tallman, Emily Russell,
Ellie Kamm, Olive Brown, Hattie Mooney, Nellie Wood, Mary Nash, Maggie
Nagle, Margaret Weise, Nellie Roche, Bertha Shuff, Elizabeth Shuff,
Hazel Hyle, Charles Swonger.
Room 3 - Willie Coble, Willie Burkhart, Howard Stiffler, Chester
Filer, Fred Stiffler, James McCracken, Grover Filler, John Rawl, John
Miller, Harold Snyder, Norman Hoke, Sherman Waite, Homer Prough,
Harvey Ramsay, Charlie Bothwell, Orville Sutton, Jesse Emerick, Mabel
Bowser, Beatrice Good, Edna Roop, Bettie McCollum, Leda Wittmer,
Sylvia Russell, Alice Weise, Ida Gettleman, Mary Hogue, Grace Bowser,
Maud Gable, Stella Cole.
Room 4 - Norman Snively, Albert Cahoe, Rae Herring, Eugene Roelofs,
Warren Imler, Eddie Delo, George Wise, Clifford Hepner, John Wood,
Homer Minster, Isaac Cramer, Willie Yon, Frank Walton, Clare
Lingafelter, Claude Shuff, Lydia McCracken, Pearl Heverly, Esther
Ceulter, Hazel Plummer, Elsie Topper, Mamie Schnavely, Pearl Prough,
Ethel Nagle, Maggie Mater, Ethel Herman, Bertha Herr, Elizabeth Piper,
Carrie Wolf, Margaret Fry.
Room 5 - Edith Elway, Maud Emes, Pearle Schnavely, Edith Haas,
Bertha Harmon, Bertha Filer, Dorothy Moore, Edna Bowser, Ethel Stern,
Olive Galbraith, Jean Ewing, Ellen Herring, Grace Minster, Florence
Miller, Myrtle Sutton, May Cramer, George Lockard, Philip Werner, Roy
Emes, Eddie Gehrdes, Lee Herman, Guy Hepner, Charles Bayle, Orville
Harmon, Eddie Dey, Arthur Ewing, Edward Dougherty, Herbert Smeltzer,
Ernest Hoover.
Room 6 - Earl Wissinger, Earl Finney, Chappy Mullin, Elmer
Stambaugh, Harry Springer, Harry Curry, Willie Summers, Elmer Curry,
Herbert Green, George Bothwell, Earl Wood, Katharine Beach, Bessie
Potter, Anna Kephart, Nannie Bowers, Helen Green, Mary Davis, Rena
Heverly, Daisy Bowser, Alice Brown, Hattie Brown, Ella Burket.
Room 7 - Samuel Bayle, Willie Dotzler, Harry Oswalt, Roy Stiffler,
Robert Burkhart, Clyde Coble, Charles Elway, George Filer, Fred
Gherdes, Earl Pheasant, George Stehley, Harry Williams, Bessie Beach,
Portia Cheeseman, Martha Counsil, Bessie Filler, Mary Smith, Alice
Walton, Mary Wambaugh, Mamie Arthurs, Pearl Gable, Jessie Kraft, Sue
Coulter, Mary McManamy, Mabel Morris.
Room 8 - Charles Stiffler, John Emes, Paul Cheesman, John
Griesen, Willie Bowser, Kessler Cassidy, Willie Russell, Ezekiel
Greiner, Willmore Lingafelt, Orville Imler, Henry Fallman, John
Werner, Harry Sutton, Emma Hauser, Bertha Lingenfelter, Mearl Herman,
Alice Filer, Fannie Cassidy, Helen Coho, Jennie Cole, Virginia Shuff,
Bessie Russell, Lottie Mader, Gertrude Dunn.
Room 9, - Bessie Kephart, Helen Plummer, Bertha Haas, Grace Irvine,
Jennie Filler, Alice Coon, Margaret Barker, Pearl Matthews, Maude
Isenberg, Edna Orner, Evah Herring, Lottie Coble, Veda Yon, Gertrude
Gherdes, Mildred Hoar, Albert Schnavely, Elmer Schnavely, Chester
Coho, Willie Lee, Raymond Stern, Oscar Stehley, Edgar Bowser, Christ
McGregor, Will Filer.
Room 10 - Ard Morris, William Hoke, Walter Stehley, Edgar Keys,
Walter Dey, Walter Oswalt, Arthur Sutton, Elmer Dumm, Ralph Daugherty,
Walter Coltabaugh, Myra Kinsel, Prudence Ewing, Gertrude Wissinger,
Lily Dey, Nellie Irvin, Pearl Plummer, Mary Imler, Carrie Price,
Teresa Ribblet, Daisy Beach, Bessie Elway, Clara McCollum, Grace
Price, Renie Russell, Katie Stiffler, Della Cox, Anna Cramer.
Jefferson School, Room 5 - Herman Seiple, Scott Walker, Edgar
Adams, Albert Sheffer, Willie Seabolt, Charles Books, Emery Tillson,
Charles Hoover, Ross Griffin, Edgar Grimminger, Ira Alloway, Willie
Books, Thomas Shaver, Willie Kann, Frank Myers, John Ellmore, Chester
Bowles, Nellie Shellenberger, Jessie Shoenfelt, Lizzie Tillson, Katie
Bennett, Mary Haller, Alma Myers.
Room 6 - Roy Cessna, Jessie Hoover, Orville Dickson, Samuel
Hostler, Clayton Kline, Thomas Stine, Albert Hite, Roy Shoenfelt,
Frank Shaver, Willie Ross, Harry Swayne, John Gay, Harry McMinn, Roy
Elder, Bennie Folk, James Heinbach, Harry Plank, Lily Anderson,
Gertrude Doyle, Elsie Brumbaugh, Nora Fowler, Louisa Hirt, Pearl
McCurdy, Ellie Kelley, Martha Folk, Mary Brown, Mary Thompson, Edith
Room 8 - Guyer Kling, Chester Dasher, Charles Kline, Harry
Meredith, Wilnor Beecher, Thomas Benton, Matthew Couch, Emma Scheffer,
Sadie Moore, Edna McNerling, Cora Turnbaugh, Dessie Leonard, Nellie
Diehl, Bessie Porter, Jessie Books, Maggie Gearhart, Edna Musser,
Matilda Brunner, Luma Caveny, Cora Lucas, Minnie Swayne, Myra Mock,
Hannah Shellenberger.
Irving School, Room 6 - John Ashburn, David Lentz, Purdue Reed,
Orlando Reffner, Robert Boltz, George Cross, Carl Burket, Blaine
Isenburg, Ed Filer, Eddie Kline, James White, Fred Hill, Earl Stouch,
Anna Parker, Iona Weaver, Blanche Eckenlaub, Edith Rupert, Tillie
Davis, Mary Lockard, Myrtle Nicodemus, Myrtle Weaver, Mary Irvin, Mary
Stover, Minnie Zink, Marion Dalton, Bessie Martin, Floy Stouch.
Programme Rendered Somewhere.
The following programme was rendered yesterday afternoon. In what
school it took place the TRIBUNE is unable to state, as the person who
furnished the report failed to mention that fact:
Reading of Minutes - Secretary.
Music - No. 44, By the Gate - School.
Essay - What I Know of Cyrus Field - Verna Nicodemus.
Recitation - Making an Editor Outen o' Him - Carrie Price.
Impersonation - Edgar Keys.
Music - Away to the Woods - Chorus of Girls.
Reading - Mr. and Mrs. Bowser Go Shopping - Gertrude Williams.
Debate - Question, Resolved, That Country Life is Preferable to that
of City Life. Affirmative, Mary Imler, Arthur Sutton; negative,
Bessie Elway, Walter Caltabaugh.
Impersonation - Walter Dey.
Referred Question - Has the District of Columbia a Representative in
Congress? How Is It Governed? - Lettie Gephart.
Recitation - The Christening - Clara McCollum.
Reading of Paper - Lilly Dev, Editor; Walter Stehley, Assistant
Referred Question - When Do the Electors Meet to Vote for President,
and When Does Congress Count the Votes? - Teresa Ribblet.
Music - No. 61, Marching On.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, October 31, 1896, page
Brief Notes of Happenings in and About the City.
Miss Mary Nolte, of this city, has returned from a visit to
The Wirbaugh desertion case has been continued before Alderman
O'Toole until Monday morning.
Mr. Miles Kephart, of the Sixth ward hotel, who has been critically
ill for the past few weeks, is now considered out of danger by his
Miss Clare Aukerman, of 1905 Sixth avenue, will leave this morning
for an extended trip east, visiting Columbia, Gettysburg, Harrisburg
and Mount Union.
The 24th birthday of Terry Doyle, of Sixteenth avenue and Twenty-
sixth street, was celebrated at his home last evening with appropriate
ceremony. A large crowd of the young man's friends were present.
Hallow E'en Party.
A very pleasant Hallow E'en party was given last evening by Miss
Carrie Kiefer at her home, 1434 Thirteenth avenue. Games, dancing and
cards were among the amusements of the evening. A pleasant repast was
served at 12 o'clock and at the wee sma' hours of morn all department
for their homes much pleased with the evening's entertainment.
Hallow E'en Party.
Last evening Miss Maie Cowen, of 1427 Thirteenth avenue gave a very
unique party to a number of her friends. Hallow e'en frivolities were
indulged in until 2 o'clock this morning and at midnight elegant
refreshments were served. The music was furnished by one of Altoona's
famous orchestras. The young hostess did herself proud and an elegant
time was had.
A Lunch Box Social - Foot Ball Game.
Work on Cambria street is slowly progressing and by and by, the
mudhole will be a thing of the past.
The Bryan bulletin board still continues to furnish more amusement
than anything else of its size in town.
Miss Clara Lauver celebrated a birthday on Thursday, and since that
day is the happy possessor of a handsome piano.
Wednesday night's spelling bee was quite a financial success. The
honors were carried off by T. F. Lindsay, but closely contested by H.
H. Meyer.
A lunch box social will be held in the basement of the Methodist
Episcopal church this evening. Entertainment suitable to Hallow E'en
will be furnished.
Lovers of foot ball will be divided to-day as both our home teams
will engage in the sport. The first team will play an Altoona team on
the foundry grounds while the second will try their skill at Juniata.
A game on the home grounds yesterday between the P. & N. W.
machinists and carpenters resulted in a score of 0 to 0 and a great
deal of fun. The teams were certainly well matched.
The High School Won.
The Altoona High School foot ball team defeated the eleven of the
Young Men's Institute last evening on the Twenty-seventh street
grounds by the score of 20 to 0. Five touchdowns were made in two
short halves of fifteen minutes each. The touchdowns were made by
Lytle, Arble, Fair and Steele, the latter making two. On the kick-off
of the Institute team Steele caught and with good interference made a
run of eighty yards and a touchdown. Wilbur Steele officiated as
referee and Wehrle as umpire. No goals were kicked, as there were no
goal posts on the field.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, October 31, 1896, page