Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, October 30, 1884
The Republicans to Have a Grand Parade on That Day,
At the meeting held in the mayor's office Tuesday evening delegates
were present from the different wards in the city, from the lower
machine shops, planing mill No. 2, freight shop, pattern shop, upper
paint shop, upper and lower blacksmith shops. lathe shop, iron and
brass foundries, temporary wheel foundry, lower wheel foundry, body
shop, boiler shop, lower paint shop, erecting shops Nos. 1 and 2,
plumbers, trimming department, cab and tank shop, Altoona car shops,
mountain division railroad, Junior Blaine and Logan club, Colored
Republican club, Seventh and Eighth wards and Logan Blaine and Logan
club, Eldorado, Logan township, Altoona Iron company, Allegheny
Furnace, and the firemen. These delegates were present to the number
of eighty-three. These gentlemen were by no means the only ones
present for there were many others in attendance.
The meeting was called to order by Charles R. Downing, and H. C.
Burley was elected secretary. There was a general interchange of
opinion on the subject of the coming parade, and there is no doubt
that it will be a grand success. The boys are working like beavers,
and the city will be the scene of one of the grandest demonstrations
ever held in it. After the meeting had been called to order Mr.
Downing, in a short and well chosen speech, made known the object of
the gathering, and after some routine business had been disposed of
the chairman announced the following committees:
Executive Committee - John Hurd, chairman; Robert C. Howe, William
Patton, Geo. Bennett, William Irwin, John Hooper, John Griffith. Harry
Bennett, J. A. Canan, Mal. Valentine, D. G. McCullough, David Garland,
Asbury Green, J. W. Fries, S. M. Griffith.
Finance Committee - David Howe, chairman; Charles Morse, Win Arble,
Peter Geib, W.W. Yon, George Geesey, John R. Frazer, John Kline, G. T.
Bell, Lem Elway.
Committee on Music - A. P. MacDonald, chairman; M. H. Mackey,
William Few, S. C. Galbraith, Charles Harkness.
Reception committee - Mayor Mann, chairman; William Johnson, Harry
Bloomfield, Thomas Whelan, G. T. Bell, Thomas L. Houck, J. B. Hileman,
John Loudon, Samuel Colclesser, William Leader, J. A. Canan, N. F.
Cunningham, William Bennett, sr., John Calvert, William Nesbit, L. P.
Work, Martin Zimmerer, James T. Rupert, Samuel Devoir, Ed. Hall,
Christ Houser, jr., Elihu Crawford.
Committee on Transparencies and Torches - Samuel M. Griffith,
chairman; John J. Irwin, Wilford Crampsey, Millard R. Green, C. W.
Mason, James Brenneman, John Holler, Martin Poet, John Rickabaugh, Ed.
Committee on Route - Charles R. Downing, chairman; David Howe,
Charles Morse, Wm. Arble, Harry C. Barr, G. T. Bell, John Kline, John
R. Frazer, George Geesey, W. W. Yon.
A. P. MacDonald was unanimously elected treasurer.
Charles R. Downing was unanimously elected chief marshal, with
power to appoint his own aides.
Mr. Downing has appointed the following gentlemen: Adjutant, John
Hurd; assistants to chief marshal, Dr. W. D. Hall, Jerry Davis: aides,
George Hileman, John Orr, James McNoldy, Byron Bennett, William Cook,
John R. Frazer, G. W. Strattan, David Garland, W W. R Gamble, Harry
Bloomfield, Thomas J. Trout, G. T. Bell, Lewis Gibboney, Asbury Green,
William Patton, William Nesbit, Samuel Martin, H. C. Burley, A. P.
MacDonald, Fred. Alden and Roy Fraker.
These gentlemen are requested to meet the chief marshal this
evening at the general committee meeting in the dark room of the opera
Messrs. E. M. Thomas, W. D. McDowell, Martin Bell, jr., were
appointed a committee to invite visiting clubs.
The City Given Over to the Democrats on Saturday Afternoon and
For six days and an equal number of nights the democracy of the
city and county had been working to make their jollification on
Saturday last a success. From the lavish display of money in the
hiring of bands, etc., one would almost be led to suppose that they
had swooped down on part of that surplus in the United States treasury
of which their candidate for vice president speaks so glowingly in his
speeches in the west. Bands and drum corps were on the streets very
shortly after noon on Saturday and marched to the place of rendezvous,
on Ninth avenue and Eleventh street. Chief Marshal Molloy had issued
orders for his aides to meet him in front of the St. Lawrence hotel at
1.30 o'clock, sharp, and as a consequence, there was a hurrying and
scurrying to and fro of chargers, whose riders were decked in black
suits, white leggins, high (and low) silk hats and over whose
shoulders were long streamers to designate their offices. The very air
grew heavier, and when 2 o'clock arrived the street corners were
jammed and the streets lined with people eager to see the turnout.
Shortly after the hour of 2 had arrived the parade moved up Eleventh
avenue in the following order:
Chief Marshal Molloy and 20 Aides.
Altoona City Band, 25 pieces.
Colonel N. B. Guthrie and Aides.
Advance Guard Young Men's Democratic Club, 16 members.
Young Men's Democratic Club, 78 members.
Sons of Veterans' Drum Corp, 7 pieces.
Junior Democratic Clubs. 50 members.
One-horse wagon, occupied by Owen Weakland and John Carney,
representing the Blaine Hippodrome.
German Cornet Band, 19 pieces.
Captain E. H. Turner, Commander of the Workingmen's Clubs.
Club Representing Mechanics, 100 Members.
Altoona Drum Corps, 10 pieces.
Club Representing Car Shops. 90 members.
Mountain City Band, 20 pieces.
Club Representing Blacksmiths, etc., 81 members.
Roaring Spring Band, 13 pieces.
Broom Brigade, 40 members.
Logan Band, 16 pieces.
Mounted Delegation, 68 members.
Four-horse wagon containing 25 men and boys.
Carriage containing Charles Vauclain and Jack Mufty.
Proceeding up Eleventh avenue the parade went over the route as
advertised in the TRIBUNE and finally brought up at the ball grounds
of the defunct Altoona Union club. Here there was a great crowd
numbering as it was variously estimated at between 4,000 and 5,000
people. The procession made the rounds of the ground much in the style
of a grand entree at a circus and before the order was given for
breaking ranks three cheers for the democratic national, state and
county ticket were called for and given. The enthusiasm was not great
nor was the response a very loud one. Everybody then started to
receive their sandwich. Despite the fact that the bull had been put on
at 8 o'clock the evening previous the flesh was not cooked and those
persons who desired to have their meat rare were easily accommodated.
The steer which had been cooked in the ovens of Heess' bakery was done
to a nicety. Numerous people wrapped their portion of the feast up in
paper and put it away carefully in their overcoat pocket. Just what
this was done for is a mystery as the air was bracing enough to create
a great appetite. There were no speeches made on the grounds. All the
candidates were present and the trains from the main and branch roads
had brought large crowds of sight seers.
In the evening the parade again formed in line. An addition had
been made to the marchers by the arrival of the Gallitzin Cleveland
and Hendricks club, the members of which were uniformed and made a
fine appearance. The Young Men's Democratic club of this city were
also complimented for their fine display. The order of formation was
as follows:
Six Members of the Young Men's Democratic Club.
Chief Marshal Frank Molloy and 22 Mounted Aides.
Gallitzin Band, 20 pieces.
Gallitzin Club and citizens, 240 members.
Altoona City Band, 25 pieces.
Colonel R. B. Guthrie and Aides.
Advance Guard Young Men's Democratic Club, 16 members.
Young Men's Democratic Club, 78 members.
Mountain City Band, 20 pieces.
Workingmen's Club, 56 members.
Workingmen's Club, 90 members.
Sons of Veterans' Drum Corp, 7 pieces.
Junior Democratic Club, 70 members.
German Cornet Band, 19 pieces.
Captain E. H. Turner and Aides.
Workingmen's Club, 148 members.
Altoona Drum Corps. 10 pieces.
Broom Brigade, 58 members.
Roaring Spring Band, 13 pieces.
Workingmen's Club, 52 members
Workingmen's Club, 88 members.
Logan Band, 16 pieces.
Mounted Delegation, 120 members.
Four-horse Wagon Containing 25 people.
Two Wagons and a Carriage.
The full length of the route previously published was gone over and
the parade ended with a countermarch on Eleventh avenue. The
TRIBUNE'S prophecy that Tammany would not turn out as a club was
fulfilled. It was not captured to any great extent by the excitement
incident to the moment. The parade is now over, the money has been
expended and the two wings of the party are still standing with
daggers drawn. Verily, the trials of the democracy are endless. In
the afternoon there were 688 men in line and in the evening 1,186,
including the bands.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, October 30, 1884, page
Burglars entered the store of William Litzinger & Sons, in
Loretto, Cambria county, recently and forced open the safe to find it
barren of money.
Clarence W., son of Oliver and Milda [sic] Daniels, died Monday
afternoon, aged 3 years, 1 month and 24 days. The disease which
caused his death was croup.
Henry Warbaugh, of Logan township, has lately had another stroke of
paralysis. We are pleased to note that he is somewhat better although
he is not out of danger yet.
Peter Strittmatter, of Carroll township, and Henry Swope, of Chest
township, Cambria county, were married on Wednesday to Rose and Helena
Farabaugh respectively. The brides are sisters.
Clem W., son of Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Evans, formerly of this city,
died at the residence of his parents tin Berwick, Columbia county, of
diphtheria on Monday. He was aged about 9 years.
Frank S. McConnell, who was found guilty last week before the
United States District court, at Pittsburgh, for passing counterfeit
money, on Saturday was sentenced to three years in the
Joseph Kelly, a pupil of the Brother's school on Thirteenth avenue,
who resides at his parents' home, 905 Seventh avenue, while engaged
last Thursday in some kind of a game with his schoolmates on the play-
ground, fell and broke his arm in two places. A physician reduced the
fracture and the lad is now able to be about.
Hon. John Reilly is, we are sorry to say, not recovering as rapidly
as his friends would wish for. He was removed to his home in
Philadelphia during the early part of the week, but the broken limb
has not yet knit together. He is now under the care of Dr. Agnew, of
Accident to Miss Minnie Stahl.
On Friday last Miss Minnie Stahl, daughter of Mr. C. J. Stahl, of
No. 1109 1/2 Eleventh avenue met with an accident of a very serious
nature. She was engaged in house cleaning at the time and was
standing on a chair putting up some window blinds. By some manner
the chair slipped and she was thrown across the back of it. A
physician was called but her injuries were not at first considered of
a dangerous character, but on Saturday evening two other physicians
were called and it was found upon examination that a blood vessel had
been ruptured and that her condition was quite serious. The injured
young lady was resting somewhat easier last evening but was very weak
from loss of blood. Her many friends will be pained to hear of this
unfortunate accident to one who has a large [number] of acquaintances
and all will unite in hoping she may speedily recover from the effects
of her injuries.
Accident in the Lower Shops.
Wednesday morning, while Marion Bowers and a companion were engaged
in unloading a car of heavy lumber in the freight shop, Mr. Bowers had
his left foot badly bruised by a piece of timber falling on it. The
timber was being put on a trestle alongside the car, and being wet and
consequently slippy, one of the pieces slipped from the trestle. In
endeavoring to save himself Mr. Bowers stepped back, but caught on a
board on the floor, and the beam struck him on the inside of the left
foot. His company also received a blow from the same piece, but was
not much hurt. Mr. Bowers was assisted to him home, No. 1425 Eighth
street, where the proper remedies were applied.
Will Go to Little Washington.
We learn that Mr. Maurice Keller who has for a number of years been
a resident of this city, in the employ of the Pennsylvania railroad
company, has severed his connection with the company to accept the
position of professor of music in Trinity Hall, Washington, Pa. Mr.
Keller is well known in musical circles both in this city and
elsewhere, and has held the position of organist in St. Luke's
Episcopal church for the last couple of years. Many of our citizens
will regret that Mr. Keller has decided to leave this city, but all
will unite in wishing him success in his new field. He is at present
on a visit to his home in New York, but will enter the duties of his
new position in a few days.
Cigar Store Robbed.
Some time during Sunday evening the store of Samuel E. Shuff,
dealer in tobacco and cigars, 705 Twelfth street, was entered by some
one whose supply of tobacco had played out. Entrance is supposed to
have been obtained by means of a key as the door was not forced. The
discovery that the store had been robbed was made by Officers
Fettinger and Gracey about 2 o'clock Monday morning. The goods taken
consist of five hundred cigars, some plug tobacco and two meerschaum
cigar holders.
Death of John Gern.
John Gern, aged 19 years, died at his home on Third avenue between
Twentieth and Twenty-first streets Friday morning at about 11.15
o'clock. He had been ailing for about two weeks with a sore foot and
on Thursday night he was attacked by a severe croup which grew worse
until yesterday morning when a sudden rush of phlegm caused
suffocation, he not having the strength to throw it from his throat.
The deceased was a son of Charles and Kate Gern, both of whom have
been dead for some years. He was employed in the upper shops and was
a young man who had hosts of friends both old and young. Surviving
him are two brothers and three sisters - Charles, Christ and Annie
Gern and Mrs. Louisa Kelly and Mrs. Fred. Kelly. He was a member of
the German Lutheran church.
Slight Fire.
Between 3 and 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon an alarm of fire was
sounded from the bell in the tower of the city building and was
quickly taken up by the bells on the different engine houses in the
city. The department responded quickly, but its services were not
called into play. The fire was in the house owned by J. G. Kline,
Sixth avenue, between First and Lloyd streets, and occupied by Moses
Miller and family. Mrs. Miller had gone from home for a few minutes
and during her absence some kindling wood was set on fire by her
little child. The damage amounted to about $100.
A Farmer Killed by a Horse.
Mr. Samuel H. Adams, a wealthy and respected farmer, of Shade Gap,
Huntingdon county, and brother of Hon. Thomas H. Adams, representative
in the legislature from that county, was kicked in the abdomen
Thursday morning by a fractious horse and instantly killed. Mr. Adams
was leading the animal to water, when it turned about suddenly,
knocked its owner down and repeatedly trampled over his prostrate body
until life was extinct. He was aged about 45 years, and leaves a wife
and five children in affluent circumstances.
Mr. T. J. Tiernan and Miss Annie O'Toole, both of this city, were
united in holy wedlock Wednesday morning in St. John's Catholic church
by Rev. Father Reilly. Mr. Tiernan is a young man well and favorably
known, and it is the hope of his many friends and acquaintances that
he and his bride may have the pleasure of experiencing a happy future.
We therefore wish Tom and his fair companion smooth sailing over
oceans of joy, amid showers of happiness.
A Run Off.
Tuesday afternoon while John Sellers, in company with Joseph
Vaughn, of Duncansville, were driving to Hollidaysburg in a buggy the
horse ran off because of becoming frightened at the cars when in the
vicinity of the Y Switches. The buggy was run against a fence and the
occupants pitched clear over the fence, but fortunately without any
injury except a few bruises and the partial demolition of the
John J. Smith Killed at the Street-Car Stables Thursday Night.
John J. Smith, a driver on the Altoona City Passenger railway
company's line, and who lived at 716 Sixth avenue, was killed Thursday
evening about 10:30 o'clock at the stables of the company at the
terminus of the road on Lombaerdt avenue. It is supposed that he was
kicked to death by a mule, as this was the only way in which the sad
accident could have happened. Before going to the stables and at
about 10 o'clock he remarked to a driver of one of the cars which
passed him on the line that his work would soon be over as it was his
last trip. Poor fellow; it was the last, indeed, and he little
thought of his short lease of life then. From the stable man it was
learned that he came in with his car at about half-past 10 and took
his team into the stable to put it away. This was the last seen of
him alive. The stable man said that when he went in he met three
tramps at the door and told them to go away. He then went inside and
on the floor found Smith lying on his face. He turned him over, but
he made no movement. When discovered he was directly opposite one of
the mules, and it is thought the animal, which is rather vicious,
kicked him when he was coming out of the stall.
A messenger was quickly dispatched for Superintendent Buch who soon
arrived accompanied by Dr. Oatman. Upon an examination being made the
doctor gave it as his opinion that the worst injury and the one which
caused death had been a blow on the back of the head. There was also
a mark on the forehead. There was but little blood to be seen - a
clot on the floor near where the unfortunate man fell being the only
stain visible. Coroner Glenn was sent for as was also a messenger to
Smith's wife of the sad fate of her husband. Beside his wife he has a
family or four children.
Mr. Smith was about 45 years of age and was a gallant soldier
during the late war, having been captain of company G, Twelfth
Pennsylvania cavalry. Last year he was janitor of the Second ward
school building and in previous years had served in similar capacity
in other wards. He had been in the employ of the street car company
about a year, having lately been on the Seventh avenue extension. He
is spoken of by those in whose employ he was as being a faithful
workman and one who always given satisfaction. Those of his
companions who were at the stables when a reporter was there that
evening, also spoke in praise of the deceased and lamented the sad and
sudden manner of his taking off.
Coroner Glenn having been summoned to hold an inquest on the body
of the late John J. Smith, who was accidentally killed at the street
car stables on Thursday night, performed his sad duties Friday. The
jury was as follows: John Buch, foreman; Joseph Wilson, T. W. Neff,
John Maize, Harry Sollonberger and J. T. Stewart. After viewing the
body the jury adjourned to meet yesterday evening at McGrath's coal
office and after the examination of a number of witnesses a verdict
was rendered that the deceased man came to his death by being kicked
in the head by a mule belonging to the street car company while in the
discharge of his duty and that death was purely accidental. The
remains of the deceased were taken to his late home about half-past 1
o'clock Friday morning. His sorrowing wife and children have the
sympathy of the public in their sad affliction.
Fatal Accident on the Railroad.
A fatal accident happened Thursday night on the Pennsylvania
railroad some where in the neighborhood of McGarvey's station by which
James E. Kelly, a brakeman on Conductor Porter Orner's train, was
instantly killed. The train broke while ascending the mountain, and
it is supposed the jar occasioned thereby threw young Kelly off and on
the track. His body when found had been cut in two by the cars. As
soon as found his lifeless remains were brought to this city on engine
979 at 1 o'clock Friday morning and taken to Undertaker Tipton's
establishment on Eleventh avenue. Several of the railroaders
recognized the features of the unfortunate man, his face not having
been in any wise injured.
Deceased was about 21 years of age, and had been employed by the
company as brakeman for about a year. He had met with several slight
accidents during this time, but was always considered a careful
employe. His parents live at No. 708 Eleventh street, and the news of
his sad death will be a great shock to them. He was a young man who
had an extensive acquaintance.
James E. Kelly was in his 19th year. He was the son of James and
Ellen Kelly and beside his father and mother, two sisters, Mary and
Ellie and seven brothers - William, Joseph, Michael, Frank, Owen and
John, survive him.
Artificial Limbs for Soldiers.
The demand of the surgeon general of the United States army for an
additional appropriation for next year to supply artificial limbs for
soldiers is not an increase of his annual supplies of money, but for
the sum received every five years by his bureau. All artificial legs
and arms, and all trusses supplied by the national government to
soldiers maimed or injured, are given every five years. For an arm
cut off above the elbow, or a leg off above the knee, a man received
$75 or an order for a leg or an arm; for a leg below the knee or an
arm below the elbow, $50, or an order for such artificial leg or arm.
The first five years for the renewal of these limbs will be up next
May, when all these will again be renewed. Thousands of maimed
soldiers take the money instead of the limbs.
A Painful Accident.
William Burket, an employe of the passenger car department in the
lower shops, met with an accident Friday by which the great and second
toes of one of his feet were badly hurt. The great toe was broken.
The accident happened while he was engaged in lifting a centre plate
into position. The plate fell and the above injuries was the result.
He was assisted to his home, corner of Chestnut avenue and Ninth
street, where his injuries were attended to.
Death of Jeremiah Yerger, Sr.
Woodberry township has recently lost by death a number of her
oldest citizens and to that list must now be added another in the
person of Jeremiah Yerger, sr., who departed this life on Saturday
morning last after a lingering illness. Mr. Yerger was born in
Lancaster county, August 23, 1796, and died October 25, 1884, so that
at the time of his death he was aged 88 years, 2 months and 2 days and
was perhaps the oldest resident of the township. He removed to
Woodberry township in 1822 and resided their continuously until the
time of his death, carrying on the trade of a carpenter until failing
health and advancing age compelled him to abandon toil. He was the
father of several children, of whom we now recall Christian Yerger, of
this city, Jeremiah Yerger, Jr., who resides near Williamsburg, and
George Yerger.
Mr. Yerger was a quiet, inoffensive citizen, and enjoyed the good
will and respect of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. He
had been for several years a member of the Lutheran church, and died
in full hope of a glorious immortality. We regret that the absence of
the necessary facts prevent a more complete tribute to the memory of
this aged citizen.
Hand Crushed.
On Friday last Samuel T. Shaw, Jr., a farmer residing in Freedom
township, met with a very painful accident. He was engaged in
cleaning the cogs of a cider mill when one of his hands was caught in
the machinery. As a result the two front fingers were cut off and his
third finger and thumb were so badly crushed that amputation at the
first joints was necessary.
Patrick O. McDermot Walks off the Viaduct Into the River.
Our Hollidaysburg correspondent sends us the following: Thursday
evening a little after 7 o'clock a man named Patrick O. McDermot fell
off or stepped off the railroad bridge which spans the Juniata river
between Hollidaysburg and Gaysport and was drowned. The local freight
was standing on the south track of the bridge and the cars extended to
beyond the other end. McDermot seemed to be traveling toward the
station, and for some reason he crossed over on the south side of the
train and to the shore abutment of the bridge. There was not room
enough to pass the train. When opposite the engine he stepped off the
abutment into the river at a point where the water is ten feet
Mr. James Glasgow, engineer, J. R. Fink, fireman of the engine, and
Harry Keely, who was on the engine, heard the splash in the water and
ran to the man's assistance. They could see him floating in the
water, and he seemed to be paddling with his hands. They called to
him to come that way, but no attention was paid to their calling by
the drowning man. They pushed a plank toward him, but it failed to
reach him. All their efforts were in vain. Mr. Glasgow says that he
did not sink once, but appeared to float on the surface. When taken
from the water his head was found to be turned down under his body and
his coat down over it. He fell about fifteen feet, and as part of the
old viaduct is still there, it is thought that he struck on rocks and
was so severely stunned as to render him unconscious.
His remains were taken in charge [by] Undertaker McFarland, who
telegraphed to Coroner Glenn, who held an inquest Friday. Mr.
McDermot was apparently about 50 years of age and was married. He
resided at Allegheny Furnace. As the north side of the railroad bridge
was clear, it cannot be understood why McDermott went to the side on
which the train stood, except because he was bewildered in the
darkness or was not familiar with the locality. To all appearances he
was not under the influence of liquor. This sad accident happened
about twenty minutes before the arrival of the special train for
The body of Patrick O. McDermott, the victim of the drowning
accident at Hollidaysburg on Thursday evening, was viewed on Friday by
Coroner Glenn and his jury as follows: John Fitzharris, foreman; Jacob
Brenner, Harry Gardner, A. C. Reed, Albert McFarland and Thomas B.
McFarland. A verdict was rendered that deceased met his death by
accidentally walking off the Pennsylvania railroad bridge between
Hollidaysburg and Gaysport and drowning in the Juniata river the night
of October 23, 1884. The remains of the unfortunate man were brought
to this city on Friday and conveyed to his home on West Chestnut
avenue and Twenty-Fourth street.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, October 30, 1884, page