Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, January 3, 1884
Killed on the Road.
From Thursday's Johnstown Tribune: "Charles Rightenour and John L.
Womer left Morrellville together this morning and walked up the
Pennsylvania railroad track toward town. They were about half way
across the iron bridge west of the station, and were walking on the
plank between the tracks, when the New York and Chicago limited
express was heard approaching by Mr. Womer, who turned to Mr.
Rightenour, he being immediately in the rear, and exclaimed: "Look
out, there comes a train!" He then stepped from the plank to the north
track, and the train came dashing along onto the bridge. He was about
to turn around to look after his companion when, to his horror, the
man's body flew past him and fell a few feet ahead, partly resting on
the plank walk and partly on the ties of the north track. The train
rushed on past, but stopped at the tower and backed to where the man
was lying. In the meantime Mr. Womer and some men who were near by,
and whom he had called, examined Mr. Rightenour's body and found that
life was extinct. In his head there was a frightful wound from which
the brains had fallen to the stone pier of the bridge. There were
also gashes on his face, and his neck was broken. The deceased was
aged about thirty years. He was a widower, his wife having died some
time ago, leaving two children. After her death he made his home with
his mother. He was a stone mason by trade.
Wedding Bells Near Puzzletown.
Christmas was made the occasion of a very pleasant wedding which
took place at the residence of Mr. David Leighty in the vicinity of
Puzzletown. The couple married were Mr. William Buckel and Miss
Lizzie J. Leighty, of Duncansville. The person by whom they were
married was Rev. J. W. Henderson of Newry. The ceremony was performed
about 12 o'clock in the presence of a large number of guests. The
bride's father and mother honored their daughter by preparing a
sumptuous dinner, of which the entire party partook with great
enjoyment. A large number of valuable gifts were presented to the
happy couple, a list of which and the names of the donors we are
compelled to omit owing to a lack of space.
Description of One of Their Newly Built Stationary Engines.
One day last week in company with Mr. M. A. Green, superintendent
and part owner of the Altoona car works, a reporter visited that hive
of industry and was escorted through the different departments. Mr.
Green has been managing these works with great success for several
years, and gives personal supervision to every department, being a
most thorough mechanical engineer and practical artizan. The works
consist of a foundry, blacksmith shop, pattern shop, car shop, planing
mill and machine shop, each department containing a full complement of
skilled workmen. The works have a sufficient capacity and the
facilities for building all kinds of engines and freight and coal
cars. The summer cars used by the Altoona street railway company were
designed by Mr. Green and built at these shops. Mr. Green called our
attention to a stationary engine just completed for the Hollidaysburg
iron and nail company, to be used at the nail factory. It is a fine
specimen of mechanical skill and deserves more than a passing notice,
though we are informed that some engines of nearly the same pattern
and probably as perfect have been turned out of these works during the
last couple of years. The one to which we refer was designed by Mr.
Green and is a 16 x 24 inch engine. He guarantees that it will make
150 revolutions per minute and will give not less than 120 horsepower
with 80 pounds boiler pressure to the square inch. The engraving
given above is a fair representation of the style of engines built at
the works, several of which are in use in the surrounding county and
giving entire satisfaction. Mr. Green gave us a description of these
engines. The engraving conveys an idea of the massiveness of the bed.
It will be noticed as a point of prime importance in high speed
engines that a large amount of metal is put about the centre line of
the engine, thus transmitting the strain from the cylinder to the
bearing in a straight line. It is claimed that this increases the
durability and strength and consequently economy of wear, also
relieving the engine from the powerful and unequal leverage. The
ground plan of the bed is rectangular and the spread upon the
foundation very broad. The pillow block is cast to and made a part of
the bed, so that any give or variation is entirely obviated. The
cylinder end of the bed is turned off and the cylinder head is
recessed in the bed and firmly bolted, so that there is no possible
chance for the engine to get out of line. The main shaft is made of
the best hammered iron, and all the bearings are extra large and long.
The crank pin, cross head pin, piston rod, valve stem, and many of the
main bolts are made of the best steel. The crank wheel is
counterbalanced, which insures a smooth and equable motion so that the
engine may be run at a high rate of speed without injury. The
connecting rod is forged in one solid piece; each end is then slotted
out and fit with brass boxes which are set up by a wedge and screw,
forming a solid backing and at the same time admits of nice
adjustment, and does away with straps, bolts and keys, making the rod
stronger and more durable. The guides and cross-head are of the
locomotive style. The piston is as light as is consistent with the
strength required and is permanently fixed on the rods. It has a long
bearing in the cylinder, its thickness being always one half of its
diameter and is packed with two self-adjustable rings; no bolts or
springs are used so it requires no attention whatever to make it
perfectly safe. The ports are always the same length as the bore of
the cylinder which not only enables the taking the steam quick but
also gives a free exhaust and does away with the back pressure. The
Waters' perfect engine governor is used; it gives a steady motion to
the engine and insures safety, as in case the governor belt would part
or come off the engine will stop instead of running away, causing
damage and endangering the lives of workmen. Mr. Green informs us
that they manufacture all sizes of stationary engines from 20-horse
power to 300-horse power, and will warrant them to run from 100 to 350
revolutions per minute without knocking and without noise. He claims
for them economy in steam and fuel and guarantees them in every
In sending out a new engine a competent machinist is always sent
along to set up, start and see that it runs in a satisfactory manner.
Under the present management the works are bound to be a success,
because the greatest attention is paid to every detail, and good work
guaranteed. The Altoona car works, limited, are a credit to the city.
We wish we had more such enterprises in our midst.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, January 3, 1884, page
The Bellefonte car works were sold on Thursday to a company
composed of Bellefonte capitalists.
Mr. J. W. Curry, of this city, has been drawn as a grand juror in
the United States district court for the February term.
Every citizen who is opposed to profanity should see that the
boardwalk in front of his dwelling is kept clear of snow.
During a quarrel over a keg of beer Andy Bittner shot and badly
wounded Paul Dien, in Johnstown on Monday night.
George, son of George and Elizabeth Heisler, aged 3 years and 3
days, died at the residence of his parents in Collinsville Saturday
morning at 6 o'clock.
The store building of Mr. Ed W. Evans, in Barr township, Cambria
county, was destroyed by fire with all its contents last Monday
evening. The loss is not yet known.
A telegram to the city papers informs us that John Smith, of
Huntingdon, was frozen to death last week. The Smith family will not
become extinct on account of this lamentable affair.
Friday morning the Ensbrenner hotel and brewery property on
Thirteenth avenue was disposed of at public sale by Mr. Tim Donahue,
auctioneer. Martin Laubacher was the purchaser and the price paid was
The Johnstown Tribune says: "The Altoona Morning Call has starved
to death. It was edited principally in New York, and news was a
little stale after being published in New York papers the previous
The Bellwood school record showed one hundred and forty-nine
scholars present before the holiday vacation; forty-seven in the
grammar school, sixty-four in the intermediate and eighty-three in the
primary department.
Sunday Mrs. James H. Dysart found a large caterpillar crawling on
the snow on her premises. A correspondent reported a similar case a
couple of days ago. The presence of caterpillars on the snow or
ground at this season of the year is quite singular and needs an
Mrs. Elizabeth Edevane, wife of Mr. James Edevane, died Monday
morning at the residence of her husband, on Nineteenth street and
Second avenue, aged 53 years and 6 months. The deceased leaves
besides her husband two sons and two daughters. The sons are in
Roanoke, Va.
George W. Ehrhart, assistant foreman of the freight shops of this
city under Andy Kipple, left last week for Roanoke, Virginia, where he
will be foreman of the freight shops. Mr. Ehrhart has resided in this
city for the last twenty-eight years. He is an excellent citizen and
we are sorry to part with him.
On Sunday morning last Mr. George Ferry, of Wilmore, died at the
age of 94. Being the oldest and one of the most prominent citizens of
the place, the town bell was tolled ninety-four times in respect to
his memory. Although he was never married until he was sixty-two
years of age, he leaves two grown up children.
We recently published an item to the effect that a lady somewhere
had been postmistress of her town for more than a quarter of a
century, which reminds a friend that Mrs. Jane Van Tries, of
Warriorsmark, has been postmistress at that place for over thirty-four
years. Mrs. Van Tries is in her 85th year but enjoys vigorous
Mr. Samuel J. Holliday and Miss Lucy Kelly, both of this city, were
united in wedlock at the residence of the bride's mother on Tuesday.
Rev. W. W. Criley, pastor of the Second Lutheran church, was the
officiating clergyman. We join the many friends of the happy couple
in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Holliday a happy and prosperous life
Squire John Cox, of Johnstown, died from congestion of the lungs at
2 o'clock on Sunday morning. He was born in Ireland in 1832 and came
to the United States in 1851. In 1860 he was elected a justice of
the peace in Conemaugh borough, and was afterwards elected burgess of
Conemaugh and coroner and treasurer of the county. He was a man of
considerable character and was highly esteemed by all who knew him.
Mrs. Ann Smith, of Pittsburgh, formerly a resident of this city,
has filed a bill in equity in the United States court at Pittsburgh
against the Buffalo, New York and Philadelphia railroad company to
restrain them from infringement upon a patent ?ark arrester, for which
a patent was issued to her husband, Mr. James Smith, now deceased. At
the time the patent was granted Mr. Smith was foreman of the western
division round house in Altoona.
Fires on Friday.
About 2 o'clock Friday fire was discovered in the second story of
the Indian Queen hotel, Ninth street above Eighth avenue, and before
it was extinguished the interior of the building was almost ruined,
and much damage done to the furniture contained therein. The building
is owned by Mr. Philip Dempsey, and occupied and conducted as a hotel
by Mr. John P. Wantz. About the time stated one of Mr. [missing text]
Mr. Wantz cannot yet estimate his loss. His household effects were
insured for $400 and his bar fixtures and stock $600 in the Kittanning
company, represented here by ? C. Golden. The building is insured in
the Phoenix of Hartford for $1,500. Mr. A. F. Kerr represents the
company. This building was damaged by fire about seven years ago.
At a quarter past 11 o'clock Friday night officer Fettinger had
reached Eleventh street and Eleventh avenue after having made a tour
of the lower portion of the city, when he heard a cry of "fire"
further up the street. He went in that direction and saw through the
window a bright fire burning in the candy store at the corner of Green
avenue and Eleventh street. The officer broke in the front door, but
found the smoke so dense that he couldn't enter. Through the window
the flames could be seen flaring up from behind the counter, and it is
evident that's where it begun. In the meantime the alarm had been
struck, and the Excelsior company was first on the scene and,
connecting with the plug at the Opera house corner, soon had a stream
on the blazing store. The steamers arrived shortly after, but the
Excelsior stream had already done the work and they were not brought
into service.
The building is a two-story frame one, and is owned by Mr. C.
Jaggard, through there is some dispute about the ownership of the
ground. The store gutted out was ?rted by a man named Thompson, who
also conducts the same business on Seventeenth street near the bridge.
Recently he sold out to Miss A. Deckman, who had worked in the store.
She seems to be the owner at the present time. Miss Deckman left the
store and went to her boarding house, Mrs. Hewitt's on Eleventh
avenue, at a quarter ? 11 o'clock, the fire being discovered less than
a half hour afterwards. She has insurance in companies represented by
Mr. ?out, but declined to tell the reporter the amount or the names of
the companies. The stock destroyed may be worth about ?00. In the
room above is Mr. Goodman's photograph gallery and in the room next to
the candy store Mr. George Metz conducts a cigar store. Neither of
these gentlemen sustain any loss.
Death of John A. Reynolds, One of Bellwood's Prominent Citizens.
It is with feelings of sincere regret that we record the death of
Mr. John A. Reynolds, which occurred at his home in Bellwood on
Saturday. Mr. Reynolds had been a sufferer from consumption for the
past three years, and though the assiduous disease worked slowly it
could not be shaken off. The sufferer confidently hoped and bravely
struggled all the while, against what to his intimate friends seemed
inevitable, until the end came. The deceased was born in Danville,
Montour county, thirty-three years ago and remained there until grown
to manhood. He received a collegiate education, and afterwards
obtained a good business training. He married Miss Hattie Deen,
daughter of Mr. Perry Deen, one of Danville's most prosperous iron
merchants. About five years ago Mr. Reynolds came to this county and
engaged in the manufacturing of lumber near Bell's Mills. With his
family he boarded at the Logan house in this city for some months and
afterwards took up his permanent residence at Bellwood, his business
having enabled him to erect three mills, one at Elizabeth furnace, and
two at Bear Loop on the Bell's Gap road. By great perseverance and
untiring labor, even when his physical condition might have
disheartened a less determined man, Mr. Reynolds succeeded in building
up a valuable trade. He was a gentleman in the truest sense of the
term, and though not a prominent figure in society, was what is better
- a kind husband and father and a firm friend. He leaves a loving
wife and two little daughters.
A Priest Injured in the Altoona Railroad Depot.
On second section of No. 3, Pacific express west, which arrived in
this city about half-past 3 o'clock Monday afternoon Revs. James
Constantine and William Geoghan, Catholic priests, were passengers, en
route from New York City to their homes in Pittsburgh. When the train
stopped in the depot both of the reverend gentlemen alighted from the
Pullman car in which they were riding, and walked up and down the
depot until the train started. In attempting to board the car again
Rev. Father Geoghan slipped on the icy pavement and fell almost under
the car. Both his feet were crushed by the tread, or outer part of
the wheel. He was assisted into room No. 151 in the Logan house where
he was attended by the company physicians. It was discovered that the
great toe on the right foot and the small bone leading to it was
crushed, and that the little toe and outer side of the left foot was
in the same condition. The little toe was amputated, but it is
believed that both feet will get well without any further use of the
knife. The sufferer is a large heavily built man and is aged about 46
years. The two priests continued their journey to Pittsburgh on
limited express same evening.
Delayed Pensions.
The commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, after
consultation with the commissioner of pensions, has decided to have a
list made of all the comrades whose claims have been delayed. The
cards upon which the desired information is to be furnished have been
prepared by the pension office, and will be sent to every post in the
country through the respective department headquarters. They are
somewhat larger than a postal card, and are so arranged as to give the
name, company and regiment (infantry, cavalry or artillery), or name
of vessel and squadron where the service was performed in the navy;
the late rank, town, county, and state of residence; name, number and
location of post; date of discharge from the service, and postoffice
address. Where the comrade served in more than one regiment, a
separate card will be issued for each. The cards are to be returned
to department headquarters, and will afterward be compiled by states
and regiments for convenient reference.
Death of an Estimable Lady.
Mrs. Rebecca Carney died Friday morning at 6.30 o'clock at the
residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Elmer Hewitt, No. 1119 Eleventh
avenue, at the advanced age of 79 years. The deceased was an old
resident of Hollidaysburg, having removed to that place from Mifflin
county many years ago. In June last she came to this city, and had
since that time been an inmate of the family of Mr. Hewitt. She had
been lingering for the past two years from diseases incident to old
age, but about one month ago her affliction took a more serious turn,
and finally ended in her death at the hour stated. The deceased
leaves five daughters and one son to mourn her death, namely: Samuel
Carney, of Hollidaysburg, Mrs. George McKee, of Mifflin county; Mrs.
Henry Garvey, of McVeytown, Mifflin county; Mrs. Thomas McFarlane, of
Hollidaysburg; Mrs. Elmer Hewitt, of this city, and Mrs. William
DeSilvey, of Hollidaysburg.
Banish the Cat.
About nine weeks ago Mr. Jacob Wilt, who is employed as a helper in
the company's wheel foundry and who resides in Millville, was
scratched on the left thumb by a cat which he was engaged in feeding.
The wound refused to heal, and a couple of weeks later the thumb had
become so sore that Mr. Wilt was obliged to quit work. Subsequently
blood poisoning set in and the condition of the hand became so serious
that Monday, it was found necessary to amputate the thumb at the first
joint. The operation was successfully performed by Dr. Ross.
Masonic Officers Elected.
At the annual election of officers for Mountain lodge, No. 281,
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Altoona, the following named were
elected: W. M., Charles Pimlot; S. W., Amos Davis; J. W., John M.
Pressel; treasurer, T. H. Wigton; secretary, T. Davis; trustees, Dr.
W. R. Findley, John Hurd and H. B. Kendig; representative to grand
lodge for 1884, Dr. W. R. Findley.
Extension of the Gas Works.
The Altoona City gas works are about to be extended. Bids for the
construction of a new holder will soon be advertised for. The
property of Mrs. Feeny and also the vacant lots of Mr. B. Rooney, on
Ninth avenue between Fourth and Fifth streets, have been purchased by
the gas company, where the large gas tank, or holder will be erected.
The holder is to be 90 feet in diameter, and 24 feet lift.
Sons of America.
Washington camp No. 31, Patriotic Order Sons of America,
rechartered, was instituted 20th ult., in Odd Fellows' hall by Special
Deputy W. M. Doughman, of Camp No. 263, Newton Hamilton, assisted by a
number of the members of that camp. The new camp starts with over one
hundred charter members, though a few of the number were unable to be
present last evening. The officers for the remainder of this term are
as follows: Past president, John W. Otto; president, H. Al. McGraw;
vice president, W. H. Schwartz; master of forms and ceremonies, Samuel
Alloway; recording secretary, M. L. Gibbony; assistant secretary,
Jesse B. W. Ickes; financial secretary, M. Emswiler; treasurer, D. L.
Peightel; chaplain, Rev. J. J. Kerr; conductor, James A. Weidensall;
sentinels, W. W. Yon, A. W. Griffin; inner guard, Denton Ditch; outer
guard, John Arble; trustees W. W. Yon, John W. Otto, Samuel Alloway.
After the camp had been formally instituted brief encouraging
addresses were delivered by Messrs. Morrison, Martin and Doughman of
the visitors and McGraw, Otto, Ickes and Schwartz of the home
A Reception to Mr. and Mrs. J. Lloyd Lowther.
Mr. J. Lloyd Lowther and his wife arrived at their home in Bellwood
on last Wednesday evening, having enjoyed an extended wedding tour
through the east. Thursday they were tendered a grand reception and
infair by their numerous friends. About fifty guests, including
relatives and personal friends of the bride and groom were present.
Hon, J. D. Morrell and wife, of Henrietta, being among the number. A
grand banquet was prepared for the party, and the occasion was an
exceedingly pleasant one. Mr. Lowther, who formerly resided in
Altoona, is engaged actively and successfully in the lumber business
at Bellwood. The young lady whom he has chosen for a life partner is
possessed of high attainments and graced with the accomplishments most
to be admired. The young couple received the hearty congratulations
of all their friends, and will always have the best wishes of the
community in which they live.
What the Base Ball Association is Doing.
The management of the Altoona Base Ball association is diligently
at work perfecting the organization for the season of 1884, and we can
announce officially that several players have been signed and that
others are being negotiated with. Those already signed whose names
may be mentioned are: George Smith, of last year's team, short stop;
Joe Ardner, and Charlie Manlove, of last year's team, second base and
short stop, respectively, and James Grady, formerly of the Richmond
club and August Flower, first baseman. A battery from Cleveland is
about to sign and a professional catcher from New York whose name we
are not at liberty to announce at present. He ought to be a good one
as he has caught the "Only Nolan," Monte Ward, Leroy, Freeman and
Walters, all celebrated pitchers.
Rev. Laverty Dead.
Rev. Daniel A. L. Laverty, of the Church of God, Mechanicsburg,
died Sunday night at his home in that town, of congestion of the
lungs, aged 60 years. He attended the conference of his church at
Altoona last October, and went home with an attack of malaria,
rendering him unfit for duty. He was well-known and much beloved, and
was a prominent man in his church. He leaves a wife and several
A Notorious Forger and Counterfeiter in Jail at Hollidaysburg.
About three years ago one William J. Phelas [sic], alias William H.
Clark, known as a notorious forger and counterfeiter, forged a draft
on the Altoona bank for $800 and obtained the money. At the time the
forger was not known, but later very conclusive evidence fixed it on
Phelan, though his whereabouts then were unknown. Not many months
afterwards he was sentenced to the eastern penitentiary from York
county for forging a note on a banking institution there. The
officials of the Altoona bank learned of his imprisonment and
determined to make him answer for his offense here as soon as he would
be released. The case was put in the hands of Sheriff Fay, who
deputized Constable P. B. Stern. Deputy Stern went to Philadelphia a
few days ago and immediately repaired to the mayor's office. The
mayor treated him very kindly, and assigned Lieutenant Jordon, of the
Ninth district to assist him in capturing the accused. Without this
aid Stern might have been left, as an officer from Kent county New
Jersey, armed with a requisition from Governor Pattison, was in the
city looking for his victim. On Tuesday evening Deputy Stern arrived
in the city with his prisoner, and the same evening Phelan, alias
Clark, found shelter in the county jail. The prisoner is about 38
years of age and of good appearance. Mr. Stern is under many
obligations to Mayor King, of Philadelphia, and to Lieutenant Joseph
H. Franklin for the substantial assistance rendered. If these
officers had not lent their aid Phelan, alias Clark, would still be
working his little game. His capture is a cause for rejoicing.
Death of an Estimable Lady.
Mrs. Lizzie C., wife of Mr. H. Hawk, died at their residence, No.
1541 Ninth street. Sunday night at 11.30 o'clock, aged 50 years, 1
month and 2 days. She had been suffering for a year or two with a
malignant tumor. At times her suffering was terrible in the extreme.
She bore it all with much Christian fortitude. She was the daughter
of the late Michael Calvert, who removed from Cumberland county, Pa.,
her nativity, to Blair county in 1845. She had been a consistent
member of the church since 12 years of age, and at the time of her
death was a member of the United Brethren church of this place. She
leaves a husband, one son and three daughters to mourn her death. All
who knew her know the virtues of her heart and mind and need no
encomium written.
Important to Storekeepers.
The law passed at the last session of the legislature and approved
June 20, 1883, requiring all articles manufactured by the employment
of convict labor to be branded with the words "Convict Made," with the
year and place and when and where made is now in force. Parties
interested in the competition of prison labor are sending out
circulars embodying the law and its penalties in full. The neglect to
comply with the new regulation makes the offender, whether
manufacturer or seller, liable to a fine of $500 or imprisonment for
six months, or both, at the discretion of the court. The law is very
stringent, and innocent dealers having such goods in their possession,
not properly marked, might be very easily caught for the penalty.
Elsewhere in this issue appears the marriage notice of F. J. Over,
associate editor of the Hollidaysburg register, and Miss Anna C.
Bailey, of Sinking Valley. They have been man and wife for so long
that our congratulations seem a little late, but that they were not
tendered sooner is entirely the fault of the happy couple. We have
known Mr. Over ever since he was a boy and have always esteemed him
for his many good qualities. Mrs. Over is a lady eminently worthy.
We trust their life journey may be a pleasant one, under balmy skies,
and ever in the midst of true and constant hearted friends.
Mrs. Paul Sharp After a Short Illness Dies on Saturday Afternoon.
It is with feelings of sincere regret we announce the death of Mrs.
Sophia Sharp, wife of the well known passenger engineer, Mr. Paul
Sharp. Reference to her illness was made in these columns on Friday
and Saturday, and though her condition was said to be serious, her
family and most intimate friends were totally unprepared for the sad
result. Mrs. Sharp became ill on Thursday, suffering with cholera
morbus and cramps, and on the following evening her mind became
affected as if from paralysis. She did not recognize her husband or
children, and in this condition she remained until five minutes after
one o'clock on Saturday afternoon when death claimed her. The
deceased was in many respects a most remarkable Christian lady, and
enjoyed an extensive acquaintance in Cambria and Blair counties. She
was born in Hagerstown, Md., November 8, 1820, and at the time of her
death was aged 63 years, 1 month and 15 days. When but a child of 7
years she went to Loretto, Cambria county, with her mother, Mrs.
Stimer, and afterwards resided on the line of the Portage railroad
till the time of her marriage to Mr. Sharp, May 8, 1855. In the same
year Mr. and Mrs. Sharp took up their residence in Altoona, and after
remaining a couple of years returned to Cambria county. In 1860 they
came back to Altoona and made their permanent residence here
Besides her husband the deceased leaves to mourn her loss two
children, Annie and Ellwood, the former the wife of Mr. Ed. H. Keyes,
and the latter a machinist employed in the railroad shops. About four
years ago Mrs. Sharp took from the county almshouse and adopted twin
boys, with the intention of raising them, and these are again left
motherless, in their last affliction being deprived of one who
regarded them with as much affection as a mother could bestow on her
own. She was noted for her great charity and benevolence, and was
always the light and life of her household, being possessed of a
remarkably cheerful disposition. The writer, who has frequently been
a guest in her home, gladly testifies to her nobility of character.
Her immediate family sustain an irreparable loss and all her
acquaintances acknowledge the loss of a lady in whom the Christian
virtues were prominent and guided all her words and actions.
Double Wedding.
EDS. TRIBUNE: At Mr. John Sissler's farm house, Etna, Blair
county, Pa., there occurred on Christmas evening a remarkable and
delightful event. It being the twenty-fifth marriage anniversary of
Mr. Sissler and wife, and also the time set for the wedding of their
eldest daughter. The ceremonies were conducted as follows: The
father and mother, with their attendants of twenty-five years ago,
entered the parlor followed by their daughter Ella M., and her
affianced, Mr. Samuel F. Foutz, and their attendants; when Mr. John
Clark, of Williamsburg, who had entered in advance of the company, in
a very neat and felicitous address presented the parents to the Rev.
W. V. Ganoe, pastor of the Williamsburg Methodist Episcopal church,
who with an appropriate formula for silver wedding ceremony, remarried
John and Clarissa Sissler, after which they, with their attendants,
stepped to right and left, when with the beautiful Methodist Episcopal
church ritual, the daughter was wedded to Mr. Foutz. In conclusion of
the ceremony Rev. C. B. Gruver, of the Lutheran church, offered
prayer. Then all the large company were led to a bountiful repast,
just such as you might expect on such a triple occasion, Christmas,
silver wedding and marriage of daughter. There were no silver wedding
presents, as the modest and model parents kept it quiet until the
company assembled. The daughter and husband, however, received
numerous and useful gifts but your exhortation to news brevity forbids
details and names of donors. - ONE WHO WAS THERE.
Almost Suffocated.
Our Huntingdon correspondent intended the following for Tuesday's
issue but it got left over in some manner: "The family of Jacob
Sharrer, deceased, of this city, consisting of housekeeper and five
children, were almost suffocated to death on Monday morning in their
beds by escaping gas and smoke from a cook stove. George De Huff, a
young lad living with the family, arose about 4 o'clock, made a fire
in the stove and returned to bed. The chimney, being completely
filled with the heavy snow which fell during the night, prevented the
smoke from escaping through its proper channel and quickly filled the
house with gas and smoke, almost causing the death of the occupants.
A neighbor, whose suspicions were aroused by seeing smoke issuing from
the windows, succeeded in gaining an entrance to the house barely in
time to rescue the inmates from their perilous situation. The
children were so nearly suffocated that it was necessary to carry them
from the house, and, although for a time their lives were despaired
of, they are now considered on a fair way to recovery."
Church Dedication.
EDS. TRIBUNE: Two thousand eight hundred feet above the level of
the Delaware bay lies the Schwitz of Blair county, Pa. It is so
called after the Schwitz of Schwitzerland. It is settled by a sturdy,
honest class of farmers who are noted all over the country for their
cash principle, as they will owe no man a cent. They are cash in
church affairs and also strictly so in secular affairs. A beautiful
church was dedicated to the worship of the Triune God on last Sunday,
December 16. It is 50 x 38 feet, Gothic in style, elegantly finished.
It is a credit to the Schwitz and to all concerned in its erection.
Rev. F. A. Rupley, of Martinsburg, Pa., was master of ceremonies on
the auspicious occasion. He delighted all in the way he put things
and matters through. The people need to be congratulated for the zeal
in which they manifested themselves. To God be all the praise. - W.
M. A.
Election of Officers.
At a regular meeting of the Good Will Junior hose company held last
week, the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing six
months: President, W. Frank Prescott; vice president, James M.
Fasick, secretary, Dan. L. Keister; assistant secretary, Dan. W. Ford;
treasurer, Gust Klemmert; investigating committee, Harry Kiser, C. A.
Sentman, James Rote; directors, Dan. L. Keister, Stanz B. Geesey,
George Ehredt, Joseph Tierney, Albert Myers, Daniel Ford, Charles
Weston, John Crozier, C. A. Sentman.
On the 24th instant at the residence of the bride's parents near
Bellwood, Mr. J. A. Meredith and Miss Della Estep were married by the
Rev. W. H. Mattern. Many friends were present to witness the
ceremony. The same evening a reception was tendered the young couple
which was attended by a large company. The list of presents was large
and the articles appropriate and elegant. In starting on their
married life Mr. and Mrs. Meredith have the best wishes of all their
Rowdies on a Train Punished.
Losh Dotson and Joe Dibert, two young men who reside in Juniata
township, about two months ago raised a racket on Conductor Campbell's
train. A few days ago, while riding on Conductor Dent's train, the
same party repeated their pranks and broke some of the car furniture.
Warrants were issued for their arrest, but they effected a settlement
by paying the costs, which amounted to $50. When they go traveling
again they will observe more decorum than in the past.
A Hollidaysburg Girl Deserts Her Family and Lover to be a High Kicker.
On Saturday the following telegram from Pittsburgh was published in
the Philadelphia Press: "A somewhat sensational example of the manner
in which young girls may be afflicted with theatrical fever was
developed in Pittsburgh to-night. A week or ten days ago a merchant,
named Carroll, of Hollidaysburg, came to Pittsburgh with a young woman
to whom he was engaged to be married, but whose name the police
authorities refuse to disclose. The object of the visit was to secure
a wedding outfit. When the time to return arrived the young lady said
she wanted to visit some friends and would remain a day or two longer.
Nothing strange was thought of this, but when three days had passed
and the girl did not return home her lover and members of her family
became alarmed. Letters were written to the friends where she said
she intended to visit, but they had not seen her. Then detectives
were employed. They discovered to-day that the girl had gone to
Steubenville, Ohio, and was engaged to appear at a variety theatre,
managed by Harry Weeks. The father was notified, and telegraphed that
he would come to the city at once."
The sequel to the above is given in a dispatch from Steubenville,
sent out on Saturday. The dispatch states that a man from
Hollidaysburg named Emerick arrived in Steubenville in search of his
daughter, Anna, who left her home in Hollidaysburg a couple of weeks
ago. By means of a photograph which her father showed the officers,
Anna was recognized as one of Ida Cerito's female minstrel troupe
which stranded in Steubenville only a few days before. She was still
in the town and was found by an officer, placed in her father's care,
and is presumably at her home in Hollidaysburg by this time. Anna is
said to be only 16. Ida Cerito's crowd of high kickers appeared in
Hollidaysburg a few days before she took her departure from home, and
their appearance probably inspired her with an ambition to appear
before the footlights in short dresses. It will require very rigid
discipline, we fear, in managing Anna hereafter, as she seems to have
developed wayward tendencies quite early in life.
"Gray," "Sphynx," "W. A. Engarde," a Professional Beggar.
Sunday's Philadelphia Press contains a long article under the head
of "A Bogus Reporter," which very likely refers to one Gray, at one
time connected in an editorial capacity with our contemporary, The
Times. The article to which we refer, speaks of him as the head of a
family of beggars, and gives his methods and a number of his exploits.
Recently he has been trying to raise the wind by saying that he had
secured a position on an Altoona paper, but had not the money to reach
here. We are told that the only thing certain about this person is
his name, which appears in the city directories as "W. A. Engard,
reporter." He is known as the "begging letter writer." For years he
has clung like a barnacle to the charities of the community. He is an
adept at every dodge known to the professional beggar. His favorite
dodge is to represent himself as an editor, a reporter, or a literary
man in reduced circumstances. He copies old magazine articles and the
like, and palms them off as his own productions."
It will be remembered that the Gray who was connected with the
Times signed his name with the aliases, "W. A. Engarde" and "Sphynx,"
and he answers the personal description given of the beggar the Press
refers to. Gray has no ability to write, has no sense, and while here
was branded as a blackmailer. He is no newspaper man and probably
never was, excepting while here.
MYERS - MYERS. - December 25, 1883, at the residence of the bride's
parents in Woodbury, by Rev. Isaac Heckman, Mr. D. Porter Myers, of
Altoona, and Miss B. M. Lizzie Myers, of Woodbury, Bedford county.
REED - SKYLES. - Tuesday evening, December 25, 1883, at the home of
the bride, by Rev. J. David Miller, Mr. John W. Reed and Miss E.
Jennie Skyles, both of Martinsburg.
OVER - BAILEY. - In Hollidaysburg, Thursday evening, June 14, 1883,
at the residence of James P. Stewart, by Rev. Luther F. Smith, of
Mount Union, Frank J. Over, assistant editor of the Hollidaysburg
Register, to Miss Anna C. Bailey, of Sinking Valley, Pa.
GIBBONEY - BURNS. - On December 20, 1883, at the Lutheran parsonage
in Hollidaysburg, by the Rev. D. L. Ryder, Daniel S. Gibboney, of
Duncansville, and Miss Maggie T. Burns, of Eldorado, Pa.
BROWN - REED. - At the residence of the bride's parents, on the
12th inst., by Rev. J. T. Wilson, Orlando W. Brown, of Lock Haven, and
Miss Annie E. Reed, of Altoona.
MAGILL - FORSHT. - By the same [Rev. J. T. Wilson] at the Twenty-
fourth street Methodist Episcopal parsonage, on the 18th inst., Elmer
Ellsworth Magill, of Altoona, and Miss Isabella, of Blair Furnace.
HOLLIDAY - KELLEY - At the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev.
W. W. Criley, Samuel J. Holliday and Miss Lucy Kelley, both of
Altoona, Pa.
BEAVER - RUTTER - On the 17th of December, 1883, at the residence
of the bride's parents, No. 110 Second avenue, by Rev. M. O. Lane, Mr.
William A. Beaver and Miss Louisa Emma Rutter, both of Altoona.
AMICH - HENGST. - At the parsonage of Christ Reformed church, this
city, by Rev. J. M. Titzell, D. D., Mr. Gibbs B. Amich, of Altoona,
and Miss Ann Elizabeth Hengst, of Ore Hill.
BROWN - THOMAS. - December 22, by Rev. J. S. McMurray, William G,
Brown, jr., of Ringwood, West Virginia, and Miss Jessie W. Thomas, of
Tyrone, daughter of John W. Thomas, esq., at his residence on Main
BURNSHIRE - JOHNSON. - December 24, by Rev. M. N. Cornelius, Mr.
Henry Burnshire, of East Freedom, and Miss Maggie B. Johnson, of
Spruce Creek.
SMITH - SMITH. - On December 25, by Rev. J. J. Kerr, Mr. Jacob O.
Smith, of Cocolamus, Juniata county. Pa., and Miss Laura E. Smith, of
McAllisterville, Juniata county, Pa.
SHULL - REED. - On Christmas day, by Rev. M. J. Firey, at the
residence of Mr. Marshall on Eighth avenue, Mr. James Shull, of New
Bloomfield. and Miss Minnie M. Reed, of Altoona.
SHOPE - BRUMBAUGH. - On the 24th day of December, 1883, at the
United Brethren parsonage, by Rev. M. O. Lane, Mr. David E. S. Shope,
of Huntingdon county. Pa., and Miss Jennie E. Brumbaugh, of Altoona,
Blair county, Pa.
ROE - HARE. - On December 25, at the residence of Mr. John Bosler,
northeast of the city, by Rev. M. J. Firey, Mr. John L. Roe, of Yellow
Spring, and Miss Caroline F. Hare.
THOMPKINS - NORMAN. - On December 24, by Rev. Dr. Bell Mr. William
B. Thompkins and Miss Sallie Norman, both of Altoona, Pa.
WILLIAMS - MATHERS. - On December 25, by Rev. Dr. Bell, Mr. Jesse
Williams and Miss Lillie Mathers, both of Eutawville, Cambria county,
SOHN - OSTERLE. - On the 25th of December, 1883, at the residence
of the bride's parents, by Rev. E. Dutt, Mr. David P. Sohn and Miss
Maggie Osterle, both of Martinsburg, Pa.
GORSUCH - CAMPBELL. - On December 22, 1883, at the residence of the
bride's parents, by Rev. E. Dutt, Mr. Justice L. Gorsuch and Miss
Alice E. Campbell, both Martinsburg, Pa.
SHINGLER. - December 24, 1883, at Clappertown, Blair county, Pa.,
Mr. George Shingler, aged 88, years, 8 months and 6 days.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, January 3, 1884, page
William McFarland, one of our oldest citizens, reached his 83d year
on Saturday, and is yet in the enjoyment of excellent health.
Mr. William Hart has been appointed janitor of the new school
building at a salary of $35 per month and $5 per month during
Mrs. Ellen Terry, formerly a resident of this place, and a widow,
died at Skaneatels, N. Y., on last Tuesday. It is thought her remains
will be brought here for interment.
At a special meeting of the poor directors for the consideration of
applications for steward of the almshouse, to fill the vacancy caused
by the resignation of Mr. Campbell, no action was taken. No
appointment will be made until the next regular meeting of the
Frank J. Over has our best wishes for his future success and
happiness. He has succeeded in securing for a life partner one of
Sinking Valley's best young ladies, Miss Annie C. Bailey. As this
important event took place last June, the secrecy observed is
remarkable for Hollidaysburg.
Mr. Edward McGraw, a true blue Hollidaysburger, but who is now
living in luxury at Sarah Furnace, is in town spending the holidays.
It is the clever old gentleman's boast that the aggregate weight of
himself and his four sons, William, John G., H. Al, and James M., is
1,115 pounds.
At their session on Monday the county commissioners made the
following appointments: Clerk, vice Joseph Baldridge, resigned, on
account of failing health, J. C. Akers; attorney, Martin Bell, esq.;
mercantile appraiser, Levi Knott, of your city. We think the board
have made no mistake in these appointments. All are excellent
James Wolfe, of Franklin Forge, shot the finest wild turkey which
has yet been reported; he weighed eighteen pounds and possessed fine
plumage. "Yank" Manning who was the proud recipient of the bird, says
his craw was filled with berries, which proves that he was an
independent turkey and earned his living honestly.
The West Loop people think they can score one in advance of the
rest of the county on their production of fine pork. Jacob Wertz,
jr., slaughtered six pigs whose ages were 14 months and average weight
of each pig was 390 pounds. J. H. Stiffler boasts of one only 12
months old whose weight dressed 385 pounds.
Mr. William Jones is one of the most active and obliging carriers
the TRIBUNE has yet had in our borough, and if our people desire to be
served faithfully and well during the year 1884, speak to him at once
after reading this notice and tell him you want the paper promptly and
your wish will be gratified. We shall endeavor to keep the
Hollidaysburg department well filled with all that happens (and if
anything appears there that didn't happen blame it on somebody else)
during the year. To keep thoroughly posted take the TRIBUNE
Some of the members of Washington camps Nos. 11 and 62, Patriotic
Sons of America, are desirous of organizing the two into one camp.
These camps flourished here before and a few years after the war, and
there never was an organization which bestowed such lasting benefits
upon the young men who took an interest in them as this one. H. H.
Bigham, Rev. James Stiffer and W. W. McKinney and others whom we could
name point with pride to the days when they commenced public speaking
and debating when members of these camps.
D. W. Cox, esq., of the Union county bar, and John Cox, hotel
proprietor, were in town Christmas. Mr. John Cox is negotiating with
Mr. Daniel K. Ramey for the American house. Mr. Ramey is desirous of
retiring from the hotel business and as his successor to the American
house we know of no better or more worthy landlord than Mr. Cox. As
the manager of the Van Kirk house in Northumberland he sustains a high
reputation as being a thorough hotel man and one who always gave
perfect satisfaction to the public. It is the wish of every one
having the interests of Hollidaysburg at heart, that Mr. Cox may be
successful in his negotiations.
Our clever young friend Lee Plummer is hard at work recording a
mammoth mortgage which is for the sum of $11,500,000. The mortgager
is the Seaboard, Pennsylvania and Western railroad company and the
mortgagee the Farmers' Loan and Trust company, or rather this company
is made the trustee in the mortgage for the bondholders. The bonds
are for one thousand dollars each payable in gold thirty-years after
date bearing interest at six per cent. These coupons are payable
semi-annually in gold at the agency of the company in New York. The
road begins at Pittsburgh and passes through the counties of
Allegheny, Westmoreland, Indiana, Cambria, Blair, Huntingdon, Mifflin,
Juniata, Snyder, Northumberland and Schuylkill, connecting with other
lines of the company at Ashland borough. This is the same line which
has been spoken of as the Delaware Water Gap and Southwestern.
A council of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics, was
instituted at Duncansville on Thursday night of last week, by the
deputy state councilor, J. A. Parker, assisted by a delegation of the
order from your city. These gentlemen deserve thanks for braving the
winds and drifting snow of that stormy night, that this young council
might be organized. It is styled "Phoenix council" No. 41, and
assembles weekly on Thursday night in Funk hall. The officers elected
and installed are as follows: Junior past councilor, I. R. Adams;
councilor, David R. Gingery; vice councilor, John Ott; recording
secretary, William B. Gingery; assistant recording secretary, Landis
Funk; financial secretary, Edward Funk; treasurer, D. S. Gibbony;
conductor, James Wilson; warden, Robert Nelson; inner sentinel, I. S
Joseph; outer sentinel, Samuel Fessler; trustees, I. C. Adams, Samuel
Fessler and George B. McC. Holland.
The habit of smoking cigarettes by small boys on our streets and
off our streets for that matter, has become so common as to call for
remark. Even the very smallest children indulge in it. It is
becoming fearful to say nothing of its filthiness. One of our grocery
men, in speaking of it the other day, remarked that parents should
notify them all not to sell to those small lads, and then it will
stop. But as long as one will sell them all feel that they have a
right to do so. Boys 5 and 6 years of age, some you would think just
out of their swaddling clothes, move along the streets puffing
cigarettes. Another bad habit calling for reform is the notion some
of our young men have of smoking about the church doors just before
and after service, the unpleasant odor of these miserable, no-account,
worthless cigarettes, in many instances, pervade the sanctuary, and
to many especially delicate persons, the smoke of these things is very
Here is an old Hollidaysburg happening: The first piano was
brought to this place forty-eight years ago and was owned by Miss
Charlotte Moore, the brilliant and gay young daughter of Silas Moore,
esq., who was then the leading and one of the most energetic business
men in this section of Pennsylvania. It was a great curiosity. An
instrument of this kind had never before been seen by many of the
residents here, and when Miss Moore played the first tune upon it,
which was the "Blue Bells of Scotland," the windows and doors of the
once famous Exchange hotel, where the young lady and her parents then
boarded, were darkened by the crowds who looked and listened with
wonder and delight. This piano was a good one and was owned by Mrs.
Charlotte Irvine, the lady referred to, until within a few years ago,
when she parted with it many sad regrets only to give place to one
more modern, but as she thinks not any better instrument.
Colonel A. K. McClure lectured on Tuesday evening in the opera
house to a good audience. In his subject, "Personal Recollections of
Abraham Lincoln," it would be a difficult matter to present anything
new even though the subject is the speaker's own personal
recollections of this great man. The lecturer was suffering from a
cold, which obliged him to speak in a low tone, and although he was
listened to with the closest attention, much of this interesting
lecture was lost to those farthest from the stage. Although many of
the reminiscences referred to were known to a large portion of the
audience, yet Colonel McClure told all in such a pretty manner,
illustrating his passages with appropriate and pleasing expressions,
as to make the whole seem fresh and new. It was gratifying to hear
from the lips of speaker the most emphatic denial that Abraham Lincoln
"was a coarse jester."
Colonel McClure was introduced by A. S. Landis, esq., who thanked
the audience in behalf of the ladies' aid society of the Presbyterian
church for this liberal response to their request for their
The cantata on Christmas night was a complete success. This was a
performance by the Sunday school scholars of the Lutheran church, and
they all did well. They were greeted with a large and good-natured
audience and from the respectful attention and good order one could
easily see that from start to finish the entire performance was highly
appreciated. The singing, recitations by little girls, music on the
cornet by Professor Jackson, the skillful manipulation of the keys of
the organ by Miss Clara Robinson and the tableaux all gave perfect
satisfaction. Our space will not permit of an extended notice such as
it is in our heart to give, and we only mention one or two things.
Little Bessie Geesey in a pretty solo did remarkably. Those little
girls, whose names we could not learn are highly commended for the
perfect manner of their recitations in "The Redeemer Will Come." The
Lily Song" by Misses Ollie Lemon, Minnie Elliot, Maggie Myers and
Ettie McGraw, all of whom were prettily dressed and carried each a
small basket of lilies was beautifully sung and the young ladies
acquitted themselves throughout very creditably. Those three young
musicians were received with much pleasure and surprised every body.
Will and Charlie Kelsey, mere midgets, handled dexterously the guitar
whilst young James Ritz took the house by storm by playing on the
guitar and mouth organ at the same time. Playing simultaneously on
two instruments and keeping perfect time on each by a child 8 years
old discovers a gift one would think almost supernatural. He is a
musical prodigy. He also performed well upon the flute, harmonica and
violin. With proper training "Jimmie" will become a distinguished
musician and we want it understand that he is a Hollidaysburg
production. Prothonotary Geesey and Postmaster Lingafelt deserve much
credit for the interest manifested by them in preparing this
entertainment. Its success was very largely due to their untiring
The Christmas festival at the Presbyterian church by the teachers
and scholars of the Sabbath school on Monday evening was a complete
success. A large representation of the parents and others was
present, and everybody's face beamed with happiness and delight. A
large, well shaped Christmas tree, whose tops reached the ceiling,
stood at the north end of the room, which was profusely decorated with
all sorts of glittering ornaments. In addition the tree was filled
with handsome Christmas cards bordered with silk fringe of all shades
and colors, and the whole brilliantly illuminated with different
colored wax candles. The display was beautiful. The exercises began
with singing by the school that favorite song entitled, "Joy to the
World," after which the pastor, Rev. Dr. Barron, offered an
appropriate prayer. A duet was sung by Miss Carrie Bailey and Miss
Jennie Coolbroth, which was listened to with much pleasure. This was
followed with singing by the infant class. A large table filled with
very pretty cornucopias each holding a half pound of choice candies,
stood near the tree and as the scholars passed by classes, beginning
with the infant class, they each received one and a beautiful
Christmas card. This ceremony was perhaps the most interesting of the
evening. The children were delighted and their young voices, as they
gave vent to expressions of pleasure, amused and pleased everybody.
The next on the programme of exercises was singing by three little
girls, Gussie Coolbroth, Clara Smith and Jessie Johnston. The
superintendent, A. S. Landis, addressed the school in a few well
chosen remarks after which all joined in singing "Rejoice and be
Glad," when the exercises closed with the benediction.
At the Methodist church the Sunday school room was artistically
festooned with evergreens and a handsome Christmas tree, ornamented
with everything that was beautiful, and brilliantly lighted with
innumerable wax candles, stood upon the platform. In front of a stand
erected for the occasion were suspended stockings which was that part
of the display intended for Santa Claus. The room was filled with
scholars and parents and all were supremely happy. The exercises
opened with singing by the school, "Around the Christmas Tree." The
school was then led in prayer by the pastor, Rev. J. Ellis Bell. The
next was a well rendered and interesting recitation of scriptural
passages on the birth of Christ by twelve little girls. Singing by
the school, "All glory to God." This was followed by an excellent
address well fitted to the occasion, by W. I. Woodcock, esq. Singing
by the school. Ten boys and girls dressed in odd style carrying
lighted tapers, made their appearance and taking position in front
chanted for Santa Claus. That illustrious and clever gentleman whose
home is supposed to be in the north land, soon made his appearance,
and the stockings before referred to were then filled to overflowing
with all kinds of things that are ever so good." This performance was
new and the children and every one present were delighted. Next came
a quartet, by Misses Emma Goodfellow, Ella Thompson, Mary Fink and
Jennie Rohrback, which consisted of interrogatories and answers,
entitled, "Christmas Day." Then came the distribution of presents,
each scholar receiving a large fancy box well filled with choice
candies. After the benediction was pronounced there separated from
that church as happy a lot of children as was ever assembled in any
Sunday school.
The Sunday school room of the Baptist church presented a scene of
unsurpassed gaiety. At the end of the room stood three handsome
trees, illuminated with candles and filled with lovely ornaments. In
front of these, suspended to a wire, large gilt letters flamed a
welcome to the happy throng. Numerous festoons adorned the room,
while among the spruce and laurel were Chinese lanterns and beautiful
banners, altogether making a pretty display. The following programme
was well executed to a delighted and appreciated audience: Prayer,
Rev. H. F. King; opening remarks, Superintendent H. M. Baldrige;
"Christmas Belle," Fannie Balsinger; "Merry Christmas," Tom Baldrige;
"A Search for Santa Claus," Annie McClure; "A Christmas Chant," Frank
McFarland; "Your Mission," Jessie Rollins; "The Teacher," George
Creamer; "The Conceited Grasshopper," Joshua Hughes; "The Choir and
the New Bonnet," Hattie Lewis; "What Adam Missed," Charles Clark; "A
Christmas Hymn," Mamie Zeigler; "Christmas Morning," Harry Shay;
"Peggy's Trials," Stehley Thompson; Christmas Bells," Jennie Lowe;
"The Old Deacon's Lament," Vance Roller; "We've Always Been Provided
For," Belle Bunker; closing remarks, Mr. H. L Bunker. These literary
exercises were interspersed with appropriate music by the school.
Over two hundred fancy satchels filled with choice candies, etc., and
as many handsome Christmas cards were distributed. But the climax was
the presentation of a large cake to Mr. H. M. Baldrige, the worthy
superintendent of the school. Rev. King made the speech which was
responded to in a very handsome manner by the recipient. A pleasanter
evening was never enjoyed by the children, and those interested felt
fully repaid for the trouble and expense.
Christmas Eve at McKee's Gap.
The Sunday school at McKee's Gap held its Christmas service in the
Methodist Episcopal church at that place on Monday evening. The
church was decorated with evergreen wreaths while in the rear of the
pulpit evergreen trees beautifully decorated represented the
superintendent and the several classes. A large number of relatives
and friends were in attendance to hear the children repeat the
Christmas service prepared by Rev. George Leidy, of Altoona. The
services were opened by Superintendent M. F. Davis in a few
appropriate remarks to the children. After a psalm of praise the
congregation was led in prayer by G. W. Berkstresser, of East Freedom.
Then the infant class, under the management of Henderson Gorsuch sang
in a delightful manner, "When He Cometh." The Christmas service was
then heartily recited. After this appropriate addresses were
delivered by G. W. Berkstresser and Henderson Gorsuch, the latter
addressed to the children, explaining the meaning of the star and the
cross used in the service and which he held up before them. Brief
addresses were also delivered by Emanuel Noffsker, William Treese,
David Treese, John Shade, A. Delozier, E. E. Green, Hagan Treese, J.
S. Shaver, Andy Stiffler, E. W. Dodson and Scott Corl. Superintendent
Davis then read a pathetic little poem after which the roll was called
and the candy distributed. Quite a number of handsome presents were
distributed. The superintendent thanked the congregation for their
presence and after the recitation of the Lord's prayer by the infant
class all went to their homes as happy as they could be.
There have been fewer burials in Tyrone cemetery the past year than
any year in the past decade.
On Saturday last Dr. E H. Morrow assisted by Dr. C. M. Ewing,
successfully performed the operation of thoracentesis, tapping chest
on Mr. Miles Grugan, living on Lincoln avenue. Six quarts of liquid
were drawn away from the chest. At present the patient is doing
The general health of our town has been exceptionally good during
the fall and thus far in the winter, but just now an epidemic of colds
of such a nature as to make those afflicted feel uncomfortable has
taken hold of a number of our people. The effect is mostly felt in the
public schools.
On Wednesday Mr. Emery Stover, a farmer, living near Watson's mill,
was accidentally thrown from his sled and, in attempting to save
himself, fell with his right hand and arm under him, producing
dislocation of the shoulder. The gentleman suffered intense pain
until Dr. Ewing arrived and reduced the dislocation.
We are glad to be able to say that Christmas, 1883, in Tyrone will
not be known in the future as a day having been spent in drunkenness,
carousing and rioting, but on the other hand, that everybody, with
very few exceptions, behaved themselves with the propriety and decorum
that characterize a civilized and enlightened people.
The ladies of the Baptist church of this place - three in number -
Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. Cryder, and Mrs. Whitney, have by their united
efforts succeeded in bringing to successful completion the task
undertaken by them of repairing and beautifying their place of
worship. They have engineered the finances so carefully that every
item, including painting outside and inside, frosting upper part of
windows, hanging blinds, papering walls and ceiling, varnishing seats,
etc., is paid for except the paper. The three ladies deserve to be
congratulated upon bringing to a successful termination their
laborious task.
The late Mrs. Ellen Leibold, wife of Mr. John Leibold, of Sinking
Valley, whose funeral took place last week, willed her valuable farm,
containing upwards of one hundred and twenty-five acres, together with
considerable money and other personal property, to her husband during
his natural life, and at his death $1,000 to be given to the German
Reformed church of Sinking Valley, of which she was a member, and the
remainder to the worthy poor of Tyrone township. This lady, who until
recent years remained unmarried, was always known for her generosity,
liberality and disposition to aid by her means in lightening the
burdens of the poor and distressed, and these generous bequeaths as
set forth in her will but clearly demonstrate the beneficence of her
On Saturday last, at Dry Hollow, near Warriorsmark, a man named
Corning shot a negro named Lewis, the bullet taking effect in his leg.
Mr. Corning is a clerk in the store of R. H. Powell & Son's, and
Lewis is a boss for the same firm. They had been in Tyrone during the
day, and whether the hard words passed between them was the result of
imbibing too freely of the ardent, we are unable to say, nor do we
care how much they drank, or whether they indulged at all. At all
events Corning ordered the gentleman (?) of color out of the store,
but refusing, Corning drew a revolver and fired but missed his mark.
Lewis then retired, but in a few minutes returned armed with a pistol
and shot at his assailant, but likewise missed. Whereupon Corning
fired, the ball crashing into Lewis' leg, which had the effect of
holding the Ethiopian at bay and effecting a surrender. Dr. Fickes
extracted the ball and the wounded man will, it is thought,
On Thursday evening at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. S.
M. Study, on Main street, Mr. Charles F. Blair, eldest son of S. S.
Blair. esq., superintendent of the Tyrone division, and Miss Kate
Study, eldest daughter of S. M. Study, esq., one of our leading
merchants, were made one in the holy bonds of matrimony, Dr. S. M.
Moore, officiating. At the nuptials were present none but the members
of Mr. S. S. Blair's and Mr. S. M. Study's families, Dr. and Mrs. S.
M. Moore and Miss Ada McOmber. The presents were of the finest and
most valuable, and more than made up in value and beauty for their
fewness in number. They left on Philadelphia express the same night
for the east, and will visit New York and Washington, after which they
will repair to Norfolk, Va., where they will make their future home.
The newly-married couple take with them the best wishes and kindest
regards of hosts of friends for their future well-being, happiness and
A few days ago a munificent donation was given the venerable
preacher, George Guyer, at his home at Warriorsmark. Some idea of the
piles of good and useful things may be had from the fact that sixty
persons were present, many of whom came in conveyances all laden with
groceries, provision, flour, feed, which upon being stored away,
filled all the available space usually devoted to such purpose. Among
those present from the Tyrone congregation, we give the names of Dr.
McMurray, C. Guyer and F. D. Beyer. Mr. Guyer, who has served the
people of Warriorsmark as pastor for nine years, and three years as
elder, has passed the time allotted to man being now in the seventies
and still able to preach with power, is loved, honored and respected
by all denominations, and as a just appreciation for his noble work in
the vineyard of his Master. Further honor has been conferred upon him
by the Central Pennsylvania conference in selecting him to preach the
sermon on the centennial of the organization of Methodism at
Williamsport at the coming conference.
D. R. Paightel and son have leased the steam flouring mills of J.
L. Martin and are fully prepared to accommodate all who may come.
A meeting of our citizens interested in the erection of the
contemplated agricultural works was held at the Keagy house on
Saturday last. Everything is in good shape and the outlook very
Whilst we write there is quite a commotion going on in the street
just in front of our sanctum. We run to the door and inquire as to
this throng of people assembled at Landor's store, Santa Claus'
headquarters, and we are informed that a raid is about to be made on
the residence of Rev. W. S. Spanogle, pastor of the Progressive
Brethren church. Judging from the number of sleighs and sleds, the
baskets, bags and people, the parson will certainly be surprised as
well as happy.
Rev. Simon Wolfe is one of our most quiet, unassuming gentlemen.
He belongs to that class of people who do not let the left hand know
what the right hand doeth and is always ready to assist and relieve
the poor and needy whenever known to him, as some of our people can
testify. On Saturday last quite a number of the good people of the
Reformed congregation of Sharpsburg wended their way to the residence
of Mr. Wolfe, and in various ways remembered him with tokens of their
Christmas day in this village was the most quiet, yet the most
enjoyable day, ever witnessed or participated in by our people.
Except the firing of squibs by the urchins, a Sunday stillness
prevailed the entire day, not one person being the slightest
intoxicated. At half-past 6 p. m. your correspondent wended his way
to the Methodist church and was ushered into the audience chamber to
find the superintendent, William Roberts, teachers and scholars all in
their proper place in the height of expectation, greeted by a very
large audience of parents and friends, joy beaming from every
countenance. The altar was beautifully decorated with the choicest of
full blooming flowers, the walls were festooned by wreaths, Christian
emblems of the star, the anchor, the cross and crown and painted
scroll work embellished with scriptural mottoes. The evening's
exercises as prepared by Rev. George Leidy, of your city, were in
keeping with the occasion. Rev. Dutt, of the Lutheran church,
presided. The singing by the choir, the school and the responsive
readings were all that could be desired, the recitations and the
singing of the infant class being excellent. The grand finale was the
distribution of confections and gifts, each bearing to his home kindly
remembrances of this most precious hour.
We then wended our way to St. John's Reformed church and found the
pastor, Rev. J. David Miller, Superintendent J. H. Stephens, teachers,
scholars, and a crowded house, forming as happy, joyous a throng as
fancy can imagine or the artist can paint. Here, too, exotic flowers
from the altar and pulpit shed a fragrance pleasing to all. Bible
texts of choicest gems artistically arranged embellished the walls,
while pendant from every available place, wrought in evergreen. were
emblems emblematical of the assembled congregation's faith and hope,
by the cross to the crown. The Christmas services were those as
prepared by the church board of publication and were rendered in fine
style. and in keeping with this school. These two evening
entertainments were of a high order, and as creditable alike to the
participants as the affair was in keeping with the memory of Him whose
birth they celebrated. The scholars and friends connected with the
Lutheran Sunday school assembled in their place of worship Christmas
morning, and after a pleasant hour's worship and happy greetings, the
children, teachers and all were remembered in confections, sweetmeats,
keepsakes, etc., and after rendering of sweet music they all went home
to have a good time.
The new rolls in the mill of Mr. Bare are nearly ready for
operation. They have a capacity of about from fifty to sixty barrels
per day.
The East Sharpsburg cornet band is progressing finely and is
practicing good music. They have only been an organization during the
past three months. They serenaded their friends on Christmas day and
received about fourteen dollars from admiring friends.
A telegram from Johnstown convoys the sad intelligence of the
killing of Charles Rightnour by being run over by a train. Mr.
Rightnour was well-known in this locality, having lived here a long
time prior to his removal to Johnstown. He was a brother to J. D.
Christmas day was spent very pleasantly. The Roaring Spring cornet
band serenaded the places of business in the town during the morning.
This band is making considerable improvement and rendered some good
music. The citizens should give it the proper encouragement by
patronizing the festival which is now in progress in the old school
house. The entertainment at the Methodist church was very fine. The
Christmas tree was a handsome cedar very beautifully decorated. The
audience was large and the children happy. The music by the Methodist
choir and the children was very fine. Miss Anna Souers presided at
the organ with considerable ability. She has a sweet soprano voice.
Addresses were made by E. C. Korb, esq., superintendent of the Sunday
school who reviewed the history of the Sunday school and narrated
incidents of the school when he attended it in the old stone school
house. He was followed by James S. Williams, S. H. Cree, Dr. A. S.
Stayer and A. S. Rits, after which the children and nearly every
person else were treated to candy, put up in neat half-pound packages.
There was a large number of presents distributed, the gifts of
admiring friends. S. H. Cree received a very appropriate token of
respect from his friend Lorenz. The Bethel Sunday School children
were finely treated during the afternoon. Addresses were made by D.
M. Bare, esq., superintendent, and Mr. E. A. Feight, one of the
teachers. The children of Roaring Spring have been very nicely
treated and ought to be good Sunday school children during the year
At Bell's Mills.
A gentleman from Bell's Mills informs us that the children and
friends of the Bell's Mills Methodist Episcopal Sunday school had a
notable time at their Christmas service on Christmas evening. The
church was filled with children and adults, and the services, which
consisted of speeches, dialogues, recitations and singing appropriate
to the occasion, were highly enjoyed by all. The children were
treated to candies, after which all went to their homes well pleased
with the evening's enjoyment.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, January 3, 1884, page