Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from the Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, April 12, 1883
Meeting of the Juniata Valley Editorial Association. In accordance with a call issued a number of the editors comprising the Juniata Valley Editorial association, met at Miller's hotel, Huntingdon, at 10 o'clock a.m., on Saturday last. The following persons were present: H. C. Dern, president; George Shrom, vice president; E. Conrad, secretary; John A. Nash, treasurer; W. W. Trout, C. S. W. Jones, David Over, H. A. McPike, C. N. Barclay, W. J. Jackman, Frank Mortimer, S. E. Fleming, Hugh Lindsay, W. C. Smith. The minutes of last meeting were read and after some corrections, approved. Those present who were not already members, signed the constitution, paid in their fee and became members of the association. The object of the meeting being stated, viz: "The matter of advertising agents and special position for advertising," when quite a lengthy discussion followed, nearly all present taking an active part.
The following resolutions were offered by C. S. W. Jones, of the Tyrone Herald:
Resolved, That the members of this association decline to accept all propositions for foreign advertisements requiring special position in the paper. Provided that this resolution does not apply to any advertisement now running.
Resolved, That we require full-rate prices for all foreign advertisements placed in the columns of our papers.
Resolved, That we appeal to the state editorial association to adopt similar resolutions to the above, and that a copy of the same be forwarded to the secretary of the state association.
The above resolutions elicited considerable discussion and were finally passed by a rising vote with but one dissenting vote.
On motion of Captain Mortimer the secretary was directed to send a copy of the above resolutions, signed by all the members present, to each officer in the district and request their co-operation in the attempt to enforce this measure.
On motion of Mr. Fleming all members of this association are requested to print copies of the above resolutions and forward one to each advertiser asking special position, as the sense of the publishers in the Juniata valley.
A Singular Accident at the Lower Shops.
Friday afternoon a very singular accident happened in the company's freight shop which, though not attended with serious consequences, is all the more singular for that reason. David P. Seaboult, a carpenter, and James Applebaugh, a boy of 15 years and a son of Charles Applebaugh, were working close together, when the floor of the shop suddenly gave way and allowed them to drop three or four feet to the ground underneath. The floor had given away under a mass of side irons, and the whole lot, weighing about five tons, fell on and pinioned Seaboult and Applebaugh to the ground. If the workmen had received this weight they would, of course, have been crushed to death, but fortunately they did not. The irons were so interlocked, one with the other, that they carried much of their own weight, and kept it off of the prostrate workmen. When the employes of the shop witnessed the accident, the greatest consternation ensued, but willing hands soon were at work removing the iron from the hole, in which the two were buried. Then it was not known that the lad Applebaugh had gone down as he could not be seen under the mass of iron. When the company physicians arrived the workmen had been taken out, and an examination disclosed the remarkable fact that neither of them were seriously hurt, no bones being broken, or internal injuries received. They were considerably shocked by their thrilling experience, and were removed to their respective homes in a conveyance, but they will be all right again in a few days.
Death of Dr. J. S. Gallagher.
J. S. Gallagher, M.D., of Mt. Union, Huntingdon county, Pa., died on the 5th inst., of scrofulous suppuration of the right knee. He was 41 years of age; was born and raised in Juniata county, and read medicine with Dr. J. P. Sterrett, of Academia. He graduated at the Pennsylvania medical college in 1870 and located at Mt. Union in 1873. He was a most indefatigable worker and enjoyed the confidence of his patrons, and was an especial friend of the poor. His funeral, which took place Sunday afternoon, was very largely attended. Drs. Mahan, Fleming, McKnight, McCarthy, Rush, Thompson and S. M. Ross were present. His professionable brethren who were in attendance offer their sympathy and condolence to his sorely bereaved wife and fatherless children in this sad affliction, and commit them to the care of Him who is a father to the fatherless and a husband to the widow.
Death of a Lovely Child.
Saturday evening at a quarter till 5 o'clock, Willie Dominic, the second oldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Molloy died from membraneous croup. Willie, who was a bright and handsome little fellow, the most precious ornament of the household, had been slightly ill for three or four days, but not until Friday morning were his parents aware that his symptoms were those of that terrible scourge, membraneous croup. But then it seemed as if all hopes of saving him were vain, as the physicians pronounced death almost inevitable. Willie lingered in terrible suffering until the time stated when the approach of death seemed a merciful visitation. He was aged 8 years and 3 months. The stricken parents have the sympathy of all their acquaintances.
The Huntingdon Telephone Exchange.
The Huntingdon News in speaking of the telephone exchange in that place says the number of subscribers has increased from thirty-five to one hundred, since its establishment two years ago, and the income is now $400 a month. The towns connected with Huntingdon are Petersburg, Alexandria and Barree to the west, and Mill Creek, Mapleton and Mt. Union to the east. During the past year the extra territorial line has been put up which unites the Altoona, Philipsburg, Clearfield and Bellefonte exchanges, and it is expected that this spring the Lewistown exchange will be put in operation, and will be in communication with the above exchanges. The lines are working satisfactorily, and a great amount of business is done.
Accident at a Planing MIII.
On Saturday afternoon Abraham Brechbiel, a carpenter employed at the Fries planing mill, was working at a buzz saw when his left hand came in contact with the cold steel and the little finger and the one next to it were badly ripped. He was taken to Dr. Fay's office, where the little finger was amputated back of the knuckle joint and the other close to the hand. Brechbiel was not able to stand the operation and his cries could be heard on the street before the anesthetic took effect. He lives at Thirteenth avenue and Eighteenth street.
Election of Officers.
The Penn building and loan association Tuesday night held their annual meeting at which the officers for the ensuing year were elected, as follows: President, H. B. Kendig; vice president, Fred. Ball; secretary, W. L. Kennedy ; treasurer, H. A. Gardner; directors for three years, W. S. Douglas, R. F. Bankert, J. R. Bingaman; for one year, Samuel Lloyd; auditors, W. C. Leet, C. R. Fluke, F. C. Alden; W. S. Hammond, solicitor.
Dedication of the New Armory at Hollidaysburg Thursday Night.
The old Methodist church building on Walnut street, Hollidaysburg, having been purchased by Company C, Fifth regiment, National Guard of Pennsylvania, and having been remodeled and rearranged to suit the convenience and the taste of the military, was formally dedicated Thursday evening in presence of a large number of interested citizens.
The Social Cornet band was present and began the proceedings by treating the audience to several artistically-rendered pieces of music. Then Company C, under the command of Captain E. Gerst, its new commander, gave a drill which made it perfectly manifest to the military critics in attendance that the company is about as near perfection as they make them and that the new captain is the right man in the right place.
The first speaker of the evening was Martin Bell, esq., who in an admirable address gave a graphic picture of the military history of the denizens of the Juniata valley from the earliest times down to the revolutionary struggle, the war of 1812, the Mexican war and the great war of the rebellion. He concluded by thanking the citizens for the generous and practical interest which they had taken in the fortunes of company C, from the time of its organization down to the present moment.
The next and last speaker of the evening was W. I. Woodcock, esq., who confined his remarks to a history of company C, the changes in its officers, its financial standing, etc. It was learned from this address that the company now has a very large membership, that it is well situated financially and that the outlook for the future is exceedingly bright. At the conclusion of the exercises the large audiences dispersed with the assurance that they had had a good time and that their military company being comfortably established in its own home would long live to reflect honor upon the town.
The Toy Pistol Case.
Wednesday afternoon Associate Judge Stewart held a habeas corpus hearing in the case of Edward McCabe vs. Philip Custeed, the suit being a violation of the law against selling toy pistols to children under 16 years of age. It will be remembered that a son of Mr. McCabe died from a wound caused by a toy pistol sold by Mr. Custeed. Shortly after the accident occurred Mr. McCabe brought suit against Custeed before Alderman Rose, which was settled, the prosecutor paying the costs on the alderman's docket. After the death of the child a new suit was instituted, McCabe claiming that the terms on which the other suit had been withdrawn were not carried out by the defendant. Mr. Dively represented the prosecutor in the first suit, but appeared for the defendant when the case was renewed. He sued out a writ of habeas corpus and Judge Stewart heard the testimony in the case at Dively & Leisenring's office that afternoon, District Attorney Hicks and A. J. Riley, esq., appearing for the commonwealth. Mr. Custeed and Mr. Dively testified that all of the terms of the settlement had been complied with and that the suit had been withdrawn by consent of all parties, and Alderman Rose corroborated them as far as his connection with the case was concerned. Mr. McCabe testified that Custeed had agreed to pay the doctor bill, which amounted to about $17, and that he had not done so. The attorneys for the commonwealth in their argument took the ground that the violation of the law was of such a nature that a jury should take cognizance of it, the prosecutor not having authority to withdraw the suit. They also claimed that the arrangement made between Mr. McCabe and Mr. Custeed, did not affect the case if it was clear the law had been violated. Mr. Dively made the closing argument and the case was left with the judge, who reserved his decision.
An Influx of Italian Laborers
Friday on day express a party consisting of about seventy-five Italian laborers arrived in this city from Michigan, where they had been working in the Cambria iron company's quarries. The party had been sent on to work the company's quarries in this county. Messrs. Babcock and Keenan, of Hollidaysburg, met the party here and took twenty-eight of them over to the limestone quarries operated by them near Duncansville, and Frankstown. The remainder were sent on to the Birmingham and other quarries near Tyrone. The Italians look large and strong enough to make good workmen, if they are so inclined, but they may prove a hard crowd to manage, and may increase the criminal business of the county to a large extent. Mr. Keenan did not seem to be very enthusiastic in referring to the invoice.
Funeral of T. Pierce Clegg.
The funeral of Mr. T. Pierce Clegg took place Friday afternoon from his late residence, No. 1003 Chestnut avenue, and was attended by an immense cortege. The funeral services were conducted at the house, and when concluded the procession followed the hearse to Fairview cemetery where the interment took place. The Odd Fellows of the different lodges in the city were present in large numbers, the entire membership of the Altoona fire company attended, and the other fire companies were represented by large delegations. Mr. Clegg was one of those persons who had the facility of making friends, and he will be lamented sincerely by a large portion of the community outside of those who were most intimately acquainted with him.
At St. Mary's German Catholic church on Tuesday evening, Mr. William Donahue and Miss Lena Woomer were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. They were attended by Miss Mollie E. Logue and Mr. John McGarvey. The young couple are well and favorably known in this city and their friends will be glad to learn of the happy event which links their fortunes hereafter. The bride is an estimable and accomplished lady. Mr. Donahue is employed as a blacksmith in the lower shops.
Particulars of the Murder of J. L. Thomas.
On Monday, April 2, we published a brief announcement of the murder of James L. Thomas at Rodriguez, Mexico, where he was acting as agent for the Mexican National construction company. The murdered man was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Eclaris Thomas, of this city, and the news was sent to them by means of a telegram addressed to Superintendent Prevost. Monday the following letter from F. A. Lister, superintendent of the Mexican National construction company addressed to Superintendent Prevost, and dated at Laredo, Texas, April 2, 1883, was received in this city, and given to the afflicted parents. It is given here in full:
Dear Sir: I received your message concerning the body of our late operator at Rodriguez, Mexico. This young man was agent and operator at a lonely station about 40 miles from the Rio Grande. He was last seen Sunday afternoon when our passenger train north passed there at 3 50 p.m. The next train passed south at 10 30 p.m. and he was not about. We did not learn of his disappearance here until early next morning, when our trainmaster went to the station and commenced an active search for him. His truck and a Winchester rifle were the only things missing from the station besides himself. Although an active search was kept up his body was not discovered until Thursday the 29th, when it was found about three and a half miles from the station on a lonely island in the middle of the river, where it evidently had been washed up by the water. The body was badly decomposed when found, but a post mortem examination revealed the fact that he had been killed by a blow from some heavy instrument at the back of the neck. His neck also showed signs of strangulation. We have had him buried decently, in a decent coffin, near the station. His body being so badly decomposed we did not think it advisable to attempt to bring it to Texas. About all the effects that were left in the station are a few clothes, which I will have packed up and forwarded to your care. There is also a balance due him for salary, which I will send if you will kindly see that it is given to whoever is entitled to it, and send me the proper receipts. I think Mr. Thomas was killed either by, or at the instigation of a pumper who was discharged from the pumping station at Rodriguez. He blamed Thomas for his discharge, and threatened to get even with him.
This man is now under arrest, and I think there is no doubt but that we will prove his guilt and have him punished. We have one of the best lawyers in Mexico working up the case, and I shall spare no expense to bring the murderers to justice. Yours truly, (Signed) - F. A. LISTER, Supt.
School Closed.
Eds. TRIBUNE: School No 1 in Tyrone township, closed on Friday, March 30, after a term of seven months. The largest number of scholars enrolled in any month during the term was fifty-three; average attendance during term forty; average per cent. of attendance eighty-nine. Out of the whole number of scholars that belonged to school during the term five were present every school day. The following are the names with their ages: Sallie J. Fleck, age 8; Irene G. Fleck, age 11; Annie B. Templeton, age 10; Katie Templeton, age 12; Marshall Isett, age 11. Annie Fleck, age 11, missed but two days. David Templeton and Jesse Fleck, whose ages are respectively 8 years, missed but three days. All of these had not less than one mile to go. We think this is hard to beat for a country school. - H.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, April 12, 1883, page 2
T. Pierce Clegg, a well-known painter, died at his residence, No. 1003 Chestnut avenue, at 9 o'clock Wednesday evening.
Congressman Campbell is steadily improving in health, though he is still confined to the house to guard against a relapse.
The new tunnel on the line of the West Penn railroad, near Blairsville, is now nearly completed. The section of the tunnel is the largest in the country.
Miss Helen McCrum, daughter of Colonel E. B. McCrum, of Selinsgrove, has accompanied her aunt, Miss Mattie McCrum, to Cheyenne, Wyoming territory.
A corps of engineers have begun surveying the route for the Gould line of railway between Bellefonte and Lewisburg, by way of Nittany, Brush and White Deer creeks.
Professor A. H. List, of Johnstown, a blind pianist, who went to Philadelphia some time ago to submit to an operation for his eyes, is reported to be dying in a hospital in that city.
The young ladies of Logantown have organized a singing society. It is composed of the following ladies: Misses E. Dougherty, E. Cutler, E. Mason, A. Geesey, E. McCune, S. Dougherty and A. Sands.
The first trip over the Johnstown street railway was made Tuesday morning by the officers of the company. The road is eight miles long. The cars are provided with boxes to receive fare and no conductors will be required.
The 25th of April will be the red letter day in the annals of American Odd Fellowship. It marks the passage by the order of the fiftieth milestone of life, and of a life, too, well spent in deeds of charity and brotherly kindness.
From the Clearfield Republican:
"The family of Ezra Ale removes to Altoona this week. They were good neighbors and excellent citizens, and we regret very much that they have left us. What is Clearfield's loss in this case is Altoona's gain."
On a couple of piles of dirt shoveled from the street in front of Jerry Davis' meat market, and which are now awaiting transportation by the city, we notice the following signs painted on boards: "Real estate for sale;" "The last rose of winter," "Who'll pluck it?"
We learn that Dr. Robert M. Christy, of Elizabeth Furnace, will be appointed to the position on the medical pension board vacated by Dr. William M. Findley. Dr. Christy is a democrat, and his appointment was urged principally on the grounds that both political parties should be represented on the board.
A. P. Gest, who just recently resigned the position of supervisor of the McVeytown division of the Pennsylvania railroad, has been presented with an elegant gold watch chain and charm by the employes of the division who were under his charge. Thomas H. Dodson, of Downingtown, succeeds Mr. Gest as supervisor.
The Carrolltown News learns than an effort will likely be made to collect funds in Cambria county for the erection of a suitable monument to the memory of the late lamented and venerable Rev. Father Lemke, the pioneer priest and co-laborer of the renowned Gallitzin, whose remains are interred in St. Benedict's cemetery, that place.
Philip Halton has leased the Strawmyer farm extending across the western boundary of the city, and he would like to have some assistance in taking possession. It seems that a gang of tramps have made their home in the tenement house on the farm, and are holding the fort against all comers. They have burned all the fences in proximity and torn down part of the building for fuel. Mr. Halton ought to engage the services of the military.
A 2-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Hollinger, who reside on Third avenue below Third street, drank half a bottle of Shriner's cough remedy Thursday morning, which may end in the death of the child. The remedy was kept in the house for medicinal purposes. Dr. Goodman was summoned and took what measures seemed necessary to overcome the influence of the narcotic contained in the cough syrup. At last accounts the child was still alive.
Rev. Father Gallagher, of Johnstown, has late advices by mail from Bishop Tuigg who is now in Charleston, South Carolina. While it seems that the venerable bishop's health has materially improved since his arrival in the south, yet there has not been that positive and thorough change and building up of the system that was hoped for. However, as he will probably remain for a month yet in Charleston his condition may still further improve prior to his return home.
A Grocery Store Entered on Monday Night.
When Mr. Zimmerman, of the grocery firm of Zimmerman & Rainey, went to the store yesterday morning he was surprised to find the front door a little ajar, and more surprised on entering to discover very plain evidence that some one had been in the room during the night. The floor was almost covered with orange peelings, scraps of cakes, etc., and in the back part of the room was found an improvised bed made of a couple of overcoats belonging to Mr. Rainey, and which had been left hanging in the store. With the exception of the oranges and cakes, nothing was disturbed, and it is apparent that the person or persons who spent the night in the building did not go there to steal. The store was evidently opened by a key which fitted the lock, as there is no marks to show it was forced in. Yesterday workmen were engaged in making it more secure. Mr. Rainey is satisfied in his own mind who the parties were, but he has not yet obtained evidence enough to commence a criminal prosecution. The firm are trying to get at the facts, and the guilty parties may yet suffer for their rash conduct.
Committees Appointed.
The following committees were appointed by President Davis, of the city council, at their meeting Monday evening:
Finance - Turner, Hardman, Griffith.
Water - Keifer, Robertson, Fields.
City Property - Molloy, Fields, Geesey.
Streets and Pavements - Miller, Yon, Rhine.
Permanent Improvements - Griffith, Rhine, Robertson.
City Lamps - Smith, Fagan, Yon.
Ordinances - McKiernan, Miller, Turner.
Legislation - Yon, Davis, McKiernan.
Sanitary - Robertson, Keifer, Hardman.
Printing - Griffith, Smith, Davis.
Bills and Accounts - Hardman, Mc Kiernan, Turner.
Claims and Damages - Robertson, Molloy, Keifer.
Fire Apparatus - Davis, Hardman, Smith.
Fire Companies - Fagan, Geesey, Molloy.
Military - Geesey, Griffith, Miller.
Surveys - Rhine, Turner, Fagan.
Exonerations - Fields, McKiernan, Keifer, Smith, Robertson, Rhine, Hardman, Turner.
Death of Mrs. E. Trimbath.
Mrs. June Trimbath, wife of Edward Trimbath, of Williamsburg, died at her home on Sunday morning last, and her mortal remains were laid to rest on Wednesday. The funeral services were conducted by Revs. Ganoe and Gruver. Mrs. Trimbath was well known as the widow of A. W. Kinney, once a prominent citizen of this county. She was a good Christian woman and died a triumphant death.
George Gardner Falls from a Train and is Killed at Conemaugh.
Shortly after midnight Friday morning a shifting crew in the East Conemaugh yard found lying on the middle siding the mutilated remains of a man, which were afterwards identified as those of George Gardner, a brakeman, whose parents reside in this city. Brakeman Gardner left this city on Conductor Port Orner's train, engine No. 815, and arrived at Conemaugh between 11 and 12 o'clock. At this point he must have fallen from the train. He was not missed from the train until it had reached Southwest junction, near Greensburg, when the flagman discovered that he was not in his accustomed place. Telegrams were then transmitted along the line by Conductor Orner inquiring after him, and intelligence was returned of his death.
The unfortunate brakeman resided with his parents at No. 809 Fifth avenue, was 24 years of age and was unmarried. He was employed as a brakeman in the yard for a long time, and only went on the road a couple of months ago. He had made up his mind to quit and was on his last trip but one, when he met with his death. His only brother, Alfred, died of typhoid fever and was buried on last Thanksgiving day. His father, William A. Gardner, is employed in the passenger car shop. The remains of the young man were brought to this city on the mail train Friday afternoon, and taken to his parents' residence, from where the funeral took place at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Rev. Criley, of the Second Lutheran church conducted the services.
A New Tunnel.
The headings in the tunnel west of Blairsville met last Friday night. This tunnel, which is intended to lower the track of the West Penn railroad, has been under construction for the past year. It is in the shape of a sharp curve and the headings which were run from both ends met in the centre of the curve within half an inch. Some remarkable work has been done on this tunnel, and all previous records have been eclipsed. During the past four months 150 feet of tunnel have been completed each month and in March this was exceeded, 200 feet being constructed, something all the more remarkable when it is considered that the section of the tunnel is the largest in the country. Thomas Rutter, the contractor, is an acknowledged leader in this business, and has built many of the famous tunnels of the country, among them being the Gallitzin tunnel on the Pennsylvania railroad, the Panhandle tunnel under Pittsburgh, and the tunnel running beneath Baltimore.
Death of Philo Russell.
Mr. Philo Russell died at his residence on Fourth street and Willow avenue Friday morning. He had been ill for a long time with consumption, and while able to work he was employed in the lower shops. He was a member of Altoona Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and of the Methodist Episcopal church, and was always regarded as a quiet and unobtrusive gentleman. He leaves a wife and one child to lament his departure. He was 39 years of age.
A Reminiscence of Interest to the Older Citizens of the County.
Our Hollidaysburg correspondent sends us us the following: In the "good old days" before the war Hollidaysburg was an important station on the "Underground Railroad," and many a fugitive slave received kindly aid and assistance on his journey toward Canada and freedom. Sometime during the summer of 1855, nearly twenty-eight years ago, a Virginian named Parsons came to Hollidaysburg in search of a slave named Green, whom he had tracked to this place. After several days' search, during which Green remained in hiding, the latter attempted to leave on the train. Parsons, however, was on the same train and Green, on discovering this fact, leaped from the car closely followed by Parsons, who gave vigorous chase and collared his victim, attempting to take him along without further ceremony. This occurred in the borough of Gaysport and was witnessed by a number of citizens, one of whom was General Potts, afterward mayor of Altoona. The general, though a democrat, was a law-abiding citizen and not relishing the Virginian's abrupt way of doing business he at once collared Parsons, and now the row begun in earnest. Major Jesse R. Crawford, also a democrat, who still resides in Gaysport, and who a friend and neighbor of General Potts, relates that he came on the scene at this time, and heard Potts say, "We have laws here, and you must proceed according to law. I will go with you before a justice where you can prove your property." To this Parsons replied by damning Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania laws, declaring that the negro was his, and he was going to take him. General Potts was not a man to be bluffed in this manner, and the discussion was at fever heat in a moment. Parsons soon attempted to end the controversy by trying to draw a pistol on his adversary, but was baffled by Major Crawford, who caught his arm and impressively warned him that a resort to such extreme measures would not do in this country. He then returned the weapon to his pocket. Meanwhile the friends and sympathizers of the fugitive were not idle. In a surprisingly short time Parsons and his friends found themselves surrounded by an angry unfriendly crowd, noisy, turbulent and rapidly developing a good sized riot. They had begun to assemble at the first, and the delay occasioned by the altercation with Messrs. Potts and Crawford was improved to the utmost by the negro's friends. At the moment when Parsons found himself defeated in his pistol practice, Snyder Carr, a colored barber, caught hold of the man Green and dragged him from the grasp of Parsons. Several other by-standers speedily closed in after the slave, the rest of the crowd running hither and thither in the greatest excitement and confusion, and thus succeeded in the object of throwing the pursuers off the track of the fugitive. The negro Green, after an exciting chase, was finally taken to Chimney ridge, south of town, where he remained until nightfall. He was then conducted to Brush mountain, and from thence was piloted along by-ways and bridle paths west of the Alleghenies, where he remained hid for several weeks before resuming his journey to Canada. When Parsons found that his victim had escaped he instituted suit against General Potts for resisting the action of the "Fugitive Slave Law." The general came up smiling, promptly gave bail for his appearance at court and had a warrant issued against Parsons on a charge of kidnapping. The trial came before the October term of court in 1855. J. Randolph Tucker, of Virginia, who came to represent Parsons, on learning how badly his client had acted was glad, on account of some informality in the indictment, to avail himself of a motion to quash, which was done. This ended the affair, so far as it related to this county, but it attracted the widest attention throughout the country and there is no doubt that it aided greatly in promoting the bitterness that was already developing between the north and south.
An Accident Which Resulted in Death.
We learn from the Johnstown Tribune that about 6 o'clock on Tuesday evening a man called at the public house of Mr. Philip Schultheis, in Johnstown, and requested permission to leave there a bundle of tools which he carried with him until he would return from Cambria Borough. Permission was granted and he departed. Arriving in Cambria Borough he stopped at the saloon of Peter Roth, on Chestnut street, and inquired for a man named Abele. A boy was sent out for that person and soon returned with him. He and the stranger, who gave his name as Andrew Betzler, conversed until about 11 o'clock, they being old friends and fellow countrymen, after which Betzler, who had engaged quarters for the night, was escorted to bed, in a room over the kitchen.
About half-past 7 o'clock yesterday morning the landlord opened the door leading from the kitchen to the stairway of Betzler's room to call the latter to breakfast. He was horrified at seeing the man lying with his head placed in one corner of the landing, surrounded by a pool of blood, and his body lying on the stairway.
Mr. Roth states that Betzler was perfectly sober when he retired; that he drank during the evening only two or three glasses of beer, and that he seemed to be well enough, but said that he had a chronic complaint which caused him to lose much sleep. It is Mr. Roth's opinion that during the night Betzler arose and attempted to descend the stairs, when he missed his footing and fell headforemost to the landing below, breaking his neck and striking his forehead against a projecting board at the foot of the stairs, which inflicted the ghastly wound in his forehead, just above the right eye.
From what the deceased stated to Mr. Roth and to his friend Abele it is learned that he was about 56 years of age, and that he went to Johnstown from Altoona. He was a cooper by trade and had been working in this city for Mr. Gust Klemmert, brewer. He had secured work with a brewer named Jacob Goerner, of Cambria borough, and went to Johnstown for the purpose of entering his employ.
A Letter from the German Reichstag.
On Wednesday last Mr. Charles Ingold, treasurer of the society created in this city a few months ago for the purpose of aiding the sufferers by the heavy floods in Germany, received a reply from the president of the German Reichstag, thankfully acknowledging the receipt of the money collected in this city (2,823 mark); also, that the matter would be brought before the Reichstag at their session which began on April 3. He further states that the money sent would be divided proportionally to the sufferers in the overflown districts according to the rules established by the committees having the matter in charge.
Death of an Estimable Colored Lady.
Mrs. Sarah Johnson, wife of Henry Johnson died, after a lingering illness, at 10 o'clock on Tuesday night. She was the mother of Charles and Daniel Singleton, of this city and of two married daughters one of whom resides of Philadelphia and the other in Johnstown. She had been seriously ill ever since the death of her oldest son, John Singleton, which occurred last November. Mrs. Johnson was one of the organizers and one of the most prominent members of the Second Baptist church. She was aged about 57 years.
People who Have Fallen Before the Scythe of the Grim Reaper.
Mr. John S. Isett died at his residence in Spruce Creek at half-past 6 o'clock on Thursday evening.
John S. Isett was born October 14, 1799. He had done but little except going to school until his return from Alexandria in April, 1814, where he had been attending school a couple of years. He there had obtained a good education for that day. In his father's mill he learned the miller's trade. In 1817 he took charge of the mill, receiving the same share of profits as other millers did. When he had accumulated four hundred dollars he determined to go to St. Louis, where he expected at once to become rich. In company with John Wray, he bought in Pittsburgh a skiff, in which they went to Cincinnati, thence in a raft to Louisville, and then by steamboat to Shawneetown, and there on foot by the way of Kaskaskia to St. Louis. Not finding employment to suit him he went to Carlisle, Mo., where he met Dr. J. H. Lambert and family, with whom he visited a short time, then went into partnership with the doctor in a small store. He was soon taken sick, and on his recovery found his business in such a condition that he was glad to accept the doctor's offer to take his money back and work on a salary. He got the work, but owing to the failure of the doctor he never got his money, and he returned to his home a sadder but wiser young man than when he left it. In 1824 his father built a new mill (the one now at Arch Spring), which he managed, as well as a store owned by him and his brother-in-law.
On the 19th day of July, 1825, Mr. Isett was married to Miss Mary Ann Bell, daughter of Edward Bell, of Antis township, Blair county, and sister of Rev. A. K. Bell, of this city. To Mr. and Mrs. Isett there have been born eight sons and four daughters, of whom three sons and four daughters are still living. In 1826 his father (Jacob Isett) bought of ex-Governor Heister the Spruce Creek property, and in 1827 the family moved to the new purchase, which has since remained their home. In 1828 the present mill at Spruce Creek was built by John S. Isett, which he managed in connection with the mercantile business. In 1831 he built his present residence. In 1836 he built a small bloom forge with one hammer and two refining fires, which he carried on until 1861. In January, 1839, he was appointed by Hon. Thomas Burnside, president judge of the Huntingdon court, sequestrator of the Huntingdon, Cambria and Indiana turnpike company, which pike extended from Huntingdon borough to Blairsville, in Indiana county, Pa., and for twenty-six years he had charge and control of the road. In his political views he was a democrat.
Mr. Edward B. Isett, president of the Altoona bank is a son of the deceased. Mr. Isett was a public spirited citizen and a generous, open hearted gentleman. He was buried in a casket made of black walnut, obtained from a tree planted by himself, and which stood in the centre of one of his fields. The funeral services took place at his late residence commencing at 1 o'clock p. m. Saturday, and was conducted by Dr. Henry T. Childs, a member of the Society of Friends, of Philadelphia. Trains from the east and west stopped at Spruce Creek for the accommodation of those wishing to attend the obsequies. At the conclusion of the services the funeral proceeded to Sinking Valley, where the interment took place.
A Venerable Watchman Upon the Walls of Zion Gone to Rest.
We are indebted to our Tyrone correspondent for most of the facts which follow: Rev. Elisha Butler, of Tyrone, calmly passed away to his eternal rest at 10 o'clock on Thursday evening, aged 84 years, 9 months and 27 days. The casket which contained his pure soul was worn out, and his friends who watched his growing feebleness were not surprised as the end drew near. Nor was the venerable man unconscious of the approaching change. He looked forward to the future, and having the use of all his faculties to the last, passed away in full expectation of a blessed immortality.
Mr. Butler was a native of Connecticut, but spent the greater part of his life in this state. He was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church for forty-five years, being a member successively of the Baltimore, East Baltimore and Central Pennsylvania conferences. Four years of his ministry was spent in Maryland and one year in Virginia. For thirty-five years he was an itinerant preacher in Pennsylvania. During the last five years he has been on the superannuated list. His mental faculties were unimpaired to the last and he was often found in the house of God, where his valuable advice was always gladly received.
He was first married to Miss Sarah Cousser, of Milton, by whom he was the father of four children, only one of whom, Frack P. Butler, of Wisconsin, survives him. After the death of his first wife he married Miss Martha Ganoe, of Huntingdon county, who survives him. Eight children - five sons and three daughters - the result of this union, also survive him. There are Elisha and Emanuel, of Newark, N. J., Eber, of Harrisburg, Edwin, of Altoona, and Ellsworth, of Tyrone. Of the daughters Miss Electa M. is a missionary to China, Mrs. McKane, a widow lady, resides at Beech Creek, and Mrs. Fitter lives at Harrisburg.
The funeral services were held in the M. E. church, at Tyrone, at 7 o'clock on Sunday evening. In accordance with the request of the deceased the sermon was preached by Rev. C. Graham, one of Father Butler's converts many years ago. The burial was at Milton on Monday. Rev. J. H. McGarrah, presiding elder of the district, and Rev. J. S. McMurray, pastor of deceased, accompanied the family and friends. Elisha Butler's life and character require no elaborate eulogy. The record he has left behind is his best eulogy.
Three Well Known Citizens Cross the Dark River.
Joseph Stehle, proprietor of the Home hotel, No. 912 Eighth avenue, was found dead in his bed Friday morning. Mr. Stehle, though well up in years, enjoyed comparatively good health, and when he retired on Thursday night was as well as usual. About 2 o'clock he awakened his wife and told her that he felt a severe pain in the region of his heart. She was not alarmed, as he had made the same complaint on several occasions, and as he said nothing more she went to sleep again, supposing he was only suffering some slight ailment. Mrs. Stehle and the other members of the family arose at half-past 5 o'clock in the morning, and when breakfast had been prepared one of the children went up stairs to call Mr. Stehle. As he did not respond Mrs. Stehle went to the bed and found that he was dead. Dr. Goodman was called in, and after making an examination of the body and hearing the facts as told by Mrs. Stehle, he gave it as his opinion that death had resulted at an early hour in the morning from apoplexy of the heart. The deceased was born in Wurtemburg, Germany, on May 17, 1821. He came to this country in the year 1853, and has been a resident of this city for the past twenty-five years. He leaves a wife and six children, one of the latter, John B. Stehle, conducting a brewery on Third avenue.
Daniel Donat, an old and highly respected citizen of Altoona, died at his residence on Sixteenth street, above Fourteenth avenue, Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Mr. Donat carried on boot and shoe making until about six years ago, when his health broke down completely. Since then he had been a constant sufferer from diabetes, and this disease was the cause of his death. He was 67 years old the 4th of last month. He leaves a wife and one married daughter, the latter residing in Philadelphia. He was long a zealous member of the First Lutheran church, and at one time superintendent of the Sunday school, though his infirmities prevented him from attending services for more than three years past. He was a member of an Odd Fellows lodge of Philadelphia, and of a Masonic lodge in Lewistown.
Mrs. Minnie Jane Foust was found dead in bed at her residence, Union avenue near the railroad culvert, about 9 30 o'clock Friday morning. Mrs. Foust had been sick in bed with asthma since last Sunday, and being extremely poor was somewhat dependent on the charity of her neighbors for care and attention. The only other occupants of the house on Thursday night were her two sons, David and Harry, aged respectively 21 and 16 years. The younger boy retired to bed quite early, but David did not arrive at home until nearly 12 o'clock. He went to bed in a room on the same floor, separated by a board partition from the one occupied by his mother. He did not get up until 9 o'clock Friday morning and on visiting his mother's room he found her cold and lifeless. David summoned a few of the neighbors, and word was sent to Chief Powell. When the chief arrived he sent for Coroner Mitchell and about 2 o'clock an inquest was held, the following persons acting as jurors: D. Orr Alexander, James Powell, A. F. Orr, Henry Williams, Michael Poet, P. B. Stern. The evidence of the children and the neighbors was given in substance as above, and then Dr. Crosthwaite gave the opinion that the deceased had been seized with a severe spell of asthma during the night and had smothered. The verdict was rendered in accordance with the facts adduced. Mrs. Foust was 40 years of age. Her brother, Washington Foust, works in the lower blacksmith shop, and a sister, Mrs. Kate Rhodes, resides in this city. As the dead woman was possessed of no means the county authorities bore the expense of her interment, which took place Saturday afternoon.
BROWN - WOODS. - On Tuesday evening at the residence of Rev. J. W. Young, pastor of the African Methodist Episcopal church of this city, Robert Brown, of Hollidaysburg, to Mrs. Sarah Woods, of this city.
EDMINSON - BARCLAY. - On Tuesday evening, April 3, by Rev. Dr. A. K. Bell, Lewis Edminson and Miss Belle Barclay, all of Altoona.
KEPLER - McDOWELL - On Wednesday evening, March 8, at 7 o'clock p. m., at the residence of the bride's parents at Summit, Scott county, Iowa, by Rev N. Williams, Mr. T. B. Kepler and Miss Maggie May McDowell, all of Lincoln township, Scott county, Iowa.
DELOZIER - SNYDER. - April 10, 1882 [sic], at the Lutheran parsonage in Hollidaysburg, by Rev. D. L. Ryder, Daniel Delozier, of Sinking Valley, and Miss Carrie Snyder, of Newry.
SCHULTZBERGER - Mary Gertrude, daughter of Samuel and Henrietta Shultzberger [sic], died April 8, aged 3 years and 18 days.
DURBIN. - In this city, March 28, 1883, Mrs. Mary Durbin, aged 83 years.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, April 12, 1883, page 3
What Our Correspondent Gathered Up During the Week.
The venerable Jesse Wingate is dangerously ill.
Hon. Joseph Irwin, we are sorry to say, is very seriously ill.
It is now Deputy Sheriff Plummer in place of Deputy Recorder Plummer.
A party of young folks on Sunday last discovered a new cave on Chimney ridge.
Homer Lindsay on Wednesday shot a wild goose in the river near Dell Delight.
Mr. Charles Dannals on Tuesday had the misfortune to dislocate his right shoulder by a fall.
Keenan & Babcock Monday put at work some thirty Hungarians in their lime stone quarries.
John Dully, at the Reservoir, has in his pond carp eighteen inches long and still growing.
At a sale in "Dutch Bottom" last week turkeys sold for twenty-eight cents a pound live weight.
Mrs. J. B. Gifford, who has been an invalid for several months, is gradually getting weaker,
On Thursday last Oscar Crum, formerly of this town, was married to a Northumberland young lady.
Mr. Newton D. Sickles and friends arrived safe in Dakota and are all much pleased with the far west.
Otto Harlen purchased from John Musselman the Duncansville brown row, paying seven hundred dollars for it.
Three Altoona bicycles rolled over yesterday in just forty-five minutes by the watches of the riders and drivers.
In a few days the young ladies will be out in the wood hunting the trailing arbutus, the sweetest of all wild flowers.
Thirty-two hundred dollars is what Hollidaysburg citizens paid to have their picture in the latest edition. "Dirt cheap."
It cost Burgess Lowry Wednesday five dollars before he would be convinced the Methodists had a Bell for their new church.
The warm sun is bringing out and bursting the maple buds, and the little busy bees are busy sipping the nectar and reducing it to honey.
The new floor in the Phoenix house consists of five huge blocks of granalific, a combination of cement that looks like and is as hard as stone.
The Piney Creek brass band should be able to pull through, as they have six Wagners to drive the six Hoovers and two Shellenbergers. "Go lang shebarks."
Rev. Dr. Barron received through the post office the other day $25 from some generous unknown, for distribution amongst the several mission bands of his church.
Report of the Hollidaysburg public schools for March: Total number of pupils enrolled, 390; per centage of attendance, 94; number absent on account of sickness, 42.
Ed. Clark, the driver of Carrol & Lindsay's delivery wagon, was jolted out at a Blair street crossing. The wagon passed over him injuring him considerably, but not dangerously.
On Monday evening Guy, the ten-year-old son of G. W. Lindsay, miller at Plane No. 10, while at play fell and fractured his left thigh. Dr. Brunner, of Duncansville, was called and reduced the fracture.
James Martin, of Duncansville, who recently was granted a pension invested one thousand dollars of his back pay in a Carson valley farm known as the old Shadle farm, and lately owned by Major O. H, Irvine.
Michael Haun, a feeble-minded and vicious youth from Bennington, was taken to the almshouse on Monday by Warden Campbell. When his mother went to bid her unfortunate son good bye he struck her a powerful blow in the face.
Yesterday we met a little blue-eyed child who, to use a strong term, was just too sweet for anything. We will not give the child's name, but if your child is just as pretty as a picture and as bright as can be just consider it was your child we met.
On Tuesday McLanahan & Stone shipped a car load of annealing pots weighing fifty one hundred pounds each, to the Hartman & Co., steel works at Beaver Falls, and on Wednesday a car load of hot blast pipes to Riddlesburg furnace in Bedford county.
A number of wind-mill peddlers with fancy new wagons are driving through the country. If they do not induce the farmer to purchase a mill at their first visit, they ask permission to leave it in his barn, and when they come around the second time generally manage to make a sale.
Dr. Johnston, of Claysburg, last fall purchased a blooded Kentucky mare with foal. On Saturday the doctor when he went to the stable was taken down by seeing a young mule. All the villagers have called to congratulate the doctor and examine his long eared blooded stock.
On Tuesday St. Clair Rorabacher, a reservoir farmer, had a corn husking in one of his fields. There was about twenty men and they worked well. When they come to the supper table one old gentleman, 70 years of age, remarked that it was the first corn husking he had ever known at this time in the year.
The proprietor of the Star grocery, Mr. Francis McCoy, has had a pet tortoise in his garden for many years. Being one of the seven sleepers, it goes into the ground in the early fall and is seen no more until the next summer. Yesterday in removing some manure and brick from the roots of a grape vine it was unearthed, but in a torpid condition, not being able to move. It was again put gently back in its little bed. Mac thinks as much of his pet as some men do of their mothers-in-law.
We never before felt the full force of the expression, "Go it while you are young, for when you are old you can't." We have never in our life enjoyed the pleasures that is said to be derived from a ride on a free pass. Now, when we had about made up our mind to get one, we discover we are just a little too old to enjoy the fun. Governor Pattison should by all means veto the bill. It is another discrimination against the "poor man" to prevent him from enjoying the luxury of a free ride.
The new Gaysport borough council is Joseph G. Barr, burgess; councilmen, Colonel William Stone, G. W. Curtis, Frank McGillen, James Cully, Edward McNevin and John Reilley; treasurer, A. M. Lloyd; clerk, C. B. Jones, and high constable, Edward McNevin. Committee on streets, Messrs. McGillen, McNevin and Reilly; on accounts, Messrs. Stone, Curtis and Cully; on gas and water, Messrs. Stone and McGillen. The appointing of a tax collector was deferred to next meeting of council which is on the first day of May.
Friday 'Squire Henry Costlow, of Juniata township, was able to pay us a visit. On February, the 3d inst., the 'squire, while working on his saw mill, stepped on a board that broke and let him fall through. Besides being severely bruised his right shoulder was dislocated. Dr. Groves was called but failed to discover the extent of Mr. Costlow's injury, and consequently he suffered for three weeks without the arm being put in place. Finally Dr. Buck, of Altoona, was called who set the dislocated shoulder, and now the 'squire is in proper trim for soon being himself again.
At the regular meeting of lodge No. 119 Independent Order of Odd Fellow on Tuesdays night Past Grand H. L. Bunker installed the officer elect for the year: Noble grand, J. W. Mentzer; vice national guard, A. J. McKee; secretary, Levi Leedom; assistant secretary, J. F. Mentzer; treasurer, J. R. Humes, M.D.; C., G. W. Sellers; W., Joseph Brenner; O. G., Charles Cramer; R. S., to N. G., William Evans; S. S. to N. G., C. E. Lingafelt; R. S. S., J. M. Yingling; L. S. S., Robert Rumplings; R. S. of V. G., G. W. Lindsay; L. S. of V. G., Irvin Mentzer; trustees, H. L. Bunker, G. W. Sellers and J. H. Bell.
We venture the assertion that there are more daily newspapers subscribed for and read, more pianos in use, and more seal skins packed away in Hollidaysburg than in any other town of the size in the state, and at the same time there is not a more neglected town or one that will strike more unfavorably a stranger who sees its motley, old, neglected tenement houses and costly mansions; dilapidated out houses and fences and neat and costly ones; streets that are left to clean themselves and gutters and alleys in the same condition. It looks to a stranger as if many of the rich inhabitants did not care how the town looks so they have a nice house to live in and their tenants pay their rents regularly, and never ask for any repairs or improvements to be done to their old houses and the dilapidated fences that surround them. This should not be. All good citizens like to see their town look inviting. No enterprising stranger will invest in a dirty town.
General and Personal Notes of an Interesting Nature.
The new Western Union telegraph office at Wallaceton was opened Tuesday with Acting Ticket Agent Frank Gass as operator.
Miss Maggie Turnbaugh is lying dangerously ill at the house of Mr. Alfred Smith, on Clearfield street, from an attack of pneumonia.
Tuesday while cutting paper wood Mr. Hugh McClelland, of Grazierville, completely severed the thumb of the right hand near the second joint. Dr. Ewing dressed the wound.
Mr. George Carothers, father of Master Mechanic William H. Carothers, who received serious injuries from a fall recently, is improving, and it is hoped in time that he will be about as usual.
Mr. John Waite, formerly of town but during the last two years a Snyder township granger, has accepted the position of driver and stable boss at the planing mill of F. D. Byer vice Abed. Grazier retired.
We regret to announce the illness of Mr. John Fource, janitor at the public school building and Methodist church. Mr. Matthew Stewart is filling his place at the school house and Judson Calderwood at the church.
Sunday night the Methodist Episcopal church was crowded with people anxious to hear the funeral sermon of Rev. Elisha Butler, by Rev. Cambridge Graham, whom the deceased requested fifteen years ago to preach his funeral sermon. The services were very impressive.
As the result of an attempt to open a signal cap on Saturday night a Hungarian named Joseph Prebussco lost his thumb and first and second fingers of the right hand. He is an employe of the Pennsylvania railroad company and hails from the Swedish village below town. He was lucky in not having his head blown off.
W. H. Welsh's engineer corps passed through here Monday morning on their way to Scotia for the purpose of surveying the route for a railroad from the latter place to Bellefonte. They are in the interest of the Pennsylvania railroad company, and not of Gould, Vanderbilt or any other company, as has been variously reported.
On Tuesday a force of workmen commenced the erection of a two-story frame dwelling at the saw mill of Mr. Samuel Diehl, about two miles north of town, and completed it until evening, and held a dance in it the same night. They had an abundance of gentlemen, but had to drive a four-horse team to town for girls. They are reported as having had a jolly good time.
The many friends of Mr. John Isett, of Spruce Creek, will be pained to learn of the serious illness of that aged gentleman, probably the oldest in Huntingdon county, whose illness is of such a nature as to cause serious apprehensions, he being unable to take nourishment and past recognizing friends. Mr. Isett is well and widely known, having been a resident of that section for many years. He was born in Sinking valley in the year 1799.
Just as every one expected - the new boardwalk from Juniata bridge to the station will, by the time the frost is all out of the ground, be lying at the foot of the bank in the swamp. A walk laid on frozen ground, dumped off in cart loads and barely leveled enough to lay the stringers, could scarce expect to meet any other than a similar fate. This walk, it will be remembered, was laid by council at the expense of the owners of the ground and for which said owners refused to pay. The case will be settled in the courts.
At 10 o'clock Tuesday morning Rev. C. Graham received a telegram from Clearfield announcing the sudden death of his oldest brother, Mr. James B. Graham, which occurred the night previous from paralysis. Deceased was born at Big Spring. near Bellefonte, and was aged 72 years. He was at one time the lumber king of Clearfield county, and was connected with and leader of many enterprises in that section, which ranked him with the prominent, useful and esteemed citizens of the place; was a life-long member of the Presbyterian church, and at the time of his death a ruling elder.
About 4 o'clock Tuesday morning as Lock Haven extra was passing Eagleville, a brakeman named George Sloth, expecting that the train would stop to take water, climbed down the side of the car, (a foreign car), and while in the act was struck a violent blow by the arm of the plug knocking him to the ground. He was picked up in an unconscious condition, placed in the caboose and brought to Tyrone, where his foster-mother, Mrs. Dougherty, lives. He was conveyed thither on a stretcher and Dr. Piper summoned, who upon examination discovered his side and hip badly bruised, but no bones broken, a gash over the right eye two-and-a-half inches long, and clear to the bone, as well as many smaller cuts and bruises.
The funeral of Mr. John Isett, of Spruce Creek, which took place on the afternoon of Saturday last, was an unusually large one. The spacious rooms of the deceased's residence were densely packed, many being compelled to remain outside. A number of reverend gentlemen, including S. M. Moore and J. L. Holmes, of Tyrone; Dr. A. K. Bell, of Altoona, and Cole, of Arch Springs, as well as a number of distinguished personages from Altoona, Hollidaysburg, Bell's Mills and Tyrone attended the solemn obsequies. The funeral oration was delivered by Dr. Henry T. Childs, of Philadelphia, assisted by Mrs. Katie B. Robison, a trance medium, also of Philadelphia. The remains were conveyed to and placed to await the trump of the resurrecting angel in the place of graves at the stone church in Sinking Valley. The two spiritualists remained in Spruce Creek on Saturday night and lectured in the old Union church morning and afternoon, leaving this morning for Philadelphia.
Interesting Letter from our "Occasional" Correspondent.
John Yingling, esq., sold his valuable farm on Piney creek to Job M. Spang. Mr. Spang looks very cozy in his new home.
Mr. D. K. Barley, of Woodberry, purchased the fine property on east Main street of E. C. Kork, esq., and now occupies his new home. Mr. Barley is a fine mechanic and purposes engaging in the boot and shoe business.
Our hotel has undergone a change of landlords, Mr. J. H. Long retiring from the business and removing to his old residence on his farm near Sharpsburg. Mr. Imler, the new landlord, comes here from the National hotel, Martinsburg.
Mr. Erastus D. Replogle, one of Taylor township's successful teachers, and John Feathers started for Dakota to take up homesteads in that new and growing state. They were accompanied by Mr. Shannon Croyle, of Pattonville. They are all intelligent, sober and energetic young men. We regret to part with them, as they were among our best boys. May success attend them in their new undertaking.
Bellwood Notes.
Constable-elect Boyer is able to be about again.
George Kyper has taken up his abode in quiet little Hensheytown.
Mrs. Sarah Bell remains very low. She has been sick for some time.
There is still a considerable amount of snow on the mountain above our town.
Editor Dunmire, of the Independent, spends some of his leisure time in plucking blackbirds from the pines.
The band meets regularly every Tuesday and Friday evening. Mr. Abram Goss, the leader, is an excellent instructor.
Mr. Kyper is cleaning off the timber on his lot, and will soon break ground for the erection of his large dwelling house on Front street.
The fishing season is well observed here for you can most any time see men and boys equipped for the work. Some have good luck judging from the long strings of fish.
The devil of the Bellwood Independent skipped from our town on Sunday evening, a very appropriate time. He boarded an east-bound freight, likely for his home at Lewistown.
Mr. John Reynolds has taken his steam saw mill from Elizabeth Furnace and placed it on a tract of timber owned by Simpson Manly. It will soon be in running order.
Mr. Luther Riggle, of Logan township, moved to our town on Tuesday. He intends to make his home here while he is actively engaged in the lumbering business over at Heverly.
Mr. Sickles, assistant engineer on the Bell's Gap railroad, has accepted a position on the Philadelphia and Atlantic city railroad. He left for his new appointment a short time since.
Mr. G. M. Davis, formerly of New Washington, who has made this place his home for the past year, moved to Coalport on Tuesday. He takes with him a daughter suffering with rheumatism.
Mrs. John M. Root, of Sabbath Rest, has been summoned to the bedside of her aged mother, Mrs. Margaret Moore, who is dangerously ill at her daughter's, Mrs. Annie Moore, Grampion Hills, Clearfield county.
The public schools of Antis township have nearly all closed their sessions. It is hoped that the result of the winter's work on the part of teachers and pupils will demonstrate that the money spent has been well applied.
Piney Creek Findings.
Schmucker's works, on Piney creek, are in full blast. Mr. David Fay is the efficient foreman and is the right man in the right place.
Mr. Horrell is erecting his steam sawmill near Wertz's station, he having taken the contract to saw the timber purchased by Mr. Diehl.
D. A. Stewart, the obliging counterjumper at Royer, toots with the McMillan band, and sports a new B cornet, which is a perfect beauty.
Mr. Hanks, the genial and obliging book-keeper at Royer, has resigned and moved to Williamsport. During his short stay he proved himself to be a Christian gentleman, and his many friends are sorry to see him leave.
The Lykens band, a new organization at Clappertown, is progressing finely under the instructions of Professor Conrad, of Newry, and will soon rank with some of the older organizations. Their leader, Mr. Corrigan, is a musician of no mean ability.
The Piney Creek cornet band held an election of officers on Friday evening last, when the following were elected for the ensuing term of six months: President, Cal. Wagner; vice president, G. M. Wagner; secretary, John K. Hoover; treasurer, A. S. Hoover; leader, J. E. Hoover.
Professor Hayden, the celebrated organist, assisted by Messrs. Bonar and Gallagher, gave a concert at Royer's. The professor manipulated the organ with a master hand, while Bonar kept the crowd in a roar of laughter with his comic songs. Mr. Gallagher performed some fine music on the violin.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, April 12, 1883, page 4