Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, March 29, 1883
Dr. Furry, of Woodberry, purposes taking a colony of Woodberry
citizens to Nebraska.
A postoffice has been established at Eldorado, Blair county, with
Jacob A. Boyce as postmaster.
It is said on the authority of the Coal Trade Journal, that
anthracite coal will be from 20 to 30 cents a ton higher.
Bertha May, daughter of John F. and Josephine Singer died of
measles at 7 o'clock Tuesday evening, aged 3 years.
Miss Annie Carney is lying in a dangerous condition at her home on
Sixteenth street and Sixteenth avenue, suffering from bronchial
A. J. Anderson, esq., of this city, has been drawn as a grand juror
for the United States district court, which meets at Pittsburgh on the
7th of May.
William B. Stone has been appointed passenger and first-class
freight agent at Mapleton, vice W. W. Stewart, resigned. To date from
March 22, 1883.
The passenger and second class freight agency at Rodman, on the
Hollidaysburg and Morrison's Cove branch, has been abolished. To date
from March 26, 1883.
A passenger agency has been established at Eldorado, on the
Hollidaysburg branch, and J. W. Isenberg appointed agent thereat. To
date from April 1, 1885.
Mary Viola McKinstry, daughter of James A. and Maggie C. McKinstry,
died at 6.20 o'clock Saturday evening, from pneumonia of the lungs,
aged 2 years, 3 months and 21 days.
A hardy bull dog attacked a Bedford county insurance agent a few
days ago. The agent held his valise filled with insurance tracts in
front of him, and the dog after getting his mouth full of them retired
Roanoke, Virginia, has just started a building association of which
S. M. Brophy is president and J. T. Prendergast, one of the directors.
Both of these gentlemen have had building association experience in
this city.
Messrs. Taylor & Wood, of Philipsburg, have been awarded the
contract for building the new opera house in that place. It will be
one of the largest in the interior of the state and will have a
seating capacity for 1,800 people.
Ex-Prothonotary James P. Stewart and W. G. Waring left on Tuesday
line last night for Rico, Colorado, where they go to superintend the
Rico reduction works. They will be absent all summer, probably
returning home in the fall.
William P. Dunn, an employe in the Freight department of the lower
shops, cut of the end of the middle finger of his left hand with a
hatchet while at work Wednesday afternoon. The company physician
dressed the injured member.
Mr. A. P. Gest, supervisor of the division of the Pennsylvania
railroad at Huntingdon, has accepted the position of assistant
engineer of the Monongahela division of the Pennsylvania railroad and
has taken up his residence in Pittsburgh.
George, eldest son of Prothonotary Williamson, of Huntingdon, has
been appointed to the West Point cadetship from that congressional
district. If he is able to pass the regulation examination of that
institution he will enter as a student.
Miss Annie Anderson, daughter of Mr. G. W. Anderson and sister Mr.
G. Graham Anderson, formerly managing editor of the Times, is lying
dangerously ill at her home on Seventh avenue below Sixth street,
afflicted with rheumatic neuralgia.
Mr. James E. Good, who for some time past has occupied a desk in
Superintendent Reed's office, departed for Savannah, Georgia, last
week to accept the position of stenographer to the superintendent of
the Savannah, Florida and Western railroad.
On Monday the wife of Joseph Miller, esq., of Wilmore, died after a
long illness. Mrs. Miller was well advanced in life, being about 60
years of age. She was the daughter of Mr. Spielman, of Summerhill,
and was born and raised within a mile of Wilmore.
Owners of stock requiring the services of a veterinary surgeon will
do well to call on Dr. W. B. Rowland, of this city. Dr. Rowland is a
graduate of the American veterinary college, New York, and is meeting
with great success in his profession. See card in another column.
Mr. Charley Griest and his family departed for Roanoke, Virginia,
Tuesday. Charley was formerly an engineer on the mountain division,
and afterward a successful restaurateur. He is a genial gentleman and
immensely popular. We wish him continued prosperity in his new
Clara Alice, only daughter of Frederick and Margaret Steckman, died
of inflammatory rheumatism at 10.20 Friday night at her parents
residence, Chestnut avenue, between Second and Third streets. She was
aged 11 years, 2 months and 23 days. Funeral announcement in the
evening papers.
We were glad to meet our friend Mr. James H. McCullough, on the
street yesterday. He has just recovered from an attack of typhoid
fever which confined him to his residence for several weeks. He has a
bleached appearance, but expects to recover rapidly since he is able
to walk out again.
Miss Ella Mullen, recently engaged as leading soprano of St. Luke's
Episcopal choir, returned to her home in Pittsburgh on Monday, having
canceled her engagement with the choral society of the church. Her
departure from the city is sincerely regretted by all who made her
A large snake, which escaped from some traveling menagerie, infests
the sportive waters of a frog pond near Blair Furnace. Sunday it was
out sunning itself on the ice. It is about twelve feet long and is
spotted like the rattlesnake. It can sometimes be seen by train men
as they pass that point.
Mrs. John McDermott, of Johnstown, became insane a couple of days
ago and Tuesday she attempted suicide by throwing herself in front of
a train. She was removed in time to save her life and taken to the
lock-up, where she made another attempt to end her life, this time by
hanging. She was again prevented by two officers. She will be sent
to the insane asylum.
Saturday afternoon week a young man named Henry Hartman, employed
at the Huntingdon car works, was run over by a freight car and
seriously injured. He was under a car pushing it, when one of the
wheels struck a truck, and he was knocked under the wheels of the car.
His right leg was broken in two places near the ankle, and his right
arm fractured above the elbow.
The following society note concerning our friend and former fellow
citizen, Jas. Prendergast, which we obtain from the Roanoke Leader,
will be read with interest by his many friends in these parts: "Mr.
J. T. Prendergast leaves to-morrow for a brief trip to Martinsburg,
West Va., at which place he will commit matrimony. Upon his return he
will be accompanied by his bride. We wish them unalloyed happiness
through life."
William Fye, of Adams township, Cambria county, on Thursday morning
proceeded on horseback to a sugar camp some miles away. The same
afternoon the horse returned home riderless. His brother-in-law,
thinking he had been thrown and probably hurt, went to the sugar camp,
where be found Mr. Fye sitting on a log, and dead. Having been a
sufferer from heart disease that is supposed to have been the cause of
his death. He leaves a wife and several children.
An immense giant passed through the city on fast line Thursday en
route from Kansas to New York city where he will enter a museum. The
giant owns a farm in Kansas and worked on it until induced by a
showman to come east. He astonished the depot employes when he
alighted from the car, being taller than the iron fence, and able to
look in the car windows when standing against the car. He is eight
feet high and weighs 667 pounds, though he is proportionately built
and not portly.
Yesterday afternoon the scaffolding around the company's brick
stack, near the machine shops, was completed and this morning the work
of demolition will begin. From every part of the city the workmen on
the top of the stack could be seen walking about and clinging to the
frail looking boards which surround it. It is said that the iron cap,
which will first be removed, weighs several tons, having been placed
in position in sections. We trust the dangerous work will be finished
without accident.
John Lynch, a man aged 40 years, and who had only been a resident
of Lilly's for a few weeks, was killed near Smith's crossing, near
that village, on Monday evening. He was walking on the north track
watching a train going east, when a train going west struck him,
crushing in his skull. He was taken to his boarding house but only
lived a few hours. Mrs. Mencer and a girl were killed at the same
place a couple of years ago. His remains were interred in the
Catholic cemetery at the Summit on Wednesday morning.
The applicants for license in Cambria county, who were refused by
Judge Dean, have hit upon a scheme which they think will make it
possible for them to receive license. At a meeting held by them last
week it was decided that the judicial apportionment bill was the last
chance, as the governor would appoint a new judge for Cambria county,
if it got through. They have accordingly appointed a committee to
urge its passage, and want a delegation of lawyers to go to Harrisburg
to help the bill along.
We are glad to note the promotion of our young friend, Mr. D. H.
Lovell, to the position of assistant engineer on the middle division
of Philadelphia and Erie railroad, with headquarters at Renovo, the
appointment to take effect on April 1. Mr. Lovell is now supervisor
of the railroad at Middletown, below Harrisburg. He entered the
service of the railroad company in this city when quite a lad, and has
since advanced rapidly. Many of his relatives live in this county,
and he has hosts of friends beside who will read this notice with
An Interesting Event.
Thursday evening, at 6 o'clock, Mr. John B. Stahl and Miss Eva
Keesberry were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, at the residence
of Mr. Joseph F. Keesberry, the bride's father. The ceremony, which
was performed by Rev. M. N. Cornelius, of the First Presbyterian
church was strictly private, only the relatives and a few immediate
friends witnessing it. Miss Gertrude Roush was the bridesmaid and Mr.
J. S. Stier was groomsman. After the brief ceremony the young couple
received the congratulations of their friends and then all the guests
partook of a banquet. The presents displayed were numerous and
elegant. Mr. Stahl has been connected with the TRIBUNE job office for
a number of years, and is a gentleman of wide acquaintance and
considerable popularity. At present he is one of the city auditors.
In business and social circles he is justly esteemed. The bride has
been until recently a teacher in the Altoona public schools, and is a
highly accomplished young lady. All of their friends wish them God
speed in their journey through life. On fast live same evening they
departed for a two week's tour through the west.
A Yard Brakeman Injured.
About 10 o'clock Tuesday morning Ira Bowen, a brakeman in the
Altoona yard, was very seriously injured. Bowen was in the act of
coupling cars, one of which, a fat one, was loaded with wheels and
axles, when a pair of wheels and an axle rolled off the car and caught
the brakeman across the abdomen, holding him in that predicament until
his follow brakemen came to his assistance. He was placed on a
stretcher and taken to his home, Seventh avenue and Twenty-fourth
street, where he was attended by the company physician, No bones are
broken but it is presumed that he is injured internally, how seriously
is not yet known. Mr. Bowen, who is a young unmarried man, has been
employed as a brakeman for several years.
A Hebrew Laborer Killed at Johnstown.
Henry Milburg, a Hebrew, and probably the only one in the employ of
the Cambria Iron company, was killed at a quarter-past 9 o'clock
Tuesday morning, at the steel works in Johnstown. He was working near
the pit, and a flash from the converter alarmed him. He rushed out of
the door in the western end of the building, and stepped on the track
of the little railway just in front of a moving engine. He was
knocked down by the locomotive, partially disemboweled, his left leg
broken in two places, and his body cut [and] bruised generally in a
terrible manner. He died within an hour. He had no relatives in
these parts, but was provided with a $1,000 accident insurance
Death of Isaac W. Wood.
Mr. Isaac W. Wood, who was stricken with paralysis about two weeks
since, died at the residence of his brother, Mr. S. S. Wood, on Eighth
avenue, between Eighth and Ninth street, at 7 o'clock Tuesday morning.
The deceased was a brakeman on the middle division and came to this
city last September from Lewistown, where he formerly resided. He was
afflicted with paralysis while on duty about two weeks ago, since
which time there were no hopes for his recovery. His age was 39 years
and 8 months. He leaves a wife, but no children, to mourn her loss.
The remains were taken to Lewistown for interment.
Attempted Suicide.
We learn from the Bellefonte Watchman that Al. W. Ralston, a well
known citizen of Pine Grove Mills, Centre county, attempted to commit
suicide on Tuesday morning. He is a contractor by profession and a
very skillful mechanic. Lately he has taken contracts at Philipsburg
and other places which had proven financial losses to him. His home,
lately was sold and a deep and profound melancholy controlled all his
actions since. This despondency culminated in suicide by shooting,
the ball penetrating just behind the left ear. He is still living,
but it is thought can not survive. He has a wife, but not children.
Since the act of self-destruction was committed he has expressed
regret for it.
Election of Vestrymen.
At a congregational meeting of St. Luke's church, held Monday
evening, the following named gentlemen were elected to serve as
vestrymen during the ensuing year: Jacob Adams, T. N. Ely, A. F.
Heess, Ben. Johnston, B. C. Knepper, A. H. Maxwell, James Mallett, L.
H. Piper, J. J. Sansom.
The Men Who Have Been Selected to Try the April Issues.
Following is the list of grand and traverse jurors drawn for the
April term of our county court, which will begin on the Fourth Monday,
being the 23d day of April:
Altoona - G. W. Burket, C. D. Beegle, John Crown, Joseph Ferry, J.
B. Cowen, John McElroy, James Parker, Peter B. Stern, J. B.
Antis - Henry Henshey.
Blair - George Buchanan.
Catharine - James H. Patterson, Blair Roller. Freedom - David Helsell.
Gaysport - Jesse R. Crawford.
Greenfield - David Musselman.
Hollidaysburg - H. C. Bayley, George Curry.
Juniata - Aaron Over.
Logan - Charlie Copeland, William Reed.
Martinsburg - William Snyder.
Newry - Joseph Hoffman.
Tyrone township - Frederick Sneider.
Altoona - O. P. Bush, James Brannan, Patrick Delaney, S. I. Fries,
H. Geesey, Samuel Huston, William Humes, Martin W. Kelley, Frank E.
McDermitt, Thomas Miller, A. F. Orr, Thomas Stephens, Dennis Sullivan,
Mal. Valentine, Theodore Wigton.
Allegheny - Henry Elway.
Antis - Edward Bell, B. B. Halfpenny, C. R. Igou, F. A. Miller, F. W.
Frankstown - John Herron, John Miller.
Gaysport - Philip Walker.
Greenfield - William McGraw.
Hollidaysburg - John Fitzharris, S. W. Maus, C. H. Porter.
Huston - Isaac Lykens.
Juniata - Silas Wilt.
Logan - S. B. Burket, Jacob Warebaugh.
Martinsburg - J. C. Everhart.
North Woodberry - John H. Book, Christ Bowen, Frank Glass, J. B.
Kensinger, John Mateer.
Snyder - David Beyer, John Vail.
Tyrone - William McCormick.
Tyrone Borough - M. G. Crawford, Hugh Copelin, S. O. Rhodes, John K.
Ray, Wm. Swope.
Woodberry - Robert McFall, Andrew Riley.
Altoona - John Baker, George Buckius, John Coho, B. F. Custer,
Lemuel Elway, George Feiler, J. B. Stahl.
Antis - Alex. Domer, Thomas Hunter, G. Meadville.
Allegheny - John W. Basel, Jacob Hoover Joseph R. Mitchell.
Blair - George W. Rhodes.
Frankstown - George Clapper.
Greenfield - George Dively, John E. McGraw, Daniel Wentz, David H.
Hollidaysburg - Patrick Burke, David Lindsay, George C. McCahan, John
G. Reed, Charles White.
Huston - Lemuel Hewitt.
Logan - Jacob Miller, W. W. Osborne, John Riling, jr., David
North Woodberry - Daniel Diehl.
Snyder - John Lewis.
Taylor - Emanuel Hair.
Tyrone - Aaron Fleck.
Tyrone borough - Daniel Harris, J. Mientel.
Woodberry - Albert Ake.
The work of Death.
Grace, a very bright and interesting little daughter of J. G., and
Elenor Davis, aged 10 months, died Thursday at noon of inflammation of
the lungs.
Charles Drass, son of Jacob and Alice Drass, died at 6 o'clock
Thursday morning from inflammation of the bowels, being aged 9
Jesse Adlum, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Vaughn, died
Thursday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock. Her age was 2 years, 4 months and
6 days. She was attacked with bronchial pneumonia about three weeks
ago, and was seriously ill until Tuesday, when she appeared to be so
much better that her parents confidently expected a complete
restoration to health. On Wednesday morning, however, she was seized
with inward spasms in which she continued until death claimed her.
Jesse was a sweet, beautiful child, bright and attractive and the idol
of her now distracted parents.
On Wednesday Mr. W. A. Lander, the merchant, received a telegram
conveying information of the dangerous illness of his sister, Mrs. E.
L. McKean, a resident of Lock Haven. Mr. Lander's father and mother
departed for that place on the evening train. Thursday morning
another telegram was received in this city announcing the death of
Mrs. McKean, which occurred early Thursday morning. The deceased, who
was a widow for the past three years, was the oldest of her family,
being 48 years of age. She leaves seven children, the eldest 21 years
of age. Several months ago she contracted a severe cold, which
settled on her lungs, and though she had been seriously ill for some
time, her death was not expected by her relatives here. She was a
consistent member of the Presbyterian church.
Arthur, the infant son of William and Agnes Taylor died Monday
evening, aged 6 months. The child had been ill only a short time, and
its death was a great shock to the parents. They have the sympathy of
their many friends in their affliction.
Mary Viola McKinstry, daughter of James A., and Maggie C.
McKinstry, died at 6.20 o'clock Saturday evening, from pneumonia of
the lungs, aged 7 years, 3 months and 21 days.
The 2-month-old child of Mr. David Shultzabarger died at the
residence of its parents on Seventh avenue, near Twenty-second street,
on Sunday afternoon.
The wife of William McGinty, residing on the Wopsononock road, in
Logan township, died on Saturday morning. The funeral left her late
residence at 9.30 o'clock Monday morning and arrived at the First
Methodist church at 10 o'clock, where an impressive funeral service
was conducted by Rev. A. D. Yocum. At the conclusion of the services
in the church the procession proceeded to Fairview cemetery, where the
interment took place.
Death of Mrs. Hewitt.
Mrs. Isadore Hewitt, the estimable wife of Mr. Elmer Hewitt, of the
firm of Hewitt & Beale, died Wednesday morning at 3.20 o'clock, at
the residence of her sister, Mrs. Emma Henry, No. 1119 Eleventh
avenue. Mrs. Hewitt suffered with consumption, having been in
delicate health ever since her removal here from Washington City over
two years ago, and for the past two months she was confined to her
room. She looked forward to the end confidently and with firm hope of
the reward beyond the grave promised to the good. She was 48 years of
age. Besides Mrs. Henry, the deceased has two sisters, one being in
Philadelphia and the other in Baltimore. The deceased leaves no
Another Promotion for John W. Renner.
The Chicago, St. Louis and Pittsburgh railroad company having
acquired title to the property formerly known as the Columbus, Chicago
and Indiana Central railway, will assume possession and will operate
the same on and after April 2. Mr. John W. Renner, formerly of this
city, has been appointed assistant comptroller. The same power and
responsibility will attach as heretofore to his office in connection
with the Columbus, Chicago and Indiana Central railway. We are glad
to note Mr. Renner's progress upward in railroad circles. His address
will still be at Pittsburgh.
A Lady Breaks Her Wrist.
Last Saturday morning Mrs. Henry Snyder met with a painful
accident. She was carrying a bucket of coal from an outbuilding into
her residence, corner of Seventh avenue and Fourteenth street, when
she slipped on the walk and fell down, breaking the wrist. The
fracture was reduced and she is getting along comfortable at
New Officers of the Fifth Regiment Elected Friday Last.
At 8 o'clock Friday evening the commissioned officers of the Fifth
regiment met in the parlor of the Logan house, this city, for the
purpose of electing a colonel and a lieutenant colonel of the
regiment, the commissions of Colonel Burchfield and Lieutenant Colonel
Hastings having expired. The following officers were present:
Captain - John S. Garrett, company G, Lewistown; Samuel F. Statler,
company I, Bedford; Amos Mullen, company, Bellefonte; A. C. Braughler,
company F, Indiana; E. T. Carswell, company H, Johnstown; Robert B.
Guthrie, company D, Altoona; E. J. Humphreys, company A,
First lieutenants - R. C. Elder, company G, of Lewistown; James F.
Mickel, company I, Bedford; G. L. Packer, company B, Bellefonte; John
W. Sutton, company F, Indiana; H. H. Weaver, company H, Johnstown; V.
D. Hudson, company D, Altoona; J. M. Thompson, company A, Ebensburg;
H. A. Miller, company C, Hollidaysburg.
Second Lieutenants - John L. Guberrator, company I, Bedford; C. T.
Chester, company G, Lewistown; F. W. Coxe, company H, Johnstown; L. W.
Nagele, company D, Altoona; W. A. Jones, company A, Ebensburg.
The election was conducted by Assistant Adjutant General Major D.
S. Keller, of Bellefonte; Major George F. Harris, of Bellefonte, and
Adjutant E. M. Amies, of this city, acted as clerks. Although Colonel
Burchfield had declined to be a candidate for re-election his name was
put forward again, the other candidate being Major Samuel W. Davis, of
Ebensburg. The election resulted in the choice of Major Davis.
For lieutenant colonel, Captain J. S. Garrett, Captain S. F.
Statler and Lieutenant Colonel Hastings were nominated. Captain
Garrett was elected on the first ballot.
The candidates for major were Captains S. F. Statler and Amos
Mullen, the former being elected.
After the elections were over the newly elected officers thanked
their brother officers for the honor conferred on them, and promised
to perform the duties pertaining to their respective offices with
honor and fidelity, and do all in their power to keep the regiment up
to the high standard of efficiency it reached under command of the
retiring officers. Colonel Davis has not yet announced the
appointment of his staff officers.
Five years ago when Colonel Burchfield took charge of the regiment
the organization was imperfect and so lacking in discipline that it
was scarcely worthy of being called a military organization. Under
his command it has advanced steadily until now it stands first in the
brigade and second in the division to which it belongs. Colonel Davis
is an excellent officer and very popular, and with his experience and
good judgement to guide it the regiment will still advance to the high
place every officer would like to see it attain.
Marriage Bells.
We clip the following from the Whiting, Jackson county, Kansas,
News: Two more persons were made happy on the 4th instant, at the
residence of P. A. Ehrenfeld, by being united in wedlock by Rev. J. T.
Mayor, of this city. The parties were Mr. John Burtnett and Miss
Clara Wilt, both formerly of Pennsylvania. A number of intimate
friends were present to witness the ceremony and wish them God speed
in the life they were about to enter. Mr. and Mrs. Burtnett left on
the noon train for their new home in Nebraska. The News joins in with
their many friends in wishing them nothing but sunshine and joy
throughout their entire life." Miss Wilt was formerly of this county,
but has been living in Whiting, Kansas, for some time past.
An Aged Lady Burned to Death.
On Sunday evening week Mrs. McKeage, wife of Robert McKeage, of
Cherrytree, Indiana county, was burned so severely as to cause her
death on the following morning. During a temporary absence of the
family Mrs. McKeage's clothing caught fire in some unknown manner, and
she was literally roasted to death. A neighbor hearing her cries
hastened to her assistance and tore the clothes off her, but it was
too late to save her life. Mrs. McKeage was a highly-respected and
intelligent lady, and her death is universally regretted. She was 55
years of age.
Church Officers.
The annual election for officers was held in Christ Reformed church
Friday morning. The following persons were elected to serve during
the ensuing three years: As elder, J. L. Reifsneider; as deacons,
Edward Lingenfelter and Peter L. Bricker; as trustee, J. L.
Reifsneider. The report made by the consistory to the congregation
shows the church finances to be in good condition.
MULHOLLEM - HILDABRAND. - At Bellwood, Pa., March 22, 1883, by Rev.
S. F. Forgeus, Mr. Mr. Taylor Mulhollem and Miss Rosie G. Hildabrand,
both of Tipton, Blair county.
OTT - YINGLING. - March 22, by Rev. J. J. Kerr, Mr. E. F. Ott and
Miss Maggie J. Yingling, all of Altoona.
CLUGH - SHELLY. - At the Lutheran personage, Newry, on March 22, by
Rev J. W. Henderson, Mr. George Clugh and Mrs. Kate Shelly, both of
East Freedom.
RIPPLE - WICKS. - March 22, at the United Brethren parsonage, by
Rev. M. O. Land, Mr. John Ripple, of Mt. Union and Mrs. Lizzie Wicks,
of McVeytown.
LONG - SMITH. - On the 22d. inst. by Rev. George Warren, Mr.
William Long and Miss Sadie M. Smith, both of Mapleton, Pa.
LITTLE - AURANDT. - March 24, at the residence of John Horton, at
Mines, by G. B. Greaser, J. P., Mr. Rolland W. Little, of Altoona, and
Miss Mary C. Aurandt, of Canoe Valley.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, March 29, 1883, page 3