Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, June 8, 1882
Exercises of the Altoona High School on Friday Evening.
The opera house was filled to its utmost seating capacity Friday evening on the occasion of the sixth annual commencement of the Altoona high school. Shortly before the hour for opening the Altoona City band occupied the balcony of the building and discoursed sweet strains to the listening crowd that thronged the street below. Shortly after 8 o'clock the class, composed of Misses Lizzie Plack, Anna O. Snyder, Lucie E. Shaw, Grace Harkness and Mr. Frank Delo, took their seats upon the platform. Their tasteful appearance, added to the beautiful floral decorations of the platform, made a pretty picture. Rev. George Warren offered an eloquent prayer, after which a chorus, "Boating Song," was rendered by a choir composed by the following persons: Misses Laura Rhea, Agatha Carr, Annie Poffenberger, Laura Filer, Ella Cherry, Lila Vaughn, Bertha Warren, Maggie A. Strasser, Mrs. Ella C. Beegle and Miss Linda Hooper, organist. The chorus was well rendered and was applauded.
Miss Lizzie Plack was then introduced and read a charming essay, "The Marble Waiteth."
Action is the great law of the universe; therefore the expression waiting is only figurative or but seemingly true. For from our entrance into life until our exit, the watchword is ever onward. Progressive activity then is the only agent which produces ennobling results. Throughout all nature atom acts on atom, the invisible on the visible, as air on matter; for at the kiss of the balmy zephyrs, behold the verdant valleys and wooded hillsides, the variegated foliage and smiling landscape.
The essayist showed how mind transformed matter, portraying the soul-stirred Phidias bringing forth the Olympian Jupiter from the marble; Praxiteles carrying out the forms of Apollo, Venus and Cupid, and Pygmalion creating a nymph so beautiful, so perfect, that he fell in love with his own work. Sculpture, elevated above all arts what memories cluster round thy forms! Our thoughts involuntarily revert to the time when these monuments were but rough, shapeless blocks of marble imprisoning an ideal beauty. The artist was depicted at work upon the marble, the form gradually growing into radiant beauty. The effect is not sudden, but each touch left its own impress, and one false stroke might have ruined the whole. So in our life-sculpture, every touch shows. Every thought and deed is telling for immortality. A lofty purpose guiding the chisel of discipline and the mallet of experience will make the life show in unfading beauty; but if a lofty aim be lacking the character will be discolored, rude and shapeless. Like a careless school boy, we may heedlessly whittle away our lives. To us all great opportunities lie waiting. If life is ours to carve out as we will, not only present generations but faraway future ones may point to us as being either helpers or hinderers to their development. The work has begun, but there are countless faulty angles still to be rounded off on which we must labor. Though the proportions be noble the work will ever be unfinished until the great day of unveiling comes. Then, by a sudden transformation are we rounded, polished and perfected for eternity.
The salutatory proper was an address of welcome to superintendent, gentlemen of the board of directors, the principal and the teachers of the high school, the members of the graduating class, and the audience who had assembled to witness the closing act of their school life. The lady was very tastefully attired and pleased the audience, which was evidenced by a munificent tribute of flowers in baskets and bouquets and an elegant basket of fruit.
Instrumental music was next on the programme and was artistically rendered by Miss Hooper, at the piano, and Messrs. Ream, Stewart and Gwin. The performance received full measure of applause.
"The Complaining Spirit" was the subject of Miss Grace Harkness' essay.
The young lady introduced her subject by noticing two classes of people, standing out prominently amid the various classes and dispositions of society, the cheerful and the complaining spirits. She first directed her attention to the cheerful spirit, which seems to shed a happy and benign influence on all with whom it may be associated. With it, life seems nothing but sunshine and happiness. The pleasant traits of such a character were dwelt upon in a pleasing manner, after which she turned her attention to the complaining spirit, which always looks on the dark side of the picture and is never happy. The brains of such persons are taxed to their greatest capacity, from morning until night brooding over imaginary troubles and totally forgetting that the Divine Ruler ordains all things for the best. The evil results of complaining is illustrated by the history of the Israelites in their journey through the wilderness. Their fate was impressed upon the minds of those who today murmur for far more trivial causes. Martha was reproved by the Master for complaining of her sister Mary.
Many believe that complaining is nothing more than a habit. Such a habit should be broken at once, before it assumes alarming proportions. In shaping our lives that we may not be deemed complaining spirits, we should cultivate pleasant and cheerful dispositions, and when we feel the least tendency to murmur, should banish all such thoughts. Then will this world seem to us what it was intended to be by its Maker and ours, and our pathways instead of being sown with thorns will blossom as the rose. Let us remember ever that he who clothes the lilies of the fields, and has a fatherly care over all his creatures, will shape and determine our journey through life. If our lot in life should be one of sorrow and disappointment, we should not murmur, but always yield ourselves to the will of "Him who doeth all thing well." We should ever bear in mind that we are all hastening to a land where sorrow and complainings are never heard, but where joy and peace reign supreme. This world is but a wilderness compared with those bright mansions above, and we should all strive to gain a happy entrance there,
"Where the wicked cease from troubling,
And the weary are at rest."
A humorous duet and chorus, "The Men Are Stupid," was rendered by Miss Ella Cherry, soprano, and Miss Annie Poffenberger, alto, assisted by the remainder of the choir, and was rapturously applauded.
Miss Lucie E. Shaw was introduced and read an essay on "Happiness" which evinced careful thought.
The young lady spoke of the wonderful capabilities, desires and longings of the human heart as having been implanted by God, who himself dwells in happiness infinite, and who has prompted us to aspire to happiness, which is the animus of our whole lives, the object of our existence. The question was asked, "Where is true happiness to be found?" Pollock's description of Lord Byron was quoted to show that it is not to be found merely in the possession of noble gifts. Many have descended to the gratification of the baser appetites in its pursuit. Such is the desire of the miser, who nevertheless goes down to the grave miserable. How frail such happiness, which looks not beyond the transitory things of this world. "Decaying bodies, with scorched and desolate and blasted souls, a gloomy wilderness of dying thought," has been the invariable answer to all these unnatural efforts. The sources of true happiness lie in a different direction. In our search for them every sense will be opened to receive the beauty and the loveliness of earth, and the rational enjoyment that may be derived from their proper appreciation. The drawing together of kindred human hearts in friendship is another source of happiness. We can only be happy when we keep duty ever before us and "love our neighbor as ourselves." Until we practically recognize the fact that "virtue alone is happiness below," we are doomed to see our brightest hopes decay. An Italian bishop who had surmounted many obstacles with a happy heart was asked to communicate the secret of his constant happiness. He answered, "by a right use of my eyes. In whatsoever state I am, I first of all look up to heaven and remember that my great business is to get there. I then look down to earth and call to mind how small a space I shall fill in it; I then look abroad in the world and see what multitudes are, in all respects, less happy than myself. I thus learn where true happiness is placed, where all my cares must end, and how little reason I ever had to murmur or to be otherwise than thankful. And to live in this spirit is to be always happy." And thus we see after all our discussion, the great source of happiness is in seeking after the image of our Creator. How glorious an object to strive for! To know for a certainty that there is within us this living principle with such grand capabilities, is sufficient to incite us to high and honorable purposes in life, and to strengthen us in the hour of trial and sorrow.
Books, bouquets and baskets of flowers and fruit rewarded her effort. As she retired to her seat on the platform she was almost hidden by the floral offerings.
"Over the Moonlit Sea" was sung by the choir in an effective and pleasing manner.
Miss Anna O. Snyder read all essay on "The Sunny South." She was unrestrained and easy in her delivery and was heard with deep attention.
The fair essayist spoke of the high position we occupy in the family of nations, uniting, as we do, the greatest diversity of climate, productions, scenery and talent. The distinctive natural features of the different sections were mentioned, as was also the diversity of talent in which we, as a nation, certainly excel, combining the intellect of every nation of the globe. We are a peculiarly favored nation, every one's misfortune resulting in good. The wounds inflicted by the rebellion has only knit the national fabric more closely together, a kindlier feeling now springing up between the two sections. As the tender green is covering alike the graves tenanted by the blue and the gray, so is Time the great healer, closing and beautifying the great chasm which opened twenty years ago between the sunny south and breezy north. The name, "the sunny south," suggests the delightful and salubrious climate, and the scenery, scarcely surpassed anywhere, which is there presented. A description was given of the geographical conformation of the south. The young lady presented an imaginative picture of a southern scene, which was depicted in beautiful language. The varied productions came in for their share of attention, when the essayist presented a glimpse of the inhabitants of this favored section, giving a sketch of their appearance, manners and disposition. The effect of the rebellion in the south was noticed, and in the opinion of the essayist it was for the better. The abolition of slavery was hard to bear at the time, but by taking away their help it made them depend on their own labor and energy. The north has aided the south in coming to a state of industry and enterprise. And now as brother and sister, of one parent, our glorious country, we should rejoice in this goodly heritage of one member of our family, be glad of her advantages of climate, material resources and native talent; yet, sorrow with her over what she lacks either by misfortune or by nature. And as we sweep our thought over the wide-spreading roof of our Fatherland, feel that our hearts throb responsive to any thrill from any section - north, south, east or west; and with the glorious Webster feel that though many-voiced, we are but one heart.
Loud and continued applause greeted her at the conclusion of the reading. Numerous elegant bouquets and baskets of fruit and flowers were received.
A song and chorus, "Out in the Starlight," was rendered by the choir. As usual, the performance was applauded.
At this stage of the entertainment Prof. D. S. Keith, superintendent of the city schools, stepped upon the stage and presented the graduates with their diplomas in a short speech of congratulation and encouragement. He expressed the hope that whatever course they took, they might honor these diplomas as the diplomas had honored them.
Mr. Frank Delo delivered the valedictory address, taking as his subject, "Man's Power."
The orator commenced his effort by speaking of man's inherent power, he being the only creature having power to improve its own condition. Man being sent by the Creator to govern, he cannot be other than a great and powerful being, physically, mentally and morally. This power is exemplified by the great pain which he can bear. Martyrs and wounded soldiers were used as illustrations. Man's power may be developed under proper training. From man's thinking, reasoning and imagining have resulted many achievements in literature and the arts and sciences. Men like Newton, Herschel, Raphael, Angelo, James Watt and others were held up as men powerful in their respective spheres of labor. The result of man's power in mind and body enables him to exert a great influence either for good or for evil. The great influence for good exerted by Howard and other philanthropists cannot be over-rated. Every man is the centre from which innumerable radii of good or ill extend; thoughts, words, actions - all react upon some other lives, and, living or dead, a man truly has a great influence. It is said that the waves of sound once set in motion undulate forever, and it may as truly be said that the chords of a human life once struck - whether by the friend or enemy of man - must resound through all time, and it may be to eternity. If then "all our actions touch the strings of human life;" if man is thus gifted in moral, mental and physical attributes, let him comport himself as should God's noblest work. Let him arise in his might, put his shoulder to the wheel of truth which is crushing out the foul shapes of the land, lift his voice in the cause of the oppressed and down-trodden, use the talents of which he is the steward and then, however circumscribed his sphere, he will not have lived in vain.
In the valedictory proper the young gentleman said farewell to superintendent, principal, teachers, classmates and friends. He delivered his address in a confident and successful manner, receiving an abundance of flowers and an elegantly bound book.
Instrumental music was rendered in an artistic manner by the same quartette, who appeared earlier in the entertainment. The audience vigorously applauded and recalled the performers, who executed another piece of music.
Rev. A. K. Bell delivered the address to the class. He gave some sage advice which, if adhered to, will work for good in their later years. He outlined the principles of success, and showed how they might be applied. The success is gained in coming to the cross of Christ. Here might be learned the true wisdom. Then work, hard, continuous work is a necessity in the case. He admonished them to follow the example of Paul, who said, "This one thing I do." The reverend gentleman's address was full of strong thought and hard common sense, and was vigorously applauded.
The choir sang "Alpine Song" so prettily that they were enthusiastically encored.
The audience was dismissed with the benediction by Rev. Dr. Bell. The graduates received congratulations from friends and acquaintances at the conclusion of the exercises.
The TRIBUNE reporter acknowledges an elegantly arranged and decorated floral basket, presented by Mr. J. Cloyd Kreider, of the opera house management. It reflects great credit on his abilities as a florist.
An Incident of the McConaghy - Brown Murder.
EDS. TRIBUNE: The story of the murder of the Brown family, retold by "Jason," your Cassville correspondent, will send the old sickening sensation through the minds of the older residents of this county and bring again to recollection the details of that probably the most stupendous crime in the history of American jurisprudence. Your present writer distinctly remembers the old man Brown, having on more than one occasion examined his ear from which the lobe was shot away, and have heard him tell the story of his escape and relate the seemingly trivial circumstance (omitted by "Jason") to which he owed his life: Slung upon his back he carried a frying pan, which turned harmlessly aside the bullet fired from the first rifle. Surprised, he turned, facing the barn, and saw the murderer's face simultaneously with the flash of the second rifle, and at the same instant he heard the whizzing bullet as it ploughed its way through his ear, missing its mark only by a very slight deflection. Had McConaghy succeeded in killing the old man, the remainder of the plot would have been easily carried out, which was to pile the bodies in the house and then fire the premises, thus obliterating the marks of the crime and making the whole appear as an accident. The second family of Brown are now living in Fulton county; a son of McConaghy lives near the scene of the murder, and some of the more superstitious people declare that the uneasy wrath of the departed Robert still lingers near the spot, which he once reddened with innocent blood. - A. J HAMILTON. Cassville, May 5, 1882.
Reorganization of the Board - Address by Mr. William McGarvey.
A meeting of the Logan township school board was held at Fairview school house, Logan township, Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Calvert, being the oldest member of the board, retired. Mr. Wm. McGarvey, a member of the old as well as the new board, delivered a lengthy address, after which Mr. Charles Copelin was admitted as one of the board. William Lowden was re-elected president, Charles Copelin secretary, Max Kinkead treasurer and H. Al. McGraw collector of taxes. The school tax was laid at ten mills and the school term was fixed at seven months. Mr. McGarvey's address is here given:
GENTLEMEN: We have met here to-day for the purpose of reviewing the work done in the common schools of Logan township during the school year just past, and to sever the ties of membership with one who has longer than any other of the present members constituted one of the board, and also to receive and welcome to our board, instead of the outgoing members, two new ones, hoping that they may prove to be faithful workers for the best interests of the schools. We must attribute a large part to the enterprising spirit of Mr. Calvert since he has been a member of the board. The largest number of our best houses have been built with all their fine adjuncts. Although he met with much opposition from outsiders who little knew or understood the needs of education, yet he pressed on, knowing his course was a laudable one, next to religion, the highest and noblest that man has to deal with in this life; nor did be seem to care for the gain of praise, but seemingly his motive was to benefit education and discharge the duties that the citizens of the township had entrusted to him, and I do believe, gentlemen, that Mr. Calvert has discharged his duty in all fidelity as a director of the public schools.
Now, gentlemen, I have been a member of this board with you during the past, becoming personally acquainted with you all in your public and private characters, and believe you all have that earnest desire to promote your true interest in the school work. We are certainly a progressing township in the public school work. Within the past three years we have added four new district school houses to our number, what we call the Loudon, the German or Crawford school and the Oak Grove near the ore bank, and also a primary school in Collinsville. At the present, gentlemen, I believe we number nineteen schools and I boast that we have the best school property and best arranged in the county, and pay the highest salaries for teachers of any other township in the county. My brothers do not think I am given to boasting. I believe it all to be true that I have said or I would not have said so. Gentlemen, we are a progressive people; we are improving the natural advantages which our situation affords us; we have been doing all we could do for the cultivation of the intellectual and moral powers of ourselves and our children. Nature has been as bountiful to us as to any other people in giving our children genius and capacity. It is then our duty and interest as directors and citizens to cultivate these capacities and render them serviceable to themselves and to the community at large. Gentlemen our only hope for better things and better morals is in the rising generation. We do want teachers of good, moral habits and who will teach them in the school room and set the pupils the example. If the bud be blasted the tree will yield no fruit; if the springing corn be cut down there will be no harvest; so if the youth be ruined through a fault in their education the community sustains a loss which cannot be repaired, for it is too late to correct them when they are spoiled. Notwithstanding the great care of our legislators in enacting laws and enforcing them by severe penalties, there are in places a great and criminal neglect of education which is enough to make every good thinking man and woman feel and mourn the loss of it.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, June 8, 1882, page 1
Mr. George Fay, gunsmith, resides on Third avenue, between Twenty-first and Twenty-second streets. His shop is situated at the rear of the lot. On Monday morning when he opened the door it did not take more than one look to convince him that somebody had been there during the previous night. Everything was in confusion and considerable property missing, including three revolvers, three brass padlocks, powder and powder horn, caps, etc. The burglars had taken a pane of glass out of a rear window and thus effected an entrance. Once in they broke all the locks in the place but one, which was too strong for them. Mr. Fay is of the opinion that the damage was done by a couple of boys who had been lurking about the place for several days. He would not make any estimate of his loss.
The Old Circumscribed Square Succeeds the "Thirteen - Fourteen - Fifteen."
About the time that the mania over the "Thirteen-Fourteen-Fifteen" puzzle began to abate some one brought to light the old puzzle of the bisected circumscribed square. As everyone had just recovered from a month or so of headache, the square attracted comparatively little attention and what little interest had been excited in it died away. Now, however, after the lapse of two years, it has struck Louisville, Ky., and may be said to be epidemic there and in the neighboring towns. It seems that Professor Tobin, of the Louisville Polytechnic school, started the craze, whether innocently or maliciously the local papers do not surmise. Sitting at a hotel table the other day he drew on the back of his bill of fare the following figure:

To some interested companions at the table Professor Tobin said: "Now, the object is to trace this figure of the circumscribed square without removing the pencil from the paper or retracing any one of the lines." When asked if it could be done the professor's pencil flew around and there, before their eyes, was another figure of similar construction. As most of those at the table were waiting to be served they tried their wits at the task, none succeeding. There is something about a human being that leads him to persist in trying to get at the root of a mystery, and as he will "seek the bubble reputation e'en in the cannon's mouth," so will he chase a trifling butterfly over a precipice or split his skull against the jagged corners of a geometrical figure. From the hotel table the square craze got upon the street and into private houses and it now threatens to drive all Kentucky into the mad house or the legislature.
Laying the Corner Stone.
In accordance with previous notice the corner stone of the new Methodist Episcopal church, at Hollidaysburg, was laid Tuesday afternoon with appropriate ceremonies, in presence of a large audience representing every part of the county. The services were in charge of Rev. J. H McGarrah, who announced hymn 861, after which Rev. George Warren, a former pastor of the church, delivered a fervent prayer. Rev. Jesse Bowman Young was then introduced and in a brief but admirably worded address congratulated the Methodists of Hollidaysburg upon the progress indicated by the services of the hour. Rev. W. M. Frysinger, D. D., followed in one of his wisely humorous addresses which put the audience in a capital humor to respond favorably to the old fashioned Methodictic collection which followed. The service appointed for such occasions was then read by Rev. A. D. Yocum, who closed with prayer. The stone was then placed in its appointed place, after which the benediction was pronounced by Rev. J. W. Haughawout. The corner stone is of brown stone from Trenton, N. J., and was the gift of Thomas Keenan and Allen Babcock. The following articles were placed therein: MORNING TRIBUNE, Hollidaysburg Register, Democratic Standard, Christian Advocate, Conference News, Hymnal, New Testament, Book of Discipline, specimens of fractional currency, twenty-five cents, dated 1876, presented by Kitty Lindsey; specie from one cent to ten, presented by David Over; five dollar bill, presented by Joseph Patton. Finally among the things for which the Methodist people of Hollidaysburg are profoundly grateful is the liberality of members of sister churches.
A Couple of Slight Accidents.
Dennis Kennedy, a laborer in the company's upper blacksmith shop, who helps at one of the forge hammers, met with an ugly accident Tuesday forenoon, though the consequences were not as serious as they might have been, owing to his remarkable agility. While pulling a red hot bloom from the forge with a pair of tongs, the tongs slipped off, and falling backward, he sat down on a pile of red hot blooms immediately behind where he stood. In order to get up from his warm seat be unconsciously used his hands and they were painfully burned, as well as the part which first came in contact with the metal.
Jacob Shew, employed in the cabinet department at the lower shops, was working at a hand-saw Tuesday morning, when he attempted to reach around the saw to pick up a piece of material. Unfortunately his hand came into contact with the saw and the first three fingers were badly ripped, the tendons being cut in the one next to the little finger. The company physician attended him at his residence, Eleventh street, between Chestnut and Howard avenues.
Hurt on the Rail.
A man named Michael O'Brian was seriously injured at the Pennsylvania railroad station in Johnstown on Tuesday evening. He had gone from East Conemaugh to Johnstown for the purpose of witnessing the ceremonies incident to the decoration of the soldiers' graves, and about 7 o'clock tried to board a freight train at the station for the purpose of riding back home. He was not in first-class condition, however, and failed to grasp the hand hold properly - the result being that he was thrown violently onto the road bed. The shoe on his left foot was caught by the wheels and torn off, and the leg was broken at the thigh.
A Woman and a Girl Ground to Death on the Rail.
Monday morning Mrs. John Mentzer, who resided between Lily's and Ben's Creek, started along the railroad track to the store of Mrs. Leap, intending to make some purchases for her family. A little girl named Montgomery, about 12 years of age, who had been gathering coal along the track, and who had ran over to see the Mentzer family, accompanied Mrs. Mentzer, intending to resume her occupation. They walked on the south track. When near Mentzer's coal bank, and at a sharp curve, they stepped to the opposite track to avoid a coal train east. It was about 10 o'clock a. m., and the Pacific west was due. The noise made by the passing freight drowned the sound of the approaching Pacific, nor did they hear the shrill warning of the engineer, who saw them too late to stop his train. Mrs. Mentzer was thrown under the coal train and was instantly killed. The little girl was knocked into the ditch by the side of the track, receiving fatal injuries. The mangled bodies of the dead woman and the still breathing child were tenderly gathered up and carried to their respective homes. The child died about noon. We were unable to learn the age of Mrs. Mentzer but are informed that she leaves five children, the youngest about six months of age. Her maiden name was Calhoun and her parents were former residents of Duncansville. At that place the burial took place Wednesday afternoon. Our informant states that Mr. Mentzer is confined to his bed and was too ill to take a last look at his wife.
Fatal Burning Near Shade Gap.
The Huntingdon Semi Weekly News says: "For the past four weeks Frank, aged 14 years, a son of William Murphy, of Dublin township, and his brother, were engaged in peeling bark on a tract of land belonging to John Minnick, esq., near Shade Gap, this county. On Thursday night last, after a hard day's work, the brothers retired to their shanty and went to sleep on a bed of leaves. Near midnight the hut took fire, and in extricating themselves Frank was badly scorched. They succeeded in reaching the residence of Mr. Alexander Vaughn, and were taken in. Frank lingered until next morning, when death ended his sufferings. His brother, who was badly burned about the face and hands in trying to rescue Frank, still lives, though his condition is critical. The sad occurrence has cast a gloom throughout the entire community, and the sympathy of all is tendered the stricken family."
Afflicted With Hemorrhages.
Mr. William A. Bloom, a young man connected with the business department of the Evening Call, was attending the high school commencement exercises in the opera house on Friday evening, when he had a severe hemorrhage of the lungs. He was assisted to the office of Dr. Fulton, and the proper remedies applied. After the flow of blood had ceased he was conveyed in a carriage to the residence of Mr. E. B. Haines, where he boards. On Saturday morning he suffered from two very copious hemorrhages, and his condition was so serious that Dr. Fulton called Dr. A. S. Smith to his assistance. Mr. Bloom has been in the city about a year. He is a member of the First Lutheran church and of the Young Men's Christian association, and is said to be an exemplary young gentleman.
The New School Board.
The first regular meeting of the school board for the ensuing year was held Monday evening in the office of the superintendent of schools. The following officers were elected and committees appointed for the ensuing year:
Mr. John P. Levan, president; Rev. Mr. Allan Sheldon Woodle, secretary; Mr. Theodore H. Wigton, treasurer.
Committee on Building and Furniture - A. F. Heess, J. N. Barr, A. S. Woodle.
Committee on Finance - William Murray, Thomas Cole, J. P. Levan.
Committee on Building - A. F. Heess, J. N. Barr, Thomas Cole, J. P. Levan, D. S. Keith.
The president appointed the following visiting directors: First ward, Thomas Cole; Second and Eighth wards, J. N. Barr; Third ward, William Murray; Fourth ward, A. F. Heess; Fifth and Sixth wards, A. S. Woodle; Seventh ward, J. P. Levan.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, June 8, 1882, page 2
A new organ makes melody in the Bellwood Methodist Episcopal church.
The Bellwood postoffice is to be made a money order office on or about the 1st of July.
Woodward township, Clearfield county, has been divided into three election districts.
Does your cow keep late hours? If so, shut her up before her morals are hopelessly corrupted.
The fifth annual picnic of the Pennsylvania railroad passenger brakemen will be held at Silver Lake Grove, Tuesday, June 20.
Thomas McCloskey, a carpenter, died at Houtzdale on Sunday of small-pox. He is A brother of F. A. McCloskey, carpenter, of this city.
District Attorney Hicks has had the misfortune to lose ten of his sheep within the last ten days. He thinks the unseasonable weather gave them cold.
Our old friend, R. B. Gemmill and his wife, formerly of this city, but now of Kansas, passed through Altoona on Saturday morning on an eastern trip.
Last month the receipts at the mayor's office exceeded that of any month since Mayor Howard entered on his duties. $100 were received for warrants of survey and $175 for fines, permits, etc.
Maudie L., infant daughter of Coe S. and Jennie Taylor, died at 5:30 o'clock last evening from spasms, brought on by an attack of pneumonia. The little one was aged 8 months and 4 days.
Rev. J. A. DeMoyer, of Ashland, Pa., has been spending a couple of days in Hollidaysburg and this city visiting old friends. Mr. DeMoyer has entirely recovered his health and is as vigorous as of yore.
Two of the children of Rev. J. A. J. Williams, of Roaring Spring, have been admitted to the soldiers' orphan school at McAllisterville, Juniata county, through the exertions of Colonel Theodore Burchfield.
Mr. S. C. Long, who is employed as a clerk in Mr. George McCormick's coal yard, received a telegram Tuesday morning informing him of the sudden death of his father, Matthew Long, at his home, Tyrone Forges.
A correspondent from Roaring Spring wishes it plainly understood that it was the Roaring Spring drum corps that played at that place on Decoration day and not an Altoona drum corps, as stated by our regular correspondent.
Mr. William A. Magee, a young man well known in this city, has been appointed general secretary of the Young Men's Christian association of the United States. He will enter upon his duties on the 15th instant at Auburn, New York.
The right of way for the Pine Creek railway at one point was through a Presbyterian church. The congregation granted a right of way only upon a condition that the church be moved to another lot, painted and frescoed and the roof tinned.
Last week Dr. Buck performed a difficult operation in removing a cancer from the left breast of Mrs. Philip Gabriel, who lives on Fifth avenue and Sixth street. The entire breast was removed to insure the success of the operation. The patient is doing well.
On Saturday a case of small-pox in Millville was reported to the township authorities. The sufferer is an employe of the Altoona iron works and boarded at Cassiday's boarding house close by. Sunday afternoon he was removed to the pest house on the county farm.
The planet Mercury, whose orbit is so near the sun that it is rarely visible, can now be seen in the evening near Venus. Copernicus died at the age of 80 years, with but one regret, and that was that he had never seen Mercury's rosy light. Let none miss the unwonted sight.
State Superintendent Higbee directs county superintendents to issue no teacher's certificates to applicants who do not deserve to be marked higher than four or five in every branch mentioned on the professional certificate. This is intended to crowd out of the profession inefficient teachers.
D. J. Neff, esq., and his wife contemplate making an extended tour through the west, going as far as Dakota. They will probably leave on Tuesday evening and may be gone two or three months. We echo the voice of the numerous friends of Mr. Neff and his estimable wife in wishing them a pleasant journey and a safe return.
In the proper place will be found the card of James A. Bobb, of Martinsburg, announcing himself as a candidate for sheriff, subject to republican rules. Mr. Bobb is a consistent republican, a good citizen and a gentleman in every sense of the word. Should he receive the nomination he would go in by a large majority and would make a courteous and efficient officer.
Mr. Frank McCoy, president of the Newry town council, visited the city last week coming by way of the plank road behind his blooded trotter, Rozinante. He loaded up with carpets, groceries, etc., and returned home the same evening. His nag is a noble looking animal, but it looked as if it had been perspiring when we saw it curveting up the avenue.
A year-old child of Lou and Mary Rollin died on Saturday morning of congestion of the lungs. Another child several years older is also dangerously ill with the same disease. The many friends of the family deeply sympathize with the bereaved parents. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the parents' residence, Eleventh avenue, near Ninth street.
Sophie Hatmburg [sic], a young Swedish girl who has presided over the destinies of Mr. Conrad Behm's Eleventh avenue restaurant for the past couple of years, was married, at Glen White, Wednesday, to Otto Erickson, a young Swedish coal miner employed in the Glen White mines. Rev. Henry Baker performed the ceremony. Sophie, her groom and attendants visited the city yesterday afternoon, and received the congratulations of their friends.
There was a slight fire in a small frame dwelling house on Fifth avenue, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, Tuesday morning about 11 o'clock. Mr. J. R. Burtnett, who was working nearby, discovered it and with the help of John Marks the fire was put out with a few buckets of water without calling out the fire department. The fire caught from a defective flue.
Dr. Fulton went to York, his former home, on Saturday in a response to a telegram informing him that his brother was in a precarious condition from burns received a few days ago. Dr. Fulton's father and brother live on a farm near York. A few days ago their barn was struck by lightning and burned down. While endeavoring to save the stock the doctor's brother was severely burned.
The railroad company's test room, which is in charge of Mr. John Cloud, has been removed from the wooden building which it has occupied for a long time to the new brick building on the corner of Twelfth street and Ninth avenue, where it will be permanently located. The rooms assigned to the test department have been fitted up in a very complete manner, and will excite the admiration of every visitor.
The buildings near the opera house, formerly occupied as a gas-fitting establishment by G. M. Stewart, are being rapidly demolished to make room for a substantial brick building, three stories in height and twenty-five feet in front, running back seventy feet. The first story will be used for store rooms, while the second will be divided into apartments for offices. The third story will be used as a hall for lodge or social organizations.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alexander, of this city, Monday celebrated their 77th birthday. Robert and Mary Alexander were both born on the 5th day of June, 1805. They celebrated their golden wedding three years ago, and have five living children, John, Milton, D. Orr, William and Miss Kate. The couple are hale and hearty and bid fair to celebrate their diamond wedding. That they may do so is the wish of their many friends.
Burglarious Cows.
The cow as an adjunct of civilization is a success. She furnishes great comfort to the human family and when confining herself strictly to business cannot be complained of by any reasonable person. But when the cow wanders around the city streets after nightfall; when, at the midnight hour, she opens garden gates and proceeds to devastate the laboriously planted garden, destroying in a few ruthless moments the work of many anxious and toilsome hours; when she does this sort of thing then the cow becomes an unmitigated nuisance. We presume it would be unkind to complain of the multiplicity with which the cow meanders over our streets during the day time. They can do but little damage during the hours when people are awake and about. But at night it is different. After respectable people have gone to bed the burglariously inclined cow gets in her work. We have known recent instances in which the cow, instead of going to bed and behaving herself, has gone to work to open garden gates, and often succeeding has taken special pains to leave the garden and the good wife's flower beds a howling wilderness. In fact there seems to be a widely extended plot on the part of the cow population to spoliate the gardens, which can only be frustrated by the most determined action on the part of the authorities. Seriously, we think some measure ought to be adopted by the proper officers compelling the owners of cows to keep them off the streets at night. One would suppose that absolute freedom to go where they please for sixteen hours out of the twenty-four ought to be ample and that no great hardship would follow their seclusion during the night.
In Memoriam.
Departed this life in this city May 31, at 8.30 o'clock p. m., Third avenue, between First and Second streets, Abigail O. Law, aged 23 years, 3 months and 14 days. Her maiden name was Brallier. She was married on the 22d of last September to John H. Law. Abigail was one of those amiable persons whom to know was to love. She became a follower of her Savior in her younger years, and when her modest, retiring nature was graced by Christian virtues she became one of those model Christians who are the glory of the church, the pride of a neighborhood and the comfort of friends. She lived a happy life and died a peaceful death. During her lingering sickness no word of complaint escaped her lips. She continued sensible to the last and made suitable selections for the funeral ceremonies, and requested the friends to tell the attending physicians that she believed they did all for her that human skill could prescribe. She was attended by Drs. Brehman, Ewing and Bulick. We condole with the bereft and smitten friends, for we painfully feel that their loss is great, but a balm is left - the comforting assurance that it is well for her.
"Wherefore weep? Her matchless spirit soars beyond,
Where splendid shines the orb of day.
And weeping angels lead her to their bower,
Where endless pleasures virtue's deeds repay."
The funeral will take place this afternoon at 4 o'clock from her late residence.
Dunkards Divided.
At a meeting of the Dunkards or German Baptists of Western Pennsylvania held near Mt. Pleasant last week, the leading question discussed was the dress and manners of the church. A number of the members and delegates are in favor of dropping the old styles of dress and customs common to the church in past years, while a majority of the delegates favored an adherence to the old rules. The discussion was quite animated. H. R. Blosinger, editor of the Progressive Christian, published at Berlin, Pa., was rejected as a delegate on the ground of his throwing off the old customs and favoring the modern dress and manners. The result of the meeting was a temporary split in the church, which, when added to the similar troubles in other states, may end in a total division. This question very likely came before the annual meeting of the church at Milford, Indiana, on May 30. The delegates numbered about seventy-five and the attendance over 300.
The Masher.
Published by request, and dedicated to the "gang" of "mashers" who sit on steps along Eleventh avenue on Sundays and watch us girls going to and from Sunday school and church.
"What is that, mother?"
"A masher, dear;
You may always find it standing here.
Posed on the corner of the street,
Proudly displaying its tiny feet;
Twirling its little ten cent cane;
And stupefying its tender brain
With the smoke of a paper cigarette -
Don't touch it, dear, it was raised a pet."
"Will it bite, mother?"
"Well, I should shout;
It will bite free lunch for all that's out."
"Well, why doesn't Barnum buy the thing
And tie it up with a piece of string?
No other monkey in all his show
Would prove such a drawing card, I know,
But for me, I'd chew gum all my life
Rather than be a masher's wife."
- Youngstown Free Press.
Three Accidents.
Friday forenoon Dan Boyer, a plumber, was in a ditch outside of the walls of the company's new lathe shop tapping a water pipe, when a brick descended from the wall and struck him on the back of the head. Although a large aperture was made in his cranium Boyer resumed work in a few minutes.
Friday afternoon a young man named Jones, employed in the company's boiler shop, was helping to push a boiler from that shop, to Foreman Ford's department, when he was caught between the boiler and the door of the shop. The boiler was on a truck and was being pushed with such force that the obstruction caused it to raise up from the truck. Jones was badly hurt on the right hip, and it was supposed by his companions very seriously but an examination made by the company physician disclosed the gratifying fact that no bones had been broken and no serious internal injuries sustained.
Willie Stewart, aged 14 years, a son of Judge Stewart, met with an accident Friday afternoon which might have crippled him. Willie is employed at Baltzell & Rouss' store and had taken a trunk to the baggage room in a hand-wagon used at the store to deliver goods. In pushing the wagon up to the baggage room it struck against the iron fence, the jar knocking the heavy trunk out. The trunk knocked the boy down and fell partly on him. It is very heavy and it is a wonder that none of the lad's limbs were broken, though he was seriously hurt.
An Altoona Man Dies in Chicago from Small-pox.
Friday afternoon Mrs. Henry Milton received a telegram from Chicago which conveyed the dreadful tidings that her husband had died from small-pox the night previous. The information was sent by Dr. Oscar C. De Wolf, commissioner of health. Mr. Henry Milton was a boiler maker by trade and worked in the railroad shops in this city until about two months ago, when he went to Chicago to work in the shops of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago railroad. He was stricken down with small-pox, and was admitted to the hospital conducted by the Sisters of Mercy, May 20. Through the kindness of the city and hospital authorities and Mr. Milton's shop friends his family in this city had been in receipt of daily telegrams informing them of his condition, and in consequence were not altogether unprepared for this last sad message. The remains were buried in a Catholic cemetery in Chicago yesterday in accordance with instructions sent. The deceased was about 40 years of age. His wife and seven little children reside on Seventh avenue between Third and Fourth street. Mrs. Milton is a sister of Mr. John Lee, of the company's tin shop and also of Mr. Peter Lee, telegraph operator.
An Accident at the Gas Works.
About 10 o'clock Friday morning the large tank or gas holder situated in the lot adjoining the residence of Gas Superintendent Cole and directly across the avenue from the gas works broke from the iron posts which surrounded it and careening to one side sank into the basis in which it floats. The recent rain is in a manner responsible for the accident as the basin became so full of water that it floated the holder so high that the bottom of it went above the guide or roller on one side and caught there. At the hour mentioned the quantity of gas in the holder was materially decreased, but the immense tank being caught on one side on the guide couldn't descend into the basin, and the entire weight was thrown on the iron posts. Every one of them was broken off at the base. The holder is called No. 3 and was erected several years ago by Morris, Tasker & Co., of Philadelphia. Its capacity is 45,000 cubic feet, though there was only 40,000 cubic feet in when the accident occurred. The holder will be hung up again in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime there will be no scarcity of gas, as the other two holders across the avenue are able to supply the entire city with gas for three months.
Two Brothers' Serious Illness.
Frederick and Stockett Kent, brothers, who came to this city some months ago to learn trades in the lower railroad shops, were both stricken down with the measles about one month ago. They boarded with Mr. Fettinger, on Eighth avenue, and lodged at Mr. Black's, just across the street. After they had almost recovered from the measles the brothers resumed their duties in the shops, but were soon compelled to return to their beds with a relapse, which brought on inflammatory rheumatism and dropsy. Their parents, who reside in Maryland, arrived here about ten days ago and made preparations to have the boys taken home. Stockett, the elder, was able to go a couple of days ago, but the condition of Frederick is more serious. Tuesday he was carried to the station, and in company with his father and mother left on day express, with the intention of stopping at Mauch Chunk, where a married sister resides.
Our City Band.
From the Huntingdon Journal: "During a pop visit to the Mountain City on Friday last we had the pleasure of seeing Jule Neff's Altoona City band dressed in its best bib and tucker and hearing it discoursing some of its choicest music. The uniform, consisting of white coat, richly trimmed in gold, blue pants, helmet hats with snow white, waving plumes, is the handsomest and richest looking that we have ever seen, and when worn by the good looking members of the band is simply gorgeous. As a musical organization this band is famous both at home and abroad, and Altoonians have just cause to be proud of it. As there are several native Huntingdonians in this band, namely, Professor Jule Neff, Messrs. Ed. Snyder, N. F. Cunningham and Andy Clabaugh, we have rather a warm feeling for it and are proud of its success."
The Triennial Assessment.
This is the year of the triennial assessment, and not only are the assessors interested in making assessments but the people who have property to assess have an interest in seeing that the work is correctly and properly done. The last triennial assessment was made in 1880, some six months too late, from some misunderstanding of Attorney General Palmer's instructions or a wrong construction on his part of the law. It should have been in November or December of 1879, instead of the early part of 1880, hence the necessity of making it during the above named months in this year and getting things in shape for making return to the state department prior to March 1, 1883.
Change of Time.
On and after Monday, June 5, trains will leave Altoona as follows:
Western express, 4.25 a. m.; Philadelphia express, 8.30 a. m.; mail train 3.50 p. m.; New York and Chicago limited express, 5.40 p. m.; fast line, 7.40 p. m.; Altoona accommodation, 7.45 a. m.; Johnstown express, 7.46 p. m.
Fast line, 12.25 a. m.; New York and Chicago limited express, 11.00 a. m.; Johnstown express, 7.40 a. m.; day express, 12.25 p. m.; mail train, 2.25 p. m.; mail express, 6.45 p. m.
Hollidaysburg trains leave Altoona at 7.35 and 8.35 a. m.; 2.30, 5.05 and 7.40 p. m., and arrive at 7.35 and 11.35 a. m. and 1.20, 6.40 and 7.30 p. m.
Death of Mrs. Catharine Lantz.
For years past Mrs. Catharine Lantz, widow of John Lantz, has made her home in the family of her son-in-law, Mr. John M. Burket, who resides in Logan township, just across the railroad from Dempsey's farm. On Thursday evening the old lady retired to bed in apparent good health, having eaten a hearty supper, but when her grand daughter attempted to awaken her after 7 o'clock Friday morning, she was startled to find her cold in death. The family physician, Dr. Buck, was sent for immediately and the coroner was also notified. About 10 o'clock the coroner, his physician, Dr. W. M. Findley, and Dr. Buck arrived and an inquest was held, which resulted in a verdict that Mrs. Lantz' death was the result of natural causes. Mrs. Lantz had lived in the house where she died about twenty-eight years, and enjoyed an extensive acquaintance and was universally esteemed throughout the township. She was a consistent member of the First Lutheran church of this city. Had she lived she would have been 67 years of age the 17th of this month. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Burket, and seven sons. One of the latter, J. M. Lantz, resides in this city, Rev. J. Max Lantz is located at Lock Haven, one lives in Johnstown, two in Richmond, Indiana, and two in Youngstown, Ohio. The funeral took place from Mr. Burket's residence at 4 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. Interment in Hutchinson's grave-yard.
The funeral of Mrs. Catharine Lantz took place Sunday afternoon from the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. John Burket, in Logan township, and was attended by a large concourse of friends and neighbors. Her son Rev. J. Max Lantz, of Lock Haven and all of the other sons were present, two of them coming from Richmond, Indiana, two from Youngstown, Ohio, and one from Johnstown. Rev. Henry Baker, of the First Lutheran church, conducted the service at the house making an address from the text found in Second Corinthians, v. i.
His remarks were full of hope and tenderness. He had long known her as a devout and attentive member of the First Lutheran church and had observed in her those qualities which adorn the true Christian woman. For fifty years she had been a member of the Lutheran church, and the good deeds and pious conduct of those years would meet with the reward that God promises to those who love and serve Him. The casket containing the remains was then taken up and borne to Hutchinson's burying ground. A silver plate on the casket bearing the inscription "Our Mother" was encircled by a beautiful floral wreath. No resident of the township was held in higher esteem than Mrs. Lantz, and her true worth was evidenced by the great numbers who paid their last respects to the remains.
An Engineer Killed.
From Friday's Bellefonte News: "This morning an accident occurred at Valentine's ore bank which resulted in the death of Mr. Theodore Kelley, the engineer. Mr. Kelley was compelled to be absent from his post of duty on Thursday while attending the funerals of his father and his aunt, whose deaths had recently occurred. He went to work this morning as usual. Suddenly, however, the eccentric rod of the engine, which had become too hot, swung violently around, striking him on the head, and inflicting such severe injuries that he lived only a few minutes.
"Mr. Kelley was a trusted employe and had served as engineer for a long time. He was about 35 years of age. He leaves a wife and two children."
Decisions of the Supreme Court.
The supreme court sitting at Harrisburg rendered the following decisions in Blair county cases on last Friday. The first case acted on was Baker's appeal. This case grew out of the distribution of money realized from the sheriff's sale of real estate of Thomas McCauley, deceased. The money was claimed by the Second Presbyterian church of this city, and also by the creditors of Peter Herdic, of Williamsport. Judge Dean rendered a decision in favor of the Herdic creditors, and an appeal from his decision was taken to the supreme court, where the decision was affirmed. Mr. Blair represented the church, while Mr. Hewit and a couple of Williamsport lawyers represented the Herdic creditors.
The next case decided was that of Isett & Stoke versus the First National insurance company. Messrs. Isett and Stoke's saw mill, situated in Clearfield county was destroyed by fire and the insurance company resisted payment of a policy issued on it, claiming that their agent, J. D. Hicks had received notice from them to have the policy cancelled. The owners of the mill, however, did not receive the notice until after the mill had been burned down. Judge Dean gave judgment for the amount of the policy. An appeal was taken and judgment affirmed by the supreme court. Alexander and Herr for Isett and Stoke; Neff and Mervine for the insurance company.
The next case is known as Hutchinson's appeal. This is the famous Sixteenth street case, in which the city of Altoona sought to have Messrs. Tierney, Rockett and Hutchinson remove the building which they erected on Sixteenth street near Eleventh avenue. Both Mr. Tierney and Mr. Rockett are now dead, but Mr. Hutchinson had purchased their interest in the property and was the only defendant before the Blair county court. Judge Dean issued an order that the building should be removed, but Hutchinson took an appeal. The supreme court affirmed the judgment of the lower court. Mr. Dively and City Solicitor Herr represented the city and Messrs. Blair, Riley, Neff and Mervine represented Hutchinson et al.
In the case of Malone's appeal the decision of the lower court was affirmed. Blair for appellant and Balbridge [Baldridge] for appellee.
The case of A. Ake vs. C. C. Mason is the only other case taken from Blair county to the supreme court this year, and it has not yet been decided. It will be observed that in every instance the rulings of Judge Dean have been affirmed by the supreme court, a result which must be gratifying to his honor as it certainly is very creditable.
JENNINGS - BOWMAN. - On May 30, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. H. Baker, Mr. Robert C. Jennings to Miss Cornelia Bowman, both of Altoona.
ERIKSON - HOLLENBERG. - May 31, by the same [Rev. H. Baker], Mr. Otto Erikson to Miss Sophia Hollenberg, both of Sweden.
HEWITT - HARNBRIGHT. - At the residence of Mr. Bursler, on May 25, by Rev. A. D. Yocum, Mr. Edward C. Hewitt, of Altoona, to Miss Sadie Harnbright, of McVeytown.
HANES - SHROM. - On the 1st inst., by Rev. G. D. Penepacker, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Martin H. Hanes, of Tyrone, to Miss Mary L. Shrom, of Bellefonte.
SETTLE - FALKNER. - On the 4th inst., at Martinsburg, by S. Wolf, Mr. Jeremiah Settle, of Bedford county, to Miss Maggie Falkner, of Blair county, Pa.
GLENN - ICKES. - On the 31st ult., by Rev. Jesse Bowman Young, Mr. Charles P. Glenn, of Altoona, and Miss Harriet N. Ickes, of Philipsburg.
BENN. - In this city. June 1, 1882, Florence Bertha, daughter of John Benn, aged 1 year and 10 days.
TROUT. - In this city, June 1, 1882, Mary C., infant daughter of A. J. and Ada Trout.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, June 8, 1882, page 3
What Our Correspondent Gathered Up During the Week.
Candidate A. B. Stewart's horse died on Sunday of old age.
Shantytown has a little girl who is the proud owner of six nice toes on one foot.
An inmate of the almshouse, 84 years of age, died on Thursday evening from cancer on the face.
David Lindsay, brother of C. G. and R. Lindsay, has returned to visit the home of his youth, which he left forty years ago.
Ed. Feigh, a Cove farmer, mourns the loss of a pet fox, which slipped its chain and then slipped to its hole in the rocks.
Overcoats were a luxury on Sunday. We know several who shed their flannel under garments on the 1st of June that soon crept into them again.
C. C. Hewit's little daughter on Tuesday evening fell from the hay loft of Col. Lemon's stable, but fortunately escaped with but little injury.
Robert Widensall and Henry Charles, both old Hollidaysburgers and both residents of Omaha, Nebraska, for the past eighteen years, are visiting friends in this place.
Burgess Lowry has moved to the Brua building on Allegheny street and now has one of the best located offices in town. Persons contemplating getting married will please note the change.
The committee on permanent certificates for Blair county will hold a meeting in the Gaysport school house on June. Applicants of the highest honors in the county will pass before that body on that day.
Constable Waite, of Frankstown, Thursday took the unfortunate James Hiland to the almshouse. He was in the same demented condition he was some years ago when he attempted to take his own life by cutting his throat.
A married woman at McKee's also got tired of living and on Tuesday morning went into the stable and was making arrangements to suspend herself by the neck, when she was discovered and prevented from completing the tragedy.
Mrs. Ott, the aged mother of Mrs. Ignatus Bartley, of Gaysport, fell down a flight of stairs on Tuesday morning, receiving some severe and dangerous injuries. She is over 85 years of age, but was very active and walked to church most every day.
Work in the Hollidaysburg foundry and machine shop has been suspended for the present. There was no strike in it, however, but one of the many results that will and may be expected to follow the suspension of work in other parts of the state.
Two gentlemen from the "Switz" settlement report a very destructive hail storm. Hail as large as hen's eggs fell, killing young pigs and lambs. So cold was the air and so immense the hail stones that it took twenty-four hours for them to dissolve and disappear.
Mr. Charles Vowinckle has demolished the two little buildings on Montgomery street, just back of the National bank building. So all the old land marks will be gone. Then several old Frankstowners will be ready to hand in their checks, there being nothing more worth living for.
Under the new schedule the mails will close at the Hollidaysburg postoffice as follows: Morning mail, 6:50; noon mail, 10:50; evening mail, 5:50. Martinsburg branch, 8:45 a. m. Return, 7:45 p. m. Newry and Duncansville, 5:00 p. m. Office will open at 6 a. m., and close at 8:40 p. m.
Jacob Markey, on Brush mountain, has a jar of peaches that was put up thirty years ago. They were exhibited at the county fair and took the premium in 1856, and will be entered again in 1882. We have no doubt that they will again take the first premium, being as perfect as the day they were put in the jar.
David Speilman, a Woodberry township farmer was in town on Saturday and reports that the Hessian fly is making sad havoc on the wheat crop in his locality. He says he never seen them make such a wholesale sweep of the grain as they are now doing. A Loop farmer reports the same from his neighborhood.
A. well known and respected young man attempted to blow his brains out with a revolver on Tuesday morning while under the influence of strong drink. Although he pulled the trigger several times only one cartridge exploded, making a slight wound. It is hoped the Providential interference that saved his life will make him a teetotaler.
Charles C. Hewitt had four horses come in on Tuesday night almost dead. Two that had been under the saddle dropped down before the saddles could be removed, one died before morning and the other is still lying in his stall, not dead but very near the happy turning point in the life of every livery horse, that leads to oblivion.
One of the attractions on Decoration day was a dog fight, which took place opposite the opera house door a few minutes before the exercises commenced. Whether the fight was intentional or accidental we could not learn, but we do know the dogs fought long and well and were surrounded by a large crowd of men, women, girls and boys, and not one of them attempted to stop the fun.
All that was mortal of the bright little son of Mr. Frank Newberry, who was accidentally and fatally scalded on the morning of Memorial day, was Thursday afternoon carried to the Lutheran cemetery and laid in the grave. While the parents live Memorial day will be a sorrowful one to them, and will bring to mind the suffering of their angel child who awaits them on the other shore.
On Saturday William Stewart, a resident of Frankstown township, while engaged in taking out railroad ties for John Robeson & Co., near Canoe Creek, was dangerously injured, being struck on the back by a sapling that had been bent to the ground by a fallen tree. His limbs are paralyzed and very little hope is entertained for his recovery.
Farmer McCormick, on the Burchinell farm, drives a large sorrel horse who has five feet. The extra foot comes out at the first joint of the right hind leg and is only about the size of a colt's foot, having grown very little since the horse was a sucking colt, when it was about the size of the other feet. It does not touch the ground and does not interfere but little with the horse when working in the plow or wagon.
The passenger station has been shorn of its beautiful festoons of English ivy. It was a resting place for the sparrows and to compel them to find other quarters the order was given to strip the building. Armfulls of hay, straw and feathers came down with the vines. One boy exhibited a ten dollar note he claimed to have found rumpled up in one of the nests, which no doubt the birds picked up on the street as building material.
Ex-Sheriff James Funk has purchased the inclined plane, sidings and a ten years lease of the extensive and valuable lime stone quarry at Frankstown and will soon put up extensive kilns for the burning of lime. No better stone for lime can be found in the state. The former operators, Messrs. Manning & Lewis, only used this superior quality of stone for ballast on the railroad, but the present operator intends to use it for just what nature designed it - a first quality of lime.
"Dot leetle German brass band" struck the county capitol Saturday evening. On Monday one of the horn players was arrested by Railroad Policeman Houck for committing a public nuisance. He could not talk English, but wrote on a paper his defense, viz.: "I have not done what the man says. I am stranger an do not know the laws. Therefore ei beg pardon meg. You obedient, A. Rps, musician for Germany." The defense was duly considered and the prisoner discharged, the magistrate being satisfied that the "musician for Germany" had not been naturalized and was still subject to German laws.
On Saturday we visited the fruit farm of Lawyer Jaekel, Blair county's representative in the state board of agriculture, located on Brush mountain. We were surprised at the encouraging prospect for a big crop of fruit and berries. The fruit trees, although too young to produce a large crop, are all well covered with peaches, apples and quinces, and will, if nothing happens, make a much larger yield than Mr. Jaekel could have hoped for, while his berry crop will be simply immense. From a close inspection of his blackberry bushes we would put down the yield at one hundred bushels, which of itself is worth the entire income of some of our best farms.
The raspberry crop is almost as abundant, and his acre of strawberries, which will be ready for market in ten days are just as promising, while the currant bushes are bending with currants. The vineyard is not the least promising part of this model fruit farm, there being no less than twenty-six different varieties, all giving evidence of success. What struck us as remarkable was two varieties of grapes from the south which had stood the winter equally well with the other and more hardy varieties. Lima beans have been planted extensively between the grape vines as an experiment, but this, we think, will only demonstrate that the season is too short for them to mature, and that the early frosts will nip them in the bud. We would like to describe the improvements, the Swiss cottage, etc., but will leave that for another time.
Car No. 604, attached to Conductor Henderson's accommodation train, is a regular beauty and the most expensive and convenient car ever run on the Altoona division. All the interior arrangements are made of ash and maple, beautifully finished in oil varnish and artistically carved. A bouquet and card table, with a patent game marker and a cute little match safe, occupies a space in the centre of the car. Whether the "jerk-water" crew are the best railroaders on the division, or the car was built for the two portly lime stone men who travel almost daily in it, we did not ascertain, but suppose both contributed in having this elegant car where it is.
Dr. David S. Hays, a well known and prominent surgeon of our town, amputated the limb of Colonel Levi Bird Duff, of Allegheny county, the nominee of the independent republicans for lieutenant governor. When the names of the candidates were published the doctor remembered having amputated the thigh of a soldier of that name and wrote Colonel Duff, congratulating him on his nomination. Colonel Duff answered the letter, complimenting the doctor for the skillful and satisfactory manner in which the operation had been performed. Colonel Duff is sure of one republican vote in our town.
The other day a colored citizen, who worked in the Hollidaysburg foundry, was discharged and to drown his sorrow sought consolation in the flowing bowl. He had laid up a five dollar note for a rainy day, and after spending the small balance due him at settlement he went home and requested his wife to have the note changed and make a divide. This the wife refused to do. When he found neither entreaty nor tears would avail, he threatened to commit suicide, and declared if the note was not changed he would go down to the railroad and have the locomotive and a big train of cars run over him. The woman told him that was the only thing that would induce her to part with the note, but as quick as his remains were gathered up and brought to the house she would have the note exchanged for a coffin. Not finding much encouragement in the wife's answer he started for the railroad, followed by the sympathizing wife and her children. After selecting a nice broad tie he sat down to wait for the train, which was soon due. Presently the whistle sounded for Loop station, and as a last appeal he said to the wife: "Get the note changed and divide or in less than five minutes you will be a widow." The wife answered that she would sooner be a widow with the money than a wife without it, when he meekly laid his neck on the cold iron rail, but as soon as the train came dangerously near he rolled from the track, and after the cars had passed set up again. After enjoying a hearty laugh, he said: "Old woman, I fooled you that time and if you promise to get the note changed I will never do so again." He remarked afterward that it was "acting possum on dat woman."
On Decoration day five men were seated in the Kellerman house office when the MORNING TRIBUNE, containing "Jason's" reminiscence of the murder and subsequent execution of McConaghy, was brought in, and singular to say, although forty-two years have elapsed, all five men had a personal recollection of the event. A Mr. Davis, of Clearfield, made the coffins and assisted to bury the murdered family; Mr. Sang, of Duncansville, and Mr. Wrhen [sic] saw the murderer executed; the fourth was present at the trial, and the other assisted to dig up and divide McConaghy's dead body.
One of our enterprising merchants made an engagement to spend Sunday at the hospitable mansion of a Blair township farmer. To make the visit the more pleasant and agreeable he ordered a keg of "bock" to be left at the rear entrance of his store on Saturday night. The beer was duly delivered and dropped on a soft spot over the back fence but in less than five minutes after a couple of dry roosters flew down from an adjoining building and the beer went with them, but they had no sooner deposited the prize in which they considered a secure place than other belonging to the same flock who had been watching the movements of the emigrating beer keg scooped down and captured it. Charity compels us to drop the curtain on the final adventure of that keg of bock.
The programme of exercises for the day as published in the TRIBUNE was fully carried out, the day being the loveliest of the season. The addresses by Professor B. F. Pinkerton and Rev. J. B. Shaver were able and eloquent tributes not only to the dead heroes but also to the living. The floral offerings were plentiful more than could have been expected considering the late season. A wreath of crab-apple and thorn blossoms, with several other sweet-scented wild flowers, made by a Brush mountain little girl named Vipond, placed on the grave of the lamented Captain McKeage, was the most beautiful offering that came under our notice, though there were others that were more costly. The cornet band were dressed in their new military uniform and not only looked well but played well.
On Wednesday morning death came to the relief of Georgie, the interesting little 3-year-old son of Mr. Frank Newberry, who was so badly scalded on the morning of the previous day, as was noted in the TRIBUNE. The mother was making preparations to do the family washing and had gone up stairs to bring down the clothes. During her temporary absence the two children whom she left playing on the porch entered the room and Georgie, in his childish sport, fell backward and unfortunately struck a bucket full of hot water and sat down, or rather fell, into it. His screams brought the mother, who found the child still in the scalding water, and his little brother, only 4 years old, pulling at his arm to get him out. Drs. Landis and Smith were sent for, but found the child was fatally scalded.
Professor Ed. White, our celebrated photo artist, has a peach tree growing in his lot on the hill that is certainly a great natural curiosity, being covered with little peaches nearly all of which are either quartets, triplets or twins, in fact as many as five perfectly formed peaches are here produced from a single blossom, all joined together and can be seen growing on this prolific tree. We have a small straight twig but two inches in length that was taken from the tree. It contains sixteen perfectly formed peaches growing in bunches. One contains four all joined together; three bunches contain three each in the same close companionship, one, two, and but a single one that grew single. Every person who has examined the tree says it is the most remarkable productive freak of nature they ever saw.
General and Personal Notes of an Interesting Nature.
Miss Sarah Barnhart is dangerously ill.
Michael Hengst lost a valuable horse last week.
George Holsinger is teaching instrumental music at this place.
The plasterers and painters are at work on the new Lutheran church.
George Fagan killed quite a large snake some days ago in his cornfield.
George W. Smith, formerly of Pittsburgh, has moved to Sarah Furnace.
The latest addition to the families of Alex. Eichelberger, Abram Burket and Michael Walter, is another heir for each.
Wheat heads were seen in May. It is supposed by some of our best farmers that harvest will be early this year, notwithstanding the lateness of the spring.
Mrs. Catharine Black died Friday evening, the 9th ult., of heart disease, in the 65th year of her age. She was buried in the Union graveyard at this place on Saturday. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. H. Andrews, pastor of the Reformed church, of which she had been a consistent member for a great many years.
Memorial Day - Decorating the Graves of the Brave.
Campbell & Keagy, lessees of the Barens mineral lands, are now shipping core of a very fine quality from Clappertown.
H. H. Lykens, the obliging manager at Rebecca furnace, is shipping ore from our railway station, reminding us of other days when times were lively.
Joseph Dilling, of North Woodberry township, a mute, while riding a colt and driving cattle was thrown to the ground, spraining his right ankle.
A. O. Dilling, while pruning plum trees, was precipitated to the ground by the limb on which he was standing giving away, spraining his left ankle.
George B. Dilling, of Huston township, was kicked by a horse over the eye, cutting quite a gash in his forehead and lacerating the flesh on his cheek considerable.
A. B. Mock has disposed of his steam saw mill, at the southern end of town to Jere Brown & Bro. These go ahead fellows have purchased a new sixteen horse power portable engine and are now ready for work.
In the front gable of the Globe hotel is a bird box in which the martins have made their home for quite a number of years. Since the sparrows have become numerous they have tried to dispossess the martins so that for several years back when the martins made their appearance they found their box occupied, and the result was that a fierce war and desperate fight was had between the outs and in the ins. Two years ago the war raged unusually fierce, neither faction gaining the victory over the other, and, to all appearance there was a compromise, for the martins occupied unmolested five of the departments and the sparrows one. This spring the sparrows went to work, labored early and late, carrying straw and feathers building a nest just at eve of the gable and on the projection. The nest was completed and everything appeared to be moving on quietly until last week when the martins became angry at some insult, whether real or imaginary we know not, and went to work with a determined will and destroyed the nest, not even allowing one straw to remain upon another. Up to this time the sparrows have not attempted to dispute the right of entrance into the sparrows' box.
Tuesday morning dawned beautifully. The God of the Universe, rolled back the rain clouds, gathered them into the hollow of His hand as a scroll, put little pins into the leak holes in the skies, stopping the falling and sent "Old Sol" athwart the heavens, invigorating nature, reviving humanity and making it grand and glorious for the especial occasion of scattering beautiful flowers over the upraised mounds of our departed heroes and the loved ones that lie buried in the city of our dead. In our village the children lead the van, the programme as laid down by them in the public schools, being carried out to the letter.
At 8:45 a. m. the school house bell rang out announcing the hour for forming the procession, and the several school societies, etc., marched to Market Street, forming into line with the right resting north of Allegheny street, in the following order, with Major Alexander Bobb as chief marshall:
Cornet band; officers and speakers; Reformed, Presbyterian, Bethel, Lutheran and Methodist Sunday schools; Juniata Collegiate institute; citizens; forming the largest and most imposing procession ever seen here on Memorial day since its inception.
Arriving at the cemetery
The following order of exercises was observed: Prayer, Rev. E. Dutt; music by the Cornet band; oration by Rev. George Sigler; singing the national hymn; decorating the graves. Reformed and marched to the lower graveyard, where the following order was observed: Singing "Red, White and Blue;" decorating; recitation - "Barbara Fritchie" - by Ida Everhart; address by Rev. F. A. Rupley; doxology and benediction.
In the afternoon quite a number of persons, accompanied by the band, wended their way to the private burial ground on the farm of Henry Kauffman where lie the remains of Joseph Kauffman, and placed flowers on his last resting place, Rev. Shaeffer delivering a very appropriate address. The day was a success, and the undertakings by the children was a glorious success. The oration of Rev. Sigler was everything that could be desired. The day is growing in interest every year, and the memory of those who fought, bled and died to perpetuate our grand and glorious growing brighter.
Decoration Day Services - Various Topics of Interest.
E. D. Kagarise has a cow which gave birth to twin calves.
E. S. Kagaries [sic] is the owner of a fine thoroughbred Durham calf which weighed at two day's old 117 pounds, and measured 31 inches high and 36 inches girth.
The children of Rev. J. A. J. Williams were admitted to the Soldiers' Orphans' school. This is a commendable act on the part of the authorities and the untiring exertions of Colonels McFarland and Burchfield. Mr. Williams will send three of his children.
Decoration day was observed in a commendable manner at Roaring Springs. Nearly all business was suspended and the people turned out en masse to celebrate the day. The grand army post here deserve much praise in getting up a good programme. The Grand Army Lieutenant Lower Post No. 82, lodge No. 856, I. O. O. F., the Sunday schools and citizens formed in line and paraded the streets, and then marched to the cemetery and decorated the graves there of our fallen heroes, after which they repaired to the Bethel church which was filled to overflowing. The exercise in the church consisted of the beautiful exercises of the grand army post, music by the glee club under the leadership of Prof. Shoemaker. Miss Sigler presided at organ, and favored us with some very fine music.
W. I. Woodcock, esq. then delivered an able and eloquent oration. His address was listened to with marked attention by all. It contained wholesome advice, especially to the young, to guard well the great principles that our forefathers fought for, and to fight against any usurpations and inroads that infidelity may attempt to make. Dr. A. S. Stayer was marshal and he performed this duty with marked ability. The Altoona drum corps did their part nobly. Every one did their part well except some incorrigible boys, who were uncontrollable and disposed to be muleish. The afternoon exercises consisted in decorating the graves at Sharpsburg by a detachment of the Grand Army post. Everything passed off pleasantly.
A Grist of News From Our Regular Correspondent.
A little son of Jones, the barber, who died on Thursday night, was consigned to the grave Friday last.
Mr. M. H. Haines, agent and book-keeper for A G. Morris, took unto himself a help-meet on Thursday in the person of Miss Mary Shrom, of Bellefonte, Pa.
Several droves of young cattle belonging to farmers of Sinking valley were driven through town in the last few days on their way to the free pasture field, the Allegheny mountain. They will remain on the mountain until fall, or when the pasture has become exhausted.
Some long fingered lad, who doubtless read the history of Arnold, the traitor, or at least that portion of it which recounts his inclination to be thievish and to rob birds' nests of their eggs, outstripped the traitor by not only stealing their eggs, but the old pigeon from the nest, which she built in a box that chanced to stand on a timber in the new opera house.
About 1 o'clock on Thursday afternoon the fire alarm was given, when the fire companies and a host of citizens promptly responded at the scene of the fire, supposed to be in the building owned and occupied by Mrs. Eline, when after squirting water, knocking off shingles, etc., it was discovered that the smoke was issuing from a defective pipe hole in one of the rooms up stairs. The partition being some two inches from the flue, and when the hole was cut through and into the flue a collar was neglected to have been placed therein, this caused the smoke to find its way between the plastering. Of the fire companies the Hookies claimed to have been on the ground first.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, June 8, 1882, page 4