Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, January 20, 1881
Our New Quarters and What They are Like.
The Altoona TRIBUNE has moved into its fine new building situated
on Twelfth street between Eleventh and Twelfth avenues, only a few
doors above its former quarters, and is now ready to welcome all its
old friends and receive new ones. This new building which was made
necessary by the constantly expanding business of the papers, daily
and weekly, and the job office, is one of the most complete in all its
appointments which the city contains, and we now congratulate
ourselves upon having the finest and most convenient printing house in
Central Pennsylvania. No more will our customers be called upon to
climb a long flight of stairs, but they are now and henceforth to be
welcomed in a very convenient office just two steps from the
The new structure has been in contemplation for some time past, and
was begun on the 1st of May last, the plans having been previously
prepared by Architect Ezra Ale, and made to suit the lot on which it
now stands and which it completely fills. The property is 32 x 60
feet and was purchased of George W. Stewart. Esq., of Harrisburg. In
May last Peter Marks, the contractor, began the excavation of the
cellar and after considerable delay caused by a superabundance of
water his sub-contractor, Michal McGrath, completed the cellar. The
walls were reared by Daniel Hampshire, the roof put on by McNevin
& Yeager, the mill work done by William Stoke & Co., the
carpenter work by Peter Marks, the plumbing by Frank Molloy and the
painting by R. J. Crozier, all of which, with a few minor exceptions,
was finished a few days since, when the new building blossomed out a
model of beauty and convenience.
The cellar is used as a press room and nearly the whole of it is
thrown into one large, well-lighted apartment. In it is the large
newspaper press which reels off the TRIBUNE every morning, Sundays
excepted, and once a week a fine, large weekly paper, that penetrates
nearly every household through the surrounding country. Above this
comes the business floor. It is divided in half. On the south side
in front, the business office will first attract the eye of one
entering. Back of it is a hallway, which is entered by an outside
door, and which gives admittance to the cellar, the business office,
editorial room and the second story. The editorial room is
immediately back of this, and is well lighted by large windows opening
on a public alley at the side. In the extreme rear is a stock room, or
place for keeping the newspaper and job paper before it is used to
print on.
An elevator connects it with the room above and with the cellar,
thus avoiding much handling of paper. It also has a door opening into
the alley, so that the heavy bundles of paper may be rolled off a
wagon without lifting. The other half of the building on this floor
is occupied by George A. Patton's large confectionery and toy store.
On the second floor and extending over the whole of it is a large
room, used as a composing room. In it are the newspaper men's cases,
the ruling machine, job printing material, small presses, and a paper-
cutter of the most approved pattern. The third and upper floor is
entered by a stairway leading from the street, which takes the visitor
through the necessary ante rooms into the finest lodge room in the
city. It is rented by the Knights of Pythias and occupied by numerous
other lodges.
The whole building is heated by steam generated in the boiler used
to run the presses, and which is conducted into every room by the
Orlando Kelsey apparatus. This plan of heating can be highly
commended. It will, in a much less time than a coal stove can do it,
heat an entire building, producing a pleasant moist temperature.
There is no dirt connected with it, and the cost is very much less
than by the old plan. The rooms are all very well lighted by numerous
windows in the day time and many gas jets at night. In a morning
newspaper office work continues all the time, day and night, one set
of employes taking the place of another, and the only time in the week
that the TRIBUNE office is deserted is a few hours before daylight on
Sunday morning. It takes very many hands to properly get out the work
from the TRIBUNE office, but as one of the employes we can say that
the proprietors have by every convenience tried to make the arduous
work a pleasure instead of a task. We welcome one and all to call and
see us.
Decease of Altoona's Former City Engineer.
News was received in Altoona on Saturday afternoon that Frank E.
Lytle, a well-known citizen and at one time City Engineer, had died
suddenly while at Point Pleasant, N. J., during the afternoon. He had
been for a month engaged in running a railroad line along the Jersey
shore to connect the different watering places. Just before he left
Altoona he was talking one day with a gentleman of the triumphs of
mind over matter and the great scientific truths that had been
discovered, and he spoke of the limit beyond which humanity cannot
investigate: They know that things do happen, but cannot tell why;
they know that matter was created, but cannot give the laws governing
its formation; they know that man has a spirit, but no man has
investigated its hereafter. That great secret is solved by each man
alone. How quickly came the summons and how unexpectedly was all the
great hereafter made known to Mr. Lytle. Deceased was a man of very
considerable intelligence and a great reader of scientific works. He
was at the time of his decease about 52 years of age. Few particulars
have yet been received of his death which is generally supposed to
have been caused by apoplexy. The body arrived in Altoona on Fast
line on Monday and the funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon from
his late residence on Chestnut avenue near Seventh street. Mr. Lytle
came originally from Hollidaysburg. He has a brother living at
Tipton, a sister at Tyrone, and a brother-in-law, Aleck Kerr, living
in this city, besides numerous other relatives. At one time he was
Register and Recorder at Ebensburg, and a better and handsomer set of
books were never kept than those under his charge. A wife and several
children are left to mourn his decease.
A Very Narrow Escape.
On Saturday night Pat. Malady, a fireman on the Branch railroad,
made a very narrow escape from death. He was on his engine when the
tender and engine broke loose from each other while the train was
running at the rate of fifteen miles an hour. Malady dropped on the
track, but quick as lightning rolled to one side and let the train
pass by him. One foot was caught and his shoe was torn off, but he
escaped other injury.
Commissioners' Appointments.
The County Commissioners have made the following appointments for
the year 1881: Commissioners' Clerk, Joseph Baldrige, Esq.;
Commissioners' Attorney, W. Irvin Woodcock, Esq.; Janitor for the
Court House, William Westover; Keeper of the Jail, J. B. Kephart:
Physician of the Jail, G. W. Smith, M. D.
Interments at Fairview Cemetery.
The interments at Fairview cemetery during the year 1880 numbered
197, considerable of an increase over the preceding year. A very
large proportion of these were children under 1 year of age. Mr.
Clabaugh, the Secretary, keeps a list of all the interments and the
ages of those buried. From it we glean the following statistics:
Children under 1 year of age, 73; between 1 and 12 years of age, 42;
between 12 and 20 years, 8; between 20 and 50 years, 48, and over 50
years of age, 26. There are in the list but two persons over 80 years
old - Nancy Ann English, aged 85, and Margaret Russell, aged 82.
These figures have not been increased by any epidemic, although there
are many cases of scarlet fever and diphtheria among them.
Lumber Operations In Blair, Cambria, Clearfield and Indians Counties.
A correspondent of the Carrolltown News has been at some pains to
ascertain the amount of timber, square and round, now being put into
the Susquehanna river and tributaries in Blair, Cambria, Clearfield
and Indiana counties. The following is a statement of the number of
feet, though there may be some small contracts that have not come
under his notice:
John Ardell - 4,000,000
Joseph Van Ormer - 5,000,000
Weaver & Betts - 2,500,000
Flynn Bros. - 2,500,000
C. & W. Howard - 4,000,000
Emery, Barnett & Co. - 9,500,000
Ashberry Lee - 400,000
Brown, Early & Co. - 8,000,000
T. R. Weed - 6,000,000
Irvin & Hopkins - 5,000,000
Payne & Co. - 10,000,000
Dodge & Co. 28,000,000
McCombie & Gray - 4,000,000
Wm. O'Harra - 2,500,000
Samuel Hartzell - 2,000,000
J. W. McGee - 900,000
Joseph Gray - 2,200,000
B. F. Pitts - 1,500,000
Benjamin Hupfer - 200,000
Wm. Mahaffey - 4,500,000
Robert Mahaffey - 500,000
Michael Levy - 200,000
Francis Mahaffey - 7,500,000
G. W. Jose - 1,700,000
James McGee - 200,000
Irwin Bros. 5,000,000
Bard & Cassidy - 3,000,000
Dots & Co. - 6,000,000
James Chapman - 3,000,000
Aaron Patchin - 5,000,000
Martin Kutruff - 2,000,000
John Lautzy, Sr. - 7,000,000
Vincent Tompkin - 3,000,000
Aaron Patchin and others will put in on Cush creek, Indiana county -
Total - 155,000,000
The Official Returns by Counties, According to the New Census.
The following statement of the population of Pennsylvania,
according to the census of 1880, is furnished by the Census Bureau at
Washington. The statement is still subject to possible corrections by
reason of the discovery of omissions or duplications of names in the
lists of inhabitants returned:
Adams - 32,454
Allegheny - 355,759
Armstrong - 47,638
Beaver - 39,608?
Bedford - 34,932
Berks - 122,599
Blair - 52,751
Bradford - 58,534
Bucks - 68,654
Butler - 52,538
Cambria - 48,82?4
Cameron - 5,159
Carbon - 31,922
Centre - 37,922
Chester - 83,478
Clarion - 40,326
Clearfield - 43,423
Clinton - 26,278
Columbia - 32,408
Crawford - 68,604
Cumberland - 45,978
Dauphin - 76,127
Delaware - 56,102
Elk - 12,800
Erie - 74,681
Fayette - 58,938
Forest - 4,385
Franklin - 49,853
Fulton - 10,149
Greene - 28,290
Huntingdon - 33,956
Indiana - 40,558
Jefferson - 27,935
Juniata - 18,227
Lackawanna - 89,268
Lancaster - 139,443
Lawrence - 33,311
Lebanon - 38,476
Lehigh - 65,969
Luzerne - 133,066
Lycoming - 57, 482
McKean - 42,566
Mercer - 56,162
Mifflin - 19,577
Monroe - 20,175
Montgomery - 96,494
Montour - 15,466
Northampton - 70,316
Northumberland - 53,123
Perry - 27,522
Philadelphia - 846,984
Pike - 9 ,661
Potter - 13,798
Schuylkill - 129,977
Snyder - 17,797
Somerset - 33?,144?
Sullivan - 8,073
Susquehanna - 40,351
Tioga - 45,814
Union - 16,905
Venango - 43,670
Warren - 27,981
Washington - 55,417
Wayne - 33,512
Westmoreland - 78,918
Wyoming - 15,598
York - 87,839
Total - 4,282,738
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, January 20, 1881, page
Blair county's population is given at 52,751.
Sheriff Bell reports fifteen prisoners in the county jail.
T. B. Patton has been re-appointed postmaster of this city.
Eggs are worth 4 and 5 cents each in Pittsburgh without the
Mumps are the prevailing epidemic in Hare's valley, Huntingdon
A fine new passenger depot, thirty by sixty feet, is in prospect at
Mr. Joseph Gray, of Susquehanna township, is Cambria county's
Mercantile Appraiser.
Diphtheria in its most malignant form is prevailing in Buffington
township, Indiana county.
Michael Sechrist, of Mapleton, Huntingdon county, died on December
29th aged 102 years.
Rev. G. H. Olewine, of Three Springs, buried his son Charles, aged
6 years, on the 27th ult.
Mr. J. North Postlethwaite, a well-known citizen of Newton
Hamilton, died on Saturday night.
William G. Haworth, who had his leg taken off in the Pittsburgh
disaster, has died of his wounds.
Engineers are at work on the Tyrone and Clearfield railroad with a
view of making crooked places straight.
The five members of Logan township Constable H. Al. McGraw's
family, weigh in the aggregate 1,060 pounds.
There is prospect of a new summer resort being established at South
Fork station, on the Pennsylvania railroad.
Flora, the little daughter of John N. Reber of Fourteenth avenue
and Eleventh street, is lying very ill of typhoid fever.
James C. Cribbs has been appointed passenger and second-class
freight agent at Grapeville, vice Israel P. Leasure, resigned.
Mr. John Kyler, who lost his eyesight last summer, is now lying
dangerously ill with dropsy at his home in Sinking Valley.
Four steam saw-mills are in operation in Sinking valley cutting up
hard timber, of which there appears to be a considerable quantity.
The following citizens of Blair county each drew $75 pension money
from the State last year: John Harpst, Mary Powell and Margaret
Mr. Joseph Van Ormer expects to transport four million feet of logs
over his six-mile slide from Green Spring to the Clearfield creek at
Frugality bridge.
Captain William Gracey, of East Providence township, Bedford
county, recently killed the largest Berkshire hog in the county. It
weighed 763 pounds.
We are now moved into the new TRIBUNE building, after a deal of
hard work and heavy lifting, where we will be glad to welcome all old
and new customers.
The grangers are about starting a cooperative store at Mill Creek,
Huntingdon county, where there has recently been a grange organized,
with Henry Withers master.
G. W. Cole, of this city, Tuesday evening received word that a
relative of his, Frank Welsh, of Curwensville, had cut his throat. He
was still living but could survive only a day or two.
The quantity of coal and coke carried over the Pennsylvania
railroad during the first eight days of January was 165,800 tons, of
which 114,047 tons were coal and 51,753 tons coke.
Mr. Frank McCoy last winter loaned a large circular cape to a
gentleman whose name he has forgotten to protect him from the weather.
He will be thankful if the gentleman returns it.
The Register learns that the Hollidaysburg and Morrison's Cove
Branch road will be extended via. St. Clairsville to Bedford in the
not distant future by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
Would it not be a good thing for the political parties of Altoona
to imitate some other towns and elect two female School Directors at
the coming February election, and thus attest our gallantry?
The Huntingdon Presbytery met in Huntingdon on Thursday last to
take action on the resignation of Rev. J. R. Henderson as pastor of
the Bedford charge. The pastoral relation was dissolved,
Mr. F. W. Olmes, the popular butcher, Monday went down to
Harrisburg, where he will be married to-day to Miss Burkholder. We
extend to him the usual compliments on the consummation of the
Mrs. Mary Heeter, of Trough Creek valley, Todd township, Huntingdon
county, died in the latter part of December, aged 74 years. She was
an aunt of Thomas Houck and the last of her generation. She and her
husband were born the same day.
On Tuesday last a three-year-old son of Mr. Elias Behe, the
gentleman who was so brutally attacked by burglars at his home near
Loretto, in September last, met with an accident by which he sustained
the fracture of the bones of the right leg near the knee.
A young gentleman from Harrisburg, now visiting in this city, a few
evenings since, while playing in a room with some other children,
accidentally put the gas out, when he screamed at the top of his
voice, "Auntie, auntie, come quick or we'll all be dissicated!"
W. Heywood Myers, Superintendent of the Pennsylvania railroad
between Columbia and Coatesville, has been promoted to the position of
assistant engineer at Tyrone, and W. F. Hopkinson has been appointed
to fill the vacancy occasioned by his promotion.
If we may believe Mansill's Almanac of Planetary Meteorology - and
it is pretty accurate in forecasting the weather temperature - we will
have warm instead of cold waves during the months of March and April.
February will be cold, like the present month.
Mr. J. F. Ellsworth, of Williamsburg, has the contract for
repairing the flouring mill of the Glamorgan Iron Company at
Lewistown. Mr. Ellsworth is an intelligent and skillful millwright,
and some of the finest mills in the Juniata valley are the creation of
his handicraft.
Charles R. Sponsler, formerly of New Bloomfield, Perry county, but
who has resided in Baltimore for a number of years, died in that city
on the 23d ult., of rheumatism of the heart. He was about 56 years of
age. He was a compositor and afterward foreman of the Baltimore
American for a number of years.
In a week or two one hundred men will be put to work on the new
hotel building at Cresson, and the number will be increased by fifty
so soon as the weather begins to open. Mr. Hughes, who has done a
great deal of work in these parts within the last two or three years,
has the contract for erecting the hotel.
The annual election for officers of the Altoona Passenger Railway
Company was held at the office of Recorder Greevy Monday afternoon.
The old officers were all re-elected, as follows: President, Thomas
H. Greevy; Directors, Hon. John Reilly, John P. Levan, C. Jaggard, A.
G. Sink, William M. Jones, W. J. Bradley, Thomas H. Greevy.
The many friends of Conductor Charlie Glenn, who had both legs
taken off at the Pennsylvania railroad depot at Harrisburg last
summer, will be glad to learn that he has recently donned a new pair,
on which he gets along quite briskly. Mr. Glenn has been proffered a
clerkship at the West Philadelphia depot, which he will accept in a
short time.
A short time since Mr. Henry Gardner, of Jefferson township,
Somerset county, took a boy named William Burks from the Somerset
county poor house with the intention of raising him. Last Sunday a
week the boy, being denied the privilege of attending church with his
master, revenged himself by setting fire to Mr. Gardner's barn, thus
destroying the building and contents, including six head of cattle.
There was no insurance. Burks is only 9 years of age. He has been
returned to the poor house, and will likely be sent to the House of
Death of Charles R. Clement.
Charles R. Clement, General Baggage Agent of the Pennsylvania
railroad, with headquarters in Philadelphia, died at about 10 o'clock
on Saturday morning, after a brief attack of pneumonia. Mr. Clement
was born in Vermont about the year 1840 and when about 27 years of age
came to Altoona and entered the office of Edward H. Williams, the
General Superintendent. He remained in Mr. Williams' office for about
two months, when he was made chief clerk to Hon. John Reilly, then as
now Superintendent of Transportation, filling the vacancy occasioned
by the death of Mr. Martin. About 1870 Mr. Williams resigned the
superintendency and left Altoona, and soon after Mr. Clements also
resigned his position and located at Jersey City, N. J., where he was
employed by the Pullman Palace Car Company as Assistant
Superintendent. He did not remain there long until he was offered the
place of General Advertising Agent of the passenger department of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, with an office in Philadelphia. He
filled this responsible position with entire satisfaction to the
corporation until about 1872, when he was promoted to be General
Baggage Agent vice C. A. Carpenter, who was promoted to be General
Eastern Passenger Agent, with his office in New York. Mr. Clement had
occupied the position ever since, and was an unusually bright man and
exceedingly popular and well liked by the company and everybody
Another Old Lady.
And still the elder residents of the county have their names sent
in. This time it is the venerable mother of Dr. Krise, who lives on
the top of the mountain, out the Dry Gap road. She has attained the
great age of 99 years, and the doctor says is as hale and vigorous as
her son.
Among our old people is Mrs. Hannah Weight, residing on Twelfth
avenue, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, who is 81 years of
age. She is the mother of Elias C. Weight, of Topeka, Kansas, and of
G. W. and Miss Kate Weight.
A Painful Accident.
Monday morning a young man by the name of Farmer, who works in the
truck gang of the lower shops, was drawing up a nut. The wrench he
was using slipped, his hand striking the corner of the side which is
heavily plated with iron, splitting the little finger of his right
hand open from the second joint to the end. He was compelled to quit
work, and it will be some days before he can use his hand again.
Badly Hurt by a Fall.
On Tuesday night George Boker, who boards at 1011 Eighth avenue,
received a severe injury from a bad fall down the steps leading from
the Twelfth street bridge. The steps had become icy and hence the
accident. Mr. Boker's ankle bone was splintered and the joint badly
sprained. He was last week sent to his home in Alexandria, Huntingdon
The Lloyd Sales.
Another sale of the Lloyd estate lots took place at the old bank
building Monday. The attendance was good and the bidding very
spirited. About fifty-two lots were sold at a total price of $4,100.
The sale was then adjourned to Monday, February 14th.
A Little Boy Near Houtzdale Accidentally Kills His Sister.
On New Year's day a distressing accident occurred near Houtzdale
which resulted in the instant death of a little girl. In December J.
W. Helewell, 17 years of age, the son of Mrs. Hesketh, by a former
husband, and consequently the half-brother of little Alice, the
victim, who was but 5 years old, cleaned a revolver, which he owned,
and laid it away unloaded in its accustomed place. On Christmas day
he was away from home, when an acquaintance of Mr. Hesketh called and
borrowed from him the boy's pistol for the purpose, as he alleged, of
shooting at mark. When he was through with it he returned it to Mr.
Hesketh, with metallic cartridges in three of the chambers. Mr.
Hesketh knew nothing of this and put the pistol where he got it. On
New Year's day the boy took down the pistol, alike ignorant of
anyone's having used it or the loads it contained. He sat down on the
side of the bed, the three little children around, with little Alice
directly in front of him. He had a cloth in his hand and commenced
rubbing the pistol. Of a sudden there was a sharp report - little
Alice dropped to the floor, and with one almost imperceptible quiver
she was motionless forever. The ball entered her forehead and passed
through her brain. The cloth with which Helewell was cleaning the
pistol caught on the trigger, and as the weapon was self-cocking it
exploded accidentally.
A Young Man Named James Wilson Gets Some Teeth Knocked Out.
On Saturday night a party of young men were walking along the
street leading to Millville when quite an unpleasant accident happened
to one of them. Among the party were two men named Frederick Hill and
James Wilson. Several of the men had those harmless little revolvers
which rarely hurt anybody but their owners, and were snapping them.
The weapons were supposed to be empty. But presently the one in the
hands of Hill came around to a cartridge and, of course, exploded.
The ball struck Wilson square in the mouth, just grazing the upper
lip, knocking two upper teeth out and burying itself in his tongue,
making a wound about three-quarters of an inch deep. The man thought
he was mortally wounded and began to feel for the hole in the back of
his neck where the ball was supposed to have come out. Wilson was
taken to the office of Dr. Miller, on Eleventh avenue. The ball was
removed by him without much trouble. It was found to be badly knocked
out of shape, the impression of both teeth being on it. The shooting
was purely accidental, as the young men were fast friends. The wound
is not a serious one.
Cutting off the Trees.
The whole of Pennsylvania is suffering from the rapid destruction
of forest trees, and the evil effects of this practice are varied and
far extended. S. P. Eby, of Lancaster, read before the Lancaster
County Agricultural Society on last Monday a paper in which he said
that the destruction of forests in Pennsylvania had produced the
following effects: First, the variations in temperature of heat and
cold have become more sudden and intense; second, the summers are more
dry and the winters more changeable, with less snow; third, the flow
of our larger springs has decreased in volume, while many of the
smaller ones have disappeared altogether; consequently wells have to
be deepened and water power replaced during dry seasons with steam;
fourth, our rivers and streams are no longer as regular in their flow,
but rise higher and more suddenly after heavy rains and become lower
in dry seasons: fifth, winds sweep with greater force; that we have
fewer local rains during the hot seasons and more frequent hail
storms; sixth, we have no longer the fine fruit-bearing orchards our
ancestors had forty years ago.
The Grim Reaper's Harvest.
Among the victims gathered by the reaper death, recently, we notice
Mrs. Lydia Albright, of Grazierville, aged 70 years; Mrs. Henry
Henchey, in Tyrone, on Monday; two children of Joseph Holder, living
near Tyrone, of scarlet fever and diphtheria, one on the 29th and the
other on the 31st ult.; Mrs. Tamar Hunter, widow of James Hunter, who
was killed some years ago on the railroad, died at Ironsville last
week, aged about 72 years; Mrs. Sarah Tierney, mother of F. P.
Tierney, Esq., of this city, near Ebensburg, Cambria county, aged 82
years; George Burkhart, an ex-soldier, of this city, after a
protracted illness, on Wednesday; Henry Funk, of Logan township, in
his 79th year, on Thursday.
Anniversary of Aaron and Lydia Beyer's Golden Wedding - Family
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Beyer celebrated their golden wedding, January
12, at their lovely and comfortable residence at Beyer's Mills, in
Antis township. Fifty years ago they were joined in the holy bonds of
matrimony and began life's work in a little house near Union Furnace,
he in the old mill which has long since decayed and Mrs. Beyer in the
careful management of her household affairs. In 1833 they moved to
their present location. David Beyer, the father of the host, settled
in Sinking valley about the year 1800, and built the first grist mill
and the first brick house. There is scarcely a vestige of this mill
remaining, while the house is still standing and compares favorably
with some built since. He was the pioneer Methodist in that section
and went about doing good. He raised a large family, all of which
have passed away but three - Abraham Beyer, who now lies in all
probability on his death-bed; Rebecca Betts, the only sister, who
resides in Akron, Ohio, who by reason of infirmities and the inclement
season, could not be present, and Aaron Beyer, the youngest of the
family, who to-day celebrates the anniversary of his golden
The parents of Mrs. Beyer were Frederick and Martha Ramey.
Frederick Ramey was born in Germany, December 14, 1785, and died July
4, 1866. He, too, was an exemplary and devout man. He married Martha
Keller in 1807, who was one of God's chosen women. This union was
blessed with twelve children - five sons and seven daughters. Two died
in infancy - a son and daughter - the others all grew to manhood and
womanhood. Jacob Ramey, the eldest son, died on July 20, 1855; Lydia,
the eldest daughter, married Aaron Beyer, the subject of our
congratulations to-day; Daniel, Mary, Ann, David K., Elizabeth,
Solomon and Barbara, all of whom have reared families except the
latter, who never married. For thirty years before her death Mrs.
Ramey made it a rule to read the Bible through once each year, and she
could repeat chapter after chapter of it readily. She was kind-
hearted, had a sweet face and an amiable disposition.
Mr. and Mrs. Beyer are a well-preserved couple. Mr. Beyer is a
powerfully-built man, about six feet in height and weighs nearly two
hundred pounds. His hair is silvered and stands up in true Jacksonian
style. He is quite active and strong and was in doubt whether any of
his company in a wrestling match could put him down. Mrs. Beyer is a
medium-sized woman, with few silver threads in her massive dark hair.
Possessing a sweet face, like her sainted mother, tells of the amiable
disposition that rules her spirit. Like their parents, they have
obeyed the words of the Psalmist: "Trust in the Lord and do good; so
shall thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed." They have
performed the double duty, and in a green old age are reaping the
benefits of the double promise - dwelling in the land and having
Of the children of Aaron and Lydia Beyer living are F. D. Beyer,
one of Tyrone's best business men, who, in the face of misfortunes,
has reared a large family and accumulated quite a fortune; Liza, the
good wife of George W. Kessler, a prominent business man and druggist
of the city of Altoona; Martha, the wife of our highly-esteemed and
energetic business man of Altoona, James H. Dysart; James, who for
years has been serving very acceptably in the office of the gospel
ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and whose labors the
Master has so signally blessed, and whose future seems so full of
hope; Westley, named after the immortal father of Methodism, but
recently married, and although young has already won a deservedly good
name as a first-class business man; Sarah, who had married the late
Rev. Mr. Bain, that noble man of God, whose zeal for the cause of
Christ knew no bounds, and whose early death has cast such a dark
cloud over her path through this life; Miss Kate, who like a good
daughter, has remained at home, thus rendering untold service and help
to her aged parents, and last, but not least, William, the law student
for whose success and welfare we all so fondly hope. Three of their
children will celebrate their silver weddings this year, Mrs. James H.
Dysart in March, Mrs. George W. Kessler in November and F. D. Beyer in
Among the many letters of congratulation received by Mr. and Mrs.
Beyer, we print the following:
PITTSBURGH, January 10, 1881.
Dear Uncle and Aunt: As it will not be possible for us to present
our acknowledgments of your kind remembrance in person, permit us, in
this very informal manner, to extend our most hearty congratulations,
and to express the hope that the love, serene and truthful, which has
passed the crystal and silvery periods and now ripened into golden
hue, may continue to shed its living lustre upon your pilgrimage for
many years, and that a diamond ceremony may sparkle in the shadows of
a twilight filled with peaceful memories and happy anticipations.
Affectionately, etc.,
Among the large number of guests present were the following: F. D.
Beyer and wife, Mrs. George W. Kessler, Mrs. James H. Dysart, Rev. J.
S. Beyer, presiding elder in the Virginia Conference, Miss Kate B.
Beyer, Wesley Beyer, Mrs. W. I. Bain, Ed. Waring and wife, W. M.
Beyer, Daniel K. Ramey and daughter, David K. Ramey and wife, Mrs.
Thomas McCauley and daughter, Mrs. T. B. Patton, Michael Bridenbaugh
and wife, D. D. Morrell and wife, Rev. George Guyer and wife, the
venerable father Elisha Butler and wife, Perry Fleck and wife, Charles
McCauley and wife, Frank Waring and wife, S. Baer and wife, Mrs.
Rachel Ramey, Mrs. Conrad and son, Mrs. J. M. Snowden, Mr. and Mrs.
Aults, Miss Annie Renner, Hon. Samuel McCamant and wife, W. L. Akers
and the senior of the TRIBUNE.
There were a number of valuable presents given to the venerable
pair. There was a bounteous repast set for the company. The table
was laden with luxuries and substantials, and presented a much more
beautiful sight at the beginning than at the end of the feast. There
were eighteen persons at one of the tables whose ages averaged 64
years. On the whole, the golden anniversary was a success, and the
entire company were highly pleased with their entertainment, and host
and hostess with the congratulations and substantial testimonial
bestowed upon them. May they live many years to receive the homage of
loving children and relatives.
Another Venerable Lady.
In addition to the old people published in the TRIBUNE a
correspondent adds the name of Mrs. Mary Fleck, widow of Henry Fleck,
late of Tyrone township. Mrs. Fleck was born in November, 1792, and
is consequently over 88 years of age. She is still enjoying good
health for one so old; is quick and active on foot, and during last
summer and fall spent part of her time picking berries. Her home is
with Uncle Davy Crawford, the most formidable of Sinking valley's
yeomanry, and is also an aunt by marriage to our fellow townsman, Mr.
D. K. Ramey.
The Right Way to Serve Them.
A few days since Alderman Blake had before him a trifling assault
and battery case in which a man named Brannan was prosecutor and Innes
was defendant. The testimony showed that one man was standing before a
stove and the other walked up behind him and pushed him away. Under
the circumstances the Alderman fined the prosecutor and defendant each
one dollar and divided the costs between them.
Huntingdon County Notes
Mr. Brisbon Clarke, the bell maker, died recently at his residence
in Tod township, aged 91 years.
Dr. Joseph Hutchison, late of Alexandria, died in the almshouse on
Thursday evening last.
Mr. Samuel Wigton, of Franklin township, is housed with a sprained
ankle, caused by a block of ice coming in too forcible contact with it
while he was engaged in filling his ice house.
Wesley Crotsly, while going up Trough Creek valley one morning to
assist a neighbor to thresh, and when in the Driskill hollow, above
Elisha Curfman's, was attacked by a panther.
A New Freight Road from Gallitzin to Petersburg.
Our Hollidaysburg correspondent says that Hon. A. McAllister, a
prominent iron producer, who was in town on Saturday, said that during
a recent conversation with President Roberts, of the Pennsylvania
railroad, he was told that the company intended to re-lay the New
Portage road over the mountain and extend the Williamsburg Branch road
to Petersburg, and the work would begin this spring as soon as the
weather would be favorable.
Mrs. Mary Galbraith Claims to be Altoona's Oldest Resident.
We have from time to time published lists of Altoona's oldest
citizens, but if the following facts are correct we can now present to
our readers the very oldest citizen of Altoona. Although not the
greatest in age she has resided here very much longer than any other.
The name of this venerable lady is Mrs. Mary Galbraith and her age
about 91 years. She was a daughter of General Kinging and was born in
Sunbury. In the year 1812 Miss Kinging was married at Spruce Creek,
and within a year went to housekeeping, setting up in a house which
stood on the property now owned and occupied by Robert H. McCormick,
at the corner of Ninth street and Lexington avenue. The old building
has long since been swept away, but there sixty-eight years ago,
nearly a generation before Altoona was thought of, this lady began her
married life among the Indian-inhabited forests. She has resided in
the vicinity ever since, except for about eight years. Her husband
died in 1852, and was during his whole life a wealthy man, owning at
one time several hundred acres of land in this vicinity. The old lady
is still active and cheerful and has a good memory of early events.
She is now in delicate health and will probably not see many more
years. A large number of her descendants live in the country
An Apple Butter Boiling in January.
What! boiling Pennsylvania salve in mid-winter! It is even so, if
we may credit John Robison, the Twelfth avenue grocery man, who
attended one on the Kemp fruit farm on Brush mountain on the 7th inst.
It was an open air affair, and though the air was quite invigorating,
the sport was glorious, though the snow was a little too deep for
dancing. Mr. Kemp had an immense crop of apples last fall, and
doubtless he has taken this method of saving much of the fruit which
is said to be difficult of preservation this year, as well as a drug
in the market.
A Check That Will Never Be Cashed
Mr. William H. Jackson, of the middle division round house, has in
his possession a check issued by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
that will never be cashed, he says, and will be preserved as a
memento. The check was drawn to the credit of John Ulrich, who fired
an engine one trip, and is for the enormous sum of three cents
premium, the amount saved by Ulrich in the consumption of coal during
the trip. Mr. Jackson gave Ulrich ten cents for the check.
Death of Mrs. Susan Reigart, Formerly of this County, at Des Moines,
Dr. E. H. Reigart, of Des Moines, Iowa, writes to a friend in this
city of the death of his mother, Mrs. Susan Reigart, which sad event
occurred at that place on the morning of the 7th inst., at the
residence of her son-in-law, Dr. J. F. Kennedy. This will be sad and
painful intelligence to the many relatives and friends of this
excellent Christian lady in this city and elsewhere in this county.
Mrs. Reigart was in the 78th year of her age, having been born in the
county of Franklin, this State, in 1802. She was one of the few
survivors of a large family, many of whom were of the early settlers
of the southern part of this county. Only one - John Royer, Esq., of
Cove Forge of the old stock remains in the vicinity; but the
descendants of the family are quite numerous. Mrs. Reigart removed
from Williamsburg to Tipton, Iowa, with her husband, the late Henry
Reigart, and his family in 1856, where she continued to reside until
the death of her husband in 1874, since which time she has resided
with her son-in law in Des Moines. About six weeks since she was
attacked with congestion of the lungs, and continued to grow worse and
worse until Saturday morning last, when she sank peacefully to rest in
the full assurance of that faith which had supported and comforted her
through a long life.
ENGLE - KILLINGER. - On December 25, 1880, at the Lutheran
parsonage by Rev. D. L. Ryder, Mr. John Engle to Mrs. Caroline
Killinger, both of Altoona.
FULTZ - TATE. - On December 23, 1880, at the residence of the
bride's parents, by Rev. J. A. Irvine, Mr. Wm. A. Fultz, of Altoona,
Pa., to Miss Mary A. Tate, of Lamar, Clinton county, Pa.
HARRIS - MARSHAL. - At Tyrone, December 13, 1880, by Rev. J. H.
Walterick, Mr. Frederick A. Harris, of Tyrone, to Miss Mary Marshal,
of Camden, N. J.
LIGHT - DIXON. - At Tyrone, January 4, 1881, by Rev. J. H.
Walterick, Mr. John Light, of Harrisburg, to Miss Tillie Dixon, of
Bald Eagle. Pa.
SMITH - FEATHER. - On the 6th inst., at the residence of the
bride's parents, by the Rev. L. F. Smith, Mr. Wm. J. Smith, of Newry
to Miss Amanda E. Feather, of Sarah Furnace.
REITMYRE - YOUNG. - On January 9, 1881, at the Lutheran parsonage,
Hollidaysburg, by Rev. D. L. Ryder, Mr. William Reitmyre, of Altoona,
to Miss Annie Young, of Duncansville, Pa.
SMITH - SHIFFLER. - In Martinsburg, Pa.. January 9, by Rev. S.
Wolf, Mr. Albert M. Smith to Miss Christina Shiffler, all of
Sharpsburg, Blair county, Pa.
GRAEBING - BUSSMANN. - On January 11, 1881, at the residence of the
bride's parents in this city. by Rev. J. F. Shearer, Mr. Wm. H.
Graebing, of New Galilee, Pa., to Miss Katie Bussmann.
SELLERS - STEFFLER. - On the 25th ult., by Rev. H. Baker, Mr. Geo
E. Sellers to Miss Anna M. Steffler, both of Duncansville, Blair
county, Pa.
HUGHES - STROUGHT. - On January 12, 1881, at the Second Lutheran
parsonage, by Rev. J. F. Shearer, Mr. Wm. H. Hughes to Miss Annie E.
Strought, both of Altoona.
HUGHES - STEWART. - At Bell's Mills, on the 12th inst., by Rev. J.
H. Mathers, Mr. Edward J. Hughes, of South Fork, Cambria county, to
Miss Sallie E. Stewart, of Bell's Mills.
KELLY - WOODWARD. - On January 6, 1881, by Rev. M. Spangler, Mr. D.
D. Kelly to Miss Addie M. Woodward, daughter of Rev. R. S. Woodward,
all of Orbisonia, Huntingdon county, Pa.
HAMMELL - HARTLE. - On Thursday evening, the 13th inst., by the
Rev. Jesse Bowman Young, at the residence of the bride's father, on
Fifth avenue, this city, Mr. Martin Good Hammell to Miss Lile J.
Hartle, both of Altoona.
YINGLING. - In Logan Township, January 3, 1881, Miss Mattie
Yingling, daughter of Harrison and Nancy Yingling, aged 15 years, 10
months, and 3 days.
WOMER. - In this city, January 5, at 8 o'clock P. M., Forest, son
of James and Clara Womer, aged 11 months.
SCHNEIDER. - On January 2, 1881, in Sinking Valley, Lewis, youngest
son of Frederick and Mary Schneider, aged 5 years, 1 month and 14
STEWART. - In this city, on the 4th inst., Mrs. Lizzie, wife of
Harry Stewart (engineer), aged 23 years.
FUNK. - On January 5, 1881, at his residence in Logan township,
near Asbury Chapel, Mr. Henry Funk, aged 78 years.
FUNK. - In Logan township, January 6, 1881, Mr. Henry Funk, aged 78
WHITE. - Near Frankstown, on the 8th inst., J. C. White, son of
Benj. and Mary White, aged 17 years, 6 months and 27 days
LYTLE. - At Point Pleasant. New Jersey, on January 15, 1881, E. F.
Lytle, Esq., of this city, aged 58 years and 1 month.
SENG. - On Monday morning at 8:30 o'clock, Mrs. Frank Seng, at her
late residence on Fourth avenue between Thirteenth and Fourteenth
streets, aged 46 years, 8 months and 11 days.
EBERLY. - In this city on the 7th inst., Lavinia, daughter of David
Eberly, aged 5 years and 6 months.
EBERLY. - In this city on the 17th inst., Willie C., son of David
Eberly, aged 3 years and 4 months.
CARLIN. - In this city on the 18th inst., Mr. John Carlin, in his
71st year.
An Affectionate Letter.
The TRIBUNE now has in its possession a most affectionate letter,
not sent to it, however. But the lover, is apparently well advanced
in years and things do not suit him, as he says, "I must tell you that
the arrangements that we made for our wedding to be at Hollidaysburg
is all vetoed by the majority of the committee. I met the old coon,
John Swartz, the evening I left there and he said it would not do to
take it away from Altoona." Then again this venerable son of the
mountain, who has evidently been there before, says, "my oldest
daughter will come along if we can make it suit, for it will be a gay
old time." Again this frosty log-hewer melts into a softer mood and
concludes by saying, "I shall bring my letter to a close by saying, My
pen is bad; my ink is pale; my love to you shall never fail, so good
by dear sary." Long life to you, Judge, and may your shadow never
grow less, and may the Coon Club flourish as long as trees grow and
bears wag their tails. [See JUDGE OTTO, on page 4]
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, January 20, 1881, page
Interesting Commissioner's Court - Blue Birds. A German and His
Lottery Ticket.
A daughter of Morris Fox was buried Wednesday. She was aged about
10 years.
Nineteen members of the Hollidaysburg Presbyterian church died
during the year 1880.
Dr. White has seventeen partridges which he trapped near
Williamsburg, and is feeding them to keep over winter.
On Sunday Mr. John W. Curl and a Miss Raugh, all of Roaring Spring,
were married at the American House by Rev. J. B. Shaver.
Mr. David Spealman, the bluff farmer, has rented from Judge Gardner
the big Franklin Forge farm and will move in March.
A little girl about 6 years of age, daughter of Mr. George Ayres,
died of diphtheria and was buried at Roaring Spring on Friday
Miss Bert. Wilson, a young lady, received a fracture of the right
arm while coasting down Montgomery street on Wednesday night.
Gregory Mintell, proprietor of the Allegheny House, is disabled by
a fall. His left hand was seriously injured and gives him great
District Attorney Hicks had carpenters at work fixing up his office
in the Court House. It would be a good place for the next annual
On Saturday Mrs. Cruse, the aged mother-in-law of 'Squire Figart,
of Frankstown, died. She was aged about 80 years and has lived from
childhood in Frankstown.
The latest victim to icy sidewalks was the venerable William
Charlton who received a hard and painful fall on Sunday, bruising his
shoulder and disabling his arm.
The water has again been drawn from the reservoir leaving the thick
ice to settle down in the mud, destroying the few remaining fish that
escaped the draining of last summer.
A woman asked one of our butchers to see the horns of the animal
from which he cut his steak. She wanted to count the wrinkles so as
to be posted on the time required for cooking.
On Sunday morning Mrs. Frances Weaver, wife of Mr. David Weaver,
and sister of Mrs. John H. Law, died at her home in Duncansville and
was buried on Monday afternoon in the Catholic graveyard at Newry.
The funeral was large, there being fifty-two sleds and sleighs.
Miss Lizzie Parker, the faithful, obliging and competent operator
of the Western Union Telegraph Company at this place, was presented
with a valuable amethyst ring by Hon. J. A. Lemon for service rendered
on the night of the election. Some of the other candidates who were
equally benefited, are reminded that the lady received nothing for the
extra labor she done for them on the occasion.
In this city on Tuesday evening Miss Bertha L. McClure, daughter of
Alexander McClure, to Mr. John W. Davis, of Altoona. The ceremony was
by and at the residence of Rev. H. F. King, of the Baptist Church.
Mr. Robert Smith, who was educated in Gaysport, but now a
prosperous granger living in Prince William county, Va., forty miles
south of Washington, is back visiting the old home. The extreme cold
weather drove him to seek a more congenial clime in the North.
Mr. Martin Treese, watchman for Wood, Morrell & Co.'s store,
reports the first pair of blue birds. They warbled on the plum trees
in his garden near the Baptist Church. As he has seen them on every
warm sunny day this winter he is of the opinion that the birds are
domiciled in the belfry of the church, and have stayed with us all
The Ditting sisters - Misses Amelia, Julia and Anna - made a most
narrow escape from death by suffocation on Sunday night. Their bed-
chamber got filled with gas that escaped from the heater, and when the
young ladies were found in the morning it was with great difficulty
they were restored to consciousness.
Mr. Alvin McKinzie, a prominent, well known and highly respected
citizen of Scotch valley, died on Thursday last and was buried on
Saturday. He was 75 years of age. His wife was dangerously ill at
the same time and when the funeral left the house on Saturday was
thought to be dying, and the probability is before this has joined her
husband in the spirit land.
Mr. John Rentz tells about a German friend who invested in a
lottery ticket and was so certain of drawing a fortune that he told
his wife when she would see him come home in a carriage to begin to
throw out the old dishes and furniture. He drew a blank and was so
much disappointed that he had to be hauled home. When his wife saw
the carriage coming she began to throw out the dishes in a lively
On the 29th day of last October Robert Trees, aged 65 years,
received a compound fracture of the left leg from a bar of railroad
iron falling on his limb. The bones were broken clean off. On last
Wednesday, January 5th, he walked without crutches from Frankstown to
Hollidaysburg, a distance of almost three miles, which we think a most
remarkable feat, all things considered.
Farmer William Bouslough, who lives in the Loop, came to town on
Thursday and gathered up two full loads of his old friends and
acquaintances which he took to his nice country home and seated them
around a table loaded with all the luxuries of the season. The most
conspicuous were two large roasted turkeys. Uncle Joe Patton, one of
the guests, dissected the fowls and was the life of the party, all of
which return their thanks to Farmer Bouslough and his good wife.
Coasting has got to be a favorable amusement these moonlight
nights, and all kinds of devices for sliding down the steep grades of
streets have been brought to the front. The latest and most
comfortable we have yet seen are rocking chairs, in which the coaster
is seated and goes down as cute as on a sled. The inventor of this
new coaster, we suppose, was a woman, for the first person that we
observed going down the hill on one was a female that wore No. 6
On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday about thirty of our most
prominent citizens, in obedience to subpoenas duly served on them,
appeared at the office of W. I. Woodcock, Esq., Commissioner appointed
to take evidence in a case pending in the court of Common Pleas No. 3,
of Philadelphia, in which Mrs. Amanda G. Johnston is plaintiff and
Gemmill, Graff & Givens defendants. The action was brought to
recover damages for alleged unlawful imprisonment of the plaintiff in
a lunatic asylum. The evidence was voluminous. The prominent
standing of the parties to the suit and witnesses in the case has
created a sensation in our quiet old town, and given material for much
talk and uneasy feelings among the lady witnesses, many of whom had
never before been called on to testify.
The following schedule of the arrival and departure of trains at
our depot to and for Altoona paste in your hat for future
Train. - Arrive. - Depart.
Martinsburg Local - 8.45 A.M. - 7.40 P.M.
Altoona Accom - 9. 20 A.M. - 6.25 P.M.
Express Mail - 9.40 A.M. - 7.10 P.M.
Martinsburg Local - 3.10 P.M. - 1.10 P.M.
Altoona Accom - 6.20 P.M. - 11.05 A.M.
Express Mail - 9.40 P.M. - 7.35 A.M.
Trains from Williamsburg arrive at 7.25 A.M. and 7 P.M. and depart
at 9.25 A.M. and 9.50 P.M.
The fifth day of January was the fifty-fifth anniversary of the
marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wingate, of this town, who are aged
respectively 77 and 72 years. On that day the aged couple went to
Altoona and spent the day at the residence of a grand-daughter, Mrs.
John Stouffer, where were assembled his two children, three
grandchildren and great-grandchildren. On the day of the marriage,
fifty-five years ago, the roads were dusty and the sun shown as warm
and balmy as in May - a most striking contrast between the day of the
reunion, which was extremely cold, and the ground hid by a deep
Superintendent John H. Stephens in his annual report to the State
Superintendent under the head of "Salaries" says that Taylor township,
Gaysport borough, East Tyrone borough, Woodberry and North Woodberry
townships increased the salaries. Gaysport deserves special mention
in this respect, having increased the term and the wages near the
expiration of the term. This speaks well for the teachers and sets an
example worthy of imitation by other directors. There still is a
tendency in a few districts to gradually reduce the wages until the
districts that at one time commanded the best teaching talent in the
county are compelled to employ the most ordinary teachers.
Miss Anna Ditting, the youngest of the three Ditting sisters, who
only a few days ago came very near dying with asphyxia from inhaling
coal gas, met with another painful and serious accident on Friday
night. A company of coasters were enjoying the fun on Wayne street.
The little sled on which Miss Ditting was seated struck the end of the
covered crossing at Mulberry street, throwing the young lady in the
ditch and fracturing the tibia or larger of the two bones which form
the second segment of the left limb. Dr. C. Irwin was called and
reduced the fracture, and left the young lady in as comfortable a
position as the nature of the injured limb could possibly allow.
One of our young poets the other morning after thawing out his
music machine ground out the following:
Oh what a sudden change comes o'er me in the morn,
When springing from my soft warm bed to wish I'd never been born;
Everything I chance to set down on is hard and cold as stone
And sends the wares a creeping up the marrow in the bones.
The windows frosted o'er like solid blocks of ice appear,
And makes me wish I had the old rascal Venor here,
To snatch his old bald head clear off below each flopping ear
And stop his eleven feet of snow from coming down this year.
The Board of Directors met at the almshouse on Tuesday, January 4,
for organization. Mr. Eli Smith presented his credentials and claimed
the right to sit as a new member. His credentials were approved and
the gentleman took his seat. There were twelve applicants registered
for steward, four for house physician, and three for directors'
attorney. After a number of ballots for steward, Mr. Seth R.
Campbell, gate keeper of the Hollidaysburg and Altoona Plank Road
Company, was chosen, Dr. W. C. Roller was continued physician of the
house, and D. S. Brumbaugh, Esq., appointed attorney for the
directors. The following doctors were appointed to prescribe for the
outside wards: Altoona city, Dr. C. H. Closson; Tyrone, Dr. James M.
Smith; Roaring Spring, Dr. A. S. Strayer, and for Martinsburg, Drs. F.
G. Bloom & Son. The number of visitors exceeded anything ever
before registered at a meeting of the Board. No less than 42 were
furnished dinner at the Steward's table, and quite a number were given
a private lunch. The total amount of orders drawn on the county
treasury was $761.24. viz: House, $153.13; butcher's bill, $93.25;
coal, $62.82; wages, $110; drugs, $17.98; Constables' fees, $7.24;
toll, $7.16; physician's outside charges, $125, and outdoor relief,
Saturday evening week the officers elect of Colonel William G.
Murray Post No. 39, were installed by Past P. C. Harry Miller. Mr. C.
D. Bowers announced himself at the outpost and stated that he had a
matter of importance with the Grand Army. He was admitted as a
visitor. After the installation Mr. Bowers slipped to the altar
carrying a large and beautifully framed picture of Colonel William G.
Murray for whom the post was named, which, in a neat and eloquent
address, he presented to the post. The picture was received on behalf
of the post by Commander H. H. Snyder, Esq., who had been detailed for
the purpose. Mr. Snyder in his remarks, which were very appropriate
and well received, spoke in the most pleasing terms of the life and
character of Colonel Murray; of his prominence, usefulness and
influence in this community and the respect and esteem in which he was
held by all who knew him. He pronounced a high and well-merited
encomium upon him as a soldier, having served his country with honor
in the war with Mexico, and when his country called again in 1861, was
one of the first to respond, raising by his own energy and popularity
the Eighty-fourth regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers, at the head of
which he fell, bleeding and dying in a gallant charge against the
enemy at Winchester on March 23. 1862, being the second one of
Pennsylvania's Colonels who was sacrificed on the altar of freedom and
in defense of the flag he served so well. The members of the post
were highly gratified at the reception of the valuable present and are
heartily in accord with the speaker who promised to preserve and honor
the picture as long as the post had an existence. A resolution of
thanks was proposed and given to Mr. C. D. Bowers, the faithful friend
of Colonel Murray and who was wounded in the same battle in which his
Colonel was killed.
On the 16th of January, 1857, just twenty-four years ago last Sunday,
Samuel T. Norcross was murdered in what has since been known as the
Norcross Cut, near Altoona. The murdered was a young man - an invalid
- who was ou his way from Dunleith, Illinois, to his home in
Massachusetts. His murderer, David Stringer McKim, accompanied him to
Altoona and there induced his victim to walk back to the cut, where he
was murdered, robbed and the body placed on the railroad track so as
to be mutilated by the cars. It was found, however, soon after by the
watchman, and although the skull was fearfully fractured and the night
intensely cold he still breathed. The murderer was soon after
discovered and arrested on the North Branch of the Susquehanna river,
brought back to Hollidaysburg and at the April term of court convicted
of murder in the first degree on circumstantial evidence alone; but so
complete was the evidence that no person ever thought he was not
guilty, although protesting his innocence on the scaffold. On the
21st day of August of the same year he was executed by ex-Sheriff
George Port who is still living and a resident of this town. The rope
which the Sheriff had made expressly for the work is still preserved
in the Court House and the scaffold is at the jail. The prosecution
was conducted by District Attorney Essington Hammond and General
Stokes. The prisoner's defenders were Messrs. Thad. Banks and David
H. Hoffius. All these lawyers in the case have since died, as also
the Judge, Hon George Taylor. Both the Associate Judges who sat on
the bench, Hon. David Caldwell and Hon. John Penn Jones, are still
living. Of the twelve men who composed the jury but three are now
living. They were David Bridenthal, Paul Mauk. Levi Nicodemus,
Michael Grabill, John Auker, Joseph Rollins, Solomon Foust, Alexander
Carothers, James Glasgow, John Earlenbaugh, Isaac Bowers and John G.
Lingafelter. There has been no execution in the county since,
although there have been several murders committed.
H. M. Myers and Harry Blackburn drive the finest horses in the
nobbiest cutters in this vicinity.
Engineer Snyder was the first engineer to introduce the electric
light on the engines of the Pennsylvania railroad.
An order to clean the cars of the branch train here instead of at
Altona has made about a dozen different applicants for the job.
It is reported that the Glamorgan Iron Company of Lewistown have
purchased between fifty and one hundred acres of ore land on Short
Mountain, near here, from Mr. Samuel Isett, for $33,000.
The business of the Rockdale foundry has increased so much of late
that Mr. Schwartz has been compelled to secure the services of Mr. B.
E. Sparr a young man who, as a moulder, can fill the bill.
The new schedule does not meet with much favor here. The night
train does not reach here until almost 11 o'clock, which is
practically but one mail a day, as it would be preposterous to open
the mail at that hour of the night.
Mr. Joseph Ellsworth, our excellent fellow citizen and fine
mechanic, informs us that the wheel to be used in the mill he is going
to build at Lewistown will be only 30 inches in diameter and it will
drive all the machinery, consisting of six burrs flour packers,
elevators, bolting chest with six wheels and twelve conveyances, etc.
In fact this small wheel has 101-horse power. Mr. Ellsworth is one of
the best mechanics in the State, and has the reputation of being the
best millwright in the country, all of which redounds to the credit of
our burg.
Mr. George A. Covington has finished his ice contract for the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company. He has sent to Altoona 2,300 tons of
the best ice ever sent to that city. He and his men labored under
great disadvantages, from the fact that at times they had to stand in
water from six to eight inches deep. Mr. Covington demonstrated,
however; that he was the right man in the right place, as he did all
that could be done and all that the railroad company desired.
Mr. J. S. Ake, of the Palo Alto farm, has a crop of six thousand
bushels of corn gathered from fifty-one acres. One field of twelve
acres was totally destroyed by worms, was replanted on May 30 and
produced sixteen hundred bushels - an average of over one hundred and
thirty bushels to the acre, which disproves the old theory of late
planting not being a success. Mr. Ake is a practical farmer, however,
and since he has renounced the Greenback heresy and come out squarely
Democratic is more of a success than ever.
The proposed extension of the railroad from this place to
Petersburg is what everybody in this vicinity have long been wanting.
It is, among other wild rumors, reported that the Patterson shops will
be moved to this place, the depot to be moved to the western part of
the village and other changes to be made. Of course it will only be a
short time until Williamsburg will rival Altoona, and suburban
villages, like Hollidaysburg, will be unknown outside of the county.
Let us have the road by all means. With our water and other
facilities, factories, etc., will spring up. The Court House will
probably be moved here, and instead of it being the State of Blair it
will be the State of Williamsburg.
The invitations to the wedding and reception supper of one of the
most esteemed and honored members of the celebrated Tussey Mountain
Coon Club are out. Of course everybody knows that it is for Judge
George Otto. Judge Otto has been identified with the interests of
Woodberry township for several years. He has a fine farm and one of
the best vineyards in the county, is a progressive citizen, a hale
fellow well met, and in entering into the sacred relation of a
benedict we are pleased to know that he is entering into a world of
pleasure, into a more thorough work of usefulness, and we trust with
his many friends that in his new departure he will still continue in
his life of usefulness, that his married life will be one of unalloyed
pleasure, that together he and his fair bride will go down life's
stream until finally they will anchor at the port where the weary are
at rest, and predict that all will be happiness and pleasure, and
redound to the credit of the club of which he is an honored
On Wednesday a corps of engineers were seen wading through the deep
snow in Blair's Gap, and leveling their instrument along the track of
the long abandoned railroad track generally known as the New Portage
road over the Allegheny. This road, whose greatest grade over the
mountain is only 75 feet to the mile, was never used after its sale by
the State to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. The general
impression along the line is that the company seriously contemplate
relaying the iron and using the road for its heavy freight over the
mountain, which looks to us like a most wise and paying move by the
company, considering the saving of money in overcoming the difference
in grade and the enormous carrying trade of heavy freight that
interferes greatly with rapid passenger transit.
Slight Earthquake - The Condition of our Common Schools.
Mr. Frank Snyder, of Everett, who has been spending several days in
this place, visiting his mother and friends, returned to his home
It is reported here that a bark-shed connected with the tannery of
Mr. George Byers, at Pattonsville, Bedford county, was crushed by the
weight of snow on the roof on Sunday night last. Loss not stated.
A bark shed belonging to Messrs. Brown & Bloom, tanners of this
place, but formerly the property of Mr. John K. Kaufman, was crushed
to the earth on Sunday night, between 11 and 12 o'clock, by the weight
of snow upon the roof. At the time the accident occurred there were
housed in the shed a hearse, the property
of Mr. David Wolfe; a buggy, owned by David Raugh, and a carriage
belonging to Mr. V. Sipes, all of which were considerably damaged.
The loss occasioned by the accident will probably reach two hundred
Some of our citizens have been somewhat excited over a supposed
slight earthquake which is said to have occurred here on Tuesday night
last. One of our merchants is said to have felt the shock and heard
the noise, and supposing burglars were blowing up his safe he hastily
went to his store room and found everything in order. Numerous
persons report hearing the noise, but few report feeling the shock.
Practical people generally believe that the supposed earthquake was
the cracking of the thick and hard crust of ice upon the snow, caused
by the softening influence of the sun.
The funeral services over the remains of Mrs. David Raugh, who died
of consumption on Friday night last, were held in the Lutheran church
yesterday at 7:30 A. M., Rev. E. Dutt officiating. After the
conclusion of the services the remains were taken to her family's
burying-ground near Williamsburg for interment. Mrs. Raugh was a most
amiable lady and enjoyed the esteem of the community to an enviable
degree. For some time past she has been suffering from consumption,
but bore her affliction with Christian resignation until summoned to
that land where suffering is unknown. Deceased was a consistent
member of the Lutheran church and leaves a husband and four children
to mourn her loss.
Our borough has reason to feel proud of its public schools. Indeed
we venture to assert without fear of successful contradiction that we
have the best schools and teachers in the county. In company with Mr.
S. B. Lysinger (one of the directors) and Mr. J. S. Bobb, we have
visited each one of the three schools - Primary, Intermediate and
Grammar. Mr. Harry Lysinger presides over the Primary department, and
we can truthfully say that we have never seen a man better fitted to
handle children. He seems to possess some supernatural power over
them and through this power develops their mental faculties with most
remarkable skill. His school reminds us of a large family of loving
children who in all their difficulties look to a patient and indulgent
parent for help out of every emergency. This mutual feeling of love,
the existence of which between teacher and scholar is necessary to the
success of both, prevails to a remarkable degree here, and recognizing
this fact the Board of School Directors have retained, and will
continue to retain, Mr. Lykens in his present position. The
Intermediate School is taught by Mr. Joseph Whittaker. In this school
we also see the evidences of the good feeling that exists between
master and pupil, and from the reports of the teacher and directors,
as well as the happy expressions upon the countenances of the pupils,
we conclude that Mr. Whittaker is the right man in the right place.
D. R. Earlenbaugh teaches the Grammar School, and is thoroughly
competent to discharge the duties incumbent upon him, as the
recitations of his various classes abundantly prove, while the good
order maintained proves also that the scholars are alive to the
necessity of gaining all the information they can during the brief and
fleeting period of youth. During our visit Director Hysinger
addressed the scholars of each school in fitting terms, and we have no
doubt that his remarks were to those for whom they were intended, as
good seed falling upon good ground. We would advise our citizens who
wish to pass a pleasant hour, and at the same time encourage both
teachers and pupils in their good work, to visit our schools, and we
feel sure that no one will regret the time thus spent.
Singing School Organized - Description of a Graveyard.
J. B. says he abhors the very idea of wearing that infernal sugar-
loaf hat of his to the mines, just because he fears it might not meet
his lady love's approbation. "Thus conscience does make cowards of us
Our friend, J. E. S., advocates this theory: that in order to
secure a female companion with all the necessary requisites we must of
necessity gain her first affections and hold to them without the least
intermission until the silken knot is tied. This he declares to be
doubly essential. We have only to add that the ladies should beware
of this suspicious gentleman.
Messrs. D. B. Rice and W. F. Kyle, two of Taylor's energetic
citizens, have succeeded in organizing a singing school which meets in
the Plum Creek school house every Friday evening. These praiseworthy
gentlemen, who are exhibiting their generosity by successfully
imparting the right instructions in vocal music "free of charge," are
indeed worthy of the highest commendation. This we regard as an
elegant opportunity for the young folks of this section to learn how
to pucker their mouths in order that they may roll out sweet strains
of music. "May they never grow weary in well doing."
In June, 1879, Master John Moore decamped from his home in the
beautiful city of Baltimore and came to visit his uncle, P. V.
Yingling, on Plum Creek. Never before had John enjoyed country life;
but soon after his arrival he became almost bewildered amid the
thousands of excellent opportunities in which he could participate,
realizing freedom in its fullest extent. All day long John could be
seen engaged in festivities of some sort, and when night came and he
could no longer keep up the out-door sport he would amuse himself and
all about him by singing songs and dancing. Among John's last words
to his auntie, to whom he was so much attached, were the following:
"Auntie, auntie, my toes are sore
Dancing over your sandy floor;
I've danced so long, but I'll dance no more
'Til I dance with the gals of Baltimore.
Your scribe, in company with a few other gentlemen, lately visited
what is known as the Snowberger grave yard, near Sharpsburg, and was
horror-stricken upon seeing the horrible condition in which it is in.
We do think that nothing short of a visit to the above-mentioned yard
could possibly convince any one that our noble citizens could let the
sweet remembrance of their friends and relatives sink so far into
oblivion as to allow the place of their burial to grow up into such an
obnoxious wilderness. Shame! Shame! There are probably eighty
graves in the yard, and only two of the number are kept in proper
condition. Some of the graves have lost the slabs which marked the
place of interment, whilst other had nothing but a rough lime stone
placed there, merely to indicate that the space was already occupied.
Those who have had tomb-stones erected have left them apparently
uncared for, from the fact that while some have fallen down others are
leaning, some up and some down the hill. Weeds, briars and little
bushes cover the whole surface of the yard, which, in our estimation,
completes this very distasteful scene. We hope that our good citizens
will, at an early date, put some of their time and attention to the
dressing up of these graves, for in that neglected spot lie several
heroes of the late civil war.
The Contest for Prizes in Penmanship - Personal Mention.
A sociable and oyster supper was given at the residence of Mr.
Blair Bouslough, in the Loop, Wednesday evening last. About twenty
couples - your correspondent in the mix - were present, all of whom
enjoyed themselves to the utmost in social chat, or tipping the light
fantastic, which was kept up till the wee sma' hours, when all
returned to their homes, highly delighted with the social time they
had. Mr. and Mrs. Bouslough are deserving of many thanks for their
amiable hospitality.
Mr. Jacob Nash, who resides with his son, Benjamin Nash, in the
lower end of Scotch valley, may be classed among the oldest people of
the country. Mr. Nash is past 87 years of age, is in good health,
considering his advanced life, and bids fair to reach the age allotted
to all who take the proper care of their existence. He always had a
particular fondness for tobacco, and has been an inveterate chewer and
smoker of the weed for over seventy-five years. His wife, a venerable
lady twelve years younger, still lives to comfort him in his declining
The second monthly contest for prizes in penmanship ty the pupils
of the Canoe Creek school was decided on Monday. The first prize was
awarded to Miss Rill Walls and W. H. Harpster, the second to Miss Ida
Stewart and Miss Minnie Reid, and the third prize for the best
specimen by any pupil under 12 years was awarded to Miss Susie J.
Casner. In the next contest prizes will be given to the pupil or
pupils making the most improvement. This new feature in our school is
meeting with consummate success, and we unfeignedly believe that it
would be a profitable expenditure if the directors would allow a few
dollars to each school to be expended for prizes, and awarded in a
manner similar to the above.
We had the pleasure of attending a literary society in Frankstown
on Friday evening last which was organized a few weeks since. The
programme consisted of select readings, essays, orations, debates,
singing, etc. The question, "Resolved, that man will do more for the
love of woman than the love of money," was ably discussed on the
affirmative by G. M. Eicholtz and Mercer Gray and on the negative by
G. W. Wentzel, David Williams and Robert Hileman. The judges as well
as the house gave their decisions in the affirmative. Another
prominent item on the programme was the reading of a paper in
manuscript by the title of Our Literary Guest, ably edited by Miss
Orea Figart. Literary societies when thus conducted are productive
of much good, and were they tolerated to a greater extent they would
be the means of drawing out many minds, especially the young, into
active and practical improvement and thereby gain the sanction of the
people at large, for nothing seems to be wanting to promote the
progress of science and letters among us but public sympathy and a
more active encouragement to every exertion of our literary men.
Items of Interest Gathered by Our Reporter.
The church at Ore Hill has undergone repairs recently, being newly-
seated, wainscoated and a new pulpit put in.
Peter S. Dorsey has tired of single blessedness and has taken to
his charge a wife, Miss Gartland. We wish for them the best success
down life's meandering path.
The Bloomfield ore mines have been producing more abundantly during
the past year than ever before. Mr. McLanahan had been pushing
matters under the efficient management of F. Henry, Esq. Mr. Henry's
services are much appreciated by his employer judging from the
favorable testimonial received a short time since.
Orange blossoms soon fade at Ore Hill. A blushing bride of a few
months ago has been deserted by her unworthy spouse, who has gone to
climes more congenial, where the cares incident to married life are
not a burden.
The proprietors of Springfield furnace have purchased the timber of
a large tract of land in Freedom township, from the Duncan heirs'
agent, for the purpose of coaling. Charcoal is used in the
Springfield furnace which makes a very superior iron.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, January 20, 1881, page