Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, January 6, 1881
A Long Drawn Out Prosecutor and Defendant - Plan for Saving Money in the City's Financial Management - Fatal Effects of Scarlet Fever in the City, Etc.
Among the cases decided by the Supreme Court at Philadelphia, is that of the Price heirs against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. The deceased was killed in the Guyasuta accident on the West Penn railroad. He was a mail agent in the employe of the United States government, running regularly in the postal cars of through trains on the Pennsylvania railroad. His widow and heirs, through John Barton, Esq., brought suit to recover damages, and recovered a heavy verdict in the lower court. Messrs. Hampton and Dalzell for the railroad company went to the Supreme Court, where it was argued as well as below, that the deceased should be considered as an employe of the railroad company, and could not recover for the negligence of co-employes, in the regular discharge of their duty. The Supreme Court so holds, for it has reversed the court below and refused a new venire.
A Tall Proceeding.
A prosecution took place before Alderman Rose yesterday afternoon in which the prosecutor is six feet four inches in height and the defendant is six feet one inch high. It appears that Scott McCormick is an engineer on the mountain and a man named Callahan was his fireman. Some days since the fireman was discharged and blamed his discharge on the engineer, although the engineer denies it. A few nights since McCormick was standing in a cab when Callahan came up and called him outside. He went with him and McCormick alleges that Callahan struck him several times with a billy. The engineer ran away and the next day had a warrant issued for the arrest of his assailant. Callahan appeared before Alderman Rose and entered bail for his appearance at court to answer a charge of assault and battery and carrying concealed deadly weapons.
Resolutions of Respect.
At an informal meeting of the Silver Gray Social Club held in the parlor of the late William B. Mason on Sunday afternoon, the 2d inst. On motion of Mr. McGlathery it was resolved that resolutions of condolence on the demise of Brother Mason be written by the Secretary and published in all the city papers, and that a copy of the same be tendered to the family of the deceased.
WHEREAS, It has pleased the Almighty Disposer of Events to remove from our midst our dear brother and fellow member, William B. Mason; therefore,
Resolved, That we bow in humble submission to his sudden taking off, having been a member of our association but three days when God saw fit to take him "up higher."
Resolved, That we condole with the stricken widow and family in their sore distress; their loss is our brother's eternal gain.
Decease of Mrs. Lizzie Stewart.
Mrs. Lizzie Stewart, the young wife of Harry Stewart, died yesterday of consumption, after an illness of fifteen months. She was but just entering life, being but 23 years of age, when the fell destroyer laid his cold hand on her and removed her from this world of happiness and leaving behind three young children, who will miss a mother's guiding hand. Our sincere sympathy is extended to the afflicted relatives. A notice of the funeral is given elsewhere.
George Burkhart, a resident of Seventh avenue and Twenty-third street, died yesterday after a protracted illness of several months. His disease was contracted while serving in the army during the war of the rebellion. He leaves a wife and five children, who we are informed are in very needy circumstances.
Before Alderman Blake.
Yesterday Alderman Blake had a trifling case of assault and battery before him which originated in the shops, and was the result of a black eye.
On Tuesday he considered the case of Commonwealth vs. William E. Valentine, who was charged with nearly all the crimes on the calendar by Anna Stonebraker, and was the result of a neighbor's quarrel. In the latter case the defendant was discharged and the costs divided.
A Friend of the Soldiers' Widows and Orphans.
EDS. TRIBUNE: Seeing so much about soldiers' orphans in your paper I want to say a word about Mrs. Delia Banks, wife of the late Thaddeus Banks, who has been such a friend of ours and of the war widows. She got us all, in Blair county, into these orphan schools, and our mothers their back pay and bounty without any compensation. In a word, out of her own pocket. So we, who know her, want to thank her through your valued paper and to say that the prayers of the widows and orphans are offered for her. - A SOLDIER'S ORPHAN.
An Opportunity to Make a Considerable Saving in the Interest Account.
At the meeting of Council on Monday night reference was made to the city finances, and one gentleman stated that the funded debt would be due in about two years and might be refunded at a much lower rate of interest. Altoona's financial condition has improved wonderfully within a year. The immense amount of floating debt in the shape of non-interest bearing city orders has nearly all been redeemed and there is now practically none of it left. Last summer Council was derelict in not getting out the tax duplicate and comparatively little of the tax of 1889 has been collected. There is in bank a note signed by the individual members of the City Council which is worth ten thousand dollars, and the January interest on the city water and improvement bonds is due. There is nearly enough tax to meet the latter and it is probable the note will be renewed once more and then finally extinguished, and that it will be the last trouble of the kind. In regard to refunding the city bonds a large item will be saved. The funded debt at present is, water bonds, $199,500, bearing seven and three-tenths per cent. interest, and city bonds, $150,000, bearing seven per cent. interest. If the city will pay its interest when due these bonds can probably all be refunded at five per cent. interest, thus effecting an annual saving in this one item of $7,588.50. This would be a very material item and one which is worth looking after. Another item which will largely increase the city revenue next year is the increased water rents to be collected from the pipes laid during the past autumn. This water extension will be made with the proceeds of a sale of sixty thousand dollars of bonds which have all been taken by one of the banks at six per cent. interest. Orders have already been granted by Council for a large amount of water pipe, but none of them have been paid out of the city funds collected from taxes, but all will be cashed from the proceeds of this new loan. The new bonds are expected to arrive during the present week.
Icy Sidewalks.
The sidewalks in the city have never been properly cleaned off after the late snow and are in a deplorably bad condition. They are so slippery that a man can scarcely tell in which direction he is going when he walks home from dinner, and when he goes in a hurry for an item sometimes has to turn around and head for the office to arrive at the place for which he started. The road to perdition is often talked of, but we think the walks of Altoona would make a far better example of slippery pitfalls. To be sure there is an ordinance against the allowing the snow to remain on these walks but then no citizen was ever known to fear it as it was only passed to help make a respectable sized ordinance book. The slippery walks have another great advantage. The city treasury is becoming opulent and anybody who gets a leg broken can recover damages, which have been collected in the form of tax from the bloated bond-holders. And then what would our dear little boys do for sledding ground if the snow was cleaned away? They would have no place to throw their sleds after a short run and then bump their dear little stomachs down on them and glide forninst the legs of incautious pedestrians. Neither would the nice little girls have a chance to show their new red stockings. By all means let the snow remain.
The Ravages of Scarlet Fever.
The scarlet fever epidemic has passed Altoona lightly by except in a few cases, where its work was very severe. It has appeared in isolated families in several localities but never became epidemic. Among the severe sufferers has been the family of James Womer, who last Monday buried his son Eddie. Last night another interesting child breathed his last about 8 o'clock. The last of the flock is also lying very ill of the disease. Mr. Womer has a heavy burden to bear.
At the Mayor's Office.
A young man who hails from Hollidaysburg was yesterday arrested for disturbing a meeting in the Church of God. After a hearing the Mayor fined him five dollars and costs.
On the 30th of October several men committed an assault on a fellow named Grindle and then left the city to escape arrest. Recently one of them came back. Yesterday he was escorted before the Mayor and fined for his fun.
Ten tramps found lodging in the lock-up last night.
Additional Sales by the Sheriff.
In addition to the properties already noted, Sheriff Bell will sell at 10 o'clock Friday, January 28, 1881, the following:
Property of Henry K. Hammond, in Woodberry township, containing one hundred and twenty-five acres, large brick dwelling house, large bank barn and out-buildings.
House and lot of G. W. Sherbine, on Twelfth avenue, Altoona.
House and lot of Amelia J. Morgan, administratrix of George P. Morgan, deceased and John Hurd, guardian of Nannie H. Morgan, minor child of deceased, being lot No. 27 in the plot or plan of Greensburg, now Altoona.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., January 6, 1881, page 1
Transfer of Real Estate - Sleigh Ride, Sociable and Lyceum.
Hon. A. S. Morrow has sold to William Slayman? His desirable farm containing 102 acres, situated a short distance south of this place, for $10,000. This is considered a good sale.
Rumors of numerous business changes this year in the near future are rife in this community. It is currently reported that a Hollidaysburg gentleman with a New York partner will open a new general merchandise establishment in the St. Cloud Hotel building. It is also stated that an old established house will change proprietors, two well known Huston township gentlemen being the coming men.
An apology is due to the many patrons and readers of the TRIBUNE in this section for the non-appearance of our report of various interesting items on Tuesday, December 28. Our report was given into the hands of a messenger for delivery on Monday the 27th ult., but he failed to deliver it to the office. In our absence we were not aware of this failure, not having had an opportunity of seeing the TRIBUNE, thus this is, therefore, the reason for the non-appearance of reports of the Christmas festivities at the Lutheran and Reformed churches, as well as an account of the liberal donations to Revs. Simon Worlfe and Rev. Dutt by their respective congregations of Sharpsburg and Roaring Spring, and the festivities attendant upon the marriage of Mr. John Layman and Miss Mary Distler, besides a number of minor matters. We hope our apology will be accepted, inasmuch as the omission is not fault of the writer but due entirely to the carelessness of the messenger.
Taking advantage of the splendid sleighing which is now prevalent over all the roads which traverse the Cove the members of the Reformed Sociable, with a number of their friends, met on Monday evening last at the hospitable residence of Mr. Andy Nicodemus, about three miles north? of Martinsburg. Three large sleds were brought into requisition to convey the party to the place of meeting and a start? was effected from Nicodemus' drug store at 7 o'clock. Seldom has it been our pleasure to join so "sociable" a party. Indeed we may say it was the most sociable table? we ever attended. On the way out the air was sufficiently bracing to make the ride thoroughly enjoyable, and more especially so to the married attendants, while the almost "electric" light which fell from the moon, rendered the situation anything but delightful to the "belles and beaux" of the party. Occupying a seat with the driver, our reporter was in an excellent position to hear remarks like the following: "Oh, stop!" "Now do stop!" "Don't get your arm out of place." "You know the fate of the young man who did it last winter." (He is now in the railroad service), etc. However, the party arrived at Mr. Nicodemus' without having experienced the usual accompaniment to a sleigh ride - an upset, and were soon busy with the business of the evening, viz: a literary and social entertainment. President C. Skyles called the sociable to order, and after music by the choir and reading a chapter from the Bible by the President, the Secretary, Miss Anna Nicodemus, called the roll. Routine business was then transacted, after which the following programme was observed: Select readings, by Mrs. Kate May, Miss Nannie Bolger, Mr. F. H. Nicodemus and Miss Anna Nicodemus; recitation, by Miss Anna Morrow; reading, T. N. Rupley.
After the conclusion of the programme the evening was spent in social intercourse until 10 o'clock, when the party departed for home. On the principle that the "longest way round is the nearest way home," the party certainly chose the "nearest way," for they took in Fredericksburg and serenaded the slumbering inhabitants of that "beautiful village" while passing through. Inasmuch as the moon was hidden by clouds, on the way home we suppose a number of arms were out of place, not to say dislocated, as some of the "beaux" of the party were heard to utter complaints of severe pains in their arms to-day. Aside from these few complaints every one was pleased with the sociable, the hospitality of Mr. Nicodemus and the sleigh ride - but more especially with the sleigh ride. Indeed those very young men whose arms pained them so much to-day, are loudest in their demand for another sleighing party, while the young ladies who sat nearest them, smiling coyly, blush and join in the demand. For our part we hope this will not be the last sleighing sociable.
A Law Suit About a Telegram - The Shook Business - Personal Notes.
Mr. James A. Gilson has renewed his going to school in Altoona. His teacher, Mr. Osborne, finds in him an attentive scholar.
Mr. George Shillingford, manager of the Kittanning coal mines, has left our village to reside hereafter at Houtzdale. We miss his laughing contenance.
We are glad to boast of having a good authoress in our vicinity. We would like to see Miss Elizabeth's writings more frequently.
Mr. J. Perry and son, of Chest Springs, have taken advantage of the good sledding and are bringing shook in and storing it in their building at this place for shipment to New York.
We noticed the arrival of Mrs. T. S. Fleming after spending the holidays at her parents' home, at Blairsville. Theodore now thinks it is getting too cold in the evenings to stay out later than 8 o'clock. R. M. Bender and Jim Mauls think so, too.
Our switchman, William Ferguson, believes in having a cupboard with a lock and key to keep his lunch basket in so Mr. John Tobin and North Gardner can't steal his mince pie while leaving engines across. Don't let them get ahead of you, Billy.
Brought up before our temporary Justice of the Peace, Mr. I. S. Fleming, was a cause of defraudery, plaintiff claiming to have sent a telegram for defendant and receiving no pay. Defendant claims he did pay. Statement of both parties taken and important witnesses called. Statement of witnesses strongly against defendant. Case decided in favor of plaintiff and costs of prosecution to be paid by defendant, and imprisonment in the lock-up for twenty-four hours. Oh, what a dose!
HARRIS - MARSHAL. - At Tyrone, December 18?, 1880, by Rev. J. H. Walterick, Mr. Frederick A. Harris, of Tyrone, to Miss Mary Marshal, of Camden, N. J.
LIGHT - DIXON. - At Tyrone, January 4, 1881, by Rev. J. H. Walterick, Mr. John Light, of Harrisburg, to Miss Tillie Dixon, of Bald Eagle, Pa.
SCHNEIDER. - On January 2, 1881, in Sinking Valley, Lewis, youngest son of Frederick and Mary Schneider, aged 5 years, 1 month and 14 days.
STEWART. - In this city, on the 4th inst., Mrs. Lizzie, wife of Harry Stewart (engineer), aged 23 years.
The funeral will take place from her late residence, Fourteenth street between Eighth and Ninth avenues this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family are invited to attend.
WOMER. - In this city, January 5, at 8 o'clock P. M., Forest, son of James and Clara Womer, aged 11 months.
Funeral will take place from the parents' residence, Fifth avenue between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets, this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. Relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend without further notice.
But two short days have rolled away,
Till God has called our last babe home;
We feel now what it is to say,
"O, God! Thy will be done."
Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, January 6, 1881, page 3
No Paper To-morrow.
There will be no issue of the DAILY TRIBUNE to-morrow morning, as moving into the new building to-day will seriously interfere with newspaper and all other work in the printing line. After to-day all persons having business with the office will find us snugly housed a few doors north of our previous location. The new TRIBUNE building is sufficiently imposing to tell our readers where to look for us.
Things Briefly Told.
"Now is the winter of our discontent" - moving day.
Major John M. Clark, of this city, occupies a position in the Senate Folding room.
The railroad company is putting up a new set of signals on the Branch curve beyond the Seventeenth street bridge.
One of our prominent business men is shortly to be married to one of Harrisburg's fairest and most accomplished ladies.
The late Dr. John L. Ickes, who died lately in this city, was a son of Nicholas Ickes, the founder of Ickesburg, Perry county.
Five thousand dollars' worth of Johnstown school bonds bearing five per cent. interest yesterday sold at a premium of 4.02 per cent.
The application in the case of Schubert, editor of the Frie Presse of Johnstown, for a new trial in his libel suit was withdrawn, and he was fined five dollars and costs.
The Perry County Commissioners have extinguished $8,135 of the county debt the past year. Success to them and to their continued future efforts to liquidate the debt.
The Pittsburgh grand jury has ignored the bills against Conductor Routh, Engineer Huey and Flagman Penrod, who were indicted for criminal negligence in causing the great disaster at Twenty-eighth street, in that city.
The following pupils of the First Intermediate school, in the Eighth ward, were present every roll-call during the month ending December 30, 1880: Robert Kuhn, Jonathan Baker, Dallie Ickes, Rachel Kline, Maggie Moran, Lila Jellison, Lottie Sloan.
Two Indigent Citizens of Houtzdale.
Messrs. Van Dusen and Ashton, of Houtzdale, appear to be greatly grieved because the TRIBUNE saw fit to cut out of their communication personal matters that were of no interest to any one but themselves, and, therefore, charge us with garbling their precious contribution. All that was really necessary for the public to know was given in an extract from their letter. If they have any fight with one Mr. Fries they had better settle the matter with him at shorter range than through the Altoona newspapers. That Messrs. Van Dusen and Ashton have not stated the truth in regard to the scarlet fever epidemic in that neighborhood is shown by another Houtzdale correspondent of the Pittsburgh Leader. They say that in all that neighborhood, in over two months, "there were only about thirty deaths," from scarlet fever, while the other correspondent, without dragging in the surrounding townships, figures out forty-six deaths alone in Houtzdale from that disease in the months of November and December. There are some people that like to be heard for their much speaking, and Van Dusen and Ashton are two of that sort.
A Blair County Man Honored.
Hon. John D. Patterson, who has been elected resident clerk of the House of Representatives, is a native of Williamsburg, this county, where his father still resides. He was at one time a teacher in the public school of Woodberry township. During the war he served in Company B, One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and after his discharge accepted employment as clerk in the railroad offices in this city, and was shortly transferred to Harrisburg, where he has since resided. He has always been an active Republican, and was elected Mayor of that city for three consecutive terms, the last time he was elected over the combined opposition of the Democrats and the Greenbackers. His official career has been one of credit to his party and honor to himself, and he will no doubt fill the position to which he has been elected with the same characteristic ability that has characterized all the positions he has been called to fill. His many friends in this county feel glad of his success.
The Causes to be Heard and Determined by Judge Dean and a Jury.
Prothonotary Stewart gives notice that the following cases have been set down for trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Blair county, commencing the fourth Monday of January, the 24th:
McCartney & Gwin vs. W. E. Worrell.
Austin Moore vs. Altoona City.
James Craig vs. J. W. Dougherty.
Henry Hench vs. Calvin Cherry.
William M. Lyon, et. Al, vs. Arch. Emigh, et al.
Mrs. Susan Ake vs. H. L. & J. S. Ake.
John Ainsworth vs. Charles Poole, Sr.
Matthew Long vs. H. McIntosh.
John Muller vs. McCartney & Gwin.
John R. Martin vs. Charles Vowinckle.
Same vs. William G. Hewit.
James M. Baird vs. Ang. Hempstead.
Samuel Clinemeyer vs. James Stevens.
Alexander & Herr vs. Bowman & Morrow.
Isett & Stoke vs. First National Fire Insurance Company.
Francis Dieffenbaugh vs. Samuel Dreifus.
Mrs. H. C. Zink vs. Frank Bros. & Co.
Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Company vs. John Malone's Com.
Custer, Son & Co., vs. Same.
Rosenbaum Bros. & Co. vs. Same.
Rosenbaum, Fleischer & Co., vs. Same.
J. M. Test & Co. vs. J. W. Scott.
M. Gouland vs. Davis, Lightner & Co.
George W. English vs. Walter Irvin.
Walter Irvin vs. George W. English.
J. M. Warren vs. J. W. Scott.
Francis Lemon vs. J. W. Scott.
Illman Winters vs. Same.
Jonas Arday vs. Same.
Elijah Rees vs. Same.
Fillmore Nevling vs. Same.
Malvin Elliott vs. Same.
James Russell vs. Same.
Ira W. Green vs. Same.
James Foxe vs. Same.
L. & A. Morrison vs. Same.
B. C. Hensel vs. Same.
Hiram Wills vs. Same.
Joseph Logan vs. Same.
Robert McCormick vs. Henry Craine.
Jacob Holler vs. Hollidaysburg Building and Loan Association.
Daniel Noel vs. John Halfpenny.
Pfeiffer & Farabaugh vs. J. M. Wike.
John Turnbaugh vs. Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
J. W. Thomas vs. Hugh and Mary McClelland.
H. T. Gover for use vs. Glen White Coal & Lumber Company.
H. T. Gover for use vs. Same.
A. E. Hough vs. Same.
A. Ake vs. C. C. Mason.
H. M. Ingram vs. M. Grabill.
Samuel S. Taylor vs. N. C. Barclay.
P. O. Hagan for use vs. James Funk.
Allegheny Building and Loan Association vs. James and Anna Rainey.
Same vs. William and Margaret Swift.
Eli Domer et al. vs. Brice Sell.
George O. Doll vs. W. J. Yeates et al.
James Madara's Administrator vs. William A. Madara.
John A. Templeton vs. Gotleib Paul.
Margaret Lewis vs. Lucy London.
John O'Neil vs. C. C. Reese.
P. H. Haron vs. S. C. Baker.
Inspection of Company H., of Johnstown.
On Tuesday evening Adjutant W. Sargent, accompanied by Lieutenant John R. Garden and Regimental Clerk Haldeman, inspected Company H., Captain S. P. Morrell, of Johnstown. The Adjutant gives a very flattering account of the company and its condition. It is virtually a new organization, as it was but recently removed from Wilmore and is almost entirely made up of new recruits. About thirty men were present at the inspection, which took place at 8 o'clock in the evening in the armory. Their general appearance is reported as very good, manuel of arms executed quite well. In company movements they were unable to show to advantage on account of the small size of the armory. One pleasing point, however, was their remarkable steadiness in rank. The condition of the accoutrements and arms was good, the company was well sized and the men of good physique, and the company books showed care and attention. The armory, such as it is, presented an extremely neat appearance and great care was evidently given to the State equipments. The company has in contemplation the erection of a new armory in conjunction with the Post of the Grand Army of the Republic at that point. The company presents a flourishing condition and is encouraged by some of the substantial business men of the town, who are interested in its success.
High School Report.
The following percentages give the relative standing in scholarship and deportment of the pupils of the respective divisions in attendance at the High School for the month ending December 24, 1880:
Jennie Postlethwaite, 100
Lettie Nixon, 100
Amelia Brenecke, 99
Ella Yingling, 99
Zella Beamer, 99
Maggie Dillon, 98
Gertrude Roush, 97
Hattie Strasser, 97
Eva Keesberry, 97
Maggie Strasser, 96
Maggie Goodfellow, 95
Harry Bartlebaugh, 95
Edna McCune, 95
Lucy Shaw, 94
Anna Abrahims, 94
Jennie Osborne, 93
M?llie Adams, 93
Anna Hamilton, 93
+ Ada Marks, 86
Sallie Arthur, 82
Kate Forncrook, 99
Frank Delo, 98
Anna Snyder, 98
Grace Harkness, 98
Lizzie Plack, 98
John Olmes, 98
Nettie Plack, 98
Maggie Johnson, 97
Ellie Lewis, 97
Willie Swank, 96
Harry Hoar, 94
+ Lizzie Mann, 94
+ Freddie Bell, 94
+ Effie Shellenberger 93
Alvarina Clark, 93
+ Millie Ake, 93
Mazie Ake, 92
Carrie Cole, 92
Harry Shellenberger, 91
Anna Carr, 91
Jennie Atkinson, 91
Clemens Pietsch, 90
* Lottie Olmes, 89
Charles Burley, 81
Emma Thomas, 99
Della Yingling, 99
C. Postlethwaite, 99
Westley Snowberger, 99
Chas. Beckhoefer, 98
Lottie Ake, 98
Ella Burley, 98
Carrie Lytle, 98
Sadie Hurd, 98
Ella Yerger, 97
Willie Ramey, 97
Lucy McClure, 96
Ella Cherry, 96
Eddie McCartney, 96
Rena Hall, 96
Carrie Cline, 95
Flora Gwinn, 93
Kate McClellan, 93
Emma Gwin, 93
Laura Rhea, 93
* Dollie O'Neil, 91
Eddie Mann, 91
* Hattie Delo, 85
Mary Hackett, 99
Mary Buch, 98
Grant Stoke, 98
Maud Kerns, 97
Mazie Bowman, 97
Lizzie Beck, 96
Anna Poffenberger, 96
Hulbert Smith, 96
Lizzie Utley, 95
Jessie Davis, 95
Louisa Shomberg, 95
Jessie Cherry, 94
Sadie Burtnett, 93
Walter Boult, 93
Cora Jackson, 93
Maggie Hagerty, 93
Anna Stiffler, 92
* Jennie Kean, 91
Maggie Condrin, 91
Mary Davis, 90
John Bowman, 90
Ella Kean, 89
Anna Snyder, 89
Florence MacDonald, 88
* Unavoidably absent.
+ Conditioned.
Average of A Division, 95
Average of B Division, 94
Average of C Division, 96
Average of D Division, 94
Enrollment, 90
Per cent. of attendance, 98
Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, January 6, 1881, page 4