Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Tuesday, August 10, 1880
Martin Burkholder Makes a Narrow Escape from Being Ground Up by a
Thresher. The Telephone Exchange Being Extended - Ex-Governor Bigler
James P. Wills, a painter, while engaged in painting the roof of
the Globe Hotel met with a frightful death yesterday morning. After
finishing his work he, in a playful, not to say foolhardy, manner
began jumping from the roof of the main building to the roof of
another wing running parallel with it, between which there is an
intervening space of about five feet. He had successfully accomplished
the feat twice, against which his employer, Mr. J. H. Bergstresser,
who is also Wills' brother-in-law, strongly remonstrated, but he was
deaf to all advice and warning, and remarked that he was not at all
afraid of the undertaking. On the third attempt he slipped on the
comb roofing of the western wing, and fell a distance of fifty-four
feet, striking on the plank flooring between the two buildings. His
head was shockingly crushed in, and he expired almost instantly. In
his descent he struck the wall of the eastern wing. Coroner Humes
held an inquest over the body and rendered a verdict of accidental
death. He was about 34 years of age. His remains were taken to
undertaker Tipton's establishment, on Eleventh avenue, and prepared
for burial. His parents reside at Warriorsmark, Huntingdon county,
whither his remains will be taken for interment. His brother Benjamin
was killed at the Centennial building in Philadelphia in 1876, about a
month before the opening of the Exposition, by the fall of a scaffold
on which he and a number of others were standing while painting that
edifice. In this case, however, James owes his death simply to his
own indiscretion and heedless disregard of the warnings of his fellow-
A Narrow Escape from Death.
Last Friday while a threshing machine and grain separator were in
operation on the farm of Perry Burkholder in Antis township, Martin
Burkholder, aged about 20 years, son of John J. Burkholder, made a
narrow escape from instant death. He essayed to tighten a screw of
the knuckle-joint of the separator, when he was caught by the
wristband of the shirt and wound around the shaft, which was revolving
at the rate of 200 revolutions per minute. Before the young man could
be extricated from his perilous situation nearly every stitch of
clothing was torn from his person. When the machine was stopped the
shaft was holding him by the hair of his head, after the body had been
denuded of clothing, while his feet were pressed against the
haft. When released it was supposed that he was dead. His injuries
consisted of a severe cut in the back of his neck, cuts and bruises on
his head, and the spraining of the leaders on one side of his neck,
causing his head to hang to that side. Notwithstanding these severe
wounds he is in a fair way of recovery. He had been repeatedly warned
against turning these screws while the machine was in motion, but
exemption from accident hitherto had made him bold in braving danger.
Should he recover it will be a severe lesson which he will doubtless
regard in the future.
Respect the City of the Dead.
Visitors to Fairview cemetery on Sunday afternoons indulge some
privileges which the management will not tolerate. These are removing
the seats from the localities where they have been placed, and
breaking off flowers and shrubs. The habit of lounging, regularly
practiced by some parties, will not be permitted in the future. While
the cemetery authorities invite rather than forbid the visits of our
citizens, they desire a compliance with the rules governing the sacred
place. They have gone to considerable expense to improve the
cemetery, and propose yet further improvements as their means will
permit, and do not wish those already consummated impaired or
destroyed. It will be well for all persons to see that they do not
infringe upon the privileges and proprieties of the place.
Something About the Telephone.
The Telephone company, we are glad to learn, contemplates keeping
open all night, subject to calls at all hours, so that in case of fire
or burglary the telephone may be brought into requisition. There
will, of course, be no Sunday hours. Within three days about ten new
offices will be opened, including Bell's Mills, Lloydsville,
McFarland's Mills, Vowinkle's, and lumber mills beyond the latter
place, on the Bell's Gap extension, and Plack's and Glant's mills, on
this side of the county. Also, to Roaring Spring, McKee's Gap, etc.
In conversing with McFarland's yesterday we could hear as distinctly
as if talking with any one of the city offices. Once the company gets
its wire network over the county we have reason to believe the
telephone will become very popular with all classes of business
Meeting of the Second Ward Republicans.
A meeting of the Second ward Republicans was held in the old
Mountain City band room on Eighth avenue last night. They organized
by electing Blain McCormick, President; John R. Garden, Secretary; E.
M. Warren, William Guyer and J. R. Snowden, Vice Presidents; and John
Elway, Treasurer. On motion the Chair appointed the following
Executive Committee: John R. Garden, Chairman; J. S. Elway, T.
Clabaugh, D. K. Wantz, A. E. Hollar, Thomas Houck and Martin Mackey.
The committee will meet at the house of the Chairman, No. 1113 Eighth
avenue, on Saturday night, for the purpose of organizing. The
following committee was appointed to secure a hall and report at the
next meeting: Messrs. Captain E. M. Warren, Daniel Wantz and A. E.
Hollar. The Committee on Finances was as follows: Messrs. Elway,
Warren, Guyer, Clabaugh and Thompson. At the close of the meeting
over fifty persons signed their names to the club roll. The club will
meet in the Opera House on Friday evening of this week.
The Logan Township Cross Suit.
In the Logan township assault and battery cases heretofore referred
to the parties were before Alderman Rose yesterday afternoon. Thomas
Burkholder and George Brown were bound over in the sum of $300 each
for their appearance at Court. They are charged with pounding the boy
Myers. In the case before Alderman O'Toole, that in which David
Myers, George Proh and Mat. Sisler are charged with an assault on Mrs.
Funk - a hearing was also given. The Alderman held the case under
advisement until 4 o'clock this afternoon.
Loss of a Good Citizen.
Mr. William Allen, of the First ward of this city, and for quite a
number of years employed in the passenger-car shops, has been
compelled on account of failing health to give up his situation and
seek employment more suitable for his health. He contemplates
removing his family to Philadelphia. Mr. Allen has the best wishes of
his many friends and their sympathies in his affliction.
Hand Crushed.
Samuel Grove, who lives near Ninth street and Green avenue, had the
misfortune to get a hand crushed in the lower yard yesterday. He was
coupling cars at the time. Fortunately no bones were broken but the
flesh was severely pinched, and he will have to lay off for a few
Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Tuesday, August 10, 1880, page 1
Friday's Accidents - Condition of the Injured - Funeral of David
H. E. Hamilton, of Pittsburgh, is visiting friends here.
A few days ago a small dog bit a young lady on the hand, which has
since become greatly inflamed and very painful.
We understand a Garfield club will be organized the present week,
but the night of meeting has not yet been announced.
Mr. John Stouffer and his son called to see us yesterday. He is
one of the best citizens our town has sent to Altoona.
Theo. Sickles lost a valuable horse. Its death was caused by being
kicked by another horse. This is the second animal Sickles has had
killed by this same vicious animal.
The late Jacob Eckard, a wealthy farmer living in King township,
Bedford county. about two miles from Claysburg, we are credibly
informed, lived fifty-two days without taking any kind of food, even
refusing water, thus beating the remarkable fast of Dr. Tanner twelve
days. Mr. Eckard died on the fifty-second day of his fast.
About 6 o'clock on Friday evening the roof of the fine brick
residence of Jacob Andrews, on Canada avenue, was discovered to be on
fire. Although "that alarm whistle" failed to blow by reason of the
remonstrances made by some of the citizens, the Good Will boys - who
always have their pickets posted - were soon on the ground and
extinguished the flames without the other companies being notified of
the fire.
Superintendent Stephens held the examination of applicants for
schools in Blair township yesterday. At the conclusion of the
examination the following appointments were made by the board:
Rhodes' - J. W. Green. Reservoir - Theodore Lindsey. East
Hollidaysburg - J. R. Smith. Catfish - H. C. Tussey. Walterstown -
Captain F. Cassidy. The term was increased to six months. Messrs.
Green and Lindsey will receive $38 per month, the other gentlemen $40.
Blair township is well to the front in the line of progress.
The Hollidaysburg and Gaysport Hancock and English club met in the
Masonic Opera House on Saturday night and effected a permanent
organization by electing Hon. John Criswell, President; Captain John
Murray, Captain Thomas Holland, G. W. Diehl, Hugh Craig, Sr., David
Murray, Colonel William Stone, Adam Schmidt, Frank Vogle, Andrew Leep,
Charles Curry and John Fitzharris, Vice Presidents; S. Gibson Barr,
Recording Secretary; W. H. Swartz and Robert Bollinger, Corresponding
Secretaries; Colonel William Jack, Treasurer, and Hugh Smith, Color
Bearer. A committee of three in each ward and election district was
appointed to procure speakers and to see that every Democratic voter
is enrolled. A committee of three was also appointed on banners.
Major Crisswell, who has voted the straight-out ticket for forty
years, on taking the chair made a neat little speech. He said one of
the encouraging signs was that the old men of the party had enthused
and were working and encouraging the young Democrats. Major S. G.
Barr offered the following preamble and resolutions, which were
unanimously agreed to:
WHEREAS, The Democratic Party of Blair county for more than forty
years has had the earnest co-operation and assistance of Hon. Thad.
Banks, who is now in inferior health, and
WHEREAS, This club has learned of his enthusiastic admiration for
General Hancock, the "soldiers' statesman," and his anxiety for the
success of the national ticket, be it
Resolved, That the club sympathizes with this faithful and
distinguished Democrat in the present condition of his health, with
the expression of a hope for his early and permanent restoration.
Resolved, That he be invited, if compatible with his physical
condition, to address the club at such time as may suit his
convenience and ability.
Resolved, That a committee of two be appointed to place in his
hands a copy of this preamble and resolutions.
S. G. Bart and Colonel William Jack were appointed the said
The sad accidents of Friday last have cast a gloom over our entire
town, which time alone can dispel. The first was the announcement of
the serious mine accident to our townsman, Mr. John Gardner, who was
so seriously injured by a fall of slate in the Frankstown slope.
Although Mr. Gardner's back was broken, and he sustained other painful
and serious injuries he still survives, but death we have no doubt
would be a welcome visitor to release him from his sufferings. Soon
after our entire community was shocked by the announcement that Mr.
David Robinson had been killed and his estimable wife probably
fatally injured by being thrown from their carriage. In suddenness of
Mr. Robinson's death he was spared the intense suffering his wife has
since endured, and she still lies in a semi-conscious condition and
may never realize that her husband had preceded her to that better
home. Living but a short distance from our town and on the most
public road, their hospitable door was always open and a kind
reception given to rich and poor alike. It was only natural that all
our people should be sad and cast down when the announcement was made
and confirmed. The funeral of Mr. Robinson, which took place
yesterday, was, without doubt, the largest procession of carriages
ever before seen passing through our town, numbering one hundred and
thirty; but that was not all, as many that attended the services at
the house did not accompany the remains to the grave. Mr. Robinson
was born within two miles of Birmingham, Huntingdon county, on the
22d. day February, 1805. He owned the farm on which the business part
of Altoona city is now located, and sold it to the railroad company
for $12,000; he soon after purchased the farm on which he has since
lived. Mr. Robinson's two sisters, Mrs. Galbraith, 86 years of age,
and Mrs. Vantries, 78 years, both still residing near the old home,
attended the funeral. He has three brothers living, Moses, Samuel and
Andrew, but they were not present. Moses Robinson, the oldest
brother, 83 years of age, lives in Clearfield county; his wife is also
living and is 89 years of age. They married 62 years ago. The other
two brothers, Samuel and Andrew, live in Iowa, and both have passed
the allotted three-score and ten years. The deceased was a member of
the Baptist Church for many years, and his pastor, Rev. H. F. King,
assisted by Revs. Cornelius and Baker of Altoona, and the venerable
Dr. Gibson, of Duncansville, conducted the funeral ceremonies. The
pall-bearers were eight in number, consisting of Colonel William Jack,
Edward McGraw, Jacob Mattern, ex-Sheriff Bobb, Simon Baird, John R.
McFarlane, Hon. David Caldwell, Andrew Biddle.
Disastrous Fire - Barn of John Hetrick, in
the Cove, Burned - Personal.
Mrs. T. J. Maitland and Mrs. Reynolds, of Altoona, spent Saturday
in this place as the guests of Mrs. W. A. Nicodemus.
In "Martinsburg Matters," of Saturday last, the intelligent
compositor credited Dr. S. M. Rodgers with the successful removal of a
tape worm. We wrote the name Dr. S. M. Royer.
On Sunday night about the hour of 11 o'clock Mr. John Hetrick, who
lives one mile southwest of Woodberry, near Keagy's foundry, and on
the road leading to Waterside, was awakened by a bright light shining
in his room, and at the first glance in the direction of his barn
found the building enveloped in flames. Rushing out Mr. Hetrick, by
dint of hard labor, succeeded in getting all his horses and cattle,
except two calves, out of the burning building; but all the other
contents of the barn, consisting of about 1,200 bushels of wheat, a
large amount of oats, his entire hay crop, gears and a lot of farming
utensils, together with the building, were entirely consumed. The
barn was quite a large structure, being 45x90 feet in size, and the
loss is roughly estimated at from $3,000 to $3,500. The fire was
evidently the work of a party or parties who were stealing meat. Mr.
Hetrick states that he kept his meat in the granary, securely locked,
and that when he entered the burning building on Sunday night he found
the door of the granary standing wide open. Whether the fire
originated from burning matches, accidentally dropped by the thieves,
or was started with the intention of covering up the theft, is of
course a mystery. It is said, however, that circumstances point very
plainly to the guilty party and that his arrest and conviction is only
a question of time. At this writing we are unable to state whether or
not the barn and its contents were insured.
A Garfield and Arthur Club - New Saw Mill. Personal.
We are happy to welcome our esteemed friend; M. F. Beamer, back in
our midst from New York State, where he has been doing business for
the pipe line company.
Hurrah for Duncansville! Diehl & Co. have purchased from D. S.
Gibboney a lot of timber adjoining Duncansville, and intend putting
their saw mill on the premises this fall.
At the examination of teachers for Allegheny township on Friday,
the 6th inst., at Duncansville, the following teachers were
Duncansville Grammar School, H. S. Wertz; Primary School, J. H.
Black, Jr.; Foot of Ten, Charles Reinwaldt; Poor House, Miss Stiffler;
Sugar Run, Miss Black; Carson Valley, George Wilt.
The Garfield and Arthur club of Duncansville met at 8 o'clock on
Saturday evening, and was called to order by John Gibboney, Esq. The
first business was the report of the Committee on Rules and By-Laws,
for the club, which was adopted. The election of permanent officers
resulted as follows: J. K. Patterson, President: G. P. Kelley and A.
B. Hicks, Vice Presidents; D. C. Confer, Recording Secretary; A. C.
Long, Corresponding Secretary: J. M. Gibboney, Esq., Treasurer. On
motion of Christ. Musselman, Jr., the club was made a marching club
and James Adams appointed Captain; John Hicks and C. Musselman, First
and Second Lieutenants, and Robert Sanders Color Sergeant. On motion
a committee of five was appointed by the President on equipments. The
President then appointed the following gentlemen: A. B. Hicks, J. M.
Hamilton, Robert Sanders, Christ. Musselman and William Hitchings. A
committee of two was appointed to procure and invite speakers for the
campaign; also, an invitation was given to any present to sign the
roll, when the number swelled from forty-five to seventy-five.
On motion the time of meeting was changed to once a week, on
Saturday evenings, at 8 o'clock sharp. The club then adjourned to
meet on Saturday evening, the 14th.
Agricultural, Musical, Religious and Personal.
This corner of the land is always astir.
The hay harvest has just ended up in this corner.
Welcome, is the countersign of the Logan Sunday school to all.
Miss Katy Miller, who has been quite ill for some time past is
slowly recovering.
Mr. Bently claims to have the greatest oat crop, among the hills
here this season.
Mr. John Rodeland, who has been sick with typhoid fever, is mending
slowly. He is being seen to by Dr. Graham.
The longest timothy stalk in the region is claimed by John Isaac,
it being seven feet five inches. Who can beat it?
Mr. Owens has been reappointed to the same school he taught last
winter. He is well liked here, and a general welcome is granted
During the spring and summer season we have had musical treats also
from Professor Ward, of your city, and E. B. Rees. They are both good
Moses Thompson, the happy and eccentric farmer, says he's all
right, having plenty to eat and drink and wear and a politician of the
first water. He knows how to entertain a person.
William McGintz, one of our most stirring and enterprising farmers,
claims to have the longest pumpkin vine in the hollow, it measuring
twenty-four feet precisely, and he says that he has no more room for
it to grow any longer.
The other evening while sauntering over the hills around here, we
were compelled to sit down under the shadow of an old oak tree and
listen to the sweet and melodious strains of music brought forth from
a stringed instrument in the hands of one Jonas Croyle. For a fact it
was good. "The Flowers of Edenburg" seemed to be his favorite
"Hancock Flag May Not be Feared by the Democracy - They are Entitled
to Use It if They Don't Abuse It.
EDS. TRIBUNE: The attention of the writer has been called, by
several gentlemen of this borough, all of whom did good service during
the war for the Union, two or three having enlisted early in 1861, and
honorably discharged after the supposed honorable surrender at
Appomattox, to the following, which is clipped from the Altoona Sun of
the 6th inst.:
To the Editor of the Sun: I see by the Altoona bloody shirt sheet,
the TRIBUNE, that it denounces the stars and stripes that we of the
Eighty-fourth regiment fought under and led by the gallant and brave
General Hancock to victory. It is proposed by the filthy sheet that
the "Hancock rag" be pulled down. I have voted the Republican ticket
all my life and was sort of on the fence until I read that article
this morning. From that time I made up my mind to vote and do all I
can for Hancock and English; and would further say, shoot the first
man on the spot who attempts to pull down the "Hancock rag."
A VETERAN OF THE EIGHTY-FOURTH, Hollidaysburg, August 6.
The conclusion is, after carefully comparing notes, 1. That there
is no "veteran" of the 84th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, (and
it is presumed this is what is meant by 84th), a regiment whose valor
and loyalty cannot be questioned, in Hollidaysburg or vicinity, who
would write such an article as the above. 2. There is no veteran of
the 84th Pennsylvania volunteers, who heretofore voted the Republican
ticket, and will next fall vote the national Democratic ticket. 3.
There is no veteran of any regiment in Hollidaysburg or vicinity who
voted the Republican ticket all his life who will now vote for Hancock
and English. 5. The "Veteran of the Eighty-fourth" who wrote the
above article never served in the Eighty-fourth Pennsylvania
volunteers or any other regiment during the war, and if he attempted
to do so he was a "skulker" or "hospital bummer," and too much of a
coward to shoot anything, to say nothing of shooting "on the spot" the
vile traitor who would attempt to pull down the American flag, whether
it had Hancock's or anybody else's name inscribed upon its honorable
folds. All of know that the TRIBUNE never suggested such an idea, and
from reading its article no such an inference could be drawn. Very
CALVARY. Hollidaysburg, Pa., August 10, 1880.
The Base Ball Game at Tunnel Hill.
EDS. TRIBUNE: In regard to the game of base ball between the Stars
and picked nine at Tunnel Hill on Saturday, an error appears in the
Gallitzin Gossip. It is stated that the picked nine were from
Hollidaysburg and Altoona. This was not the case. There were some
from Altoona but none from Hollidaysburg. B. W.
Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Tuesday, August 10, 1880, page 3
Things Briefly Told.
Rev. Dr. Wilson was visible on our streets yesterday.
Mrs. Nunemaker, an elderly lady of Williamsburg, died yesterday
Harry Woods will act as Secretary of the Eighth ward Republican
Byron Ward, who was injured in the lower shops on Saturday, is
William M. Ashmead, wife and family, of Jacksonville, Florida, are
stopping at the Central Hotel.
The Logan House concert will be on Friday evening of this week
instead of Thursday evening.
Frank Rhinehart, of Tyrone, has the contract for building the
cellar walls of the new Court house at Ebensburg.
There was a great fight among the boys at Ninth street and Ninth
avenue last night, in which any amount of stone throwing took
Rev. J. B. Shaver, of Hollidaysburg, paid his respects to the
TRIBUNE office yesterday. He is a pleasant gentleman and a good
The portly form of the genial Father Caldwell, of Nolo, Indiana
county, was to be seen treading our avenues yesterday.
Colonel R. G. Galbraith, of Sinking Valley, was in the city
yesterday, returning from the funeral of David Robison, at
There will be a meeting of the local Garfield and Arthur club at
Millville on Tuesday evening of this week, which will hereafter be the
regular meeting night.
W. M. Fay, son of Mr. George Fay, of Williamsburg, left yesterday
morning for Fort Fred Steele, Wyoming Territory. He goes into the
employ of the government.
Mr. D. R. Donnelly, of this city, was called to Williamsburg
yesterday evening by reason of the illness of some of his family, who
have been visiting there for some time.
Frank Tomlinson, of the Sixth ward, showed our reporter an egg
which was "some pumpkins" in its way. It measures in circumference
eight by six and a half inches.
The Democratic County Committee of Cambria county met at Ebensburg
yesterday, for the purpose of placing in nomination a Register and
Recorder, Surveyor and Coroner.
James F. Carothers, manager of the Singer Manufacturing Company at
Charlottesville, Virginia, and correspondent of the TRIBUNE, is at
home visiting his many friends in this county.
Mrs. Robinson, who was so seriously injured on Friday night, is
still lying at the house of Mrs. Hileman, near Frankstown, in a semi-
conscious condition. There is no change in her symptoms.
Annie Baer, aged 12 years, residing in Lincoln township, Huntingdon
county, killed a white snake about two feet long while out berrying a
few days since. The snake is believed to be of the viper species.
Dr. J. P. Thompson and wife, formerly of Williamsburg but now of
Johnstown, were in the city yesterday, returning home from a
recuperating tour to Bedford Springs. The doctor was looking
remarkably well.
The Committee of Arrangements of the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows' picnic of this county, requests us to say that the price of
the excursion to Flowing Spring is fifty cents for the round trip
instead of sixty, as stated in some of the city papers.
Samuel, aged 2 years, a son of Judge A. J. Beaver, of Penn
township, Huntingdon county, met with an accident one day recently by
a barn door blowing off its hinges during a storm. The little fellow
was standing near the door, when it fell on him and broke one of his
legs at the thigh and the other one above the ankle.
The quantity of coal and coke carried over the Pennsylvania
railroad for the fourth week of July was 138,788 tons, of which
104,854 tons were coal and 33,934 tons coke. The total tonnage for
the year thus far has been 3,902,258 tons, of which 2,936,536 tons
were coal and 975,822 tons coke.
The TRIBUNE yesterday held communication by telephone with
McFarland Mills, two and a half miles beyond Lloydsville. Our
friends, wherever the telephone extends, will please message us news
of interest that may occur in their neighborhood, when mail and other
facilities are not practicable.
Mr. Peters, Leechburg, Pennsylvania, of the show of Boyd &
Peters, arrived on Saturday night from Somerset, and immediately swore
out a warrant for the arrest of A. W. Davis, one of the managers, and
C. W. McCune, of the Buffalo Courier Company, on a charge of
conspiracy. Davis was immediately put under arrest and taken to
Kittanning. This will likely put an entirely new face on the whole
affair, and may lead to the true inwardness of the abduction of Saloam
A Lost Basket Found.
Yesterday Alfred Eaby, while out picking berries in the vicinity of
Glen White, found a lunch basket apparently lost by some one. It
contained a plate, pie, cup of jelly, shawl, skirt, pants and other
articles. It had doubtless been set down by some berry picker who
could not find it again.
A Domestic Quarrel Leading to the Discovery of the Guilty
The Osceola Reveille says that on the 21st of September, 1875, old
Esquire Shoff was fished out of the dam at Madera, and it was supposed
at the time - and the Coroner's jury so returned a verdict - that the
old man met his death by drowning. Many of the citizens at that time,
who viewed the body, freely expressed the opinion that the old man
never met his death by drowning. When asked why they entertained this
opinion they would answer, "Who ever saw a drowned man without any
water in him?" This appears to have been a fact. Not a half teacup
of water came from the old man's mouth after he was taken from the
water, notwithstanding the fact that the body was rolled repeatedly
over a large keg. It was sworn before the Coroner's jury, by one
witness, that during the night a pitiful cry of distress was heard and
that it sounded like the voice of Shoff. Another witness swore that
he had not seen Shoff nor been in his company on the day or night of
the 21st, while several witnesses swore that they had seen them
together, drinking, and the hotel keeper swore that Shoff and this
witness had been in his place together and drank whisky; that this
witness poured the whisky into a glass and made Shoff drink it; that
this was late at night and about the last place Shoff was seen alive
by any person.
At this late day, it is remembered by a number of persons who saw
the body, that over the eye there was a bruise and underneath a cut,
and that the eye was swollen almost shut, and a cut behind one of the
ears large enough to admit the end of a man's thumb. It seems from
the best evidence obtainable (A. K. Shoff, a brother) that no
examination was made by a doctor.
A strange part in all this affair is the fact that very recently, a
woman living in the vicinity of Madera, said that she overheard a
certain woman cast up to her husband, that he had killed Shoff and
thrown him in the dam; but the strangest part of all is the fact that
this husband turns out to be the very witness who swore before the
Coroner's jury that he had not seen Shoff on the day or night of the
21st. We understand that the woman who heard the conversation between
the husband and wife, in regard to this murder, went to a Justice of
the Peace and made a statement, under oath, of what she had heard.
There should be a full investigation, by the proper authorities, of
the mystery that surrounds the case, and if the man who is suspected,
proves to be guilty, let him suffer the consequences of his crime.
"There is Still Work for the 'Fool Killer'" - Particularly at the
"Sun" Office.
The rage of the syndicate organ knew no bounds when the little game
of that desperate corporate gang against the TRIBUNE was made public
yesterday. The TRIBUNE obtained its information from a Democrat who
was appointed on one of the committees, but who declined to serve. A
Democrat of the Sixth ward yesterday, when closely pinned on the
subject acknowledged that committees were appointed in all the wards
to prevail on the Democrats to quit taking the TRIBUNE, and we stand
ready to prove the fact by three persons to whom this special
committeeman made the admission. Further we have the evidence that
the same movement is on foot in Hollidaysburg. The very action of the
syndicate orators, in the published proceedings of the meetings held
under their auspices, proved pretty conclusively what was in the wind.
The attack of syndicate director Molloy in Council, and the intended
attack of the syndicate President at the Fourth ward meeting on the
TRIBUNE, all show that the services of the "fool killer" are
especially needed in the office of the syndicate organ. In further
proof of how their dirty little scheme will miscarry, a Democrat of
standing hands us the following:
DEAR SIR: When the Sun gets an editor, I will succumb to the
demands of the syndicate. Respectfully yours,
ONE OF YOUR READERS. Altoona, August 9.
Further we know of Democrats who have been importuned to quit the
TRIBUNE. It is an easy matter to bawl falsehood, but quite another to
prove it. The high plane of dignity on which the gutter snipe
Democratic organ ranges is simply amusing, particularly when the
sources of education, get up and the drift of its instincts are taken
into consideration. If it can get down to any lower level, then some
new field of scum and filth will have to be explored for it.
What Company D is Doing.
Company D, Fifth regiment, of this city, will this afternoon at 4
o'clock go out for target practice. The company has a range on Martin
Runyan's farm on the Dry Gap road.
The company will turn out about forty men for the inspection at the
State encampment near Braddock station.
In a few days the company will be equipped with new canteens,
haversacks, knapsacks and cartridge boxes furnished by the State
Malicious Mischief.
A few evenings since a gang of boys who frequent the blacksmith
shop opposite the warehouse got to behaving in an outrageous manner.
They tore up the building and one of the worst of the gang pulled a
revolver out of his pocket and fired a number of bullets into a sign-
board. A few days of this warm weather in the lockup would be a
first-class antidote for such behavior.
Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Tuesday, August 10, 1880, page 4