Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Monday, August 9, 1880
Disease-breeding Deposits.
There is not a man, woman or child who has ever visited Reservoir
hill but who has noticed the peculiar formation of the earth's surface
in that locality, there being quite a number of circular, bowl-shaped
indentures in the ground called "sink holes." During the past few
years several of these have been filled up with refuse dirt carted
from various localities. At the present time two of these "sink
holes" are full of putrid, filthy water and refuse vegetables, such as
rotten watermelons, cabbage, tomatoes, etc., placed there by persons
not fearing the law. The stench arising therefrom is sickening and
enough to produce typhoid fever or, most any kind of malarial disease
imaginable. If our worthy Chief Magistrate has any doubt about the
correctness of this, let him authorize some one to inspect it, and if
he lives to get back, we think the result of his investigation will be
in accordance with the facts as herein stated. Let the city
authorities make a note of this and act at once.
Logan House Concert.
Below will be found the programme prepared by the Logan House
quartette under the leadership of Mr. Praetorious. Exercises will
begin at 11:30 A. M.:
Odeon March, Weingarten
Overture - "Italian in Algier," Rossini
Menuett, Boccherini
Selection - Lohengrin," Wagner
Waltz - "Dreams on the Ocean," Gungi
Selection - "Seonnambula," Bellini
'Cello solo - "Longing," Beethoven
Galop - "Elyena Maygare," Strauss
Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Monday, August 9, 1880, page 1
Along the Juniata - "The Woods Full of 'Em" - Great on Poles.
An esteemed and enthusiastic McVeytown subscriber writes the
TRIBUNE on the political situation along the Juniata. He says the
"woods is full of em" - that is, Hancock men. That is just where we
want them, in the woods, but in November the ballot boxes will be full
of Garfield votes. The TRIBUNE returning board is sorry it can't do
better for our Hancock brother in counting the votes. But as none of
the Hancock men are traveling now, but are in the woods, our sprightly
correspondent can rightly understand why the vote is like the handle
of a jug. The TRIBUNE likes to hear from its Democratic friends, and
therefore, in that spirit of liberality which gives it favor with
friend and foe, it prints his communication by way of
to the despondent Hancock men in this section:
EDS. TRIBUNE: Hancock men are very numerous and enthusiastic along
the Juniata: "The woods is full of 'em." The valleys echo their
exultant hurrahs. A Hancock club numbering one hundred men has been
organized in McVeytown and two monster poles are in course of erection
within a radius of five miles. Please make mention of the above as a
mite of encouragement to your Democratic readers, to counteract the
chilling influence of the TRIBUNE'S record of votes taken in railway
cars and at non-political gatherings revealing the presence of a
miserable minority of Hancock men, and they reluctant confessors of
the faith. Is one Hancock man to a train of thirteen cars the best
you can do for us on an average? Did your correspondent look under
the seats and examine the trucks for dead-heads. Don't you think
these were days when the "unterrified" were bass fishing or
blackberrying. Allow me the prediction that enough Hancock men will
answer to their names in November to shelve Mr. Garfield, and don't
you forget it, old coon hunter. - M.
Another Garfield Club.
The Republicans of Fairview school house and vicinity, in Logan
township, north of Altoona, met at the school house Friday evening,
August 6, and organized a Garfield and Arthur campaign club. It was
not generally known that a meeting would be held, yet some twenty
signed the roll. The usual committees were appointed. Twelve dollars
were subscribed toward the erection of a wigwam near Miller's shop.
The committee on place of meeting reported that they had secured the
(Hoeffler) Barracks for the next meeting on Friday evening, August 13,
at 7:30 P. M., when permanent officers will be elected and the ball
put in full motion, when the "unterrified" better keep from under. It
is expected to have the wigwam completed for the meeting two weeks
Hurt in the Lower Shops.
What might have been a serious accident occurred in the company's
planing mill No. 2 on Saturday morning. A scaffolding had been
suspended from the ceiling under a shaft and about fourteen feet from
the floor. Five men were standing on it working at the pulley.
Suddenly the scaffolding broke and threw Mr. Decker, assistant foreman
of the mill, and Byron M. Ward to the floor below. The other men hung
to the shaft until a ladder was brought and they were released. Mr.
Decker was considerably stunned but was able to continue at his work.
Mr. Ward was the most severely injured of any. He fell on his back
and unfortunately lit on a block which was lying below. He was badly
strained and the physician states that his back is injured. The
unfortunate man was removed to his boarding place on Seventh avenue,
between Eleventh and Twelfth streets.
Not for Hancock - By a Large Majority.
At a reunion of the Twenty-eighth and One hundred and forty-seventh
regiments, Pennsylvania volunteers, and Knapp's Battery, held on the
20th inst., at Mauch Chunk, at which there were present two hundred
and sixty veterans of said organization, says the Scranton Republican,
a vote was taken at the banquet, resulting: Garfield, 214, Hancock,
2. Hon. Robert Klotz, Democratic member of Congress from the Carbon
district, presided at the banquet, and retired early, after the good
things were disposed of, to figure up the percentage of the soldier
vote for Hancock. Evidently the veterans are not to be caught with
Democratic chaff.
A Venerable Tea Party.
There assembled at the residence of Mr. John Trout, 1006 Green
avenue, on Friday evening, a venerable tea party. The assembly
consisted of seven persons, including the host and hostess, and their
combined ages were 506 years, or an average of over 12 years each.
Mr. Trout's age is 74; his wife 79; two of their guests 74 each, and
the others 78, 72 and 60 respectively. The evening was spent very
pleasantly in recalling the reminiscences of the long ago. They had a
good time generally, and may live to enjoy many similar reunions.
The Odd Fellows' Picnic.
The committee having in charge the arrangements for the third
annual picnic of the lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of
this county held a meeting in Hollidaysburg on Saturday, and fixed on
August 20th as the time and Flowing Spring the place for holding it.
A large turn-out is expected. Excursion tickets will be issued to the
brotherhood from Tyrone, Altoona, Hollidaysburg, Roaring Spring.
Martinsburg and Williamsburg.
Locked Three Days in a Freight Car - Base Ball and Other Notes.
Quoit pitching seems to be booming here now. Some of our young men
are No. 1.at the biz.
Car Inspectors Burns and Bradley mourn the loss of two valuable fox
hounds which left them last week.
Two of our young bloods amused themselves one night last week by
having a free fight on the street, all on account of a little
Professor Zera gave two entertainments in Christy's hall on last
Thursday and Friday nights. Every person was well pleased with the
James Stewart, a tramp bound for Philadelphia, got in a car loaded
with wheat at Cincinnati, and while he was sleeping the door of the
car was locked and sealed. After being in the car for three days
without anything to eat or drink, he came to the conclusion that he
could not make time with Dr. Tanner, so he raised a racket in the car
while the train was lying off at Wilmore. J. H. Gilson received
orders to break the seal and let him out, for which the tramp was very
There was a very interesting game of ball played here on Saturday
between the best picked nine of Blair county, including Altoona,
Duncansville and Hollidaysburg, and the "Stars," of this place, which
resulted in a score of 6 to 3 in favor of the picked nine. At the
close of the eighth inning the score stood 3 to 3, and by a couple of
wild throws on the part of our home club the picked nine scored three
runs in the ninth inning. On last Saturday a week the Stars played
the Pastimes, of Altoona, and came off victorious by a score of 12 to
3, but unfortunately their batting was very poor in the last game,
which accounts for their defeat. The return game is to be played in
Altoona on Saturday, the 14th. We wish them success.
WARREN - in this city, August 8, at 5 o'clock, P. M., after a short
illness, B. F. Warren, a painter, late of Philadelphia.
Funeral services will be held at the house of Mrs. Salsburg, Greene
avenue, between Ninth and Tenth streets, at 10 o'clock this (Monday)
morning. Remains to be taken to Philadelphia on Day Express.
Things Briefly Told.
Two cars contained Saturday's quota of emigrants.
Twenty prisoners rusticate in the Cambria county jail.
Mrs. William Irvin can recover her bracelet by calling at the
TRIBUNE office.
Saturday was one of the quiet times. Only one drunk was gathered
in. He received the usual sentence on Sunday morning.
It would be a great convenience to many persons if the Altoona
telephone exchange office was kept open until 12 o'clock at night.
Of the eight counties composing this census district Blair is the
third largest in population though the smallest in territorial square
The Misses Hench, of Pleasantville, Bedford county, and Miss May
Bixler, of Centre Mills, Perry county, are guests of Mr. B. R.
Henderson, Sixth avenue.
The Mayor has not yet signed the street railway ordinance. We hope
he will not fail to do so, and thus permit the enterprise to go
forward before unfavorable weather sets in.
Amos Davis, foreman of the erecting shop, departed on the fast line
east this morning for Richmond, to superintend the erection of two
engines recently built for a railroad in that vicinity.
Mrs. Bella Hickey, aged about 23 years, wife of Clement J. Hickey,
died at her residence on Eighth avenue, between Thirteenth and
Fourteenth streets, last evening about 11 o'clock. She has been ill
from cancer for a long time.
A Sunday school picnic was held on Saturday in Peight's wood, about
half a mile beyond Mudtown. The school spent the day very pleasantly,
and returned to their homes in the evening well pleased with having
passed a delightful day in the grove.
Messrs. Bowman & Morrow are disposing of a very extensive stock
of dry goods at their store, corner of Eleventh avenue and Twelfth
street. Everything is marked down very low, as it is their desire to
close business. Now is an excellent time to secure bargains.
On Saturday there was a something noticed wandering around town
covered with a suit of blue clothes and with a pistol sticking very
conspicuously in a leather belt. Fatty Ward tried to catch it with a
net, but some people said it was a sailor, and so he stopped.
George W. Oatman, Esq., whose death was noted in Saturday's
TRIBUNE, was born in Williamsburg, this county, about 1840, and when
quite young removed to Indiana county. He was a nephew of Robert L.
Johnston, Esq., with whom he read law.
Last evening a young man from Hollidaysburg and a young lady from
the same place sitting beside him in a buggy was so unfortunate as to
experience an upset while driving along Thirteenth avenue, near
Twelfth street. His vehicle was so much broken that he had to hire
another with which to get home.
It would be to the credit of the Hollidaysburg 84th ass [sic] to
read the TRIBUNE correctly and soberly before he comments on what is
in it. It did not propose that the "Hancock rag be pulled down." He
had better, however, come over and shoot Chairman Good for having it
"pulled down."
Logan township loses one of her most successful and faithful
teachers in John W. Walter. He will soon take his departure for
Philadelphia to attend medical lectures. What the public schools will
lose the medical profession will gain - a high toned gentleman, who,
whatever he undertakes does well.
Excursion to Columbus, Ohio.
There will be a grand excursion over the Pan-handle road from
Pittsburgh to Columbus, on the occasion of the reunion of the ex-
soldiers and sailors at the latter place on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday of this week. At least 75,000 veterans and strangers will be
in attendance. The fare for the round trip will be $3.50. Excursion
tickets good until Friday, August 13, inclusive. For tickets apply to
W. L. O'Brien, general passenger agent, Columbus, Ohio, or at the
ticket offices in Pittsburgh.
Delegate Elections.
Saturday night was the time appointed for holding the Greenback
elections for delegates to the county convention. One of their number
informed us that elections were held in all the wards of Altoona
except the First and Seventh. The convention will meet on Wednesday
in the Democratic club room for the purpose of nominating a ticket.
Altoona Greenbackers as a party lean slightly toward the Democracy,
and it appears to be on the programme to endorse their candidate for
District Attorney and perhaps one or two others.
Fell from a Tree.
On Saturday last a son of Edward Trout, who lives on Fifth avenue,
between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, fell from an oak tree near
the Catholic cemetery and was severely injured. He was engaged in
gathering acorns with a number of companions and had climbed a tree to
shake them down. His fall was about twenty feet.
Meeting of the Committee to Consider Them. Unanimous Agreement.
The special committee consisting of Dr. William C. Roller, Dr. S.
C. Baker, D. D. Morrell, John R. Fraser and D. L. Wray, appointed by
Chairman McCamant to consider the resolutions offered by Dr. Baker at
the last meeting of the county committee met on Saturday, and after an
interchange of opinion, unanimously agreed to report them favorably
for the action of the full committee at its meeting on Saturday next.
The resolutions are:
1. That our members of the Legislature be, and are hereby advised
to make every proper effort to secure such legislation as will insure
a fair vote, of only those that have been voters in the Republican
party at the previous general election, and with such penalties as
will deter those not properly authorized. Such a law or a better one
than is now enforced in Ohio.
2. That in all elections within the party, each and every vote
shall be equal in influence to any other cast.
3. That all representative places to be filled by election,
delegates to county conventions and county committeemen, by the
people, delegates to State convention by county convention, alternates
being elected to supply deficiencies.
The only modification made was at the third resolution, relating to
the election of delegates to the State Convention. Instead of
recommending that they be chosen by the county convention, their
election devolves on the County Committee. We have every reason to
believe that the questions raised by these resolutions will be
amicably adjusted, and what was supposed to be a disturbing factor in
the present campaign removed. All that is needed is for those having
authority in the matter to approach these proposed reforms in a calm,
considerate way, compare views, and adopt that course which, in the
united wisdom of the committee, will prove safe, honorable and
satisfactory. There need be no unnecessary feeling in the matter. If
strict honesty and impartiality can be infused into our primary
elections, in the mode of choosing delegates and making nominations,
and a just basis of representation in county conventions and on
committees be adopted, every fair-minded Republican will have reason
to rejoice. The many complaints that have been heard for years past
against every system that has been invoked to remedy them, calls for a
departure from the old political ruts and a striking out into new
paths. If something better can be found, and we believe it possible,
then let it be adopted. Dr. Baker has carefully studied the matter
and is sincere in his desire to see these changes effected, believing
that they will give greater vigor and strength to the Republican
organization of this county. We think the way is clear to entire
Republican harmony in the present campaign, much to the disappointment
and confusion of the Democracy, who had fondly hoped that action on
these resolutions would create division and defeat.
The Harvest Home Picnic at the Brick Church in Sinking Valley.
Last Saturday the second harvest home celebration took place at the
brick church in Sinking valley, under the auspices of the Lutheran
Sunday school, of which Mr. M. L. Fleck is Superintendent. Rev. J. H.
Walterick is the pastor of the Lutheran congregation worshipping
there, and is a pleasant gentleman and an efficient minister. There
were quite an assembly of the youth and beauty of the valley present,
and everything went "merrily as a marriage bell." The Logan Valley
Cornet Band, under the leadership of Mr. Filer, of Altoona furnished
music for the occasion.
The school formed at the church, and marched to the grove near by,
where the chief exercises took place, consisting of music by the band,
singing by the school, address by the pastor, eating the good things
that were prepared by the ladies, and pitching horse shoes. Everybody
enjoyed themselves and went home happy. Even the candidates present
were made to rejoice in meeting so many friends. To them every male
face was familiar of course. Faces are never so familiar as during an
election campaign. But they were not on an electioneering tour, only
went over to get a feast of good things, and they got it, so one of
them tells us who was present, and to whom we are indebted for the
meagre notes of the celebration.
Political Matters.
The Republicans of the Second ward will meet at Elway's building on
Eighth avenue and form a ward organization this evening. There should
be a full turn out. With the organization of this ward the
organizations of both political parties will be complete over the
entire city.
The Sixth ward Republicans held a rousing meeting in their wigwam
on Saturday night. The building was packed full of Sixth warders and
there were visitors from all over the city. Addresses were made by
Mr. Shaw, of this city, and Mr. Jaekel, of Hollidaysburg. If this
club grows any more it will have to knock the end out of the wigwam
and build an addition to it. Quite a number of German Democrats not
liking the free trade proclivities of the Democracy, have placed their
names on the club roll.
The First and Seventh wards Republican club met on Saturday evening
in the Opera House. Favorable reports were received of the
In the Fourth ward the Democrats held a stirring meeting at their
headquarters. The club room was filled and quite a crowd was
assembled around the windows and doors. Speeches were made by Messrs.
Greevy and Riley. Henry Fettinger, Sr. presided.
Death of B. F. Warren.
Yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock B. F. Warren, a company
employe, died at his boarding place, the residence of Samuel
Saulsburg, on Green avenue, near Tenth street. Mr. Warren was an
ornamental painter at the lower shops. Last Tuesday he was taken sick
with pneumonia and heart disease, but was not seriously ill and would
not have his wife notified until Saturday last. He was about 35 years
of age, and was an ornamental painter. Funeral services will take
place this morning at the house, beginning at 10:30 o'clock. The body
will be removed to Philadelphia, leaving here on day express. The
following gentlemen, fellow employes, will act as an escort to
Philadelphia: Messrs. R. F. Bankert, D. A. Little, John I. Spielman,
Edward Weltney, Andrew Auer, Howard Diffenderfer, Edward German. Mr.
Warren was a Union soldier during the war and served with honor. He
leaves a wife and three children.
Acts of Vandalism.
There is more Sunday rowdyism in the vicinity of the Catholic
cemetery than in any other locality around the city. Tombstones are
pushed over, and recently one or two have been broken by Sabbath
breakers. Something ought to be done to prevent these acts of
vandalism by the bands of young men who roam around destroying
everything they can. Card playing is a common practice in the groves
around South Twelfth street, and almost any clear Sunday afternoon
several parties can be seen at it at the same time.
A Terrible Accident.
On Tuesday evening of last week Mrs. Beatty, a widow lady living a
few miles north of Indiana, met with an accident which resulted in
death the next morning. During the forenoon she rode to town on
horseback, and returning late in the day, put her horse in the stable
and started for the house. In her way stood a horse power [sic] with
which some men were running a threshing machine. She endeavored to
step over the tumbling bar, but her skirt caught and she was thrown to
the ground with terrible force, receiving injures which proved fatal
in a few hours.
A Serious Injury.
A serious accident happened to William Nary, of Cambria county, on
Saturday, which will result in permanently disabling him. He has been
employed for some time past in the coal mine above East Conemaugh,
which supplies the furnace at that place with coal. He was engaged at
bearing in, when a quantity of slate fell from the roof while he was
in a recumbent position. The bulk of it struck him on the small of
the back, and the spine was dislocated by the concussion.
The Logan House Concert.
The grand annual Logan House concert, by the orchestra, will take
place on Thursday of this week, the 12th inst. The concert will be
given in the hotel, in the evening, and will be followed by a
magnificent ball. All are invited to be present, whether guests at
the house or not. Tickets may be procured in the office and will be
sold at one dollar each. This is one of the most enjoyable
entertainments of the year, and is always largely attended by the
elite of the city.
A Large Picnic.
The employes of planing mill No. 2, the blacksmith shop and machine
shop of the company's car works, will hold an annual picnic at
Martinsburg on Wednesday of this week. This is their third picnic and
promises to be an extensive one. The Mountain City Band will
accompany them. Ample preparations for dancing have been made under
the direction of Floor Manager David Espenlaub. Myers' string band
will furnish the music.
Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Monday, August 9, 1880, page 4