Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Friday, July 30, 1880
The Game Laws.
The Lewistown Gazette says there seems to be some misapprehension
in parts of that county (and it might have said elsewhere) as to the
time for killing squirrels. Section 2 of the act of 1878 fixes the
first day of September as the legal time, and any one killing a
squirrel or having it in possession before the time is liable to a
fine of $5. Some hunters may not know it, but it is nevertheless the
law, that the killing of or having in possession of any wild fowl - of
course including ducks - is prohibited between the 15th of May and 1st
of September, under a fine of $10 for each fowl. Our fish and game
laws are sadly neglected, but they will strike somebody some day when
least expected. On the upper Susquehanna it is contended that an
outline is a "permanently set means of taking fish," and the outliners
have been notified to quit.
A Card from Mr. Fraser.
EDS. TRIBUNE: My attention has been called to a windy effusion in
last evening's Sun, which states that "Mr. Fraser threatens vengeance
on Burchfield, Hewit and Hicks." I wish to state that the writer of
that article is an unqualified falsifier and had not even a shadow of
a suspicion on which to rest his blather. I have my coat off and am
working for the ticket and the whole ticket - the one that is going to
win in November - the Republican ticket. Respectfully, JOHN R.
Hon. J. A. M. Passmore Makes a Stirring Address - Speeches of Messrs.
Hewit, Hicks and Lytle - Good Reading for the Soldiers - An
Enthusiastic Time.
The Garfield and Arthur Club of Altoona and Logan township held a
ringing meeting in the Opera House last night, over a thousand persons
being in attendance. Speeches were made by Hon. B. L. Hewit, J. D.
Hicks, Esq., Hon. J. A. M. Passmore, P. M. Lytle, Esq., and Col. Theo.
The club was called to order promptly at the appointed time by
President Alexander.
After the minutes were read the Committee on Music was called for
and reported propositions from the Mountain City, Altoona City, Junior
Greys and Citizens' Bands. That from the Mountain City Band was the
most favorable and was accepted. The Committee on Constitution
reported a constitution and by-laws for the club which were adopted.
The Chairman of the Committee on Campaign Literature reported offers
from a number of papers, and was contined [sic] to make
Mr. McCamant, Chairman of the County Committee, was called to a
seat on the platform.
At this time over a hundred greybeards came marching into the hall
each with a torch over his shoulder, under the lead of the Sixth ward
banner. The younger men in long rows brought up the rear. Music was
furnished by the Mountain City band. The regular business having been
completed speakers were then called for. They were lustily cheered
throughout, and it was noticed that quite a number of veteran
Democrats hurrahed as heartily as though they had not just joined the
forces of their Republican neighbors.
Hon. B. L. Hewit, of Hollidaysburg, first appeared. He spoke for
over half an hour, and his remarks were most heartily received. He
opened his address with a discussion of the principles which should
actuate every man who will cast a ballot in the coming election. The
speaker said that the great Democratic party was entitled to respect
for its grand achievements in the long ago. It protected its citizens
in every clime and unsheathed its sword against proud England in
defense of oppressed humanity. It has done much in the past, but
there came a time in its history when it failed to perform its duty.
The Southern members, who controlled the Northern dough-faces,
demanded slavery as a national institution, and that freedom should be
a sectional power. From this the great struggle of the rebellion
arose and the Republican party leaped into existence. It now stands
in its might, needing no keynote, but with a history written on the
face of the whole country. It came into existence when its enemy said
there were not the elements in the Constitution to hold it together.
It fought for these principles of right and won. There is but one
great mistake to lay at its door, and that was an error committed at
Appomattox. The rebel leaders who now sit in Congress should have
been hung as high as Haman. They failed in the war and are now trying
by the aid of northern sympathizers to get their grip on the throat of
the nation by intimidation in the South. And what is their object?
To wipe out the statutes giving freedom to the blacks, to pension the
rebel soldiers and to pay the southern war claims. They say we may
not waive [sic] the bloody shirt in the North, but there is never a
man there who dare present himself for office until he strips and
shows his bloody shirt and wounds acquired in trying to break down the
nation. The northern Democracy is not consistent. While General
Hancock, with a hundred other officers just as brave, was beating back
the rebel hordes at Gettysburg, the men who nominated him at
Cincinnati were sitting in Harrisburg, within sound of his cannon,
passing resolutions that the war was a failure and should never have
been begun. They hadn't that warm feeling for him then that they show
now. They have only taken him up as a kind of golden image to place
before the people. But let us look at the record of the Democratic
party in Washington. Immediately after their accession to power in
the Senate thirteen Union soldiers, disabled in the service, who
gained a livelihood by working in subordinate offices, were displaced
and their situations were filled by thirteen soldiers disabled in the
Confederate service. They are now, as the next step, trying to supply
the United States army with ex-Confederate officers. The dough-faces
Senators have their desks filled with rebel war claims, which are only
kept from the light of day by the certainty of an executive veto. The
Democracy presents you a great soldier for your suffrage; the
Republican party presents you a General, and a statesman as well, who
to-day is the leader of the Republican party in Congress, and as pure,
the Democrats themselves acknowledge, as any man who has led an
upright life approved by his own conscience.
J. D. Hicks, Esq., of Tyrone, was called upon and received with
cheers. He gave a brief outline of the glorious history of the
Republican party and that of their leaders during the past twenty
years. He pointed with pride to the record made by President Hayes
and insisted that as the party of the people the Republicans cannot
fail to secure a victory at the polls in November. The mission of his
party is to give to the southern freemen the right to cast that ballot
which the laws give them. We knocked the chains of slavery, fastened
to their necks by the Democratic party, from off them, and must now
protect them in their dearly bought freedom.
Hon. J. A. M. Passmore, late Republican candidate for Auditor
General, and the opponent in the nominating convention of Colonel John
A. Lemon, was present and was vociferously called for. Mr. Passmore
is a resident of Schuylkill county and although, recently his
opponent, is a warm person friend and a supporter of Colonel Lemon.
He happened to be in the city on business. He stated his feelings
toward Colonel Lemon, saying that in 1877 when running for office he
had no better friends in the State than the Republicans of Blair
county. In the present canvass he promised that so far as he could
advise them the Republicans of Schuylkill would give Colonel John A.
Lemon the same kind of support. Mr. Passmore further said: In my
travels through the State this summer I have never seen the rank and
file of both parties more active than during the present year.
Active, energetic work is being done on every hand, and I believe from
present indications that Pennsylvania can safely promise between
twenty-five thousand and thirty thousand majority for Garfield and
Arthur. I further believe Hancock to be a good, honest man, but if he
has got into desperately bad company that is his lookout and not
P. M. Lytle, Esq., of Huntingdon, was introduced and made one of
his characteristic speeches. Mr. Lytle said: I had a twin brother
once and he marched bravely away at his country's call. I had a great
love for him but he died at Spotsylvania with the blue upon his back.
I also had, and still have, as great a hatred for the Democrats who
shot him. I could not vote for one of them. I could vote for Hancock
- if he were in the right place. He is a brave General. He went out
to kill the Ute Indians. While there he spent nineteen million
dollars and got just two Indians killed. Democrats want me to vote
for them and often ask me, but all of them were either not in the army
or were on the side that shot at me, and so I won't do it. Fellow
soldiers, as sure as the Democrats get control of the government at
Washington, mark my words, one of two things is certain - either your
pensions will stop, or pensions will be paid to disabled rebel
Colonel Burchfield was vociferously called for, but as the evening
was late he made no speech but proposed three cheers and a tiger for
the ticket, which was given with a hearty will that made the building
fairly rattle.
After thanking the speakers present for their attendance the club
A Wedding Party.
Last evening at the residence of Henry B. Miller, No. 1422 Second
avenue, Miss Annie Miller and John Hitching, of Hollidaysburg were
united in marriage by Rev. Mr. Baker. About twenty of the friends of
the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony. The bridesmaid and
groomsman were Miss Anna Shuster and William Barger. At the
conclusion of the ceremony all present, about twenty in number,
partook of a great supper. The presents were numerous and beautiful.
They were, Mrs. McGarvey, fruit stand; Mrs. Askew, half dozen dessert
dishes; Mrs. Dunn, pair of fruit stands; Miss Annie Askew, half dozen
linen napkins; Miss Linnie Shuster, bread plate; Mrs. Clement, dozen
napkins; Mrs. Miller, pillow shams; Mrs. Kase, quilt; Miss Cornie
Reffner, pair of spoon holders; Mrs. Shuster, dozen of cut glass
goblets; Mrs. Elway, tea set; Miss Anna Shuster, half dozen dessert
dishes; Mr. Barger, half dozen silver spoons and butter knife; Mrs. D.
H. Miller, pair of fruit dishes. The wedding party passed a very
pleasant time, and showered congratulations on the happy couple. We
wish them a pleasant life journey.
Ready to Pay the Creditors.
J. W. Curry and W. M. Jones, assignees in the Lloyd estate, this
morning report that they are ready to begin paying out the 5 per cent
dividend in the Lloyd estate. Any creditor who receives a postal card
from the Register can get his check, which is payable at any bank in
the State. There are between eight hundred and nine hundred
creditors. The Lloyd bank will be open from 8 o'clock in the morning
until 6 o'clock in the evening.
The Soldiers' Debt to the Administration.
EDS. TRIBUNE: This morning those of our comrades who, when with us
in the late war, now inmates of the Soldiers' Home, of Dayton, Ohio,
will have for their breakfast boiled mackerel, potatoes, bread, butte
and coffee. For dinner, oyster soup, bread, bread pudding, crackers,
pickles and butter. For supper, cheese, bread, butter and tea.
Soldiers and their friends, this home for our disabled soldiers has
been organized under the present administration. - A COMRADE.
Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Friday, July 30, 1880, page 1
The Presence of Mind - A Singular Story. Spirits or Clairvoyance?
The following account of a remarkable dream, and its still more
remarkable fulfillment, is clipped from the New York Sun of July 10th,
and inasmuch as the persons concerned in it were, and some still are,
residents of this county, our Martinsburg correspondent sends it for
publication. Through the courtesy of A. J. Anderson, Esq., the
correspondent is permitted to say that the lady to whom the dream
occurred is his sister, and named Mrs. Carroll, now of Salina, Kansas.
David Anderson, Mrs. Carroll's "favorite brother" and the subject of
the dream, was engaged in the wholesale dry-goods business with the
firm of Garretson, Blakemore & Co., Market street, Philadelphia,
and will be remembered by many in this section. Here he contracted
disease of the lungs and by the advice of physicians sought the genial
climate of Cuba, in the hope of restoration to perfect health. It was
on his return from Cuba that two days out from New York he died. At
this time Mr. A. J. Anderson and his father were in Philadelphia
purchasing goods, when a telegram was handed them announcing the
arrival of the vessel containing the remains of David in New York.
Thither the Messrs. Anderson repaired and shipped the body home,
accompanying it themselves. On their arrival at Altoona what was
their surprise at meeting Mrs. Carroll, who had been led to come from
Terre Haute, Ind., by her belief in the truth of her dream, she having
had no other information of her brother's death. It was found on
their arrival at the home of Mr. Anderson, at Freedom, that Mrs.
Carroll's dream was verified even to its minutest detail. The account
as published in the New York Sun is inaccurate in only two
particulars, viz: in the name, which should be David instead of "Dan,"
and in the statement that "lung disease was contracted by exposure in
the army of the Potomac," Mr. David Anderson never having been in the
army. This dream and its fulfillment is certainly most remarkable,
(and unlike many of the so-called wonderfully fulfilled dreams,) the
truth of it is fully substantiated by persons well known in our own
community for probity and honor.
I have intimate acquaintance with a lady in one of the counties of
Kansas who is of Scotch descent, well bred, intelligent and truthful.
Within a part of her family relationship she exhibits at intervals an
exceptional mental endowment, either subjection or impressions on the
brain from great distances, or the pervasion of space with her sense
and sensibility, or clairvoyance, or spirit mediumship. Which is
The periods at which this condition is active coincide with
misfortunes to distant members of her family. Her sisters are endowed
as she is. Throughout their lives they have had immediate
intelligence of disaster in the family by dreams, subsequently in
every instance by letter or telegram. These dreams are visions of
things seen, not messages by word or sound. They are pictures of
events as seen with the eyes in the daytime.
My Kansas friend has a dream, bare in outline, severe in
simplicity, with not a word of speech, rap, or motion of pantomime in
it, with no ghostly shade in the chamber. She wakes up with a full
knowledge of a misfortune that has happened to a blood relative. Her
vision intelligence covers only relations by blood. Relatives by
marriage may die, be wounded, or violently killed, and the sisters
will know nothing of it. And this clairvoyance or mediumship does not
extend to the male line of the family. It is restricted to the
females. Now for a dream which Mrs. _____ describes:
"My brother Dan had disease of the lungs. It was aggravated by
exposure and hard service in the Army of the Potomac. Rendered unfit
for duty, he threw up his commission in the Pennsylvania Bucktails and
went to Cuba. At that time I was living in Terre Haute, Indiana. My
husband was absent in the Army of the Cumberland. A lady friend lived
in the house with me. Dan was my favorite brother. At short
intervals he wrote to me. One day I received a letter from him in
which he said that he was strong, that the disease of his lungs seemed
to have passed away, and that he intended to take the next steamer for
New York, and then go into the leathercracker region of Pennsylvania
and settle his business affairs. The settlement made, he intended to
return to Cuba and engage in business. He urged me to meet him at
Altoona, and be with him during his short stay in this country. An
impending battle in the Southwest, where my husband was stationed,
made me undecided about going. I hesitated, not knowing whether to
meet my brother as he requested, or remain at home until after the
battle and until I had heard from my husband. I went to bed at 10 P.
M., and dropped to sleep at once.
"At 10:30 o'clock I was awakened by a short, vivid dream of
warning. Alarmed, I roused my friend and said, "I have my warning.
Something is the matter with Dan." My friend laughed at me. I soon
recovered from my nervousness, and again dropped to sleep. Instantly
it seemed the scene was changed. I was on the cars traveling east.
Opposite me sat a white-haired man who had a covered basket on his
knees. There was a hole in the cover of the basket. The aged man
occasionally peeped into this hole. I was curious about the contents
of the basket, and was pleased when I discovered there were fish in
it. The train stopped for dinner. Getting out I met a lady I knew
and we had dinner together. I have forgotten the name of this
station, but I remember that there was a misspelled sign over an
adjoining restaurant. The incidents of the dream were those of a
journey from Terre Haute to Altoona. I was happy, pleased with the
changing scenery, and thoroughly enjoyed the trip. I looked forward
to meeting my brother at Altoona and in the dream I never doubted that
I would meet him.
"Soon after my western train ran into the depot at Altoona, the
eastern train came thundering in. I stood by a post on the platform
watching the passengers get off the train, expecting to see my
brother. I began to doubt his being on the train, when an expressman
passed me wheeling a great box on a truck. I looked through this box
as though it were clear glass. In the box was a coffin, and lying in
the coffin was my brother. Once glance showed me he was dressed in
heavy gray Scotch twill. From a buttonhole of his coat hung a black
ribbon. On his feet were shoes that had perforated toes. Never
having seen shoes of this style, they attracted my attention. The
buttons on the coat and vest were very peculiar, and forced themselves
on my notice. The expressman wheeled the box past me and it was put
on the express car for Hollidaysburg. I got on the Hollidaysburg
train also.
"The intense vividness of the dream awoke me. I sat up in bed
crying. My friend arose, lighted the gas, and talked to me. With
tears streaming down my face I insisted that Dan was dead. The hands
of the mangle clock indicated 11 P. M. Knowing that something was
wrong I resolved to go home on the day that my brother had requested.
Again I slept, this time a heavy, unrefreshing sleep that lasted until
morning. Good-humored ridicule from my friends had a beneficial
effect on me, and after two days I was almost persuaded that I was
attaching too much importance to a dream.
"The day of my departure came. I entered the car in the Terre
Haute station. I seated myself and looked about me. In an opposite
seat sat a white-haired man. I recognized him at once as the man I
had seen in my dream. He had a fish basket on his knees. The faces
of the passengers were familiar to me. At the dinner station I met
the lady I had seen in my dream, and we had dinner together. Arriving
at Altoona I stood watching the eastern train come into the depot. I
was sure my brother's body would be put off the train. As I stood
watching the passengers hurry into the dining room, the express man I
had seen in my dream said to me: 'Please give way, madam.' I turned
to look at him, and on the truck lay a large box that was addressed to
my father. I took the Hollidaysburg train and on arriving home was
met by my father, who said: 'Dan is dead. He died at sea five days
ago from heart disease.' In answer to my question as to the time of
day he died, I was informed that it was at 9 P. M. The difference in
time of the East and the West showed me that Dan had been dead some
four hours before I saw him. Silently I stood in the house by the
side of the box to see it opened. The lid of the coffin was removed
and there lay Dan, dressed exactly as I had seen him in my dream.
"I have no explanation to make of the dream. I simply tell you the
fact of my having seen an apparition of events that were to occur, an
apparition of inanimate objects, of dozens of strangers, and of my
dead brother's body."
Knowing the truthfulness of the lady, I believe her strange story.
Adjournment of Court - Next Term Begins First Monday of October.
Court was called to order at 9 o'clock A. M.
H. T. Heinsling was appointed auditor to distribute the funds in
the hands of James C. Hughes, assignee of Henry Herr. He to make and
presents his report for confirmation.
John D. White passed the confines of naturalization and became an
American citizen.
The jury in the case of the Commonwealth vs. James Holler rendered
a verdict of not guilty, but that each party pay half the costs.
Commonwealth vs. Edward Dunn. Indictment - Selling liquor to
minors. Jackson and Stevens counsel for Commonwealth; Tierney and
Flanigan for defense. Commonwealth allege that Dunn furnished and
sold to a minor liquor or beer, after he had a legal notification by a
brother of the minor. The defense claimed that the notification
referred to an elder brother and not to the minor; that upon
application of this or any other minor he persistently refused; that
if any was sold it was to parties who from appearance or reputation
were of age. The jury returned a verdict of guilty in manner and form
as indicted. Sentenced same day to pay a fine of $50 and costs and
undergo an imprisonment in the county jail for ten days.
On motion of F. Jaekel, Esq., the auditor, H. H. Snyder, appointed
to make distribution of the monies in the hands of S. P. McFadden,
Esq., was charged to perform the same duties for the assignee of E. M.
Jones, and John Cresswell, Jr., who was appointed for said Jones, was
ordered to audit J. R. McFarlane & Co.'s account.
T. Jackson, Esq., presented a petition for the incorporation of the
Concordia Singing Society under the usual rules.
William Cusic, charged with larceny of a watch and coat was
sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs, and undergo an imprisonment
in the county jail for nine months.
The petition of the Neptune Steam Fire Company, of Tyrone, asking
to be incorporated.
Jurors of general panel were discharged.
Sortie McMichael, who was found guilty of larceny, was sentenced to
pay a fine of $5 and costs, and undergo an imprisonment in the county
jail for thirty days.
W. I. Woodcock presented petition of Miles Lingenfelter, executor
of Barbara Blake, deceased, for order to sell real estate. Order of
sale decreed.
W. I. Woodcock presented his certificate that M. A. Young, Esq.,
had been a student of law for the last three years, and requested to
be examined. Referred to the Committee on Examination.
S. C. Baker presented through his attorney a petition for swinging
gate. Received, and John Louden, L. P. Work, E. M. Jones, Peter
Miller, David Bell and Elihu Crawford appointed the viewers.
Mr. Reed presented a petition of Joseph Crawford, administrator of
Mathew C. Wilson, deceased, vs. John H. Homer for rule on defendants
to show cause why they should not enter plea. Returnable at Argument
Commonwealth vs. Jacob Osterlie. Indictments - selling liquor
without license, selling liquor to minors, and selling liquor to
persons of know intemperate habits. All were continued on application
of the defendant.
Commonwealth vs. Sanford Stover. Indictment - fornication and
bastardy. Continued on application of the defendant, and he is
ordered to enter into recognizances in the sum of $500, conditioned
for his appearance at the next session.
A number of petitions and motions were handed in and read, which
are of a nature uninteresting to a majority of the readers of the
TRIBUNE, and we omit their publication. We had intended to give
publicity to the names of parties who were naturalized this week - of
which there were fifty-nine - but they are so unpronounceable and
unspellable that we spare your type stickers the risk of being
attacked by these newly-made citizens for the erratic notice.
Court adjourned at 12 M. [sic], having transacted a larger amount
of record business than at any previous session and in the
unprecedented time of three and a half days, until the fourth Monday
in August, at 10 o'clock A. M., when the continued argument list as
well as anything that may be placed thereon will be disposed of.
Walter W. Greenland, Prothonotary of Clarion county and the
originator of the social reunion of the clerks of the courts of the
State, to be held at Bedford Springs on the 3d and 4th of August,
visited our town to-day and was the guest of our esteemed and
efficient Prothonotary, J. P. Stewart, Esq.
We all the attention of the court-going public to the order of His
Honor in changing the time of holding the October session from the
second Monday to the first Monday of the month.
A Brutal Husband - Little Fisherwoman. Small Notes on the Fly.
The United Brethren picnicked at Flowing Springs yesterday.
Ice sells in our town at one cent a pound, and only those who are
regular customers can get it at any price.
We are creditably informed that a certain man, while intoxicated,
beat his sick wife in a most inhuman manner, and that his neighbors
are determined to prosecute him for his acts. (Hope they will not
weary in their good intentions. - ED.)
On Thursday Mrs. O. A. Traugh treated her own and several
neighbors' children to a romp on the banks of the three-mile dam at
old Soap-fat Furnace. The little girls caught fish enough for a big
dinner and supper. Miss Ella Condron, a 10-yaer-old lady, caught,
besides several nice bass and sun-fish, a large pike.
A new and elegant show case has been placed in Snyder's drug store
that has many advantages. It was designed by Mr. P. M. Snyder, and
made to order in Philadelphia, intended for displaying his stock of
Colgate soap and perfumery. It is three feet long and five feet high,
the plate glass extending from the floor, forming a combination of
three show cases. The trimmings are silver, and the whole is on
rollers and can be easily moved without danger to the case or
Telephone Extension - A Distressed Woman. Personal and Political.
Misses Maggie Longenecker and Ellie Bare, who had been visiting in
Tyrone for a week, have returned.
Mrs. Rosa Stayer, wife of Dr. A. S. Stayer, has been suffering from
an attack of fever during the past two weeks. She is slowly
B. W. Slick, who farms for Jacob Biddle, near Sharpsburg, reports a
large yield of wheat. From three dozen sheaves three and three-
eighths bushels of wheat were threshed. It was Shoemaker wheat.
S. M. Newlin, Esq., of Tyrone, and John L. Travis, Esq., of
Graysville, Huntingdon county, are the guests of S. H. Cree, Esq.
Mrs. Cree is slowly recovering, despite the unfavorable conclusions of
her physicians and friends.
The Telephone Company are extending their line to McKee's, Rodman
Furnace and Roaring Spring. The Gap Furnace Company will use it at
McKee's; J. King McLanahan, at Rodman; Morrison, Bare & Co., and
J. P. Shoemaker will use it at Roaring Spring.
The members and children of the Sabbath school of the Reformed
Church picnicked here yesterday. They have been holding their annual
picnic here for several years. They consider the beautiful Roaring
Spring grounds the most delightful place that they could go to.
A meeting has been called to organize a Garfield club at Roaring
Spring on Saturday evening next. Preliminary steps will be taken to
get up a good organization. The young Republicans are just boiling
over in their enthusiasm for General Garfield and the whole Republican
E. C. Dixon, Esq., the Superintendent and Foreman in the paper mill
of Morrison, Bare & Cass here, has resigned his position to take a
similar situation in the paper mill of Armstrong, Dixon, of Lock
Haven. Mr. Dixon is a partner in the firm. He is a first-class paper
maker and understands the business thoroughly. His numerous friends
here wish him success.
The pretty mansion of D. M. Bare, Esq., which was thoroughly
remodeled by Williams, is completed. Mr. Bare is loud in his praises
to all the workmen who were employed in the house. Mr. Williams the
carpenter, Messrs. Reeds the painters from Hollidaysburg and J. M.
Hite the paper hanger. The painting is certainly an excellent job,
and is a good recommendation to these knights of the brush.
Rev. John C. Hoover, pastor of the Mt. Carmel (Pennsylvania)
Charge, Church of God, who had been visiting friends in this section
of the county during the past month, will return to-day to his field
of labor in the good cause. He filled the pulpit for Rev. Esterline
at this place, and at Martinsburg on last Sabbath. Rev. Hoover's
services have been very acceptable in his charge. Mt. Carmel is in a
mining region, the tramping grounds of the Mollie McGuires.
We are creditably informed that there is considerable talk of
procuring the water supply from the reservoir or from the Roaring
Spring stream to supply the city of Altoona. We are inclined to think
this is a wise project. It is true the expense would be large, but
then the supply of water would be inexhaustible. A better suggestion,
however, would be to remove the city of Altoona to the Reservoir or to
Roaring Spring.
A lady pedestrian passed through Roaring Spring on last Saturday.
She was poorly clad, very much depressed in spirits. Her tale was
this: that she was going to Altoona; her husband had deserted her,
taking with him her two children; stating that her parents lived in
Altoona. No one was able to learn from where she came or to ascertain
her name. She was an object of pity in her distress.
Donation by Superintendent Pugh - Mr. W. H. Schwartz Attend - That
George Shiffler was in Hollidaysburg on Saturday.
Harry Spang was at Roaring Spring on Saturday. A fair damsel is
supposed to be the attraction.
We had a small wreck here on Saturday. Three freight cars were
badly demolished. Nobody hurt. We did not learn the cause.
The Bennington correspondent was out at Hollidaysburg on Saturday.
That was one of the rampageous Doyle's committeemen, 'Squire?
Mr. Fred. Prothers, who had his foot mashed by the cars some time
since, rendering amputation necessary, we are glad to note is able to
be around again.
Superintendent Pugh presented to the widow of the late A. B.
Cooper, deceased, fifty dollars. This was an act of charity, well
fitted. Mr. Cooper was an employe of the Pennsylvania railroad.
Mr. Michael Cooney, a pit boss at the water works, thought he was a
patent stump puller or some kind of a puller. He languishes with a
strained back after trying to pull a rock loose.
A young man by the name of Symberline broke an arm while fighting
bumble bees. He stirred them up and then tried to fight and run
backward. In both these feats he failed. He fell on his arm and
fractured it.
We have secured the Union church at Bennington for the purpose
spoken of by W. H. Schwartz, Esq., and would cordially invite him to
deliver a lecture in the near future. Please let us know in time to
notify all about this part when you will be here. We will gladly
receive you.
Mr. Augus Carregan, the man who was so severely burned at the
furnace, is in a critical condition. Fears are entertained that he
will lose a foot. He is a stranger here, being a native of British
America, and yet he finds a mother here. Mrs. Lynch deserves much
credit for the kindness she is bestowing on this unfortunate man.
Three young men went out walking,
And one was Thomas Dalton;
Another was Piper Tom, a boy
Who the ladies all enjoy.
They went out to Polecat -
All wore a new straw hat -
And their ladies number three,
Clara, Maggie and Ellie.
Said Maggie, if the reporter finds this out,
Won't he make the people laugh and shout?
Yes, said Yeckley George, from Tunnel Hill;
For that correspondent's an infernal pill;
He'll give it to the MORNING TRIBUNE,
And they'll call me a picayune.
Miss O'B: Please don't be offended; my umbrella told me of this
trip. It was along.
Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Friday, July 30, 1880, page 3
Things Briefly Told.
But five emigrant cars came along yesterday.
Five printers are drawn to serve as jurors at the October term.
The Greenback campaign will be opened in Blair county next
The Baptist Sunday school picnic yesterday at Lloydsville was a
grand success.
A catfish 21 1/2 inches in length was caught by a Lewistown party
at Vineyard Camp, Mifflin county.
There was stiff frost at Cresson yesterday morning. The depot
platform was white with it.
No arrests yet. The march up the hill was beautiful, but the
retreat down again was very cowardly.
Some twenty odd tents have already been taken by Altoona parties at
the Juniata Valley Camp Meeting.
A meeting of the Greenback City Executive Committee and friends
will be held at the Advance office this evening.
There were several kegs of syndicate campaign thunder at the
freight depot yesterday, appropriately addressed.
Will some one of our lady readers inform a subscriber as to the
best method of preparing yeast and baking bran or Graham bread?
Robert Vanormer, of McVeytown, yesterday ran a pick through his
foot while working in an ore mine. The injury was severe.
Henry Vogle was appointed a member of the Republican City Executive
Committee in the Eighth ward in place of John Gracely, deceased.
Prothonotary Greenland, of Clarion county, was in the city
yesterday. He was returning home from the funeral of his mother in
Huntingdon county.
Bishop Jones A. Shorters will preach in the African Methodist
Episcopal Church, on Sixteenth street, above Eleventh avenue, this
(Friday) evening at 7:30 o'clock.
A second-class freight agency has been established at North
Houtzdale, on Goss Run Branch No. 2, of Tyrone and Clearfield railway,
and Edward C. Humes appointed agent thereat.
The Mayor yesterday had three colored men arrested for keeping the
crowd back and "wanting to see fair play" at the fight in the depot on
Saturday night. They were each fined $3 and costs.
It was John Anderson, the father, and not George N. Anderson, the
son, who died on Wednesday afternoon. It was correctly printed under
the regular head. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 2
Some of the citizens who pay for the use of the street sprinkler
think it rather mean in their neighbors not to do likewise, as they
all get the dust alike. A little more liberality in this direction
would be of advantage.
Mr. Fred Olmes is about as successful in farming as in butchering.
He raised this season on his farm, a short distance north of the city
- which a few years ago was among the poorest land in this
neighborhood - on six and a half acres, 225 bushels of wheat.
Harry Piper, an employe of this office for the last year or so,
departed on Chicago express yesterday for Warsaw, Indiana, where he
will probably locate. Harry is a good workman and a perfect
gentleman, and will make friends wherever he goes.
There is a very good prospect of having Senator Blaine in Altoona
to make a campaign speech some time during the latter part of
September, when it is proposed by the Republicans to get up a monster
mass meeting. He would be most enthusiastically welcomed if he were
to come.
On the emigrant train yesterday there was a big English woman who
evidently wanted a husband badly. She grabbed one of the depot
employes named "Cooney" and would have inevitably captured him had he
not froze fast to an ice bucket until his companions rallied to his
rescue and made a charge.
A Democrat said to Chairman Cessna while here on Wednesday that he
supposed when he got down to Philadelphia that he would remind Don.
Cameron, McManes, Leeds and the other fellows that he was going to run
this campaign without them. "No, sir; I want them all with me."
"That's not the way we do business here," remarked the Democrat.
Church Missionary Society.
The ladies of the Second Lutheran Church met yesterday afternoon
and completed the organization of a Women's Home and Foreign
Missionary Society, with Mrs. Ellie C. Beegle President, Mrs. S. B.
Trees and Mrs. J. S. Alexander Vice Presidents, Mrs. D. K. Ramey
Treasurer, Miss Lizzie A. Cole Recording Secretary and Miss Kate L.
Moser Corresponding Secretary.
A Runaway.
Yesterday morning a horse frightened at the cars as it was passing
the Ninth street crossing, and ran off. It came from the Dry Gap
road soap factory. A boy was spilled out, a wagon was kicked to
pieces, and a cut up horse were the results.
The Dangerous Condition of the Building Not Exaggerated.
The Fourth ward school building, which has been the subject of much
discussion during the past few days, was yesterday thoroughly
inspected inside and out by a TRIBUNE reporter. The reports of the
condition of the structure are in no particular exaggerated. From top
to bottom it is bowed, bent and sprung, and stands a monument to the
builder's greed for money and the school directors' easy plan of
overseeing the work. The cellar walls are two feet thick and made of
a limestone which on exposure to weather crumbles into a shale. If
the building was razed and the stones taken out they would be too
rotten to make even good pike stone. The cellars were so low that a
heater could not be put in, and after the building was completed they
were dug deeper. As a consequence the foundation wall is now at its
bottom ten inches higher than the cellar floor. It is laid on a loose
earth, which soaks full of water, and indeed until lately, when a
drain was put in by the janitor, a puddle of water constantly lay on
the floor. Next as to the base course of stone. These are sound, but
instead of being level, no two of them in the whole building are at
right angles. They have been bulged out by the heavy walls. The
brick walls are constructed of a miserably poor rough material, and
are at the base by thirteen inches thick. The different courses of
brick have not been dovetailed together as is customary, but the wall
has been split in the middle are there are the two courses of brick
inside while between them and the outside course is a space of two and
a half inches, caused by the wall bulging. A stout man could pull
this entire shell down. The east wall is in pretty good condition and
is the only one probably would stand if the building was burned. The
others would topple over of their own weight. These other walls bulge
out in places as far as six inches, and may tumble down at any time.
Inside the same evidences of ruin are apparent on every hand. Broken
plaster, great cracks, rain-stained ceilings and sloping floors all
show the work of destruction. This building was contracted for in
1873, at which time a man named Copeland contracted for the Fourth,
Sixth and Seventh ward buildings. He began their construction but
failed before they were finished. To him the people must look as the
man who has thrown them into thousands of dollars of unnecessary
expense, which we leave for the School Board at that time to explain.
It is alleged that none of these buildings are in the best condition
and all will in time have to be rebuilt, although that in the Fourth
ward is by far the worst. The others will last for years to come. It
has been decided by the present board that the Fourth ward building
shall be no longer used, but that in its place they will use the frame
buildings. The rotten brick structure is so near to them that unless
it is torn down it will possibly during some heavy storm fall over and
crush its smaller frame neighbors. The school board is at present
erecting an excellent building in the Second ward and its finances are
in such condition that nothing can be done to any of the others in the
way of extensive repairs the present season. The understanding with
the board at present is that in the Fourth ward the frame buildings
will be used and that next year a new house will be erected. There
are about five hundred and thirty public school scholars in this ward,
three hundred of which have been seated in the four rooms of the
brick, one hundred and fifty in the frame buildings and eighty in
McDowell's hall, at Seventh avenue and Fourteenth street.
How Johnny Doyle is Campaigning.
Yesterday Johnny Doyle, Chairman of the Democratic County
Committee, was seated with a Republican playing checkers. The game
was to decide the outcome of the election. If he won, it presaged a
Democratic victory; if he lost the Republicans would win. He lost.
Therefore, Johnny has no more heart in the campaign, throws up the
political sponge in advance, and will probably resign his command. It
is all over now with the Democracy for the thing has been settled by a
game of checkers against them, and there is no use of bothering
themselves any more about "bar'ls" and voters.
He Did Not Attempt Suicide.
An article appeared in an evening paper yesterday of a decidedly
sensational character in regard to Mr. William H. Rhoads and to the
unfortunate conduct of his wife. We have been requested by members of
the order to which Mr. Rhoads belongs to say there is no truth in the
report that he attempted to commit suicide. The trouble occasioned
Mr. Rhoads by the conduct of his wife and this publication
particularly has caused him great mental anguish. We make this
statement at the request of those who appear to know the facts in the
Fatal Accident at Philipsburg.
About 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon John Tomlinson, a young man
aged 22 years, unmarried, who was employed at J. B. Hoyt & Co.'s
tannery, in Philipsburg, Centre county, accidentally fell through the
hatchway in the dry house, from the fifth floor to the landing on the
first floor. When picked up he gasped a few times and expired. On
examination his neck was found to have been broken. He went there, it
is said, from Williamsport.
The Logan House Concerts.
Below will be found the programme prepared by the Logan House
quartette under the leadership of Mr. Praetorious. Exercises will
begin at 11:30 A. M.:
March - "Inman Line," Warren
Overture - "Ten Daughters and No Husband," Suppe
Serenade, Tittle
Selection - "Traviata," Verdi
Waltz - "Village Swallows," Strauss
Cello Solo - "Ave Marie," Gounod
Selection - "Bohemian Girl," Balfe
Galop - "Tick Tack," Strauss
List of Those Who May Think Themselves Fortunate and Unfortunate.
The following persons have been drawn to serve as Grand and
Traverse Jurors for the October Term, commencing on the first Monday,
the 4th:
Altoona - T. Cole, James Hughes, William S. Humes, W. S. Lingafelt,
J. H. McCullough, John Owens.
Antes - Thomas Beyers, W. S. Stevens.
Catharine - Thomas Isett.
Frankstown - William Cartright, G. M. Eicholtz, Samuel B. Smith.
Freedom - Andrew Ott.
Greenfield - John Dibert.
Huston - William Bloom, B. F. Hoover.
Juniata - George P. Kelly.
Logan - Jonathan Hamilton.
Martinsburg - Charles Clabaugh, J. L. Keagy.
Tyrone - R. G. McLanahan.
Woodberry - William Eicholtz, Hon. A. McAllister.
Altoona - Samuel Abrahims, J. W. Curry, William E. Craine, E. F.
Epler, William C. Jacobs, W. B. Kettler, Scott Miller, Henry Miller,
Thomas Myers, Richard Rowan.
Allegheny - Emanuel Clapper.
Antes - Andrew Cherry.
Blair - G. W. Rhodes, D. N. Sickles, Henry Shaw.
Catharine - Milton Hileman, John Smith.
Freedom - Cyrus Weaver.
Greenfield - Thomas Nowland.
Hollidaysburg - Joseph Brenner, John Bollinger.
Huston - Henry Powell.
Juniata - Abraham Lingenfelter.
Martinsburg - David Sohn.
North Woodberry - J. S. Burket, Elias G. Glass, Michael Morris, O. H.
Snyder - Joshua Gorsuch.
Taylor - E. C. Dixon, William Shiffler, P. Yingling.
Tyrone Borough - J. R. Heller, C. S. W. Jones, George Stroop.
Woodberry - Harry Snyder.
Altoona - C. Campbell, George Freet, A. J. Greer, Thomas L. Houck,
W. H. Houseman, Gotleib Houser, John Hurd, William Kennedy, Frank
McCullough, Charles W. Mason, Harry Slep, John Tinker.
Antes - A. Zimmerman.
Blair - Albert Robeson.
Catharine - John Potter.
Frankstown - M. F. Brennaman, William Bouslough.
Freedom - Thomas Bancroft, William McGraw, F. P. McConnell, David G.
Greenfield - George Imler.
Hollidaysburg - Martin Ounkst, J. C. West, Thomas Woods.
Huston - Samuel B. Isenberg.
Logan - James Bolger, Thomas H. Dougherty, John Mitchell.
North Woodberry - John T. Beimer.
Taylor - S. B. Replogle.
Tyrone Borough - William Carothers, James McQuead, John Sample, John
Tyrone Township - James Crawford.
Altoona - Stephen Bewley, Fred. Ball, Charles Cavender, John H.
Carr, D. R. Christian, Joseph Gardner, George F. Marsh.
Allegheny - Anthony W. Sevitz.
Blair - P. M. Wertz.
Catharine - Benjamin Gorsuch, William Henry.
East Tyrone - Daniel Donnelly, Christ Crider.
Frankstown - Alexander Snowden, J. B. Warfel.
Freedom - Jesse Hartman, H. C. Lorenz.
Gaysport - James Glasgow.
Greenfield - John Stine.
Hollidaysburg - Moses Brown.
Huston - Adam Mock.
Logan - John A. Anderson, Charles Coplin, Douglass McCartney, William
McGarvey, S. S. Stains.
Snyder - David Adams, Ed. Waring.
Taylor - Lewis Bowser, Jacob Biddle, James Dunn.
Tyrone Borough - W. F. Conrad, John Fleck, E. J. Pruner.
Woodberry - J. H. Blackburn, F. Koebler.
Picnic of Music Scholars.
Mrs. E. J. Kerns gave her class of music scholars a very pleasant
picnic at Eldorado on Wednesday. The principal feature of the day was
a cantata performed by the ladies of the class, entitled "Quarrel
Among the Flowers." The flowers represented were: "Crocus" by Maggie
Smiley; "Dahlia," by Josie Dougherty; "Snowdrop," by Annie Fickes;
"Sunflower," by Sue Kemmerling; "Water Lily," by Loa Vaughn; "Pinks,"
by Bertha Armstrong, Maggie Carson and Fannie Royer; "Violets," by
Mollie Wilson and Ida Mahaffey; "Rose," (chosen queen of the flowers)
by Maud Kerns. Each young lady was dressed in beautiful costume
representing the character taken; the piece was very well rendered and
was a credit to both scholars and teacher. Mrs. Kerns regretted the
absence of five scholars as she intended having the entire class take
part in the cantata. An elegant dinner, provided by the scholars and
their friends, was taken to the grounds through the kindness of Mr. D.
S. Wilson, and was thoroughly enjoyed by all present.
Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Friday, July 30, 1880, page 4